#this boy is apparently driving me crazy
j-esbian · 1 year
thinking about the time i was criticizing a male fantasy author for not including many female characters (and all but one were incredibly generic) and people were really like "be nice to the author, he's said he doesn't know many women in real life :/" like. yeah i can tell
#mine#delete later#cause im not trying to start shit#it was on tiktok so like all of that tracks lmao. i dont know if that's even true but if so. INSANE.#idk what made me think of this#but my dude if youre in your 40s thats not an excuse#tbh i feel like the book in question would have been completely forgettable and id just kind of roll my eyes and move on#if not for the fact that people whose taste i trust!!!!! recommended it!!!!#like what the fuck. the betrayal#like im still driving myself crazy thinking about it years later and trying to figure out what i'm missing#honestly could not say if the rest of the book was good bc imo the way the narration treated the female characters was too distracting#'this one is Mom. that's her whole personality.'#'this one is the hot older woman but she likes me anyway bc im the specialest smartest boy in school.#it's weird cause there's barely any women at this school anyway. she even tried to seduce me but im too in love with Main Love Interest'#'this one is the Main Love Interest and she's so pretty and sexy everyone wants to be with her. she has a tragic secret past#she wont tell me why but we cant be together and she also spends most of the book seducing other men. But I Know She Doesnt Mean It#i will learn her secret and wear her down so we can be together because we vibed pretty well a few years ago'#and then there's the cRaZy OnE#and that's it. those are the only female characters#apparently the last one has gotten her own book. maybe that's what people praise this guy for? but i am not willing to give it a chance lol#p****** r******* meet me in the pit
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rapplesart · 1 month
Random fic idea
Tim drake but instead of loosing his spleen he lost part of his leg.
Tim thought it was obvious he was missing his right leg from the knee down. It was a whole leg that was missing after all. Sure he was wearing a prosthetic made by Ra's' best people.
One he painfully earned after that crazy fucker made him fight a bunch of his assassins one legged in order to "proof himself as the true heir of the bat he saw in him" or something. So sure, the leg might be more advanced than most, and it imitated natural steps a lot easier and even made it possible to easily run without switching to a different leg. Truly it was a perfect leg be vigilante with. But he never even bothered to give it human like appearances.
But apparently the Fam didn't notice. When he returned with Bruce everyone was too reliefed to give Tim a closer look and it just never came up afterwards.
Tim thought they just didn't want to ask about it in a weird attempt of being polite or even caring. Bruce surely did enough research on how it happened on his own. The man spend the whole travel back to Gotham with Tim after all. Tim truly believed the world's greatest detective would have noticed his missing leg.
Except he didn't. Not if he interpreted the way they looked so incredibly disturbed by is nonchalant way of handlinh the boiling hot chemicals that landed on his metal leg. He just brushed it off, the battle continued and since nothing seemed to be injured no one pressed him when he said "Must've missed me after all"
Now, how do you deal with a family that didn't notice you're missing a leg? That's right you fuck with them.
First thing he did was buy himself a few more realistic looking prosthetic leg. It had to be custom made to fit his stump so it took a whole but it was a worthwhile investment.
The first one was Jason. Call it a twisted revenge for trying to kill him but Tim just really wanted him to be messed with the most. So one day when he knew it was only Jason and him on patrol he strategically set himself down to fall. Crunching some spaghettis to ass in a sickening way only to stand up and walk away as if nothing ever happened.... With his foot toned the wrong way around. Insisting on nothing being wrong and Jason being delusional whenever the older boy tried to get him to get medical treatment. He switched it up the whole evening, whenever he was out of sight he turned the fool right and wrong. Driving the guy insane.
Jason did not sleep well that night. He was also top weirded out and unsure if what he saw was real to talk about it with anyone else.
Then, he challenged dick to a flexibility contest seeing how far they han bend their knees and feet. Even Mr bones are a social construct gymnast Richard Grayson looked horrified as Tim stood there, food bend almost in half, knee twisted to the impossible and what looked lihe a bend in the middle of his leg. Dick claimed cheating except the thing that greeted him when he demanded Tim to puch up his pant leg to expose his trick was a normal looking leg. The first Robin did lots of stretches in the following weeks. His pride was hurt after all.
Finding a way to mess with Damian was a bit more difficult. The brat still made a bunch of harsh comments again and again and he really wasn't close enough with Tim to be easily gaslit. The kid was a trained assassin and was probably used to a bunch of weird shit considering everything Ra's. So Tim decided he could go a bit more gory on Robin than the others. So one night he sat in front of Damians room, in the dark hallway and waited till one of his pets passed him. Once Alfred the Cat came along he made some louder coping noise that would Definetly make the kid look out to check on his animals. It worked just as planned, Damian peeked out his door to see Tim, crosslegged and barefoot on the floor, seemingly cutting off his toe to feed the cat. In reality it was nothing more than a cat treat and carefully picked, animal safe food coloring.
The kid scremed at him, threatened to stab him, punched him real good for harming his cat and took off with said cat to find Alfred so the older man could check on the poor kitten. Of course not beforeaking sure Tim was in an adequate amount of pain on the floor, with his 'injured' food secured to the floor with another knife. Only to return with a worried Alfred on tow to see Tim, standing two whole bare feet with a confused expression and a bag of cat treats in the hall.
Tim got a broken nose for it but it surely was worth it. Especially once he quietly whispered a 'no one will ever belief you' to the kid in passing. He might have traumatised the boy a little but Tim fought it justified for all the attempted murder he suffered.
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joeloverture · 6 months
hook 'em horny | j.m. x f!reader
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masterlist : coach!joel masterlist pairing: college football coach!joel miller x reader summary: [no outbreak] seeking petty revenge on your cheating quarterback ex-boyfriend leads you somewhere you shouldn't be — and then it lands you over the knee of his coach. warnings: (18+ mdni, don't make me say it again.) cheating done by a referenced oc, briefest mention of drugs, porn barely garnished with plot, age gap (22/52), smut, unprotected piv sex, creampie, vaginal fingering, potentially dubcon by way of power imbalance but consent is enthusiastic, daddy kink, sir kink, 'punishment' spanking, degradation, praise, brat tamer!joel, dom!joel, joel spits on her ass but otherwise no butt stuff, mild choking, body writing, so many pet names of so many varieties, aftercare, surprisingly fluffy [no use of y/n] word count: 6.4k a/n: this is a crazy idea to have considering joel can hardly handle ellie. i don't think he'd be able to handle ~118 college-aged boys. however, the idea of football coach! joel is hot to me (i mean, seriously, look at those sluts on the sidelines) so i made it happen. on a serious note, i am so sorry to the unnamed university this is based on. i toured you. i'm legacy. but... joel miller. let's make it clear this is for entertainment purposes only. this is a fictional work about fictional people that does not reflect the school itself, which is a fine institution whose head coaches historically do not fuck students in the locker rooms. shoutout to my dad who, unknowing what this information would be used for, explained to me how he snuck into this stadium 3x. don't do that, either.
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You can’t even remember the last time you made a good decision.
Your track record definitely isn’t the cleanest: you chose to go to school in Texas, and then chose to stay there for four years. Choosing to go to that frat party in late junior year wasn’t your brightest moment, either, evidenced by the resulting hangover from hell and, predictably, frat flu. All things considered, those choices pale in comparison to hooking up with their all-star quarterback, Lucas Scott.
Dirty-blonde, blue-eyed, muscled Lucas Scott. He’s the sort of guy who looks like an eight when you’re looking at him after a few shots of tequila and a four when you’re sober. The sort of guy who, after over a year of dating, makes you split the bill halfway after ordering the more expensive entree. Crowned as the most efficient, precise, and instinctive quarterback the Longhorns have ever had. Apparently that instinct hadn’t been enough to drive him away from dipping his wick in every sorority girl’s candle wax. 
No matter how much post-orgasm Lucas panted into his ear that he loved you, you weren’t stupid enough to trick yourself into believing it. Staying with him was the easier choice, not yet wanting to reduce yourself to locker room talk. Walking in on him sloppily fucking some redhead nursing major was the breaking point. When it became less about you and more about your dignity.
So, yeah, you’ve never been one for making good decisions, and you certainly aren’t about to start now.
You thought breaking into the stadium would be some sort of monumental task. Trespassing here was normally reserved for campus rooftops and after-hours exploration, but once you’d gotten this batshit crazy idea in your head, you knew it wasn’t going to shake until you at least proved it couldn’t be done.
The open garage at the back of the building doesn’t help to deter you. It’s like there’s a welcome-mat outside saying, ‘Come on in and get what you deserve!’.
Who would you be to decline such a sincere invitation?
The garage is empty apart from some cushy golf carts, and the steel door behind them couldn’t be more tempting. If it’s locked, you tell yourself, you’ll go back to the dorm and forget about your incident of near-trespassing. 
You take small steps to the door, testing the handle. It springs right open, and all thoughts of leaving dissipate from your mind.
Who leaves the garage open and forgets to lock the door? Probably people with just as little between their ears (and legs) as Lucas. You scoff in half-disbelief, half-luck as you close the door behind you.
The energy feels stagnant this late at night, no announcer on the loudspeaker or swarms of burnt orange hats and T-shirts standing shoulder-to-shoulder. Industrial lights flicker above, their hums loud enough to make you wonder if you have tinnitus. Concrete lines the hallways, interrupted by a few silver-painted pipes arranged in a labyrinth up against the walls. A few security cameras are pointed at you. Before going any further, you pause to raise the hood of your Longhorns sweatshirt.
Even if you should be, you aren’t in much of a rush; you amble about, really taking in the sterile ambiance of the empty stadium. You turn a few corners, going in what feels like the right direction. You figure you’re getting closer when you spot what looks like it could be a security tower. Crouching behind a trash can, you wait it out, trying to peer through the untinted windows to figure out if there’s anyone in there at all. When you’ve determined it’s unmanned and let out a shallow exhale, you go back up to full posture and keep wandering around unsupervised.
You know you’re in the right place when you find your toes hovering over a red line painted on the oil-stained concrete: AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY BEYOND THIS POINT. 
Crossing that line without really thinking about it, you stick to your (so far) tried and true method of going wherever feels the most promising until you’re standing in front of the two black doors you were looking for. The door’s handle is an obnoxiously large longhorn, and you quite literally have to hook ‘em to get inside.
You’re starting to understand where the rest of the university’s funding is going when you walk into the locker room. After dating Lucas for a year, you know the football team is full of itself, but the Longhorniness of it all is… excessive. There’s the silhouette of the logo glowing on the goddamn ceiling, and if the jerseys the players are wearing on their digital nameplates isn’t enough of an indicator of who they play for, every backlit locker has a drawer with, you guessed it: a longhorn painted at the center. A brown vinyl couch wraps around the front of the room in direct view of a powered down videoboard that you can only assume replays highlight reels.
You roll your eyes. Again, your track record with decision-making isn’t the best, because you chose a school who puts every penny towards sweaty frat boys with brain damage from the amount of concussions they get.
And then you see it: a sign tacked onto the middle aisle of lockers that reads CORE VALUES. From top to bottom, HONESTY, TREAT WOMEN WITH RESPECT, NO DRUGS, NO STEALING, and NO WEAPONS. You have to physically clamp your jaw shut to restrict your laughter at the second one.
It doesn’t take you long to find what you’re looking for. Lucas Scott, #10.
His sweat-stained jersey hangs limply from the rack, and you eagerly tear it off, tossing it down onto the floor. Eager like a child ready to color outside the lines of a coloring book, you kneel down in front of it, pulling out the one thing you had prepared for tonight. A bold black Sharpie.
You pop the cap with your teeth, spitting it out somewhere on the floor as you start scribbling. Disguising your handwriting isn’t intentional, but you’re writing so carelessly and on such a foreign material that it comes naturally. Your tongue sticks out of the corner of your mouth as you work. In a year and a half, you’d never felt such satisfaction about — and certainly not from  — Lucas.
TWO PUMP CHUMP along the side. FIVE INCHES FULL MAST on the other. CHEATER at the bottom. WHORE across the front.
A throat clears behind you. You drop the Sharpie, a blot of ink forming on the mesh. You startle backwards, scooting until your back hits that stupid longhorn drawer. You’re expecting a janitor, maybe a security guard if you’re extra unlucky. 
That isn’t the worst of your options, apparently, because when you look up, it’s at Joel fucking Miller, head coach of the longhorn’s football team.
Your lower lip starts trembling, and that moment is when you decide maybe you need to start making good decisions. You’ve heard enough about Joel from Lucas to know he’s a total hardass. He could drag you by the ear to the dean and have you kicked out at the tail end of your second to last semester in this hellhole.
He glares down at you with his head cocked, hazel eyes far darker than they ever seem on TV. His scruff stipples his hardened jawline, lips thinned out like the worry lines pressed onto his forehead. If you were interested in digging yourself any deeper, you might stall to think about how good he looks: the faint trail of chest hair vanishing down into the neckline of his longhorns polo shirt, his fitted khakis, broad leather belt slung around his waist, and the slight bulge of tummy above it. You swallow hard and kick yourself for it.
“What exactly,” Coach Miller drawls, voice syrupy and sticky. “do ya think you’re doin’?”
Your mouth moves, but no words come out. He doesn’t seem very amused, his muscled arms crossing over his wide torso.
Joel shakes his head. “Ain’t a good look for you, hun, scrawlin’ that chicken scratch all over my QB’s jersey. Could get a real ugly charge for that.”
Heart crashing into your ribcage, you bite down on your lip. “I can pay the damages,” you blurt out.
He sizes you up all over again, eyes dragging up and down your body. They linger on your chest for a few extra seconds that you’re convinced that you just made up. “Can you, sugar? ‘Cause to me, looks like you’re the type to be chasin’ tips at whatever joint hires you.”
You don’t have the bandwidth to be as offended as you should be, especially because he’s right. You settle for glowering at him instead. A huff of laughter pinches out of him. “You give everyone you vandalize that blue look? Or is that lil’ number jus’ because you found out Lucas really ain’t that loyal?” With ease, Joel bulldozes over whatever thinning resolve you have remaining. 
“What’s that sign over there say? ‘Treat women with respect’?” You say. Joel’s backlit like all of those over budgeted lockers behind him. You squint your eyes. “You know that’s fucking bullshit. So what if I give him a taste of his own medicine when he’s been a minute man for every girl with a pulse on this campus?” You cap your Sharpie and clip it back onto your collar and get to your feet. So much for good decisions. “Fuck right off with that.”
“Hey, hey. Down, hun.” Joel holds his hands out to you, and you notice just how heavily you’ve been breathing, just how close you are to him. “Never said you were wrong. Kid’s a fuck up in all sorts ‘a ways. But I don’t like how you’re mouthin’ off at me, Miss Priss. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re in dire need of a spankin’ to set you right.”
Your breath cuts short and your cunt bottoms out without your permission. You don’t need a mirror to know your eyes just went glassy, your lips parted as your mouth goes desert dry. As discreetly as you can manage, you squeeze your thighs together.
Joel doesn’t miss it. You can tell from the moment his brows raise and his eyes sparkle, the corner of his mouth picking up a smidge. “Oh, yeah? That do somethin’ for ya, hun? Nasty little girl.” There’s a dangerous, uneven grit to his voice that has arousal burning like a candle in your stomach, the wax of your arousal syrupy against your thighs already. 
Your tongue darts out to wet your lips. Fuck.
“No,” you breathe out stubbornly, but you’ve already given yourself away, even to yourself. The insides of your thighs are molten, twitching with every throb of your clit between your legs. That flush of warmth from your pelvis is spreading, overheating.
Joel tuts. “You really think that? You can whine all you want ‘bout wantin’ respect, but at the end ‘a the day, you just wanna be treated like some whore, huh?” And, yeah, he has you figured out, has you in the palm of his hand. Even though you have no idea what someone like him could do to someone like you, you want him to do it. You want to find out. “I’ll tell ya what, sugar, you walk outta here right now and nobody but me’s gonna know you came pitchin’ a hissy fit in my locker room.”
You frown at that, a small arc of your pouty lips that has Joel’s eyes gleaming.
“Or,” he says. “You can pull those wet fuckin’ panties down – don’t gimme that look, I know they are – and I can give ya a real lesson in respect.” He shrugs, hands going to his waist as he looks you up and down.
He knows he has you the same way you know, but you aren’t just going to give in that easily. You flare your nose and counter, “If there’s nothing keeping me here other than a firm hand, why should I stay?”
He’s looking at you like he wants to take you apart. His fingers jump against his hips for the opportunity to break you down. 
“Sweetness,” Joel shakes his head as if it’s obvious. “if you let me, I could make you feel good. I’m guessin’ you got some vibrator sittin’ in the back of your desk drawer to use when your roommate’s out ‘n about, but you don’t wanna use that tonight, do ya? You want the real thing, hun, and I’d give it to ya real nice once I teach ya to behave.”
There it is again: Coach Joel Miller has you all figured out. Every syllable he says is doomed to send another shiver up your spine, and damn it, fuck playing coy.
You’re too busy tearing off your hoodie to think about how unsexily dressed you are, but the rushed nature of your actions punches a chuckle out of Joel. “Eager thing.” You’re halfway through kicking your shoes and leggings off when he saunters over to the couch, plopping down on the edge and patting his broad, khaki-covered thigh. Your mouth waters when you look back and see just how much the fabric strains against his leg. “Whenever you’re ready, hun.”
You waddle over to him, stripped down to the basics of your sports bra and everyday panties. It’s the furthest thing from erotic, but the way he’s looking at you isn’t. It’s primal and ravenous, enough to have you forgetting all about how you’d even gotten there in the first place. He licks his lips as he trails his eyes all over you, darkening a couple of shades when he looks at your cleavage. “Lucas is a fuckin’ idiot, baby.”
“Knew that already,” you mumble.
He pats his thigh again, bounces his leg. “C’mon, over my knee like the good girl I know you can be. Hurry up and I’ll only give ya five.”
You shuffle forward, relishing in the rubbing of your thighs that comes from it. He’s sitting on the corner of the couch at the perfect angle for you to rest your head on the arm. It doesn’t take any more convincing for you to put yourself over his lap, not that he needed to do much in the first place. You feel so much smaller than him. Your ass is up for him to do whatever he’d like to; it’s a tantalizing feeling you hadn’t gotten out of any intimacy – if you could call it that — with Lucas.
“Mmmmmm,” Joel groans as he runs a hand between your legs. He rubs at your slit through the soaked gusset of your panties. You can’t stop the way your hips buck, or the pitiful shout that jumps off your lips when he pins you down by the small of your back, robbing you of any friction. Between one arousal-riddled breath and the next, Joel tugs your panties off and flings them to the side. You know how it feels, tacky and cold on your core and thighs, so you can only imagine how it must look. Joel gives you a pretty good idea when he reveres, “Goddamn, pretty cunt is throbbin’ for it.”
He pulls apart your folds and you think you hear him lick his lips above you before he lets them go. The schlick noise your dripping pussy makes is nothing less than pornographic. Joel gropes you carefully, kneads the skin of your ass like you have all the time in the world. Under his ministrations, it’s easy to melt into the couch, forgetting why you’re there in the first place until his palm cracks down on your ass cheek.
The stinging impact has a slurred hnnnngh leaving your lips, and a fresh gush of wetness between your legs to accompany it. You keep your head tucked into the sanctuary of your folded arms, eyes squeezed shut so tight you swear you’re seeing stars. Joel’s quick to rub the spanked patch of skin, his palm soothing his ache. “That’s one, baby.” You nod into your arms. “Think you can take four more?” Another nod.
“I need to hear ya, hun. C’mon, head up f’me.” He taps the side of your cheek, and you prop your cheek up on your forearm. “Think you can take four more?” he repeats.
Your voice hitches, courtesy of the beating that echoes in your chest and between your legs. “Y-yes…” 
When the second hit lands, you don’t expect it. You flinch away from his hand when it comes down with a clap that leaves you squirming in his lap. “Yes, what?”
“Yes sir,” you whine out, back arching. Although a punishment, that spank has the same effect as the last: a live wire of arousal strung from your spine to your cunt.
“Takin’ it well,” he praises, squeezing your ass cheeks together. “Sure didn’t expect anyone to come crawlin’ in when I left that garage open, ‘specially not some slut like you with an ass that needs a spankin’ six ways to Sunday.” Just as quick as he can build you up, he can take you down a notch, but you can’t mind when it has you moaning all the same. “Oh, she likes that,” Joel clicks.
He rubs your ass again, and you’re bracing yourself for that next strike, pulled stiff with an arousing, anticipatory sort of fear. Only when you convince yourself it isn’t coming do you let all of that tension flood out of your body — and that’s when Joel smacks his hand across your far-too-trustworthy ass.
You cry out, pouting over your shoulder at Joel, who has a proud smirk drawn all over his face. You don’t even feel your hips rocking down, seeking whatever pleasure you can get until he reprimands, “Ruttin’ against my fuckin’ leg, now, huh? Don’t pretend you don’t like this.”
With a particularly good grind of your hips, you feel his bulge pressing into your thigh. From a mere graze alone, you can tell it’s huge. A whimper tears out of you at the same time he groans above you. “You got nothin’ to prove, ain’t gonna change the fact you’re a slut who needs to get spanked ‘n stuffed to talk ‘er into behavin’ a bit.”
“Can’t even follow your own rules,” you huff, apparently still interested in shooting yourself in the foot even when Coach Miller has you ass-up over his knee. 
“Don’t see how you care…” Joel slides a hand down between your legs. He rubs at your clit, an intense pressure that has you wanting more and less all at the same time, before dragging a thick finger across your opening. Arousal squelches between your legs and your hips jump – a dead giveaway to just how turned on you are, whether you like it or not. “when it gets you this turned on,�� he finishes. Then that same finger is prodding at your mouth, glistening with your wetness. You whimper before tasting yourself, sucking obediently on his finger until he pulls away with a pop.
You sulk, “Don’t act like I can’t feel you ripping a hole in your jeans, Miller–”
The fourth spank is the hardest by far. The skin of your ass feels bitten by Joel’s ‘firm hand’. It’s the kind of hit that makes your legs kick in his lap and your fingers clutch in the couch’s arm for purchase. You wail, “Daddy!” Pain disappears from your mind when you realize what exactly you just said, quickly replaced by the churning coolant of embarrassment. If you were paying attention to anything else other than the shame suddenly inhabiting your chest, you might’ve been able to feel the twitch of his cock in his pants.
