#fnaf au clean up time
paimaniagalaxia · 5 months
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The after math of the events of FNAF 1, where a clean up crew is hired by Henry Emily to help refurbish and confiscate the animatronics.
Paige is apart of that clean up crew and decides to leave the rest of her crew mates to finish the job, all the while exploring the rest of the pizzaria. Only to end up in parts and services, to find the one and only William Afton. AKA, Springtrap.
Chapter One: LINK HERE
Chapter Two: LINK HERE
Chapter Three: LINK HERE
Chapter Four: LINK HERE
Chapter Five: LINK HERE
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Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
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thecryptidart1st · 9 months
Wanna know something that just gave me a crisis? (/hj)
Events of FNAF 3 would be taking place this year.
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i’m aware
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emathyst9 · 2 months
William's reference sheet remake is now finished!
Here's everyone's favorite (not) purple guy once again!
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bloo-the-dragon · 1 year
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For my sams au!
Super rough sketches of Sol inspired by some art @house-full-of-spiders drew of him which watered all my crops and trees. He befriended a bunny!
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Vanessa and Vanny!
Click for better quality
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peapodsinspace · 5 months
Hiiii :3
do you have any jojo headcanons?? It can be for any character :]
oooh absolutely!!! I’ve never made a post about my head cannons before!!!
These are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head!! And a lot of my head cannons are like, au specific anyway hehe
Also a lot of these will be post cannon :]
-Diamond is Unbreakable-
-jotaro taught josuke and okuyasu how to do eyeliner
-tomoko listens to Britney Spears when she cleans her house
-tonio sends okuyasu “left over” (freshly cooked, made expressly for this purpose) meals a few times a week
-koichi’s mom invites Rohan over for dinner fairly often (he accepts occasionally)
-Golden Wind-
-narancia’s favorite thing to do is listen to music with his friends and just chill
-he has playlist for all of them
-he likes to sit upside down in chairs (supposedly helps him focus ((he just does it because he can)))
-nara ikes to have other people read to him because he’s better at remembering it that way (usually fugo reads to him)
-giorno isn’t super good at video games, but he gets very serious and into them regardless
-fugo and trish used to not get along very well, but now they just bicker at each other for fun
-they read crappy YA novels together!!!!
-fugo has a copy of divergent he added commentary in the margins of, and long rants at the end of the book (he stuck extra paper in)
-he did this to try and get mista to read divergent (it worked ((mista hated it)))
-that copy was passed around the whole group so it has a bunch of notes from everyone
-fugo keeps all his books in stacks and low bookshelves because he dislikes the way ceiling-high bookshelves loom over him
-fugo genuinely had it out for abbachio when he first joined Bruno’s gang, to the point that he would try and get him in trouble with bruno for no reason
-abbachio lets Trish do his makeup sometimes
-abbachio will sleep in all day, and if he’s ever up early it’s because he never went to bed at all
-Stone ocean-
-weather and anasui will usually try and get extra breakfast (or save some of theirs) to give to emporio
-emporio likes FNAF
-he makes his friends play horror games with him (jolyne and anasui mostly, because jolyne is good at them, and anasui screams like a little girl)
-Steel Ball Run-
-diego is effected by cold and heat more since he developed his stand
-he occasionally gets the extreme urge to chew on something (or more specifically to eat a rock), however save the times he is fully in his dinosaur form or close to it, his teeth aren’t strong enough to eat them :[
-which is why his gloves have many pinprick holes in them from where he chews on the extra fabric around his fingers
-diego is a total nerd about anything animal related and will happily info dump at any opportunity, but somehow still be prissy about it
-gyro is consistently baffled by at least half of the phrases that Johnny says, because he doesn’t know what they mean
-gyro saws some serious logs in his sleep (he snores very loudly)
-he has a journal he’s really secretive about
-one time Johnny read the journal and it was just dumb joke ideas and a really weird bucket list
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factual-fantasy · 10 months
26 ASK! :DDDD🎉🎉🎉
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I do not.. :/ Sorry!
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:DDD Thank you!! ☕ I'm hanging in there as best I can <:) Thank you for the well wishes. I hope the same for you!
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@boxofcreampuffs (SKJAJD HORSE XDDDD)
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@chaotic-public-menace (Post in question)
<XD While that is true, this comic is way overdue. Its taken me some weeks to make and it should have been up like a month ago! I just wanna get it done already so I'm trying to not get distracted by FNAF and other drawing ideas-
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I haven't actually decided on whether or not the other Addison's were good or bad guys. This would change their reaction to seeing Spamton.
I had this idea that Spamton's world is a lot like Seam and Jevil's. Its more cruel and wicked than the original Deltarune.. And Spamton might not have been particularly close with the other Addison's.. They had no time for bonds or relationships. It was a dog eat dog world, every man for himself.
Branching off of that, one idea I had was the other Addison's had become jealous of Spamton's success and tried to kill him by pushing him into the acid pools.. Only for Spamton to survive and reemerge as a horrific looking creature..
If I go with the evil Addison story.. some Addison's might run away in fear just because of how horrific Spamton looks. Though some might deliberately abandon him becuase they hated him/were jealous of him and felt like he deserves this.
If I go with a story where the other Addison's weren't responsible for the acid fall.. they might still run away in fear. Seeing this horrible beast.. not realizing its one of their own.
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XD No problem! Soft boi Gregory is best Gregory!
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In my AU, none of the other Glamrock's know that Gregory exists. But if they did, maybe Roxy would envy it a bit..? Having someone look up to Freddy and not her might hurt her ego a bit.. :(
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Oh no no, his top and bottom row of teeth are separate. Like these pictures here show,
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(Post in question for the pictures)
The top row of teeth all fused together and became one big cracked tooth. And the bottom row did the same. But the two rows are separate and he can still open his mouth.
To think that if while he was initially melting, he had kept his mouth closed? His teeth would have melted together and he wouldn't be able to eat anything easily.. if at all.
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Please don't draw fanart of any of my stuff. There are no exceptions.
(Also thank you💖)
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Thank you! :DDD
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You just made their night XDD
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Thank you! I'm hanging in there 😅 I hope you are well too! :}}
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They're dry :x
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I imagine that Bonnie Bowl might have a flashlight.? And Pirates cove would have a box of confiscated Bon-cams XD
I don't really remember what the other collectables were in the game so I don't really have a reference to go off of..
Buuuut,,, maybe from Bonnie bowl you could also get one of Bonnies signature bowling balls? A purple bowling ball with a rabbit ears print on it somewhere.
And for Pirates Cove perhaps a cheap pirate captains hat? I had this idea that there's 100s of these cheap captain hats that Foxy gives away to the kids every day. So maybe that could be a collectable too? :00
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XD Once I'm done with this project that will be me. Posting the most painful angst I can conjure up
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I have not. But something tells me its about Hares/Rabbits XDD
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Yeah, me and some friends theorized about that. We thought "Maybe Vanessa or William is taking care of the animatronics and keeping them clean"
But even if they were, you cant help certain wears and tears. They would look noticeably worn, stained, torn in some places and a bit brittle in others after so many years of just existing.
They also missed out on a lot of scares by making them pristine. Bonnie's face could have had a crack/split down the side. "Oh yeah that's been there for a while, its fine" Only for it to fall of later in the movie revealing these piercing red eyes and a Childs head lodged in Bonnie's face/jaw.
Or Chica could have her beak come off or dangle down and reveal colorful wires hanging down.. and.. is that a childs arm.?
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(Post in question)
Oh yeah, he'd be scared. Even the Captain is spooked in that AU XD
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@kaiserdarken (WAAA SORRY FOR ANSWERING SO LATE! I was originally going to draw something as a response to this but I never got around to it and it got burriedddd.. my apologies. Better late than never I suppose-)
I do celebrate Halloween, which means Bibi and Jangles would as well XD For Halloween I like to dress up in some way and carve pumpkins. Although I forgot to carve any this year and didn't have a good opportunity to dress up unfortunately-
I can see Bibi wanting to dress up and carve pumpkins too. But he might not actually be strong enough to puncture a pumpkin to carve it <XD He'd need some help-
Jangles would just eat all of the candy. Plus pumpkin pie and more candy-
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(Again one of those asks I was going to respond to with a drawing but never got around to ittttt.. I'm sorry-)
Its been so long since you sent this I cant actually remember what it was referring to.💀 IM SO SORRY! Its still funny though! <XDD
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(Another ask I was going to respond to with a comic- sorry for the lateness!)
