#first post ever woooo
lesbiamano · 10 months
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goro's too pretty to be wrong about anything-- 0r so akira says.
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pseudokap · 5 months
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never posted these anywhere but arthur bennett phone doodle + chinese emizel in which i tried to kinda imitate my phone style but in csp. i still like them quite a lot
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bulbasauryeee · 6 months
wazzup it’s pinned time
heads up it’s a long one
about me!
ma name’s vee, i use any pronouns but generally prefer she/they/he (in no particular order)
i’m a minor
aroace non-binary lesbian
got that adhdtism
eng/ita/esp (kinda badly/learning)
sylph of mind, prospit dreamer, olive blood
extremely normal about dave strider (lying)
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my interests include:
bugs (spinterest, especially spiders)
music (spinterest)
homestuck (hfx)
dan and phil
animals in general
invader zim
lemon demon
tally hall (i do not support red gray and green)
chonny jash
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dni list
obvious stuff, bigots of any kind fuck off
proshippers, pedos, zoos
if you post nsfw at all
if you/your blog talk abt religious stuff often
unironic vriska apologists (even if ironic u r on thin ice (<- unless we’re frens))
mspec “lesbians” + supporters
tally hall red, gray, & green tie supporters/defenders
drm fans 🖕
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misc info/byf
i got strong opinions
big tavros enjoyer and big vriska hater, as shown above
this gonna sound weird but please don’t actively try to become friends with me, i get uncomfortable easily cause my social anxiety is just that bad 😭
i block/softblock pretty freely. if you’ve tried to follow me multiple times and i’ve kept softblocking you TAKE A HINT
i’m a june egbert supporter, do not reblog my posts with her deadname PLEASE
it says this in my bio, but I OFTEN REBLOG SPIDER/OTHER BUG PICS!!! stay safe!!! (they are all tagged with #bugs + #insects, #spiders, etc)
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links n shit
my soundcloud, where i post all my music
my youtube, i’m trying to move all the music to here instead, slowly but surely :)
all my art is tagged with #my art
my music that i post is tagged with #my music
my friends’ art is tagged with “#fuck yeah [name] art” go check it out!! (katie, gwen, dave, zora)
thanks for reading :D
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parakeetpark · 2 years
I'm watching the third version of the Rocky Horror Show so far today, all for the first time
So my day's improved a lot despite being ill :-)
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mumms-the-word · 3 months
Choosing to Live
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Pairing: Gale x Tav (you/reader POV) Summary: Shortly after Gale decides to defy his goddess and not self-destruct in the caverns below Moonrise Towers, you turn and see him struggling with the conflicting emotional fallout of his decision. CW: death, suicidal ideation, panic attacks, survivor's guilt (implied), coercion (implied) A/N: I was inspired by @gangstagandalf's emotional fanart of Gale and Tav just after Moonrise. It's not quite the same scene as their art but I just couldn't resist writing my own angst version. Check them out, their art is lovely! @gangstagandalf I hope you don't mind if I borrowed a few of your lines from your original post! (Pic is of my tav Dani because that’s all I got) UPDATE: Now on AO3 woooo
You watch as the husk of Ketheric Thorm collapses at your feet, a hollow shell of dessicated flesh and heavy armor. You’ve done it at last—you’ve defeated the Bone Lord’s Chosen, the first of three enemies who have enslaved an Elder Brain through the power of some sort of crown it bears. 
At the thought of the crown, you turn your head, seeking out the person who had first pointed out the crown to you. It was the thing that seemed to wake him from his reluctant obedience to his goddess’s command. There had been hunger in his eyes, more than you’d ever seen in him before, and for a brief moment you had thought yourself and him safe from the commands of the goddess of magic and mysteries.
But then he’d steeled himself. You’d watched as he physically and mentally struggled with the weight of the goddess’s demands, preparing himself for what he thought was inevitable.
Death. Destruction. Catastrophe. But one that would supposedly thwart mass enslavement at the whims of an elder brain and three evil Chosen. A noble sacrifice, but one that would kill dozens of innocent lives, too.
You don’t remember what all you said in those panicked seconds between him making his decision and you being dragged into a battle against Ketheric. You recall, vaguely, that you had clutched his robe in your hands and told him you loved him. There had been other words, too, but they were lost to your memory. Whatever it was, it had been enough. Because as of this moment, the elder brain has disappeared, Ketheric is dead, and you are not.
Your eyes find him, your love, your Gale, standing on a far platform where he had climbed to better aim and prepare his spells. He stands, leaning against his staff, panting, staring at the lifeless and inert body of Ketheric at your feet, and then his gaze shifts to you. You, covered in your blood and Ketheric’s black, fetid ichor, in bone dust and illithid matter. You probably look horrible, you think. You know you should bend down to examine Ketheric’s body and see what the glowing stone in his chest is all about, but you can’t look away from your love. Not now.
Not when you were so close to losing him to his goddess’s arbitrary and cold demand. 
But you didn’t. He’s alive. He’s alive. The thought pumps outward from your heart, warm and reassuring like the blood rushing through your own veins, reminding you that you too are alive. Your only thoughts now are of closing the distance between the two of you and peppering his face with kisses, telling him how proud you are of him, how brave he’s been, how much you love him. But as you take a step toward his platform, a shift in him gives you pause.
He slowly kneels down, still leaning heavily on his staff, and for a moment you think he’s praying, in the same way Shadowheart kneels to pray to her goddess. But no, his eyes are wide, staring, unfixed, not closed and reverent. After a moment, he sits fully on the ground, his staff falling with a clatter against the surface of the platform, and he buries his face in his hands.
You go to him immediately, using a last rare scrap of magic to misty step directly onto his platform. He’s shaking with fine, shuddering tremors as you approach, your steps cautious and soft but your heart aching and yearning to rush over. You reach out a hand, your own fingers trembling as they hover suspended above him, and you whisper his name uncertainly.
You hear his voice but his words are muffled by his hands. You bend closer, making out fragments as his words tumble forth in a soft, whispered babble.
