#first time shading an anim and oh god oh fuck it was a lot of work
majordemonblockparty · 5 months
au where sam goes along with the demon blood drinking 'cause he figures if anyone can grant clemency in hell, it oughta be the boy king of the fucking place.
cue full-on yellow-eyed juiced-up rightful prince of hell sam winchester who has spent the past four months picturing how he'll pour into the depths of hell with legions of demons and hellhounds at his beck and call to break his brother out of whatever implement of torture he's been strung up in... except that when he gets there, dean's unbound, unfettered, up on his own two feet with a knife in his hand, and doesn't even notice sam right away. he's dialed in, laser-focused on peeling back the skin of what might've once been a person with all the care of a shearer going after a sheep, everything from his face (oh, god, his face, his dear face; last time sam saw that face he was nailing pine boards over top of it after he'd closed the eyelids and wiped it free of blood and salt and kissed that cold, still mouth and--) to his bare feet spattered in abattoir-floor gore.
(in the end, sam's never entirely sure how he gets dean's attention -- whether he calls his name, or chokes on a sound trying to be words, or if something inside him deeper than a soul screams out for dean -- but there's a knife in dean's hand and blood on the blade when he turns to sam.)
dean just stares at him for a second, that still, cool, animal look he gets sometimes on a hunt; all predator, 'yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for I am the meanest sonovabitich in the valley' kind'a look that makes the hair at sam's nape stand on end. then dean's face contracts all at once -- eyes narrow, lip curls, jaw tightens -- as he turns on his heel and flings his knife into the chest of the -- man? demon? demon, gotta be; nothing still human wears a face like that -- standing just out of arm's reach.
"thought we had an agreement," dean snaps, gravel-scrape low at the bottom of his register, like he's been sick but won't admit it for weeks on end. (or screaming. like he's been screaming, a lot, for weeks. or months, maybe. but maybe not; sam's been wrong before.) "no more projections, no more games. we agreed."
the demon puts his hand to the hilt of dean's knife, still buried in his chest cavity, and sam can't have that, can't have an armed demon within throwing distance of deandeandeandeandean, and all he has to do is think about it -- not even really think, not anything so complicated as holding the words or the image of it in his brain; just the intention behind the thought is enough to send the knife jerking out of the demon's grasp and slapping handle-first into sam's open palm.
the demon doesn't laugh, exactly, but his face stretches into what might be the memory of a grin; all teeth, no smile. "we did, and I have not thus far reneged on our agreement, boy. if I'm not mistaken, that's the genuine article; sam winchester, in the flesh. and what pretty flesh it is, too. goddamned succulent."
"hey!" dean barks, "knock it off." that habitual, spine-up, big brother voice that's been part of sam's life since before he can remember. "quit talking about his fucking... flesh." he says 'flesh' in a tone people usually reserve for words like 'fascism' and 'gangrene' and sam's chest aches for the dean-ness of it.
for a second, like a hologram or a magic-eye puzzle, sam sees dean. dean disarticulated, splayed out like a frog pinned to a dissection board, chest cut open, organs scooped out and toyed with and put back wrong. bones rent from their joints, eyes ripped from their sockets, fingers broken one knuckle at a time, nails torn from their beds in a bloody little pile. pieces cut off and waiting for their white waxed paper wrappers; bloody red pieces of flank, ribs, leg, shoulder.
(he doesn't say his brother's name so much as he breathes it, horror and relief and delight and longing all shading his tone.)
the look on dean's face is like missing the bottom step of the staircase in the dark. he looks at sam like he hasn't seen him in a hundred years. he looks at sam like he saw him yesterday, the very last thing he saw, sam's face inches from his when his pupils blew out, the fine muscles inside his eye relaxing as his brain and heart and lungs all stopped working.
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eldritch-spouse · 6 months
Shags get obsessed with a girl that works at an art store where he gets his supplies. She's laid back and chit-chats with him about any projects he's working on.
[Okay but what if you had a really strange thing going on?]
You like this little freak.
Yeah, okay, that's a bit of a mean thing to say. But can you be blamed? There's no word that fits him more aptly than freak. Not even in the physical sense, there's a lot of variety in mushroom monsters, you know some of them can be tall and gangly like Shags. He's just bizarre.
The way he speaks, moves, conducts himself. You swear, not a single mannerism this monster makes feels natural or reflexive. Even the way he seems to intensely wait and make himself an obstacle until you initiate conversation with him... God, even the fucking topics of conversation, it's like he makes an effort to speak in riddles.
In this rather boring dead-end of a job, seeing this weirdo bend and squeeze through the doors like Samara about to crawl out of the TV is the highlight of your shift.
That's why he's your favorite client.
He's been standing still in the same supplies isle for too long, you already know what he wants.
" Having trouble finding something, Mr Shags? "
As if, he probably knows this store better than yourself.
In fact, he outright told you he used to be a client before you started working here.
He murmurs a response too quietly to interpret, forcing you to come closer. And, predictably, as soon as you are within grabbing distance (not hard to achieve when you're a lamppost of a monster featuring branch-like arms), a spider hand slithers onto your shoulder. It's cold, he's always a little cold.
You're urged in front of a shelf, his head looming over yours.
" Ahh, I need your honest opinion on something... If you don't mind? "
This is the paints section, a mural of hues that hurt the eyes.
" Sure. "
" What shade of orange do you think I should get? "
You love these questions. Because never once does he elaborate on what he's creating or why he wants you to choose. It's happened many times before. What size of canvas should I get? What pen should I get? What sketch books should I get?
You like the strange autonomy of getting to pick, offering him the same level of context he does to you.
Absolutely none.
" Alloy. " You point.
Shags reaches towards it with little effort, snagging several little containers with his root-like digits. The hand on your shoulders tightens.
" What a choice. Thank you very much, my dear. "
" No problem. "
It takes a bit of shifting before the hand on your skin is lifted.
You stroll back to the cash register with a small smile and occasionally observe the monster in the same way you'd study an animal at the zoo.
It's strange how little he moves sometimes. Initially, you thought it was just so he wouldn't drip ink everywhere, but it seems to be a part of him now. Blending in with all his other vaguely creepy mannerisms. Mr Shags gets all his items at a snail's torturous pace and finally, finally approaches you.
" How are the latest projects going, Mr Shags? " You start while scanning the paints first.
The shroom actually seems to frown for a second. Fingers busy on the balcony. " Not as smoothly as I wished... "
Tap tap tap.
" My latest muse and I, our chemistry, I'm afraid it has no substance. "
" Oh? " Your eyes deviate to his face for a moment.
" Yes... Something tells me it's time to move on. But I do want to honor our time together with one last, preserving piece. "
Tap tap tap.
" Mhm. Sounds good, I hope the next one works out. " Frankly, you're not sure what he's talking about, but you usually never are to begin with.
" Me too. " Then he smiles again, and you get the distinct feeling his stare has turned into a more scrutinizing one.
Far from the first time, it doesn't scare you like it did initially.
It's pretty funny, actually. You started out thinking this guy was some kind of loser looking to harass you, to intentionally make you uncomfortable. Nowadays he's more of an entertaining almost-friend.
Tap tap tap.
" Will that be all, Mr Shags? "
" Shags. "
He's told you to call him just by his name a couple of times. You always ignore it, but he keeps trying anyway.
There's a silent beat.
During your first years of work, the lack of action would have made you antsy enough to break the silence, which is what you know he wants you to do. But now, you have no trouble staring back placidly until he continues the conversation.
Apparently, the shroom enjoys that continuous challenge, because his grin widens slowly.
" You have a peculiar facial definition. " He eventually rasps.
A nothing statement, not quite a compliment, not quite an insult, definitely said to confuse and prompt a question. One you don't give him the satisfaction of hearing.
