#for anyone wondering what the context is check the post below this
steamcaptain · 4 months
you sound like my ex friends. If you can’t handle your friends constant venting then you are a horrible friend and if they kill themselves their blood is on your hands I hope you can live with that guilt. Let friends vent to you don’t be selfish.
Nobody owes you endless hours of therapy time just because you get along well. As I said before, friends can absolutely care about and support each other by being there to vent to each other, but “constant venting” is unhealthy and damaging. It takes a toll on the other person, especially if they are in a bad place themselves and may not have much capacity for additional negative things. It could be triggering, and that’s not fair to the person listening. Also, venting everything to everyone is dangerous, as someone could use sensitive information against you.
Having boundaries is not selfish. The healthiest thing to do is to ask your friends if they have the capacity for you to vent to them at that moment. If they say yes, that’s great. Go ahead. If they say no, or if later they need to stop, then you need to respect their boundaries. And, of course, your friends should extend the same respect to you. You will lose friends if you continue to overstep lines and overwhelm them with constant negativity, especially if they feel like you’ve trapped them and they can’t ask you to stop. It’s about consent.
If someone is suicidal, and they are in immediate danger, then they are in need of professional help. Friends with limited knowledge in mental health and crisis prevention can only do so much. And if they happen to be suicidal themselves, it could be triggering enough that we might end up with an additional preventable death. Even if they are not, suicide is a very serious and very heavy topic and it needs to be handled by those who are trained for it.
What happens if the untrained friend is unsuccessful in trying to help the other stay alive? Is their blood still on their hands? That is an incredible amount of responsibility that one should reserve for those who can handle it properly. Referring your friend to a professional can save their life.
• If perhaps you mean venting about this in addition to professional help (meaning once they are out of immediate danger), if your friend has the capacity for you to vent about this to, then again, that’s great. Go ahead.
-One time a friend was talking about their suicidal thoughts during a time when I was also suicidal. I tried so hard not to stop them, but it was so triggering I nearly had a panic attack and a meltdown. How exactly was I supposed to help them in that state?
-One time someone who was an acquaintance at best tried dumping some vents on me because they thought I had the same mental health diagnosis they did (I didn’t). I was in an extremely dark place and told them I was sorry and I couldn’t handle it, and they blocked me. We’d barely spoken.
Supporting the idea that people (neurodivergent or not) have the right to spread constant, potentially-triggering negativity to their friends just because they think they owe them is toxic behavior, and I suggest everyone backing this speak to a therapist about it. Especially if you’re threatening your friends with suicide.
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butch-reidentified · 6 months
it's so cute how everyone acknowledges grooming as a real thing but as soon as we say (such as in conversations about female body hair removal) girls/women are groomed our entire lives to appeal to men, we're "misogynistic" for "calling women stupid"
Edit Jan 7, 2024:
My wife thinks I should have included an analogy in the original post (like the CEO example in my recent reblog), but in my conversation with her she pointed out that under the broad definition of grooming, all raising of children could be considered "grooming them for adult life." She makes a good point!!
The actual definition isn't inherently about sexual predation despite what the internet may have led some of you to assume. This is a good opportunity for me to remind *everyone* to fact check *everything* you learn online before repeating it to anyone and possibly spreading misinformation - including definitions of words you learn online! We ALL do this sometimes!
Screenshot below of #2 and #3 under the definition of "grooming" (#1 is obviously about animal fur lol):
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I do find it interesting that the broader definition (#2) inherently includes what is detailed in #3, yet #3 was explicitly added (I assume at a later date than #2, given the context and numerical order). It's redundant, and I do have some criticisms of the way it's worded/the specifics of it. I wonder how other dictionaries define it.
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just-ornstein · 5 months
Alright, so after stumbling upon some of the Beta pics on the Russian TheSims.cc site and this analysis post about the Beaker mansion, I became deeply curious if some of this would be reflected in the lot relationships. After all, some characters like Viola, Kelly, on top of several others could be found when digging through the raw and somewhat encrypted code of lots.
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By now it's pretty clear that the Beaker home once belonged to this dude and his army of girlfriends (definitely check out the post I mentioned earlier). On top of that Loki (and possibly Circe) seems to have gone through at least two iterations before eventually settling on their final forms.
And on top of that whenever you scan the mansion in a completely new game, you will find fingerprints of primarily deceased Sims everywhere!
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Now to get to the Sim relationships on the lot...
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712 freaking Sim Relationships, all of which are unknown. Some of which still have stats set such as married, friends, relationship scores, etc. I tried comparing this to other lots in their neighborhood and NONE even come close. Both Olive and the Smiths have around 400. The other lots have below. And the only lots that are even a tad higher in this number are the Capps and the Summerdreams which makes sense when you realise that hood went through at least one other iteration before turning into Veronaville.
Now I wondered if the encrypted code (despite being very hard to read due to being partially encrypted) had any old Sim remnants left in there. And yep, several even. Many of which even have information such as their gender, hair, clothes and age in there. So lemme go over some of them:
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1. First one, a guy who's name is partially encrypted so it will never fully be visible. It's not Johnny cause Johnny also has his character file on this lot.
A male teen with brown hair who used to wear the "tmbodyhoodedsweatshirtboardshorts" + the "tmhairhatcap" hairstyle.
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2. Second is another teen, this time by the name of Zeeshan. He had black hair, the bucket hat hairstyle and wore the hooded sweatshirt, except with pants this time around (and grey apparently?).
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3. The third was an adult male Sim by the name of Kenneth with black hair. Based on his info he was likely meant to be a Gardener Sim.
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4. The fourth was one named Kana... Possibly a longer name cause once again the code becomes a bit shambled here. She too was meant to be a Gardener as seen by her outfit and hair data. Her hair would have been brown.
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5. Elle, another female Gardener Sim, this one having red hair.
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6. Vasyl, an adult male Sim who wore the busdriver outfit. Sadly his hair data seems to be blocked behind the code. For funsies I like to give the name to Bald Beta Loki, since he gives off that vibe. BUT, I think this was an NPC busdriver due to the outfit.
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7. Joanne, an adult female Sim with an unknown hair colour in corn rows style and the classy afbodyjacketturtlesweaterdressboots. Sadly her ID is hidden behind the encrypted code, so it's hard to fully make out.
All of these Sims appear to be NPC/Townie Sims. None of them match ANYONE in the Beta pictures. And the current Townies/NPCs seem to have replaced them. Interestingly enough, those that were NPCs are still NPCs and those that were Townies are still Townies. Making me wonder if this is a thing that translates to other Sim IDs too. That Sims that were Townies in earlier iterations are still Townies in their new form. Same for NPCs and yep, Playables. This is merely an assumption I'm making on what I'm finding here, but if anyone can help research this further, that would be greatly appreciated, especially as this could mean the Viola ID may not belong to Viola Monty.
Viola is an odd case cause no outfit, hair or other data can be found in the lot file and she's only ever mentioned once in the context of lines filled with "sleep in pyjamas". But for now I cannot say anything with certainty unless more remnants of these old Sims could be found somewhere. OR, if these files could be read in its entirety which is quite difficult.
It's very hard to get a Sim ID attached to a lot (believe me I tried) and often times seems to rather happen accidentally than intentionally. Moving a Sim out or having a Sim die usually removes the data they once held to that lot. Good example is Loki in my current Strangetown who lived on this lot all of his life and when he died he had no remnants left on this lot.
REGARDLESS! The Beaker lot is ancient and seems to have been ground for a ton of testing, Sims and many more things. No wonder the Beakers got this home with its incredibly shady history. Half of the beta town was partying here!
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burning-omen · 8 months
Kinktober Day 9: Detective x Criminal + Spider-Noir
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Spider-Noir x male reader
Kinktober 2023 List | Day 1 | Day 10
Summary: He’s playing mind games with you, you know he is.
Warning: reader is the Black Cat of the universe, getting tied up, lowkey cringe villian reader but it’s like the 1940’s so they get a pass cuz it’s a little camp, breaking and entering, stalking, reader being naked, no smut (during kinktober? shocking I know)
You didn't like being tied up. Well, maybe. Just not in this context. You prided yourself on having never been caught, but as you are now, your arms bound to your sides, hanging upside down from a lamp post, you could feel that pride going down the drain. Glancing over you could see a few of the guys that were helping you rob some high-end jewelry store.
You usually worked alone, but the owner of the store was friendly with the police and if anyone was going down for this one, it'd be them. That's what you had planned at least, before being captured by a familiar spider themed vigilante.
You could see his figure, shrouded in black, crouching down next to them, they were all tied together, back to back to back on the floor. You almost began to wonder why you were getting special treatment, then you remembered your claws and the chase that lead to you being in this position in the first place. He considered you a threat. Which made sense, considering what you'd done to the front of his little suit. You had just barely missed him, only able to swipe at the vest he wore beneath his coat before the chase began. Still, it cut through as though you were swiping at air, you figured that he would rather not find out what they felt like cutting through flesh.
It was a while before he came to you, crouching down so that he could meet your eyes. Despite being upside down and having his face covered by a mask.
“Cat,” he said sternly.
“Mr. Spider-Man.” you returned with a grin, “you caught me.”
“So I did, ‘ that mean you're gonna comply?”
“Not a chance.”
A careful, slow breath left the man. Coming in closer, he spoke again.
“Those guys already gave you up, Cat, you really think you can get out of this one?”
You thought for a moment, or at least pretended to before another large grin broke out on your face.
“I can get out of anything. So what if these low lives try to pin this whole thing on me, I've got a few things they don't that absolve me of any blame,” you said confidently.
He let out a low laugh, just for a second before asking,
“And what's that?”
“Well I've got a secret identity, I've got an alibi-” you paused for a moment, flexing your clawed fingers before continuing, “and, unlike those guys, I got away.”
Without sparring a moment you shredded the binds, effectively freeing yourself, twisting onto your back to keep yourself from banging your head on the concrete below. You were on the ground for less than a second before you were on your feet again and breaking into a sprint, you didn't check to see if he followed you, scaling up the side of a brick building and running along its roof before jumping to the next one, then the next, then the next until you felt tired, sliding to a stop.
As you landed on the window sill of your apartment, you decided definitively that you needed a long, long bath, despite the fact that you got away, you were still trapped by the Spider-Man. That was a step closer to prison than you'd ever like to be.
Sliding the window open you were greeted by your pitch black apartment, just how you left it. Despite the dark, you navigated flawlessly, making your way to the living room, walking towards your front door, and collecting the newspaper and mail off the floor, the mail slot in your door shining a small beam of light from the hallway.
Finally flicking on the light as you flipped through your mail, heading towards the kitchen. Leaning up against the counter as you muttered to yourself.
“Bills, bills, trash, rent-” you stopped on an invitation to an art exhibit, specifically a jewelry art exhibit, ‘displaying pieces new and old’, how wonderful. What was even better was the price of the tickets, nearly 300 each, you couldn't afford to go, not legally, but you’re sure that plenty of wealthy people with deep pockets and easily accessible wallets would be there, along with the jewelry itself. With a small smile, you set the invitation down on the counter, you could look at it again later.
Before you could even register what was written on the next envelope, a voice spoke from behind you- in a moment you would never admit to, you jumped, a small yelp emitting from you, your heart pounding heavily.
Turning quickly, you were face to face with Spider-man, leaning on the other side of the counter, the invitation you just set down in his hands.
“‘We humbly invite you, Shara Jamison, to the Exhibition of Art Through Jewelry on-’”
You quickly snatched the invitation from his hand, slamming it on the counter.
“Breaking into people's houses is illegal.” you said, glaring at the man.
“You left your window open”
Setting your mail down, you could feel the familiar feeling of irritation growing.
“Caught twice in one night, Cat, I think you're losing your touch.”
Walking past him and back into the living room, you tried to think of a plan, but as Spider-Man followed you- so close behind, your mind seemingly stopped working.
“I'm not losing anything, you're just stalking me, how would you feel if I followed you home, hmm, Mr. Spider-Man?”
He didn’t respond, turning, you saw him- once again, going through your mail.
“Will you stop that?” You snatched the stack from him and threw it on the couch.
Breathing out a frustrated sigh, you said,
“What do you want?”
“Y/n L/n.”
You paused, taking in a breath you said, “what?”
“That’s your name right? It's on all your- well, most of your mail.”
Resisting the deep urge to roll your eyes into oblivion you said,
“So what if it is?”
“So..” he started, “you've got no secret identity, no alibi, and no, you didn't get away.”
You tried not to react, in over 5 years of masked theft you've never been caught, not once, you've never even been a suspect, but here you were, quite literally out a places to hide, he knew where you lived, you didn't have friends so you had no where to lay low, he knew who you were, and he's even got you cornered in your own home.
“Good job, detective, you gonna take me to jail?” despite the playful tone you'd taken up, you were nervous, the police didn't like Spider-Man, but you’re sure they'd appreciate him bringing in a criminal like you.
You didn't mean to sigh. You really wanted to remain unfazed, but god, you couldn't. You felt like a massive weight had been lifted off your shoulders by the same person who had put it there.
“Why not?”
He chuckled, “I like this, I like you, gives me something to do.”
You laughed, “This is why the cops don't like you.”
After a short pause he said, “Stay safe out there, Cat.”
“I’ll think about it.”
He left after that, through the same window he’d come through. Leaning against the window sill you watch him swing away. Your heart pounding in your ears as he disalearedcinyo the night.
You didn't sleep much that night, his words replaying in your mind over and over again.
‘I like this, I like you..’
You rolled over, pulling the cover up over your shoulders. You weren’t some toy made for his entertainment, you were a thief and a really fucking good one. His words shouldn’t be effecting you the way they were, you were enemies. You fought, hell you nearly slashed his chest open tonight. But he ‘likes you’, sure…
This was some elaborate ploy to get you to turn yourself in, you knew it was.
He was trying to play mind games with you, but you were better at them than he was.
It’s been two weeks since you’ve been out, a new personal record on your part. Not stealing for two whole weeks! You patted yourself on the back, even through you skin itches and your fingers twitched every time you saw something valuable. But you couldn’t, you were playing the long game with the Spider-Man, you weren’t going to break character now.
You took the bus home from work, getting dropped off a few blocks from your apartment, it started pouring rain about halfway through your walk, soaking your clothes. You hated the rain. You knew it was going to rain, you could smell it in the air, and you could have stolen an umbrella from the rack in the break room, but that’s not what a good upstanding citizen does, so you suffered through the rain, dragging yourself to your apartment, up several flights hold stairs before finally reaching your apartment.
The pitch black scene was comforting, dropping your suitcase on the floor, hearing it thumb loudly. Peeling back layer of soaked clothes and dropping them into a pile.
You felt a million times lighter.
Heading to you bedroom, only flicking the light on when you were inside to find a change of clothes. Bundling them in your arms then flicking the light back off. Heading back to the living room you remembered the pile of wet clothes on the floor, flipping the light switch on, the living room illuminated quickly, everything was exactly as you left it. Well, except for the imposing black figure sitting on your couch. Spider-man. He was deadly silent, seemingly frozen. You stared at him, confused, before remembering the state you were in. Naked.
You weren’t shy, not even a little bit, but you definitely weren’t expecting to be nude in front of people, especially Spider-Man, who was seemingly shocked into silence.
“Breaking and entering is a crime, Spider-Man.”
“Really? You break into my house and you have nothing to say to me?”
Nothing again.
You sighed, walking over to the man, dropping your clothes next to him on the couch before plopping down yourself.
“Earth to Spider-Man? Can you hear me?”
He turned to face you.
“Y/n…” he muttered.
He cleared his throat, “you're, um.. I just. I was-”
You nodded along to his blabbering, a teasing smile on your face. It took him a moment to figure his words out, but he got it eventually.
“I was...checking on you. You've been missing for a while now, I just wanted to make sure you weren't hurt.”
“Well,” you gestured to your naked body, “as you can see, there's not a scratch nor bruise on me.”
He shifted in his seat, staring for a long moment before looking away.
You grinned, “what's wrong, detective, never seen a man naked before?”
He took a deep breath, then said, “I'm sorry, you should get dressed.”
You hummed, “No, it's fine, I'm comfortable.”
“Cat..” he practically whined.
“Fine, fine, I'll go. You stay here, don't move.”
You were going to use the clothes you gathered after taking a shower, but Spider-Man’s delicate sensibilities called for your immediate coverage.
So you went to your room, peeking out at him through the door, only to see him sitting there, stiff as a board, dressed quickly, and sat back down on the couch next to him as though you hadn't been naked minutes before.
“You going straight, Cat?”
You hummed, “Why would you think that?”
“You got a 9-5, you haven't been out at night, and your gang says you haven't returned their calls.”
“So what, you're stalking me now?”
He didn't respond.
It was kinda cute, he's been following you around, harassing your gang, and he broke into your house again, but seeing you naked is too personal. Poor thing’s got his morals in a twist.Maybe these weren't mind games, or some elaborate scheme, maybe he really did just like you, he wouldn't be the first to obsess over you and he probably wouldn't be the last.
Sighing, you said, “You don't have to worry, I'm quitting tomorrow.”
He turned to you quickly, “Really?”
“Yes, really, besides, I know a better way of making money.”
He paused for a moment, “You're coming back?”
“I was just taking a little break, you know I can't go straight forever. As soon as this rain stops I'm back to my old ways.”
He laughed, then relaxed back against the couch.
“You really missed me that much?”
“Like you wouldn't believe.”
You laughed, scooting a bit closer to the man.
“I missed you too, turns out regular people don't get to copulate with Spider-Man on a nightly basis.”
“That does not mean what you think it does..”
“What?” you grinned, “copulate? Would you rather me say fornicate? Conjugate? Philander? Closest?-”
“Do you just have a dictionary of words that mean sex?”
You shrugged, “Maybe.”
“You are…awful.” despite the insult, you could hear the smile on his voice.
“You still like me though.”
He shifted, “I never said that.”
“Sure you did, right after you told me that you would never let those disgusting cops sully my perfect body with their cop hands.”
“I don't recall that one.”
“I do.” you smirked
It was a little odd, talking with Spider-Man in your own home, usually all of your teasings happened out on the streets. Not tonight though, as the rain poured down, you and the detective enjoyed a nice night in.
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maniculum · 2 months
Bestiaryposting Results: Dikebael
This animal's name is, admittedly, a bit of a "Tirion upon Túna (upon Rye)" situation in that I did not process that there was anything unusual about the name until, shortly after the entry went up, it got a "heh. Dick-ball" reply. (And they weren't alone; at least one of the art posts that's gone up has acknowledged the unfortunate name.) It probably doesn't help that this entry references the animal's testicles.
I can't even go, "well, it's not pronounced like that," because by the orthographical rules of the conlang I used to generate these names, it would be pronounced /dɪ·kɛ·bæ·ɛl/, so the start still pretty much sounds like "dick". I'd say I'll be more careful about that in future, but I scheduled all of these ahead of time and I'm not sure it's worth digging through the queue, so we'll just have to see.
Anyway, for anyone who's not sure what this whole "bestiaryposting" thing is, you can find an explanation and previous posts here: https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting. The entry that people are working from this time is here:
(Also, I just want to remind anyone reading that you're free to join in -- this is not a closed thing, just check out the "maniculum bestiaryposting" tag and sort by latest to see what the current beast is. Felt I should say that since we've had the same group of people for a while and I don't want anyone seeing the same set of usernames each time and thinking this is an exclusive club.)
Anyway, art below the cut in roughly chronological order.
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@sweetlyfez (link to post here), acknowledging the lack of physical description in the entry, has opted to just have fun with it and put together this strange chimerical creature. I think the flat little horns on top of its snout are really interesting -- the linked post describes them as functioning like a stone circle to make sure it has the right date for its annual announcements. I have no idea if that would work at all, but it seems like it fits the general logic of the bestiary, and I like it.
