#food...water...fishing minigame...
love-at-first-bite · 1 year
The Termina update needs to come out so I can go fishing and catch a big ol' tasty fish for Abella and Henryk and they both kiss for me for it AND I get extra kisses for turning said fish into a good dinner. I need to kiss and cook for my sillies, Miro.
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Videogames I wish were real #85
Oh to live in play a pixel art Pokemon farming sim. You have a cute lil house you can decorate to your liking. Every day you get to take care of your berries and apricorns. You get to feed and pet and take care of your pokemon. There's minigames where you get to bath them or play stuff like hide and seek or tag or tic-tac-toe or with them. You can pick one pokemon to follow you around. When you reach a high enough friendship level with one pokemon they'll sometimes bring you gifts and you can ask them to help you with some chores around the house or the farm. You use the wool you get from Mareeps and Wooloos to knit sweaters and socks and blankets. You make cheese and butter with the milk you get from Miltank. Once you progress enough in the game you get to open a cute lil store in the town where you sell all your homemade wares to the townspeople and also items to visiting trainers such as the pokeballs you make from apricorns. Every couple of months you turn on your tv and hear about a ten year old saving the world and half the time you know the kid because they've been to your store. Sometimes you'll find wild pokemon you can approach and befriend. No combat mechanics, you feed the pokemon or pet them or offer them shinies and they usually leave you alone except sometimes they'll follow you home. The cute lil town you live in has a ton of festivities and charming npcs. You can ask npcs to be your (platonic or not) roommates, you can marry npcs, you can have kids or adopt them (without being on a relationship) or stay single. There's no limit to how many pokemon beds you can place inside your house. You can place pokebeds, food and water bowls anywhere in the world. You can also fish and dive and mine and forage. If you leave a bunch of berries in an ancient hidden shrine to Groudon/Kyogre you can ensure that the next day is rainy or extra sunny. One time you ran into Palkia and Dialga and offered them some really tasty pokepuffs so now you have the gods of space and time at your beck and call and you can basically time travel and teleport as long as you give them treats first. You like to stay up late on the nights when the tv says there's going to be Minior showers to watch the colorful falling stars with your pokemon cuddled at your side. Life is good.
Similar games that actually exist: Stardew Valley, Pokemon, Moonstone Island, Ooblets, Monster Harvest, Critter Crops, Ova Magica
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i-rate-horse-games · 2 months
rating Horse Life on Roblox
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i made a roblox account just to play this game, and i’m glad i did. this game is what Horse Isle 3 wishes it was.
gameplay: horse breeding!!! FAST horse breeding!! not limitless, but not paywalled! there are in-app purchases, but i barely noticed them the whole time i was playing. there’s little quests to complete in order to unlock the ability to tame cooler horse-like species, and while doing them you get a better feel of what the game is all about. there’s tons of coat variation, size variation, and there’s always the chance for spontaneous mutations to show up and grant your horse 10% extra speed, jumping ability, wings!? wings that have different levels to them, and at which level 3 allows you to fully fly around the map? the coat variations don’t seem to have to do with genetics, which is a little annoying when you breed a black and white horse with an Orange horse and you get a poor foal that looks like a moldy jack-o-lantern got trampled into mush. there’s a cosmetic challenge, where you try to breed a horse that matches the one on display, which i feel like is a challenge some of you guys would love!
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you can catch horses two ways, by lassoing it on horseback or by feeding it by hand, which presents you with a fun little minigame sorta like that locks task in among us that most people don’t like but that i love because i got rhythm muahahah. you can breed any two horses together, even horses that are different species, although the offspring will always be just one species and fertile. after you breed two horses together, your mare will only be pregnant for about four and a half hours, which you can just completely skip for free by feeding them whatever food you foraged while training your horse’s strength stats! and then you can just. Keep Going until you run out of food or stable space. and you can upgrade stable space and inventory space just by playing the game, for free! love that!
also, you can play as the horse, which makes for some funny interactions. i just tried to tame a horse who i think was a person because i couldn’t feed them and they kept shaking their head at me. but . i’m also not SURE that it wasn’t a wild horse. it was acting perfectly like a wild horse. oh man. no i think that was just a normal horse. but what if
between catching wild horses, breeding your own, and training them to raise foals into adults or just make your favorite mount even tougher, this game has a lot to offer! there’s a few NPCs to talk to every day to level up their bond, there’s giant statues and ruins that allude to a mysterious past, and there’s even a centaur ominously standing on the edge of the map, gazing out over the ocean. and the game isn’t even finished! recently it got an update that allows you to fish for kelpies (water horsies) with a fishing rod, making them slightly easier to find. there are a few buildings in town that have almost nothing in them but are clearly intended to be a saloon and a jail, so i’m interested in seeing where that goes! i’m also curious if they will ever fix the fact that if you walk into the ocean you just instantly plummet through the world & teleport back to town, or if you’re lucky (like mee) you’ll respawn underneath town on the secret Second Floor, which you can then fall from and get stuck in an unceasing loop, watching your home slip away from under your feet, your poor horse falling after you, over and over and over again. that’s just part of the magic, honestly, no complaints there. it was fun. i’ll do it again.
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also while i was playing, they launched an update that adds horse races! it's a fun little mariokart-ish loop that lets you lap your opponents, and winning gives you fun prizes! they called me the horse king in college
one small thing is that the in-game not-paid currency is in these horseshoe coins, but in the shop if something costs more than 1,000 coins, they’ll abbreviate it as… 1.5k $ .   dollar sign. that’s a little odd, but alright. when i was a kid I had an ipad for exactly 1 night before i accidentally spent $50 of my parent’s real money to unlock giraffes in a zoo game. i remember hesitating at the sudden shift from in-game coins to dollar signs, then thinking “surely this isn’t real money! nobody would spend fifty real dollars to buy giraffes in a zoo game!” and then i clicked it and got in trouble lol
playerbase: chat tends to stay pretty quiet, except for when two players who are already friends come online and use the global chat like their own dms. i saw many references to playing while in the car & someone bragging about staying all the way up until 10pm so safe to say most of these people are ipad kids. i was impressed with the amount of organization before one of the spirit totem summonings, an hourly event where players work together to win goodies. 
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they were shouting out directions to new players, suggesting which lassos to use, reminding everyone to turn off the Show Player Horses setting so that we wouldn’t lag and disconnect in the middle of the fight. when i neighed in the chat eventually people started neighing back. i only saw one person being slightly annoying and it was just kinda funny. there is a chat filter but i can’t tell if there’s any active moderation or anything. you do have the ability to report players, and that goes through Roblox, not the horse game, so that’s probably good. Internet Safety! also if you look up questions about the game most of what comes up are tiktok videos which is a first for me lol
graphics: pretty! low-polyish so it loads nicely but colorful and feels right for the setting. there’s just the right amount of Stuff in the world for it to feel filled but not crowded. whenever the day/night cycle or weather changes, the whole world quickly switches lighting effects, but not all at once. it sorta rolls over the map. but things that are far away look bluer! nice touch. love it
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music: a very short loop that got old fast, but it lets you turn off just the music in settings and still keep the lovely ambiance! i always really appreciate this setting. i wish splatoon 3 would let me do this. i play that game so much i have every battle track seared into my memory. but this isn’t really a part of rating a game lol i just like to mention it in case a game has really great music that i can add to my Horsey Time playlist. what the game does have is ambient bird noises which i LOVE. that’s a W from me
all things considered, i’m rating horse life on roblox FIVE OUT OF FIVE STARS!
this is the first 5/5 horse game i’ve rated!! that puts it above alicia online which is kinda funny.
here’s me with the largest and smallest horses i’ve bred so far!
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side notes: why does roblox stop me from naming my player character “butch” but not “butchy”? no one else can see what i named it, it’s just so i can quick change faster. also, that means that their filter doesn’t search for words inside words, which isn’t a great system. also, butch is also a name? also, what’s wrong with butch? i did try playing this on my old 5th generation ipad to try and get the Roblox Kid experience, but my ipad wasn’t strong enough. it got a memory full warning before it crashed and felt concerningly warm, which it’s never done before, so that’s neat!
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mistakenot4892 · 7 months
Nebula devblob Feb '24
This is a crosspost from cohost.
Thinking I'm going to start doing a weekly or fortnightly summary of changes on Nebula in a given week. Probably not going to be the most super thorough or well structured post, as I am a bit scatterbrained at the best of times, but heigh ho.
Nebula SS13 is an open source project based on the Baystation 12 version of Space Station 13. SS13 is a topdown multiplayer simulation game where you play the crew of a ship, station, colony, etc. depending on your fork and map, with the Nebula and Bay forks having a focus on roleplaying and simulation interactions.
Notable changes
Traitors (sort of like mafiosos in Mafia, secretly assigned antagonists) were getting tasked with assassinating their own informants among the crew. That has been fixed.
Quite a bit of work has been going into the fluid simulation. The current sim is a bit haphazard and allows you to use crewmembers or monkeys as sponges to soak up any flooding, since the water goes into their touching reagent holder and vanishes into thin air.
Lots of optimization work being done by Penny, mostly around initialization time, event registration/deregistration, and various smaller fixes and streamlining from her downstream project Lighthouse.