Thank you so much! And yeah, "Jangles looks like Papyrus," I get that a lot <XD
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(Yet another late ask that was meant to have a drawing attached😭 Sorry!)
(Bibi sweating profusely) "PLEASE do not die for me- I prefer you were alive--"
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@minnesotamedic186 (ANOTHER late ask meant to have its own post but I got lazy😭💔Sorry!)
The basic idea for my Kirby AU is that I took the other metaknight's and added them to the Kirby Right back at Ya universe :00 I cant remember what info I shared before because this ask was sent so long ago.. but I'll just recap Axe Knights story because it has the most detail!
Axe Knight was Metaknight's first follower, and best friend. He was with Metaknight from the very beginning. They became star warriors together when they were both a bit young. Axe Knight truly believed in Metaknight. He saw greatness in his friend, he saw a true hero. And he truly believed Metaknight was going to end this war and save the world. Its because of this adoration and belief, that Axe Knight devoted himself to Metaknight and proclaimed himself to be his first follower.
It was not too long after when tragedy struck. A battle broke out and Axe knight sacrificed himself to protect Metaknight. As he lay on the ground, dying from his sacrifice.. he saw Metaknight too laying on the ground nearby. Unmoving, and in a pool of his own blood. Axe knight died with his heart twisted in grief. Thinking that his sacrifice had failed. And that his best friend had died.
Metaknight of course survived, and Axe Knights sacrifice was the only thing that saved him. But Axe Knight didn't know that before he died. Metaknight buried his best friend and left that planet in grief. Forever changed by this loss..
But Axe Knight.. wasn't totally gone. Axe died grieving, thinking that this world lost a great warrior; Metaknight. Thinking that it was so cruel Metaknight didn't get to live longer. To travel the universe and save lives. They were robbed of a hero. Because of Axe Knights failure. His soul was so disturbed that it couldn't move on. He later crawled out of his grave, with a fiery determination to make things right. To go out there and save as many lives as possible. To protect anyone he can and to help all who need him. Because that's what Metaknight would have done.
Eventually after years of blindly wandering the universe.. battling monsters and saving innocents.. he crosses paths with dreamland. He finds himself in a little town full of Cappys.. And then he runs in to a familiar face...
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I was going to draw a comic of Jangles making a vlog style video. "Hey guys, welcome to pranking with Jangles. Today I'm gonna prank Bibi by throwing this cheese slice at his face!"
He sneaks up behind Bibi who is sitting on a beanbag and reading or something- "Hey Bibi" He turns around
Jangles throws the cheese slice and it completely misses and just splats on the ground. "Oh oops"
Bibi: "????"
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@uay778 (The last ask that I was going to draw something for and never got around to. So sorry!)
I was going to draw a comic to this where I replace the bandages with clean, fresh ones. But then they immediately get soaked with blood again XDD Its just a part of my design!
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Let's check in on some Readers old and new shall we?(you don't have to add on to these at all. Just want to show my appreciation for all the work you do on your aus and give you a nice thing to read when u get back from ur break.)
Hellhound! Reader is currently trying to pivot the conversation away from childhood homes, as they don't really want their new friends to know about the less than good state of the pound they grew out of.
Fallen Angel reader is trying to explain what exactly the exorcists are, as they thought the Yans already knew about them and the role heaven plays in hell.
Dark Au Reader wakes up with someone hovering over them in an unknown room and immediately punches them. Where's Kitty? Where Kurt? Where are they? What's going on? ( they woke up in the new headquarters, the others are safe and getting treatment, and they just gave Scott a bloody nose. Their parent is glad they feel healthy enough to move, but please dont punch anyone else.)
Og Creed Reader also wakes up in a dark room and immediately breaks someone's nose, but they know exactly where they are and did it on purpose. Victor would be very proud if it wasn't his nose they broke this time
Haunted mansion Reader is given a box of clothes from their employers. The clothes are old and belong in a museum more than actually being worn, but they appreciate the gesture. Tho they wonder how the odd family knew their size?
Sentinel Reader is getting cooking lessons from Gambit. He even gave them a little apron! They don't quite get what food does and doesn't go together, but they got the spirit! They can't wait to show Kurt!
All of Reader Readerson's blood has rushed to their face because MeeMee Readerson just invited everyone to visit their family villa and insists on it. Let's hope this visit goes as good as the last and they don't get more embarrassed.
Moth Cryptid Au Reader has decided to take advantage of this weird situation and has tasked the invading Moths to help clean and restore the broken down mansion. (Under very careful instructions)
Bleeding Parts and Missing Parts Reader is wondering if maybe they went too far when magneto of all people show up demanding to talk to the Professor and saying a ghost is haunting them. (Kitty is gonna crack a rib from how hard she's gonna laugh. Readr decides no, they didn't if they can get their friends to laugh like that.)
Creator Reader is taking a well deserved nap (they are gonna need the energy)
Normal Reader has reluctantly showed up at the mansion doors with their sibling because the young one has lit fire to the couch three times this week with their mutation before Reader agreed they need help controlling it.
Isekai Reader just saw Jean put a load of laundry in and is having Tide pod flashbacks
Mutant Mutant Reader cries onto Evan shoulder about their family, while Logan has a horrible gut feeling he's forgotten something.
Crow Reader got a hold of McDonald's French fry coupons and has never felt more excitement in their life.
Half-Diamond Reader is sitting in their parent's old throne room. Not on the throne, but on the floor as they try to comfort a panicking pearl who spilled their strange human drink.
Blood of Dragon Reader is doing their mandatory wing exercises, not knowing the adults hope to get them actually flying soon.
Gargoyle Reader is getting their cheeks squished cause the Gargoyles stone faces just don't do that and they are fascinated!
Fnaf Reader just got scooped up by yet another animatronic who is so happy to see them and oh my goodness look at how you've grown! Are you eating enough Reader? Let's go grab a slice a pizza and then we can go to the arcade and laser tag and- (seriously Laura did you tell ALL of them?)
Reincarnated Reader is very awkwardly sitting next to Victor in a crowded roadside diner while he stares them down( Logan is telling them to leave but they are hungry and haven't eaten anything but jerky in a while and they just can't afford to leave)
Hidden in the Dark Reader has clawed their way into the vents. The yans can't see them, but Reader can definitely hear them yelling for them. They just need a minute to breathe.
( That's all I got for now! Thank you for all ur hard work!)
I love it. Thank you, @sugar-soda. Thank you. I like this addition to the Reader Multiverse and all the different aus.
(And I'm back, with a few ideas! I enjoyed my break, and I'm going to take things a little slower so I don't go through burn out as quick!)
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chubs-deuce · 5 months
What kind of friends, Dawn will have in future stories?
Have you thought of any original characters yet?
I don't actually know yet I'm ngl!!!
I am generally in lowkey desperate need for OCs to fill the background with and give the surrounding cast a bit of an expansion, I'm ngl :'DD
I've thought about repurposing some OCs of mine from other fandoms/stories for this, such as Zena:
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But ngl I have just zero backstory ideas and her hazbin-ified AU redesign feels a little incoherent in comparison to the canon cast, since they're meant to reflect their life, sins and death...
And idk what kind of sin would make you spawn in hell as an anthropomorphic pig when she's - in her own story - the de-facto leader of a rebellious secret group of outcasts that are desperately trying to find a sustainable cure for a lethal disease that nearly wiped out her entire people... like, she's just a very noble soul fighting for a genuinely good cause? Idk how to make a backstory that matches the design that doesn't feel like a complete rewrite of her and her personality traits...
I also contemplated adding William from my hazbin hotel x fnaf AU to the roster of background characters as both a fun little cameo and an expansion of the sinners that reside in the hotel over time, but I'm unsure if that wouldn't be a bit too difficult for me actually implement without going in-depth about it (the temptation to explore the concept more is simply too high for me lmfao)
As for specifically friends for Dawn... I haven't the foggiest, man! :')
Thing is... her circumstances don't really allow for much room to find friends her age?
