#fizzing whizbees
luxebeat · 2 years
Halloween Cocktails Put The BOO! In Boozy
Halloween Cocktails Put The BOO! In Boozy
Halloween is just a few weeks away, which means it’s officially spooky season. Whether you’re attending a themed dinner party, passing out candy to children, or hosting a party extravaganza, every adult deserves some tricks and treats. Pick your poison with these spooky cocktails, courtesy of Whiskeysmith Flavored Whiskey. Whiskeysmith Flavored Whiskeys are a delightful combination of real,…
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chocolate frog terrarium || theodore nott x reader
a/n: WARNING: ur a HUFFLEPUFF GIRL and now you have made-up siblings lol the chocolate frog thing was something i thought of a while ago and i think it’s funny. and i played hogwarts legacy so i have to reference it <3
to say that theodore was nervous about the date was an understatement. he was overwrought and maybe even querulous (thank you thesaurus.com). he didn't know what to wear and he was worried that his hair looked stupid. eventually he decided he looked as good as he was going to and left to meet (y/n) in the bell tower courtyard.
when he made it outside he saw her waiting by the fountain. she was conjuring three little yellow canaries, a spell they had recently learned in mcgonagall's class. when she saw him walking towards her she waved her wand and all of the birds disappeared.
"theo, you made it!" she walked towards him, grinning widely.
"you didn't think i'd show?" he pretends to be offended. "i see you've mastered the avis charm?" he watches as a few yellow feathers fall to the ground at her feet.
"truly i was worried you and malfoy were having me on..." she trailed off before quickly pivoting to a brighter topic. "are you ready to go?"
"yeah let's get going," he offers his arm and she takes it, looping hers through his.
they make small talk as they walk across the rickety bridge and all the way to hogsmeade, talking about everything from potions class to what they think harry potter will manage to do before this year is up. they also make a brief pitstop at the puffskein den on the way to the village ("they're so cute, let's just look at them for a second!").
"where do you want to go first?" theo asked as the both of them entered the wizard village.
"honeyduke's," (y/n) answered immediately.
"that was quick," theo teased her, but still led them to the candy store.
as they walk around together theo watches as she examines almost everything in the store.
"what's your favorite thing in here?" she asks him while still perusing the shelves.
he thinks for a minute before answering, "probably...every-flavor beans."
"are you a sociopath or something?" she asked with mock-seriousness. "i can't eat those. ever since i got a dragon dung flavored bean." she shivered at the memory.
he laughed loudly, "i've never got one like that...what's your favorite?"
she picks up a chocolate frog and holds it up to theo, suddenly laughing lightly at something.
"you know i come from a muggle family, right?" she asked, tilting her head at him. he nodded, so she continued. "i bought one of these for my brother one time, and when it jumped out he thought it was a real frog, so he set up a little habitat for it and kept it as a pet."
"how long did it stick around?" theo asked, genuinely curious as he had never left a chocolate frog open and uneaten for longer than five minutes.
"a day, then it melted under the heat lamp," she chuckled, putting the chocolate frog back. "i wish you could have seen his face when he found his brand new pet frog melted in his tank."
"i've always wondered how muggles would react to all of these different candies," theo said, imagining the scene of a boy finding his new pet as a melted chocolate blob.
"don't get me started on my sister," she rolled her eyes before continuing, "she tries to talk to the cards. she has a crush on her gilderoy lockhart card."
"so you've exposed your muggle family to the wizarding world as well?" he asked.
"yes," she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "i think it would be rather selfish to keep all of this to myself."
"did your parents freak out when they found out?"
"oh yes, my mom nearly lost it when i made a worm grow to, like, double its size."
"i would too, that sounds vile," he scrunched his nose up at the thought of a fat fucking earthworm.
(y/n) grabs two chocolate frogs and a box of fizzing whizbees before going to the counter to pay. before she could even get her coin purse open, theo had already given the cashier enough money to cover it.
“you didn’t have to do that,” she frowned.
“i wanted to impress you,” he shrugged.
she rolled her eyes before offering him one of the frogs. they both opened them, caught them, and began eating them.
“what card did you get?” she asked, peering over his shoulder to see.
“fig,” he said unenthusiastically. “i have like eight of him already. who did you get?”
“ooh! i got mcgonagall! i don’t have her yet!” she said excitedly, pocketing the card. “i don’t have fig though….”
she side-eyed him in hopes that he would hand over the card. which he did. he didn’t need a ninth eleazar fig.
they started their walk back to the castle shortly after this. shyly brushing hands until theo made the move to fully hold her hand. he walked her down to the hufflepuff common room where he found himself sad to part ways.
“i had a really nice time today theo…” (y/n) said shyly, looking down at her feet. “we should do this again sometime.”
“yeah definitely! i had a great time too,” he smiled down at her softly.
he was wracking his brain, trying to think of something NORMAL to say, when she stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.
“goodnight theo,” she smiled softly and went into her common room.
he smiled as he turned around to walk to the dungeons. when he made it to his dorm, malfoy and mattheo (yep he’s here IM SORRY) were waiting for him.
“how’d it go mate?” mattheo asked, smirking at theo.
“it was really great,” theo answered earnestly, too giddy to say something cool and nonchalant.
“that’s just adorable,” malfoy cooed at him.
“shut up…” theo rubbed the back of neck, before plotting with the boys on how to ask (y/n) out again.
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lilacmingi · 4 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: Ravenclaw!Hongjoong x Ravenclaw!fem reader
Word count: 2,800
Note: These Hogwarts imagines are from my Wattpad from 2022, so keep in mind that there will not be any continuations or extra parts. Imagines for the other members will be posted in the following weeks!
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"Man, I didn't study." San dropped his head onto the dining hall table with a soft thump.
"Again." Hongjoong added, causing the Slytherin to pout in response.
You chuckled, watching the two.
"You never study, San." Hongjoong pointed out.
"He's right." You added.
"I do sometimes." San argued.
"Not this time."
San frowned. "What am I gonna do? I have a herbology test in fifteen minutes and my grades are horrible."
"Cram, I guess." Hongjoong shrugged.
"You know, some people do better when they cram last minute." You supplied, trying to cheer your close friend up a little.
"I'm doomed either way." The Slytherin dropped his head in defeat.
"Don't be like that." Hongjoong told him.
"Hongjoong is right. If you think about it, a little studying is better than no studying at all."
"She has a point." Your fellow Ravenclaw agreed.
"Well, I'd love to stay here and see where this goes, but I have a transfiguration class to get to. Good luck, San."
"Yeah." He grumbled discouragingly.
"See you after potions, Hongjoong." You waved, walking off to class.
You were actually hoping to talk to San without Hongjoong around, but seeing as your poor Slytherin friend was in a predicament, and not alone, you chose to wait and chat later.
Once you left the dining hall, San continued to mope, muttering to himself about how he was going to totally fail.
"Wait. I got it!" San lifted his head, his eyes brightening as an idea popped into his mind. "You have a free period, right Hongjoong?"
"Could you do me a favor?"
"That depends."
"Can you use a Polyjuice potion and take my herbology test for me?"
Hongjoong's eyes widened at the absurd idea.
"You want me to pretend to be you?"
San nodded vigorously with hopeful eyes.
"No way." The Ravenclaw shook his head.
"No. Do you know how hard it'll be to get it done in time?"
"I have everything." He quickly supplied.
Hongjoong narrowed his eyes in speculation.
San clasped his hands together, his bottom lip stuck out in a pout as he begged the older wizard. "Hongjoong, please. Just this once and I'll never ever ask again."
"What do I get in return?" He quirked a brow, his arms crossed expectantly over his chest.
"I'll buy you whatever you want from Honeydukes."
"Whatever I want?"
"Whatever you want."
"Alright. Deal."
San and Hongjoong left the dining hall and made their way down the long corridors of the school, the younger Hogwarts student practically vibrating with excitement. He—Hongjoong was totally going to ace this test for him. He swears he'll study next time, promising himself to make an attempt to do better with his academic work.
"Just let me go into my dormitory and get the stuff. I'll be out before you can say Honeydukes."
Hongjoong hated how chipper San was about this situation. He just gets to hide out while Hongjoong does the dirty work. It hardly seems fair. At least he would be getting sweets out of this deal. Hongjoong smiled at the thought, practically tasting the Cauldron Cake and Fizzing Whizbees.
San returned with a small burlap bag clutched in his hand and a small cauldron hidden under his robes, gesturing for the two to make their way to the bathrooms. Maneuvering around the many students lingering in the hallway, San and Hongjoong snuck off to the boys restrooms to prepare the potion.
"You know once finals roll around you can't cheat, right? They charm the writing quills and parchment." Hongjoong mentioned as he dropped in a small cluster of knotgrass, watching it melt into the thick liquid inside the cauldron.
"I know, I know." San muttered, playing with a loose string on his robes.
The oldest stirred the substance that began to slowly bubble and thicken, tossing in the last few ingredients.
"Ugh. That smells awful." San commented as he pinched his nose.
"You're not the one that has to drink it." Hongjoong pointed out bitterly. "Now come here."
San moved closer to the Ravenclaw who grabbed a strand of his hair, yanking it from his head.
"Ouch!" He whimpered, rubbing his scalp.
"Payback." Hongjoong commented, dropping the wisp into the roiling substance.
Plucking one measly hair from San's head wasn't nearly the amount of payback he deserved for putting Hongjoong in this situation, but it was enough for the moment. Hongjoong would decide if his younger friend needed further punishment after this situation plays out. If all goes well, then all San lost was a strand of hair.
"You're doing me a huge favor." San told his friend, noticing the bitter expression etched on his face. "I promise I'll study more."
"You'd better." Muttered Hongjoong as he stared at the icky substance in the ladle, his stomach churning in response. "Remember, you owe me." He reminded the Slytherin.
"Of course." San nodded.
And with that, Hongjoong downed the mixture, cringing immediately at the taste. He then started coughing, feeling the potion take effect.
After a few agonizing moments, he stumbled over to the bathroom mirror to see if the concoction worked the way it was supposed to. Polyjuice potions can sometimes go awry if you don't pay attention to what you're putting in it.
"Heyyy, you look handsome." San grinned at Hongjoong's reflection, which now showed an exact replica of the dark-haired and dimpled wizard.
Hongjoong glared at San through the mirror, clearly unamused by his antics. His cheeky grin fell from his face. It was only then that he realized how much time was left for Hongjoong to get to class.
"You have to hurry. You've got less than five minutes." He shoved a small satchel into the Ravenclaw's chest. "Here's all my stuff."
"Yeah, yeah." Hongjoong waved San off, hurrying out of the bathroom.
The Ravenclaw disguised as a Slytherin grumbled to himself, suddenly regretting doing this "favor" for his friend.
It's completely foolish.
Why did he let himself be swayed by sweets?
Stepping into San's herbology class, Hongjoong moved towards a seat near the back of the room. This wasn't his first time using a Polyjuice potion. He had done so for practice in potions class a year prior, but he had never used it for real life circumstances such as this one. What if someone tried to talk to him? He would have to pretend to be San. What would San even say? Probably something stupid.
Please don't let anyone try and talk to me.
He wished you were there. You'd help calm him down and tell him everything would be okay. No. You would have turned the whole idea down in an instant. If San had brought up this half-baked idea moments earlier while you were still in the dining hall, you would have shut him down.
"No way is Hongjoong going to do that. San, you're my friend, but you've gotta tough this one out. Plus, it's just one test."
That's what he imagined you would say.
"Alright class, get your quills and parchment ready. The quiz is about to start."
Letting out a long, drawn-out sigh, Hongjoong retrieved the items from San's satchel and began the test.
An hour and a half later, class had ended, the rather stressed Ravenclaw feeling like he could breathe a sigh of relief. The test wasn't all that difficult. He was a year above San, so he remembered some of the material from when he had taken herbology his sixth year. At the very least, he got San a high B, which was probably much better than the forgetful Slytherin could have done.
Hongjoong stepped out of the classroom, planning to make a beeline for the bathrooms before the potion wore off. He zipped past students, weaving his way through the flurry of witches and wizards. When the sign for the boys' bathroom was in his line of sight, he picked up his pace, wanting to get there quickly. Until...
You had just gotten out of your potions class that let out a little early for the day. Spotting a familiar head of dark hair hurrying down the hall, you called out to him, finally having found the opportunity to speak to San alone.
"There you are." You ran over to him.
"Hey, Y/n." He greeted with a smile, seeming a little off.
"How'd your test go?"
"I think I did alright." He responded.
"That's good to hear. Cramming works sometimes." You gave him a light slap on the back. "Listen, I really wanted to talk to you earlier, but Hongjoong was around so I couldn't. Do you have time?"
This caught his attention.
Something you couldn't say around him? Was there something you and San knew that he didn't?
"Of course. What is it?"
He could see you were a bit nervous, maybe even a little hesitant, but waited for you to speak.
"I'm finally gonna confess to him."
"San's" eyes widened upon hearing that as it clicked into place instantly.
"To Hongjoong?" He questioned, just to make things a bit clearer.
"Yes, to Hongjoong. Why do you seem so surprised? You know I've been crushing on him for two years."
"Two—" He paused, clearing his throat in an attempt to gather himself. "Y-Yeah. Of course."
