#five hamlets
wokeuplaughing · 6 months
tomorrow is thanksgiving and I think I'm gonna watch 5 different adaptations of hamlet during it
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trek-tracks · 7 months
Space, the final frontier.
That is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to explore
The strange new worlds of our outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a five-year mission
And, by opposing, end it. To go—to seek,
Once more; and by “to seek” to say we find
The new life and new civilizations
Where man has gone not: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To go, to seek;
To seek, perchance to find—ay, there's the rub:
For in these voyages what dreams may come,
When we have boldly gone whence we have not,
Must give us pause—there's the respect
That makes a mission of so long a life.
For who would bear the Enterprise of time,
The starship’s wrong, admirals’ contumely,
The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th'unworthy treks,
When he himself might make his voyage on
With a bare warp core? Who would tribbles bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the hope of something to be found,
The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn
We travel and return, puzzling our will,
And makes us wish to solve those ills we have
And fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience makes explorers of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is glistened o'er with the stars of thought,
And Enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents warp ahead
And seize the name of action.
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sunsetcurveauto · 8 months
"rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead is metatheater" "rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead is satire" actually rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead is a tragedy and a horror story and it haunts my every waking hour
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Phone guy propaganda:
so basically he's trying to help you out and also not get fired at the same time so he ends up telling the player false information. For example, he tells them to freeze up to avoid being stuffed, though that very much does not work. he also tries to cover up the restaurant's body count and constantly reminds the player that they are safe, despite everything else going against that
Hamlet Propaganda:
Have you seen the man. Is he clinically insane or just putting on an antic disposition. Is the ghost real
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queermarzipan · 4 months
I think I did well on my exam!! :DD PROFICIENCY IN SPEECH AND DRAMA BABEY.
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bookholichany · 7 months
Watching Hamlet, AGAIN!!
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unicornofthemidwest · 7 months
Guy who believes that all stories are innately connected and that nothing truly original has ever been created: Getting a lot of Hamlet vibes from this FNaF movie
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brechtian · 6 months
k castlist for Ophelia came out 36 hours ago it's time to make my show playlist. send ur most hamlet and ophelia coded song suggestions
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hamletthedane · 10 months
thank you all for being here with me as I watch three full-text live performances of Hamlet in one week and descend further and further into madness
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butchhamlet · 2 years
I see your "muppet Julius Caesar" and I raise you "muppet Hamlet but Fortinbras is the only human".
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not sure if images work. i am once again asking for thy trans shakespeare headcanons please & thank you. i will Stop entering your ask box and leaving just not tonight
by the way in response to trans tn response (<3 love it) i raise thee t4t seb and ant (tn) (but also tempest) (reasoning: hits you w transgenderification beam)
ALL of my current Shakespeare trans HCs in one post??? I am going to try...
Hamlet- he/they, transmasc (afab) (I’ve talked about this theory a few times, and I like it a lot for a variety of reasons! See my other posts.)
Ophelia- she/they, ftnb (projection. PROJECTION!!!)
Horatio- either mtnb he/they OR everybody’s token cis friend (Non-binary Horatio makes for 1. a beautiful t4t couple/throuple if Ophelia is here too and 2. a fun story about Horatio’s gender crisis upon meeting Hamlet. Token cis friend Horatio is just funny. Hamlet and Ophelia discuss their shared genderqueer experience and Horatio gives them a thumbs-up like “I don’t understand this but I love you.”)
Laertes- she/him, genderfluid. (I saw Laertes played by a woman the first time I saw this play and now that experience has combined with all the masc Laerteses I have seen to create genderfluid Laertes.)
Rosencrantz- he/they, mtnb (Their name shortens to “Rose”. There is no way he’s cis.)
Malcolm- they/he or they/them. I cannot decide which direction they’re trans in. (I am generally very attached to Malcolm. Maybe I’ll write a post about this later because there is way too much to say here.)
Lady Macbeth- she/they (Lady Macbeth would insult you for “having pronouns in your bio” but would also hit you for using their pronouns incorrectly.)
I HC like all the minor characters in Macbeth to be trans in one direction or another (not for any good reason, I just think they should be) so trans Macbeth characters speedrun: Caithness- she/they, transfemme; Angus- she/her, transfemme, Ross- he/him, transmasc.
Twelfth Night:
Sebastian- he/him, ftm (Explains identical twins of different genders and I like the complexity it adds to his relationships- see my other post.)