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) has an interesting explanation in the linked post about how they decided to combine features of various desert-dwelling animals with the basic body plan of a peccary (which is apparently the same animal I know as a "javelina" -- I learn a lot looking stuff up while I write these posts). They then acknowledge that, without the context of all the things they're working in here, it kind of just looks like they've drawn a very large warthog. It's a very good hog, though. Something neat that you might miss if you're just looking at the drawing without the context of the post, for instance, is that it has the same fat-storing tail as a fat-tailed sheep. For more little bonuses like that, check out the linked post.
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) has given us a whole herd of critters here. They've also hooked onto the "desert" thing due to the lack of physical description, collected traits from real-world animals that make them successful in a desert biome, and combined them into a new creature. They make me think of jackals, which aren't mentioned in the linked post, and also make me think of donkeys, which (kind of) are. Let's all take a moment to note the baby hiding behind a pile of rocks to the right, watching a smaller animal of some sort. I think it's cute.
CheapSweets also wonders about the significance of March 25th, and I have to say so do I. It's not explained in the text. The symbolism bit does say they call the same number of times during the day and night to represent the devil wanting to make day and night the same, which... what?
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@pomrania (link to post here) clarifies that this is a grayscale rendering and that the animal would actually be a sort of dusty tan in a color version. They also went the direction of "this animal lives in the desert, so let's focus on desert adaptations." So we've got the split hooves and nostrils that can close to keep out sand. I particularly like the overhanging lip; it adds a certain charm, I think.
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) has decided that this is an excellent excuse to draw an elephant, since we're short on specific description beyond them living in Africa and being able to make loud noises. As a bonus, this means that the young Dikebael can be conveniently hidden behind the mother's large ears. The other aspects of this illustration relate to Coolest-Capybara having a pretty solid theory as to "why March 25th" -- apparently that's the Feast of the Annunciation, which of course the medieval author would have known. So here we have the Archelephant Gabriel trumpeting at Mary. (Actually it seems like the baby is doing the trumpeting, and it looks adorable doing it.) The linked post describes the medieval artworks that are being referenced in the illustration, so I recommend checking that out.
Anyway, time to check the Aberdeen Bestiary...
... well, we can't, actually. The Aberdeen Bestiary is missing a few folios, and this is on one of those. I got the text from MS Bodley 764, since I have a print translation of that one and it's fairly similar. For the illumination, we're going to go to the digitized Ashmole Bestiary, which is even more similar but I don't have a translation of it.
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So this is the onager or wild ass.
Interestingly, it looks pretty much identical to the image of the tame ass on the same page, but to be fair, I don't think I'd be able to distinguish between an onager and a donkey with any reliability. Makes one wonder why they have separate illustrations, though.
And yeah, I have no additional explanation for why... any of the stuff in the entry.
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hi what.
so I looked at ao3 stats for Bad Buddy again - this time, I looked at the stats of the fics written in the week following the release of each ep.
My initial draft for this post began with a longer explanation of what I did and why - but I'm scrapping that [and pushed it below the cut, if anyone's interested] in favour of incredulously asking how the heckity dizzle was there a noticeable dip in the number of fics featuring Wai after ep 9:
Here is a graph showing the number of one-shots (i.e., fics with only one chapter - more on why I counted only one-shots under the cut) using the character tags for Pa, Ink, Korn, and Wai written after the release of each ep:
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For context, ep 9 is about the aftermath of the curtain drop + Pat gets shot + Wai helps get the footage from the bar and makes up with Pat and Pran. So I totally expected most fics from that week to focus on Wai tbh (more accurately, I expected at least light Wai-bashing lol. Listen, I adore Wai, but that is the ep in which it's revealed he dropped the curtain). I know there's a fair number of fics that explore Pran/Pat/Korn confronting Wai, Wai apologising, or other stuff like that, so I thought I'd see mostly those kinds of fics. But nope! Most authors decided Wai didn't need to be the focus at all.
But then I wondered how the total number of fics looked - if fewer fics were written overall that week, then it would make sense for the number mentioning Wai to fall too. So I made a graph of the percentage of fics written in a given week that used these character tags, and Wai falls slightly here too!
Notably, the percentage of fics focussing on Pat and Pran remained roughly the same here. So I'm assuming most authors focussed on PatPran's reaction to the curtain drop (and gunshot) rather than Wai after ep 9.
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I also like that Pa was present in fanfiction every week, right from the first ep :)
Also yes, the steep rise in Wai and Korn after ep 10 is definitely conspicuous - I'll get to that in a bit!
First I wanna clarify that while pulling these numbers, I noticed that there are many fics use the Pat/Pran relationship tag but don't use the character tags, even though obviously the characters are present. So that means these numbers aren't representative of the exact number of fics focussing on each character - they're just indicative of the trends. Though honestly that can be said about everything in this post, because there is always the possibility of tagging errors in fics.
Onto WaiKorn and InkPa! I made graphs of the fics using the relationship tags too, so here's InkPa and WaiKorn:
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These two and PatPran are the most popular, but I had to remove PatPran to make this graph easier to read, rather than squishing these two ships at the bottom of the graph under the far more active PatPran tag. xD
Initially I had also included the platonic pairings in this graph (like Pat&Pran, Pat&Korn, etc.) but I removed them after I realised a lot fics tend to mix up romantic and platonic pairings and use '&' pairs for romantic fics too, so the numbers were quite off. I was a bit disappointed about that tbh, because I really, really wanted to see how many fics focus on platonic relationships and also fics with Pat&Pran in non-romantic contexts. Ah well.
[Although if we do assume the platonic tags are accurately used, then some interesting takeaways are that there's a peak in Pat&Pran fics after ep 7 (the bet era) and also a smaller bump in Pat&Korn fics after ep 10 (unsure why).]
So yeah! With those disclaimers done, onto the sudden jump in Wai and Korn mentions after ep 10!
The number of fics focussing on Wai and Korn rose steeply after ep 10, as did the frequency of the Wai/Korn relationship tag. So naturally I checked the ep and yeppp, that's the ep with the WaiKorn drink product placement scene/the one in which Wai walks in with a crepe and Korn tries to make up with him. Suddenly that sudden jump in WaiKorn's frequency makes a lot of sense, heh.
Also shout-out to that single WaiKorn fic written immediately after ep 2 itself bfkhgkdhh that author was really ahead of their times (iirc when I checked, the author said that fic was inspired by a behind the scenes video that featured Drake giving Jimmy a quick kiss on the cheek at one point).
And heh, I love that Ink appears in ep 4 for the first time and there's immediately two fics with InkPa.
I can't say I'm sure why InkPa rose to their highest peak after ep 11 - I skimmed the ep while writing this post and I can't find any particular reason, so I'd love to hear if anyone remembers any InkPa moments in that ep that inspired so many fics focussing on them!
Also, I was curious about InkPa-centric fics (as opposed to fics where InkPa is a background ship), so I used ao3's otp: true filter. What this filter does is show fics in which InkPa is the only ship. So that means InkPa is definitely the primary ship in those fics, but unfortunately it also removes InkPa-centric fics with other background ships.
In any case, I made this graph that shows the most common ships and compares how many fics feature each ship (this graph is not limited to the fics when the series was airing; it's the total fics written as of 22/11/23):
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The blue sections are the fics that feature only that ship, and the total column height (blue+orange parts together) is how many fics include the ship overall (either as a main or side pairing). [OTP: False is the filter for fics that have multiple pairings.]
Unsurprisingly, PatPran dwarfs the other two. InkPa is more frequent than WaiKorn (there's a difference of about 100 fics overall). Notably, there are more fics where PatPran is the only ship than fics with multiple ships (i.e., there's more blue than orange for PatPran). However, that gets flipped for both InkPa and WaiKorn - there are fewer fics where they're the only ship compared to fics that feature multiple ships.
Aaaand giving the relationships a rest, onto the friend groups! I wanted to see which of the friends are the go-to when an author needs someone from the architecture and engineering gangs to turn up, so here's the (cumulative) graph of fics using each character in the week after each ep came out:
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If anyone wanted to see the frequency with which each gang (including Wai and Korn) collectively appears after each ep:
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Admittedly, this isn't the best graph because a fic that features both Wai and Safe, for instance, gets counted twice. So the length of each bar does not reflect the number of fics written that week. But this graph kinda helps compare which characters were popular when.
Also, I think Wai and Korn should be treated as a separate category since they appear on their own a lot and likely skew these results. So here's the same graph sans Wai and Korn:
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Turns out Louis was the most frequent when the series was airing! There were 18 fics with Louis, 16 with Chang, 14 with Safe, and 13 with Mo. That changed afterwards though, because if I look at all fics written as of 22/11/23, the numbers are still close to each other but Chang is the most popular with 168 fics, followed by Mo with 166 - making the engg gang more popular overall? Louis is in 154 fics and Safe in 150.
Also, I was a lil surprised by the fact that many weeks feature only two or three of them rather than the whole gang(s). Like why would only Chang and Louis appear in fics after ep 12, while after ep 11 only Mo and Safe appear? And all four of them only appear together following ep 6! Also, often it's one person from engg and one from architecture that appear - I have no idea why that is the case but I'm intrigued.
okay I'm going to draw this post to abrupt end and stop talking about numbers now because this is getting quite long and dense, but yeah! Here's what the characters and relationships looked like in the fanfiction after each ep. :]
Oh, and as to why I started this whole thing: Back when I made this post, I looked at what kind of fics each ep of Bad Buddy inspired using the freeform tags (and I made it a chart race, which is always fun, heh). It led to a bunch of fun discoveries - though my fav is still canon divergent fics rising noticeably after ep 5 (in which Pran walks away from the rooftop) and ep 11 (in which PatPran head to the beach and the preview implied they'd break up in ep 12) - unsurprising that the fandom collectively decided to throw canon out the window for a bit there. xD
[Under the cut is a lil more context about what I did and why I made the choices I did.]
Last time, I couldn't settle on how to handle the multi-chaptered fics. I was working off the assumption that fics written in the week after an ep were likely mostly inspired by that ep (I don't expect that to hold true for every fic, but I wanted to see the overall trends after each ep and this was the best way imo), and multi-chaptered fics kinda mess with those numbers because they span multiple weeks and because of the way ao3's filters work.
But then the other day I stumbled across destinationtoast's stats re: the Ted Lasso fandom's response to season 3. First off, it was very validating to see someone else also do a similar analysis to what I did. :D (My approach, that I figured out on the fly, wasn't total bullshit, whoop whoop!) But I also liked how Toast dealt with the multi-chaptered fics problem: simply ignore them skfhskhg. Ao3 allows looking for single-chaptered fics only, so Toast looked only at one-shots written in the week following an episode's release. It worked since apparently the majority of the works in the fandom were one-shots, so the results were reasonably accurate.
I decided to try something similar and give the week-wise stats of Bad Buddy another go, because the issues I identified in my old posts on the fics written when the main series and OS2 were airing are still niggling me. Initially I expected that ignoring multi-chaptered fics wouldn't give me accurate results, since a sizable chunk of Bad Buddy fics have multiple chapters - when I checked, 694 fics out of a total of 2565 fics (as of writing this post) have multiple chapters - that's nearly 30%.
But then I compared the number of single vs muti-chaptered fics written in the week immediately after each ep, and yeah no, it holds up alright in those weeks. Turns out, most of the fics written while the series was airing were one-shots - the largest difference I found was in the week after ep 10, when 15 out of 64 fics had multiple chapters. In every other week, the number of multi-chaptered fics updated was in the single digits, so I feel fairly confident about my numbers now. The numbers in this post should be a fairly accurate representation of what was being written each week.
I think the majority of the fics written while the series was airing being one-shots is interesting. Based on the fics I tend to read, I kinda assumed that multiple chapters were far more common, but I stand corrected! In hindsight, that kinda makes sense I guess. Also, considering that this is true for both Ted Lasso and Bad Buddy, I'm wondering if that's true for all fandoms - someday I'd like to see how this varies across fandoms/media/genres.
Also, I should note that there was a break of two weeks between the release of eps 9 and 10. In this post, I only counted the fics written in the first week after ep 9 and ignored the fics during the second week of the break. I didn't do this last time when I looked at freeform tags (I counted fics from both weeks in that post). I'm still not sure which is a better reflection of the impact of ep 9. (I'd love to hear any opinions on this! Actually I'd love to hear anything about this whole exercise, be it what I could do differently or theories on what can explain these stats).
also, this is completely unrelated but shout-out to @dimplesandfierceeyes who kept turning up in so many of the tags I was looking at! Like, the most recent explicit InkPa-only fic was by seekingmoonscapes, as was the last Louis/Safe fic, and even one of the (only five!) fics in the sparsely populated Coffee Shops & Cafés AU tag.
It could've been just a coincidence but it was very amusing and a delight to see the same name pop up frequently in many of the less-common tags :)
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bentosandbox · 1 year
don't block me for this bento lol but while yes i get that her being Huge is hyperbole, i just can't suspend my disbelief that her being tall for a typical IRL asian woman jives with her in-game quote about having trouble getting through doors. she's the only op (outside mudrock i guess) who even has such a line, while men bigger than her have no problems or worries about banging their heads off the supposed tiny doorframe. i'm just being nitpicky about environmental implications i guess lol like why does she have this problem that no one else seems to have. gacha be gacha c'est la vie
also, what was the right line hoshi said to bagpipe? this is the first i've heard of it being mistranslated? :o (thank you for your TL work btw you're one of the few bastions of sense in this wasteland)
you're welcome + all good dw i have a pretty high block threshold for better or worse
Yeah i get it! BUT here is my copium reasoning
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184cm + horn height (if as long as her face + average face length = 20cm) + boot heel height (about 3cm) = 207cm which is just very slightly over average door height (here?) which is 205cm and my view is that just slightly missing a few cm is way more troublesome than going through a door that's obviously smaller than your height since you'll definitely know when to duck than having a perceived illusion that you can make it through without bending down a little and then BANG the rhodes door frame has a little hole or something
I mentioned it here in a little rant i did last july but i'll explain it more in detail below (i thought i did before somewhere. probably twitter but i can't find it so i'll just do another one here)
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I'll do a more literal TL first
风笛: 那个......我的钱包和护照都丢在莱塔尼亚了。 Bagpipe: Um...I lost both my wallet and passport while I was in Leithanien. 星熊: ......我是不是该佩服你? Hoshiguma: ...Should I be admiring you? 风笛: ——被炸得一点不剩了。 Bagpipe: ——They got blown up with not even a shred left. 星熊: 我确实该佩服你。 Hoshiguma: Indeed, I should be admiring you.
And 佩服 really does mean admire
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'what's wrong then' But admire has like 2 main definitions
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And whoever translated it went with the second definition instead of the first; it's not admire in the 'oooo you have an admirer' (someone who fancies you) way, it's admire in the 'wow i admire your tenacity to make your way all the way from Londinium to Lungmen even after almost getting blown to bits otw'
'what makes you so sure its that reading over the other' just read the context of the conversation + I'm well aware of my bias for the JP loc but like. it's because their TL track record is pretty good (esp with characterisation) so I sometimes check it to double confirm my readings, and they use 褒める here which is homeru for you weebs and for everyone else
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So back to the lines, admire sounds strange in context, but the idea is that hoshi is so impressed by her tenacity that she goes 'wow should i praise you?' so I would use 'impress' here
Bagpipe: Um...I lost both my wallet and passport while I was in Leithanien. Hoshiguma: ...Should I be impressed? Bagpipe: ——They got blown up with not even a shred left. Hoshiguma: Yeah, I should be. (Or 'Yeah, that's pretty impressive.' to flow better but it loses the 'should' which I prefer because Hoshi has a tendency to be very passive in her speech)
also also sorry i need to get this out lol i know they want swire to be as bratty as possible or whatever but :\ aghdgfhfgffff as someone who also calls their dad 爸爸 with cantonese tones and not mandarin im just really fucking bummed ok the rep would have been cool it, also has the slightly childish vibe to it that 'daddy' has so (without the discord kitten vibes even /shrug) Yuxia calls her dad 爸 if anyone was wondering
bonus since i mentioned chen's op rec in that og post
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insane that swire's oprec was the last of her batch and chen is the first of the batch after so theyre next to each other in the medal list
TL is fine for the most part but man this is some 'parents making you call them by their first name' level of americanization (they took out most of the 警司 especially the one in their 'first' meeting??naur way...)
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randomfoggytiger · 11 months
No Drama: Just Clearing Up Some Misconceptions
For the past few weeks, I've noticed that a few gif making blogs have been blocking me from seeing their posts... and I had my suspicions but didn't want to assume anything.
I'm crushed (no joke) to report my suspicions were correct.
A few weeks? months? ago, @jewish-mulder and I had an exchange which i thought was completely bantery and in good faith, see post here to determine for yourselves. The context was laughing over screenshots from DD's old skit with Gary Shandling. Anna/jewish-mulder read it through a bisexual lens-- which is a-okay to me! (the exchange is still in my archives here, for reference.) I saw it through DD and Gary's original intent-- Gary accidentally interpreting DD's actions as sexual interest rather than DD being a Weird Man TM; which is really funny to me. Regardless, either way is hilarious.
Soon after our exchange, I returned to the post to see if my last comment was responded to... and found the comments muted. Immediately after that, I noticed I could no longer reblog her gifs. Which... hurt; because, frankly, I was one of the mutuals that foamed over her new creations and supported (still do) her when she was debating putting watermarks on her gifs (because theft is revolting; and she has every right to protect her property.)
I had a prior incident that I thought was Tumblr weirdness: after joining tumblr, @jewish-mulder and @baronessblixen were my inspirations; and I loved (love) their creations. The first time I got blocked, I chocked it up to Tumblr weirdness (the first wave of the porn bots wrecked havoc); and, after contacting jewish-mulder through anon/Ao3, etc., she was just fine reinstating me. I had so much fun with her as a mutual. And it's okay if I'm not her cup of tea-- no one is everyone's! :DDD If she had needed to block me, that was okay in my book. So, when she did, I thought it was either Tumblr shenanigans or personal taste. If she wanted to refollow, she'd see my work and hop on later. In essence: I moved on.
BUT the timing always made me wonder worriedly... and my worst suspicions were confirmed when I noticed other gif blogs started blocking me.
So... I activated Anon Mode and found this post about me (screenshots below):
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What's even more... crushing? is that I checked her replies and... yeah, it turns out I WAS blocked intentionally the first time.
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I don't know why the first time, either, so I can't lay out proof. Didn't even have a suspicion on my part then, honestly.
(Gonna be honest: my "uwu" was something I use exclusively for this fandom because I felt accepted and included, sharing a space with fellow fans of a show that pulled me out of a COVID depression. I guesssssssssss I should dial back on that.)
Here's my response:
Anna, why didn't you just ask me? Why did you block me, never communicate, and secretly tell others to block me as well? I've never and will never do anything to hurt or marginalize anyone. Why did you not give me the curtesy to defend myself?
I am not a bigot. I condone hate of any kind; and I wish everyone to live their lives in their happiest way possible.
I want to have fun on my blog, laugh at my own things, and appreciate mine/your/everyone's humor. Your sexuality has nothing to do with my estimation of you as a person; and I'm both sorry it came across that way and hurt that you'd assume so about me.
Truly, I do hope this is all a misconception. I don't bear any ill will, I'm sorry if there was hurt because it was unintentional; and I don't want to pit you and yours against me. Keep making awesome things; and if our journeys are separate, then I wish you a good one, regardless.
Thank you to anyone who read this. Please don't cause her problems, etc.-- I don't think you will XDDD just had to put it out there-- and feel free to keep on keepin' on with Anna. Mutually enjoy each other to your hearts' content! I welcome everyone and don't want to draw lines, because your fandom or interpretation experiences are your own.
But I can't tolerate misunderstandings or... lies? To this day, her work is an inspiration to me; and I'll still read and enjoy her fics that drew me to Tumblr in the first place. And it really, really hurts to think I'd never have known about this if I hadn't followed my gut.
If you think there's something I'm missing or have missed out on, feel free to tell me-- comment, tag, anon, or dm. I'm always open.