“Daddy, huh?” Joel hums, rubbing your hurt ass with one hand while the other strokes your shoulder. You bury your face back in your arms as an apology takes shape in the back of your throat. “Lucas your daddy, too?”
“No!” You squeak, adjusting in his lap. The hood of your clit catches on the rough material of Joel’s pants. Unable to stop yourself, you hump his knee again, shallow rolls of your hips. You can still feel his hardness against you. Needily, you tip your head up, panting as foggy pleasure hangs over your head. 
“Stop makin’ a mess of daddy’s dress pants, baby, unless you wanna be on your knees, lickin’ it up.” You keen, and he chuckles knowingly. “Shoulda known, little whore like you gets off on that.” 
Joel gives you a longer reprieve between the fourth and fifth spank. Instead, he strokes your ass and asks, “One more gonna be enough to set you straight, sweetheart?”
“Y..yes daddy,” you whimper. He hums in approval.
You shift back and forth, waiting for it to come — and when it does, it’s softer. It’s by no means a love pat, but it pales in comparison to his previous work. You still sniffle, squeezing your thighs together as he coos, “I know, I know. Poor baby, actin’ all high ‘n mighty. Can’t be on her high horse when she’s over Daddy’s knee.” Gentle, he pats your ass and guides you on all fours at the edge of the couch. He hums in approval. “See? Not throwin’ a hissy fit anymore. She’s all nice ‘n obedient when you get ‘er to act right.”
Joel spreads your pussy with his thumbs, and you hear the vulgar noise of him collecting his saliva before you feel his spit landing on your clenching hole. You’ve never felt so empty, not when your bottom drawer vibrator is buzzing against your core, definitely not when Lucas fucks you in the same old missionary. Whimpering for him, you arch your back to try to rub against his crotch.
“Quit your whinin’,” he snips, his thumb finding your clit in one swipe. Joel’s touch is firm, but not too firm, just enough to make your hips push down with a need only he’s ever made you feel. 
Without warning, his middle finger slides inside of you, thick and calloused and so, so right. “Fuckin’... tight.” Another slides in as he starts scissoring you open, apparently satisfied enough when he crooks his fingers deep in your cunt. Instantly, he catches that spongy spot that you can never reach on your own. You nearly crumple with the sensation, limbs going weak and buckling. “That the spot?” he asks, but he already knows.
“Mhm,” you moan, chin instinctively tucking against your chest as if you can get away from the pleasure he’s giving you, as if you’d ever want to.
Then — he stops.
His fingers sit heavy inside of you, so close to where you need them to go. “What the fuck, Joel?” 
"Baby, s’that how you get what you want?” He rubs your thigh with his free hand and gives it a quick swat. “Help daddy out, tight girl. I'm not just gonna let you get away with bein’ a spoiled brat. Work yourself on my fingers."
You’re putty in the palm of his hand – malleable, docile for him to treat or mistreat you however gets him hard. You whine, punching your hips back nonetheless. Grinding down, down, down, your cunt unresisting when he gives you another finger. It’s crude, the way you moan for him.
Even though he’s hardly doing anything, just the hand you’re getting yourself off on, that all-consuming strain in your body only gets stronger. “Daddy – close, please…”
 “Attagirl, atta-fuckin’-girl, give it to me.” He rewards you with a press of his fingers against that golden spot inside of you. Your orgasm splinters through you, an ecstasy-charged mist fanning over your body. Your release runs down Joel’s hand and your thighs with every clench of your cunt, like you’ve been skinned and set ablaze by your own desire. You fall forward on the couch, no longer able to hold yourself up, arms a tangled mess as you gasp into the cushion. “You come so pretty, baby. Messy pussy, too. Soaked me up to my goddamn elbow.”
You’re still reeling from the best orgasm you’ve had in months, maybe ever, when you hear obscene slurping noises from behind you. You cast a look at him, your arousal returning with a vigor at the sight of Joel sucking his fingers clean. He groans at the taste, and you swear you see his cock jump in his khakis. Stomach warped with desire, you’re about to plummet off of the very dangerous edge of doing just about anything for him right now.
“Please fuck me, daddy,” you plead, and in any other position, with any other person, it might be mortifying, something worth clutching your pearls over. But this is Coach Joel Miller, the last person you ever expected to be fucking, giving you the best fuck you never expected.
“There’s those manners,” Joel praises, leaning over you to press a brief kiss to your shoulder blade. You can smell your release on his lips, a sweet smell that’s so distinctly you. He eases off of you, presumably to take off his pants. There’s the shuffling of fabric, and when he returns to your side, you’re disappointed to find he hasn’t even unbuckled his belt.
You pout at him again, still desperate to get your way. Eye-level with his bulge, you’re salivating over it. You had made a mess of his dress pants, a wet spot formed just above his knee, taunting you. You lick your lips. 
“Think it’s only fair,” he says, looming over you. He’s holding the Sharpie you’d brought along with you. Your brows furrow as you look up at him through your lashes. “If I give ya the same treatment you gave his jersey.” His gaze is cocky as he pops the cap with his thumb, giving the marker a twirl.
It shouldn’t turn you on as much as it does. Nothing about this should turn you on as much as it does, yet here you are, in a puddle of your own sweat and cum, itching for the next thing he gives you. And if it’s marking up your body before he fucks your brains out, so be it.
He nudges his head, gesturing for you to get down on your stomach. You lift your knees up and flatten yourself out on the cushions. The vinyl sticks and pulls from your skin as you get where he wants you. A soft, surprised noise leaves you when he straddles your thighs, his clothed cock nudging at your seam.
“Holy fuck,” you breathe out, because it’s the only phrase you can think of that even holds a candle to what all of this has become. 
A laugh fans out from under his breath as he starts at your freshly spanked, raw ass. The Sharpie is cold and foreign, tugging at your skin as he inks you up. “Gotta make sure you match before I dick you down, don’t I? What is it you wrote on his jersey? ‘Whore’? Between the two ‘a ya, I woulda put my money on you for that one.”
If that wasn’t enough indication, you figure out what he’s doing by the time he gets to the right cheek, what feels like an ‘R’ taking shape across your ass. He finishes the ‘E’ and sets down the Sharpie for a moment, his meaty palms spreading your ass. It still thrums with the afterglow of his spanking. You don’t think you can throb any more than you already are, but then he spits on you for the second time that night, this time landing it on your puckered asshole. A gasp flutters from your lips as you grind down into the couch, his spit dripping down your folds.
“See? Real whorish, fuckin’ my couch.” He taps your ass for good measure. “Asshole makes a perfect fuckin’ ‘O’, baby. Looks a whole lot better than that chicken scratch shit you put on his jersey.” You think maybe, just maybe, he’ll dismount you and pull his cock out, but instead he keeps writing, scribbling on your back and upper thighs. Every pull of your skin under the bleeding ink has you aching for him.
When he’s content with his work, he lifts off of you, hands fumbling to undo his belt. It snaps apart, dangling open around his waist as his hands open up his khakis. “You let Lucas fuck that sweet lil’ cunt raw?” he asks.
“No, I don’t,” you admit, unable to tear your eyes away from his cock as he pulls it out, and fuck you. Your eyes don’t even feel big enough to take all of him in, and you have no idea how you’re going to fit him between your legs. You almost go cross-eyed at the sight of it, his head leaking precum.
“Thought so. You gonna let me fuck it raw?”
“Yes, daddy,” you breathe out, drool pooling in your mouth at the thought of having him inside of you, having him inside of you bare. Yet another thing you never gave to Lucas in a year of disappointing sex, but are eagerly giving up to Joel. 
“Gotta be a real nasty slut,” Joel says, returning to his place atop your thighs, his thick ones framing yours. Your breath hitches when you feel the weight of his cock gliding through your ass cheeks and down to your cunt. “to let your ex-boyfriend’s coach bareback ya in the locker room.” A heady gasp tears from you when the head of his cock bumps your clit. He teases you — his cock, slippery with a combination of your arousal, skating from your clit to your spasming opening, not quite nudging in.
“Daddy, please – I need it… need you to fuck me, fuck me–”
He doesn’t make you wait any longer.
When he pushes in, it knocks the air out of your lungs. The only proof that you’re still breathing is when you let out a pitchy, desperate moan. Joel grunts, teeth gritted as he flattens himself down against your spine so he can roll his hips into yours. The pain of his size becomes an afterthought just as quickly as the pain of your spanking, dwarfed by the pleasure he gives you just as easily. 
“Fuuuuck,” Joel groans, nuzzling into the crook of your neck and shoulder. Inch at a time, he works you open, grinding his hips into your opening. “Could you be any goddamn tighter?” He bites at your neck from behind with every rock of his hips into yours until he bottoms out.
“Big,” is all you manage to squeak out as he hauls you back on his cock, already prodding your g-spot with his head. Your eyes roll back as you clench around him. 
His fingers go up to run circles around your shoulder, soothing you, grounding you when his cock has you anything but. “Mmm, I know, I know. You can take it. All whores can.” With that, Joel starts fucking you, really fucking you, a punishing, relentless pace where he pulls out entirely before filling you to the brim. Each snap of his hips into yours fills the locker room with shameless sounds, the mere background to your depraved moans.
“Never had your pussy stretched by a man double your age before, huh?”
“N–no! Never… never had my pussy stretched mu…much at all–”
Joel slams into you, laughs at the strained noise that you make. “Yeah? Those dumbfucks on my team not doin’ it for ya, baby?” You don’t answer, don’t think he’s expecting one until his hand wraps around your front, forearm pressed firm against your tits. His thick hand wraps lightly around your neck, jostling you. It’s not hard enough to blur your vision, but just hard enough to remind you of the power he has over you. The power you allow him to have. It’s invigorating. Everything about him is. 
Moans spurt out of you as you fumble to answer, “No da– daddy! You — ah! — do it for m–me!” 
“And what do you say for that? For goin’ outta my way to show you what a real fuck is?”
“Thank you, Daddy!” you cry out. You’re spilling down his thighs, the wet suction of your pussy around his cock making noises more vulgar than you’ve ever heard in porn.
His hand squeezes again at your neck, and you feel floaty, a bubble just waiting to pop. Pleasure dances in every one of your veins, every nerve ending burning like a match that he keeps striking ablaze.
“There you go, desperate slut just needs a freshly spanked ass, a good dickin’ down, and a hand ‘round her throat to behave.” Joel’s pace stays just as harsh, crushing your g-spot with his cock. “Should keep you back here for when we lose, tie you to the goddamn desk. Let my staff take turns with you, see how much crybaby you have left in ya when a dozen men’s loads are drippin’ outta your reamed fuckin’ cunt. Bet you like it when men use you.” The whine that almost gags you on its way out is enough to confirm it.
If he keeps talking to you and the wind blows the right way on your clit, you know you’ll be coming. You’re wringing out his cock with every flutter of your pulsing pussy. The beginning embers of your orgasm turn into a wildfire when he wedges his free hand down between your legs, rubbing messy circles into your sloppy clit. “Fuck, please, please, please,” you sob out, too riddled with pleasure to care about how pathetic you sound or look as you hump his hand while he pounds you.
“Can feel you squeezin’ me, baby.” Joel rasps, nipping at your ear. The hand around your throat falls fully to your chest, pressing you solid against him so he can fuck deeper, deeper, deeper. It’s enough to make you scream, hands clawing and scratching down his muscular grip on you. “C’mon, hun, give it to me, come on my cock, fuck.”
With another thrust, he has you pushed right down onto his fingers, rubbing and flicking you every which way. It’s all you need to come undone, your second orgasm of the night unlatching through you like something forked and angry, battering your sore limbs until there’s nothing left of it or you. You’re a mess, spit oozing down your chin as you slur “thank you daddy” like a broken record, thighs clamping around nothing.
Joel groans as you clench around his cock and continues his relentless pace, hips slapping against yours. The hand he’d been using to rub your clit migrates to your tits, grazing and then thumbing and then tugging lightly your nipples. “There it is, told ya you could be a good girl. Lettin’ your daddy use this cunt to get off, lettin’ me use you. I’m fuckin’ close, baby, where do you want me?”
And you want it even if you shouldn’t, want his cum deep inside of you, want it to leak out into your panties as you walk back to your dorm. You’re still no good at making decisions, too fucked out to tell right from left when you beg, “I–inside, fuck, come inside me, daddy, please.”
Joel practically growls at that, thrusts losing their steadiness as his hips jump and he hurtles towards his release. “Yeah, you’re a goddamn whore, beggin’ for this cum. And you’re gonna fuckin’ take it, yeah… fuckin’ take it.” He slams all the way into you for the last time before shooting his cum into your cunt, swearing and moaning. Breathing like he’s run a mile, he goes slack on top of you, pets the back of your head while he comes down from the exhilaration of his high.
With a gentle kiss to your shoulder, he rises, and the fantasy is over. His cock slips from your pussy, and you feel hollow with the loss. This is where he tucks himself back into his pants, runs a hand back through his hair, tells you to never show your face in his stadium again, and shoves you out the door.
And he does: tucks his softening cock into his boxers, zips up his khakis, does his belt, tames his post-sex head of hair. You wince even if you expected it, leaning down over the edge of the couch to grab your hoodie, already moving to tug it over your head.
“What do you think you’re doin’?” Joel asks, and his tone sounds much more different than the first time he’d asked you. He sounds offended. You blink confusedly, dazedly at him with your arms halfway through the armholes. “Let me clean you up, hun.” Joel side-steps the pile of your leggings and shoes, adjusting the hoodie on your arms and pulling it down your torso. “I know Lucas ain’t done you right, but you deserve to be taken care of, pretty girl.” Your heart pinches in a way that it shouldn’t, not for a hookup with your ex-boyfriend’s coach.
You shift, and he can’t help but look back between your legs where his cum escapes your hole. He manages to pry his eyes away, but not without licking his lips first. “I’ll be right back, baby. Promise.”
When he’s back, it’s with a damp rag. He crouches down in front of you, taking it to the apex of your thighs and wiping away the combination of your releases, careful not to nudge your sensitive clit. He kisses your thigh gently before pulling back, folding the towel on the arm of the couch you’d been crying into just a few minutes ago.
Joel shimmies your ruined panties up your thighs, followed by your leggings. You let him, breath cut like a snipped wire from the sheer intimacy of it all, intimacy you’d lacked with Lucas even after a year of trying. You’d stayed with him for comfortability at your own expense. How stupid could you have been?
Joel pats your knee, eyes soft and weirdly sincere as he looks at you. “I’m sorry about Lucas, honey, but I meant it when I said you deserve to be taken care of.” He rubs the back of his neck before holding something out to you. A business card, his work number plastered in bold sans-serif font across the bottom. “I know this is in reverse ‘n all, but I’d really like to take you out and treat you right, if you’ll let me.”
Saying yes is your first good decision in a while.
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leejenowrld · 5 months
nct dream reactions — dreamies getting jealous and possessive + kissing your neck
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ot7 dream
genre smut fluff
author note this is very long and descriptive, also jaemin’s one is a teaser/spoiler for his upcoming series that i’m working on. the first part can be read here. and i’m sorry if some members are shorter than others, i struggle writing for those members and its difficult to write the same scenario seven times lol
REQUESTED? [yes☆]/[no] requests are open so pls request :) asks are open
“can you please write dreamies reaction to someone hitting on their girl and them getting jealous and possessively kissing their neck”
☆ mark lee
In the cozy studio, you find yourself in a very familiar position – comfortably resting on Mark's lap. Your head rests against his shoulder, eyes giving away the familiar heaviness that often accompanies these moments. It's an intimate setting where you tend to become sleepy, cuddling up to Mark, keeping him company as he works on his music.
"I love you, pretty girl," he whispers softly, casting occasional glances your way, a sweet grin lighting up his face at the sight of his girl nestled comfortably in his hoodie, on his lap. The warmth of your presence in his arms brings him immense joy – the soft whimpers and sniffles as sleepiness takes over, the tired hums, and the gentle tracing of your fingers along his cheek and through his hair. Each tender moment is a cherished melody that lulls him into a state of serene coziness, he loves it all.
Mark cherishes having you close; you're his muse, and your touch and presence bring him constant comfort. However, the sanctuary you've created is disrupted when other members walk into the room. The subtle huffs and sighs from Mark indicate his desire for a private moment with you, his personal space now obstructed.
As time passes, you reluctantly stand up, resisting Mark's attempt to lock you in with his arms. Engaging in casual conversation with the boys, you notice your boyfriend's grumpy and sulking demeanor. Something is wrong – he sits there with crossed arms and his tongue prodded against his cheek.
Whispering sweetly in his ear, you ask, "You okay, my love?" But he doesn't answer, and the problem becomes apparent – you're wearing short shorts. When you lean up, it reveals more than Mark is comfortable with, especially with other guys in the room not hiding the way they’re looking at you, eyes heating up at the sight of your skin on show.
His frustration stems from possessiveness. The shorts are acceptable when you're alone together, he loves spanking you or even just touching your ass. However, the presence of others triggers a protective response. The sight of them looking at his baby irritates him, and you remain blissfully naive to the stares, intensifying his annoyance.
Suddenly, he comes up behind you, his arms locking around your waist. His head finds its place in the crook of your neck, and his hot breath fans against your ear. Holding you close, he becomes a distraction while you're in the midst of a conversation with the guys. His presence causes your concentration to falter, and you notice he hasn't muttered a single word to them. The subtle act speaks volumes about his focus on you in that moment.
"Did you have to wear these shorts?" His voice unexpectedly darkens, a low and husky tone that sends a shiver down your spine as his fingers grip the flesh on your thighs.
"You always know how to drive me fucking crazy.” He tuts, the frustration evident in his voice.
“I didn’t do anything.” You whisper, ignoring the silence that falls between the boys as they look at the two of you with wide eyes yet they’re not that shocked, they expect this from you both.
He shakes his head. You know exactly what you’ve done. "You've made me hard, so get all these idiots to leave, or they'll see me arch your back against the recording desk." he demands, a possessive edge to his words.
"You dirty slut, you just want everyone to hear you, don't you?" The accusation hangs heavy in the air. "Gonna record your moans anyway so they'll hear you." Mark's threat is both intimidating and strangely thrilling.
Mark, with his sweet yet tired appearance, messy hair, and glasses, needs to let everyone know who you belong to. His exterior may look innocent, but his words reveal a different side of him, asserting his dominance and marking you as his own.
☆ renjun
It's date night, and the ambiance is set for a romantic evening. You, as always, look absolutely stunning, and Renjun can't help but admire you the entire night. As the two of you enjoy the evening, the atmosphere is filled with an intimate connection, and Renjun finds himself in awe of the fact that you're his, appreciating every moment with you.
As you're at the bar getting the bill settled, a group of guys surrounds you. You, a bit tipsy, remain oblivious to their intentions. Renjun, observing the scene, tuts disapprovingly. He understands that you like to dress up, describing yourself as a "hot slut," and he doesn't mind the attention you attract. In fact, it boosts his confidence, knowing that he's the lucky one to have you by his side. However, the questionable intentions of these guys make him uneasy, and he can't have you perceived in a way that doesn't align with his comfort.
Taking decisive action, Renjun comes up behind you, his strong arms enveloping you, and he starts planting soft, lingering kisses on your neck. This intimate gesture not only silences the surrounding flirtation but also serves as a clear reminder of who you belong to. "You're mine, okay?" he whispers into your ear, adding a touch of filth that brings a playful smile to your face. You, in turn, allow him to act this way, feeling a potent wave of arousal as he asserts his claim. The subtle display of possessiveness not only dissipates any unwanted attention but also deepens the connection between you two, reinforcing the understanding that you belong to each other in the most intimate and exclusive way.
☆ jeno
You and Jeno are having an anniversary dinner in the most exquisite restaurant, soft candlelight flickers against the sophisticated décor, casting an intimate glow that accentuates the warmth in your eyes and the subtle smile on Jeno's lips. The air is filled with a melodic blend of soft jazz, intertwining seamlessly with the shared laughter and whispered words between you two. As the aroma of delectable cuisine wafts through the air, your entwined fingers on the table reflect the connection and love you share.
You’re all dolled up, dressed to the nines. You didn't anticipate the sheer allure that Jeno would radiate. Even though he's the love of your life, the sight of him still catches you off guard with its captivating charm. He looks so fucking hot.
You can't resist the temptation to playfully rile up Jeno. You're well aware of the reactions he tends to make when he perceives others making advances towards you, and tonight, you decide to test those boundaries.
While every fiber of your being yearns to be in his bed, getting your back blown out, you find yourself seated across from him in the restaurant. Jeno holds your hand, his gaze filled with an intensity that sends shivers down your spine. He’s silently giving you a warning to behave for him. That familiar, enticing smile graces his face, the one that makes you want to get under the table and suck his cock
Unable to resist the allure, you lean in, eyes locked onto his, and teasingly murmur, "Jeno, if you keep smiling like that, I’m gonna get under this table, on my knees, sucking your cock until you can't breathe."
He shakes his head, a blend of amusement and affection in his response, He appears unchanged by your words but you feel the way his hand tightens around yours. "Baby, can you please just shut up and eat your food?"
Your desire uncontained, you counter, "But I want to eat you." A subtle headshake follows, but Jeno seals the moment with a tender kiss on your hand, intensifying the throbbing ache for him.
Under different circumstances, he'd eagerly propose abandoning the date to fuck you. Yet, tonight is special – an anniversary celebration meticulously planned by Jeno. His sweetness and loving gestures throughout the evening only amplify the anticipation for what awaits later, making the entire experience all the more enchanting.
Jeno's tone takes a swift turn. He's calling you a brat, commanding you to shut up and eat, his voice growing louder as he delivers stern reprimands. Yet, you revel in the duality, the shift from scolding to endearment.
"You're my baby. Just be patient and wait, ok?” He says, alternating between compliments and firm instructions to behave. You touch him under the table which elicits a serious look, a silent acknowledgment of the enticing game you're playing.
As he heads to pay the bill, a sweet kiss and whispered promises of a night dedicated to you and what you want hang in the air. However you truly couldn’t wait a second longer. You pout, a mischievous idea forming. Spotting a group of guys who've been eyeing you all night, you shamelessly strike up a conversation.
Their suggestive comments and compliments serve as a spectacle, a carefully orchestrated act to elicit a reaction from Jeno, you’re looking back and forth and smirking when you see Jeno looking your way, a blunt and still expression on his face which only means one thing, he’s mad.
The guys around you are over the top, complimenting your appearance and making suggestive remarks about how your ass looks in the dress. You respond with a smile and nods, keeping your words to a minimum. You're just waiting for the inevitable clash with Jeno, anticipating his reaction to their bold advances.
