#flo wilson
claudia1829things · 18 days
Ranking of "SANDITON" Season Three (2023) Episodes
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Below is my ranking of the Season Three episodes from "SANDITON", the ITV adaptation of Jane Austen's unfinished novel. Adapted by Andrew Davies, the limited series starred Rose Williams, Crystal Clarke and Ben Lloyd-Hughes:
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1. (3.03) "Episode 3" - Landowner Alexander Colburne holds a shooting party for the highbrow locals, where he confesses his continuing love for Charlotte Heywood, now engaged to another. The roguish Sir Edward Denham request's Alexander's permission to court the latter's niece, Augusta Markham. And heiress Georgiana Lambe receives a surprise visit from former beau Otis Molyneux in London, who is there to offer support during the trial to save her fortune.
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2. (3.05) "Episode 5" - Augusta and Sir Edward leave Sanditon to elope in Scotland. Charlotte and Alexander race after the pair to stop their elopement. Georgiana reunites with her long-lost mother, thanks to Otis. Tom and Mary Parker quarrel over the former and Mr. Pryce's plans to demolish Sanditon's old working-class neighborhood for a new resort hotel.
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3. (3.02) "Episode 2" - Georgiana desperately searches for a barrister to help her fight Charles Lockhart's attempt to take her fortune. Alexander's brother, Samuel Colburne, finally offers to represent her. He also becomes attracted to Charlotte's friend, Lady Susan. Tom reveals his plans regarding Sanditon's old neighborhood to Lady Denham. Tom's new partner, Rowleigh Pryce, proves to be Lady Denham's former flame. Arthur Parker befriends Harry Montrose, Duke of Buckinghamshire and Georgiana's potential suitor.
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4. (3.04) "Episode 4" - Georgiana becomes engaged to Harry Montrose, which threatens the latter's budding relationship with Arthur. Charlotte attempts to distance herself from Alexander, but as they are repeatedly thrown into each other's orbit. Sir Edward and Augusta make plans to elope.
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5. (3.01) "Episode 1" - Charlotte returns to Sanditon with her fiancé Ralph Starling, to celebrate Georgiana's 21st birthday. She and Alexander have an awkward reunion. Sir Edward tries to prove to Lady Denham that he has changed for the better. Georgiana receives news of Lockhart's lawsuit during her party.
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6. (3.06) "Episode 6" - In the series finale, Tom cancels his partnership with Mr. Pryce. Lady Denham ends her engagement to Mr. Pryce. Seeing that Sir Edward's character has improved following his aborted elopement with Augusta, Lady Denham offers him a living as a clergyman. Charlotte, Georgiana, Arthur and others all find true love.
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ljones41 · 4 months
Ranking of "SANDITON" Season Two (2022) Episodes
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Below is my ranking of the Season Two episodes from "SANDITON", the ITV adaptation of Jane Austen's unfinished novel. Adapted by Andrew Davies, the limited series starred Rose Williams, Crystal Clarke and Ben Lloyd-Hughes:
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1. (2.04) "Episode 4" - Tension mounts when old enemies, estate owner Alexander Colbourne and Colonel Francis Lennox, rivals for Charlotte Heywood’s hand; reunite at Lady Denham's garden party. Heiress Georgiana Lambe learns a vital piece of information. Sir Edward Denham attempts to exploit the pregnancy predicament of Lady Denham’s disgraced niece, Clara Brereton.
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2. (2.06) "Episode 6" - In the season finale, Charlotte's younger sister Alison Heywood prepares to leave Sanditon with her dreams of romance fading. Charlotte ponders her future. Georgiana learns shocking truths when Sidney Parker's belongings from Antigua are returned. Esther, Lady Babbington faces a bleak future as Edward's schemes against her come to fruition.
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3. (2.01) "Episode 1" - Season Two begins with Charlotte returning to Sanditon to find employment and with Alison in tow. A group of Army officers descend on the town, offering both romantic and business opportunities. Georgiana meets an intriguing artist named Charles Lockhart. Esther has an unwanted reunion with Edward, who has become an Army officer.
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4. (2.05) "Episode 5" - Colonel Lennox and Colbourne's rivalry over Charlotte comes to a head at the Sanditon ball. Georgiana makes a decision that will impact her future. Edward's manipulation of Esther takes a dark turn.
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5. (2.02) "Episode 2" - Charlotte starts her new job as governess for Colbourne’s niece and daughter, Augusta Markham and Leonora Colbourne. Alison is determined to be reunited with her new beau, Captain William Carter. Lady Denham receives an unexpected surprise with Clara’s return to Sanditon. Colonel Lennox throws a dinner party.
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6. (2.03) "Episode 3" - Resort founder Tom Parker gets ready for Sanditon's annual fair amidst rumors that the soldiers have not been paying their debts in town. Alison falls for Captain Carter, unaware that he is wooing her under false pretenses. Clara seeks Esther's help. Edward hatches his plan against the latter.
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deadthehype · 14 days
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Flo Milli photographed by Dorian Wilson
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flowereclipsie · 1 year
rewatching the goddamn crush injury everyone trying to lift the ladder truck off bucks leg scene again and tell me why eddie diaz who is still a probationary firefighter might i add and has only done one year and all of it wasn’t spent in medical and who is also literally eight pack eddie is, alongside hen, the only person not helping lift the truck and is instead there holding bucks hand and looking after him. chim who has so much more experience in medical is helping and even though he’s interim captain you’d still think he’d be the one with hen right?
he’s being strong for buck and everyone else is being strong lifting the truck.