“Oh gods, oh gods,” he gasps. “I nearly—I almost—I could have—the orb. What have I done—”
“Gale,” you say again, finally kneeling in front of him and laying a hand on his shoulder. He jolts at the touch, stiff and startled by you, but you don’t let it deter you. You squeeze his shoulder in what you hope is a reassuring touch, even as the tears threaten to choke you as you watch and feel him tremble. “It’s all right. We’re safe. My love, you’re safe.”
He lowers his hands, one clenching the fabric of his robe over his chest, his breaths coming shallow and quick. His gaze on you is so different than before, all the warmth and steadiness and gentle, shy uncertainty that came with looking at you replaced with abject horror and unfocused panic. You get the sense he isn’t really seeing you, but staring through you to some theoretical what-if nightmare. One where you didn’t make it out alive. 
“I very nearly killed us all,” he mumbles, still clutching his chest. "I nearly killed you."
“But you didn’t—”
“I was so close to—to—th-the orb, I could feel it stirring, like it wanted me to—” He breaks off, his hand tightening in the fabric of his robe. The mark of the orb glows faintly, the barest hint of illuminated magic threading upward toward his eye, casting an orchid-purple sheen to his dark iris. He bends forward slightly, combing a hand roughly through his hair and clutching brown and gray strands tightly in his fist, his eyes wide. You half-expect him to be sick as he presses his other hand flat against his chest, breathing heavily. “And now I’ve defied my goddess. I—”
He turns suddenly, sharply, twisting to prop himself up on hands and knees away from you as his body rebels against him and he retches. Very little comes up—he hasn’t been eating well since you first stepped into Moonrise and he found himself faced with the very real possibility of sacrificing his life—but his body shudders and bucks violently as it attempts to dispel everything inside him. Not just the contents of his empty stomach but the fear and loathing and terror too. 
You don’t shy away from him. You shift closer, sitting on your knees at his side as his body settles into little shivers, his hands pressed flat into the surface of the platform. Your eyes are burning with tears now and you want to sob, your heart shattering for this man, your love, your heart’s song, but you have to be strong for him. You smooth his hair from his face, fingers brushing against his sweat-slick skin, and you cradle his feverish cheek in your palm. You say the only words you know to say and you repeat them as many times as you have to before they break through the haze of his clouded mind and resonate within him.
“Shh. You’re safe, my love. I’m here. I’m here with you. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you, my love. You are safe.”
He leans into you and you gather him in your arms, rocking you both gently as he rests his head on your shoulder and wraps his arms around one of your arms. His shoulder is awkwardly pressed into your chest and he’s half-curled into your lap, weighing your knees uncomfortably down into ground, but you don’t mind. Discomfort and awkwardness don’t matter. What matters is that he is alive and so are you. You remind him of that in words, in your stream of murmured comforts, along with all the rest. 
It takes several long moments for his breathing to even out again, and another few for him to finally rest against you without an errant shiver wracking his body. But he calms at last. The tears on your face have since dried, but your heart aches no less than before. To think that your love would suffer so for making the right choice—the choice to live—but to suffer nonetheless out of a sense of guilt and fealty to a goddess that had thrown him aside like a broken toy.
It fills you with an uncommon rage. The gods are ever cruel, but the goddess of magic—you dare not even give her the honor of her name in your own thoughts—she is among the worst in your eyes. Even now, as your love struggles to compose himself, it isn’t a goddess’s arms or a goddess’s blessing that are there to comfort him.
The arms that are wrapped around him are your own. The comfort you have to offer is that of warm flesh and soft breath, mortal and precious. And it is better—better, you tell yourself with all the prideful conviction of a mortal soul—than anything an immortal, unfeeling goddess could offer.
He finally stirs, straightening up to look at you. Or look at your shoulder, rather, unable to meet your gaze. His expression is hollow, sorrowful, but calm. You know the road to him accepting and finding joy in his decision to defy his goddess is not yet over, and the path ahead may still be thorny.
But at least he has the chance to try and walk that path, rather than ending it all here.
"Forgive me," he says softly. He seems to want to say more, but the words don't come easily. You shake your head, not caring what he's trying to apologize for.
"There's nothing to forgive, my love. You made the right choice." You caress his cheek, wiping away the grime and the tear tracks that have collected there. “I love you, Gale.”
He finally meets your gaze and oh, your love, he looks so exhausted. But there is a flicker of his old self still there, a warmth that is familiar in his dark eyes. You press your forehead to his, still caressing his cheek, and close your eyes. 
He’s alive. That’s all that matters. You can figure out the rest as you go.
“I love you, too,” he whispers.
You have to get out of here, out of this cavern of flesh and stone and brine. You have to face the problems of the world at large, the threat of the elder brain and more. You know that. But you steal a few more moments for yourself, breathing softly with Gale, treasuring every breath as though they were more precious than diamonds.
You set out to leave the shadow-cursed lands at what you think is dawn the next day. Even with the curse waning, it’s hard to tell the time with the sun still obscured. But the hope is that as the land fades away behind you, you’ll be walking forward into sunlight and not more night.
You and Gale walk at the back of your little group, your companions moving on ahead. With each step, the shadow curse lightens. There are hints and signs of new life all around, tiny green leaves fluttering against once-dead branches, thin shoots of grass poking upward from the cold, dry ground. It restores your hope for good things to come. Not just for these lands, but for you. For your love.
He’s been quiet since the fight against Ketheric. Contemplative. Thoughtful. You had spent the night wrapped in each other's arms, counting his every heartbeat and breath until you were pulled into slumber, suspecting that he had done the same for you. When you woke you both pretended that sleep had cured you of the previous day’s torments and used the task of breaking up the camp to travel onward as your distraction from your concerns. But you watched him across the camp anyway, a knot of worry in your stomach.
Sometimes, both this morning and in the moments traveling now, you see that hunger in his eyes as you did when he first saw the crown atop the elder brain. But sometimes you just see a lingering sorrow. You haven’t been able to bring yourself to ask him about it. Not yet. It’s enough that he’s here with you, and you trust him to speak to you about what weighs on his heart in his own time. But you still worry.
Just up ahead, the shadow curse seems to fizzle out entirely, like a fog that dissipates as the sun burns it away. Beyond the threshold is sun-warmed landscape. Though scarred by the smoldering and abandoned remains of the Absolute army’s campfires and shelters, nothing has ever looked so inviting to you before. You rush ahead, eager to feel the sun on your skin again.