Outstanding bugs of note
There's a fun issue with the dev branch currently where, due to some changes to how atoms handle temperature changes, if you put a human in a 100C environment, all their blood will instantly coagulate into one giant clot. This has absolutely no negative impact on the human.
A serious client crash issue has been narrowed down to specifically trying to cut the tail off a humanoid mob with one. As soon as you dismember the tail, everyone within viewing distance will experience a hard client crash to desktop. This may simply be God's punishment; investigation continues.
Using an elevator to descend a level can drop you into a small patch of vacuum for unclear reasons. If you're very unlucky, that one tick of total pressure loss can explode your lungs. Use the stairs for now, it's better for you.
Current priorities
We have a few PRs waiting for merge into the 5th staging period, where we shake as many bugs as we can out of the dev branch before marking it an official release and pushing it to the stable branch. When those go in, we'll start r5 staging. Exciting stuff.
I'm working on some changes around enhancing the cooking system and the general experience of interacting with food. So far I've rewritten utensils to work a bit better - previously they liked to just teleport a chunk of food from your meal into your guts, bypassing all checking of petty things like 'can I actually fit this food in my stomach' and 'am I physiologically capable of eating this mint without exploding'. Next up: Soup(tm).
I kinda wanna add fishing? But I don't just want to use Polaris fishing where you click a rod on some water and wait for 300 years. Pondering how responsive a Stardew Valley fishing minigame would be in BYOND...
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jadequarze · 1 month
I’m considering getting Fields of Mistria. Can you give me your best sales pitch/thoughts on the game so far? Main point would be is it worth its price or do I wait for it to be on sale? Alternatively is it just a shit game (based on what I’ve seen I don’t think so but you’ve actually played it, so I’d love your opinion pls and thank)
Keeping in mind, it is an early access game and I haven't full gone too deep into the game yet. So, take it as you will.
It's a really chill farming game. There's no mini game when it comes to fishing, though you need to throw the cast near the fish, basically cast the hook in the fish line of sight. It does get tedious though especially when you're still in early game and the fish doesnt spawn immediately (afaik). But it is great, I do like that there's no minigame and the fact that you really need to be ready to reel them fishies in. Farming is as usual so, nothing to add there. At the moment, you basically have infinite watering can. The game have skill points that you can put into as you're leveling your skills. You gather your skill points by farming, fishing, chopping trees etc. i do want to say, you have to make sure you have ample stamina if you unlock mining. It's difficult (at least to me because I wasn't focusing on cooking) to have food stock up. Gameplay wise, it's a fun little pixel farming game. The characters are charming and you can pet the animals. There are animals NPC that you can build friendship with and you can pet them!
This went longer than I thought. Technical for this game, the audios sometimes glitch and the music cutting out. It does come back when you get into an instance and went back in again. The combat is clunky so be careful if you're going into the mines. It's not game breaking, it's early access shenanigans. It is a fun game, it's still in development and don't expect anything much. Romance wise, there's a lot of romance options in this game. So, have a look into them if you're curious who there are.
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bubblewonderabyss · 1 year
Corrugated starbound ask game
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🌈Which of the basic sb color palettes do you find most pleasing?
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💺What is your favorite furniture set? What is your favorite standalone furniture item? Do they go together?
🏠Wood starter house or brick starter house?
👾Which vanilla race is your favorite and which modded race is your favorite? If a representative from each fought, who would win?
🎣What emotion does the fishing minigame make you feel?
🤕Which boss is the hardest?
❤️‍🩹If your save data was somehow lost or corrupted which character would you remake first and why?
🌶️What do you think is your most unpopular sb opinion?
🧰What huge, super ambitious mod would you make if you had the time/energy/skills?
🚪Imagine you are a resident of the starbound universe and you are running away to make your forever home. In your inventory is: two crop seed types of your choosing, a stack of logs, a stack of stone, a stack of water, and some glass. Which biome on which planet are you moving to?
🤿Which ocean type is the best?
🚀Which ship design is the best?
💀Save the cat or save the bunny?
🍴Which alien food do you really really really wish was real?
⛽Gather erchius or buy erchius?
🧸Teddy bear or bear plush?
🌌Favorite expansion mod? Eg. Shellguard, Maple32, Elithian, K'rakoth, Arcana, Frackin, etcetera
🧱Favorite block(s)?
🔦Best flashlight color?
🏪What outpost vendor do you utilize the most?
🎳Funnest toy?
🛋️Top 3 furniture mods?
👤Which npc would you like to know more about?
👥What race would you like to know more about?
💄What's a cosmetic item you wish existed but doesn't?
🪞Which starbound oc made you discover something about yourself, or inspired you to try something new?
🥁Favorite musical instrument?
🔭Favorite celestial body to see in the sky?
🔎What's a small, easy-to-miss detail that you just love?
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 8 months
Research Story
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[ID: The banner of the game research story, drawn in anime style. It shows a person next to the game's title, looking at a yellow flower through a magnifying glass, papers in hand and a black cat with a sprout on its head on their shoulder. End ID]
You move into the cozy little village Shimmerbrook as a researcher. Unlike in other farming sims, that means you don't purchase seeds/animals, you have to pick up a plant/animal/fish part, start researching, observe, learn how to forage seeds and how to tame the creatures, then grow the plants and bond with the creatures by fulfilling their needs.
Once it likes you, every creature has a different perk, from giving you bonus seeds when foraging plants, over finding mushrooms, over automatically fertilizing soil when planting seeds, over finding treasure, over…
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[ID: A screenshot of the game. The artstyle is pixel graphics, the colors are muted because it's after nightfall. The player character, with pink hair and yellow and pink clothes, walks across a meadow towards a house looking like a giant tree stump. A chicken, a rabbit, and a fox are following them. End ID ]
Different plants/creatures appear depending on weather, location, season & time of day. Some plants only grow next to water, some fish only appear in caves at night. All creatures have multiple possible traits, for example needing a buddy to be happy, and some being sheltered by a nearby tree. The more things you research, the more your rank increases, unlocking more things - like weekly fetch quests for villagers.
Research (d'uh)
Looking at it objectively, no feature is extremely deep (though I believe some will be expanded before 1.0). There's only a limited selection of decor items, no farm buildings, different requirements make large-scale farming tedious, and the fishing minigame is very simple. Dating is still getting expanded (no marriage yet), and crafting is rather limited, mostly things you need for research like different kinds of feed, bait, soil, and crafting stations. There's no cooking yet other than throwing a few basic items into a campfire to get a roasted version, and only a few equippable items as rewards.
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[ID: The same player character stands in a small, square house against a black background. The house is furnished with a bed, a bedside table, a desk with a pot of pink flowers on top, a painting, a pale yellow rug, and several wooden chests. End ID]
But, at least for me, it all fits together incredibly well if you accept the research part as the main goal. There's just enough of a carrot on a stick I want to keep playing.
Shortly after release, I already put about 25 hours in and didn't even reach the first year's fall. That was before a lot of the content updates, so there's definitely enough to do for the price tag. I want to earn more money because I want to buy some furniture, and I need those recipes because and I want more sprinklers, and oh my, I forgot upgrading the scythe gives a chance of getting insects, I need insects, so I need more ore, two more days and my research is done, oh yay I reached the next mine level and can finally get sand, and why is it 2am?
Now to be fair, the gameplay loop is - as so often in those kinds of games - rather repetitive. Feed animals, water plants, forage whatever grows today, fish and mine, talk to some people, day's over. Especially feeding the creatures is tedious at the start, since some food items are rare, you have to hand-craft the food, and each pen only holds 2 servings.
But later, there's sprinklers, and feed crafting stations, and autofeeders, and also - creatures don't die. If you don't need the creature's perk, you can just ignore it (Sorry, Rock Salamander!)
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[ID: A screenshot of the town in the game, showing 4 different houses to both sides of a river. Two are built out of wood, one being a tavern, the other a potion ship with a small garden in front, and two are built out of stone, one with a forge, the other with masonry tools in front. The player character stands next to the river, fishing. End ID]
As for the game world, it's incredibly cute and the artstyle is minimalist but adorable. The town itself is by far the highlight - other areas have a bit much open/empty space. Speaking of maps, the mini map is great: not only does it show you the opening hours of each store, once you befriend people to a certain level, you can also see their position on the map.
In general, this game has so many convenient features. Excellent auto-stacking and quick transfer into chests. A bell tool to send creatures back into their pens. You can adjust the length of day and amount of energy in the settings (at the moment with no achievement penalty, though there might be one in the future requiring to play with default settings). Energy itself is on the lower side, but you're supposed to use food, not hoard it like a little raccoon as I do. Oh, and - you can save anytime, anywhere. Yay!
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[ID: A screenshot showing the dialogue window of the character Teagan in their potion shop decorated with purple furniture, shelves with potions, and various potted plants as well as a big cauldron. The portrait is drawn in anime style. They have pale skin, long, pale pink hair with blonde tips and are wearing purple clothes and a headband with feathers and a bird skull. They ask: What can I do for you? End ID]
The controller support (and, therefore, the steam deck support) is great. Everything works, and what little hiccups there are I expect to be gone by the time it leaves early access. Cloud save between the deck and a pc work as well. The only thing missing is the 1200x800 resolution, which is really no good reason for an "unsupported" label.