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dailybrittanysnowpics · 8 months
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Missing them
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oswincoleman · 2 years
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Patrick Wilson on Instagram. Look at these jaw-droppingly beautiful pictures of Jenna Coleman from before she attended the Klokkenluider premiere at the BFI London Film Festival yesterday!
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floramau · 2 years
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my baby girl...
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upontherisers · 2 years
september prompts, week 3
i’m doing a once-a-day exercise with these prompts for the month of september. this week i gave myself a little challenge: all AUs, and i hope you have as much fun reading them as i did writing them. as AUs always do, the lore/worldbuilding on these expanded rapidly so if you have any questions about these AUs, i'd love to explore them more. the blurbs can be found under the read more. (week 1 blurbs) (week 2 blurbs)
day 15 - nightlight (261) / theater AU
“Nice nightlight,” Joe said, staring at the Little Mermaid plug-in on the wall outside her bathroom.
“It’s not a nightlight,” came Georgie’s muffled reply. She threw open the door and pushed past him, turning her back so he could smell the coconut in her hair as she breezed by. “It’s so I don’t bust my ass trying to pee in the dark.”
He snorted and pushed off the wall he was leaning on. “That’s a nightlight, G.”
He’d avoided staring at her ass as they walked but couldn’t avoid staring at her now as she slipped on her heels, bracing a neatly manicured hand against the door. 
Her back was exposed in her dress, allowing him to trace the bend of her spine with his eyes. The lustrous gold fabric melted against her skin and reminded him of chocolate and champagne, luxury, and his mouth watered. He wanted to nip gently, to taste, to do something he shouldn’t. His chest tightened and the room felt unbearably warm as she turned around.
“—last time but you have to play nice with my mother for at least four hours before we can get drinks,” she said. She stood up with a sigh and brushed her hands down her front. The high slit that ran up to the top of her thigh exposed a diamond garter sitting snug against her skin, and he had to look away before his mind wandered past the point of no return.
Georgie stared at him with a raised, unimpressed eyebrow, and he knew he was so, so fucked.
day 16 - rocking chair (358) / college AU
“Stop it, Alex,” Maggie warned her brother.
“What?” he asked innocently, leaning back yet again and sending a piercing squeak across the porch. 
“I swear to God,” Anita said, “I will knock you over.”
Alex put his feet back on the ground at that, clasping his hands over his stomach and closing his eyes. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”
“It’s that fucking rocking chair,” Charlie called from inside the house. “I can hear it from here. Fucking stop, dude.”
Alex leaned forward so he could look at his brother inside, creaking the wicker wood. “Or what?”
“I’m gonna—” Anita sat up from her spot in the hammock at the end of the porch and grabbed the small pillow from behind her head, hurling it at Alex. He dodged a second too late and it caught him on the side of the face.
“Hey!” he exclaimed.
“Do it again,” she threatened through clenched teeth. “Do it again, I dare you.”
Alex threw his hands up. “I don’t have anywhere to sit.”
That was true. Maggie was sprawled out on the rug, her textbooks and pens everywhere, and she’d put her backpack on the cushioned chair next to the door and refused to move it for her brother. Ilse was draining some freshly watered plants on the bench and Anita was in the hammock, so that left Alex to the squeaky rocking chair. Anita considered what she needed to do if she wanted to get any more of her reading done before the sun set.
“If you come over here, you can’t bother me.”
She scooted over and let Alex slide into the hammock next to her. They fit together naturally—Alex put his head over her heart and she wrapped an arm around his back so she could still hold her book. It was comfortable; he was warm against the slowly cooling evening air, and he smelled like the Dove shampoo from his shower. They were quiet as the sound of the crickets rose and the sky turned orange to purple.
“What class is this for?”
“Intro to Criminology.” 
“Ew… ow!”
“I said don’t bother me.”
day 17 - hitchhiking (357)
From the moment she sees him, thumb out on the side of the road, sun beating down on his red flannel and jeans, olive drab duffle tucked over his shoulder, Frankie has a funny feeling. 
“Where you headed?”
“White Lake, New York,” he says.
He nods, and his hair is a darker shade of brown now that she’s closer to him. He has a nice nose. “Yeah, Woodstock.”
He says he doesn’t have money for gas, but Marcus waves him out of the heat and into the packed back seat. Introductions go around: Frankie, Marcus, and Tab—”Floyd Talbert,” he says. “Friends call me Tab.”
He just got back from Vietnam—funny, because Marcus just got back, too—and he hitchhiked from Indiana. It’s fate finding him here, coming from the same place as Marcus and going to the same place as both of them.
The boys talk Army as they start the back half of their drive and Frankie listens, not to the what, but the how. She listens to the slight brass and gravel in Tab’s voice, the easy way he goes back and forth with Marcus. He stops to listen thoughtfully; she can see him nodding in the rearview mirror, and he’s quietly funny. The first time she watches him crack a gentle smile, her heart flutters.
She feels like she can see the future in flashes that are half daydream, half prophecy.
She’s laying with her head on Tab’s chest, warm from the sun and from his arms, letting the distant boom of drums pull her into sleep. Marcus passes her a canteen of water, she drinks, then passes it to Tab. He’s lifting her onto his shoulders and the press of the crowd around them makes her feel more alive than she’s ever been before. Tab and Marcus are curled up together in their tent at night, and she watches them in muted moonlight for a moment before laying down next to her husband.