The difference in temperature alone is enough to reassure you that the shadow curse is behind you at last. One second you are enveloped in the chill and dimness of the shadows, and the next you are warm and bright in the light of the sun. You pause just a few steps into the sunlight, stretching out your arms and lifting your face toward the sky, drinking in the warmth. At last. You feel as though you can breathe freely again.
You turn to smile at Gale, but he is not at your side. He lingers in the shadows, watching you. The shadow curse is like a sheer black veil between you, obscuring his expression slightly, but as you step closer you realize his eyes are glimmering with unshed tears.
He blinks, as if awakening from the depths of his thoughts, and quickly rubs his eyes. “Ah…my apologies. Lost in thought, I suppose.”
You hesitate to leave the warmth of the sun, but you sense this is more important than sunlight. You step onto the threshold of the curse, reaching out a hand to him. You want to pull him out of the shadows and into the light with you. He stares at your hand a moment before taking it, but he doesn’t move. Like he isn’t ready yet. 
“Tell me what’s on your mind, my love,” you say gently. “Tell me how I can help.”
He opens his mouth to respond, but for the first time, words seem to utterly fail him. He swallows, gazing at you with a stricken expression, and tightens his hold on your hand.
“It’s simply…I am…in awe,” he says at last. “Of you. And I am mortified with myself. No, more than mortified. I nearly…”
You sense the flow of his thoughts instantly, your minds connecting via the tadpole, his thoughts unconsciously opening up to you. At first he resists, his mind shutting down like a trap to spare you, but then the shields waver and fall away, and you are pulled into his memories. You feel the struggle within him as he stares at the elder brain. You feel the heat and pain of the orb inside, as if reminding him of his purpose. You see yourself through his gaze, the fear and love warring in your expression as you beg him not to go through with his sacrifice. You feel the moment he makes his decision, his resolve hardening like steel in flame, only to shatter, brittle and broken, the moment the brain disappears, the pieces transforming into needles of doubt that bury themselves in his psyche, his heart, his body.
As the familiar, terrifying sight of the colossal avatar of Myrkul rises into your vision once more, for one fleeting moment, you sense the desperate desire to end it all now, to end the storm of uncertainty in your mind, the pain of the orb, the fear of disobedience, the exhaustion of facing another battle with impossible odds. For one fleeting moment, you consider letting go and letting the orb obliterate you and everything around you.
And then the connection ends, and you are left standing at the threshold of the shadows with Gale’s hand in yours.
“I nearly killed us all with one rash thought,” he murmurs quietly. “The thought of my sacrifice never left my mind, even as I swore to you I wouldn’t go through with it.”
He takes a shuddering breath and a tear drips down his cheek. You catch it with your fingertips as you cradle his face with your free hand, your heart breaking for him all over again. His tears prompt your own and you struggle to hold them back, for his sake.
“And now,” he says, his voice altered, thick with tears. He swallows. “And now I see what I fool I was to doubt. To doubt you and your wisdom. To wish for death so quickly.” 
He meets your gaze and you see a thousand words he hasn’t said yet there in his brown eyes. A hundred apologies, a hundred ways to beg forgiveness, a hundred confessions of love, a hundred praises, all about and for you. It’s a torrent of love and longing and guilt in his eyes and your knees nearly buckle at the sight of it.
“I would have condemned the brightest of stars to death,” he says. “I would have robbed the world of its greatest treasure. And for what?”
“Oh, Gale,” you whisper. You abandon the sunlight to join him in the shadows and embrace him, holding him tightly as he struggles to regain his composure. “No more. You made the right decision. You’re here with me. I’m here with you. We’re alive, my love, because of you.”
“But I could have—“
“But you didn’t.” You pull back to cradle his face in both your hands and wait until he’s looking you full in the face. You want him to see your own resolve, but also your love, your faith in him, your pride for him. “You chose to live, my love. That is the most important thing. That is all that matters right now.”
He stares at you, letting your words sink in, until at last he smiles. Though it’s still tinged with sadness and guilt, it’s genuine. It soothes your spirit and settles some of your worries. 
“I don’t deserve you, you know.”
You shake your head. This isn’t about deserving, but you know that’s a battle you won’t win here. Instead you kiss him, your lips soft against his, and you let that suffice for words for a moment.
When you finally pull away, he seems a little restored. The love is back in his eyes and his smile isn’t weighed down as it was before.
“I love you,“ you say.
“And I love you,” he responds. “Immensely. More than I scarce dreamed I could love anyone.”
“We will find another way to deal with the brain and quiet the orb inside you. Some way that keeps us both alive and together. I swear it.“
“I believe you.” There isn't a trace of uncertainty in his voice when he says it. “I want that more than anything.”
“Want what?”
“To live. With you. To see the dawn of a new day with you, the dawns of a thousand more days. To know that the road ahead, whatever it holds, won't be spent alone, because I'll have you by my side.” He pauses, as if a thought is only just now coming to him. “I can...I can have that hope, now. Thanks to you.”
You smile. You take both of his hands in yours and step back, placing yourself once more on the threshold between shadows and sun. “Then will you join me in the sunlight?”
He looks at you, then at the sunlit road beyond, and then back at you. He nods, letting go of one of your hands but tightening his hold on the other. “Yes. I’d love to.”
Without another word, he keeps his hand in yours as you lead him forward step by step.
Away from the darkness and into the light.
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81folklore · 10 months
happiness - CL16
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pairing: charles leclerc x ex!reader (fc: sabrina carpenter + pintrest) part 2
summary: releasing a song about your ex might finally stop the rumors surrounding your breakup (or: you release happiness about your ex charles leclerc)
authors note: this is my first ever post (and social media au) so please bear with me as im still figuring this all out!!) i dont use proper grammer and may mispell things!! the song ‘happiness’ by taylor is one of my faves so i had to use it, i am interpreting the song in a very specific way to fit the story! i do not own ‘happiness’ nor any song mentioned in this fic. it ended up longer than expected im so sorry😅
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liked by annacathcart, henrymoodie and 1,550,456 others
its times like these wish i had a time machine,, i will miss you guys SO MUCH!! buuuut we are going international for the first time and i cannot wait to share my music with all you beautiful people🌟
see you soon paris & link for tickets in bio💌
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user5 cannot wait to see you in paris!!
user7 this tour has been one of the best things to ever happen to me, cant wait to scream nonsense at you once again🫶
user10 genuinely cant stand her after what she put charles through
user9 what are you talking about? their breakup was mutual
user10 seems like she doesnt care which means it clearly hasnt affected her
henrymoodie so excited to be opening for you in europe!
yourusername youre in for a treat tour mate🫣
user2 sigh i miss her and landos interactions
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liked by olliebearman, arthur_leclerc and 1,164,121 others
definitely not the result we were hoping for but thank you for making my home race as special as always, onto the next one!