I really love this game. Sometimes I don't want to build a farming empire. Sometimes I just wanna crawl in the dirt while watching a little bunny poop so I can pick up the droppings and figure out what it eats.
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alln64games · 3 months
Hey You, Pikachu!
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JP release: 12th December 1998
NA release: 6th November 2000
PAL release: N/A
Developer: Ambrella
Publisher: Nintendo
N64 Magazine Score: 56%
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Hey You, Pikachu! took almost two years to make it from Japan to the USA, and never came out in Europe. This was mainly due to the Voice Recognition Unit that came with the game – which is essentially a microphone were you could say words for Pikachu to understand.
This may sound like something trivial now, but it was very advanced with the times. That said, many people (especially adults, as the recognition was centred around a higher pitch) had issues with it. Using a modern microphone in an emulated version of the game seems to be a bit better, although I still had an issue with some words.
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With Hey You, Pikachu getting fairly negative reviews, I was surprised as to how much I enjoyed it. For how much it cost when new, I can definitely see why, but the game reminds me a lot of more recent downloadable titles which are little stories with some gameplay.
Professor Oak gives you a device that helps you speak to a wild Pikachu, who you quickly befriend. You hold the Z button to speak, then your words will travel in a bubble to Pikachu. You have to grab his attention before you give him commands, and he’ll only understand certain words (which are highlighted in red).
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At the start, the controls are quite basic. The camera is locked on Pikachu and you can move about relative to him. In the starting section, you can look after some Caterpies, explore a field, help Bulbasaur prepare a meal and do some fishing. You’ll wake up, meet Pikachu outside, go on an adventure and say buy to him.
On these adventures, Pikachu will ask about items, ask for advice on what to do with them and be very curious. After a while, you’ll be able to ask Pikachu to stay at home with you.
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From this point on, you get to choose what to do, you can replay the stuff from the first chapter, or do a bunch of new activities, such as guiding a blindfolded Pikachu towards a pinata, finding lost Poliwags and watering some Oddish. If you do well enough at the pinata game then you’ll also gain access to an island for treasure hunting.
You also have a bit more freedom of movement and gain access to an inventory to store items, some are permanent items while others are sold at the end of the day. You can also play some little minigames, like tag or a name that Pokémon game on the N64 in your room.
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Once you’ve done everything you need to here, the third chapter will start. You’ll be introduced to some new view modes: one which locks the camera onto Pikachu and another that lets you look up and down. Now Pikachu will understand what you’re pointing a as well, so you can give more specific instructions. The increase in control complexity was definitely a way to not introduce too much to kids at once, although, annoyingly, returning to older missions will remove these abilities.
The third chapter is mainly more difficult versions of what we’ve seen so far. A diglett will try to trip Pikachu up, a Haunter is roaming the lake and the Caterpies are much hungrier than before. The Caterpie mission was very difficult to begin with (you have to get Pikachu to thunderbolt trees), but I realised that I could get the food myself and help that way.
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To progress you need to have performed certain tasks in the various missions, including fully completing the Caterpie ones. Professor Oak will ask you to send Pikachu on his own mission, and you’ll follow him in a cardboard box as you see him remember what you’ve taught him.
After this is done, there’s a surprisingly emotional ending (that also kind of makes Pokémon Trainers look bad).
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Hey You, Pikachu is a cute little adventure. While the graphics are fairly low quality, Pikachu himself is extremely well animated and the Pokémon having their show voices is nice to hear in a game. The voice control was a novel idea at the time, but isn’t something people like using that much, due to how few games support voice control when it’s much easer to do now.
I really enjoyed my time with Pikachu, and it was a fun, short experience.
Trying to get Pika to drop the vegetable or keep it for the stew is a nightmare. On more than one occasion he eventually grabbed the right object, but, instead of obeying our ‘Okay, sure’ command, the little swing proceeded to munch on the veggie, swoon and keel over. The result – Pika no like you.
- Geraint Evans, N64 Magazine #50
Remake or Remaster?
A remaster would be really nice for this. Voice commands are much better now and this would suit being an eShop title. Perhaps they could give you full control form the start (at least in terms of movement), as it is more of a second nature now.
Official ways to get the game.
There is no official way to get Hey You, Pikachu.
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crownconstellation · 2 years
so. Rune Factory 5[a] is a role-playing simulation video game developed by Hakama and published by Marvelous for the Nintendo Switch. It was the first entry in the Rune Factory series since 2012's Rune Factory 4 and was released in Japan in May 2021 and worldwide by Xseed Games in March 2022.
Unlike most of my long posts i’m actually willing to attach a readmore to this because it 1.) is going to be VERY, VERY long, probably, and I don’t want to subject anyone to having to scroll through that and 2.) will have story spoilers. Anyways.
Hi I beat Rune Factory 5 (after. nearly 250 hours of play time <3) and I wanted to write a comprehensive review of it because it’s been nearly a decade since we’ve had a new RF game and I have a lot to say!!! This is gonna be done full pro / con style for like, smaller things and then go into actual depth for what I want to say in full detail.
I’m not the first & I won’t be the last person to say this, but Rigbarth is too big!! At least the way they set it up. It’s fun getting to roam around, but there’s so much empty space that the town feels a little empty in places, and there are so many unnecessary areas as a consequence of the size. Like we don’t NEED that beach by the festival plaza, no one uses it. We don’t NEED the lake(?) up north or its associated beach to be that huge. (Honestly, it’s so big I was expecting an underwater dungeon to be there instead of just wasted space. Man that would’ve been stellar)
Stacking is incredibly inconvenient. (This relates to a much larger criticism but I had to bring it up here) Still 9 items max... Still unable to stack food or fish...
Brawling is really badly adjusted to the console proportions and it went from being my favourite weapon style in 3 & 4 to my least-used one because of that </3 Maybe I’m doing it wrong, but you should be able to make contact with your foe 90% of the time when your combo chains into an ultimate attack instead of it constantly launching you into kicking against empty air?
Some of the festivals are really lacklustre. Also we don’t need 4 harvest festivals in a game where you can grow any crop year-round.
Dungeons are too small. Back in my day these things had 4-7 floors!! Not 1-2 floors and then a boss!
The game is a little too easy -- which I understand is a result of them wanting to make story progression more relaxed, but even on Hard Mode it’s still, like, easy.
Furniture placement is kind of frustrating and the fact you can’t put anything against the wall because you need enough space to be able to walk behind something is really annoying. In general I hate the free-roam item placement tbh but that’s just me
Fields get cluttered way too easy. I know it’s so you have a steady stream of materials but :(
This is probably a budget issue and I can’t fault them for that at all but I think that they should’ve done full voice acting for the endgame sequence instead of having some lines voiced and most others just using like, stock voice clips you could hear in any other game interaction
Slight lack of interactivity; people don’t respond if you try to sleep in their bed or if you examine their things when they’re there, which was a cute detail and I miss it. It’s nothing big, but it added a nice touch.
A lot about how Fuuka is handled quite honestly. She’s a sweet character but....
They still haven’t fired the portrait artist guy and I really need them to and replace him immediately with someone who actually knows how to draw adult women
The cast is REALLY good. Like, it’s a very fun cast with a lot going on. Rigbarth as a community is easy to get invested in and it’s fun keeping up with characters and seeing all the events for them. Also, Randolph and Yuki invented love and that’s great
Related to that: having a DSC whose main gimmick isn’t just making them a constant food-based fat joke and having that DSC in a game people actually see and play (vs Beatrix, who is in the black sheep game in what is already a niche series) in itself makes Palmo up there as Best Member Of The De Sainte-Coquilles. Like, he’s great as a whole, but it’s nice.
The story as a whole is fun and the end of Act 1 into beginning of Act 2 is imo really strong writing. Also in general I love how they set it up with its premise involving the culmination of 4′s story and the consequences
Despite not liking it for Rigbarth itself, how big the map is is a bonus IMO for the rest of the world. It’s fun romping around in free roam & it gives me way more reason to actually take my monsters along for ride purposes
Events are actually like, easy to access. Even at the consequence of maybe accidentally activating multiple in a row, I’d take that any day over taking a literal Real Life year to get married in RF4 because of how bad my event luck was.
Fake vegetables are the best monsters this series has EVER added. Ever. (Also I love the frogs so much)
Meteor showers and starfall crops are a really cute mechanic! I wish we could do more with them (like ask someone to watch the meteors with you on the day of a shower) but they’re so cute
The music is FANTASTIC. Like this is a given for any RF game but the music is really good. Also the OST that came with the bonus edition having remixes of the tracks is great. Have you all listened to it? You should.
