#first time putting text in the pics ... still a work in progress on that front lol
milks-shake-cafe · 6 months
I know I said I was gonna do this months ago but now I'm finally gonna talk to you guys about my J.JK self insert!
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♧ She works at a little café! She has 0 clue about the sorcerer world; she's sort like that guy with the 5 sisters who got rancid vibes from Ge.to and quit on the spot FNTUHJHH She can generally feel when something's off and will hightail out of there
♧They're usually on the morning shift so they're learning how to bake pastries and the like!
♧My insert first meets Iji.chi due to their job. He was doing a coffee/breakfast run for everyone (which bless him, we all know Go.jo's order was a mile long and overly complicated on purpose FNTUHJ) while my insert was running the cash register. We had a little chat while everything was getting prepared and he appreciated that I was genuinely polite to him!
♧After awhile, he begins to develop a crush on them. He always gets questioned as to why he gets red in the face everytime he picks up coffee now
♧My insert knows his, Iji.chi's personal, order by heart! I make it automatically and put it to the side for him around pickup time. It even happens on days where he doesn't come in, force of habit fbtuhjyg
♧I start trying to make cute designs on his stuff, like a cat or bear on his bread, but um. They're really wonky. (One of my friends joked, saying he probably mumbles "Looks like a cursed spirit..." FBTYBJ)
♧My insert practices a lot of baking and designing at home to finally give Iji.chi something cute to enjoy. Once he finally has it down-pat, Iji.chi compliments my improvement and almost doesn't want to eat/drink it because of the cuteness
♧This endeavor led them to finally share phone numbers and the majority of texts where me sending pictures and progress updates of my at-home bakes. While he doesn't have a hobby like that due to work, Iji.chi usually ends up sending me pics of stray cats he encounters throughout the day (A lot of these are ideas my friends came up with. Their brains are so huge and I love them, mwah)
♧Btw, Go.jo can and will steal this poor man's phone and send chaotic messages and selfies of him running away from him GNGYHJ
♧This guy would be so fucking adorable. He'd send pics of himself in front landmarks and stuff doing a shy little peace sign. WHY IS HE SO CUTE??
♧A few times he shows what he ate somewhere and recommends it to me, I go "Yeah! We should totally go there together!" And he flusters at the idea of a date
♧Iji.chi really tries his best of keeping his work separate from our relationship. He wants to keep this one thing his; I make him feel appreciated and less anxious and he doesn't want it to disappear!
♧His actual job slips out by accident. We go on a date and there's a curse spirit just sitting right next to us. He tries to subtlety get us to move to a different area but I'm here like, "Hey, I think we should go somewhere else. I'm really uncomfortable" while looking straight at it. So he just has this sigh of relief of "Oh thank goodness you can see cursed spirits too" while my insert is like ???
♧He really thought this man was a school chaperone and accountant for the longest FBGYGH
♧While he's thankful that I listen to my gut and I'm happy that it's not my anxiety and paranoid going overdrive all the time, he still gets concerned that I'll get attacked by something I cannot see. He's worried when he isn't around but tries to protect me in ways he knows he can.
♧I can and will parade him around my and his friends, loving on my soggy towel of a man! I honestly think he's waiting for the other shoe to drop; for me to one day realize I can do better and just leave. Meanwhile, I'm here like, "No, we're gonna get married in the future. You're stuck with me. FOR LIFE"
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snek-panini · 1 year
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At long last, I've finally finished a new book! And it's actually not a fanfic this time! This is a bind of Jules Verne's Around the World in Eighty Days. This was supposed to be my fourth book for Binderary, but I didn't finish it in time. Procrastination's a bitch. Fun fact: the first thing I ever bound was a public domain short story called The Machine Stops, but since it was the first it is...not a good skill showcase. This one is so much better. More pics and process talk under the cut!
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Close-up of the cover, and a pic of the spine. The blue bits are cardstock, and brown ones are faux leather left over from when I bound Pray for Us, Icarus. The images and author's name are in black embossing ink. Something weird happened with the texture on these--the author's name came out nice and smooth and solid like always, but the stamped images have a bumpy texture to them and some leather visible through the powder. They were done with rubber stamps on an ink pad and the text was done with an embossing pen, so I think it's a difference in the ink. It's a nice texture though, so I don't mind. I had originally thought to put the title on the front, but I really liked both stamps and I like how it came out.
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Top view and endpaper. I'm really pleased with how the case fits; that's been something I struggle with on a lot of projects and I think I'm finally getting it down. The endpapers are a floretine print that I bought from Hollander's and cut to size. They got a little wrinkled when I cased in, especially in the back. It's my first time working with this kind of paper and I used too much glue. I also tried stitching them to the text block this time, but I don't think I'll bother with that again. I didn't like how flimsy the single-sheet signature felt next to the thicker ones in the text block. Fun fact for those who've seen an adaptation of this story but not actually read it: there is actually no hot air balloon in the book, even though it's in all the adaptations. There was a movie made in the 1950s which added the balloon and it's been in every version since then.
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Title page and chapter header. I've been saying for a while that I wanted to up my title page game, and I really love how this looks. The image here is a free vector pulled from Seekpng.com. It's the same image on both pages, the one on the chapter header is just smaller and in gray instead of black. I've also chosen a name for my bindery, largely because other people had names for theirs and I thought it was cool and wanted my own. It's Paper Snake Press, you can see it at the bottom of the text. I want a logo too but haven't gotten around to making one yet. 2d art is, uh. Still not a strength for me.
The text I used was pulled from Project Gutenberg. Typesetting it was and interesting experience, surprisingly different from typesetting fic. When I do fic I keep the editing very light, just really obvious things like misspelled characters' names and quotation marks that are flipped the wrong way, but it always needs something. This one didn't need any of that, which was nice. It also has way longer sentences and paragraphs than fic, and I thought that might be a product of its age, that writers just wrote longer sentences and were more verbose in 1873 than they are now. But then this week I started working on another fic that has the same features, from someone I've suspected for a while is a published author, so I wonder if it's actually a professional author thing instead of a shift in reading tastes over time. I'm not really going anywhere with this speculation, I just thought it was interesting.
I have two more works-in-progress printed and waiting. One is an author copy and just needs casing in, the other's in a halfway stage and has a lot to be done, so it might be a bit before I have more books to post. But there's a whole stack of things I've typeset that I'm waiting to print, so there are good things coming.
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scarsbecomearmor · 6 years
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𝗞: 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝟕 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐤𝐢𝐝, 𝐂𝐞𝐦𝐫𝐞. 𝐇𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐦, 𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐈 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐦.
𝗖: 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐝?
𝙆: 𝑰 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒌𝒊𝒅. 𝑰𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒎𝒆.
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touchmycoat · 2 years
ficbinding: Chinese stitched binding
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BINDING COMPLETED! of my own fic 翻雲覆日回天明 / Best Of. I chose this binding method because 1) Chinese, 2) easy, and 3) cheap. You know how much this fucker costs??
Text block (A4, 17 sheets of Nice™ paper): 105 NTD
Cover papers (2 sheets): 20 NTD
Embroidery floss: 25 NTD
Awl: 45 NTD
Glue: 35 NTD
Total: 230 NTD, which is not even 8 US dollars. I mean alright, there were other miscellaneous items needed like a ruler, a needle, a slab of wood for puncturing, and something to hit the awl with, but for the slab of wood I just used an old Daiso wood trivet and for the “mallet” I grabbed a rock and wrapped it in old underwear. There is the optional step of cutting the edges of the book, which I did here, that adds additional cutting pad & xacto knife costs. Also material costs are very low in Taiwan lol. BUT STILL.
Anyways progress pics & things I would do better under the cut:
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I think this was 150 or 200p on the right, SO much thicker and funner to touch than crappy printer paper lmfao. Makes the book feel nice and hefty. Folded easier too.
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Opted for two-hole ties when first securing the text block. I think it worked—kept the stack more tightly held together throughout the rest of the assembly. I used paper string and then pounded them as flat as I could on both sides before gluing them down.
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First Mistake: starting immediately with the title page. Next time I layout the text I’m gonna put one half sheet in front because the cover has to glue onto something. I sandwiched the text block with printer paper, which was another mistake—you can see how shitty it is on the left compared to the page on the right. Next time, I’ll either leave one extra page on the front and back or use nicer end papers.
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Second Mistake: fam, ,,,trimming is so hard ,, ,Okay no I got the hang of it more or less the second and third time around (and you only trim three sides), but the first time? in the immortal words of Bob the Drag Queen, mama that was garbage. Look:
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...yeah guess which one’s the ugly triplet ;; Anyways it’s VERY IMPORTANT YOU STAND UP BEFORE YOU CUT. That’s the lesson I learned today. Also, if using 6-ply embroidery thread, the awl puncture holes don’t really give you enough room to double up when stitching the book together! I tried but ended up going back to binding with a single thread because the needle just stopped going through the holes at one point.
But anyways binding this was a workout and it was so much fun. I might get real ink and redo the label ‘cause it just ain’t quite right. But this is for real habit-forming. I wanna do so many more fics now.
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
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Summary: Y/N has been having an infuriating dry spell in the love department lately, thanks to lockdown, and her roommate Jensen is getting fed up with her attitude. So, he lets her in on a little secret…
Pairing: Danneel x Reader Rating: 18+ Tags: female masturbation, talk of male masturbation, phone sex, dirty talk, praise kink, light degradation, lockdown was hard on singletons but great for phone sex operators Word Count: 4.5k Created for: @anyfandomgoesbingo - Sex Hotline AU | @spnkinkbingo - Tribbing
A/N: Requested by @danneelsmain - hope this lived up to your expectations babe! I haven't written Danneel before but I really enjoyed writing this ❤️
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“Yes... yes... yesyesyes–”
“Hey, Y/N!” Bang, bang, bang! “Hurry up in there will ya? I’m dyin’ here,” Jensen jiggled the doorknob to no avail, and Y/N was incredibly thankful she’d remembered to lock it this time.
I’m dying here, Y/N thought to herself, pulling the shower head from between her legs with a frustrated huff, the water swirling down the drain carrying the fading vestiges of her almost-orgasm with it. She had been so close. Bang! Bang! Bang!
“Just a minute!” she shouted, frustration tipping over into anger. The knob on the faucet was twisted to the ‘off’ position with unnecessary violence, and the shower curtain was attached at one less ring than it had been half an hour ago when it was yanked open to settle against the back wall of the tub.
Bang! Ban–
“Seriously, Jensen?!” Y/N barely had the towel secured around herself before she threw open the door, hastily ducking to avoid Jensen’s knock-in-progress.
“Thank fuck.” Jensen danced around Y/N and shoved the door shut, sending Y/N slipping across the tiles on her still-wet feet and locking her on the other side. The clearly audible hiss of Jensen relieving himself leaked through the door and Y/N growled in frustration, aiming a kick at the door before stomping down the hallway to her room.
He couldn’t have waited ten more seconds…
It had been bad enough that lockdown got them all stuck at home with no possibility of one night stands, or follow-up booty calls to keep her sex drive in check, but now Y/N was having an even bigger problem. She hadn’t been able to get herself over the finish line for at least two weeks, and she had no earthly idea as to why. Y/N was beginning to think that regular orgasms were part of the reason that she was usually nice to be around, because right now she felt like she was one bad joke away from stabbing somebody.
And that someone was likely to be Jensen.
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Tucked up into the corner of the couch was Y/N’s standard position these days. She wasn’t sure what was playing on the TV, something as mindless as she felt right now.
“Budge up.” Jensen hit her feet and flopped back gracelessly on top of them without giving her the chance to move them.
“Ow, asshole!” A pillow whipped through the air and collided squarely with the side of Jensen’s face.
“What is your problem lately?”
“You, clearly,” Y/N snapped, pulling her knees into her chest defensively. Jensen raised a single eyebrow, giving her a pointed look. “No, it’s not you,” Y/N admitted, letting some of her aggression seep out of her frame with her words. “Sorry.”
“What’s up?”
“Nothing, it’s fine.”
There was a stiff silence between them, Jensen waiting for Y/N to break and answer his question and Y/N knowing that she didn’t want to talk about this with Jensen but not seeing a way out of the conversation. Jensen had an irritating habit of getting her to open up about things she never planned on telling people – like the fact that she was gay. And now he was about to hear far more about her sex life than she ever wanted to share with someone of the male species.
“I’m, um,” her cheeks were on fire as she glanced up to see Jensen looking back at her with concerned curiosity. “I’m… having a problem,” she finished lamely.
“I can’t… Do you ever–” Y/N choked on the words every time they tried to bubble through. “So… um, it’s– it’s been a while.” She saw comprehension flash over Jensen’s freckled face a moment later.
“You know PornHub has a whole section for lesbian shit, right?” Another pillow hits him in the face. “Okay, okay, ow,” Jensen rubs his jaw in exaggeration. “But seriously, it’s been a while for everyone. You just gotta take business into your own hands.”
“You don’t think I’ve been doing that?” Y/N hissed, unconsciously checking around them as if someone else was in their apartment who might overhear.
“Well then what’s the problem?”
“I haven’t like,” Y/N made a variety of nonsequitous hand motions that had no bearing on the word ‘orgasm’ but Jensen seemed to get the message.
“How long?” he cringed.
“Like, almost three weeks? And it’s not like I haven’t been trying like, everything, I just… can’t,” she shrugged helplessly. “Has this kind of thing ever happened to you? Is there something like, physically wrong with me?”
“No, no, I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with you,” Jensen rushed to reassure her, patting her leg awkwardly. “This kind of thing happens all the time.”
“So it’s happened to you too?” Hope shone from Y/N’s face that maybe she wasn’t doomed to a life empty of sexual pleasure.
“Well… no, not exactly.” Y/N’s shoulders drooped, hopes slashed.
“How are you staying so sane?” Y/N accused. “You used to be with a different girl every few days before all of this.”
“Hey! I was not,” Jensen was mock offended but Y/N could tell he was also a little proud. “And I’ve, uh… I’ve got my sources,” his eyes twinkled mischievously as he answered her question.
“Jensen Ross Ackles, have you been sneaking out behind my back!”
“No,” he rolled his eyes, “nothing like that.” Jensen pulled out his phone and started scrolling through the screen as Y/N watched.
“Jen, if you’re trying to show me porn, I’m good. Don’t need to see what you get off to,” Y/N shuddered at the thought. A text beeped on her phone a second later, Jensen’s name popping up on the screen.
“That’s my source,” he explains and she opens the message to see a 1-800 number, next to the word Red.
“Red.” Jensen confirmed with a wicked grin, nodding sagely.
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Y/N could not believe she was about to do this. She looked down at the number on her phone screen, ready to dial as soon as she pressed the little green button. Jensen’s assurances echoed in her head. Best phone sex I’ve ever had… she actually gets off with you, she’s not just faking it… sounds so hot, and her body is killer in her profile pic. Admittedly, the picture he’d shown her had been really fucking sexy. A slender girl in small red panties and unfairly pretty breasts cradled in a satin bra covered in little hearts, dark red hair pinned up around her face in a vintage style.
Before she could talk herself out of it again, Y/N pressed dial and held the phone up to her ear. It rang a few times before connecting to an automated menu, and Y/N was secretly relieved she wouldn’t have to ask an operator if she could speak to ‘Red’.
Thank you for calling the Sugar Lips Hotline. Please enter your card details to continue.
Jensen had warned her about this part, so she had her card sitting out of her wallet on the desk in front of her.
If you know who you are trying to reach, please press one. If you would like to be assigned a random operator, please press two.
Y/N shakily pressed the number one, and then put the phone on speaker while she was at it.
If you would like to speak with Candy, press one, followed by the pound key. If you would like to speak with Kitty, press two, followed by the pound key. If you would like to speak with Lance…
Y/N wondered if she would still have the confidence to go through with this by the time the robotic voice mentioned ‘Red’.
If you would like to speak with Red, press thirteen, followed by the pound key.
The moment of truth. Y/N entered the number 13 and then pressed the pound key. The line began to ring again.
“Hi there,” a temptingly soft voice slipped through the receiver of the phone sitting on the desk in front of her.
“Hi-i,” Y/N’s voice was jarring in comparison, breaking on the first word she uttered.
“Oh, so I’ve got a pretty little girl on the line today, huh?” Y/N didn’t know how to answer so she didn’t, hands frozen in a death grip on the sleeves of her too big sweatshirt. “What’s your name, baby?”
“Y/N,” she whispered back, suddenly scared that Jensen would be able to hear every word being said in her room. Quickly digging into her pockets she pulled out her headphones and plugged them into her cell. Why hadn’t she done that earlier?
“That’s such a pretty name, baby,” the woman cooed, and now her voice was right against Y/N’s ears; it felt like she was in the room, whispering against her skin. “I’m Red.”
“That’s what I should call you?” Y/N managed to keep the tremor out of her words this time.
“Unless you want to call me something else? I can be whoever you want me to be baby girl. Mommy, ma’am, mistress…” Y/N’s heart thundered against her ribs. She realised that she had no idea what she wanted from this – she just knew she was desperate. “Or maybe you want to be in charge? I could be your baby, your good little girl.” Y/N wished she could see Red right now, watch what she looked like as she purred all these promises down the line, teasing and tempting.
“Is,” Y/N gulped, “is there anyone you want me to be?”
“Nuh-uh,” she tutted, and Y/N could imagine her shaking her head, red curls flying by her cheeks. “This is all about you Y/N. I’m here to make you feel good.”
Y/N felt a lick of heat curl in the base of her stomach, twisting itself around her intestines.
“Yeah, I could use that,” she laughed nervously, figuring she should be honest if she wanted this to work out well. And she really needed it to.
“Oh, have you been feeling a little pent up baby?” Red’s voice echoed in Y/N’s ears. The small vibrations coming out of her earbuds were enough to start sending a pulsing sensation down the side of her neck, worming its way under her skin and into her veins. Christ, it had been too long.
“You have no idea.”
“Well, I betcha we can fix that. Are you somewhere comfortable sweetie?”
“I could get on the bed?” Y/N offered, wondering why she hadn’t started there in the first place, rather than at her desk.
“That sounds like a great idea,” Red purred seductively. “Why don’t you stretch out on the bed, get yourself nice and cozy. Maybe prop a pillow up next to you and think about me snuggling you in real close. Wish I could be there to put my hands all over your body.”
Y/N was thankful she was already sitting on her bed by the time Red finished painting her little scene because if she’d been walking, she’s pretty sure her knees would have given out.
“Fuck, it’s been so long since I felt another girl’s hands on me.” She tried not to be embarrassed at how whimpery her voice had gone. If this went well it was about to get a whole lot worse anyways.
“I want to touch every inch of you,” Red breathed heavily. “Run my fingers through your hair, over your neck, down your back. Would I find a bra there to unhook, baby?”
“Yeah,” Y/N sighed, arching her shoulders and feeling the band scratch taught around her ribs, pushing her breast up towards her chin.
