#jack maynard oneshot
rawrkittenpurr · 6 years
Personal Trainer AU - Jack Maynard Imagine
Word count: 4068
Rating: Explicit (really, truly explicit. mostly pwp smut. please don’t read if you are underage and/or unconfortable with that)
Warnings: none
Summary: Jack is substituting for your regular PT. Sex ensues.
„Hi, my name is Y/N and I have a session booked in with Louisa at six”, you said to the girl at the reception, handing over your gym membership card.
„Oh, I’m so sorry, Louisa had to call in sick today. Someone should’ve called you, but they must have forgotten. I’m terribly sorry, it’s been a bit of a rush here today, with two of our trainers feeling poorly… But I’m sure we can find someone to cover your session, or you could go in and train on your own? Of course we will refund you the price of the training!” the girl said apologetically.
“Honestly, don’t worry about it. I’m sure all your trainers are equally good, I don’t mind if someone else takes over, truly. But please do find someone for me, because left to my own devices I know I will just spend 20 minutes on the elliptical watching Brooklyn 99 and call it a day”, you smiled at the girl. It was Friday night, you had a busy week of work behind you and you were not feeling very motivated as of that moment. You came to the gym straight from the office, because you knew from experience that if you’d had to go home to get your stuff, you would’ve just slumped down on the couch and probably not moved until midnight.
“Okay, I’ll see what I can do for you. You can go ahead and get changed, and someone will be waiting for you when you’re done”, the receptionist said, handing you a lock and key for the lockers as well as a towel, “and thank you for being so understanding!”
You quickly changed into your workout gear – black leggings, a black sports bra and a flowy purple workout top with an open back –, pulled your hair into a ponytail so it wouldn’t bother you, grabbed your water bottle and the towel and headed out of the changing room. You were greeted by a blonde guy about your age, with really pretty blue eyes. He was attractive. This was going to be interesting.
“Hey, you must be Y/N. I’m Jack, and I’ll be kicking your arse today.”
“And I bet you’re going to enjoy that, won’t you”, you said to test the waters.
“Oh, I’ll make sure you enjoy it too, don’t you worry”, he replied, a cheeky grin spreading across his face. This was indeed going to be interesting all right.
“So I thought we could start with some warm-up, and in the meantime you can tell me about what you’ve been doing with Louisa, what your goals are, so that I can get a better picture of what you’re looking for, does that sound ok to you?”, Jack asked once you’ve walked over to the training area.
“Sure. I’ve been training with Louisa for about two months now I think. I don’t really have a specific goal in mind, I just kinda want to be the fittest version of myself if that makes sense?” you started to explain while Jack was directing you to do some jumps to get your heartrate up. “I used to always say to myself I’ll do it one day, like I’ll do it for my wedding or something, but then one day something in my brain just clicked and I thought why wait, why not do it now?” “So, no wedding coming up then?” Jack intercepted.
“Oh no, definitely single AF”, you laughed, “but it’s chill. I mean, I have everything I need”, you said, first of all to clarify that you were not desperate and second, because it was true. You were really not looking for a relationship and were perfectly happy with the arrangements you had going on when it came to sex. “Anyway”, you continued, progressively getting more out of breath, “don’t get me wrong, I still hate all of this. But then I see the results and I’m like yeah, it’s worth it.”
“I can see that”, Jack said, and you were pretty sure he was checking you out.
 Jack was not kidding when he said he would kick your ass. He gave you a very intense workout that pushed you to your limits, but you actually enjoyed it. You preferred working hard over half-assing your workouts; it gave you the satisfaction of knowing you did your best. You also had the feeling he had you do more squats than strictly necessary just so he could check your butt out, but you couldn’t say you minded that either.
“So, it’s Friday, you got any plans tonight?” Jack asked you as you were finishing up your stretching.
“I was actually planning on watching Netflix on my couch, but after this workout I feel strangely energised, so I might need to change those plans”, you admitted.
“Me and a few mates are actually going clubbing later, you can join us if you like. It’ll be around midnight though probably, so I don’t know if you’ll still be awake…”
This went easier than you thought. It wasn’t suave or smart, you could tell Jack was the sort of guy to rely on his looks and charm rather than his wit to woo over the ladies. But in all fairness, he was hot and he did ask you out and he was being quite direct about it, which you appreciated.
“I’m not actually a grandma, I’ll have you know. Midnight sounds good, text me where?” you held out your hand for his phone.
 Once you got home, you popped into the shower, washed your hair, moisturised thoroughly with a lotion that made your skin look glowing and smelled deliciously like a tropical cocktail on a beach, poured yourself a big glass of wine, then decided to potter around naked for the next few hours. At around 11, your phone buzzed with a text from Jack.
“Hey Y/N
You still up?”
At this point, you were about 3 glasses of wine in, and still naked, but at least you had successfully finished putting on your makeup.
“Yeah I’m good, just getting ready. Wby?” you texted back.
“Pre-gaming at Joe’s. Gonna get going soon though”
You wrapped yourself in your previously discarded towel, grabbed your wine glass and took a selfie. “Cheers!” you typed, sending the pic to Jack. His reply was a string of emojis, including the fire and the dancing girl one. He also sent you the name of the club and told you to meet them up front in half an hour.
It was time to get dressed. You decided on a set consisting of a high-waisted, tight midi skirt and a crop top. The outfit hugged your curves and showed off a bit of your tummy. Essentially, it put your whole body on display while still making you look relatively dressed up. You debated for a while if Jack was worth wearing heels for, but ultimately decided in favour of them. Then you grabbed your bag and headed down to your Uber.
The club Jack told you to meet them at was of the posh but tacky variety, trying really hard to look like it was in Vegas or something, with secluded ‘VIP areas’ with white leather couches and low, mirrored coffee tables. It was the sort of club mostly frequented by girls in their late teens and men of all ages trying to hit on them. You didn’t much mind the club though, because the music was good, a mixture of hip-hop and R’n’B, easy to dance to and in your opinion much nicer than the monotonous, electronic stuff. There was a little bit of a line forming out front, you hoped that the club would be decently full but not jam-packed. Getting out of the car, you spotted Jack standing a little bit off to the side with a small group of people, and walked over.
“Damn, Y/N”, Jack exclaimed, checking you out from head to toe as you were approaching him, “you looked fine this afternoon, but this is on a whole new level!” He pulled you in and kissed you on the cheek. He smelled really nice, cool and clean and fresh, but with an undercurrent of something spicy.
“You’re not looking so bad yourself, I must say”, you licked your lips. Jack was wearing a dark blue and red, tropical patterned silk shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a few of the top buttons unbuttoned, tight, ripped black jeans and white sneakers. His hair was tousled and wavy and somehow looked both softer and blonder than in the gym. You had the urge to run your hand through it, although you were quite sure it was probably less soft and way more stiff with product than it looked. Also that he wouldn’t appreciate you messing it up. Also that you would totally still do that later.
He waved you over and quickly introduced you to the bunch of people he was with: Joe, Conor, Mikey, Caspar, as well as a few girls whose name you didn’t bother to remember.
“It really isn’t fair”, you heard Joe complain to no one in particular, “Jack pulling these girls who are out of his league all the time.” Jack replied with a grin, saying how it was one of the perks that came with his job. You were not sure if this whole exchange was intended to be much more subtle or if Jack just didn’t care if his dates knew he was a bit of a player, but it was okay. You weren’t looking for anything serious either.
“Come on, Y/N”, Jack motioned you over and put his arm around your waist, skipping the line and guiding you directly towards the door, “this way.”
“Are you famous or something?” you teased as you realized you were entering directly through the previously described VIP lounge.
“I got connections”, he smiled, wiggling his brows at you.