Cloudheim. “Is that it?” Yeah i just really like Cloudheim
The outfits are so cute!! Even outside the DLC ones the options are adorable & I love how everyone has unique PJs and swimsuits. Now in RF6 we need seasonal outfits for everyone like what Harvest Moon did in ToT & AP. Or people outside of romanceables finally also getting PJs or something. Or both
Even if they’re too short the dungeons have really great designs & the later ones have fun puzzles and / or obstacles to them. Forest of No Return i have feelings for you. Eternal Darkness i have feelings for you too i have never enjoyed being inconvenienced this much
Game has what if a really overall cozy vibe to it, it hit that great Rune Factory feel that the previous games had and it’s easy to settle into
So, with all that out of the way: let me say that as a whole I liked RF5. I really, really, really liked RF5. Like, it’s probably #2 in my top 3 RF games now (with that top 3 now being Oceans > 5 > Frontier). I like the console games, what can I say! It was a really solid game overall, with fun farming, fun combat (for the most part; despite having to give up on brawling, this is the first time I’ve ever actually enjoyed the longswords), a fun story, and a really fun cast. This is 100% my favourite RF cast now and even despite my complaints about town size, I liked Rigbarth and I love the community.
My biggest criticism, though, is what I alluded to when I complained about stacking limitations: that this game takes after RF4 a lot more than it should in several places. I’m not going to fault the developers for making it resemble RF4; it’s the first game in around a decade and RF4 is the most popular in the series, of course it’s going to take after it. But as a fan of the console games, I really do think they should’ve looked more at Frontier & Oceans for certain things (at the very least: town layout and spacing, because of how nice Trampoli & Fenith but especially Trampoli are to traverse and also especially because of how gorgeous RFF looked for a Wii game), and given RF5 a little bit more of its own identity. Like the stacking. While the 9-stack limit might’ve fit better for the DS and 3DS with smaller space limitations (or maybe those didn’t need that either considering Harvest Moon game stack sizes who knows!), Frontier & Oceans had 99 item stacks. AND you could stack food & fish. (Fish / food stacking was also, notably, in 3. 4 probably removed them to pad out artificial space necessities to get you to use more royalty points. 5 didn’t need this limit, even with the same point system. Like, at all.) Or the 2x2 fields instead of the 3x3. I hated that in 4 and I hate it here. Why do you have 2x2 fields if you’re going to implement a 9-item stack. That just makes things incredibly awkward when you’re trying to lay down seeds and instead of one stack being a patch of 9 being two patches of 4 and also one awkward leftover.
That’s just two examples, though. There’s also using the same weapons & crafting items (back in my day [the Wii games] the cat ears accessory was an actual pair of cat ears, not whatever those ugly Palm cat ears are!!!!!!), the ability to pick furniture up and move it around willy-nilly as opposed to having one set spot for things like cooking tools & the shipping bin + watering hole (which honestly makes these things look kind of bad and out of place and is enjoyed by no one based on how many complaints the furniture system across 4 + 5 has gathered), the festivals being largely the same (and lacklustre because of it).... I think they shouldn’t have leaned on RF4 so heavily even if again, I 100% understand why they did and I won’t fault them for it. Like I said it already, but we don’t NEED four entire harvest festivals in a game where you can grow any crop no matter the season (and where seasonal dungeon farms have been removed) just because RF4 had that. That’s 3 festival spaces that could’ve been taken up by something more unique. Frontier, for example, had some really good and unique festivals -- the Bianca-centric one where you have to keep getting her what she requests, the boat race that takes advantage of Frontier’s gondola system, the Coming of Age scavenger hunt, the watermelon smashing minigame on Beach Day instead of just making it a wasted festival where nothing happens except Now  You Can Go To The Beach!, the Hot Pot festival (which RF5 should’ve also had instead of the Winter Harvest Festival because the guys’ convo in it is literally about Making hotpot)... then Oceans had the seasonal lotteries, the Lantern Festival (where you would set a little boat onto the ocean to honour sailors who’d fallen at sea iirc and make a wish), the warrior fest where you have to fell training dummies and you have to actually be careful with your weapon of choice because you have to avoid hitting certain ones, the fashion contest where instead of just judging a single accessory you make like the Handicraft contest your entire outfit that you’re actually like, Wearing is graded...  Et cetera et cetera you get the picture I think it could’ve been improved by having its own unique festivals that cater to Rigbarth’s unique properties as a town instead of mostly using the RF4 festivals and throwing a few new minigames in. Like there’s a town mini event where Simone talks about how the local pond used to be revered as a holy place because of a legend that its waters cured a dying village of a plague, and that Rigbarth grew from that village because people kept coming to use its waters. A festival to honour that legend and the fairy that blessed the pond would’ve been a fun one! Or a mystery festival run by Terry & Cecil that works like a scavenger hunt where you have to find clues around town and try to find a prize before everyone else. Or a festival of thanks dedicated to the farm dragons. I think instead of utilizing the Directive system for this, there should’ve just like, been these festivals and you can unlock new ones by having certain things done or talking to certain people (like how having Bianca unlocks the DSC festival, or talking to Stella after beating Frontier unlocks a quest to get a new festival that honours Whale Island and the spirits it harbours.) They could’ve used this to like, on that note, create a festival about the light & shadow dragons by bringing up the legends of them without revealing just Who said dragons are...
Anyways that’s my biggest criticism and despite how much I wrote about it, I understand why they did it (it’s just a shame) and it didn’t take away from my enjoyment of the game. Which was a lot of enjoyment. Actually can I talk about the cast here for a sec on that note because I was about to comment again that I love them -- I don’t get why people are saying they’re bland or that Rigbarth doesn’t feel like a community (because I’ve seen many criticisms that match up with this and I don’t... I don’t get it.) Like, not only are they a cast full of life and personality and also everyone has something at least a little bit wrong with them in a good way, the town & character events do a very good job of making people interact outside of their typical circles like with the group playing Hide & Seek in Fuuka’s 3rd event (that being Lucy, Ryker, Reinhard, Fuuka, and Alice / Ares) being a group you wouldn’t expect to interact normally, or Reinhard and Martin having an established friendship based on Cecil’s 3rd event of all places (as well as Reinhard’s own 3rd event), or Lucas doing his magic tricks for everyone, or Livia and Yuki teasing Darroch because they pretty much watched him grow up... Even outside that, they also mention each other in dialogue, like Randolph’s comments about how everyone shops differently (his line about Cecil buying fruit sandwiches when he needs more vegetables, how Reinhard never buys the same thing twice, how Beatrice insisted he overstuff his sandwiches and they did in fact sell better that way), Elsje + Simone + Misasagi talking about each other, Palmo mentioning that Ryker got huffy because he complimented Martin and Cecil, Ryker & Martin bitching about each other, etc. I think they have a great sense of community idgi
Also on that note of having a sense of community I think it integrated itself into the story well (which is related to my earlier PRO of how I think the end of act 1 and beginning of act 2 was really strong writing). To cover that quick: it’s when the protagonist quits their work as a ranger because they find out that, while SEED does good work on an individual scale and the entirety of Norad essentially relies on it, it was created entirely with corruption in mind and created that reliability by lying to the people because the Warden & other higher ups reached out to bandits that had taken advantage of the fall of the Sechs Empire to create chaos and made under-the-table deals with them to let them still operate behind the scenes but would SEEMINGLY be caught, and anyone who didn’t comply would be caught for real or sold out by their allies. This false sense of justice on a grand scale is what led to the country trusting in SEED and nobody is happy about it after getting told by Livia about it, so Scarlett has a breakdown and Alice / Ares quits. Which, while thinking it’s just a vacation, the entire town comments on and offers their support and encouragement. When Terry invites them to work for him, everyone is supportive again (and Cecil absolutely over the moon), and when they decide to rejoin SEED for the sake of overthrowing the Warden, everyone is once again supportive. It’s a nice detail, and it starts off the act well with the protagonist’s like, legitimate moral quandary. Like they lost their memories and this ranger base took them in and they like what they do for the people of Rigbarth only to find out that my god there’s something wrong with this and it’s rotten to the core and they can’t even let anyone know because too much is reliant on it at this point. Really good storytelling imo. The story kind of slips at the end (not because of the Fathomless Dread or anything, I actually thought that was interesting as was the reveal of two extra dragon gods because they’re essentially like, forgotten gods that were lesser than the main 4 to begin with so nobody really remembers them in legends unless people that REALLY DIG for the info like Gideon), but because the way they set it up with the dread it kind of takes some responsibility away from Gideon and I hate when stories do that. Like PKMN Sun / Moon trying to make Lusamine redeemable by setting up her actions as a byproduct of her exposure to Nihilego, RF5 trying to present it as Gideon initially having good intentions and getting influenced by the Dread instead of like, seeking it out of his own volition at the very least sucked. Although they did establish that it fed only on what already existed -- his own pride and greed and desire to make the world bend to his will for the sake of his “justice,” which is what created SEED to begin with, so it doesn’t suck as bad as some other uses of this kind of thing, but it’s still a media trope I don’t like. I LOVED Calamity’s Edge, though. It really reminded me of Frontier (as did his overall plans, speech, etc. there). Reminded me a lot of Gelwein, which is fun because Gelwein is my favourite RF antagonist. Not in an I-like-him way, but like, I love when the RF series dives further into the mechanics of the runes and what you can do with them bc it’s great worldbuilding so I loved RFF establishing the rune studies and experimentation with Gelwein (and also the fun little detail of rune orbs being black if you grow crops in the Snow Ruins because of the runes there being corrupted and fucked up due to it being a former laboratory or whatever) and I loved 5 going further into that with Gideon’s fucking around with rune science.
