#for fudgelling-away
amalia-uwu · 4 months
“You are the best”
Gift Oneshot for Fudgelling-Away @fudgelling-away 💚💚💚
Sans x Female Reader
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Undertale by Toby Fox. The rights go to the respective owners!
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels.
Warnings ⚠️ : light angst,
Your majesty, I offer you this oneshot.
Please my queen, accept this humble offering!
You came home after a long day.
By the time you woke up..
Things were just going downhill. You hit your toe on the bed. Slammed your head on the table.
It started raining, the wind turned the umbrella around 5 times.
At work not only the manager was being a total jerk, some customers really tested your patience and limits. Too much work paperwork..
Of course, they spilled coffee on you cause why not? This day is already awful! What else could get wrong?
You reached your door all wet, cause someone drove over the puddle on the street as a result the muddy water splashed all over you.
...Great. Just great...
You sighed.
You stepped in.
Sans heard the door opening "Honey?" his soft masculine voice called. He sounded from the kitchen. You didn't have the strength to speak. Your eyes began watering. You felt them burning.
You stood at the door not saying a word.
He came and looked at you. His happiness turned to shock, concern, understanding..
His eyes widen "Oh". He could understand from your face that you could barely keep it together.
"Before anything else, how about you take a shower, then come talk to me? Hm? There are fresh washed clothes and hot water waiting for you. Then come eat and we will talk yes?".
You smiled clenching your teeth and silently nodded.
You left your things and went to take a shower.
You washed your hair, then filled the bathtub with hot water and let yourself relax.
The water warmed your bones and alleviated the soreness and tiredness. That gift box Sans brought you had the best fragrances.
Coconut, rose, mango, floral and many more beautiful smells.
Right now you used lavender.
Eventually you cleaned the bathroom and went to the bedroom.
You saw the clothes he picked up for you, laying neatly on the bed.
Okay, you chuckled.
The shirt was green with heart designs on it.
The pants were a darker shade of green (forest green) with pandas on them.
Your white wooly jacket, with the teddybear-like hood that neatly laid above your bed.
You got dressed and walked downstairs.
He left food for you and a glass of orange juice on the table.
Sans looked at you. You approached him and hugged him.
He hugged you back. You began crying.
Everything that had happened today, came back to slap you hard on the face.
"Bad day?" he asked softly. You nodded.
"wanna tell me what happened?".
"too much work, the manager is a total jerk. On the street someone splashed muddy water all over me, they spilled coffee and... Today is just terrible".
He caressed your hair and gave your a cheek a soft kiss.
You smiled at that.
"Hey, now it's okay! Sshh.. Look, I made you, your favorite food. We can see your favorite movie and eat the cake I baked. Sounds good?"
You broke the hug and kissed his cheekbone.
You loved how his face blushed. That faint blue hue under his eye sockets drove you nuts.
You sat down and you ate the food he made for you. "Mmm" the flavors were so good.
Sans had stopped eating, he was just watching you. He loved the way you eat.
He found you so adorable.
You looked at him. Cheeks stuffed and slightly blushed. You swallowed and said "It's delicious, thank you!"
Sans smiled, man he was adorable when he was getting shy. You wanted to put him down and kill him with kisses.
However, the lady you were. You repressed that desire.. For now.
When you both finished.
You drank the orange juice. You felt better.
You were so happy around him.
Even in bad days. You couldn't help but smile, when you were close to him.
He was the light in the darkness.
You washed the dishes and then laid on the couch.
He brought you closer, wrapping his arms around you. You laid on top of him. Your face on his sternum, listening to the soft humming of his soul.
He was warm and soft. His bones and magic made him a soft chubby teddy bear.
He threw a blanket above you; your favorite color, green.
You smiled and kissed his sternum, were his soul is..
"You are the best" you whispered loud enough for him to hear.
"You make me happy! Thank you sweetheart" you added.
He smiled and caressed your back. He kissed your forehead
"I'm always here for you, y/n. Don't forget that, no matter what. I am always here my starlight".
You smiled "same goes for me sans. I'm always here"
He rubbed your back as you buried your face deeper into his ribs.
"I love you sans" you mumbled and slowly closed your eyes for a nap. You had the best boyfriend in the world.
"I love you too Y/N" he whispered.
This day had a good conclusion after all. You were happy!
The end 😘
Thank you for reading! 💙
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merethessc · 2 months
Hello! May I just say that I absolutely love your art? You have such a unique, realistic style that I am coming back to look at your artwork over and over again, eating up all those details and expressions. You depict various emotions so well. I love it all SO MUCH. Your Sans looks adorable and realistic. Thank you for sharing your work with us! Have a great day!
