#videogames i wish were real
Videogames I wish were real #97
A roguelike game that takes place in the world's biggest library, which has been overrun by monsters, where you play as a librarian determined to save it. You venture inside the library armed with your weapon of choice and two messenger bags you plan to fill with whatever books you can rescue.
After you clear the monsters in a particular section of the library, such as the Poetry section, you'll unlock a permanent buff that will last for the remaining of that run. For example: clearing the Travel section will help you map areas faster, and also unlock the bookworm railway system that will allow you to move more easily between certain parts of the library.
Besides section buffs, you'll also be able to learn all kinds of useful attacks and skills by finding specific books in the shelves, reading them and carrying them in your messenger bags. The more books you carry, the stronger your character will be, and the abilities each book will grant you will be on theme with the book, it's literary genre or one of its tropes: carrying with you a bestiary will allow you to quickly identify the weak points of monsters you've met before, a book with an enemies to lovers trope will allow you to turn a monster into a temporary ally that will fight alongside you, a botany book in your bag will let you gather medicinal herbs growing in the library, and carrying a potions book will allow you to prepare healing potions (more effective than just herbs), etc.
Not everyone believes the library can be saved, which is why during your expeditions your mission is not only to kill monsters, but also to rescue books and bring them to the new library. Since getting books out is one of your main priorities, starting your runs with your satchels nearly full of books that grant you useful abilities won't be very efficient, so you'll need to decide how many books you want to bring back with you to the library during each run.
Fighting monsters is dangerous, and sometimes you get hurt, but also, sometimes books get hurt, which why after some runs you might need to stop by your workshop to repair any damaged books. The hides of certain monsters are very sturdy, so using them to rebind books will make them more durable.
There is no respawning in this game. If your librarian dies inside the library, the next librarian that ventures inside might eventually find their body. If you're close to death and you have a particular book from the Travel section in your bags, you'll be able to use it to summon a bookwork that will take you quickly and safely back to the entrance with whatever books are currently in your bag.
You love your library, and you are determined to save it, armed with the greatest weapon in the world: knowledge (and a sword), even if it's one book at a time.
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longitudinalspacecat · 2 months
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So for today's amphibuary the prompt was "pink". When I think of the color pink I tend to think of princesses, and divas. I also tend to think of how a lot of videogames will have such figures as bosses at some point in their stories. As a result I drew a princess roboaxolotyl who also is the final boss of a videogame in which a frog and cat companion embark on adventures.
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toastsnaffler · 7 months
biting my tongue to not share my opinions on the character body types in bg3 😐
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I wish the giant flightless birds here were like the ones in videogames...
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lurkdragonstuff · 2 months
I'm an atheist and a philosophical materialist. I don't think there's anything more to the universe than what can be observed and measured. Disagree if you want, that's fine, but take as read that this is where I'm coming from.
As you can imagine, this makes it very strange to me that my brain thinks I'm a dragon.
I have been trying to square this circle for years. Since around the 2000's, when I first made contact with the Internet, I would look in on the otherkin community, and the draconic community nested inside it, and I would think, man. I wish I could believe that. I wish I could believe that souls were real, and that I had one, and that it was a dragon, and that's why I was so odd. For quite a while, I just explained it as a furry fandom thing. Sure, yes, my fursona is feral, but ferals are furries, too. This is still true! I'm still in furry fandom, and my dragonself still acts as my fursona. But they are also, in a deeper sense, me.
I'm a secular pagan. I don't think gods exist, and I don't think magic is literally real. I can't really cast a curse on shitty charities. The moon's a big shiny rock. It doesn't care if I roar at it when the sun reflects off it just so and I can see the whole of its tidally locked face.
But my dragon brain doesn't know that. It likes the big shiny rock. It likes little shiny rocks, too. It likes to light things on fire, and considers this a sacred act, both bringing destruction to noxious things and bringing honour to things worthy of it. It likes to growl and hiss when things annoy it. It likes to collect things, to have a hoard. It likes to range around its territory, keeping an eye on what's around in what season. It finds it frustrating that its wings don't seem to work at all, and its other limbs barely better. It wants its tail back. It wants its fire breath.
I'm autistic. Sometimes speaking is hard, and I growl and hiss when things annoy me. I like to collect things related to my special interests; I have a sprawling collection of cetacean, Nintendo, and SEGA figurines, as well as lots of little animal figures. Plushies, too, and videogames, and books. I do wildlife photography, as well, marking who's around in what seasons. This is, to my frustration, limited a lot by waning energy because of chronic health problems.