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terraxcloud · 4 months
All 'Bout Yuffie~
Took quite some time to figure this stuff out. I decided to check out a streamer who just played FF7, CC, and FF7R for the first time to make it easier. No one's going to talk about this, and it makes sense that I do.
When you see something that looks "similar", do you start asking why?
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They even both have turtlenecks...wait, "turtle"...huh.
Isn't this exactly like that one time I showed Dissidia NT renders noting that Cloud and Terra's looked almost exactly similar while the other characters were different?
Well, that post is right here.
It's been a long time since then, and now we look and see what Yuffie's gonna be all about in FF7R. This won't take long.
To start, Square-Enix likes showing this scene:
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I don't know the context of this dance number, but we do have Intergrade at least. Terra Branford's main symbol is moogles (anyone who's played any Dissidia would kinda know this). The female characters in FF7 were made after her. So, why did they show Yuffie wearing a moogle costume? Well...she loves saying why:
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Yuffie will be (already is) the main heroine of FF7R for these reasons:
She already one of the two MAIN characters thanks to the DLC.
She's always been the most similar character to Cloud (look at the first image). This is more noticeable after Cloud regains his memories in OG FF7. Cloud can't say "I know how you feel" to Tifa and Aerith as much as he can with Yuffie (he does actually say that to her in the Highwind). Also, she blocks bullets with her shuriken in Intergrade...who else does that?
She is underdeveloped (a great trait to have in a remake). This is big considering what they did with the Avalanche crew and random characters they added because they felt like it.
Wutai will be far more important and have its own military. It'll only get more important in part 3, so Yuffie's importance won't just vanish.
She clearly wants to be the heroine...do the others want that? We don't know if Aerith is going to save the world as " simply" as last time, and you can well assume that they'll do what they want in FF7R to surprise you.
She wears the moogle costume for a reason. Cloud is compared to chocobos whenever possible. Put 2 and 2 together.
While Tifa's character is more based on the past and Aerith's character is more based on the future, Yuffie's character is more based on the present. I.E. she wants to be a hero just like Cloud, but she's flawed and needs support (image below)...and we can make fun of her and no people on Social Media will care.
Sonon died right in front of her and she witnessed Sector 7 fall...right in front of her. She already has the trauma to go along with it.
Artificial respiration...
There are likely more, but I have stuff to do.
Yes, I know, Aerith saves the world and Tifa helps Cloud regain his memories...but will those things be as important as they were in OG FF7? They'll do what they did in the OG, but FF7R is leading to a different end. Things aren't going to be the same. The "prize" at the end is different. I just have to say the word "Jessie" and you'll prob understand. Jessie...Yuffie, heh, similar looking names.
I'm not going to dedicate this post to say why it's different (already dedicated a whole blog on that), let's just go back to Yuffie. To be honest with you, I think an image works better than words.
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Sometimes I wonder if I'm making up things, but oddly enough I don't see it that way here. The "rock golem" thing that comes out here is Gilgamesh, who appears to be related to Wutai. This isn't the first time Yuffie is shown doing "this". The whole "reliance on Cloud" part is shown here.
FF7R likes showing Tifa and Aerith behind Cloud.
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Another time it was shown like this was the train graveyard, and in both times Cloud "leaves" them behind. The Rebirth trailer shows a scene with this "pattern", except Yuffie is in it this time.
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Of course, I don't know if this is always the case, but it's a pattern that you can notice. With Yuffie at the front it suddenly takes on a different "meaning". Sure, it's just trailer stuff, but how many times should it happen in just a trailer?
Yuffie is also at the front chair of the buggy that Cloud drives. It's a small detail, but it's her.
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Likely she finds her motion sickness better at the front than the back, but even so...Cloud also has motion sickness. He's probably not going to notice it for a while.
After stealing the submarine in OG FF7, while Cloud and Yuffie (if you take her) are doing their motion sickness "dance", Cloud remembers that driving calms him down - "Hey, you're right...I DO feel a little better driving."
Here is something a bit different...
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Yuffie and Aerith's synergy attack has Aerith make two puppets of Yuffie and an energy ball that Yuffie kicks just like Tidus. Why did they show this?
Tidus was made after Yuffie, specifically her hatred for her dad, and the early prototype version of FF7 Cloud (which became Zack, but Zack was not that much of a character at this point). I thought this kick was a reference to Rikku since I believe Priscilla and Yuffie were combined to make her (and that's all I knew)...but I can now say it's actually about Tidus.
So, they combined Yuffie and proto-Cloud to make Tidus (his strange appearance is their combined appearance). Zack in CC shares some poses that Tidus does despite Zack's story coming out much later. Not un-precented at all since they combined Terra and Cloud to make Lightning after that (back as a prototype in Before Crisis, which is why Lightning's hair is always draped over her left shoulder and why she has a gunblade as her original weapon was the shotgun.)
I think I've said enough. Have a good day. Were you expecting me to talk about romance? OK. Clearly Yuffie's scenes in the OG are the most romantic, I sometimes still hear the loud "slap" in my head and everyone chooses Yuffie at the end of disk 1.
What, do you want to know what was going on in my mind when making this? Well, this video may help. No, just messing with you...how 'bout one of my favorite video game songs?
No, I'm not about to say "Team <insert character name>". There's no "team" here. Don't make everything a competition, GAWD.
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I don't know why this synergy attack reminds me of Rikku.
Y'know, one of the things people notice about Cloud and Terra is that they're similar. Also, Terra's prototype has almost the same hairstyle as Elena, who appears right before Yuffie and Priscilla. If Cloud really was cut from FF6, this is the Terra he would remember...I assume this is why the Loveless girl also has short hair.
I think Elena is named after Lenna (FFV), which is funny since that Aerith sprite from FF5 was from a place called the "Phoenix Tower" where Lenna's drake dies and you get Phoenix, and Fort Condor is a tower close to the characters I've just mentioned where you get Phoenix after the condor dies.
And Zack in CC gets Phoenix from the Nibelheim water tower. Also, early Terra looked like Lenna.
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S01E01 We Gotta Get Out Of This Place
First off, apologies to the 12 people who followed this account back when I was camping on a SpiderDevil themed Marvel account name. This is now a Space Cases tumblr, feel free to unfollow if you're still around.
I decided to start writing here because I am, to this day, still in love with the 1996 Nickelodeon kids' show Space Cases. I'm a.) starving for content and b.) desperate to put my thoughts down somewhere and so here we are.
I'm going to use this space to do an episode-by-episode rewatch, go though the official website and show bible, find and curate other content I stumble across on the internet, post some old magazine scans I have that haven't seen the light of day since Livejournal, etc etc.
Today, I'm starting at the start and watching S01E01 "We Gotta Get Out Of This Place." I have the old VHS rips saved to my computer, HOWEVER, for this I'll be watching the uploads on the youtube channel "thespacecases" (link below) which has them in much better quality. My thoughts under the cut!
I'm going to be scribbling down my thoughts as I watch:
(For trivia and behind the scenes info, check out the episode guide on spacecasestv.com)
I'm trying desperately to read the Starcademy motto but I can't make out the first word. So something Sine Fronteras - ...Without Borders? I took a quick look around the wiki and spacecasestv.com but couldn't find it. Darn!
The opening intro to the characters is ICONIC. I can still quote it to this day.
Davenport: I believe in regulations and procedure, Mr. Band. If you added those two words to your vocabulary you could...
Catalina: Double it?
Hello, police? I'd like to report a murder.
Here we learn that Radu is the first Andromedan at Starcademy and it seems via context that he is the only one. Probably hasn't been there too very long. What a difficult thing to do, and then to end up in the remedial class at least partly because the students are prejudiced against Andromedans because their parents fought against them in Spung-Andromedan War. I believe I also read somewhere (maybe in the show bible??) that he was chosen to go by the other Andromedans because he didn't fit in with them. Maybe I made that up.
Anyway, fair warning, Radu has always been my favorite and I'm endlessly fascinated by the potential I saw in developing the Andromedan people.
I've also developed a soft spot for Harlan and his character development/potential for growth, and the development of his relationship with Radu, who he initially hated due to his prejudices against Andromedans. And I also ship it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(@shmeiliarockie posted their thoughts after a season 1 rewatch awhile back and has a head-canon that Andromedans don't have gender which I LOVE and have not stopped thinking about. Click this for the post.)
Ok, I have got to be more brief I think, I'm only a minute and a half into this episode. BUT THIS EP IS SO GOOD.
Davenport: The vacuum of space isn't fair either, Mr. Band. It can destroy anyone who doesn't have what it takes to survive. And...none of you has what it takes.
I want breakdowns of all the different symbols on their uniforms and what they mean. Maybe the prominent shoulder ones symbolize the planet they come from? Harlan has three polyhedral like pillars which I've only just now thought may stand for Earth and the Lunar and Mars colonies.
Catalina is the eye roll champion.
Radu's "What is your problem?!" to Harlan. Yes, bby, don't take his shit.
Yes, why IS the Christa named after an Earth teacher, why IS Thelma a Techno-HUMAN emulating machine?? I do wonder if the creators knew or if they were just planning to figure it out if they ever got that far.
Personally, I subscribe to the time loop theory wherein the crew in the future sends Thelma and the Christa back in time to pick up their younger selves.
Thelma has the best gags.
Goddard: Band, Helm. Catalina, Engineering. Rosie, Bova, Scanning and Tactical. Radu, take Navigation.
I love this scene, chills.
They end up going through the White Circle anyway: 7 years, 4 months, and 22 days from home. Definite Star Trek: Voyager vibes, which had begun the year before in 1995.
Davenport is complaining that she had theater tickets for tonight. Where, ma'am?? The wiki says that Starcademy orbits Pluto.
Harlan is yelling at Radu and Radu looks INDIGNANT. I love him.
Goddard: I was three weeks shy. Three more weeks and my career as a teacher would have been over. I'd have been back out in space with a crew. Instead I'm...
Catalina: Back out in space.
Radu: With a crew.
Interestingly, a similar line was used against me in a DnD campaign when my ship captain then-Warlock was bemoaning his fate. :)
This episodes rules. What a great start to a series. The creators wanted Space Cases to be a "Star Trek for kids" and as someone who is also obsessed with Star Trek, well, well done, you hooked me as a child.
If you've made it this far, thank you very much for reading. And if you want to talk Space Cases, feel free to reblog/reply to this post or send me an ask. I'd love to chat about SC!
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infranscia · 9 months
Everything Wrong with Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet (almost)
So not too long ago, Steam alerted me that a number of Sherlock Holmes games were on sale. Realizing that I wasn't really familiar with this classic, beloved icon, I figured it was about time to change that and - for now - started by buying a low-price, little bundle.
I also decided to check if the books were public domain yet, and was glad to find out that they just became public domain this year.
Turns out, Doyle had a tendency to include a lot of foreign cultures, and/or foreign persons of note, in the Holmes stories. And I'm guessing there's a fairly strong tendency to get details wrong, or at least for them to be fantasized - based on whatever stereotypes and whatnot were most available at the time, if I had to guess.
At the very least... imagine the awkwardness when I found that in the very first book, it had a HIGHLY INACCURATE - and stereotypical - portrayal of early members of my religion. 😅
So... Yeah. Here I am to debunk as many inaccuracies as I can. 😂
Feel free to take things with a grain of salt - I know a lot of the stereotypes - and flaws of members - tend to lead to people disliking us, and you probably don't have much reason to take my word about things.
...Also, I'm not the most studied when it comes to history - including my religion - so I may have some details wrong. 😅 Still, I'll try my best.
Major spoilers for A Study in Scarlet below the line - especially the second half - including some content that some people may be sensitive to (it IS a murder mystery... among other things).
Also: don't expect this to be short. There's a lot to cover, I'm VERY detail oriented, and I ramble a LOT. ...This took me days to make. (I'm not even doing any more error-checking than a spell check, and such, because I just want to get this done. 😵)
(Note: This post also exists as a Skiff document.)
Okay, I guess I'm coming out more-strongly as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints here - essentially born and raised, actually (not so much a convert). As I mentioned, there's a lot of stereotypes, bad-blood, and such where we're involved, so I haven't exactly been in a habit of being public about it. 😂 I guess I'll see how this goes.
I'll note that Doyle actually got enough of the setting accurate that I was able to guess what he was leading up to before the reveal was dropped: the description of the desert in the middle of North America, with the wagon trails, and occasional bones of both people and oxen, was more than enough to ring familiar. The average Church member - especially those who have been raised in the Church, or are otherwise longtime members - will easily recognize these as being elements of stories of what we call early Church pioneers.
And while I had to look it up, I was able to confirm that there were at least some areas where the soil and/or water was alkali. However, it doesn't look like it was anywhere near as alkali as Doyle made it out to be. (Heck, I'm not sure it'd be possible.) I'm also not sure the alkali areas were as widespread as it seems like they're being portrayed, but as far as I'm concerned, this is a relatively minor detail.
...Anyhow, I looked back over the second part of the book and tried to go over things roughly in order... so what I'm starting with may seem a little odd. 😆
For a bit of context for anyone who might not have read, this part of the story starts with a flashback, focusing on a couple weary travelers in the desert - a man, John Ferrier, dying of thirst and hunger; and a young girl, Lucy, 5 years old. They're discovered by what appears to be a very large wagon company.
Travelers seem to have knowledge of nearby wells, possible dangerous areas to avoid, etc.
Okay, maybe my lack of historical knowledge is showing, but I do wonder how much of this they could've known. Maybe a lot of the stuff originally came from Sacajawea, or something, but I also wonder how wells could've already been found and built.
The verbiage of members is generally flowery, using fancy names for God, etc.
This is hard to pick-apart without going into even more detail than I'm already going to include. But basically, we prefer to keep things simple, easy-to-understand, etc.
Going into a specific example as I bring up something else...
“He who could draw it from the rocks will not now abandon His own chosen people.” “Amen! Amen!” responded the whole party."
We don't respond to random declarations like that, esp. with the double-amen. Yes, we'll say "amen" in unison - ONCE - after the end of things like prayers, talks (sort of our version of "sermons"), testimonies, and maybe a few other things, but that's about it. And it's not a shout (no exclamation point).
Honestly, at this point, I think most of us do it mostly just out of habit and tradition than much anything else. 😅 Something we're advised against, occasionally, but it's hard not to do stuff like that.
I'll touch on the "chosen people" thing later.
There appears to be absolutely no struggles of traveling members to hold onto faith
This appears to be a common misconception with religious groups, in general. But anyhow, our stories of Church pioneers are FULL of instances of people struggling to hold onto faith that things might work out, if not faith in their religion as a whole.
They're also full of stories of how they tried to hold onto faith. My favorite, so far, involves a woman noticing flowers growing in the desert (the desert rose, IIRC). She figured that if delicate flowers could make it in the harsh desert, then she could, too. 😊
"Brother" and "Sister" used, fairly strictly, as titles/honorifics for members.
While it is part of our culture to refer to each-other as "Brother/Sister such-and-such," something about the usage portrayed feels a little too strict and formal.
The honorific (if you can call it that?) is used most-often during church-related activities (meetings, asking for help in Church-related thing, etc.). We tend to use it fairly casually in such settings - if anything, we may see it as sort of a term of endearment. Still, it's not uncommon to drop it in casual settings, esp. with close friends, or children/younger members.
It's also one of those things where, if you grow up with it, it becomes so habit and routine that it's easy to forget the reason for it. 😅 So much, that I'm finding some conflicting information on the reasons when I try to look it up. 🤔
Some of the results I'm finding are articles that do mention the interpretation of us all being 'baptized as brothers and sisters in Christ.' However, I think the interpretation I was taught, that I prefer, and that's found in the Church manual (which I consider more official that articles, which are typically written by members, rather than leaders), is that it's based on the Gospel principle that we're all (everyone, not just members) LITERAL children of God - and thus a spiritual family. 😄
As such, sometimes members will refer to non-members as "Brother/Sister," especially if they're visiting (as we call it) in a Church meeting, or in another Church-based setting.
(And I'm gonna give a side-note because I'm sure some people are going to wonder: setting aside the politics of our views on gender, it is common for Church teachers to mention, without being asked, that they don't know how it's supposed to work for intersex people [even if they don't usually use that term, or similar ones]. Giving a quick search, there don't appear to be any specific rules - only a firm recommendation to be considerate. I wouldn't be surprised if some people use "Sibling," however. ...And NGL, I haven't heard it myself, but I suspect that a lot of debate crops up... esp. in the cases where it's really relevant... 😞)
"Elder" is used, multiple times, like a title of high status.
Actually, as far as priesthood titles go, "Elder" is the lowest-ranking. I know it's confusing, but a guy can become an Elder - and is generally expected to be, and encouraged to try to be worthy in advance - at the age of 12, well before he'd be considered an adult (at least nowadays).
(TBH, I'm not sure why they're called "elders" - maybe there's some linguistic drift going on? Might be worth looking into, but I'm not focusing on that right now - it's something that, I'll admit, the average member seems to have forgotten about. 😅)
But yeah, an Elder pretty much just has the most basic level of priesthood, which comes with the authority to bless and pass the sacrament, and to help with blessings (a sort of prayer) for health and such. Maybe a few other, simpler things. That said, one does need to be an Elder before he can be other things, like a High Priest, Bishop, Stake President, etc.
John adopting Lucy is taken totally in-stride.
Not that we're against adoption or anything - in fact, the Church has its own adoption services, which focuses on helping unmarried, expecting teens find parents to potentially raise their child; and for married couples, esp. (or solely?) those who can't have their own children, to find a child/children to take in and care for.
Anyhow, still: it's not a major issue, but it still seems odd. Like everyone else, we tend to find intrigue where adopted children and the like are involved, getting curious about the birth parents, etc.
Also, we have a strong emphasis on family and genealogy (or as we prefer to call it, family history), so there's an even stronger reason to wonder where Lucy came from.
No apparent help is offered in raising Lucy - there's relatively little talk of help, in-general.
Like I mentioned, we have a strong emphasis on family. (Esp. traditional families - not looking to get political or anything, and I'm not going to try to preach; I'm trying to just be honest here about our beliefs, culture, etc. I won't argue, even if you try to start an argument. So I'd prefer if you don't bother.)
Similarly, lot of church members absolutely adore children. And on top of that, there's a lot of emphasis on service (as in helping people out) - members are particularly encouraged to help families in need, and such.
Heck, one of our most-commonly-quoted scriptures states "when ye are in the service of you fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." (Mosiah 2:17)
As such, I find it VERY hard to believe that a lot of the members - especially the women - would NOT immediately start to talk about how adorable Lucy is, and offer to help take care of her.
Similarly, there would probably quickly be talk of sharing water and rations with John - maybe suggesting he ride in one of the carts, to regain his strength.
The group help up the castaways up at the start, and there are some onlookers showing shock and pity... but that's about it, as far as I can tell.
“[T]here seems to be a powerful lot of ye.” “Nigh upon ten thousand [saints]” (No mention of who's in charge of this group.)
I had to look up the numbers on this one, and it took me a little while to find the right articles and sort through the details, esp. with the order I ran into the info. 😅
This Church article/infographic probably gives a good balance of info, and readability. This other article also gives some good info, and goes into a little more detail.
As the second article puts it, "It is difficult to identify an exact number of individuals who came to Utah[...]because not all the company rosters were turned in to the Church." However, numbers are estimated from 60k-70k.
This said, it's pretty common knowledge among Church members that they didn't all travel as one group, even if we don't always know the details. This said, Church pioneers were organized into 250+ companies - mostly wagon companies, with 10 handcart companies making up about 3,000 members total. The exact size of companies varied, but it looks like they averaged somewhere around 250 people, give-or-take.
Each company had a captain - some companies were known by the name of their captain. E.g. the handcart company captained by Edward Martin - the biggest of the handcart companies, according to this wiki page - was also known as the Martin (Handcart) Company. And apparently, companies were further divided into smaller and smaller groups, each group with their own captains - presumably, captains of smaller groups reported to captains of larger groups (that's how we tend to do things).