“Why don’t you take that off for me?”
“Okay,” Y/N felt her voice shake as much as her hands as she reached behind her back to unclasp her bra, breathing deeply when the pressure of the garment disappeared.
“Bet that felt good, didn’t it baby?” Red laughed knowingly.
“Yeah,” Y/N agreed, loosening up a little at the acknowledgement of a shared experience, something all girls could relate to. She pulled her arms through the straps beneath her sweatshirt and shimmying the discarded bra out the bottom before pushing her arms back through her sleeves. The peaks of her nipples tightened as they caught on the pills of fleece that now sat against her chest.
“What else are you wearing?”
Suddenly embarrassed she hadn’t thought to put on anything sexy in preparation for this call, Y/N didn’t manage more than an “um…” before Red laughed, a warm sound that melted into her like chocolate against your tongue.
“Why don’t I tell you what I’m wearing?”
“Yeah,” Y/N nodded before she remembered that Red couldn’t see her. “Bet it’s something really sexy,” she attempted to flirt, cringing at how awkward she sounded.
“Well that depends,” Red mused. “Do you like lace?”
“Yeah,” Y/N breathed. She loved seeing girls in lace lingerie; the way the delicate weave of the pattern offered small tastes of the skin it covered, the way you could feel someone’s warmth seeping through such a thin fabric so easily, the way it felt to have someone touch you or suck you through such a meagre sheet of modesty…
“What about stockings?” Red voice broke through Y/N’s train of thought, pulling her back to the vaguely out of body experience she was having.
“Love them,” Y/N answered quietly, trying to pitch her voice the way Red was, low and alluring.
“Well, that’s a shame,” she sighed dramatically. “Because I’m not wearing anything at all right now, sorry to disappoint.” Y/N couldn’t see her but she would bet anything Red was wearing a big pout right now. She wondered what her lips looked like. In her head she pictured soft and pillowy.
“You are such a tease,” Y/N laughed, hoping to disguise the pang of arousal that had shot through her a moment before.
“Yeah, but you like it, don’t you baby?”
“Yeah, I really do,” Y/N found herself admitting unconsciously.
“Are you gonna keep teasing me, or are you gonna get naked too baby girl?”
A throb of desire fluttered between Y/N’s legs, her pussy clenching, and when she squirmed back into her pillow a little she felt the lace fabric of her own panties sliding a little more between her thighs. Her arousal had started to soak out of her and into the material.
“You want me naked?” Y/N’s words scratched their way out of her throat, trying to pull her confidence along with them.
“Oh god, please baby,” Red moaned loudly, but it didn’t sound fake. It was like Jensen had told her, it sounded like she was really enjoying this, and like she was actually getting off on what was happening between them right now. “Want to feel your skin against mine.”
“I want that too, baby,” Y/N’s hasty breaths shook her words. She stripped out of her underwear and shoved her phone and headphones down the front of her sweatshirt so she could shimmy it over her head without disconnecting the earbuds. She didn’t want to miss anything.
“God, if I was there I would kiss all over you. Bet you taste amazing,” Red sighed, and Y/N could hear something shifting over the phone, like fabric moving around.
“Are you on your bed too?” Y/N asked.
“Yep, all spread out for you baby girl.”
“Are you touching yourself?” Y/N’s confidence was starting to build as she heard how much Red sounded like she’s into this, and she couldn’t deny she was turned on too. She felt wetter than she’d been in weeks, and when her fingers drifted down over her stomach its muscles twitched in anticipation of where she was about to touch.
“Where do you want me to touch?” Y/N let her eyes slide closed, and she could imagine Red batting her lashes as she asked - where do you want me to touch? - She pictured the girl she’d seen in the photo poised over her, legs straddling Y/N’s hips as Red ran her hands over her own body, fingers trailing over her throat, fondling her breasts, twisting around the pink flesh at the tips of each, lingering on the soft of her stomach before dipping lower.
“I want you to touch between your legs and tell me how wet you are,” Y/N said between deep breaths, trying to keep her voice even.
“I’m already so wet for you, baby,” Red gasped, and Y/N hoped it was a reaction to her fingers slipping inside her pussy.
“If you were here with me, what would you do right now?”
“I’d make you watch me fuck myself on my fingers.” Holy shit, Y/N couldn’t help the moan that bled through her lips, and she heard Red chuckle. “Yeah, you like the sound of that baby?”
“Mm-hmm,” Y/N whimpered, her own fingers finally making their way between her legs and sliding easily through the slick she found there.
“I’d straddle myself right over your face, so you could see my fingers fucking my pussy, feel me dripping on you.”
“Oh, fuck.”
“And then, when my fingers are nice and soaked, you’re gonna suck them clean like a good little girl, aren’t you sweetheart?” Red’s monologue was absolutely wrecking Y/N, she wanted everything the woman on the end of the line was describing so badly. “Want you to do it to yourself, since I can’t be there to do it for you. Can you get those fingers nice and wet for me baby?”
“Fuck, yeah, okay.” Y/N pushed two fingers inside her pussy, clenching around them wantonly. She must have let out some kind of noise because Red giggled again before she continued talking.
“That’s it, fuck yourself for me baby girl, until I can do it for you.” And fucking hell, the thought of Red actually with her, touching her, fucking her… “Your fingers nice and dirty now?”
“Mm-hmm,” Y/N squeaked, pressing against her g-spot to get herself even wetter.
“Good girl,” Red hummed. “Now suck them clean for me, Y/N. Want you to taste just how sweet you are. God, wish I could taste you too,” she moaned, her breath hitching.
Y/N obeyed Red’s instructions, sucking her fingers into her mouth and twirling her tongue around them, curling it across the dips and whorls of her fingertips. She groaned around the digits in her mouth, trying to make it audible that she was doing as she was told.
“Good girl,” Red cooed again, obviously hearing Y/N’s sucking. “Good filthy girl. You’re so dirty aren’t you baby, bet you’re dripping onto the sheets right now you’re so horny.”
“Oh my god,” Y/N felt her whole body clenching as she pushed her hand back between her legs, toying with her clit and sending fresh jolts of desire to her core. “Fuck, I’m touching myself again. Couldn’t help it, you’re so hot baby.”
“I want you to touch yourself sweetie. Want you to make yourself feel so good.”
“I want you to feel good too,” Y/N whimpered, maybe stupidly, but she remembered Jensen saying that Red got off with him and she wanted the same thing. She wanted to know that Red wanted her, that Red found her sexy. She didn’t want to be in this alone.
“Oh, I am feeling so good baby girl,” Red assured Y/N, her voice brimming with sincerity and whimpers to back it up. “Fucking myself so good, pretending it’s your fingers inside me.”
“Fuck, that’s so hot,” Y/N couldn’t come up with anything more eloquent than that. The more she played with herself the foggier her brain got.
“What are you imaging right now?”
“Thinking about you, you on top of me.”
“You want me on top, huh? Want me to hold you down a little, baby?”
“Mm, yeah,” Y/N sighed, slipping two fingers from her free hand down to her entrance and pushing them inside, keeping her other hand on her clit, rolling it between her fingers. “You could hold me down, grind yourself against me. Use me to get yourself off.” Y/N’s breathing was ragged now, and the fingers inside her pussy sought out her g-spot again, starting to focus their efforts a little more concertedly on the spongy bundle of nerves.
“Oh sweetie, that’s so hot, fuck,” Red moaned heavily, her breath catching on her curse. “I’d grind against you so good. Rub our pussies together, all slick and hot, grind my clit against yours nice and hard. Fuck, touch your clit for me baby.”
“I am,” Y/N gasped, drawing fast little circles over the nub between her legs. “Fuck, want all that so bad. Think you could come like that? Just from rubbing your pussy on me, getting me all wet and dirty?”
“Fuck yes, love rubbing my pussy on yours, love grinding our clits together. I could tease you so good. Go nice and slow, wonder how long you’d last before you start begging me to let you cum.”
“I’m close,” Y/N whimpered, surprised at how true it was. She hadn’t gotten so close to cumming this quickly in ages.
“Already baby? You naughty little girl,” Red groaned, and the sound of bed springs crackled through Y/N’s earbuds too. Y/N pictured Red arching off the bed, fucking her hips into her fingers. “You want to cum for me baby?”
“Fuck, yes, yes please,” Y/N begged, feeling the muscles in her thighs and stomach starting to constrict, heat singing through her veins.
“Not yet baby, keep fucking yourself.” Y/N let out a pathetic whine in protest. “You can do that for me, can’t you sweetie. Fuck yourself on those pretty little fingers for me?”
“Yeah, yeah I am.”
“Good girl, I’m so fucking close baby.”
“Fuck, please, want you to cum. Want you to cum with me.” Y/N’s eyes squeezed tight as small pinpricks of light started to burst in the darkness of her vision.
“Gonna cum for you, baby girl,” Red cried, voice high and tight. “Fuck, I’m gonna squirt, I can feel it. Gonna squirt all over your pussy, fucking soak you.”
“Oh my god,” Y/N felt like she might actually start crying, she needed to cum so badly. She was so so so close.
“Rub that little clitty, pretend it’s me rubbing up against you. All hot and wet,” her voice was breaking, her words short and breathless, and Y/N could tell Red was as close as she was. “Gonna cum all over you. Fuck, gonna squirt so hard bet I could actually cum inside you.”
“Holy fuck!” Y/N’s hips snapped into the air, searching for the imaginary body she wished was there. It was becoming hard to hear through the intense buzzing in her ears. Every nerve in her body was pulled taut, ready to snap.
“Cum for me Y/N, c’mon baby, you can do it, want you to cum for me like the good little girl you are baby, c’mon.”
Y/N was sobbing, wrist pistoning her fingers in and out of herself faster than she ever remembered being able to move, and she felt the walls of her pussy clamping down, trying to keep the pressure inside where it wanted it. And then she couldn’t take it anymore. Everything froze. She might have screamed, but to be honest she couldn’t be too sure, because she couldn’t hear anything except the white light that had flooded the dark space behind her eyelids.
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Lockdown became much more bearable after that day. Though Y/N did have to try really hard to not think about the fact that she and Jensen were kind of fucking the same girl. In a way. It was weird. But if she ignored that part, then her ‘dates’ with Red were perfect. She was finally able to release all the tension, sexual and otherwise, that this whole mess had building up in her system constantly. And eventually, the world started to open back up and things started to get just a little bit easier.
Y/N wondered what she would do when lockdown was well and truly over. When the bars and clubs opened up again, would she and Jensen go out and try to hook up like they always had before? Would everything just go back to normal? Would she still want to call Red if she was getting actual sex with a real girl, and not just her hand or a bit of silicone? Yes. The answer was most definitely yes, Y/N had to admit to herself. Even though it was just phone sex, it was still some of the best sex she’d ever had.
Well, Red is a professional, she thought to herself wryly as she spooned some froth onto the top of the cappuccino she was making. The coffee shop she worked at had reopened last week, finally.
“Y/N! Can you jump on register while I take my break?” Michelle called from the end of the counter.
“Sure thing,” Y/N smiled and wiped her hands off on her apron, making her way behind the other baristas to the cash register. She briefly glanced at the line of people waiting to order – a couple of college kids carrying some scary looking textbooks, a portly man scratching his bald patch, a pretty girl with shiny hair and awesome winged liner. Y/N blushed as she caught the eye of the girl, and immediately looked back at her tablet, typing in her register code.
“Hi there, what can I get you?” Y/N’s customer service voice was alarmingly cheery, and the two college guys blinked, startled, clearly still unused to interacting with humans again – Y/N knew the feeling, cringing internally. She made a note to dial the pep back a little.
“Hey, what can I get you?” It was the pretty girl at the front of the line now.
“Um, I’ll have a caramel latte, please,” she answered with a bright smile, red lips stretching across shockingly white teeth.
“Size?” Y/N asked, tapping the order into her tablet.
“How big can you make it?” the girl giggled, and Y/N looked up, something tugging at the back of her mind.
“Um, large?” Y/N answered absentmindedly, trying to figure out what was bugging her so much. The girl just nodded, politely accepting the fact that Y/N had skated over her joke. “Can I get a name for the order?” She grabbed the large sized cup and uncapped the marker, hand poised over the white cardboard, ready to write.
“Oh, sure. It’s Danneel.”
“Danielle?” Y/N asked, her mind still wandering.
“No, Dan– you know what, it’s a weird name. Just go with Red.”
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dickmedownmendess · 5 years
His Lucky Charm
I’ve never done an imagine so I’m just taking a stab at it. I’ve really taken a liken to Baby Brash™ so I figured why the hell not, I’m just going to write an imagine about loving on him and see where it takes me.
Connor x Reader
Summary; when the going gets tough, the tough get going...or snuggle with their girlfriend to make it better. 
Warnings; fluff (as fluffy as I can make it), maybe a tad bit of smut (because i'm a freaky girl *wink wink*) & minor cursing
Words; 3.1k
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I do not own this photo.*
To express the day Connor was having into a couple of words would be: a Monday. From the start of his day he was rushing, because his alarm didn’t go off since it died—as a result of falling asleep on FaceTime with you—so he skipped out on breakfast to accommodate with the schedule. Haven been on the tour with Shawn for quite sometime now, he was accustomed to Shawn’s busy agenda. However, today he just couldn’t fall into pace with what was going on. 
The gym they went to was fairly pack, and all he wanted to do was jog a little, but everyone decided cardio was their main focus, leaving only free treadmill available, and it didn’t even work properly. At the time, to take the edge off of his rising blood pressure—and growling stomach—he ordered a smoothie. It was terrible. And as if the morning couldn’t get any worse, he left his phone at the hotel to let it charge. The morning felt like a full day alone, as he awaited his team members and Shawn to finish lifting. 
The rainy afternoon brought a small amount of better luck, his phone had enough juice that he could talk to you. His first message being;
Brashy: I’m tired of this fucking day. I need you back. 
You were immediately enlightened to the kind of day he was having. Also answering why he took so long to text you. (Not that you were upset, he just had a routine of sending you a good morning text at the same time every single day since you two have been dating).
Babygirl; aww B, stay strong, it’ll get better. You need a booty pic to take the pain away?
He knew your sense of humor, so the likelihood of getting an actual ass pic was slim (although he actually could use one), but it was still soothing to him that you knew how to put a smile on his face during troubling times. It did make the rainy day relatively more gloomier, his desire to be snuggled with you in a comfortable bed, listening to the rain, and music—it was strong enough to have him calling quits on this tour, but that was just his crazy mind-talk. 
While out for lunch with Shawn and the crew, the waitress served everyone’s food, placing a plate in front of him, he looked at it confusingly. “I, um,” he stammers glancing over at Shawn who was equally confused as to what they gave him, “I didn’t order this ma’am.” He politely informs, handing the plate back to her. She was extremely apologetic, and reassuring that they would get his correct order out straight away. He tried his best not to look frustrated, but his patience was wearing thin. 
“You’re just having one of those days, aye?” Shawn questions after noticing the annoyance that unconsciously displayed on his blemishless face. He had witnessed all the mishaps that came at the young photographer. 
Sighing heavily, Connor rolls his eyes, “you have no idea. It’s like if it’s not one thing, it’s another.” He mutters. 
“Well be glad there’s no concert today, so after this we’ll have one more meeting and you’ll be free as a bird to go hide in a box before any more bad things happen to you.” Shawn teases earning a nudge from Connor. 
Connor finally received what he ordered, and as he expected, it wasn’t good. He still ate it however, not wanting to go into the last meeting hungry since he overheard Andrew saying it would be a longer one. 
“To kill two birds with one stone, we’re deliberating on the documentary progress, and plans for the next leg of the tour.” Shawn told him as they traveled to the building. 
The meeting was a little delayed since they had to wait on men they are partnering with to produce the documentary. Connor’s knee bounced in anticipation, his fingers tapping on the wooden table. He was mostly fidgety because he was freezing, with the combination of rain that got on him and the cold air conditioned room, and the lack of extra layers he wore—it was the middle of summer, he dressed according to the season—he was inconveniently underdressed. But as time went by his shirt dried, and his body adjusted to the climate. The meeting was going smoothly, to his dismay. He had earned a few compliments for his excellent videography, and he hadn’t made any mistakes, or caused any accidents as the men talked amongst the large round table. His hopeful thinking was thought about too, however, because as soon as the time to review the documentary he was producing came up, the lack of good luck he was having refreshed his memory. It took an IT technician, and fifteen added minutes—to an already prolonged meeting—to get the video working, but ultimately they were able to watch, discuss and critique what changes should be made. Ending the meeting to everybody’s relief. Especially Connor’s. 
“Hey Con, we’re going to change and go to a club here in town. You tagging along?” Shawn asked on their way out of the conference room. Connor glances down at his silent phone, a trace of concern rising since he hadn’t gotten a single notification from you. 
“Nah, I’m going to sit this one out and check in on y/n.” He ensures with a soft smile. 
Shawn purses his lips, giving a cheeky grin, “aw, young love. You gotta love it man.” Connor pushes off his mockery, but the burn in his cheeks only intensifies the tall singer’s notions as he messes with him all the way to the truck. 
On the way to the hotel Connor checks his social media in hopes of finding you on there doing something that would justify why you haven’t replied to any of his messages. He wouldn’t usually obsess over your whereabouts, trying to keep an open mind that you are as equally busy as he is. But today was just a tough day that required your attention a lot more than what he was receiving. This was also the first time that he had spent more than a week away from you, seeing as you had came on the tour with him for the first couple of weeks, but you had to return home for summer classes. 
The downpour had intensified since the meeting resulting in Connor’s entire body getting drenched on his way into the hotel. The exhaustion weighed heavy in his limbs, with the amount of misfortune he dealt with in one day, he felt like he ran a marathon. His only request at this point was to hear your voice, take the dripping clothes off, and try again tomorrow. 
As he made his way to his room, he could hear the muffled sound of music being played inside. His eyebrows knit together in confusion as he glanced to the other unbothered guys entering their own rooms in a hurry to get out of their wet clothes. Shawn and Brian were the only ones who stopped briefly to flash him their goofy smiles. 
His breath hollowed out as he quietly pushed the door open, the sound of the vinyl player increasing from across the room. A smile spread across his lips immediately as he closes the door without disrupting you. His heart fluttered as he took you in where he stood in the entrance. A t-shirt of his adorned your torso, stopping just short enough that your butt was peaking out, and your legs were bare extended up in the air, crossed at the ankles. You lay on your stomach, your eyes cast down at the book, scanning intently across the pages, engulfed into the text. 
Clear of disturbing the peace, he slips off his shoes, his cold, wet socks squishing across the ground as he peels out of his shirt. Before goes to interrupt you his photographer-sensors go off, knowing he has to capture the palatable moment on his phone.