She hears Marcus laugh, truly guffaw from the driver’s seat with a joy that’s been fleeting since he came home, and she’s glad she got him to pull over.
day 18 - lemon tree (281) / vietnam AU
Winter used to smell like lemons. 
Her momma had a Eureka lemon tree in the backyard, small, dark-leaved, and Mattie’s favorite feature of their house. They’d leave the windows open most days and the smell would waft into the house and the curtains. Everything smelled bright and clean and slightly sweet, a smell that opened your eyes and relaxed your heart.
Winter and therefore Christmas smelled like lemons. While most houses had gingerbread and woodsmoke in the December air, her home was lemon tarts and sugar from her momma’s lemonade and fresh, mild wind. Her grandparents smelled like lemons and so did the school Christmas pageant, her Christmas Eve solo at church, and her brothers unwrapping puzzle books by the tree.
She passed by the worn and creased drawing of a pine tree pinned to the wall of the nurses barracks every morning and laughed bitterly.
Winter in Chu Lai smelled like the South China Sea, sweat, and spent explosives. It smelled like her hair after not having the time to wash it for a week and the mildew growing in the back of the surgical recovery wing. Laughter and jokes smelled like vomit and the protruding intestines of a young rifleman who got caught on the wrong end of mortar fire. Old Bing Crosby standards on the radio and New Years’ Eve smelled metallic and antiseptic, smelled inescapable.
In Vietnam, Mattie learned that death had a smell and she didn’t have the words to describe it. It wasn’t as easy as her momma’s tree back home.
Sometimes, when she couldn’t get the tang of iron out of her nose, she’d close her eyes and wish for lemons. 
day 19 - vintage dress (328) / justified AU
“Ask her to dance.”
Dick stared at Nix, hoping his friend was joking but knowing he wasn’t, and blinked before facing forward again. “No.”
“Look at her,” Nix said, and Dick already was. That was the problem, he’d been looking at her all night.
She was dancing with Harry, their height difference a bit comical with Coretta in heels, but they seemed to be having a good time. She laughed a lot, occasionally looking over at him with a contented smile. It made his heart pound in his chest.
“She’s waiting for you to ask her.”
Dick scoffed in his throat but didn’t take his eyes off her.
She was a vision in green. She said the dress she was wearing had been her mother’s, but it looked like it was only ever made for her. The dark emerald fabric had a gold tint in the light of the ball room, draping at her collar and hugging at all of her curves. Thin straps left her shoulders bare and a high slit revealed her long legs. 
The music changed to some Top 40 hit and chatter increased as people cleared the floor. Coretta sat down at the other table reserved for their field office and kicked off her shoes, turning over her shoulder to point something out to Ron.
It should be easy. He should be able to say yes, to handle it professionally, to share a dance at the Governor’s Ball like they had to share a bed during the joint McClellandtown case and make nothing of it, just a dance between partners. But the idea of being so close to her, of holding her hand and her waist… he wouldn’t be able to write that off.
“No,” he said, and Nix huffed.
“Suit yourself.” He downed the rest of his drink and stood up. “Coretta, how ‘bout a dance?”
Dick’s stomach turned as she smiled warmly at Lew’s approach. “Sure, just don’t step on my toes.”
day 20 - bike ride (320) / the west wing AU
They’d taken to calling it the ‘Huff and Puff.’ It was the hottest event of the political and fiscal year, approximately 7.6 miles—from the White House, around the Lincoln Memorial, down to the Hill, past the Supreme Court, around to the Museum of African American History, and back to 1600 Pennsylvania—surrounded by some of the worst people they’ve ever met and their co-workers. It was an hour-and-change-minutes of their lives they’d never get back, and yet they were all there, donning helmets and alma mater sweaters, corralled in front of the White House at 6:27 AM.
“—I understand that,” Georgina Webster was saying. “But I don’t understand why we have to be here. We have things to do.”
“Georgina,” said Lewis Nixon, “are you implying that your work is more important than the U.S. Attorney General’s?”
“No, that’s not… I’m just… Yale’s colors are ugly,” she deflected with a glance at Nix’s sweater, and shoved her helmet on her head with a huff.
“Who are we waiting on?” David Webster asked the group around him.
“The President,” Harry Welsh answered.
Joe Liebgott sniffed. “Probably pickin’ out which West Point sweater still fits.”
“That’s right, Joe,” a voice responded, and everyone snapped upright from their tired slouches. 
Several calls of “Mr. President” and “good morning, sir” rose into the air as Sink passed by with his bike. He was indeed in an USMA sweater and matching decaled helmet, and he was smiling at them like it was Christmas morning, undoubtedly content to revel in their suffering for the next hour and fifteen minutes. 
“What the hell’re we standin’ around for? Saddle up,” he said, and his staff obliged with no audible grumbling. 
They headed out at 6:30 AM—or 0630, as the President reminded everyone—and their breaths puffed toward the gray and navy sky as the 3rd Annual Election Day Bike Ride began.
day 21 - art museum (297) / politics AU
Flo regretted going to the aides and staffers mixer until the man next to her leaned over and pointed to the painting in front of them. 
“What the hell is this? What am I supposed to see?”
She looked at him, taking in the cropped hair, square jaw, cuffed sleeves, and loosened tie, and smiled. “It’s Rothko,” she shrugged. “He wanted the viewer to feel basic human emotions: tragedy, ecstasy, doom.”
“All I’m feelin’ is a headache.”
She laughed and looked back at the painting. Orange and Tan was a lot to take in.
