#first time writing a proper fic
perpetualproductions · 4 months
Limoreau Fic Progress Update??!!?
Okay folks,
I wanna start off by saying this is gonna be a long fic. Like... LONG. I brought this upon myself, but I just have sooo many plans for where I want to take this fic.
Anyway, I've written four chapters so far. I'm a perfectionist, so I've gone over all of it like twice, had some friends look over it and compliment me too much for my liking so I looked over it one last time myself. But those chapters are done as far as I'm concerned. For my own sake, I can't keep dwelling on them.
That being said, I do plan on releasing chapters once I reach a certain checkpoint in the story I have planned out so far (around maybe 5 or so more to go) (very rough estimate. Could be shorter). I know I'm being vague about what the fics specifically about, that's only a little on purpose.
All you gotta know is it's a cannon divergence from the season 1 finale, no white room or Marie being lasered by Homelander. Marie, Jordan, Emma and Andre are all together in the beginning and it's basically them dealing with the aftermath of everything that happened with Godolkin. Obviously, main focus is on Jordan and Marie's relationship. We got some fluf, angst, serious stuffs and more.
Basically, the fic as a whole is an exploration of their relationship and the trials and tribulations they go through as they grapple with life and aging and figuring out their place in the world. Will they stay together? Will they be apart? How long will anything last? How much do things change as they change as people? That kind of stuff. They're young in Gen V (around 18 and 20 according to my calculations), and I wanted to explore what type of people they would grow into and how that affects them as a couple. I'll be exploring things like college majors, jobs, careers, other kinds of relationships (familial, platonic, etc.) Married life??!? And all that jazz.
So yeah, tldr: I am writing the fic, so don't worry. About a couple chapters away from the first checkpoint. Once I get there I will start releasing chapters on here and on AO3. I'll continue to write the story as I release chapters. Might be breaks in releases in between checkpoints (for example, I finish releasing all the chapters up to the first checkpoint, but won't release the next set of chapters till I reach the second story checkpoint.) I'll let y'all know when that happens.
This is my first time writing a fic that I intend to release to the public, so bare with my nervousness. But I am low-key excited. I hope this goes well. 😎🤞❤️
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boywifesammy · 10 days
sam winchester would NOT have a binder… he binds with ace bandages and packs with socks 👍
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dollsuguru · 2 months
toji toji toji toji toji toji toji toji toji toji toji toji toji toji toji
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magicalgirlmascot · 5 months
had a horrible moment of "oh god did I accidentally line things up so that Hot Beast Summer was also the same year that Kopaka lost his parents" but no the timelines don't add up we're good
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a-little-unsteddie · 11 months
give love a chance || Teaser
for the poll, this is what won! i am like, dead rn, so just forgive me for any mistakes lol. the wip poll post
Steve still wasn’t quite sure how his life managed to lead him to where he was. It was one thing to apply for a dating show, and a whole other thing to actually go and be on the dating show. Robin had managed to successfully bully him into accepting the role as ‘bachelor’, even if the tactics she used should have been illegal. Hearing little Matilda’s voice telling him that she wants him to be happy was the last straw to convince him that he would at least go.
Which was how Steve found himself in a hotel in the middle of Los Angeles, a place he never thought he would go to. Not because he didn’t want to, but because of how out there the idea of him being in L.A. was. Robin had been right, Will and Dustin were thrilled to take care of Matilda while they were off in L.A. It was a little harder to convince the shows contacts to allow Steve to bring Robin, thinking that it would be odd to have his best friend with him, but once they reassured them that no, he wasn’t secretly dating Robin, and that she was, in fact, his best friend who was a lesbian for fuck’s sake.
Steve was honestly a lot overwhelmed with the fancy room they were currently being led to by one of the show’s representatives, who was probably telling them valuable information, but he couldn’t help but gawk at the extravagant place they were walking through. Besides, that’s what Robin was here for. She was probably paying much more attention than he was, so she could let him know anything of importance
“Here is your penthouse,” she said, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear, “one of the interns will get you in the morning, so be ready by 8:00 am, on the dot.” She spoke with an overly cheerful tone, smiling fakely at the pair. Steve nodded, taking the keycard from her with a noticeably shaky hand. She looked down at her clipboard, making a mark, before nodding firmly. “Alright, I’ll leave you two to settle in, if you need anything, reach out to room service. S.T. Media will take care of most of your basic needs, so you don’t need to worry about much.”
