#focus damnit
gumnut-logic · 1 year
Before work
My ipad is currently full of started fics that haven’t gone anywhere. I can’t seem to contain the muse into writing a short in a finished form. So I’m posting what I wrote this morning, which goes nowhere, doesn’t do or reveal anything, and just starts a fic that I don’t have time at the moment to work out where it is going.
So here be a bit of writing. Other than that, I have no idea what it is.
Virgil kicked himself for not changing before looking for his brother. The quiet of the library was ever so accusatory at his grubby t-shirt and jeans, he had the urge to turn around and exit the building until he could find more appropriate clothing.
But Scott had been concerned and with Virgil so happily working a job in the same town as John just happened to be studying, Virgil was his goto to check up on their little brother.
You know, the one who stared into the sky and forgot to answer his phone.
Scott was definitely working on his first grey hair.
It was late and to be honest, Virgil was surprised the library was even open, but then the sign on the door claimed access at all hours because knowledge was king and governor to the free. He couldn’t argue with that.
The foyer sported the expected customer service desk and beyond, a sea of computer terminals. Multiple heads moved and made the sounds of life at the level of barely a murmur. One or two looked up at Virgil’s entrance as if to accuse him of existing.
He nodded at the librarian at the desk and ignored the rest, striding past the terminals and down to the shelves of books.
John loved books and Virgil couldn’t blame him. There was so much to be found between pages of many kinds.
No doubt Johnny would be in the local history section. And as Virgil navigated between the shelving, sure enough, there sat his brother, by himself, staring at a rebound paper book with soft edges and yellowed pages.
The astronaut startled before frowning. “Virgil? What are you doing here?”
“You didn’t answer your phone.”
John blinked and reached into his pocket pulling out the star-studded, multi-adapted-for-everything device he used as a phone and frowned at it.
“Oh, sorry, I turned it off.”
Virgil didn’t let out the sigh. Instead he sat down at the table opposite his brother. “What’s up?”
John glanced up at him and put down his phone. “Nothing.”
Virgil flattened his gaze. “Really.”
And yeah, John wasn’t looking at him.
“Want to try that again?”
That earned him a glare. “I’m fine, Virgil.”
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technicianlearner · 2 years
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Doomed by the plot. 🌺
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factsilike · 1 year
Other siblings: Keep details of your love life far away from my ears please.😐😖
Lan Xichen in that one scene in the Guanyin Temple for some reason: Why aren't you and my brother fucking yet??🤨🧐😠🤨
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homoer0tic · 8 months
I think what non-destiel shippers / antihellers don't understand about shipping destiel is that they think it's about having two guys together on screen. Which I mean, that's awesome, don't get me wrong, queer rep is important. But more importantly, I feel like Dean Winchester deserves to have someone who loves him and takes care of him and wants him in a way that no one else ever has. And while obviously he loved Lisa, and Lisa loved him back, it's not the same because Lisa could never understand him and know him (for all the good and all the bad) in the same way that Cas does.
You could say that this doesn't necessarily have to be a romantic love, but goddamn it, doesn't he deserve that? Deserved to be loved? Are you telling me that Sam gets to have a wife and a kid when he's in Heaven but Dean doesn't get to have someone like that? Dean never got to meet someone and fall in love again like Sam did. Is Dean just supposed to meet someone in Heaven? Could he even meet someone in Heaven who would understand and love him the way Cas does?
A lot of people I've talked to are usually split between believing that Dean either reciprocates Cas' feelings or he doesn't, and people will try to provide proof either way. But honestly, while I personally do believe Dean reciprocates, it could go either way depending on how the story is written. What I honestly think the most is that I hope he does. I hope he loves Cas back because Cas is his one chance at finding that happiness, especially after his life was cut short. I hope that he gets to spend his days with the person he loves because he deserves it! I hope that he finally gets to love fully and be fully loved in return for the first time.
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motherfuckingmoth · 7 days
shit dude im shaking so bad rn
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thesargasmicgoddess · 2 years
So I'm here, alone, starting Thanksgiving cooking in my kitchen almost topless...
