#for lack of better phrasing idk
doodlebeeberry · 1 year
Sometimes I think about how writing is received by the osc, particularly in comparison to art itself, and while I get that the community is for obvious reasons very visually driven, I feel like writing as a creative form just. Isn’t given as much credence. And I don’t mean this in a ‘pitting art/animation and writing against eachother’ kind of way, or in a ‘folks don’t care about/pay attention to the writing of a show’ way—both art and writing are important but different, and folks talk about good vs bad writing in shows all the time, at least. Rather, i think if your someone who buy n large just writes, your work is much more likely to be passed over, particularly if you don’t really write much fanfic. Folks just aren’t interested. Which is kind of a shame, honestly! It can be tricky sometimes to adapt objects to more literary storytelling forms, but imo it’s a fun challenge, not to mention that it opens the door to all sorts of different tools and angle you can use to tell your story. Not to mention that it can be more accessible than digital art and animation for some folks. Like. I want a novelized object show. Or something consistent of letters or news articles or an anthology of poems. I wish more regard wasn’t given to just writing is all, particularly in regards to original/non-fanfic writing
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cherrywhite · 10 months
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When the silt verses characters start talking about beginnings and endings >>>>
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aldieb · 8 months
tbh after finishing i kind of retract the enthusiasm of my recommendation (but not necessarily the recommendation itself) for he who drowned the world. i still found some of the themes it covers really refreshing in the fantasy genre (for ex the descriptions of recognizing yourself in others across queer identities felt v real), but the way it covered them ended up feeling incoherent/unfocused in an area that imo especially needs precision in order not to blunder into insensitivity. (i also in the middle of reading saw people saying it treats eunuchs ahistorically, and frankly i know nothing on the topic and wasn’t drawn to the book for its historical elements—“real-world setting with tiny magical component” isn’t my jam—but that does match up with the whole slew of weirdness i’m feeling overall.) i’m glad i read it and the overall plot kept me interested but i’m hoping it’s the start of a trend in the genre rather than something to point to as “hell yeah, they did it”?
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ilostyou · 7 months
#idk how to phrase it better but some tumblr-isms are like. i have just about had enough#and don’t get me wrong it’s all social media but the extent that tumblr has it going on is so fucking amplified#it seems like people here in general are just looking to find things they deem ‘wrong’ about others or their opinions#and immediately denounce them or flame them for it#like. saying people here have no concept of none of my business is an understatement that’s not even what i mean#it just feels like people are so obsessed with making giant blanket statements and stay ready to flame anyone who doesn’t think the same wa#i’m not saying some things are objectively wrong or objectively bad. i just mean some people make Everything their business#and try to crack open other people and make Them their business which. they’re not???#like not every single fucking thing is discourse my GOD#also god forbid a nuanced opinion. sorry for saying that word i know it’s not allowed around here (🙄) but. ? hello??#idk how to formulate this better so you’ll have to deal with this just rant train of thought#but it’s getting fucking exhausting. i’ve been exhausted for months but like it has worn me way down i’m sick of it#there isn’t anything for me to actively do about it but. i’m just saying#oh also the superiority complex is so out of hand lol you’re not better than anyone else for being more ready to flame your peers#for lack of a better word#ok now i’m done. for now
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something something about how the rings not just symbolised Yuuri and Victor's bond and was not just an omamori for them something something Victor was the first person Yuuri wanted to hold on to and share his dreams with and depend on after fighting for so long ALONE something something the rings symbolising this exact same thing something something about how Yuuri's arc still is wonderful even when he didn't win the gold because he finally learnt to actually depend on people, share his dreams and aims with them and not fight alone which is something he struggles with for the whole show
