wildcxrds · 8 days
For kairo: 17, 21, 12, 5
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character's pockets?
Sometimes she'll nick something small and shiny. A small, shiny rock, a coin, something extremely inconsequential to steal.
12. In what situation was your character the most calm they've ever been?
The day the brothel she owned was raided by bandits. She lost 2 workers of ~80 and that's because they'd already been killed before she realized there was an attack. She disposed of them along with her security detail before commanding them to move on to the next sanctuary town without her. (Kori was there as well to help.)
17. What was your character's favorite toy as a child?
Her handmade spear. It was extremely blunted on the ends and meant only for practice but she loved to use it as a sign of power and her strength. Also for whatever games she'd play with her cousins.
21. If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
Kairo is more likely to instill the blame on herself but not in a way of pitying, more in the sense of like a failed leader feels when their people are hurt. She often uses it to harden herself against the tragedy and move forward with being better about protecting either herself or her loved ones.
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antvnger · 11 months
Clint pops out of a vent and throws a water balloon at Scott. --@deafarcher
Scott takes the hit right on his head, and he’s completely soaked and surprised. “What the—?”
He looks up and sees Clint in the vent. “Hawkeye! Dammit I should’ve known. How long have you been up there?”
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quietlyimplode · 1 year
Clintasha playing with puppets
Oh gosh out of all the ones that I thought would be difficult to write for bad news this is one I had no ideas on.
Lol leave it with me (I have a thought as in one singular).
(And totally fine, I’ll always take a prompt <3)
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spectralarchers · 1 year
47 Natasha Romanoff and Barney Barton (background clintasha maybe?)
“You think you can control me now? You never could.”
"This all happened because of you."
Barney's head snaps up at her words. She's standing in the doorway of the hospital room, looking haggard, exhausted and like a fury. She's mad, alright. The machines keeping Clint alive are beeping in the background, regularly.
Barney feels as rough as she looks - he's been through hell the last 24 hours, when all of this situation started to go to hell. Being here, by Clint's bedside, after that building collapsed on top of them? She has no right to be mad at him.
"I don't think that's the case, Romanoff," he bites back at her, as she walks into the room and goes to Clint's hospital bed. Clint is unconscious currently - doctor's orders, his body needs to recuperate, and to do that, they've put him in an induced coma - but she takes his hand nonetheless.
"What happened?"
"None of your business," he snides back.
She looks at him, brows furrowed. "Entirely my business. This is because of you-"
"He chose to help, alright? I didn't know the tracksuits were going to show up, and I had no idea they rigged the building-"
"You're supposed to stay out of his life," she barks. "Nothing ever good comes after you've shown up in his life. Ever."
She squeezes Clint's limp hand and lets go of it to go to the other side, to inspect the band-aids on his face, hiding cuts and bruises on his face.
"And you think you're any better?" Barney replies, cooly. He had no intention to fight with her, but her attitude is pushing his buttons. "You should know better, Romanoff."
"You think you can control me now?" She laughs. "You never could. It's not up to you who Clint sees and who he doesn't see. I know what you do to him, and why he can't say no. But I see you, Barney Barton. And if you ever pull something like this again, they won't ever find your body. Understood?"
(not taking prompts anymore <3)
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tumblr live is one of those changes that isn't actually as bad as other tumblr users are making it out to be in my opinion. but then again, I'm sitting here staring at jellyfish on the aquarium of the pacific's livestream
That’s comforting at least lmao. Like tbh I’m really not a video person, especially on mobile, I don’t use tiktok and I usually end up saving videos on here to watch later cause I can’t be arsed to spend 12 seconds watching it right now skskdks. If I watch a video, it’s almost always on my computer cause phone screen small. So could be personal preference there
I think for me the thing that makes me hesitant about it is a) demoting the search button (at least on ios it seems) cause I use the search multiple times a day, I really want that to be easily accessible, and b) the idea of something I won’t use taking up dash space. If I could turn it off permanently or it was moved elsewhere (maybe with the ‘for you’ section I also never use but is out of the way enough to not bother me) so neither of those happen, I’d feel better
(I’ve also seen some privacy concerns but idk enough about that to have an opinion)
Basically I don’t mind if features I don’t like exist, I just get mad when they interfere with the features I do use and make my experience less pleasant. But I guess we’ll see as who knows when it’ll roll out globally and what it’ll look like then
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jemmaagentofshield · 8 months
I can't decide between the Black Widow and the woman in poster on the left
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Jemma would move towards the other just to not embarrass herself as trying to be someone she doesn't see herself as. Black Widow?! Hardly!!!
Is there a childhood photo of Jemma Simmons as Peggy Carter or Captain America? Yes.....
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heroofshield · 10 months
Petty vent: California made the pallid bat the state bat when there are literally two different species of bat with California in their name (the California myotis and the California leaf nosed bat). While both California species are found out of California, so is the pallid bat. They just picked the pallid bat cause it's badass and immune to scorpion venon.
They certainly missed an opportunity, but being immune to scorpion venom is p cool.
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redheadarcher · 1 year
Whats something that happened when Scarlett was nine?