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user10 you tried your best which is all we ask
user3 i missed yn this week, home race didnt feel the same😔
user1 i thought it felt different, he seemed very distracted this weekend
user13 at least you finished the race (im coping badly)
user4 we love you charles keep pushing❤️🤍FORZA FERRARI
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liked by newhopegeorge, landonorris and 2,025,754 others
how am i supposed to leave you now that you’re already over..
paris you were so so lovely what did i do to deserve you guys :’) next stop brussels💌
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user89 talented, brilliant, incredible, show stopping, spectacular, wonderful, amazing!!
user52 forever missing you💌
user71 ok but yn why were you teasing a new song at the show…
yourusername shhhh
landonorris super proud of you
yourusername thank youuu landooo
user2 my prayers have been answered woooo
user46 i feel like i missed something, are lando and yn friends?
user5 yeah! lando was how yn met charles and theyve been friends for a few years now
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liked by user5, user16 and 13,456 others
yn on a new song she plans to release soon tonight at brussels ‘ive been writing a song for a while that really just helps explain the way ive been feeling these past few months, it was very therapeutic to write and ive really enjoyed the process!’ and when asked what the song was about she said ‘its about someone who will always mean alot to me, they know who they are and thats enough for me!’
she seemed very happy to be able to talk about it so expect more updates about that soon! next stop cologne, grab your tickets from the link in our bio💌
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user5 i cannot wait for new music
user16 what if she performs it on tour huh? what then? WHAT THEN??
user15 it’s definitely about charles, she had that same smile she wore when talking about him previously☹️
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liked by vicdeangelis, lizzymcalpine, arthur_leclerc and 2,450,470 others
i cant make it go away by making you a villain, i guess its the price i paid for seven years in heaven…
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user5 these have to be song lyrics right??
user7 sounds like it might be about charles🤨
user10 not more music about charles, at least he gets free promo from them..
arthur_leclerc we miss you
yourusername i miss you guys too!! come to a show soon?
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721 notes · View notes
savshaikyuu · 9 months
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Hi, if you're comfortable can you make NSFW headcannons for denki, kirishima, iida, bakugo, and if possible on another post during any point in time for ushijima, daichi, and kags. Could the read be female and dark skin also I'm not sure if you include body weight but could she be chubby. And for the denki and daichi one could you put in spitting and biting if you're comfortable of course. This is my first request so sorry if it's too long but I read your terms and wanted to try to be as detailed as possible while trying to make it make sense and could you keep me anonymous. Have a great day!
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Ushijima | Daichi | Kageyama x Dark Skin!Chubby!〚FEM〛Reader
warning(s): sexual content, multiple positions, spitting kink, biting kink, roleplaying kink, established relationship.
read more: bnha ver.
a/n: woooo okay 3rd haikyuu work! and this request was actually perfect? like this is an example of how detailed but not excessive a request could be hahaha so no worries! so sorry for taking forever my love. and to clarify yes this is their time skip adult selves. thank you, anon!
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PLEASEEEEE the way this man will handle you so fuckin' easily. he doesn't need to brag or tease, he has so much dominance when he does it, it's INSANE.
Ushijima is such a big fan of fucking you when he's standing.
like he loves the fact that he can hold you up and have you clinging to him as he fucks you good.
the position also gives him the nice chance to look at the way his fingers squeeze your chub, loving how your body just effortlessly molds to his.
loves to give you lots of sloppy kisses and is one to be in between your thighs like clockwork. </3
your thighs has to be his favorite part of you high-key low-key if you know what I mean,,,
he literally avoids positions where your legs aren't wrapped around him and or can't see your face.
you're a whole package deal he doesn't want to miss out on, plus he loves the way you grab at him during sessions where he really toys with you.
if he does do anything with your back facing towards him, it doesn't last for long.
he so in love with you he wants to see (and hear you) enjoy every second of it.
Daichi is the type of guy to be at your mercy no matter the shape.
although he does like seeing you ride him. that is an immediate 10s across the boards for him.
regular cowgirl or reversed it doesn't matter, he just likes seeing you work yourself on his cock and the light layer of sweat that dews your skin because of it.
is a fan of licking you up and biting the places he feels. there's no rhyme or rhythm at all.
it's almost like when he's making love with you he just goes by whatever his brain says next.
bite her thigh? okay. spit on her cunt before demolishing it? sounds perfect.
as long you both know your limits, you two are so very raw and open to each other.
it's literally like… mindless.
just seamlessly into each other and enjoying the moment.
it's what he loves you best in moments like that. <3
he has a bit of a… role-playing thing to be honest.
like Kageyama wants to see you in his fan jerseys and like, fuck you in them.
you being his biggest fan in daily platonic life is what keeps him going, but you playing a part of being like an excited groupie is what keeps his cock up jjfchdfhh
sorry you cannot convince me he wouldn't be into that. 😭
like he definitely outgrew his ego… but when it comes to you?? he's the MAN!
he feels as though when you guys do stuff like that he's relieving his best moments in a different way.
feels like you understand him and doesn't shame him.
if there's ever anything you want him to do to he is 100% super willing to do it too.
does not mind at all because of his much you have done for him. :')
unexpectedly sweet ik but like the fact he doesn't have to feel ashamed or hide kinks makes him so open and relieved to be around you!
usually when he's feeling extra greatful, he fucks you harder with a bit more kisses and passion.
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      🏐 all rights reserved © 🏐
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321 notes · View notes
bingwriterxo · 1 year
pairing: jenna ortega x reader
summary: in which an accident occurs after your dinner with jenna
warnings: mentions of blood
word count: 1200+
author's note: another request for the books (find here)! also, i couldn't resist the end references. they're just too good. also x2, 100th post woooo!