" Thanks. " The customer service smile has an edge of playful smarm this time.
Tap tap tap.
" ... I would enjoy sketching you sometime. Your facial expressions are intriguing. "
This is essentially his way of asking you out, you presume.
" You've drawn me before. "
He's even given you the pages, pencil depictions of you caught in a selection of moments. Mostly bored to tears and staring at the little universe between the cracks in aged walls.
Shags tuts. " It's quite different when the muse in question is part of the experience. I much prefer it that way. "
You can't help the hint of a snicker that tugs at the corners of your lips as you bag his items to hurry things along. Not that there's anyone else inside right now.
" Mm. And what if we don't have good chemistry? "
The shroom monster hands you his card, not even caring about hearing the total.
" I think we both know that wouldn't be the case. "
Tap tap tap.
It's only a few moments of intentionally creating suspense until you hand him all his new belongings and card.
" See you soon, Mr Shags. "
His grin only twitches for a delightful glimpse of a second before he carefully takes his possessions and leaves.
Playing with fire is fun.
One day, you'll get burned.
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kinsey3furry300 · 21 days
My top 5 hairstyles from The Owl House that I am very normal about.
Luz, specifically her in the season 2 finale, and post time-skip.
While in season three Luz spends a lot of time wearing a hat or in Halloween costume, which means we don’t get to see her hair, I still fucking LOVE what the animators did to her hair late in season two/ end of season three, specifically, the little mini-pony tail she’s rocking when she rescues Amity. It’s got a very 1700’s short Queue/ gentlemen’s club-tail pirate vibe to it, giving the whole scene a swashbuckling and romantic vibe as Luz literally climes up onto the balcony of her love interest’s boudoir to rescue her from her evil and overbearing mother, It’s wonderfully practical, romantic, tomboy-ish and playful, and seems like a direct fuck you to Bellos who also wears his hair in a similar tied-back style.
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look at those pants tucked into tall boots and tell me they weren't thinking pirate.
It hints at a volume and springiness of hair that make you realise that the animators and design team actually considered Luz’s Afro-Latina roots before promptly forgetting that again for most of season 3, only to bring it back for the post time-skip Luz. 9/10
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Amity, specifically the change in hair colour.
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This is just great character design: using the character’s visual design to communicate information about her to the audience: her hair is neat, prim, proper… restraining, very tied back, not at all free, and not only is it clearly a dye job, but a bad one, with the visible change in colour at the roots. You can tell from her hair, she is not happy with who she is at that point in her life. She’s had her hair done to blend in with the twins and her mother, be a part of a matched set, and you can see how she doesn’t care for it or she would have done something about those roots: bits of the real her, bits of her father’s influence, bleed through without Amity even realising. And then… BLAM.
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Change to a purple do, the colour of abominations reflecting her talents and passions, which incorporates hints of her natural brown hair deliberately and thoughtfully. It’s even called out by the twins that her mom would hate it. It’s also a very similar colour to the purple on the Bi pride flag, and seconds after Luz see’s her with it for the first time, Amity kisses Luz for the first time. New hair, new her. It’s a colour that pairs well with the blues and purples Luz typically wears, and close to the shade you would get if you colour-averaged the Dominican Republics’ flag (thought that’s probably just a coincidence). It’s Amity rejecting who her mother wants her to be, and embracing the person Luz sees her as, and I Love it. 9.5/10
Principle Bump
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You mean to tell be that Pallisman was hiding yards upon yards of the most beautiful silky flowing hair I’ve ever seen in a cartoon? Sir, you can not just drop that much swag mid-way thought season two, and not in the presence of minors, it’s just too sexy. 10/10.
And speaking of too damn sexy… Eda Cawthorne, the Owl Lady.
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Oh my god yes. Just yes. Chef’s kiss perfection. Hair so voluminous it has dominates the outline of the character creating a distinct silhouette even at distance, hair that bobs and move in the action sequences with it’s own weight an gravity. I’m amazed she can walk, let alone strut, given that her centre of gravity must be a foot behind her head. Hair so voluminous you struggle to hide it when you’re in disguise, and so magical it has it’s own pocket dimension for storage and/or is just so big you can keep stuff in there like a handbag.  By the Titan, drown me in your hair Owl Lady.
Special shout out to the pre-curse Eda hair as well: Flaming red, with her golden eyes, her narrow, pointed face and (even for a witch) huge pointed ears and the two hanging bits at the front that look like fox-tails? You just know Raine took one look at this and the carved their Fox Pallisman the very next day (and while it’s cannon that carving Owlbert was an attempt by Eda to reclaim some positive association with owls in her mind post-curse, the fact Raine looks like an owl with their big round glasses and little round face must have been on Eda’s mind:  it’s my headcanon they carved their Pallisman’s to look like each other.)
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11/10, perfect character design.
And finally, Vee, particularly right at the end of season three.
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inoreuct · 1 year
Zoro goes pale and mutters "oh NO" bc you KNOW what this means. She's gonna babble EVERY embarrassing & awkward thing about Zoro to Sanji. Sanji gets to see another side to Zoro in the way he interacts with Perona, as her little brother. And Sanji finds this so, SO endearing. And of course, Persona speaks abt Zoro's good side as well, the side that Zoro finds embarrassing (maybe he thinks is even weak) & is hesitant to show--kind, soft, protective, & surprisingly gentle (2/2)
YOU ARE SO RIGHT. all the gossip in the underworld goes to her or through her (also, get it? bcs she’s the ghost princess? i’m sorry i’ll stop) and i can imagine her yelling WHAT THE FUCK loud enough to make waves across the styx when she finds out from her shade friends that zoro’s head over heels for what, a flower god?? and it’s not just a silly fling? shit, THAT’S why there’s a worldwide famine? he’s bringing sunlight— and she’s like wow ok. in love with a flower god. that is both incredibly surprising and not at all.
she tells this to zoro and he’s like ok excuse me. he is not a Flower God he is the god of SPRING. DO YOU KNOW HOW IMPORTANT SPRING IS. and at that moment she just stares at him and knows he’s absolutely gone. done for. the ring might as well be on his finger bcs in his head he is a married man. the only reason they wouldn’t get hitched is if sanji didn’t want to.
and THEN she meets sanji properly. he is unlike any other of the other spoiled, beautiful creatures vying for zoro’s affections (aka his gold and power and title). he tosses his head back and cackles gleefully when she tells him about how zoro knocked his two front teeth out chasing shadow puppies as a kid. he gives snarky commentary and agrees that zoro needs more colour in his closet. he doesn’t reply when she asks if he loves zoro, but every single time sanji’s said her brother’s name it’s been in an impossibly fond tone. this one will do, perona thinks.
and mind you, he is her brother first and the king second. sanji watches her wrangle zoro into a vicious noogie about “keeping him a secret, you doofus, and why the hell would you fucking kidnap him? what were you thinking?!” and laughs behind his hand, because same, girl. same.
and sometimes when zoro is out late doing kingly stuff, they sit together by the fireplace with blankets and hot chocolates, and perona tells her new little brother about zoro. about how the king had a soft spot for animals, how zoro used to cry when he saw the souls of cats and dogs and even mice. how their father, mihawk, had gruffly but gently taught him about the way of life, about how it was a cycle (“and maybe he should have thrown one or two courting lessons in there too, gods”) and how zoro had slowly grown to fill mihawk’s shoes. he hid his soft parts to make it seem like he had no vulnerabilities, but they’ve both seen how zoro treats animals and children, the way he treats sanji.
sanji hums happily, and perona sips her chocolate. she likes this one, she decides. she likes this one a lot.
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vibinginthedreamlands · 2 months
Mild season five spoilers at one point, I give a heads up before hand.
I have to say, I'm very happy with the LMK casting of voice actors who are mostly known/most prominently coming from the anime English dub field.