Your face fell a bit in realization.
"Oh. You're not surprised... you think it's a bad idea. Don't you?"
"No!" He spoke up abruptly, being a bit louder than he intended. "I mean... I think you should go for it."
"Yes. Absolutely."
You chuckled. "You're a bit enthusiastic about it. It's almost like you know he'll say yes or something." Your expression was then replaced with horror. "You didn't say anything to him, did you?"
"No. I didn't. I just have a feeling that he probably feels the same as you. I'm a guy. We know these things about each other."
He cringed internally at that last part, but it seemed like something San would say, so he went with it.
"Ah." You nodded, taking in deep breath. "Okay. Well, if you see Hongjoong, could you tell him to meet me at the Marble Staircase Tower on the top floor, you know, the one that overlooks the Quad?"
"Yes! I'll be sure to tell him."
"Thank you. I'm so nervous."
"You'll do f—" Hongjoong had reached a hand out to place on you shoulder, pausing when he saw his polished pinkie.
The potion was beginning to wear off. He needed to get out of there fast.
Noticing the expression on "San's" face, you spoke up, asking if he was alright.
"I'm fine! Good luck with Hongjoong. I have to go."
You didn't have time to reply as San hurried off, bumping into people as he headed down the corridor.
"Choi San!" Hongjoong shouted, storming into the bathroom.
The wizard in question jumped in response to his name being called so loudly. Stepping out from a stall, he was met with Hongjoong, who seemed to have already returned to normal.
"Ah. You're done. How did it—" He couldn't even finish his sentence for Hongjoong blowing up.
"Y/n has had a crush on me for two years and you didn't say anything?" He exploded.
San's eyes became wide before he tilted his head in confusion.
"How did you know?"
"She stopped me in the hallway to tell me she was finally going to confess. She thought I was you."
San's mouth formed an O shape as he realized the cat had been let out of the bag.
"I can't believe you didn't say anything." Hongjoong went on.
"I promised her I wouldn't. How would you feel if someone told your crush you liked them and they didn't feel the same?"
"San, that's the issue. I like her."
The Slytherin's eyes widened in surprise.
"How was I supposed to know?"
Hongjoong sighed, realizing he had no reason to be upset. "You weren't, because I never said anything."
"Well, she said she was going to confess to you. Did she tell you anything else?" San asked.
"She wants me to meet her at the Marble Staircase Tower."
The Slytherin's jaw dropped.
"Then, what are you doing standing here? You have to go meet her." He rushed.
"But... what would I say?"
"Just act casual. Think about it as if you don't know why she wants to meet with you."
"But I do know why she wants to meet with me."
"Pretend you don't." With one, final shove, San pushed Hongjoong out of the bathroom. "Now, go get your girl, loverboy!"
"San!" He whisper yelled.
"Go! Go!"
Hongjoong sighed and started down the corridor, heading in the direction of the Marble Staircase Tower, his heart thumping rapidly in his chest.
By the time he arrived at the bottom of the tower steps, he was out of breath, but his determination overpowered his exhaustion as he continued on. He hurried up the stairs, sometimes skipping one in an attempt to reach the top faster.
The opening for the highest floor came into view and as Hongjoong reached the top, he spotted you waiting for him, fiddling anxiously with the sleeves of your robe. His heart fluttered nervously as he approached you.
You turned, your face lighting up at the sight of him. He wouldn't have noticed this had he not known your feelings for him.
"Hongjoong. You made it."
"Of course I did. What did you want to see me for?"
He could see the way your shoulders raised as you took in a deep breath in preparation for what you were about to say.
"There's something important I want to say to you before I chicken out." Your eyes met his, as if to get confirmation to continue.
"Yes. Anything. Tell me anything." He nodded, his round eyes watching you with anticipation, waiting to hear your confession fall from your pretty lips.
"Hongjoong, I've had a crush on you for two years. I know this is abrupt and you probably don't feel th—"
"I like you too." He cut you off.
"Wh-" You paused. "What?"
"I have a confession too. It wasn't San you talked to in the hallway."
Your expression dropped immediately.
"San asked me to take his test for him and I agreed."
"Polyjuice potion." You muttered under your breath as everything clicked into place.
"So, I practically confessed to you right there." It was a question, but it came out as more of a statement.
Hongjoong nodded wordlessly, confirming your fears. But wait... he said he liked you too, did he not? You were too busy being surprised that Hongjoong used a Polyjuice potion to pose as San that you completely glossed over his confession.
"You said you liked me too?" You asked.
"I do. A lot."
He bravely took a step forward, his eyes briefly flicking down to your lips. The feeling of his palm brushing against your cheek as he cupped it made you realize what was about to happen, and you most certainly weren't against it. You watched with bated breath as Hongjoong inched closer to you, the space between your faces diminishing until you could feel his lips ghost against your own. You didn't wait for him to initiate the kiss, instead you leaned forward, being the one to close the sliver of space that was between your mouths.
Hongjoong's eyes fluttered closed at the contact, his hand that cupped your cheek moved to the back of your neck to pull you in closer, needing more of you.
Your body felt like it was on fire, as if someone had cast an incendio spell on you. Your fellow Ravenclaw was feeling very similar, his body rushing with warmth as he held your bodies flush against each other. Your fingers clung to the collar of his robe, tugging in an almost desperate manner as you pressed your mouth closer to his, a blissful sigh escaping you. It didn't take long for things to get heated, the both of you kissing each other with such ferocity that you wondered if anyone could hear you.
As much as he didn't want to, Hongjoong pulled away, both of you huffing breathlessly. You glanced up at him with half-lidded eyes, your brain still foggy from such an intense kiss.
"I hate to put a stop to this, but we've got a transfiguration class in seven minutes." He mentioned hoarsely.
You groaned in disappointment, dropping your head onto his shoulder. "I totally forgot."
"We can always continue in the Ravenclaw common room after classes are over."
You lifted your head at that and Hongjoong could see a glam in your eye that made him chuckle.
"We should go." He mentioned, smoothing your hair out. "Don't want to be late."
Seonghwa ⟡ Yunho ⟡ Yeosang ⟡ San ⟡ Mingi ⟡ Wooyoung ⟡ Jongho
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Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
DO NOT steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
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🏷 @h3arteyes4mingi @weird-bookworm @poppy2007 @parkjennykim @evidive @mxlly143 @lizzymizzy-blogg @minhanbyeol @dinossaurz
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thatdammchickennugget · 3 months
Hiii, I have an idea/request for you ✨
Maybe something where fem!reader works/helps at honeydukes during the holidays and enzo constantly flirts with her. I feel like he would use the cheesiest pick up lines... that's it, hehe
Thank you and have a nice day 🌻
Sugar Sweet
pairing - lorenzo berkshire x fem!reader
warnings - fluff, pick up lines and cheesy nicknames
a/n - oh I loved this one so much, and cheesy pick up lines are kinda my thing so thanks for that! 💕
wordcount - 857
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The holiday season was in full swing, and the halls of Hogwarts were buzzing with excitement. Amidst the flurry of students exchanging gifts and planning holiday festivities, you found yourself busier than ever, balancing your studies with a part-time job at Honeydukes.
As you arranged the shelves of chocolate frogs and peppermint wands, you couldn't help but notice the familiar figure that strolled through the door. Lorenzo Berkshire sauntered in with his trademark grin, his eyes scanning for yours across the room.
"Hey there, sweetness," he greeted, leaning casually against one of the shelves. "You must be a Snitch, because you're hard to catch."
Rolling your eyes, you chuckled, accustomed to Enzo's cheesy pick-up lines by now. "What can I get for you today?"
He flashed you a charming smile. "How about a date? I heard they're pretty sweet."
You laughed, shaking your head. "Nice try, Enzo. But you're not getting free candy with that one."
Undeterred, Enzo leaned in closer, his playful grin never faltering. "If you were a Dementor, I'd become a criminal just to get your kiss."
Despite yourself, you couldn't help but blush at his audacity. It was hard not to be charmed by his confidence and quick wit, even if you suspected he used the same lines on every girl in school.
As the weeks went by, Enzo's visits became a highlight of your weekends. His cheesy flirting never failed to elicit a laugh, and you found yourself looking forward to his playful banter more than you cared to admit. It was becoming harder and harder not to get your hopes up, to wish that you were the sole recipient of his lines and charming smiles.
One chilly december afternoon, as the snow fell softly outside and the scent of chocolate filled the air, Enzo once again entered Honeydukes with a mischievous glint in his eye. This time, you were stood behind the counter, pushing the book you had been reading during the lull in customers to the side as the little bell above the door rung out.
"Hey there, sugar," he greeted as he walked up to you, his smile more genuine than usual.
You couldn't help but smile back, trying to ignore the flutter in your stomach as he leaned on the counter, his face moving ever so slightly closer to yours. "Hey, Enzo. Go on, lay it on me.”
Enzo chuckled, his intense eye contact almost making you dizzy. "Well, how about this one: Are you a Fizzing Whizbee? Because you make my heart flutter like a Golden Snitch."
You laughed, shaking your head. "Creative. You came up with that all by yourself, huh?"
Undeterred, Enzo pressed on. "Okay, okay, one more: Are you a Chocolate Frog? Because whenever I'm with you, I feel like I've found my collectible card."
You rolled your eyes playfully. "Nice try, Enzo. But I've heard that one before."
Enzo's smile faltered slightly, and you could sense a shift in his demeanor. You paused, taken aback by the sudden seriousness flashing across his features. "What’s wrong? Don’t worry, it’s still a good line.”
He just stared at you for another moment before pushing his hands through his messy mop of hair, his lips spreading back into a smile but the usual glint was still missing from his eyes. "Do you think I could steal you away for a minute?"
Curious, you nodded, following him to a secluded corner of the shop after checking that no one else needed your assistance at the moment. Enzo was wringing his hands as he came to a stop, turning to face you.
"Listen, I know I've been laying it on pretty thick with the pick-up lines," Enzo began, his tone sincere. "And it’s pretty clear that they aren’t working.  So I’m just going to tell you the truth. I really like you. You're not like anyone I've ever met before. And I would love to take you out if you’ll let me."
Your heart skipped a beat as Enzo's words washed over you. The sincerity in his voice was undeniable, and you felt a rush of warmth flood your cheeks.
"I like you too, Enzo," you admitted, meeting his gaze with a shy smile. "And I'd love to go out with you."
Enzo's grin returned, brighter than ever. "Great! When does your shift end? I'll pick you up then, and we can head to the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer?"
You glanced at the clock on the wall, noting the time. "I'm off in about two hours. Is that okay?"
"Perfect," Enzo replied, excitement evident in his voice. "I can’t wait."
As he turned to leave, you couldn't resist calling out to him, a mischievous twinkle in your eye.
"Hey, Enzo," you said, stopping him in his tracks. "If you were a Quidditch match, I'd be the seeker because I'd always be chasing after you."
Enzo burst into laughter, his grin stretching even further as he shook his head in amusement. "That's a good one. I'll see later, yeah?"
With that, he disappeared through the door, leaving you with a fluttering heart and a smile that refused to fade.
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Enzo Taglist - @slytherinboysappreciation @urmomsgirlfriend1 @starsval @gillyweeds @sir-elian @harryslittlebitch @gayforyelena @whoreforfictionalmen18 @ravenclawprincess33 @sbrn0905 @helpimhopelesslyinlove @Yhiiil @themarauderswife7 @moonlightreader649 @ihatemyexs @chgrch @nat1221 @thestarlithideout @iamaslytherin0 @bath1lda @ohmaigwad @pinkposttragedy @allshitsangiggles @hoeforvinniehackerrr @mildly-delulu @h3artz4soph @sunasbbie @marsbars09 @vcosette @meepycheep @aglady13 @rinalouu @floswife @ariensversion @agent-tempest @s0urw00lf @thebiggestnaturaldisaster @pinkestfloyd @xlinxdax0704 @chulabeans @l0v3do11 @unstablereader @acourtoflostandwanderingstars @catiwinky @wolfstar-marvelsfan @captainstanksblog @istill-dream-ofyou @pinktreee @ceehance @lizhub @theadventuresofanartist @iamgayforyourmom1501 @feistyfox47 @nat1221 @i-think-you-are-gr8 @cas-planet @csmt_m @selyselyselyse @mrsriddles-blog @the-sylver-dragon @poppysrin @camille-1019 @laniirackssss @slvtfortheo @chosenoneslver @txzii @c0rnf1akessss @yourenogoodforme @opheliamalfoy236
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rypnami · 4 months
amortentia headcanons
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idk i got to thinking about what you would smell if you were attracted to the different NPCs. not an original idea but i wanted to have fun! (image taken from google, i don’t know who made it sorry!)