Interestingly, Church members tend to focus on the handcart companies, and not the wagon companies, to the point where I didn't know there was a distinction until until I stumbled upon this other infographic. The first thing I found with my search was actually this Church lesson guide" with a lot of info, including a map of their route. From the looks of it, I'm thinking the handcart companies probably made their own journey - it might explain a few things. 🤔 But I'm rambling...
(Still... since the infographic mentions the transcontinental railroad, I'll throw in a tidbit I think is fun: Apparently, the handcarts and wagons left such deep impressions in the ground that they were actually used when first laying down railroads. Thus, the width of railroads and trains is based on the width of those carts and wagons. 😀)
But yeah, whether going by the total numbers, or the size of a company, Doyle got something off there. 😅
“[W]e are the persecuted children of God—the chosen of the Angel Merona.”
First off, I dunno if it's a typo or what, but it's technically the angel Moroni.
Secondly - and I'm just going from how I've heard things talked about - while it's true they were persecuted a lot, along with the other hardships, I don't think it's likely that they would've focused on the fact that they were persecuted to the point that they would introduce themselves that way. More likely, they'd introduce themselves by naming their religion from the getgo - either in full or by the (now defunct) nickname of "Mormons".
Third and most important... we don't do the "chosen people" thing, and especially not chosen by an angel.
While we believe in angels, they don't have the same level of importance as in other Christian sects - esp. Catholic, I think; correct me if I'm wrong.
(And you may debate terminology, but we do consider ourselves Christian, because we believe in the same Christ that's in the Bible. The Book of Mormon even includes another version of the Sermon on the Mount.)
While we're vaguely aware of how some Christians put a lot of focus on angels, saints (as they define them - to us, any member is technically a "saint," regardless of how "saintly" they might be 😅), and specific demons in their belief systems, that's about the extent that most of us know. The average member isn't likely to be able to name any of them, esp. the saints and demons. I'm taking a guess that the list of angels includes those in the Bible (e.g. Gabriel), but if you asked the average member, odds are you'd get a blank stare, and an answer of "Uh... I dunno."
Putting the metaphorical definition aside, we see angels more as messengers and servants of God - they do His work as He directs, and like with living Church members, they won't have any authority unless He gives it to them.
The authority to choose people like that is not one of those that would be given, even if we considered it a thing, in general.
The Book of Mormon has mentions God not being "a respecter of persons" - as does the Bible, come to do a search. Or for those who don't know the term, the idea is that He doesn't favor people based on age, race, gender, level of freedom, etc. 2 Nephi 26:33 is one verse with that includes the spiel on the latter part. (I'll touch on a scripture that mentions the first part later, because of the context.)
In fact, there's actually a story in the Book of Mormon that talks about ancient missionaries (on the American continent) being shocked to discover a religion basically centered around that belief: people taking turns standing on a tower, giving an identical prayer, thanking God for letting them know that they were chosen to be saved while everyone else should perish, then departing and not even mentioning their religion until they gather again the next week...
The religion in that story is VERY MUCH used by Church members as an example of what NOT to do. 😅
In any case, if there was any choosing going on, it would be done by God - or maybe Jesus - and it would basically be choosing people who give Him respect, and already follow his teachings. NOT that He would choose a people to give teachings to for some, arbitrary reason.
“We are of those who believe in those sacred writings, drawn in Egyptian letters on plates of beaten gold, which were handed unto the holy Joseph Smith at Palmyra["]
While not that far off, for the most part, it is definitely romanticized, and feels like a very weird way for us to talk about this.
For the nitpicks, the writing wasn't drawn so much as etched or engraved - we tend to just say "written." That's the most common word in the BoM.
I don't think there's info on how the plates were made - it's not mentioned in the BoM as far as I can remember, or find, and it's hard to find a detailed description. One description I heard made them sound kind of like thick pieces of foil, though our typical portrayal is something like golden pieces of sheet metal, with D-ring bindings. And we tend to just call them "the gold(en) plates." That said, "beaten" sounds more-right than one, mistaken voiceclip I heard that called them "tablets" (which sounds WAY more heavy and impractical).
I'm having trouble remembering, or finding, the scriptural reference, but as fancy as the fact that it's gold sounds, I understand there was a practical reason: materials like paper and parchment tend to rot, and other metals tend to rust or tarnish over time. (And, of course, stone is hard to use in a space-efficient way, and tends to crack.) I understand modern science vouches for this.
Speaking of, it's odd that the mention of the style of writing is mentioned first - we usually say things like "...from (the) golden plates, translated by Joseph Smith." The bit about the kind of writing usually has less emphasis.
Still, the writings are described as reformed Egyptian. I don't know why the writing is considered "reformed," but the reason given for using reformed Egyptian (and not Hebrew) was so they could fit more writing into less space. I imagine that the fact that it was difficult to engrave words on plates - as one writer in the BoM mentions - might've been a factor.
(Speaking of Hebrew, the primary people focused on in the BoM report themselves as decendants of Joseph of Egypt, son of Jacob - the one with the fancy coat who was sold into slavery by his brothers.)
The plates weren't handed to Joseph Smith - they were revealed to him. Basically, they were buried in a (stone?) box, with a biggol rock for a lid, with some other items inside. Moroni is the one who showed the location to him (being the one who hid them in the first place - he's the last author in the BoM).
Finally, I understand this is a common misconception, but like with angels and saints, we don't worship prophets.
...Or at least, we're not supposed to. Though the way a lot of members act, I think there's a tendency to effectively worship the prophets... 😅
But no, it's not part of our doctrine to do so. We never say "holy Joseph Smith." We're likely to say "the prophet, Joseph smith," but we never put the word "holy" in there. It gives the wrong kind of impression.
"We have come to seek a refuge from the violent man and from the god-less"
I'm generally inclined to agree with the "violent man" part. But a lot of the persecuters were members of other Christian sects. We would call them FAR from "godless" - maybe a little misguided, and with a different view on the details, but we essentially believe that we worship the same God.
“We are the Mormons,” answered his companions with one voice.
First off, we don't have a hive-mind. I don't see any real reason why they'd answer in unison. It's not something we recite, or anything.
Secondly, as mentioned, the term "Mormons" has always been, at best, a nickname. It's never been an official name of the Church. We've been asked to abandon that nickname (and while we've got the biggest changes made it looks like we're still in the process of adjusting some smaller things, e.g. things on the website that aren't talking about the past). The main reason stated for this is that we want to emphasize the fact that Jesus Christ is a key part of our faith - even when we were still using the nickname, we emphasized the words Jesus Christ on our nametags, on the sides of our buildings, etc.
(Note: I'm including the word "Mormons" as a tag only because I think it'll be more-widely recognized, to help with visibility of this post. Otherwise, I'd leave it out.)
I think another major reason for abandoning the nickname is because it led to some confusion as to whether "Mormons" meant the same group. I've heard a story where some group was getting humanitarian aid, and someone apparently reported "We're getting help from two groups: the Mormons, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." (Cue laughter.)
But yeah, the term "Mormons" actually started as an insult - presumably mostly by other Christians, on account of the fact that, besides the Bible, we had another book that we believed in (the Book of Mormon, of course).
IMO, the fact that members accepted the nickname at all is a pretty good indication of our tendency to be on the doormat-y side. 😅
And just to make sure: no, the Church was never named after the Book of Mormon. Nor was the Book of Mormon named after the church. It's named after the person who did most work compiling and condensing his people's records that later became the Book of Mormon. (Mormon, of course. ...Moroni's father.)
[...]and were surrounded by crowds of the pilgrims
Technically accurate (aside from the inferred size of the crowds), but like I sort of mentioned, we prefer the word "pioneers."
(This said, as a kid, I used to mix up Church Pioneers and "Thanksgiving" Pilgrims. 😅)
[...]until they reached a waggon, which was conspicuous for its great size and for the gaudiness and smartness of its appearance. Six horses were yoked to it, whereas the others were furnished with two, or, at most, four a-piece
We don't really do flashy, and the companies had to be as practical as possible, and couldn't really pack much besides probably essentials. I'm pretty sure that a bunch of smaller, standard wagons would be more practical than one, big, fancy one.
Any fancy wagons like that would more-than-likely have been sold, to afford more, smaller wagons, or more food and other supplies.
Also, the text strongly infers that the big wagon is for the leader of the group. We don't give such deference. In fact, there's a lot of emphasis in our doctrine that the leaders have to work for a living as much as any other person. We don't pay our leaders with our tithing, or anything.
“If we take you with us [...] it can only be as believers in our own creed. We shall have no wolves in our fold. Better far that your bones should bleach in this wilderness than that you should prove to be that little speck of decay which in time corrupts the whole fruit
This is one struck me as wrong in so many ways...
As mentioned earlier, we have a very service-oriented culture. We believe VERY STRONGLY in helping others in need. We're not going to abandon someone to die in the wilderness just because they're not a member. Nor withhold food and water (as is done in this story until John Ferrier agrees to join).
Similarly, at this point, I'm pretty sure a lot of members would be converts, themselves. They don't have much reason to fear people just for being non-members because, at some point, most of them were non-members - they already know that one can very well come into the fold, of their own volition. (Also, it's already established that these two were Christians, already.)
If anything, members are more likely to be afraid of physical danger, especially after all they've been through. And a dying man and a small girl are NOT going to be a physical threat. (Not to mention that, again, there's no hive-mind: more likely, if anything different members might have different ideas. This said, as kind of a side-note intra-faith politics seem to be something rarely touched on outside of of the faith in question, regardless of the religion/sect/etc.)
ALSO! We have a VERY STRONG belief in freedom of religion. In fact, one of the things we try to have members memorize - the Articles of Faith, written by Joseph Smith as a summary of our beliefs, after being asked about it - talks about it. Specifically number 11, which states:
We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege. Let them worship how, where, or what they may.
*checks* ...Only some spelling errors (corrected) and one punctuation difference (left in). Still got it! 😁
But yeah, the decision to join the Church is supposed to be a choice. Even little children aren't technically considered members - we're supposed to wait until they're old enough to decide for themselves (officially, eight years old - with possible exceptions for people with mental challenges needing more time; Lucy is actually too young at this time in the story). ...That said, I'll touch on some more stuff in the next segment...
But yeah, a more likely response would be something like giving an invitation to learn of our teachings while along the way. And even if they ended up declining in the end, the two probably be allowed to live alongside the members, or helped to find another place to live if they so chose.
I was going to go even longer with this, but I think I'll actually put those comments under the next point...
John Ferrier and Lucy appear to be considered members as soon as John agrees to it - or as soon as Brigham Young makes it official
The direct authority of the President of the Church is not required for membership. More on this, later.
Besides that, Doyle missed a very important step in the process of becoming a member:
(And the laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost, but that comes after baptism... which tends to get more focus, anyhow, to the point where I think the gift of the Spirit is underrated...)
But yeah, the importance of baptism as a part of becoming a member is VERY MUCH emphasized in the Church.
We also note the importance of baptism by immersion - i.e. after a priesthood holder gives a prayer, he briefly dips the person into the water and pulls them back out, like John the Baptist did with Jesus. A fairly common saying is "Don't sprinkle yourself with the Gospel! Immerse yourself in it!"
There's also another important thing with baptism (which I bet some people are wondering about)...
Aside from the obvious safety reasons and such, and the part I mentioned earlier about how it's meant to be a choice (John shouldn't be able to make the decision for Lucy), there's another important element: while we do consider baptism an important element that has to do with "washing away sin" (or remitting it, technically), our definition of sin is to knowingly, and willfully, act against what you already know to be true.
Naturally, it takes a while for children to get a real sense of right and wrong. As such, little children are considered incapable of sinning.
Heck... there's an entire chapter in the Book of Mormon (Moroni 8) that's dedicated to this.
But yeah, like I mentioned earlier, eight years old is basically when you're officially considered old enough to decide for yourself. It's also what's known as the age of accountability - i.e. when you're old enough to have a sense of right and wrong (barring some exceptions), and are considered responsible for your actions.
Kids who die before the age of eight are basically believed to get a free pass into heaven. (No, we don't encourage trying to make this happen...)
But yeah, like mentioned, Lucy is five years old at this part of the story. She wouldn't technically be eligible.
And technically, even kids who grow up in the Church, with their parents as members, aren't considered members, themselves. (Though if their parents already had a temple marriage, the children are considered born in the covenant - basically already connected to their parents so they can potentially stay together, eternally.)
Though yeah, along with the basic Gospel principles, a big part of Primary (children's) lessons - esp. the littler children - is helping them get ready for baptism.
...Or trying to...
I'm going to go on a tangent, but I think it's an important one: baptism is really supposed to be something that a person decides to do, for themselves. However, with the way lessons are taught - and particularly, with the way the songs we sing are worded - we end up not so much helping children understand that they decide whether they want to be baptized, as we try to get them excited for baptism... like, for "when" it happens. Not "if."
(And in a way, it's not just with baptism. This type of thing is something that never really sat well with me, even as a kid.)
I don't know the ratio/percentage/whatever, but I do know that part of the end result is that at least some children end up not realizing that they're supposed to choose whether to get baptized, or not. I know that was the case for me, and I've definitely heard that I'm not the only one.
Heck, I remember being taught baptism is "a choice." But the way my teachers talked about choice, I actually didn't realize that "to choose" and "to decide" were synonyms... if anything, I perceived them as antonyms - I didn't see baptism as MY choice: I heard it as a choice that was made FOR me.
As such, I never even realized that I was supposed to be able to say "No"...
...and at the time, I REALLY would've liked to have known that. 😓
So... yeah. It's sadly very possible for children to effectively be baptized unwillingly - which actually goes against our doctrine. (I'll note that I, personally, probably would've voluntarily gone through with it at age 12, but at eight? Yeah... no. 😅)
But yeah, I can hope that things have been shifting. However, since I haven't really been involved in Primary classes since I attended, myself, I can't say what the trends are, at least for my local Ward (congregation/small geographical area).
Still, the idea that even a SINGLE child might be put through that? That the parents and teachers might fail to realize the agency involved in the process? It REALLY troubles me...
It is DEFINITELY something that I think the Church - or at LEAST Church members - need to do better on. 😢
...anyway, continuing... (And no pun intended, because of what the next one is.)
["]Forward! On, on to Zion!”
It's hard to say with the context, but for starters, this seems to be portrayed less as a rallying cry, and more as a chant. We don't do chants. (Which I guess might be part of what I've been trying to say, already.)
Regardless, this phrasing includes a common misconception: While the word "Zion" can refer to geographical locations, it's defined more as "the pure in heart." (And one of the few geographical locations mentioned in that link is in Missouri, not Utah.)
Similarly, I vaguely remember being told in Church lessons that's less of a place and more of a people.
But yeah, the more common phrasing we use is about establishing or building Zion. Sometimes we might use the word "gathering," though it's noted that while it was more literal back then, it's more metaphorical these days.
...Kind of makes it hard for members to travel onward to - even back then. 😜
And I know how cult-ish this might sound, but to me, right after this is mentioned seems like an appropriate time for the traveling members to break out into a hymn. I understand that early Church members did sing hymns along the way - not for any strict, religious reason so much as to try and keep their spirits up on the long, hard, dangerous journey.
["...]remember that now and forever you are of our religion. Brigham Young has said it, and he has spoken with the voice of Joseph Smith, which is the voice of God.”
...Well, props to Doyle for getting the names right, at least.
Whether or not this is inaccurate depends on definition, intention, and interpretation. However, given the phrasing (which we would never use), it sounds like the idea that essentially anything and everything the President of the Church says is also the Word of God.
That's not accurate. While they're authorized to speak the Word of God, they are still their own people, separate from God, and still very prone to mistakes. Heck, I know that my mom and I, at least, still like observing the occasional moment that reminds us that our Church President is still human.
Examples include:
Saying we're now going to sing a hymn we've already sung, then looking confused for a moment while one of the other Church Leaders walks up and turns the page on the program he's reading from.
Saying something (I don't remember what) and having his wife correct him. Immediately turns to wife and says "Oh, is that it?"
There's a rather comical moment where President Monson (already Church President) wiggled his ears in front of a live congregation. (And here's a link to the talk in question in case the video stops working. Linked to the paragraph in question, though there's an non-shortened video at the top.)
Heck, I've even heard a story where Joseph Smith, reportedly, gave a talk during one congregation. The week afterward, he came back and said something to the effect of "Last week was Joseph Smith talking. This week is God talking."
And then he apparently said pretty much the opposite of what he'd said the week before.
(I couldn't find a record of this story with a search of the Church website - it could be the quote I heard isn't accurate enough. Or maybe, if there IS an actual record, then it hasn't been transcribed to digital format, yet. Or both.
Still, even if just as a metaphor/analogy/allegory, I think it gets the idea across. 😉)
The area is referred to as "Utah" - mentioned as being a state
There are a number of contradictions here. Church settlers actually called the area Deseret, which is a word which the Book of Mormon lists as meaning "honey bee."
We kind of took on honey bees (and beehives) as a not-super-official symbol (i.e. not part of the doctrine, but part of the culture). The honey bee is seen as a symbol of industry - e.g. hard work. Industry is still the state motto - similarly, we're known as the Industry state - and similarly, the state emblem is still the beehive, and the state insect is still the honeybee. (Reference link.) Heck, the state flag still has a beehive on it. (Though a few years ago, someone made a proposal to remove it... go figure... Doesn't seem to have gone through, though, AFAIK.)
This said, while Deseret (the region) could be said to have been established in 1947 (I think), it wasn't made an official state until 1896. (For reference, the later particular part of the story, after a timeskip, is listed as taking place in 1860.)
Heck, the term "Deseret" is still used in some Church-related things. Examples include Deseret Industries (a Church-based thrift store/charity shop), Deseret Book (a Church-based book store, of course), and hymns such as In Our Lovely Deseret (which, IMO, is not one of our better hymns - not for musical reasons so much as the way it talks about certain things, particularly in the 2nd verse, where it addresses the Word of Wisdom* in such a negative way that that it gets kinda... contentious and prideful... heck, these days, younger members tend to have trouble getting through that verse without going quiet and laughing awkwardly).
But yeah, when it came time to make the area an official state, people apparently didn't like the idea of it being a religious reference (again...). So they suggested the name "Utah," meaning "tops of the mountains."
...We willingly accepted. 🤣
That said, importantly, as part of of the conditions for letting our area become a state, we were also forced to give up polygamy - which, predictably, is a major part of the story. More on that later.
But yeah. Again, from a number of different angles, there are contradictions on that front.
I think the story also mentioned members making trade with neighboring areas, though I'm having trouble finding the reference, assuming I didn't misremember. In any case, Nevada is mentioned a few times - not explicitly as a state, but still, Nevada wasn't established as a state until 1864. California is also mentioned once, in passing - this said, California actually WAS established as a state in 1850.
Heck, I'm actually not sure what, if any, relations we might've had at the time. 🤔 I'm not sure if we even used a real currency, at the time... I'm not having any luck finding references with a search on the Church site, and I'm not sure how I'd refine my search. 😅
*Some advice, given through Joseph Smith, with recommendations regarding diet and using (or rather, NOT using) certain substances. The part regarding stuff like drinking, tea**, and coffee is probably taken TOO seriously by members (like, a straight-up commandment), while the dietary parts tend to be forgotten (I remember another member saying "How many of us actually eat meat sparingly?" ...Heck, how do you quantify "sparingly"? 🤔)
**Herbal tea is controversial. I'll note that this type of tea was only invented in 1969, WAY after the Word of Wisdom was established. Members tend to debate whether it's the caffeine, the heat (the original wording for "tea and coffee" is technically "hot drinks" - Joseph Smith apparently had to clarify), or other details that are the issue.
Just to be safe, many members avoid even herbal teas. I'd basically decided to do the same thing (aside from trying to do a homemade, makeshift lemon-ginger tea - my family didn't have fresh lemons, OR fresh ginger 😅).
That is... until after I got prompted/impressed (basically, told by God directly, via the Holy Ghost) that I needed to get into herbal tea - starting with chamomile, to help me sleep better, and help manage my anxiety, somewhat. (I do cool it down. I prefer most of my drinks about room-temp, anyhow.)