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"There she is!"
"Jenna! Jenna!"
"Over here!"
What had started as a quiet dinner in celebration of your two-year anniversary had quickly descended into chaos when a few paps caught wind of the fact that America's newest 'it girl', a.k.a your lovely girlfriend, was seen in public after having disappeared off the face of the Earth for the past month (the two of you had been vacationing, and then you got sick, and then she got sick from taking care of you, so you had been homebodies while trying to recover).
The moment you stepped outside of the restaurant, hand intertwined with Jenna's and body pulled close into her back so that she wouldn't lose you amongst the crowd, you were swarmed by flashing lights that blinded your eyes, shouts of your girlfriend's name that were almost deafening, and people, people, people.
Jenna had an iron-clad grip on your hand, but people were shoving you in the opposite direction as they tried to get a close-up shot of your girlfriend, and your body couldn't take the struggle of being pulled in two different ways. Before you knew it, you had lost your hold on the actress and were left drowning in the sea of photographers.
"Y/N?" Jenna's voice rang clear above the commotion. You stretched your neck to try and look for her, but it was no use: she was too crowded.
If we ever get separated, just meet me at the car, okay? she had told you when the two of you first began dating, back when you hadn't yet realized what you were getting yourself into.
Just meet at the car, you thought. Simple enough.
You tried to maneuver past people, keeping your head down and your eyes trained on your feet so that you wouldn't step on any toes. However, it was much easier said than done as the spaces between bodies grew smaller and smaller, making it nearly impossible for you to get by.
"Sorry. 'Scuse me, could I just--" you tried, but to no avail. You had barely moved an inch when you heard her voice again.
"Y/N?!" She sounded closer this time, like she was moving toward you. You still had no visuals on her, but if she was trying to make her way to you, then you could make it easier on her and try to find her as well, right?
Guess we're jumping in, you thought with a huff.
You pushed against people, having much less care for their toes this time around, and used your arms to try spreading them apart, creating little gaps for you to slip through. It took you a few minutes, but finally, finally, you could see a head of brunette hair and a pair of wide, frantic eyes as they flitted from one person to the next, undoubtedly looking for you.
"Jenna!" you called, and her head snapped in your direction. There was still a line of people separating the two of you, but as her eyes softened and the crease between her brows disappeared, you knew that she could see you.
"Y/N!" she shouted in relief as her arm shot toward you, her fingers wiggling in desperation.
You reached for her, hand brushing over peoples' shoulders and past their faces, and just as her finger skimmed over the metal of your ring, you were thrown sideways by a photographer, hitting the concrete hard.
Your vision blacked, your ears rang, and you could feel liquid pooling beneath your head. Is that...? You blinked your eyes open and sat up slightly, the pads of your fingers dipping into the puddle. You cringed when you saw they were red. Oh, that's my blood.
You looked up when you noticed people were parting quickly, their feet shuffling to the side and creating a large circle around you. Jenna rushed into the middle, her arms extended toward you. She kneeled down, taking your cheeks in her hand.
"Oh my god," she said. She pulled you closer to inspect your injury. "You're bleeding."
The cameras never stopped clicking.
"I'm okay," you said, even though she sounded a bit muffled to you and she was a little blurrier than normal.
"You're bleeding," she repeated, like you hadn't heard her the first time.
You placed your hand over her own, palm pressed against her knuckles. "I'm fine, baby."
She huffed, and you watched as her eyes turned from worried to enraged. She looked up at the paps, her lip turned up in disgust. "Look at what you guys did! She's bleeding and you guys are still taking your goddamn pictures?!"
Oh shit, you thought. This is gonna be everywhere tomorrow. You could already imagine the headlines: Jenna Ortega -- America's It Girl, or America's Bitch Girl?
"Jenna, baby," you cooed, calling her attention back to you before any more damage could be done to her 'good girl' reputation. "I'm alright, see?" You stood, albeit on shaky legs, and the woman was quick to wrap her arm around your waist, helping to hold you steady. "Let's just go home."
Jenna pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, a million different emotions flickering through her eyes. "I have half a mind to shove their damn cameras up their asses," she muttered, loud enough for only you to hear. Her grip tightened. "Or better yet, beat them all over their heads with their stupid fucking--"
"J, come on." You started ushering her toward where the car was parked, and she sighed, annoyed.
"Fine." She used her body to shield you from any photographers that dared to follow, which, to your surprise, there were plenty. "But if one of them so much as looks at you the wrong way, I swear I'll--"
"Do something involving their cameras up their asses, I know," you said, chuckling.
"Damn right I will," she grumbled, reaching out to open the passenger's side door for you. You offered her a grateful smile before slipping into the car and watching as she rounded the hood. She gave one last Kubrick-like stare to the remaining paps before joining you, huffing as she sat behind the wheel.
The two of you sat in silence for most of the ride home, with Jenna grumbling and mumbling to herself, and you trying to ignore the pounding in your head. It wasn't until you were on the street of your shared apartment that she spoke up.
"I should sue them all," she said. "Sue every last one of them."
You giggled. "Oh yeah? And what's that gonna do?" you asked lightly.
"Teach them a damn lesson about personal space." She clenched her jaw. "Clearly they didn't learn anything about it in preschool."
"Baby, I'm fine." You placed a hand on her thigh, your thumb rubbing at the hem of her dress. "There's no need for suing or beating any of them up."
She parked the car and turned to you, eyes glowing in the light of the parking lot. "They hurt you." She reached up and placed her fingers on your jaw, tilting your head upward slightly. "You have blood on your forehead."
You shrugged. "'Tis but a scratch," you said, grinning as you quoted a line from one of your favorite movies. Jenna rolled her eyes, though the smallest of smirks was beginning to show.
"Whatever, nerd." She leaned over the center console and pressed a quick kiss to your lips. "Let's just get you cleaned up."
You smiled. "I'm invincible!"
"Stop quoting Monty Python!"
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thatdeadaquarius · 18 days
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With a puzzled squint, you could see the adeptus was running over what you said in his mind, trying to parse out the meaning. Xiao then threw his head up out of his slight bow, almost glaring at you, “There is no task nor person more important than guarding you, my Lord. I will stand guard, worry not about my state.”