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Oh my gooood thank you so much <33333
This made my day, im so glad to know that my art is something to come back to
Thank YOU for enjoying my art
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ut-against-genocide · 28 days
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Undertale Artists for Palestine! CAMPAIGN FOR PCRF.
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Undertale Artists for Palestine!
If you pay a dollar you donate, one of us will draw something for 5 minutes.
The drawing request will only be available until May 31st. Feel free to donate all the funds will go straight to Palestine's Child Relief Funds.
Awesome Artist who are helping:
a cat (Organiser)
Please be patient with your request, this is all volunteer work, be aware most of us don't have much free time or money ourselves!
If there are any questions, or if you want to help volunteer as well. Feel free to leave a message on this account or email [email protected]. Thank you!
If you cannot donate please REBLOG this post OR share it with your friends and family! Let them know what's going on in Rafah! EVERYTHING HELPS!
You are also free to repost these images to spread awareness FOR PALESTINE!
Personal shout out to @/karsyntries for inspiring this campaign with their SepticArtist for Palestine!!!
Thank you for all the artist who agreed to volunteer and help me with this.
Check them all out!
- Anon Cat :3
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ak1rahamada · 2 months
Small Hands
I said I would draw this so here it is :]
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I must kith.
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yun-shuten · 2 months
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@htsan @fudgelling-away @leafwateraddict
ask and ye shall receive
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angelbitezzz · 2 months
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Kofi doodle request for @fudgelling-away! (Same username on kofi so im assuming this is yours...!) of Classic Sans
Y'know, sometimes it's just nice to go back to basics!
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leafwateraddict · 2 months
Sansnomaly Playlist~
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luna-is-lost · 3 months
Hey! BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD!! 😉 Once you are given this award, you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 💞
Thank you, to answer this I drew you, @amalia-uwu
I used @fudgelling-away ‘s design of you as reference, sorry if it isn’t very accurate.
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Thank you for all the support, you are a lovely person as well.
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amalia-uwu · 4 months
For 🤍💚 🤍💚 @fudgelling-away
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The blossoms next to Sans is supposed to be a Blue Cornflower...
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espiekiss · 7 years
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ak1rahamada · 2 months
Happy Birthday @fudgelling-away!!! I hope you had a great day ♡♡
[I'll draw you some more soon dw, I just had to put this out cause I was exited.]
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I’ll start this the way our conversations always started.
It is possible to travel to the past, mathematically speaking. I bet my ass Ecuador will be the f*****r to turn Assange in. Wanna “make out” or “fudgel”? Is it okay to have a crush on the Syrian dictator, Assad? I think Putin is gay.
Also, I have a confession to make. You might think you are, in your very own words, “smokin, brooding-son-of-Satan  kinda hot”, but that wasn’t, in the name of the Fallen Angel, what pulled me to you. That wasn’t why I approached you with my flirtarious smile neatly plastered on my face that day in the conference and said, “Lashkaare marta Hindustan? I mean Delegate of India, right?” That hunger to know all there is to know in the world, that sense of being at ease with who one is, isn’t found often and when I saw it raging in you that day, eyes flitting carnally over the pages of your book, I knew I wasn’t going to let it go. In those 20 minutes that I kept staring shamelessly at you from across the hall, I found out that you were different, awkward, weird. Sucked into your book, tapping your broques, absent-minded, with not a care about hooking up with a girl for the dance about to come. And so much at ease with being alone in a corner, just in the company of your mind and I kid you not, I was desperate to know all that was going inside that black-hole of a head. Hence, the Lashkaare marta Hindustan pick-up line.
And see where it all took us. But you know, even today it feels cheap, demeaning, so intrinsically wrong to call you my “boyfriend” or “ex”. Ours wasn’t and isn’t a bond for labels. I was anything but romantic and you very well know, schiesse, so were you. Addressing each other with swear words in dead or obscure languages doesn’t exactly fit into the definition of 21st century romance.
I wouldn’t call what I did to you a break-up. Is it possible to “break-up/apart/away” from somebody who’s seen you as you are beneath all your masks? Who knows you down to the bone? And tell me, tell me the truth, how did you do it? How could you see right through me when I never consciously slid-off my masks? How could you walk in so easily into the dark recesses of my mind, wander in my world? It was like you saw me naked; it was calming and unsettling, all at once.