The guy raised an eyebrow. “You know about art?”
“Somewhat,” she replied. “I minored in art history.”
He gave an impressed nod and stuck out a hand. “Bill Guarnere, Office of Veterans Affairs.”
She switched her drink to her right hand and shook his. “Florence Kanaka’ole, ACHP.” His grip was strong. 
There were things they’d been told to say in order to introduce themselves and network, things that made “strong inter-department connections”, but they chose their own conversation. His accent was from Philly, hers was from Honolulu. She just finished a Masters in Hawaiian Studies, he just got out of the Army. They were both new to D.C. and a bit lost, and they traded numbers within fifteen minutes with the express purpose of finding a non-overpriced and good cup of coffee.
“Wanna get outta here and get somethin’ to eat?” Bill asked as they wandered into the tower gallery again, passing the same Rothkos for the fifth time.
“Yes, please,” Flo said emphatically. Her feet hurt, she didn’t want to talk to anyone else, and the h'oeuvres d'oeuvres sucked. 
Saying a quick good-bye to their bosses, they grabbed their coats and walked gratefully into a chilly night on the National Mall.
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congregamus · 2 years
Kelly Clarkson | Heavy In Your Arms (Florence + The Machine Cover)
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The Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist 2000
"Frontier Psychiatrist" is a song by Australian electronic music group the Avalanches, that was released on 21 August 2000 as the second single from the group's debut album Since I Left You. It is built around several elements sampled from other music; Avalanches members Robbie Chater and Darren Seltman sampled music from several vinyl records in the production and creation of Since I Left You. The prominent orchestral sample heard throughout the track is sourced from a recording by the Enoch Light Singers of the 1968 composition "My Way of Life". The track also contains several vocal samples of Canadian comedy duo Wayne and Shuster, the most prominent of these samples taken from the duo's comedy routine "Frontier Psychiatrist", as well as the John Waters movie Polyester.
Only the aforementioned samples are credited in the liner notes of Since I Left You; various other uncredited samples are used in the track, with sources ranging from Harvey Mandel's 1968 cover of the spiritual "Wade in the Water", and comedy routines by Flip Wilson, sketches from Sesame Street, and Maurice Jarre's main theme from Lawrence of Arabia. The closing mariachi band plays "El Negro Zumbón", first performed by Flo Sandon's, who doubles Silvana Mangano in the 1951 movie Anna.
Upon release, it peaked at number 18 on the UK Singles Chart and number 49 in the group's native Australia, becoming their first single to enjoy commercial success. "Frontier Psychiatrist" was well received by music critics, who praised the Avalanches' use of samples.
The "Frontier Psychiatrist" music video, directed by Tom Kuntz and Mike Maguire, was the runner-up in the "Best Music Video" category at the 2002 Rushes Soho Shorts Film Festival. Pitchfork Media placed the video at number 19 on their list of the "Top 50 Music Videos of the 2000s". An alternative video was made, featuring actors acting out the 'dialogue' of the track in various scenes, including a psychiatrist's office and "Dexter's" bedroom. In addition, Rorschach ink-blots are animated to reflect various samples in the track.
"Frontier Psychiatrist" received a total of 73,2% yes votes!
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asclexe · 2 months
ughhh fine ill succumb to peer pressure smh
insp by @wilsons-three-legged-siamese @sillyhyperfixator @cherrishnoodles :3
⭐️ BASICS :3 ⭐️
name: dr. fluoxetine pearl/dr. pearl
full name: fluoxetine millicent maxine marvin pearl M.D.
nicknames: flu, flux, flo
gender: enby (they/them), afab, fluoxetine is their chosen name, pearl is their dead name but they legally changed it to be their last name.
age: 34
nationality/ethnicity: filipino/french american. born in pennsylvania technically but raised in BALTIMORE 🔥🔥🔥
they have a slight new jersey and baltimore accent but it’s mostly general american
ppth position: head of gynecology/obstetrics, but they have a lot of emergency medicine and diagnostics knowledge due to their residency so they help around there a lot. youngest gyno head ever!!!
sexuality: aromantic allosexual bisexual
personality: quiet and spacey but not shy, they keep to themself mostly. they seem rude/apathetic but they’re actually very friendly, especially to patients. they tend to be very negative and pessimistic at times. they’re also quite secretive and a kleptomaniac. miserable by themself. fantastic at negotiation, a bit creepy and brooding at times, even. but they’re mostly harmless! there always seems like there’s something else going on with them..something much more…
appearance: warmly-skinned 6’1 masc appearing person. they had top surgery, so they have a mostly flat body, except for their softly round tummy. they’re very lanky, but not skinny. they have a good amount of meat on their bones, and they’re softly muscular. their hair is a choppy, voluminous short black wolf cut with two tacky strands of bleach blonde that fits their sharp face. they have black eyes and light freckles everywhere that are slightly visible on their dark brown skin. they face is sharp, but also youthfully soft. they look a lot younger than they are.
style: they wear a tight dark vest with either a basic white button down or nothing underneath with dark pants with their doctor’s coat on top most days, and it’s quite stylish and slick. occasionally, especially on days they’re not feeling well or an administration heavy work day or in general when they don’t leave their office, they’ll wear a big graphic t-shirt and baggy pants with a cardigan to work. they carry around a stylish but small, washed out messenger bag to hold their prescription pad, pens, etc along with anything else they might personally need. they wear low-top converse that are beyond beaten up everyday. occasionally they’ll wear a sweater vest, or maybe a tie. depends how they feel that day.