If backed into a corner, to say what I really believe, of course I'm a human. It is in my DNA, expressed in a bipedal body plan, five fingers on the forelimbs only, nails and not claws, no wings, no muzzle, no tail, short neck, skin and fur instead of scales. Not even any horns. I find this frustrating, but it is what it is. I also find it frustrating when people call me 'she' and not 'they', and that really there is no feasible gender presentation that would guarantee that strangers would use the right word. The best I can hope for is that people will read the 'they/them' button on my hat, or otherwise call me 'he'. Still wrong, but at least novel.
I honestly think my draconic identity developed when I was younger as a way to explain why I was so weird. I have never been normal. I will never be normal. As an adult, I have fancy words like "autism" and "anxiety and depression secondary to post-traumatic stress disorder" and "seasonal affective disorder" to explain why I'm abnormal.
But a part of my brain, I think the same one that still believes in magic and deities even though I don't, tilts its head, then grins a sharp grin and says, "Cool story, bro. I'm still a dragon."
I generally have, for any given of my eccentricities, the philosophical materialist explanation (generally that I am either brainweird in some way or another or am playing pretend for placebo purposes to manage executive function etc.) and the dragon explanation (generally what the pretend play revolves around). But - and this is hard to explain - it isn't exactly playing pretend, either. It's me.
When I'm pretending to be Link, either playing a Zelda game or writing Zelda fanfic, Link isn't me. I might be inhabiting him as an actor, but he isn't me. When I play Animal Crossing, and I'm playing a character named after me, that's closer. It's me but greater. Me but more. Me existing in a life I wish I could have.
When I put on my mask, when I sit and daydream about the multiverse-hopping shenanigans I get up to, when I hiss at someone startling me by getting into my space, that's me. I'm not a dragon, I'm a human wearing a mask, daydreaming, hissing because "back the fuck off!" isn't allowed in the workplace.
Yeah. Cool story, bro.
I am still a dragon.
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AITA for decrying my close friend letting an e-boy close to her when it's caused problems before? a friend of mine (25) who i've known for 8+ years is a roleplayer (+ERP) in a videogame and i (27) have watched a couple of dudes now meet them and catch feelings for them through these roleplays and instantly become obsessive creeps. [ for the record, i used to roleplay as well but stopped because of similar situations. so i'm not a stranger to roleplay or anything. I am also aware of the "it's in character so it doesn't matter" "it's in-game so it doesn't matter" mindsets but these events are creating real emotional / sexual connections between the people so it's growing beyond being just "in-game" ] recently they broke connection with someone over this, but it took them weeks of debate to do it, and they were dealing with the falloff for a while. it really hurt them! [for additional context, it's happened before that these people have talked such sweet nothings to her that she's gotten feelings back and would send sexual images and videos to these people, just for them to instantly 180 and start being sleazeballs] she recently started roleplaying again and already another dude is in her dms telling her he has a crush on her, and all these sweet nothings etc. i went out and met the guy because we played together and not only is he frequently seen hitting on other girls (also has a stripper pole in his in-game bedroom??) in-call he was extremely objectifying. bragging about all the people he's been with, talking about wanting "goth mommy" (which my friend is extremely outspoken about despising), he would ONLY talk about sexual shit, and anytime anyone said anything he would make a sexual comment, etc. red flag city. when i told her about it she said she had no idea and that they talked it out, but it sounded a lot like they just passed over the problems. not even a week later now and they're getting in-game married (big social event, costs a good bit of money) and i'm not attending because i won't support it. she's upset about this and we're at odds because to her it's "just roleplay" despite the real money being spent, and the people who have come before who had done the same things nearly 1:1 and created massive problems. i even found an old DM from her complaining about a friend of hers who had done the same thing (guy had feelings for her, in a week he was into someone else and getting married) the outcome of all of this is me feeling like i'm an asshole for not just ignoring the red flags and wishing her well. i'm conflicted because i don't want to just let her hurt herself but i also don't want to be like controlling or mean AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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florasolem · 20 days
If I were Alison I would be so insufferable that the Ghosts would actually get fed up with me.
I would never leave Thomas alone at all, I would ask him all about his time period and whether he had read Jane Austen. I would most likely fall in love with him and abandon dating apps and meeting new people.
