#for $8000 a month I will stop
benegesseritofficial · 9 months
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Muir you motherfucker how did I miss this my first time through?
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webbyghost · 9 months
I am once again posting a reader fic to the Cooties tag.
Happy Holidays Doug Davis enjoyers!
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metatextuality · 1 year
the humble raspberry quickly reveals the flaws in morphology-based taxonomy by being not a true berry, but a mammal.
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sanguinaryrot · 9 months
the miz theme song where everything is the same but when he yells in the beginning instead of going awwwwesome he says auuuuuutism
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essektheylyss · 1 year
I know a lot of us latched onto Charlock and Colin right off the bat, and they do have the air of holding back wells of history that are very intertwined with the political games of Calorum, which is intriguing and engaging and I'm looking forward to seeing what they're up to during the time jump and beyond, as well as finding out what exactly their webs of intrigue involve.
However, I am also in love with the other three and how much they feel like they're still on the outside of the political games, even if they are ensnared in them.
Amangeaux has been a queen for a span of time, but always a foreigner all the same—she seems cut off from the Vegetanian goings-on, though it's unclear how much that was the case when her husband was alive, and at the same time, she does not fall back onto playing the game when challenged like someone who is more trained in that might.
Karna is a spymaster, yes, and seems plenty knowledgeable about webs of information and the world's cruelty, but she's still a child. She does not have a large pool of experience to draw on, and she has never seen the scale of conflict that is coming up close. She most of them all believes that she does understand conflict and political games, while also believing herself above it, but at the end of the day, she is too young to truly understand the war that is coming.
Deli is the child of a leader of a nation, but that nation is viewed still as an outsider among those nations who consider themselves more civilized, and he is very trusting in spite of the training that he has been brought up in. He's an adult, but he exhibits a similar amount of naivete as the Rocks twins will twenty years from now, as heirs to kingdoms who are eager to make their own way and find freedom, without fully understanding the weight of responsibility that is settling upon them.
All of these characters exhibit varying degrees and kinds of innocence and naivete, and at the end of the day, for all of the comedy of the concept, this is a war story. War stories, particularly ones about how the world changes in times of war, require a certain amount of naivete, in order to contrast how brutal the world can become against what is lost in the process.
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jdotsodomite · 10 months
kinnporsche omegaverse remake when
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tamaharu · 5 months
i should be paid to stop being annoying. thats my dream job.
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kaftan · 1 year
Post-S9* Worm thoughts!
*Resisted the urge to liveblog it all because I imagine I’m already on thin ice with most of my followers for fixating on old web fiction to the neglect of whatever they’re here for LOL
Still an Amy sympathizer, baby, and it really truly is wildbow’s fault because it didn’t take any effort on my part, she’s literally textually sympathetic
The Incident was perfect horror, worm is so good at horror, actually
Tangential but I have a feeling I am going to have to write the fic where Amy and Victoria star as the main characters of a Metamorphoses story all by myself… guy who has only read metamorphoses and is getting a lot of metamorphoses vibes from The Incident…
Also kinda tangential but if I was Amy and I ran into Tattletale after the events of interlude 11h and some of her first words to me were “I know what you did” I would kill myself in front of her on the spot.
Taylor remains best girl <3333
Alec STAYS goofy
(Literally cannot stop thinking about ‘Hi! I’ve killed hundreds of people and maimed thousands’ and losing it)
The only time I have EVER been given pause about liking a worm character, and yes I’m including Amy in that, is when I was instantly endeared with Cherish and then Alec was like “btw she has forced people to mutilate and kill their kids and made them enjoy it 👍” I was like oh wow I think I might have finally found something that tests the limits of Girl Fun…
I am a simple bitch who got a little choked up when Marquis called Amy his most precious treasure
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drastrochris · 9 months
"For eight thousand unjust bodies I will stop," said the Captain.
Is that how many trillionaires Jod is hunting?
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mcsiggy · 2 years
Hi, I've been following you since the days of Homestuck and I just wanted to say I supremely love all your art and characters and especially your take on the greek pantheon! I wish all who percieves your art in a negative way a very go bankrupt <3
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seilon · 2 months
shouldn’t have checked my bank account as expected my mother has taken thousands more dollars from my savings and has almost run me dry more or less. Cool!