#yuri on ice ///#I am not sure about how to intrepret the whole of yuuri's arc but that's purely because I've watched the show only once#It always felt a bit off to me when the whole winning gold was a bit rushed in the last episode#And of course you could blame that on the pacing and you could say that there was flaws in the writing/the writers got confused#I've seen multiple posts about it and while I personally disagree I do think it is a valid interpretation#But I want to work with what DID happen in canon so I can be at peace with the episode lol#I choose to intrepret his arc as being one where he learns to not beat himself up over his failures (In lack of a better way to phrase it)#His anxiety plays a huge factor in it too though#One could argue that maybe winning gold would've given him that final push in believing that he is in fact extraordinary and not just#A dime a dozen skater (and I think that would have been wonderful too!)#And yeah they could have made him win gold AND have him not retire! But I don't think what we got in canon is inherently bad writing#(I mean excluding the scoring which from what I hear was inaccurate? But it doesn't bother me because Idk anything about scoring lmao)#Or maybe it's because this is a lesson I personally am struggling to learn and accept - that regardless of whether you win or not you#can and should strive to be better and better without losing hope#also a bit related to this but to me the emotional climax in the finale was actually Yuuri's free skate and him breaking the record#It was what further cemented my#thoughts about Yuuri's arc being about him and his need to be satisfied with his skating regardless of winning or losing#also fyi the takes I talked about aren't inherently ones I came across lol I just was thinking of various counter points#The whole reason I am writing this si because I want to understand this whole thing myself gdishsjshdh so writing it down seems like a good#thing#n rambles#Also hopefully this post doesn't show up in tags djsbdjbdjd
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haruchiyos · 8 months
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they--slash--them · 11 months
i just think society will heal when we stop trying to dictate what anyone else outside of n'importe quoi religion can or cannot do bc of said religion. but yall think it's just catholicism n christianity is the problem which is the problem bc thts the mindset tht but catholicism n christianity where it is today but anyways
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tomfool-tabbycat · 1 year
hee hee giggle
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they eePin
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navramanan · 1 year
I go through these short periods of time feeling very okay and good even only bc i distract myself from what pains me until it catches up again and the cycle repeats itself
#i think it's verrrrrrrrry close to catching up again after i've had normal 2 weeks lol#so many ifs and buts and would things be better had i made a different decision lived in a different place or time etc#but i'll never now i'll always only have the here and now and the unchangeable past#and the very incertain scary future i'm trying so so so hard to be hopeful about but seeing things as they are right now. i really dont kno#i can only fake it to some point. i cant fake it till i make it. i'll fall apart countless times and then wont make it anyway#i feel like. i feel like all the circumstances i've been in have all always been against me#like i'm the only unlucky one among the people i know#i try so so so hard to remind myself that people who seem to have it so much better have their own problems too#but then also i remember something i wrote down once as a teen. the phrase you typically hear#''i have been battling (?) with this problem but am lucky enough to have a support system / loving friends etc''#and idk how right i am with thinking this way but no matter what problems you have.#it's the toughest thing to lack deep connections with at least 1 person ideally like 3 i guess bc it's such a fundamental thing#you know having someone you can ALWAYS turn to without feeling bad and you know that they can and do turn to you too#and i do have a few wonderful friends i love so so much but i feel and know that no one needs me like i need them#every friendships feels so fragile to me. no one depends on me turns to me for advice or to vent etc#and when i feel like i need to do any of those things i cant turn to any of them#there's still inevitably a sort of disconnect i feel#and it terrifies me that i'll never find someone i connect with on a deeper level and it's mutual and we both can depend on each other#and there are no boundaries no shame no unspoken words#i dont know how true any of my feelings are but. but yeah#nesi rants
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vimbry · 2 years
you ever see posts that are like, "hey this place doesn't function like many other socials. content will only get shared around by reblogging it, so if you like something, keep that in mind! consider leaving feedback more often too! don't forget to appreciate artists!" and you're like yeees.
but then either that post, or the comments after, descend into, "you should be grateful for fandom creators! reblog everything you see! don't like! they put so much hard work into everything they make for free! you're a consumer and you owe them your attention! it's free! they do it for free!" and you're like noooo oo o.