You were far too deep into the world of literature to detect his presence, until the warmth of his body weighs into your backside. Your body twitches under him in surprise, before you breathed out a muffled laugh into the book your head was pressed into. 
“Hi precious.” You mumble, your laugh growing as his fiery kiss heated the side of your neck, shoulder, ear...everywhere. You felt acutely ridiculous for how excited your body was reacting in his grasp, as though you weren’t being held by him not even a full week ago-as it seemed. 
He lifts his face from your neck to a breath, “hi baby.” He whispers close to your ear. You take the time he breaks away to turn your head, peering at him from your peripheral. The grey sky illuminating light from the drawn back curtains, splashed over his marvelous features. You loved what you saw even in your strained view. He lays his hands on either side of your head to hoist himself up so you could spin into a more comfortable position underneath him. 
His jean clad legs itched atop yours, the wetness you felt from them diverted your attention away from his warm lips pressing into yours. 
“Mm-Connor.” You mumbled under his velvet lips. He ignores you, positioning himself so he had even more access to your mouth that he so deliciously worked on, tongue playing with yours strategically. You couldn’t deny the very-missed kiss was pulling your attention away from his wet jeans, but as he pressed his erection directly at your core, which was only covered by the skimpy panties, your attention was back on the minor issue. 
You gasp into his mouth, grabbing his cheeks and pushing his face back. “Connor David.” You exhale, laughter lacing your words. 
His cheeks are red, and his eyes vivid even in the dimly lit room. “What babe.” He says almost impatiently, but in a soft tone. 
“Your jeans are cold as fuck, and itching me.” You giggle, rubbing your hands across his wet jean clad butt, he moves away from your touch also snickering. 
Removing himself from off of you, your body shivers at the discard of his warmth. He tugs the belt, keeping his eyes steady on you, you smirk scooting back on the bed until your back is against the headboard. You watch intently. Admiring every ounce of your boyfriend. 
“Don’t ever leave me hanging like that again.” He demands gently. 
You cock a brow at him, confused by his meaning. The jeans fall to his ankles, his tight boxers and erection greeting you at eye level. “I thought something happened to you when you hadn’t respond.” He clarifies, at which you almost didn’t comprehend, too mesmerized by the v-lines dipping into his erected boxer. 
You blink back into reality, nodding your head with understanding. “I’m sorry baby, I just figured, why give you a booty pic via text message when you can have the real thing right here in front of you.” Your voice dips into a seductive tone, eyes lowering in a sensual way. He loved the way you lowered your eyes and looked at him through your long lashes. 
He wonders how his dick and heart hasn’t fell out of his body, but he puts it to the side as he crawls back into the bed so he could be with you. 
The lust that coursed through him, subsides as he takes in the harmonious voice of Daniel Caesar, singing Best Part. He replaces your spot, leaning against the headboard as you rest your head on his chest. His muscles loosened instantly, heartbeat decelerating like he just got shot by a tranquilizer. 
Caressing your cheek, he looks down at you. “I’m so glad you’re here. You really do make hard days better.” He admits never breaking his gaze on you. 
You two were still fairly new in your relationship; you guys talked for several months while he was still attending classes at UCLA. But then he had to tie you down, proposing going steady a few months before he started the tour with Shawn. The sweet confessions came, but they were only occasional. And by occasional—you mean when you two are posting sweet little nothings about each other on social media. Although you both were sincere in what was posted, you two rarely voice how much you really do care for one another. Even if it’s visible how much you do.  
It made your entire body hot, your heart fluttering as he places a chaste kiss on your lips, almost in a way to let it be known it wasn’t his dick talking, or any lust attached to how he felt. You bit your lip, fluttering your eyes open to his stunning ones. No matter how long you two will be together, the vibrancy of his eyes will be something you’ll never get used to. 
“I’m glad you chose me.” You admit, smiling. You and him both knew he had his fair share of women who wanted that throne you proudly own. He knew from the moment he laid eyes on you, however, that he wanted you. It took a lot of convincing, dates and actions that matched his declaration of how badly he wanted to be with you. He enjoyed the chase, but he cherished having you to himself far more. 
The bad day that he had sheds away from him as he held you in the silence, the grainy vinyl and soothing rain making you guys placid. 
Eventually, he decided he should shower, the rain not sporting the best smell, although you didn’t mind. His scent was something you’re accustomed to, no matter how it’s manipulated the soothing natural odor belonging to him was still present. 
As he showered you took the initiative to join him. His surprised expression photo-worthy as you pushed inside. After a half hour of frolicking in the hot shower: Kissing every thirty seconds, while telling each other reasons why you like each other so much: Washing his back and him doing the same (which results in him feeling on your ass): To attempting to have sex, but stopping after he trips and nearly kill both of you. You two are barely dried as he carries you to the bed. 
His body, which was only covered by a towel, falls on your hardly covered one as he drops you down on the sheet. You giggle into his continuous gentle kiss. “Why do you keep kissing me?” You say in between pecks. 
Connor feigns offense as he leans back. “You’re kissing me.” He retorts earning your roll of eyes as she tuts. “Did you really come all this way because you knew I was having a bad day and you wanted to give me the booty via-reality?” He asks after silence fell. 
You laugh at ‘via-reality’ holding his squishy cheeks squared to your face, “no baby. I had it already planned to come. It was just a coincidence that you weren’t having a good day. So call it good luck that I was able to rescue the day.” You reassure pecking his nose. 
Pondering for a moment, he looks at you through his thick eyelashes, the arrays of blues and greens in his irises nearly beamed at you, “you really are the luckiest thing that has blessed me. Honestly. I’ve been blessed.” He says it with almost disbelief.
The sweet confessions are all so overwhelming you couldn’t help yourself from climbing on him. The towel hiding your body slips a little, your cleavage coming into view. 
“You’re literally the best Brash.” You mumble into the side of his neck as you hold him close to you. You leave a hot kiss on his neck, traveling up until you hovered over his ear, “I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else right now.” You meekly say, breathing softly as his hands cupped your ass, you lightly nibble at his earlobe. 
He groans, hands tightening. You could feel the response to your actions in his lap as he pressed his erection up into you. Carefully, he  peeled back the towel, his breath fanning over your collarbone as he left wet kisses across it, until he dips down to take an erected nipple into his mouth. You instantly moan, hands rising to grip his wet hair. 
Just as the intensity of both of your touches and kisses grew a knock at the door disrupted it all. Connor all but screamed as he leaned away from you. 
Cez’s voice sounded at the door as the muffled, “I only need you for five minutes. Bring your camera please.” confirmed it was important. He scurried out of bed to slip on a pair of shorts, leaving his chest bare. 
“Do not move.” He instructs with his hand held out. You giggle and nod your head obediently. He sighs inspecting you once more. You looked like a renaissance painting, perched up in the bed with the towel loosely hanging at your hips, hair gorgeously messed up around your shoulders. He wanted nothing more than to ignore his bosses and stay in bed. 
By the time he was finished showing Cez and Andrew photos from the last concert, you had dozed off. He doesn’t try to wake you once he’s back in the room, he takes another photo from his camera instead. Your hair covered your face, and your bare back was the only visible thing. The photo looks staged, even in your natural unconscious state was it easy to capture your beauty. He gets his phone and puts the new photo on his Instagram story (which is a bold move for him since he’s never posted a photo of this sort) captioning it with:
“No matter how bad a day can be, she sure can turn it around.” 
Placing the phone on the bedside table, he cautiously press down on your back, giving you a gentle kiss right behind your ear, before snuggling in beside you. You stirred a little at his suddenness, but fell right back asleep, him doing the same.
So it’s not my best work and I’m sorry about that. I’m not really used to writing in second person point of view so it’s something I’ll probably only do occasionally. But we all want CONtent so I just wanted to share a little.
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asenatheoperator · 5 years
Race Against the Rounds, Part 1
Stadium. Region of Elis, Greece.
As the matches between the operators progressed in the killhouse located in the middle of the field, Asena and Harry were watching the operators competing on from a lounge turned into a small command center for the security. Asena did not want to take part in this ‘tournament’ because for her revealing her identity to thousands of people wasn’t the smartest thing a Tier One operator would do. Harry understood Asena’s concerns, so he didn’t push for her to take part in the tournament, but when some of the defenders heard she wasn’t going to be in there they were... What should I say? Not happy. But she was still there to support the security, watch her friends shoot each other and of course support Maverick. Not go into the fact that she bet for the defender victory at the final game.
‘’Mike and Grace seem to be getting along well’’ Harry said while standing next to the window, taking notes and watching the current round.
Asena walked over with her slung HK-416, holding a plastic cup filled with coffee. She stood next to him, placed her hands on the buttstock and looked down at the killhouse ‘’Yeah... After she talked with you’’ She took a sip from the cup ‘’She finally understood how he works. No lie, they became a good pair.’’ Asena watched Thatcher take out the Frost ‘’Dammit…’’ She sighed with that kill Thatcher’s team advanced to the finales which made Asena worried because of the bet.
Seeing her reaction Harry raised his eyebrow with a smile ‘’Someone is in supporting mood’’ He said with a teasing tone.
Asena shook her head ‘’Naah.’’ She finished the coffee in the cup then threw it into the trashcan ‘’As the people start charging at the shops for the final game, I should return to back patrolling.’’ She pulled her shemagh up to her nose to cover her face ‘’Text me when the next round begins’’ She takes few steps back then turned around with a swift foot move and walked out of the room.
Harry nodded with a chuckle ‘’I will. Have a good one’’ he waved after her then walked over to the security guards to take a quick report about the situation.
Asena walked out of the room and walked down the stairs. She saw the crowd coming out of the stands start filling the giant hallway, she sighed deep ‘’Harika...’’(Great) She checked her rifle’s safety's on and makes sure the pistol's holster was locked, in case some idiot wanted to grab her pistol. Then she joined the crowd, start walking to the food area located on the other side of the stadium. She was surprised to see this amount of people came here to watch them shooting each other, no lie her hooligan side was sad to not participate in the tournament especially in front of this amazing crowd but her officer side was congratulating her will.
While she was walking, Asena was dodging people, carefully pushing some of them off and gently turning down the people who wanted to take pictures with her. Yeah, she was also not very into taking pics with civilians also she did not want to be distracted. When she turned around the corner a guy probably in his mid-twenties with a green hoodie hit her and stumbled back a bit, he quickly looked up to Asena, put a cheeky smile on his face ‘’Sorry...Didn’t see you coming’’ He said and walks pass her with quick steps before she says a thing. Asena saw the concerned look in his eyes which kinda made her suspicious but when she looked at him from behind she saw some kind of mask stashed into his hoodie’s pocket ‘’Please no…’’ She quickly starts following the guy from behind with fast steps this time not caring people and just pushing them off her way. Her eyes were locked on to the guy trying so hard not to lose him in the crowd.
‘’Hey you with the green hoodie, stop please.’’ She said when she came near the guy but rather than stopping he speeds up. Now Asena realized something was going on in the arena. Like him Asena starts walking fast, chasing the guy from behind trying not to make people panic. Guy looked behind to check where she was only to end up bumping into a bystander making him fall including himself ‘’Shit!’’ he yelled out before he crash-landed on the bystander. Asena walked over to their side and grabbed the suspect by his arm. She looked at the other guy who was looking at the suspect with angry eyes. Before he said something, Asena had said a few things to calm him down and sent him to his way.
Then she grabbed the suspect’s arm tightly and looked at him ‘’You and me  going to have a little chat mate.’’ He tried to save his arm off from her grip but no avail. He was looking very worried and concerned which made Asena more suspicious. She took him somewhere private to have a quick interrogation, hoping he was just an idiot teenager and got nothing to do with the White Mask. The last thing she would want is her concerns about this ‘Program’ becoming true.
Asena walked into a janitor depot located a floor below and pushed the suspect to the wall, put her left hand on his throat and her right fist directly aimed to his eye. When he saw the angry eyes of the Turk, he quickly took out the mask being used by the White Mask and raised his hands and say ‘’Alright! Alright!’’ Asena looked at the mask then back at him ‘’Speak.’’ From his eyes, Asena understood he was afraid, the first thing she thought he couldn’t do what he was supposed to do in their plan, so she expected him to talk. Which he did.
‘’W-W-We came here to blow the stadium up a-a-and shoot people…’’ He said with a scared tone.
‘’How many White Masks out there?’’ She asked her second question.
‘’Five...Two of them are female… T-They French or I think they are French because of their accents...I me--’’ He was going off the point.
Asena punched the small locker next to him ‘’Where is the bombs asshole? Are they rigged? Is it remote-controlled or timed?’’ she quickly asked her third question already feeling she’s running out of time.
First, he thinks about it for a second, tried to remember the plan and the details ‘’I think….I thi-’’
‘’THINK FAST!’’ Asena literally roared.
He looked at her ‘’Remote! They are remote controlled! They gonna detonate the bombs soon as the final game ends!’’ He shook his head ‘’That is all I know...Look, I tried to escape, I can't do this...Just let me go alright? I swear I won't join them aga--’’ Before he could finish his sentence Asena knocked him out with a swift punch then dragged his unconscious body to the metal pipe and cuff his hands on it. She quickly reached to her phone to reach Ash to let her know what is going on and hoping she still got the energy to help her.
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otabangbang · 5 years
Attach Photo to Message
These two like to TAKE RISKS. With their dicks out.
When they were just friends, Yuri and Otabek sent many pictures to each other when apart. Most of the time they were either funny or of every day life. As their friendship progressed, Otabek noticed Yuri liked to send him photos of some things at just the worst time.
If he was DJing and trying to check his phone during a break? Of course Yuri sent him a ong known to be a bit of an earworm. Right before a serious interview? He would send him something so funny he was trying not to let out a rare laugh in front of everyone. Trying to fall asleep? ...Yuri would send him a screamer, but partially because he had spooked himself and wanted that feeling shared.
As they began to date it only intensified. Yuri would send photos of himself licking something provocatively, or dressed in something skimpy. He really liked to send photos of his nipples or his ass in leather pants. And it was almost always when Otabek was not in a private place. He'd had to hurriedly hide his phone several times or find a way to shift the way he was sitting. It was frustrating!
"I'm going to get him the fuck back," Otabek said one day shortly before dropping his pants, boxers, and taking the first dick pic. He knew Yuri was at his Grandpa's, and probably eating dinner. He almost felt a little guilty when he hit the send button.
The guilt went away when five minutes later he got back a text calling him an asshole while complimenting him on the lighting. A couple of days later, Otabek received a photo at a bad time as well.
After a while, they said their 'I love you's to each other, and finally came to live together under the same roof. The pictures had less reason to be sent, especially as the new energy of being together at home kept them attached at the hip whenever possible. Yuri still liked to throw Otabek off when he could but it was much different. Otabek didn't get a photo when he DJ'd, but Yuri sure would dance seductively in the crowd. If Otabek was putting together a playlist at home he often found a hand slipping into his pants and his focus was ruined.
However, when the season picked up...
Being practically engaged didn't prevent them from being separated for events, and one of them couldn't always be there to support the other. They both hated that fact but also took their sport seriously. Otabek continued to work hard for medals, and it was with much anticipation that he put on his costume one day and checked his phone...
Only to see Yuri had sent him a photo of his legs spread absolutely fucking wide, everything on display and dick hard. "Oh my fuckin-damn it!" Otabek hissed at the phone. He could control himself usually, but it was hard to fight down how hot he immediately felt. His costume hid nothing, either, and he sent Yuri back an angry face with a photo of the tight, tented material. He was sure Yuri was laughing his ass off, or would be after jerking off.
Somehow he got himself back down in time to get on the ice. That night however, Otabek's hand was wrapped around his own cock a few times. The second time he managed to get a little video of his release. He was sure his moan was picked up as he pushed through his hand and come ran over his fingers.
He held onto the video until Yuri was about to do a very professional shoot, and off that recording went.
That night consisted of the most pissed off blowjob he had ever gotten from his partner. Yuri had barely lasted until they were behind doors before swallowing Otabek's cock down.
The next time, Otabek was getting the crowd hyped and playing music, scanning the floor for Yuri when his phone went off. He checked it and of course! Yuri had at some point, stuck a huge dildo via suction cup to the side of their shower. The short video was of him using the absolute hell out of that dildo, his ass shoving back hard on it. He stroked himself until he came hard, and he smiled with that thing still inside him while he reached for the phone to stop recording. Otabek tried to distract himself thinking about just where he had balanced the damn phone and when he got home he spanked Yuri until he almost cried. Then he pounded into him right up against that same shower wall.
All in all, it was a dangerous little game. Otabek was quite large. Being hard in a tight costume? A disaster. And the last thing Yuri needed any of his so-called Angels to notice was his crotch if they were crowding him for autographs.
Despite that? They kept the game going. Otabek hoped it never ended.
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ticklikeabomb · 6 years
The Language of Limbo - Part 7
Pairing : Chris Evans x Plus Size Reader ; Marvel Cast x Plus Size Reader
Warnings : Language ; mention of drinking problem
Word Count : 2.7k
A/N : Hiii, next part (8) will be the finale and then there will be an Epilogue. Thank you for following and liking the story so far :) 
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"God, I'm stuffed", you pouted at Mason who chuckled at your state. "It's been a while since I got something proper to eat and usually I don't eat in the mornings", you finished while cleaning your mouth. He took a gulp of his coffee and nodded. "I know and that habit has to end now. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day", he replied back with a smile and glowing eyes. The adoration in his gaze was giving you goosebumps and make heat creep up your body. It has been a while since you felt such a feeling - adoration, devotion, love. "What's on the table for you today?", he asked. "We're shooting the Stark's party scene. I don't have much to do, just stay in the background and 'enjoy' myself. Maybe chat with Sam or Thor", you told him. He cleared his voice and seemed all of a sudden nervous. "Is something wrong?", you asked worried. "No no, I was just wondering if you would like to join me for dinner tonight? You know like as a date", he said. Your eyes widened and he immediately clarified the situation. "I'm sorry if I'm being inappropriate. You mustn't be ready yet. God I'm so dumb", he rambled. You took his hand between yours getting his attention back. "Nothing would make me more happy than join you for dinner", you told him. His eyes lit up and a wide smile crossed his features. He squeezed your hand back and nodded happily. You payed for breakfast and made your way to the set, chatting and laughing at his jokes. He left you in front of your trailer's door and said, "See you tonight then." You nodded in excitement and stepped closer, dropping a chaste kiss on his cheek. He smiled shyly and said goodbye. You couldn't get the goofy smile from your face, seeing finally something good coming your way.