I would show Kitty all the teen shows and movies I watched on the early 00s. We would bond over which boyband or girl group member we like best. We would karaoke Taylor Swift.
I would SO judge people with Lady Button, most likely pulled from tv but let's be real if I had any guests over I would gossip with her about them.
I would watch The Imitation Game with the Captain and ask him all about the war. I feel like he would really like that movie. But we would definitely sob over it together.
I would die of curiosity over Mary but I would try my best to respect her wishes. She does know her cooking tho, maybe she could teach me a bit.
Camping once a week with Pat! I would never get tired. I would bring out a portable speaker and blast 80s tunes all night.
Fair enough, I don't have much in common with Julian, but I would DEFINITELY play videogames with that man. Might even make him better at his haunting talent. He just needs practice!
Not gonna pretend that I wouldn't be a bit icked by Humphrey's headless situation, but he's a nice enough dude that I might actually build a genuine friendship with him. Portable, too!
I would ask Robin EVERYTHING. What a valuable piece of history he is. I would play chess with him too. Maybe he could teach me French!
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littleeyesofpallas · 6 months
As much as I've always been pretty critical of the Lost Agent arc, and the Fullbringers as a concept, and the way their individual powers were handled... There really were a few little nuggets worth exploring that I wish there had been better plot accomodations to do so with.
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I love the whole animist idea, I just don't know that it fit very well into the Bleach world building. The idea of imbuing spirit and power and indeed a Heart into inanimate objects, especially in the context of Ichigo and Ginjo having lost shinigami powers in different ways, COULD have made for a really fascinating parallel with zanpakutou if it had been even lightly explored.
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And while the idea of the Fullbringers getting their innate powers as a consequence of hollow attacks on their mothers was wildly and needlessly arbitrary, I DO wish they'd interrogated the Hollow-like nature of those powers. We got a few back stories more or less just establishing that they were all a little toxic, but not all in ways that reflected the Hollow M.O. it didn't come as a conflict of powerful desire and overindulgence. It didn't manifest as a need to consume and destroy those close to them.
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It could have been really interesting to see more of how a human can have an innately hollow like personality or impulse problems. It could have been cool to see how a familiarity with hollows spiritually could have resulted in a natural need to manifest a mask, but the mask is the Fullbring, but the Fullbring is more like a zanpakutou and its shikai than like a hollow mask. So instead of putting the best of yourself into a sword that can look you in the eye and offer you power in exchange for self respect and understanding you put the worst of yourself into an object and it gives you power in exchange for indulging in your compulsions and fixations.
Really the best version of this that we got was Riruka, where her "love" is literally possessive and manifests that first time as her abducting the boy she's basically stalking. And basically no one else got this kind of relationship with their Fullbring
Arguably Yukio replacing his negligent parents with his videogame world sort of touches on a version of it as well, but he's given such a passive role in that dynamic that it doesn't quite reflect on him so much as on his parents. If anything it could have been interesting to see his life as not as bad as he'd convinced himself it was, but that he actively chose fantasy over reality, rather than being pushed towards it by circumstance.
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Alternatively it could have been cool to see how the Fullbring itself could've been hollow-like. In the way a hollow puts itself into its mask, a Fullbringer puts themselves into their objects. Is the spirit given to that special object benevolent, or even ambivalent, or is it a repository for all its user's negative thoughts and feelings? Does it grow stronger only as it serves to mask more and more of their self hatred and identity issues? Like the initial threat of the inner hollow swallowing and consuming an identity that Hirako threatens Ichigo with, could the Fullbring itself have threatened to consume its user? If you put enough of yourself into the object, and the object gains power and identity, is it possible that one day the object contains more of "you" than you do? Does it begin to want power on its own? Does it start to take more of that power, that emotional investment, that connection, that heart from its human user?
It would have been an interesting vehicle for Ichigo's arc if the Fullbring has explicitly been powered by unhealthy obsession and the substitution of a fetish totem in place of real interpersonal connections: if Ichigo's implicit flaw had been his attachment to his powers as an extension of his need to protect others. The way Riruka's flaw was in how she loved people onesidedly, literally objectifying them. The way Yukio's flaw was in how he retreated into a fake reality while neglecting the real one in a desperate need for control.