#also I think. while there prob are some people used to twitter and tiktok who legitimately aren't familiar with the algorithm/lack of#I think people sometimes simply don't want to reblog something. it's not a misconception you can clear up for them#this is not hyperbole. I saw someone call people who engage with fandom creators' content consumers#unless you're talking about commissions/other paid work no we are not#I agree creators DO generally deserve more appreciation and not be treated like automatons who produce your fav thing#but now it's been phrased in a way that's a bit demanding so I'm not going to platform that#I'm sorry but if someone likes something. it means they liked it#and they engaged with it in a way that showed that they liked it#I vastly prefer feedback too! it's my favourite! I actually find it super hard to conceptualise likes despite what I just said lol#but it's something I gotta work on myself#venting makes you feel a bit better but let's not pretend trying to guilt trip people into engaging with you more is going to work#that will at most get you a short wave of pity reblogs. nobody wants that for their creations#idk the inflated sense of self-importance given to internet creators feels really strange to me#I don't get why fandom hobbyist is considered this great title worthy of inherent reverence now#I mean ''now'' isn't exactly true I know there's been BNFs for decades but. I mean just like#the act of Being an online creator for anything gets you treated as if you're some kind of neurotic captive animal
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troublewithangels · 1 year
it's only very recently that the realization that i literally am 100% chinese just hit me btw. like all of my great grandparents are immigrants. it's a funny feeling. and now i longgggg to visit the place my mom's and dad's ancestors came from (guangdong? i think? and hainan island respectively) it would be so fascinating
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i wrote this in the notes of another post originally and am copy + pasting it here because im right but "tell the cops nothing, tell the doctors everything" is such a stupid ass fucking abled take. doctors engage in policing idk how to explain to yall that some people cannot in fact just tell doctors everything without it putting them at risk
like im not gonna go into the myriad of ways this is bs but like a quick example is i cant tell my doctors about my substance use issues because if i get that listed on my medical records it will actively endanger me. It will impact how I'm treated in emergency situations and will get me labeled as "drug seeking" when i try to get other issues dealt with.
i dont say this to scare people but because this is actually important information for people to have. if a medical professional claims this isnt an issue, they are NOT "one of the good ones". they are either straight up lying or theyre utterly unaware, which is frankly not better. doctors are cops. never forget it
like YES tell ur doctor abt being sexually active but stop saying "tell the cops nothing and the doctor everything" before i start killing in cold blood
I KNOW THE ORIGINAL QUOTE. This is about how people misquote it, as well as how they view the phrase as meaning "all medical professionals". ALSO! emts are not the neutral figures you think they are. please stop spewing your lack of understanding on the topic all over my tags, its embarrassing.
finally, THIS POST IS ABOUT DRUGS. FIRST AND FOREMOST IT IS ABOUT DRUGS. THIS WAS WRITTEN BY AN ADDICT. the way yall are talking about addicts and drugs users in the tags is so fucking dehumanising. you are part of the problem. Id suggest non addicts shut their traps please and thank you.
read the notes before you leave a comment
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maidengame · 1 year
❛  are you even listening to me ?  ❜ to fret !
a meme || accepting
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"Uhhhh....yeah! 100 percent!"
He said with an air that would suggest that he was, but in truth his eye's stayed glued to his phone. Scrolling and occasionally typing at lightening speed, Fret couldn't get any messages to go through on his end, it was as if his cell service just up and vanished. Totally not cool. Not for him anyway. Fret prided himself in being pretty social on and offline, but not being able to talk to anyone he knew was really starting to kill his vibe.
"I'm listening."
He for sure could hear the words coming out of the other's mouth but, if Jiwoon wanted him to repeat anything he had said, Fret would most definitely not be able to deliver.
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elucubrare · 1 year
What are your biggest turn-offs when reading/watching historical fiction or retellings of myths?
this is really complicated - i can put it in two boxes, both of which are packed very full.
disconnection from the material reality of the past
when characters display a very specifically modern mindset (about social issues especially, but other stuff too)
(I also get bothered by some kinds of modern language - I don't mind it when, idk, an author uses "sensible" with the modern connotation of "practical" and not the 18th century "emotional" or "empathetic", but "yeah" or "okay," or even, as i found out when someone used it in medieval fantasy, "holy shit" will get on my nerves.)