The air hums as Jeno quietly emerges behind you, his presence sending an electric thrill down your spine. Engulfing you in a possessive back hug, he holds you tight against him, the strength in his arms making it clear that you're his and his only.
“You think you're sly, baby?” He purrs, his lips grazing the shell of your ear as his hands explore you, tracing possessive patterns on your waist. His fingers dance with a familiarity that only intensifies the heated connection between you. He knows, he knows that you’re too impatient to wait until you’re home, that you just want him to take you here and now.
Jeno's fingers navigate under your skirt, skillfully exploring your most intimate places. The sensation elicits a quiet gasp, and you instinctively bite your lip to muffle the impending moans that threaten to surface. His touch is both commanding and tender, he’s massaging your folds, his fingers slipping underneath your panties so easily. “The red thong, really?” He whispers in your ear, light and sultry voice.
Adjusting your position, he cradles your chin with his fingertips, tilting your head to meet his gaze. A soft kiss lands on your cheek before he buries his head in the crook of your neck. His softness and touchy side surprises you but you know that you have a night filled with edging to look forward to.
“You're mine. You’re all fucking mine, doll.” He asserts with a possessive edge, his hold on you tightening, as if to emphasise the unspoken claim. “I'll let them listen to you moaning my name, yeah?” Jeno teases, making the discomfort of the audience palpable. It’s so funny that he hasn’t spared them a single glance, to him, they’re not there. Guys hitting on you doesn’t scare him because you both know who’s bed you’re gonna be in every night and who’s name you’re gonna cry out. He has an undeniable confidence and assurance.
“I'll rip these clothes off you right here and now.” His voice, a seductive whisper, promises a forbidden encounter. He tilts your head to expose your neck, leaving open-mouthed kisses, displaying previous marks as if to say. 'Can't they see me all over you?'
“Gonna make you feel me here.” His hands move to your waist, tracing circles over the material of your dress, his need to rip it off your body intensifying.
☆ donghyuck
The neon lights of the carnival flickered in a spectrum of colors as you and Donghyuck embarked on another one of your adventurous dates. Excitement buzzed in the air, and you reveled in the shared joy of these moments. Little did you know that this particular date would unfold in a rather unexpected way.
Donghyuck knew you’d attract the attention of other guys, as you took your time dressing up, you opted for a striking skirt that hugged your curves, accentuating every step with confidence. The fabric flowed gracefully, catching the light in a way that drew attention. Tonight, you radiated a newfound self-assurance, a glow that spoke volumes about your growing confidence.
He bites his lip. “I'm in the mood to show off my pretty girl tonight. You’re all mine.”
When Donghyuck saw you, his eyes widened with admiration. The confidence you wore was like a magnetic force, pulling him closer. He couldn't help but feel a surge of pride, knowing you were not just dressing up for others but also for yourself. As you walked together, he wrapped an arm around your waist, whispering words of appreciation for the newfound allure you brought into the night.
As you wandered through the carnival, Donghyuck's infectious laughter and playful banter made every experience even more delightful. Your affection for each other was always evident, and normally, attention from others was a non-issue. However, today, the carnival worker running a game took an unusually keen interest in you.
At first, it was amusing for Donghyuck; the way other guys were drawn to you sparked a playful gleam in his eyes. He'd lean in and whisper in your ear, "Just gonna sit back and watch him drool all over you. It's not like he can have you anyways, right? I love seeing people want what they can't have. Love that it's my pretty girl who's making all these guys fall down to their knees, but she'll only be on her knees for me."
As the attention grew, something shifted within Donghyuck. What began as a humorous observation evolved into a source of arousal for him. The possessive thrill of knowing others desired you, coupled with the knowledge that you were exclusively his, ignited a newfound intensity in his gaze. The amusement turned into a tantalizing game, and Donghyuck found himself relishing the role of the only one who could truly claim your affections
Amused by the worker's attempts to win you a stuffed animal, Donghyuck couldn't help but feel a twinge of irritation and jealousy. The worker's laughter echoed around you as he persisted, seemingly blind to Donghyuck's mounting displeasure. Not one to be outdone, Donghyuck decided to shift the dynamics.
With each futile attempt by the worker, Donghyuck became increasingly touchy, his arms wrapping around your body and holding you close to him, showering you with kisses on your face and neck. His whispered words, filled with sweetness and possessiveness, were a comforting reassurance. "You're all mine," he murmured, creating an intimate bubble around you both. “Do you think he’s gotten the hint? He’s still looking at you like he wants to rip your clothes off but I’m the only one who can do that.”
Determined to stake his claim, Donghyuck shot a piercing glare at the oblivious worker, whispering a firm declaration of your relationship. The worker, finally realising he was no match for your connection, reluctantly stepped back, allowing you and Donghyuck to continue your carnival adventure hand in hand.
☆ jaemin
You and Jaemin are currently in what you would call a situationship. It’s not particularly healthy, the lack of labels is evident of the fact that neither of you are ready for full commitment. It’s a bit toxic but the sex is good and you guys do truly care about each other and you only want happiness together. He takes care of you and your emotions. You found each other after messy and bad break ups. Your ex, Hyunjin, really broke your heart and fucked you over and you was in a very dark place for a long time until Jaemin came along, he held your hand through every second, he was with you at your lowest
So you can imagine his reaction and his attitude towards seeing you and Hyunjin happily engaging in a conversation at a party the two of you attended together. You’re smiling and the two of you seem to get along and all he’s left with is confusion. Jaemin doesn’t completely get your decision to reconcile with Hyunjin, he’s trying to understand for you. You keep trying to convince him that staying far away from drama is the only thing you want and it’s best for everyone.
Truthfully he’s not having fun at this party, especially when he catches the two of you in the distance.
He sees him talking with you, you’re unusually quiet, there's two drinks in his hand and Jaemin feels a flip switch when he realises he’s about to hand the cup over to you. He knows his intentions aren’t good, it’s not that he doesn’t trust you, he just hates him and will never understand him.
Jaemin acts swiftly, purposefully striding over with his eyes cold and fixed on Hyunjin, sending a silent warning that succeeds in its intent. Holding the other cup awkwardly, he scans the surroundings with clear annoyance, observing his ex being touchy with another man right in front of him. Without hesitation, Jaemin wraps his arms around your back, and you instantly sigh, feeling the pressure drop from your shoulders as you sink into him. Jaemin understands you well; he knows you'd rather be anywhere else but with your ex, which is precisely why he's here. His actions are solely for you, recognizing that you're too gentle and unfortunately weak to break away from your ex and go elsewhere.
“Why are you smiling so much to him, hm? Should I show him how you smile when I’m touching you up and show him how you sound when you moan my name?” He whispers in your ear, tone heavy with jealousy
“I’ve been looking for you.” You mumble, dropping your hands over his, they lay around your waist and you gently trace his rings with your fingers and the soft touch awakens something inside of him.
"You look so pretty," "you're all mine," and "can't wait to take you home." While these words bring a smile to your face, they are intentionally loud enough for your ex to hear. Jaemin takes pride in the fact that you'll be in his bed tonight, savoring the awkward tension emanating from your ex as he stands there, looking around helplessly. The clear tension and discomfort only add to Jaemin's satisfaction.
Jaemin's lips gently trail along your neck, and you can feel the warmth of his smile against your skin, prompting a giggle from you. You lean your head against his shoulder, tilting it to grin at him before connecting your lips with his.
"I missed you, pretty boy. Where did you run off to?" You ask, your words sweetening the air. He just smiles, too captivated by you and the moment to respond immediately. Initially mad at the sight of you with your ex, jealousy fading away as he hears your sweet voice and looks into your soft eyes filled with nothing but genuine emotion.
Lost in the depth of your eyes, Jaemin realizes that this is what falling feels like. The world around fades, leaving only the two of you caught in a sweet, romantic embrace.
“Let’s go home, baby girl.”
☆ chenle
In the early weeks of your relationship with Chenle, things were still in the lowkey phase. You both hadn't encountered any significant hurdles, and it seemed like smooth sailing until today. While patiently waiting in line at a cozy coffee shop, a charismatic barista initiated playful banter with you, the charming exchange marked by subtle flirtation.
Chenle, who had yet to reveal his jealous side, witnessed the barista's antics with a hearty laugh as a heart-shaped design adorned the foam of your coffee. However, when he caught onto the increasingly flirtatious vibes and realized the barista was openly hitting on his girl, a flicker of possessiveness sparked within him.
Without missing a beat, Chenle wrapped his arms around your back, creating a protective shield, and locked eyes with the flustered barista until discomfort settled in. In a low, steady voice that betrayed a hint of anger, he whispered, "Does he know I'm willing to fight for my girl? My pretty girl, you're all mine, okay? I need everyone to see that. No one else has a chance."
As the barista retreated, Chenle's protective stance lingered, and the subtle tension in the air hinted at the newfound depths of his jealousy and the lengths he was willing to go to assert that you were undeniably his.
Chenle's unexpected display of jealousy and possessiveness revealed a new side of him, one you hadn't anticipated. The intensity in his eyes and the protective aura he exuded created a tantalizing allure that you hadn't noticed before. This newfound assertiveness didn't just catch you off guard; it stirred a desire within you, making your mouth water with an excitement you hadn't experienced in your relationship. The subtle thrill of discovering this hidden facet of Chenle added an electrifying edge to your connection, leaving you curious to explore this uncharted territory together.
☆ jisung
You and Jisung decided to embrace the thrill of a karaoke night, and as you stepped onto the stage, his enthusiastic cheers and claps echoed through the venue. Despite his slightly embarrassing antics, the warmth in your heart intensified with every encouraging gesture from your number one fan.
However, the mood shifted when the playlist took an unexpected turn into the realm of romantic duets. Another guy joined you on stage, and Jisung's expression turned sour. The confident singer's rendition felt more like a serenade directed at you, and Jisung, perceptive as ever, sensed the underlying intentions.
Feeling the discomfort, Jisung decided to take matters into his own hands. Seizing the opportunity, he boldly ascended the stage, surprising you. Wrapping his arms around your back, he started showering your neck with kisses, sharing the microphone for a duet that overshadowed the initial performance.
The overly touchy and romantic display not only made the other guy visibly uneasy but also transformed the situation into a comically passionate rendition of a love ballad. Your eyes locked with Jisung's, radiating love and adoration, turning a potentially awkward moment into an entertaining and memorable karaoke night.
As the duet concluded, Jisung delivered a playful remark, "You're my girl, okay? Only I can dedicate these types of songs to you." The shared laughter that followed eased any remaining tension, leaving you both with a lighthearted and unforgettable karaoke experience.
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mydearzero · 10 months
i need jealous spencer SO BAD if he sees a guy flirting with you it would drive him crazy, no thinking, he just has to have you and everyone needs to know that you're his and only his, smut pls with praise (“good girl” 🥰) THANK U SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for the request and for reading!! I got inspired to write this as a continuation of Prey, so that's what it'll be! I hope you enjoy ♡
Predator | Professor!Spencer Reid x Reader
This is a part 2 to Prey, but can be read as a standalone.
Summary: You apparently have a knack for picking up FBI agents. But if prison has taught Spencer one thing, it's that sharing is not his forté.
Contents: NO Y/N, fem!Reader, SMUT, professor/student relationship, age gap, dom/sub, dom!Spencer, sub!reader, public sex, penetrative sex, oral sex (f rec), unprotected sex, creampie, jealousy, possessiveness, praise kink, a lil bit of degradation, exhibitionism. If I missed any warnings please tell me!
3.9K words
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You didn't know what you'd expected after finally getting what you wanted. Sure, you weren't going to date your professor. Yet, you had expected Reid to at least acknowledge what had happened between the two of you. Maybe tell you to keep it to yourself, bribe you to not tell a soul. 
Nothing. Not a peep. 
It didn't help he was only on campus sporadically. You tended to forget teaching was only his temporary side gig. He had to go back to catching bad guys. So much for your eye candy. 
You couldn't let yourself dwell on Dr. Spencer Reid. It was a one-time thing, and he probably regretted it. He'd let his desires get the best of him. 
You sighed as you applied some chapstick, checking your hair in the mirror before turning to put on your coat. It was just drinks with friends, but you were in no mood to be social. You hadn't told them about your stint with Spencer and weren't planning on telling them anytime soon. They just knew you were hung up on someone and would likely try to set you up to help you get over it. 
It wasn't fair you were even hung up about it. You didn't have feelings for him. He was just so intriguing. It was hard to see him go. You sighed and locked the door behind you, greeting your friends and getting in the car towards O'Keeffe's. 
Loud music, conversation and laughter met your ears as you entered the bar. You threw a quick glance around the crowded room, spotting an open spot at the bar. You got the attention of your friends, pointing to the free space. 
Spencer chuckled at one of Penelope's jokes, but his smile quickly dropped as he saw you walk into the team's favourite bar. You obviously hadn't spotted him, engrossed in a conversation with a girl he'd previously seen in his class. He sighed, sipping his drink and trying to pull his attention away from you. 
"What is it, Spence?" JJ inquired. He shook his head in dismissal. 
"It's nothing, just a couple of students from my class," Spencer explained, letting his eyes wander over your body just this once. 
"That doesn't look like nothing, boy wonder," Emily raised an eyebrow, following his gaze. 
"Just some unfinished business, is all. Nothing interesting." 
Nothing interesting. Spencer scoffed to himself. Even he didn't believe it. He was glad his break from the BAU was over, not having to force himself to ignore your inquiries any longer. He'd been reckless, and now he'd have to live with the consequences. The consequences haunted his mind every time he closed his eyes. 
Please, Spencer. Please.
Your desperate words echoed around his head. He should've never given in. 
"Do tell more, my inconspicuous sage," Penelope leaned her head on her crossed fingers, a big grin on her face. 
"There's nothing to tell, Garcia. They're my students," Spencer shrugged. He had a superb poker face, but nothing could be hidden from his team. 
JJ narrowed her eyes at him, trying to figure it out. Emily was way ahead of her, letting out a pleasantly surprised scoff. "You animal! You slept with one of them!" 
"Will you keep it down?!" Spencer whisper-yelled. Realizing he hadn't denied it, he looked at the glass in his hands, refusing to meet the girls' eyes. 
"I see you, Casanova. Wouldn't have pegged you the type," Penelope laughed. Spencer shook his head.
"Because I'm not! It was a mistake," it was more to convince himself than the others. 
"So, which one is it?" JJ questioned, wanting to discuss his type with the girls. 
Spencer refused to look in the direction of the bar, not wanting to give anything away. "Can we please just change the subject?"
"No can do, Spence. Now, is it the tall, leggy blonde? Oh! Is it the one talking to the newbie?" That caught Spencer's attention. 
"What?" His head snapped up, turning to where you were leaning against the bar, Luke Alvez whispering in your ear. Spencer's grip on his glass tightened as he observed your pleasant smile. He squinted his eyes, trying to make out what Alvez possibly could've said to paint that smile on your face. The smile he'd wrongly presumed was reserved for him. 
"Oh, that's the one, alright." Emily laughed. Spencer snapped out of his jealous tunnel vision, trying to appear unaffected by the situation. Damn you, Alvez. He was supposed to go and get drinks, not flirt with girls barely over the legal drinking age. He crossed his arms and tried to tune in on the girls' conversation. 
"Look at him, definitely jealous. Crossed arms? Refusing to look in their direction? Chewing the inside of his mouth? Classic signs of jealousy." JJ spoke, gesturing to Spencer's body. He really regretted agreeing to go out. 
He watched you throw back the last of your drink, laughing at a story Luke told. 
"Do you have any pictures?" You asked. Luke had been telling you all about his Belgian Shepherd, Roxy. You couldn't even remember how the topic came up in the last ten minutes you'd been speaking with him. 
Luke was classically handsome. Toned, too. You admired his features, but condemned yourself for comparing them to a certain professor's. You'd approached him as he waited for his drinks, asking if you'd previously met. He looked familiar. You just couldn't put your finger on why. Surely you would've remembered meeting someone as handsome as him.
The mystery man had told you that, no, you hadn't met, but introduced himself as Luke Alvez. 
Luke showed you a few pictures of his adorable dog before continuing the conversation. "So, what do you do?" 
"I'm a full-time student, currently. You?" You got comfy leaning against the bar, enjoying his company. 
"I actually work for the FBI," Luke informed you. You nearly choked on your drink, instantly realizing why he'd been familiar. You'd done your research. 
"You wouldn't happen to be a part of the BAU?" You winced. 
"Yes, actually! How'd you kn-" 
Luke was cut off by a harsh grip on your upper arm. Your head turned, only to find the hand to be attached to the source of your dread. 
"Spencer? What are you doing here?" You tried to be casual, but you were panicking. Was he here with Luke? Or was it just a coincidence? 
"I could ask you the same thing," Spencer dejected. 
"I was actually talking to my new friend Luke here," you tugged your arm out of Spencer's grip, a challenging expression on your face. Luke looked uncomfortable, clearly already having figured out how you'd learned he was a part of the BAU. 
"Why do you have to be so fucking diff- No, you know what? I'm not doing this. Let's go," Spencer motioned towards the door of the bar. You furrowed your brows in confusion. First, he wanted nothing to do with you, and now he expected you to just leave with him without question? 
"What? No, I'm not leaving. I'm here with friends. Besides, why would I leave with you, Professor?" You questioned. Luke's expression changed to one of surprise. That definitely wouldn't have been his first guess, seeing as you'd called him 'Spencer.' 
"Is that Professor Reid? Oh my god, hi!" One of your friends finally noticed what was going down. Spencer gave her a tight-lipped smile and half-hearted raise of his hand. Their attention quickly returned to their previous conversation. 
Spencer looked agitated, taking a deep breath to recollect his bearings. "Please, just come with me," he pleaded quietly. You crossed your arms and huffed. 
"You can't go making demands, Spencer! Not when you've been ignoring me!" You tried to keep your volume down, trying to not give away what had obviously happened. 
Luke took that as his queue to leave, but not before earning a nasty look from Spencer. He raised his hands in defence. When Luke returned to the table, he was met with excited whispers from the girls. 
"I've never seen him like this," JJ exclaimed. They were all observing as you were arguing with Spencer. 
"I take it you know what's going on there?" Luke sat down, putting his beer next to Spencer's unfinished glass. 
"Oh, newbie. It's a true scandal. Our resident genius was very jealous of your new lady friend," Penelope clapped her hands together in excitement. 
"But she's his student, right?" 
"Exactly why it's such a scandal!" 
The team observed your body language as well as Spencer's. They noticed your defensive stance, a change from the relaxed one you'd had when talking to Luke. Spencer, too, exuded a different energy. He was clearly in charge of the conversation, domineering stance looking like his second nature. It was clear there was a side to him they hadn't seen, intentionally hidden away. 
"Oh Ehm Gee, look!" Penelope clamoured. 
Spencer had had enough, dragging you towards the bathroom instead of the door like he'd initially intended. He'd tried to hold back, but you made it so damn difficult. 
"Where are we going? Let me go," you struggled in his grip, nearly tripping over your feet as he dragged you to the bathroom. 
"You clearly need to be taught a lesson in respect," Spencer spat, pushing you into the women's bathroom and closing the door. 
"Stop it, Spencer. You're acting childish," you scoffed, trying to push past him out the door. 
"I'm being childish? What was that back there, then? Flirting with my coworker in front of me? That's a new low," Spencer mocked. His body language was hostile and distant. He was feeling worse about it than he was letting on. He clearly had unresolved feelings about your situation, just like you did. 
"I didn't even know he was your coworker! Or that you were here! And you've ignored me every time I've tried to talk to you! You don't get to stake some sort of claim over me!" You defended. Did he really expect you to just wait around for him? 
"I'm not staking a claim! I just assumed we had an understanding!" Spencer's voice was rising with every sentence he spoke. The small bathroom seemed to only get smaller as he towered over you. 
"What understanding, Spencer? We only fucked once," you sneered, rolling your eyes. 
"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Spencer's tone shifted, simmering anger underlined with something you couldn't place. You searched his face for emotion but only found his tightened jaw and eyebrows raised in question. 
"So what if I did?" You challenged, crossing your arms. He wasn't backing down, staring into your eyes. You felt your resolve crumble little by little. 
"Bend over," Spencer demanded, motioning to the sink with his head. 
"I'm not bending over some gross bar sink! Especially not for you," you tried pushing past him again, to no avail. His hands found your upper arms, turning you around and pushing you over the sink. 
"You'll listen to me if you know what's good for you," Spencer whispered in your ear. The dampened bass thrumming through the closed bathroom door had nothing on your heartbeat. 
You awaited his hands against your ass, but they didn't come. You stayed in the position he'd put you in, waiting. Spencer stepped back, and you didn't dare move a muscle. 
"Hmm, good girl. See how easy it is to just listen?" He ran a hand over your back, stopping at the hem of your bottoms. You didn't reply, waiting with bated breath. 
"Now, do you remember the rules?" Spencer made eye contact through the mirror. You felt yourself nod before correcting the behaviour. 
"Yes, Sir," you were quick to stammer the words. 
"Good girl..." Spencer trailed off, hooking his fingers into your waistband and pulling everything down to your ankles, leaving you exposed. 
He admired your pussy, kicking your legs apart to give him a better view and access. He wasn't wasting any time this time around. He placed his hands on your ass, squatting down to be at face height with your nethers. You jumped and tried to contain your reaction as he licked a stripe between your folds. Your hand slapped over your mouth, begging nobody could hear what was going down. 
"Wait, Spencer. Lock the door," you remembered. 
"Shut up. Did I give you permission to speak?" Spencer spoke against the warmth between your legs. 
"N-no, Sir," you answered. Your eyes darted to the unlocked door again, anxious someone might walk in. It was a public bar, after all. You wanted to question him. What if someone walked in? But you knew better, keeping your lips sealed. 
Spencer resumed with his mouth on your cunt, slowly devouring and driving you crazy. Tremors built in your legs as he sped up his advances. The wet sounds of his tongue lapping at your clit reached your ears, sending blood rushing to your cheeks. You clenched your eyes shut and balled your fists, doing your best to withhold your reactions. 
"Fuck..." The soft whimper left your mouth as Spencer sucked harshly on your clit. It was almost enough to send you over the edge. Almost. Spencer seemed to know as much, teasing endlessly. You wanted to beg, plead with him to make you cum, but you knew any words from your mouth would urge him to do the opposite. 
The doorknob clicked, and you tried to kick Spencer away from you. His grip on your hips was unwavering as he maintained his eager actions. 