Love is a too heavy, widely misunderstood and honestly, a fuc**d-up concept. I, by all means, could not give you love, whatever that means.
But I can give you honesty.
So honesty it is...
The reasons I ended it are many and, truth be told, none of them justified enough. You made me calm, happy. When I used to be with you, my mind would, for once and for all stay quiet and not rage inside me or wander in all sorts of dark, twisted places; just dwell on the “now”. It was magic. It was beautiful. It was, to the emotionally fucked-up me, wrong. I thrive on emotional instability. There’s no other way I can put it and there’s no way a person like me should be entrusted with things like commitment or, for the lack of a better word, love.
Do I miss it? Yes.
Do I want it back? No.
But, can our kids, the Orphan girl you adopt and the Orphan boy I adopt go for a Star Wars premiere together? (Because Star Wars, there will always be Star Wars, Alec.”) Could we, you and me, ever go to meet Hawking and Rowling? (I ask Hawking if he’s ... and you complement Rowling’s ...) Could we ever just meet and I show you that bullshit game I programmed or the draft of my “Book”? Could I tell you I got anxiety problems after we did what we did, I’m freaking over my SAT, leaving next year and never want to come back? Could I tell you that I finally said to Dad, “Sorry for being a huge disappointment but I want to be a screenwriter.” Could I? Could I? Could I?
And I’ll end this the way our conversations always ended.
Quantum Entaglement says there’ll always be a queer kind of relation between two queer kind of particles in the universe, unimpeded by either space or time, stronger than all laws or limitations the Universe puts them into.
To our Quantum Entanglement,
To our naked singularity,
Fuck off,
Splendide Mendax.
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amalia-uwu · 4 months
🧡 Sunset 🧡
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Photo Marcio Costa from Pexels:
Undertale by Toby Fox.The rights go to the respective owners.
Sans x Female Reader
Gift for Fudgelling-Away @fudgelling-away
It was afternoon.
Around 17.30pm
You shift was over.
You were organizing your desk;  papers, books, notebooks, pens etc.
You sighed and gently rubbed your temples.
You took your bag, got up and walked towards the bathroom.
You refreshed yourself.
You sprayed a fragrance (Lily of the Valley).
You fixed your hair, your checker your makeup. Despite everything, your  makeup stood strong, you just refreshed your lips, using your carmine red lipstick.
Today... wasn't that bad. You  were still tired and had a headache but... You've been through worse... So, today was tolerable.
As you stepped out of the bathroom, on your way to the elevator, your partners and friends greeted you goodbye. 
You waved back and entered the elevator.
Once you reached the down floor you exited the company.
You breathed the fresh air.
You were surprised to see Sans waiting for you.
He was wearing black silk shorts,  a white T- shirt, the viridian floral shirt you had bought him and blue floral flip flops. (... My my is it getting hot in here?)
He smiled warmly, hands in his pockets and you felt your cheeks heating up. "Heya there beautiful".
(I repeat. Is it getting hot in here?!?!?! )
You run towards him, forgetting the fact you are wearing heels and almost tripped.
He stretched his limbs open and he wrapped you in his embrace.
He is even wearing that nice floral fragrance you bought him long ago.
You let out a soft exited shriek "eeeee!!!!" as you hugged him and he chuckled.
He gently caressed your hair all the way down to your waist.
Who said you were tired? What even is tiredness ?! All of the stress and tiredness of the day faded to zero.
While hugging you he said "I though it will be a good idea to walk you home, see the sunset and eat ice cream.. You okay with that?"
Your grin couldn't get wider. Still in his embrace; you nodded vividly "Of course! That's sounds lovely!"
You let go and he gently stretched his humerus. You happily held him. 
You walked on the pavement. Some people, bicycles, cars passing by.
In a couple of minutes you found  a bench.
Before sitting down, you went to buy ice-cream from the trunk, that was a little further.
Sans bought chocolate and caramel, with two macaroons blue and yellow.
While you took chocolate and biscuit, your macaroons were both pistachios.
You sat down and admired the view. It was a little cool.
The smell of sea, so beautiful!
That salty smell always calmed you down along with the soft wind. Such tranquility.
He had his one hand wrapped around you while, you touched his knee with yours.
At some point, you noticed that he had a small piece of chocolate close to his teeth.
You've been good girl for so long it won't hurt to be a baddie for once now, right?
You discreetly looked around. Okay, clear, noone in sight.