"Hmm who's that?", resonated a voice you heard most of your life. You turned around and saw Aaron stand there with his arms crossed and a smirk. Your eyes lit up and you sprinted to him in a bone-crashing hug. "Hooo slowly there. Seems like you've missed me", he joked. You hugged him tightly like your life depended on it. You heard commotion coming your way and disengaged from the hug. He took your cheeks between his hands and saw the pained look in your eyes. "Aaron?", chanted Elizabeth's voice happily. He turned around and when he saw the one he loved working with. He was about to join and greet her but you held his hand in protest. He looked shocked at you. "What are you doing Y/N? It's Lizzie !" You only shook your head, tears gathering in your eyes and he frowned. He looked back at Lizzie who had an ashamed expression on her face and he frowned even more in confusion. He turned back to you, "It's Lizzie", his voice cracked. Once again you shook your head and that's when the tears fell down. Being his best friend he knew you wouldn't just cry like that for no reason. "Aaron, please", spoke up Lizzie with a broken voice. "Forgive me", she whispered the last part. The actor felt like his world was crashing down, one of his good friends being the cause of his best friend's misery. His gaze turned cold and he hissed at Lizzie, "I don't know what happened yet, but stay away from Y/N and from me." Elizabeth shook her head, her own tears sliding down her face, "Aaron please, I can explain."
"Save it !", he spat and turned back to you, taking your hand and dragging you out of the situation and the sneaky eyes. Hemsworth, Mackie, Jeremy and Tom looked confused at what just happened while Scarlet shook her head to Lizzie and left her standing there. Scarlet's attitude caught the others attention and they wondered what had happened for such turns of events. You isolated yourself with Aaron and told him everything that happened since the production started. He sighed, holding his face between his hands and whispered a long ' fuck' out in frustration and anger. "I'm so sorry Y/N. I should've noticed that you stopped texting me but thought you were just busy and too tired to do so." You comforted him, "It's not your fault. I don't want you to feel bad. I just didn't have the courage to face you." He hugged you tightly and asked you on the ear, "The red cross emoji. You didn't ? Did you?"
"I'm sorry", was the only thing you could reply in a cracking voice. He sighed deeply, disengaging from the hug and searching for your eyes. "You've been sober for the past 2 years Y/N", he said. "I know ! I-I just wanted the pain to go away, to feel numb and let these crazy feelings fade away. Everyone turned their backs on me, Rebecca kept spreading shit and continue making my life a living hell and then Lizzie joined her in doing so. I just couldn't take it", you rambled quickly. "Hey hey, shhh, I know, I know. I'm sorry." You stood there in silence, Aaron hugging you in comfort before he exclaimed that you had to attend rehab again. You nodded, "I know". "I will be there with you just like I was there the last time", he informed and kissed your forehead. "Thank you for always being with me." "Of course, what would you do if I wasn't here?", he joked. You gave him a small knock on his ribs and laughed. "So who was that sexy hubba I saw you drop such a delicate kiss on the cheek?", he asked with his pronounced British accent. You chuckled before telling him that it was Mason, your coach, friend, support and maybe more. "You're so smitten, aren't you?", he smiled. You rolled your eyes and pushed his shoulder slightly, "Shut up". "Y/N is in love, Y/N is in love", he chanted and did a little dance. You laughed loudly at his antics before he calmed down and said firmly, "Before he's allowed to date you, I require that he asks me first. I want to evaluate that young man!" You shook your head and counterattacked, "I'm almost sure he's your age or a little older." He fake gasped, putting a hand on his heart. "How dare you?!" You chuckled and smiled brightly at him. "I missed you so much", you told him. He leaned his arm over your shoulder and nodded. "I missed you too."
Aaron and you spent the next two hours catching up and joking, while you were being prepared for the scene. "How's Sam been?", you asked him. His eyes lit up when he heard his wife's name and a small smile appeared on your face. You loved seeing him still so in love with her after being together for a while. "She's been great. She finished her movie a couple of days ago and is going on a break before the promotion. After that she will take a two month's break and add the final touches to her latest project." You gasped, "That's amazing. She has already a new work in progress?", you asked astonished. He nodded proudly, always so supportive of her. "I'm happy to hear that and I'm so happy you're here with me. I'm sorry you had to make this whole trip but still happy you're here." He shook his head and assured you it was nothing and that he was happy to be there too. "When are you leaving?", you asked. He scratched his neck and replied, "This afternoon, actually." "Oh alright, can you stay for lunch?" "Of course. You really thought I would go without you paying be lunch? You wish", he joked. You smiled and slightly punched his shoulder. "Ouchh. Damn you got strong." "Sorry", you immediately replied, thinking you hurt him for real. When you saw his smirk you cursed him. "Got you. But for real, you got strong. Does it have to do with someone named Mason, who worked you all up, literally and figuratively?", he asked and wiggled his eyebrows. Your face heat up at the slight innuendo and your eyes widened. "Aaron??!!!" "Y/NNN?", he mimicked. You stared at each other for a good second before cracking up at the same time. Just as promised and just as executed, you and Aaron went for lunch before he had to head back to the airport. You hugged each other tightly before you saw him take a cab and leave the set.
"Hello everyone, how are you today?", you cheerfully asked the makeup and hair crew. They looked surprised at your joyful state and smiled, seeing you in a good mood. "We're good, how about you?" You nodded and said that today you were feeling ok and excited to shoot at the location you feel in love with. "What's the plan?", you asked. "Well, you're gonna get a glam makeup, which is basically the classic eyeliner - red lips scheme", answered the makeup artist. "Regarding hair, we're gonna let it breath a little bit, give a little glow but we'll let it stay it as natural as possible", finished the hairdresser. "That sounds nice", you replied back. "Alright let's get to work", the said and began their magic. You put music on your phone and enjoyed the moment with them, trying to shake your hips the best way you could on the chair to Beyonce's "Crazy in Love" song. Scarlet and Elizabeth eventually joined the trailer too to get ready and Scarlet followed along on your shenanigans. You didn't pay attention to Lizzie who clearly wasn't good. You pushed the thought off your mind, especially after recording the things she said and the way she acted with you these past weeks.
You stepped out of the trailer and made your way to the dressing crew. On your way, you crossed path with Mark, Tom, RDJ and Mason who were checking something with the directors. You head Tom whistle at you and shook your head, laughing. "Stop it", you said. Your eyes met Mason's who was gazing you up and done, while biting on his lip before winking at you. You felt your throat going dry, butterflies on your stomach and the automatic smile crossing your features. You looked at your feet shyly and continued your way, thinking about the fact that you were going on a date with the man later that day. You took a deep breath to calm your nerves down and met the dressing crew, who had 3 choices for you. "You can pick the one you like best", one of them said. Your eyes widened and gasped, "Really? Am I not supposed just to wear what the production decides?", you asked confused. "Usually yes but since we couldn't decided which one you would wear, we talked about it with the Russo brothers who said you could pick one for yourself." "That's amazing", you replied. You tried the 3 outfits, who in your opinion were equally stunning but decided to choose the one you felt most confident and comfortable in. "Good choice, you look amazing", they complimented you. "Thank you for such gorgeous clothes."
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All set for the scene you walked to the directors and they gave you detailed infos for your part regarding the scene in question. "Alright, I'll do that", you answered and walked to your mark to get in position. As predicted, you didn't had a lot to say, it was more casual background conversations with either Thor or Sam Wilson. During a moment where the camera was focused on your trio, Chris (Hemsworth) started to improvise and Mackie followed through. "As I was saying, no one could ever compete with such a prestigious title as mine. I Son of Odin am indeed the true God of Thunder", exclaimed Thor. "Yeah yeah Tangled but come on face it. You can't compete with such a hot and steamy Choclatchino with such firm but soft thighs !" Internally you were bitting your lip in order to not ruin the scene with your laugher. "Perhaps we shall let Lady Y/C/N decide for herself", said Thor. A small smirk appeared on your face and to take them completely off guard you replied, "I don't know, I'm more of a Widow kind of girl." Your response made the effect you were hoping for and left them, dumfounded. "Well I was not expecting that", exclaimed Thor. Sam looked at him and they both saw an extra female pass by and walked to her to get her attention. "Excuse me Miss, can we have a moment. Who's better Thor or me, the one and only man your dreams?", you could hear Mackie chant before the directors yelled "CUT". You finally let your giggles out and some of the cast and production members did too. "That was amazing guys. Let's take a break", said Joe Russo out loud. You were still laughing and shaking your head before grabbing a bottle of water and walk outside. You were once again face to face with that mesmerizing view, the one you once cherished, the one you felt a bittersweet feeling about.
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"You did good there, keeping up with their add-lips", said Chris' (Evans) voice beside you. You didn't respond verbally but instead nodded slowly at what was supposed to be a compliment of his. "You look gorgeous Y/N", he commented. You closed your eyes and clenched your jaw. "Look Chris, I'm not in the mood for whatever this is", you finally replied while gesturing your hands at the interaction. "I know and I want to apologize profoundly at my actions, at my words directed to you. I didn't know. Scott told and showed me everything - how you only got in contact with him to find a bday present for me, how you weren't what I told him you were. I got mislead by false information and I wish you could forgive me and maybe even give me a chance. I know I don't deserve it but I was really hoping that you would agree on going on a date with me." You stood there, mouth agape not believing what you just heard. "I- I", you started but nothing came out of it. He took your hands in his and were transported by his deep blue sea eyes. "Please give me a chance to make it right to you." Your mind was working at full speed, trying to comprehend what was happening. Your retrieved your hands from his and saw hurt cross his features. 
Your body and gaze turned once again and after looking a final time at the landscape you turned to him. "You know, I was at this precise location when I got told that I was casted for the movie. It became the best day of my life. Finally, I was getting a chance to fulfill my dreams, to work for such a big, important universe such as Marvel, to be part of an universe that I love and to have the opportunity to evolve and work with such talented actors. That dream turned into a nightmare ! I understand that you wanted to protect your personal life but accusing me of stalking you and things that are wrong, hurt me deeply. You should have asked me, asked if it was true, if whatever the fuck was going around set, was true. You didn't and decided to trust the words of someone that since she joined only caused shit. I truly believe you're a good person Chris. Don't let her drain it from you ! I'm not saying that eventually with time, we can't be friends anymore but one thing you were right : you and I, we will never be together ! " You left him standing there battling with his emotions : hands clenched into fists and shame about his attitude crossing his features. He turned around and his eyes met Rebecca's who were filled with hatred.
What you didn't know was that the previous night, Chris broke up with Rebecca, telling her their relationship wasn't good for him and that he needed to take a break and focus on himself. Seeing him today, talk to you and overhearing him asking you on a date was the last straw and she was left in a much more hatred and furious state. Her madness pushed her into doing the most unthinkable thing in order to push you out efficiently.
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* gif not mine, credit to owner* * montage done by me*
PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290 @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter @ashley17jacobs @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr @francezka10  @titty-teetee@breezy1415
SERIES TAG LIST : @halee-bear @sanellv @alwaysenjoythelifeyoulive @teatimewithhiddles @mooniessuniverse @meggie-mouse-28 @krissyq @moviefan97 @morningstar09 @cocomel0613  @katelynmarieyt @dontchawishyouknewhowtosalsa @seality@azure-marine @november-ash  @everything-is-awesomesauce
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darknpretty-blog · 6 years
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So someone's reached the main 5 oh oh! Their 50th birthday celebration! Not any major deal. fifty will be the healthy forty. And denial is the brand new mathematics! Anyway, it is one of the milestone birthdays, that somehow always seem to be much more funwe hostile, when was the final time you went to a surprise 48th Birthday Party?
Needless to say, you want to be right there with an unusual methods to help your birthday celebration star glow in the spotlight! So listed here are 50 amazing ideas for a 50th birthdaysome that will cost as little as 50 centssome which are a little more extravagantsome designed to just need your thoughtfulness and time. And that's a thing they'll like as much if not more!
Tell it such as it's. Write a listing of 50 reasons why they are the very best, then get it framed! Or even also include 50 photos as well as convert everything into a photo guide.
Stress-free birthday. Gift a 50 minute knead, manicure or facial foundation. Join them if you are able to pay for it!
Living is a roller coaster. Top for the amusement park with the birthday star, you, as well as three more friends as well as ride 10 different rides. Sure, the carousel is important.
Being lucky? one by one wrap fifty one dolars lottery tickets.
Have a sweet teeth? Buy fifty portions of special chocolates or candies from yesteryearor gift label fifty donut holes or even 50 of their favorite cookies! (Wrap in batches of five or 10 so they are able to freeze some for later!)
Let's assume cheesy. Make a fun 50-minute video clip of family and friends wishing them a happy day.
Couch-potato free. Get in concert once a week to walk one mile 1 day. It's a present which usually keeps on giving. (Take two weeks from out of 52 for vacations, etc!)
Talk about some teeth. Get together with family and friends and overflow the mailbox of theirs with 50 birthday cards!
Talk about a few laughs. Fill up their inbox with 50 distinct digital songs, video games and birthday wishes!
Try painting the city. Give them a $50 gift card to the fave restaurant of theirs, theater, club, etc. Not terribly original, we know, but generally appreciated! A word: Limo
Bingo! Imagine every one of the video games you can play using fifty penniestiddly winks, bingo, penny pitch, etcthen enjoy yourself enjoying them!
Might I help? Deliver 50 minutes of tutoring in a number of apps they do not know how to work with.
Tis safer to giveMake a summary of fifty simple ways you could potentially volunteer the time of yours, then go and help out together. Or donate $50 to the preferred charitable organization of theirs.
Kill the dollar. If saving $$isn't the thing of theirs, get them an investing for dummies book as well as give them $50 to get their first share of stock.
Cheers! Gift wrap a $50 can of wine with a note that it is an unique bottle to be provided with their another person special.
One reservoir excursion. Treat them to a whole day of situations which are inside a 50-mile radius of where they live. (A rise in the woods, a round of mini golf, lunch in the park, etc.)
Just what the heck does that suggest? Opt to discover fifty new words if you gather (over time, of course!) For fun, keep paperwork and find out who remembers probably the most fresh phrases!
Sorry, I am not really a mind reader. Gift a 50 minute psychic readingmake the own predictions of yours ahead of time and then check notes in the future!
I am here for you. Promise one another a number of 50-minute soulful conversations sans texting, email-checking, phone answering, twittering, etc.
I will never forget Paris. Share with each other a list of 50 men and women, places, things that made you who you are today.
2 left legs. Gift item a 50-minute swing dance lesson. Gift item 1 for you as wellyou deserve a little fun, too!
LOL! Spend 50 minutes with each other doing a thing you both dislike (laundry, grocery shopping, etc.), but do it in a different manner (blindfolded, in heels) for making it funny and ridiculous.
The Big 5 0. Invest the day together going around city taking photographs of clues, billboards, etc. with the number 50 within them. If you cannot find lots of, perform the 5 as well as the 0 separately and develop a collage!
Flashback! Throw a retro gathering commemorating the 50-year-old's birth year-complete with music, hair styles and clothing from that particular era.
Attack which! Get a group in concert, go bowling and find out who can mark under 50 while not spreading gutter balls.
That is a lot of hot air! Get a 50-balloon bouquet and tie it to their wrist.
Yeah, that as well. Make a 50 is nothing to Snicker at indication and put it in a bowl of bite sized Snickers bars!
For Her: Add a cannot trust you're flippin' 50! label to a pair of interesting flip-flop sandals.
For Him: Create an It is (Name's) 50th Birthday! Tie one on! Have a bunch of older connections in a bowl and in addition have everybody who use 1 for a team picture!
Money Does not Grow on Trees. Effectively, perhaps it doesA money tree is a fun strategy to present fifty dolars money!
Still Hot at fifty. Gift basket filled with hot sauces and spices perfect for a great cook or grill-master.
A Box-o-Balloons. Put notes or maybe cash inside fifty inflated balloons then seal them in a label. A lightweight present to provide and / or drive (ground delivery).
Really? Gift item a 1-year membership to AARP!
A Farewell to Youth. Throw a party by having an RIP tombstone cake, fifty black balloons, etc., as well as advise navy outfit.
Just how many techniques are you able to say fifty? Finish off the sentence Turning 50ġ with items in a gift basket. Example: ȡis nuts! (peanuts); ȡstinks. (air freshener); ȡis merely peachy! (schnapps).
Might the force be with you. Have the team think of fifty lines from favorite movies and also see how many they are able to drop into the chat at the birthday party of theirs.
Hmmmthat's puzzling. Get a jigsaw puzzle with 50 parts. Or create one by lowering a big greeting card into puzzle shapes, placing in an envelope and mailing with your best wishes! You can also order a personalized New York Times puzzle with the real front page of their birthdate!
Call me moneybags. Offer the birthday star $20.50in fifty quarters, 50 nickels, 50 dimes as well as fifty pennies. Naturally you are able to make that $70.50 by bring 50 singles, also!
Red-colored alert! Reddish alert! Create a 50th Birthday Emergency Kit and also include whatever you think is suited for any birthday celebration owner (aspirin, noisemakers, adult diapers, etc.)
Something Old. Something Gold. It is their personal 50th anniversarygive them something in vintage gold or something wrapped in gold.
M-m-m-m beneficial. Purchase 50 MY M&M'S Party Packs of personalized candies complete with pics and words and phrases!
An evening meal is Served. Arrange a progressive 50th birthday dinner party, with each host/hostess serving a thing that was to the entire year the birthday celebration star was born. Dress correctly!
Who stated that? Make a book of fifty quotations on birthdays and also ageing, ranging from enjoyable to inspirational.
Suits me to a T. Purchase a custom T-shirt with some enjoyable copy on it. Example: Looks twenty two, Feels eighteen, Acts 10that can make me fifty! Or Does the shirt make me appear fifty? Check out online for some other creative ideas!
Better YetOrder customized t-shirts for the whole gang that feature a picture of the birthday celebration star and also a personalized email about converting fifty! Wear them at a party, out to a birthday dinner or even to a favorite watering hole.
Lots of memories. Take fifty downloadable pictures & fill them into an electronic photo frame.
Checking between the collections. Present them along with the publication, fifty Things to do When you Turn fifty: fifty Experts about the subject of Turning 50. It's a wonderful assortment of thoughts from people as Garrison Keillor, Suze Orman, Erica Jong, along with a lot more. Well, 47 additional, to be exact!
Did another person say party? Throw a themed gathering such as a South of the Border fling with invitations for any Nacho Average 50-year older. Fulfill Mexican food, hang a few piatas, etc. Some other themes could possibly consist of tropical-Life's a beach and afterward you switch 50! etc.
A treasury of your time. A number of days before the big working day, have friends and also family members every produce a scrapbook page which has favorite accounts, cards, mementos, photos, and more. Take all of the pages in unison and make a really special recollection album.
It all offers up. Do most of the things on this list. We're sure it will guarantee a lifetime of enjoyable as well as relationship!
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Blur and Creative Photography – Why Your Photos Shouldn’t Be 100% Sharp?
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I’ve an image of a blueberry shot at the finish of a spoon with my big scale focal factor. It has an exceptionally constrained profundity of area (DOF). Just, the front of the blueberry is in middle hobby. The relaxation has a first-rate sensitive haze.