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they have diagnosed BPD. they’re completely deaf in their left ear. and they have PTSD due to something in their backstory, which i’ll delve into soon. they are also actively, but unknown suicidal but don’t sh.
tw for death, slight gore/injury description, :3
lots of yapping :3
it all started on a freezing winter night on december 18th, 1970 when a very pregnant dolores alma torres and a jean-gabriel adrian marvin archambeau were driving late at night, in the middle of nowhere, to visit dolores’ friend’s baby shower on an extremely icy road when dolores when into labor. jean-gabriel re-routed to find her a hospital, but quickly got lost in the dark backroads of pennsylvania. as tension rose and dolores got more short with him, as labor isn’t fun, jean-gabriel didn’t notice the deer he was about to hit and swerved at the last second. he hit the deer anyway in the million spins he did in the ice, and crashed into a ditch diagonally, killing jean-gabriel on impact. dolores waited there for hours in labor, in the dark with a fractured rib slowly puncturing her organs and a bunch of glass cuts next to her dead husband, until a car finally passed by and a kind stranger got some help. she gave birth in the backseat of their car and died shortly after.
her last words were naming her baby girl, pearl alma torres-archambeau, and that she was sorry, god.
they were sent to their french grandparents in baltimore after being cleaned up at the closest hospital, where they were raised pretty much happily until they were six, when their grandfather died of a massive heart attack and their grandmother of a grand mal seizure a year of quiet later. they were then tossed around foster care for a bit, until permanently being sent to an orphanage. they were a very quiet child due to all the tragedy following them. they read a lot of books, which gave them an interest in medicine early on. this interest was amplified when they needed to go to the hospital when their appendix burst. they were also incredibly clever, and earned top marks in all their classes. they didn’t have many friends, however.
when they were sixteen, they emancipated themself from the orphanage and graduated high school early. they applied to norte dame of maryland to study biology and chemistry for their undergrad and got accepted, also giving them a place to stay. they worked odd jobs and side hustles to pay for any tuition left after scholarships and spent their time studying mostly, and they had earned enough credits to graduate at 19. they applied to johns hopkins for medical school, and also got in. at this point they could afford an apartment close. and things seemed to go quite well for them!
well, until there was an armed robbery (baltimore 🔥🔥) at the little corner store they worked at after class. they were shot in the shoulder and twice in their left ear, but their co-worker took the worst of it and died to a gunshot in their heart. the er patched them up, unable to save their ear, and the robber was caught and jailed, but they quit their job and buckled down on school, spiraling mentally.
they graduated med school, started their residency, and changed their name. until the dean of medicine at princeton plainsboro teaching hospital had reached out to them, offering them a position in the gynecology department as that was their decided specialty. they got their top surgery there and was quickly offered be the ob/gyn department head due to their excellent performance :3
⭐️FUN FACTS :3⭐️
they’re left-handed!
they have a really weak stomach, despite their occupation
can speak french pretty fluently as well as english
they have genetic weak hormones, so they take hrt
they have two cats, morphine and xanax :3
besties with benefits with thirteen
sea shell/pearl collector!
i’ll prob be adding to this as i think about more things/their place in canon/the other ocverse :3
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jackiequick · 3 months
— The Invisible Beauty OC
— “With all due respect sir, i have to work twice as hard to prove myself for just a bit of recognizing respect. I may not be as smart as the other men and women here but I know my value. I understand that much.”
-> Juliette Florence
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Face Claim: Janelle Monáe
Full name: Juliette Florence Genesis Wilkes Wilson
Nicknames: Juliet, Flora, Flo, Fiona
Age: 28–32
Height: 5’3
Birthday: February 7, 1992 (Aquarius)
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Model, Actress, Secretary and Co-Navigator
Alias: Timeless beauty, The Model, Off-Line Agent
Florence has the timeless beauty of Janelle Monáe, with a striking presence that blends elegance with an adventurous spirit. Despite being from the 2000s, her fashion sense has evolved to match the modern era, seamlessly combining vintage charm with contemporary style. She tends to wear timeless clothes from her grandmother and mother from the 60s-70s, within her on her wardrobe now.
Standing at 5'0, she may be petite, but her confidence and determination make her a force to be reckoned with.
Personality: A Southern belle with a gentle heart, Juliette has a bark that's always thicker than her bite. She's a fast talker with a snarky edge, always ready with a quick-witted remark. Her mama always told her to be kind but to make sure everyone knows she tried her damn hardest at everything.
Powers and Abilities:
Invisibility: Juliet possesses the ability to turn invisible at will, allowing her to move undetected and evade danger when necessary. This power grants her a strategic advantage in both her personal and professional life, enabling her to navigate tricky situations with stealth and precision.
Teleportation: With the ability to teleport, Juliet can instantaneously transport herself from one location to another, covering vast distances in a matter of seconds. This skill comes in handy during her hectic schedule, allowing her to seamlessly juggle multiple commitments and obligations.
Force Shields: Juliet can generate force shields to protect herself and others from physical harm. These shields act as a barrier against external threats, providing a layer of defense in dangerous situations. Along with her ability to defend and hold her own, finding the strength to deepen her defenses.
— Backstory:
Juliet grew up in a small town, where she was always fascinated by the stories her grandmother told her about their heritage. Her interest in her roots led her to explore various artistic pursuits, including modeling and writing.