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headcanonandburn · 6 months
Lily 2.0
so, a while ago, back when this blog was just finding it's foot, i made a post with a headcanon about why Jilly and Snilly wouldn't work out, wich was taken from a Prince Chaser fict , a ship that...if we are being honest probably wouldn't work out 'cause who would date someone who comited or threatened to comit CSA on them back when they were kids? but the ficts about it are cute and the ship is at least better than...say Severus Snape/Dumbledore.
anyway,back to the topic: after i made that post, a fellow Snape fan by the username of emma03080114 made several good points that i decided to include on it so now i present you....LILY 2.0 :
as much as they hated each other, James Potter and Severus Snape had one thing in common: although they liked to claim otherwise, neither of them truly loved Lily:
Yes they idealized her, as teens often do but it was not love.
To them, she was a princess from a fairytail, capable of doing no wrong and with next to no character flaws whatsoever.
James was crushing hard on Lily. He was atracted to Lily because of her beauty and popularity as well as her fiery temper'cause what he wanted the most was to have a stay at home warrior woman for a wife. To him, Lily was a challenge wich is what he loves the most as we can see when we take into consideration that it was him who decided that the marauders would become Animagi and it was him who had the idea for the marauders map. Hence why his main strategy to win her over was not to become closer to her but instead wear her down untill her NO becomes a YES.
He viewed Lily as Princess Peach a fiery damsel in distress, kidnaped by the big bad Bowser Severus who was tretening to crush her heart and bring her with him to the darkness,doing to her as he saw fit. (not that James knows shit about videogames or anything muggle really but i thought it was a good analogy)
James was the one who decided to get married and have kids right after they graduated Hogwarts and if it weren't for the war, Lily wouldn't have agreed 'cause she wanted to persue a carrer (probably as a healer or charms master) however, James, who had the most dotting parents anyone could ever wish for, had always idelized the notion of family and wanted one for himself. Once his parents died and seeing the war wouldn't stop anytime soon, he decided to fulfill that dream before it was to late.
Some may argue that he had to have loved Lily at least a bit since Harry came into existence but that could also have been motivated by lust and his own desire to have kids. it is more than clear that he was sexualy atracted to her and you don't have to love someone to have sex with them nor vice versa.
Severus, on the other hand, viwed Lily was his Belle, the only one he felt would ever be able to love the moster he saw himself as. He was unloved by his dad and although his mom may have loved him, she didn't love him enough to leave Tobias for his sake.
Never being exposed to real love or friendship prior to knowing lily is not surprising that he mistook the platonic love we did feel for her for a romantic love.
Neither Severus nor James ever got to truly know her, to see her as a person instead of an idea. Hence why i personally think that, had James and Lily lived, their relationship wouldn't last long.
They were just not right for each other: she was too headstrong, too opinionated and too independent to be the dotting wife he always dreamed of. Heck i can't even imagine her as a stay at home mom like most of the pureblood wifes seem to be.
In the End, Lily chose James because she, Like her sister, was a social climber and despite James being a certified toarag, he was pretty, popular, dominant and dirty rich was well as being a pureblood, thus giving her acess to the same social group that disciminated against her.
She also wasn't touchy enough for James or Severus and since she idealizes herself, believing herself to be superior to others, interpersonal justice is the only form of justice that matters to her. Thus, she would never correct Severus on his prejudiced views until those views resulted in her own feelings being hurt (like they canonically were at the lake.), plus despite the fact that she cares about thim, she never tried to view his side of the story. She never stoped to consider, for example, that a vast majority of the slytherins are either children of death eaters and/or planing to be death eaters so if Severus stoped talking to everyone associated with death eaters, he wouldn't have anyone to talk to in his house.
Honestly, i think that, for him to change without Lily dying, he would have to see muggles being mercilesly tourtured by those who follow the one he chose to call master, as well as having someone who suports him for real (ie not like Dumbledore who was more than happy to keep him in the DE instead of offering him a better option).
and for James to change for real, ('cause i don't think he did. i think he just toned down his bullying whenever Lily was around),he would have to see how much what he and his friends did truly hurts Severus. To do that, he would need to talk to someone who knows what Severus had gone trough or truly reflect if what he did was ok. Truthfully, is hard for people like him to change, unless something or someone makes them more empathic with others
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Wow this poster got long!
Once again, thanks for your input emma03080114 and for those who are wondering, no i do not hate Lily, i just think that she would be better off with someone else.