The door flew open, and an unknown girl shrieked at the sight before her before quickly backing out the door. You'd hidden your face to the best of your ability, but there was no doubt what was going on. The least you could do to spare your dignity was hide your identity. 
Your heart beat rapidly in your chest at the intrusion. Even though you hated that you'd gotten caught in such a compromising situation, you couldn't deny it was a little exhilarating to know anybody could walk in at any moment while Spencer had his way with you without a care in the world. 
"You liked getting caught, didn't you? That's what little whores like you get off on," Spencer muttered against your pussy. You shook your head, denying his accusation. 
Spencer got off the floor, and you met his gaze through the mirror. "No? You didn't like it? Then why'd you get so wet," his words were emphasized by the fingers running through your sensitive folds. You whined at the sensation, biting your lip. 
"Fine, have it your way," Spencer sighed, leaning over and finally locking the door. The damage had been done, anyway. 
"Get up and turn around," Spencer ordered. You quickly obeyed, spinning to face him. Your ass pressed into the sink as Spencer stepped closer. He observed you for a second, his right hand coming up to cup your cheek in a strangely intimate moment. 
He quickly snapped out of it, bringing the hand down to your chin and gripping it tightly. You attempted to beg him to continue without words, but he was taking his sweet time. While his touch was no longer tender, the unexpected kiss he planted on your lips could only be described as delicate. A promise. 
His lips quickly moved down your neck, sucking harshly in any open spot he could find. His hand went up to your hair as he put the other on your waist. He tugged strategically, intentionally messing up your put-together appearance. This, combined with the trail of bruises he was leaving on your neck, made one thing clear: He was marking his territory. A fond feeling you wanted to ignore, perhaps to preserve it for later, bloomed in your chest. 
Spencer pushed you backwards onto the stone sink. You crossed your fingers it was a sturdy one, knowing what Spencer likely had in mind. He stepped between your opened legs, unbuckling his belt with one hand as the other remained on your thigh, rubbing the skin and driving you crazy. 
He reached into his underwear, tugging his rock-hard cock out of its confines. He held it tightly in his fist, stroking it as he kept rubbing his fingers closer and closer to your heat. You would've easily been able to take his teasing if he hadn't left you hanging on the edge with his mouth. The seconds he spent stroking himself lazily as he watched you felt like torturous hours. 
Finally, he made contact, tapping the head of his dick against your clit crudely. The sensation made you jerk backwards. He placed his length between your lips, lazily sliding yet never pushing inside. Every time the tip hit your clit with the upwards motion of his hips, a meek noise escaped you. 
"What would Luke think if he saw you like this, huh? Think he'd still be all over you if he knew you were such a little slut for me?" He accentuated his words by finally thrusting inside, pulling a moan from your throat. 
"Bet you'd like that, huh? Having him walk in here? Have him watch as I ruin your little pussy?" You cried out at his words. You couldn't help but imagine it. 
"But you're my good girl, huh?" The slide of his cock against your walls felt phenomenal. You felt yourself tighten at his words. The ridge of his tip got stuck on your entrance, and Spencer chuckled. 
"So tight for me. My pussy," he continued pushing inside, ignoring how you squeezed around him. 
"Say it," he urged. "Tell me who this pussy belongs to." 
"You! Belongs to you, Sir," you whined. You felt your body slowly slip off the sink with every push. You brought your hands to Spencer's shoulders as leverage to keep yourself upright. 
"That's right, all mine," Spencer moaned. His voice was raspy. It was the sexiest thing you'd ever had the pleasure of hearing. 
"Let me hear you," he coaxed. You took it as permission to finally speak. 
"Please, Sir, more," you begged. You no longer had control over your body, throwing your head back and nearly crashing it into the mirror. Your throat was quickly becoming hoarse with the pleas and whines escaping it. 
"More what, sweetheart?" The nickname sounded anything but sincere, just like the last time he'd used it in his office. 
"Fuck- Spe- Sir, harder, please," you were gradually losing your sanity. Your nails dug into the skin of his neck in desperation. 
He fulfilled your request, speeding up the momentum of his hips. You could only hope the music from the bar drowned out the sound of his balls slapping against your cunt with every harsh thrust. The wet squelches coming from where your bodies connected were vulgar. 
"Fuck, baby. So good. Such a good girl for me," Spencer babbled as he leaned forward to plant a messy kiss on your lips. You kept him close with the hold on his neck. 
You brought your hands up to his delectable locks, tugging harshly when he hit the magic spot inside of you. 
"Spencer! Oh my god, please, don't stop," you exclaimed. He continued pounding into you roughly. 
"Nobody can fuck you like I can, nobody will make you feel like I do," Spencer groaned. He was right. He'd ruined you for anybody else the second he'd set foot on campus. 
"O-oh, shit..." Spencer whimpered. If his rough voice was sexy, then Professor Spencer Reid whimpering in your ear in desperation as he neared his climax was on another level. The filthy whispers and sounds falling from his lips were enough to bring you back to the brink. 
"Fuck, Professor," you moaned. It snapped something in Spencer, whose hips stuttered. His pace turned brutal. 
"Say that again," he commanded. Who knew his official title would've set him off? 
"Please, Professor," you whined. The noises falling from your lips sounded foreign to your ears. Frenzied moans left you as Spencer brought his hand to your clit, rubbing circles in tandem with his thrusts. 
"Good girl," Spencer moaned. "Such a good girl for me." You could tell he was about to cum, mirroring your own predicament. 
"Fuck... Let them hear, baby. Tell them who's making you cum," Spencer's hips pressed hard against your own. 
"Spencer, oh- shit," you were no longer holding back. 
"That's right, cum for me." 
His words sent you over the edge, vision momentarily going black as your toes curled. You felt your legs shake as Spencer pushed inside one last time, cock pulsing as he shot his cum deep inside. It was concerning how quickly you'd come to love that specific feeling. 
He allowed you a second to catch your breath before he pulled out of you, tucking himself back into his pants and buckling his belt. He wasted no time, gathering some toilet paper from one of the stalls and carefully cleaning you up. He threw the paper in the toilet and flushed it, turning his attention back to you. 
He bent down, placing a peck on your mound. "All mine."
You scoffed at the action, pushing him away. "You sap." 
"Caught me," Spencer smiled softly, helping you off the sink. You pulled your bottoms back up, cringing at the wet feeling of his cum trickling down. 
"Spencer, I can't go out there like this," you gestured to your exterior. 
"You can and you will, c'mon," he placed a hand on the small of your back, ushering you to the exit. You did your best to rearrange your clothes to look somewhat presentable, but there was only so much you could do with your dishevelled appearance. The messy hair, ruined makeup and blotches splattered over your neck would be enough to give away what had happened. 
Your eyes searched the bar for your friends, but they were nowhere to be seen. You grabbed your phone, and with all the notifications, your suspicions were confirmed. They'd left without you. 
"Spencer, can you drive me home?" You tried turning to him, but he kept pushing you to the table where his team and Luke were still seated. Luke wolf-whistled at your appearance. You tried to shrink into yourself or to hide behind Spencer, but he wouldn't allow it. This clearly was some kind of dick-measuring contest to him. 
Spencer sat down next to Emily, pulling you into his lap. "Knock it off already. They get it," you groaned. 
"So, you're taking Spence's class? How's that working out for you?" The blonde next to Luke questioned. Spencer put a drink in front of you. You didn't question its contents, taking a sip before answering. 
"Well, I guess we had some disagreements over some of my work, but it seems we've found a way to work that out," you joked. There was no use in being sheepish about it. Spencer had made very sure they understood exactly what your dynamic was. 
"So it seems." Luke chuckled. You gave him an apologetic smile. He shrugged it off, raising his glass to clink it against yours.
Spencer's arm around you tightened. He'd 100% gotten his message across, but that didn't mean he liked you talking to Luke, or anybody, for that matter. If there's one thing Spencer learned from prison, it would be that sharing definitely wasn't his forté. Especially not you. No... You were all his. 
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yuyusboyfriend · 10 months
Good Boy ✧.
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roommate!yunho drives me crazy bro...
pairing: roommate!yunho x gn!reader
wordcount: 1,7k
content: helping your roommate with a hard problem...
warnings: nsfw, pet names (tiny, baby, good boy), handjob, cum eating, dirty talk (?), lots of praise, sub!yunho dom!reader (lmk if I missed anything)
comments and reblogs appreciated <3
masterlist!˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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When you usually walk through the door after a long day of classes, you'd hear your roommate, yunho, crashing around in the kitchen cooking up something for you both to eat once you got home. Sometimes he would be in his room playing valorant, shouting down the mic to his friend group telling mingi to step up his game -
Tonight? There's no noise. Atleast that's what it seemed like, until you hear a sniffle coming from the corridor as you place your shoes by the door. "is....is he crying?" you whisper to yourself as if the house was going to answer back. As you drop your bag on the counter and take small steps towards your roommates room, all you hear is shuffling, followed by the squeaks of a bedframe.
"No....is someone here with him?", your heart sank at the thought. Not that you had shared this with anyone but your close friend, woo, but some time after yunho moved in, you started having....dreams... about him. At first they were innocent, like playing games and having movie nights, but after the first few you noticed they became more...sexual. The first night you jumped in horror, filled head to toe with guilt and a hotter feeling you couldn't put into words, but grateful that your yelp didn't wake up the boy on the other side of the wall. When he stroked your arm that morning, a normal gesture between the two of you (at least usually), you jumped out of your skin and flinched away from him.
"You okay, tiny?" concern in his voice hitting your ears mixing with the guilt in your head.
"Sorry, yeah im good, just no sleep", you pulled your best fake smile despite all the questions running through your head; why the skin on your arm where yunhos hand formerly was feel like it was burning up? Why was your heart racing so fast? Why did the droplets on yunho's face and neck from the reminence of his shower make your throat feel like the Sahara desert?
"Were you up playing ac with seonghwa again? I told him to not keep you up late anymore, I'm gonna message him aga-"
"It's okay, yunho, seonghwa was probably fast asleep, it was just too....cold", You cut his worrying off with the lamest excuse you could think of. After that encounter, every touch yunho initiated, every time he jumped into your bed when he was bored, or wrapped his arms around you when he put his hoodie on you, made your whole body heat like you had swallowed the sun. You wondered if he did it on purpose, if he knew the control he had over your heart rate....
..."I guess not." You held back an aching tear at the prospect of yunho having someone on his bed that wasn't you. You silently begged the stars that it wasn't the case as you creeped closer to his room. one step. Two steps. You noticed the door was cracked open. three steps.
"y/n please.."
What? did he just say y/n? you stop just short of his door to process what you just heard. Were you hallucinating? was the stress of school and your crush finally getting to your head to the point you think you heard yunho say-
"fuck, y/n please." he says again, this time a litre of desperation in his gravelly voice apparent. He was practically panting out your name in what sounded like frustration, his breaths shaky and uneven.
You took another step forward, finally standing in his doorframe to add a visual to what you've been hearing. Holy fuck.
Yunho splayed out on his bed gripping the sheets with one hand and furiously rocking his hips into the other. His hoodie, once held between his teeth, now pathetically shifting over his sensitive skin making him harder, if it was even possible.
His tip looked red and angry to say the least, his skin was glistening from sweat and he could barely keep his eyes open. How long had he been at this for?
You realise you've been standing here, perving over your unknowing roommate, but as you attempt to step away from the scene of the crime to try and forget what you've witnessed (even though you know this will fuel your dreams for the next month) you felt your keys slip out of your previously suffocating grip.
With a loud clash, no thanks to your 80 keychains, you let out a panicked squeak and yunho jumped to cover himself on the bed at the noise, till he realises what just happened.
"Y/n it's not- I'm-" he tries to get the words out but after his body had been working in overdrive, nothing made sense.
"Sorry yunho, I didn't see anything!" you yelped out as you tried to turn around and run to your own room, but a firm grip on your arm turns you back to yunho.
He was disheveled and had barely managed to put himself back into his sweatpants, the friction excruciating on his aching tip. God, he looked angelic, his hood still over his head covering his sweat drenched hair, and overshadowing the deep red on his cheeks and ears. His eyes darting to look everywhere but yours, eventually settling on your lips.
"y/n...I need... please help me." he whispered while rubbing circles into your arm, scared for your answer.
"sit." Your shaky voice betraying your attempt at being assertive. Nonetheless, yunho walks backward till he falls back, you following in tow.
He's already whimpering at you sitting down and straddling one of his legs as you start to pull his grey sweats down just enough once again.
"god.." You think. He looked big before when he was stroking himself, and you always suspected he was packing by the indent in his towel after showers, but seeing it up close was a game changer.
"think about my size later y/n, please it hurts.." He whimpers out, making you realise you had said it out loud. Putting your embarrasment aside, you brush your thumb down the underside of his dick till you reach the base, where you wrap your whole hand (barely, his girth was just as impressive) and squeeze a little, testing the waters. He cried out in pleasure from your touch, begging for more, and rutting his hips up best he can - in the process giving you some friction making your mind a little fuzzy.
You worked your hand up and down his angry cock turning him into a blubbering mess. Yunho was so overwhelmed by the sensations his brain had short-circuited and all he could blubber out between was "baby please", "y/n fuck, ah", "tiny nnghh".
"am I making you feel good, yuyu?" you asked with a sultry voice and hooded eyes. You could die a happy person right now if this is the last thing you see. God, yunho was in such state, sticky glistening skin looking edible.
"Yuyu. Answer me baby, or I'll stop." You teased, not even sure you'd be able to stop if you tried.
"baby yes yes please god fuck tiny im so close." He huffed out while vigorously nodding his head. What a sweet boy - too bad you couldn't help teasing him a little more. You slowed down the pace making him whine and cry out a symphony of pleads. Music to your ears, you don't know how you lived your whole life without this.
"please tiny, I'll be good please, let me cum" he cried, his voice breaking.
"you sound so pretty like this yuyu... you're such a good boy." His dick leaked precum and twitched in your palm at the pet names, something you'd keep in mind for a later date. You sped your pace back up again and started nibbling on his burning earlobe, making him cry out whatever was coming to his fucked out brain.
"I'm your good boy ah, tiny, please-" and another string of curses and whimpers. You could tell by his tightening grip on you that he was close. He could feel the knot in his stomach getting tighter, ready to snap.
"be a good boy and cum for me, yuyu."
Thats all it took for his whole body to tense up, cum spurting out of his cock in ropes, reaching your face and soaking your hand. He slumped against your shoulder from exhaustion and euphoria as you pumped your hand around him once more, letting him ride out his high.
"y/n," Yunho shot his head up with a sorry expression now that the brain fog had cleared. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to drag you into thi-" before he could finish, you distracted his train of thought by wiping the cum off of your cheek, and experimentally licking the tip of your finger. A little salty but surprisingly sweet? Before giving him a peck on the cheek to see where his head was at.
He watched in awe as you put his cum on the tip of your tongue, nearly eliciting a second orgasm from him just at the sight. When you pulled away from his cheek a dark blush covered his ears and face, and his round eyes filled with shock that you didn't hate him after that, guilt fading with every millisecond.
His eyes locked with your plump lips before pulling you in to join his. Your mouths molded together as though they were made for eachother, and you swiped your tongue along his bottom lip asking for access. Of course he slipped his tongue into your mouth and kissed you like a starved man, biting your lip and caressing your jaw. After minutes of claiming his mouth you finally broke away for air.
with a glint in your eye looking into his, "So, how you going to repay me yuyu?"
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my first fic 😭😭😭 this was suppose to just be drabble but man ....... I love yunho
this isn't proofread or anything so sorry for any mistakes❤️‍🩹
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astrophileous · 7 months
hi !!! can i request literally anything with spencer based on "in a world of boys he's a gentleman"? everytime i hear it on tiktok i just think of him and i physically cannot😭😭 thanks a lot <3
ANON YOUR ✨️MIND✨️!!! I go crazy over any edit of spencer with slut! audio omfg and you're absolutely right, the lyrics scream HIM SO MUCH 😭🫶 Thanks for the request lovely ❤️ btw some parts of this are kinda similar to details of my other blurbs but you know what? idc 🥰 I hope you still enjoy it tho &lt;3
Warning(s): fem!reader, minor injury (scrapped knee), reader being stood up, profanities
This blurb was written as a part of the "Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K" celebration.
Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
"Hey, what are you doing here?"
You turned around at the familiar voice. "Spencer? What are you doing here?"
"I'm on the job. Were you inside the club?"
You glanced at the entrance of the establishment behind you. "Yeah, I was. Can you tell me what's going on? Why was everyone evacuated? Is everything alright?"
"Everything's fine, angel. Don't worry. We've got things under control." Spencer looked around at the mass of people in your immediate surroundings. "I thought you said you had a date today?"
You shuffled your weight from foot to foot, ducking your head so Spencer couldn't read the embarrassment on your face. "I do. My date, he's—well, he said he saw some of his friends earlier and went to say hi, but then we got evacuated, so..."
Spencer frowned. "He hasn't contacted you yet?"
"No." You looked at your phone again for good measure, hoping that somehow your date had dropped in a text or a missed call in the two minutes since the last time you checked the device, but alas. "Maybe he doesn't have service? The signal on my phone has been terrible as well."
You and Spencer both knew that it was a pathetic excuse, but you were thankful that he chose to brush past it completely.
"Are you cold?" Spencer asked when he saw you shudder. He instantly took off the FBI bomber he was wearing and draped it on your shoulders. "Here. You know you get cold easily. Why didn't you bring a coat?"
Truthfully speaking, you didn't think you would need a coat when you left your place earlier that night. After all, your date was going to drive you from your apartment to the club and back. How were you supposed to know that he was going to stand you up halfway through your date, leaving you alone and freezing in the middle of a sidewalk?
Perhaps the fact that he decided to bring you to a club out of all places for a first date should have been your first red flag all along.
"Better now?" Spencer asked.
"Yes. Thank you, Spencer."
Someone bumped against you from behind, and before you could dive head first onto the curb, Spencer caught your fall mid-air. He led you away from the mob of people littering the club entrance with protective arms enveloping your shoulders.
"What happened to your leg?" Spencer asked when he saw the slight limp in your walk.
"Oh, that? I, um, kinda grazed it against the pavement when I fell."
"You fell?!"
"Well—" you winced when a particular step sent a jolt to your limb, "—believe it or not, people can get real physical when they panic, and a sudden PSA to evacuate the premises is apparently the surest way to do it."
"Let me see." Before you could stop him, Spencer was already kneeling in front of you in the middle of the road. He flipped the sheer material of your skirt so he could inspect the damage. "Shit, angel. You're bleeding. Why didn't you say anything?"
Carefully, Spencer ushered you towards the nearest ambulance, sitting you down at the back before requesting a first aid kit from the paramedic.
"Need help with that?" the paramedic asked.
"No, thank you. I've got her."
The way Spencer said the phrase made your entire insides heat up all at once. It didn't help that for the following minutes, you had to endure all the gentle ministrations Spencer was doing to treat your scraped knee. You were both glad and mournful when Spencer finished dressing the wound, your skin tingling with the aftermath of his delicate touches.
Spencer took a seat right next to you. "Still no word from your date?"
"No." You sighed. "I don't even wanna think about him right now. Should've trusted my instinct and not go on this stupid date in the first place."
"Why did you go anyway?"
"I didn't feel right canceling just like that. Deirdre went through great trouble setting it up for me."
Deirdre, bless her heart, was your best friend and closest confidant. She was also the person who arranged this blind date for you because she was, quote-unquote, tired of seeing you pining over a certain FBI agent with an IQ of 187.
"For a certified genius, he's sure as hell real dumb if he hasn't figured out how you feel about him by now," Deirdre had said once upon a time.
So, like the good friend that she was, Deirdre set this blind date in hopes that you would finally stop moping around and start moving on instead.
"Your date is a friend of Deirdre's?" Spencer questioned.
"No, no, no. I think he's a coworker of her sister's husband or something? Anyway, thought I'd at least show up and have fun, y'know? I didn't expect that I would be the one getting stood up."
Spencer clenched his jaw. "Well, you can tell Deirdre that her sister's husband's coworker is a brainless dickhead."
"Spencer!" You wanted to reprimand him, but the giggles that broke through betrayed your intention completely. "You don't know that. You've never even met the guy."
"Don't need to. He's got to be the biggest idiot in the world to have the audacity to stand you up when he should be thanking you for even giving him the time of day in the first place."
Your stomach churned into knots. "You appraise me way too highly, Spencer."
"I appraise you exactly as you deserve." Spencer's shoulder bumped against yours. Even under the layers of clothes you were wearing, your skin still managed to burn. "I wish you could see that."
His words washed over you like a high tide. Spencer was the only one who held such power in the world; the power to render you compliant just by the utterance of several words.
It should have been terrifying.
"Do you want to go home?" Spencer offered as he rose to his feet. "C'mon. I'll drive you."
"What? But your case—"
"They'll be fine without me."
You followed him to one of the parked SUVs several paces ahead. Spencer meandered for a minute towards a group of people whom you could only assume was his team. You offered a small wave and an awkward smile when their gazes slithered your way.
"I feel bad for taking you away like this," you admitted once Spencer returned. He had tendrils of curly hair falling down his forehead, and it took every willpower you had not to reach out and stroke them away.
"It's fine. They understand. We all cover each other all the time when one of us has more urgent things to do."
You were 100% certain that taking you home should not have been categorized as "more urgent things to do". After all, Spencer was a federal agent working a federal case, and you could've easily taken the metro or a taxi back to your place. If it had been any other person with you at that moment—if it had been any other guy—you doubted they would have gone through all those troubles for you.
But Spencer was different.
In a world of boys, Spencer Reid was a gentleman.
He opened the car door for you before getting himself into the driver's seat. The drive back to your apartment lasted a little over twenty minutes. You stared at the building outside your window before turning to face Spencer.
"I'm sorry again for hindering you from your job."
"Are you seriously just gonna keep apologizing to me?"
You grinned. "Maybe. Unless, well, you'd let me treat you to lunch sometimes. Or dinner. Whatever works for you."
Spencer chuckled. "Deal. Just text me when and where, okay?"
You bid your goodbye and exited the SUV. Just before you could close the door, though, Spencer suddenly called out your name.
You bent down and peered inside the car. "Yes?"
Spencer assessed you in silence before looking away. "Nothing. Just... don't forget to brush your teeth."
"Brush my teeth? Who are you? My mom?"
Spencer waved you off when you started to laugh.
"Goodnight, Spencer," you said one last time, slamming the car door and heading towards the entrance of your building.