Sinners cannot reproduce in this AU, so most of the sinners in hell are teenagers at the earliest (I am assuming mortal souls that aren't at an age yet where they can even comprehend the concept of wilful ignorance of consequences and knowingly committing sins anyways don't go to hell) and they don't physically age after they fall.
I'm ngl I have no clue about what's going on in Cannibal Town and if all of the people there are sinners themselves or if they're more hellborn themselves? (something something hell's natural street-cleaning service that make sure dead bodies don't remain in the open for long) The fact that there's what seems like kids there is a bit bewildering but I imagine with their kind of hive-mind way of thinking and their dietary preferences they wouldn't really be interested in befriending non-cannibal outsiders like Dawn anyways?
And since Dawn is not really a true hellborn in the same sense as the sins, the royal hellborn society or even the lower class denizens of hell's various rings - and also visibly resembles Charlie and in extension Lucifer far less than she reflects her father's appearance, I imagine she wouldn't really fit into any of those social circles either ^^"
This is an issue I actually kind of really want to pick up on with Charlie's past some more as well and expand on with Dawn later, but this also means I don't really find many opportunities to introduce a friend circle for Dawn?
Then again Charlie doesn't really appear to have one either beyond Vaggie and her hotel, so I don't think it'd be thaaaat big of an unbelievability issue in the greater scale of things...
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paimaniagalaxia · 6 months
FNAF AU- Clean Up Time
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Ship: Springtrap x Self insert
Word count: 785
Summary: The after math of the events of FNAF 1, where a clean up crew is hired by Henry Emily to help refurbish and confiscate the animatronics.
Paige is apart of that clean up crew and decides to leave the rest of her crew mates to finish the job, all the while exploring the rest of the pizzaria. Only to end up in parts and services, to find the one and only William Afton. AKA, Springtrap.
Help… Never think I would get it for myself. Being trapped in this hellhole for so long, never to seek salvation. But here she was, aiding me and repairing me. I… I never thought I would get another chance at life. But here she was.
That very help.
But would she know who I was? Now that was the big question. If she did KNEW, then that’ll be the end of this budding relationship.
Child murderer, family killer, those aren’t green flags.
Best to play dumb, but not that dumb…
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“So… Thirty-one years… Didn’t think an animatronic would be stuck in here.” Paige spoke up, breaking the silence between them. As she never recognized who Springtrap was. So that was a sign.
Springtrap tilts his head as he allows Paige to re-tighten its joints. It could feel its arm move. So it starts to lift its arm up and down, showing that Paige did a good job. “Thank you… Tell me, did your employer tell you anything else…? W-Why are you here?” Springtrap asks.
“Just to clean up the Pizzeria and take back the animatronics to my boss.” Paige answers back. But she could feel another question coming.
“Just who’s your boss?”
“Henry Emily…”
Now that name was familiar, way too familiar. How was he still alive?! Springtrap was perplexed as it didn’t like this man. The very man who drove it mad. Springtrap let out a grunt of annoyance.
“Henry… Not a very good man.”
“How do you know…?” Paige asks.
Springtrap freezes, as it didn’t mean to drop that tidbit of information. It huffs as it turns its head to the side.
“He… He wasn’t a good man to be around. Always berating us.”
“That’s not very nice…” Paige comments back as she goes down to Springtrap’s legs to tighten the bolts.
“No. He’s not…” Springtrap remarks back.
Springtrap thinks back as it needed to know why Henry was wanting to clean the pizzeria and take away the main four with him. That didn’t seem right, why care about an old location now? This place would be burnt down if it was in charge. To get rid of the terrible memories that lingered on this place. The mistakes that it made, and put it behind Springtrap.
“Would it be possible for me to speak to him?” It asked.
“Eh?” Paige looks confused.
“Can I speak to him…?” Springtrap asks again.
“I don’t know… I don’t think he would be too happy to speak to you.”
“And how would that be an issue?” Springtrap asks again.
“I… I don’t know. Anything that I’ve asked about his past, he shuts me down.” Springtrap hums before it sees Paige finishes working on it, and slowly starts to push itself up. It grunts as it presses its digits against the wall, huffing and coughing till it was on both of its feet.
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“He isn’t good at moving on… Is he?” Springtrap asks.
“No he isn’t…” Paige shakes her head and looks at the door before looking back at Springtrap.
“This might be personal… But pronouns?” She asks.
Springtrap shook its head and looked away. It never felt that it was a ‘he’ anymore. Since becoming who it was.
“It, its…? I don’t consider myself for either masculine or feminine  pronouns…”
“She, they…” Paige answers back.
“Oh.” Springtrap blinks astonished before jerking up to hear screaming and yelling from the otherside of the door.
“Oh shit…”
Paige shakes her head as she stands up to hear heavy metal and bones crunching, muffled from the other side of the door. It made her cringe and hold her arm. Giving a disgusted look.
“What’s going on…? Springtrap?”
“Them.” Springtrap answers sternly.
“Who’s th--” Paige was interrupted as she felt her mouth get covered by Springtrap’s servo. Being held close to its body, being told to keep quiet.
There were creaking and old parts moving. A low humming noise could be heard. That someone was at the door. As there was a heavy scrapping at the door, like nails on a chalkboard.
Paige had a wide eye look of fear, of who could be on the other side of that door? But she didn’t want to find out, as someone else caught its attention. 
A hiss could be heard before it tramples away to follow the new sounds.
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“T-Them?” Paige asks between Springtrap’s fingers.
“Them…” Springtrap remarks back.
The animatronics were on the loose, and one by one-- The crew that Paige came with, were being slaughtered one by one. That soon it’ll be only them. Only them with four killer animatronics that would be out to get them soon enough.
Just two vs four… Not good odds.
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account-name · 3 months
Five headcannons you have about Phone Guy ?
yayyyyy thank you so much for the ask this is the first time i've been asked about him !!! this ended up a bit long because i wanted to fit in all my important phone guy lore because i've never gotten the opportunity to talk about him
i apologize if this is a bit all over the place and hard to read i'm not good at putting my thoughts into words
also i might reblog with more if i think of anything big i missed
he drinks way too much coffee. he needs to stay awake and alert all the time so he can continue to be productive despite his inconsistent sleep schedule (he gets nightmares which get more and more frequent over time) (and he is also being overworked which is not a good combo) (he doesn't remember the last time he's had a day off) so he uses the caffeine as a way to make up for that. plus he also just genuinely likes how coffee tastes. he also used to smoke but he stopped when his ex wife (marilyn) was pregnant with fritz, so he at least got over that one (if i didn't mention it yet he is fritz's dad btw). caffeine is the only addiction that he still actively struggles with by the time he dies.
he has a confusing relationship with his gender. i think in the normal fnaf timeline he unfortunately dies an egg and never gets the chance to think about it fully but in any au where he lives past that and learns that being trans is a thing he would proceed to have a gender crisis. (fun fact in the au i made specifically for selfshipping daydream lore he is working that out in real time) (i am supporting him every step of the way :) ) he is questioning and he has no idea how he identifies at the moment but that guy is not a man. he does still have a trans pin in the normal fnaf timeline but he doesn't actually know what it means. he found it while cleaning the ballpit one day and decided to keep it because it was kinda neat. he IS trans but he doesn't know it yet. i generally still refer to him with he/him since those are the only pronouns he ever used but depending on the au i think eventually he might experiment with other pronouns in the future. change is scary though so it would definitely take him awhile to get to that point. especially since he's been repressing his emotions for so long. (EDIT: she is now using he/she pronouns :3)
i've touched on this one before but he was working the day his son was murdered. he brought fritz to work with him thinking he could multitask but phone got caught up with work and wasn't paying enough attention to notice fritz getting lured to the back room. he didn't notice his son was missing until it was too late. he absolutely blames himself for it and it eats him up inside. he goes through a messy divorce shortly after since marilyn blames him too. poor phone guy has no one left except his bosses. at least they always cared about him right? they saw his potential when no one else did and he was their best employee. except no they didn't. william was actively manipulating him to do his bidding and henry just didn't care about him at all. poor phone guy. but he still puts on a happy face and pretends everything is fine until he can't anymore. he also blames himself for the other missing children because he was too far in denial and desperately wanted to believe that it wasn't what it looked like so he didn't do anything to stop it when other kids started disappearing. he knew what was happening he just couldn't bring himself to accept it. and then it was too late. he hates himself for that.