Once inside, you each took a shot of vodka from the chilled bottle of Grey Goose that seemed to have materialised on the table in front of you as soon as the group walked in. A few of the guys took some pics and videos for their Snapchats and Insta stories that some of the girls with you tried really hard to be included in, while others were basically hiding. This was weird, but it was none of your business. A few minutes passed, and you were happily singing along to the songs the DJ was playing, dancing around a little on the spot. You really just wanted to get out on the dancefloor, so you took Jack’s hand and pulled him with you as the tunes of the new Jason Derulo song started blasting from the speakers. You were a decent dancer – definitely not able to come up with imaginative freestyle choreographies on the spot, and you were never quite sure what to do with your hands; but you were pretty good at copying other people’s moves and really good at twerking. What surprised you more was that while most boys tended to just hop from one leg to the other and stay in the background, Jack could actually keep up with you, pulling you closer and giving you space at the right moments while also showing off his moves.
“That was hot”, you exclaimed as the song ended. In return, Jack pulled you in close, grabbed your butt and kissed you hard on the mouth. It was a nice kiss, more lips than tongue, soft and wet and warm, inviting and exploring rather than aggressive and pushy. You had one hand on the small of his back, just above the waistband of his jeans, the other around his neck. You flexed your fingers and scraped your nails slightly against the back of his head, which he seemed to like, as he responded by squeezing you even closer to him, both of his hands on your backside still. Jack licked along your lips and you opened them slightly. Suddenly, he bit down against your lower lip and you pulled in a sharp breath, digging your nails into his skin. Opening your eyes and taking a step back, you broke the kiss and started dancing again. Turning you around, he drew you close to him again so that your back was against him, kissed the spot between your neck and shoulder softly and started to move against you, following the music.
The two of you spent the next hour or so dancing, grinding and making out on the dancefloor, only heading back to your booth twice for a bit of rest, drinks and a few words of shouted conversation over the music. As the night progressed, more of the buttons on Jack’s shirt became undone and you could now see quite a bit of his tanned chest. You have teased each other so long, both of you were completely turned on. You had butterflies in your tummy, a big smile plastered on your face and a pleasant, tingling sensation all over your body, as if your skin was electrified. You were also quite sure you could feel his hardness pushing against your thigh as you pressed into him while dancing. You lowered one hand and traced the outline of his bulge, palming him through his jeans. So far, you had no complaints.
“You wanna get out of here?” you heard Jack shout.
You nodded. “Back to mine? No flatmates, and it’s close to here. I’ll go to the loo and call an Uber, meet me at the booth in 10?”
When you got back to the VIP section, you found only Caspar and two girls at your table. Nevertheless, you said your goodbyes and made your way to the car already waiting for you outside. Thankfully, your flat was indeed close by and in the sparse night-time traffic it only took you about 10 minutes to get there. Which was for the best, because you two had a really hard time keeping your behaviour in the backseat decent. Your skirt, which normally reached to your knees, was pushed up to mid-thigh level, and Jack was stroking along the inside of your leg. Your hands found their way under his shirt, tracing out the hard edges of his body. You were kissing each other differently now, longer, passionately and with more intent, sucking and biting. By the time the car pulled up in front of your house, you were burning with anticipation. Although you usually didn’t tend to, you tipped the driver and made sure to give him 5 stars, he definitely deserved it.
Once you got up to your flat, you kicked off your heels and motioned to the left.
“Bedroom’s that way, bathroom too. Go on, I’ll be there in a minute. And wash your hands, will ya?”
While Jack took off towards your bedroom, you went to the kitchen, washed your hands and filled up two large glasses with cold water, then you followed him into your bedroom. Jack was lying back against the headboard of your bed, still completely dressed but with his shirt now completely open and hanging off his shoulders. He looked incredible, eyeing you expectantly. You handed him one of the waters and drank most of yours, setting the glass down on your dresser, a safe distance away from the bed. You shortly debated your range of movement, then decided to strip out of your skirt, discarding it on the floor.
“Nice”, Jack said in a low voice, sitting up a little straighter and putting down his glass of water. “Louisa’s been doing a good job”, he added, regaining his composure. You poked your tongue out and wiggled your butt at him, then walked over and straddled him, placing your knees on each side of his hips. Taking his shirt off completely, you finally had access to all of his upper body, something you have been looking forward to all night. You brushed your fingers lightly against his tattoos.
“You like them?” Jack asked you. “Yeah”, you admitted, your voice a little breathy, “They’re really nice.”
You kissed him again, then proceeded to kiss down the line of his neck and all along his shoulder, leaving behind little wet spots. All the while, your hands were roaming his body, grabbing and stroking. You couldn’t get enough of him. Moving downwards, you flicked your tongue experimentally against his right nipple.
“Come here”, Jack said, and you sat up a little. He took off your top and bra and started playing with your boobs, licking and sucking one of your nipples into his mouth while teasing the other one with his fingers.
“Mhhhhm”, you moaned, rolling your hips down onto his dick almost involuntarily. Pulling back slightly, you unbuckled his belt and worked his fly open, removing his jeans and underwear in one go. Then you took a few seconds to look at his now exposed penis. As you suspected, he was a decent size, slightly thicker towards the head, pretty straight and uncut. All in all, you were impressed. You took a sip of water, gave him a peck on the lips and leaned back to pull your hair up into a ponytail. You could see him perk up, after all, this was basically the universally accepted sign of ‘she’s gonna go down on you’.
Taking him in your hand, you swirled your tongue around the head, getting it nice and wet before taking it into your mouth fully. Keeping him steady with your hand, you bobbed your head up and down a few times, sucking slightly more as you were coming up, but not taking his whole length in fully yet.
“Talk to me, Jack”, you said, pulling off. “Tell me what you want.”
You were not averse to some dirty talk in the first place. Plus you pegged Jack for a talker, which hopefully meant he would be into this too. But most importantly, you had literally known him less than 12 hours, and you didn’t have any time to experiment. If you were both going to get what you wanted from this, you needed to ensure good communication.
Putting his dick back in your mouth, you started moving again, joining your mouth’s movement with your hand too, really getting into it. With each downward stroke you took him in deeper, until you managed to get all of him in. His right hand flew to the back of your head to keep you in place as you were moving just the tiniest bit, without really pulling back at all.
“Fuck, you’re good at this”, Jack proclaimed, and you would’ve chuckled at the compliment, except you didn’t want to choke nor gag. Pulling back, you started moving again, quicker this time, licking against the vein on the underside of his penis and swirling your tongue around the head at every move.
“Fuck. Okay, baby, keep doing that, but with a hint of teeth. Just like that, yeah. And play with my balls”, Jack was finally finding his words and you were on fire. You gave better head turned on, and giving it turned you on even more, so this was a win-win situation. Jack’s words went straight to your core and you could feel yourself getting wetter. You could also taste Jack’s pre-come in your mouth and felt his balls tighten as you were juggling them between your fingers, so by all means, this was working for both of you. With one last satisfied pop, you pulled your mouth off his Jack’s dick. Standing up, you took off your panties and opened the first drawer of your bedside table, taking out a condom and throwing it in Jack’s general direction on the bed. It was time to get things moving along.
“Do we have to?” he asked, with a slightly whiney but mostly just curious tone.
“Yes”, you cut the discussion short. Although you were on hormonal birth control too, so it wouldn’t have been necessary, you were sleeping with several people and you assumed Jack was as well, and STIs were really not fun.
Hopping back on the bed, you lied down next to Jack. Once he was done adjusting the condom, he lied back as well, turning on his side to face you. Cradling the side of your cheek with his left hand, he kissed you, reaching down with his right and swiping a finger along your pussy tentatively. You adjusted your position, opening up your legs to give him better access.
“You’re already so wet for me, babe”, he hummed appreciatively, “I wanna see how fast I can make you come.”
Pushing a finger into you, he pumped in and out a few times before adding a second one. Moving more in an up and down manner rather than in and out, he was brushing against your G-spot and you moaned out. Seemingly on their own accord, your hips moved against his fingers, meeting his strokes.
“Yeah… more… like that”, you brought out.
His left hand had never left the side of your face, now he swiped his thumb against your lips and you sucked his finger into your mouth readily. He continued stroking against you and you could feel yourself getting closer, your hips flailing aimlessly, desperately trying to find some more friction. Jack’s right thumb came up to circle your clit in time with his brushes against your insides, and in a few minutes you were coming, crying out and biting down on his finger in your mouth as your whole body flexed.