Nodding to you, he abruptly turned on his heel to shift to the side of the entrance to the mansion, his spear tall and ready. You’d have twitched a smile at him if you could, as you're sure he’s gotten a little more comfortable with you than when you first officially met. You’re also sure from meeting Zhongli just once in person that he’d have a small heart attack if he saw some of Xiao’s informal behavior.
But you’re glad he hasn’t, the more relaxed they are, especially considering your form, the better.
You duck inside, though the ceilings are so raised that you don’t have to go that low surprisingly. Huh, it was nice to be anticipated in a building usually sized for human heights. Wow. You’ve really reached the point of casually calling yourself inhuman.
…well, to be real with yourself right now, it might actually help to get more accustomed to that in case you’re never human again.
You also put that possibility back into the vault at the back of your mind.
HEY I live, again,
I had a big life update what with my sib graduating grad school (getting their masters degree) at the same time we both moved like 2 states over from our home state 😅
and unfortunately, i wasnt able to get my monster of a sequel out in time to post it remotely to get it out to you guys while i was afk
(as i havent had wifi/free time consistently in like 2-3 weeks)
which, phew, im finally able to be settled in one place enough to write again, and have enough time in the day to not be dealing wiht my apartment to write ToT
i hope you guys arent too mad at me! (or have forgotten me?? sobs)
i hear Natlan's coming out. 👀
I don't think it'll be out before i post the full (3 chapters total planned) sequel, but just in case, disclaimer-
🪄I am not to be held liable for not writing about Natlan bc it wasnt out yet woooo🪄
anyway, yeah its also taking a bit bc i wanna post the completed thing all in one go, over the course of like 3 days or so, that way u guys can actually look forward to the next little chapter in a reasonable amount of time lmao
well yknow, if anyones still reading this or my blog lol
happy summer you guys! I hope u all are having a good one so far, esp those of you in school, heart going out to yall fr <33
Catch you on the flip side (ao3 side?)✌️
Safe Travels,
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If you wanna join a taglist, DM me what for! "Pspspsss, please tag me for [All SAGAU posts, Only SAGAU Language AUs, diff fandom, etc.]!"
(If you ever wanna drop, just DM me! "No more taglists/[specifically this AU/fandom] please!")
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outsidersandlostboys · 2 months
MORE CHAOS (part 7 I think?)
Once again thank you for the support on these ♥️
Y/n: Is stabbing someone bad?
Paul: Not if they consent to it
Marko: Depends on who your stabbing
David and Dwayne: YES?!
(Special guest star Michael!)
Y/n: hey Michael, what do you think is the height of most dumbasses?
Michael: *Looks at David* How tall are you again?
Marko: Y/n do you know what’s in this bottle?
Y/n: my guess is whiskey, blood or perfume
Paul: *chugs bottle* It’s perfume
Marko and Y/n: PAUL WHAT THE FUCK?!
Michael: Y/n is something burning?
Y/n: just my burning love for you boys!
Y/n: *clutching a pill bottle* it’s just me and my ibuprofen against the world
Marko: okay you need to sleep
*the boys helping clean Y/n’s house*
David : alright pick up the nearest piece of trash and throw it away
Paul to Y/n: Aight, which bin do you wanna go in?
Y/n: the blue one
Marko : Y/n has no idea I’m high
Y/n: You’re high?
Marko : Oh, I’m sorry
Marko leaning over to Paul: Y/n has no idea I’m high :)
Dwayne massaging his temples: Y/n go to sleep, you’re drunk
Y/n: I’m not drunk! I’m high
Dwayne: you’re high?
Y/n: Hi :)
Dwayne: Do you guys ever have a moment where you don’t insult each other?
David : No
Y/n: No
Dwayne: Didn’t think so
David: of course you did
Y/n: shut up David
David: you first, weirdo
Y/n: okay wine mom Barbara
*Something crashes*
Y/n: SHIT-
Paul and Dwayne: *running into the room panicking * WHAT FELL?! ARE YOU HURT?!
David: *walking by the room* what died?
Y/n: I found a safety pin
*cuts off end*
Dwayne: Y/n how much sleep did you get last night?
Y/n (running on half an hour of sleep): Yes.
Dwayne: Ok. You need to sleep weirdo child
Paul: “Hey Y/n did you wanna go to the-WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!”
Y/n: *holding hair clippers* •^•
Paul: YOUR HAIR Y/N *sobs in 80’s perm*
Max: slay
David: sometimes my children are idiots but they mean well
David: *opens flask and chugs it*
Omg I’m alive! Sorry for not posting in a while, life has been chaotic as heck lately but here’s some more chaos with the Lost Boys lol
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aerequets · 10 months
I really liked the scene you drew for the fanfic Once more with feeling. Do you have other fanfics recommandations? PS. I love your art :3
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thank you! :D and yes of course i do 😎 i have this list (twiyor) from a while ago but i have amassed more than enough new faves to make a new one!
i will try to get a mix of fics w/ different vibes, and different lengths, as well as those that you may not have heard of before. most if not all of them will be twiyor tho, bc that's what i read most.
i'll put them under the cut!
FUN FACT i spent like 45 mins writing a list and SOMEHOW DELETED IT ALL. so this is take 2 😭😭😭😭 ANYWAYS
The Woman in Red by @nightofnyx8
rated M, 7/7 chaps, 47.9k words
this fic feels like a book to me if i was already invested in the characters. it revolves around yor, who gets an assignment to find out where a bunch of trafficked girls are being kept by the asshole of the millenium, vito cohen. it is also post reveal, post relationship twiyor. this fic has dark moments just by virtue of the subject matter, but none of it feels gratuitous if that makes sense? like every bit of violence lends to the whole picture. there are also some Steamy ™ twiyor moments, which are easily skippable if that's not your thing, but their whole relationship here is just written so well. the trust is there and the protective loid vibes are 👌 i m m a c u l a t e
Smoldering by @julphines
rated G, 1/1 chaps, 2.1k words
i freaking love the look into post reveal, pre relationship twiyor we get here. it's not overtly romantic but instead them getting to know each other. i especially love the details of them having to make themselves be vulnerable in some ways because they just aren't used to it. a really nice, in-between sort of fic :)
In Love With the Distance by Newt on ao3
rated T, 37/37 chaps, 21.5k words
this one is formatted as a collection of letters and i am OBSESSED. i think the author does a very good job getting the character voices down, and the fact that the progression in their relationship is clear despite being in this letter format will never cease to amaze me. it's also incredibly consistent and has cute 'ciphers' at the top that are used to disguise the letters. this one is also post reveal, and kinda follows what happens immediately after. some bits are outside the letter format, but for the most part, it's loid and yor writing to each other. love
La Vie En Rose by @jubileen
rated T, 1/1 chaps, 3.7k words
i love me a good ol 5+1 fic, and this one did not disappoint 😌 i especially liked how the thing that is being counted here (you know, the "five times x and one time x") is not explicitly stated each time. it's something that is as slowly revealed to the reader as it is to the characters, which is a nice touch. and there are more things you catch after a reread, which i am also a great fan of!