there are modern things where (made up example!) a character who's supposed to be a cook will talk about making caprese salad for a fancy restaurant in December, and someone snarking on the book will say "yeah, right, they should know better than to make something that depends on a fresh summer vegetable!" and even with greenhouses, that's pretty fair. and that's even more extreme in the past. it's 1650 in Verona, it's December, you cannot obtain fresh tomatoes. i don't think this means that people in the past were, necessarily, more emotionally or spiritually in tune with the cycle of the year, or the labor it took to get clothes, or furniture, or any other material item, and of course wealth can insulate people from some of that difficulty, but it does mean that the seasons had more direct impact on people's lives. It's possible to, for example, buy clothes ready-made, but for anything fancy, it's more likely that it'll be made to fit if it's new, or altered extensively and painstakingly if it's not. that means that tearing or staining a fancy dress isn't just an issue of looking bad - you can't just replace it, and you probably won't throw it out - you figure out how to reuse it. those concerns of access to material goods are just a lot closer to the surface of the world than they often are now.
my objections to modern attitudes about the world are not that people in the past 100% accepted the views of their contemporaries - there were always people who didn't, and it makes sense that a protagonist would be one of them. but people wouldn't phrase those objections in the same way that modern people would - say your main character doesn't want a woman accused of being a witch burned. "God's power is such that the Devil cannot give this woman the ability to sour milk" is most likely going to be more persuasive to the crowd than "witches aren't real." and sometimes that's rough - it's not super fun to read about a Roman with Roman attitudes about provincial wars, or slavery in the city, but I put something down because a Roman character said (in internal dialogue) that he was disgusted to see that a man had been tortured because "Romans simply didn't do that." Historical Romans did do that, routinely - a slave could not testify in a law court unless they had been tortured. Even with distasteful things like that, I'd much rather it just be glossed over than to have them say the "correct" modern thing. It just makes it feel too much like the theme park version of the culture.
Both of these are because of specific things I come to historical fiction for - I want that sense of alienation, the gulf of experience. I hate that most historical fiction (and fantasy set in semi-recognizable periods) characters don't really care about Honor, except as a joke, because I love when characters organize their lives around arcane rules and systems that cause tiny things to escalate into blood feud. I just think they're neat! I like it when people's worldviews are shaped by their lack of scientific certainty about what causes crops to fail! If I wanted to read about people who thought and acted like me, and had lives that were mostly similar to mine, only cooler, I'd just read contemporary fiction.
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littlecharmingenvy · 11 months
Diavolo Headcannons
Dia brainrot go brrrrrr (pls I love this man)
warnings: NSFW (MDNI), couple of kinks mentioned, Diavolo having a sub-par father, author not knowing how to take things seriously (aka, use of the phrase "dicked down crazy style"), uhhh I feel like I'm missing something but I can't think of it so if I am pls lmk
<3- He’s always been intrigued by humans; how such fragile creatures could have so much courage would never fail to amaze him. So when MC comes along, this sweet little thing who didn’t even know demons actually existed until a few weeks ago, he can’t help but be impressed on how little fear they show
<3- Immediately finds himself attracted to MC, but, of course, being the crowned Prince of the Devildom, he tries to keep things diplomatic. He didn’t want to risk a scandal, especially not now, since everything was finally working out to his liking
<3- MC recognizes Dia as the Prince, but because they didn’t grow up in the Devildom, they aren’t sure what that title exactly entails, so they stick to treating Dia like they would any other person, much to Lucifer’s chagrin and Diavolo’s delight
<3- With how casual MC is to Diavolo, he quickly finds himself falling for them, despite his best efforts not to. How could he be expected to not fall head over heels for them? Especially with their laugh when they’re caught off guard, or the side eye they give that seems especially reserved for Diavolo, when one of the brothers does something laughable. He feels special, as if their little silent conversations exist in a place no one can taint; its something just for them, and that’s something Diavolo has always yearned for
<3- As soon as he realized his feelings were something he couldn’t just brush over, he told MC. He’s a patient man, but he sees no point in hiding it from you, not when you two were already as close as you were. He swears his soul ascends to the Celestial Realm when you reveal that you feel the same
<3- Showers you in the finest jewels and gold (or silver if it matches your complexion better, cool toned shawtys gotta stick together FR). His father growing up only showed affection by gift giving, leaving Dia to lack any emotional warmth outside of material objects. While he tries to be better than his father, and is always praising you and showing love in any way he can, he especially loves giving you gifts, as that’s how he learned to show love
<3- He doesn’t mind receiving gifts from you, anything you give him he’ll cherish for the rest of his life, but he gets especially soft when you make him something. Little paper flowers? They’re the prettiest he’s ever seen. You bake him cookies? They’re the best he’s had in years (don’t worry, Barbs gets it). Give him origami you made in class when bored? He’s proposing then and there /j (/hj?). Just the idea that you thought about him and cared enough to make someone by hand makes him all soft and fuzzy inside. 