“Please, in me, now!” you exhaled desperately, grabbing the base of his cock and lining him up. He slid into you easily, pushing in completely and starting up a steady rhythm. You took a second to appreciate Jack’s figure above you. His carefully styled hair was more dishevelled now, a fine line of sweat forming at his temples along his hairline. You remembered your urge from earlier in the night to run your fingers through his hair. Curving your fingers around the back of his head, you pulled his face down to yours and kissed him. You were beyond words now, the only sounds escaping you being sighs and moans. With both of your hands around his neck, you held on tightly as he pumped into you, meeting his thrusts halfway. Slowly, you started to regain your composure. You could tell Jack was getting more tired, his rhythm growing increasingly erratic and irregular.
“Let me get on top”, you suggested.
Jack lied back gladly, helping you carefully readjust your position and sliding back into you. After a few slow and deep movements, you kept him buried deep in you, rocking your hips back and forth. You leaned back slightly, finding the perfect angle. Moving forwards and up, Jack was hitting your G-spot with every thrust, rubbing against the sensitive area all the way. Cradling your own breast, you started caressing your nipples, getting lost in pleasure. You locked eyes with Jack, who was watching you with pupils blown wide, his mouth slightly open.
“You’re so fucking sexy, Y/N”, he sighed in an exasperated voice.
“Touch me”, you replied and Jack obliged, one hand coming up to your waist as the other touched your butt, grabbing and massaging slightly.
Speeding up your movements, you could feel yourself getting close again, but you were also becoming impatient. You began stroking your clit with one hand, the combination of stimuli soon pushing you over the edge of your second orgasm. The pleasure rocked through your body, your eyes squeezing shut and your head falling back in ecstasy. As soon as you were able to catch your breath a little bit, you leaned forward again, supporting yourself on your elbows on either side of Jack’s body. He thrusted into you deeply a few more times before he came with a choked moan.
You waited a few seconds for both of your breathing to return to normal, then got off him carefully, sitting down at the edge of the bed and drinking a few sips of water. Jack got rid of the condom, then lied down, kissing you sweetly and pulling you down with him.
“That was fun”, he said, smiling at you.
“Yeah”, you agreed, wiggling down lower and pulling up the duvet to cover you; smiling back at him happily, “it really was.”
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cursivesugg · 7 years
Understandable || Jack Maynard
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Requests are currently [ CLOSED FOR CATCH-UP ]
Masterlist can be found [ HERE ]
Word Count: 1k+
A/N: first imagine in a while, i’m so sorry for being so inactive, i suck, i know, but hopefully today can be a productive day and i can sort some things up in order to be able to stay as active as i can 24/7. okay, anyways, enjoy!!xo
The loud music was sending pleasant vibrations through your body, and you felt more alive than you had in a long while. You thrived in these type of situations, with bodies moving all around you, with alcohol and peanuts at your beck and call, and your friends surrounding you. The atmosphere was amazing, and you could feel the joy coming from each and every dancing body that you had to squeeze past whilst on your way back to your table from the bar, a tall glass in each hand, one for you and one for Jack; your boyfriend of six months.
You couldn't help but laugh quietly to yourself when you finally arrive back at the table, noticing that since you'd been gone (around five minutes), you'd seemed to acquire two new girls in your booth, one curled up beside Joe, whispering into his ear, and another sat next to Josh, sprawled over him in an act that you'd seen more than once before in your life. You slide onto Jack's lap, handing him his drink and sharing a knowing look.
You take a sip of your drink as the girl who was sat next to Joe looks up at you and smiles politely. "Hi!"
You purse your lips, smiling back at her softly, mouthing a small greeting at her before turning back to Jack and nodding slowly. "I like her."
Leaning his head back, he laughs, smiling at you fondly and shaking his head. "You're so weird."
"And you love it." You smirk, kissing him slowly, his hands moving up your back as he holds you flush against his body. Cat whistles come from all around you, hardly audible over the loud music, but audible enough for you to hear. You smirk against Jack's lips, pulling away and turning to roll your eyes at the boys, who were all smirking at you and Jack.
You gasp excitedly when one of your favourite songs begin to play from the speakers, kissing Jack one more time before grabbing your Conor'a hand, knowing he liked the song just as much as you, and dragged him over to the dancefloor. The moment you were on the dancefloor, you lost all tension from your body and began to dance with him, letting him spin you around and just dancing like you'd never danced before.
It was one of your favourite things to do, dance with no shame, and especially when you were doing it with someone you loved with all of your heart, like Conor, for example. You see, dancing with Jack was great, and it was, even more, fun when you could grind against him without it getting weird; but he'd been dancing with you all night, and you could tell he needed a break, and so you left him to catch up with the boys instead.
You raise your arms, closing your eyes and just feeling the beat of the music, swaying your hips and grinning when you feel two arms wrap themselves around your waist; immediately assuming that Jack had decided to join you. You turn around, and when you come face to face ith the man, who was definitely not your boyfriend, you scrunch up your face in disgust and push him away. "What the hell, dude!" You yell above the music, disgust seeping into your tone as you take a step away from his grimy looking face.
He moves his hands back to you, and you move away even further, glaring at him and glancing over your shoulder in the hopes to see Conor, just in-case you were to need back up at any point, but you were hugely underwhelmed when you were unable to spot him anywhere. You turn back to the man, who was smirking and reached out, grabbing onto your waist with a lot more strength than he had done before.
Whatever he was saying didn't register in your mind as you attempted to push him away, glaring at him spitefully until, finally, after a good two minutes of struggling, his arms were ripped away from you, and he was pushed up against the wall in which you'd been dancing relatively close to just a few minutes previously. You wrap your arms around yourself, suddenly feeling more vulnerable than you had done before, watching with wide eyes as Jack holds the guy, who now looked less intimidating and more terrified, up against the wall, pushing his face into his and yelling at the top of his voice.
Joe, and the girl from the booth who you'd decided was pretty decent, seem to magically appear at your side, making sure you were okay as Conor, who looked to have disappeared into the toilets, ran over to his brother to find out what the hell was going on.
Later that night, when all of the drama had dissipated, the guy had been kicked out of the club and you'd all taken an Uber back to Jack's place (the designated 'crash zone' for that night), you find yourself in your softest pyjamas, curled up into his side, your fingers fiddling with the strings of his hoodie, unable to stop your eyes from beginning to droop.
You'd gotten back at around four am, and after an hour of playing video games in the living room, which was always so much more fun when you were all buzzed, you'd all collectively decided that unless you wanted to be unable to wake up before five pm the next day, you needed to get some sleep.
And so here you were, with the sun slowly rising behind the thick curtains that, thankfully, did an amazing job at keeping the sunlight from waking you up too soon, and the distant sound of snoring coming from the living room, you glance up at Jack, and can't help but giggle. "You know, I've seen a lot of people posting about how hot you are when you get angry. It's fascinating, really."
He chuckles, cocking his brows and pushing a stray piece of hair out of your face. "It is?"
"Mhm, but you know what?" You press your lips together, giggling quietly beneath your breath. "It’s pretty understandable. And I totally get it now.”
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music-my-angel · 3 years
Always fussing over you
Prompt - Hi :) I love your stories!!! I was wondering if you could do a Jack Maynard Sick fic. Seeing as he’s recently been on tour. Could you do one where he becomes really ill and can’t do one of his shows but gets upset as he doesn’t want to let his fans down?? X
Prompt - Hey could you do a Conor or jack sickfic? Thx :) Love ur stories too
It is one of the things Jack was looking forward that entire month. There was actually going to be a show that reunited a number of youtubers. There were very rare occasions where Jack gets to share a stage with his older brother but this was going to be one of those very rare moments. He saw Conor perform a lot. He’s been part of the crowd who watched his big brother perform but this time, he was going to share the stage with him. Nothing could stop the boy’s excitement except a sudden onslaught of a flu right before the big day.