Anyways. Like 5 separate essays later. I had my criticisms regarding it and I wish some things were handled a bit (or in Fuuka’s case a lot) differently, but overall I’m just really happy to have another RF game again, I’m not going to hold 5 to unfair expectations because I understand the situation the series is in considering Neverland went bankrupt and we thought RF just. Died out. (and also because I’m sick of people comparing it to 4 to throw it under the bus when it has plenty of its own merits, 4 was made at a series high point vs this being the revival of a dead series, and also I feel like a lot of the people making these complaints would really hate to try like, any other RF game based on the specific complaints I’ve seen people make) ((like yes I criticized how it takes after 4, but that’s not a comparison between it that’s just me saying I Get why it did things but I do wish it had more of its own unique identity. I still ended up preferring it to 4 in the end too so like. lol!)) But I really enjoyed it and I still have PLENTY of playtime left not just because I have yet to get married but also because I have plans already to do an Ares file for the sake of hearing the JPN voices and also for harassing Reinhard even more than I already do. 10/10 loved this game would play again
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mood2you · 2 years
We need insane mods for Stardew
Ordering stuff online, minigame about getting the tape off the box (hard) and then popping the packing bubbles (fun!)
Various pet foods (cat and dog) you can forage (with scythe like hay) scything peas, snow yams so hard they flip up in the air, scything fish out of the water (you can make bait and cat food but the fish are not wuality to sell as a fish) and scything the Stew Meat Plant that grows meat (described: squirrel, rabbit, pheasant)
Longer books (fiction and real nature/farming facts, no lore) (works with Real Gunther mods :)
Rarecrow that is Prince Justin, new areas and NPCs but it's Howl fanfic not just put the movie dialogue straight in Stardew (a noble pursuit) And it's insane fanfic! It's like the sequel book where their kid is purple
Aliens visit and you have to play snake because they're dangerous
Longer maze in harvest fest that makes you spawn knocked out post 2am if you complete it. It’s worth it! And it is scary at some points, and fun NPC dialogue at others
Yandere Farmer: everyone is Scared of you
Talking skeleton yeah!!
TV plays shows that appear and take up 3/4 of your screen unless you press B to quit. It's murder mystery with Nero Divergant or Commercial. Half the NPCs have opinions
Painting with Emily, hang or gift finished product
Coffee tent has more npcs (etc etc)
There’s a new villiager, who is a punk, and he has a voice line, “aye-aye!” he says whenever he says yes or ! and the voice line is fried like a Gameboy. Marriagable.
Mystious figure sometimes on the beach, will ferry you to the lake for 5G, asks you deep questions.
Stink meter and washing mechanic (shower or river/pond)(are there farms with no pond? it adds a pond by the well)
Game Console with pong and Detective Nero dating Sim (but made by someone else, like as a cute fanfic)
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nicknederson · 5 years
nancy drew games rating by cooking/food minigames present in them
secrets can kill: no food minigame in either version. can’t even order a burger. shit game. 0/10
stay tuned for danger: there is mention of pizza and there are bagels physically present. cannot take the bagels. also a shit game. 0/10
message in the haunted mansion: no food. no cooking mini-game. nancy is just eating broken porcelain in the corner of her room. shit game. 0/10
treasure in the royal tower: there is mention of a bag containing fifty frozen chicken wings but we are denied access to the chicken. shit game. 0/10
the final scene: there’s just gross ground pizza in this game and you can’t even steal concessions. shit game. 0/10
secret of the scarlet hand: there are diarrhea inducing cookies that nancy vandalizes art with but no other food. literally a shit game. 0/10
ghost dogs of moon lake: nancy subsists solely on jerky, raw worms, and soda. shit game. 0/10
the haunted carousel: there is food nancy can eat but nothing beyond that. thin fucking ice. 3/10
danger on deception island: cooking minigame which gives you the power to kill someone as well as available food. excellent game. 10/10
the secret of shadow ranch: you can make a cake and interact with vegetables. i will allow it. 5/10
curse of blackmoor manor: available food and a cooking mini-game for birds that, again, gives you the power to kill someone. excellent game. 10/10
secret of the old clock: nancy can carry around a raw fish in her purse but she cannot eat it. there is pie, but it is merely a construct. thin fucking ice. 1/10
last train to bluemoon canyon: great cooking mini-game even if it’s for a limited time. can kill someone in spirit with a cheeseburger. nancy can’t eat herself sick with anything so that kind of sucks. 8/10
danger by design: parfait mini-game, cookie mini-game, tea mini-game and rats free for nancy to devour as she wishes. good game. 8/10
the creature of kapu cave: shaved ice mini game and i guess technically the frass sorting mini game since nancy could eat that if she felt like it. do not get to see a pineapple in person once. good enough game. 4/10
the white wolf of icicle creek: cooking mini game with multi-facets and the ability to harass people with seasoning. nancy is apparently just eating snow but i’ll allow it. excellent game. 10/10
legend of the crystal skull: no cooking mini-game but plenty of food nancy/bess can eat themselves to the point of endangering their lives. acceptable. 5/10
the phantom of venice: both gelatto and poisoned sausage as well as plenty of bird feed for nancy to munch on if she pleases. passable game. 4/10
the haunting of the castle malloy: no available food besides bricks but there is a drink mini-game. also a passable game. 5/10
ransom of the seven ships: i’m pretty sure there’s fruit but nancy can’t eat it. all she can consume is sand and the adrenaline of the hunt. shit game. 0/10
warnings at waverly academy: no food, but a fantastic cooking mini-game. purpose, eavesdropping, and unholy culinary abominations of toasted tomato bagels. excellent game. 10/10
trail of the twister: nancy only eats candy and nothing else. it’s like being six years old again and not trusted with kitchen implements. thin fucking ice. 2/10
shadow at the water’s edge: bento mini-game, but no consumable food for nancy besides the leaves in the garden. she must graze like a deer to survive. acceptable game. 5/10
the captive curse: nancy can eat pretzels until she becomes an over-salted corpse. an efficient and strategic way of surviving during an investigation. no cooking mini-game, but nancy can dunk her head in a bucket of well water so that makes up for it. great game. 8/10
alibi in ashes: no cooking mini-game but there is enough ice cream for nancy and the drew crew to force their bodies into complete digestive shut-down. passable game. 5/10
tomb of the lost queen: no cooking mini-game. no food. nancy only has the sand and locusts. shit game. 0/10
the deadly device: again nancy is forced to subsist on candy and gummy bears. no cooking mini-game despite being there being a kitchen. barely passable game. 4/10
ghost of thornton hall: there is only the tea mini-game and no available food. nancy is eating rocks in the graveyard, but at least she can put seven limes in her tea to prevent scurvy. good enough. 4/10
the silent spy: cookie making mini-game and plenty of food for nancy to shove into her hungry mouth hole. acceptable game. 8/10
the shattered medallion: no food and no cooking mini-games. nancy is seemingly expected to cannibalize her fellow contestants to survive which is a concept i’m into. thin fucking ice. 1/10
labyrinth of lies: no snacks besides thanos. shit game. 0/10
sea of darkness: cooking mini-game that is limited to still images and requires math. no available food for nancy besides the snow and soren’s sweaters. i’ll allow it. 5/10
midnight in salem: there is a cooking mini-game, but the enjoyable parts are limited and unrepeatable. no available food besides the pancakes nancy makes and carries in her pockets. remedy making mini-game is acceptable, but pointless. thin fucking ice. 3/10
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zachsgamejournal · 3 years
PLAYING: Breath of Fire IV
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I think we’re closing in on the end. But in good ole BoF fashion, the last leg is taking the longest. Also, Nina is totally the main character of this game.
I’ve only ever beaten BoF 3, 4, and 5--though I’ve played 1 & 2. It’s a constant that Ryu is the main character, and that Ryu is the player. Ryu is never (to rarely) given dialog because the player is meant to imagine the voice of Ryu. And while this definitely works for BoF 3 and 5, Nina is clearly the main character in 4.
1. We Start the Game as Nina
In both BoF 3 and 5, we start the game as Ryu, and that’s basically where we stay for the whole adventure (occasionally controlling other characters). BoF 4 has us start with Nina. It’s a simple distinction, but sets up my next point.
2. Nina Makes All the Decisions
My screenwriting professor said the main character makes the decisions that drive the story. In this sense, Ryu is extremely passive. He’s mostly just along for the ride. It’s Nina that offers to help him, Nina that decides he should tag along, and it’s Nina’s quest he joins. Later, Nina decides to rescue Cray. Nina goes to her father for help. Nina asks the gods for assistance. Nina insists they save Ryu. Nina encourages Dies not to abandon Ershin. Nina insists on the helping that furry...thing. All the while, Ryu is just like, “...sure.”
I vaguely know how the game will end, so we’ll see if this all holds up.
3. It’s Nina’s Quest
The game starts with Nina and Cray on a mission to find/rescue her sister. While Ryu is integral to the plot, he doesn’t have a lot of skin in the game. Nina is also royalty, and this game has some Games of Thronesian politics going on. While Ryu’s actions carry little weight beyond the act itself, everything Nina does has the ability to affect policy and international relationships. We see this when the Empire pressures the Alliance to cede territory post Nina’s rescue op failure.
Also, Nina just told Ryu that she loved Cray. Ryu isn’t even the love interest in this game.