The essential observation after I published it on fb become 'it might look better on the off risk that it has been all in canter interest.'
There may be a discernment amongst a few photograph takers who are extraordinarily positioned resources into the information of taking pictures, that absolutely each photo needs to be a 100% sharp. While it is an altogether legitimate decision – and I absolutely bolster the selection to shoot their pics that manner – it is not the 'foremost' decision.
For the ones of us who need to investigate distinct inventive styles, mess around with various focal factors and push the boundaries of what pictures can enable us to do in making craftsmanship, there are a variety of options.
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Note: to resolve, at times a photograph 'only is' out of canter for motives unknown. This text has a tendency to the picture takers conscious resourceful selection to use delicate fine or obscure in a photograph. It might be an unpretentious distinction for some, yet it's far a difference.
Beyond Bokeh
It interests me that numerous picture takers accept as true with all pix 'ought to be tack sharp.' Still, they may be obtainable taking pix of winged creatures, representations or wedding photographs with sensitive obscured bokeh foundations. Notwithstanding, the motives they do as such are impeccably valid.
Some Lensmen Do as Such to:
·         Mellow a diverting basis
·         Bring the difficulty into significant quality
·         Make it tastefully pleasing
·         Supply profundity and three-D sense to the picture
Be that as it may, for bokeh to characteristic admirably, you need some explicit additives present and going on. For example, adequate pleasant focal points, a notable deal of separation in the back of the problem to the foundation, and high-quality sensitive light. Few out of each ordinary shoot gives the ones occasions, nor might everybody be able to manipulate the value of the exceptional focal point.
Remember the possibility that we want lots extra delicate first-rate in our image, such as the issue. Possibly, we want the muse sharp, and the subject obscured – a approach regularly utilized in a few street photography styles.
Should not something be said approximately ICM – intentional camera movement? or However Wabi-Sabi, the Japanese/Zen tasteful of the excellence of illness.
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There is such a full-size quantity of different techniques to peer the world and present our photographs with our unique inventive attitude. In the occasion that that suggests spreading stuff on a channel earlier than your focal point, at that point smear-away :).
Figure out the Way to Love the Blur
Carry your hand as near your face as you could, so you can at present highlight on it. The cease result for the foundation? In the event which you pass middle to the muse alternatively, your hand obscures.
A long way off mountains are obscured as we physically cannot listen plainly that remote.
So, it’s not unusual for haze to be available in our photos. Along these traces on the off threat that we use it all the extra inventively to give our pics a change vibe or inclination, we're upgrading a characteristic issue in our fact.
Painters can communicate to a tree in various routes relying upon their strategy and fashion. It is probably rendered perfectly with each leaf painted as an individual aspect. It would have distinct traces speak me to a trunk and branches, or splendid masses out of sight.
Images can be perky, resourceful, complex and masterful too. We will allow ourselves to cherish difficult to understand.
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Planned camera improvement is famous with stands of trees, delicate coastline scenes, and fields of blooms. To improve it, a whole lot step by step, a few humans expand plastic movie earlier than the focus. Or alternatively fold it over the front leaving a bit opening to shoot via.
We recognise blossom/huge scale picture takers who fold bandage texture over the front in their focal factor for an option delicate impact and to encompass a few shadings too. Extending pantyhose over the front of the focal point is also shabby and feasible.
Spreading oil jam on a channel screwed to the front of the point of interest is sensibly regular for an effective sensitive haze effect.
Lens Choices
Lens with a f forestall of 2.8 to at least 1.4 give a really tight profundity of discipline, which functions the concern and mollifies the foundation. Complete scale focal points are first-rate for this effect.
Numerous picture and wedding photographic artists will have an 85mm representation focal point with a f-prevent in this range. Often explicitly used to obscure the muse for a pleasant impact.
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Lens baby are awesome for his or her embellishment focal factors. Their focal factors provide bunches of innovative haze influences. The 'writer' run permits you to pick an express point inside the photo to be in middle whilst softening the rest of. the 'turn' extend offers a swirly bokeh effect out of sight, and there are unique alternatives as nicely.
'Helios' and 'Vivitar' antique focal factors are encountering a renaissance in prominence. They have got numerous progressive bokeh affects (counting the whirl style) and are very shabby in contrast with lens baby. Nonetheless, they may be vintage guide-middle focal factors and may require an authority mount to enrol in for your slicing area digicam, but might they be capable of can be received at actually affordable expenses.
Have Fun
For some human beings, it has a tendency to be startling to relinquish the requirement for sharpness and hold close the gentler facet. Other people take a seat cheerfully in that put and rarely shoot a traditionally sharp shot.
there’re room inner images as an innovative mechanism for us to be ingenious. To relinquish the obvious guidelines, unwind and have an exceptional time conducting something other than what's anticipated.
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Certainly, a few impacts are strong point, and you won't have any choice to use them continuously. Anyhow, you would not use a fish-eye focal factor each day either.
Having a scope of selections gives you appreciably more diploma to shoot in a surprising manner, consist of your certainly one of a kind take an image. Using unique focal points can enable us to see the sector in new energizing ways and open up chances to make paramount pictures.
Methods to Play 1. Bokeh
Bokeh identifies with the pleasant and smoothness of your obscured basis while you shoot the difficulty with a shallow profundity of field. Various focal factors give a shifted type of bokeh. Often, the higher best brief primes or complete scale focal factors have the smoothest, maximum gratifying bokeh.
Bokeh takes place whilst the issue is closer to the digicam than it's far to the inspiration. Capturing wide open, i.e., f2. eight to f1.2 will give greatest haze of the inspiration.
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So, attempt to shoot your subjects extensive open with a decent profundity of discipline. With the foundation in addition far from them, you'll accomplish the pleasant sensitive haze.
2. Specific Recognition
Whilst you join a limited profundity of field, for example, f2.8, with deciding on a specific piece of the challenge, it's going to mollify the whole thing else inside the photo.
Doing as such makes a lovely effect with blossoms and large-scale symbolism.
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3. Shoot Via
Area something before the focal point to include a few dimensions of non-abrasiveness. It can both totally cover the focal point or be folded over it to just mellow the rims.
·         You can make use of:
·         Nylons prolonged over the focal point
·         Gauzy texture folded over the focus
·         Plastic movie crosswise over or folded over the point of interest
·         Channels spread with oil jam
·         Hold texture or blooms earlier than a part of the focus to consist of non-abrasiveness (normal in blossom images)
4. ICM (Intentional Camera Movement)
Purposeful digital camera movement is the point at which the digicam is deliberately moved amid the display commencing and shutting to feature difficult to understand to the image. An independent thickness channel can assist with supplying you with a touch longer display velocity if taking pictures in sunshine.
You may have seen this applied in shots of backwoods with vertical stands of tree trunks.
5. Vintage Lenses
Take a stab at buying 'Helios' or 'Vivitar' lenses (or distinctive options) and related mounts to your digital camera. A massive quantity of those focal points has unexpected greater visualizations (now and then located as a blame) however may be utilized appropriately for revolutionary photographs.
Read also: DIY Food Photography Backdrops Tips: Make it Easy and Affordable
6. Capacity Lenses
Lensbaby offers a scope of focal factor answers for give you a collection of delicate affects.
7. Filters
Delicate consciousness channels get tightened front of your focal factor and are helpful in photo and fabulousness work. Something else, several people imitate this effect in publish-making ready by way of photoshop.
For the folks that endeavour to have every photograph as sharp as might be predicted beneath the situations, continue with your endeavours. At the off chance that you who want extra variety, adaptability, and imagination to your work, there may be space to play and make that fashion of a picture as properly.
See also: Photography Still Life Things: It can Teach your 3 – Still life photography
It would not want to be highly-priced. The antique focal points may be purchased on line for under $100 (contingent upon cargo and alternate charges).
Give yourself authorization to unwind, test and play, and make something unique!
Approach the sensitive side. We love it here! 🙂
Provide your pictures with us in the remarks under.
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rawrkittenpurr · 6 years
Personal Trainer AU - Jack Maynard Imagine
Word count: 4068
Rating: Explicit (really, truly explicit. mostly pwp smut. please don’t read if you are underage and/or unconfortable with that)
Warnings: none
Summary: Jack is substituting for your regular PT. Sex ensues.
„Hi, my name is Y/N and I have a session booked in with Louisa at six”, you said to the girl at the reception, handing over your gym membership card.
„Oh, I’m so sorry, Louisa had to call in sick today. Someone should’ve called you, but they must have forgotten. I’m terribly sorry, it’s been a bit of a rush here today, with two of our trainers feeling poorly… But I’m sure we can find someone to cover your session, or you could go in and train on your own? Of course we will refund you the price of the training!” the girl said apologetically.
“Honestly, don’t worry about it. I’m sure all your trainers are equally good, I don’t mind if someone else takes over, truly. But please do find someone for me, because left to my own devices I know I will just spend 20 minutes on the elliptical watching Brooklyn 99 and call it a day”, you smiled at the girl. It was Friday night, you had a busy week of work behind you and you were not feeling very motivated as of that moment. You came to the gym straight from the office, because you knew from experience that if you’d had to go home to get your stuff, you would’ve just slumped down on the couch and probably not moved until midnight.
“Okay, I’ll see what I can do for you. You can go ahead and get changed, and someone will be waiting for you when you’re done”, the receptionist said, handing you a lock and key for the lockers as well as a towel, “and thank you for being so understanding!”
You quickly changed into your workout gear – black leggings, a black sports bra and a flowy purple workout top with an open back –, pulled your hair into a ponytail so it wouldn’t bother you, grabbed your water bottle and the towel and headed out of the changing room. You were greeted by a blonde guy about your age, with really pretty blue eyes. He was attractive. This was going to be interesting.
“Hey, you must be Y/N. I’m Jack, and I’ll be kicking your arse today.”
“And I bet you’re going to enjoy that, won’t you”, you said to test the waters.
“Oh, I’ll make sure you enjoy it too, don’t you worry”, he replied, a cheeky grin spreading across his face. This was indeed going to be interesting all right.
“So I thought we could start with some warm-up, and in the meantime you can tell me about what you’ve been doing with Louisa, what your goals are, so that I can get a better picture of what you’re looking for, does that sound ok to you?”, Jack asked once you’ve walked over to the training area.
“Sure. I’ve been training with Louisa for about two months now I think. I don’t really have a specific goal in mind, I just kinda want to be the fittest version of myself if that makes sense?” you started to explain while Jack was directing you to do some jumps to get your heartrate up. “I used to always say to myself I’ll do it one day, like I’ll do it for my wedding or something, but then one day something in my brain just clicked and I thought why wait, why not do it now?” “So, no wedding coming up then?” Jack intercepted.
“Oh no, definitely single AF”, you laughed, “but it’s chill. I mean, I have everything I need”, you said, first of all to clarify that you were not desperate and second, because it was true. You were really not looking for a relationship and were perfectly happy with the arrangements you had going on when it came to sex. “Anyway”, you continued, progressively getting more out of breath, “don’t get me wrong, I still hate all of this. But then I see the results and I’m like yeah, it’s worth it.”
“I can see that”, Jack said, and you were pretty sure he was checking you out.
 Jack was not kidding when he said he would kick your ass. He gave you a very intense workout that pushed you to your limits, but you actually enjoyed it. You preferred working hard over half-assing your workouts; it gave you the satisfaction of knowing you did your best. You also had the feeling he had you do more squats than strictly necessary just so he could check your butt out, but you couldn’t say you minded that either.
“So, it’s Friday, you got any plans tonight?” Jack asked you as you were finishing up your stretching.
“I was actually planning on watching Netflix on my couch, but after this workout I feel strangely energised, so I might need to change those plans”, you admitted.
“Me and a few mates are actually going clubbing later, you can join us if you like. It’ll be around midnight though probably, so I don’t know if you’ll still be awake…”
This went easier than you thought. It wasn’t suave or smart, you could tell Jack was the sort of guy to rely on his looks and charm rather than his wit to woo over the ladies. But in all fairness, he was hot and he did ask you out and he was being quite direct about it, which you appreciated.
“I’m not actually a grandma, I’ll have you know. Midnight sounds good, text me where?” you held out your hand for his phone.
 Once you got home, you popped into the shower, washed your hair, moisturised thoroughly with a lotion that made your skin look glowing and smelled deliciously like a tropical cocktail on a beach, poured yourself a big glass of wine, then decided to potter around naked for the next few hours. At around 11, your phone buzzed with a text from Jack.
“Hey Y/N
You still up?”
At this point, you were about 3 glasses of wine in, and still naked, but at least you had successfully finished putting on your makeup.
“Yeah I’m good, just getting ready. Wby?” you texted back.
“Pre-gaming at Joe’s. Gonna get going soon though”
You wrapped yourself in your previously discarded towel, grabbed your wine glass and took a selfie. “Cheers!” you typed, sending the pic to Jack. His reply was a string of emojis, including the fire and the dancing girl one. He also sent you the name of the club and told you to meet them up front in half an hour.
It was time to get dressed. You decided on a set consisting of a high-waisted, tight midi skirt and a crop top. The outfit hugged your curves and showed off a bit of your tummy. Essentially, it put your whole body on display while still making you look relatively dressed up. You debated for a while if Jack was worth wearing heels for, but ultimately decided in favour of them. Then you grabbed your bag and headed down to your Uber.
The club Jack told you to meet them at was of the posh but tacky variety, trying really hard to look like it was in Vegas or something, with secluded ‘VIP areas’ with white leather couches and low, mirrored coffee tables. It was the sort of club mostly frequented by girls in their late teens and men of all ages trying to hit on them. You didn’t much mind the club though, because the music was good, a mixture of hip-hop and R’n’B, easy to dance to and in your opinion much nicer than the monotonous, electronic stuff. There was a little bit of a line forming out front, you hoped that the club would be decently full but not jam-packed. Getting out of the car, you spotted Jack standing a little bit off to the side with a small group of people, and walked over.
“Damn, Y/N”, Jack exclaimed, checking you out from head to toe as you were approaching him, “you looked fine this afternoon, but this is on a whole new level!” He pulled you in and kissed you on the cheek. He smelled really nice, cool and clean and fresh, but with an undercurrent of something spicy.
“You’re not looking so bad yourself, I must say”, you licked your lips. Jack was wearing a dark blue and red, tropical patterned silk shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a few of the top buttons unbuttoned, tight, ripped black jeans and white sneakers. His hair was tousled and wavy and somehow looked both softer and blonder than in the gym. You had the urge to run your hand through it, although you were quite sure it was probably less soft and way more stiff with product than it looked. Also that he wouldn’t appreciate you messing it up. Also that you would totally still do that later.
He waved you over and quickly introduced you to the bunch of people he was with: Joe, Conor, Mikey, Caspar, as well as a few girls whose name you didn’t bother to remember.
“It really isn’t fair”, you heard Joe complain to no one in particular, “Jack pulling these girls who are out of his league all the time.” Jack replied with a grin, saying how it was one of the perks that came with his job. You were not sure if this whole exchange was intended to be much more subtle or if Jack just didn’t care if his dates knew he was a bit of a player, but it was okay. You weren’t looking for anything serious either.
“Come on, Y/N”, Jack motioned you over and put his arm around your waist, skipping the line and guiding you directly towards the door, “this way.”
“Are you famous or something?” you teased as you realized you were entering directly through the previously described VIP lounge.
“I got connections”, he smiled, wiggling his brows at you.
Once inside, you each took a shot of vodka from the chilled bottle of Grey Goose that seemed to have materialised on the table in front of you as soon as the group walked in. A few of the guys took some pics and videos for their Snapchats and Insta stories that some of the girls with you tried really hard to be included in, while others were basically hiding. This was weird, but it was none of your business. A few minutes passed, and you were happily singing along to the songs the DJ was playing, dancing around a little on the spot. You really just wanted to get out on the dancefloor, so you took Jack’s hand and pulled him with you as the tunes of the new Jason Derulo song started blasting from the speakers. You were a decent dancer – definitely not able to come up with imaginative freestyle choreographies on the spot, and you were never quite sure what to do with your hands; but you were pretty good at copying other people’s moves and really good at twerking. What surprised you more was that while most boys tended to just hop from one leg to the other and stay in the background, Jack could actually keep up with you, pulling you closer and giving you space at the right moments while also showing off his moves.
“That was hot”, you exclaimed as the song ended. In return, Jack pulled you in close, grabbed your butt and kissed you hard on the mouth. It was a nice kiss, more lips than tongue, soft and wet and warm, inviting and exploring rather than aggressive and pushy. You had one hand on the small of his back, just above the waistband of his jeans, the other around his neck. You flexed your fingers and scraped your nails slightly against the back of his head, which he seemed to like, as he responded by squeezing you even closer to him, both of his hands on your backside still. Jack licked along your lips and you opened them slightly. Suddenly, he bit down against your lower lip and you pulled in a sharp breath, digging your nails into his skin. Opening your eyes and taking a step back, you broke the kiss and started dancing again. Turning you around, he drew you close to him again so that your back was against him, kissed the spot between your neck and shoulder softly and started to move against you, following the music.
The two of you spent the next hour or so dancing, grinding and making out on the dancefloor, only heading back to your booth twice for a bit of rest, drinks and a few words of shouted conversation over the music. As the night progressed, more of the buttons on Jack’s shirt became undone and you could now see quite a bit of his tanned chest. You have teased each other so long, both of you were completely turned on. You had butterflies in your tummy, a big smile plastered on your face and a pleasant, tingling sensation all over your body, as if your skin was electrified. You were also quite sure you could feel his hardness pushing against your thigh as you pressed into him while dancing. You lowered one hand and traced the outline of his bulge, palming him through his jeans. So far, you had no complaints.
“You wanna get out of here?” you heard Jack shout.
You nodded. “Back to mine? No flatmates, and it’s close to here. I’ll go to the loo and call an Uber, meet me at the booth in 10?”
When you got back to the VIP section, you found only Caspar and two girls at your table. Nevertheless, you said your goodbyes and made your way to the car already waiting for you outside. Thankfully, your flat was indeed close by and in the sparse night-time traffic it only took you about 10 minutes to get there. Which was for the best, because you two had a really hard time keeping your behaviour in the backseat decent. Your skirt, which normally reached to your knees, was pushed up to mid-thigh level, and Jack was stroking along the inside of your leg. Your hands found their way under his shirt, tracing out the hard edges of his body. You were kissing each other differently now, longer, passionately and with more intent, sucking and biting. By the time the car pulled up in front of your house, you were burning with anticipation. Although you usually didn’t tend to, you tipped the driver and made sure to give him 5 stars, he definitely deserved it.
Once you got up to your flat, you kicked off your heels and motioned to the left.
“Bedroom’s that way, bathroom too. Go on, I’ll be there in a minute. And wash your hands, will ya?”