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sebastian: the strongest smell is that of smoke. it’s reminiscent of him teaching you confringo, as well as his self-proclaimed preference for more fiery forms of magic. you will also smell hints of ink, and parchment. it reminds you of all those late night study sessions you two have. there’s a hint of old books, like the time you snuck into the restricted section together.
ominis: you’ll smell a hint of his favourite hand lotion (because i hc he is a rabid lotion user). similar to sebastian’s, you’ll smell ink, although it will be more stale, as if it’s been sitting open for a few days, because he’s been too busy pondering just the right thing to write to you. it will smell like your favourite flower, which he took the time to find out and bring to you at almost any occasion, just because.
garreth: cinnamon rolls definitely, as garreth weasley is the living embodiment of a cinnamon roll. there would be a bit of a smoky smell, the aftermath of yet another potion disaster. it would smell woodsy, reminding you of hours spent together in the forbidden forest, looking for ingredients for his latest experiments. and, of course, fizzing whizbees, whatever they may smell like.
natty: you would smell the flower desert rose. also from matabeleland, it’s beautiful but deadly, much like natty. her amortentia would smell very outdoorsy, as you spend a lot of your time together on adventures through the forbidden forest, the highlands, wherever. there might be a bit of the smell of hippogriffs.
leander: the first thing you would smell is chocolate. that boy loves sweets, and always has some on him to share. there would be hints of broom wax, from how much you try to help him get better at balancing on a broom. you spend a lot of time together in the greenhouses, so you would likely also smell fresh soil and dittany leaves. there’s definitely the strong smell of butterbeer, which is his favourite drink.
amit: coffee. he has a crippling caffeine addiction due to being up late to study the stars, and that definitely comes out in his amortentia. it would smell a bit like citrus, as i hc he enjoys that kind of fruit and flavour in his tea. parchment is also definitely and underlying scent.
andrew: there would be a strong scent of your favourite tea- as a tea drinker, he would always go out of his way to also have a cup ready for you, especially if you were going to have a long study session. based on all the time you spend together in beasts class, it’s a certainty to have a hint of the smell of creature fur, although not unpleasant. also a bit like lavender, just because that’s the kind of vibe i get from him.
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gimlilithegreat · 7 months
Harry's list of things he could do for the supernatural community in Forks
This may or may not end up in the fic but gave me too much joy to write for me not to share...!
Things I can offer the muggle vampires:
Stock of magical creature blood (could also get wizard blood but that’s meant to be toxic? Don’t they have blood banks here? Surely, it’s not that hard to keep up a supply. Carlisle’s a doctor for fuck’s sake.)
Some kind of adjusted bubblehead to filter out the smell of blood? Necklaces, all done.
Age up potions so they can stick around in Forks a bit longer. Can probably stretch to 30 years with careful use.
Glamour enchantments to make them look a little less obviously supernatural (matching eyes and pale skin has to be a giveaway even for muggles, right?) (maybe see if Sharptooth will send me those charm bracelets that hold multiple enchantments. I never want to hand make chains ever again.)
Fun stuff (blood pops, fizzing whizbees, expandable bags)
Sleeping draughts –  they seem to have enjoyed being unconscious, might be a less violent option for dreaming.
Just feel like blood replenishing potions would be useful, they don’t have to bite people, just tap ‘em.
Emergency obliviation services if they do something deeply stupid.
Emergency portkeys back to their house for when they do something deeply stupid.
Healing for the pet human. And any other muggles they reckon I can get away with to be honest.
Would an actual crystal ball help Alice? Foe glass?
Fire protection magic/potions.
Do all of them want to stay revenants? (will need a lot of research, order some mandrakes just in case).
Things the wolves might want:
Self-repairing/resizing clothes. I refuse to be a reparo button.
Calming draughts/Draught of Peace. They need it. Anxious bastards.
General healing services for any of them or their families if we can do it without the whole magic thing becoming obvious or with a secrecy contract. Scar removal/treatment.
Eduras potion? Being rock like might help in a fight with vampires. Strengthening elixir OR fire breathing? (Has the potential to be more chaotic than helpful. Not sure I trust Jake with fire.)
All of them need therapy from the sounds of it. Maybe a pensieve can help? Vampires too the sensitive bastards.
Pepper-up, everyone needs pepper-up.
Invisibility potions, invisible giant wolves seems like fun.
…what would wolfsbane do to a shapeshifter? Possibly not a good idea to try it. Find out if they have any negative reactions to aconite.
Mind protection/anti-scrying protection. (rings like the vamps? Or so they want something else?)
Wards – can hide their gardens etc from other muggles if they are trying to hide the whole giant wolf thing from the neighbours. Can ward their homes from all intruders if everyone in the house is willing to sign a secrecy contract. And if they don’t mind any guests getting slightly confused.
Safe house – can build some portable panic rooms/emergency port keys/Fidelius charmed space for emergencies. Happy to offer cabin as an emergency escape if threatened.
Marius Black fund – Already written to Sharptooth see what he can sort out.
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uhohwhathaveidone · 1 year
Can I request Sebastian x m!Hufflepuff MC
Them spending their first date in Hogsmeade :>
HiHi! There was another request asking for a M!Hufflepuff mc with their first kiss with Sebastian and I smashed them together and this was the product!
First Date (S.S)
I've never been on a date but if I did it would be to an art museum, probably. I visited a whole bunch one time maybe 2-3 years ago, was very fun. And again, I know I said maybe yesterday that this would be late, I didn't mean to be this late! I hope you enjoy <3 Why do I keep the reader and Sebastian bantering, I will never know. Also, I wanted to tag this on AO3 with hand holding and? That was not an option, ya nasties.
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      You smiled as you followed Sebastian down the path to Hogsmeade, your scarf blowing into your face as a cold breeze blew by. “Should we go out today? It’s a rather cold day out.” You said, speeding up to walk beside Sebastian. He shook his head as he smirked at you. “Chickening out already? We haven’t even walked into the village yet!” He laughed, making your cheeks heat up. “I am not chickening out! I just don’t want to get a cold while we’re out here.” You said, shaking your head as you wrapped your yellow and black scarf tighter around you. “Those are the words of someone trying to get out of a date with his favourite person, you know.” You sighed, giving up as you raised your hands in defense. “Fine, but if you get sick, I told you so. Hate to get sick on a date, though.” Sebastian chuckled in response, pointing to the sign that read Hogsmeade. “Just up ahead, last chance to back out.” Sebastian said, turning back as he raised his brows at you. You shook your head as you walked past him, grabbing his sleeve and pulling him into the village. “Now you sound like you’re trying to get out of a date.”
      Sebastian led the way as he pointed to Honeydukes, smiling at you in a way to ask if you wanted to head in. You smiled back, nodding as you made your way to the entrance. You were hit with a mix of sweet scents as you walked through the door, the warm atmosphere greeting the two of you. “We should pick up some sweets, I hear that the Fizzing Whizbees are really good!” Sebastian stated, grabbing your hand, and pulling you to where the balls of sherbet were. “What are they, exactly?” You asked, peering into the container. Sebastian shrugged as he picked out a few, handing some change to the cashier. “Only one way to find out, hm?” He asked, holding out the treat for you to take. You smiled nervously as you took it from his hand, watching Sebastian pop the candy into his mouth before taking a bite yourself. You smiled in excitement as it began to pop in your mouth, a tangy orange taste mixing with the sherbet base as you chewed. Sebastian furrowed his brows in confusion as his eyes widened, not expecting the fizzling pop that now invaded his mouth. “Popping candy? That’s a new one.” He said, covering his mouth as he spoke to not drop any of the treat. You nodded, enjoying the sweet yet tangy delight as you watched Sebastian’s face change with each new pop.
      You pointed to another shelf of candy as you walked past Sebastian, picking up a box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans. “Say’s here that you could get popcorn or…. earwax? How would you even?” You said, reading off the box as Sebastian walked over. “Are you afraid of some earwax?” You raised a brow at him, a small smirk tugging at your lips. “Definitely not. But could you handle…. Squid ink?” Sebastian frowned in disgust, grabbing the box from your hand as he read the flavours. “Squid ink? Who would ever want to risk that?” You shrugged, paying for the box and turning to Sebastian, motioning for him to open it. “I’m not eating these with you.” He said, handing you the box. You frowned as you bit the inside of your cheek. “Sounds like you’re afraid you’ll get all the gross flavours. But it’s fine, I’ll just eat these on my own.” You shrugged, picking out a bean and popping it into your mouth. Sebastian watched you in horror, taking the box from your hands and looking at the label. “You didn’t even check what that could have been! You could be eating grass right now, you know.” You shrugged, smiling as the taste of green apple started appearing as you bit the candy in half. “I’m already winning.” You said, pointing to the green bean on the back of the box. “Green Apple.” “You’re a crazy man, you know that right?” You shrugged, offering a piece to Sebastian. He sighed as he took it, eyeing it suspiciously. “Which one is this?” You looked at the box, smirking. “Blueberry.” “Go on.” “Or soap.” Sebastian let out a frustrated sigh as he popped the candy into his mouth, squeezing his eyes shut as he prepared for the worst. You watched him, smiling as he opened his eyes in confusion. “It doesn’t taste like either of those things. Are you sure you read it right?” You shrugged, looking at the box again. “What do you taste, then?” Sebastian frowned, taking in the taste as he tried to put a name to it. “Earthy? It doesn’t really have a taste, to be honest.” You snorted, covering your mouth as your shoulders shook. Sebastian frowned at you, snatching the box from your hand. “Dirt?! You didn’t say it would be dirt!” You continued to laugh as you shook your head. “I didn’t read that far, I figured those were the only two options!” Sebastian sighed, closing the box up and placing it into his bag. “I’m going to grab us some Sugar Quills for the road, please don’t try anymore strange candy, yeah?” You nodded, smirking as you looked at another shelf containing Chocolate Frogs.
      You chatted with Sebastian as you walked down the cobbled path, looking at shops as you passed by. “I’m feeling quite parched from all that candy, what about you, Sebastian?” You asked, nodding in the direction of The Three Broomsticks. Sebastian thought for a moment before nodding. “I could go for a Butterbeer, I’ll buy for us.” You shook your head as you walked over to the doors. “I’m buying, it was my idea.” You said, opening the door for Sebastian. He scoffed, shaking his head as he waved to Sirona. “The date was my idea, so naturally I feel like I should be the one buying for you.” You sighed as you walked over to a table in the corner of the tavern, smiling as Sirona made her way over to you. “Welcome back! What can I get you lads?” You went to open your mouth, only for Sebastian to put his hand on your shoulder as he smirked. “Two butterbeers, please. I’ll be paying for it too, so don’t ask him if he wants the bill.” You looked at Sirona, tight lipped as you sent her pleading looks. She smiled as she nodded, leaving to make the drinks for you. “You are impossible to deal with some times, you know that?” You asked, looking over at Sebastian. He shrugged, smirking at you. Sirona came back with the drinks as she sat them down, sending you a good luck wink before returning to the bar.
      “Look at that! Never in my life have I seen something more beautiful.” Sebastian sighed, taking one of the drinks as he smiled. You shook your head as you took a sip, smiling as you tasted the butterscotch. You glanced over to Sebastian as you set the drink down, coughing as he smiled at you, pointing at the foamy moustache he had received from the drink. “It suits you, though I doubt you’d be able to grow one as marvelous as that.” You joked, shaking your head as he frowned. “I would certainly be able to grow a moustache like this, and it’d be even better.” He scoffed, wiping the foam onto his sleeve as he looked over at you. You took another sip of your drink, feeling the soft foam at the top decorating your lip as you sat it down again. “You know, I think mine might be better.” You said, smiling. Sebastian shook his head as he crossed his arms. “We can’t both have a cool looking moustache. So, leave that to me, yeah?” You shook your head. “No way. I look way better with one.” Sebastian sighed, a slight blush on his cheeks. “I suppose you do.” He muttered, biting the inside of his cheek. You smirked, straightening up in triumph as the foam began to drip off your lip. You quickly wiped it off as you chuckled. “What else do you want to do? We have the whole day, you know.” Sebastian asked, resting his head in his hand. You brought a finger up to your chin, pretending to ponder his question. “You didn’t plan very far ahead, did you?” “To be fair, I didn’t think you’d actually agree to something like this.” “And yet I did.”
      Sebastian paid Sirona for the drinks as the two of you left the tavern, looking around for the next shop to visit. “How about Madam Puddifoot's? Might find some new tea blends we could try.” You offered, gesturing to the small tea shop. Sebastian nodded as the two of you walked over. “Our supply in the Undercroft is getting low, it would be best if we refilled it before Ominis got upset.” You smiled as you walked into the shop, the strong aroma of different blends of tea leaves mixing as they filled your senses. “Well, that wasn’t here the last time I visited.” Sebastian whispered, picking up a bag of tea leaves as he read the label. “What kind of tea is it?” You asked, looking over his shoulder. “Butterbeer. Apparently, it’s new.” You picked up the teacup with a sample of the leaves inside, sniffing it. “It certainly smells like butterbeer. Perhaps we could try it out?” You breathed, continuing to smell the leaves as vanilla and butterscotch warmed the air. Sebastian shrugged, keeping the bag in his hand as he looked through the other bags of tea. “What kind of tea would you want? I’m sure you have a cup or two in your dorm.” He said, peering at the different bags. You looked with him, biting your lip as you browsed the different flavours. “Elderflower tea is rather good; I could make some for us every now and then.” You said, picking up the bag labeled with a flower. Sebastian gently took the bag from your hand as he studied it, reading the ingredients. “Elderflower blossoms, good choice if I say so myself.” He said, sending you a smile as he handed the shopkeeper some coins. “Where to next then?”