You gently leaned and lick the chocolate from his face and then kept eating your ice cream like a good lady. [ naughty! naughty! (¬v¬)]
He stopped eating for a while his face getting a dark shade of blue. Oh how much you love this skeleton!
Oh how much you love it when he gets shy and flustered!
... It's your guilty pleasure!!
You sat closer. You looked at him, he began eating his ice cream again. Looking anywhere but you. The dark blue shade still on his face.
He knew what you did.
You smirked. Heh,
With your hand you gently caressed his thighs and you brushed your calf over his tibia.
He stopped eating again, he took a deep breath and his soft masculine voice spoke "you are being a huge tease, ain't ya?". He held no malice. no annoyance, he was kinda enjoying this.
You smirked "and you love it" you winked. ;)
He smiled and blushed a little more "yes; yes I do, now eat it up before it melts".
You smiled and leaned closer to him. He held you close.
When you both finished your ice cream the sun had began setting. Orange, yellow shades decorated the sky. A beautiful view.
You couldn't help yourself. You wanted to try something.
"Hey Sans?"
"You are my Sans-set, My Sans-shine, My Sans-rise, my sans- flower. You always brighten my soul!"
He smiled, one of those genuine smiles, that melt your heart! You could tell he appreciated it. He was at loss of words, so he only said
"You are my sunshine too, y/n! You brighten my day, you are the light in my darkness ours!"
He hugged you closer. You smiled. Soon he began talking to you.
Explaining the sun, the colors. You loved it when he was talking to you about that. You loved his voice.
You stayed there a little more.
When the first stars began shining.
He said "It's getting late, would you like to stay here our go home?"
"Could we get home please?" you asked and he smiled "Of course"
"Hold me and close your eyes" you did just that. You felt the atmosphere shifting. It didn't hurt, he had shortcut home.
You took a shower, while he made some sandwiches and put some leftover pizza on the microwave.
When you finished your shower, you got dressed in comfy clothes. The pants looked like the milk way. While the shirt was black with constellations.
He took a quick shower and when he came out he was wearing similar pyjamas.
It was a set.
His shirt had the milky way, while his pants were black and had constellations.
Now you were matching.
You both ate, then washed the dishes, brushed your teeth and went to the bedroom.
You laid and cuddled watching a documentary about Ancient Greek Mythology. You both fall asleep.
Your face and hand on his sternum, listening to the soft humming of his soul.
His hand wrapped around you, holding you closer, securing you from the outside world.
You whispered "I love you sans"
You heard him replying softly "i love you too, y/n".
You grinned "Goodnight, sleep well my star".
"goodnight, sweet dreams, starlight"
The end 😘
Thank you for reading! 💙
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amalia-uwu · 2 months
Happy Birthday Fudgie!! ☀️🩵💚 💛💜❤️🧡✨ @fudgelling-away
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The heart says chocolate,
The cake's filling is chocolate with condensed milk, cream and caramel! The outside is frosting and edible color.
Edit the balls at the base are chocolate filled with caramel, or just chocolate
The plate is golden! Cause he treats you as the Queen you are!
Undertale by Toby Fox
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amalia-uwu · 5 months
A gift for fudgelling-away @fudgelling-away
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Alright, now here are some notes.
Y/N is wearing Sans's magic colors. Yellow (Justice) and Blue (Patience).
Sans is wearing Y/N' s favorite color Green! Well Y/N is supposed to represent fudgelling-away (her favorite color is green so 💚)
It's my first time drawing a pose like this! I used reference and I am quite happy with how it turned out.
Hope you like it!
OH! I Almost forgot! *clears throat* ahem ahem
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amalia-uwu · 2 months
Happy Birthday Fudgie!
Undertale by Toby Fox
For Fudgelling-Away @fudgelling-away
Sans x self insert
Here is a small drabble / fic I wrote for you :3
Amalia and Sans put on aprons and cooking hats.
Sans noticed that Amalia was wearing a piece of cloth to cover her hair.
He looked at her questioningly.
"I don't want my hair to go into the cake. That'd be gross and not cool".
He nodded.
Amalia brought the ingredients.
Sans carried the equipment and book for the recepie.
Sans  and Amalia looked at the equipment, ingredients and slowly at each other.
They grinned.
"ready? amalia?"
"Born Ready Sans!"
They grinned and began action.
They read the recipe.
They added the ingredients and mixed them together.
They made the base.
They fixed the chocolate, cream, caramel and condensed milk.
They built and decorated the cake.
It was chocolate, cream, condensed milk and caramel.
"amalia?" Sans hesitantly asked.