Jack had been a tad bit over excited as he stayed up late watching his brother go through sound checks and all, and it’s probably how he caught the flu as he sat without a coat in a freezing cold. Conor had been absolutely miffed when he saw the boy shaking slightly in the cold but Jack had brushed off any concerns from Conor, not wanting the boy to fuss over him in front of his friends.
But a day later, as he woke up with a strong ache in his bones, Jack wanted nothing than his brother fussing over him. And usually, Conor would be right there fussing over Jack but this time, Conor had simply frowned when he saw the boy walk down for breakfast looking not even close to what he could term as fine.
Jack looked a bit hurt at Conor’s lack of conversation that morning but he took comfort in the fact that he’d get to perform if Conor didn’t notice that he was sick.
Except that Conor noticed everything. He was painfully aware of Jack probably falling sick but the boy had made it clear that he didn’t want to be fussed over so Conor waited until Jack himself would tell him that he was sick.
“Dude, your brother isn’t fine” Alfie whispered to him.
“Must have caught a cold” Conor mumbled, “But he doesn’t want me to be a mother-hen!”
“He looks so close to passing out” Alfie pointed out and Conor could only sigh as he watch the boy move around gingerly.
“He’ll have to admit that he is sick eventually” Conor sighed.
“They never really admit it, do they?” Zoe added, with a shake of her head as she smiled at her own little brother.
Conor followed Zoe’s line of sight and smiled at Joe before frowning as he realized that sooner or later, he’d have to step up in Jack’s case.
Soon came a little too quick for both Jack and Conor.
“You can’t perform like this” Conor pointed out.
“I can” Jack whispered, sounding a lot more congested than before.
“Jack, your throat is probably killing you. You sound stuffy…” Conor muttered and sighed as he touched Jack’s forehead, “You’re running a fever kiddo.”
“I can’t not perform” Jack mumbled and Conor was ready to scold the boy except that when he looked up, he found Jack in tears.
“What’s going on kiddo?” Conor asked, squeezing Jack’s shoulder.
“Can’t let the fans down… They’ve travelled so far to see us… Can’t let you down! Been waiting to perform with you” Jack sniffled.
“Oh kiddo” Conor sighed, pulling the boy in a hug, as he squeezed the back of the boy’s neck fondly. “I’ll make a deal…” Conor whispered, smiling as how quickly Jack became interested.
Conor had been on the stage performing while Jack was wrapped in a blanket, backstage, lightly dozing. Alfie and Joe were tasked on keeping an eye on him while Zoe and Louise dropped by from time to time. He enjoyed his brother’s performance and even got to say a quick hello to the crowd during his brother’s stage time but that was it. Right after Conor’s performance, Jack was bundled up in the car on his way home. He’d have to wait for another time to perform with his brother but right now, he’d content himself with the fact that he never had to wait for his brother to fuss over him.
Hope you all like it.
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buttercream-maynard · 5 years
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This is everything 😍 I was wondering what Alex had been getting up to 😂
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whereyoustand · 6 years
:.A Miss Of Medicine.: -In the middle of a shoot Zach is supposed to take his medicine but he forgets despite putting reminders on his phone. That’s when he falls and the worst happens. This is what happens…(Zach Centric)-
:.Assisstence.: -Zach talks to Eugene but then noticed the new assistant walk in. But there’s a lot more to her then meets the eye (Zach x reader)
:.You Don’t Deserve That.: -Eugene cheats on Zach// angsty (Zagene & platonic Zach and Ned)
:.Dad You Don't Understand.: -Wes gets into an argument with his parents and runs away (Parent & Child relationship NO INCEST)
:.Ladylike Sees A Medium.: -Reader is a part of Ladylike and sees a medium after her friend passes. (Platonic Ladylike X Reader)
|~Vlog Squad~|
:.Unexpected Parenthood.: -Reader is a part of the Vlog squad and finds out she is pregnant after a one night stand. How will she cope? (Platonic Vlog Squad X reader) Part 1 Part 2
:.Impressing Your Boyfriend's Family.: -Zane takes his girlfriend and Hidaya out to eat and encounter racists (Zane Hijazi X Reader)
:.Take A Break.: -Andrew over works and his friends confront him, revealing a few things (Andrew Centric)
:.Sick.: -Josh collapses on stage (X Reader)-
:.Does It Bother You?.: -Tyler Joseph is Y/n’s teacher and calls her parent for a meeting (Jyler)-
:.Live On.: -Reader is having a really tough time after a friend passes and Josh tries to help (Josh Dun X Reader)
:.Making Mistakes.: -Josh and Reader are in a heated argument and bring up each other’s mistakes and issues. (Josh X reader) PART TWO
:.Miserable.: -Calum and Y/n break up and neither of them handle it well (X Reader)-
:.What Pic He Posts Of You.: -5sos preference (X Reader preference)
:.Not Ruined.: -Calum has a seizure on stage and gets embarrassed (Calum Centric)
:.WE REACT TO OUR OLD BEST FRIEND TAG.: -You (A YouTuber) and Ashton react to an old video you made when you were 17. (Ashton Irwin X Reader, Platonic) PART TWO PART THREE
:.Not a standby for my dad.: -Tony misses his daughters graduation//angsty (Tony Stark x daughter!reader)
:.A Favour.: Bucky needs to ask you something (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
:.Four Times Steve Noticed Yours And Bucky's Relationship And The One Time He Asked About It.: (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
:.Not Again.: -Sam wants to be the Falcon again, you have a few problems about that (Sam Wilson x Reader)
:.Simple.: -Reader is not in full control of her powers and after Dean is hurt, they are let loose. (Dean x Reader)
:.5 Ways Sam Winchester Knew His Brother Was Into Dudes.: -Sam writes all five ways he knew Dean was into guys (Bi!Dean, destiel, sibling relationship)
:.Trapped In Guilt.: -When y/n is kidnapped, something bad happens to her. Sam can't help but feel guilty.
:.Sweetheart.: -You meet the rangers and Zach pushes your buttons. Jason is there to cheer you up. (Jason Scott x Reader)
:.Nana.: -Reader goes missing and Jason finds her at the hospital, turns out her Nan is severely ill. (Jason Scott x Reader)
|~Be More Chill~|
:.Sensational.: -Michael's new English teacher is homophobic but with Jeremy's upcoming popularity, Michael battles the bad guy by himself. (Jeremy X Michael) (Platonic or Romantic)
|~Sebastian Stan~|
:.Feeling Faint.: -Reader passes out at a panel and feels super bad so Sebastian picks up the pieces. (Romantic/Fluffy)
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#4: Mistakes And Surprises, Part 4.
A/N: This will be the last part, and I hope you like it.
As Jack had left, you just sat there looking at Sam, considering to go talk to Jack. Looking at Sam was like looking into a mirror, and you were sure that it was just the same for Jack. Sam was a great mixture of you both. He had your hair colour, and Jacks eyes. Sighing, you quickly got up, sent Sam to Aiden, and followed Jack.
Not quite sure where to look for him, you quickly walked up the stairs, in hope of finding him. You looked through all the rooms, to no avail, and then it hit you, Sams room. Walking quietly towards it, you found the door to be open, and Jack looking at Sams baby pictures, which were in frames on the little dresser. He had one in his hand, looking down at it. Walking into the room, you got Jacks attention, who looked at you emotionless. You walked to Sams bed and sat down.
And in that moment, you regret ever keeping this a secret from Jack. It wasn't fair to him or to Sam. After this realisation, you looked down, embarrassed of yourself. Jack eventually put the picture down, and came to sit by you. The two of you sat in silence for a while, before Jack spoke up. ”I'm guessing he's mine?”. Looking up at him, you nodded your head, before speaking with a quiet, broken voice. ”He is. And..”. You took a deep breath, before looking into his eyes. ”And I'm sorry very sorry for not telling you. I was just so scared, that it would be a weight on you, that you couldn't handle at that point in your life..”. Jack sighed, taking your hand in his, which surprised you a bit, but you tried not to think about it. ”I wish you would have let me have that decision, but what's done is done..”. Giving his hand a small squeeze, you nodded your head, before looking away embarrassed. ”To be honest, I wouldn't have been able to handle it, if you had left me once more, on top of being pregnant.”. Jack looked over at you, before taking a deep breath. ”Hm..”. You finally looked over at him again. He was quick to speak up. ”I wouldn't have, but to be honest, it's probably better now, I have matured alot more, and..”. He smiled his gorgeous smile at you, you giving a small smile back. ”And I'd like to be in his life.. In Sams life.. And in your life..”. He looked at you hopefully, and you finally smiled a real smile, for the first time in years.