And then she was gone.
And they were alone.
“Holy shit, Robs. What exactly did you get me into?” Steve asked, looking at her with wide eyes.
Robin cackled, clapping her hands together excitedly. “I got us a very fun vacation, if nothing else,” she said, spinning around in the spot to look at the practically opalescent room.
Steve struggled to find words to describe how baffled he was that they had found themselves here.
“So, the rundown for tomorrow is that they’re taking us to get tailored, yes us, which I thought was an interesting choice, but I’m not gonna argue with. Unclear if we keep the clothes at the end of this whole thing or not. Then you have an interview with Murray, and we’ll talk about the rest then. Apparently.”
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honeydew-sillies · 1 year
"Takenaka's Cure for Boredom"
A Mob Psycho tickle fic !!
word count: 2,446
a/n: I've had this sitting for around almost done for a bit and figured I'd cut it off where I did so I could finally post it! Will hopefully write a sequel eventually... no promises. Shoutout to these two for being my favorite ever. Next on the agenda is Takeritsho... mwahahaha !!
warnings: none aside from light swearing!
Momozo felt the sly grin on his face grow ever so slightly larger. Across from him sat Kageyama Ritsu, both sitting on the latter's bed.
They had been doing their individual homework together the whole afternoon, Momozo texting the other that his weekend tennis practice had been called off. Well, "doing homework;" it was more so Ritsu trying and failing to get Momozo to pay attention to anything other than his phone, and in turn also getting distracted.
(He didn't normally have too much of an issue focusing, but it wasn't Momozo's fault the kid never took any breaks.)
The distraction currently being the way Momozo had confidently stated "I'm bored," before setting his phone down, shooting a glance at the younger boy sitting next to him on the bed, and slowly bringing his hands up as "claws," inching in Ritsu's direction. As he seemed to have made a very ANNOYING habit of doing recently.
"Don't what?"
"Do not tickle me! Takenaka I swear to god-"
As selfish as it may have been, Momozo always relished in how skittish he could get the "Mr. Student Council, Straight A's, Mature and Serious Pretty Boy," which was a facade that he had seen through almost immediately. And not because of his telepathy. Ignoring the part of his brain that groaned at how grossly cheesy it was, the older boy enjoyed being able to see this side of Ritsu.
"Okay, so you're telling me that you really do not want me to tickle you? Is that right?"
The brunette bit back a fond laugh as he watched Ritsu squirm ever so slightly. He noted the small smile that the other was trying very hard and failing to bite down, the way his cheeks were already a lovely shade of pink, and how he was very clearly hesitating in confirming that he most definitely did not want to be tickled right now. Momozo quirked up an eyebrow as if to say ‘I know you’re lying.’ He did that often.
This kid was so easy to read it was almost annoying at times. Almost.
"Hey! N-no fair, you can't use your telepathy, that's cheating!"
Momozo barked out a laugh, grin widening. Normally, he would've grown irritated at the accusation; but with Ritsu, it was far too much fun messing with him for Momozo to be angry. Poor kid just gave himself away, too.
"How many times do I have to remind you, I'm not using my powers. People can say a lot with their eyes and body language. Plus you’re, like, super easy to read."
He watched Ritsu swallow as the boy realized his mistake, once again floundering for any attempt at control over the situation. If Momozo didn't immediately shut down the train of thought, he probably would've said it was cute. Gross.
"W-wait, but my eyes were-"
"Saying that you want me to tickle you? Yeah, I picked up on that."
Growing impatient, Momozo dashed forward on the mattress while Ritsu was still taken aback from the "matter-of-fact" statement. The shorter of the two let out a yelp, scrambling to get away from his assailant, but to no avail. Not only had Momozo had a head start, but he was also just a tad stronger than Ritsu due to his practicing for club and his height. …At least Ritsu liked to tell himself that.