he's helped william hide bodies. not the missing children obviously, but whenever other employees happen to know a little too much and they turn up dead in the morning, someone's gotta clean it up. he's had to sweep so much under the rug. it's horrible but phone guy can't say anything or else it will all get pinned on him. phone guy getting framed for murder wouldn't help the situation much either. maybe it was the cowards way out to give in to the blackmail but he was put in a horrible situation and made the choice he had to to get out of it. he helped dispose bodies of his coworkers. it doesn't help that he trusted william and looked up to him for so long. he was one of the only people to ever say he was proud of him. and look where he ended up.
i can't decide on another singular hc to write an entire paragraph on so here's a bunch of small ones instead:
he dabbled in theatre in highschool. he wasn't a dedicated theatre kid or anything and definitely didn't continue after graduating but he did good
he has a beautiful singing voice. he'll get embarrassed if you overhear him though
he witnessed both bites, and sees 87 as his own fault since jeremy was following the instructions phone gave him
he's a breakfast enjoyer :)
he was born in 1957 and died at the age of 36 . fritz was conceived when he was 21
similar to his gender, his sexuality is also a mystery. he's probably ace but as for romantic orientation who knows
he likes to read. it's one of the only hobbies he has time for
he likes sci-fi and is a fan of star trek
he idly hums while he works
when he was a kid his parents had very high expectations for him and expected him to do something big with his life. they weren't bad parents but they weren't the best either. they were very strict with him especially when it came to school. (gifted kid burnout weeeoo)
he has a little sister (phone dude's mom) however he doesn't really have any contact with her or anyone else in his family at the time of fnaf as they moved away from utah and he did not follow them.
i love all the phone biology hcs mentioned in @ask-the-phone (sorry if you didn't want to be tagged lmk i can remove it) so those apply to my phone guy as well. (he molts periodically, his mouth is on the receiver, esophagus cord, ect.)
gives the best hugs
touch starved and very easily flattered
//⚠️cw attempted suicide for the next couple //
this is a dark one but he went into fnaf one knowing full well he was going die, and to an extent hoping for it. this is when he was at his absolute lowest. he was never going to get through that week. i think if for whatever reason the animatronics didn't kill him he would've finished the job himself. he's scared of death but he couldn't imagine a future for himself and didn't think he even deserved one. fnaf 1 was an act of suicide. despite this he still tries to leave helpful reassuring messages for mike to help him survive the week, even up until his last moments.
he tried to take his own life after the bite of 87. maybe also after the divorce too. it didn't work and he just had to go back to work afterward and pretend he was okay. he was not.
[ok back to the other hcs]
fritz always used to put stickers on phone's face. he continues to wear the stickers to remember him
while his head is phone shaped it's entirely biological. it's essentially like a bug exoskeleton. he was born like that and it's not questioned because that's a completely normal way for people to look. sometimes people are just phones
his head is also functional as a phone though. don't ask me how
he purrs when he's comfy.
in the movie universe he is alive and well and living a life outside of freddy's. he worked there briefly and recorded some tapes and then left before it all went wrong. i guess in this au his bosses never really saw him as anything special this time. his son still dies and he probably still gets divorced but phone is able to move on and heal and live his own life. good for him.
i think if phone guy didn't work at freddy's he would've made a good teacher
he is so full of autism
very much a perfectionist unfortunately
not easily angered, but he can get frustrated at times. he bottles it up though so he seems fine until he finally snaps
and that's the list i came up with so far :) i might add more if i think of anything important i forgot but thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to finally talk about my phone guy !!! :)
-in honor of the news, his middle name is ralph, making his full legal name phone ralph guy (because that is just so funny to me)
edit edit: eventually she changes her name to phone kim guy
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incrediblyshyghost · 10 months
FNAF: fairy AU fanfic of @ayyy-imma-ninja fairy Eclipse 
Sick oc, death of a hawk, mention of blood and cuts, some cursing, fairy Eclipse is NOT my character, hurt fairy. Eclipse had used this older farmhouse to keep out of the rain a few days ago, it seemed to be while kept and redone but no one seemed to be living here, the temptation to burn it down was squished when he found a way in and fell on a weird rectangle plastic box with buttons this made the bigger magic box turned on showing all different animals with facts about them he found himself sitting on the soft couch watching the magic box till the storm had passed and he didn't want to leave after that. But a few days ago, 5 humans came and ruined his fun cleaning up the place and seemed to be moving boxes in, they left soon after so he left looking for food for a while coming back only to find there are new humans there again. Eclipse noticed watching from an oak tree grumbling about not being able to watch the magic box. 
Are you sure you want to be alone? Her mother asked as they finished setting up the old house for her to stay for a while.
Yeah, I need time for myself to think alone about this and it’s not like it’s forever, and I have the sheriff's number on speed dial if anything happens, and the air here is better than the city-smoked fill poison that has been polluting my lungs lately. 
I know I know I just love you ok and you better call me every day! She shouts, hugging her daughter tight enough for her to feel her bones creak. 
Ok. Love you too Mom she said patting her mother back trying to keep a brave face as she stood in the driveway watching the red car pull away down the rocky drive. 
The loving moment made Eclipse's stomach turn but he was intrigued by the car humans had come a long way with their toys. Watching the big red machine kick up dust. Only for his eyes to catch the human that was left behind, she had freckles like someone he knew but her deep green eyes were different... He waked as the girl waved till the car was out of sight and took a shaky deep breath. How odd for some reason, Eclipse found himself following the girl as she walked into the forest. It seemed the more she walked the shakier she got tell she got to the small creek she fell to her knees, her arms wrapped around her side hugging herself tightly as she bowed her head, short brown hair getting pulled in the slight current the creek had, and screamed she screamed so loud like a wounded animal a dyeing animal something he had never heard come out of a human as she sat in the rocky, grass filled edge of the creek tears running down her nose making ripples in the water. Till her voice seems to go out her back shakes as she sodded alone in the forest. 
Eclipse was struggling to just leave her, that scream reminded him of his own. He had followed her to give her a scare, maybe get her to leave the house so he could watch the magic box! but now he didn't know what to do, his wing fluttered as he decided to just leave, but a shriek of a hawk and the sound of its wings right behind him changed his plains before he could even turn sharp claw wrapped around his chest and wings, squeezing him as he feels his wings rips by the sharp talons as the beast wings shoosh around him, he growled his claws swiping at the hawks talons his fire burning the bird he heard the birds shriek of pain ringing in his ears and a felt himself falling with it then nothing… 
The girl looks up from her pity party of one hearing the hawk shriek and thrash in on the ground she gets up slowly walks over gasping holding a hand over her mouth sees the hawk with what looks like burn marks on its chest one side of its face and wing look bend in the wrong direction from its fall,  she had heard about the fire that happened two weeks ago but this looks like it had just happened the bird still smoking. A few leaves on fire around it and just looking at the poor thing there was no way it was going to live, but then she saw something lying on the ground by the dying hawk she picked it up away from the trashing bird's talons and it looked like a fairy? This was a joke, she had asked for a sign not whatever this was! But as she looked at the little odd creature that was bleeding in her hand as the hawk went quiet and still she couldn't just put the little thing down and head home, so she curled her fingers around the warm creature and headed back to the old farmhouse as she dried her tears. 
Rushing into the house and putting the fairy on the marble countertop under the kitchen light she could see the claw mark on the poor thing's middle and rips on its big wings that she had gently made sure she didn't fold when she put him down, and there was blood on the back of its head, she just stared for a moment taking him in, the body was half dark brown like the bark of a tree, the other side orange, almost like a Halloween themed doll, its mouth hung open showing off its sharp teeth it had claws to match raggedy and torn cloak shirt thing over its top half and dark red and orange striped pants that looked ashed covered and slightly burned. All and all the poor thing looked like a bloody mess she moved to her medicine cabinets pulling everything she could get her hand on out and putting it around the unconscious fairy thing. 