I won't make a definitive claim on what this means for members as a whole, but I suspect that if it's okay for me, it's probably okay for the average member - most exceptions would probably be in the cases of stuff like allergies. For any members reading this, I recommend you stop trying to reason it out, and pray about it. ("Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding." - Proverbs 3:5)
Anyhow, continuing with the point of this post...
All around farms were apportioned and allotted in proportion to the standing of each individual.
Again, no. We don't give deference to our leaders in that manner. Leaders aren't paid for their Church service (it's pretty much volunteer work).
If anything, farms would be allotted according to ability and/or need - e.g. bigger, and more-farm-handy families would get bigger farms, since they had the know-how, and more mouths to feed. Non-farmers would probably not get farms, instead getting something more in-line with what they already knew how to do. From what I understand, people would probably basically just do what they did best, and basically help each-other as needed.
From the great inland sea to the distant Wahsatch Mountains...
I don't know if this is a typo, but I know at least modernly, it's "Wasatch Mountains."
There's also a later mention of "Salt Lake Mountains." Personally, I never heard the term before reading this story. Looking at a few maps, it doesn't look like an official name: the character using the term is probably referring to the part of the Wasatch Mountains closest to Salt Lake City, or the Great Salt Lake, itself.
Actually, come to look, I think Doyle made another mistake, this one geographical: the story later talks about travelers heading through the mountains as they head for Nevada, but looking at it, there aren't very many mountains between Salt Lake and Nevada; definitely not as big or as dense to the ones east of Salt Lake (in the other direction). In fact, it's pretty much just desert.
Come to think, I've traveled to Nevada a few times, myself. This is pretty in-line with my own experiences: I can vouch that it's STILL mostly empty desert. 😅
Above all, the great temple which they had erected in the centre of the city grew ever taller and larger.
Even as I first read this, I felt like it gave the wrong impression: sure, the Salt Lake temple is fairly tall, and, in a way, kind of castle-like, but I consider it more wide or long. The use of "taller and larger" makes me think of the Tower of Babel (which, as you may or may not know, was supposed to be a shortcut into Heaven, which God punished people for - confounding their languages so they couldn't all communicate easily, breaking the tower down... I hear that was also when what's now known as Pangaea was separated into the different continents...).
Anyhow, I already knew there was at least one detail that probably put a kink in this description. And looking it up, I can give more detail:
In 1858, about five years into the initial construction of the Salt Lake Temple, the foundation of the temple was actually covered up, due to threat of war. (Which, I totally forgot about the war thing. And apparently, Doyle also either missed, or forgot about that detail. I think I remember the story saying something about basically having no outside threats... I either haven't found it yet, or I misremembered.)
But yeah, it wasn't until the next year that the foundation was uncovered again, and as this Primary lesson says...
After the problems with the government were resolved, President Young ordered the foundation uncovered. The workmen found that some of the mortar and small rocks used between the large foundation blocks had cracked and shifted. [...] The workers removed the small rocks and mortar and all of the sandstone blocks down to the first layer, replacing them with hard granite blocks.
In other words, starting in 1859 they had to completely dig up the foundation and start over.
A reminder that this part of the story takes place in 1860. Odds are that the temple hadn't even really reached above ground level, yet. 😅
This said, the temple also wasn't finished until 1892, over 30 years later. (The granite blocks they used had to be shipped in from distant mountains, carved out by hand... it was hard, slow work.)
So... yeah, the temple wouldn't grow tall(-ish) for some more years. And its original width was planned out from the beginning, so it wouldn't grow bigger on that front, either. 😅
Lucy remains motherless/John Ferrier remains unmarried/"celibate" (as Doyle put it)
Not inherently false, but I do think it fairly unlikely. Like I mentioned, there's a strong culture of helping each-other out, and I really do think that a lot of the members - esp. women - would've gushed over Lucy, offering to help with raising her. (It's not directly stated, but it's pretty strongly inferred that John didn't get ANY help on that front.) Women in particular are generally tasked with assisting those in need and offering relief - hence why the Church's organization of women is called the Relief Society.
So, yeah. I find it hard to believe that there wouldn't be other members visiting often, helping in her upbringing. I particularly find it hard to believe there wouldn't be any women to help out... and while not impossible, I find it unlikely that at least ONE wouldn't leave a strong enough impression on Ferrier that he'd want to marry her. 😉
Again, not inherently false... but I think it pretty unlikely. 😅
This said, while I think I should comment on the subject of marriage in general, I'll do it farther down.
He had always determined, deep down in his resolute heart, that nothing would ever induce him to allow his daughter to wed a Mormon./["]What is the thirteenth rule in the code of the sainted Joseph Smith? ‘Let every maiden of the true faith marry one of the elect; for if she wed a Gentile, she commits a grievous sin.’["]
I looked up this so-called quote and found nothing about it. (A search for an exact quote literally turns up 0 results.)
I've never heard of a "code of Joseph Smith" (and we wouldn't use the term "sainted"). My only guess on what he could mean is the Articles of Faith that I mentioned earlier, which, none of them mention marriage - not even the thirteenth and last one (which basically just talks about trying to be good people, and good to other people).
Farrier's opinion isn't inherently contradiction - given that opinions are, by nature, subjective, and this is a fictional character - it is supposed to give him a sort of conflict that sets the background of his story.
In any case, I think I should still touch on this at least briefly:
There isn't a hard-and-fast rule that says that you can't marry a non-member. It is generally seen as unwise, but not much more, I don't think. Heck, Idon't think it's technically even considered a sin. Sure, it would mean you couldn't be sealed in the temple - which basically means you'd be missing out on a number of blessings - but there's nothing that forbids it, AFAIK.
Well... maybe some parents forbid it, and people might treat you weirdly, but that's probably as close as it gets. 😅
...speaking of which...
[T]o express an unorthodox opinion was a dangerous matter in those days in the Land of the Saints.
I can't claim to have exact knowledge of what kind of tension might've been going on, by a longshot. I'll note that, yes, I wish I could say that this is 100% false. I've definitely heard of intra-Church conflicts as far back as before the Saints even traveled to Utah/Deseret, long before reading this Holmes story. 😔
Still, the story seemed largely and dramatically exaggerated. (Which, in my non-professional opinion and observation, it seems like non-members, particularly anti-Church groups, have a tendency to do. 😅 ...Heck, on a broader scale, people who are against something tend to make up false rumors about the thing that they hate. Why wouldn't the same apply with us? 😕) In any case, the story didn't fit with what I've been taught about Gospel doctrine, or Church history.
This said, I still tried to find a specific reference, and look it up. It took me a while, because I had trouble finding it again in the story - even when looking multiple times. 😅 I did find it, eventually, and have since looked it up... even if it meant rewriting this section. 😂 (Or at least part of it.)
The story basically describes members suddenly going missing if they express controversial viewpoints and whatnot. It mentions these appearances being done by a particular group, which is given a couple names - apparently the most common name for this group is the Danites.
I, personally, had never even heard of the Danites before reading this story. (And I think it would be pretty weird if non-members knew something that the average member doesn't. 😕) BUT! That said, apparently there's a bit of truth in that they were real.
Emphasis on "were." Very, very past-tense... and apparently short-lived, among other things.
I found a couple of particularly good pages on the subject: this one gives a little information. this one goes more in-depth on general violence in the days of early Saints... both received and, sadly, caused by some earlier members. (I linked specifically to the part on Danites, if you want to check it out, but keep it short.) The article doesn't make any attempt to condone such violence, but neither does it cover it up. If anything, I'd say it looks like it goes into pretty good balance of detail. Both pages link a number of references.
But yeah, looks like the story of the Danites is wildly exaggerated. To sum up, they didn't go to kill any member who had trouble with any little part of Church doctrine: their focus was on non-member an ex-member groups who posed a potential, physical threat to members as a whole.
Also - while I still won't claim this was appropriate - they mostly focused on burning, or stealing, property from these groups, with (apparently) only a few deaths caused... which, while not mentioned in the articles, it sounds to me like their primary goal was to deter and discourage groups who might attack the Church, with killing probably being a last resort. (Or possibly meant to be avoided, altogether, but there's no accounting for the actions of individuals in ANY group. 😑)
Third, they lasted less than half a year. They more-or-less stopped being a thing by the time Brigham Young became head of the Church (as he's supposed to be in this story).
There's more, but I think those would be the main points for the sake of this post (which is running VERY long as it is... and I'm not finished 😅).
I guess I'll note real quick that we also don't really do secret societies, though I'll touch more on that in another section.
As for what I'd already written, I decided to touch more on how things are these days, modernly. I'm including most of it, with some adjustments for the new context:
Sort of like I said earlier, I've never heard of a member suddenly vanishing, just because they weren't sure about one or two points of doctrine, or anything. There are PLENTY of members who will talk about this or that multiple times, across multiple weeks. 😅
As for doctrine in general. We do still believe that murder is a bad thing (we basically still use the Ten Commandments, among other things). Things like self-defense might be another story. Heck, there's a story in the Book of Mormon where it talks about some of the people - namely the Nephites - deciding to go to war for the sake of self-defense (they were attacked first). There's a couple verses back-to-back talking about how God told them when it's okay to defend themselves.
But still, outright murder? Just for not being 100% true to the Gospel? No. That would be horrendously hypocritical, and it would be very hard to justify it.
I've mentioned that, if anything, modern Church members tend to be more of doormats. 😅 A lot of us actually tend to avoid aggression, contention, etc. (At least... in public. 😂) It's to the point where lot of us have a lot of trouble being assertive, or standing up for ourselves and our beliefs, because (like many others) we're not sure how to be assertive without being aggressive... or prideful, which we're also warned against. 😅 (Though many still struggle with it. 😔)
This is not to say that we never do anything... not-so-kind when/if someone expresses a non-Gospel opinion, or anything. Like I inferred, a number of us may express our disapproval in-private, when the person(s) in question can't hear. 😅 In public, members are more likely to be avoidant than aggressive. (I've definitely heard stories of people being shunned for one reason or another... though typically not until they'd long already moved out or something. 😔)
But yeah, we have an emphasis on bringing people (back) to God. Leaving people in wickedness is more intimidating - we tend more toward a fear that comes from not wanting someone to be tormented for denying the Gospel, and not coming back to it. 😅 Put positively, as one of our scriptures puts it, "the worth of souls is great in the sight of God" - a common quote among members.
This said, one of our most-common mistakes is that we tend to try to follow that more out of fear than of love. 😂 Or even when trying to be loving, we tend to accidentally give bad advice, accidentally insult people instead of showing empathy, all the usual stuff that a lot of people are known for. 😅
Heck, I'm not sure I've heard heard of any modern stories of a member getting violent - particularly not in that sense. That said, I'm not going to claim that violence never happens. Heck, I think it would be insane to assume that it never does. We're still human, after all.
I actually remember a young guy losing his temper at a Ward barbecue, once. 🤔 He mostly just yelled and jumped on a table - maybe threw a few light punches. Thankfully, someone managed to talk him down. 😅
(This said, I have heard stories of sexual assault within the Church. 😬 So... I think that's a pretty good indicator that physical violence probably happens, at least occasionally... 😔)
But yeah, the Church doesn't condone aggression, and encourages members to work towards peace - something I, personally, would like to vy for. Any violence in members is more of an individual thing, not a group one.
And even then, again, when it comes to a member not being completely faithful, most of what I typically hear about is avoidance, less-than-empathetic comments (often meant with good intentions, but... yanno), shouting from other family members... and maybe the occasional case of someone getting disowned. 😬
I still don't think the first two are good - maybe at least the second I can sometimes find understandable, but still. I definitely don't condone the latter two... (And if Church articles including this one are any indication, neither does God. 😔)
So... no, that kind of violence is DEFINITELY not something that's advocated for. 😔
Like said earlier, I am definitely NOT surprised that this is a major part of the story. Polygamy is one of the biggest points of misconception that non-members have about our Church, and we are VERY aware of the stereotypes... which this story fits to a T.
YES, early saints practiced polygamy. NO, as of this time I'm writing this, we don't currently practiced it (I've mentioned some of the reasons above). NO, we didn't practice it for the reasons, nor in the manner, that many people tend to think. (And NO, we don't try to skirt around laws regarding legal marriage age... at least, not in what I consider the real branch of the Church... some people have made offshoots that, as far as I can tell, are very much in line with the stereotypes. 😑 Not sure if they're still around - at least not the main one. Haven't heard anything in a long time. 🤔)
I mentioned before that the journey to Utah/Deseret was dangerous. Being as traditional as we are, especially back then, I understand that it was mostly the men that hunted for food, and generally worked to protect everyone from various dangers. Thus, apparently mostly men died, leaving the population a little skewed.
And when many women would be left without even the option to marry (or remarry, in many cases), what's left to do?
Near as I can tell, the whole polygamy-vs.-monogamy thing appears to be one of those things where it's less of there being only one, real way of doing things, and more of being about what's probably most appropriate for the circumstances. Jacob (father of Joseph of Egypt) is known for having multiple wives, and in his case - and some others - it appears to be appropriate, from what I can tell.
HOWEVER! The ancient Church members in the Book of Mormon (commonly known as the Nephites) were commanded by God to only have one wife per man. Also, thereas a mention that David and Solomon having many wives (and concubines) is something God considers abominable (His word).
So... it sounds like, even in cases where polygamy is considered okay, having an excessive amount of wives is still a no-no. Heck, in the Holmes story, it seems to suggest that having many wives was... typical.
I don't think the population was that skewed. And even if it was, it wouldn't be for very long. 😅
So no. I don't see how that would be possible. Even if, hypothetically, it were encouraged.
Heck, I'm kind of afraid to look it up (for numerous reasons - not sure what exactly I'd search for, for one), but I've heard that the husband needed permission from his existing wives - starting with the first/"main" wife, and working his way down - before he could take another wife. I've also heard that a common conversation was most likely something along the lines of "Sister XYZ lost her husband on our journey here. Do you mind if we take her in? Give her someplace to stay and raise her children?"
Quite a different image than the "harems" people tend to expect (and that Doyle called them), huh?
(And it's not mentioned in the story, but since I know some people will wonder about it, or have heard otherwise: no, the wives are not considered married to each-other.)
I'm not going to make any claims, nor denials, as to who had how many wives, or anything. (Other than I've heard a rumor - not a hard fact, but still - that Joseph Smith's wife wouldn't let him take in any other wives.) Those records will probably be a pain to sort through... I pretty much just take things with a grain of salt on that front, personally, regardless of the direction.
Still, just as an estimate, I'd venture that 2-3 was more common, with several happening occasionally... and just one still being very common.
But yeah, as of the time of writing this, I've basically heard only heard emphasis on the one-man-one-wife arrangement, as far as the Church goes. Heck, right now, the idea of polygamy still seems odd to most members, AFAIK.
That said... I've also heard rumors that Utah is considering making polygamy legal again. I would not be surprised if Church leaders say something about it.
(This said, there are some elements I, personally, can respect about polyamorous relationships. Namely, the idea of multiple people being in a relationship with another person - or maybe even each-other - and being open and honest about it with each-other. Less of that ridiculous drama of someone being "taken," just because they're dating.)
Related side-note... Non-members, ready to have your mind blown? The recommended guidelines for dating in the Church: first and foremost, it's recommended to hold off until the age of 16 - this is largely to help prevent early pregnancies. (Turning sweet 16 is something often looked forward to. 😂) Secondly, it's recommended to start off with "group dates" (basically hanging out, not even beginning to pair off), in order to get an idea of what kind of people you like. After a while of that, you can move into paired-up dating, but it's recommended to avoid dating one person steadily - the idea is to try and help prevent getting too attached to any one particular person until you're ready to pick someone to marry. Finally, once you are getting ready to marry, you can start steady-dating the person you're considering - basically, you can start courting at that point.
How much of that sounded weird - maybe even crazy? 😜
Not to say it always works out that way... Along with the fact that people have their agency and autonomy, and that temptation is still a thing... some of us still struggle to get dates. 😅
...or feel that the pressure makes it... more intimidating. Maybe even gets some people focused more on the social pressure - feeling a need to rush things - than on whether it's actually a good idea, in their specific, current circumstances.
(I know I've been impacted by that... indirectly... 😓)
The President of the Church (too many details for a header)
TBH, the portrayal of Brigham Young is probably the part that bothers me the most.
It might not have been so bad if Doyle wasn't misrepresenting a specific, named, major figure in our history - and particularly if it wasn't so incredibly inaccurately. But nope! Doyle was probably trying to be "realistic." 😅
It'll be hard for me to get into every detail (both emotionally, and just because of what it would take to point out EVERYTHING), but basically, the portrayal includes aggression, intimidation, making a point to oversee basically everything seen as a potential issue, outright threats... The narration even explicitly mentions that getting a visit is unlikely a good sign (at least for the character in question).
Regardless of whether one believes one such as him to have actually been called of God, I'll note that I, personally, haven't really known any of our Church Presidents (and other high-ranking leaders) to be much anything other than gentle. And to me, this seems like one of the major reasons why they would end up being President of the Church in the first place. Any guidance and correction I've heard has been - again - gentle, and loving.
Since checking the thing about the Danites, I've heard that he read some warning verses from the Old Testiment with passion... but I suspect that was mostly meant as a stern warning or something, from what I can tell. Other than that, about the worst he did was make it official that war was going on - after members had been attacked - rallying militia for defensive reasons, from what I can find. 🤔 Some... fighting spirit, I suppose, but not really aggression. There's even a point where he warned against getting involved in the affairs of some others in the area, because he didn't want a fight. (Though his message was... too late... 😢)
The bit about a visit being something to be concerned about definitely struck me as odd. Normally the possibility of getting to meet a Church President is something that members are excited about. 😅 Sure, maybe if one was, well... very much a sinner. (Which, to be fair, part of the idea is that Ferrier hasn't done something that, according to the story, is considered critically important...) But even then, stories I've heard about Church Presidents talking with sinners and the like typically involve a very gentle love that really does remind me of stories of Jesus.
Speaking of which, opportunities to meet a Church President in person are fairly rare. Especially these days. But even back then, things would be organized so he wouldn't have to handle everything, himself. Like I mentioned before, things would probably be handled by a Bishop or Branch President first, then a Stake President, then maybe one or two other levels of authority (I'm unclear on the details, but maybe a member of Area 70s?), before making its way to the Church President.
Even back then - basically any time except maybe the very earlier parts with Joseph Smith - the head of the Church would've been a very busy guy. Fact is, I really doubt he'd have time to handle everything by himself.
(Fun fact: Even the President of the Church has to talk to his local Bishop for certain things. I'm uncertain on the details, but one thing I think would be a good guess would be verifying records of personal tithings and other donations. ...Yes, even our leaders pay tithing.)
One particular omission I noticed was that there was no reference to finding out what God might want for any given situation. (Even with the very cult-like portrayal, this seems odd to me - I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be a common form of coercion.) This said, I'm pretty sure an emphasis on prayer would be more likely. (Or at least, I believe that it should have been. 😅) Most likely in asking Ferrier and others to pray... though praying himself, on occasion, wouldn't necessarily be out-of-place.
But yeah, lots of portrayals of stuff that would NOT be appropriate for his station. 😅
Incidentally, here's a bonus detail that even members tend not to remember: Have you noticed that I've been using terms like "the President of the Church" instead of "the Prophet"?
Well it turns out, unlike how even most members talk about it, the President of the Church is technically not "the" p/Prophet! Not even the only living prophet.
He might be sort of the head prophet, and he definitely is granted more power and authority. BUT! At EVERY General Conference for the Church, and even in some other cases, members are asked to sustain the President of the Church, his two Counselors, AND the Quorum of the Twelve (sort of the next group of authority down - our apostles) as "prophets, seers, and revelators."
Heck, here's a link to a reference of this being done in the April 2023 General Conference - the most recent, as of this writing, though our next one is expected next week. So this is very much a current exercise in our Church.