Momozo put on an innocent smile at the friend underneath him; Ritsu's head had found its way to his pillow on the way down, with Momozo resting his hands on either of Ritsu's sides as he kneeled next to him, towering over him just enough to keep him in place. And as much as a show the raven-haired boy made of squirming around, it was clear to both of them that he really wasn't trying to get away. Plus, if he did want to, he had the strength to do so at any time.
"Takenaka!" Ritsu very nearly whined, biting his lip as the wobbly smile on his face became more prominent.
Ritsu threw Momozo what was apparently supposed to be a sharp glare, though there was no clear malice behind it. Embarrassment, maybe, but not anger.
This was so unfair. It was so… childish. Definitely not something a serious, mature and perfectly ordinary middle schooler would spend time doing. So why, Ritsu asked himself, was his stomach filled with a buzzing excitement? Why did he already feel the giggles bubbling up in his chest, and why was it fun? Why was he having fun?
Normally, the only person who could ever get away with and actively tickled Ritsu was his older brother, Shigeo. And occasionally Sho, which was becoming more common, though that was embarrassing just to think about. Momozo has been a… new addition to Ritsu’s “I actually enjoy your company more than an acquaintance” list.
Which had, once again, somehow turned into his “you’re allowed to tickle me without getting telekinetically slammed into a wall (on purpose)” list.
What’s worse was Momozo’s telepathy; it had unintentionally caused Ritsu to allow himself to be more honest with the brunette, which meant not being able to keep up his totally serious and responsible front all the time. The invisible threat of his thoughts and emotions being free to read created a nervousness in Ritsu, making him state more things outright instead of trying to cover them up like he normally would.
Which also meant revealing a more playful side not often seen by anyone, other than his older brother and family.
Hence the situation at hand.
“L-let me go!”
Speaking of telepathy, the more excited a person got usually meant the louder their thoughts got, both subconscious and not. And esper’s thoughts tended to stand out more to Momozo’s hearing in general, though he wasn't sure why. Probably some sort of weird power energy thing.
At least he wasn’t doing it on purpose when he heard ‘Oh my god just do it already this is awful this is so embarrassing he's so-’
“You could very easily get away if you wanted to, Kageyama.”
Ritsu let out an indignant growl. It was anything but intimidating.
He flusteredly spat out, “You’re so annoying!” and what Momozo also hears is ‘Please don’t make me admit it-’
He sighed almost fondly; he had been pretty mean, what with knowing how much anticipation got to the other boy. Maybe it was time to do what he had actually planned to after getting bored with his phone and work…
Ritsu let out another squeaky yelp as he finally felt the hands around his sides squeeze firmly, the hypersensitivity from being on edge having built up to the point where he couldn’t stop the first surge of laughter to cascade from his lips. It was slightly high-pitched, but still boyish and sporadic and somehow so perfectly Ritsu.
But if there's something else that is most definitely Ritsu, it’s being stubborn as all hell when he feels like it. So, instead of fighting back (which Momozo would make a point of bringing up later), the younger boy smacked a hand over his smiling mouth, muffling his laughter as he instinctively squirmed away from the fingers kneading into his sides once more. He tried weakly to roll from side to side in an attempt to dodge Momozo’s hands, which followed him no matter where he went.
“Aw c’monnnn, it’s no fun if you don’t laugh…”
Ritsu shook his head, shoulder bouncing ever so slightly with the laughter that was being held back.
Okay, new tactic, then.
Momozo took a moment to focus more than he had been previously, staring at the boy underneath him with a menacing grin as he projected his own thoughts:
‘I know you want to laugh. Come on come on come on just laughhh you are so boring-’
Ritsu jumped from the startle (he would never quite get used to that power), and let out a few muted giggles behind his hand, narrowing his eyes at the other boy as if to challenge him. He thought back, loud and clear,
‘Eat shit-’ Before very clearly stifling a laugh at whatever look just crossed Momozo’s face.
“Alright, jackass. If you want to be like that then…"
At first glance, most if not all people would not expect Takenaka Momozo to be a “playful” individual; he was cocky when comfortable, sure. Stand-offish, socially anxious, and hardly ever outright playful. In the same way the telepath was allowed to see a realer version of Ritsu, Ritsu was shown a different side of the former as well. And, in all honesty, he regards this fact fondly.