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Videogames I wish were real #2
A farming game but it all takes place underwater. You play as a merfolk person. You cultivate corals and algae and some sort of underwater fruits and veggies. Your cattle are oysters and jellyfish. Your mount is a seahorse. Instead of the usual mining mechanic being descending into a mine, in this game you ascend through the mine. The higher you go the more monsters you find. Sometimes you'll also find land animals, and, if you're very very lucky, even humans! Your charming lil aquatic town is near an ocean trench. A very deep and very dark ocean trench. You descend there sometimes too. The deeper you go, the rarer the creatures are. They always fetch some nice prices back in town, because very few people dare to venture into the deep darkness, and the archeologists in the museum always pay well for some of the unique specimens. There's a reverse fishing mechanic. You tie something buoyant to your pole and let it flow to the surface. The things you fish in the surface range from surface trinkets to materials or trash. There's a tunnel that leads to an underground cave with air and good soil where you cultivate some surface fungi and plants that don't need sun. Pretty early in the game a human cruise ship sinks. You're the only one that dares to go near. While the exterior chambers are submerged, there's plenty of inner rooms where there's still air, and that's where you find a human hermit. Upon befriending them you learn they stole and sank the ship on purpose. The hermit is self sufficient, and you trade stuff sometimes. They don't speak of whatever happened to the surface people. You've been told there's no danger of the tragedy spreading to your people, so you don't ask. You tend to your farm and your animals and befriend and romance npcs and keep living your best life in your lil underwater town.
Similar videogames that actually exist: Stardew Valley, Coral Island, My Time at Portia/Sandrock, Story of Seasons, Harvest Moon... and any other farming sim you can think off, basically
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longitudinalspacecat · 2 months
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So today's prompt was play, for this I thought back to when I was a kid and would play videogames with friends or my sibling, and for the environment I sort of envisioned the kind of room I would have wanted when I was younger (and now if I were to be honest haha)
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dairy-farmer · 7 months
genuine question, how was like dc incest ships formed? like how did it all start :0
ooof that stretches back WAYYYYY back to like...the birth of dc comics. i'm no comic historian and i have limited knowledge for the rest of dc aside from batman but based on what i've read and know i'm 99.99% certain that the first ever batcest ship was between bruce and dick. and it became rather infamously known because of this psychologist named fredric wertham who sort of waged a war against comics- remember in like the mid 2000s when parents were clutching their pearls and saying videogames made kids violent?
well this was that, only with comic books and in the 1950-60s. he said comic books were filled with violence and sex and they would make kids violent and engage in sexually promiscuous behavior.
he directly addressed batman and robin's relationship calling it essentialy queercoded. his exact words about their relationship were:
"Several years ago a California psychiatrist pointed out that the Batman stories are psychologically homosexual. Our research confirms this entirely. Only someone ignorant of the fundamentals of psychiatry and of the psychopathology of sex can fail to realize a subtle atmosphere of homoerotism which pervades the adventures of the mature “Batman” and his young friend “Robin.” (p 189)
"Just as ordinary crime comic books contribute to the fixation of violent and hostile patterns by suggesting definite forms for their expression, so the Batman type of story helps to fixate homoerotic tendencies by suggesting the form of an adolescent- with-adult or Ganymede-Zeus type of love-relationship." (p 190)
"Sometimes Batman ends up in bed injured and young Robin is shown sitting next to him. At home they lead an idyllic life...They live in sumptuous quarters, with beautiful flowers in large vases, and have a butler, Alfred. Batman is sometimes shown in a dressing gown. As they sit by the fireplace the young boy sometimes worries about his partner: “Something’s wrong with Bruce. He hasn’t been himself these past few days.” It is like a wish dream of two homosexuals living together." (p 190)
my favorite is this one:
"The Batman type of story may stimulate children to homosexual fantasies, of the nature of which they may be unconscious. In adolescents who realize it they may give added stimulation and reinforcement."
the goddamn batman is going to make kids GAY
however there is one thing to note about what wertham was getting at: he was outraged that batman and robin were gay- not that they were incestuous. in fact, nowhere in the book does it mention anything about incest but i just ctrl + f searched that so it's possible they COULD have mentioned it, but if they did they didn't call it "incest".
outrage from conservative parents and "proper" communities of course meant they didn't want their kids reading this "filth". internet archive, which has a copy of this book you can read for free if you're interested in the quacky stuff he was trying to argue, has a footnote about the very REAL conseqeunces his publishing of this book had.