Still, somehow, the average member seems to forget about this... 😕 ...I admit, it's kind of a pet peeve of mine. 😅 It's something I wish at least our members remembered more-clearly, if nothing else. 😑
Marriage, general; insane controversy over Lucy being unmarried
Along with the polygamy section getting too long as it was, it just seemed appropriate to touch on marriage, separately. 😅 Still, these two points seem to go well-enough together that I decided to combine them.
While there is a lot of emphasis on marriage in the Church, it's not to the degree portrayed in A Study in Scarlet. Like with basically everything else in the Church, the ability to choose who you marry and such is still pretty important - for the wives as well as the husbands.
And while I'm sure there's sometimes drama over multiple people liking the same person (not that I've been part of that, nor been part of any circles that talk about these kinds of things...), it definitely wouldn't be to the point of Church leaders giving a one-month deadline, complete with ominous death threats, hunting parties tracking down anyone who might try to escape... or anything like that. 😅
Heck, it's pretty rare for Church leaders - even as much as a local Bishop - to get involved with stuff like that. 😅 Maybe counseling for couples after marriage - that's pretty common. Maybe some advice about marriage, proposal, etc. But nah, not going to mandate anything, by a long shot.
About the worst staying single is likely to result in would be some some "encouragement" (pressure...) from other members, or members accidentally assuming all the adults in a Ward/Branch ((two types of small congregations)) are married... and accidentally making exclusionary choices, accordingly...
To quote that article:
Sometimes even those of us who think we practice inclusion can be unintentionally exclusionary. For example, when I served as a nursery leader, I often missed announcements that were shared during the second hour of Church meetings. When I told a leader about this concern, he said, “But doesn’t your wife hear the announcements in Relief Society?”
(I guess I should probably give a note that the definition I heard - likely the Church definition - of "single" is "not married." Even if you're engaged, that doesn't mean you're not single. 🤣)
But yeah, someone being single in the Church isn't going to evoke shock, gasps, or anything of the sort. Let alone ominous death threats... or people hunting you down if you try to escape... 😂 In general, it's mostly just seen as a bad idea. Or at most, maybe a "sin of omission."
This said, while non-marriage is not exactly seen as good, I'm inclined to point out that *ahem* intimacy outside of marriage is typically viewed as MUCH worse. 😅
(Side-note: Apparently this is to the point that some find it hard to wrap their heads around the idea that intimacy with their new spouse being okay. 😅)
Also, a member having been married in the Church, and then getting divorced, is more likely to bring scrutiny... 😅 One of those things where a lot of members tend to get a lot more judgmental than I believe they should be. 😑
...But yeah, it can still hard not to wonder what might've led to something like that. 😅
...Still, I've heard cases where I would say that it's completely justified. 😒 (Someone pretending to be someone they're not until the other person was "stuck with them"? Yeah. Apparently it's happened at least once. 😅)
Besides, people can change, and I prefer to reserve judgment - at least until I know more. 🙂
(That's "judgment" as in "to make an assessment" - the scripture before the semi-famous "man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart" comes after Jesse assumed that Eliab, soon-king David's older brother, must be the one chosen by God to be King because, apparently, Eliab's big and buff. God basically goes 'Nope, don't judge him to be morally great just because he's a tough guy.'
Similarly, John 7:24 advises to judge righteous judgment - as does, actually, the Joseph Smith Translation of Matt 7:2.)
The most important figures in the Church are strongly implied to be the Holy Four
...Never heard of them. (Well, not outside of this story, at least.)
Honestly, given the context, it's hard to tell who this "Holy Four" is supposed to be. The Godhead* + Church President...? 🤔
...And honestly? Generally speaking, we're more likely to do things in sets of three. Three members of the Godhead*; three members of a Bishopric, or Stake Presidency, or the Church Presidency (all cases of one leader + two counselors); three witnesses of the Book of Mormon...
And when not three, other common numbers are eight, twelve, and seventy. Four isn't as big of a number.
But yeah, I'm not sure where this "Holy Four" thing came from. 😅
*The Godhead is sort of like our version of the Trinity, except instead of three beings in One, it's three separate beings, working as one unit (i.e. a team).
Ferrier is shown taking the Lord's name in vain
Not sure how relevant this is supposed to be to Ferrier's relationship to the Church, but I figured I'd touch on it.
Yeah, we don't encourage swearing. There's some debate as to whether things besides the Lord's name in vain is really considered swearing - or at least, many seem to agree that the Lord's name should, at least, be considered worse than other terms (not a teir-1 swear, or whatever that one word is considered).
But yeah, that's a no-no. ...And I'm only slightly surprised that there isn't an example of a practicing member breaking the Word of Wisdom (esp. the "no smoking, drinking, etc." part).
Secret groups are seen meeting, exchanging code-phrases, etc.
Like I was refering to with the Danites thing. This is another thing that the Church is against. Groups like this are what we call secret combinations. Secret combinations are one of those things that are described as "most abominable and wicked above all, in the sight of God."
Any secret societies and the like would not be sanctioned by the Church.
(Also, side-note, I have no idea what their code-phrases are supposed to mean.)
Endowment House - flags flown to indicate a marriage the day before
I actually hadn't heard of this, either, until reading this story. Turns out, it was a thing (again, past-tense). It was basically used as sort of a temporary temple, until the actual temple could be finished (something I'd guessed at). It doesn't seem to be much of a thing right now.
There's no mention in that page I linked of flags being part of an official ceremony, or anything (on the endowment house, or - apparently - in the streets). It's certainly not a modern thing - strikes me as way more showy and public than we tend to prefer things to be. Heck, marriage is one of those things that's considered more private. And if anything, one of the common comments about our wedding ceremonies is how simple they are.
And besides that, weddings are one of those things common enough, and with enough of them done in one day, that I really doubt there'd be any signals used for a single marriage the day after it was performed. 😅
I'm actually half-surprised there's no mention of endowments. I'm actually not sure if Doyle even heard of an endowment in our Church. It is something that's required before getting a temple marriage... or going on an official mission, though members can get one at other times. It's the thing that's related to the garments some of us wear (as some non-members called it some years ago, "Mormon underwear"). It's also something we consider sacred enough that it's done in a special room in our temples (basically hence the need for a temporary location while the temple was under construction for so long).
This said, a since only the first wife who's probably sealed to her husband, I'm pretty she'd be the only one that'd really need an endowment for her marriage, if she didn't have one already. 🤔
And I know I'm not being specific, but it's something that's also considered sacred enough that we're not really supposed to discuss it with others who haven't had it - if not just plain not outside the appropriate room in the temple.
I actually can't give details, even if I wanted, because I haven't had one, myself. But I remember that not that long ago, it was to the point that even members couldn't really find information about it by searching the Church website. (A point of frustration for me... And when bringing that up to a couple endowed girls, I remember them getting a little awkward and telling me "It's not secret, it's sacred." ...Which didn't help my frustrations, because I'd say it was at least both!)
A few details have been released publicly now. None of the sensitive stuff, but I've caught things about it once being called 'endowment of power from god,' and something about extra protection.
It's apparently also possible to put certain principles of it together if you know what kind of reasoning to use - even if you don't realize it's connected with the endowments, somehow.
But I'm not going into any more detail, nor look for more info on for the sake of this "dissertation." 😜 (Sorry not sorry.)
But yeah, an endowment house doesn't seem to be a thing now, marriages weren't forced, and I really doubt the flags were a thing. 😅
Wives observing custom of sitting up with someone the night before their burial
If this ever was a custom, it certainly isn't now. Sure, I'd say there's a tendency to stay by the side of someone who's dying, but it's not an outright custom.
...Nor have I ever heard of staying near an already-dead body the night before burial. 😬 Ew...
So... yeah. Overall, while I was surprised to see the Church in one of these books in the first place, once I noticed it was there, I wasn't really surprised of the shape the portrayal took. Like I said, we're very aware of the common stereotypes... and we're painfully used to being seen as "the bad guys" - whether as a group... or individually... 😢
Heck, I'm betting that A Study in Scarlet contributed to a lot of it, directly or indirectly. 😑 We all know how popular Sherlock Holmes is, and this is the very first book. 😬
This said! Far be it from me to try and tell people to abandon Sherlock Holmes. (I think that would be folly, anyhow. 😅) We don't have to accept every aspect of the stories... And Holmes is known for his deductive reasoning, first and foremost, which I can very much get behind (even if it's a little fantastical/romanticized), and I think he shares a lot of nuggets of wisdom. 🙂
And if the principles of reasoning and getting to the truth used in the Holmes' stories are any indication - not to mention the strawman moments *coughLestradecough* - I think that Doyle was just trying to portray things as accurately as he could, wanting to be true to them - not to add to prejudice based on falsehoods. 😂 ...Sadly, a lot of what he had to work with would've probably been misinformation, or even disinformation. And communication technology would've been a LOT less advanced - worldwide websites weren't a thing yet. 😅
...I wouldn't hold availability of resources against Doyle. Yes, mis- and disinformation is harmful... but people, as a whole, are fallible. I do think he was probably trying his best, and I'm definitely not going to hold that against him. And in general, I prefer to give people the benefit of doubt. 😌
Also? ...This might seem like a side-note, but in my latest fanfic, I've written Holmes references into chapters that haven't been posted yet, starting with the next chapter. I considered removing them, but I keep feeling impressed through the Holy Ghost to leave them - heck, I keep feeling guided on how to include them, and such.
(And to reinforce this, I plan - and feel impressed - to still stream those Holmes games I bought, on my Twitch channel. No, I'm not giving you a direct link. 😉)
And heck... not trying to brag, but to be honest? The general way that Holmes works things out - his patterns of thinking, and a lot of the principles of reasoning he stands behind? ...I actually find them very relatable. 😄 A lot of the stuff Holmes suggest is stuff I figured out/decided to do on my own (if in different words and such... and even if I disagree on occasion 😉).
I'm not going to claim to be on the same level as Holmes (this is fiction), and my strengths in knowledge and such are in different areas... but the general style feels very familiar... and I think this actually is the strongest I've ever felt a character to be a kindred spirit of sorts. 😃
Heck... I'd say Doyle must be something of a kindred spirit, to even come up with Holmes' manner of reasoning.
...Call this a bold claim, but I think he'd like me trying to correct his mistakes. Try and repair a little of the damage. 😌
So... yeah. I'm not even trying to preach or anything, I just want people to be aware of the inaccuracies in portrayals like this one, at minimum. 😅
And... I want to share that I can still fondly appreciate something that started with such a big flaw. 😌
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my ultimate guide to thiam fic !!
( as a new teen wolf stan )
the classic post war, long ass (multi chapter) fic !!with great development that genuinely made me laugh out loud, they have the best friendship in this & i love it very much. ( like theo teaches liam to drive and i just *happy sobs* ) a fundamental in thiam fanfiction !! all stans have probably already read it but if you haven’t this is in fact a threat ,, go show this vv iconic story some love !!
Airplanes - Captainmintyfresh
Summary: After the Anuk-ite and the hunters are dealt with Liam needs a break. Cue Theo and a road trip that Liam should know better than to think will be peaceful.
Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply, Completed, 43/43 Chapters, Words: 236,875 (236k)
okay okay so this one is also post 6B !! but ,, now we introduce fighting monroe & the hunters again ,, so we get the boys & a new mission !! so if you like an intresting plot 11/10 would recommend !! just to be clear this ISN’T complete ,, if that turns you off i understand but definitely give this one a read !! it litterally have theo doing crossword puzzles & fighting zombies
Vacancy Signs - LovelyLittleGrim
Summary: Theo and Liam are in Manhattan negotiating a pack allyship when the zombie apocalypse breaks out. Now, the two of them have to find their way back to Beacon Hills without getting eaten by zombies or killing one another.
Rated: Explicit, Graphic Description of Violence, Not Completed, 15/17 Chapters, Words: 89,605 (89k)
Royalty AU !! I REPEAT ROYALTY AU !! a fantastic au where i stan their moms more than i stan them !! genuinely so good at the childhood rivals to lovers trope !! i’m genuinely obsessed with this one. has made me cry more than once ,, hurts in a good way <3 the ending is just *chefs kiss* also one of the tags is genuinely: # theo and liam make bad choices for over 130k straight !! if that doesn’t sound appealing i don’t know what does !!
Artificial Love - songbvrd
Summary: Prince Theo and Prince Liam are forced to spend every Summer together from age five onwards. They hate each other, and usually find ways to make each other miserable as much as possible in their six weeks together. But when they're reunited because of intended unions as adults, things change. They're both supposed to be married to noble women, but neither of them is as interested in anyone else as they are with their childhood rival.
Rated: Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, Completed, Chapters: 32/32, Words: 172,935 (172k)
so if you are in the mood for a crack fic that’s not explicitally a crack fic this is for you !! okay so i’m really hit or miss with AU’s ,, sometimes i feel like they don’t quite capture the characters right but this story have the BEST dramatic liam i have ever seen in my life !! basically they all live in the same apartment building & it’s fantastic !! i saw this one floating around a lot but the summary didn’t really unrest me until i have it a shot !! so go read it rn !! also nolan & brett are genuinely fantastic and make me wheeze ,, LIKE ACTUALLY VERBALLY LAUGHING !! all i’m gonna say is that my fav characters are scott & the beetles but that won’t make actual sense until you read it !!
The Neighbors Song - TheodoreR
Summary: “I always hear you singing on your balcony every morning, but suddenly you’ve stopped?”
Or the one where Theo annoys Liam every morning with his awful singing until he doesn’t anymore and Liam is even more annoyed. Liam hates every single thing about his mornings -the fact that they happen in the morning alone is enough. The thing Liam hates the most about his mornings though is the terrible voice of the guy who lives below him. He can’t sing for shit and Liam tried to politely let him understand that by throwing flour and water on his balcony, and also by shouting it to him, you can’t sing for shit!, and then by writing it into a note he proceeded to attach to his door, but this Raeken guy just keeps doing it, every single morning, like a fucking rooster. Liam did nothing to deserve this. He probably didn’t do anything to deserve better either to be fair, he doesn’t expect to open his window and be welcomed by some angelic voice singing him good morning, he’d just be happy with nothing. Silence. That’s something Liam can appreciate in mornings. Just some bark from his dog and the sound of his misery and that’s it. But no, god forbid the new guy lets him have that.
Rated: Explicit, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Wanrings, Completed, 8/8 Chapters, Words: 42,814 (42k)
me: i’m not a big fan of AU’s ,, proceeds to talk about ANOTHER au… OKAY BUT THIS ONE !! it’s not complete but the author has been updating regularly ,, vv slow burn !! but in a REALLY intresting way !! i lOVE LIAM IN THIS SO MUCH ,, he is such a diaster of a person and it’s wonderful !! they have a great dynamic & i’m sucker for general puppy pack content ( and erica reyes being a badass ) !! also theo plays lacrosse in this & i really like it ahhhhh ,, also liam is just being an artic monkeys stan the whole time & theo is like *que confused repressed gay noises*
Inglorious Roommates - honeyscape
Summary: A roommate is defined as “a person with whom one shares a room.”
Theo would say a roommate was more along the lines of, “The person who's the bane of his existence. The weirdo that sleeps for days. The spaz that exercises at 3am. The guy with a revolving door of annoying friends. An insufferable human being that Theo has no control over living in his room.”
Example: Theo hates his roommate Liam.
okay okay i hate myself but i have another WIP for y’all !! this one is jUST FANTASTIC. i’m genuinely so upset it’s most likely not going to updated again *incoherent screaming ensues*. for this story ,, it’s very theo-centric bUT thats bc it ends right before liam becomes a concrete member of the story !! ANYWAY: basic plot = theo & acquiring not one but two children ,, so #dad theo but he is still crusty & homeless and i love him very much. it’s just so GOOD !! just read if you want to experience my fav theo coming out story & him etching high school musical
Look who's talking - Captainmintyfresh
Summary: Theo had been labeled many things in his life. Evil, failure, monster. He'd never thought Father would be one of those things but as he looked across the table to a six year old with blue smears of bubble gum icecream across her face trying to coax the first words out of her sister. Finger jabbing towards Theo's face as she repeated 'Daddy' again and again he couldn't bring himself to dispute the label.
(Theo accidentally adopts two young werewolves)
Not Rated, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings, Not Completed, Chapters: 16/?, Words: 48740 ( 48k )
so here me out: post-canon ( poetry like angst ) summer get away !! just the boys doing cute little domestic things together whilst pining !! theo’s guilt in this is just so powerful & aGjffkgkkfkvkdlv !! i think it’s so interesting to see how they interact in this one, it’s just very heart warming !! and it features one of my favorite niche teen wolf tropes of theo being great with like seven year old girls- it’s just so good ,, very much a wonderful little one shot that just makes your heart happy.
(next time i see you you'll show me) a hundred different ways to say the same things - cherrysprite
Summary: “...You deserve good things,” Liam says eventually. He makes sure not to look at Theo even though he can feel his eyes turn on him. Somehow he can already tell that Theo doesn’t believe him.
Liam instantly makes that the goal of this summer - making Theo believe him.
Rating: Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, Chapters: 1/1, Words: 28875 ( 28k )
okay so this next section of fic recs is a bit different !!
two of my favorite authors !! and a compilation of fics i’ve read by them both !!
for context: these two have written some genuinely gorgeous fics, like pure poetry, they explore the real gritty & scary side of our boys relationship in such a wonderful way. they’ve both used some of my favorite tropes & i love them very much !!
whenever i need something soothing but so genuinely intresting & enticing these are my go to !! ( also they both write a lot of good nolan angst & some vv good fics with hayden )
go check out:
as well as fallingforboys
here are some of my favorite fics by them ~
darling i want you here in my arms (kiss the pain away, i know you can) - fallingforboys
even before you touched me, i belonged to you (all you had to do was look at me) - fallingforboys
memories linger like tattoo scars (but your touch on my skin is just as permanent) - fallingforboys
skin, bones, a stolen heart, and an ugly creature lurking underneath -fallingforboys
i don't know how to breathe in the place i called home - fallingforboys
whisper your gossamer truths into the shadow, maybe you'll find the answers you're searching for - fallingforboys
between the mountains and the valley we built a monument to our regret - eneiryu
cracked the hinges of the cage and waited for you - eneiryu
okay and finally: since i am a self centered whore
my own fic: an rendition of the # elevator scene
it’s basically my version of post canon if we did get the kiss in the elevator. we got a classic liam pov in which he is has 12/10 for extreme bi diaster energy even whilst being shot at !! so go him ig…
Fuck Off, Fuck This & Fuck It! - nefelibata_peach
Summary: Liam thought to himself heart rate climbing, they were bound to be dead by morning. So he thought with everything but his brain and he kissed him.
Where Liam Dunbar is very confused, slightly traumatized, and just a bit scared but hey, aren't they all! Bad decisions ensue as two boys fight in a war they never did sign up for.
Rating: Teen and Up, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Chapters: 1/1, Words: 3558 ( 3k )
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
Some more self-indulgent writing! Mainly because of a post @zestyzealot reblogged a while back and inspired this piece. 
(This is the post I’m referring to!)
P.Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan
Tag: @polyvirnl
Context: There’s no miraculouses. None. Nada. But the Bats still exist. Marinette uses her time to expand her brand MDC
Marinette huffed as she placed the last crystal bead onto the hem of the black skirt in her hands. 
Bringing it to eye level, a wide smile graced her lips, a smile breaking as Marinette giggled to herself as she watched her vision become reality.
Finally! After four long and exhausting days, it was done. When she started on Monday night, Marinette wondered if this project would get in the way of her weekly sleepover with Alya. Thank God it didn’t.
Placing the skirt on her bed, Marinette smiled as she took a picture of her latest piece for her new collection: 12 o’ clock.
That’s when the hatch on her floor opened up with a creak, Marinette watching as her father poked his head into her room. Why was he here?
“Marinette, there’s someone here looking for you.” He said, giving a side glance down below. “Please tell me he’s just a school friend and not another boy you asked to model for you.”