Spencer's heart stirred as he watched you walk away. "Goodnight, angel."
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visionsofmagic · 8 months
— what he calls you, what you call him. ✷ mk1 edition.
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— nsfw content under the cut! just a drabble & version 2 of my other drabble series for mk1. the idea came into my mind when I was writing a request, so, have fun! [also have no idea how this turned out to be more spicy than I thought] [main master.]
tomas, syzoth, bi han, liu kang, kuai liang, raiden
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TOMAS. he likes to call you by every beautiful title even though he still believes your name is the prettiest one among them. he chooses “my goddess” mostly in lots of ways from showing his love to begging for you to let him fuck you. he always gets blushed whenever you tease him by using a few certain pet names. the most effective one is being called shy by you.
“oh, hi shyness, miss me already? ohh, cute!”
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SYZOTH. he is shy like tomas yet he is a bit stronger with certain pet names you use for him while he’s calling you his love, goddess, precious. he prefers using cute little names for you besides your name. he even whimpers them when he has you on him, under him, in front of him. it doesn’t matter - the only important thing is how he tries to get you to call him with a certain title - good boy.
“ohh, my good boy - you’re so beautiful!”
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BI HAN. it takes a long time for him to come up with pet names that include affection rather than power play - apparently, he’s new to this, a bit, yet when he discovers how the names he calls you have different effects on you, he begins to use them often. you are the reason he begins to use them after all - calling him master, in a very seductive way, turning his title to something different, something that makes his blood boil with a refreshing ice sense. it drives him crazy whenever you use it, so, he chooses to call you his personal favorite, including humiliating nicknames too - “slut”, “whore”, and “toy” - also he calls you, “pretty”, “delightful”.
“ohh - master, you have no idea what you’re doing to me - mmh, maybe you do.”
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LIU KANG. he is a lover who likes to give both affection, love and lust, desire to his partner, so he uses lots of pet names while giving every beautiful name to you, from “darlin’”, “love”, “beauty” to “doll”, “honey”, “delicate flower”. he likes to see your expression, and your reactions as he calls you with such names. also, he can’t help but fall for you further, can’t hide the feelings he has in the moments of you call him your lord - both in a pretty way as if he’s the only one who has your heart and soul at the same time with your trust, and in a sweet way as if the only thing you want from him to devour you, showing his true power while showing you starts as he pounds into you.
“ohhh, my lord, please - it’s so gooood my lord, so good -!”
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KUAI LIANG. the dilemma of this man makes you go crazy. it will be like in daylight, you’re the most precious thing in every realm, a delicate lover, deserves all gentle things from him - it even shows itself with the way he calls you his love, heart, and soul - yet in nights, he turns into a fire beast, having you so weak on the knees and teasing you whenever he gets chance to by calling you his good girl. his favorite ones - the ones that turn the table and make him weak on the knees one for you are being called your warmth, your lover, and your cute boy. according to the moods, he goes crazy with each of them.
“my lover - goood, feeling so good!”
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RAIDEN. another shy boy who likes to call you the ones you are comfortable with- he even asks you if it’s okay to call you such a thing the first time he uses it without realizing it for a moment. he’s also a gentle lover - it takes time to also use a few filthy names rather than only cute ones such as “pretty”, “princess”, and “cuteness.” he spends a certain time until he calls you his good girl, making his mind turn dizzy with how you make him feel so good. for him, he should choose the name he can never get tired or bored of hearing from your pretty lips - as he remarks shyly.
“oh, look at my pretty boy! making such a mess for me!”
tagging • @lookingforgoodthings & @snowprincesa1
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recklesssturniolo · 7 months
Request (I alr posted w it yesterday not thinking): please write something like Matt recently has been acting super “tough” in the videos, to chris and matt and now even to the reader so she completely puts him in his place, i need sub!matt in my life
Tough Guy - M.S
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As per request! Sub!Matt, mommy kink
A/N: mixed feelings about this one IDK
NSFW below, leave if you’re a minor
Matt’s ego has been higher than usual lately. Including in bed, never letting me be dominant when usually he will let me now and again. Apparently Chris calling him “tough” is actually gassing him up. Nick and I have also commented on his unusual amount of attitude and the whole ‘tough guy’ act but he still won’t drop it. Matt and I were currently arguing over something stupid in the living room, and all I could do was sit there and roll my eyes at him. I knew he needed his ego in check, and I knew exactly how to do that.
“Okay Matt I’m over this, I’m going to your room” I tell him. Looking back I notice all he does is roll his eyes.
Once in his room, I go through my drawer he had for me and find the lingerie set I secretly bought. I knew it’d drive him crazy but I wanted to right opportunity to use it, and now, I have it. Quickly putting it on I go into bed and put the blankets over myself.
After about 10 minutes Matt comes to his room. Saying nothing, changing so he was just in his boxers as he usually only slept in them and then getting into bed himself but freezing once he lifted the blankets.
“Holy fuck” He says.
“What?” I reply, knowing what he was referring to but acting as if I didn’t.
“As if you don’t know what I’m referring to. What are you trying to do here?” He asks.
“Nothing? I’m hot so I just put in on to sleep in” I tell him.
“Yeah I’m sure you put on a hot fucking lingerie set to sleep in” He replies, moving so he’s now positioned over me.
He begins kissing my neck, sucking on my sweet spots but I don’t react.
“Come on baby, you can’t wear that and not expect me to want to fuck you” He complains.
“Tough guy’s turned on already? I haven’t even touched you” I smirk.
“For fuck sakes not that shit. You look fucking incredible, I need you” He replies.
“Hm such a needy boy” I say. Moving so I was now straddling him. Grinding on him, my hands wrapped around his neck, tugging slightly at his hair.
He lets out a moan, “Please”
“Please what?” I question.
“Just touch me fuck” He whines out.
“Yeah? You want mommy to touch you? Make you feel good?” I ask.
“I - yes please” He replies.
“I’m not too sure if you’re going to be a good boy for me, you seem to be too tough for that” I smirk.
“No fuck I promise I’ll be a good boy for you” He groans out, pushing my hips down on himself harder.
“Keep your hands by your head. Don’t move them” I demand.
He nods in response. I move down and pull down his boxers, his dick springing out, pre cum already dripping down it.
Slowly, I bring my mouth down to his dick, swirling my tongue around his tip, and only putting the tip into my mouth.
“Mommy please, more” He begs as he thrusts his hips up.
“You want me to put your whole dick in my mouth pretty boy?” I question.
“Yes yes” He whines out.
“Such a whiney boy for me” I hum out as I take all of him into my mouth.
I begin bobbing my head up and down, starting off slow but picking up my pace. Pausing at moments to swirl my tongue around his tip again. Matt goes to bring his hands down to my head, but immediately puts them back by his head.
“Fuck feels so good mommy” He moans out.
“Yeah? Are you gonna come for me like a good boy?” I ask looking up at him, using my hand to continue jerking him off.
He groans out “yes”, before I bring my head back down and put him back into my mouth. Letting his dick hit the back of my throat repeatedly, feeling it twitch I pick up my pace. He brings his hands down and grabs my hair. I stop.
“Put your arms back Matty” I demand.
“I - please let me touch you” He whimpers.
“After baby” I reply, watching as he places his arms back by his head and then continuing to suck him off.
“Oh oh fuck mommy I’m coming dont stop” He moans out, his legs shaking slightly.
He comes in my mouth and after I’ve swallowed it, I pull away.
I place my hand on his cheek before attempting to ask him a question but he cuts me off.
“Can I taste you? Please? I want to make you feel good” He asks, looking at me through his eyelashes.
“Yes baby you can” I smile back, my pussy throbbing at this point after having Matt so whiney and needy for me.
I go to lay down on my back on the bed but Matt speaks up, “No sit on my face - I mean please sit on my face”
“You want mommy to sit on your face huh?” I question.
“Yes I want your pussy right on my mouth and your fucking thighs around my head” He replies, almost coming out as a moan.
I push him backwards and climb on top of him, situating myself so my pussy was right above his mouth. Without warning, he pulls me down. He begins licking my clit, circling it with his tongue, slowly making his way between my folds and flicking his tongue.
“Fuck Matty you’re doing such a good job” I moan out.
“Taste so fucking good mommy” He mumbles out, causing an extra vibration on my pussy.
I begin grinding myself slightly on his face, feeling the knot in my stomach become tighter and tighter as I do so.
“Just like that baby, mommy’s gonna come soon” I moan throwing my head back.
“Yes come all over my mouth fuck” He replies.
A couple minutes pass as Matt continues to flick his tongue over my clit, sucking on it as well but not forgetting to get the rest of my pussy.
“I’m coming fuck such a good boy making me feel so good” I whine out.
I let myself come undone, feeling him flatten his tongue against my pussy as I do so and flicking it slightly. I slowly pick myself up off his face, bring myself down to kiss him.
“Do you wanna fuck me now Matty?” I smirk.
“Fuck please can I?” He responds.
I nod before situation myself in doggy style.
“Y-you want doggy?” He asks.
“Yes and you’re gonna show me how hard you can fuck me” I demand.
I feel him move his dick between my slits, before lining himself up with my entrance. He pushes himself into me, both of us immediately letting out moans. He starts off slow - but that isn’t what I wanted.
“So what mommy told you, show me how hard you can fuck me, come on baby” I say.
“O-okay” He stutters out before tightening his grip on my hips and beginning to slam himself into me - so hard that it took me by surprise.
“Just like that Matty fuck you’re doing so good” I tell him.
“You’re so tight, I don’t - I don’t know if I can last very long” He says back.
“That’s okay, fuck just keep going like this” I moan out, knowing if he kept up his pace and how hard he was going I’d come soon too.
Matt continues as I told him to, whimpers leaving his mouth almost constantly until without warning I feel warm liquid enter me, and begin to slide down my pussy.
“Mommy you feel so good oh my god” He says.
“Yeah? Mommy loves how you feel deep inside her - fuck keep going just like that pretty boy, make me come for a second time” I groan out.
Matt once again doing as I said, I reach my climax as my legs begin to shake and become weak, Matt using his hands to hold my body up, still not slowing down his pace. Letting me come down from my high he pulls out of me, basically throwing himself down beside me.
Turning to him, while smirking, I say, “Not so tough now are you? Seemed like quite a needy mess”
“Oh come on just let me reminisce on how fucking good that just was before you start with that” He laughs.
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angiesmagicspace · 7 months
Only look, don't touch
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Pairing: Seonghwa x reader x Mingi x San
Genre: smut, fluff
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: name-calling, threesome, grinding, toys, degradation, praise, oral (male receiving), squirt, orgasm denial…….
Summary: You belong to him, everyone knows that you like that. But something about testing his patience and subtly offering yourself to his friends seems more thrilling. Sadly for you, he already knows how to fix that.
Authors note: Here I am back from the dead, uni is killing my will to live, so yeah. Also, here's the toy that is used in the fic.
Seonghwa wasn't obsessive but possessive, sure. He liked for people to respect and take care of his belongings. That especially applied to you, he was fine with members taking care of you when you weren't well and on similar occasions. But he had limits to that, one wrong look from any of them, and your neck would be full of his marks the next day. You liked that mentality, you knew that you were his, and he would do anything to protect you from anyone. However, that also gave you a lot of space to test his patience. Wearing promiscuous outfits around the members and in the dorms was one of your favorite forms of entertainment. Seonghwa would stare them down, shooting arrows by looking at them, and that would be enough for all of them to feel threatened.
The boys just came back from the tour and that meant a lot of time spent catching up with everyone. Especially with your boyfriend and his dorm mates, San and Mingi. After a few days of just chilling around and listening to their stories, you thought that it was the perfect time to test Seonghwa's patience again. You two haven't had a lot of time for intimate moments, so your plan made sense. By provoking him, you would ensure that he blows your mind the moment you two are alone at the apartment. 
Day one of your devious plans consisted of you just walking around in the tiniest top and tightest sweats you had. Making breakfast for all four of you, while three of them sat at the counter behind you. This was already driving Seonghwa crazy, every time San or Mingi looked up he would stare at them like he had lasers in his eyes. They felt his eyes on them very well, so they tried their best to keep looking at the pattern of marble on the counter. After breakfast, all of you sat in the living room, either watching the movie that was on or just scrolling on your phones. But that didn't mean that your plan stops at your outfit. You talked to San about some clothes while making sure that you were touching him very innocently, but your boyfriend knew that those touches weren't innocent at all. After lunch, it was apparent that your plan already made Seonghwa see red. So that's where you stopped but only for today.
Day two meant that you needed to get more progressive. Usually, you would be wobbling after just one day of provoking him, but that wasn't the case this time. So today your outfit consisted of the smallest pajamas you could find, coincidentally those pajamas were bought by your lovely boyfriend with your promise that he could rip them off you. As soon as he saw you in them, he knew that this would be a long day. Neither San nor Mingi could contain themselves, even though they knew that Seonghwa would probably kill them if it wasn't for their friendship and job. You made sure to make as much contact with both boys today. Chatting with them while they played some games in the living room, putting your legs over theirs while they played, encouraging them to stroke your soft thighs in the short breaks between the matches. Even when Seonghwa wasn't in your sight, you knew that he was clenching his fists to the point where his nails were making small bruises on his hands. But unbeknownst to you, he already made a plan how to get back at you for acting like a brat. He already knew that you were fine with being watched and that you were fine with someone joining your sexual experience. So he had a perfect plan involving one more thing, but you will find out about it tomorrow.
You were sure that yesterday would make Seonghwa lose his mind enough, so he would fuck you, but you were very wrong. Being separated for a long time probably taught him to control himself better. But your plan wasn't over, today should be the final straw for him. Entering the kitchen with only a silk bathrobe on should do the trick. All three of them were talking before you entered, taking their attention away from the conversation. As soon as they saw you, Mingi and San looked back down at the table, Seonghwa on the other hand just smirked. Sadly for you, there were some errands you needed to run today, so there wasn't much space for you to tempt the boys. But Seonghwa used that time wisely. He proposes to his dear friends that they join you two in some very sinful acts. He also used that time to clean the tentacle-like grinder that he bought for you. Then he strapped it on one of the coffee table books that you had in the living room, arranging everything to be perfect for when you came back.
You didn't know what were you expecting to see when you came back to the dorms, but the setting before you wasn't anywhere in your mind. There they were, all three of them shirtless, on the couch with their legs spread, the coffee table pushed back with something pink on top of the books. Seonghwa looked at you, and you gave him a very puzzled look. “Oh, honey, you are home,” he commented, bringing the attention of the other two. You just stood there frozen, this whole picture was too much to process. Three half-naked men right in front of you seem more like porn than your living room. “Hi princess,” San smiled, which brought you out of your trans a little. “H-hi guys, what is all of this?” you questioned while slowly moving toward the middle of the living room. “Oh well, Seonghwa told us that he needs some help dealing with you, so we were glad to help him,” Mingi explains, but none of it made sense. You looked at Seonghwa, but he just sat there, legs spread, his lips spread in a smirk. “Well, baby, I saw how needy you are for some attention. So I figured the three of us could satisfy your needy cunt,” his words echoed around the room and went straight to your pussy instead of your brain. “So baby, take off your clothes and start the show,” your boyfriend ordered, but you just stood there frozen again.
“What is it, baby? Shocked that you finally got what you wanted,” Seonghwa asked again, but still no words left your mouth. He leaned over and whispered something to San. “No worries' princess. I will help you to undress yourself. Seonghwa wants to see it,” San said, slowly approaching you. When he was right in front of you, first, he kissed your neck while unbuttoning your pants. His kisses made you relax a bit, closing your eyes, you threw your head back to give him more space for sloppy kisses. “Look at my little slut, as soon as someone even kisses her, she is gone stupid. Nothing but dick inside her little mind,” your boyfriend's words rang through your ears as San took off your shirt and bra, leaving you only in your panties. “She is so beautiful Seonghwa, I can't believe that you are letting us see her like this,” Mingi was already breathless, stroking his long dick over his sweats. “Well, that is what she wants. I got to make my sluts wish come true,” Seonghwa shot back, equally breathless.
 San kissed you one last time before pulling away and going back to his seat on the couch. You let out a little whine, already feeling neglected. “Now, slut, no need to whine so early. Take off those nasty wet panties and straddle your new toy that's on the table,” Seonghwas ordered, his voice powerful enough to make you do anything without questioning it for a second. After taking off your panties, you went to the table, observing the toy that was strapped to the book. That's when you realized that it was the tentacle grinder that you showed Seonghwa. “Well slut, I guess you are getting a gift even though you were acting like a brat for the past three days,” Seonghwa commented, while you were struggling to straddle the toy. When you finally positioned yourself on the toy, you looked up, realizing the position you were in. Three of them stroking their dicks, while you just sat there naked and horny out of your mind. “Princess, don't make us wait anymore. I can't wait to see you play with yourself and hear you moan for us,” San's voice was desperate, he wanted to witness your pleasure. “Start grinding slut or there will be no cumming for you tonight,” Seonghwa was stern. With slow movement of your hips, you started grinding on the toy. Feeling every ridge on it, you went faster with every passing second. “Oh Seonghwa, she is a slut for you. Make her play with her boobs please,” Mingi begged, already edging himself, not wanting to cum too soon. “You heard the man, slut,” the moment you heard his voice you grabbed both of your boobs, massaging them. Your moans were louder with every move of your hips, chasing your pleasure, that felt like it ran every time you got close. “Princess, you are so beautiful like this, all whiny and desperate to cum,” San already pulled his dick out squeezing it, making your mouth water when you saw it.
When your moans started being more erotic, it was a cue for Seonghwa to stop you there. “Stop slut,” he yelled almost, making you stop immediately in fear that he will make you suffer if you don't. “Oh, look who suddenly decided to be a good girl,” he approached you, grabbing you by your chin, and making you stand up from the position you were in. “So desperate for some cock that you would whore yourself out to my friends,” he spat, making your whole body shiver while shaking your head. “Don't deny it, princess. Both of us saw you, and it was very hard to resist you,” you heard San whine behind Seonghwas's back. “Hear that slut, no one is oblivious to your little slut show,” Seonghwa cocked his head. “I'm sorry sir, I was so desperate for you. I wanted you to fuck me so hard that I can't think anymore,” apologizing won't work now but at least you tried like you do every time. “Oh slut, you know that I don't care about your apologies. Now go down on your knees in front of my friends and show them how sorry you are,” he let go of your chin, and you ran towards the couch.
 Dropping to your knees, opening your mouth, and offering it to both boys to use. Mingi was first to p let you suck him, while San stroked your boobs with the tip of his dick. Mingi didn't let you do anything, he grabbed your hair and started fucking your mouth at a vigorous pace. Only choking sounds were heard in the room. Not long after, he came down your throat, moaning in a high pitch in contrast to his low voice. He moved so San could have a taste of your mouth. He let you do your thing for a change, and you made sure to take all of him. Sucking his whole dick inside your mouth, while giving small licks to his tip. While you were focused on pleasuring San, Seonghwa took the opportunity to bring your hips up and slam his big, hard cock inside your wet pussy. “Let me help you with that slut,” he said before rocking his hips, making your body rock forward, so you took even more of Sans's dick. He continued the rough pace, bringing you closer to the one thing you craved the most, your orgasm. With Seonghwas's help, you made San cum even faster than he intended. That's when Seonghwa pulled you back by your hair, your back hitting his chest. “That's right slut, moan for me, scream my name,” every word brought you closer to the edge. Your final straw was when you felt his long fingers on your sensitive clit. Body spasming, thighs shaking, you squirted all over the floor and the front of the couch. That sight alone made Seonghwa cum so deep inside of you. He grabbed you by your hips and brought you to lie down on the couch. The other two boys were too far gone to notice what was going on between you two. “Is this what you wanted, baby?” Seonghwa asked while carefully cleaning you up. You just nodded, not able to form any words. “I'm glad you are satisfied. You did so good for us,” his praise being the last thing you heard before drifting off to sleep.
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tonyboneysblog · 2 months
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parings: hawks x mother!reader
word count: 2.9k
warnings: talks of abuse/ trauma!
notes: yall I cooked on this angst chapter (there’s comfort after I swear)
summary: You, the mother of Fumikage Tokoyami, are just a simple nurse! Who caught the eye of a certain pro.
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It’s been maybe a week or two since Fumikage, your precious angel, has spread his wings and joined U.A.
and today is currently your off day! Which isn’t completely rare but you still enjoy them.
Most the time you clean and tidy up the house, checking the fridge to see if you need to get groceries- which is your favorite because you love going to the grocery store and-…it’s full?
inside has a small note in Fumikages hand writing…
“Decide to go shopping for you so you could rest, Love Fumikage & Dark Shadow.”
darn your amazing son.
so now, you don’t have anything to do because your son decided he wanted to helpful.
So what do you do?
watch the news of course.
Nothing interesting is happening today really, maybe today is just a slow day!
those are your least favorite.
but then, your savior came, that one bird guy you saw at the restaurant!
apparently he was doing an interview today on channel 58, and you were only slightly interested in him.
So you switch to the channel obviously, seeing his amazing wings that were much bigger than yours…
you really don’t know how long you watched that interview- then decided to watch a few videos on his quote, “epic saves”.
Maybe it was the wings, they were bright and shiny- maybe it’s just a bird thing.
what’s not a bird thing though is going onto G-bay to find overpriced merch of him.
It’s like starting a really good show and hyper-fixating on the side character instead of the main one.
After about 20 minutes of scrolling, you finally found your holy grail.
a 15 inch hawks plush with metallic wings, now you really liked shiny things- which is why it caught your eye.
Probably just a bird thing.
It was 30 dollars though…well whatever you’ll regret this later.
now all you have to do is wait for your new shiny edition to your nest! and while waiting you don’t mind watching more-
your phone vibrates, it’s a call from the school?
Fumikage did warn you it would get kind of crazy up at U.A.- did he get hurt?
“Is this Ms.Tokoyami?”
you hesitate, “uhm yes, is something wrong with Fumikage at the school? did he get in a fight?”
Now it was the principals turn to hesitate, “ah, no ma’am, we just need to inform you that the school was attacked by villains-“
“I-is my son okay?!”
“Ma’am, please calm down-“
You immediately snap, “don’t you tell me to fucking calm down- your supposed to be the top hero school and you somehow get infiltrated by some thugs?!”
“Ma’am, please-“
You hang up, you know where Fumikage is.
So you get into your car and drive as fast as the law will let you.
You reach the school and immediately get out of your car looking for Fumikage.