I personally don't watch much anime. One of the reasons being I don't like a lot of the over acting that comes with it. Great for other people, but it throws me out of the immersion and just generally gets on my nerves (no shade to anyone who enjoys it, just not for me).
Having said that, the actors themselves are so talented and have such good voices.
Christopher Sabat, Azure Lion's VA, is All Might in MHA.
Matthew Mercer, as of Season 5, plays The Nine Head Demon and in the past was AoT's Levi Ackerman.
And then of course, SEAN SCHEMMEL. I've seen a lot more Dragon Ball (Siblings) than most any other anime, and I never really paid any speacial attention to Goku's VA, despite him being the MC. But now in LMK, wow. Impossible not pay attention. Monkey King is for sure one of my favorite characters and that feeling has only grown with each season as his character growth has been supported and elevated by the voice acting. Season 4's A Life of Mistakes lines?
"I did this for us!"
"Oh kid, you found me."
"I lost sight of why I was even doing it in the first place."
And quick Season 5 mention because I just finished it and this scene alone was definitely not the reason I started making this post in the first place:
The Scream. In Episode 9. Oh My God. I have an occasional habit of smiling while watching media, even if it's tense or sad because I'm enjoying it and appreciating the work that was put in. Not with this. The gutwrenching horror he put into that-
Fuck me I guess, made me sick/pos
And that's just the characters and their VAs I recognized based in my Generalized Anime Knowledge! Each of them have done dozens of more shows or projects.
As well as the rest of the cast who bring such amazing talent and skill. I don't know what they've all done prior (aside from Jack De Sena of course) but wow am I so happy they're apart of the show.
Billy Kametz as Macaque for the first three seasons was amazing. Rest in peace sir
Alejandro Saab who took over in 4 and 5 does such justice to the role (check out his song covers they're amazing and there's nothing like being able to imagine Macaque sing Peaches).
Jack De Sena? I loved him as Sokka, saw the possible corruption arc abilitiy with Callum, and was granted that dream in the form of MK and his subsequent Harbinger counterpart. This man has range and I'm so glad the show is allowing him to use it
Stephanie Sheh as Mei? Gaaaaaaah! I love Mei, and she brings such a vibrancy and life that just perfects the vision for the character.
Dave B. Mitchell and David Chen as my all time favorite old married couple, Pigsy and Tang respectively. Couldn't have asked for better.
Patrick Seitz as Sandy, Kyle McCarley as Red Son (who now that I'm looking at it, is *also* an anime voice actor) and Johnny Bosch as Ne Zha to name just a few more.
I don't know, this started out as a post about being able to enjoy voice acting from people who aren't normally in shows I would watch, but now I guess it's just an appreciation post.
I Love this show. The team, everyone involved, do such a good job . No one who worked on it will see this of course but just gotta say thanks for 5 Amazing Seasons, I've never been crazier about plastic monkies.
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imsparky2002 · 3 months
Barbie as Rapunzel: First Thoughts
The following is my thoughts while watching this for the first time.
Wow, already an upgrade in the shading and lighting judging by this intro alone.
And the CGI looks better too! Nice casual outfit Barbie’s got on.
I assume each special will start out with Barbie reassuring Kelly about something? Hope this doesn’t get stale soon.
Already this special feels like it has an upgraded sense of scale.
Ooh so instead of a tower, it’s a mansion protected by a magic barrier. That’s… actually pretty cool! A nice change from the original, even if the home seems pretty modern looking on the outside.
I find it humorous that the name of one of the coolest Spidermen ever is also the name of a cockney rabbit sidekick.
A sweet and colorful dragon portrayed by Cree Summer? I’m getting flashbacks to Sonic: SATAM.
Peneople looks like if a Dragon Tales character was in an early PS2 game and I like it. She’s so cute!
Remember how I joked about Disney copyright last time? Seems like Rapunzel did the idea of Gothel being an attractive witch first.
Ok this entrance of Gothel riding through the forest is way more metal than Tangled.
Interesting how this Rapunzel calls Gothel “m’lady” instead of “mother”.
Speaking of Disney, Gothel’s design reminds me a lot of Lady Tremaine.
The ferret sounds VERY fruity.
Man Hobie straight up wants Gothel to die. Pretty dark for a Barbie movie.
I find it funny that shenanigans with a tea set caused a secret entrance to be found.
Lol, I can relate to Penelope’s hatred of snakes.
The plot thickens as we see Rapunzel discovering a message from her real parents way earlier than in Tangled.
Heh, the ferret uses it’s tail as a sleeping mask for Gothel.
Once again, a new room discovered via accident.
Wow and she’s already out of the tower and discovered the kingdom. This thing’s going along fast!
Why is seeing the chef in his comically large hat standing in one spot with a goofy smile on his face causing me to mentally cackle like a loon?
Punzie, the cook wasn’t trying to poison you. It’s just a free sample.
I LOVE the “rabbit’s ear as a radio antenna” gag!
Wait, Penelope has a dad?
Looks like both Penelope and Rapunzel have parental issues.
I can relate to Penelope’s fear of heights. It’s ok, honey, we can curl up into a fetal position together.
Hobie: “Does he ever smile?” Penelope: “Not around me”. God my heart just broke into a million pieces at that line. Why does this hurt more than anything Gothel says to Rapunzel?
It’ll never not be odd to see all of these children with the same face.
The Prince looks just like the one from the Nutcracker. I wonder if that’s intentional?
Of course the kings are too stubborn to hash things out. As a result, you get death traps like that pit.
I love the way Otto pronounces “vill-oge”. Hilarious.
Nice showing of both Rapunzel reporting her day to her friends and Otto ratting her out to Gothel at the same time.
Damn, Gothel using her magic to destroy Rapunzel’s paintings of Penelope is cold! Honestly this Gothel seems a lot more menacing and realistic than the Disney version.
I like how this Rapunzel is not only selfless but also has a backbone.
Trippy visuals with Gothel making the house literally grow.
As Hugo was assigned by Gothel to guard the castle, all he could think was “fuck my life”.
Hang on, the little blond boy’s name is Tommy? Wasn’t that the name of the younger brother in Nutcracker?
This boy’s got the “Phantom Menace Anakin” haircut and the personality. Brings back memories of the Prequels. Poor Jake Lloyd…
I like the fact that Stefan and Tommy have the same relationship going on that Barbie and Kelly do IRL
How on earth did the prince find the tower? Isn’t it in the middle of nowhere?
Apparently he “searched everywhere”, but it would probably take ages to go around the entire kingdom. I feel like it’d have been better if maybe one of Rapunzel’s animal friends had been followed by him.
Oh, wait. It was a dream! Ok, that makes more sense. Once again, I should have not underestimated the intelligence of the writers.
Headcanon: (Unless Penelope's mom shows up) Hugo's ex-wife is the dragon from Shrek and they share custody of Penelope. Hugo really hates donkeys now.
Holy crap, this is a beautiful melody Penelope is singing.
The knights remind me of Bert and Ernie. I’ve always loved that dynamic.
The mental paintbrush is a really cool idea. More properties should use it.
Rapunzel straight up saying she’d rather be dead than be a prisoner. Respect.
See, now is Stefan tired and exhausted from actually looking everywhere.
Maybe Rapunzel doesn’t want to know Stefan’s name in case it’s a dream or so that she won’t hurt as much if she loses him.
Once again, we have a prince not telling Barbie’s character he’s royalty.
It saddens me to know that the silversmith is unable to visit or speak to his brother due to the ban on Wilhelm’s kingdom. It’s a realistic worry.
Now we’re getting elements of Cinderella with the masked ball. Once again, connections since Gothel reminds me of Tremaine.
Hobie, I don’t think that Gothel is going to care if you’re in pain. Woman’s a total sadist.