      You gently pet the small Pygmy Puff as you softly cooed at it, its big eyes looking up at you. You called for Sebastian, gesturing for him to join you. “Look how fluffy it is! Most of it is just fur too, without it this little guy is probably the size of a small mouse.” You said, patting the fluff that surrounded the creature. Sebastian looked at it skeptically, slowly raising a hand to pat its soft fur. “Is it a Hufflepuff thing, liking these kinds of creatures?” He asked, eyes widening as you shifted the Pygmy Puff into his hands. “I wonder if I could keep him as a pet?” You asked yourself, walking over to the shopkeeper. Sebastian sighed as he looked down at the small puff of pink fur. “You’re almost as cute as he is, you know. Almost.” He said, poking the top of its head with a finger. It squeaked at him, as if it understood what he said, turning around in his hand and looking back at the cage it came from. “Oh, did I insult you? My apologies. You can go back if you wish.” You stood behind Sebastian, smiling softly as he talked to the Puff, gently placing it back into its cage. “What did you say to upset him?” You asked, causing Sebastian to jump. “You can’t do that! What if I had that thing in my hands still?” He gasped, frowning at you as you laughed. “Didn’t mean to scare you. Let’s go, it’ll get dark soon.” Sebastian looked back at the Pygmy Puff, furrowing his brows. “I thought you wanted to keep it?” He asked, following behind you. You nodded as you opened the door, slipping out with Sebastian. “I did, but the shopkeeper said that he was a bit stubborn. Told me to come back another day and have a look.” Sebastian scoffed as he shook his head. “Stubborn is right.”
      You continued to walk around the village, checking out a few more shops that caught your eye. Sebastian smirked as he pointed to the Shrieking Shack, watching as you shook your head. “Absolutely not, they say it’s actually haunted!” You said, stopping at the trail that led up to it. Sebastian scoffed as he walked ahead a bit, turning around as he raised a brow. “Scared of some ghosts? One of our professors is a ghost, you know. You can’t be that scared.” He said, crossing his arms. You shook your head as you frowned. “I’m not scared of ghosts, but it isn’t even time for scary stuff yet. You’re the one that gets scared easily anyway, how do I know you’re not using that as a ploy to grab onto me?” Sebastian felt heat rush to his cheeks as he dramatically placed a hand to his chest. “Me? A ploy? If anything, you’d be the one holding onto me.” You scoffed, walking up to him with a brave face. “If you’re so sure, then let’s find out, yeah?” “After you then.”
      You stayed close to Sebastian as you sneaked into the building, going through a door in the back. Cobwebs littered the corners of the walls, and you felt the urge to sneeze as you kicked up some dust. “So much for being scary, seems like it’s just an abandoned workshop or something similar.” Sebastian sighed, looking around. You shook your head as you followed him, the hair at the back of your neck stiff as you turned the corner. “Perhaps the ghosts are taking a break?” You said, shrugging as you stood next to Sebastian. He sighed, taking a final look around the room before turning around. “I guess we will never know if you would grab me if you were scared. A shame really.” You lightly swatted his shoulder, puffing your cheeks. “I knew it was just a ploy! You were never good at hiding your plans, Sebastian.” You said, turning to see Sebastian in the doorway, frozen. “Sebastian? Come on, I can’t move it you’re in the way.” You sighed, grabbing his shoulder. “Shut up.” “What?” “Look.” Sebastian pointed to a corner of the hall, a rocking chair by the window occupied it. “It’s a chair, Sebastian. You’re not telling me you’re afraid of a lone chair.” He covered your mouth with his hand as he kept pointing, your eyes widening as it rocked slightly. You grabbed Sebastian’s hand from your mouth as you got closer to him, whispering. “Maybe it’s just a draft? It’s pretty common in old houses.” He shook his head, still watching the chair as it slowly rocked. You sighed as you watched it with him, glancing over at him every so often in confusion. “Okay, maybe it is just a draft. Let’s get going, then.” He breathed, releasing the breath he had been holding. You nodded, taking the lead as you walked toward the door. You reached for the handle, about to turn it when a crash sounded behind you. Your eyes widened as you quickly turned, met with Sebastian who grabbed onto you, pulling you with him as he opened the door and ran outside.
      You stood outside the shack with your hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath. Sebastian stood next to you, shaking his head. “What was that? That wasn’t a draft back there!” You shook your head, smiling as you looked over at him. “What are you smiling about?” He asked, his cheeks red as he tried to steady his heart. “You grabbed me. Looks like you were the scared one.” You breathed, your shoulders shaking as you laughed. “I was trying to get us out, thank you very much. If anything, you squeezed my hand until just a moment ago, I can already feel it bruise.” You shook your head as you straightened up, walking over to Sebastian with a smile. “Sure. Come on, I’m starving.” “You’re starving after all that?” “Wasn’t scary. If anything, it was funny to see you so scared.” “Shut up.”
      The two of you sat at a table in the Hog’s Head, talking as you ate. “You should have seen your face; it was like Professor Sharp caught you sleeping in his class. Pure horror.” Sebastian scoffed, chewing his food. “Laugh it up, next time you’ll be the one running away with your tail between your legs.” You smiled, taking a sip of your drink. “I look forward to the day that happens.” You continued to eat as the warm air kept you cozy and away from the dropping temperatures outside, Sebastian’s cheeks were slightly pink as the two of you talked. “Would you want to head back to the Undercroft after this? I’m not sure how late it is, but if we make it back in time we could still hang out before we have to be back in our common rooms.” He asked, glancing over at you as you nodded. “I would like that, but I’m not sure we will have time for it, we’re already pushing curfew as we speak.” Sebastian sighed as he nodded in agreement, looking down at his empty plate. “I suppose you’re right. We should head back then.” You nodded, standing up and walking over to one of the servers, smiling at Sebastian as you paid for dinner. He scrunched his nose as he watched you, glaring at you playfully when you walked back. “Shall we head off, then?” You asked, offering your hand. Sebastian flushed a bit as he nodded, taking your hand as the two of you walked out of the pub. You shivered as the cold air bit your nose, causing you to shuffle closer to Sebastian as you walked.
      “You wouldn’t be so cold if you had your scarf on properly, you know.” Sebastian stated, stopping in the middle of the trail back to Hogwarts as he turned to you. You huffed in response, your face heating up as Sebastian unwrapped your scarf, sighing to himself as he wrapped it around you properly. You shivered once again as you rubbed your hands together, the cold breeze that had blown through making both of your noses red. “I’d offer my scarf to you as well, but then you’d be blind. Although,” he said, biting the inside of his cheek as he looked over at you. He took your scarf once again, causing you to frown. “If you keep taking my scarf, I’ll be a popsicle before we even make it to the castle.” You huffed, crossing your arms. Sebastian shook his head as he took his own scarf off, wrapping the Slytherin styled fabric around you instead. “Mine’s warmer, trust me.” He said, taking your scarf and wrapping it around his own neck before taking your hand again. You blushed as you pushed the scarf up with your shoulders, covering your cold nose with the fabric. Somehow, it did feel warmer. Perhaps the Slytherin’s got specially made scarves for them, or maybe it was because it came from Sebastian, but you didn’t question it. You smiled as you breathed in the lingering scent that Sebastian had, hints of cedar and smoke soaked into the warm fabric.
      You sneaked around the halls as you made your way back to the Hufflepuff common room, Sebastian walking next to you. “I don’t see any Prefects around, perhaps curfew hasn’t started yet.” He said, pulling you behind him as you walked up a flight of stairs. “No one really sneaks around the Hufflepuff common room either, so I doubt they need to stick around for long.” You whispered, pointing down a hall that led to your house. Sebastian sighed as he slowed down, taking his time as he walked with you towards the barrels that led to the cozy interior of the common room. “You’re stalling.” You smirked, glancing over at Sebastian. His freckled cheeks turned a light pink as he shook his head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m walking at a normal pace, thank you very much.” You chuckled as you kept hold of his hand, basking in the dim lights of the hall and the warmth in your face. You reached the entrance shortly after, and you stood there awkwardly as you said good night to Sebastian. “This was fun, right?” He asked, avoiding your gaze as he looked around at the walls. You nodded, grabbing his shoulder. “Of course, why wouldn’t it be. I wouldn’t want to be with any other Slytherin.” Sebastian glared at you for a moment, raising a brow. “Just a Slytherin?” You chuckled as you shook your head. “Not just a Slytherin, of course. I had a lot of fun, though. Perhaps we should plan for another one soon?” Sebastian’s cheeks grew darker at the thought, stuttering out a response. “I- yeah! I mean, yeah. Sure. Whenever you want?” You nodded, blushing as you moved closer to Sebastian, placing your lips onto his in a small kiss.
      Sebastian stiffened up at first, not expecting the sudden contact, but he quickly melted into the kiss, placing a hand to your cheek. His soft, perhaps a little chapped, lips tasted like a mix of butterbeer and dinner, both of which you had in the past hour, and you smiled. You continued the kiss for a few moments longer, pulling away for air as the two of you smiled. “You can keep the scarf; it looks good on you.” Sebastian breathed, adjusting the scarf around your neck. You nodded, poking your scarf that decorated his neck. “You can keep that one too, it’s a nice pop of colour compared to the dark wardrobe you usually wear.” He chuckled, placing another kiss to your lips before waving to you as he walked away.
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lunarsallows · 9 months
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Angel Down: Professor! Sebastian Sallow x Professor! Reader: Chapter 2
I miss a love that never was
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Mystery, eventual smut
Word Count: 2177
Sebastian and MC aged up to 23, other characters are mid-20's and over.
This story is in first person POV.
Chapter 1: Unrequited
Five years after leaving Hogwarts and you found yourself back as a potions teaching assistant, leading research on innovative healing techniques. Settling in felt like a fresh start, until your unrequited love returns after leaving the Ministry of Magic in disgrace. How long until you find yourself tending to his wounds, in sickness and in health?
A/N: Thank you for waiting! Hope you enjoy chapter 2, reblogs are appreciated :).
Chapter 2: Home.
The patter of droplets of rain against the windows of the Hogwarts Express adds a faint melody to the uneven hills as the train arrives at Hogsmeade station, my excitement rising with the familiar sound and look of bustling cobblestone streets. It’s been gloomy recently, an unusual start to the autumn term and I can’t help but feel like it’s related to recent events. And trying to proceed peacefully with my daily routines meant facing the media and gossip buzz that the castle’s walls have routinely shielded me from. 
The first time I heard the news I felt indifferent.
The second time I heard the news I felt angry.
And now listening to the constant chatter of the village leaves me feeling vulnerable. 
Now standing in the busy square, I familiarise myself with the long-standing stores that bring back memories. My first time in the enchanted place, fighting a troll of all things with him. A brief moment of calm in the Three Broomsticks afterwards to forget about our struggles. 
Suddenly I feel something turn in my stomach. Looking around for my destination, I let the warm sugary smells direct me to Honeydukes, knowing neither myself or a few of my students can’t resist a pumpkin pasty or fizzing whizbee (or eight). 
Making my way in, I navigate through the maze of curious children repeating rushed ‘sorry’s’ whilst trying to get to the bakery section stacked with cake slices and eternally hot pastries. 
“If you’re going to lunge after the Cauldron Cakes at least save one for me!”
I smile instinctively from the familiar sass of Garreth Weasley, turning around to find him taller, more freckled and with a giant grin that brings me back to the memories of mischief from a few years ago. 
“Garreth”, I turn with a wide grin. “I thought your Honeydukes ban was for five lifetimes if I remember your aunt’s words correctly.”
“My sentence was reduced when Aunt Matilda found use of the One-Eyed Witch Passage. Apparently her ‘professors’ privilege’ mandates using it when she needs to stock up on Fudge Flies.”
It feels impossible to believe, but Gryffindors are in a league of their own with justifying any of their excursions. Right now I don’t need to question it as we continue to chat like we were still fifth-years. 
“I can save you a cauldron cake if you can scale the ladders and get me the limited edition chocolate frogs that I'm not adventurous enough to risk a ban for.”
“Did you get my owl recently?”
Garreth’s signature grin is still present as I look to his side as we continue to walk across the cobbled streets.
“Of course. A reunion sounds lovely, but I didn’t realise a few of us were still nearby.”
I think back to the (somewhat) neatly written card delivered to me during breakfast last week, before my mind became occupied with the more pressing matter. 
Hello MC!
Your favourite Weasley writing. I’ll be returning to Hogwarts soon as a Quidditch coach and knowing that my favourite Ravenclaw is in attendance means that it’s time for a spur of the moment get together. Please come, I’m not sure I can handle talk of astronomy and ministry bureaucracy without you. 
P.S: let’s not tell Amit about the favourite Ravenclaw comment. 
Speak soon,
Garreth (Weasley, in case you forgot). 
“Ominis is currently taking a short break from the Ministry. The fallout from the Auror’s scandal took a hit to different departments including curse-breakers. Professor Black requested Ominis’ personal services recently, and frustratingly enough he won’t tell us what for.”
“That’s understandable. Professor Black refuses to speak further on Sebastian’s appointment either. I wonder if he recognises that his decisions seem to come across as expressing favouritism amongst the majority of the faculty .”
It feels harsh to say, but the ambivalence about the incoming professor has wrought nothing but stress and an untapped pain onto me, and he’s not even physically here yet. 