You can see a group of students standing by multiple cops, and you finally spot Fumikage.
You sigh out of relief, he’s safe, he’s here, you’re here.
You start to run towards him, “Fumi!”
He instantly looks around for who called him, seeing you.
you can here his class gasp, repeating what he said.
You reach Fumikage, your beautiful boy, and hug him tightly.
“M-mother, what are you doing here?” He says with confusion.
“Principal called to notify me, so I came straight away.”
You pull back and cup his face, “are you a okay, Fumi?”
“M-mother not infront of the class…” he whispers with embarrassment.
“Fumi, you worried me sick! Are we able to leave now? I want you home.”
“Yes mother, I just gave my statement to-“
You grab Fumikages hand and drag him to the car, “good, let’s go then.”
Fumikage hops into the car, still with his hero costume on.
“Best hero school my ass…” you whisper angrily.
“It was the villains quirk, mama.”
“Yea well I expect better from U.A.- you better have not even been near those villains!”
Fumikage looks away.
“Fumi, please tell me they kept you away from the villains.”
“Well we got separated and-“
that’s definitely a fucking email.
You put your head onto the steering wheel.
“Do you not have any hope in my ability’s?!”Fumikage angrily bursts out.
“Excuse me- you shouldn’t have even been near those villains.” You say angrily.
“I can handle myself.”
“You could’ve gotten hurt!”
“I’m training to be a hero, mother!- I can get beaten up if I have to.”
“You shouldn’t have to!”
“Well dad did didn’t he? Is that why he left?!”
Then the car goes quiet.
You don’t like talking about Tokoyamis father, you always argued with him about how hard you worked and how hard he worked- training to become a hero.
He told you he didn’t need a “loose end” on his record, he didn’t need Fumikage.
you don’t like talking about him at all.
“Fumikage, I don’t like talking about him.”
“He was a hero, he worked for that didn’t he?”
You don’t understand why Fumikage wants to put him in a good light.
“He was barely a hero, he left you Fumikage.”
Fumikage whispers, “Maybe that was the right thing to do.”
You smack the steering wheel, “You needed a father Fumi, I couldn’t do all of that by myself- I…”
He raises his voice, “Is that why you let Ryuji do that to me, because you thought I needed a father?!”
“Fumikage, I didn’t know he was like that!” You plead with him.
“You were barely even home, you barely know me!”
“watch your tone, boy.”
Fumikage immediately stops, he always hated when you were angry with him.
So angry to the point you stopped using his name, the one you gave him.
You take the car out of park, and start the drive home.
it’s quiet, you like it like that anyways.
Ryuji was nice to Fumikage when you were home.
Sometimes you wish you could be at home all the time for Fumikage.
You wish that you could know him more, you just want him to live a good life.
It was four years ago, you decided to come home early, Fumikage and Ryuji were arguing about something stupid- you forgot what it was about.
You saw Ryuji pin Fumikage against the wall and then he started screaming at him, Fumikage was terrified.
You called the police while you tried to get Ryuji off of Fumikage, they ended up tasering him.
Fumikage slept in you bed for 2 months after that.
He said the nightmares would stop when he was with you.
You try your best to avoid that hallway now.
You eventually pull into your driveway, Fumikage goes inside first, you stay in the car for a moment.
You can’t protect Fumikage from everything, no matter how hard you try.
Walking into the house, you try to open Fumikages door to apologize to him, it’s locked.
So instead you go out to the balcony in your room, you’re able to see a lake peeking out from the trees.
And it’s quiet.
You like the quiet though.
Ryuji hated it so he always talked to fill up the space.
So now when it got quiet, you could faintly hear Ryuji talking about something that was never that important.
you hate the quiet now.
You can feel the tears falling down onto the dark wood below you, your curled into yourself on the lounge chair that’s outside
you haven’t really cried in awhile, never had the time.
you feel a weight sit next to you on the chair, you assume it’s Fumikage.
“F-Fumi, m’sorry baby- ma-“
“Fumi?” An energetic voices says playfully.
that’s not Fumikage…
You look up, only to see hawks…
“What’re you doing here…” you say hesitantly, confused on why the number three hero was here.
“I was on patrol..?”
“Why’re you here…?”
“I saw that my favorite nurse was upset!” He replies happily.
You nod and wipe your face.
“So, why’re you crying?” He cocks his head to the side with curiosity.
You sigh, “it’s nothing…”
“Clearly it isn’t.”
you rub your temples, “It’s just- everything’s been piling up.”
“Yea, I understand.” He rubs your back softly.
“M’sorry, you should go back to patrol-“
“No, the world doesn’t need me for a couple minutes, but you do.” He says with a carefree smile.
You sigh, trying to control you breathing so you don’t make even more of a fool out of yourself.
“You want a hug?” He opens his arms awkwardly, almost as if he’s never actually gave someone a genuine hug.
You open your arms as well, leaning into him and taking comfort in his warmth, he smells good too.
“Man, your wings are small…” he whispers softly.
“rude.” You scoff.
“N-not in a bad way! It’s uhm…cute!”
“Don’t say a woman is cute when she’s older than you.” You say while chuckling softly.
“What if I like older women?”
“I thought you were supposed to comfort me, not flirt.” You push yourself out of the warm hug.
“Sorry- second nature for me.” He stretches, his wing go with him, almost knocking over a plant.
“Your wings are too big…” you say in a retort to his earlier comment.
“I can make them smaller for you.”
“I bet mine are way softer.” You tease.
He laughs, “wanna bet?”
“No need too.”
You turn around, your back facing him, “go on and get a feel- might be your only time to.”
Hawks laughs and shakes his head, hesitantly he takes off his gloves and brushes his fingers through your wing span.
“You’re right, they’re soft..” he says softly.
“Told ya.”
“Mine are better though!” He says with a teasing tone.
You giggle softly, hawks has already made you forget a small bit about the days events.
“Y’know when I was younger, I thought if you touched a birds wings they’d get turned on.”
“Nah, not with mutant quirks usually” hawks says while putting back on his glove, “kids are always tugging on em so…I got used to it.”
“I used to let kids touch them if they were at the hospital for a while.” You stand up from the chair.
“Are you gonna touch mine?” Hawks says with a slight jitter in his movements.
You chuckle softly and pet his wings, “yknow, you’re much cooler on TV.”
You notice his wings puff up, “You watch me on TV?”
“Yea sometimes, very cool in my opinion.”
you can see his ears turn red, his wings twitch softly, and you hear a soft high pitched sound as well..? Almost similar to a bird chirping, weird.
“I’m glad you think that.”
Then it’s silent, you try to distract yourself with your thoughts but hawks continues to talk, reminds you of Ryuji.
“Was today your off day?” He asks curiously.
“Yea, ended up being a lot more stressful than they usual are.”
Maybe you could tell him the truth.
“I heard about the U.A. situation…is your son okay?”
“He’s fine, he had to fight apparently…I don’t want that for him.” you feel the tears coming back up.
“I understand that can be stressful for you.” He pats your back, his face still sporting a soft smile, it feels like he’s still in hero mode.
“Then in the car we fought- about his dad, about some of my…untasteful choices when he was younger.”
Your rambling, hawks probably doesn’t want to hear about this anyways.
“Untastful choices?” He chuckles.
“I used to date this guy when Fumikage was about 11, His name was Ryuji…he uhm.”
Hawks waits patiently for you to continue, he’s still smiling.
“He pinned him against the wall a-and he wouldn’t stop screaming.”
You can feel the tears going down your face.
“A-and i tried to get him off of Fumikage but he just threw me against the wall t-then he went back to him.”
Hawks isn’t smiling anymore.
“I-I had to call the cops and Fumikage just…wasn’t the same obviously, we wouldn’t sleep in his own bed, he became so quiet.”
Hawks is holding your forearms, his thumbs circle your skin in a smoothing manner.
why isn’t he smiling anymore?
“oh god- I’m a terrible mother.”
“Don’t say that.”
You fall into his chest and cry, what else could you do? you can’t change what Ryuji did to your son, your baby.
“Your amazing y/n, you…your a good mom I know you are.” He says quickly.
You don’t even know hawks real name, yet here you are crying to him about what you think is your own incompetence as a parent.
“I wish I knew how to make you feel better.” He says softly, he holds you.
“You should be on patrol..”
“My job is to help, and I want to help you.”
he holds you a little tighter, he smells good.
you can hear the soft static coming from his head gear, sounds like someone’s speaking.
You don’t want him to go yet.
“Mama?” You hear Fumikage call from your door way, luckily at this angle he can’t see you snug as a bug in a pros arms.
oh god- what are you doing??
You immediately jump out of hawks embrace, he looks incredibly confused by your sudden movements.
You look around quickly, Fumikage can’t see you like this, Not with some man!
You spot a weighted blanket, you got it for Fumikage when he was struggling to sleep without you- though he said it was too heavy and cold.
You immediately push hawks down into the chair and throw the blanket over him just in time for Fumikage to walk out into your balcony.
“Mom, what are you doing?” Fumikage says confused.
You sit down onto the lounge chair, mind you hawks is right under you being smothered by a blanket.
“J-just enjoying the view!”
The two of you just stare at each-other for a moment.
“So what did you need?”
Fumikage sighs and says something under his breath.
“Y’know I don’t have super hearing Fumikage.” You try to joke with him.
“I said that I was sorry..” he looks down at his feet, he looks ashamed.
“I shouldn’t have yelled at you, your already stressed enough from work and-“
“And you’re always trying your best all the time and-and I’m so sorry I wasn’t appreciative of that!” He looks up at you with tears in his eyes, it breaks your heart.
“Fumi you don’t need to apologize…”
“But I do-“
“Shh, just come here okay?” You open up your arms.
Fumikage goes into your warm embrace, putting his weight onto you.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, we both made mistakes…I’ve made more than you though.”
“I shouldn’t have yelled-“
“I still love you Fumi…I love you so, so much- and I just want you to be safe, and happy, and I want you to be better than me.”
You ramble, Fumikage listens.
You and Fumikage never really understood eachother, sometimes it was like you were both ghosts haunting the same house.
But you tried so hard to understand eachother and the only thing you both understood is the love you had for the other.
Fumikage loved you so much, and Fumikage is the reason you’re still here in the world.
Fumikage sniffles, “mama..”
You rub his back, “what is it baby?”
“Why is this blanket so bulky…”
Ah yes, you totally forgot about hawks.
“I-I uhm, no reason…” you look away.
“Is someone under-“
“How about we go get something to eat?!” You quickly change the topic.
Fumikage stops his little investigation, and nods.
“Go on downstairs, I would like to change into some comfier clothes before we go out or eat!”
Fumikage smiles softly and pitter patters down stairs.
“Y’know, the blanket isn’t half bad” you hear hawks muffle out.
“Sorry…” you peel back the blanket to see a red faced hawks, most likely from the lack of air circulation under a thick weighted blanket.
“It’s fine, glad I got to hear you both make your amends” he shoots up a thumb.
“Well, have to go get some food..we haven’t had dinner yet.” You say sheepishly, tapping your fingers together.
“You wishing I could come, mama bird?” He teases.
“No, I’m telling you to leave and never come back, bird brain.” You say sarcastically.
Hawks chuckles, his laugh is nice.
Hawks is nice.
“You need to go back on patrol, I’ve kept you long enough…”
Hawks looks away for a moment, thinking.
“Can I keep the blanket?” He says almost too quickly.
“...can I keep the blanket? You can say no!” He quickly adds the last part.
“No, no, Fumikage doesn’t use it so- go ahead!”
“I’ll see you soon?” He says hesitantly.
You smile, “Course..”
“I’ll see you then.” He takes off into the sky, weighted blanket in hand.
You quickly run down the stairs to meet up with Fumikage, only to find him waiting outside in the already cranked car.
You hop in, “where to?”
Fumikage continues to stare at the house.
“Fumi?” You say hesitantly
“Why did I just see the number three hero fly away from our house…”
Well shit, how are you supposed to explain this one to Fumikage.
On the other side of town, hawks is at his own perch patrolling whilst holding on tightly to the weighted blanket.
The only thing on his mind is that it smells like you.
And when his patrol finally ends he flies home, hawks never really had blankets on his bed, always too stuffy for his wings to be comfortable.
This blanket would probably be even more stuffy since it was heavy and thick but…
He still slept with it.
He would never tell anyone that he slept like a baby that night, and the night after that, and the night after that one.
Maybe his little interest in you is worse than he originally thought…
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jeankluv · 5 days
But daddy I love him - Gojo Satoru [epilogue]
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short series
summary: If there was a phrase that could describe you, it was; good girl. You had been a good girl all your life, following your father's orders and being as modest as possible. You had focused your entire life on being a perfect lady, one who could be a good wife in the future. This is how you had been raised and how you had been instructed. But your whole world was shaken when one warm summer morning, your eyes met the bold, defiant and sharp gaze of a young man with white hair.
tags: +18, female!reader, set in 1700s-1800s, loss of virginity, misogyny language and thinking, oral sex, fingering, innocent oc, unsafe sex, vaginal sex, manipulative, eating disorders, abusive parents, no use of y/n, pregnancy talks
words: 3,6k
notes: so here is the epilogue of this short series that was a gif to everyone that started supporting my works on this app. Finally we close the story of Duke Gojo and angel. I hope everyone enjoys it 💋
ch.01 | ch.02 | ch.03 | ch.04 | ch.05 | epilogue
Jujutsu Kaisen materialist
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It had been 8 months since you and Satoru met again. And as soon as Satoru could walk again you got married, it had been a bigger wedding than you had ever imagined, after all Satoru was a duke and a close friend of the prince so it had been something normal. Thanks to the wedding you also learned that Satoru was not as hated as your parents had made you believe, in fact Satoru was extremely loved by everyone.
Regarding your parents, you know that they were stripped of their titles and all their property and sent, along with others, to a prison near the border. Satoru didn't want you to see them, apparently they had completely lost their minds and he didn't consider it safe for you.
Satoru asked you if you wanted to stay with your parents' house, and go there during the summers. But although you will love that landscape and the smell of that place, the memories of those walls were mostly painful.
But those memories had been locked in a box and kept far away. Now you were creating new memories in that place you called home. You had arrived at the Gojo residence in winter and for the first time you had admired the snow. And you also met Megumi, Satoru’s nephew. Although the relationship they both had was more of a father-son relationship, after all Satoru had adopted him and taken care of him since he was 4 years old.
In those 8 months you had managed to feel at home and feel that you belonged to the family. Rose kept telling you how happy you looked, how bright you were again. And you also felt it like that.
Satoru had kept all his promises, from a library that you could never imagine to a summer house where you could enjoy the sea breeze again.
Now summer was starting again and that only brought back memories of how last year you were on the beach reading and a boy with a mysterious smile and sharp gaze approached you. Without knowing very well that that meeting would change everything about you.
“What’s my beautiful wife doing?” You felt how Satoru left wet kisses on your shoulder.
“I was just admiring the view and thinking.” You looked at him with a shiny smile.
“Thinking about what, my love?” He looked at you with the most loving expression.
“About us, about everything that has happened in the last year and how lucky I am.” You kissed him.
“I think I’m the one who is lucky.” He said.
Satoru began to kiss your neck, closing your eyes and pushed your neck back, giving him more space so he could devour you. You could spend years, but you would still be addicted to his kisses and his caresses.
“You know this white dress you are wearing today is driving me crazy.” He said, biting your ear.
“I thought it was cute for our getaway today.” You purred with a smile on your lips.
“Oh definitely it’s cute.” He smiled. “But I bet you look cuter without it.”
You could listen to Satoru say provocative things a thousand and one times and never get used to it. Despite the time, you continued getting nervous and blushing like the first time.
“Satoru…” You put your hand on his chest, feeling his buildup muscles under your hand. “We are on the beach.”
“That makes it even more exciting.” He smirked. “But no one will come, you know that.”
“You can't be satisfied, can you?”
“I will never get enough of you, my angel.” He says, before devouring your mouth again.
Satoru laid you down on the cloth that you had brought to sit on the sand and left a trail of kisses until he reached the cloth that separates your breasts from his lips. With a wicked smile on Satoru's face, he grabbed the hem of your dress and pulled it down, exposing your breasts to his blue eyes.
“So beautiful.” He whispered before introducing your nipple into his mouth and beginning to devour it only as he knew how.
Your back arched and your hands went straight to his hair, where they became tangled in the white hair. With each suck you felt your pussy getting wetter and wetter. You desperately needed Satoru inside of you.
“Satoru…” You moaned. “I need you.”
Satoru separated from you and smiled when he saw your state, disheveled, swollen lips, your nipples completely red and with your legs open, inviting him to enter. Taking off his belt and pulling down his pants, you felt your body react as his cock emerged from his underwear. It was hard, you could see it, very hard.
Satoru lifted your dress and yanked your underwear off, leaving you completely exposed to him. With his hand on his cock, he placed it at your entrance and with a grunt he entered you.
You purred as you felt Satoru fill you and begin to thrust into you. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you reached out, your fingers tangling in his hair, pulling him closer, needing to feel the warmth of his skin and becoming one with each other.
His warm touch made you melt under his touch. Not only that, you become more desperate for more, wanting all of him to fill you, to kiss you, to adore you with passion. And you could see his hungry eyes, his frenetic pulse and desperate touch. He wanted you as much as you wanted him.
The shockwaves that ran through your body, made tears of pleasure run down your cheeks and inevitably made moans escape from your throat. Which luckily for you were silenced by the noise of the waves crashing against the coast.
Satoru growled your name with each thrust, his voice rough and full of intensity. The sound sent shivers down your spine, a mix of pleasure and anticipation washing over you. His hands, large and possessive, dug into the flesh of your thighs, leaving marks you would probably see the next day.
Every movement was deliberate and powerful, the rhythm relentless and intoxicating. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, the tension in his muscles as he held you, his almost desperate grip on you.
Your mind struggled to keep up with the overwhelming sensations, each one more intense than the last.
Satoru's eyes met yours, his gaze was filled with hunger and that turned you on even more. His breathing became labored, you knew you were both close, you could feel it by the way he was throbbing inside you and the way your body was reacting.
Satoru spoke your name desperately with each of his thrusts, the way he said your name made your heart race even faster, and your breathing quickened with every movement.
His hands grabbed your hips with a possessive intensity, anchoring you against the sand that was under that fabric.
“Satoru.” You breathed, your voice shaking with the overwhelming sensation coursing through your body. His lips found yours again, swallowing your cries with a searing kiss that left you both breathless.
The desperation in his thrusts grew, each one more urgent and insistent than the last. Your nails dug into his skin, leaving marks.
You could feel the spiral of pleasure tightening inside you, his every movement pushing you closer to the edge. His name was a song on your lips, a plea and a prayer.
When your climax finally hit you, it was like a wave crashing over you, sweeping you away in a torrent of bliss. Your cries of ecstasy mixed with Satoru's guttural moans as he followed you to the edge, his release a powerful, consuming force.
Panting and trembling, they held each other, the aftershocks of their passion still coursing through their bodies.
Your chest rose and fell as you felt Satoru fill you. After a few seconds, Satoru pulled out of you and lay down next to you.
“Stop taking that medicine.” You said, still feeling your voice shaky and your body trembling.
Satoru turned to look at you confused. “What?”
You sighed and adjusted your dress back to how it was. “I heard you, with the doctor.” Satoru sat down. “I know you have been taking that medicine to prevent me from getting pregnant. And I know you did it because I was weak when we got married.” You said. “But ever since coming here, I gained weight and got healthier. Satoru, I want us to have a bigger family.”
“Angel…” He held your hand.
“Megumi has been asking me for a sibling you know?” You smiled. “And I really want it.”
“Megumi has said that?”
You nodded happily. “I want Megumi to have a little brother or sister. Don’t you?”
“I…” Satoru sighed and then looked back at you. “Yeah of course I would love that, but… you know how risky pregnancies can be.” Satoru’s eyes reflected concern, agony and fear. “What if…”
“Satoru.” You tried to calm him down. “I know the risks and I know what could happen but I think I’m ready.” You smiled.
Satoru sighed. “We will talk with the doctor and we will see, alright?”
You nodded and hugged him. “I love you.”
He chuckled and smiled back. “I love you too.”
You both hugged each other until the sun started to set down and the temperature of the day started to go down. Satoru picked you up bridal style and between laughter and soft kisses he carried you to the horse to return home. It sounded good, home.
It filled your heart with a warmth that you didn't know you could feel and a longing to return that you had never experienced. Normally you would extend your readings on the beach until the last ray of sunlight disappeared and the stars began to shine.
But at the Gojo residence, when you had to go out to attend to matters like the Duchess you were, you returned home with Satoru, with Megumi, who you could say had become almost like your own son, with Rose, Nanami and the household employees, who had given you affection and love from the first moment.
Entering the large hall you were greeted by several of the employees, including Rose, who had had a special glow for some time and you both knew what it meant.
“Ask the doctor to come tomorrow.” You heard Satoru speak.
“Duchess.” Rose bowed, you were still not used to that title and it still felt weird.
“Rose.” You smiled. “Did Megumi have his dinner?”
She shook her head. “He is waiting for both of you to have dinner together.”
You looked over to Satoru and this one smiled at you. “Let’s have dinner.” He held your hand.
You both walked to the dining room where you found Megumi concentrating on reading a book. Satoru looked at you and you gave him a warm smile.
“Gumi.” You called out to him and he quickly looked up from him to look at you both.
“Mom.” He put the book aside and ran over to you to hug your legs.
You still weren't used to Megumi calling you mom, the first time she said it you were completely paralyzed, not knowing how to respond or act, Megumi noticed that and regretted it but you told him that he did want to call you mom and then you would be very happy. And since then he had called you mom. On the other hand, Satoru was offended, since for years he had been trying to get Megumi to stop calling him simply Gojo, but the little boy didn't want to.
“I’m still offended that you don’t even call me uncle.” Satoru murmured.
You chuckled looking at Megumi. “Just give him time, right Gumi?” Megumi simply hide his face on your dress.
“A little bird told me that you want a brother or sister. But that won’t happen until you call me uncle.” Satoru challenged him and Megumi turned his face away from your dress and looked at him offended.
“Not fair.” He said.
“It is not.” Satoru smirked. “You just have to call me from now on uncle and you might have a sibling.”
“Satoru… you can not do that.” You said to him.
“Why not?” He looked at you with puppy eyes.
“He is a kid, give him time.” You said.
“Yeah but why call me Gojo when…” Satoru paused and looked at Megumi. “What?”
“I’m not repeating myself.” Megumi walked away.