#I’m going to fucking call the bank and ask about a second checking account because she’s never going to make her own fucking account#it’s been like a year since she said she would and it’s just not gonna happen#she owes me thousands of dollars via me paying her fucking overdraft fees and she always says ‘what you think I won’t pay you back?’ no!!!!!#no I don’t!!!!!!! because you literally never have!!!!!!!!!!!#and where the fuck are you going to get like 8000 dollars anyway. because that’s what she owes me at the very least#even if you want to factor in like. paying her monthly for the groceries she buys and cat food and whatever that’s still. thousands of#dollars. and the worst part about it is I just have no safety net anymore#because my savings is basically nothing at this point. like nothing that can help in a dire situation anymore.#I keep thinking about whatever im going to have to end up paying for top surgery and I WOULD have a significant amount saved up to#contribute to that but haha! no I don’t! it’s fucking gone!#and I’ve been getting paid basically fucking nothing lately because of how few hours they’re scheduling me so that does not fucking help#my last paycheck was literally like half of what I should be getting. I made like 1K in the past two paychecks. that’s fucking depressing#anyway I’ve given myself a headache#I’ve been avoiding looking at my bank account because I knew it would be bad and it’d stress me the fuck out but I also have been anxious#not knowing and my mother making a few vague comments that implied she must have fucked me over. so I checked today and yeah she sure did#if I don’t make a new checking account that she can’t access i am actually going to be broke within the nenxt few months at this rate#my head hurts and I am so upset I am so upset I work so fucking hard and it doesn’t even matter i just lose money constantly#I get nothing I just pay her fucking fees and pay for my tuition and pay for everything else of any significance#and I am not exaggerating I work my ass off. I am the only person I know at my job who begs to work holidays and extra days and stay as late#as possible and it . doesn’t even matter#im going to kill myself I swear to god. there’s shit I need to buy. what am I supposed to do.#kibumblabs#vent#like shit I need to buy for WORK. my manager is getting on me about not having proper shoes for example and yeah I can get a discount#through shoes for crews but I still dont have the fucking money for anything anymore#not unless I want to run myself into the fucking ground#I need a new binder badly. I need new black pants also for work since mine are so faded at this point.#I only have one fitted sheet that doesn’t have giant holes in it#I can’t stop thinking about my last paycheck it was literally the worst I’ve seen since starting this job a year ago. fucking infuriating
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tillman · 10 months
I wish communismkills was still on here so you could follow more women
Id love to follow communismkills and not help her with her spanish homework
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metatextuality · 1 year
first lines meme
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to, and see if there are any patterns!
tagged by @whetstonefires!
(Last ten published works, huh? That does rather narrow it down...)
1. The Man Who Would Not Stop for Death – a short, pulpy original noir scene for The Merry Whump of May.
The problem with discovering your payday is committing felonies — apart from the fact that they're committing felonies at all, of course — is that your odds of getting paid take a sharp downturn.
2. The Man and the Moon – a longform noir serial in which the same protagonist finds himself attempting to apply hardboiled rationalism to cosmic horrors from beyond the stars.
Chicago is an improvement over Hoboken, which should paint a sufficiently damning picture of both cities.
3. To Serve Satan: Miss deManners' Guide to the Heavenly Host – a Good Omens short about Crowley's methods that came to me fully-formed in a dream, so I'm not sure I should be counting it, but it did probably come from my brain technically so what the hell.
"Would either of you like something off the dessert trolley, sirs?"
For once, it was Crowley who looked up with such sudden diamond-bright joy that it cut.
4. But Be the Serpent Under ’t – an AU of my own pirate noncon epic in which Captain Crowley possesses one of his captors.
When Crowley finally died, it came almost as an anticlimax.
5. The Seas Incarnadine – the aforementioned epic pirate noncon fic, which I stg I am going to finish one of these days. (This sentiment also applies to every other unfinished fic on this list.)
This whole piracy lark had, in retrospect, gone a bit further than intended.
6. Conversant With Terrible Objects – DC mirrorverse character study of Owlman in the form of filthy, filthy phone sex with Superwoman.
The Crime Syndicate believed that Owlman loved Gotham City, when they credited him with the ability to love at all.