Cleaning the wounds was easy with some Q-tips with warm water on them to clean off the blood and gently trying to see if there was anything like dirt inside the wounds was hard to see but her sewing kit magnifying glass came in handy there. Once that was done she put some Neosporin on the wounds. Then whispered cussed out the gauze as she struggled to cut it small enough to tie around the fairy but she managed to wrap the gauze around the fairy's belly and leg from the hawk's apparent attack, it was a little worrying at how limp the poor thing was but it was still breathing. After that she looked at its wings. The edges looked tattered but that could just be how they were there, however, the three cuts from the talons were clean lines through the wings. Digging around her medicines she found new skin liquid bandages and it was worth a shot the stuff was pretty much glue so she gently applied the new skin on the wing being careful to hold the two pieces together and not glue into the table and holding it for a few minutes till it dry and do it again to the other cut on his wings he only ever made a light hissing sound which made her jump out of her skin but he didn't wake. Once all his wounds were taken care of she made him a little bed out of a soft blanket and put the smallest ice pack out of her fridge she could find under it for the head wound. She left him on the table away from anything flammable besides the blanket he was on, since she doubted the bird just burst into flame the odd creature had to be the cause... 
“What a good start to this week instead of unpacking and thinking about what little option you had left you bringing a weird creature into the house that you are pretty sure somehow set a bird on fire smart move” she mumbled to herself opening the windows hoping the thing would wake up and flee out the window, cleaning up the medicine putting it all back in the cabinet, she hoped it was something her mind's made up in her panic of the bad news, but as she glanced over and yep the Halloween themed fairy still there. She sat in the dining room, a spot where she could glance up and see the bundle of blankets and the tips of the fairy's wings. She pulled out her notebook mindlessly sketching and doodling as the time slowly moved forward unable to unpack worried shed wake the thing. The clock ticking seemed to tease her about how long she had left here, so she put on some music to drown out the ticking and temptation to toss the clock outside in the yard. 
She was lost in her sketchbook and music not noticing the movement in the kitchen as the fairy woke up feeling something cool on the back of his head. It felt nice dulling the ache he could feel there. He felt weak, S-sunny? He called softly before he snapped back to reality with a gasp sitting up quickly only to hiss holding his aching side his head throbbing at the sudden movement where was he? He thought his eyes scanning what he could see, a familiar kitchen hearing quiet music and his hand he felt cloth not skin looking down he found a soft white cloth wrapped there and on his leg, his wing ached, and looking at them he saw cuts and some kind of shiny clear something on the cuts holding the torn wing parts together. What happened? He thinks back remembering the girl and then… a bird? Did he really lose to a stupid bird? He growled Looking over he saw the girl, it seemed she calmed down and was doing something with a book away from him he saw the open windows he slowly got up with a hiss holding his head feeling like his brain got scrambled he fluttered his wings and hissing at the ache it caused no flying yet he stumbles over to the edge of the counter and shouted at the human to come over here. 
She almost jumps out of her skin and hears bells suddenly over her music she looks around before spotting the fairy thing standing with its hands over its mouth like it was shouting at her but she only hears bells, she gets up slowly, umm i i can't hear what you're saying you sound like windchimes she said coming over to the table slowly. Then she hears a voice that sounds male and growly “Hey kidnapper can I get some food!” 
She chuckles out of all the things to say, well seems you are doing better she says walking past the island into the kitchen opening the fridge pulling out some strawberries and a piece of cooked chicken pulling off a small piece and getting a medicine cup filling it with water putting it all on a small saucer before putting it on the island for the fairy. Hopefully, you're okay with spice the chicken has some heat to it, she said watching the fairy confidently walk over the saucer and sit down to eat, watching her as she watched him. You look like you have been through hell, fairy? She said the last word as though it was a question he looked up at her nodding 
Got a name? Or are you just going to eat my food after I bandage you up and leave without introducing yourself? She asked 
“You first crybaby he growled” with his mouth full, 
“Crybaby?... Where are you watching me?” She asked but he didn't answer her the petals on his head twitched a little which was odd she sighed not getting an answer from him she shook her head no. “I remember reading somewhere that it's a bad idea to give your name to a fairy first and I help you instead of letting that dying hawk kill you. I think it's the least you could do is tell me your name.”
“Eclipse” he growled glaring at her “Zoe” she all but purred happy to get a name for the odd little fairy. 
Oh what happened to the “bad idea giving your name to a fairy?” eclipse chuckled standing up and dusting himself off after he finished his food. 
“Well I know yours so I think it equals out right?” Zoe asked with a shrug 
“I don't know, is it? I could have lied about my name” Eclipse chuckles with his Cheshire grin 
“So could I.” Zoe said, almost bopping Eclipse's pointed nose but yanking her hand back when he tried to bite “Sorry, it's just your... Cute” 
“Am not!” eclipse shouts little flames circle his balled fist as he huffs glaring at her, her eyes widen but not in fear like Eclipse thought they would but in amazement as she seems to looking him over again. 
“So you are the reason the hawk was bbq?” she asked her hand coming closer but a sharp glare and a show of teeth got her to stop moving closer “sorry sorry,” she said leaning back so you are a fire fairy? 
Eclipse or black sun fairy take your pick of a name eclipse huffed crossing his arms and glaring up at her 
“You don't like humans do you?” Zoe asked 
“What do you think?” he growled his wing fluttered and he hid a wince 
“You're the one that called me over” she shrugged “If it makes you feel better I won't be here long, so don't start liking me little firecracker.” she giggled, patting the side of his face gently with a finger pulling back quickly before he could snap at her. She backs away from the table as he shouts about how he will kill her as he stoops his foot. Little sparks of fire flicker from his hands him “So angry that's not how you talk to people eclipse.”  she said leaving the island and going back to her sketchbook on the dining table letting him throw a tantrum on the marble table where he couldn't light anything but the blanket on fire, and it seems as soon as she thought that she smells fire and see the blanket has a small flickering flame on its corner and the fairy grinning at her as she rushes over smoothing the small start of a fire with the rest of the blanket really? Really? You had to burn the blanket, not a ‘Please can you come back? No straight to arson with you? She asked, she didn't shout or freak out, just made sure the fire wasn't going to start again before looking at the fairy standing by the blanket looking confused. 
“I didn't think about that” he huffed crossing his arms 
“Course, so you got me to come over. What do you want, little fairy?” Zoe asked as she stood there, Eclipse huffed and grumbled kicking at the smooth marble table with his bare feet before looking up at her. Can you take me to the magic box that talks about wildlife? Eclipse asked 
She stares at him for a moment thinking magic box magic box…., you mean a TV? She asked holding her hand out for Eclipse to jump onto, he stared at her seeming to be shocked that she would trust him not the burn her after he just lit the blanket of fire, he slowly climbed on and sat on her palm and she carefully took him over to the living room rested her hand on the coffee table for him to get off turned on the TV and found the Animal channel, “I would let you on the couch but I don't trust you not to burn it know that you have set that poor blanket on fire.” 
“What? But I did that because you wouldn't come! I won't burn the couch” eclipse huffed 
“No, you have not earned enough trust to be allowed on the coucaaaieh” she yelped as he bit her finger she as gently as she could dumped the fairy out of her hand and pulled her hand up but Eclipse stubbornly held on like a dog with a rope toy ok let gooooo! Zoe said her other hand coming up gently running her finger down his back making him let go and she quickly pulled her hands back away from the fairy leaving him stuck on the coffee table for the moment since his wing still hurt too much to fly. How do you think biting would change my mind? She asked shocked that he bit her not that it really hurt but he had bitten down hard enough to draw blood.
“Just die!” eclipse growled turning away from her to watch the TV but she noticed that his red cheek seemed to be an even darker color. Maybe he's embarrassed? There was a documentary about snow leopards, and the soothing voice of the narrator filled the awkward silence. 
“Working on it, I still need to find a pretty urn first.” she huffed taking the paperwork that was beside the fairy before he could get any ideas. Did the petals around his head just move? She watched him slowly turn around 
What? He asked looking back at her, what? She asked with a shrug her eyes scanning over the paperwork in her hands  holding her index finger out to not get blood on the paper too lazy to go get a bandaid right now eclipse growled looking back at the TV 
“Awww does the little fairy care about me?” she giggles knowing she was pushing his buttons she watched little flames flicker and die in his hand as he breathed deeply 
“No, I don't like humans, remember? What are those papers for?” eclipse asked seeing some big words that he had no idea the meaning of on that paper as she flipped through the bundle 
“This is either the nail in the coffin or a miracle, I just don't know if I want to fight anymore. I am tired of this long battle…” she said which just confused Eclipse more 
“What do you mean?” 