I’m actually really happy that Nina is the star. Female characters aren’t normally given the respect they deserve. Maybe instead of Breath of Fire, they should have called this “Wings of Destiny”...cause Nina has wings.
Back to the Plot
So, Ryu went super-Dragon and killed some imperials. The gods have offered to help Ryu, (as long as he plays hide and seek first), and Fou-Lu has escaped the village in which he had started to feel at home.
Nina and the team discuss things and decide that if it’s Ryu’s destiny to meet up Fou-Lu, they might as well confront him proactively. They seem to be under the impression that the empire is using Fou-Lu gain power (if they only knew).
Ursala is the Imperial captain that captured us, but now she’s our captive. The team asks her to help them get into the Empire. She’s confused. It was her mission to bring the dragon to the Empire, so this kind of works out...She agrees and is now a playable party member.
I like her.
Heading back to the warp gate, we learn that it’s broken because of our previous activities (and because we were attacked by Captain Jackass). Ursala tries to make us feel bad, but she works for an evil Empire--so jog-on. We have to head north and need a sandflier but don’t have the cash. This is comical, cause I put in a cheat for infinite Zenny way back when...
We’re supposed to ask a merchant sandflier for help, but we’re too late. Ursala immediately jumps to action and without a word, Scias follows her lead. They take the merchant ship like a band of pirates and it turns out to be a French-accented froggy friend from before that sexually harassed Nina, Marlok. He tries to make use feel guilty, which works on Nina and Cray--but the rest of us know he’s a POS. He offers us a bond to buy a ship, expecting that we’ll do great things and thus able to cash in on our success.
We get to a checkpoint, but it’s blocked. Ursala wants to fight the guards, but Nina is against it. We do the non-violent solution of trampolining over the wall. We get to a ship yard...I only now realized in the game that the oceans aren’t water--but mud. weird...where’s all the water? So the only seas are up north.
The captain doesn’t want us on without the blessing of the sea god. We got to coastal cave and find the Sea Dragon there...I think. We get his blessing and are good to go. The captain now doesn’t want women on board. The women insist that they are tough and have been through a lot. The muscle the dude we keep fighting shows up, and it’s implied that his defeat would prove we’re tough. Ursala shoots him and falls off the mass of the ship. So  a new test of courage is needed. Ursala and Nina must stay within the hull of the ship over night with ghosts and bugs. They succeed.
As we travel across the sea, we fight muscle dude again (he was much stronger this time). And then the wind stops. The sailors think this area is haunted, maybe by a god. We go check it out. The dungeon is interesting, but frustrating. You have to walk across planks to get to the other side, but the planks break and drop you down into the hull. There’s a light over your head to warn you when you’re about to fall, but I still fell a lot. In the hull, as you walk, skulls that are spread about rattle and vibrate: it’s eerie and entertaining. Eventually we find a rock creature that thinks of itself as a god, but it’s just a rock powered by god-power. So we kill it.
No remorse.
The wind returns and we make it across the sea. After traveling through a jungle, we meet a furry thing. I feed it some food and it seems happy...I think. At the end of the jungle we find a treehouse and are attacked by more furries. The previously furry comes to our defense and we meet Beyd. He has married one of the furries and maybe these are his children? Cray had my reaction and was like, “Well...uh, anyway--how do we get to the empire?”
One of the furries gets sick and Nina vows to save it (cause she’s the main character!). This brings us to an interesting, but not super fun mini game. We get to sail the boat, but you have limited supplies. Every second you’re on the seas, the supplies get used, but they’re used faster if you row. Rowing is necessary because the wind doesn’t always blog in the direction you need. So you have to decide whether to burn supplies by rowing, or wait for the wind to change directions. There’s places to find and treasure to discover. It is, kinda fun...
While we’re out here collecting medicine on the high seas, I also find the sea god: SCORE!
We save the furry and are guided to some islands that are available to walk across when the tide is low. So we venture a cross some tropical keys. It’s pretty. The group gets tired and Nina insists on taking a break: cause she’s the main character. After our rest, the tide has risen and the group is trapped. Cray is pissed and Nina feels responsible.
This is an interesting part of the game cause the group has to survive on an island and reflect on their mission. Ursala warns it could be months or years before the tide recedes. Chill Ursala. The group explores the island and finds both water and and great fishing spot. We’re gonna be fine. Just delayed.
Scias likes the island, as he just sleeps all day. After a while, Cray chills out and apologizes for his temper. While Ryu is casting a line, Nina reveals that she’s in love with Cray, causing Ryu to trip. Nina reflects on her feelings, unsure if they’re true and doubtful that Cray feels the same.
The tide recedes and the team escapes. We come to a riverlands that requires some log riding and log dodging. It’s cute, but I want to get out of here...
Fou-Lu, after escaping the village, receives a direct hit from the hex canon. They apparently used the friendly lady that help Fou-Lu as a “sacrifice” to power the canon. EVIL! Fou-Lu survives and arrives at the capital. He meets statue guardian that recognizes him as the first emperor. Fou-Lu orders the guardian to destroy the imperial city. Fou-Lu is pissed, and just doesn’t seem to think humans are worth it...
As the guardian destroys the city, Fou-Lu cleans up loose ends, finally killing the general that ambushed him on the night of his awakening, and then killing the current emperor. The Emperor first tries to act subservient to Fou-Lu, but then stabs him with the “dragon slayer” sword. It doesn’t work and Fou-Lu laughs in his face.
Similar to Breath of Fire 3, the game has reached a point where it doesn’t have more story to tell, but wants to add hours. So there’s tons of little quests and obstacles that have little to do with the overall plot. It’s sad, because the minigames and mini-nations they’ve created are really interesting.
I tried to think back to how Final Fantasy 7 handled this. I think, for the most part, the game doesn’t make its endgame clear until much later. Most of the game is, “What should we do now?” So I don’t feel there’s as much a “rush” to get to the end. Also, much of the game is about tracking Sephiroth, so you’re really looking for clues as you find obstacles, vs having an end destination and just running into a million reasons why you can’t get to it. You feel out of control and inconvenienced. But these obstacles would make really interesting and fun side quests. Having them as options would absolutely make them more interesting.
Another thing that Final Fantasy 7 really succeeds at is making each new area a new piece of the puzzle. You’re always learning history about the world or a character. So while it might be a brief obstacle, it’s also an interesting deeper dive into the world. Breath of Fire’s diversions don’t feel as enlightening.
Still, BoF4′s diversions still feel like progress cause we inch closer to the goal...it’s just that we’re not getting much character or world development in the process.
I do prefer the combat over BoF3 (and many RPGs). I like that the other characters are always on-call in the battle, and it’s easy to switch out (more so than Final Fantasy X -- how I remember it anyway). I’ve done zero grinding, and I’m pretty proud that I’ve survived so far. After crossing the sea, it seemed like the enemies were getting ahead of me, but I got better at using the spell combos (which are cool!). So surviving a few battles usually meant getting a few levels up. When I first played the game, i was cool with grinding, but I’m glad I don’t have to now. The only thing that is cheating: I gave myself 99999+ zenny. So I’m able to stock up on healing supplies. Though it helps, I’m sure a few hours of grinding would have me being just as well stock on healing supplies.
Is it better than Breath of Fire 3?
I’m a little torn. Breath of Fire 4 is “epic”. There are multiple nations that have a strong sense of culture and history. The mythology around the dragons is of the galactic scale. World War is in the balance and my party includes two members of royalty and two semi-gods. The world feels huge even if the story is pretty linear.
In contrast, Breath of Fire 3 had three nations--that I could tell: Wyndia, Eastern Kingdom, and across the sea. Strangely, Wyndia had gangster cities, gangster markets, and amoral lab that was accidentally making mutants. While eastern kingdom seemed pretty chill and peaceful--but lacked a ruling entity. Hmmm...
Where Breath of Fire 3 feels “better” is that it feels more personal. The story starts small: a lost dragon-boy found my starving thieves. We live in a small town and solve small-town issues. This slowly grows to include local gangsters, a kingdom, and a dragon holocaust before we battle God. I like Breath of Fire 4′s characters, but I feel like I have a stronger bond with BoF3′s. Also, I felt like BoF3 tried to explore the grey area: killing monsters that had feelings. I felt emotionally challenged in the different scenarios. Whereas, BoF4 is always: “We’re the good guys, and we do the good things!”
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awellboiledicicle · 5 years
Mok’s Mod List 2.0
Note that some of these mods require Content Patcher from the Nexus, and some mods listed need a bit of tweaking.
But thats not the point, the point is wanting to play Stardew Valley with Additions.
[cp] Babies Take After Spouse by Lakoria
What it says on the tin-- this mod lets your kids look like your kids! Its nice.
[cp] Dammit Clint Stop Hitting on My Wife by Rubecula
Tweaks Clint’s whole... thing to be closer to the whole “Guy with super bad social skills and anxiety about trying to talk to people”/”not really outgoing dude” and not so much “dude that literally watches Emily at her place of work and from bushes outside her house”/”Incel that you’d call the cops on if possible”. It correctly stops him hitting on emily when married to you. It makes him way more personable in terms of not setting off creep vibes. There’s a version available also of toning things down while being just friends. 