As you and Jack had gone over everything that had happened over the past four years, you felt yourself fall back into the old pattern, and you hoped Jack felt the same. Hoped that Sam could have both his parents. And that you could have Jack.
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janosxmaynard · 7 years
Hey guys!
So yeah I know I’ve literally been the worlds worst writer recently. I’ve just been busy with work & personal things but with the recent bad weather we’ve been having I’ve been cooped up in the house with nothing else to do, which means I’ve been playing around with some prompts. So should be posting something soon.
Also you may notice I changed my username from littleworldofmyown idk felt like a bit of a chance haha. Anyway please send in any Prompts for Janoskians & Buttercream one shots and I’ll see what I can do.
All my love,
Kez x
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buttercream-me-up · 7 years
Unaccepted // Joeck
Word Count- 1548
Summary- Jack comes out to his parents, but he does not get the reaction he was expecting.
Warnings; This is a Jack x Joe, meaning no reader. There is mention of Homophobia. If you do not feel comfortable reading LGBTQ+ imagines, don’t read this. 
A/n; This is my first time writing something that isn’t including a reader, tell me what you think and please leave feedback if you have any x
req; Joeck request: Jack is upset because his mum didn't accept his sexuality but he doesn't wanna tell joe so he just pretends he's ill. But Joe wakes in the middle of the night to find Jack crying on the balcony and he breaks down and tells Joe everything. Joe comforts. Lots of fluff please xxx
Jack couldn’t believe it. He didn’t want to believe it. His own mother.. The person who’d been there through thick and thin. She didn’t approve of him. She was disgusted by him. He had never once thought his mother of all people wouldn’t approve. Conor assured him dozens of times; “She’ll accept you no matter what, Jack, but tell her when you’re ready.” He’d say. Well, apparently, Conor was wrong.
Today, he was finally ready to tell his parents about his sexuality. He’d known for years, but had only had relations with girls, despite his thoughts telling him he felt no attraction to them whatsoever. Now, that he had his first boyfriend, and after 4 months of sneaking around with him, Jack was ready to tell his mum and dad about his sexuality. They’d been pestering him about settling down with a nice girl, and he eventually let it slip out. His dad wasn’t really surprised, as he’d suspected it for years, but didn’t say anything. He stood up and engulfed Jack into a hug, accepting him immediately. His mother, wasn’t so friendly.
“What?” His mother said, a mixture of shock and disgust laced into her words. “You’re.. You’re gay?” She spat, eyes wide. “I should’ve known. I always knew there was something wrong with you.” She muttered, looking away, unable to look at her son anymore. “What? Mum, please..” Jack stuttered, eyes watering. “Don’t, Jack. Just.. don’t. I think it’s best you leave.” She said, leaving the room.
“D-dad?” He stuttered, brokenly. “I’m sorry, Jack. Give her some time.” He said, sympathetically. “I’ll talk to her, don’t worry. She just wasn’t expecting it, is all.” His father tried to comfort him, but they both knew she wasn’t one to change her opinions so easily. Without another word, Jack left his parent’s house, jumping into his car and driving out as fast as he could without breaking the law. He couldn’t stop the tears blurring his sight, so he pulled over (when it was safe, of course), and cried. He couldn’t bring himself to stop.
He’d been sat in the car for half an hour, simply crying. He’d lost his mother’s support; she’d always been his rock, and now she was gone. He sighed, his tears stopped and he was probably dehydrated. He didn’t feel it, though, as he was focused on the aching in his heart for his mother. Biting his lip, he looked both ways, front and back, then pulled back onto the road and made his way back to his shared flat with his boyfriend.
When Jack entered the flat, he was relieved to see Joe was filming a video and wasn’t paying him much attention. He went straight to the bathroom, splashing his face with water and cleaning himself up. He put on a brave face and pretended it was alright. He didn’t want to tell Joe; it would not only break him to re-live the memory; but he didn’t think he could bare to live with the broken look on Joe’s face if he told him. No, he’d keep to himself. At least for now.
He took a deep breath and left the room. Joe had just finished wrapping up the video he was filming, and smiled as Jack walked into the room. “Hey, Jack. Weren’t you supposed to be visiting your parents today?” Joe asked, furrowing his brows in confusion. “Mum got ill, had to reschedule.” Jack said, surprised he didn’t break down. “Oh, is she alright?” Joe asked, concerned. He’d met your parents before, though, the circumstances were quite different then. He’d got along great with them, when you were just introduced as friends. Now, he didn’t want to talk about it. “Yeah, just a little bug. It’ll pass, dad said.” He told his boyfriend, lying through his teeth. He hated lying to Joe, but he couldn’t bear telling him, it was too soon.
“Oh, okay.” Joe could easily tell something was wrong with Jack. He wasn’t himself, but Joe wasn’t one to push. He was patient, and confident Jack would tell him in his own time. “Well, do you want to film a video then relax and have a stay-in night? We can get Nando’s and put on stupid movies we can make fun of and stuff?” Joe asked, hopefully. Jack tended to cut himself off when he was upset, Joe hated it, but respected his way of dealing with it. He only wished Jack would open up to him more.
“I guess.” Jack muttered, earning a frown from Joe. “We don’t have to, if you don’t want to?” Joe was getting more concerned now, Jack loved filming and nights in with Nando’s. It was their tradition, when one of them was upset they’d cuddle on the couch and laugh at stupid movies, mocking them and posting unflattering pictures of each other on their snapchat and instagram stories. “No, it’s fine. Let’s do it.” Jack said, walking past Joe to set up the camera. Joe frowned deeply, but sighed and helped Jack set up.
Throughout the filming, it was quite obvious Jack’s heart wasn’t in it. He wasn’t making the cute, sarcastic, or funny comments he usually imputed through the video. He didn’t even laugh at the countless jokes Joe made, and Joe had enough. “Alright, what’s wrong, Jack?” He asked, sternly. Jack looked surprised. “What?” “You know exactly what, Jack. You aren’t laughing, you aren’t making jokes, and you usually love filming videos; you look like you’re forced to be here. Are you okay?” He asked, in a demanding tone. He hated raising his voice and being demanding of Jack, but he only wanted to help.
“I’m just feeling a bit under the weather. Can we just watch a movie?” Jack asked, and Joe sighed. “Yeah, of course.” He said, hiding the disappointment in his voice. They set up a comedy movie that had terrible reviews, neither of them knowing the name of it, and watched as Jack cuddled into Joe’s side. They had already ordered and finished their Nando’s. Usually, they’d watch movies like this and make jokes throughout the whole movie, but Jack hadn’t said a word. Jack was completely uncomfortable. He wanted desperately to tell Joe, but didn’t know how. “I don’t feel well. I’m just going to edit.” He said, getting up and leaving abruptly.
Joe didn’t know what to do. Jack loved his privacy, not liking to burden others with it, but he was never this distant with Joe, and it was worrying him. At this point, it was quite late, and Joe was exhausted from the long week. “I’m heading to bed.” Joe said to Jack, who was sat in the office. He nodded, “G’night.” No hug, kiss, or anything. “G’night, Jack.” Joe muttered, defeated.
Two hours later, it was almost 2am. Jack had long since turned off the computer, and was now debating whether to sleep on the couch or with his lover. He felt different; his mother’s opinion meant so much to him, and it was destroying him. He walked outside onto the balcony, hoping to clear his thoughts, but ended up breaking down. He cried. It was 2am, and here he was, crying on the balcony. Joe woke up, hearing traffic. Jack must’ve left the balcony opened. He slid out of bed, sighing, but froze when he heard the sounds of not only traffic, but sobs coming from the balcony.