Did Otto just orgasm?
The paintbrush really is OP. It can make clothes!
The mystical music is funny because right now, they’re doing the “girl tries on new clothes” montage.
Eh the final dress is ok, but I actually think the first “simple” one looked the best.
Funny how in Tangled, Rapunzel's hair gets cut by Eugene to stop Gothel. Here, Rapunzel's hair gets cut by Gothel instead.
Gothel, maybe don’t piss off the big strong dragon who has been willingly helping you?
Now we’re finally seeing King Wilhelm. I wish we got some more of him earlier.
Ok, Gothel has to have some sort of spell activated because how the hell did Stefan not think “why does your face look so different?”.
Love to see Penelope call her dad out on his bullshit, and get through to his softer side.
Nice to see her get some love from her dad after all this time.
WOO! Tommy used his bow and arrow to save his big bro! Kid’s got guts.
And now the little children pelt her with fruit!
Really impressive sword choreography for a Barbie movie.
So Gothel just stole Rapunzel from Wilhelm because she hated being in the friend-zone. Ridiculously petty.
And Rapunzel STILL offers forgiveness to Gothel! She truly is an angel.
Honestly, the fact that this Gothel is trapped inside the tower due to her own spell for all eternity is WAY more of a scary way to go then falling out of the tower like Disney’s Gothel did.
What a wonderful ending! Seeing everyone reunited and hearing that wonderful credits score gave me such a smile.
Hopefully a full review will come out sometime this month. I've got other creative AUs to help with. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and reblogs. @msweebyness @artzychic27 @nerd-chocolate
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kung-fu-cutbug · 20 days
ey. fuck ya life. bing bong 🖊 /r
with no one specific given to me I'll give a guy I haven't talked about on here much (even in passing) the spotlight—Dr. Veit von Brandt (aka Pestilence, First Horseman of the Apocalypse)!
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the gist of it is: middle-aged man with religious trauma in possibly the most literal way possible
he used to live in some rural German town where the townspeople frequently fell ill for some reason or another, and thus became a doctor so he could help them more easily
he also used to have a boyfriend but he died of a mysterious terminal illness that, despite Veit's best efforts, was incurable much to Veit's dismay. so that night, under the light of the full moon, he prayed to the Christian capital-G God for a way to ensure he wouldn't have to lose anyone else he cared about to illness ever again—and... well, God turned him into Pestilence
he immediately went apeshit and killed everyone else in the village (I guess you can't lose them to illness if you kill them yourself, right?), after which he snapped back to normal and FREAKED THE FUCK OUT
so he fled to the United States and laid low for around a decade before running into a group of others cursed with powers of their own (self-made cyborg, plutonium zombie, formerly religious vampire now loathed by god for being a vampire whom he's now dating, etc.), who eventually helped him learn to reign in Pestilence and stop hulking out into the Horseman; now instead he's able to control the transformation into and out of Pestilence, although he still switches involuntarily when he's particularly stressed
31 years old
regular Veit is 5'7", Pestilence is 7'1" with a 10'0" wingspan
Pestilence is empowered by sickness—the more diseases afflicting someone else at a time, the more powerful Pesti is against them, and if you're sick enough (which is rare but possible) he can obliterate you with a single touch
he also occasionally has trouble keeping Pestilence at bay if he, as Veit, is in the vicinity of something/someone with a lot of diseases afflicting them at once. he won't immediately go whole hog, but he'll be a lot more prone to mood swings and you might see his eyes change appearance for a second before he shakes himself out of it
no, they're not a system; Veit and Pestilence are the same entity, and Pesti still answers to the name Veit, as well as Conquest (the other name for the White Rider). he's not picky, even if he leans more into one particular persona for obvious reasons
he's immune to being sick 😎 ...because his blood contains every disease known to man (something he "affectionately" refers to as "the alphabet soup of hepatitis and more"), but hey, little victories
his weapon of choice is a bow and arrow, usually tipping the arrows with his own blood to act as a sort of poison (see above)
he is not immune to food poisoning and has given himself food poisoning more times than he'd like to admit
he actually used to have red hair in his normal form as well, but the incident that awoke Pestilence caused it to all turn grey from shock and stress
(is eyes, in addition to glowing a piercing shade of red, get 20/4 vision and slit pupils in Pestilence form. apparently it's hypothesized that animals with vertical slit pupils have increased/"optimized" depth perception, which definitely would help a maniacal archer with godlike disease powers capable of annihilating the world, but honestly I just think it looks cool
yes, sometimes Pestilence does the cat thing where his pupils will expand to cover his entire iris, particularly if he's in a really good mood or if he's been mesmerized by something. it makes him look really goofy and he's always embarrassed whenever it gets pointed out
that cloak he has is what turns into his wings in Pestilence form. it IS removable, but to prevent Pesti from going wingless it spontaneously manifests on him when he's on the verge of transforming. damaging the cloak affects Pesti's wings and vice-versa, but in Pesti form the wings get a regenerative factor so any damage done goes away after a few hours usually
speaking of transforming, he has a tendency to transform back and forth between Veit and Pestilence while asleep. he's broken multiple beds this way due to the height difference and the wings
he also makes mourning dove noises in his sleep instead of snoring, especially as Pestilence
his horse is named "2001 Honda Civic" and he named it that because he's a Gemini
rumor has it he's currently working on a cure for ligma
yes, he wears knee-high stockings with garters because he thinks they look cool. call them slutty or otherwise insult them and you will be eviscerated
would die to a single Sour Patch Kid and prefers Haribo anyway
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yokakaiju · 7 months
tristamp thoughts/live watch ramblings
preface: i already have a very bad impression of tristamp. i literally have been into trigun for maybe a week now and i have seen most of 1998, but im trying to go into tristamp with a clear head and view it objectively, but i genuinely looked at the character designs and legatos redesign made me resent it immediately tbh...