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earlier this week (...i think ) i posted a headcanon talking about scarlett being a ballerina when she was younger right ? so let's dig a little deeper into that.
when she was nine, she was that kid who was full of energy to burn, so this was a time when she was involved in many activities that used up all that energy and kept her busy pretty much all the time. one of those activities was ballet.
by this time, scarlett had been taking classes for a few years and she was increasingly standing out among the other girl in her class. she was still excited about dancing, and she was putting a lot of effort into it. she used to train almost every day and, for a while, she even thought that she could do this forever—that she could be a professional ballerina one day, who knows ?
it was also in that year that she got to be the lead in a performance, which made her very excited. she had been in performances before, but never in a prominent spot. so yeah, she was proud of herself.
the day arrived and everything went as planned. except…for one thing. her friends were there. her dad and her aunt and her two cousins ( because nate wasn't born yet ) were there too. but her mother was’t. natasha was on a mission and didn't make it back in time, and her absence took a toll on scarlett and she got pretty upset ( so much so that she remembers it to this day. ). 
but she by no means holds any hard feelings over something as silly as that today, after all, she was angry when it happened, but as she got older and came to better understand her parents' lives,  it stopped bothering her.
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Send me an age and I'll tell you something that happened to my muse at that age // accepting !
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whumptober · 2 years
Can we do the prompts but not do the challenge?
[Link to our Event Info, FAQs, Rules, Tagging and more]
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stargatelov3r · 1 year
Stars emoji for fanfic writer ask meme
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
I’m sometimes very good at getting the voices of the characters just right <3
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theunfairfolk · 2 years
You know what, I'll take a reading.
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the magician reversed. you can be tesla or edison. ideally you’d find a happy middle between “morally bankrupt thief who made phat stacks” and “humanitarian genius who died in poverty hallucinating laser pigeons”. the deck is just sorta looking at a guillotine, then at you, ominously wiggling its eyebrows, then back at the guillotine.
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wildcxrds · 6 days
"What is this place?" --@deafarcher
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"Where I suspected the orb was moved. You said you wanted a show of trust - here it is. I'm willingly handing you the location I suspect that seller moved it to." | @deafarcher
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antvnger · 10 months
Foresooth, I desire only a better look at Clint....
"I see better from a distance" or "Doors open from both sides" --@deafarcher
((Most noble choice!))
FURY Swift Agent Barton, come make thy report.
[Barton slides a rope down to Fury.
This detail I did give thee for thine eyes, Which see through any fog or squall or maelstrom. Thou wert suppos’d to keep a view hereon.
BARTON My eagle eyes see better from a distance.
FURY Hast aught seen that may set this Cube ablaze?
BARTON None come or take wing on my careful watch, And Selvig is reliable it seems. No messengers or contacts hither come. If tampering hath started this downpour, ‘Twas not at this end.
FURY At this end? What mean’st?
BARTON The Cube is but a doorway into space—The other end of space, beyond all flight. Was ever door that op’d but from one side?
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The Bard’s Avengers Game
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agent19mockingbird · 1 year
"Hey, Bobbi, is mistletoe poisonous?" --@deafarcher
Her brow furrowed as she shook her head, curious. “No…why do you ask?” she replied, suspicion lacing her tone.
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spectralarchers · 1 year
“That’s not blood, that’s…Kool-Aid. Yep.” Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff
"Hey, look at me- look at me, okay?" Clint has ripped part of his shirt off before he's made it to his knees next to Natasha. "You're gonna be okay, alright?"
Ripping the cloth with his teeth, he manages to make strands long enough that they'll work to bind around her arm, currently looking like it's been mauled by a bear. She hasn't, though, just some operative with a knife sharp enough to almost rip her muscles off the bone.
"You're gonna be fine."
"Relax, Barton, I've had worse," she groans, as he manages to bind the arm, trying to keep herself composed. There are people running around them - the fight had broken out in the streets, and there are families running, children too. One of them stops in front of them, eyes wide, slightly terrified. A hint of recognition passes in the kid's eyes.
"You're Avengers," the kid says, and Natasha nods, leaving Clint to work on her wound. "Is that blood?"
Clint chuckles, while his fingers nimbly work on trying to keep her arm from falling apart. "No, that's not blood, that's-"
"Kool-aid," Natasha interjects.
"Yep, that's right, that's- that's kool-aid," Clint says, and the kid seems satisfied, before a parent grabs a hand and pulls them away.
"Kool-aid?" Clint says then, through grit teeth, as Natasha chuckles through the pain.
"I mean, either that or ketchup."
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soarsthroughthesky · 2 years
Ship meme: Clint/Sam
Who’s the cuddler? Both?
Who makes the bed? Both?
Who wakes up first? Both?
Who has the weird taste in music? Both?
Who is more protective? Both?
Who sings in the shower? Both
Who cries during movies? Both
Who spends the most while out shopping? Hmm not sure? Maybe Clint?
Who kisses more roughly? Both
Who is more dominant? Both
My rating of the ship from 1-10. 9.99%
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