Joe walked out, and he was sure his heart cracked then and there. Jack was on his knees, hands on his face, sobbing into them quietly. Joe ran over, wrapping his arms around Jack. “What’s wrong, Jack? Please, please tell me.” He pleaded, he couldn’t stand seeing Jack this way. “My mum hates me.” He managed, breaking down again and spinning around, crying into Joe’s shoulder.
“Why, Jack?” Joe asked, confused. He’d known all about the close relationship between Jack and his mother; he couldn’t possibly figure out why Jack thought she hated her. “For me being gay, Joe! She hates me for being gay!” Jack sobbed, his grip on Joe tightening. Joe tensed. It was his fault. “Jack, I’m so sorry..” Joe genuinely had no idea how to deal with this; his parents were happy with his sexuality.
They sat in silence for a while, Jack simply crying into Joe’s shoulder as he rubbed a soothing hand up and down Jack’s back. Once his crying slowed down, and he only had a few tears running down his reddened cheeks, which Joe wiped away with his hands. “Let’s get you to bed, Jack. Tomorrow we’ll ring Conor and have a lazy day in; ice cream and all. I’d say let’s have it now, but I ate all the ice cream earlier and it’s almost 3 in the morning.” Jack nodded, sniffling.
Joe walked Jack to the bed with a hand on his lower back, guiding him over to the bed. Joe tucked in Jack, running around to his side and climbing in, opening his arms for Jack to cuddle into, which he gladly did. Joe stayed away, running a hand through Jack’s hair until he felt his breathing even out, and smiled a bittersweet smile. “I’m so, so sorry Jack.” Joe whispered, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.
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totaljoecktrash · 7 years
sorry - update! (:  taking some new oneshot requests
sorry for the lack of posting and all that, I know I haven't been delivering on oneshot requests (dw I do have them all and am working on them right now) but my laptop broke (its all fixed now) and my usb that I store all my writing on broke too (I sat on it and it bent, it's rlly embarrassing ik) but everything's all good now so today hopefully i'll be able to write up all requests I currently have in my ask and accept some new ones:
as always any ship is fine, however, do be aware that ships including the reader may take me longer (i'm really not a fan of them tbh)
also, remember (mostly) all my oneshots are posted on my ao3 as well ALONG with all my longer fics: here
also pt.2: reminder that my jack maynard/ofc fic is up on wattpad (hasn't been updated in a while but once again, I sat on my damn usb): here
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Exhibit || Jack Maynard
summary: where y/n helps jack with his fears 
word count: 1k+
request: Jack Maynard fluff where he needs to do something but because of his arachnophobia he can't do it and Y/N helps him  a/n: I LITERALLY HATE SPIDERS SO MUCH AND I WATCHED A VIDEO FROM THE ZSL ZOO JUST SO I COULD WRITE THIS SAFE TO SAY I HATE SPIDERS EVEN MORE //
“I swear, Y/N, I am not going in there,” Jack fussed. “Don’t you want to see the tigers again, you looked really happy over there seeing all the little cubs.  Away from there,” he concluded, wincing at the thought of stepping foot inside the spider exhibit.  It was nicer than usual in London, the sun hit their skin at all angles, and the two relished in its warmth.
Y/N knew Jack was afraid of spiders, more so than anyone she had ever met.  He couldn’t even bring himself to kill one, because the thought of getting too close was frightening in itself.  He’d be caught dead before he willingly stood five feet within a spider.  But that day was different.
Jack helped her through so many of her own personal fears--heights, the dark, every little thing one could think of. And she wanted nothing more than to show him that it was mostly all in your head. They have power over you only if you let them. While it wasn’t the only reason she had wanted to stop by the zoo that day, the idea of finally helping Jack was a bonus.  
“Babe, I promise it won’t be that bad,” she said in an attempt to persuade him.  Her puppy dog eyes were in full force.  “I won’t let them attack you,” she snickered.
“Y/N, I literally can’t,” he responded, showing his fear and frustration in the tone of his voice.  
“Yes you can,” she said encouragingly.  She was sure he could do it if he just put his mind to it.
“I think I’ll pass the fuck out.”
“Five minutes, just try it. Who knows maybe you’ll walk out of there a spider fanatic and you all of a sudden want to delete your channel and devote your life to this exhibit,” Y/N said sarcastically.
Frankly, Jack didn’t find it funny.  It was like asking someone with claustrophobia to voluntarily stuff themselves in a cardboard box for thirty minutes. Nobody likes to torture themselves like that.
Nervously tapping his fingers against the palm of his opposite hand, he said “five minutes, that’s it, then I’m out.”  He couldn’t even see himself lasting that.  He’d be lucky if he could go thirty seconds without bolting.
When the duo first entered, Y/N could feel Jack’s body shaking as he stayed close to hers.  There were no barriers, the exhibit was almost like something of a jungle inside of a greenhouse.  The spiders were roaming free around them, and while she hadn’t felt more calm in her life, she spun around to see Jack trying to take deep breaths. His cheeks were flushed with the faintest shade of red.
People around were watching as he became flustered. He flinched at almost every corner.  While parents and younger kids stared, the workers seemed used to it.  It couldn’t have been the first time an arachnophobe walked into the exhibit in an attempt to get over their fear.  
“Hey, just look at me, okay? Just look at me.  It’s fine, you’re fine.”
Her favorite pair of blue eyes looked down at her, absolutely terrified. “I don’t think you get how scared I am. These little shits are horrifying. What if they just jump at me or something?”
The best way to get through to Jack was simply reasoning.  Calmly, she brought up the time where she’d gotten over her own biggest fear a few months prior, not like she had much choice in the matter.  
“Remember how I used to be deathly afraid of heights?”
“Yes,” he replied as she stroked his arm.
“And do you remember how I got over that?” She asked, knowing he would remember it in seconds.
“I forced you to go on the London Eye with me,” he chuckled, reminiscing on the day.  She was nearly in tears as they waited on line, but ten minutes in, she realized how peaceful the ride was.  It wasn’t all so scary in the moment.  “Guess now I know how you felt.”
“But I’m glad you made me.  I don’t want to force you into this if it makes you uncomfortable, we can leave, just say the word.  But sometimes facing it head on is the best way to get over it.”
His tongue glided over the edges of his teeth, thinking of what to do.  Either he could stay and face his fear, or leave and continue living life worrying about if a spider was one day going to pop up in his flat when he was home alone with no way of defending himself against it.
“Fine, we’ll stay.  But only because I feel extra bad now for making you ride it with me that time,” he joked. “It’s a lot worse when you actually have to do it versus just thinking about it.”
Her face lit up, and she pulled him in the direction of a spider actively weaving a web.  “See, they’re basically just making art right in front of us.  They’re too worried about that to even think of attacking you.”
Jack was still significantly further back than Y/N, and his body was stiff, but he wasn’t shaking anymore. “I mean, that’s pretty cool, I guess.”
The couple wandered throughout the rest of the exhibit.  It consisted mostly of hand holding and Y/N reassuring Jack that he would be fine.  His nerves were beginning to settle, and although he was still uncomfortable, he was mesmerized in a way.  The fact that none of the tiny creatures pounced at him was a plus.  They were so busy strolling and revisiting certain sections that time slipped away.
It had been nearly an hour before they untangled themselves from the array of branches and webs.  
“I’m proud of you for making it through that,” she declared as the pair moseyed toward a bench.  
“I’m shocked my knees didn’t give out or something.”
“Sooooo, would you say you’re over your fear of them?”
“Let’s just say, you’re still killing them if they ever show up in my bedroom,” Jack assured her.
“Deal,” she laughed. “But still, I’m proud of you.”
“You’re lucky I love you as much as I do, if any of the guys ever tried to get me to do something like that, I’d be halfway home before they could even make their way in there,” he spoke, gently strumming his fingers against her leg.
“I love you, too,” she hummed.
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cursivesugg · 7 years
Heated || Jack Maynard
Tumblr media
Requests are currently [ OPEN ]
Masterlist can be found [ HERE ]
Word Count: 1.2k+
A/N: it’s been so hot these past few days that this request was perfect and i had a lot of inspiration for it!! enjoy my lovelies!!xo
"No, nuh-uh, don't even think about it." You lightly shove Jack away as he approaches you, narrowing your eyes at him and shaking your head. "It's too hot for cuddles."