“I’ll spill my secrets as soon as you do.” at this eclipse turns back to the TV “nevermind”  and they calmly watch the documentary about snow leopards in silence telling zoe leans closer to the table her finger gently rubbing the back of eclipse head your head ok? It seems like you hit in when you fell, you want an ice pack she asked as he froze up for a few seconds before he swiped his claws at her finger. Making her pull her hand away as he got up, moving away from her and telling her not to touch, she took it as progress since he didn't try to bite her this time, and she didn't feel a bump on his head so that was a good sign. As the TV switch to a show about sea turtles she noticed Eclipse's head bopping she giggled slowly getting up and walking back into the kitchen getting the slightly burned blanket and coming back without saying anything she just gently warping the blanket around him before laying back down on the couch looking at the tv like she didnt do anything as eclipse looked over at her before snuggling into the blanket. she watches him out of the corner of her eyes as he slowly nods off, she notices that his wings disappeared, must be a fairy magic thing she thought. Once she is sure he is asleep she sighs seeing how he is lying, and gently moves him to lay more comfortably lowering the volume on the tv she yawns and stretches heading to her bed leaving the fairy on the coffee table trusting him and the fire alarms to not let the house burn down.
Wake up to the birds chirp and not the blaring scream of the fire alarms was a good sign as Zoe got up and ready for the day almost hoping to walk into the living room and find it empty and the fairy just be a dream, but as she walks down the hallway she hears him mumbling in his sleep, as she got closer she saw him curl up a look of pain on his face as he mumbled she went to the kitchen not stupid enough to try and wake him by touching him, coming back with a wooden spoon in hand hearing him mumbled “moon, sunny” before she gently started talking to him and gently poked him with the wooden spoon and was glad it wasn't her fingers as he jumps up with some fire swirls around him as he growled his claw digging into the wooded handle as he started at her with red eyes if looks could kill ‘sorry i you seemed like you were having a nightmare’ she watched his huffed his eyes slowly changing color back to orange “a bad nightmare want to talk about it?” 
“Cool breakfast?” she asked bringing her hand closer to him, surprised then both when he climbed on. her thumb gently rubbing his back as she walked she smiled feeling him lean closer for a moment almost relaxed then tensed up and leaned away with a growl she didn't acknowledge that anything that happened but stopped not wanting to push her luck. Just gently put him down and started cooking. Only to see Eclipse on his tip toes trying to see what she was doing. If you promise not to bite me or set me on fire you can sit on my shoulder while I cook eclipse. She said not turning to face him
She almost thought he was going to walk away or try and fly down to the floor but then she heard the smallest sound of him saying ok. She was amazed by how warm he was as he sat on her shoulder, legs crossed, one hand holding her shoulder, the other a piece of her short hair, “you smell like a campfire.” she said as she finished cooking
“Is that a bad thing?” Eclipse asked she could hear the smile in his voice as she put him down and made their plate omelets seem like a good breakfast she thought as she gave Eclipse his share on a small saucer
“No, but the ashes and soot that you are tracking around is a problem so you need new clothes and a bath or should I start calling you a soot fairy? This earned a loud groaning complete with his tongue sticking out and head tilting back making Zoe giggle which in turn made Eclipse mad as he shouted about what was so funny. His claws failed to scratch the smooth marble island
She giggled oh nothing just eat before your omelet gets cold she said with a smile the paperwork from last night sitting in an envelope signed and ready to be mailed she was giving this last change a shot because the sign she asked for seemed to appear right when she needed him even if he was a feral little thing…
(Bonus/the stupid idea that popped into my head that made my dyslexic brain spiral down into making a whole character and background story of how Eclipses met her. This is after eclipse and Zoe have been ‘friends’ for a little while and something happens that makes his brothers and the gardener meet Zoe because of course eclipse knows where his older brothers are and has been keeping track of them. I hope I got eclipse personality right and you had fun reading and it's not a bunch of gibberish lol) 
Around the table is tarped up, and there is a garden hose running from one of the windows to the table. The Gardner shakingly holding the hose watching eclipses, Zoe sitting at the table looking relaxed with one of those metal flat cookie baking sheets in one hand and an oven glove with fingers on just in case a fight broke out, to hopefully lessen the burns and bite marks if she had to grab eclipse off one of his brothers, though moon had doubts this humans could move fast enough to stop any of them. They had decided to try and talk this all out with the human's help. Inside so no one could fly off or just attack and run as the house was close up and all of the fairies were standing at the table. Sunny had been the one to come up with the water hose idea worried about the house getting damaged. Eclipse moves away from Zoe about to start talking, already moving his arms around a little as he walks closer to the Moon, Sun, and Lunar. The Gardner panics squeezing the handle of the hose only to get sprayed in the face as Zoe had blocked the water with the baking sheet making the water go everywhere but the table her hand moves blocking Eclipse's path as she looks over at the Gardner that had fallen out of their chair in their panic and smacks then on the head with the pan “you want an early grave dumbass?” 
“Language! It's not nice to hit people!” Sunny shouts from behind the moon 
“It's not nice to try and spray people with water either, it was like they were trying to piss off Eclipse right off the bat.” Zoe huffed, rolling her eyes she barely tapped them. They were fine. 
“Oh dammit, this is going to be harder than I thought.” Zoe huffed rubbing her head already feeling like she going to get a headache as the gardner picked themself up of the floor know wet and thoroughly embarrassed 
“...dammit a bad word?” Zoe asked confused. angry sunny noises, eclipse cackling and the Gardner is stumbling through an apology. 
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callmedylan · 11 months
Susie and Ness siblings AU info/fact dump cause I’m obsessed and need to tell everyone about it. (Warning: referenced child death, kidnapping, mourning, Some Mike x ness, and lots of angst and fluff.)
info before hand: ness is the waiter at sparkys in the fnaf movie and Susie is the girl who possesses chica. This will have some SecurityWaiter sprinkled in.
Ness is 3 years older than susie, being 10 when she disappeared at 7.
Ness was 100% a sisters brother, and always preferred to play Susie’s games like dress up and tea party instead of playing stuff that “boys his age should of been playing”
Ness learned how to style hair since he’d always style Susie’s hair for her, he even put her hair in the pigtails she’s rocking in the movie. He gets a little emotional whenever Abby asks him to style her hair in pigtails.
Ness went to Freddy’s with Susie and his parents and left susie alone to grab them some pizza but when he came back she was gone, and he never truly forgave himself and thinks it’s his fault William took her.
the two were so close they even shared a bedroom, and ness didn’t mind her putting or setting up her toys on “his side of the room” since he enjoyed playing those type of games with her.
Ness wasn’t a stereotypical brother and never picked on her, nor bully her. He actually adored her and the two never fought.
(this one’s rough, buckle up.) when susie went missing, Ness didn’t touch or move anything in their bedroom. He kept all her cluttered toys + clothing on the floor, kept her tea set on their play table set up, and didn’t touch any of the stuffed animals or blankets on her bed. Eventually after a couple months their parents wanted to clean out their bedroom of Susie’s stuff since it was too much of a reminder for them. Ness kicked, cried, screamed, and begged them to not get rid or move any of it because as he put it “she’ll need it when she comes home.”
ness often sees himself and Susie in Abby and Mike and on the anniversary of her disappearance he can’t be around the two at the same time since it’s too hard for him so he usually stays in another room in the house or just doesn’t visit them.
ness and susie loved to bake together.
ness’s relationship with his parents became strained over the years due to Susie’s disappearance and now the two don’t keep in contact much anymore (except for a call every once in a while).
ness, similar to Mike, has a constant reoccurring dream of the day susie went missing; but unlike Mike, he doesn’t try to constantly relive the dream and instead does his best to avoid it and doesn’t do anything before bed that could trigger him to dream about it (like eat any pizza, play music before or during sleep, watch any media that involves partying, or any neon based lights.)
Ness is unaware of Vanessa’s involvement in Susie’s disappearance, nor that she possesses the animatronics. Mike spares him those details for his well being.