ANYWAY, im live watching as i write this, so apologies if its sporatic
okay so the good stuff so far
uhh... its very pretty!!! ill give it that. it really shows the evolution of 3d anime over time, and as someone who typically doesnt enjoy it i think tristamp is absolutely beautiful. first 3d anime i ever saw was knights of sidonia and i have a deep appreciation for where 3d anime is now compared to a decade ago
i kinda like meryls new design the best? i like her hat, its cute. everyone else is so... eh, tho. merylls redesign is chill with me tho
roberto is fine ig. i like old men characters sometimes and like, idk whenever im not sad abt milly not being here im okay enough with roberto existing
now on to my ever growing laundry list of complaints that ik will get worse if i keep watching (spoilers for trimax probably)
one, WHY IS VASH LIKE THAT?? LIKE WHY IS HE SUCH A WHINY CRYBABY?? LIKE SHUT UP DAWG!!! idk, ik vash is a silly emotionally explosive highly insecure funny little fella and i love him for it, i think vash is a great character, but why did they make him kinda a pathetic bitch in stamp? like, i usually dont watch dubs but i am for trigun cause my tv is kinda far from my bed and i dont wanna sit uncomfortably to read subs rn (BLEH!!!), so maaaaaaaybe sub vash is better, and no shade to the va i like his voice a lot for vash tbh, but bro pls stop crying every two seconds im gonna lose it. why is vash lowkey proslavery (THIS IS A JOKE), BUT FR!!! why is he more like... idk chill with plants being used ig ????? im sure hes not really, but like... dude, you arent the same
two, okay this made me actually mad, but why in the actual fuck was knives immediately introduced and why is he like some weird well known plant stealing cave hermit??? like??? no??? he wouldnt do that??? also why is he so present in this world LIKE DOES LOST JULY NOT EXIST IN THIS CANON??? WHAT IS THIS??????? i literally hate this rewrite. like... trimax is right there dawg... you did not have to rewrite literally everything. addition as i watch episode 3, why is he like that? why can he make purple? why does he have razors??? he doesnt talk like that ever??? why is he so??? i hate him actually??? this is not the knives ik and love??? who is this skinwalker????? HE DID NOT ACT LIKE THIS IN TRIMAX WHO IS THIS??? I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THEY REWROTE KNIVES THIS WAY OH MY GOD
three, why did everyone get an objectively bland redesign? like... i dont mind vashs hair. idgaf, but i literally hate his fucking totk link "lost power source" green ass arm. why cant it just be an ugly brown robot arm with a gun in it. whys it gotts be all "cool" and "green" and "mysterious", like IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE CYBERCORE TECHWEAR NEOFUTURISM ASS SHIT!!! i havent seeeeeeen wolfwoof in action yet, but i fucking hate his tristamp design. WHY IS HE A TWINK??? WHERE ARE HIS BOOBS??? WHY IS HE NOT A PRIEST??? LITERALLY TURNED A PERFECT CHARACTER INTO A BASIC BITCH FOR NO REASON. also like... knives. why is he... why is he like that. put shoes on plz the sand is hot babygirl. why are you wearing a tumour coat and ugly matrix ass bodysuit? where did your shoulderpadded objectively cooler dio-esque military outfit go? especially tho, i DESPISE legato and livios redesigns. i think they are SOOOOO butt ugly in tristamp and FOR WHY??? WHY DID THEY MAKE LEGATO SO FUCKING UGLY??? LIKE HE WAS SO HOT IN 98 AND ESPECIALLY IN TRIMAX OH MY GOD HES SO HOT LITERALLY DROOLING THINKING ABT HIM RN MY BABYWABY BOOBOO BEAR. THEY BUTCHERED HIM SO BAD AND IT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH!!! AND LIVIO OH MY GOD WHY DID THEY DO THAT TO HIM??? HIS TRIMAX DESIGN IS OS FUCKING PEAK HE IS SO AMAZING AS AN EYE OF MICHAEL AND ESPECIALLY AFTER HE REFORMS AND BECOMES A COWBOY BABEYYY!!!! BUT NOOOO THEY MADE HIM AN UGLY ASS CYBERPUNK ASS BITCH!!! THEY MADE HIM SO FUCKING LAME AND BORING!!! PATOOEY I HATE HIS FUCKING DESIGN!!!! okay so wolfwood just showed up, can officially say hes the weakest version of wolfwood and that i do not like him. hes giving non sonic fan perception of shadow vibes. ALSO WHERE IS HIS MELANIN THEY TOOK IT AWAY!!! THE MELANIN VACCUM STRIKES AGAIN!!! tbf, he didnt have MUCH but he was a little brown, not literally just a white man
four, where. the. fuck. is. milly. i LOVE milly. she is one of my faves ever, im so sad she isnt here. genuinely...
five and probably last for rn, why is the pacing so bad. like its not good in trigun or trimax really, and especially bad in 1998, but it SO ASS!!! like its so blink and you'll miss it, which kinda stands for every trigun... but expected this to be like at least a liiiiittle better i dunno
conclusions: im gonna keep watching it maybe? but like... i dont like it. its bad imo. literaly have been into trigun for one week and am in mourning that trimax will likely never have a proper adaptation. i just wanna see angel knives in his full glory, not whatever tf tristamp is trying to push here
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
TRIMAX VOLUME ONE LETS GOOOOOO ....i didnt remember this was just 6 chapters...wow
chap 1:
-1st act of god you say...huh
-yeah who could believe that...thats insane....jaja
-ik this was written in the 90s but i still dont like eriks saying that, like wth man lina is right
-hey lina :3 missed you
-....i like the new glasses...
-"lina cover your eyes :]" oh :c
-"oh is eriks again" :c
-"stop. some legend that is" ow :c
-this is all just so sad cuz he rea;;y wanted to retire but he cant :c hes vash the stampede
-ww laughing at fake vash is the best xd
-also thats funny cuz yeah vash COULD shoot you in a matter of seconds but thats not what his name means and i really like that :3
chap 2:
-aw lina :c
-imagine going to the store and finding the silliest/most depressed wet cat in the universe ready for adoption
-ok but how did you (from the perspective of a stranger) figure that knives was a name? knives comes from knife, so if a random person read "knives" wouldn't they think about the utensil first?????
-vash: how do you know so much about this evil entity that is my brother?
ww: hehe, please
-ily lina theyre talking bs
-...im not ready for stampede eriks i will evaporate
chap 3:
-go get your vacation queen ily
-keele i will yeet you into the sun
-im never not going to be so fucking mad at HOW EASY THAT WAS BECAUSE THIS BASTARD MENTIONED MERYL LIKE IK YOU MISS YOUR DEAR FRIEND BUT OMG it just makes me sad
-wolfwood :3
-i like that :3 meryl just cant be an office person anymore when shes discover more of her world and people like vash. even if she almost died a lot of times, those were also the times when she was alive.
chap 4:
-ok but that panel with mostly shade is scary
-i also want to lift my whole self with my arm :D (she said even though just walking places makes him tired)
-ok but if he trained like that for 150 years no wonder he's the only pro gunman ever
-i like his face on that panel, he's amazed and proud that one of his siblings survived for that long
-vash knows why is it always like that and he understands it but god he wishes so hard for it to just fucking stop and it breaks my little heart
-hes literally just an anime girl saying "hi-mi-tsu :3" (im so sorry i will never say that again but I'm right)
-he remembers people and names after so many fucking years
-also those children probably have never met him but vash gives so much ragdoll energy that they went with it (ok never mind maybe they did but you get the idea)
-cmon brad :c why are you so mean to him :c
-all of this just backs up the SA interpretation and although it hurts my feelings....damn its just good writing. like not knowing what your own body can do and people taking advantage of that...makes me fucking sick (in a good and bad way i truly don't know how to explain it)
-noooooooooooooooooooooo :c every time someone calls/vash calls himself a monster this user loses 5 years of their life :D
-wolfwood sir your projection will make me want to eat my own arm
-"run away run away ">:b" i love him so much
chap 5:
-the chapters cant keep starting with flashbacks I'm gonna start WEEPING
-is geranium tea a thing? maybe vash would like geranium tea
-how dare you, my vash the stampede would never side with the cops, he's acab i know that in my heart
-THAT ONE PANEL MY BELOVED (the onle about looking without his eyes)
-hes so fucking done
-yey conflict time :3 boi oh boi
chap 6:
-oh the title placement on this one :3
-i dont think he will (or that he is) fine after all of this but sure
-such a loud chapter and vash is so quiet
-and again, there all judging, expecting to see what will vash do
-"what do you know about my pain" brb I'm gonna EAT SOME GLASS REAL QUICK
-its like....its like why, why make me suffer like this. its not even heavy stuff its just that everything hurts. his impulse and desire to help everyone, his reason why, how others see him while he tries and sometimes win while other times fails. it all hurts in a weird way.
-...legato why are you inside a fridge (i kinda forgot lol)
WHAT A VOLUME i need to lay down
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently about my special interest over the years…
my first ever proper special interest was naruto. I remember being 11/12, in my first year of secondary school. My school had a library that that had manga in it and they had all of the original manga. I picked up the manga and fell in love with it. I then started the anime and the special interest really kicked in!! Me and my best friend at the time would sit together in class and hype over naruto (and not get any work done- but we were good kids- we were having fun- and put our heads down when we were told XD) I remember doing little doodles of gaara or rock lee in the margins of my note books- or all over my school planner !
