himekokosu · 7 months
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x-heesy · 2 months
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𝚆𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚌𝚛𝚢 😭
Been alive, not afraid
Feeling fine, feeling great
What a time, what a place
Make it mine, feeling great
Been alive, not afraid
Feeling fine, feeling great
What a time, what a place
Make it mine, feeling great
In the cut, no rust
Couldn't touch one of us
Motherfucker better know what's up
No fuss, wouldn't give another fuck
Don't run outta luck
Leave a motherfucker stuck in the mud
No trust
I don't give a damn if your shit go bust
Fucking with a man 'til a man go nuts
Ran with a plan, gonna do what I can
Getting out of a jam, been had enough
In the cut, no rust
Couldn't touch one of us
Motherfucker better know what's up
No fuss, wouldn't give another fuck
Don't run outta luck
Leave a motherfucker stuck in the mud
No trust
I don't give a damn if your shit go bust
Fucking with a man 'til a man go nuts
Ran with a plan, gonna do what I can
Getting out of a jam, been had enough
Look around at the things I handle
Talk a lot, but I don't wanna ramble
Been hot like the flame of a candle
Everything we do at a time is a gamble
Look around at the things I handle
Talk a lot, but I don't wanna ramble
Been hot like the flame of a candle
Everything we do at a time is a gamble
Been alive, not afraid
Feeling fine, feeling great
What a time, what a place
Make it mine, feeling great
Been alive, not afraid
Feeling fine, feeling great
What a time, what a place
Make it mine, feeling great, yeah
Japan by Hensonn, Bearded Legend 😭 🕺🏼
@roxiyc90 @invincible-selfxmade-punk @jadeseadragon @kattywompuss @frenchpsychiatrymuderedmycnut @bigbonzo
​Slow dancing in the dark
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gfquackity · 1 year
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toosvanholstein · 5 months
De Momentenvanger met de Losse Pols: Frans Hals
Frans Hals, de man met de prachtig losse schilderspols en de grandioze vanger van momenten. Op een niet te missen indrukwekkende expositie in het Rijksmuseum. As 't effe kan, GAAN!! In TOOS&ART van deze week een voorproefje. #kunst#art#expo#Rijksmuseum
Heb je dat ook wel eens? Zo’n plots als-idee? Stel nou eens dat iets juist wel of juist niet zou zijn gebeurd, wat zou dan het gevolg zijn geweest? Mij overkwam ‘t toen ik laatst rondliep op de grote expositie over Frans Hals (1582/84-1666). In het Amsterdamse Rijksmuseum (nog tot 9 juni). Als nou eens dat Spaanse huurlingenleger in 1585,Tachtigjarige Oorlog weet je wel , de zo belangrijke…
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todays tedlasso episode is really funny for all the names they chose to specifically be unpronounceable ones but at the end when beard pronounces gilles as g(soft g)-ill-uhs its like. yeah but that ones actually just jill in french so it doesnt sound like that
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abbeyofcyn · 4 months
*deep breath*
Happy birthday :3
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morningmask27 · 8 months
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Costellato dalla tua bellezza,
rifletto e galleggio,
dipingo il tuo volto
tra luci e colori,
pennellate impazzite
nel fiume fluite.
Tu fiorisci ninfea
in perfetta armonia
col cielo stellato,
ogni giorno più bella,
per il tuo amato.
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himekokosu · 2 years
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Japanese beautyberry
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overprikkelqueer · 2 months
Mijn brein, uit het niets:
[Snollebollekes stem]
♪♫ Ik blaas strakjes op mijn fluit, bolognese achteruit ♪♫
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archivistbot · 1 year
statement of many rats regarding
the things in the tunnels below.
This may be what they called the Pit, and it was a cavernous place. Four stories high, almost two stories in diameter, branching down through several caves in the sides of the pit. If you walked right through it, you might get lost for a long time.
After about two thousand steps, you passed an opening in the wall. A hole you could go through. At that point, you had arrived in the Pit. There was no more up or down, just here and there.
It was dark, long-lived, and its fluit fatus was strange, as an animal can only be. Ever so faintly hinged its head upwards, as though searching for something. Just sat there, the lid of a great, dark void that seemed to stretch out forever.
Its head was too high, so only the faintest hints of a face could be seen, but it was completely empty. No life.
It stared down at me, and for a second I felt afraid. We scattered.
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kiwibirb1 · 6 months
My middle school Latin teacher had us write stories to increase our understanding of how the language was used (which was a very good idea especially when literature is all we have left of the language) and the pure unhinged things I wrote are amazing.
Grumio was cannibalized then sent off to the Fey, yes, the Fey, never seen again. Prompt was to include a cat by the way.
When we were learning about baths and toilet demons and all that good stuff I came up with the platypus mafia, who are wanted by Caesar himself, not just the empire. They snuck into other people's work too like they were off fighting dragons and shit.
There was one that was just biblical figures? Like we had to change the characters in an already written story and it just turned biblical.
Latin was amazing our class chant was "Multis Sanguis Fluit" because it was like th efirst thing we learned and actually absorbed.