Like any artist, she wasn’t clear onto her goals in life, especially being a woman of color, she feared she wouldn’t get enough credit for her work. Especially due to the fact that she had zero experience whatsoever in the industry up to that point.
However she knew she wanted to model and dance like all the artists she loved to see on her tv screens. Such as Aaliyah, Beyoncé, Alicia Keys and others. She enjoyed their music and the fact that theses fine women were able to dance, as well as model for the next generation to come.
Still, she went on to that path and made a move to Hollywood a couple of years later. She did small gigs here and there, modeling for companies who would take in any kind of role to be the face of their products and services. She danced around on stage at cafes and pay the bills at the restaurant she worked at, where dancers would perform for the guests.
She even performed and made friends with a couple of girls, being invited to events and introducing herself to the crowd.
In the late 2000s a Hollywood film project wanted to explore the concept of space exploration and the roles of people in NASA so they sent actors and actresses to be introduced to the field, Juliet Florence was picked to go along being someone who wanted to development her craft from model to actress at the time, she wanted a hands on approach to the world she would be playing on in the film industry.
So she allowed the freedom to explore the space program with a visitors perspective along with the others that day. However certain curiosity got the best of her, as she found herself looking through the window of an experimental act taking shape before her eyes. During the critical test launch, an unforeseen incident occurred.
A powerful temporal anomaly was unleashed blasting past the walls across the door hitting Juliet as she fell asleep on the ground from such a terrible hit. She woke up in the hospital in a daze surrounded by doctors who questioned her health status after the incident but felt fine.
Bleeding a little from the wound she was given from the impact and a mild headache but other than that she was alright. She remembers the blue light from the source of the blast being the last thing she saw as she rushed for safety before passing out.
She was sent back home a couple of days later where she then discovered her powers in the kitchen as she almost got a jump scare from the lighting storm outside and once she looked at the her reflection in the toaster, she saw she turned invisible for a split second then back to normal. She gasped in shock almost immediately stumbling on her own feet.
Over time she noticed her skin was softer and smoother almost instantly creating her timeless appearance, like she was using some kind of makeup product. Or if she was using a new set of coconut butter on her body to make it almost shine bright like a diamond.
She knew she couldn’t tell anyone at the time, especially thinking they might believe her to be seen as freak or worse. She wanted to continue her career as a dancer and actress, if someone found out that she affected by this…she might lose everything she worked for.
It was hard enough being an African American woman in Hollywood, but imagine being one who had some freaky abilities.
She would be screwed…
- The Unexpected Rise Of The Beauty 
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After the incident at the NASA facility, Juliette Florence finds herself grappling with a new reality. Initially, she tries to dismiss the strange occurrences as figments of her imagination. The fleeting moments of invisibility and the odd sensations of teleportation, that appeared when she felt threatened—she chalks them up to stress and fatigue. 
But the doubts linger, casting a shadow over her already demanding start in Hollywood.
The Catalyst for Change
One late night, as she sits on her couch eating a fruit salad and flipping through channels, something catches her eye on the news. The screen displays rare footage captured on a phone of a tall, dark-skinned woman with bleach-white hair, commanding the forces of nature. The news anchor identifies her as Storm, a powerful mutant who uses her abilities to protect others. The sight of Storm—confident, unashamed, and using her powers for good—strikes a chord deep within Juliette.
For the first time since the incident, Juliette sees a reflection of herself in someone else. Storm's presence ignites a spark of hope and determination. If Storm can embrace her powers and use them to make a difference, perhaps Juliette can too.
Embracing the Unknown
The next morning, Juliette decides to face her fears head-on. She begins experimenting with her abilities in the safety of her home. Initially, it's a chaotic process filled with frustration, fear, and exhaustion. She practices teleporting from her living room to her backyard, learning to focus her mind on the target destination. She discovers that her invisibility is triggered by strong emotions—fear, frustration, and annoyance—and works on calming herself to control this power.
Each day, from Tuesday morning to Saturday afternoon, Juliette dedicates some time to understanding her abilities. She keeps a low profile, ensuring that no one outside her home learns about her powers. 
Despite the challenges, she persists, driven by the image of Storm and the realization that she, too, can harness her abilities.
Returning to Hollywood
After a while, Juliette returns to the movie studio. She realizes that the role she originally wanted no longer feels right. It's a painful reminder of the incident that changed her life. Instead, she speaks with her agent and decides to seek out roles that allow her more freedom to express herself—whether through singing, dancing, or acting in characters with depth and complexity.
Her determination pays off. She lands roles that not only showcase her talents but also allow her to draw on her newfound strength. Such as Iridessa in The Tinkerbell movies, Hidden Figures, Think Like A Man, Rio 2, Netflix’s Glass Onion, Bad Boys, and guest star in tv series.
Her performances gain a new layer of authenticity and power, captivating audiences and critics alike.
Fashion: Juliet has a passion for fashion, drawing inspiration from both vintage styles and contemporary trends. She enjoys experimenting with different looks and expressing herself through her wardrobe.
Music: A lover of music, Juliet finds solace and inspiration in various genres, from classic R&B and soul to modern pop and hip-hop. Music serves as a source of comfort and motivation for her.
Literature: Juliet has a deep appreciation for literature, particularly works that explore themes of identity, culture, and resilience. She enjoys immersing herself in books that provide insight and inspiration.
Dance: Juliet's background in dance fuels her love for movement and self-expression. Whether it's choreographing routines or hitting the dance floor with friends, she finds joy in the rhythm and energy of dance.