Through school I was always picked on / bullied for being the weird kid- in the later years of secondary school I pushed away my love for anime/manga- also things like gaming/pokemon . I wasn’t allowed to like that stuff no- I could not because fuck - I was so tired… But in recent years- I’ve been in learning the negative associations/ thinking around the passions. It’s not cringe bunny- if you like it- it’s not cringe- nothing is cringe! (It’s something I tell myself every day now)
If I could go back, I’d tell 12 year old bunny it’s ok- to not listen to the boys who picked on me- or to not pay attention to the girls who’d look at me weirdly- I’d give her a big hug and tell her everything is going to be ok- to keep her head up- rough times we’re on the horizon but - she’d make it through… Naruto bought me so much joy during a time of my life where everything sucked! Other anime’s did too (like bleach and then code geass R1 and R2) - but for now I’m just talking about Naruto!!
I’ve been revisting some of the anime - to be specific my favourite arc- the chunin exam arc!! I’ve been rewatching a bunch of the second round fights and -!The neji and Hinata fight- the family struggle that came with it… and then- oh my god the gaara rock lee fight!! I’d forgotten just how hyped I used to get over it! Like just oh my god- I didn’t even have the words for that fight- literally it was my favourite part of the whole series hands down!! The character design in naruto will always stick with me! Orochimaru’s design especially- just ugh- the purple eye shadow and his piercing yellow eyes!! The soundtrack SLAPS as well- the animation is so of its time- the cell shaded (?) blocked shading in areas- the areas of line weight- ugh it’s just- it’s something special to me !
Naruto will always be special to me, it will always have a place in my heart- even if it’s no longer a proper special interest. Every now and then I revisit it- the same childlike wonder and hype is still there… a lot of nostalgia as well…
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beep boop the OC-tober prompt is redesign, so I'm going to talk about some changes I made to my oc world from its original iteration
I made the world when I was a teenager, so it was very Cringe™️. Vampires, werewolves, witches, the oldest person was like 30....
When I got older I wanted to make it LESS cringe, and spent a lot of time and energy trying to change things. The funny part is, once I got even older I thought to myself "Why the fuck SHOULDNT there be all this stuff in it?" and basically changed it back.
Vampires can go out into sunlight. Made vampires don't age, but making one takes time and effort and isn't done so easily. There's telepathy involved, and venom. Sexy sexy venom
Werewolves became just Weres, which in still Eh about, but it's whatever. They're a variation of Shifters, which I added because why not, that can only turn into one animal. Shifters can turn into several, or sometimes any animal from the same family
Witches are one of the high magic races, and I expanded the element list to compensate. The four primary elements are still the most common, but there are 4 layers of subelements and a whole category for Special Elements, like the ability to magically manipulate life and death or even the feeling of hope
I made Spirits, which were originally just ghosts but then I decided to make them Weird and more or less intangible. A variation of them is Elementals, who are beings made of the element they control, and subrace of both of them is Summons, which are spirits that control elements and can be used as weapons, basically. Yes, it's that way on purpose and is just as fraught as it sounds.
Dragons are a thing, which I originally made just sexy scaley people and decided that wasn't enough, so now there are a bunch of different kinds. From sexy scaley people to dragonborns to straight up Dragons. They reproduce with eggs because I discovered something about myself at one point
Quasi and Chimera came around because I'm was a mixed race kid sick of being left out of stories, so I made two whole races for that. Basically: all Chimera are Quasi, but not all Quasi are Chimera. It mostly comes down to if the person has traits from their bloodlines. Cat boys are common.
What else.........oh, Shades. I'll get into them later, but they're made of darkness.
And to have an excuse for everyone to speak English, I made the Engl Islands, later changed to the Ingl Isles, where a tribe of powerful healers lived that were coveted by everyone, and the (at first) kidnapping and slavers and (later on) immigration of the tribe spread the language. It's a high society thing right now but I'm sure that'll change with time
Oh my god how could I forget Angels and Demons. They're called that because humans came to this world with their Christianity and saw them as what their art depicted, with wings and horns and all that. They're not holy or evil though, they're basically just bird people and horned people, with Angels being known for their physical prowess and Demons being another high magic race, using their horns as magical anchors and catalysts.
Okay this got long let's slap on a read more and be on our way
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garrulousgeologist · 1 year
> Kells: Just loose it.
My mental health completely fell apart after I started reading Homestuck.
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Not clickbait.
I did not even turn my computer on for the past several days, amongst many other not coping mechanisms. I won’t be reading Homestuck from the website on my phone I'm not an animal.
(That is in fact how I read most of Homestuck as it was actively posted to the mspaintadventures website from the ages of 15-18. Although back then it was on my ipod touch, I didn’t have a smartphone yet).
So, my continued re-read had to wait. For anyone following my journey- I’m a complete mess. If I disappear for long stints just don’t worry about it I always come back. My personal goal is one page of Homestuck every week. That’s it. A goal I (might) be able to reach. This week I managed to get myself to my desk Saturday evening! Right in the nick of time. When will I post this? Only you know that! And me in the future but not the past/present me writing this now (pack it up, Karkat).
Alright fuck even I want to tell me to stfu. Here’s the actual reflection:
She’s trying just as hard as I was at her age. She’ll figure it out.
She was definitely my favorite in the past. The Lalondes hold a very special place in my heart, I think they always will. My actual mother is still Mamalonde in my phone to this day and I have no intention of changing that.
Homestuck taught me a lot of vocabulary back when I first read it. I definitely remember still feeling like I was missing information even after googling what I could (words, concepts, the perspective of someone older than 15). I wondered when I started this re-read if I would see any words I had to look up like I did in high school. 
Of course. Of course, who else to bring me to this but Rose Lalonde.
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What the fuck is [sic]. I doubt either rose or rox would be using the colloquial ‘sick’ to describe the item. So I googled it.
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Now I know. (Also, hi Roxy girl, I can’t wait to get to you ♥ )
[S] John: Take bite of apple. ==> End of Act 1.
Oh. Huh. I guess we get more of Rose later. I thought I remembered way more of her before the end of act 1, but alas, I’ll have to get back to loving everything about her later. 
Now it’s time for..
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Oh. We’re back now. So I didn’t forget, I’m just conditioned to think intermissions are long as fuck. Okay then Wayward Vagabond, I’ll have to get back to loving everything about you later. Back to Rose!
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Uh. . . .
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Yes, right right, I knew that. -ahem-
What’s next? Oh god, the kernel.
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Now what in the fresh fluorescent hell does THAT mean (any tips, eidolonyaldaboath?). Again, on the surface I can see with my eyes what happened. The kernel wasn’t one cohesive thing to begin with, it was a..sprite thing, combined with two other things in its environment. And now its split into three again, okay, okay, I can follow that I think. The sprite is transformed once the apple is bitten into, or, once the world is destroyed and the players make it past the meteor shower/are isekai’d into the game, kind of. This I can accept, and the  two kernel halves become catalysts for, uh, whatever they become catalysts for.
Anyway, what is left is still part giant jester plushy. I’m straining my memory so hard to remember where the other parts go. What’s below John’s house?? What’s above?? I can’t remember! So we’re gonna ignore it for now.
In favor of a FLASH GAME!! WOOOO HELL YEAH this is the experience I remember!!!
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Eternal thank yous to Alexis ‘Gankro’ Beingessner for programming this recreation, it is outstanding. I truly cannot wait for one of the most memorable experiences I had reading Homestuck originally- walking around the land of wind and shade and playing with the salamanders and hearing their stories. I don’t know if the same person will have programmed it but this initial peek into how true to history the unofficial Homestuck collection experience is has made me soooo hype. 
Welcome Nanasprite!! Hoo hoo!
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Surely this won’t become relevant in the future. Speaking of the future, all the text cap commands made me think of Karkat automatically, but now that I’ve seen the wayward vagabond twice already, KK has most definitely not gotten in contact with John yet (from johns so-far linear perspective). It’s the fucking mayor! Big fan of that guy. Anyway I just figured that out lmao.