His best friend Ominis is now here too. Did he know about my unrequited feelings? And could he think that there’s nothing more to worry about after this time? Ominis, who could break my heart gently, here too and I feel a need to have a shield ready for my weary heart.
It feels like a disaster in the making, but all I can do now is smile and nod as we walk into the Three Broomsticks, the normally joyous folk music in the background now sounding like a downpour of glasses smashing against the ground.
Arriving early usually brings me calm with the chance of a few minutes to myself before the noise picks up, but I walk further down to the back of the pub to find a blonde and brunette conversing loudly. 
“Surely locks based on constellations would be rudimentary for a place like Gringotts Amit, Goblin silver needs to be procured for more challenging puzzles. And please don’t tell me you tried to propose this idea in gobbledegook.” 
Ominis’s eyes jokingly roll as I proceed to sit down, not wanting to disrupt the conversation. 
“Professor Shah seemed to support the idea! Granted she hasn’t heard my attempts to converse with goblins in their native tongue. Is it really that bad?” “Yes!”
Me and Garreth yell and giggle in unison as we proceed to take our seats and carry on with the conversation. 
“I’m sure your practising in the library once during sixth-year was enough to keep most of us away from the ancient languages section for at least a semester. Scribner really couldn’t process what she heard either.” All of us couldn’t help but laugh at the memory, but we couldn’t blame Amit for trying either. 
“Hello MC, it’s been a while.” Ominis is still well-presented and calm, just like a few years ago. 
“Ominis!” He smiles softly in my direction. “I wasn’t expecting to see you away from the Ministry so soon, how have you been?” Garreth and Amit leave to get us an order of large butterbeers as we proceed to catch-up. 
“The Ministry has been wanting me to make the journey back up to Scotland for a while now with the increased presence of dark wizard curses. It seems like recent events were the right excuse to get me back to Hogwarts, per Professor Black’s request.”
Having the chance to catch up brings me a familiar warmth from our school days, and it feels like we were brought back together again for a reason, even if now said reason isn’t particularly obvious. Garreth and Amit are great companions, but me and Ominis forged an almost sibling-like bond. 
I’m almost certain he was aware of my feelings towards Sebastian but likely knew better than to bring it up back then.
Garreth and Amit bring us our drinks, but before we can thank them they run back to a budding conversation with Sirona, who greets us with a wave and a nod before tending to customers.
“Did you know about what happened with the Fallen Angels wing?” “No”, and I can hear a twinge of sadness in his voice as he takes a sip of butterbeer. “I’m certain most of the ministry were kept in the dark until the Daily Prophet published their reports.” “At Hogwarts’ we were caught off guard too, I’m not sure what the consensus is about his return as a professor.” “I hope he is doing okay though, have you had the chance to speak with him lately?”
“I have. We’ve been speaking via owl for the past couple of weeks. Last I heard was that he was spending time with his girlfriend Eleanor after the trial.” Something catches in my throat as I silently curse myself for continuing the conversation. 
It’s been five years, of course there was someone else. 
All I can do at this moment is look down at my hands covering the mug of frothy drink, which suddenly feels heavy as I feel unsure of where to look.
“I never felt like it was my place to say something MC, but..”
“Sebastian told me about the final night of school, about the locket you gave him. And hearing about the way you spoke with him told me enough.”
Every word feels like a shard against my skin despite Ominis staying so calm and kind.
“You need to let Sebastian go, MC.”
“You need to let Sebastian go, MC.”
The sentence is embedded in my head as the walk back to the staff dormitory feels longer than usual and the normally charming view of autumnal flora in the castle courtyard suddenly looks ugly to me. 
Ominis was trying to be nice, but it feels like a sharp sting to the small yet ever present part at the bottom of my heart that thought something would always be there. I can’t tell if it’s a feeling of embarrassment or humility, nevertheless there’s an element of truth and I should swallow my pride even if temporarily. 
The warmth of the castle does little to calm me down as I walk through the iron gates, the corridors almost empty reflecting the evening time and subsequent student curfew. 
“A little late for you isn’t it MC?” 
“It’s not even 9pm yet Mr.Moon, however I think the night has just started for Peeves” as the poltergeist shifts through the floorboards several times looking for his next victim. 
“Fair enough. I think with the recent additions to staff he’s been causing more mayhem as a deranged form of welcoming. I’m sure you’ve heard of Garreth’s induction for Quidditch?” “I have! If there’s anyone who can get through to the students without coming across as uptight, it has to be a Weasley.”
“Truly. By the way, I’ve been told to help escort any staff members who need help in any way. Surely with the copious Honeydukes bags in your possession you would like some assistance?”
“Of course Mr. Moon, but to clarify only two of these bags are for me.”
The brief moment of laughter is enough to calm me for a little while as we proceed back to the Faculty Tower.
Upon entering the South Wing, the castle no longer felt vacant. There’s a brief conversation happening and even though I can’t see who is involved clearly there’s a familiar turning sensation in the pit of my stomach as we edge closer to the locked corridor. 
“And here we are!” Mr.Moon’s chipper attitude doesn’t seem to please the portraits still wandering the line between awake and asleep. “I can take it from here Gladwin, have a good evening.”
I take a second to balance the bags of treats in my arms before turning and proceeding to walk up the stairs, but before I can fall back into my normal nightly routine I hear footsteps growing louder as someone, or some people make their way in with my backs turned to them. 
“And here we are Mr.Sallow, the male teacher’s dormitories are typically on the ground floor and I would like your assurance that you don't need any excuses to stray further, hmm?” Professor Black is both stern yet somewhat comedic with the rhetorical question, only for Sebastian to laugh and dismiss any suggestion of impropriety.
“I would assume you know me well enough, Professor. Surely you know a warning isn’t enough to stop me from adapting the rules to work in my favour.”
I can’t tell whether it’s the determination in his voice or the deeper tone to his words, the resolve to carry on as normal begins to melt away. Before I can take my first steps onto the first floor back to my room, Professor Black decides to butt in. 
“Ah, MC. I’m sure a formal introduction isn’t necessary between you two but Professor Sallow is set to start his teaching duties next week.” 
My body is visibly stiff but I turn slowly to get this over with. And it’s killing me already. 
Professor Sallow now makes sense as the way to address him, because he doesn’t look like the Sebastian I used to know.
He is now very much a man. 
Taller, with broader shoulders and more defined muscles faintly covered by his cotton shirt and carried with a tougher demeanour. The faint glow of candlelight catches onto his freckles, alongside a couple of new facial scars and the same brown curls in his typical messy style as he looks at me with a blank expression.
I look down for a brief second and the light reflects against something shiny, and it takes me a second to notice the slightly tarnished silver of the locket I gifted him, still adorned around his neck. 
He still has it.
And I try not to let my emotions take over as I simply reply before heading back:
“Of course. Welcome home Professor Sallow.” 
Everything now feels like a blur as I quickly run back to my room and shut the door against my back before my breath becomes jagged and tears fall down my cheeks.
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Day 09 of @remadoramicrofics - Candy
Remus sighed as he joined Tonks on the couch. “He’s down, hopefully for the night.”
Tonks rested a hand on his knee and leaned into him. “I’m a bit sad – he was such a cute pumpkin.”
“He did,” Remus agreed. At Dora’s insistence, he had donned a scarecrow costume – including cheesy face paint – along with Tonks and they had toted Teddy through the village. They had taken the pram, but he hadn’t spent much time in it. Rather, he and Dora had taken turns passing him off, one staying with the pram and one carrying him to the door. “Good thing it came with a hat,” he added.
Tonks laughed. “We’re going to have to start shaving him soon, otherwise we won’t be able to leave the house.”
He looked over at her with a crooked grin. “Is that what Andromeda and Ted did? Are there pictures?”
She smacked him playfully. “No!”
“I think there might be,” Remus pressed. He turned towards her and peppered kisses along her jaw. “If I take her tea and her favorite grandson when you go back to work, think she’ll show me?”
She giggled as she pushed him away. “She would have never let Dad shave my head.” Tonks pointedly avoided any discussion around her return to work. The end date was rapidly approaching her leave from work and he wasn’t sure that either of them were ready for it.
Remus leaned back against the couch. “Do you think he’d notice a few missing chocolate frogs?”
Tonks popped up from the couch. “We could always just replace them.” 
Remus followed her to the kitchen where she unceremoniously dumped the basket of candy out. “Dibs on the cauldron cakes,” he said.
Tonks immediately ripped open a fizzing whizbee and popped on in her mouth. Remus pulled her against him as she rose a few inches from the ground. “We’ll leave him the licorice wands.” Remus grimaced as he grabbed a cauldron cake. “Oh, you could take them Mum, she’s a big fan.”
“You’re kidding,” he said as she settled on the ground and sank into a seat. He sat next to her and took another bite of cake. “They’re one of the worst.”
“Not the worst?”
Remus shrugged. “There are a lot of contenders for the worst: acid pops, cockroach clusters, whatever the Weasley twins are working on.”
Tonks laughed. “Those boys have really made a go of it, haven’t they?”
“They were brilliant – they are brilliant, but when I taught them I knew they were more concerned with the stories and the jokes than any academic pursuits.”
“Did they give you deja vú?”
“Minerva did once say I should take over as the Gryffindor Head of House – it would be karma for when James and Sirius and I were there,” he admitted.
“No!” she gasped around a sour strip. 
Remus nodded, laughing at the memory. He rifled through the pile for a chocolate frog. “I still don’t think she’s convinced that I didn’t give them the map.”
“Admit it, you were rooting for them,” she teased as she opened a box of every flavor bean.
Remus shrugged. “Perhaps sometimes, but mostly I was worried about becoming one of their victims.”
“A seasoned prankster such as yourself had to know the ways to avoid a prank. The warning signs, if you will.”
“I handled the logistics more than the brainstorming and, though I’ll deny it any other time, the twins were…impressive – leaps and bounds ahead of James and Sirius and me.”
She solemnly placed a hand over her heart. “I promise to never tell another soul.”
He grinned at her. “But do you solemnly swear?” She laughed as he unwrapped some crystalized pineapple, a sound he found sweeter than all the candy before them.
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rags-writes · 1 year
I'm absolutely in love with Regulus and Barty's friendship/one-sided love story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it.
Je Tu Vois
Regulus sighs, quietly so his mother doesn’t hear as they wait for the train. It’s going to be his first year at Hogwarts and honestly, he is so excited. A place where he can talk to Sirius freely without the watchful eyes of his mother. Sirius left on an early train with anyone who was a first year but it’s okay, he will wee him soon. A whistle blows, a smile spreads on his face then dampens as his mother turns to him.
“Now Regulus, remember you are representing the family, don’t act like your fool of a brother.”
“Yes, mother.” He says, trying his best not to flinch as she caresses his cheek before walking away. Staring after her for a moment whispering sadly. “I love you too, mother.”
Straightening his back, he boards the train and searches for an empty compartment. He makes his way to the back of the train before spotting one. Opening it and steps he realize it wasn’t empty as he thought.
He stalls at the door for a moment, just as the person looks up with a smile on his face. “Hi!”
It fades as he realizes that Regulus was turning to leave ge give a soft. “Oh.”
This freezes Regulus in his step, he knows that ‘oh’ it’s the same one he gives his mother every time there are no letters from Sirius during the school year. He knows the disappointment he has just caused, unintentional as it may be, guilt still fills him.
“I thought it was empty, my apologies.”
He says it like he was the one disturbing the boy and he sees the boy deflate more as he whispers bitterly. “Don’t worry about it, no one wants to sit with me. No one even sees Bartemius Crouch jr.”
Regulus takes this as his que to leave but he doesn’t, knowing it would be better he did. But for the first time in Regulus’ life, he doesn’t do what is expected of him.
“Je Te Vois.”
“What?” Bartemius says, with his head tilted as Regulus steps more into the compartment and closes the door behind him. He goes and sit next to the other boy and explains.
“My first language is French; I tend to slip into it without thinking.”
“Oh, what does it mean?” Bartemius asks, a hint of a smile on his face. Regulus gets him a genuine smile, his last one for a while, and tells him.
“I see you, Barty.”
“Barty?” Bartemius’ brow raises, his lips mouthing the words again like he was getting a taste for it. Regulus panics for a moment before a wide grin spread on Barty and he nearly shouts. "I like it. Hi, I’m Barty Crouch Jr, what’s your name?”
                “Regulus Arcturus Black.” Hesitantly, Regulus tells him, waiting for the other boy to tell h8m to get out or something kin to it but nothing like that happens. Instead, the boy just smiles at him and reaches Into his pocket and pulls out a box of Fizzing Whizbees.
“Want some?” Barty offers to Regulus.
“Yeah, those are my favorite.”
The boys share the sweet treat between each other, the bond of friendship growing stronger and first love in one bloom with each bite. A pity Regulus didn’t leave although the path he stepped onto may end up destroying one of their minds or it may give them the strength to stand up for themselves.
Only time knows now.
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boxdstars · 1 year
4, 5, 6, 7, 8!
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4. Favorite classes at Hogwarts? Do they excel in these subjects?
Mara’s favorite class is definitely potions (something something breaking bad reference lmao) but she also loves DADA and divination - and does quite well in all three.