Susie disappeared a week before his own birthday.
And that’s all I have so far, hopefully y’all enjoyed this. If you wanna use this AU or anything do credit me! I might post some art about it in the future! Hopefully this angst made you cry! (Not actually) and I hope I don’t sound utterly insane for making an AU like this.
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rivangel · 11 months
this is going to be so niche
i’m chest deep in my old fnaf phase and listening to the living tombstone and i’m just… with the levi backstory manga still on my mind… based on It’s Been So Long by the living tombstone…
AOT AU in the underground and Levi is just a kid but he’s old enough to be walking around one of the markets. even though he’s gone with her dozens of times, Kuchel has always told him to stay close. and of course Levi brings that to the next level to make her happy so he’s practically clinging to her dress most of the time
as she’s paying another vendor, she has Levi go to the stall right next to it to pick out a watermelon (his ABSOLUTE favorite)
then there’s a massive commotion. no one knows it, but it’s someone swooping in with odm gear and tipping over a massive cart in the process. no matter the danger Kuchel’s top priority is scooping up Levi and running
but he’s gone
he’s gone
the shock grips her. meanwhile, there’s no attack, not even a thief. some people get out of there but most disperse and go back to business as usual (pissed the accident drew a lot of customers off)
it’s not safe to wander around the underground even in a populated market, but Kuchel can’t seem to command her legs to walk her home. she goes to the nearest MP and does whatever she can no matter the cost, even if it costs her her body, to get them to find the monster who kidnapped her son, but in the end that doesn’t get her anywhere
the grief drives her crazy. you can imagine how hopeless and grueling of a life she’s lived in the lawless dark hell she grew up in (with her brother who eventually left her). it’s not a life. she didn’t even know what life was until Levi was born. she’s never seen the sun before, but she suddenly didn’t need to because that was Levi. not just her whole world, or her sun, or her sky. her everything. her angel.
she became resigned to living day to day barely scraping by, barely being able to get food to sustain herself in a place with men who have done nothing but hurt her in many ways. and for the first time in many many years she decides to fight
this is getting long-winded but she starts seeking revenge. she’s been forced to learn how to protect herself before, but what she goes on to do can’t compare. and every single time a lead runs cold or she doesn’t want to go on, she sees Levi’s face in her memories getting further and further away and she refuses to give up.
your sweet little eyes, your little smile is all i remember. those fuzzy memories mess with my temper
it lingers in my mind and the thought keeps on getting bigger. I’m sorry my sweet baby, I wish I’d been there
…i don’t know what happens after that
(but it’s actually Kenny who took him away that day. the king, Uri, became interested in Kenny’s family. his intentions are good. to further make up for Ackerman persecution, he asked Kenny to save Levi at least, because Kuchel had practically disowned Kenny as a brother after their massive argument the last time he saw her, him having wanted Kuchel to get an abortion to spare the child the suffering of living in a cruel world, and there’s nowhere more cruel than the Underground.
he’s confident she would’ve been way too stubborn to be convinced. and of course, Kenny would do whatever Uri asked of him.
…i don’t know what happens after that either, except i imagine it’s a matter of Levi being “gently imprisoned” because no matter if there’s sunlight or food or a clean bed or anything - he doesn’t know what happened to his mom and he just refuses to do anything but isolate himself and rebel against Uri’s kindness until he sees her again.)
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parsheliii · 6 months
Tumblr media
Hi I drew Au art, it's called Animal-Bots
Info down the line if interested :3
Also I know I change fandoms a lot, don't mind me
I have missed some bots, I know!!! But I just drew the most important ones in this AU :P
You can ask me anything if ya want, sorry if I answer like weeks later, Tumblr doesn't work pretty well for me lol
• Fnaf 1/Originals-Withereds/Bot-Buddies:
This guys were made to do stuff for home, like cleaning, cooking, gardening, etc. They were created by someone unknown, ppl ordened this person any kind of robots for themselves to do their homework. Everything was going well until the creator got a bad review for one of his creations, Fox-Bot. This robot started to have difficulties to obey orders, he was out of control and the owners had to abandon him. The owners were warning other ppl about this, so no one would buy any more robots to this person. The creator got to the point that ran outta money to keep creating, so he abandoned Bear-Bot in his basement (he was his first creation that came out pretty well), meanwhile Chick-Bot and Bun-Bot were abandoned in the streets by their respective owners, like other more creations from this creator. (As a detail, this creator also did other bots besides this four, for example, Candy & Cindy from FnaC or other animatronics from other fanmades, in this AU those bots were created by this man, which I'm thinking to call him Scott :], besides that, the most important ones are the original 4 in this AU)
Bear-Bot (he started to call himself "Fred") is like a radio, he was still on when he was abandoned, so he had to live alone in that basement
Bun-Bot, Chick-Bot and Fox-Bot were the first comissions this person got. Bun-Bot was related to do gardening, Chick-Bot was comissioned to be on a bakery, she could create cakes. While Fox-Bot was built to guard the dock of the city, but he started to have difficulties since salt and humidity started to affect his system and making him have a lot of problems.
To clarify: In this AU the withereds ARE the originals, and viceversa, in this Au, Bun-Bot and Chick-Bot  were destroyed by the
Fun-Bots (explanation why in Fun-Bots part lol)
Fox-Bot got damaged even before of being abandoned, that's why there isn't another square of him being fixed up, he made that damage to himself, while Bun-Bot & Chick-Bot were actual victims of the Fun-Bots, even thought they can still work in some way
• FnaF 2/Toys/Small Toys:
These small poor looking toys were created by "Fred" in the basement. With rests and parts that his creator left, he could create this small toys, they have some issues, but they work pretty well for being created by another robot.
The only toys that "Fred" created were TB3AR, TBVN, TCH1CK and TF0X (AKA the 4 main toys, those names were given by "Fred" himself) he was inspired by some blueprints he saw closer to his own blueprint, "Fred" thought he could find those three bots, so they could become friends. He then decided to create these toys, so he didn't feel lonely either, while he figured a way to get out of that basement
BB, JJ and The Puppet were built by other creator.
BB, JJ and The Puppet are Charlie's toys, they were created by Henry, they were gifts for her when she was younger. This toys aren't just normal toys, this ones can transform into a defensive looking bot. BB and JJ need to be together to be able to transform into their defense mode (AKA Nightmare BB, or Night-Kid in this AU). Meanwhile, The Puppet can transform by themselves into that defensive mode as well (AKA Nightmarionne, named as The Marionette in this AU)
• Fredbear/Golden Freddy, Springbonnie/Springtrap, Shadow Freddy & RWQFSFASXC:
In this AU, Fredbear & G. Freddy are the same one, the same goes with Springtrap & Springbonnie. They are called "Golden-Bear" and "Spring-Time". This two robots are kind of the oldest robots around the city, the Fun-Bots and Glam-Bots are looking for them everywhere (The Fun-Bots want them for their parts and pieces, the Glam-Bots want to finaly turn them off). This two are troublemakers but so clever at the same time, they always manage to get out of trouble.
Beep & Boop (S.Fred and RXQ), are made out of slime and oil that came alive, this two are always with Golden-Bear and Spring-Time, they are like hamsters in a wheel to recharge each robot when they run outta energy.
• FnaF 4/Nightmares/Night-Plushies:
The same thing as BB, JJ and The Puppet, these plushies were made to have a defensive mode as well, but the difference is that this plushies didn't come out well, and instead of being protective, these bots attacked the ppl that got closer to them. They were created by Henry as well, but he decided to turn them off and keep them in a box, far away from him and his daughter.
William A. knew about this plushies and decided to keep the box and gift them to his younger son. Henry warned about this agressive bots, but William decided to take the risks, he thought he could fix them before his son's b-day. Long story short, Will tried to fix this plushies, but as expected, these bots attacked him, killing him at the end.
To clarify: The names of the Nightmares are Night (AKA Nightmare Fredbear), Night-Bear & the Night-Cubs (N. Freddy & Freddles), Night-Rabbit (N. Bonnie) Night-Chicken (N. Chica) and Night-Fox (N. Foxy & N. Mangle)
In this AU I wanted to create a mix between N. Foxy and N. Mangle, so yeah, they are one.