"Hm?" she murmured trying to decorate the cake.
"why so much condensed milk cans?"
Amalia stopped and looked at the cans. "Well, she likes it! I've seen her spooning it, drinking it from the can, licking her fingers. She loves it.. I believe next thing she goes feral other than you, it condensed milk".
Sans nodded.
Sans blushed at what she said. His face turned reddish. Amalia smirked.
They had bought a second cake; in case what they were making, was a total disaster.
After they were done with their cake.
They began decorating the room.
Amalia brought some balloons.
Then went to take a bath and prepare themselves.
Amalia was giggling. Sans was smiling.
Sans put on his good clothes. A white shirt, brown pants, black shoes and blue jacket.
Amalia put on her maxi dress, fixed her hair, added makeup and fragrance.
They heard the keys and the door opening.
Fudgie let her keys on the wooden table close to the door. She removed her shoes, hanged her bag and coat.
It was oddly quite. "Anybody home?" she called.
Sans appeared behind her and closed her eyes.
She yelped at the sudden movement. "Easy now sweetheart, we have a surprise for you". His soft voice whispered in her ear. She felt his wame breath caressing her cheek and ear.
Fudgie took some breathes to calm down her raising heartbeat.
Sans's phalanges were warm on her skin.
They felt a little rough. She knew what work these phalanges have done.
Sans guided her to the living room. "Don't open your eyes, wait for my signal" Sans masculine voice whispered in her ear.
She nodded, her heart beating fast.
Amalia and Sans took position.
"Now, sunlight. Open your eyes".
Fudgie opened her blue grey eyes. They shone like lakes when the sun hits the surface.
She saw the presents, they held in their arms.
Amalia was holding a beautiful box, shaped as a heart.
Sans was holding a small black box and a bouquet of blue cornflowers.
He offered the bouquet, his face blushing pink, reddish. Her eyes shone like stars.
He looked at the floor and caressed the back of his skull. He blushed harder when she made that face.
He carefully handed her the box. She opened the box and saw a magnificent necklace with gemstones (amethyst, green fluorite, blue tanzanite, ruby, diamond and many more) .
Her eyes sparkled. She kept staring. She was mesmerized.
Amalia came next to Sans, with her gift as well.
Amalia stretched her hands offering her gift to her.
Fudgie opened Amalia's gift and noticed the cans of condensed milk, tea, a card and a green scarf; similar to Amalia's pink one.
Fudgie smiled. Her smile was stretched from one ear to the other.
They hugged each other.
Fudgie thanked them.
Sans brought the cake. Fudgie blew the candles and sliced the cake.
They sat down to eat. There were spinach pie, cheese pie, small hot dogs and many more delicious goodies.
Fudgie tried it and with the corner of her eye she noticed Amalia and Sans sinking in their seats.
Well Amalia had her face behind Sans's shoulder blade.
Sans was nervous but tried not to show it.
As Fudgie took a mouthful of the cake, the flavors exploded in her taste buds.
They watched as her pupil grew bigger.
Due to her blue / grey eyes, they could see when she loved something or someone; her pupil grew larger.
She loved it.
She could sense the right dose of chocolate, caramel, cream and condensed milk. It was delectable. She hummed in delight.
Amalia peeked from behind Sans's back.
"Do you like it?" Amalia asked in a small shy voice. She wanted to be sure.
Fudgie turned her blue eyes on her way, cheeks stuffed. Fudgie swallowed.
Fudgie's expression had softened when she saw Amalia's nervous expression.
Fudgie grinned "You made this?" she pointed at them.
They nodded.
She set her plate down. A soft smile on her face. She got up and went closed to them
She hugged them.
They hugged her back.
"Thank you guys, this was a pretty good try, I love it!"
They buried their faces on her shoulder.
Fudgie smelled nice; coconut and rose. Sunshine and flowers.
Her copper brown hair soft, like silk, brushed their faces.
Sans and Amalia grinned.
"Glad to hear that Fudgie!" Amalia's voice was muffled.
After some minutes, she let go of them.
Both enjoyed the cake while talking and watching the view from the window.
She sat in the middle. Sans leaned his head on her left shoulder. Amalia leaned hers on her right side.
They were happy!
The End 😘
Thank you for reading! 💙
I admit... I am not proud of this small fic... But still, I hope you enjoyed it a little bit! 💙 If not, it's okay! 💙 💚💚💚💚
Constructive Criticism, Feedback, fanarts, fanfics, likes, Comments are always welcomed! Please do not use vulgar, bad language.
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