While Jack took off towards your bedroom, you went to the kitchen, washed your hands and filled up two large glasses with cold water, then you followed him into your bedroom. Jack was lying back against the headboard of your bed, still completely dressed but with his shirt now completely open and hanging off his shoulders. He looked incredible, eyeing you expectantly. You handed him one of the waters and drank most of yours, setting the glass down on your dresser, a safe distance away from the bed. You shortly debated your range of movement, then decided to strip out of your skirt, discarding it on the floor.
“Nice”, Jack said in a low voice, sitting up a little straighter and putting down his glass of water. “Louisa’s been doing a good job”, he added, regaining his composure. You poked your tongue out and wiggled your butt at him, then walked over and straddled him, placing your knees on each side of his hips. Taking his shirt off completely, you finally had access to all of his upper body, something you have been looking forward to all night. You brushed your fingers lightly against his tattoos.
“You like them?” Jack asked you. “Yeah”, you admitted, your voice a little breathy, “They’re really nice.”
You kissed him again, then proceeded to kiss down the line of his neck and all along his shoulder, leaving behind little wet spots. All the while, your hands were roaming his body, grabbing and stroking. You couldn’t get enough of him. Moving downwards, you flicked your tongue experimentally against his right nipple.
“Come here”, Jack said, and you sat up a little. He took off your top and bra and started playing with your boobs, licking and sucking one of your nipples into his mouth while teasing the other one with his fingers.
“Mhhhhm”, you moaned, rolling your hips down onto his dick almost involuntarily. Pulling back slightly, you unbuckled his belt and worked his fly open, removing his jeans and underwear in one go. Then you took a few seconds to look at his now exposed penis. As you suspected, he was a decent size, slightly thicker towards the head, pretty straight and uncut. All in all, you were impressed. You took a sip of water, gave him a peck on the lips and leaned back to pull your hair up into a ponytail. You could see him perk up, after all, this was basically the universally accepted sign of ‘she’s gonna go down on you’.
Taking him in your hand, you swirled your tongue around the head, getting it nice and wet before taking it into your mouth fully. Keeping him steady with your hand, you bobbed your head up and down a few times, sucking slightly more as you were coming up, but not taking his whole length in fully yet.
“Talk to me, Jack”, you said, pulling off. “Tell me what you want.”
You were not averse to some dirty talk in the first place. Plus you pegged Jack for a talker, which hopefully meant he would be into this too. But most importantly, you had literally known him less than 12 hours, and you didn’t have any time to experiment. If you were both going to get what you wanted from this, you needed to ensure good communication.
Putting his dick back in your mouth, you started moving again, joining your mouth’s movement with your hand too, really getting into it. With each downward stroke you took him in deeper, until you managed to get all of him in. His right hand flew to the back of your head to keep you in place as you were moving just the tiniest bit, without really pulling back at all.
“Fuck, you’re good at this”, Jack proclaimed, and you would’ve chuckled at the compliment, except you didn’t want to choke nor gag. Pulling back, you started moving again, quicker this time, licking against the vein on the underside of his penis and swirling your tongue around the head at every move.
“Fuck. Okay, baby, keep doing that, but with a hint of teeth. Just like that, yeah. And play with my balls”, Jack was finally finding his words and you were on fire. You gave better head turned on, and giving it turned you on even more, so this was a win-win situation. Jack’s words went straight to your core and you could feel yourself getting wetter. You could also taste Jack’s pre-come in your mouth and felt his balls tighten as you were juggling them between your fingers, so by all means, this was working for both of you. With one last satisfied pop, you pulled your mouth off his Jack’s dick. Standing up, you took off your panties and opened the first drawer of your bedside table, taking out a condom and throwing it in Jack’s general direction on the bed. It was time to get things moving along.
“Do we have to?” he asked, with a slightly whiney but mostly just curious tone.
“Yes”, you cut the discussion short. Although you were on hormonal birth control too, so it wouldn’t have been necessary, you were sleeping with several people and you assumed Jack was as well, and STIs were really not fun.
Hopping back on the bed, you lied down next to Jack. Once he was done adjusting the condom, he lied back as well, turning on his side to face you. Cradling the side of your cheek with his left hand, he kissed you, reaching down with his right and swiping a finger along your pussy tentatively. You adjusted your position, opening up your legs to give him better access.
“You’re already so wet for me, babe”, he hummed appreciatively, “I wanna see how fast I can make you come.”
Pushing a finger into you, he pumped in and out a few times before adding a second one. Moving more in an up and down manner rather than in and out, he was brushing against your G-spot and you moaned out. Seemingly on their own accord, your hips moved against his fingers, meeting his strokes.
“Yeah… more… like that”, you brought out.
His left hand had never left the side of your face, now he swiped his thumb against your lips and you sucked his finger into your mouth readily. He continued stroking against you and you could feel yourself getting closer, your hips flailing aimlessly, desperately trying to find some more friction. Jack’s right thumb came up to circle your clit in time with his brushes against your insides, and in a few minutes you were coming, crying out and biting down on his finger in your mouth as your whole body flexed.
“Please, in me, now!” you exhaled desperately, grabbing the base of his cock and lining him up. He slid into you easily, pushing in completely and starting up a steady rhythm. You took a second to appreciate Jack’s figure above you. His carefully styled hair was more dishevelled now, a fine line of sweat forming at his temples along his hairline. You remembered your urge from earlier in the night to run your fingers through his hair. Curving your fingers around the back of his head, you pulled his face down to yours and kissed him. You were beyond words now, the only sounds escaping you being sighs and moans. With both of your hands around his neck, you held on tightly as he pumped into you, meeting his thrusts halfway. Slowly, you started to regain your composure. You could tell Jack was getting more tired, his rhythm growing increasingly erratic and irregular.
“Let me get on top”, you suggested.
Jack lied back gladly, helping you carefully readjust your position and sliding back into you. After a few slow and deep movements, you kept him buried deep in you, rocking your hips back and forth. You leaned back slightly, finding the perfect angle. Moving forwards and up, Jack was hitting your G-spot with every thrust, rubbing against the sensitive area all the way. Cradling your own breast, you started caressing your nipples, getting lost in pleasure. You locked eyes with Jack, who was watching you with pupils blown wide, his mouth slightly open.
“You’re so fucking sexy, Y/N”, he sighed in an exasperated voice.
“Touch me”, you replied and Jack obliged, one hand coming up to your waist as the other touched your butt, grabbing and massaging slightly.
Speeding up your movements, you could feel yourself getting close again, but you were also becoming impatient. You began stroking your clit with one hand, the combination of stimuli soon pushing you over the edge of your second orgasm. The pleasure rocked through your body, your eyes squeezing shut and your head falling back in ecstasy. As soon as you were able to catch your breath a little bit, you leaned forward again, supporting yourself on your elbows on either side of Jack’s body. He thrusted into you deeply a few more times before he came with a choked moan.
You waited a few seconds for both of your breathing to return to normal, then got off him carefully, sitting down at the edge of the bed and drinking a few sips of water. Jack got rid of the condom, then lied down, kissing you sweetly and pulling you down with him.
“That was fun”, he said, smiling at you.
“Yeah”, you agreed, wiggling down lower and pulling up the duvet to cover you; smiling back at him happily, “it really was.”
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menbehindthemirror · 5 years
Since our last vlog, it didn’t make much sense to do video updates over December as we weren’t together much – after our blitz of pharmacy and web agency meetings, we were able to crack on with most of our to-do list independently, so we left the rural idyll of Burley in Wharfedale and worked from our homes in London and Leeds.
We’ve made good progress since December, and are on track with where we wanted to be, but the unavoidable delays that are stopping us from being able to launch RIGHT NOW are frustrating. Whether it be turnaround times with the web agency, or the 90-day lead time for receiving government approval to sell medications online, or delays in product and packaging deliveries from suppliers, we know we just need to be patient, but at the same time we just really want to be in launch mode, growing the business and making sales. The pre-launch phase is very introverted and internally-focussed, and it’s neither of our natural domain. Anyway, it is what it is. We’re just focussing on making sure we get all the internal pieces in place at the highest quality so we’ve got the best platform for when we launch.
Here’s the main updates of what we’ve been doing since early December and what we’re focussing on now.
We’ve firmed up our branding and logo
We had a full day workshop with our web agency in early December to firm down the branding. We already had a clear idea on our target audience and how we wanted to the brand to come across. It’s simple really - we want to sell products to people like us and a lot of the people we’re mates with.
Our target audience aren’t narcissistic Love Island wannabes, over-obsessed about their looks and living life for the ‘gram, but nonetheless, we want to appeal to guys that have a bit of get up and go, and believe it’s important to take pride in their appearance whilst maintaining perspective on the more important things in life. For men like this, we believe convenience and ease can be the tipping point on whether they’ll make a decision to buy something or not. A base assumption of our proposition is that by providing a really convenient ‘whole service’ that educates men on the causes of common health and wellness issues; provides easy access to quality treatments; as well as the facility to easily purchase and receive treatments to their home without the need to see a GP or visit a Pharmacy, we’ll make the buying decision a no-brainer. If we can make sure to deliver this experience in an ultra-responsive way and wrap everything within a slick brand, then all the better.
So, anyway, we needed a logo to reflect the sort of vibe that would appear to these type of men. Something slick and cool; modern rather than flashy; but also warm - we’re a health and wellness brand so need to come across as trustworthy and open.
Our agency mocked up a few examples which we put to a vote on Insta. Here’s the countdown.
 3) In third place:
Tumblr media
We like the slickness and imagery of the double M on this, but felt it was too angular for a health/wellness brand.
2) In second place:
Tumblr media
We like the word mark on this one, but felt the logo was a bit too simple/generic.
  1)      In first place
Tumblr media Tumblr media
This got the most votes by a decent margin, and we liked it too. However, it still didn’t feel quite ‘right’. We didn’t love it. The logo looked too sharp, and for a health & wellness brand, we felt it was important that it came across warm. So we thickened the logo, changed the font and ‘voila’ – our final logo:
Tumblr media
We’re really pleased with it.
Pharmacy & GP Discussions
Because we’ll be selling a range of prescription (and non-prescription) medication, we’ve needed to partner up with GP’s (who will issue prescriptions off the back of online consultation forms generated through the site), and Pharmacies (who will receive the prescription order from the GP, dispense the medication, package it into our bespoke packaging, and arrange delivery to the patients home). Our main focus after starting the business in November was getting these partnerships in place. We’ve now agreed deals with two Pharmacies (we’ll provide more details on these later) plus a GP, with a few others expected to sign shortly. So we’ve been pleased with that, but we’ve got more work to do to tie down all partnerships over the next couple of weeks.
There’s been a few complications along the way. The GP who agreed to work with us then had to backtrack due to having too many other commitments. Complications with another GP who had issues securing the additional medical insurance needed to cover them for online consultations at a so-far-unlaunched start-up.  The difficulties of finding GP’s with both the shared vision of what we’re doing, as well as the entrepreneurial drive. But over the last week we’ve had some really positive discussions and are confident we’re now good on this front.  
Product Sourcing
For launch, we’ll have three main product lines - Hair, ED (erectile dysfunction) and Teeth.
Sourcing the ED products is simple – all three products in our launch line-up, Sildenafil, Tadalafil and Viagra Connect, can all be easily sourced by our partner pharmacy via their existing arrangements with their pharma manufacturers. The same applies for our prescription hair growth pill, Finasteride. The pharma manufacturers have slick supply chains that mean they can arrange two deliveries a day, so we don’t need to bulk buy lots of meds in advance – great for cashflow. All of the meds (apart from Viagra Connect) are available in generic form, meaning we can provide the product in our own branding and packaging at price competitive rates.
For the Hair category, we’re looking to launch with a bundle of products that prevent hair loss. These include the only two medically proven treatments in the world for male pattern baldness – a daily pill treatment Finasteride (effective in 9 out of 10 men) and a topical spray called Minoxidil (effective in 2/3rds of men). We’re complimenting these products with Biotin Gummy Vitamins, which strengthens hair follicles, and a Shampoo with ingredients such as Ginger, Copper Peptide and Sophora Flavescens, which have been shown to stimulate healthy hair.
Minoxidil has been a lot trickier to source, as the only licensed option on the market is a branded solution called Regaine. This is a problem because Regaine is expensive and it has a high alcohol content so can sometimes inflame the scalp. It's also expensive to buy-in, so we’d find it difficult to make worthwhile margins, and we also wouldn’t be able to use our branding on the packaging, ruining the aesthetic of our bundle pack. We’re still working with a few specialist pharma suppliers with a view to getting a bespoke low or zero-alcohol Minoxidil formula that our GP’s can prescribe as an alternative – this is one of the key streams we’re working on this week.
For the remaining products - Biotin Gummies, Shampoo, and the Teeth Whitening kits, we scoured Google, searching different UK Manufacturers and Suppliers, as well as using Alibaba – the Chinese ecommerce giant that seems to sell everything.
The key with product sourcing is finding a supplier who can deliver:
1.      Low minimum order quantities (MOQ’s). A lot of manufacturing companies only go into production off the back of custom orders, and would often require minimum orders of 10,000 units. We needed to find a supplier who was able to accept orders for 250-500 units to begin with,
2.      Own-label products. Everything we’ll be selling will be under the ‘Man Behind The Mirror’ branding. Own-label is easy if you’re ordering high minimum orders, but getting own-brand and low minimum orders can be tricky.
3.      High-quality products from a high-quality supplier. It’s important that every product we sell on the site is high quality and effective, and we needed to make sure the suppliers we worked with are legit. That's difficult when they're on the other side of the country, but Alibaba has a good supplier ratings system, so we focussed on working with suppliers that had plenty of positive reviews on the site.
4.      Great prices. Obviously.
For the Gummies, we found a good UK supplier just before Christmas, with low minimum order quantities provided in unlabelled jars that we can brand ourselves. They tasted good too and contained all the ingredients we were looking for – primarily Biotin, but also Zinc and a range of other Vitamins.
For the Shampoo, we found a Chinese supplier on Alibaba. Dealing with suppliers on Alibaba is interesting… Their factory sales reps communicate largely over Whatsapp text and video calls, they’re very informal (flirting and sending love heart emojis seem to be a standard negotiation tactic) and whilst their English is generally good, the language barrier is sometimes an issue in getting clarity on specific things. Importing from China also opens up a raft of new considerations – luckily no import duty applies importing shampoo from China, but we still needed to register an account on the government’s import tracking system and get a freight forwarder in place to pick up our goods from the port and deliver them to the UK. Not a big deal, but the sort of faff you don’t need to worry about if buying from the UK.
For the Teeth Whitening Kits, we came across a supplier on Alibaba that fit the bill very quickly. Great supplier ratings from customers. Well established. Highly responsive to enquiries. Low minimum order quantities. High quality ingredients equivalent to the market leader in the space. Customised packaging using our own branding. Perfect. Here’s a pic of how the kits look:
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Draft Photoshoot and visual style for the brand
In early December, we drafted in a few of our (better looking) friends to help us with a practice photoshoot to help us figure out the vibe and type of pictures we wanted to use for the website proper. The day was a good laugh and we got some good pictures that represent the vibe of the brand we want. Thanks to Geo, Julian and Philip, as well as Alberto for letting us use his incredible flat as a location. Here’s a few pics from the day:
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  We’re arranging a follow up shoot for late Jan with a professional photographer to nail down the actual pictures we’ll be using on the website.
The Website
Our web agency have been cracking on with the website design and build over the last few weeks, and are on track to have it finalised by the end of January. Because we’re selling prescription medication, there’s a few things that have made the project a bit more complicated than a standard ecommerce build.
Firstly, men who want to purchase our prescription treatment need to be able to complete an online consultation questionnaire through the website, providing information around their medical history and type of hair loss that would help a clinician decide if they’re willing to prescribe or not. We need a really slick customer journey, so that when someone visits the site, they can easily learn about the causes of their health/wellness issue, discover the treatments available to them, complete a quick online consultation questionnaire, make a purchase, and then have their treatment delivered to them in a couple of days. We’ve worked with our web agency on a solution that integrates different plug-ins to deliver the functionality we need without the major costs of a bespoke build (we found out one of our main competitors spent over a quarter of a million to build their website….. suffice to say ours was no way near that!).
Another complication is that if you want to sell things online, you need a payment processor relationship to handle payments. If you’re selling normal everyday products, there’s generally no issue getting a payment processing relationship in place. However, for ‘non-standard goods’, (such as prescription medication) these companies can be veryyyyyy risk averse and have separate rules and checks for working with businesses – particularly start-ups – who are selling these things. So that’s another complication we’re currently working through, but we expect it’ll be sorted in the next couple of weeks.
Finally, the biggest roadblock for the website from a delivery perspective is the UK Government regulations on selling medications online. We’re working with the regulator, the MHRA, who need to review our website – checking the content, website flow, T&C’s, etc, to make sure we’re positioning and selling our products appropriately – before they can grant us approval to sell our Hair and ED products on the site. The downside is this process can take as long as 90 days (!), and we can only apply when the website is at a near-finished stage that the MHRA can review. The website’s going to be in a good enough condition to make the submission this week, and our pharmacy partner has assured us the process is much quicker in his experience, but nonetheless, it’s a risk, as ideally we want to launch in mid-February. If the worst comes to the worst and the MHRA process drags, we may need to consider launching the site with the Teeth products first and then launching with the prescription medication a bit later, but we really don’t want to do that, so fingers crossed.
Product Packaging
Our main focus this week has been nailing down slick packaging for all of our products. So scouring the web for different suppliers of cardboard packaging; plastic bottles; ziplock bags; pill jars; etc. We’re trying to find bottles and outer packaging that looks great, is cost-effective, and is consistent with the other packaging within each pack (e.g. for our hair products, we need to ensure a consistent colour and visual scheme across all the bottles and packaging). We’re also trying to make sure all our packs can fit through the letterbox, as that will put us on a cheaper delivery tariff and help us deliver the best customer experience. We made a bit of a breakthrough today – design concepts should be sorted by late Jan.
The Marketing Plan
So, now the fun bit. We’ve got a holding site ready on manbehindthemirror.co.uk and we’ve set up social channels on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and Twitter, but as yet, we haven’t done any promotion for them. Basically, we’ve wanted to make sure we’ve got a solid backlog, schedule and pipeline of social media posts to ensure momentum when we do go into promotion mode before we start spreading the word but by the end of this week we should be in action mode.
Over December, we worked with the University of Leeds who were great at helping us recruit three interns to help us build our marketing content out. We’ve hired Daniela and Venetia, two very talented Media & Comms students, who have experience across graphic design, photography and video publishing/editing, as well as Matt, a PHD student in Graphic Design.
After studying what our comps have done well and not so well across diff platforms, we’ve got a good feel for how we want to do things, and we’ve spent the last couple of weeks building up a database of online content ideas, and we’re working together this week to flesh these out into posts we can start publishing – whether they be photos, videos, interviews, blog posts and more. We’ll explain more in future vlogs about the marketing plans as over the next couple of weeks it’ll increasingly become the main thing that we’ll be working on, so watch this space.