Alright, let’s talk about the latent racism in Homestuck for a moment. It feels too weird to ignore it, but I kind of also don’t want to focus on it, nor do I want to gloss it over, so I’m giving the concept of 2015 internet latent racism a moment here before we move on:
The human characters in Homestuck are all meant to be blank canvases that you could project any skin tone, ethnicity, and any specific facial or body features onto. They don’t have voices, so accents and languages I feel are also totally up to the audience! This much is pretty widely embraced in the fandom, I think. With this in mind, much of the language used by Dave for example might be easily excused if you decide he is a young black kid.
However, the author is white. And Hussie wrote these things, and some of it definitely feels off. Like “an especially ethnic wedding”. This doesn’t feel like it’s based on respect and experience. All the Obama jokes- many of which are fine and hilarious, many of which are not fine or funny, and some of which are disrespectful and also hilarious- stand out in 2023. While the internet was a different place and language evolves at lightning speed, as someone who read it at a young age while it was being actively written and posted: It felt uncomfortable in 2015, too. 
That’s all I really want to say. I’ll hold space for the uncomfortable feeling some of these lines create, without overshadowing the rest of the story. It sure does make the genius of this webcomic a whole lot more human, though.
Tone shift:
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Oh? Interesting. Surely this won’t become relevant in the future.
Remember when I said I’d talk more about the game (SBURB in this case) choosing children to receive copies and attempt a session? When that happens horrorterrors are involved, so I’ll expand on them there, too.
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Holy shit! I had no idea the window thing was planted so early! This is the kind of re-read revelation I wanted.
“April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain.” -American sports legend, Charles Barkley
[T.S. Elliot said that.]
Also, still topical. Good thing I got back to this before April was completely over.
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Yooo, D-O-Double-G!
Wait. Is that long time fan favorite, David Elizabeth Strider?
Hell Yes.
Hell Fucking Yes.
Never expect consistency from Kells. Kells very much enjoys Rose <3 but is still learning her level of vocabulary. The secrets of the kernelsprite continue to elude Kells. [Interlude to acknowledge problematic source content]. Many things happen that will surely not be significantly relevant in the future.
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hikarikeeper · 2 months
oh guess what kind of old crap i found, let's suffer now: a tag!
Ange: ..here we fucking go again.. Shade: sup. Ange: oh no not you again 🐶 What would your OC do if they were chased by a dog? -Ange: First of all, i wouldn’t even provoke the dog to start chasing me… i usually get along well with them, or at least i don’t start running in the worst case. -Shade: ....do you really expect me to run away from this insignificant creature? More likely it will run away from ME.
💋 How would they react to getting a kiss? (can be platonic or romantic)
actually it's very individual, but let's assume if it's from someone that Ange likes. Ange at the moment of the kiss: aw, nice :3 Ange after a few hours/days: *sudden realization* wait a minute... they did WHAT- -Shade: kiss me and it will be posthumous, I guarantee.
🌲 What would your OC do in a Minecraft world/server? -Ange: *explore every corner without missing a single pixel on the map* -Shade: *aggressive loot-goblin sounds* everything is good, everything is bad, everything goes to my lair -Corrupt: c... caaaattssssss....... -Shade: where the fuck did you come from. it's for OCs??? -Ange: just let him be. as if anyone even reads the everyday life of this 'shizophreny server'.
🎤 Can your OC sing? -Ange: ... uhh... -Shade: he can. only you ain't gonna get to hear it 'cause that catass is too shy. ...me? No, you'll go deaf. Ange: ....because you're too loud.
💃 Can your OC dance? -Ange: i guess no?.. i don't usually dance. -Shade: what is this for. Let those who like it and who are not deprived of grace do it better than me.
📚 Would your OC cheat in an exam? -Ange: in what kind of-? -Shade: Ange is too honest. I won't even do any kind of exams.
⚡ What mythological god would you associate with your OC? -Ange: i would prefer not to be associated with the gods... -Shade: good question, too bad I don't know much about your gods, I'm not very interested in myths.
🎬 What genre would your OC be into? -Ange: *whisper* .. in what- -Shade: what kind of movie you probably may end into. -Ange: Ah, well.. adventures? -Shade: and me possibly an action movie.
✨ What kind of aesthetic do they like? -Ange: nature and sunsets~ -Shade: THERE WILL BE BLOOD-♪ SHED-♪ -Ange: ... *facepalms*
✊ Would your OC win in a fight against an ostrich?
-Ange: …..??????????????. *connection with the brain was lost* -Shade: Why the hell should I fight an ostrich? Did it rob me? Did it challenge me? If yes, this creature doesn't stand a chance. If it just exists, then what the fuck is wrong with you.
🐾 (If human) If they were to turn into an animal, what animal would they be? -Ange: a cat! -Shade: I'm 100% immune to magic, your morphification will not work on me. -Ange: ..you're not funny -Shade: Oh really? How about I'm going to start entertaining you with some filigreed russian swearing. -Ange: please don't- -Corrupt: ...We have enough of the crap you already taught Glitch. - Shade: not my fault that he learns pretty quickly :>
🦄 (If human) If they were to turn into a mythical creature, what mythical creature would they be?
-Ange: phoenix~ -Shade: dragon ofc -Corrupt: they didn’t ask you, you’re already a dragon. -Shade: why are you still here. - Corrupt: *the image of the middle finger flashed through your mind*
💌 How would they react to a confession? -Ange: (if it's from someone unfamiliar) *got confused and pretended to be a currant bush* -Ange: (if it's from someone sympathetic) * won't believe in the reality of what is happening, won't find anything to say, will be happy, perhaps, or confused - it is difficult to predict- it’s not like there was a lot of confessions to him... i don’t even remember the last time this happened.* -Shade: "?" "You clearly have shitty taste buddy." "Think again." "I don't recommend it." "Not interested."
💗 How would they confess? They wouldn't :> -Ange: i'd rather not hope for anything mutual, or even try at all. i'm tired of getting my soul broken... -Shade: just no. love is just a way of manipulation and weakness.
💀 If they were one of the 7 sins, what sin would they be?
-Ange: ...wrath. :3 -Shade: wrath, maybe greed. ..who came up with these stupid sins? -Ange: oh no... -Shade: I can call greed a real sin, but the rest? ridiculous. -Ange: let's just finish this poll already-
💘 What kind of person is their ideal type?
-Ange: honest and sincere... -Shade: it doesn't matter anymore anyway.
🎁 What kind of gift would they give at birthdays? -Ange: something made with my own hands to show how important a person is to me.. -Shade: a chance not to die from my claws.
👹 How much patience does you OC have? Are they patient? Or are they easily irritable?
Ange is the living embodiment of patience. Shade, on the other hand, tolerates only those whom he respects, while others, if they do something that he openly doesn't like, will cause him instant irritation.
☠ How petty are they? And what length of pettiness would they go for?
-Ange: i always couldn't understand this concept correctly.. and honestly, i don’t know for sure, maybe it depends on the situation... -Shade: hardly.
🔪 (More than one OC) If your all of your OCs played among us, who'd be the best imposter? And who'd be the worst?
Ange: worst Shade: best
🛌 What kind of sleep schedule does your OC have?
-Ange: ... sleep schedule?. -Shade: sleep?
🍽 What kind of food do they like?
Both: fried and spicy!
🍻 Do they drink? If so, how strong is their alcohol tolerance?
Ange drinks in moderation; he cannot drink more than a bottle of something too strong at once. Shade's alcohol tolerance is VERY strong tho, he can drink about a box of strong alcohol and barely get drunk because his dragon body burns it as fuel.
🍺 If your OC drinks, what is their go to alcohol?