<3- Aside from handmade things, Diavolo adores quality time. Just having you sit near him while he’s doing paperwork or enjoying his tea send him over the moon
<3- Very protective. While he’s sweet with you, and would never let you see any other side, he is still a demon, and he would (and has) threatened or killed a few who wished harm on you, and he’d do it again without a second thought
<3- Loves loves loves pet names. Lover, My dear, Angel (ironic), Beloved, he hardly ever calls you by your name anymore
<3- Overall, very soft with his lover. He just wants them to know how much he loves and adores them
<3- I know this is widely agreed upon fandom-wise, but I’ll say it again for good measure. Size. Kink. Seeing how small you are compared to him makes him want to rail you into next week. When you look up at him with those doe eyes of yours, having to crane your neck up to make eye contact? Done. He’s dead. He died. It’s over for him
<3- You know monster fuckers? That’s how he feels about humans. Human fucker? Idk, but his enamoration with humans doesn’t stop in the bedroom
<3- Tries to be soft with you, really, he does. But at some point he just breaks, and he needs to dick you down crazy style then and there
<3- Praise kink, going both ways. He’ll tell you how pretty you are and how good you’re being for him, and will nearly cum when you tell him how good he’s making you feel
<3- He’s open to a lot of kinks, but isn’t likely to bring them up. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love experimenting though. Actually, it’s you who makes him realize he’s into a lot more than he thought he was
<3- Loves giving head. Really, good luck getting him off of you once he starts. He’ll be down there as long as you’ll let him, accidentally overstimulating you pretty much every time. But when he paws at your clothes and looks at you pleadingly, you can’t help but give him what he wants
<3- Generally, Dia’s just a big boy who wants to make his little human feel good. Boy’s absolutely whipped for you, and isn’t afraid to show it. Anyone who has a problem with it will be taken care of
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skyscrapergods · 5 months
The way you phrased things suggests that other species can and do become gods outside of the three "ponies". Jokes about Hubble the space giraffe aside, I was wondering as soon as you mentioned it: was Baobab once a giraffe, themself? Or were they a pony or some other equine, since the ponies at least also have really long necks once ascending into godhood, and Baobab themself is implied to be much, much older, and hence, larger, than the other gods?
Are they something that perhaps does not exist on the planet any longer? Would a quagga have any reason to go extinct in this world? Other giraffids? Perhaps an antelope? Maybe even an early equine ancestor, whatever came before the "ponies" and their relatives, from whom most (if not all) descend? idk man thinking about it is just kind of Interesting
Boabab was, as best as we can figure, a giraffe, and they are indeed much larger than Celestia. but they are also so old and beyond mortals, that it is much closer to think of Boabab as a tree, or a forest, or a continent, than a person.
"it" is somewhat more appropriate than "they" at this point in time, due to the abstract nature of Boabab's mind, and the complete lack of movement.
Boabab, The Boabab, The Tree/Trees, and Life are all appropriate names for the entity. No connection at all to swamp fever, a disease much younger than when Boabab's legs settled into the earth and became one with the land.
In equestria, there are many sentient creatures besides ponies, but they make up a minority due to pony colonialism and in some cases, settler genocide. Mane-ifest Destiny is a toxic concept still taught to most Equestrian foals today. Buffalo, cows, kirin, and donkeys exist, but in smaller numbers than ponies.
On the Africa-like continent, "people" consist of many species. Zebras, giraffes, antelope, water buffalo, wildebeasts, elephants, etc. Zebras are not the most populous group, and don't think of themselves as better than the other species, but often find Equestrian diplomats assume they are the rulers. Touring ponies will often ignore their giraffe tour guide to talk to an unqualified zebra citizen passing by. It can be irritating and humiliating. But that's what you get when casual pony supremacy is the norm.
There are other countries where the main sentient race are dragons, griffins, seaponies, hippogriffs, yaks, zebus, camels, and more.
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