So, that’s what we’ve been up to. We’ve still got a few roadblocks in our way that are stopping us from launching imminently, but we’re hopeful that, provided the MHRA application goes smoothly, we’ll be able to launch in mid-February. You’ll see a lot more activity from the Man Behind The Mirror social accounts well before then anyway.
0 notes
robstersheegahns · 7 years
Robster, the early years.
Our 2 year anniversary just passed and I thought it would be nice to reflect on how God brought us together, bc it truly was a gift of His timing and preparation of each of our hearts until we met that made us a good match. 
It's come to my attention that I know quite a few couples who are success stories from CMB- Coffee Meets Bagel. If you have yet to hear of it, It's a Facebook app that uses your network of friends to match you with people that are just out of your immediate pool of friends. Typically this avoids awkward dates with your current single friends that you have no desire to date.  I didn't know much about the app prior to using it, and my decision to get on it was somewhat of a dramatic one. I'm writing this without giving you much of a back story to the relationship between me and my parents. If this is the first story you are reading, then don't be misled by their panic and craziness here as it pertains to my dating life- or lack thereof.  They are caring, God-loving, I will take a bullet for you type of people who pray for a living- and bear much fruit. I wouldn't be who am I am without them. But.. that's not to say that we didn't butt heads- particularly about this part of my life. 
April, 2014... I turned 29. Which to my Korean parents meant the alarm went off on my expiration date for marriage- ability. I totally understood why they were concerned- I spent the majority of my time at work or at church- a pool that was not viable for me in terms of dating. LOL. though I did try. Well after many fiery phone conversations- my refusal to start courting a Korean doctor caused an ultimatum. If I wasn't willing to date this guy, who was long distance, whom I had already met and knew it wasn't a match, AND who they knew little to nothing about aside from his parents- then I HAD to agree to go on a dating website.
 Enter CMB!!!
 It was free and seemed the least scary out of all the other options. They agreed, but only if after one month of this seemingly cheap free site, I joined a paid site if I hadn't met anyone yet. 
Anyways, Rob and I were matched on CMB on June 12, 2014. I remember seeing Rob's profile- at first glance these were a few of my thoughts. 1. He's white. 2. His job title is in Korean. 3. That's weird. 4. Why does this white guy write in Korean? 5. He looks smart. 6. He plays guitar. 7. There is literally nothing about running on here. 8. Oh shoot, he's younger than me...
I think every girl out there may have a couple of things in mind when they are thinking about their future husband. We’ll call them preferences...
I just had a few things I thought would be nice: my age or older, likes to run, loves Jesus- in reverse order of importance. But other than that I wasn't too picky- after all as it had been pointed out to me several times- I was 29... Actually a week before that an older sister of mine had taken me aside to somewhat rebuke me about the way I was boxing in some of the younger brothers in my life. She basically said, cut out those notions of what you think is necessary in a husband and be open to what God has in store. For me that could only allude to- hey be open to younger, non-running, Jesus-lovers. And LO and BEHOLD, Rob appears mere days later- and I think that was God's way of opening my heart to a man that maybe I hadn't pictured but a man that He had planned just for me.
2 FROGS, 1 PRINCE (not in that order)
I met three guys on CMB- one black, one korean, one white. How diverse right? 
After joining in May-ish- I got my first match. He was lawyer, he was into Ballroom dancing; he seemed nice albeit a bit serious. There was another weird connection in that he was someone one of my patients had offered to set me up with previously and we didn't realize this until after the failed first date- but let's just say it was a good depiction of how on-line dating can go. We got ice cream- it was extremely hot outside. We ate outside where it was sweltering. There was a lack of chemistry, he had a sneeze attack... at one point he asked me my favorite color...  after 40 minutes, I said I had to meet up with some friends in Chinatown and sca-daddled out of there. We never spoke again.
I was matched with Rob next- and after our match- we became FB friends and had our first 2 hours chat-a-thon on messenger that night. We found out we both had done missions in Haiti, both on praise team. He served in a korean church- my dad is a Korean pastor. He's in seminary to become a pastor. We both spoke French (him much better than me). We both had a heart for missions in general... it was in his words- “trop bizarre....” The next day we progressed to a phone chat on his drive to Brooklyn from Philly. A longer phone chat the next day. Then a 2 hour video chat the next day. We seemed to be clicking from the get-go. Th real test would be meeting each other in person- we scheduled that for Tuesday June 17. We had started texting and it was fun to see his name pop up on my screen. Classic- beginning of a relationship jitters, excitement, and curiosity all wrapped up in one.
Literally the day that Rob and I were supposed to meet, I actually got another match. That's the thing about on-line dating that can be tough. You are encouraged to date and pursue multiple people which I guess is efficient and makes sense, right? This 3rd guy was basically all the things that I thought were “missing” in Rob... isn't God funny that way? He was Korean. He was in finance vs. ministry which is a lot more stable. Most of his pics were in races- running. He was my age. ... I was like God is this a joke? After talking to a few people about it, I decided ya know what? I have to meet this guy too. No matter how my date goes with Rob, this will just give me more info. So for 2 CRAZY days, I talked to both of them. I honestly think this third match was God's way of reminding me that His plan is better. Yes on paper this guy may make more sense.. but in every way... Rob was actually the better God-given match for me. 
So...finally- OUR FIRST DATE!
I asked to meet at Chapterhouse which was about 2 blocks away from my apartment at the time. It was a blazing 95 degrees that day and me in my smart- only if it's opposite day- thinking was like OH i'm gonna go on a run! silly me who did not time it right- my body was still thermo-regulating post shower and couldn't stop sweating. That 2 block walk washed off the make up I tried to apply- if you know me I don't wear the stuff so that was tough. I even stopped at the Starbucks 1/2 block away to look in the mirror and see if my mascara had run down my face and if my sweat was visible... After a few minutes of deep breathing in the air-conditioned bathroom, I walked up the street. There he was... standing in front of the house des Chapitres... 
My first thoughts: Crap- He's skinnier than me. His hair is so... fluffy... and his face is... nice :) . We got inside- and chose our drinks before sitting. He did NOT pay for me.. which to others may have been a turn off but because of our previous convos about his frugality I didn't take offense to. We started talking about.. everything. He told me things about his family that were not "first date" topics... and as he was talking I found myself asking... “If I let myself- could I fall for this guy?” and the answer? YES! 
I couldn't help but but think Yes- as I looked at his face telling me some animated story about ministry... that yes this could be a guy that I could fall for. FYI- guys out there- yes most of us girls ask this kind of big picture questions as early as the first date. It's just how our brains work. If we can't picture a future- then for us that's a big reg flag. Don't worry most of us have not problem imagining quite a bit even from the first date
We spent 2 hours talking non-stop, and walked out saying we were excited to see each other again. The rest is history. Which I will go into more stories later for those of you curious enough to read on.
Rob and my match, though facilitated by a dating app was in God’s absolutely perfect timing. All those years I waited- impatiently- for this guy to waltz into my life... it could not have come sooner because neither of us would have been ready for it. 
Hopefully this will remind some of you single ladies out there- I know how you feel. I waited 29 years for this part of God's plan for my life to unfold. It's not the end all- be all of my life. Nor should it be! But I sure felt like that when I was single. As I watched each of my friends pair up and get married, I felt seriously left behind. My appearance insecurities didn't help that at all... but my single season prepared me to meet this God-loving man that I know is the perfect match for me. I see it everyday in the way Rob loves me, cherishes me, and puts God first. Of course there are hard parts- any married person will tell you that. but rehashing this story reminds me more than ever that God's faithfulness in undeniable and we need to pray for Him to give us more and more faith everyday. Trusting in His plan requires it.
anyways, more stories to come!
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perfectackeracy · 8 years
Shingeki no Kyojin chapter 90 review (+ theories)
This is it. 
We’re finally concluding the arc beginning with Grisha’s flashback at chapter 71 and ending with the basement’s discovery and the amount of deal-breaking contents, leading us to the last phase of the manga, with this month’s chapter as being the ultimate wrap-up.
Lasting 5 volumes, it would be wise to write an arc review in a separate post, since it covered the unfinished business left from the first volumes: taking back that portion of the territory surrounded by titans, the mystery between Grisha Yeager and the contents of the basement and eventually the truth behind this world. Too bad I wasn’t around when the first chapters have been published because it would’ve been fun to pick every theory around and check which ones were actually closer to the facts; remember people trying to guess the Beast Titan’s identity? Eren using the coordinate to invoke the wall titans during the battle?
But anyway, the point of this post is more about commenting the chapter in an itself and guess what happens next, as always. 
I’ll start by a general commentary: I had... mitigated views about this chapter overall. Not because it felt like a huge letdown for my birthday (because let’s face it, nothing can top Edgetolt) but because it just shows it’s a rather quick wrap-up when we’re preparing the final phase.
I’ll use the MangaStream translation while waiting for the CR scans. It’s not top-quality but the translations are usually on-point (and they seldom mess up bubble order or in this month’s case... PAGE ORDER).
This chapter can be decomposed into 4 phases:
The truth about the titans
The ceremony
The timeskip
The ocean and Eren’s resolve
I’ll detail my review under the cut:
The truth about the titans
Historia made her mind and decided to make the information held public... If anything, that underlines the fact the basement was a turning point for the story, despite the sudden influx of information. 
This is huge since it was the point where Eldia stepped out of their cycle of ignorance and progressively started to realize the true nature of this world. As Historia said: this is retribution.
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Historia letting Eldia know - Ch. 90
Just wanting to point a funny thing here.
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She really looks like her father here - Ch. 66
Since a huge war is coming, it would make even more sense. I still don’t believe in that unity spirit however. While it may be effective in times of war against a common enemy, it’s not in times of peace. 
And according to Roy and Peaure, it’s apparently too brutal to stir an episode of nationalism or more precisely, a feeling of general agreement that the world they lived on was limited to a single huge island, weren’t part of Humanity in general but as a race labeled as “the descendants of Ymir”, that they’ve been the monsters all along and they’ve been isolating themselves from each other, having the rest of the humanity as a common enemy. 
Peaure took note of three types of reactions:
People who accepted the truth as it is
People who think this is a huge joke
Conspiracy theorists who think there’s some Illuminati members in the military
The first category will be easy to rally. The second one needs some time to digest the information or need better evidence. The third one is... well...
While living with the truth seems to make things better and ready for advancement (it’s always better than a situation where people make their growth stagnate), they now realize they’re the target of the rest of humanity who isn’t ready to change their minds. There simply isn’t any room for peace.
And that’s why I’m not feeling particularly salty about the titans being nearly wiped out. Grisha’s logs were the last knee-slapper as their role as mighty oppressors. I’ve said it in a post concerning Bertolt and his role as the Colossal Titan: the same analogy can be applied when they started as being those freakish humanoid looking creatures hellbent to devour humans and forced them to retreat behind walls, decimating anybody who dared to venture in their territory. Then revelations happened:
Humans can turn into titans.
Pure titans actually don’t have a proper conscience and are either trapped in a nightmare or bent on one particular desire.
With titans being humans it means “Humanity” was killing humans all along.
Not every titan can revert back to a human. Only 9 of the whole population can.
The user of the Coordinate can use them as slaves to their bidding.
Titans as well as most humans inside the walls belong to the same people, meaning they were fighting a war against themselves all along.
Titans are only wandering on one island while the rest of the world is free from them.
The wandering titans are actually part of the oppressed minority from another country sentenced for several types of crimes, often unfairly. 
All of this implies the SC was executing already sentenced people of their own kind, essentially finishing Marley’s work.
This whole path depicts them as the mere rank of victims rather than predators. Now that they learned who the real enemy is, titans are all demoted from that position, which makes me not so regretful they were eliminated by the guillotine, not to mention the flashback made sense as to why they were all trapped between Wall Maria and Wall Rose.
Eren’s lifestyle is to hunt predators and he already fixed his next target. Notice how at the end of the chapter he referred to the crawling titan as a fellow instead of an enemy he once sworn to kill? I’ll come back to it later.
One of the nicest part of the chapter was getting a peek from Hitch, eventually giving Marlowe’s death closure. Jean was giving her the classical speech of how brave he was when he fought for the recapture of Wall Maria. It could’ve gone smoothly but the little problem remaining about his honors was...
Flocke was probably the most controversial character from the chapter. Never in the spoilers tag have I seen so much vitriol for a character who started to make himself relevant in the second-last arc. I’m going to make myself clear about him:
He’s absolutely right.
I’ve seen so many fans call him a piece of shit, him thinking too highly of himself (when he called himself a coward?) or him being too harsh but in the situation where the SC is and as a stock-filling recruit, why should he sugarcoat everything when his first operation was one where he had to brave a giant monkey throwing rocks?
He wasn’t lying when he stated those facts about Marlowe. Being honest is still better than putting on a brave face, which made Hitch go ultimate tsundere and cry while missing how much of a self-absorbed idiot Marlowe was.
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“Even though Marlowe Freudenberg was only recently recruited to the Survey Corps as part of the emergency listing just like me, he was still able to help unite us all. The Survey Corps were driven into a corner and faced certain annihilation. The situation seemed hopeless. While everyone else was vulnerable and frightened, he alone kept encouraging and inspiring us.” - Ch. 81 (Pic)
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“But in the end... I’m sure he regretted ever going to that place.” - Ch. 81 (Pic)
He wasn’t too happy of dropping the truth on Armin either. He wasn’t fond of Erwin but in no way he would deny him a chance to a second life when there’s a way of breaking through the crack that is despair.
Besides, it wasn’t just his opinion. Everybody else wondered why Erwin wasn’t chosen. Erwin was right in their grasp and he was denied the serum. That’s how it happened to an outsider who only read the reports. People think the SC became nuts, and Flocke nailed what the problem was. For people who dedicated their hearts about serving a cause, they let their feelings get the best of them. “Somebody who can’t sacrifice anything can’t change anything.” Flocke used the same logic Armin does and that’s why it resonated with him in that panel.
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“Someone who can’t throw anything away... will never be able to change anything” - Ch. 27 (Text)
Armin thinks the “useful evil” is good, which is why it made sense for him and Flocke to bring Erwin back instead of letting emotions getting the best of them.
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“The three of you let your feelings get the better of you, took the injection for your own means, and made an irrational choice. In short you just couldn’t let go of someone important to you, could you?” - Ch. 84 & 85 (Pics)
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“Eren... You’re one of those people who believe deep inside they’re always right. that’s why you never give up, just like some unreasonable child.” - Ch. 84 (Pic)
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“In that regard, Mikasa was the grown-up in the situation. Because when push came to shove did she give up” - Ch. 84 (Pic)
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“You people... You didn’t oppose the senior staff, nor did you try to stop Eren and Mikasa. You just stood there and watched.” - Ch. 84 (Pic)
Well, in defense of Jean, Sasha and Connie: the three of them arrived late and Sasha had a shrapnel her arm, so... 
Flocke was mostly narrating what really happened on that roof, which in perspective makes the situation look like a complete dramatic joke, which eventually gives the SC a bad rep where its only members are just a bunch of teenagers who only care about themselves.
Notice the stares from the other officiers oriented in the same direction than Flocke’s. It’s pretty telling the future recruits should watch out for the SC.
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On another note, Flocke calls himself a coward. While it’s true he cried about him not wanting to die and not being remembered, he was the only one advocating for Erwin to be brought back before Hange showed up, even standing in front of a Mikasa ready to slice him. He faced Zeke’s attack alongside Erwin and Marlowe, survived miraculously and lost every single one of his comrades in the process. He has the right to have a word in this whole mess.
Armin also nods, making the same disappointed face than the one from chapter 85:
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I swear to god, it’s the exact same - Ch. 90 & 85
Armin’s opinion didn’t change since chapter 85: Erwin should’ve lived. Eren this time tried to rile him back in by bringing up the exact same tirade he brought up when he was talking about the outside world, completely cut by his own intentions, associated with a picture of Faye being eaten by the dogs: freedom.
The ceremony
I have no idea why it popped up in his mind but as he touched Historia’s hand and had that detailed flashback with Grisha and Frieda, maybe using trigger words serves as a means to make the memories of a certain person flow through your brain:
When Eren pronounced the word “freedom”, he immediately shifted on Kruger’s perspective, seeing Fay eaten by the dogs.
When Frieda and Grandpa Reiss heard demands about solving the titan problem, the memories of the First King flowed through.
That would explain why Eren began having visions of Grisha and Kruger’s memories: the logs probably contained a lot of trigger words invoking the memories of both men, hence why Eren got a better hold of the coordinate when he couldn’t before.
Thanks to those flashbacks he managed to discover the real key to trigger the coordinate and still hasn’t told anybody about this. Not fully believing to be able to stop the imminent treat, you have two pages dedicated to his self-doubt, him feeling down.
...That expression reverted to anger when he got the full input of Grisha’s memories and perspective. The flashback wasn’t over.
Frieda, as the First King, must have ushered words so powerful they were enough to amp up Eren’s morale to the max. They were also powerful enough to make Grisha lose it, steal the power and make sure nobody from the Reiss family would seize it again. The details apparently made Eren keep the power to himself, as he initially believed the Reiss line was the only one able to defeat the titans with a bit of conviction.
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Eren believing Grisha did wrong - Ch. 65
Remember how Kruger and the other restorationists stated how cowardly the King was? That probably what made Grisha lose his marbles and steal the power.
The timeskip
This is where my biggest complaint came from and while it doesn’t represent a huge portion of the chapter (two to thee pages), it was the major detail I was unhappy with. While the way they got rid of titans was understandable, it would’ve been nice to get at least a couple of pictures of everybody’s situation inside the walls during these months. Maybe (and I’m saying maybe) it’ll be used as an opening for next chapter but in any case it feels inappropriate.
Isayama mostly detailed that under the scenes of the seasons in Trost. It at least indicates the Shiganshina battle happened in late autumn/early winter (if that’s any indication for character’s birthdays, because I definitely believe Reiner and Bertolt are born the same year, Annie’s born a year later, the rest is born two years after Reiner and Bertolt and Armin turned 16 between the Uprising and the Battle of Shiganshina arcs). I still find that more underwhelming than having a picture of a ceremony for the fallen, the rest of the titans being wiped out by the military, giving Rico a cameo, Hange falling asleep on their desk after too much paperwork, Levi staring at the window remembering Erwin, Jean/Sasha/Connie paying visit/homage to their families, Armin staring at Eren being concerned but he coordinate shenanigans... All of this could’ve sat nicely on a page, just like this one:
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The situation in the walls - Ch. 82
It really feels like nothing important happened and they reached the coast as if it was just the day after, while it’s probably the biggest timeskip of the manga.
Speaking of the ocean...