7. Black-Clad Bats and Making Money – the one where John Mulaney becomes the Riddler™
You may recognise me as the man who programmed — because that’s what being a game programmer gets you, instant celebrity, like Shigeru Miyamoto and the guy who invented Tetris — you may recognise me as Edward Nigma, the man who programmed Labyrinth of the Minotaur, a bestselling game whose apparent claim to fame is that it is unwinnable.
8. Crowskin – the one where Owlman catches an Australian magpie like a fuckin' baseball.
“What,” uttered Johnny Quick, “the fuck.”
9. Those Who Fight Monsters – a casefic wherein the mirror-universe Riddler deals with the moral dilemma of rescuing Owlman's favorite child assassin.
You would think, thought Edward Nigma, crouching behind the wall of shipping containers he’d scaled partway up for a better vantage point, that criminals would find somewhere else to conduct their business.
10. King's Gambit – DC mirrorverse fic where Lex Luthor and Sinestro discuss rationalism and then kiss (and then try to reverse-engineer God so they can use him as a nuke)
“Good news,” said Sinestro as he pulled away. “You’ll probably keep the eye.”
So the first thing I notice is that I like to open with an immediate, snappy Establishing Character Moment, usually in a close POV. That's probably related to the fact that my usual catalyst for writing down a scene I've been building up in my head is finding an opening hook that I like too much not to use, and which leads naturally into my mind expanding on it for another few paragraphs whether I want it to or not; also to the fact that most of my fic is character-centric, and almost always written in a POV limited to the inside of the viewpoint character's head even when it's in third person.
Something I wasn't expecting from this selection of opening lines – and possibly this is a pattern that would be broken if I included some of my many, many unpublished WIPs – is how many of these take a tongue-in-cheek jab at a significant aspect of the story itself. I don't think it's a matter of being convinced of my own metafictional cleverness, nor of being unconfident in my premise and seeking to lampshade it before the reader gets a chance to notice the cracks themselves...more that my favorite characters tend to be those that overthink everything, in part because I find it a relatable trait. Hmm.
Let's pull in a few of my closest-to-publishable WIP openings, for the hell of it:
My mother, may G-d bless her because he certainly hasn't given her much to work with so far, named me Sidney Solomon Jacobi.
"Y'know Sandra Nylund?" I ask, winding my way through the bullpen to my desk, where I navigate the organised chaos of notes and reports until I find the file I'm looking for.
The new navigator arrived on the HMS Essex's eighth day in port.
The thing about alcoholism was that it was perfectly socially acceptable to drink yourself to death.
The second time someone called him, she had Owlman tied to the bed.
Okay, yeah, I'm figuring that pattern's probably just a weird coincidence. Interesting that it worked out that way, though.
Tagging off the top of my head: @punishandenslavesuckers @anneapocalypse @weird-mcgee – and anyone else who sees this, consider yourself tagged as well!
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sovonight · 1 year
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a gift | xan/radri
✧ — ✧
It is early in the morning, and the light in the inn's room is dim. Radri opens her bleary eyes to find Xan already awake and sitting up in bed beside her, flipping through his spellbook by the light of a candle on the side table. Rather than turn the other way and go back to sleep, she sits up herself, joining him in quiet preparation for the day ahead. Opening her journal on her lap, Radri unfolds the maps she has collected of the surrounding area, and begins to plan out their journey. Xan's turning of pages settles into the background of her thoughts, periodic and soothing, its rhythm interrupted only once for Xan to give her a glance of acknowledgement, brief but fond.
As her gaze passes over one of the taverns on the map, the sight of its name brings a small smile to her lips, and her fingers are drawn to the homemade amulet around her neck: Imoen's gift to her. Xan had been surprised and somewhat intrigued to declare that indeed, the necklace carried a protective enchantment from the fragments that had been crafted into it, although how the magical properties survived despite not being properly repaired, he could not say.
"Xan, when is your birthday?" Radri asks, now that the thought is in her head. Xan glances up from his spellbook, thinks for a moment, then returns to his work with a slight shrug.
"As chance would have it, it is today," Xan says, as idly as though he were commenting on the weather. For a moment, she thinks this must be an uncharacteristic jest, but the longer she regards him, the more convinced she is that he is, indeed, serious.