Jutting out his bottom lip, the freshly bleached blonde huffs and looks down at your bikini-clad body, unable to help the smirk that tugged at the corners of his lips. You'd woken up at seven am, with sweat dripping down your nose and a horrible layer of old sweat all over your body. Turned out, it was due to be one of the hottest days of the year, and seeing as you were clueless that previous night, you decided to sleep in your thickest pajamas.
You had a shower, a lot cooler than you usually had, before going on to spent a good twenty minutes simply sat on your bed in just a towel, dreading the thought of having to get dressed. But after ten more minutes, you finally said 'fuck it' and put on one of your skimpiest bikinis before putting your hair up into a messy bun and praying that the heat wouldn't get any worse.
And now, after drinking a glass of freezing cold lemonade which you determined your breakfast, you were walking around the apartment and trying to get things done, even though all you felt like doing was driving to a beach and spending the day in the sea.
You were never one to deny hugs, and the slight shock on Jack's face that only lasted a few seconds, proved that. A few months previous, you'd been given the label as 'most cuddly' in the whole group, and yet here you were, denying any form of physical contact in a bid to stay as cool as possible.
"You were loving the heat when we were in Malaga a few weeks ago!" He laughs, leaning against the breakfast bar as you roll your eyes and take another sip of your icy drink. Putting the glass down, you walk over to him and rest your hands on his cheeks, pulling him down and kissing him softly, rubbing your nose against his once you'd pulled away, before kissing him quickly once more and pulling away.
You smile at him fondly and turn around to grab your phone, a loud squeal falling from your lips as he slaps your ass from behind. You glance over your shoulder and glare at him, though the cocky smirk on his face causes you to crack a smile.
It only took a few minutes, half an hour at most, for you to grow so frustrated with the heat that performing even a menial task became virtually impossible. You groan loudly, shoving your laptop away and standing up, adjusting your bikini top and walking through the apartment and into the bedroom, where Jack was changing his shirt.
"We're filling the paddling pool up." You inform him, walking pat him into the walk in closet and pulling out the rubber inflatable children's paddling pool that you'd bought the year before for your niece to use whilst she visited.
You tug it out of its place scrunched up, and smile happily, though at the thought of having to actually blow the thing up began to dawn on you and you felt your face drop.
Pressing your lips together, you chew on the inside of your cheek and peek out of the door at Jack, who was already looking in your directions with an amused smile and his eyebrows raised.
"Can you blow this up for me?" You ask pleadingly, walking out of the closet and dropping the scrunched up inflatable down onto the floor with a childish pout.
He agrees with a laugh, and you grin widely at him before following him out onto the balcony and trying to pretend like the wintering sun wasn't bothering you as much as it truly was.
After no time, the mini pool was inflated and sat on the balcony, leaving you and Jack to stare at it dreamily for a while before having a small discussion on how was best to fill it up. You didn't have many options, it was a choice of either the bucket under the sink or the hose that attached to the tap; which neither of you had ever even attempted to use before.
Deciding that the bucket was bound to be less stressful, you then proceeded to spent the next twenty minutes running through the apartment with buckets of freezing cold water to fill up the pool.
Running back and forth made you feel even more hot and sticky and gross, and so when the pool was finally full, you sighed in relief and silently thanked the spirits for being on your side in that moment.
You get in, and even though the freezing cold water startled you at first, as you sunk further into the water, tingles made their way up your spine and finally, after a whole morning of incessant struggling, you were finally cool.
Even though the sun continued to beam down onto your face, the cold water that submerged your body made the warmth feel so much better.
Jack walked onto the balcony, a smirk on his face as he looked down at your relieved expression, unable to stop the chuckle that fell from between his lips. You rolled your eyes, but held your hand out in invitation nonetheless.
He nudges your hand away and takes off his shoes before glancing over the balcony for a second or so before turning around and stepping into the water, scrunching up his face at the cold water. You laugh up at him, using your hand to shield your face from the sun, watching as he sheepishly sits down in the water, crossing his legs beneath him and looking you in the eyes with a cheeky grin.
After you'd cooled down completely and no longer felt sticky at all, you smirked to yourself as you looked over at Jack, who was leaning his head back and had his eyes closed beneath his sunglasses.
You reach over to grab the plastic water gun that had been discarded with after a video that Jack filmed a few months earlier, praying that there wouldn't be any cobwebs or spiders attached to it. Luckily there weren't, and you managed to fill it up with water from the pool without Jack opening his eyes and catching you in the act.
You lean back and spray him in the face, chasing him to jump and loose his sunglasses in the water. He opens his eyes and glares at you, before a smirk grows on his lips and he launches himself at you, splashing water into your face and proceeding to wrestle you in the water.
You didn't think about what your neighbours would be thinking as you both laugh and scream loudly, rolling around in the water for a good five minutes, until you paused above Jack, your chest resting on his, your heart racing as you stared into his eyes and pushed the wet hair out of his face with your hand.
The moment felt frozen in time, and you leaned forward and pressed your lips together, moaning softly against his mouth as he pulled you flush against his body and fiddled with the stings on the back of your bikini top until it fell free, giving your neighbors yet another thing to wonder about.
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music-my-angel · 3 years
You got me so worried
Prompt - Could you possibly write a Maynard fic where the brothers get into a serious car accident and Jack is unresponsive?
They’d joke about a lot. Often they’d be playing and the occasional question of ‘who would you save if we were both stuck in an accident.’ Conor would always joke around and say he’d have to think or Jack will probably have to pay him for Conor to save the younger one. Though, if the situation arrived, Conor knew that he wouldn’t waste a single second in putting all his efforts into saving his younger brother but he prayed that such a moment never occurs. Unfortunately for Conor, the situation did pop up.
The two boys had been driving back home one late night when the truck lost control and came straight onto them. They had been hit straight on and pushed in a wall. Both vehicles were badly damaged and all the occupants of the vehicles were unconscious.
Conor was the first to wake up. As soon as his eyes opened, his brain caught up with the awful pain in his legs. He panicked as he realized that he couldn’t pull his legs. He was so caught up in his panic of trying to get his legs free that he nearly forgot the presence next to him.
But then his heart missed a beat as he caught side of a bloody face brother that laid unconscious right next to him.
Conor pushed down his own panic to look over at his brother. Jack’s face was bloodied which probably meant a head and facial injuries. The boy’s hand was dangling at an awkward angle and his leg was bent awkwardly as well. But the main concern was that Jack was yet to move.
“Jack? Jack? Hey kiddo? Jack, wake up! Wake up kid!” Conor shouted.
He desperately tried to get some movement in his feet to reach the boy. But neither could he get himself free to reach his brother nor could he wake the kid up.
And for a second, Conor imagined the worst scenario.
They had been sitting for a while when Conor stopped his struggles to get free and started talking.
“I know I say that you talk a lot but I’d give anything to hear your voice right now kiddo” Conor sighed.
He looked over at Jack, hopeful but there were no movements by his side.
“Please kid” Conor gave into a broken sob, “I swear kid, I would pull you out in a heartbeat if I could. I swear!”
Right when he felt himself giving up and surrendering to darkness, Conor saw the bright lights being flashed onto them as help arrived.
There was a slight smile on his face, hand still extended towards Jack as he fell unconscious.
When Conor came to his senses, he felt a hand squeezing his and his eyes fluttered open as he recognized the touch being that of his younger brother.
“Jack” Conor gasped, trying to lean forward as much as he could to hug Jack.
“Easy the two of you” Joe whispered as he helped Jack give Conor a hug.
“Are you okay?” Conor asked Jack.
“I’m good. A bit rough but talk about yourself, you got me worried. You wouldn’t wake up” Jack sniffled slightly.
“I’m here, kiddo. I’m fine” Conor was quick to sooth the younger boy before he picked up on what the boy just said, “I wouldn’t wake up you said?”