Ange: i'm neutral about it, for me it's nothing more than a painkiller for the soul. Now that everything is back to normal, i don't need it... Shade: it's just fun for me. it wasn't uncommon for me to win a drink bet. haha, they didn’t even know who they were messing with... :> ...Wow that's all already? whatever- as always, tag youself if you want lmao-
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hannibutts · 1 year
There’s so much symbolism in this fuxking show - is Will’s tsunami dream supposed to be linked to the conversation that Hannibal and baby girl sad lil chilton we’re having about not pushing their patients too hard?
Ah the ol’ senator Kelly melting into the bed trick, huh? God, I’m starting to hate Will’s nightmares so much because I’ve had similar ones and they’re hitting too close to home.
Eddie izzard gives good serial killer
Look at the ragamuffin baby girl go, his head movements are giving bratty cheerleader 😂 and he’s all puppy with his tail between his legs in front of Hannibal and then all proud and gloaty with Gideon and Alana
I know I’m supposed to be on Will and Alana’s side here but alas, I’m on the foghorn leghorn baby girl’s side.
Ooh antler room
This show reads like Hannibal fan fiction because there’s inklings of what happens in the books like the way Hannibal is treating Will is a lot like the way that he manipulates Clarice. What I don’t get is does Hannibal want a killing partner? like does he see a killer in Will and wants him for that or is he legit taken in by Will’s main character of an anime energy and just wants him because he’s complex and pretty? Or both?
Yeah Alana is getting a bit on my nerves - like the dude is sick and she’s sending him mixed messages galore.
Boo Freddie lounds
Oooh Dr Gideon got her… 🤷🏻‍♀️
Booo she’s still alive
Ah that reminds me, I gotta donate blood soon
Oh no Gideon has Chilton… I’m not too worried because I’m pretty sure rara is in this all three seasons but nope don’t like that.
Also Anna chlumsky who plays Miriam in this appeared in the first episode that rara appeared in on hannibal which is funny because they both are in the their first appearances on SVU, the episode based on fifty shades.
Finally they make Will stay behind in The car, I’m almost surprised Jack didn’t walk into the conservatory with Will as a shield.
Aaaaaand of course he got out of the car.
Oh Rara - hold on to those guts my little dude.
Oof Will is losing it. Man, Hugh Dancy plays distraught and disturbed so well.
Of course Will takes Gideon to Hannibal.
So Will has a seizure and then just stands there while Hannibal and Gideon have a chat? Alrighty then 🤷🏻‍♀️
Oh shit he’s offering Gideon Alana
Gideon mutilated Dr Chilton 😭
“I’m worried about Alana” he says 😂 as he very pointedly leaves a gun and his keys for Will. Why not a map to Alana’s house l too?
So I don’t get the whole Will seeing Garrett Jacob Hobbs instead of Gideon thing. Like is it because it’s Will’s first kill? Did he actually enjoy killing GJH and that’s why he hallucinated the corpse saying “see” and now he’s haunted by that because it might prove that he actually enjoys killing? I don’t know if I’m pulling stuff out of my ass at this point. Oh yeah and what’s with the stag all the time? It can’t be a good thing because it always leads will to bad places. Is it like the representation of the serial killer inside Will?
Babygirl DID NOT have a good time this episode.
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purplesurveys · 1 year
1. What are you doing at this exact moment? (I want details, people!) I’m taking this survey while sitting on the couch in the living room, which we FINALLY got professionally cleaned after Agi must have peed 47549835734 times on it; and I currently have Jimin’s Like Crazy playing on loudspeaker from my phone right beside me. Dogs are resting in front of me having just finished their dinner. Am also cautiously watching the time because I plan on working again by 10 PM so I can finish a couple of slides on a Powerpoint I’m in the middle of finishing.
2. The one song you will never get sick of? Additionally, any song recommendations? I really really feel this way the most about Namjoon’s Closer.
3. Name everything you have ever wanted to be (occupations and random things, like animals!) Writer, journalist, housewife, lawyer, art curator, historian, mom, bird (so I can fly and travel), dog (so that I never have to work lol).
4. What is the best fanfic you have ever read (lmao) There were a couple of AJ/Punk fanfics I enjoyed back in the day, but sadly the author took them down (and I think even deleted their account altogether) so my memory of the story is lost to time. More recently, I’m obsessed with this AO3 writer’s Namjin works; I go back to my favorite scenes from time to time to give me the giddies lol.
5. Name every fandom you have ever been in! Beyoncé, wrestling if that counts as a fandom, One Direction, BTS. I like and have liked a number of other things too like Paramore, THAT British YouTuber crew, and Good Mythical Morning, but I wouldn’t say I was ever active in any of those fandoms; I just enjoy ‘em on my own time.
6. What is the saddest movie you have ever watched? Additionally, movie recommendations? Requiem For A Dream, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Life Is Beautiful, and ROMAN FUCKING HOLIDAY holy shit the last scene amazes and pisses me off every time lmao. 
As for movie recs, I’d also go for Roman Holiday.
7. If you could direct your own TV show/movie, what would it be like? A snoozefest...I like to keep my life uneventful.
8. The cringiest account/fan account you’ve ever made? (oh god) The first one that I made when I was around 11; it was my Twitter account for everything Beyoncé. I would’ve given my wrestling Tumblr as an answer too, but in retrospect I don’t think it was necessarily cringe; I was just being the modern-day fangirl/stan before stan culture was even a thing. Meaning to say the shit I posted was definitely more out-there than anything back in 2014, but if I look at that Tumblr now (it’s still alive!), it honestly holds up, lmao. Looks like every other stan account that we otherwise have nowadays.
9. What is your aesthetic? Describe it to us in list form. Hmm okay I’ll try but I’m honestly so over the place idek if I have one.
K-pop merch
A wall of custom Polaroid printouts of BTS members
Coffee and a pastry
Laptop stickers
Peach soju
Oversized t-shirts and sweaters and baggy joggers
Bucket hats
Printed socks
Muted shades
Listening to lofi or piano music at 2 AM
10. What is one thing that has been bugging you recently that you just need to talk about? That I am so bad with money.
11. One thing you’ve always wished you could do / be good at? Play the piano.
12. Put a picture of your best (or your worst!) fanart/drawing ever! I don’t draw.
13. The best book you have ever read? Additionally, any book recommendations? I haven’t read any that I’d consider an all-time favorite. 14. Most exotic food you’ve ever had? Crocodile sisig.
15. Post a picture of the weirdest/funniest text conversation you’ve ever had! Idk if there is one. I have lots of funny convos with friends, but I’m not sure if any of them would be the funniest.
16. Random fun fact about you! I blocked Zayn Malik for like five years after he left the band. LOL
17. What do you think of me? Ahh! Idek who you are!
18. Do you have any fake names? Pseudonyms? Idk, stage names, street names? If not, what would it be? Nope. 19. What is your idea of a perfect life? One where you’ve reached a level of contentment in a way that you’re comfortable and happy with every decision you make, and face mistakes with a lesson and an, “On to the next.”
20. Finish the sentence: “Oh, to be a _____” Nepo baby? Lmao
21. Is there a stranger you would like to meet again? Sure, the nice fan sitting beside me at Seonho’s fanmeet who gave me a slogan when she saw that I didn’t manage to get one.
22. Post a picture of you/someone you know doing something weird. Do it, you won’t. Coward. (Obviously the pic doesn’t have to have a face in it) I would but my phone is at 1% and the charger is upstaaaaaaaairs, lol.
23. Is there a place you feel homesick for even though you’ve never been there? Well, no. I don’t think the homesickness would be genuine that way.
24. Basic, but what’s your sign? Taurus.
25. What sign do you act like? What sign do you wish you were? None of these astrology questions plz.
26. What is one unusual thing you do? Surveys? < Agree.
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maxdei-00 · 4 years
Gawwooo Matoiii!!!!!
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