5. Least favorite classes? Are they bad in these areas of magic or do they just not like the subject?
Homegirl cannot do arithmancy to save her life, she hates the subject she hates everything about it. Also History of Magic, but that’s definitely a no brainer for most.
6. Favorite and least favorite professor.
Her favorite professor is definitely Garlick. For total not crush-related reasons at all. Sebastian won’t give her a break about it. Least favorite is probably Binns, mosty because she’s always sleeping through his class anyways
7. Name their go-to purchase at Honeydukes.
A copiously large haul of goodies, but she will always snag atleast two extra boxes of fizzing whizbees for herself!
8. Quidditch role and/or favorite broom.
Not a quidditch girlie, but she’s really into the games and is avidly invested. Broom wise she has a vintage Moontrimmer which she adores.
thank you for putting together such lovely questions <33
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apollo-ryan · 10 months
Meet Apollo Ryan
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Full Name: Apollo Grant Ryan
Birthday: June 30th, 1997 (roughly two months after the battle of Hogwarts), at midnight.
Zodiac: Sun in Cancer, Moon in Taurus, Rising Pisces
Birth status: Muggleborn
Gender Identity: AFAB transman
Pronouns: he/they
Sexuality: Gay
Nationality: English
Hometown: Cookham, England
Alignment: Neutral Good
Strengths: Care of Magical Creatures, duelling, playing guitar, and writing
Weaknesses: Herbology, hiding his magic from muggles, fashion (apparently? According to Cassandra), and snakes.
Interests/Hobbies: guitar, taking care of creatures (magical and non alike), and flying
Height: tops out at 6’0
Build: beanstalk-ish
Hair: brown
Eyes: green
Skin: pale, freckled
Body modifications: none (as of second year)
Scars/defects: several scars along his limbs from various duels
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Wand: Cherry, Phoenix Feather, Swishy, 11 3/4 inches
Patronus: husky
Memory for patronus: his first time flying at night, dancing with his mum in the living room, the first train ride to hogwarts, his first kiss, winning his first duel.
Boggart: basklisk (he heard stories about that Harry Potter guy)
Riddikulus: the basklisk turning into a giant sensory slug.
Amortentia: rain, coffee, raspberries, wormwood, the potions classroom, and lilacs
Favorite spells: Episkey, Incendio, and Stupefy.
Misc. Magical Abilities: none yet!
House: Ravenclaw
Best subject: Care of Magical Creatures, DADA, and Charms
Worst subject: Herbology
Third year options: divination, care of magical creatures, and ancient runes
Favorite Subject: CoMC
N.E.W.T.s: Astronomy, charms, potions, DADA, transfiguration, ancient runes, and care of magical creatures
Extracurriculars: duelling club, frog choir, and quidditch
Quidditch position: commentator
After Hogwarts
Father: Grant Samuel Ryan (dead)
Mother: Callie Dolores Ryan (neé Thompson)
Little brother: Beckett Calvin Ryan (11 months younger)
Pets: Chandler (Fish Owl), Artemis (Beagle Dog)
Dormmates: none, currently
Closest Friends: Daniel Page, Ivy Warrington, Lottie Turner, and Aurora Wells (my female mc)
Friends: Robyn Thistlethwaite, Kevin “Kev” Farrell
Love Interest: Daniel Page
Favorite colour: pale blue
Favorite food: tortellini pasta
Favorite flower: blue lilacs
Favorite muggle drink: coffee
Favorite magic drink: butterbeer
Favorite book: Lord of The Rings
Favorite song: Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy by Queen
Favorite season: Winter
Favorite wizarding candy: Fizzing Whizbees
Favorite muggle candy: Andes Mints
Favorite quidditch position: chaser
Favorite quidditch team: Ballycastle Bats
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discordapples · 1 year
PT. 18 A Lick Of Storm
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Word count: 2.6k (10 mins read)
Characters: Livia Novik, Sebastian Sallow.
Livia and Sebastian enjoy a moment together in Hogsmeade when Sebastian learns that Livia accepted to accompany Ominis to the ball. The storm churns above their heads and inside the ruined cottage where they find shelter...
Read the next chapter below.
Song list: Confetti (Piano Version), by Charlotte Cardin. 
Livia | Hogsmeade, Early October, 1893.
How breathtaking the pageant of October. As Livia and Sebastian follow the cobblestone path leading to Hogsmeade, fall dons its richest colors; a last gasp of life before the flaying of winter.
The wind is crisp, and the scent of petrichor it carries heralds humid days. Braiding through a milky blue sky, scores of gray clouds coalesce, marching like an army above the emerald hills, rolling on each side of them. There will be rain. The bone-chilling sort. Yet Sebastian walks without a scarf, without gloves, without an ounce of apprehension for the gathering trouble.
"You're lagging behind, new girl," he teases her as she slows her pace to take in the vertiginous spires of Hogwarts in the distance. The lake surrounding the castle is bright as a scrying pool in the watery sunlight, the limbs of the forest encroaching on it, looking charred from this distance.
"One would think sleeping in the same room would award you a less depersonalizing nickname," Livia jests back, passing the Slytherin whose smirk sends a lick of heat on her nape.
He catches up to her in one stride. "What did you expect? Tossing One? Sleeping Beauty?"
The latter blooms in her ribs like a gulp of plum kvass. Her lips curl. "I don't toss."
"How do you know?"
"I slept with other boys, and they never complained."
Sebastian's walk stutters. Livia doesn't look at him, but she can easily imagine his brows meeting in the middle. "Other boys? How many?"
"A cortege," she sneers.
"Are you serious?"
"I thought you picked up on sarcasm, Sebastian Sallow," she replies. "Has the Collector messed with your ability to delight in my japes? If so, I'll have a second request for the Promissum Mortis." She turns to him, her eyes tapering. "How many girls have you had? Or rather, how many girls are still left to go?"
He raises a brow, a half-smile creeping on his chin. "Why do you think me such a flirt?"
Training her attention back on the road ahead, Livia cannot help but laugh. "Deflecting a question with another one. Using my own tactics against me, Sebastian Sallow?"
For the rest of their journey, they ease back into a familiar banter; a slight comfort Livia is eager to shrug into after their time in the Undercroft.
In truth, the night she and Sebastian spent in the castle's entrails still visits upon her its small agonies, tailing her when dusk bleeds into night and night into dawn, and it is as if her brain, in its coveted martyrdom, has set to iterating different scenarios to torture her with.
Sebastian climbing onto her bed, fisting the fabric of her shirt, and pulling her to him until they share a single mouth, or him snaking under her blankets, pushing her legs apart and pulling her close until she sits on his tongue.
And ever since, Livia wakes in her own bed, a snarl of bedsheets grinding between her thighs, wetness puddling in her underwear.
The words the Collector picked for her paddle to the surface of her mind.
The hellscapes your mind designs to torment you are most... singular, Livia Novik.
Perhaps the entity is right in its assertion. Perhaps Sebastian Sallow is just that: a purgatory devised for her—her own personal brew of misery.
Hogsmeade purrs with noises and swells with people, and everywhere Livia looks there is a vendor selling honey apples or mulled cider or cauldron cakes, but she has no appetite for the sweets (unlike Sebastian who stuffs his pocket full of Fizzing Whizbees). Instead, she needles through the clusters of students and village dwellers, bound for Gladrags Wizardwear.
Livia is relieved to leave the bustle and the rain-charged air of the outside for the warm dryness of the tailor, and it's only when she walks up to the counter and asks the shopkeeper for her order that Sebastian understands why he sits on a damasked meridian instead of a barstool inside the Three Broomsticks.
"Tired of wearing blue?" He asks her when the shopkeeper pulls a bespoke juniper-green dress from a ribboned box.
Standing before the looking-glass, Livia holds the garment against her chest, appraising the needlework on the bust, the rhinestones stitched on her corset, the velvet bows, the layers of green tulle spilling from a tapered waistline.
"Would you like to try it on, Miss?" The tailor asks her, and she looks at Sebastian.
He sits, a leg thrown over his knee, a hail of discarded wax candy wrappings on his lap, his eyes oily with interest. "By all means," he tells her.
So the tailor pulls a folding screen and Livia enterprises to shrug out of her clothes and slide into the dress. When all the ribbons are tied and the tulle smoothed into submission, Livia hails the tailor from behind her screen.
"It's perfect," she tells the man when he drifts within earshot. "I'll take it."
"I want to see it," Sebastian asserts, and Livia bites into her lip when his tone teases the memory of their time in the maze.
The Collector's trial, however, is not the only thing that has her heart in a vise. She has kept her secret about the ball close to her chest, scrounging for a perfect moment and watching it winnow away with the steady beats of student life.
In truth, Livia fears Sebastian's reaction the same way she fears handling her father's glasses. She isn't worried about the cracks she could drive on the surface of their friendship; she fears the leap forward it will inevitably make, for it will be his ultimatum: to cross the bridge or to burn it, and Livia is safer standing in the middle, where the ripples of her life are the weakest.
Taking a deep breath, she steps out of the folding screen's privacy. Sebastian's eyes rim with white at her sight, his lips gaping and his piece of candy suspended in a state of half-nakedness Livia can very much empathize with.
"You know," he says after snapping out of his trance, "for a Ravenclaw, you look awfully good in Slytherin colors." A half-smile careens on his lips. "Remind me to dress you in my cloak more often."
She raises a brow, his brazenness finding the dents in her armor as easily as notched arrows. "Dress me?"
He gives a shrug. "I'll do it, if you ask nicely."
"I wonder if Garreth also has ostentations conditions," she retorts. "I look just as good in red."
Indulging for a moment in the pretty colors she paints on Sebastian's cheeks, Livia finally retreats into the seclusion of the folding screen to change back into her clothes.
When they leave the shoppe, the likeliness of rain has long changed into a promise, cutting their jaunt short, so they set to walking back to the castle.
"I'll take this," Sebastian says before snagging the package from her arms as they cross the bridge.
"If only I had arms of my own," she jests.
For minutes, they walk in peace as two masses of dark clouds tramp lazily towards each other. The air is charged with the wet scent of distant downpours, the spice of saw dust wafting from the mill they pass.
But Livia should've heeded the signs. She should've known that peace is a brittle thing, when Sebastian asks her: "What is the dress for?"
Her teeth skate against her bottom lip. "All Hallows Eve ball."
She sees him struggle with a snarl of thoughts until he dares giving them a voice: "Are you going with someone?"
Livia's eyes train on a single droplet of rain as it careens down Sebastian's cloak. She watches it circle around the embroidered blazon, then imagines herself in the grips of the very same snake as it tightens around her lungs like a deadly corset. "I'm going with Ominis."
Sebastian freezes.
They stand, idle, on a winding path nestled between a sparse copse of trees and a ruined cottage with a crumbling roof. The silence is stuffy with unspoken questions, the mizzle developing slowly, but steadily.
Sebastian's eyes hook on her. "Did he ask you?"
"Why did he?"
The clouds weep their pent up folly now. The rain has fattened so suddenly, Livia walks up to him and wrests the package out of his grip, making for the timeworn cottage.
He follows.
She knew he would.
The floor is littered with mangled bricks where a fringe of wall collapsed and a fireplace stands under the roof, a circle of black grime laying before the dead grate, as if retched out by the chimney. There is a square dining table rotting away, a porcelain sink half-ripped from the wall, a patina of dust on the floorboards.
She sets the package on the table, then stuffs her fingers into her mouth, her teeth ripping at hangnails until the taste of wet copper slides onto her tongue.
"Why did you say yes?" Sebastian interrogates her.
He stands a few paces away, but his anger almost sizzles when a trickle of rain falls onto his shoulder from a hole in the roof.
She whirls, her cheeks feverish. "Why are you angry about this? I don't belong to you, Sebastian Sallow! You don't have a say in who I spend my time with."
He inches closer, his soft brown eyes now coal-black in the dim light of the storm. "Then why did you tell me you saw me in the face of every stranger you meet, Livia? Why did you ask me to stay with you in the Undercroft? Why did you lean into my touch in the maze instead of pushing me away?"
She wants to tell him that everything was a lie. How simpler it would be to slide her knife through the bramble and loosen the vines from her neck.
How simpler it would be to squeeze her eyes shut at night and sleep a dreamless slumber, or walk through the castle courtyard without seeing his face in the puddles scattered in her way, or to forget about their chase in the maze or their night in the Undercroft, where she watched him slide out of his shirt as he thought her asleep.
How simpler it would be if she had not ventured in the dungeons and he had never spoken his name to her.
But things are never simple; their snarl, seldom easy to slip, and in this moment, all Livia can offer in the face of Sebastian's ire is another sprinkle of cynicism. "I thought you weren't yourself during the chase in the maze..."
"Don't change the subject," he bits out.
"You're going with Poppy. What does it matter if I go with Ominis?"
"You're the only one I wanted to go to the ball with!" He snarls, before his voice morphs into bitterness. "Poppy took me by surprise. I was stupid to accept. Now I can't back away without breaking her fucking heart..."
Livia relents a scoff. "Neither can I back away from my promise, Sebastian."
The rain thuds against the windows now. It finds the cracks in the mortar and sidles through the gutted walls.
For what appears like an eternity, Sebastian mulls over his next reply, before his blanched knuckles ease out of their tension and the pleats in his freckled forehead soften.