it was that "fredric's book and testimony at Senate Hearings within 6 months of his book publiation, was used to ban many comic books and an industry-wide self-censoring to be launched."
this is what led to the Comics Code Authority (1954). below i included a screen shot from wikipedia of a list of the things they censored and banned. you'll be able to note not a single bullet point mentions 'homosexuals' and that's because it fell under the umbrella of "Sex perversion". gay people were percieved as sexual predators by default then and still today they're viewed that way, though the conversation has shifted more towards pointing fingers at drag queens and trans people.
batcest has a pretty deep history and i could go on about how adam west and burt ward's flamboyant portrayal of batman only fanned the flames of the whole 'batman and robin are gay' thing but i think this small batman history lesson was enough.
even though the Comics Code Authority is no longer a thing, getting dissolved in 2011, i think you can still see the little threads of influence that remain and the fact that many of the writers and artists really don't have full creative freedom and control over the character they're writing for.
which is a shame. an enviornment where creativity isn't allowed to thrive is not an enviornment where it will survive.
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cow-legs · 2 months
What are some of your favorite videogames? ♡ ♡ ♡
(extremely long post incoming lol turns out i have a lot of things to say on this subject)
usually i have too hard of a time trying to remember anything i like to have answers for questions like these but thankfully for this one i have answers prepared since this is something i try to think about a lot
realistically if i had to pick one single "favorite videogame" above the rest itd probably just, like, ocarina of time & majora's mask (i'm considering them to be one videogame because i said so, it;s a package deal), just on account of how much of an impact they had on me from an early age combined with just how often i Still go back to revisit them in one way or another, but this is just about the most basic boring answer a person can have for this question unfortunately
thankfully you asked for some of my favorites instead of just one so i can unveil my Actual list of favorites instead of the one that only holds the top spot by technicality and not because i actually like it "the most". all of my favorite games have such a range in style and quality it's hard to really compare them in any meaningful way
crypt worlds, space funeral, and off-peak are all pretty different games made by very different people but i usually group them together when talking about stuff like this since collectively finding them all back in the day at roughly the same time kind of shaped my perception of indie games as a whole which probably gave me a very weird and skewed perception of the media but who gives a shit really it's a perception i hold dear. (they weren't the first indie games i ever saw of course but they were the most personally impactful ones that made me go "holy shit, this is awesome, you can do literally whatever you want")
they've pretty heavily influenced my own games, too. there have been multiple times i've started a project and then days later realized "wait shit this is just space funeral again. i'm just making space funeral again but slightly to the left. fuuuck" which is a pretty good problem to have i think.
gadget: invention, travel, and adventure is an old point and click game i found a few years ago that struck me by just how unique feeling its atmosphere is. strange looking people turn to you and say even stranger sounding things, the soundtrack feels like its having a nervous breakdown, the main character is given so few meaningful decisions/actions (read: basically none) by the people around them that it can barely be considered a game at all…it is a very fascinating experience, and one that i think back to a lot
i like Your Turn To Die a lot and am very excited to see how it ends, though i feel like i don't have too much to say on it here. one of those games that has me going "oh man i should draw more fanart for that one of these days" every time i'm reminded of it only to then remember that i Can't Fucking Draw right now lmao
myhouse.wad is something that extremely deserves to go on this list but a large part of my brain is telling me not to just because somewhere along the line i fucked up and became allergic to anything that has ever recently become popular & trendy on youtube because i don't want to look like a poser even though literally no one but me cares about where i hear about these things so i can only bring myself to include it if i also state that i played it BEFORE it was cool &all the streamers started covering it like some kind of shameful hipster. but for real though its awesome, very inspiring stuff. i wish my brain did not force me to want to distance myself from it for literally no good reason. fucking ocarina of time is on this list why is this the thing that makes you afraid of looking like a normie
i have a lot of appreciation for myst in a kind of "i've never played more than 5 minutes of this nor have i even bothered to watch a playthrough of it but i understand what you have done for me and the games i love that came after you" kind of way. i have purchased 3 different copies of it over the years as well as a copy of riven and i don't intend on playing any of them anytime soon. great game, probably. i wouldn't know.
i like a lot of kitty horrorshow's games but i don't really know what my favorite would be. lethargy hill is probably the one i think about most often though.