Seriously though, somedays it feels like my life is just set up to be a porn script. 🤣🦃
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frnkiebby · 7 months
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excuse me while i d i e ~🎃
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sweet-rabbit · 1 year
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crack continuation of the tv drama AU
trowa is absolutely the type to refuse to call you and instead send you brick texts
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timeisacephalopod · 10 months
Admittedly I don't know much about the Israel Palestine war but I keep seeing news articles that refer to it as the Israel Hamas war and no it is not. After all Israel has done it gets to be referred to by it's country name and not "terrorists who kill babies and children at the speed of light" but Palestine gets reduced to Hamas?
It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth that the struggle of the Palestinian people keeps getting reduced to the existence of Hamas, but at no point does the ongoing state violence of Israel define its existence when by all means it should when my understanding is that the creation of Israel was stealing land from Palestinians. Why is Israel's violence ignored while Palestine is defined by the admittedly shit group that only arose out of decades of occupation and imperialism? Those two things are not the same and ignoring Israel's violence to act like Hamas came from nowhere just to hurt the poor Israeli government who acts like they've done nothing wrong is ridiculous to me.
#winters ramblings#a Palestinian coworker gave me some emails to send off things to so ill be doing that later#but like it just BUGS me when people will over focus on the REACTION to state violence and never ONCE bring up state violence#AS violence at all. also what israel is doing reminds me a LOOOOOT of what canada has done to your indigenous populations#so yes hamas suck ive seen some shit but heres the deal. im not as concerned about how much HAMAS sucks#when the EXISTENCE of hanas is the result if DECADES of ISRAEL'S state violence. what were Palestinians meant to DO??#just allow their homes to be stolen their people to be killed and their resources extracted with NO fighting back ever??!?#i dont feel the need to focus on how shitty Hamas is when this reactionary group wouldnt exist without the extreme violence#from israel that RESULTED in a deeply problematic group fighting back against them#you CANNOT step on the necks of a whole nation of people and expect them to do NOTHING#and when what they do is deeply flawed and often hurtful am i supposed to just IGNORE everything that led up to Hamas#by pretending state violence isnt NEARLY as bad as traumatized people fighting back against their oppressors??#like NO- state violence should be FRONT AND CENTER LOOOONG before any reactionary response to that violence#which if you ask me may be a deeply flawed and problematic response but im not expecting the people of an occupied nation#to be giving their best political performance and acting like we SHOULD just SMACKS of respectability politics#shut the FUCK up about Hamas and LOOK at what israel has DONE to the Palestinian people and FREE PALESTINE DAMNIT
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anomaly-beans · 4 months
*looks at people in the notes of my fallen london oc art posts*
"They don't even know the intricate character lore because they aren't looking at my many many oc posts on my main tumblr and don't ask questions about them either..."
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blueish-bird · 2 years
// JJK 214 Spoilers
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piningpercussionist · 9 months
... first and foremost, I would like to apologize for any discomfort I've caused you, Kim. now, I'm not the most... socially apt person. but I really, sincerely, do *not* mean you any harm. I'm not intending to come off as creepy, I can, however, understand why you'd be uncomfortable or perhaps concerned by these gifts and all. (I mean, shit. if somebody mailed me a painting of me dancing with them, I'd be weirded out too, flattered, granted. but weirded out.) I never really expected anything to happen, I guess I just... felt the need to tell you how I feel about you, get *that* off my chest, at least. even if you don't feel the same way that I do. (which is fine, and understandable! I get it.) as for why I've sent you gifts... I suppose I just wanted to show you how I felt with something other than a note or whatever. *just* a note feels kinda cheap. I'd rather give you something that's at least a bit useful to you (hence those custom made drumsticks.). I hope you find success in whatever future endeavors you do. and I hope that you don't find this note too off-putting. enclosed is something that I hope you and the rest of Sex Bob-Omb like. -sincerely, the guy who said he had a crush on you. *enclosed is a folded, custom made Sex Bob-Omb poster, it's actually quite well made. it's an homage to the album 'Ramones', by The Ramones, featuring Sex Bob-Omb's lineup leaning back against a brick wall. unlike the original album cover, it's in color and not black-and-white.*
ooc: answering this as though it is in the nebulous but near future! I just didn't want to leave this lingering any longer; sorry for the delay! Hopefully I have left things vague enough for myself to wedge it back in the timeline of the blog later lol
Kim lets out a long, weary sigh as she finally gets back to the relative peace of her room, taking a moment to rest back against her shut door and scrub at her face. The energy and emotional exhaustion of everything that had happened between the last time she'd been here and now seemed to be sinking into her bones, and she wanted little more than to sink to her knees right there and just be comatose for a while.