“Yeah, I woke up and they said you’ve been unconscious since you got here” Jack informed him.
Conor huffed slightly, keeping the story of who has been unconscious for a long time for another day.
Their injuries were not too bad. It would take some time for the boys to recover but with each other, side by side, they’d get through that too. And once they’d recover, Conor would tell Jack the story of how bad the accident was and how he had nearly given up on waking the kid up but until then, he’d rather cherish having his brother awake and breathing.
Hope you all like it.
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buttercream-maynard · 7 years
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Always My First Choice
A/N I know I haven't posted in sooo long and I'm sorry! But I had major writers block and didn't see the point in writing something when I knew it would be terrible. I'd rather spend time writing something of a better quality than rushing it and it being bad. I hope you understand! ------------------------------------------------ Can you please do a Conor and Jack one shot? Like Jack feels like a second choice and Conor doesn't realise til Jack runs away and when Conor finds him he looks like a wreck and Conor promises Jack that he's not a second choice ------------------------------------------------ Conor and Jack had always been close. Maybe it was due to the small age gap, or maybe just because they got on so well. But either way, there was no denying that where one of them was, it was likely that other one would be there too. However, recently, Jack had been feeling a bit neglected by Conor. The elder Maynard hadn't made much time to speak to Jack recently. Now Jack wasn't one to be too dependable on one person, but Conor was his brother and this had left him feeling like second best. Conor seemed to spend every spare moment he had with the rest of the group and didn't make the effort to see Jack as much. Although they lived in the same flat, Conor spent more time with visitors than he did his flat mate and brother. This had been going on for quite a while now so Jack came to the conclusion that Conor didn't want him around. So, what did he do? Ran away. That night, he sat in his room, and scrawled out a note. “Dear Con, I know I've been a pain recently and I'm sorry that that's how you feel about me. Don't worry, I'm making your life easier and leaving. I won't be in your way any longer. I didn't mean to be a bother to you. Jack x” He left it on the table in the room, knowing Conor would see it in the morning. He shoved some clothes into a bag and grabbed as much as he could. He took his wallet and phone and as he walked out, left his key next to the note. He took one last look at the flat before walking out. Jack didn't have a clue where he was going and ended up wandering aimlessly for hours. He eventually sat down on a bench and ended up falling asleep. The next morning, Conor got up around 11, and walked out of his room. He looked around the flat, but no one seemed to be up. He decided to ask Jack if he wanted to go out for breakfast as he hadn't seen as much of his little brother as he'd hoped recently. He knocked on Jacks door and waited for an answer. There was no reply. Conor frowned and pushed open his door. Jacks bed was empty and hadn't been slept in. As Conor looked around, most of Jacks clothes were gone and the room seemed empty somehow. Something was nagging at the back of Conor’s brain and he walked into the lounge area, confused. His eyes landed on a piece of paper on the table and he picked it up. He gasped as he read the note, thoughts of his brother hurt rushing into his mind. Conor quickly grabbed his coat and rushed out the flat. He wandered about, keeping his eyes open for signs of Jack. He rung all his and Jacks friends, asking them to keep an eye out for him and to ring him back if they found Jack. Conor was beyond worried now and on the verge of having a panic attack. Where in the world was his brother? Then it came to him. “Please please please work” he mumbled to himself, opening the find your friends app on his phone. Him and Jack both had each other in their list and could find out where eachother were. Conor prayed that Jacks was turned on so it would give him a clue as to where he was. It pinged and came up with a location. Conor breathed out a sigh of relief and rushed to get to the place where Jack was. Conor walked into the park and looked around for his brother. He saw a figure hunched over on a bench and he sprinted over, hoping it was him. He was delighted when he saw the face of his younger brother and he cried out in happiness. “Jack! Thank God I found you! I've been searching for hours!” “Why are you here?” Jack mumbled, hugging himself tightly. It was only then that Conor registered the state that he was in. Jacks hair was tousled and looked like fingers had ran through it a lot. His face was stained with tear tacks, he had dark circles under his eyes and he was shivering violently. All in all, Jack was a wreck. “I came here to bring you home, why else?” Conor said confused. “But y-you didn't want to speak to me” “Oh Jack, how could you think that?” “Because you never spoke to me! You spoke to our friends more than me and I felt like the second choice” Jack said, tears trickling down his cheeks. “Jack I'm so so sorry you felt that way. It's not true, none of it! I had no idea that's how you were feeling. I can't believe I made you feel like that” “It's not your fault” “But it is. How could I not even notice that my baby brother was hurting so bad that he ran away. I abandoned you” Conor whispered, tears coming to his eyes. “I probably overreacted, I just didn't want to be a burden” “You could never, EVER be a burden to me Jack. Never. You could never be my second choice either, always my first. I would always choose you over anyone, and don't ever doubt that for a second, ok?” “Ok” Jack whispered. “Now, will you please come home? I want my brother back” Jack smiled and nodded at Conor. The elder brother leant in for a hug and held Jack tight. “I'll never let you go again” “I know, I'm sorry” “Me too” The two brothers walked back home, glad they had sorted out their issues. “By the way” “Yeah?” “How did you find me?” “You left your location on” was the reply, as both of them burst into laughter.
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Surprise (Conor Maynard oneshot)
Requested | So sorry it didn't turn out as planned 🙈
"It's weird not having Conor with us" You said suddenly breaking the silence. "Well, it's definitely not THAT bad." Jack said. You were supposed to be having a movie night at Joe's place with the guys, but you couldn't even decide on one, so you were all bored. "Why? Do you miss him ?" Caspar said mockingly. "No, well yeah. It's just, like I said, kinda weird to be hanging out with you guys without Conor." "Do you mean we're no fun without Conor?" "No, no, not like that. Shit" "She's kinda right. We've been sitting here for five hours not doing anything. If Conor was here I'm sure he'd be entertaining us all." Mikey said. "What do you think of surprising him by attending one of his shows?" You said. "All of us? It'll be messy" Oli answered. "Then why don't we surprise him when he comes home?" Josh said. "That's a very great idea, Josh. We'll hide in his apartment, surprise him and maybe live stream it. What do you think ?" Everyone agreed and began planning for the big day. *A couple days later* You were so excited for this day. Especially since you were dating Conor secretly. It's been 2 months since you were dating and everything was going perfectly. The boys always shipped you and Conor and teased you about it. But more than that, they knew nothing. "Okay we got everything set up. Here's the plan: Y/N will surprise Conor when he opens the door. She leads him to the living room, which won't be hard cause it's too close, and some of us will be hiding behind the couch, the curtains, and in the hall." Oli explained. "Okay everyone get in place he'll be here in a couple minutes." Caspar said. And in fact, he did. You heard his keys open the lock as his face appeared. It immediately lighted up when he saw you. "Hey babe, what are you doing here?" He quickly got closer to give you a peck on the lips. You were embarrassed and shocked, you didn't know what to do. Conor was here and you were happy about it, but he just exposed your relationship to the fans and your friends probably heard it all. "Well... That's awkward." One of the boys said getting up from behind the couch as the rest of the squad followed his actions. " What... What's going on?"Conor asked. "Well we thought we'd surprise you when you get home off tour but it just took a turn and you surprised us." Mikey said. "Wait... The livestream." You looked awkwardly at the screen. Jack hurried to turn it off. "There's no turning back now. We just announced that we're a couple in the weirdest way possible." You said, chuckling. "Yeah, you guys might wanna check your twitter. Mine is blowing up with screenshots of you two kissing. Gross." Joe said. "Oh for God's sake guys why did you livestream it ?" Conor said. "Well it's done now. At least the fans are happy for you. They're already making edits." Josh said. "Aw this is so cute." Oli said and you all laughed.
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twigleektribute23 · 8 years
Tagged by @awkwarddean My birthday is 23rd November and it's the same as Bradley Steven Perry, Miley Cyrus, Lucas Grabeel, Steve Harvey, Jack Maynard, Snooki and Jonathon Sadowski :) I tag @thecharmedwerewolf @jokers-sweethearts @misc-oneshots @fearlessinblue24
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