[cp] Elle's Cat Replacements by Junimods
[cp] Elle's Dog Replacements by Junimods
[cp] Elle's New Barn Animals by Junimods
[cp] Elle's New Coop Animals by Junimods
[cp] Elle's New Horses by Junimods
Lumping these together because they let you customize almost every sprite of a thing on your farm. Different cats, different breeds of dog, and new cuter barn animals, and horses. 
[Cp] Seasonal Villager outfits by Tanpopnoko and ParadigmNomad
Changes the villagers outfits as seasons change. No more Haley walking around in a tanktop and short skirts while theres like 3 feet of snow. Cute sweaters! Evelyn with nice sun hats! George not covered in food mess!
[cp ]Stardew Lottery Letters by Jokerine
You wanna play the lottery without putting anything in, and get like, cake when you don’t win? Want surprise money at random? Of course you do. Thats what this does. 
[cp] Canon Friendly dialogue expansion for all friend-able characters by Gizzymo
You ever play a file so long you’ve heard literally everything the npc’s can say? Like several times? Get this and get v in character lines that are spread out over the years. 
Abigail Dialogue Expansion by farmerjack
More Abigail! More words!
Adjust Baby Chance by JertsukkaTheMan
Some of us want to start a game with the goal of having a family with an LI. Its nice, its cute etc. But sometimes the game just won’t make your spouse ask you about having kids. For years. So this mod lets you adjust the chance of your spouse asking. 
All Professions by cantorsdust
Tired of only having one set of proficiency? Long to be a titan of farming? think its bullshit that you can’t master raising cattle AND growing potatoes? This mod unlocks both professions as you level things up. 
Animal Sitter by jwdred
Let your pet feed, water, and care for your farm animals. Or have your spouse do it. Pay for it or don’t, set if animal things go in to your inventory or a chest. Is very good if you wanna have animals but also are bad at telling which you’ve pet and which ones you haven’t.
Better Fruit Trees by CatCattyCat
Do you want an orchard without having to space things like a dnd movement grid? 
CJB Cheats Menu by CJBok and Pathoschild
Make fishing easier! Change walking speed! Change relationship levels! Complete that quest that you can’t find the thing for! Get chips for the casino! Get money i guess! 
CJB Item Spawner by CJBok
Decorate without being tied to the whims of everything else. Get things for quests. get ore without going mining bc mining is Danger sometimes. 
DokiDoki Dialogue Alex by alistairweekend
DokiDoki Dialogue Elliott by alistairweekend
DokiDoki Dialogue Harvey by alistairweekend
DokiDoki Dialogue Sam by alistairweekend
DokiDoki Dialogue Sebastian by alistairweekend
Collecting this together because it basically just adds more dialogue that makes the relationships much more convincing. 
Family Planning by loe2run
Lets you set the max number of children you and your spouse can have at a time. 
Free Dusty by skuld
Freedom for the doggo! Allows Alex’s dog Dusty to wander the town with Alex or wait for him in places. Not great irl, very good in game with the alternative being a way too small yard.
Gift Taste helper by tstaples
If you hover over the calendar on a birthday or on the portrait on your social menu, it’ll let you know what people like getting. A life saver. 
Happy Birthday by Omegasis
Lets you set a birthday for your Farmer, because really, you should have one.
Immersive Festival Dialogue by tangeriney
People now actually talk about the festivals happening around town! Like you know, normal people.
Instant grow Trees by cantorsdust
are you, too, impatient as shit? Want to have a syrup farm in a specific pattern but dont wanna wait? Get this and instant trees in the morning.
Kisekae by Kabigon [use Pathoschild unofficial update]
Like Get Dressed, this mod lets you alter the image of your farmer without having to pay the wizard. Why do you have to do dark magic for a haircut. It’s bullshit. So use this mod and get dressed up for festivals. The unofficial patch is on the compatibility page of the wiki.
Longjevity by RTGOAT
Adds more things to the game. Optional taxes, also adds more crops and clothing changes, and soda crafting. Can conflict with Seasonal Outfits, but can be worked in together. 
Map image exporter by spacechase0
Screenshots are now less of a pain
NPC Map Locations by Bouhm
“Where the fuck are they?” a sentence of the past! Adds markers to the location of villagers and shows if they move.
Paririe King Made Easy by Mucchan and PathosChild
Spelling Prairie is hard, but the games shouldn’t be. Makes you functionally immortal bc that minigame hurts me. 
Range Display by CatCattyCat
Displays a colored grid showing how far things cover. Scarecrows, beehives, and sprinklers. No more guessing where things reach!
Remote Fridge Storage by arjan3004
Fridge is tiny, is too small for mighty farming and foraging skills. Chest, though, chest is many and large together. Use chest as ice chest to store fridge, and cook with those things! No inventory management required.
Replanter by jwdred
Like Animal Sitter, but for the farm bit. Option for instant selling upon harvest. Also has option to put it into a chest for later. 
Part of the Community by bmarquismarkail
Ever feel weird about the fact you never get to know people through, like, social osmosis? Like if you’re super good friends with Sam, he’s probably talked to his family and friends about you. If you’re selling all these things to people, and helping people out, shouldn’t most people at least know ur a chill person? This mod gives a couple points toward your relationship to the citizens for every festival, for every thing sent in the box, and if you talk to people in a room with others, they all get a point or five. It’s very useful for keeping relationships going.
SBM Black Roof by ??
Mod i used to make my house pretty, but i can’t find it anywhere. 
Skull Cavern Elevator by Bifibi
Adds an elevator to Skull cavern, with option to change when the thing appears. No need to keep trying to not die every 10 floors only to need to do it again later.
Stardew Hack by bcmpinc
Basic thing that allows for below mod.
Wear More Rings by bcmpinc
You have ten fingers, why not so many rings? It would only make sense. So get your shinies on yall
Note 2: I have not included links in the post as links would make it not show up in the tags and thus would make sharing harder. Searching the Nexus modding website or the compatibility page will get you there. 
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mistakenot4892 · 5 months
Nebula blevdog April '24
This post was crossposted from cohost.
Quite a bit to talk about this month! Mostly relating to the various crafting and building systems being put into place for the low-fantasy map, currently titled Shaded Hills.
Nebula SS13 is an open source project based on the Baystation 12 version of Space Station 13. SS13 is a topdown multiplayer simulation game where you play the crew of a ship, station, colony, etc. depending on your fork and map, with the Nebula and Bay forks having a focus on roleplaying and simulation interactions.
Notable changes
Fair bit of boring backend stuff - some HUD code has been streamlined, the way stack recipes are handled has been redone, and using an item with even the slightest heat difference to the target will no longer 'carefully heat' it.
Penny removed a metric shitload of unused procs and variables, cleaning up the codebase and revealing that a bunch of really fiddly DNA code just... doesn't need to exist anymore. Blessed.
The fantasy map is now merged into the main dev branch, and has been receiving periodic updates from Penny and I. It's slowly approaching a state where it can be playable...
Flame sources like matches and lighters have been reworked, and now include fueled lanterns and torches, which can be crafted. This is mainly to support the fantasy map, but also means you can hotbox the station in carbon monoxide with 200 lighters burning at once, if that appeals to you.
Farms have been redone. Rather than building a plot out of stone, you now dig a plot into a dirt or mud turf. Plots will take water from adjacent water sources or rain, and you can fence them with bricks to prevent people walking over them and squashing your crops.
Various other crafting systems are in, albeit in skeletal form. Metalwork, tanning, making catgut, and weaving cloth are now supported. You can grow cotton, process it on a spinning wheel to make thread, and then weave the thread into cloth on a loom.
Fishing got merged. It's basically Stardew Valley without the minigame, currently. If I can get through my backlog in a reasonable timeframe I'm going to try working on a proper little minigame for it, but it's a pretty chill mechanic currently.
Bugs of note
r5 is overdue, mostly because I've been putting my after-work dev hours into random stuff like weaving or clothing code. Hoping to get onto that before making any more big feature PRs. I have instructed the dev channel to smack me if I open more feature PRs before r5 is stable.
While testing campfire cooking I was saddened to discover that all of my food would get up to cooking temperature and then instantly melt into 'liquid nutriment' which fertilized the ground under my campfire.
Downstream on Scav, dexterity changes resulted in one of the species being totally unable to pick up or use items with the only inventory slot they had capable of doing so (their mouth). 'Baxxid Stares Longingly At Vending Machine' indeed.
Current priorities
r5 is the main priority, we need to get that stable as soon as possible. r6 is going to be enormous due to all the crafting changes and several big backend rewrites like the removal of /turf/simulated.
I'm working on getting the fantasy map into a state where we can actually run a round, off and on. There's still a pretty big laundry list of props we need to be able to get the map populated, but it's all pretty achievable.
My storage rewrite PR is now up to its fourth or fifth rebase. Please save me from this PR.
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the-newest-leaf · 6 years
Terrible AC Switch ideas!
I’ve seen a ton of posts with really fun ideas for the new Animal Crossing Switch title (which I love btw) so I thought hey, why not make a list with some truly awful new features?