“Angel, did he just?”
“Yeah.” You smiled at him and noticed how Satoru was getting emotional. “Satoru…”
“Sorry, I just.” He shook his head. “I love you Gumi.” He shouted.
Megumi didn’t turn to look at him or say anything, but you knew that he was just embarrassed. Megumi opened out at you a few days after calling you mom from the first time about how he wanted to call Satoru dad but he was beyond embarrassed to do it. You found that heartwarming and adorable and seeing how they both reacted filled your heart with happiness and love.
The evening passed quickly between laughter, light conversations and Satoru's jokes and Megumi's protests for Satoru to leave him alone. You knew Satoru wasn't going to let go of the fact that Megumi called him dad and you felt a little sorry for him but it was fun to see his pout. Those new memories that you were creating with those new people that you didn't know a year ago filled your entire heart.
The next day the light passed through the curtains of your room, making you open your eyes to find the bed empty and the sheets cold, indicating that Satoru had woken up long before you. With your hips a little sore after your sex session last night, you got up to get ready to meet the doctor on that sunny morning with clear skies. Rose, like every morning I come into your room and help you.
Once ready, you left your bedroom and began to walk through the Gojo family's large house, still not getting used to all the wealth that you saw when you walked through the wide hallways, with their high ceilings and walls covered in ancestral portraits. .
Approaching the entrance you watched as Satoru walked near the large windows, his expression was a mix of concern and determination. Approaching him, you held his hand and gave him a comforting look, seeking for his agitated soul to relax under your touch.
The heavy entrance doors creaked open and the family doctor entered, whose presence attracted attention. Dr. Stone was a middle-aged man, with a kind but serious demeanor.
“Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Gojo.” Dr. Stone greeted with a respectful nod. His voice was calm and reassuring, a stark contrast to the turmoil you felt inside. “I trust you're both okay.”
“Good morning, Dr. Stone.” Satoru responded, his voice was firm despite the tension. “Thanks for coming.”
Walking down a hallway, the three of you entered an office where you could have a more private conversation. The doctor sat across from you, opened his case, and arranged his instruments with practiced precision. “So what was it that you wanted to talk about?”
You both looked at each other and Satoru took a breath. “We want to try to have a child.” You squeezed his hand. “And we wanted to know if my wife, well, if she doesn't run any significant risk by getting pregnant.”
Dr. Stone nodded and began his examination with a gentle, professional touch. After a few minutes he looked at you both and smiled. “There are certain risks, though.” He said he. “With careful monitoring and appropriate measures, I believe a successful pregnancy is within reach. It will require diligence and caution, but I am confident we can manage any complications that may arise.”
Satoru, who had been watching intently, let out a breath that he didn't realize he was holding. “Thank you, Dr. Stone.” He said with relief. “We appreciate his guidance and support.”
The doctor agreed, with an expression of understanding and empathy. “It is my duty and honor to serve this family. We will proceed with care.”
With a final bow, the doctor departs, leaving you and Satoru to digest the information. The room seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief, the tension dissipating like morning mist under the heat of the sun.
“Satoru...” You whispered looking at his expression.
But all the doubts you might have dissipated when you saw how Satoru smiled widely at you. "We could start now, don't you think?"
You rolled your eyes. “Always so needy”
Satoru's eyes, electric and searing, met yours with an intensity that made your heart race. He closed the distance between you in the blink of an eye, and taking hold of your face, he pulled you into a passionate kiss. His lips were insistent, full of desire and passion, wanting to claim your lips as his alone.
The kiss deepened, your tongues tangled in a heated dance, each moment fanning the flames of desire and igniting something fervent inside you. His hands slid from your face to your waist, pulling you closer to him, the heat of his body seeping through the layers of your spring dress. You could feel the hard lines of his muscles, his need for you as palpable as yours.
Without breaking the kiss, Satoru's hands began to work on the zippers of your dress. The fabric gave way under his skillful fingers, sliding down your shoulders until it reached your waist. The cool air of the room sent a shiver down your spine as he collided with your bare skin, but it was quickly replaced by the warmth of his touch as he explored your skin.
With a grunt, Satoru pushed aside the objects cluttering the desk. His strength and urgency left you breathless, your pulse pounding in your ears as he lifted you off the desk.
You moaned softly as his lips moved to your neck, sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin. His hands roamed your body, hiking up your dress until he bunched around your waist, exposing your legs. Each touch sent shivers of pleasure through you, your body arching against his in an invitation for him to continue.
Satoru's fingers found the hem of your underwear, teasing the delicate fabric before sending it somewhere in the room. You clung to his shoulders, your nails digging into his back as you writhed in pleasure, each touch bringing you closer to the edge.
With a final, desperate kiss, Satoru pulled away just enough to throw off his own clothes. Seeing him, naked and magnificent before you, made your heart skip a beat. He moved between your legs, his hands gripping your hips as he aligned himself with you, his eyes locked on yours with a burning intensity.
“You ready?” He whispered, full of need.
You could only nod, your breathing ragged as anticipation tightened within you. Satoru's lips captured yours in a searing kiss as he thrust into you, filling you completely. The sensation was overwhelming, an avalanche of pleasure that made you arch against him, your moans mixing with his moans of satisfaction.
He set a rhythm that was both tender and demanding, each movement taking you higher, the friction of his body against yours igniting sparks of ecstasy. Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer as you surrendered to the waves of pleasure washing over you. His name was a breathless plea on your lips, a mantra of desire and need.
“Oh my lovely angel.” He said against your ear. “Can’t wait to fill you up with my baby.” You moaned loudly feeling how he grew bigger inside of you.
“Satoru.” Your body moved closer to him, wanting to be touch.
“So needy, my baby.” He said. “You want that right?” You bite your lips as he started to bite the skin of your neck. “You want me to put a baby in you huh?”
“Yes!” You moaned. “Satoru!”
Satoru's pace quickened, his thrusts becoming more urgent, more desperate. With one last thrust your back arched and you felt Satoru come completely inside you. The room that just a few minutes ago had been filled with the sound of your voices agonizing from pleasure and your skin colliding, had now been plunged into a sea of ​​silence that was only interrupted by the soft sound of your breaths mixing, while you searched for it to return to normal.
“You know I love you?” He whispered against your now sweaty skin.
You smiled and touched his hair with love. “And I love you too.” You kissed his hair. “Thank you…”
“For what?” He looked at you with his eyes full of curiosity.
“For that day, for coming to me while reading and making me fall in love with you, for everything Satoru.” You smiled.
He shook his head and cupped your face with cherish and love. “I should be the one thanking you angel.” He smiled. “You don’t know how you change my life. I love you so much.”
And both of your lips connected in a sweet kiss full of love, understanding and commitment for one another. You were grateful for going out that day to read on the beach, for looking at those blue eyes, for going out to the back garden despite the warnings, for your heart, your body and your soul reacting to him. You were grateful that man was yours and you were hers.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Extra scene
You watched as Satoru whipped his tears away and Megumi looked at him with a weird expression, you wanted to laugh about the scene but your body was too exhausted to make a single movement, even for a simple laugh.
“You are going to scare her with that face.” Megumi said.
Satoru, still crying, shook his head. “Gumi, I can't help it. Look at your sister, she is so small.”
Megumi looked at her and nodded in agreement. “She is cute. Thankfully she looks like mom and not you.”
Satoru gasped offended and looked at you. “Did you hear that?” You hummed in response and Satoru walked towards you. “How are you feeling, my angel?” He sat down next to you.
“A bit tired.” You smiled. “But… she is finally here with us.”
“She is.” Satoru looked over to where your newborn baby girl was. “You did a great job.” He held your hand. “Thank you.”
Heavily you approached him and kissed him. “Thanks to you Satoru. I love you."
Satoru smiled. “How lucky I am that a woman as amazing as you wants to spend the rest of her life with me. I love you too my angel.” He whispered and kissed you again.
The kiss was interrupted by some small cries and you both smiled, realizing the new stage that awaited you.
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Final note: thank you for the love and support ❤️ I have another Gojo fic called Birdie if you want to check it out, also a new Geto fic called The forgotten boy
🏷️: @catobsessedlady @zoeyflower @lavender-hvze @slashersgirlypop @tinydonkeysforlife @oddball08 @tttttttf @crybabytoru @fccxxxcvvx @augustine13028 @alwaysfreakingout @storacy
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strawberryblue-blog · 2 months
Disaster. Part 1 —Joao Felix.
summary: You see Joao again after he broke your heart and nothing goes as you expected.
warnings: none. enemy to lovers, exes to lovers, many curses, cute, soft.
words count: +2.3k
#SEXYNOTE: Don't worry, there will be a second part of this and it will come faster than you think. Thanks for waiting, sorry for being late. love y'all 💙
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The Uber took you to the place you had indicated when you left home, right outside the restaurant where you were supposed to have dinner. Before entering you took your purse and took out a gloss to put some on your lips, it was just a little gloss to look more appropriate. Even though you had left work an hour ago and after a quick shower and putting on the first thing you found, it wasn't like you were ready for your date.
Yes, a date. A blind date that your best friend had set up for you, which you clearly hadn't asked for but had had to agree to when she was so insistent that you come along.
Camila had taken it upon herself to find the perfect suitor for you, according to her. You had absolutely no idea who this was, you didn't even know if it was true or if it was going to be a joke from your friend. She was very insistent that your partners were invisible because she had never really seen you with one. But you had never done anything official with anyone for a long time, you didn't invest your time in men anymore.
You walked into the fancy restaurant, which you allowed yourself to admire as you closed the door behind you. Your friend had mentioned dressing well and you felt a little offended when she said it, but now you understood. Eating here was probably going to be expensive but you could treat yourself for today and if it all ended badly on the date, you would never come to this place again.
"Hello, excuse me" you called to the receptionist. "The table in the name of Y/LN?" you asked at the girl's kind smile.
"Good evening, your table is table 9" she kindly replied checking on her computer.
You politely thanked her and as you turned to go your way, your legs shook. You were nervous and you were not one to get nervous. But the thought of sitting down to dinner with a complete stranger made you hesitate. However, you plucked up your courage and went on your way, spotting the tables guiding you to find your number.
A man's marked back made you swallow your breath. You were a few steps away from him and when your eyes caught sight of the young man with his back turned, you sighed, calming your nerves. I'll just be a while, eat, chat and then leave. «Be nice» You said in your mind. Above all you were going to be polite, whatever your date, you were going to make a good impression.
You took your last steps, approaching the table and when the boy heard you, he looked up at you.
Oh, no. No way.
"Hello, Y/n" he greeted with a smile.
You, on the other hand, frowned in confusion feeling your legs wobble. Damn it. It couldn't be. This was a dream.
"I'm sorry, I think there's been a mistake" you said trying to pretend you didn't recognize it. Your voice dropped and you looked to your sides in confusion.
But inside you, everything moved. This was not true.
"There isn't" the young man mentioned. "Camila wanted to get us together apparently" came back a chuckle.
Damn it. You couldn't believe it was him sitting there. He looked so changed. He really looked more handsome, more mature, like a real man. But in your mind he was still the young man from a few summers ago, the handsome boy who had been driving you crazy since you were little.
"This has got to be a fucking joke," you sigh in disbelief.
Your friend really is crazy, how could she think she could bring you on a date with Joao? The same guy who had rejected you years ago and broke your heart, you hated him!
"You look great" he announced trying to flirt.
"Not with me, Joao" you warn denying.
You don't know whether to be offended by the situation, whether he had been sent by someone who hated you in this life or what was the reason he was here. But he definitely knew you would be here, while you came here hoping to connect with someone else.
You felt somewhat frustrated by what happened that the hunger or anxiety you felt vanished and the urge to run from the place came over you.
"I-I think I should go" you stammered starting to walk.
"Wait!" you heard him yell but you started running to get out of the place.
Yes, you felt offended, humiliated and weird. How were you supposed to connect with Joao if you guys weren't speaking to each other since that day, you hadn't even thought about seeing him again. You were supposed to move on with your lives and never cross paths again. Had Camila lost her mind? Of course she had. There was no other explanation.
You stood on the sidewalk of the place with your head looking sideways, waiting for a cab to arrive as quickly as possible. Damn it! You'd come here for nothing, now you were hungry and a goddamn craving for Joao!
It was clear that seeing him again had had an effect on you, even more so when he looked as fucking hot as he did. You weren't the same as before, now you were both grown up and you had the strength to face him, but he wasn't going to play with you again.
A sigh escaped your lips as no one seemed to appear in the night. Great, what else could go wrong? You'd already ruined dinner, you'd drive home hungry and embarrassed. There were no cabs around and walking was not an option.
Lights flashed in your view as a car approached you, you sighed gratefully. When it parked in front of you, you bit your lower lip with a grimace. It wasn't a cab or an Uber. It was a damn sports car that was worth more than your entire estate put together. It was Joao's car.
You ignored him as he leaned out the window, averting your eyes to the road praying a cab would show up right now. You weren't going to let him drive you home, you weren't going to let him into your life again.
"Stop acting immature, get in" he indicated after a few minutes.
No one had shown up until then. Not even a damn bus that could take you home. But you couldn't give in.
You turned on your heels and started walking briskly, with your head held high and taking it all in. Getting a little further away was a good option and maybe on the way you would find a cab. Beside you, you could see the car start to approach you, and you pressed your lips together indignantly. Why hadn't he left yet? Wasn't it enough for him to see you running out of the restaurant or to ignore him here?
As you walked, the car's lights still shining on you, you could see out of the corner of your eye how he was getting closer and closer to you. You were starting to get annoyed.
"Get in, Y/n, please" he shouted from inside like a plea. "It's late, let me take you home safe and sound" he said again and you stood up with a start.
You hated it. You had done something wrong in this life for karma to pay you back like this, right where it hurt the most. Of course. It's not easy to forget when a man rejects you in your full youth, much less one you liked very much. And he had hurt you so much.
You sigh cursing and grab the doorknob of the car, opening the door to sit in the seat with a serious little pout on your face. You stare straight ahead at all times, not giving him the pleasure of looking at you even though you know he smiled like he had won the lottery.
"Don't say a word" you point out angrily. Joao nods with a chuckle and sets off.
The silence is overwhelming inside the car and you can feel the nerves stinging on the tips of your toes. Your palms sweat and you don't know what to do. There is no music, no words. There are only sighs and the voice of the geolocator pointing the way to your house.
The tension becomes more and more suffocating, at times you find it hard to breathe and your gaze wanders a little to the boy's place. You swallow as your eyes focus on his muscular thighs and you shift uncomfortably in your seat. Joao notices your tension and turns from time to time to look at you, making it increasingly difficult.
Damn it. Through the window you catch a glimpse of his profile and your heart races at the sight of him looking so calm, when you're a mess inside thanks to him. The heat in your neck makes you swallow your saliva nervously, the trip seems to take forever and you start to get anxious about getting home.
A current of electricity runs down your back when Joao's hand releases the steering wheel and goes to your leg. Your breath hitches and you freeze. His fingers dig into your inner thigh and you stifle a gasp in your throat as he gently caresses you. You want to grab his hand and pull it away but you cannot. He's left you speechless. You don't even recognize yourself right now, but the fire begins to grow inside you and you despair that you can't control it.
You're thankful when you start to recognize the houses in your neighborhood, knowing you're close to home makes you feel a little safe. You need to get out of this car before something else grows inside you.
When his car parks in front of your house, you sigh to fill your sick lungs with air. You haven't breathed easy since his hand caressed you and when his hand is removed from your body, the air rushes back into your system. You open the door, staggering, anxious to get out. You listen as Joao also gets out of the car and you watch him from the corner of your eye circle the car.
On his face is a seductive smile, a smile that makes you think he won. Damn it, you should never have let him bring you home. Or let him touch you. «Great, Y/N, you're an idiot!»
When he's close to you, he's leaning against the side of the hood of his car, his hands in his pockets, staring at you. Your body is on its side, you turn your back to him and it's now that you feel humiliated. You have to thank him, it's the least you can do for driving here but your face falls in shame. You hug your body, giving yourself some reassurance and turn around facing him.
"Thanks for the ride" you say simply.
The distance between you is prudent but you know that doesn't ensure you feel your belly contract as you see him there, licking his lips with his exalted gaze on you. Your eyes tremble as they meet his, you try to look away but you can't help but think how cute they are. Everything about him. Damn it.
"My pleasure, Y/n" he says softly. You nod with a grimace.
You make the feint to turn around but stop yourself. You can't, your body acts on its own. You run up to him and kiss him without saying anything. Even though you took him by surprise, Joao rests his hands on your hips and pulls you to him, kissing your lips. Your tongues dance in rhythm, while your hands are busy caressing his chest. The taste of his mouth is still intact in your memory, recalling your first kiss years ago.
When the images of that night that was so special for you (but nothing special for Joao) come into your head, you quickly pull away from him. Your lips are numb and heavy, your heart pounding and the fire in your chest burning.
It was a nice kiss but that will be all.
You won't see him again, you don't want to see him again. This is just part of your mistake in having gone on the date in the first place. Tomorrow you can forget about it as long as you stay away from Joao.
Just like that, you turn and walk quickly for home, escaping his nets before it's too late.
It's not too late, is it?
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4imhry · 1 year
vampire!enha x fem!reader
hyung line! their reaction when they can’t resist the urge to suck your blood.
warnings: too much sexual tension, kissing, blood sucking
“love?” his doe eyes fixed on your exposed neck, and your bare shoulder.
“hm?” you were playing a video game, your head comfortably rested on heeseung’s chest. the oversize sweatshirt you’re wearing slowly rode off your shoulder bit by bit whenever you squirmed due to your loss in a game. “i lost..again!” you grunted. “it’s so..difficult.”
“what is it?” your looked up at him with a smile plastered on your face. fuck. he swore he fell in love with you all over again.
“you know that i um–” he gulped. “can’t hold myself back whenever your neck is clearly exposed to me like that.” he smirked as held your chin up with the his finger, his face slowly inching towards yours. your breath shudders upon seeing how hot he looked right now. “you have no idea the impact of seeing the bit of your skin already drives me crazy.”
the latter’s breath quickens the moment you bit your lip, possibly feeling the same way he did right now. he wants you and you want him too.
“oh yeah? and what are you trying to imply?” you decided to tease him a little bit.
wrong move.
he chuckled in amusement. he proceeded to pull you closer to him and slowly trailing your bare shoulder with wet kisses until it reached your neck. this was your reaching point. you eventually gave yourself out for him.
a whimper escaped from your pretty lips was all it took for him to bring out his fangs and suck your blood. god, he loves it when you moan in pain..and pleasure.
you were wearing an outfit which accentuated every curves on your body and boy, sunghoon can’t deny the bulge growing in his pants made his tight pants he wore tighter.
you kept checking yourself in the mirror, wondering if the outfit fits you well. apparently, it’s your first time wearing an outfit which exposed your lower back. you loved it because it seemed like it brought out the unexpected reaction out of your boyfriend.
sunghoon watched the way you reapply your lip gloss, fix your hair, batt your little eyelashes and the sound of your heels clanking on the floor. that turns him on more than ever.
he slowly inched towards you, lightly kissing your earlobe, earning a chuckle came out of you. “that tickles, hoon~” he smiled upon hearing that little chuckle of yours however it instantly changed into a menacing one when lowered his head and brushed his lips against your earlobe.
“I want to fuck the hell out of you in this outfit. can I do that?” he lowly whispered into your ear, his arm abruptly sneak around your waist. he watched the way your lips parted slightly and your thighs squeezing together instinctively upon his words.
he loved the feeling of being in control. you let out a gasp the moment he immediately went for your neck. your other eye laid on your figure wrapped with him arms in the mirror. you watched the way he let out his fangs and sank them in your neck.
a gasp came out of you and your knees buckled upon feeling something like your strength just got taken immediately out of you. “h-hoon..we got a party to attend to.” you fought the urge to let out a loud moan.
“forget the party. I have something important to do.” he licked the remaining blood stain on your neck and turn you around, not even giving the time for you to answer and smash his lips on yours.
it was 1am in the morning and you were starving, so you decided to cook yourself spicy ramen noodles; two packages boiled in the pot because you knew, by the moment you served it jay would come running to you, like a baby he is.
your breath hitched the moment you feel jay rub his harden length beneath the grey fabrics from behind.
“yeah?” your voice came out more weaker than you thought. arousal pooling in your pyjama shorts as he kept brushing his bulge against your thin clothing; the only thing which separates the contact of your skin with his.
“cooking ramen noodles?” he lips brushed momentarily against your ear, inhaling the scent of your hair as he dips his head into the crook of your neck. you hummed in response.
he began trailing wet kisses on your bare shoulder, naturally made you tilt your head to the side to give him more access to your neck. “fuck you smell..so good.” wearing huge T-shirts equals to ( your shirt easily rode down your shoulder ) and it’s his hugest weakness.
you chuckled in amusement. “love, i-I,m cooking right now. I don’t want our noodles get burnt.” light whimpers you’ve been trying to muffle erupted from your pretty lips.
“that can wait. I just..want you so bad right now.” the other hand which is hugging your petite figure close to him, travels to your chin, turning it slightly to his direction for him to give a sweet and innocent kiss.
completely the opposite to what he was going to you later. his long hand turned off the stove with ease as he pulled away from the kiss, and sank his fangs into your neck.
a loud whimper coming out of you as your body naturally collapsed on him. his strong arms swiftly caught you, licking the remains of blood on your neck. “you tasted so sweet.” he wasted no time carrying you in a bridal style upstairs and do whatever he want with you to fulfils his desire.
the sight of his lovely girlfriend sleeping soundly surely made his heart swelled. it hurts the poor boy’s cheeks to smile so hard. he had been observing your adorable sleeping state for a while, gently caressing your black locks.
his pointer finger went to graze on your lips, dragging it down until your bottom lip was jutted down. he let out a small hum as he did so. his eyes then traveled to your pyjama top which was unbuttoned by three buttons.
his lips parted slightly at the sight, wincing a little when the growing tent was hurting in his pants as he slowly let his finger linger on your collarbone, chest and rested his hand for a while there before pressing a kiss on your lips.
the moment his lips met yours, the poor boy was resisting the urge to take you on right then and there however he knew he had to control himself from trying to get inside your pants while you were sleeping. he ran his fingers through his hair, breathing heavily as he pulled away.
right timing, you eyes slowly fluttered open. “mhm jakey?” your sweet voice called for his name was his breaking point.
“yes baby?” his lips hovered above yours.
“what are you doing?” you chuckled, looking at his disheveled state.