Societal Expectations: Juliet harbors resentment towards societal expectations that seek to limit her authenticity and self-expression. She dislikes feeling pressured to conform to narrow standards of beauty and behavior.
Prejudice and Discrimination: Having experienced prejudice and discrimination firsthand, Juliet despises injustice in all its forms. She advocates for equality and inclusivity, using her platform to amplify marginalized voices.
Betrayal: Trust is important to Juliet, and she dislikes betrayal or deceit from those she holds dear. She values loyalty and honesty in her relationships and is quick to distance herself from those who betray her trust.
Friends and Family:
Grandmother: Juliet shares a close bond with her grandmother, who serves as a source of wisdom and guidance. Their relationship is rooted in love and mutual respect, with Juliet often seeking her grandmother's advice in times of need.
Close Friends: Juliet's circle of friends consists of fellow artists, activists, and creatives who share her values and passions. They provide support and camaraderie, standing by her side through the ups and downs of life in Hollywood.
Struggles with Powers/Roles:
Secrecy: Juliet grapples with the burden of keeping her powers a secret, fearing the repercussions if they were to be exposed. This constant vigilance adds stress to her already demanding career and personal life.
Identity Crisis: The juxtaposition of her public persona and her hidden abilities creates an internal conflict for Juliet, leading to moments of doubt and insecurity about her true self.
Balancing Act: Juliet struggles to balance her various roles and responsibilities, from her career as a model and actress to her advocacy work and personal relationships. Finding equilibrium amidst the chaos of her life proves challenging at times.
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Who knows where Juliette will go next in her journey? Maybe she’ll meet the woman who inspired her to keep going. Perhaps she’ll take time off from Hollywood one day to explore this new side of her. 
The future is uncertain, and we can only wait and see.
Hope u guys like her!
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @missstrawbs2001 @t-nd-rfoot @yetanotherwells @sherloquestea @gcthvile @ohgodnotagainn @topgun-imagines @cherrysft @superspookyjanelle @xgoddessoffandomsx @rickb-chaos @ocappreciation @fototingobug @daughter-of-melpomene @savemewattpad
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whipplefilter · 5 months
Any Headcanons on what the characters hometowns are?
I Headcanon McQueen coming from Dallas.
Same, anon! Though admittedly in my case this is just the Owen Wilson effect.
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In my mind Sheriff is from Detroit, but I don't know if that's canon or headcanon. Sally and LA are, of course, canon. Flo, Detroit. Ramone, SoCal. But where they're from isn't as important to me as where they end up. I feel like they'd probably all name Radiator Springs as their hometown, not the factory where they were built, or any of their landing places in the time intervening.
Radiator Springs is home.
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kaileeandag · 4 months
What Songs Were #1 When American Girl Characters Were Born?
I figured I'd do a list of what songs were #1 when Historical Characters (and Girl of the Year/Contemporary) were born. The list starts with Molly because the #1 songs lists I can find only begin at 1930 or so. As for Girls of the Year,the list begins with Saige because she has a definitive birthdate,while Girls of the Year before her only have a birth year.
Historical Girls: -Molly: Isle of Capri by Ray Noble and His Orchestra -Maryellen: My Dreams Are Getting Better All The Time by Les Brown -Melody: Oh! My Pa-Pa (O Mein Papa) by Eddie Fisher -Ivy: Ballad of the Green Berets by Sgt Barry Sadler -Julie: Monday,Monday by The Mamas and the Papas -Courtney: 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover by Paul Simon -Nicki and Isabel: Vogue by Madonna
Girl of the Year/Contemporary Girls: -Saige Copeland: Baby Boy by Beyonce and Sean Paul -Isabelle Palmer: since it's said she was born in Autumn of 2004, the #1 songs during that time were Pieces of Me by Ashlee Simpson, She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5, My Happy Ending by Avril Lavigne, She Will Be Loved (for a second time), and Over and Over by Nelly and Tim McGraw. -Grace Thomas: Gold Digger by Kanye West and Jamie Foxx -Lea Clark: We Belong Together by Mariah Carey -Luciana Vega: SOS by Rihanna -Blaire Wilson: Right Round by Flo Rida and Kesha -Joss Kendrick: Rude Boy by Rihanna -Kira Bailey: Teenage Dream by Katy Perry -Corinne Tan: Someone Like You by Adele -Kavika Sharma: One More Night by Maroon 5 -Lila Monetti: Happy by Pharell -Tenney Grant: since it says she was born early May 2005, the likely #1 song the day she was born was Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani -Makena Williams: Disturbia by Rihanna -Evette Peters: I Kissed a Girl by Katy Perry -Maritza Ochoa: Touch My Body by Mariah Carey
So, there's the list!
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eurovision-facts · 1 year
Eurovision Fact #446:
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Over the 67 years of Eurovision, quite a few American contestants have taken part, one American even won the contest.
To begin, non-qualifying artists include:
Cyprus' 2006 representative and former backup singer for Brittany Spears, Annet Artani; both Austria and Slovenia's 2013 representatives, Natália Kelly and Hannah, respectively; finally Jimmie Wilson, who represented San Marino as part of a duo with Valentina Monetta in 2017.