• Fnaf SL/Funtimes/Fun-Bots:
This robots were created to defend the city, like the Glam-Bots do. But since William died and any of his kids got into robotics, these robots had to survive by themselves. Lol-Bot, William's little helper, had to be under control of the big bots, since he knew how to fix and manage them. The Fun-Bots changed their perspective and they decided to catch all useless and useful bots they found around, and use their pieces to get better upgrades. Some of the bots they found were Bun-Bot, Chick-Bot and Fox-Bot, and much more
To clarify: Ennard, or Mega-Fun in this AU, is a mix by the main funtimes except Fun-Chick, since she was the last Fun-Bot of being created, she is the only fun-bot created by Lol-Bot. There is a version were Fun-Clown (C.B) is excluded as well, but I didn't draw it 'cause is not to common of 'em to use that transformation.
• FFPS/Mediocre Melodies/Sbiz-Bots:
This are the only ones that are actually in a pizzeria. They are inspired by the ShowBiz animatronics, I really liked the rubber faces idea :]. Happy & Nedd are the ones that play with the children, Orville & Hippo are the ones to tell stories, while Pig Patch is the one who sings and plays the banjo. It's just a normal pizzeria with animatronics.
• FFPS/Rockstars/Star-Bits & BlackBear:
BlackBear was created by Henry, it's a big fluffy bear bot that was always taking care of Charlie when she was younger, BlackBear stayed by her side no matter what, even if she is all grown up, the bear always wants to take care of her. When he isn't with Charlie, he tends to be with The Puppet and play with them, they seem to understand eachother so well even if they don't make any sound.
The Star-Bits in the other hand, were created by another person, let's call this person "the rabbit". This guy wanted to check on the Small Toys, he wanted to understand how this small bots worked, since they have a lot of mistakes. When "Fred" was able to scape the basement, he was always losing the Toys, he luckily could find them since he could know the directions they could go. But one time, "The rabbit" found the toys and wanted to investigate them. "Fred" was always outside this guy's lab and was always trying to get in to get the toys back, then, "the rabbit" thought of creating a better version of the toys, the Star-Bits. When he finally finished them, he left the Star-Bits outside so "Fred" could take them, so he would finally go away and let him finish his investigation, or that's what he thought. "Fred" was still insisting on getting his toys, the ones he created, not the "fake ones". The guy couldn't finish his investigation, 'cause one night, "Fred" was able to make the Toys go outside, not knowing how they managed to scape. The guy had to keep the Star-Bits for himself, he uses them to investigate small places.
• FnaF SB/Glamrocks/Glam-Bots:
After seeing his failure with the plushies, Henry decided to create another kind of bots.
This bots have the mission to rescue all useless robots around the city, where Henry will be giving them upgrades and fixing them, with the help of Gregory, whom can control the Glam-Bots from the inside. Glam-Bear found Gregory when he was a toddler, someone abandoned the kid closer to some broken bots, Glam-Bear thought of keeping him, insisting Henry to let them have that kid, until they find his parents.
During that time, Henry built Moon-Bot & Sun-Bot for Gregory. Sun-Bot was always playing with him, this bot was always full of energy, meanwhile Moon-Bot helped Gregory to sleep, always playing a soft lullaby.
The years continued and his parents never appeared, when the kid was all grown up, Henry could let him control the Glam-Bots for their missions, especially Glam-Bear, since he was most of the time with him.
DJ is a huge spider that can transport the robots that are saved by the other Glam-Bots, they always treat every robot respectufully and tend to be pacific, except when it comes to the Fun-Bots, those bots are always destroying what they fixed, and they need to be stopped.
To clarify: Glam-Bunny was destroyed by the Fun-Bots while trying to rescue his mates, he is still functional but can't move, Henry keeps trying to find a way to fix him
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poiboi133 · 1 month
About my Henry
In this Resident Evil and FNaF crossover au, Henry does neglect Sammy, unfortunately. Charlie is his favorite child, mainly because she was born first, but I'm gonna go into further detail about why Sammy is neglected.
Henry has his fair share of responsibilities in this au. One of the biggest being running Fredbear's, because William is always so caught up in his work within Umbrella as a chief researcher. Henry, on the other hand, just joined the corporation as part of a small drug development department. It serves as his side job, which he attends to from time to time, but he doesn't know about Umbrella's dark secrets.. mainly because he's part of a cover-up plan with other oblivious medicinal chemists. (anyway where was I-)
Thus, he had to attend to Fredbear's more than he would've if William had been around. From managing and repairing the animatronics, to cleaning the place after hours and dealing with investors. But, when Charlie was born in 1970, he did end up taking time out from work to spend time with his daughter. And since Charlie was the firstborn, he quickly grew attached to her, especially since she acted a lot like her mother. Having someone similar to Robyn in terms of personality really helped brighten Henry's day, and Charlie seemed to more of a daddy's girl.
Also, Henry sort of saw a son in Michael, since he was also born in 1970 before Sammy was born. With William not being around at home, due to working at Umbrella, Henry assumed the role of a father-figure to Michael. He and Charlie became fast friends later on, since they literally hung out together all the time, and Henry was glad that Charlie had a kid her age to become friends with. However, William did end up spending time with Michael whenever he could, which wound up with Mike becoming William's favorite.
However, taking care of two kids does mean spending a ton of money, which meant having to work more often. But Henry always managed to make ends meet, even if keeping the diner running took out a ton of money.
But then along came Sammy.
Henry actually wasn’t there when Sammy was born, he was too busy working at Umbrella, so there wasn’t an emotional connection like he had with Charlie. But the fact that Henry had another child, to him, meant another responsibility on his shoulders. He was already taking care of two kids, who he already prioritized before Sammy came along.
Henry didn’t bond with Sam the way he bonded with Charlie, even after he held him in his arms. There was one short moment of excitement, but the reality of taking care of another child dawned on him. Including the fact that Henry would have to spend more money with Sammy around. He worried that it would take more time out of his jobs to look after his son, or worse spend more time at both jobs to cover the costs. Henry really didn’t want this new pressure on his shoulders, it just felt like too much. That feeling made it difficult for Henry to see Sammy as a boy rather than another responsibility.
However, Robyn (his wife), was already there to look after Sammy, so why should he bother? He already found a son-figure in Michael, who he had a connection with, so there’s no harm, right?
And the result? Henry began to neglect his own son in favor of Charlie and Michael. Whenever Sammy tried to talk to his dad, get his attention, or even give him something, it always ended the same way. Henry not responding to anything that Sammy did, and when he did, it was in awkward and bland responses.
Whenever Sammy drew something for Henry, instead of the ‘Wow! What an amazing drawing!' that Charlie would get, it was always 'Oh ...Wow.' In the most monotone and uninterested voice possible, as if he was disappointed in the drawing.
When it was just the two of them in a room, Henry wouldn't speak to Sammy, acting as if he wasn't even there. Because he never formed a proper connection with Sammy, Henry practically ignored his presence, he felt nothing towards him.
But Michael? He always got the dad treatment that Sammy needed and yearned for. Michael always got Henry's attention, his approval, his comfort. And he was always told that Henry was proud of him when he said he would behave better.
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That didn't help Sammy's distaste of Michael, he began pulling pranks on Michael even when he wasn't bullying Evan. And that's when Henry finally started paying attention to Sammy, in the worst way possible. Despite how many times Michael bullied Evan, he was never scolded or yelled at by Henry, only calmly spoken to. But when Sammy pranked Michael, Henry got unnecessarily angry at him, even grounding him after the hot sauce incident.
Naturally, neither Robyn nor Charlie approved of that, which led to some disputes within the family. Henry was quick to resolve fights between himself and Robyn, promising that he'll be better towards Sammy.
As you can imagine, that didn't happen.
If Sammy didn't have support and attention from Charlie, Robyn and Jen, he would probably be in a worse place mentally. He still wanted his father's love and approval regardless of how many times he was yelled at by Henry. Sammy wanted to believe that Henry did love him, or that he needed to EARN his father's affection, but nothing he did worked.
And it wasn't until Michael’s disappearance in 1983 and Charlie's disappearance in 1984 that Sammy realized how little he meant to his father.
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Credit to @connectionterminated13 for introducing me to the idea of a deadbeat dad Henry
Reblogs are appreciated!
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