…Except right now.
The raven-haired boy only had time to exclaim a quick “NO!-” before he fell into louder laughter, audible even behind the hand clasped over his mouth. The cause of this laughter of course being the fingers that were once kneading into his sides moving to massage his lower ribs instead; even being so kind as to pay special attention to the sweet spot between the two lowest ribs, causing Ritsu to arch his back upwards and let out what could only be considered a squeal. His face was most definitely burning up now.
“Wow, was that a squeal dude? Forgot how ticklish you are…” Momozo noted nonchalantly, the teasing lilt in his normally aloof voice driving Ritsu mad.
“Shuhut UP! I’m nohot even thahat- NAHA-!”
Whatever Ritsu was about to say was very rudely interrupted by another even higher-pitched round of laughter. Momozo was quick to disprove Ritsu’s claim by turning back and squeezing one of the latter’s knees; he narrowly avoided being kicked while Ritsu’s torso leapt forward instinctively before falling back against the bed. His body had very nearly gone limp, as it did when worse spots were targeted.
Ah, right, he really didn’t have much of a tolerance to strong tickling. Momozo smirked.
“Not even that huh? Didn’t catch that.”
The slip of the nickname went unnoticed by the laughing boy, and if Momozo’s chest fluttered just the tiniest bit, he ignored it. Instead, he opted for being nice enough to move from the bad spot, bringing his hands up to skitter his short nails over Ritsu’s stomach through his unfortunately thin long sleeve t-shirt.
Ritsu fell into a fit of incredibly bubbly and distinguishably not serious giggles, legs instinctively kicking as he shot his hands out to hold Momozo’s wrists now that the dam of laughter had already been broken. However, that was more so to steady himself than to really fight back, and both boys knew this; it was already too late for him to put up a fight, and he was definitely laughing too hard. Ritsu naturally refused to acknowledge this. Momozo, on the other hand…
“Stohohop looking ahat me like- like thahahat!”
“What’re you gonna do? Push my hands away?”
"Shuhut UHUHUP!"
"Hm, that was kind of rude." Momozo responded calmly as he casually massaged the small bit of pudge Ritsu always had on his tummy that he "definitely should have grown out of." Not that he had time to think about that currently, though, considering the endless waves of giggling laughter that made it hard for him to form any coherent sentences.
The brunette continued to attack his friend’s stomach with no signs of letting up any time soon; he switched unpredictably between squishing around the softer area and spidering his fingers, sneaking his hands just the tiniest bit under the end of Ritsu’s now rumpled up t-shirt to scribble over the spot just beneath the shorter boy’s navel. A spot that, without fail, always made him kick and hiccup-laugh like there was no tomorrow.
At this point, Ritsu's thoughts had turned into a sort of jumbled and mostly incoherent mess, which wasn't anything foreign to Momozo. Sometimes thoughts were less of… thoughts, and more so feelings. And the only intense feeling radiating off of Ritsu was 'It tickles it tickles it tickles so BAD-'
The ticklish shocks running through Ritsu’s body were the only thing he could focus on as he shook his head back and forth, feeling how his cheeks were burning up and how the butterflies in his stomach just refused to let up. It was like an unbearable but pleasant electricity coursing through his nerves, starting at his stomach and spreading through his body before all collecting at one point in his chest; the place where the uncontrollable laughter flowed freely from his mouth.
Despite his brain’s natural reactions to the sensations, Ritsu really didn’t mind the feeling. In all honesty, he quite enjoyed being tickled; it allowed for a certain sense of vulnerability he had always had a hard time showing, a way for him to feel comfortable enough to laugh and smile freely. Though his stamina could only last so long, especially as someone who isn’t fully used to being tickled.
The younger boy didn’t seem to notice at first that the ticklish sensations on his stomach had ceased, catching his breath as he let out the rest of his breathy titters.
After a moment, Ritsu glanced up and made eye contact with Momozo, who to anyone else would have seemed bored; but Ritsu wasn't anyone, and caught the small smile still resting on his lips, likely mirroring his own unconscious one. A smile he quickly tried to cover up by glaring daggers at the boy above him.