Next, there were many qualifying American artists. Many of which made it into the top 10. For starters, artists that did not make the top 10 include:
1979's representative for Luxembourg, Jeane Manson; Denmark's 1981 representative Debbie Cameron, who took part as a duo with Tommy Seebach; Kim Cooper of The Rounder Girls, who represented Austria in 2000; Poland's 2008 representative Isis Gee; Oscar Loya of Alex Swings Oscar Sings, who represented Germany in 2009; Tamar Kaprelian of Genealogy, who represented Armenia in 2015; Bulgaria's 2018 contestants Trey Campbell and Johnny Manuel of the group Equinox; in 2021, Flo Rida featured in Senhit's performance for San Marino; and Poland's 2022 contestant Ochman.
Finally, a total of 6 American contestants have made the top 10. In order of placing, they are:
Rhonda Heath of the Silver Convention, who represented Germany in 1977, earning 8th place; Romina Power, who represented Italy twice with her then husband, Al Bano, once in 1976 and 1985 -- earning 7th place both times; Hungary's 2014 representative András Kállay-Saunders, who placed 5th; Wess, who performed with Dori Ghezzi in 1975 for Italy, placing 3rd; also placing 3rd was Greece's Kalomira, who took part in 2008; finally, taking home first place in 1997 was Katrina Leskanich of Katrina and the Waves, who represented the United Kingdom.
'Made in the USA - Americans who have competed at the Eurovision Song Contest,' Aussievision.net.
Participants of Athens 2006: Annet Artani, Eurovision.tv.
Annet Artani Biography, IMDb.com.
Participants of Malmö 2013: Natália Kelly, Eurovision.tv.
Natália Kelly, Wikipedia.org.
Participants of Malmö 2013: Hannah, Eurovision.tv.
Participants of Kyiv 2017: Valentina Monetta and Jimmie Wilson, Eurovision.tv.
Participants of Jerusalem 1979: Jeane Manson, Eurovision.tv.
Biografie, JeaneManson.com.
Debbie Cameron, IMDb.com.
Participants of Belgrade 2009: Isis Gee, Eurovision.tv.
Participants of Stockholm 2000: The Rounder Girls, Eurovision.tv.
Participants of Moscow 2009: Alex Swings Oscar Sings!, Eurovision.tv.
Participants of Vienna 2015: Genealogy, Eurovision.tv.
Participants of Lisbon 2018: EQUINOX, Eurovision.tv.
Participants of Turin 2022: Ochman, Eurovision.tv.
Participants of London 1977: Silver Convention, Eurovision.tv.
Participants of The Hague 1976: Romina and Al Bano, Eurovision.tv.
Participants of Gothenburg 1986: Al Bano and Romina Power, Eurovision.tv.
Romina Power, IMDb.com.
Participants of Copenhagen 2014: András Kállay-Saunders, Eurovision.tv.
Participants of Stockholm 1975: Wess and Dori Ghezzi, Eurovision.tv.
Participants of Belgrade 2008: Kalomira, Eurovision.tv.
Dublin 1997, Eurovision.tv.
Participants of Rotterdam 2021: Senhit, Eurovision.tv.
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January: Happy Birthday List
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19) 1: Josette Simon  2: Erica Hubbard, Renée Elise Goldsberry 3: Angelique Perrin, Nicole Beharie 4: Jill Marie Jones, Miss Tina Lawson, Lenora Crichlow, Alexandra Grey, Coco Jones, Sindi Dlathu 5: Ms. Juicy Baby, Olunike Adeliyi 6: Betty Gabriel, Jacqueline Moore, Tiffany Pollard, Armelia McQueen, Tanyell Waivers 7: Blue Ivy Carter, Ruth Negga, Sofia Wylie, Zora Neale Hurston 8: Butterfly McQueen, Ryan Destiny, Cynthia Erivo, Shirley Bassey 9: Amber Ruffin, Flo Milli, Anais Lee/Mirabel Lee 10: Kathleen Bradley, Sisi Stringer, Teresa Graves
11: Adepero Oduye, Aja Naomi King, Amiyah Scott, Kim Coles, Mary J. Blige 12: Cynthia Addai Robinson, Erinn Westbrook, Issa Rae, Naya Rivera, Amerie 13: Janet Hubert, Andy Allo, Shonda Rhimes 14: Adjoa Andoh, Vonetta McGee, Emayatzy Corinealdi 15: Regina King, Kellita Smith, Sanai Victoria 16: Debbie Allen, Aaliyah, FKA Twigs, Sade 17: Eartha Kitt, Indya Moore, Michelle Obama, Ann Wolfe, Quen Blackwell
18: Ashleigh Murray, Estelle, Samantha Mumba 19: Simone Missick, Lidya Jewett, Shaunette Renée Wilson
Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18) 21: Anastarzia Anaquway 22: Blesnya Minher, Dwan Smith 23: Lanei Chapman 24: Kenya Moore, Tatyana Ali 25: Ariana DeBose, Jenifer Lewis, Tati Gabrielle, Etta James, Alicia Keys, Willow Nightingale 26: Angela Davis, Anita Baker, Bessie Coleman, Ciera Payton, Desiree Burch, Sasha Banks, Zara Cully  27: Betty Adewole 28: Tyra Ferrell 29: Oprah Winfrey 30: Jody Watley, Kylie Bunbury 31: Miss Peppermint, Kerry Washington
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List will be updated as needed... I don't know everybody's birthday, and sometimes, the search engine don't either. I be using Google, and if something's wrong, it's wrong until I figure out the right date. Thank you.
Ones left off in 2024, when I made the list:
Vanity, Sindi Dlathu, Tanyell Waivers, Zaraah Abrahams, Zabryna Guevara, Quen Blackwell, Lanei Chapman, Willow Nightingale
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