"Today?!" Radri exclaims, at which Xan sends her a startled look of confusion. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Oh, now I have no time to prepare!"
The maps must go—or, no, perhaps they should stay. She could take him somewhere. But would he even like that? Is there even anywhere to go? What in the world is there to show someone who has been traveling the land much longer than she has? How could she possibly find it, when even after their travels thus far, she still remains on the inside just a sheltered child of Candlekeep?
"Radri," Xan says, his calm voice interrupting her panicked thoughts, "There is no need to prepare anything. It is a day like any other; I am content to let it pass without acknowledgement."
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"No, no, I have to think," Radri says, and then it comes to her. "Wait. Yes! Here, you will decide where we go today."
She pushes her maps into the little valley of the blankets between them, with a bright, relieved smile. Xan stares at her, then at the haphazard pile of maps.
"Ah. The gift of responsibility. I suppose I should first declare that I will endeavor not to get all of us killed," Xan says, and sighs, reaching not for the maps, but for the journal still on her lap, which lies open to her latest entry. "We were in the middle of some winding quest, correct? We may as well see it through."
"What? No! I'm not putting you in charge to finish quests," Radri says, flipping the journal closed and pushing it aside to emphasize her point, "What do you want to do today?"
"It is hard to say," Xan says, sending her a flat look and a raised brow, "You already took "let it pass without acknowledgement" off the table."
She would let it pass, but… he already asks so little of her, and gives her so much. There is no sense of obligation there, he has made that clear, but what she wants is not so much to repay him as it is to express all the emotion in her heart. Her love, her gratitude, normally locked behind her paltry words—here is a chance, and yet, how can she celebrate him if he insists he needs nothing?
"Isn't there anything, anything at all that you wish for? To take a day's break in peace and quiet, or to study your craft without thinking about what it will be useful for in a quest, or…" As her words trail off into his silence, Radri sighs, her shoulders falling as she looks away. "Never mind. If there is truly nothing that you desire, then today will be a day like any other."
She pulls the pile of maps back into her lap, tidying them back into her journal. Perhaps they will just finish that aforementioned quest today, and if so, she already knows where to go. The quiet page-turning of earlier does not resume however, and a moment later, Xan's silence is broken with a sigh.
"If you are determined to grant me something, then I ask for a kiss," Xan says.
"Just a kiss?" Radri asks, confused. "Are you certain? You don't want something less… mundane?"
"There is nothing mundane about it," he says.
When she meets his eye, he is sincere. She would have preferred a gift that took some effort from her—perhaps then, it would feel like enough—but if this is all he wishes, then it will be so. Radri places her journal to the side; she crosses the little valley in the blankets between them, and closes her eyes, waiting for him to claim his kiss.
"Ah," Xan says, interrupting her wait, "But I must receive the kiss from you, otherwise it will not be a fitting gift."
She freezes. Come to think of it, Xan has always initiated every kiss they've shared.
"I… I…" Radri finds herself stammering, suddenly helpless to do anything but stare into his gray eyes. There had been a twinkle there, a glimmering wink of light—but in a heartbeat, it is gone.
"Or, I need nothing," Xan says, with a slight shrug. "A day like any other."
"No," Radri says, "No, I will…"
She's no longer fully conscious of her words, her thoughts bent solely upon the task before her. She leans in towards him, ever so slightly—the first step is, of course, to close the distance—but with what she swears is the trace of a smile at the corners of his lips, he relaxes into the cushions at his back, reclining so that if she wants to meet him, she must come in closer towards him again. In the back of her mind, she registers the sight of his spellbook—it is closed, now, but not carelessly, her old ribbon marks his place—and it rests to the side of his idle, relaxed hand, which now lies open. Open, and available to hold her, to pull her to him—but aside from his steady breaths and the few blinks that interrupt his patient gaze upon her, he does not move, waiting for her.
Her hands find their places to bring her back to him, pressing palm-down into the mattress to either side of his reclined form. Her heart, beating loudly in her chest, would have her believe that she were facing off against some dangerous beast, and not the petal-soft lips of her beloved that rest just five inches away from her own. While he must be fully aware her turmoil, Xan's clear gray eyes betray nothing—and as though knowing they are her last lifeline, he closes them at last, waiting patiently for her kiss.