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roderidderhottakes · 6 months
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De Rode Ridder - Het wapen van Rihei
Ik heb lang gezocht naar een deftige uitleg van die personen met een bijenkorf op hun hoofd. Ik bedoel: zulke personages komen wel eens voor in Japanse computerspelletjes, maar je hebt zo goed als geen context. Voordat internet bestond, had je er dus het raden naar. En dan lees je een strip van 1960 waar de uitleg netjes is neergepend.
Het zijn komuso (niet kamuso, het streepje op de "o" duidt trouwens op een langere klank). Ze dragen inderdaad een geweven korf over hun hoofd. Ze doen dit om hun eigen ego uit de interactie te halen. Deze monniken konden, ze deden dit niet allemaal, op een shakuhachi spelen. Deze soort fluit werd gebruikt bij hun meditatie (in tegenstelling tot mediteren bij absolute stilte). Dat kan misschien vreemd klinken, maar het spelen was een soort mindfulness.
Deze komuso bleven door hun korf onbekend, dat is natuurlijk ideaal voor spionnen of anderen die rondreizen maar zichzelf niet bekend willen maken.
Mysterie van zoveel decennia geleden dus opgelost!
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arleniansdoodles · 2 years
Low key I want Freya and Thrud to interact with Calliope. Also Mimir, I feel like that would be cute
Like Freya would be really soft with Calliope I imagine, she knows at least some of what the poor girl went through and would try to be as kind as possible
Thrud gives chaotic big sis energy and honestly I could imagine her being one of the firsts to try and teach Calliope to at least defend herself on her own
Mimir is the definition of Cool Uncle. I think Calliope would love his stories, and she probably play her fluit for him as well. He'd probably try to get her to warm up to her father a little after the initial meet-and-greet
Also IK Brok is dead but I could only imagine how he and sindri would react to Kratos showing up with another child. Unfortunately we may never know 😔
You could very well have your wish granted! I can't guarantee that everyone will get a scene in, but I do want to try! I'd like to see them interact too, especially since Freya knows a bit of Calliope's past; she may take a foster-mother / aunt role for Calliope? And teach her how to mix herbs and making healing poultices, stuff like that :D
Thrud would definitely be the chaotic older sis loll whereas Angrboda is the more level-headed nurturing sis! As for Mimir, I can imagine him trying to help Calliope warm up a bit, but that may be tough if he's always dangling from Kratos' belt loll so Atreus might have to bring Mimir to Jotunheim while Kratos goes off doing other side quests XDD
And as for Brok and Sindri's reaction ... Well, I do have some Thoughts about that XDD More specifically about Sindri's hehehehh (*coughKratos-Pandora-dynamic*cough*)
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richardsletters · 2 years
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"Hi my best to you. Get me a subscription to magazine with lots of pictures if possible. Also I could use a few american stamps. Thanks. How was your summer? Its ok about not writing sooner. Whenever you get the chance is fine. Send pictures of yourself please. Never have heard of the Battle Dragon you mention. Cant think of a name for it. I used to have asian beta fish. They like to fight when thrown in tank together. Mylar is same material as mylar birthdat party ballons. You can get the cards at Hallmark greeting card store. Send some clear plastic ones as well. You type well. I like your stationery. Send pics of you in bikini howing your legs and feet :P How come you dropped out of school? Lots of fluits grown here in California and Mexico. What excites you? Where do you go shopping? Iused to like going to malls lokking at jewelry. Do you like video games? Do you go to theatre to watch movies or go to school? Thats all for now. Love <3 :) Richard"
"P.s. Send me a subscription card to the magazine Discovery Girls and Home and Gardens Things. Verse on pirates and jokes enclosed"
"Drawings of me enclosed"
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El mòbil iphone SE és el millor, encara que no siga el iphone més avançat m’encante. Primerament el processador es el A15 Biònic, que es el mateix que te el iphone 13, uns dels mòbils més nous ara mateix, podem observar que aquest processador te un procés de fabricació de 5 nanòmetres, quasi 15.000 milions de transistors, una CPU de 6 nuclis, amb 2 de alt rendiment i altres 4 centrats en la eficiència, també te un Neural Engine de 16 nuclis, amb 15,8 bilions de operacions per segon, a més a més, una GPU de 4 nuclis, podem veure que aquest mòbil te molt bon processador, però també anem a parlar sobre memòria RAM, de 4 GB, suficient per a executar qualsevol quantitat de feines de forma eficient i sense perdudes de fluïdesa, un altre punt important és la bateria, sincerament la bateria del iphone SE no es la més duradora, però ho compense amb la seua fluïdesa i amb el bon servei del processador que li fa gastar molta bateria, per aquestes raons també tenim un carregador de càrrega ràpida, encara que aquest iphone te una bateria de 2018 mAh. Per últim vos vaig a parlar de la càmera que a tots ens interessa un poc i es que aquesta càmera es de les millors per a fer vídeos ja que te una càmara 4K a 60fps aleshores el vídeo es fluit i estable. 
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