i like (the steam version of) dwarf fortress a lot and have been trying to play it more often. it is very funny having 80 hours in a game and still not feeling like you understand half the mechanics in it. figuring it out as i go along has been fun though. in a similar vein i also like elden ring a lot and despite being at over 160 hours on that one i still haven't beaten it. i need to get back to it before the dlc comes out but i stopped playing for so long that most of my muscle memory is gone…
for something much more recent than all of the above, absolutely perfect specimen is something really incredible that gave me a lot of stuff to think about, though it can be a little hard to recommend since it's extremely 18+ and has a whole big list of content warnings you definitely need to take heed of. extremely interesting work though, i like it a lot.
i'm running out of things to list off and should probably stop just for the sake of time even if there is more shit that deserves mentioning so i'll just end it off with CLONE ON NET YAROZE BABYYYYYY LET'S FUCKIN GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💯💪🙌💥💯💯
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justmystical · 1 year
Wish you were sober
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Mammon x Mc(Reader) warning: mentions of alcohol
a/n: just editing some of my stories
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You and Mammon were playing videogames that you borrowed from Levi. Mammon had the great idea that everytime you lose you drink some Demonus.
"the Great Mammon will defeat you puny human!"he said while getting comfortable on the ground near your bed." Will see about that..."you smirk at him, and with that one you and him started up the game.
After a few moments later " woo , that's a win for me,bottoms up Mamms " you exclaimed "well that was just a warm up" he said"but i drink it so you wouldn't feel bad"he added and you just playfully rolled your eyes.
A few games and Mammon losing later
"Mammon,i think that's enough for today, you're already drunk"you said to him who was laying on the ground,he already finished Sixth bottle of Demonus and you only had a little Demonus. You went to him " Mamms , come on get up, I'm taking you to your room" you said while putting his arms on your shoulders.
You struggled to try to lift him a , you groaned as you tried again this time it was successful. You opened your door and walked to the dark and quiet hallway,it was Already 9:00 pm ,if Lucifer finds out you two are still up at this hour on a school night you will be certainly dead. So you quickly go to Mammon's room.
"Finally..."you whispered and go to lay Mammon on his bed, he was already fast asleep when his head hit his pillows.He looks so peaceful while sleeping,you wanted to touch his cheeks but held back."you cute when you sleep..."you whispered. You were about to leave when you were pulled back from the bed and Mammon held to his chest.
You blushed a little,you know you liked him even with idiotic behavior, but it was his idiotic behavior that made you fall for him."Mc..."he mumbles and you look up to look at him and thought he was awake,but noticed that he was still asleep. "Mc... I love you...I love you,i love you,i love you"when those left his mouth ,his grip on your waist tighten and you blushed.
"real sweet, but i wish you were sober..."you whispered,you know he can't confess that to you when his sober cause won't admit it ,he to full of himself to say it.
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girlfailgaymer · 19 days
@avataraloy and @minniestronni both tagged me in so thanks to u both :3
i for SURE don't have 15 ppl to tag but i'ma play along anyway ✨️
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE - no but i could have been! my parents' other potential name for me was Kristopher Robin, like the little boy in Winnie the Pooh, but also their best friend Kris and my grandpa Robin :') kinda wish it'd worked out that way tbh but my current name is also cool so can't complain
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED - oh like an hour ago, listening to hozier in the shower. empire now amirite guys?
DO YOU HAVE KIDS - nope lucky me!!!!!
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY - HAHAHAHAH that's funny!! does riding my bike in college count? i was already unathletic but then i broke my leg real bad at 19 and it's been all downhill since 🙃
DO YOU USE SARCASM - nooooo i'm like totally serious all the time (/sarcastic/)
FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE - tattoos and jewelry for sure! whatever little accessories say the most about a person 💓
WHAT'S YOUR EYE COLOR - denim blue with a faint gold streak in one eye 👁
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS - both make me cry but happy endings all the way
ANY TALENTS - ummm hmm. i'm a pretty good writer, or at least i used to be. i make a mean breakfast sandwich. gaming for sure. i make cute bracelets sometimes. often a thoughtful gift giver 🎮🩶
WHERE WERE YOU BORN - bay area babyyy 💃 central california along the coast. blessing to grow up there, i would never go back
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES - watching anime playing videogames reading gardening crafting drinking and 3hr phone calls with my friends 💞
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS - one old lady kitty cat! used to have dogs but when we moved they went with mom :(
HOW TALL ARE YOU - 5'5" with a terrible slouch
FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL - english bc i got to read & talk about books. science because it's FACINATING (ecology and geology specifically)
DREAM JOB - AUTHOR!!!!!! i wanna stay home and write books that make people feel things so badly :'(
okay i'm gonna tag kinda generously here, obviously only engage if yu want to <3 sorry if this annoys anyone i'm just having fun being part of the tumblr community
@charlottebiscuit @pure-of-fart @azaraeth @ego-rapture @springbeemaya @theoldgodsaredisappointed @dysaniadisorder @vinylfruitcake
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marsgod · 2 years
I adored the cyborg!reader request as a HUGE mecha fan!