“Dad, I already told you, Luka is Juleka’s older brother, he- wait, he? It’s not Alya?” Marinette asked, wondering where her best friend was at. 
Yes, Alya gave her a heads up that she was running late for their sleepover, but she wasn’t downstairs yet? And her father had said ‘he’ instead of a guy friend’s name, so… who exactly was waiting for her downstairs? 
Because despite only saying the name once, her father tended to commit to memory the names of all of her male friends. “What does he look like?” 
“Well, he’s a bit on the short side,” Tom started, “has green eyes, tanned, wearing a turtleneck with some of those suit pants-”
“Slacks.” Marinette helped.
“Those,” Tom corrected himself, “and he has a dog with him.” Tom ended, watching as Marinette mumbled to herself.
Marinette didn’t know anyone with a dog, nonetheless with that type of fashion, causing Marinette to start pacing around her room, racking up some idea as to who it was that was in the living room. “He called the dog Titus, if memory serves me correctly. Or if I heard correctly for that matter.”
That caused Mari to stop in her tracks.
A turtleneck with slacks, a Great Dane named Titus, tanned skin...emerald eyes.
“No. Way.” Marinette quickly motioned her father to go down the ladder, quickly following him into the living room, her eyes widening upon seeing her theory be true.
There, standing inside the Dupain-Cheng living room was Damian Wayne with his dog, Titus.
“Took you long enough.” Damian said, adjusting the duffel bag on his shoulder. Titus wagged his tail as he saw his boy open the bag and give him his toy. 
Just then, the door swung open, Alya panting as she dropped to the floor as soon as she walked in.
“Girl, you wouldn’t believe who I just saw! There, as soon as I turned the corner of where I lived, I saw the Damian Wayne with his dog, and- why is he in your living room?” 
“Seeing as you finally caught up,” Damian said, walking over to Alya, handing her a heavy plastic bag. “Take care of Titus while we’re out.”
“We?” “We?” “We?!”  Alya, Tom and Marinette spoke at the same time, although Marinette’s came out as a squeak.
“Did you forget what you told me?” Damian waved his phone that was in his hand. Marinette watched as he showed her a tweet...her tweet in particular, Marinette now going into a state of panic. “You invited me to egg-” Marinette screamed, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment as she lowered his phone and dragged him out the apartment, leaving behind a confused Tom and a giddy Alya. 
“You actually read that?” Marinette asked once more, covering her cheeks as they walked towards the park square. 
“I did.” Damian hummed as he adjusted the egg cartoons under his arm, a dangerous twinkle in his emerald eyes. 
Marinette let out a silent screech, confusing Damian. “Did you think I wouldn’t read it?” When he saw her nod, he sighed. “I read every comment left under any post I write. Sure, I don’t respond to any of them, but your comment… seemed… interesting.”
Marinette wanted to disappear into a black hole. Damian actually read that stupid comment she had left under his post. 
It was a post from earlier that week - a picture Damian had uploaded from the recent animal shelter he was volunteering at (as well as funding). 
Another post about an animal up for adoption, this time, a hamster named Louis. 
Marinette was scrolling through the comments under the post after retweeting it, when a particular one caught her attention.
<3 ACNH is Life <3 @eliza_beth 
Replying to @Real_BloodSon I have a pet chicken and just wanted to ask if the candle method is a good method to check for egg development.  If so, then are they safe to eat? If not, what’s a better method?
Everyone knew Damian loved to offer help when it came to animals -as it was no secret- but something stupid inside of Marinette thought she should do the only logical thing in her mind.
She commented on it.
Deadlines Are Approaching @a_mari_not_bug
Replying to @eliza_beth and @Real_BloodSon If it turns out that it is a good method, can I have some eggs? I’ve been wanting to egg someone's house as of late. @Real_BloodSon care to join?
Marinette didn’t think he would actually read it, let alone actually come. Wait…
Damian lives in the US, not France, unlike her. 
So how did he know where she lived, let alone reside?
“How did you know where I live?” Marinette asked, realizing they were finally at the park, right across from the targeted house, not even realizing that she had brought him over to the house in question.
Damian blinked, setting the cartons down onto the bench.
“Tsurugi told me.”
“You know Tsurugi. As in Kagami Tsurugi?” Marinette asked, wondering where he had met her friend. 
Damian nodded.
“We met during the semifinals for the international fencing competition.” 
Oh. So that’s how they knew each other. 
Damian let a smirk grace his lips. “Obviously, I won.” 
Marinette simply looked at him in awe, causing Damian’s ego to soar more. Of course, that didn’t overcome the other feeling he had inside his chest.
After all, there was no way he was going to tell her that he has been following her account for quite a while. 
So using the amounts of aesthetic pictures, selfies, bakery promos and mini photo shoots, it didn’t take long for Damian to pinpoint where she lived. 
That’s not following Damian. It’s called stalking. 
Okay Drake, but in his defense:
1- it was his side account that he uses for his own personal interests.
Damian didn’t exactly like having thousands of people following him because he was a Wayne. He wanted to be followed for being Damian. 
2- he had been following her for quite a while.
Two solid years to be exact. 
After exchanging social media accounts with Kagami, Marinette was one of the few people Twitter recommended to follow.
Marinette peaked his curiosity when Kagami mentioned Marinette being the person behind her “lucky” fencing bag. (Although, she didn’t want to admit that she used it as a luck charm.) It was an all black duffel bag, enchanting golden embroidery that collected to a single dragon. 
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Kagami had provided. A girl in her grade from her school in France, who designed the most intricate designs Damian had seen. (Yes, he has seen all of her sketches and final products of the things she had designed…yes it did involve scrolling through her photos and accidentally liking all of them as he went…)
3- it was too late to press that “follow” button when he already kinda didn’t do it as soon as she followed his own account. 
When he finally noticed that she did already follow him, he didn’t know what to do. Should he follow her back? 
“Not yet.” Dick had told him. But just how long did he have to wait? He was stupid for listening to Dick’s advice and he definitely wasn’t going to follow her back now. Or should he?
“So,” Marinette started again, looking around the area, scanning to see that no one saw them. “Have you ever done this before?”
“As in egging a house?” Damian watched as Marinette nodded, wondering if this was her first time doing this. “No, but it shouldn’t be any different than throwing snowballs.” Damian compared, remembering last year’s winter. 
Jon had managed to convince the Wayne’s and the Kent’s to do a snowball fight. 
The Wayne’s obviously won. 
“Guess you have a point.” Marinette replied, attempting to vision Damian’s analogy. She picked up an egg and looked at it and then at the window of the person who had been causing her turmoil these past few days. “Are you… are you sure you want to go with this?”
“Aren’t you?” Damian asked, awaiting Marinette’s signal. He had perfectly balanced a dozen eggs into the nook of his arm, one being juggled in his other hand. 
He was ready and from the twinkle in his eyes, eager to throw. 
Marinette found herself smiling, letting out a laugh as she grabbed a few eggs herself and balanced them in her hand. 
“Between you and I, I've been dreaming of doing this for the longest.” Marinette said with the biggest grin Damian had seen her with that night. “Ready?”
“Always.” Damian replied, mirroring her grin as the two looked at the target, Marinette throwing the first attack.
Marinette hummed as she doodled in her sketchbook, her mind wandering to last night’s events. 
She hadn’t known how much stress she had built up thanks to Lila and her constant need to be the attention of everything. 
The messes Marinette had to clean up due to Lila causing disorder during class and after class, all because of Lila and her gazillion and one ‘medical’ problems.
Marinette didn’t realize how emerged she was towards throwing eggs -with great accuracy- towards Lila’s bedroom window until she threw her last egg.
She remembered how satisfying it was to have thrown all of those eggs at the window, that glee when Damian smiled at her. 
How happy she was when Damian complimented her for her graceful and precise throws despite the low lightning of the park lights. 
Marinette placed her pencil down as she finished adding some last minute touches to the coat she had finished designing when Alya slammed her hands in front of her. Marinette quickly looked up at her friend, tilting her head when she was met with twinkling eyes.
“Did you hear what happened to Lila last night?” Alya whispered, causing Marinette to quickly tense. 
“N-no? What happened?” Marinette asked, closing her sketchbook. 
“Her house got egged. Well, her bedroom window did.” Alya corrected herself, watching as Marinette let out a gasp.
“No way! Poor Lila.” Marinette looked over to Lila, watching as she was surrounded by their classmates to gather to listen to her woeful story. “Who would ever do such a thing?”
“Beats me.” Alya said, looking at Marinette, a faint smile on her lips. “You and Damian wouldn’t happen to have been involved-”
“Us?” Marinette instigated, causing Alya to lean forward. “You think Damian and I would do something that stupid and not think of the consequences that awaited us? No way.” Marinette denied, causing Alya to sigh.
“Should’ve known you wouldn’t be up to it. Only you would step down after overthinking about the consequences.” Alya said as she patted her head before taking a few steps from Marinette. “Not like anyone would know who it was since the security cameras of the area seemed to have gone off at that time, strangely enough. Maybe if I hear what Lila has to say about the event, I’ll get some hints as to who it was.”
With that, Alya left to go and listen to Lila, leaving Marinette by herself.
Finally alone, Marinette let out a sigh, feeling her back relax. She felt as a smile rose to her face. 
Giddily, she took out her phone to send Damian a text when a Twitter notification caught her attention. 
She quickly checked it, her smile growing even more. She went back to sending Damian a text.
You bugged the cameras last night?
Damian: A necessary precaution. 
Marinette giggled at his response.
Also, I saw you started following me. Now we’re mutuals! 
Damian liked your message.
Damian: It was only a matter of time, seeing as we egged your enemy’s home.
More like someone I dislike.
Damian: Same thing. 
Damian: Query. Would you like to join Titus and I for a walk at the park? 
Sure! Class ends at 3. Meet you then?
Damian: Titus and I would await you then.
Marinette grinned as she placed her phone away as the school bell rang, signaling the beginning of class. 
She couldn’t wait to spend time with her newfound friend! Who knows what mischief awaited the two!
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The Other Side of Light (Fringe/Polivia Fanfic) - (Rated E)
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Olivia goes out, post-Fauxlivia, for a little payback. Peter is not happy. A few provocative texts, a few angry words, and one dark nightclub bathroom. (Rated E: YOU WERE WARNED!) Angst and smut! Smangst!
Full posted below, but if you prefer, you can read at AO3: HERE
The nightclub Olivia chooses for her petty revenge is unrepentantly Gothic; to get in, she has to walk down a long, matte-black hallway that’s carpeted in plush red so deep that her stilettos sink halfway down into the pile.
The hallway leads to an arched wooden door heavy with wrought iron, strong enough to keep out anyone deemed not attractive enough to enter, and guarded by only a single sentinel—a petite, chalk-white woman who couldn’t be more than twenty, wearing a corset ensemble straight out of a Burton film. Olivia might have smiled, despite the vendetta of the evening, but she’s a little too startled by the cataract-colored contacts that the girl is wearing to be properly amused. There’s a little cast-iron welcome mat just in front of the pedestal that the woman sits on, and Olivia steps onto it.
“Are you on the list?” the woman asks, and she sounds much more alive than Olivia feels.
“No,” Olivia says.
The woman looks Olivia over, from her four-inch heels to the curve-hugging red dress that’s much more marrow than blood (unlike the carpeting in the hallway behind), stopping when she meets Olivia’s eyes, which are framed by heavy bangs and the sweeping fall of blonde hair that curls down to Olivia’s bare shoulders.
Olivia’s phone vibrates in the small, jeweled clutch that she’s carrying. She doesn’t bother to check it because she doesn’t want to be swayed from her mission. But the tips of her ears burn when she thinks about the text she’d sent just before she’d taken her first step down the corridor at her back.
I’m going out tonight to find someone who looks enough like you to make me forget.
“What are you here for?” the woman asks, swinging her stacked-heel boots lazily. A small, secret smile is on her lips, and Olivia wonders if this place has seen so many fuck-you plans in action that they consider them blasé.
“Payback,” Olivia says bluntly, and the girl’s smirk splits into a wide smile, teeth startlingly white against her black lipstick. She thumps twice on the heavy wooden door, and it opens, yawning into a murky space that’s thrumming with dark, slow techno. Olivia’s stomach turns slightly.
“Welcome to Nocturnal,” the hostess says, waving at the dark. “Have fun.”
Peter’s never been so angry—and the worst part is that there’s nowhere to put the anger. He can’t very well lose his shit in the middle of the grocery store, and as much as he wants to fling his phone at the nearest display of avocados, it wouldn’t exactly fix anything.
The text onscreen burns past his eyes, and every time he rereads it, he feels like someone is tattooing his retinas with the sixteen razor-sharp words that are displayed. By the time he finishes reading them for the twelfth time, he’s breathing like he’s run a half-mile. He manages three words in response, none of which are the words he wants to send.
Where are you?
What he wants to send is the following, in this order:
Don’t you fucking dare.
I can’t fucking believe you.
I’m so fucking sorry.
She’s got her phone in her hand. Peter knows this because three little dots dance across their message thread for longer than he’d like. Before her message comes through, he texts again.
Olivia, don’t do this.
The dots stop. Then, a photo comes through in lieu of words. It’s a picture of Olivia’s leg, the red fabric of her skirt falling away from a high-cut slit to reveal way too far up her thigh. The photo is far enough away that the edge of the picture is haloed with neon, but too close up for him to see where the barstool she’s sitting on is, in context.
The dots resume.
Did you buy her this dress? It fits so well.
“Fuck!” Peter’s outburst draws stares. It’s not as if the store is crowded, but now he’s pacing, raking a hand through his hair, racking his brain for where she could have possibly gone to pick up the lookalike stranger who’s going to completely destroy his heart. Again. He knows he looks like a lunatic, standing in the middle of the produce section, one message away from total despair.
Liv. Please.
Dot. Dot. Dot.
Did she like it when you said please?
Peter abandons his grocery cart, leaving the bottles of root beer to grow warm and the vanilla ice cream to melt. The automatic doors rush open, letting him out into the night. Somewhere—in a city of nearly a million souls—he has to find the one wounded one that he’s promised his own to.
Tell me where you are.
Walter’s Vista Cruiser starts up on the first try—a small miracle in the cold. As the windshield defrosts, Peter stares at his phone, propped on the dash. Every cycle of the dots makes his stomach flip. He squeezes the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turn white.
There’s another photo. Two fingers of whiskey, straight, in a short glass. A man’s hand is curled around the glass.
Come find me, she texts.
And there are no more dots after that.
The man who sits beside her is older than Peter by about ten years, thicker-set, and dripping with gold chains and heavy rings that glint in contrast to his very expensive suit. After he buys Olivia a drink, ordering the same whiskey for himself, he tells her his name is Cyrilo, and that it means “lordly.”
He’s pale, and he has close-cropped dark hair, which fits both her aims (if she squints) and the club’s vibe. But Olivia gets the impression from the way he’s sweating that her companion’s pallor is substance-driven, and not because he’s some prince of the night who has found himself inconveniently exsanguinous. Tonight, she’s the only vampire in Nocturnal; ready to take to fill the void that nothing else will.
Cyrilo tells her she’s beautiful, but she wonders how he can even see her, based on the size of his pupils. Olivia smiles and pretends to be interested as he launches into his catalog of accomplishments and possessions—apparently, tech is still lucrative enough in Boston to outfit savvy businessmen with the trappings needed to impress women in clubs.
Nocturnal seems to attract not only the types one would expect, but the types that liked the types you’d expect. Olivia is not what Cyrilo expects, even in her daring red dress and matching lipstick. This is what attracts the forty-something microchip executive to Olivia, she guesses. Cyrilo is interested in her for the exact same reason that he’d be interested in trading in his year-old Lexus—prestige. Appearances. She’s shiny and new and luxury, as far as he knows. And he’s hoping she bites.
What the man next to her doesn’t know is that, inside, she is all rough edges and breakdown; falling apart in ways that no one-night stand could ever fix. Even as she sits here trying to make herself see Peter in Cyrilo’s features, in his softer jawline, it’s only a vicious form of self-flagellation.
“So, what do you do?” Cyrilo asks, when it’s fifteen minutes past the last text she sent Peter. The question is a welcome distraction from her itching fingertips.
“I work for the FBI,” she offers, without hesitation.
His eyebrows rise. “No shit?”
“No shit.”
He grins and lifts his glass to his lips, studying her over the rim. His eyes are not the right shade of blue. “You shoot anybody?”
“Not today.”
Olivia sees it when a more alarming thought crosses his mind. He laughs quietly, nervously. “Oh, hey, are you here working? I mean, full disclosure, I had a little bump before you showed, and if—”
Olivia holds up a hand. “Not working. Just looking for some company.” She forces her lips into a smile.
The gesture feels plastic to Olivia, but Cyrilo smiles back, shifts on his own barstool to lean closer. “I am excellent company, Officer…?”
“Agent,” Olivia corrects.
“Dunham.” Peter’s voice behind her makes the hairs on the back of Olivia’s neck stand up. Then, after a beat, and completely ignoring that she’s not alone, Peter says crisply, “A word, if you have time?”
Olivia turns to fully face Cyrilo, fixing his eyes with hers. “I don’t, actually. I’m busy.”
Now, Peter is at her elbow, leaning down to whisper fiercely. He smells like the winter—faintly of wet wool and smoke and the edge of ozone that comes just before the snow. Despite having just come in from the cold, he’s practically radiating heat. Despite herself, Olivia’s breath catches, and a low heat flares in her belly.
“Liv. Now.”
Cyrilo shifts away from her slightly. “The lady said—”
Peter moves, looms over Cyrilo, and his voice is so soft, the small smile on his face so outwardly unthreatening, that Olivia has to wait for Peter’s words to gauge his intent.
“You’re friends with Big Eddie, yes? I’ve seen you at his parties.”
Cyrilo’s eyes grow cool. “Maybe.”
Peter laughs, and there is absolutely nothing joyous about the sound. “I thought so. You’re the microchip import guy. Look, Eddie’s made a lot of people rich just for looking the other way. Shame for it to become public knowledge that you’re an underground capitalist, if you get my drift. Not exactly income you’re letting the shareholders or Uncle Sam in on, is it?”
Cyrilo’s fingers twitch against the black glass bar top.
“Finish your drink, and have a good night,” Peter says brusquely.
To his credit, Cyrilo meets Olivia’s eyes, his expression questioning.
“It’s fine,” she says, purposely laying her hand on his thigh. “It was nice meeting you.”
Olivia stands, shoots the last finger of whiskey from her own glass, and leans in to kiss Cyrilo on the lips—lightly, quickly, enough to make Peter’s hand tense at her back.
And then, she lets Peter lead her from the bar and to the perimeter of the dance floor, his fingers, laced with hers, tight enough to broadcast his mood. Peter doesn’t speak, but he doesn’t need to.
There’s a row of single-room bathrooms lining the back hallway, eight in all. Peter barrels toward the farthest door, yanks it open, and reaches in to flick the light on—not that it helps much in the painted-black interior.
“In,” he barks.
Olivia brushes past him with a lift of her chin, yanking her hand free of his grasp. This wouldn’t be her choice of places to have the fight that’s been brewing for weeks, but, hey, she might as well make the most of her night out. 
The door is barely closed behind him when she hears the lock click into place.
“What the ever-loving fuck do you think you’re doing, Olivia?”
Peter feels as though he might vibrate right through the checkered tile floor under his feet. He sees red—and not just in the sense that he is burning with righteous indignation, but because he can’t tear his eyes away from Olivia in the red dress that he had, in fact, bought for the other.
By this point, they’ve circled each other like wild animals half a dozen times, he’s unbuttoned his coat and tossed it over an overly ornate glass table next to the sink, and she’s settled with her back against the door. The color of her dress is making her a beacon, a flame, the source of all heat and light in the universe as she presses against the contrasting pitch-black behind her. She’s chewing her thumbnail, and it only serves to draw his eyes to her lips—slashes of scarlet that he wants to taste so badly that it’s making him bite the inside of his cheek to garner some restraint. No matter what every cell in his body is screaming for, he can’t touch her. They’ll both burn.