What he would've give to wipe that stupid smile away with-
"You good?" Momozo asked, thankfully cutting off wherever that train of thought was headed.
Ritsu broke the eye contact bashfully, needing to look at anything other than the stupid genuine expression on the boy leaning over him because that's embarrassing and this is embarrassing.
Speaking of embarrassing, he quickly pulled his hands away from around Momozo's wrists, opting to cross his arms instead and pretend he didn't look like a toddler pouting at the moment.
"Alright, solid answer."
"So are you going to get off of me now, or what?"
"Dunno." Momozo shrugged. Ritsu bristled.
"What do you mean you don't know??"
"Do you want me to?"
"...You're a jerk."
The brunette couldn't help but chuckle. While his boredom had most definitely been cured, he knew they were both having far too much fun to go back to focusing on homework anyway. Well, Ritsu probably could, 'Like the nerd he is.' Momozo noted to himself.
He was pulled away from those brief thoughts by Ritsu's suddenly much less flustered tone of voice (which definitely couldn't be good) as he asked,
"Hey Takenaka."
Ritsu grinned.
"I'm bored."
In the moment it took the latter to realize what Ritsu was getting at, he was already too late.
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philtstone · 6 months
im having so many brain worms abt the tale of beren and luthien vs the tale of aragorn and arwen vs movie aragorn and arwen and what each story chooses to emphasize and dwell on even tho the threads across are very similar and all carry within their premise the same existential concepts ……..
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@jonmartinweek Day 5: Body Horror
It is Polite to Knock
The knocking was the worst part. Being trapped, afraid, alone, all of that was bad. The pain was bad. The worms were bad. The monster outside of his apartment was bad. But the knocking was the worst.
Knock, knock, knock.
It is polite to knock .
'Can we talk?' Jon said. His voice was hoarse. Raspy from disuse. It had been days.
The knocking stopped. That was good. Very good. It was all Jon had wanted when he spoke, but he hadn't expected it. He'd shouted and screamed at the door for hours, and that hadn't made the knocking stop.
'I guess that depends... what would you like to talk about?' Martin Blackwood asked from the other side.
Continue reading on Ao3!
Jon, an archival assistant at the Magnus Institute, is trapped in his flat by Martin Blackwood, a man possessed by a hive of flesh-eating worms.
Check the content warnings on this one if you are disturbed by canon-typical Corruption content.
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miabrown007 · 1 year
a minute of silence to my skills to estimate how long a project is ever going to take
#my google calendar and Carl bot (and my friends) have been kind enough to inform me today was the estimated posting date of heist au#suffice to say that is not happening#it would have been rad to make a habit out of the co-occurrence of starting a new job and starting to post a finished WIP but alas#that will not be happening for a while longer#I have no idea when will I find the time for writing between two jobs and the big bang but. we'll work something out.#but hey it's good to give your projects breathing space so your brain can do the work in the background and solve the problems for you#I'll probably need to go back and revamp the whole last chapter I've been working on#but I'm still too sick and jet lagged and sick to be thinking about that so I'll consume some more media in the meantime#and complain about how bad the fic I'm listening to is. like god it's supposed to be so romantic and cute and he's literally#depriving her bodily autonomy and her friends support him I want to leave a strongly worded comment so bad#I will not be doing that but god it's so awful I should have stopped listening to this fic long ago. so that's a lesson learned.