(Tiny shoutout to @acleaks for inspiration and for having great posts 👌)
all dialogue with villagers is replaced by animal sounds
your haircut and color are randomized every morning!
if you swim in the ocean during fall or winter, your character will catch a cold and you will not be able to play for a few days while they recover
Isabelle doesn’t work on weekends, during which normal gameplay will be replaced by a minigame in which you do the town’s administration
introducing: added realism!!
fishing in real time: catch 2 fish an hour if you’re lucky!
travel to the towns of your international friends in real time!
exercise 30 minutes every day for a few months to unlock the run button!
villagers will actively avoid you if you don’t shower regularly!
getting stuck in a pitfall will last 5 hours
villagers can and will move away instantly if you refuse their requests
instead of buying a house and paying off your loan you will have to pay Tom Nook rent every week
museum paintings are priced realistically: have fun saving up to buy the Mona Lisa!
every character you make will have randomized allergies to bugs, foods, fish, flowers and certain animal species
houseplants will die without watering
not playing for more than a few days will make your town look like a post-apocalyptic wasteland
time travelling will create alternate dimensions within your game which will cause more and more glitches over time
not paying enough attention to your villagers will cause them to sneak into your house and steal your furniture
you will be charged 10.000 bells a week for each weed you fail to pluck
everything you sell will earn you next to nothing so you’ll need to work part-time in the town’s shops (in real time!) to be able to afford anything
Please feel free to add your own terrible ideas!
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TDSB: Episode 2, Part 1. Something Fishy This Way Comes...
*Cloud, Richter, and Stevie are in the Smash Bros Lounge watching TV. Cloud is reading, Richter is nursing a glass of wine, and Stevie is playing Candy Crush on his phone with the TV acting as background noise. Wario walks in on them lie this.*
Wario: What's up losers.
Richter: Screw off Wario.
Stevie: Aye mate! We're trying to get our hogwillies a rest 'ere ya humdinginer billabong!
Wario: Once I find out what that means I'll come up with a crushing reply.
*Wario plops down on the couch and grabs the remote, flipping through channels. Cloud looks up from his book, but double takes when he sees something familiar*
Cloud: Hold up! *grabs the remote from Wario*
Wario: Hey! What's the big i-
Cloud, flipping back through the channels: Shut up!
Stevie: Oi mate! What's got your bloomdingers in a sodfeelfen?!
Cloud: Look! It's Ganondorf! He's on TV!
*Sure enough all see Ganondorf on the television, now wearing a gaudy silver suit*
Richter: What the- he's right!
Wario: What the hell is going on here?! ...And why the hell is Ganondorf wearing THAT?
Ganondorf: Last time, on Total Drama Smash Bros! *cuts to the twenty contestants on the dock when they first arrived* Our contestants arrived here in Camp to compete in the greatest Reality TV show yet!
Cloud: That's all the Smashers that Master Hand called away on some secret mission!
Richter: Well now we know that's bullshit.
Ganondorf: *screen cuts to the Smashers joining their respective teams* After forming up and meeting their teammates, it was time for their first challenge, *shot of the contestants playing the game* VOLLEY-BOMB! *shot of Peach negotiating with Pit and Zelda* Alliances were made, *shot of Bonny Janet and Link arguing* strife was founded, *shot of Lucina getting blown away* and days, *shot of Falcon getting blasted* were, *shot of Corrine getting Warlock-Punched* Ruined!
Stevie: Oof, that's a right hard humdinger that is.
Ganondorf: *shot of Falcon getting thrown onto the Boat of Failures* In the end, it was Captain Falcon who was sent home for failing his team when they needed him the most.
Richter: Tough break Falcon.
Wario: But why the hell are they even there?! It makes no sense!
Ganondorf: *the screen returns to Ganondorf on the dock* Can the Goombas learn to trust each other? Will the Koopas learn about Peach's alliance? And who will win this week and find themselves one step closer to winning that sweet, sweet twenty million dollars!
Richter, clutching his ears: Well, there goes my eardrums.
Ganondorf: Find out this week, on Total! Drama! SMASH BROS!
Wario: I GOTTA GO!
Cloud: Go where?
Wario, jumping out the window and summoning his motorcycle: TO GET THAT TWENTY MILLION!
*The Campers are hanging out in the mess hall, chowing on breakfast crafted by Ridley.*
Robyn, holding up a chunk of “food” with her fork: Are we sure this is food? It seem more like something Godzilla would up-chuck if he had one too many beers.
Marth: I;m fairly certain this substances' mere existence violates the Geneva Convention several times over.
Link, chowing down: Meh. Not the worst thing I've ever eaten. *He takes another big bite as the others of his team look on in horror.* Mmh! Crunchy.
Zelda: I know that Link has eaten some questionable things in his adventures, but I had no idea he had such an iron gut! It's terrifying!
Samus, shrugging and digging in: Eat up Koopas. Gotta get your energy up for whatever nightmare Ganondorf has planned.
Roy: Speaking of, where is that Sauron rip-off? *Roy suddenly gets smacked in the face by a Mr Saturn sending him into the wall connecting the Mess to the kitchen*
Ridley: Oi! I'm trying to work here.
Ganondorf, striding into the mess: Sorry my purple friend, but it's time for this week's challenge!
Roy: Everything... is... in pain...
Ganondorf: Move it or lose it Roy boy!
*Ganondorf has led the Campers to the docks where a series of boats await them. Half the boats are outfitted with Goomba red and the others are painted Koopa green.*
Ganondorf: Welcome to a little challenge I like to call... Man vs. the River Wild!
Samus: Let me guess... some sort of river rafting race with a brutal and sadistic twist to it.
Ganondorf: Eh, you're only half right. No to the rafting race, yes to the brutal and sadistic twist!
Ike: Figures.
Ganondorf: No, you're challenge is something different. *two moblins produce a large blackboard with instructions written all over it.* Ahem, as you can see, today you will be having a fishing competition!
Red: Seriously!? That's awesome! Leaf and I fish for aquatic Pokemon all the time!
Ganondorf: Today, your prize is the rare Spotted Buck-Salmon. *he holds up an example*
Lucina: Wait a minute, that just looks like a regular salmon you super-glued antlers onto!
*King K Rool, off to the side, slides a box of crappy dollar store antlers out of sight whilt whistling nonchalontly.*
Ganondorf: Regardless of their status as novelty items, you have to catch them! But be warned. These waters are filled with piranha, *Petey the Piranha Plant wearing a scuba outfit surfaces and waves at them.* sharks, *a shark pops out of the water and swallows Petey whole, grinning evilly afterward* and other unspeakable horrors from the depths that even H.P. Lovecraft would never be able to dream up! *a massive tentacle rises from the water and grabs the shark, dragging it down and causing it to spit up Petey*
Link: Finally! Something I know I'm good at! I went fishing all the time in Hyrule.
Ganondorf: In one of my many times trying to take over Hyrule I needed to find a way to delay Link. I tried two different strategies. First, I sent an army of undead after him, led by an Elder Lich. Secondly, I used a shovel to dig out a pit that a filled with water, stuck a “Free Fishing” sign in front of it while spreading the rumor that there was a rare fish inside.
One of those tactics bought me a whole month of time, and the other he beat in an hour.
Take a guess which one was which. Take a wild fucking guess.
Corrine: Okay, what's the horrible bullshit twist you've got for us this time?
Ganondorf: Aww, you know me so well.
*Corrine rolls her eyes*
Ganondorf: The twist? You can either catch the fish yourself, or wait for someone else to catch it and steal it from them!
Robyn: Wow, you're right. That IS bullshit.
Ganondorf, unperturbed: You have ten minutes to pick a partner to fish with and select which bait and tackle you'll use. Whichever team catches the biggest fish wins!
*the group splits up, partnering up with each other*
Dark Pit: Hey, dick knozzle! We've got an odd number of people! How are we gonna partner up?!
Ganondorf: Ah yes, well I guess one of your boats is going to have to hold three. *Peach immediately grabs Pit and Zelda, her hidden alliance members* Of course... those boats are only meant to hold two. Better be careful.
Peach: I'll admit I'm not good at fishing. I always fail that minigame in Mario Party. But hey, Zelda and Pit both have to have some experience between them.
Pit: Oh boy! My first time fishing! This is going to be so much fun!
Zelda: Link took me fishing once... I caught something right away but... the poor fishy... *starting to cry* staring at me like that!
Peach: We'll handle it Ganondorf.
Ganondorf: Alright, whatever.
*The rest of the teams form. The Goomba Teams are: Daisy and Ike, Leaf and Red, Corrine and Rosalina, Joker and Marth, Link and Bonny Janet.
The Koopa Teams are: Zelda and Peach and Pit, Roy and Samus, Erdrick and Robyn, Lucina and Dark Pit*
Link: Hey does anyone want to trade? I'd rather not be teamed up with the Scottish Imp over here.
Bonny Janet: Blow it oot yer bagpipe!
Daisy: This could be a problem.
*Peach thinks for a moment and ten drags Zelda away to whisper in her ear*
Peach, whispering: When we're out there, I'm going to bring us up beside Link and Bonny Janet. Find a way to make tensions fly.
Zelda: I don't know Peach-
Peach: Link is the best fisher on their side! You have to, for the team.
*Zelda reluctantly nods. The teams are set! The battle begins...*
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