She knew from experience, however, that the floor was cold and miserable like that, especially this time of year; so, instead, she opts to shrug off her coat and toss it blindly in the direction of her desk, trudging towards her bed. She closes her eyes and lets herself fall forward into it, ready to finally, properly rest, maybe even unpack her thoughts about everything- but then, she hears the crinkle of paper as she makes contact with the sheets, and her eyes fly open while she rolls to the side and, thankfully, off of the object.
She blinks down at an envelope that had been tossed haphazardly on the bed, probably by Hollie, and after a moment recognizes the style of it. Oh, that one guy... how long has this been here? Did I miss this before I left? She hesitates briefly, mostly just in resistance to the idea of having to continue actively thinking, but sighs and sits up anyway. She won't be able to relax if it's just sitting there, tempting her.
Propping up her pillows, she leans back against them and opens it, pulling out both the letter and the folded poster. She looks over the letter first, and after a moment, lets out another sigh, this time a short, guilty thing. The words feel genuine, so she can't help but feel slightly bad about her previous response, but... Well, if they knew anything about her, they might've expected it. She tries to take comfort in that fact, glancing over in the general direction she left the drumsticks. Then, she pulls out her phone and snaps a picture of the letter, opening her blog to begin her reply.
Hey, sorry this too so long to get back to. Life and things; with how people talk, maybe you've heard about the party by now? Julie's ragers, am I right? The apology is appreciated... and accepted. I think I believe you, especially given you're acknowledging the creep factor there. I'm not really a big gift person, I guess, so it was a little off putting just to begin with, anything else aside. I think you've already given me more than my parents got me for Christmas, and I don't even have a name for you beyond "Crush Guy." But, hey, it's far from the most uncomfortable I've been in these situations, so you're actually doing fairly alright in that regard. Thank you for the well wishes; I'll probably be needing them, ha! And no, I think you've quelled the fires against you, for now. (Joking- this is why I do the stupid videos...)
She pauses briefly, looking over at the newest gift and carefully unfolds it, trying to work out the creases as she goes. Once it's unveiled, she stops to look at it for a long while, a bit surprised by how much she genuinely likes it. She sets it aside with a mental note to hang it up later- ideally before their next band practice. She wouldn't be attaching a photo of it to the post, to help keep the surprise til then.
And again for the gifts. I think the rest of the band will really dig this one, honestly- especially Stills. It's very nice.
She gives it a once over before nodding to herself and hitting send, content. Then, setting the letter and the poster further aside, as to not crumple them, Kim moves to curl up at the top of her bed in a tight ball, eyes sliding shut peacefully. I'll think about things later. Ball time, she thinks idly, and then thankfully, blissfully, proceeds to continue thinking nothing at all.
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twinklezebreevee · 1 year
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This drawing has been *pulls out Windows Calc in date calculation mode* 98 days in the making (I really gotta get my crap together) but, I'm proud to present to you all, Twinkle, but as a Roo
and anyone who's known me a while (pre-properly moving to Tumblr) will notice something I don't usually do on drawings, that's right, this is my first drawing with proper digits! At least, on the paws
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commanderfloppy · 2 years
Local man with adhd tries to find voice claims 10 dead 41 injured
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