An Ever Fixed Mark by Spiraling (Stormwind13) on ao3
rated T, 3/3 chaps, 3.8k words
soulmates that share wounds!!!!!! need i say more?? ALSO, there's some GORJUS artwork in this fic! actually, the first "chapter" is just the cover page, and then in the third chapter is another illustration which is so well done! so that's a plus :) this fic has the nice ol heartwrenching mix of backstory and present for the characters, another plus!
this fic is restricted tho, so u gotta be logged into ao3 to read it 🙏
Love, He was Certain by toteally on ao3
rated M, 1/1 chaps, 3.2k words
this one is so funny and good to me bc loid goes head empty seeing fruit juice dribble down yor's chin KJFDHSJ i love when overthinking characters suddenly can't form a thought at the most mundane of happenings. ALSO the thing fics/books do when the title comes up and you're like OHHHH THERE IT IS!!! yeah that as well
Macabre Theme and Variations by @piracytheorist
rated T, 15/15 chaps, 66.6k words (lol)
WOOOO TIME LOOP FIC! yet another thing that i am a fan of :DD although HEED THE WARNING because there IS violence but there is also a happy ending. this fic follows twilight as he goes through the same day over and over again and tries not to die a horrific death forever. mans gets more trauma, BUT he also gets character progression and a happy ending so fair trade off right 🤔 (yes. the answer is yes)
anyways, this list is hardly even the tip of the iceberg. there's also my bookmarks which, at the time of writing this post, are at 354... most of which are sxf/twiyor.... so yeah LMAO obviously i couldnt put all of them into this post but definitely check those out. i've also got my own works if you're interested but hopefully this list contains fics you have not yet read, and that you will like 🙏🙏
(if your fic is on this list and you haven't been tagged + would like to be, pls let me know!)
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serqphites · 5 months
format: blurb
warnings: nsfw content at the end
word count: 700+
not proofread! y/n used!
- the second you came in for your interview she pretty much decided she was hiring you LMAO
- now i’m not saying she only hired you because of her crush, because your resume genuinely caught her eye, but i’m also not saying it had nothing to do with it 🤷‍♀️
- she definitely asks you to do things she could easily do just as an excuse to see you
- “y/n! can you come here please?”
- “can you pick up this pen i dropped please? i’ve got suchhh a bad back” she’s so dramatic i love her
- you honestly think she’s just being a bitch and she’s messing with you
- that is until one day she comes to you in the morning, saying today she only has one task for you
- “will you eat lunch with me?” and she has the dorkiest smile of all time on her face
- lunch together becomes a regular thing, going from talking about your favourite tv shows to her telling you about her daughter zoe
- she’s so sad when you eventually tell her you thought she was just like every person you’ve ever worked for, just messing with you for the fun of it
- “no no never! i could never do that, especially not to you” OOOOOO it’s blush city for you both
- things are going great! you love your job. that is until something changes, and victoria randomly stops asking you to do things for her
- i mean you’re her assistant, shouldn’t you be getting her coffee? shouldn’t you be organising her files? shouldn’t you be having lunch with her and not hughie?
- to say this has you down is an understatement, you can’t seem to understand why she has randomly shut you out
- it’s not like she’s not speaking to you, she’s still asking you to do things but they’re all tasks that require you to be away from her. you haven’t even been in her office for nearly two weeks now
- after your hurt builds and builds, you can’t hold it in anymore. you storm into her office demanding to know why she’s avoiding you
- she plays it dumb at first but she knows what she’s been doing so she fesses up
- “fuck… i’m sorry, so sorry. it’s not you i promise, it’s me. i- i like you, okay? like a lot and i know it sounds stupid and i know it’s sooo inappropriate because you’re my assist-“ SILENCED BY A KISS WOOOO
- you’re discrete about it at first, sneaking around and making out in the bathroom stalls like you’re high schoolers
- her bringing you lunch everyday<3
- she so leaves post-it notes on her desk with cute lil messages whenever she has to leave for meetings because it’s where she tells you to just relax
- you don’t bother asking why you’re not allowed to meetings that involve voughts CEO, it’s probably just a confidentiality thing right?
- a bit random but whenever you’re standing talking to somebody i feel like she’d just squeeze your butt?
- canon she’s a butt squeezer
- you don’t fight much but oh boy is your schedule full when you do
- she gives you the stupidest tasks she can think of LMAO
- “can you walk someone’s dog please?” “someone’s dog?” “yeah, just go around asking who has a dog that needs walking” “are you being serious, vic?” “yes i most definitely am, it would help me soooo much you have no idea!”
- dating your boss can be annoying at times, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world <3
- officesex!officesex!officesex!
- this honestly deserves its own blurb if i'm being honest
- i feel like she's already dominant in bed anyways but because she’s your boss it’s elevated TO THE MAX.