#put the fucking fic down there's plenty of stuff that's going to be better#hot take I sure no one saw coming sometimes things that are popular are actually bad#anyway have some stream of fucking consciousness /ref to another fic I'm fighting hard to keep discontinued#I know I won't like it why is this so hard#heist au should have been posted today based on maths btw. maths I did wrong for the first time which means it should have been posted#a year ago really#not like I have the proper structure to do a heist au daily#but it would have been fun to post the first chapter on the exact day it takes place. idk just for flavour#does all this make any sense? hardly. this is a diary entry and my two braincells are firing random thoughts at each other#that's fine though. it's all fine. here have some popcorn to go with all this nonsense 🍿🍿🍿 <3#(and also all the drama in the new shadow and bone season. ugh it's so good I love Wesper SO. MUCH. or just Waylan. and Nikolai.#he's my blorbo assigned at first relevant information. relavant information: he's my friend's blorbo#but gods he's so my type it's scary. of course I'll have him as my blorbo. of course of course!#*puts him on a shelf next to Adrien Draco and Hunter*#*steps back to think before putting Waylan there too and sitting Zuko on the far end*#war crimes look so good on them :3#miaing#heist au
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 4 months
my new thing is obsessing over a funny little guy for a few months before moving onto another funny little guy
#random thoughts#first it was sans undertale then it was robert dream daddy#and now it's fnaf sunandmoon#my ideal fnaf sunandmoon fic which i will never write because that's where i draw the line#is one in which yn doesn't think sun and moon are. sentient. at first.#and by at first i mean for a large chunk of the story#like yeah he's a robot! he's a very sophisticated piece of ai of course he's gonna be lifelike#sun and moon are designed to learn and adapt and they can SEEM very human but it's important to remember they are not alive#but they still treat sun and moon decently because? why wouldn't they?#like sun and moon are constantly learning ai. it's important to model proper behavior so they know how they and others should act#specifically among freddy's staff! if sunandmoon don't know how staff SHOULD behave then they have no frame of reference#for what behavior should be reported or how sunandmoon are SUPPOSED to act around staff for maximum efficiency#if you get mad at the robot for being damaged and they're designed to entertain#they're not gonna want to tell you next time they get damaged and you can't just rely on scans and weekly examinations#because scans miss things and some damage is too severe to wait for their next examination#in an ideal setting you WANT the animatronics to be able to communicate openly with you because THEY are a tool for their OWN repair#THEY can recognize what is damaged VERY WELL#and if it's a software issue then you need to be able to read their BEHAVIOR. body language and shit#and if sunandmoon are CONSTANTLY ON EDGE AROUND STAFF you're not gonna be able to see a base body language to go off of#also constant stress is bad for machines. like running the same commands over and over again until overheating. bad for babey#and of COURSE they're gonna help around the daycare!!! THE DAYCARE ATTENDANT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A REPLACEMENT FOR HUMAN WORKERS#the daycare attendant is a GIMMICK. a NOVELTY. a TOOL meant for the use of the human daycare attendants#a forever playmate who remembers every detail about every child under their care? who never tires and isn't affected by cleaning chemicals?#they're so USEFUL! a supplement to the human daycare attendant!#like a swiss army knife of rainy day games and orange slices#it's a horrible shame the owners of the pizzaplex got cheap and stopped hiring human daycare attendants to save on labor#because the daycare attendant works best when they have someone else's behavior to model. otherwise it gets caught in a loop#which constantly degrades and simplifies. like recording a recording over and over again until all you can hear is white noise#of COURSE something bad was gonna happen!#and sunandmoon don't really have any opinion on this besides agreeing because they ARE an animatronic.