Viola/Cesario/Vi/Visario- they/them, ftnb (Again, this explains the twin thing and I really like the idea of Vi using their identity as Cesario to explore their gender.)
Antonio- he/him, either ftm or token cis man (Similar to Horatio, you either get a great t4t pairing or a slightly confused cis man pulling a guy out of the ocean and inadvertently getting a lesson about trans people.)
Maria- she/her, mtf (Literally no reason, I just think she is transfemme.)
Much Ado:
I haven’t read this one in a hot minute, but Beatrice is a she/they icon.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Puck- they/them (Fairy gender doesn’t work like human gender, but they’re queer even for a fairy.)
Moth- she/they (Fairy gender things. Honestly, this goes for all Titania’s attendants.)
Titania- she/they
Oberon- he/they
Peter Quince- he/they (literally no reason, it just works)
Helena- she/her, transfemme perhaps (maybe he/they Lysander also?)
Romeo & Juliet:
I saw an all-trans/nb production of this play and now pretty much everybody is trans.
Romeo- he/they, ftm (t4t R&J!!!!)
Juliet- she/they, mtf (t4t R&J!!!!)
Mercutio- they/he, probably performs drag shows in his free time (the queerest person in this play, I love them.)
Juliet’s Nurse- she/her, mtf (Transfemme elders deserve love)
And that is all of my trans HCs off the top of my head.
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gabriel-shutterson · 11 months
“ever thought of visiting england?”
well I have to make this rosguil don’t I.
The corners of Guil’s mouth turn upward. “What’s so special about England?”
Ros smiles back— bigger and brighter than his companion’s. “I think it would be much different than Denmark. Pretty scenery.”
“I’ve heard it’s dirty.”
“You’re dirty.” Ros sticks his tongue out.
“You’re dirty.” Guil sticks his tongue out back, before pressing a quick kiss to Ros’s lips.
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emobatsy · 9 months
also the blood curse is here, i gotta pay the guys bike i crashed into and my knees hurting more and more by the hour. motherfuck.
also i realized the meds i got are anti clotting. but for my endo i gotta take clotting meds. so i guess i dont take either, or take the anti clotting one and just live as a skewered live pig for a while?!
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autismmydearwatson · 1 year
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sharkneto · 1 year
Now I’m curious what books would Number read..
Also I love love loved the new chapter absolutely worth the wait
Ah, glad it was worth the wait! Turns out it needed the time to bounce around in my head to figure itself out - but we did finally get there!
So, my intention for what Five was reading on the plane (and will pop up more explicitly later) is he has a soft spot for Bad Science Fiction Paperbacks. They're dumb, they're fun, they scratch that itch in his brain with the concepts without requiring all that much thought to debunk. He likes to write notes in the margins about how their concepts wouldn't work or - once in a blue moon - when they would work. I think he also has a soft spot for the classic hero's journey - the Iliad and the Odyssey, although I think he has a more complicated relationship with that, between having been forced to learn it in ancient greek (which he actually thinks is very cool, both when he was eight and learning it and now, but will never say because that means thinking something tangentially nice about Reggie), and also his complicated relationship with the idea of destiny and fate.
He doesn't prescribe to it on principle - nothing in time is set and any arbitrary change he makes just diverts to a new timeline from what the other choice would be; life is written by the choices you make in the past/present and the future is infinitely mutable - but he also talked to his 58-year-old self when he was 13 and that asshole apparently saved him from an apocalypse that would happen (will happen?) in 2019. Which should be proof of the infinitely mutable nature of the future and that it's changed now because he's obviously himself and not the worst old man possible and in the apocalypse, and yet. Without knowing what causes the apocalypse, it's still a possibility - some future choice some unknown person will make will set it off, and he doesn't know if him not being in the future already headed that off or not (which, probably not, because why would it?), and the knowledge that some arbitrary action that either already happened or will happen will set off the apocalypse in seven years or so does feel a lot like fate. Or that it's his destiny to stop it because he's the only one who knows about it (which he could fix by telling others about it, but, also, if there's no apocalypse because different timeline, why bother anyone if it's not going to happen?). It's complicated. It gives him a headache. Why didn't that terrible other version of himself give him fucking something more concrete to work with?
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ahotjanuary · 2 years
my fatal flaw is that I can't walk past a copy of one of Shakespeare's plays in a thrift store without buying it
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