“mhm what do you think I’m doing?~” his honey like voice whispered so sweetly into your ear. he hovered on top of you, putting both of his hands on both sides of your head. you gulped, your breath quickens when you feel jake rubbing his harden bulge on your clothed core.
a low moan came out of your lips was all it took for him to attack your lips. the kiss was sloppy. tongue messily clashed against one another, your hands desperately ran through his hair for more friction.
he then pulled away from the kiss, his hand caressing your cheek so gently you had no idea he was on his way to sank his fangs down your on neck. you’ve grown used to his nature of his addiction to suck your blood during intimate time however it always got you gripping on his biceps for dear life.
please repost my works! it would be very much appreciated! thank you. <3
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juiceicicles · 1 year
Mean and Scary | Chapter 1: King of Hawkins High
AO3 Link:
Pts: 1, 2, 3
As he traipses through the woods, Eddie tries to get a bearing on what is about to happen and what his plan is for when it inevitably goes sideways.
Dealing pot to Hawkins Royalty like King Steve isn’t entirely out of the ordinary, but doing it alone at a picnic table in the middle of the isolated woods? Yeah, not Eddie’s smartest decision for a meeting place.
In his defense, he’s only a hop skip and a jump away from the high school, and he couldn’t be assed to drive any further for what’s likely going to be a one time payment of $20. $25, if he overcharges Steve (which, he absolutely plans to do.)
Eddie finally gets to the clearing and Steve jumps when he notices him, finally looking away from a tree he was seemingly having a very intense staring match with.
“Whoa, hey, hey, hey! Sorry,” Eddie chuckles a bit awkwardly, trying his best to subconsciously communicate that he is not a threat, because he really doesn’t wanna get his lights punched out right now “Didn't mean to scare you.”
Eddie sits down and his metal lunchbox clatters onto the table —Steve flinches again. Boy, Harrington is jumpy— and sits across from him. He opens up his Pail-o’-Drugs and watches as Steve drums his fingers on the table.
“There's, uh... There's nothing to worry about. Okay? No one ever comes out here. We're safe. I promise.” Eddie honestly didn’t expect Steve Harrington to be worried about being caught, considering that Steve apparently used to hold daily house parties.
He still can’t believe it. King Steve goddamn Harrington sitting there, in all his douchey glory. Or at least, that’s what Eddie expected. Instead he sort looks exhausted. His eyes keep flitting around, and he looks like he just saw a ghost.
You see, Harrington was never a dick to Eddie, specifically. However, he sure as hell didn’t treat the freaks of Hawkins High with any sort of sympathy. Hence Eddie’s original plan to act like the biggest asshole he possibly could without scaring off a rich customer. But something about Harrington’s eyes, a sort of dull terror etched into the hazel brown, is making Eddie reconsider that decision.
“So, how does this work, exactly?” Steve sort of mutters. This is so utterly different from everything Eddie heard about him. Steve always roamed the halls with a sick sort of ironclad confidence, with his two jackals Tommy and Carol following his every beck and call. The boy across from Eddie though? He seems so haunted. Like a flickering projection of someone. A puppet with its strings cut.
“Uhh just like any other old sale, except cash only, and for obvious reasons, no receipts,” he gives Harrington what he hopes is a reassuring smile, “I'll do you a half ounce for, uh... 20. What do you say? Plenty of bang for your buck. Should last a while.”
A squirrel skitters up a tree in the background, and Harrington gasps quietly and whips around to track it. And then, finally, it clicks for Eddie.
Steve’s worried about being seen with Eddie the Freak Munson. Figures. He shouldn’t have expected anything less from King Steve.
“Hey, we don’t need to do this. Just give me the word, and I’ll walk away.”
“It’s not that, I don’t want you to go.” Steve starts, tentatively. He’s still looking around, like somethings about to pop out of the woods. “It’s just…Do you ever feel like you’re loosing your mind?”
And, of course Eddie feels like he’s lost his marbles. He’s a super senior with the nickname the Freak. Obviously he sometimes feels a little crazy. He’s a little surprised that notorious cool guy Steve Harrington feels that way, though.
He makes the decision right then and there to see this out, because even if Harrington’s afraid of being caught, there’s something here that Eddie’s missing.
“You know on a daily basis. I feel like I’m loosing my mind right now,” screw it, might as well be honest, go big or go home right? “doing a drug deal with Steve Harrington, former king of Hawkins High.”
“Ah, well, I haven’t been king for a while…” Steve trails off.
Eddie remembers Billy Hargrove. Remembers how he made him want to beg every god there was for Steve to steal back the crown. Billy Hargrove was mean to Eddie. He was mean to everyone. And he wasn’t highschool-mean either, he was Larry Munson mean. He was a jackass who wasn’t afraid of anyone and wanted you to know it.
Unprompted, Eddie remembers the first time he met Steve. Before he was Hawkins Royalty, before he was a jock and a bully, before Eddie was the freak and not just a freak. Eddie had just gotten to Hawkins, his old man had been put away and the US government dropped lil’ Eddie on Wayne’s doorstep. He’d met some friends and formed a shitty garage band. They’d played at the middle school talent show, and Eddie had lost his guitar pick. A boy about his age had given it back, told him his name was Steve and he had found it underneath his chair in the seats.
“You know, this isn't the first time that we've, um... Hung out.”
Eddie lets out a little chuckle. Of course Steve wouldn’t remember. “It’s alright.”
He clutches at his heart like he’s been shot with an arrow and flings himself off the bench and into a pile of leaves behind him. He hears Steve let out a little gasp before he hops back up.
“I wouldn’t remember me either, Harrington!”
Steve looks a little amused, and Eddie catches a light brown blob in his peripheral vision. He combs his fingers through his hair and dislodges a dead leaf.
“Honestly, do I have stuff in my hair?”
Steve lets out a little chuckle as Eddie starts to gets into his story. If there’s one thing Eddie Munson is good at, it’s story telling.
“Middle school, talent show. Carol I think did this cheer thing? You know the thing the,” Eddie mimed some pom poms. Steve was smiling a little bit, so Eddie continued his spiel, “and I- I was with my band.”
Suddenly Steve pipes up “Corroded Coffin! Oh my god!”
Eddie’s bewildered that Steve apparently remembered their weird prepubescent metal show. He claps his hands excitedly and points to Steve. “You do remember!”
“Yes, of course! With a name like that, how could I forget?”
“I dunno. You’re a freak.” Eddie’s pretty pleased with himself when his lack of brain-to-mouth filer apparently doesn’t offend Steve. In fact, Steve breaks out a smile. It’s less Harrington Charm then Eddie expected, more of a dorky toothy grin.
“No you just- you looked so-“
“Different? Yeah. Yeah. Well, uh, my hair was buzzed, and I didn't have these sweet old tatties yet.”
“You played guitar right?”
“Uh-huh. Still do. Still do.” And since Eddie is an impulsive mess and isn’t totally hating this interaction, he does something that totally spits in the face of the tried and true Munson doctrine and invites a preppy jock to a metal concert, “You should come see us. Uh, we play at the Hideout on Tuesdays. It’s pretty cool. We- we actually get a crowd of about five…drunks.”
Steve laughs a bit and clamps a hand over his mouth, like he’s a bit startled by the noise. Eddie doesn’t blame him, he’s a bit caught off guard too.
“It’s not exactly the Garden, but, you gotta start somewhere, right?”
Steve looks at Eddie with a considering gaze for a moment, like he’s trying to figure Eddie out.
“You know, you’re not what I thought you’d be.”
“What, a total freak?”
“No, no. Honestly? I thought you’d be mean. And scary.”
“Me? Steve Harrington thought I’d be scary?”
“Yeah! You’ve got this whole, I dunno, chains and leather vibe. Thought you wouldn’t give me the time of day.”
“Yeah, well, I thought you’d be mean and scary too.”
“Terrifying.” Eddie’s hit with the sudden realization that he’s completely forgot about the drug deal he came here for and plops himself back down at the picnic table. “Uh, so, in other good news, flattery works with me, so... Twenty-five percent discount for the half. Fifteen bucks. You're robbing me blind here, you know.”
“…do you have anything maybe stronger?”
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iiseult · 6 months
RED-HANDED: Gyutaro x reader - College!AU (part 2)
CWs → femdom!reader, sub!gyutaro, loss of virginity, afab reader, creampie, degradation, biting, slapping/rough handling (mild bdsm), not proofread, Gyutaro needs you biblically, also he’s a little less pathetic in this part for some reason but that's just where the spirit of the lord took me
Wordcount: 3.1k
Guytaro groaned as soon as you left the bathroom, taking a moment to process everything. He was about to lose his virginity to the girl he’d been in love with for god knows how long, and it was her idea. His cock twitched in his hand. He was already getting hard again just thinking about you, his refractory period apparently no longer existent. Quickly– and painfully– he stuffed himself back into his shorts and stood up, making for the door, but stopped short when he reached the mirror. The fact that you were even willing to touch him at all gave him a huge confidence boost, and he suddenly had the urge to impress you. He gazed at his reflection for a few seconds, just drinking in his own appearance without shying away for what felt like the first time in years. His eyes were tired and bloodshot, underscored with dark purple circles. His hair was untameable, and stuck out at odd angles all around his face. Dark, splotchy birthmarks covered his complexion, which was gaunt and gray. He looked just the same as he always had, but somehow, some way, there had been an inexplicable change, and he thought that maybe he wasn’t such a lost cause after all. He bit back a smile and decided not to waste any more time, eagerly returning to his room, and to you.
When he opened the door, you were sitting on his bed again, hands folded neatly in your lap. Whatever confidence he had before was shattered upon seeing you. He hastily closed the door and leaned his back against it for support, chest rising and falling quickly as he tried to catch his breath, because your shirt was long gone, now folded in a neat pile on his desk chair. All that remained to cover your breasts was that lacy nude-colored bra that had been driving him crazy ever since you’d arrived. It was all he could do to stand there and gawk, practically drooling at the sight of your supple tits sitting so pretty, so perky and just for him to see. You laughed a little at his reaction, finding his inexperience endlessly amusing– and arousing.
“Get on your knees,” you ordered, voice a bit softer than it had been before, but still commanding.
“Yes...” he breathed.
Without hesitating for even a second, Gyutaro dropped to his hands and knees, never breaking eye contact with your chest. Before you could even tell him to, he read your mind and started to slowly crawl across the room towards the bed, all the while gazing up at you reverently. When he finally reached the edge of the bed, he sat right between your legs and took one in his hand, closing his eyes and pressing gentle kisses all over it. The blissful feeling of your warm skin coming into contact with his lips made him moan out loud every single time he repeated the action. He looked so pussydrunk already, you almost regretted having to give him his next order.
“Stop. Sit there like a good boy and watch me take my pants off.”
He eagerly nodded and withdrew, dropping his hands into his lap and conveniently placing them right over his growing bulge. Even the tiny amount of friction that caused elicited a grunt from him, which he immediately regretted.
“I never said you could touch yourself. Just watch.”
He whined, but obeyed. Slowly, you stood up and unbuttoned your jeans, sliding the waistband over your hips, down past your plush thighs, and finally to your ankles, where you paused.
“Gyu, you wanna do the rest for me?” you asked, gesturing to the material pooling around your ankles.
“God, yes, please, I wanna take your pants off. Your thighs are so…” he cut himself off with a shallow sigh that was more of a moan than anything else.
“C-can I touch them, please?” he asked, eyes shining with hope.
“Since you asked so nicely, yes–”
Before you could even finish, he was plunging his face into the soft flesh, inhaling deeply and spluttering out unintelligible praises.
“Ngh– oh god, ‘s so good, you’re so s-soft, ‘s even better than I imagined, want you so bad, god please, need you…”
You felt a tingle in your stomach at his ragged voice praising you. You weren’t expecting him to be so vocal, but admittedly, you liked it. A lot. You raked your fingers against his scalp, almost gently, suddenly filled with a bit of tenderness for the boy. It was a surprise to you that he was making you feel anything at all, since he seemed so incapable just a few short moments ago. Maybe there’s more to him than meets the eye, you thought.
After a few more seconds of indulgence, you took up a fistful of his hair and gave it a good, sharp yank, pulling his flushed face out of your thighs. His eyes were half-lidded, and a drunk sort of smile adorned his lips.
“Come on, take my pants off,” you urged, tapping his knee with your foot. He nodded, springing into action, but he surprised you yet again when he leaned down and took the fabric between his teeth, pulling it off you the rest of the way and leaving it in a pile on the floor. Your jaw actually dropped. Had he really never done this before? In no time at all, he had returned to your thighs, now nipping at them with his sharp teeth. Your clit throbbed.
“Ah…” you moaned softly, almost too quietly for him to hear– but not quite. He froze, causing you to squirm, pressing your thighs together.
“C-can I…” he started, hooking a finger under the waistband of your panties and burning holes in them with his eyes. You nodded, lifting your hips to help him, and in much the same manner he had taken off your pants, he took them in his teeth and slid them down your thighs, grazing your flesh with his pointy canines. As soon as they were off your body, he tossed them aside and found himself face-to-face with your bare, glistening cunt. Your legs were spread, inviting him in.
“Have you ever given head before, Gyu?” you asked, leaning back on your palms comfortably and looking down at him.
“No, but I think I know what to do, if you’ll let me try…” he said eagerly, sounding surprisingly confident.
“Show me what you got,” you said. Then, you placed a hand on the back of his head, preparing to pull his hair if he got too rough, which, admittedly, was what you were expecting.
Gently, tentatively, Gyutaro stuck his tongue out and licked a stripe up your cunt, making sure to dip his tongue into your hole and get a good taste of your juices. Your clit throbbed again, and you shamelessly bucked your hips up into his mouth, already needing more of him. He let out a long, whiny moan, eyelids fluttering shut in ecstasy as he melted into your touch.
“Taste so good, Y/N, fuckk…” He dipped his head back down for more, prodding his warm tongue into you even deeper and bumping his nose against your clit. Your back arched, and your grip on his hair tightened. He changed tactics, deciding to try sucking gently on your clit and kissing every part of your pussy he could reach. Occasionally he’d flick his tongue against your clit, making you yelp and roll your hips into his face.
“Doing so good Gyu, such a good boy,” you said breathlessly, allowing a few more soft moans to leave your lips as a thank you to him. He whined into your pussy, sending vibrations through your body. You felt something tighten in your stomach.
“Fuck me with your tongue. Jus’ like that– Oh, fuck, just like that, Gyu,” you growled, feeling your walls get tighter around his tongue by the second. He let out a string of whimpers as he mercilessly thrusted his tongue into your dripping wet hole, so deep that he could barely breathe. His chin and lips were completely coated in your slick, and he couldn’t get enough of your scent.
“Ah- ah- I’m gonna cum, Gyu, don’t you dare fucking stop,” you cried, violently pushing his face into your pussy one final time, allowing his tongue to drag against a sensitive spot on your walls. He was such a mess, slurping up everything you gave him as you came around his tongue. He lapped at your clit, letting out a series of broken moans at the taste of your cum. You rode his face through your orgasm, only stopping when the sharp sensation of overstimulation started to take over your body, at which point you yanked his head away from your center.
You were both breathing heavily as you stared into his amber eyes, which were gazing up at you with complete and utter astonishment. For once in your life, you had no idea what to say.
“Did that feel good?” he asked quietly, smiling his lopsided smile.
You slapped him across the face.
For the second time that day, you slapped him across the face, and for the second time that day, it made his cock so hard it burned. But at the same time, his heart dropped.
“You didn’t like it,” he whispered, more to himself. He looked away, fighting the urge to cup his stinging cheek, but you gently grabbed his jaw and turned it to face you again.
“No, I liked it. I just think you look really pretty with my handprint on your cheek.”
He gulped. The smile returned to his face. He just couldn’t help it, he practically had hearts in his eyes when he looked up at you.
“I- I think…I’m in love with you,” he breathed. You grinned.
“You’re gonna love me even more after I ride you. Bed. On your back,” you ordered, moving over to make room for him. As he got himself situated, you unclasped your bra and threw it aside, sitting back on your knees to give him a good view. You massaged your tits gently, throwing your head back and moaning when your fingers grazed your nipples. Gyutaro watched your every move, memorizing your sounds and facial expressions. Everything about you was gorgeous to him, and he really meant it when he said he loved you. He was absolutely enamored.
His dick was once again straining against the fabric of his pants, begging to be released, and this time, you gave it the attention it needed. You hovered your hips over his, letting your tits dangle in his face, and stuck a hand in between your bodies to cup his balls. His entire body jerked slightly to the left at the feeling of your warm hand holding him through his shorts. You squeezed gently, and he let out a cry. Tears pricked his eyes and his heart was practically beating out of his chest. He was trying so hard to be good for you, to control the urge to rip off his stupid shorts and shove his hot shaft into your pussy, all the way up to his balls. He wanted nothing more than to pump you full of his cum, to show you how fucking hard you made him.
“Does my pretty boy wanna stuff me full of his cock?” you teased, tracing a fat vein up his shaft with your fingertip. He nodded fervently, whining out a pathetic “mmm-hmm” in response. A tear slid down his flushed cheek. You licked it up.
“Take them off. Let me see you,” you said.
He sniffed and nodded, sitting up and rubbing the remaining tears from his eyes. He reached for the hem of his shirt and began to pull it up his body, but stopped halfway through, suddenly feeling insecure. What if you didn’t like what you saw and changed your mind? What if he was too skinny for you, or too scarred? A pang of fear shot through his heart at the thought, and he was stuck, frozen with his shirt halfway up his ribs. Thankfully, you knew what he was thinking.
“Come on, pretty, let me see you. Be a good boy for me. I just wanna touch you,” you whispered, letting your fingertips dance across the exposed skin of his ribcage. They left goosebumps in their wake, breaking him out of his trance and giving him the final push he needed to finish what he was doing. In no time at all, his shirt and shorts were off, leaving just the boxers. They were absolutely covered in wet splotches, and the outline of his dick was well-defined against the darkened fabric. You licked your lips and pulled the waistband, only to let it snap back into place, making him yelp. You giggled and mumbled something about how cute he was. The blush that erupted across his face spread all the way up to his ears.
Once he was free of his boxers too, you straddled his hips and leaned onto one elbow to press a searing hot kiss to his cracked lips– the first kiss you two had ever shared. He moaned into your mouth absolutely desperately, and you felt his cock push out a bead of precum, which smeared all over your thigh as his hips stuttered into yours. You sighed in satisfaction, sucking on his bottom lip, and feeling him up with your free hand. You pinched one of his nipples, and the reaction it elicited from him sent a wave of desire crashing through your core.
“Ple-e-e-ease,” he cried, voice cracking as his back arched. His hands grabbed any part of you they could find, which ended up being your tits that were dangling in his face. He squeezed them roughly, his hands completely full of your warmth. He thumbed your nipples the same way he’d seen you do to yourself earlier, making you moan loudly.
“Oh…ah!” you yelped, not expecting the sudden stimulation.
“Please Y/N, please, please, please please! Ah, ’m gonna lose my mind ‘f you don’t… ah, ngh- please?” he begged, eyes wide and hungry. You’d have to be crazy to say no to that.
“Alright, alright. ‘M gonna make you feel good now, okay?” you crooned, grabbing his throbbing dick and lining it up with your soaking entrance.
“Yes! Yes! God, yes!” he chanted, throwing his head back in relief as he felt his swollen tip prod your lips. And when he finally pushed past them and slid deliciously slowly into your thick, glossy walls, his eyes flew open again, and every muscle in his body tensed up. The moan that was stuck in his throat was only released when he bottomed out and your ass bounced against his pelvis, coming to rest there. You were so full you couldn’t even move, let alone breathe.
“Oh fuck, fuck fuck fuck, I think I’m gonna- I’m gonna- I-” he cried, body shuddering underneath you. You sighed, grinding down on him, smushing his tip against your cervix and giving him exactly what he needed. He practically screamed in pleasure, gasping desperately for air in between moans.
“Ahhhh! Oh, Ohhh! Shiiiit! I- I love you!” he blurted out again. You felt his hot cum squirt out against your walls in short bursts, surprised there was any left after earlier. In fact, there was so much that it leaked out from your tight hole and pooled around the base of his cock. You stayed still for a few moments, letting him catch his breath and process the fact that he had just lost his virginity. Once his breathing had returned to a relatively normal pace, you started pumping yourself up and down on his cock again, chasing your own high. Though he was only half hard when you began, it didn’t stay that way for long.
“Sh-shit! Fuck Y/N, what are you d-doing?! Gah, pleeease!” he whined, body spasming involuntarily in reaction to the overstimulation. You ignored his protestations and wrapped a hand around his throat, squeezing gently.
“Sorry, baby. Your dick just feels so good…I need more,” you apologized disingenuously, speeding up your thrusts. Your pussy was sucking him in at breakneck speed, and even though it hurt, there was something addicting about it– just like how it felt to have your hand cutting off his airflow.
He reached up and placed a hand on top of yours, pressing down even harder and looking into your eyes.
“More,” he rasped. You choked out a moan. He smirked deliriously.
“You- you like when I choke you?” you asked, grunting as his tip hit that sensitive spot inside you over and over again.
You could feel tingles of warmth spread through your body, and you were clenching so hard around him you were afraid he’d lose circulation, but it wasn’t enough.
“I need- I need you to touch me. Do you know how to do that, Gyu?” you asked between gasps, feeling the flames of your orgasm lick against your stomach. He shook his head sorrowfully.
“Please– teach me,” he choked out. You nodded and loosened your hold on his neck, instead grabbing his wrist and guiding his hand down to your clit. You pressed his fingers into it and rubbed yourself onto them as you continued to bounce on his dick. He got the gist and started moving them back and forth to help you out.
Stars danced across your vision. You squeezed your eyes shut and bowed your head down to the crook of his neck, gasping as a wave of indescribable pleasure crashed over you. He felt your pussy flutter around him, and that sensation itself was enough to send him over the edge for the third time that night. At this point, he was shooting blanks. He whimpered softly into your ear, continuously reminding you how good you felt and how much he loved you. You bit down on his shoulder as your body shook, the most intense orgasm of your life ripping through you. Gyutaro was on the verge of blacking out from the amount of pleasure he was feeling.
After you had finished riding your orgasm out, you slowly pulled him out of you, pushing the last of his cum out onto his stomach before rolling over and lying limp on your back. Both of your chests were rising and falling in sync as you laid side by side, staring at the ceiling. And when Gyutaro reached for your hand and laced his fingers through yours, you didn’t mind one bit.
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