if you don't mind, may I request a cyborg!reader that malfunctioned/went unconscious and was taken to Ignihyde for them to be repaired by the Shroud brothers, but...their memories were displayed and it turns out, they were a war soldier who was created to be a weapon by their evil father. How would their s/o react to that?
Characters I request: Idia, Kalim, Lilia (but you can pick one of the two if three is too much!)
I’m so glad yoy liked it! i try to keep the appearance ambiguous so ppl can look however they want^^
Also i’m so sorry it took this long;-;
⇢ Idia, Kalim, lilia x Cyborg! Gn! Reader
⇢ Warnings; Gn! reader, Cybord/Robot!reader, mentions of war and trauma, daddy issues
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Idia Shroud
He isn’t.. shocked by what he finds, he barely processes it in favor of respecting privacy, but he’s definitely curious. He assumes what he saw might’ve been a movie. A really graphic and gory movie.
Of course, he’s seen war and bodies and torture in videogames and media, but that’s different, that’s fake, and his lover didn’t have to go through those and suffer through them and survive it. Idia felt tears brimming his eyes, a knot in his throat when he learned about the reasoning behind your creation, he can’t imagine creating an ai, a damn near human robot and making a weapon out of them. Your “Father” created an amazing technology and they eventually became so much more, so human.
Idia almost wonders if you were like this, ‘human’ when you were in the war, if you’d felt anything when you looked at the many corpses, previously people with families that were slaughtered. Idia feels guilty and wouldn’t say it, but he wishes you did.
Idia wouldn’t do that to you, ask and make you recount your experiences for his own curiosity, he might force the both of you to make at least one meaningful conversation discussing it, but he’d rather you come to him first about your issues.
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Kalim Al-Asim
Of course he’d be there to witness the memory firsthand, Kalim would be too worried to not be there for you, with flowers in hand. Kalim, when he see’s this admittedly horrific memory of yours, it takes a bit to kick in that “Oh, that’s real and they were there and probably went through a great deal of trauma while being there” but once it does ooooh boy
Imagine a mom who’s trying to bring up a sensitive subject but has no idea how to do so, and she’s gently trying to tell you that you need some damn therapy. If you somehow don’t see past this and don’t understand, Jamil would probably tell you simply what Kalim is trying to.
Kalim, while being a people person, isn’t amazing at confronting bad situations in a way that validates you or any of that. Not to say he says “Why’re you complaining, others have it worse”, Kalim knows and does the basic “it’ll be alright” with a pat on the shoulder and maybe some other words of encouragement, but he’s never been through this, the war you’ve apparently lived through, forced to watch others suffer and surviving. An entire war vs. murder attempts due to being royalty, while neither is good, neither of them align enough to be the same.
That being said, Kalim is also too desensitized to how messed up any of it actually it.
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Lilia Vanrouge
Lilia had lived through wars, and he hates talking about it but he sits you down to tell you that it’s okay and that you’re not just what your father created you to be. You’re so much more than that. That Lilia still loves you with all his heart. That if you need to talk, he might not know exactly it is you’re going through or what you’re feeling, but he’ll do whatever it could take to make you comfortable.
Lilia is mad that, despite being originally made for it, you were forced to live through that. He know’s the screams of absolute hell, and wished that for you to not experience any of it, all while you already had. Not at you, never at you, Lilia knows you didn’t know better, you’d just been created and were just doing what you were told to do. It wasn’t your fault, it was your father’s for forcing that upon you.
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I imagine their s/o’s being very quiet whenever it’s brought up, disassociating when anyone else tries to confront them. They’ve never talked about before, and they remember it perfectly like it still just happened.
They know they should talk about it, but it’s hard and they know it’s not a common thing for people to have gone through. Being made and forced to do something just for the sake of someone’s approval, but in this case, being created for war with no greater purpose. You weren’t made to make it this far. You weren’t made or planned to feel.
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