“How did you find me?”
Peter leans back against the pedestal sink behind him and crosses his arms. “You told me to find you. What does it matter?”
They stare at one another across the scant feet separating them. She drops her thumb from her mouth, a slow smile curling over her face—one that doesn’t reach her eyes.
“You never told me if you like the dress.”
His gut clenches. “You’re being unfair.”
“Really? No, no, Peter, unfair would be to ask why you bought it for her. What was the plan? Romantic dinner? Anniversary? Maybe you wanted her to wear it just so you could see it on your bedroom floor.”
“Olivia, for God’s sake…”
She reaches up and unclips one of the clasps at the shoulder of the dress. The strap there falls, and the heavy silver clasp ends drag the two halves down her back and front. Olivia doesn’t look away from Peter. “Clever how this fastens. Easier to take off of her?”
The upper swell of Olivia’s breast spills over the top of a black, strapless bra on the side of the undone clasp. The heat in Peter is now decidedly not just anger. “Liv, it was for you. The whole time, it was all supposed to be for you.”
“I don’t wear red, Peter.”
“It comes in blue.”
She reaches for the other clasp, the one at her opposite shoulder. “Did you?”
“Did I what?” his voice is rough now, the way he sounds and the way it feels pushing out of his throat, and he angles off of the sink, taking a few halting steps forward. He wants to be within her reach, doesn’t care whether she intends to claws his eyes out or dig her painted nails into his back while he fucks her. He’s just desperate for anything but the indifference that’s been between them for the past weeks.
Olivia’s eyes drill into his. “Ever take this off of her?”
He shakes his head. “She never wore it.”
Her fingers falter at the second clasp. “She didn’t?” There is a flash of something Peter can’t read across her perfect, porcelain features—and her eyes fill.
Peter rushes the last three steps. By the time the tears fall, his fingers are deltas in the streams of Olivia’s sadness, and he cups her jaw and swipes his thumbs over her cheeks, feeling viscerally the depth of her hurt. It cuts deep into him, aching as though he is solely responsible, which Peter knows he isn’t—but there is no one else here for her to pour her sadness out on; and he would suffer a thousand undeserved cuts if it meant that she would be eased, and that he could be this close to her again.
Olivia’s arms come around his neck. Peter presses his lips to her cheekbone, tastes the salt there, and he’s murmuring soft, comforting nonsense that gets cut short when she suddenly turns her head and presses her mouth to his. The kiss startles him. He leans away, and Olivia looks up at him, her face hard and her deep-forest eyes far away. There is no remorse there, only anger still, and before he can disentangle from her, her fingers are working at his jeans, undoing the buckle of his belt, yanking the button free, tugging at his fly.
“Liv, wait, I—fuck.”
Her hands are on him. “You never fucked her in this dress?”
Peter’s eyes roll back. He braces both palms on the door behind her and tries to think of crime scene photos and Walter cooking naked and the pickled animals in the glass jars back at the lab. He’s in the bathroom of a night club, with his jeans shoved halfway down—they’re in public, for all practical purposes. But he fails utterly at being anything but instantly hot and hard in her palm, because, God help him, he has wanted this Olivia Dunham since the first time she grifted him in Iraq. He reconsiders his earlier impulse.
“No, Liv. Fuck. Please, we shouldn’t. Not like this.”
But he doesn’t move away. In fact, he drops his head to watch as she curls her fingers and squeezes up the length of his cock, and he tips his hips into her grasp when she slowly strokes back down.
“No?” she asks.
He can’t breathe. When he doesn’t answer, Olivia’s fingers withdraw. Fear flickers across her face—they have fought monsters together, but he can see in her eyes that she doesn’t want to be one. Her chin drops, quivers.
Maybe this is what we need to clear the air.
“Yes,” he says fiercely. “Yes, Olivia. Yes.”
Peter pulls her hand back to the gap of his fly, and he uses his free hand to grab her by the back of the neck as he leans down to take her mouth. In the next few moments, between kisses that double as skirmishes, she gets his jeans and boxers down around his ankles, and he gets the cool, flowing layers of her dress up over one of his forearms and tears her panties off. It’s easy for him to lift her against the door—after all, she weighs so much less than the tangle of conflict and sorrow in his chest—and it’s even easier to press her thighs wide and push his cock inside her.
Olivia’s haunted eyes fly wide when his hip bones meet hers, and he grinds in just a bit tighter, watching her face until the pleasure in it is shaded with the barest edge of pain.
Maybe this is all there will ever be between us. Everything hurting just enough so that we don’t forget.  
And then, he withdraws, returning to start a savage pace that has the door behind her shaking on its hinge pins. The spike ends of her heels dig into his lower back.
“Please, please,” she chants breathlessly, her hands in his hair, her nails marking his scalp. The pain is good. He deserves it, mixing with the pleasure, reminding him that this bliss is also meant to be penance.
“She never had me like this,” he rasps, punctuating his words with thrusts, knowing without asking that this is what his Olivia wants—something the other never had.
“Like what?” Straining against his rough pace, she surges forward and bites him, just where his jaw and neck meet. His eyes roll back, his knees weakening as she sucks the skin she’s captured.
He wants to see her face, but she’s doing sharp, magic things with her teeth at the open collar of his shirt—things that he never wants to end. Peter growls into the soft hair at her crown, “Out of control, against my better judgement.” His shoes squeak on the tile. The door behind Olivia seems ready to jump the hinges. “I could tell her no, Liv. But not you. Never you.”
Olivia’s beyond responding, and her thighs are tense at his waist. “Peter…”
They should be in bed. In low, soft light, where he can worship her slowly. Where he can take his time and make every touch an apology and every sigh a promise for the future.
Impossibly, he moves faster, harder. “I love you,” he growls. “You.”
Her eyelids flutter, and then close, and her head falls back as she clenches around him, white teeth clamping down on her crimson lower lip. Peter presses a hand over her mouth, and he can feel the force of her moan when she starts to come. She clenches around the length of him, and it’s too much. Three breathless thrusts later, with his eyes fixed on Olivia’s euphoric face, Peter, too, explodes with pleasure. He chokes back his own moans, whispering Olivia’s name in worshipful rounds as his vision blurs at the edges.
It’s not long until his knees buckle. They both slide to the ground, out of breath, and Peter has the wherewithal to curve an arm around her as she sags bonelessly against him, her body racked with aftershocks.
When their breathing has slowed, she lifts her fingers, grabbing a fistful of the back of his shirt. He can feel her fresh tears wetting the front of it.
He has no plans to move from this floor.
Maybe we can survive on these crumbs.
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feralnumberfive · 3 years
The Rewatch Academy: Episode 4 of Season 1
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“Man on the Moon”
I am in no way a good analyst so my little analysis and speculations probably sound a bit goofy or pretty wild and probably mean nothing at all. Everything I put into this post about each episode is purely what I noticed or thought, whether it’s funny or serious. I will be making jokes, so please just leave it at that (in no way am I trying to make fun of an actor and or character!) I am also in no way saying I noticed this stuff first. This is just what I noticed while rewatching these episodes
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1x01 | 1x02 | 1x03 |
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☂ So at that point Luther had already been alone for about five years (due to his siblings leaving when they were 18 or even 17 according to Diego), and by alone I mean he did’t have his siblings with him. I’m not counting Reginald, Grace, or Pogo because I’d imagine they weren’t the best company. There was a two year gap between Luther getting the serum and then being sent to the moon. He had already been “alone” for five years before he was sent away to be completely alone for four years. He hasn’t had really any social/outside interaction besides going on missions for almost ten years, which means Luther is an awkward dude and he hasn’t been a true leader because he hasn’t had anyone to lead. I don’t think people really realize this and I think that’s where some of the hate towards him comes from 
☂ We see that Luther looks into Allison’s and Klaus’s bedrooms as he makes his way down the hall, and I’m willing to bet he did that for all of his siblings. Makes me wonder how many times the siblings went to Five’s room to visit it or to even check with hope that he had come back  
☂ I wish I could ride my bike around my house and chug a gallon of milk :[
☂ I can’t believe that Reginald still made him wear that leather battle suit 💀
☂ Why are there posters of animal anatomy in the infirmary?
☂ Apparently it takes between two to four months to grow a full beard, so that’s  about how long Luther had been lying there
☂ *suffers through the Allison and Luther scene*
☂ “HoPe I wAsN’t BeInG tOo LoUd”
☂ Vanya and Leonard were really sweet in the beginning. Screw you Leonard
☂ It’s really sad that not one his siblings notice that Klaus is gone. Not. One. 
☂ Are you telling me that Klaus and Five are certified freaks? At least I’m sure that’s who Cha Cha is referring to, or maybe it’s Luther
☂ I tried looking up tortures in Trinidad to see if Cha Cha was referring to any specific event, but I think it’s just a random thing in the show
☂ It’s only when Diego mutters “The boy” that it reminds him either of Five’s superhero name “The Boy” or his new appearance as a teen again so it finally clicks in his head that that’s who the mystery kid is
☂ Diego admitting that he doesn’t really know how to process his feelings!
☂ He’s very protective of his family and that’s something that I love about Diego. He doesn’t know who Hazel and Cha Cha are but all he knows is that they are searching for Five for some reason and that his siblings almost got killed last night
☂ Five doesn't realize the suffering that he’s putting his family through at this point since he’s only focused on finding who’s responsible for the end of the world. It’s ironic that he’s doing all of this to keep them alive and safe and yet him not being with them almost got them killed. Five buddy, you should have included all of your siblings from the start no matter how much they annoy you
☂ Also where has Five been this entire time? He left the van at night and now it’s the next morning. He’s been following the guy but why did it take him so long to corner him?
☂ Ope, and there’s a continuation error! When Luther takes his arm out of Five’s dresser, he takes part of the wood panel with him. When it cuts back to Diego talking there’s just a fist size hole
☂ “We barely got out with our lives.” Okay but where were you, Pogo?
☂ It’s funny how quickly they revert to child-like shame when Pogo scolds them. At least they still respect him I guess
☂ Is Hazel eating potato chips with ketchup? 
☂ I think one reason why nobody notices that Klaus is gone is because none of them saw him that night during the attack. They possibly assumed he already had left the Academy??
☂ Looooove the “Shingaling” scene. They are straight up vibing
☂ I don’t know why Luther was frustrated with the van door being locked. It’s not like he could rip the door off or anything.......
☂ I have a two questions here:
Why did Diego know where to find Five based off of the book? Sure he saw that it came from the library, but that doesn’t mean that he’ll be there
Wouldn’t Luther and Diego have seen the smoke coming from the Meritech building? Unless they left immediately and weren’t able to see the smoke even though they probably were still in the vicinity when it began to burn
☂ Five is holding the man’s arm to make sure that he doesn’t get away (hard to tell in the pic below though). He needs that sense of security that this lead isn’t going to escape his grasp, but I’m sure that if he were to run he wouldn’t get far when you can just teleport after him
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☂ I got a nice pic of Five (also the dude on the bike that was riding behind Five as he runs up in this shot just does not care that this building is on fire) 
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☂ When it shows Five on the ground, it at first starts off with light and slightly comedic music before it quickly switches over to something dramatic. I always thought it was funny that they play the light stuff as we see Five just laying there 💀
☂ You can see just how quickly Five’s face changes from shock to disbelief and disappointment as his only lead is literally blown away from him look, you can pinpoint the exact moment his heart breaks. Also Five definitely would have had hearing issues since we can see that the windows on the building behind him were shattered. He’s staring into your soul....
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☂ There’s nothing really significant about this at all, but Whippets are racing dogs and in the comics Five goes to watch a dog race at one point
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☂ “I hate sprinkles.” Hey, me too!
☂ I love that Griddy’s is still open despite the damage that was done to it
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☂ Diego left home at 17 (which is illegal so I wonder if he was emancipated or maybe Diego ran away and Reginald didn’t care to look for him) so I wonder if the others left when they were 17 too or if they waited until they were 18 
☂ Luther I don’t really think you’re one to talk about being “grown up” my guy. In fairness none of the Umbrellas know how to be fully functioning adults, not even Five who’s about twice the age of his siblings and is almost a senior citizen
☂ “I stayed because the world needed me.” Hey that was basically Five’s reason too, but more so for getting to see his family again. Anyways, like brother, like, uh, brother! 
☂ "And things are never gonna go back to the way they used to be.” You sir just predicted the next week(s) (and technically years in the 60s) of your life and the lives of your siblings! This also applies for what happens after those weeks/years, but we haven’t gotten there yet but it’s certainly not the way things used to be!  
☂ How was Luther upset enough that he wanted Diego to stop talking after he said something genuine and a bit sad?
☂ This whole relationship talk isn’t exactly relatable......
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☂ He’s just chillin’
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☂ Reginald can ✨perish✨ Oh wait, he already did 
☂ Here I am taking any little scrap and running with it, but when Five says he’s going through puberty twice does that mean that he didn’t get his aging altered by The Commission? In the comics, Temps Aeternalis/Commission stopped Five’s aging but here it sounds like that didn’t happen. Since we haven’t heard anything about Five’s DNA in the tv show we don’t really know much about his aging alteration either. I think that they really do have to leave that part out due to Aidan himself, who is a growing teen, and for the fact that they would need to come up with an excuse for Five’s aging (Aidan already looks different in S2 and he’s taller too). I wish they would bring this stuff up in the show!
☂ Five deflects answering the question of what he’s the best at most likely just because he’s just distracted but also possibly because he doesn’t want his brothers to know at this point
☂ First the feral chimp smile and now this
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☂ Five actually sounded serious when he was talking about how many people he has killed and how he’s the ”Four frickin’ Horsemen” which is more so an exaggeration but it still shows us that he views himself as dangerous and powerful. He revealed this to them while he was drunk, even though they don’t really understand, but I wonder if Five ever actually planned on telling his siblings what he did and how much blood he has on his hands. I feel like he would have told them after he had saved the world from the apocalypse, but yet again I could also see him brushing off questions in relation to what he just said to Luther and Diego to hide his past from his family
☂ ✨”Little Psycho”✨
☂ As eerie as all of those ghosts are, it’s a really neat scene
☂ It’s not really meant to be funny, but Klaus denying the duct tape just reminds me of a little kid refusing to go into timeout 
☂ I guess Cha Cha got out through the door next to the bathroom when Klaus was banging his head on the table?
☂ It’s a shame that Patch died right away, I really liked her
☂ Klaus, where you’re going really isn’t any better 
☂ It’s sweet that Diego puts Delores down gently and doesn’t just toss her somewhere. Even though she’s a mannequin, Diego knows that she means something to Five
☂ Well Luther I think it’s pretty self-explanatory what he meant. You just need more context 
☂ Diego: *signaling that someone, possibly a threat, is approaching and to be alert*
Luther: 🕴👁`👄’👁
☂ Even if they did think that Klaus had left the Academy before Hazel and Cha Cha attacked it, it’s sad that it took them this long to think about him
☂ Luther patting Delores is so cute
☂ Say it with me kids, “Patch deserved so much better!”
☂ My heart breaks to see Diego so heartbroken and upset, especially when he says “I gotta go, okay? I can’t be here when they come, okay?” Ugh, that gets me
Feel free to comment or reblog with things you have noticed too!
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Okay so. This like a shamelessly obsession fueled side blog where I reblog fics I like and hope others will too. I haven't posted much original content here but I feel like @something-tofightfor and @its-my-little-dumpster-fire deserve special thanks right now because
I've been watching a lot of older ben stuff recently and his characters all have such ??? sad ??? endings?
Spoilerly stuff below ----
Character by Character
John: abandoned and divorced by father and wife and about to potentially lose the family estate
Dorian: led astray by someone he thought was a friend, he reclaims his soul i guess but he burns alive doing it. I've never read the book so I don't know if that last scene is really supposed to convey a measure of redemption or not
Caspian: becomes a king at a very young age, loses his father, then Peter and Susan then Edmund and Lucy after becoming like family with them. He is literally confronted with the choice to cross the boundary of death at the end of dawn treader
Ryan: the movie assumes he starts to settle down or finds another person to call home at the end but that song, well, it doesn't come from a place that has never known some really hard and alone times
Josh: the trailer is so bad I'm never going to watch locked in but the premise seems to be he caused an accident that put his daughter in a coma and then he thinks he might he going crazy hearing her voice. So again. Sad and distressing
Sam adams: reckless and angry and careless and ready to tear the world down but comes to the realization his talent for oration can help the revolution as much as his fists. Although he's still not steady this is arguably one of the happier endings. The scene where he stands like a dare on the deck of that ship puts my heart in my throat and has "standing point blank in front of a pistol with full knowledge of my own mortality" energy even if the range isn't point blank
Nic: literally dead by the end, loses his father and his girlfriend. his brother enters the one world nic didn't want him to have anything to do with. Also he's so deluded with the idea of belonging to something fraternal and powerful throughout the film. The scene where he burns the card in his hand makes my heart hurt too because hand burns are painful and cruel
Benjamin: this is also supposed to be a happy ending but the show leaves so many loose ends it makes me worry the environment of julia's family is going to just let him keep lying and manipulating without being sure of love as a moderating force for that part of his personality. And also he went to jail off screen as a younger man for something he didn't do. Also he has a panic attack on the bedroom floor that's never addressed. He just feels fragile and that just makes me feel defensive and protective.
Logan: one of the worst fates by far even though the "poor little rich boy" thing makes Logan hard to empathize with at the beginning I'm starting to think Ben could play almost anyone and I'd empathize with them. Anyways Logan ends up dehydrated for days in the desert, abandoned by father and sister, gaslighted by william, and ultimately succumbs to drug addiction. Then the (big spoiler) Forge takes on his face and voice and some weird echo of his personality in what would have been a personal hell for Logan - always trying to figure out if there was another path or lifetime in which his father didn't abandon him. And guess what, turns out everything "always ends up here" at the point where Logan is drowning and his father turns away anyways
Billy: selfish and greedy though he is, the glimpses we get of his past makes those character traits make sense and also read like defensive mechanisms as much as anything else. And those traits would be forgivable except his fatal flaw is? I'd say pride except he's bowed down to a man like Rawlins. He can't bend long enough to explain to Frank what his part in the carousel murders was. He supposedly didn't think that the ambush would kill the rest of the Castles, so he feels guilty and the part he did play hurts him enough he avoids thinking about it beyond the mantra that it wasn't him behind the guns. I get the sense that Billy is mad at Frank because Frank knows Billy's capable of terrible things but neither of them thought he'd ever be complicit in Maria and the kids' death. Billy doesn't want Frank to believe he's that kind of bad but he also isn't willing to reach back and make amends. They know one another too well to be anything less than infuriated at the others' pretenses. Punisher s1 feels like a little like if King Lear's Edmund and Edgar got a betrayal tragedy all to themselves; and then punisher 2 is painful because the score should be settled except the last fight shattered all Billy's already crooked pieces and the picture he puts back together from them is somehow both younger and more solidified and committed to following a betrayal to its logical conclusion than even s1. He's more wicked in s2 but also somehow raw for it. No more polish no more of anyone except himself. Except he doesn't know who he is so that's a fun acid trip
And the newest ben guy, Aleksander. He's just so Lonely. He's nearly immortal and finally running out of resources at one of the peaks of a war hundreds of years long. He's also manipulative and sort of casually dismissive and cold but this also makes sense in context. But he's also sweet and has this really bent righteous streak that's oddly on brand
They both have an amazing grasp of character and know how to write slow burn like pros. They also both really nice. Go check out their stuff and leave some likes!!
As much as I love ben's complicated characters, I think he's right. It may be time for a sweeter palate cleanser. Something that's not going to leave me feeling like my heart is cracked. Again. It doesn't have to be a romance or anything and honestly I'm a little romanced-out as far as movies go. Id just like One Thing without a romantic subplot. And just something with a little gentler of a resolution possibly. Although I'm going to he grateful whatever new content we end up getting from him 🙏🏼
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