He errs closer to her. His irises are no longer charcoal-black, his mouth no longer warped in a scowl, his cheeks no longer as flushed.
Sandalwood, bergamot, citrus, amber. A lot of rain. And somewhere, underneath his smell, she finds hers.
His voice is different when he speaks to her. It is imploring. "Would you have backed away if you could?"
"I-" The excuse dies in her throat as soon as he brushes a thumb on her cheek. His touch is warm—scorching—amidst the chill the rain carried along with it. "Maybe."
The hypothesis is enough to soothe his anger, and he draws dangerously close. So close, in fact, that Livia is persuaded he can make the throb of her heart in so narrow a gap.
His fingers slide past her ear and melt into her hair, and she cannot help but ease into his touch. Like in the maze, Livia tilts her head up, but instead of a ravenous entity wrenching him from her arms, she only faces Sebastian's playful smirk. "See?" He teases. "Maybe you do belong to me, new girl..."
She bucks slightly at the pique, but he unfurls his fingers in the small of her back, pressing her closer.
"I don't do well in a cage, Sebastian Sallow," she whispers.
"What if we call it a shelter instead?"
He crosses this inch of distance between them like it is a papery thing, and when he takes her lips, he does it fully.
Sebastian tastes of sugar and sun, but kisses like the storm, and when she capitulates a soft whimper, he claws her closer, his teeth skittering along her bottom lip.
A coy pain effloresces in her back as his fingers bruise into the gaps in the lace of her corset, and it takes no more for Livia to surrender to this beautiful empire, her arms twining behind his head, deepening their embrace.
Already, the place between her thighs pulses with ache.
Already, she is silky wet for him, and feels as if he will taste the desire on her tongue and know how thin her will is when he kisses his way into her armor, and when she tugs away to crawl back into her shell, he reels her closer as if he wants her to stand in this falling shack just as soulfully naked as he is.
Outside, the storm hisses and growls, throwing blades of water against the windows.
But inside, they contend with a much fiercer squall, and when Sebastian guides her towards the wall and flattens her back against it, his tongue sliding back into her mouth, she knows she would weather his tempest if it meant swallowing another mouthful of this—
Her heart swollen, she smiles against his lips and glimpses a pocket of light; a faint thing that flitters in the tail-end of her eye, out of focus, until it sharpens and she makes a ghostly outline in the dim lucence of the cottage.
A boy with no hair, no brows and burn scars idles in the middle of the room.
* * *
Her brother stands under a curtain of rain. The strings of water fall right through him, pooling on the floorboards.
Livia cannot move, and the second the taste of her desire is replaced with this of fear, Sebastian peels away from her, his gaze roving on her face. "What is it, Livia?"
Gently, she pushes him aside, then walks to her brother, her hand extending to his cheek.
Her fingers cross right through him. The imprint he leaves on her is colder than it ever was.
"Laurence, what is it?"
His lips part to form words, but there is no sound but this of the rain.
"Who are you talking to?" Sebastian asks, drifting close to her.
She angles her face to him, frowning. "Don't you see him? My brother?"
The Slytherin follows her gaze to where the ghost of Laurence stands, but never focalizes on his outline.
Sebastian doesn't see him.
"Why can't you talk?" Livia presses her brother, as if she senses his presence in this cottage is just as fickle as spider silk. "Laurence, why can't you talk anymore?"
His lips move again, but no sound comes out, and sorrow pulls at his eyelids.
The sight breaks Livia's heart, and she gropes to touch her brother's shoulders, as if she can find her answer in the ethereal shell, but her gesture swirls the mist of his presence away.
Laurence's arms fall, his chest churns into nothingness, his face winnows away...
And just like that, her brother is gone.
A curl of fog. A trick of the light.
A flittering hope, in-between two lashes of thunder.
Author's notes
I can't believe I fooled you all in waiting 18 chapters before the first kiss. 😏 That's what I call a slow burn. Did you enjoy the simmer?
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achliegh · 2 years
The Major League
TW: Tattoo, making out, smut, piercing, if there is anything else just let me know :)
Baseball Boys meeting and falling in Love
What could go wrong… ;)
Beta: @punkkkkboi
Most Characters belong to: @lumosinlovelove
Chapter 15
Fizzing Whizbees Apartments, 2020
This was a familiar thing, Logan sitting on Leo’s lap as they tongue punched each other's faces on the couch while Tortilla sprawled out next to them grooming herself. They would stop a few times just to look at each other and giggle. Logan was moving unintentionally on Leo’s lap. Making him suffer more than Logan realized. Leo wasn’t hard yet so they didn’t stop but he was getting there. 
Logan could tell because his lover was getting a bit turned on by just how red his face was. They got home about a week ago from the Ravenclaw tournament and Leo having been so busy with school they haven’t had a chance for them to just hang out one on one. That left Logan with an important question on his tongue. He has been thinking about asking Leo to move in for a while, he basically lives there anyway so he didn’t see the issue, except the apartment he lives in now is closer to his school. Yeah, it's only like a couple blocks closer but Leo doesn’t have a car or anything and Logan is gone in the morning’s a lot because he goes to lift at the stadium. 
Leo pulls away and flops his head back over the back of the couch, panting and so so red. Logan smiles and leans forward, fitting his nose into the crook of Leo’s neck and leaving little wispy kisses. Leo lifts his hands from Logan’s hips up to his hair and takes it out of the bun he threw it up in earlier. His hair falls down and Leo just runs his fingers through the bottom half of his hair detangling it as gently as he can. 
“You didn’t get hard this time.” Logan smiles and Leo can feel it on his neck. 
“Too stressed.” 
“Mhm, happens to the best of us.” Leo sighs and rests his cheek on Logan’s head. Logan feels so warm and smiley, he wishes they could stay like this forever. Then he remembers a promise Leo made in an elevator. Sitting up and placing his forearms on either side of Leo’s head and looking down at him. His eyes are closed and those light lashes are resting on his cheeks so softly, he notices how there are some lashes a lot lighter than the others. Reminds him of that weird white spot on his temple that has white hair. 
“Can I see your tattoo?” 
“You’ll have to sit up so I can take my shirt off.” Logan whines a bit annoyed. He didn’t want to move! He was comfy! 
“Can’t you just roll up your sleeve?” Leo smiles and shakes his head, Logan gorans and sits up a bit. “Can I take off your shirt?” Leo opens an eye and nods, lifting his arms up. Logan flutters his fingers under the hem of Leo’s shirt and he feels him flex. 
“You’re tickling me.” Logan laughs lightly and starts lifting up the shirt. He takes it all the way off and just stares at Leo’s arm. This tattoo was huge and creepy. “You look scared.” 
“It’s just more creepy than I was expecting with all the… organs.” 
“Yeah I can see that. Let me explain it.” Logan couldn't take his eyes off the ink, it had like hundreds of words in different languages in neat even rows going from his shoulder down to his wrist, there were spaces where two vertical pairs of eyes on the inside of his arm are. Two in the middle of his bicep and two in the middle of his forearm. “All the words are actually phrases, they are positive things I have said to myself over the years. Starting in Swedish, then the phrase is in Finnish, then Norwegian, then Icelandic, then Danish, then English, German, French, and finally Russian. That's why there are so many words. It's stuff like ‘I’m proud of you’ or ‘You’re okay’ stuff like that. The eyes represent how there have always been eyes on me since I was a baby. Whether it was caseworkers or baseball scouts. I’ve always been watched. Then if you look here.” Leo lifts his arm straight up and Logan sees on the back of his arm are still the words but also an anatomically correct heart on his upper arm and a correct brain on the back of his forearm. Logan noticed that the body parts were outlined in red as well as black, he can't remember if the eyes had it too. “Basically the heart and brain are there because my own feelings and thoughts have a tendency to contradict. Like too much. But I never knew which one to trust. Still don’t.” Leo puts his arm down and Logan reaches out to touch. The skin is still as soft as any forearm is but it's weird to watch his fingers run over what looks like ancient script on someone else's skin. 
“Why get such a big tattoo if you are just going to hide it?” 
“I got it for myself, I didn’t get it for everyone else.” Logan keeps running his hand all over Leo’s arm, like he doesn’t believe it's a real thing. Then he suddenly stops, looks into those pale eyes and finally asks the question. 
“Will you move in with me?” Leo doesn’t even pause before he answers.
They worked things out with Leo’s schedule, he would stay at Remus’ during the week and Logan’s during the weekends. It just worked the best that way. It took a few weeks for it all to fall into a good rhythm but they eventually got it. Remus would even stop by on friday nights and stay for dinner. Which was whatever Leo felt like making. Guy was a wizard in the kitchen but apparently made Remus cook for him all the time.
Leo has always wanted to go to a haunted house and pumpkin patch. He wanted to go into a corn maze and prove they were easy to get out of. He wanted to eat a fresh caramel apple and see if it was really as good as everyone said it was. He wasn’t a big fan of the flavor of pumpkin in sweets, he preferred carrot, but he was willing to try because he knows Logan loves sweet things. 
Whether it was drinks or snacks, Logan loved sweets. He also loved scary shit, he and Noelle always bond over their love of horror movies and just Halloween in general. Having hashed out plans to get away from slasher characters on their living room floor when they were younger. Logan is driving to a pumpkin patch that has an orchard and a haunted house, he was taking Leo there as a surprise. This patch is one of the places Finn took him in his rookie year and he's gone back a few times a year, every year. 
Leo has been exhausted lately and studying like crazy. He was currently asleep in the passenger seat with his well used notebook in his lap. He would wake up a bit whenever they would hit a bump in the road and fall right back asleep. Logan pulls up to a parking spot in the grass next to a big fuck off pick up truck and turns off the car. He unbuckles and shakes Leo’s shoulder. 
“Leo, we are here.” Leo lifts up his head and blinks a few times sniffling and rolling his shoulders before looking at Logan. 
“Where is here?” Leo’s accent was really thick because he was still sleepy and stretched his arms back over the headrest of his seat. 
“Well, you mentioned wanting to go to a pumpkin patch so we are at one.” Logan smiles when Leo does and grabs his phone off the stand on the dash. “Let's go, I want to go to the haunted house first.” Leo nods and they get out of the car. They link hands and walk towards the small house separating the pumpkins and the apple trees. 
The house was not scary in the slightest, Leo saw everything coming before it jumped out at them but he did love how Logan wouldn’t pay attention and get scared so he would cling to him. Leo fucking loved that so much. They exit the house and Logan is still wrapped around Leo’s arm. 
“Still spooked?” 
“I just need an excuse to be all cuddled up to you in public.” Logan looks up at him and smiles. 
“Why do you need an excuse?” Leo squeezes his hand and looks down smiling just a little because he couldn’t help it. 
“Well, we aren’t public and we never talked about it either.” 
“How about we don’t worry about the media and just be a couple, hm?” Leo leans down and kisses Logan’s forehead. 
“I… like that idea.” Logan cuddles up to him more and rubs his cheek on Leo’s arm. They walk over to a food stand that has everything to do with apples, getting cups of apple cider and Leo’s apple he wanted. It was wrapped in plastic and just plain caramel. Logan drags him over to the pumpkin stand and gets a pumpkin bar. They sit down at a picnic table and Logan just stares at the bar with frosting on it flexing his hands because he wasn’t given a fork. He hates, hates,  sticky stuff on his hands. Leo meanwhile is focused on unwrapping his apple and taking a bite. It strings soft caramel when he takes it away from his face. It was pretty fucking good, setting it down on the plastic he takes a drink of his cider and frowns. 
He did not like it. It was like hot cinnamon water and it was not enjoyable. He looks up at Logan who is just opening and closing his hands as he looks at his treat. 
“What's wrong?” 
“It’s going to make my hands sticky because I don't have a fork.” 
“You don’t like that?” Logan shakes his head, Leo thinks for a moment. 
“When Finn and I used to go get pretzels at the mall back in Harvard he would hold them and I would eat them so I didn’t get stuff on my hands.” 
“Want me to do that? I don’t mind.” Logan looks up at his boyfriend and sees the soft smile with a bit of caramel on the corner of his mouth. Logan would wipe it off but… sticky. 
“You would do that for me?” Logan just feels a warm feeling bloom in his chest and he puts his hands in his lap. That warm travels to his cheeks and he knows they are red but he could care less at this moment. 
“Of course! Come here.” Leo pats his side of the table and Logan gets up and moves to the same side of the table. He puts a hand on Leo’s thigh and opens when Leo holds the bar up to his face taking a bite. Leo sets the bar down to take a bite of his apple again. 
They continue this until their food is gone and Logan scarf down both their cups of apple cider. They go to pick apples, only getting a small bag full because Leo wants to make recipes with them. They go to pick out two pumpkins to carve and one to cook with. Leo picks out two smaller pumpkins and watches Logan pick the biggest fucking pumpkin and struggle to take it over to the til. Leo offered to carry it but Logan refused. Carrying it to the car and setting it on the trunk huffing. 
“Don’t you lift like everyday?” 
“Shut upppp!” Leo laughs and they put everything into the back of the car. They get into the vehicle to drive home and share a sweet kiss before they get buckled and start driving. 
It was a good week. 
Deathly Hallow Apartments, 2020
Before the door is even completely closed Kuny is against the wall with both of their bags at their feet. They are kissing frantically, hands grabbing wherever they can. Nado is basically trying to climb up his body. So, Kuny gives him what he wants and picks him up. 