Radri stares at his closed eyes, his eyelashes, the gentle waves of his hair, and the stray lock that so often escapes it, which brushes a serpentine curve down to his lips.
Five inches… just make them zero.
…Overwhelmed, she buries her face in his shoulder.
"Last I checked, that is not where my mouth resides," comes his idle comment, "As is evidenced by the fact that I am speaking unimpeded."
"I know," Radri says, in what she intends to be a normal response, but which comes out as more of a muffled moan of despair.
She has the sense that he is smiling now, but she refuses to lift her head to see it. His arm shifts against her, the movement felt in the shoulder she has found shelter against, and a caress follows, moving across her hair to the nape of her neck. A kiss is pressed to the top of her head.
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"Perhaps this is my gift instead," Xan says. "A quiet morning in which I may delude myself with illusions of your safety."
"You can have that any morning."
"Not any morning," Xan reflects idly, "But I have already done it before, I suppose. I have collected as many as five seconds before our doomed reality makes itself known again."
Hearing that, she has to kiss him. Radri lifts her head up from his shoulder, looking determinedly back down at his lips.
"Now I have a sense of what our enemies experience when they face you, I think," Xan says, with an amused tilt to his brow. As he regards her a while longer, though, the look in his eyes shifts, and his tone is nothing but fond as he murmurs, "Ah, and there is the sight that I have become accustomed to."
It's only when he points it out that she becomes aware of the building warmth in her cheeks. As always, she burns hotter under the compounding effects of his gaze and her own awareness, and Xan sighs, lifting his hand to run his cool fingertips across her cheek in a gentle caress.
"You do not have to force yourself," Xan says. "I consider myself fortunate that you permit me to show you affection in such ways to begin with; it does not need to be returned in kind. Shall we leave this behind, and face the day?"
"Wait," Radri says, a new spark in her thoughts, and she grasps his hand in her own. "May I…?"
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Xan's gaze flicks down to their joined hands, then rises to meet hers, understanding in his eyes. He nods, and this time, when he closes his eyes, so does she.
There is a place within, where the troubles Xan lifts from her shoulders escape her being; where the melody he strums across their bond comes to rest once it has sung through her veins; where an echo of his soul rests beside hers, both calm and restless, both troubled and content. He had guided her on how to form the bond, but he had not guided her on how to navigate it. You will know, he'd said—and she does.
She gathers it all. Her love, yes, and her affection, her desire, and her gratitude—but also that which is wordless, including the vivid memory of just a few moments earlier. She wants him to know why she'd frozen, what she had felt, when he had first laid back and closed his eyes and she had gazed at him with such desperate and nervous and hungry affection that it had overwhelmed her and sent her to the shelter of his arms. She would have kissed him a thousand times, if only she could move, if her love were any less, if the look of patient serenity on his face were not so achingly beautiful, if, if, if—
"Estel'amin," she hears, soft and strained from his lips, as though the word had barely escaped being choked in his throat, and Radri's eyes open in an instant to find Xan's gaze clinging to hers in desperation, his gray eyes dark and vulnerable. She releases him, and he reaches up and takes her face into his hands, and she is not so much pulled as she is drawn, meeting his lips with hers. The kiss is tender, as is the next, and the next, until they part, far too soon. But it is only so that Xan may scatter his affection elsewhere upon her, his kisses finding her cheeks, her eyelids, the tip of her nose—
"Xan," Radri says, the syllable edged with laughter, and at last Xan releases her, though the way he gazes at her says he would have continued for some time longer. As she gazes back, however, she realizes something—and as naturally as breathing, she leans back in and presses a simple kiss to his lips.
"There! Your gift, fulfilled at last," Radri declares, lightly flushed and pleased with herself.
"Oh," Xan says, a slightly dazed look still lingering in his eyes, "Of course. That... was the gift, here."
full xan/radri compilation
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essektheylyss · 2 years
I do genuinely love the track "The Luxon" because it's so eerie but in a soft way. Cosmic horror, except the cosmic horror loves you, except it's anyone's guess, including that of the cosmic horror itself, whether the cosmic horror's love will raise or ruin you.
Luxon vibes targeted at me in particular, frankly.
In conclusion, I repeat,
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