The ocean and Eren’s resolve
Y’know what? My theory was that the ocean was permanently out of reach because of the tensions inside the walls or it would be saved for the very last chapter. Instead, it was shown in the last chapter of the current arc and the issue was quickly buckled up at the end by Eren’s interruption.
Discovering the ocean also contributed to the underwhelming feeling, but after Isayama posted an entry about it, I’m wondering if closing the matter on six pages and not the ending of the series was actually intentional? The goal of the story was never about reaching the ocean but it felt more like a whim from one character who turned out to be overwhelmed with a major sin at the price of one life that should’ve been selected instead. When Armin reaches the ocean, he isn’t staring at it with the same “dreamy” eyes Eren envied. It’s only after Mikasa stepped in the water he felt joy again.
And of course Eren doesn’t even remotely care. As expected. Instead, he’s focused solely on finding a way to reach Marley and destroy every citizen here. I think that shell Armin found symbolized the beginning of the parting Isayama wanted to illustrate. Armin was probably riddled by survivor’s guilt because of Levi’s choice. Eren told him in this chapter he had to see the ocean he himself already saw but it’s eventually revealed it mattered so little to him. The shell represents Armin’s discovery about things no living Eldian has ever seen before but Eren immediately turns away, preferring finding a future where he walks around and nobody can stop him. It looks like Armin’s actually holding the shell back, isn’t he?
Anyway, that seals my review and I suppose the final arc will be solved on Marley: there’s literally nothing else to do on Paradis and the catastrophe is bound to repeat again. Eren made his mind and follows into his father’s footsteps, knowing how to trigger the coordinate. Getting into Marley is either going to be through infiltration or complete invasion. Since the SC has few members, the former is easier to accomplish if they can hijack a boat.
It’s weird we haven’t heard signs of Reiner or Zeke during these months. They have to be up to something and they’re probably luring the SC into a trap, where Zeke expects Eren to come to Marley by himself. The two of them have to meet in order for chaos to go down, because Marley is ridiculously powerful compared to Eldia. 
For some reason I’m expecting Eren to not only touch Zeke but also eat him as well. There’s many points we need to solve about Marley as well. I’m paraphrasing this post here:
What pushed Zeke to join the Marley warriors?
How were the warriors trained?
Were they several promotions?
Is Zeke actually an exception to the rule (somehow answered with Ymir Fritz dying 13 years after but contradicted by Zeke being recruited at least in his late teens)?
If so how did he manage to have a word with the higher-ups? Was he a vet in a previous war? An experimental test?
Is Marley aware Zeke is the last Fritz?
How was the original promotion of the seven warriors?
How did they organize themselves in two parties, with Zeke being the titan outside and Reiner, Bertolt and Annie as the infiltrates?
How come Zeke only manifested himself after Annie’s crystalization?
How is Marley dealing with their enemies in the East?
What about that Titan Chemistry society?
How come Reiner’s last name figure on the Armored serum Eren swallowed?
Is the fact that Reiner and Zeke share the same birthdays nothing more than a joke?
Speaking of Reiner, how come he and Bertolt never mention their family? Orphans? Taken in at a young age?
How did they keep the seven shifters in control?
How did Kruger get his shifter power?
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xturtletrashx · 8 years
Devil’s Dance Floor - Chapter 13
Disclaimer: I don’t own Uncharted, blah blah blah, you know how it goes.  I do own my OCs though.  This fic in its entirety can be read on AO3 here or you can find the other twelve parts here.   
I really fought with Sam and Simone in this chapter.  Things weren't supposed to move this fast but no matter how much I told them to chill the fuck out, they refused.  -___-
This chapter is mildly NSFW.  Graphic and title pic was made by me, all other pics aren’t mine.  If one belongs to you, please let me know and I’ll either credit or remove.
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Chapter 13: Her Breath Began to Speak
"We'll get back to work first thing in the morning," Rafe said as he pulled Sam's duffel bag from the back of the Jeep and handed it over.  
"Yeah, we'll see," was Sam's answer, tired and eager to get away from his traveling companion.  Even in small doses Rafe was hard to deal with but non-stop Rafe for two days was more than Sam could handle.  It was funny how things changed.  
He headed away from the castle and toward the water instead, where his little cottage sat at the top of the rocky bluff, one window dimly lit against the darkness.  The cottage was beginning to feel like home, he'd found, and the fact that he so often had enjoyable company while there certainly helped.  
Sam was eager to see Simone and as he walked, he glanced over his shoulder at the castle again but her window was dark.  She was probably sleeping, he assumed, and couldn't help but wonder if she'd come down to see him if he texted her . . .
He slipped the key into the lock and pushed open the door to find that he wouldn't have to text her after all, because Simone was curled up in his bed.  She was fast asleep, full lips just barely parted and her arms wrapped around his pillow - and she was wearing the red flannel she'd stolen nearly a month ago.  God, she looked beautiful and Sam's reaction to seeing her, the way his stomach flip flopped and his chest sort of felt like it was caving in, caught him completely off guard.  He'd missed her, of course, but he hadn't realized quite how much until that very moment.  
He set the bag down and closed the door softly behind him, crossing the room to poke at the hot embers in the fireplace before leaning on the arm of the couch to untie his boots.  Oddly enough, he found that he didn't want to wake her.  He just wanted to slip into bed beside her and pull her into his arms and fall asleep with his nose in those untamed curls . . .
So he stripped down to his boxers and did just that, settling in behind her and wrapping an arm around her middle to pull her close.  Her hair smelled citrusy, like lemons maybe, and when she stirred in his arms he pressed a kiss to the back of her shoulder.  Simone's breathing changed minutely, catching in her nose in the softest snore that Sam could only find endearing and then she was twisting a bit in his arms to peer over her shoulder at him with sleepy brown eyes.
She'd been in a deep sleep and it took a moment for the frown to smooth from her brow, only to be replaced with a smile that made his heart skip.  "You're home," Simone sighed, and Sam found himself grinning in response.  It had been a long time since someone had been so obviously happy to see him.
"Yeah," he smiled, brushing his nose against her freckled cheekbone.  "Just got in."
"Did'ya miss me?" she asked in a whisper.
"Mhm," Sam hummed, his arm tightening around her waist.  "I did."
She reached between them, her hand gripping him gently through the thin material of his boxers, and Sam couldn't help but groan in response, hips flexing on instinct.  His mouth found the side of her neck even as his hand slid up to cup her breast, and in his ear he heard her whisper prove it.  
She wasn't wearing anything under that flannel, he quickly found out, and after just enough wiggling to get his boxers down his thighs and a condom in place, Sam was working himself inside of her.  There was no foreplay, no playful bedroom talk, just shallow thrusts until her body had made room for him and then, once he was as deep as he could get, he paused and asked on a whim, "Did you miss me?"
And he was expecting a breathy confirmation, some sort of sexy remark to keep the blood pumping, but what he got instead was a noise that sounded suspiciously like a sob.  Sam froze, worry quickly pushing his arousal aside, and he brushed her hair back in an attempt to see her face.  "Simone?  Did I hurt you?"
"I'm a'right," she said quickly, fingers wiping away the shine of tears.  "Keep going."
"What?  I'm not gonna keep going," Sam insisted even as he pulled out of her. 
Simone scooted onto her back, staring up at him with accusing eyes.  "I said keep going," she snapped.
"Did I hurt you?" he asked again, voice rising a bit.  What the fuck was wrong with her?  
Simone huffed and sat up, shoulders bunched in . . . annoyance?  Sam wasn't sure but he'd obviously done something wrong.  Maybe he should have gone down on her?  "Simone?"  
She put her back to him, swinging her legs over the side of the bed and staring down at the floor and Sam wasn't sure what to do, so he stayed where he was, sitting in the middle of the bed in a tangle of sheets with his boxers around his knees and a condom on his dick.  He watched her warily, waiting for some sign that she was ready to talk or was inviting his touch but the minutes stretched in silence until, just when he was about to break, she spoke.
"I missed you."
The words were so softly spoken that Sam nearly found himself saying what? simply out of habit than any real need for her to repeat herself.  He'd heard her words but they didn't explain anything and he found himself holding very still for fear of missing whatever came out of her mouth next.
"All I've wanted was t' touch you.  For you t' touch me," she continued softly, her head still bowed as she stared at the floor.  "And then ya did and it was too much . . ."
Sam shook his head, "Simone, I don't--"
She turned to face him, her eyes hard with accusation.  "You're such a bloody idiot," she snapped, grabbing a pillow and flinging it toward him.
Sam reached up and caught the pillow before it connected with him, annoyance bubbling up in response to her aggression.  "What the hell?" he demanded, tossing the pillow aside.  
Her mouth opened, then closed as she reconsidered, and then without a word she was rising to her feet and darting to the bathroom.  The click of the lock sounded deafening in the sudden silence and Sam was left staring at the closed door and wondering what the fuck had just happened.
Minutes ticked slowly by, the faint sounds of sniffling carrying through the closed door, as Sam turned over her actions in his head.  He'd seen her get emotional - that afternoon in Edinburgh came to mind immediately - but this was different and what she'd said . . .
Sam blinked, realization dawning.  Did she mean . . .?  His heart was suddenly racing and, where he would have run for the hills in the past, right in this moment he found himself oddly okay with it.  But he needed to hear her to say it.  He needed to be sure because if this was what he thought it was, then it would completely redefine their relationship . . .
Sam climbed from the bed and threw out the condom, straightening his boxers as he went to the bathroom door and knocked softly.  "Simone?  Can we talk?"  The only answer was a soft sniffle and Sam sighed, gaze drifting around the small cabin and landing on the pad of paper beside the phone.  If she wasn't ready to talk, then maybe she'd be ready to write?  
He made a circuit around the room, collecting the paper, a pen, his cigarettes from the pocket of his jacket, and then sat down on the floor outside the bathroom door, leaning back against the wall.  On the paper, he scrawled a simple I still miss you and then tore the sheet off and slipped it under the door along with the pen.  
The only answer was silence and, finally, Sam lit a cigarette to help pass the time, mentally preparing himself for a long night of waiting her out . . .
And then the paper appeared again, fluttering across the floor next to his bare thigh, the pen pushed through only a second later.  I miss you too, it read.
Putting the cigarette between his lips, Sam took up the pen and wrote, I'm sorry I upset you and then sent it back to her.
It's not your fault was her response.  
It's not yours either, he answered.
Yes, it is.  We had a deal.
Sometimes deals need to be renegotiated.  
Are you willing to renegotiate?
The last time Sam had agreed to a renegotiation it had hardly gone in his favor, but still Sam took a moment to think about that, giving the question the attention it deserved.  He'd never been the boyfriend type, not really - in fact, he'd always been a rather shitty boyfriend - and he'd always preferred things to be string-free.  Contrary to that, the thought of labeling this, or at the very least them both allowing it to naturally progress without fighting it, didn't send him into a panic.  Did he love her?  Maybe?  Sam wasn't sure he'd ever loved anyone in his life, aside from his mother and his brother, but he was certainly fond of Simone.  She was so full of life and laughter, and the way she stuffed her hands up into his armpits when she was cold made his stomach feel a bit butterfly-ish and her smile made his heart skip a beat . . .
Yes, he answered.
Another beat of silence passed and then the lock clicked and the door opened and Sam glanced up to find Simone staring down at him.  Her eyes were red, her hair wild around her shoulders, and there was a hesitation in her step as she crossed the threshold.  "I'm sorry," she said softly.  Her hands were twisted up in the too-long sleeves of the flannel, fingers laced together in front of her as she absently massaging one thumb into the opposite palm.  
Sam reached out and wrapped a hand around her calf in a subtle invitation for her to move closer to him and she did, stepping over him to settle down onto the floor with her shoulder and arm pressed against his.  "You don't have to apologize," he said, opening the conversation.
Simone didn't answer right away, just reached out and plucked the cigarette from his hand and put it between her lips.  It reminded him of that first night they'd met and brought into stark relief just how far they'd come in such a short amount of time.  
"I've never been in love," she admitted, blowing smoke from her lungs and handing the cig back.
Sam took a long drag, tipping his head back to rest against the wall.  "Me either."
"What are we gonna do?"
Sam stared up at the ceiling, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.  "Renegotiate?" he suggested.
Simone chuckled, jostling him lightly with her shoulder.  "We can't make this official," she said.  "Like with labels an' all that junk."
"No?"  Sam shrugged.  He could live with that.  It would probably make things hell with Rafe and Nadine, anyway.  "So . . . maybe just acknowledge that it's--"
"A thing?" Simone finished.
Sam chuckled.  "Yeah, a thing."  His hand found her thigh on instinct, seeking out her skin in this moment of intimacy and she leaned closer to him, pressing her lips against his bare shoulder.  "So you've never said it?" he asked after a moment.
Simone shook her head.  "Not meaning it."  She paused and, for a moment, he thought she was gearing up to make her confession but instead she said, in a small voice, "D'ya love me?"
Sam turned his head and found her watching him closely, unsure of how he should answer.  "Maybe," he answered honestly and was relieved to see acceptance in her eyes instead of insult or anger.  "I'm not sure yet."
"I can live with that," she said, lips pursing to kiss his shoulder again.  "Maybe tell me if anythin' changes, yeah?"
Sam smiled, "You'll be the first to know."
That surety came slowly, or maybe it was the process of acceptance that took him a while, but as the weeks passed and barriers continued to fall between them, Sam found those feelings working themselves out.  His birthday came and to celebrate the big forty-two Simone bought him a new motorcycle.  Well, it wasn't new but the fact that she'd gotten him a fixer-upper just proved how well she was getting to know him and between chasing down dead end leads, he gave the Triumph Bonneville some much needed TLC.
Christmas saw Rafe back to New York to spend the holiday with his parents and most of the mercenaries flew home to celebrate with their families, which meant a break from research and hunting for leads.  Those who stayed in Scotland - Simone, Sam, Nadine, and a handful of Shoreline mercs - had their own version of Christmas with food, drinks, stories, and drunken shenanigans.  Sam had enjoyed himself, but the subdued festivities hadn't distracted him from the aching regret of not spending his first Christmas as a free man with his brother.  It made him wonder if he was making the wrong choice, if he should just leave and go to Nathan instead, but then what?  They had no leads and Rafe would be right on his tail, seeing red . . .
And so the idea was pushed to the back of his mind to maybe be examined again later, after the New Year, after winter passed into spring, after he'd figured out exactly what was going on between himself and Simone . . .
"God, that's beautiful, innit?" Simone asked, eyes on the sun as it hovered just above the horizon.  
"Yeah," Sam answered, but his own eyes weren't on the streaks of pink and purple painted across the London skyline, but rather Simone's profile and the wistful sparkle in her eyes as she watched the sun sink steadily lower.  They were going to dinner after this and she was dressed for it, in a short, clingy dress in bold African patterns and she'd claimed his denim jacket to drape over her shoulders in an attempt to ward off the late spring chill in the air.  Her hair had been semi-tamed, straightened and then curled again so they fell in loose waves instead, but that didn't stop the fine hairs at her temples from coiling in the humidity.  It was a small imperfection and he loved it.  
She must have felt him watching her, because she turned to him then and her face broke into a grin.  "What?" she laughed.  "Were you starin' at me?"
"No," Sam chuckled and now it was his turn to cast his gaze out over the city.  Simone's grin didn't fade though and he could see her - feel her - watching him, so he shrugged and laughed.  "Maybe."
"It's cause you want to kiss me in front'uv the sunset, yeah?" she teased, sidling closer until she was pressed against his side.  
Sam wrapped an arm around her hips, pulling her in so he could do just that.  It was a gentle kiss, all soft lips and teasing tongues, and Simone went up on her toes so she could wrap her arms around his neck.  It was tempting to bring it to the next level, to let that sudden passion overwhelm them, but they were hardly alone hanging off the side of the London Eye, and Sam doubted the elderly couple on the opposite side of their capsule would appreciate it.  
"I wish I wasn't leaving," Simone murmured against his lips.
"I wish you weren't either," he answered, pulling back enough to meet her gaze.  
It was why they'd taken this impromptu road trip, winding their way down from the castle in the Highlands of Scotland to downtown London, because Shoreline had a standing security contract in France and it was Simone's turn to rotate in.  
"Three months feels like a long time."
"Three months is a long time," Sam corrected, hands smoothing down her back to come to rest on the swell of her ass.  "But we'll talk every night."  And it would give him time to focus on Avery's treasure, which would make Rafe happy; it was pretty obvious that he'd been frustrated with Sam's distraction lately.  
Simone grinned up at him.  "Just don't forget me, yeah?"
"Right," Sam laughed.  "Like that'd happen."
With a bag slung over her shoulder, Simone made her way down the hallway, the squeaky wheels of her suitcase echoing off the castle walls.  If she hurried, she'd have just enough time to have breakfast with Sam before having to leave to catch her flight . . .
"Simone, do you have a minute?"
She paused, drawing to a stop as Rafe came up behind her.  "Sure Rafe," she answered, putting on a friendly smile as she turned to face him.  
He didn't slow his approach and Simone found herself retreating a step as he plowed into her personal space.  "We had a deal," he hissed, eyes dangerously dark and his voice low to ensure his words wouldn't be overheard.
Simone straightened her shoulders, refusing to give another step even in the face of an obviously angry Rafe Adler.  "I 'aven't gone back on our deal, Rafe," Simone answered, careful to keep her tone even and her own volume low.
"You've taken this too far," he continued.  "I told you to watch him and, fine, if sleeping with him helped with that then so be it.  But that's not what this is anymore, is it?"
No, it wasn't.  Simone was in love, head over heels, and she was pretty sure Sam was heading in that same direction even though he hadn't actually vocalized it.  "What's it matter?" she asked.  "I'm still doing what'chu asked.  He's not any closer to running off on ya than he was eight months ago."  
"I've seen the way he looks at you, Simone," Rafe growled as he glared down his nose at her.  
He was trying to intimidate her and while there was a part of her that wanted to shrink back from that spark of insanity in his eyes, Simone refused.  If she had to, she could handle herself against one spoiled prick.  "Whatsa matter Rafe?  You jealous?" she returned, one eyebrow lifting in question.
His face smoothed out suddenly, shutting down as the emotions faded and it was unnerving to watch.  "Perhaps I should tell Nadine not to bring you back after this."
Simone's heart fell into her stomach, her breath catching in her chest, but it was an empty threat.  She reached up and planted a hand in the center of Rafe's chest, forcing him back a step.  "Tha's not up t'you, Rafe," she answered.  "You may be paying for Shoreline's services, but this company still belongs to my sister."  
His face was still dangerously blank and, for a moment, Simone was sure he was going to lash out at her but before she could give him a chance, she ended the conversation: "Now back off; I've got a plane t'catch."  
Simone swore she could feel the heat of Rafe's anger beating against her back as she turned and walked away, but she'd be damned if she were going to give him the satisfaction of looking back.  
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