#flowey kin
utkinhome · 3 months
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A stimboard for a Flowey using green, yellow, white, and pink @charonthespidertwink
X X X | X X X | X X X
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cardboardsans · 3 months
Heya! Are you an undertale/deltarune kin who wants an adult space to hangout? let me introduce you to our discord server! EchflowerOrchard!
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We are an 18+ undertale/deltarune kin server that also welcomes systems!
If you want to find a friendly space for fellow kins (and systems) you've come to the right place! We are a new community but hope to grow and flourish. we are doubles friendly as well!
also we will sob if any napstablook/alphys join /pos
click here to join!
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lepetitstarlight · 1 month
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self indulgent flowey stimboard
DO NOT TAG AS KIN/ID/ME !!! /nm /lh
Art by st4ngray
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prince02fluffybuns · 1 year
I met Goner kid once, as flowey, and I think that's what started my fear of them, or the fear they represent.
It was the same as the game, (though I didn't have the chance to give them an umbrella.)
"Never think about this again, please."
I think about them so often, and it haunts me that they didn't affect the world in any way, I still checked for them, at that riverbank, but they never appeared again.
I'm still terrified over them, or becoming them. I don't want to be inconsequential, I won't allow it.
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mikokiara · 1 month
Being a flowey fictionkin has to be the most liberating thing ever because that motherfucker is most of my repressed thoughts and feelings in one
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siiversans · 1 year
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punchingmoths · 10 months
a thought
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omega-floweys · 23 days
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umm Thingy?
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insomnia-goblin · 5 months
Hiya everyone. I’m new to kinning and doing my first canon call ^w^. I’m a post pacifist Flowey looking for Chara and Frisk. Bodily and mentally I am a minor so be aware. Warning I am part of some communities considered problematic. (Not a proshipper dw.) I use them for coping, not to hurt people.
@professional-floweyenjoyer is my kin sideblog.
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In my head I'm brewing a version of Laura that's absolutely unhinged.
A Laura that fully buys into her role as the Princess, the damsel to be saved. She is a laurel, a wreath to be placed on the Hero's head as a symbol of his victory. A prize. She is to be won. This is partially due to the indoctrination of her father, the King.
She waits for Florante. Patiently. He will save her, he is the Hero, and fate has decreed that they will ride off into the sunset together. Happily ever after. This delusion is what keeps her going when Count Adolph launches his coup. When he forces her to be his queen. She will not, because she is saving herself for Florante.
To make her Worse™, let's give her metanarrative/time looping powers. She must have been absolutely pissed when Flerida saved her. This is not how it goes, she thinks to herself, even when she narrowly escapes her death. Her Hero is supposed to save her. This story is getting off-script.
And so she resets the timeline. She will endure the suffering of being a princess over and over and over, just to get the Happily Ever After she wants. She doesn't want to be happy if it's not in the prescribed way.
She wants to be saved in the worst sense of the term.
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utkinhome · 18 days
Howdy! I'm flowey, if you could can I please get a tadot reading about my canon? Thank you
I’m on it! I’ll use my go-to spread and The Legend of Tarot deck, which only has upright meanings!
You (top card): Something about the kintype, more broad, sometimes obvious, but it may still be overlooked
I got the Hermit card! It seems like you were a kinder person in your timeline. Instead of attacking Frisk, you acted as a guide! You led them through the Underground, keeping them from losing their way in terms of location and mentality.
Home (left card): Something about your canon, can be general or specific
I got the Eight of Sticks! You struggled with your inner demons, preventing you from moving forward and gaining freedom. You felt trapped by them, with your fear being your biggest enemy.
Heart (right card): Something fundamental about the kintype, something that makes you you
I got the Chariot card! Despite your struggles, you always progressed towards your goals! You kept everything under control and avoided straying from the path, and those close to you were there to support you when you needed it!
I hope this helps you, and let me know if it does!
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fieldsofacid · 1 year
When you feel like you kin Frisk from Undertale because of a dream you had
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you know what is therapeutic? writing letters to your source. i havent really found source mates yet so i just wrote a letter in my note book. it was to flowey.. i wish i could give it him tho... get an answer, maybe even some closure. but for now this is fine.
anyways, take care everyone!
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lepetitstarlight · 1 month
I am screaming
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neverniko101 · 27 days
(For Horror!Dreamtale thingy!) Back yet again with another Askkk, okay so saw the recent one with Ink being 'ded'. Was he actually knocked out cold, or dead-dead but revived lol
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Heya folks! I’ve downscaled Horror Dreamtale to just be a normal ask blog instead of the chapters so I do t get burnout. But yes! Send asks!
Extra info under the cut.
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Firefly (HDT!Dream):
- Acts as a vigilante of sorts, working to fight local crime and cult activity
- He and Frostbite had a…disagreement…and haven’t spoken in years. Firefly misses his brother, but doesn’t want to head into the woods for fear of being chomped by the purple beasts
Frostbite (HDT!NM):
- Lives in the woods, defending the tree
- Hunts the purple beasts and eats their magic, bringing the bodies back to Muffet
- Cranky >:(
- tries not to eat people
- Proud, a bit of a jerk
- Glows in the dark
- Very obviously plotting to overthrow the kingdom, but he’s so harmless that no one takes him seriously
- he
- he’s Papyrus
- what more do you want me to say
- Idolizes Undyne and Lumi
- Born from the roots of the Tree
- Necromancer
- just a nice little fellow
- Accidentally summoned this angry little demon and now it won’t leave
- Angry little demon
- it won’t leave
- Has a crush on the local captain of the Royal Guard
- Definitely doesn’t sneak out to see her
- Expert on magic
- Accidentally started a cult
- Lives in the woods near the tree
- Sews bodies from animal parts and other materials and injects them with modified magic from the tree
- Attempting to make a beast capable of destroying the city since nobody would buy her doughnuts >:(
- Made a deal with Frostbite- Muffet would attempt to make a replacement positivity guardian to restore the balance (since Firefly left) and Frostbite would hunt down her failed creations and bring the materials back to her
- he is a doctor
- precious boy
- Scared of snakes
- Scarred by a recent beast attack
- Determined to find the source of the attacks to protect the townsfolk
- Thief
- Failed experiment of Muffet that escaped the forest
- Trying to find where he came from and what she should do with her life
- Passive aggressively bugs people to join her flower cult
- Bakes pies with flowers in them
- Everything is fine :)
The Reborn (Asriel):
- He’s Flowey
- Flowey the Flower
- Sad divorced man
- Trying to stop the beast attacks
The Leech:
- Dying human that drinks the sap of the Tree to survive
- he is Mettaton
- He runs a circus
- 👍
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fictionkinfessions · 2 months
im curious, do any asriel kins feel completely disconnected from flowey? im a floweykin who doesnt feel connected to asriel at all, to the point of saying i dont kin him, despite knowing i /was/ asriel at some point in the past of that life. does it go the other way, too? - flowey
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