- “i have one really special task for you today, so listen closely”
- you can barely stay stood up with how weak your knees go (real)
- “i need you to be a good girl for me, how does that sound? you think you can do that for me?” in her husky voice im DECEASED
- one time she cleared her desk by pushing everything on the floor, she immediately regretted it when she realised she had broken almost everything
- “i always see people do it in movies and this doesn’t happen” she’s so upset while she’s picking up a broken picture of you both on the beach
- she’s so silly
- she definitely buys you lingerie to wear underneath your work clothes 🤭
- the amount of flirty texts she sends you during the day just to watch you blush uncontrollably is concerning (when is it my turn)
a/n: requests are always open, hope you enjoyed :)
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givemea-dam-break · 5 months
heart's fury - prologue
book one: hope "prologue"
in which a story begins.
pairing: zuko x (fem) reader
a/n: hey guys! first part of my big zuko x reader, which was originally post on ao3 here! this is a brain baby created by my return to the atla fandom (first time properly being in the fandom since i first watched this as a child rip) and a need to write something for it which woooo! big moment since i had been in the biggest writing slump i've ever had before i wrote this. i hope you all enjoy the first part, and the following chapters, because i have so enjoyed writing this and continue to enjoy it! love u all <3
warnings: none
words: 838 heart's fury masterlist
There was something so idyllic about the southern seas in the early morning. The way the sun’s fiery light reflected atop the soft blue waves; the smell of salt and cold air mixing together; the distinctly freezing southern air that, somehow, could not permeate (y/n)’s thick jacket. She felt strangely warm standing at the bow of the ship, staring at the towering icebergs that the ship easily slipped between. She wondered how anything could become so large, so imposing, but she supposed it was part of the southern charm. The last she had heard, the Southern Water Tribe had dwindled in numbers. Fire Nation soldiers imprisoned their waterbenders decades ago and, though they were accustomed to the cold, not every child could survive in such extreme conditions. No outsiders, including the Fire Nation, had set foot in Southern Water Tribe territory in years. (y/n) could only imagine how sparse their population was. But they were persistent, these Southerners, like the icebergs. They had not let the Fire Nation get the best of them. 
“What are you doing out at this time?” a voice asked from behind. “It is far too cold and early.”
“Catching some peace,” she said simply. “My gut is telling me that today is going to be different.”
A hand came to rest on the railing beside her, old and weathered and gentle, but still admirably strong. Connected to the hand was, well, perhaps the only Fire Nation nobility she had been able to tolerate in years. 
General Iroh, now retired, had a kind face and a soft smile that she was sure would alone keep her warm if she had not been wearing her jacket. The crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes, the wrinkles in his forehead, and the deepness of his smile lines did not age him but, rather, did the opposite. He reminded her of a mischievous - yet remarkably wise - child; one that could not be trusted alone with a basket of sweet treats. He shivered in his red robes, but he kept a firm grip on the icy metal railing.
“And why do you say that?”
(y/n) turned her gaze back on the icy path ahead of them. She had always trusted her intuition, knowing that it was a better weapon than her knives or even her bending, but she often couldn’t explain the reasons why she felt things. Maybe it stemmed from her childhood, some sixth sense she had developed by guessing what her mother would make for breakfast or which way her father would take her on his ostrich-horse to get to the Royal Palace in the mornings. Perhaps it was some semblance of a spiritual connection - one of Iroh’s stories that had taken root and given her a strong mind.
She wasn’t sure what her answer to his question should be.
“Just a feeling,” she said. She always said.
It seemed to be enough to appease Iroh. “We are nearing the south pole. I fear that my nephew will be let down once more.”
It was a justified concern. The reason they both stood on this ship, thousands of miles away from home, was a fruitless hunt, bred from punishment, shame, and a terrible lust for honour and, ever a self-centred royal, Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation was determined to get what he wanted.
The Avatar.
Two and a half years the three, and a handful of Fire Nation soldiers, had been hunting the living legend down. It was a futile search - Fire Lord Ozai was aware of this when he had banished his son - but Prince Zuko was adamant. He had ordered them around the world in search of a man who had not been seen in a hundred years, and thrown a princely fit every time they did not find him. 
Iroh was right to worry. Prince Zuko’s sole ambition was to find the Avatar and restore his honour, taking back his rightful place as heir to the title of Fire Lord, but it made one wonder what would happen if he were to accept that the Avatar was unreachable.
Not that he would ever accept it.
“This isn’t the right path for him,” Iroh murmured. Despite there being nobody else on deck, he kept his voice low, leaning closer. “Capturing the Avatar is not the correct decision.”
He cast her a meaningful look, something in the wise, dark eyes sparkling as he turned and walked away, likely to make himself a cup of tea.
(y/n) breathed a sigh, watching the misty breath hover in front of her before dissipating. This was not the first time Iroh had hinted at the secret she kept close to her chest, clutched in iron fingers. If anyone else were to know, she would likely be dead by now. But Iroh shared her cause.
If they ever found the Avatar, wherever they were, she would fight tooth and nail to ensure Prince Zuko could never take them back to the Fire Nation.
<-masterlist chapter one ->
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fickleraeven · 24 days
first post on tumblr woooo!!!! who should i draw next?!
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if emily has no fans im dead she is the girl boss ever!!!!!!!!!! also i havent drawn in like 50 million years so agqyagshjswhahandba
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okkennymay · 2 months
Oh shoot I forgot to let yah'll know I posted up Chapter 3 concepts up on my patreon a while back! -which hold some juicy and exciting spoilers if I do say myself 👀 featuring one my favourite additions to this attempt of the comic's storyline~
Progress is slow, but it's happening! I've finished the first rough sketches for all pages (did it in a sketch book) and am on the 3rd page for clean roughs digitally! once I get the first 4 done, as I do them 4 to a page, I'll be posting said roughs up on patreon too~ 💖 which once I do, i'll finally be able to post the last of chapter 2's pages up here! wOOOO!
Thank you all to those sweethearts who are still waiting ever so patiently and have sent me the most wonderful asks, exclaiming your love for the comic so far and your wish for more, it you guys who keep the motivation for the comic alive and kicking no matter how sick or distracted I get (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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purple-hyacynths · 2 months
Heya! I’m working on a HukerDust fanfiction (first fic ever woooo!!!) called Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend. I’ll be posting it to AO3 as soon as I get an account set up so assume around 4-12-24.
A bit about the fic- it’s an Overlord Husk fic where Valentino gambles away Angel’s soul in a game of poker. It’s a slow burn, one that I am particularly proud of if I do say so myself, and I’m really excited to share it with yall!
Updates will be posted here and asks/requests are open!
EDIT: it’s up!! Read here on AO3, same username!!
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