It wasn’t the most graceful thing in the world. They were mid-walk as he picked Nado up, causing him to stumble a bit, basically pinning the other man into the frame of his bedroom door. They pull away from their energetic smooching to laugh. Pressing their foreheads together Kuny adjusts his grip. Taking his friend over to the bed he tosses him onto it. Watching Nado bounce a bit while still laughing. Kuny climbs between his legs and feels Nado’s hands scramble to try and take his clothes off but Kuny grabs his wrists and just holds them for a moment. 
“What’s wrong?” Nado is looking at him with those deep dark green eyes and a little bit of a flush on his cheeks, making his tan all that more glowy. There wasn’t anything wrong, he just liked to look. He also wanted to take things a bit slower, he didn’t want to hurt Nado and this was something completely new to him. 
“Nothing. I just want to take my time with you. I don’t want to rush this.” He reaches over and lifts’s Nado’s shirt off him with ease. Tracing over all the wild ink and color. He was soft but also bumpy along his chest and shoulders but it reminded Kuny that Nado was indeed a human and not a god. 
“Kunnnnnyyyyyy! You promised to fuck the life out of me!” Nado was tugging on his shirt and Kuny let him take it off him. He rolls his eyes and yanks Nado’s pants and underwear off before standing up and taking off the rest of his own clothes. He returns to his spot between those long legs. “Uns!” 
“Sh! We need to do this right or else I’ll hurt you because… well.” Jackson watches Kuny gesture to his groin and rolls his eyes. 
“Because of your massive cock, yes, I get it. But hurrrrryyyyy! I’m horny!” 
“I can tell.” Kuny jokes and puts his arm up as a pillow from the massive pile behind them comes flying at his face. Hitting it to the side and laughing he leans down and kisses Nado, pulling away before they get to into the heat of the moment. He lets his eyes rake over Nado once more and stops when he notices a tattoo he has never seen before. He runs his hand in the crease of Nado’s thigh and pushes his left leg open. “Do you have a tattoo… near your dick?” Kuny just looks at the tattoo so confused, imagining the pain that comes from getting a tattoo in the crease of your thigh. 
“Yeah, it’s a slug.”
“I thought he was cute! His name is Stanley.” Nado smiles up at him with pride and Kuny can’t help but let out an amused huff. 
“You’re cute.” Kuny says and rummages around under the pillows on either side of the laughing man. He finds what he is looking for but loses his grip on it when he moves down Nado’s body. While Nado has his eyes closed from laughing he decides to give Nado a taste of his own medicine and swallow him down while he isn’t paying attention.
“UNS! FUCK! A LITTLE WARNING!” Jackson grips Kuny’s hair tightly, it was probably painful but he could care less at this very moment. Feeling his eyes unintentionally cross, he feels a heavy arm patting the bed next to him. He forces himself to focus and sees the hand trying to grab the lube that Kuny must have found under his pillow mountain earlier. Jackson picks it up, grabs Kuny’s hand and slaps the bottle in that large palm.  When did Kuny even learn how to suck dick!?
Jackson can hear himself letting out breathy moans but he isn’t really paying attention to anything other than the man between his legs. He once again feels Kuny moving and Jackson helps him out, lifting his legs to rest over Kuny’s broad shoulders. He relaxes, stretching out completely with his hands stretched out over his head. Then he is less relaxed. He feel’s fingers around just where he wants them and feels a loud moan fall from his mouth as two thick fingers push into him. 
Kuny was in heaven. He was listening to Nado moaning, for the first time not through their bedroom walls and it was from himself making Nado feel good. He used two fingers because he remembers talking to Nado about it one night when they were just watching shit TV on a sunday. Casual conversation, of course. Nado was crushing his head between his thighs and it was a wonderful feeling. He could feel his muscles tensing around his ears and fuck, was it addictive. 
“Kuny, I’m gonna cum if you don’t-” Jackson was not a person who came easily but he hasn’t had sex in what felt like forever. When in reality it was about three months. He feels that magical mouth pull off his dick and he whines unintentionally. He feels those fingers keep moving at a steady and light rhythm. 
“I’m doing four fingers.” Kuny looks up to see a confused look on Nado’s face. 
“Now!?” Jackson did not realize there were more fingers added, was he really that far gone already? 
“No,” Kuny chuckles and gives his inner thigh a small kiss. “ But that's what I will work up to because I really really don’t want to hurt you. Okay?” 
“No, it's going to take forever!” He chokes on his words when he feels pressure on his prostate making his legs jerk in different directions and his back arch off the bed. “OKAY! Okay! Take your time.” He takes a deep breath and keeps up the pattern of deep breaths to keep himself from finding the edge too soon. Just trying to figure out how Kuny knows what he's doing.
Kuny worked him open for a few minutes, they were both sweating and Nado was twitching, gripping the sheets as his knuckles turned white. Kuny slides in another finger and Nado looks like he was about to have a stroke. So he completely stopped moving his fingers all together. 
“KUNY! What the hell!?” 
“I want to watch you move.” Kuny lifts himself up so he is resting most of his weight in his forearm that is placed just above Nado’s shoulder. He sees the other man turn bright red and flop his arm over his eyes. Grumbling as he slowly starts to move his hips. “Nado, look at me.” 
It feels like Kuny is taunting him, so he lets out a huff and moves his arm from across his eyes to over his head, only to see those beautiful light brown eyes right in front of him. 
They kiss and he feels himself turn into a melted ice cream puddle. 
Kuny pushes in another finger knowing that Nado was ready for it a long time ago but he has been enjoying watching the other man just fall apart. Nado breaks their kiss to moan brokenly. Loving that sound he starts kissing up the taunt tattooed neck. 
“Just like that.” Kuny mumbles into the sweaty skin as Nado keeps his hips moving on their own. Kuny takes over once again but is only able to move his fingers in and out once before Nado is grabbing his wrist making him stop moving. “You okay?” The concern in his voice makes Nado smile. He cares about him and it makes him so happy.
“Y-yeah, I just don’t want to cum when you aren’t in me.” 
“... I’m literally inside you!”
“Not your fingers! Your cock!” Nado laughs a bit as Kuny chuckles into his neck. This pause has given him a bit of time to calm down and get away from the edge. Shivering as Kuny pulls his fingers out. He twists a bit to pop his hips and sighs as Kuny reaches into the side table to grab a condom and puts it on after throwing the wrapper over his shoulder. Kuny lubes himself up and wraps Nado’s legs around his waist, feeling him pull him closer. Obviously in a hurry to get fucked. 
Jackson was trying to hurry Kuny the fuck up without words and instead is bracketed in with Kuny putting his hands one either side of his head and looking down on him with this expression of cockiness. Which he has never seen from Kuny before. It was sexy as hell.
“I’m taking my time with you for a reason. But once you get comfortable, you better hold on.” Kuny pushes in about a quarter of the way and watches Nado’s face contrast from surprise to eyes-rolled back in pleasure as his mouth falls open. He slowly starts rocking only a bit of the way in and out as he lets Nado get used to him. Rough hands wrap around his wrists and Nado is just panting under him. Kuny pushes a bit more in and Nado chokes again. 
“Deep breaths, tell me when you’re ready.” Kuny keeps his slow pace using one of his hands to brush the hair off Nado’s forehead. “You’re beautiful” 
“You’re a fucking sap.” Jackson groans, looking up at Kuny who is staring back at him with the most loving look. That just makes him want to spill out those three words without hesitation… but he doesn’t. “Kuny-please!”
“Be patient” Kuny feel Nado’s heels digging into his booty trying to push him in more to bring him closer. So he gives Nado what he wants, how could he resist with a face like that. Kuny pushes in half way, leaning down to give Nado a sweet sweet kiss. 
“Is that all of you?” 
“Oh thank GOD!” Jackson pushes his hips up and moans, wrapping his arms around Kuny’s neck pulling him in for more kisses. Laughing into the kisses, he makes the bigger man laugh as well, having a little giggle fit in the middle of them doing the horizontal tango. Seemed about right. Kuny pulls away and brushes the hair out of his face again because the mess-of-a-bun it's in has been flopping all over. His hands are sweaty so the hair gets a bit stuck to it and ends up pulling it a bit. 
“Sorry my hands are-”
“Do it again.” Kuny shakes his head a bit surprised and wants to say something but he doesn’t even know what to say. He just tugs lightly on that hair he loves so much, lacing his fingers in the bun. He pulls on his hair and pushes all the way in, with his hand pulling the hair holding Nado’s head back so his neck is completely exposed and he just goes to town sucking on those tattoos. 
“ILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOU-OHFUCK!” Kuny was pounding into him for a good few minutes until Jackson’s head got the best of him and he spurted out those words he wanted to save for a special occasion. But now that he thinks about it, this is a special occasion. Kuny just stops moving when the words sink in around them and it annoys the hell out of Jackson. “Kuny! Please move!” 
Kuny does just that, pressing his face into Nado’s neck once again and just fucking the life out of him without stopping. No breaks, no pauses, nothing. He was going to show Nado that he loved him too even if he couldn’t get the words out at this very moment. Kuny feels Nado’s arm slide off from around him and go between them. His hips don’t slow down in the slightest. He was so close and he could feel it in his navel. 
Jackson reached between them, he really wanted to try and cum untouched but with how Kuny was starting to sloppily move he realized the teddy bear wasn’t going to last long enough for that. Guess they would have to do this again. He smiles to himself at the thought and starts jerking himself off quickly, his moans were getting higher pitched. He throws his head back and grips Kuny’s shoulder with his free hand as Kuny thrust a few more times incredibly hard just the way he likes it. 
They both cum around the same time and Kuny just puts all his weight on Nado, flopping his arms out. 
“I’m hot.” 
“Yes, you are. We should go again.” Jackson panted out not wanting this night to end.
“You’ll be too sore to do anything tomorrow.” Kuny mumbles behind his ear and kisses lightly. 
“Only thing I’m doing tomorrow is getting my tiddies pierced, oh and my tongue.” Jackson shifts a bit to get his arms out from between them, resting them above his head to cool down.
“You still have to sit.” 
“Maybe a little.” They both let out little amused breaths laying together in comfortable and sleepy silence. 
The next morning Jackson is sitting on the piercing chair, he went a couple hours early to chat with Marlene as she tattoos some guys thigh, then makes his way over to Mary who is stenciling up a new tattoo for a client who texted her an idea, and finally Andy who was just eating a granola bar and was happy to talk to him. Ink came in late and she is his normal piercer. She looked like shit if he was being honest. Pale, sweaty and tired. 
“Hi, sorry I’m late. It’s been a rough week. I had treatment a few days ago and just feel like shit.” She puts on her gloves and has him take off his shirt. 
“Treatment? Are you sick? Is everything okay?” She shakes her head and starts disinfecting his chest working quickly before sitting down on her swivel chair and scoots next to him. 
“No, June and I have been trying to have a baby for… a long time. It hasn’t been working.” She just looks so sad and he doesn’t really know how to respond and it appears she doesn’t want him to because she just gives him the rundown of after care for his new jewels. Then pierces him once he's ready. 
And that was that. 
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quibblist · 1 year
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@stillsparkle sent : ❝ don’t look at me like that , i’m just trying to steal your body heat. it’s cold down here , okay? ❞
the sudden weight of her arm hooked around his draws a similar effect to the handful of fizzing whizbees garreth had dared him to eat only minutes prior. sebastian ( with the added efforts of ominis ) just getting his feet back on the ground before kylira , unknowingly , knocked him right back off them. ❝ it's called a scarf and earmuffs , ky. you know , that thing you're meant to wear when it's cold? ❞
despite the sudden urge to be nervous , sebastian's usual , nonchalant and teasing attitude shines through - - his gloved hand gently tapping her freezing , bright red ears that matched his round cheeks , though he was scared to admit that wasn't an effect of the cold. ❝ if i get sick because of you , just remember revenge is a dish best served cold. ❞ keeping his arm locked around hers , not wanting to lose what he just got , sebastian reaches behind his head , unfurling the green and silver cotton from around his neck and wrapping it around hers.
teeth subconsciously find and chew his pink and slightly chapped bottom lip , as he adjusted the scarf , watching the warmth slowly return to her features. ❝ well , how about that? you look good in green. ❞
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ask-anne-sallow · 1 year
*owl flies in dropping a package with a letter attached to it*
Hello Anne,
I've recently made a trip to Hogsmeade, only to realize once returning to the common room, that I may have gone over board in Honeydukes.
Seeing as how my two friends, who you know well enough, can go when they please I sent my surplus to you.
Inside the box you'll find. Fudge flies, chocolate frogs, fizzing whizbees, candy floss and a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans
If there's anything that you're particularly interested in, do let me know and I'd be happy to get it for you, along with possibly delivering it in person.
- Aster
*shes surprised to see a package, but hurries to open it excitedly before writing the letter back*
hello aster,
i was over the moon to receive the treats you have kindly sent over. its reminds me a lot of home, and i havent had the chance to visit hogsmeade for a long while. it truly means a lot to me, i absolutely cannot thank you enough. these are more than i can ask for... but if you would like to pay me a visit either way, i would be delighted to accommodate for your stay.
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