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waywardsalt · 2 months
ooooh i hope im back on track with the ganonbeck fic
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nkogneatho · 11 months
I wrote satosugu today. like this if you wana be tagged
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dollsuguru · 3 months
i’m already outlining some parts of this fic omg like my excitement is through the roof i really wanna do this story justice 😭
#fashion designer reader 🤝 art museum curator geto my beloveds#i’ve thought abt this story concept for so long and it isn’t until now that i’m being Properly Serious abt it#it means so much to me hehe#the ultimate meet cute in my eyes#i ofc need to add his background and stuff but AHHHHHH really wanna do this justice :3#gonna take this to docs after i’m done outlining :’)#i don’t have everything outlined just like 2 scenes rn#but i wanna write prettily and with purpose and have good flow/a proper storyline#this might be my first real Story Fic#bc black is the color was moments in time of geto & reader’s relationship#enormity of my desire disgusts me was a oneshot#this story is the big kahuna to me ok i Demand to myself that it’s a 10k fic or above like it’s serious business to me#kidding idc how long it is but i deffo don’t want it to be short#we shall see how it goes#i’m rambling but only bc i’m excited#wanna delve into suguru’s sophistication/nerdiness but also have him be a bit demure yet still very sultry and alluring#but at the end of the day he’s just an Excitable Art Nerd#reader is my bestie she’s a kween she’s so cool and fun and fresh and friendly and a firecracker & a wildcard#i love all my readers to be lovable dorks they’re just so <3 to me#anyways hehehehehe need to think of more ideas! :D#and again deffo wanna add other characters in here not JUST reader/suguru#i think in this one specifically their friends/coworkers are so important! :>#personal
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riccissance · 5 months
just started a new lottielee fic and am mostly in the editing stage for the most recent chapter of my jackishauna fic. i only started writing last year and it's completely taken over my life omfg i can barely think about anything other than the soccer cannibals. this show definitely rewired my brain lmao
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ice-sculptures · 1 year
it's been a long, long time 🛡️❄️
I’m very intrigued about this one 👀
hi sandy!! so as you probably already know, i'm a huge fan of steve & bucky, and when i first started shipping byler i couldn't help but notice how many similarities their story shared with stevebucky, and the little goblin in my brain encouraged me to start writing a retelling of CA: TWS (movie of all time) but with the ST characters, starring:
mike as steve (the paladin, knight in shining armor)
will as bucky (possession arc & brainwashing arc)
max as natasha
lucas as sam
the first half of the fic will be centered around the friendship between mike and max (and later lucas) and the second will be more focused on mike and will, like the original film. of course, it wouldn't follow the plot exactly, since i do want to incorporate henry, brenner, and hawkins lab into the story, as well as add a few more scenes to explore mike's mental state once he comes out of the ice and adjusts to modern life, but most of the major beats of the movie will stay the same and most importantly, will and mike's emotional bond will be given the respect it deserves 😤 (and a happy ending ofc)
i also wanted to switch things up a bit and give peggy's role in the story to nancy (non-romantically, obviously 😅) since peggy's conflict about not being taken seriously as a woman in her workplace is very similar to what nancy faced in s3, and i think it would be more impactful for mike to have a platonic, familial bond from the past.
i wish i could give you a snippet, since i actually have the iconic 'who the hell is bucky will' scene fully written, but it's on my other laptop, which is currently being repaired 😭 but i do have this little concept that i wrote a while ago, if you're interested in reading it :')
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miserye · 1 year
I hate looking through my fic lists because IT MAKES ME WANNA READ THEM ALL AGAIN
#THE TAGS TURNED INTO MY REFLECTION FOR THE YEAR PRESS MORE AT YOUR OWN RISK#I said more it’s See all my bad HAHAHHA#I DONT have time#BUT I WANT TO#because I KNOW THEYRE SO GOODKSKDKDK#chatterye#someone interacted w my matsuhana shit and I miss them so badly#also I’ve been wanting to reread my favorite sunaosa fic recently#I think I will#ALSO SOMETIMES I JUST WANNA PUNCH PAST ME because WHAT AM I SAYINGFJCKDKFKDKFKSJFJKG#I’m reading my thoughts and sometimes I’m like so true bestie and sometimes I’m like BESTIE WHAT THE FUCK#but just CPing the summaries is easy and less embarrassing BUT ITS SO NOT FUN#WHERES THE CHARACTER#this might be pretentious of me to say but I think I really was the reason the hq fic rec fandom started to write their thoughts about fics#for fic rec lists because when I first started I don’t ever recall seeing like proper lists w a bunch of thoughts instead of just the links#or the summaries of the fics; I think it only started to become a thing after I started#I could totally be wrong about that don’t quote me but after I started I saw so many more lists like mine HAHAHAHHA#anyways sometimes I miss washy but it made me stressed out so I’m also glad to be away from it heheh#sad I never got around to certain ideas I had but I think my best was the Christmas tree I was so funny for that#this is my new year reflection mayhaps HAHAHAH#I will say i think overall I like matsuhana the most#I think they had the best fics and the least horrible fanon interpretations regardless of how old the fics were and all the fics were sogood#they make me so happy and I really loved so many ships but they came out on top even though I read so many other fics I always come back to#my matsuhana fics because they make such an impact on me also I have my favorite angst fics there which are written so beautifully#genuinely very grateful for those writers
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