#for more info about darius' family check out the
rosetowersfanfic · 2 years
Hunter has a rare bout or teenage rebellion, the twins enable him.
Hunter sighed as he caught sight of Emira's jewelry box. He flopped onto his back, unable to focus on his illusions homework.
"I wanna get my ears pierced," he lamented. Edric and Emira, glad to be distracted from the boring work, looked at each other, mischief written on their faces.
"How come?" Edric asked.
"Well, everyone else does. I dunno, I think it looks kinda cool." Hunter sat up. "Darius said he'd take me to do it, but he's been busy and I'm not old enough to go on my own so..."
"We can help," Emira offered.
"I have to go with an adult," Hunter attempted to clarify. "Darius says it's the law."
"Oh, we don't have to go anywhere," Edric explained.
"We don't?"
"Nah, we know how to do it at home. All we need are sterilized safety pins and ice," Emira said.
Hunter blinked. "Huh, is that safe?"
"Sure. We've done it a bunch of times. For each other, for Mittens."
Hunter brought a hand to his chin.
"Okay. Can I borrow some earrings when you're done?"
Soon the twins ice cubes summoned by glyphs were being pressed against Hunter's earlobes. They each then grabbed a safety pin, used fire glyphs to sterilize them, and pressed them into Hunter's flesh.
He didn't even flinch, and as soon as the pins had pierced the lobes, the twins exchanged looks of surprise.
"You good, man?" Edric asked, a tad concerned.
"Yep, the ice really helped with the pain," Hunter noted in a chipper tone.
"Well okay then," Emira replied as she mirrored her brother in fastening the pins in place.
Emira summoned a small healing spell and focused on Hunter's piercings. "Just give it a couple hours to heal properly so it won't close up. Eddie, go get your jewelry box to Hunter can pick out some earrings.
Edric swiftly ran to his room and then back and Hunter perused the twins' earrings until he picked out a set of gold skull shaped studs.
With that done, the trio went back to their homework until Hunter's ears were ready.
"These look great!" Hunter gushed as he admired himself in the mirror.
"See, we knew what we were doing," Emira boasted as she and Edric high-fived.
It was about time for Hunter to head home, so he said his goodbyes and sped out the house. After seeing Hunter off, Alador scratched his head.
"Did he look different?"
When Hunter got home he was greeted by Darius, who immediately went silent when he saw Hunter's ears.
"Hunter. where did you get those earrings?"
"Em let me borrow them. Do you like them?"
"They're lovely. But how are you wearing them?"
"Oh, the twins pierced my ears for me."
Darius took a deep breath. "I'm assuming safety pins were involved."
Hunter gulped, suddenly worried. "Am I in trouble?"
"A little. Hunter, that's not a safe way to pierce your ears. I told you I was going to get a professional."
Hunter shifted uncomfortably. "Well, you've been saying that for weeks, but you've also been busy. I figured this would save us the trip."
"I know you have better patience than that. I'm sorry I've been putting it off, but you can't just pull stuff like this when you don't get your way; and to reiterate, it's not safe. Your uncle Auberon tried and he flinched."
"Is that why he has that notch on his earlobe? I thought a beast did that."
Darius sighed. "No. The rest of his scars are from his pets, but that one he got when a school friend of his tried to pierce his ears in the school bathroom," Darius shuddered, "the kid wasn't even on the healers track. It was all thanks to grandma that the wound didn't get infected."
"Well, Emira's a good healer, so-"
"Don't even try it. I'll let you off with a warning since you didn't know any better, Auberon certainly did and he got into a lot of trouble with grandma, even granny was upset."
Hunter looked at the ground with guilt.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to call Alador about the twins."
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theowlhousesaga · 2 years
Here are some Infos about the CovenKidsAU!
The Logo (which has a secret in it)
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The CovenKidsAU focuses on Darius and the other Coven Heads in their school days. When Darius and his new friends found a mysterious egg, they decided to take care of it. While researching what this egg is and where it belongs, they will have exciting adventures or face the truth and make difficult decisions.
Main Characters
The Golden Guard
Side Characters
Unnamed Characters
All Parents and other Family Members of the CovenKids Gang (including Eberwolf)
Boscha’s Parents
Previous Coven Heads
Teachers and Students
Background Characters/ Characters I don’t know what to do yet
Warden Wrath
I'm not 100% happy with these episodes, so don't be surprised if I change some things. BTW, the episodes are not in order and the titles are not the actual episode titles, just keywords.(Excuse my non-existent writing skills)
20-25min Episodes
Episode 1 (Third Wheel)
Introduction to the main character Darius and his goals, problems, family and friends. One of the problems is that his best friend Alador and Odalia start ignoring him and excluding him. Raine wants to find a solution by searching for new friends. They end up taking part in a school play where they soon meet their new friends.
Episode 2 (School Play)
So Darius and Raine participate in the school play, but while Darius keeps complaining about the script, Raine has to fight their stage fright as Eda has become ill and cannot comfort them during the school play. Nonetheless, they have to team up with the two new students Adrian and Hettie. Hettie seems really open to making new friends, but Adrian is very skeptical about the two as he has a passion for acting, he would be very mad if someone screwed up his performance...
Episode 3 (School Trip)
Days later, Darius bumps into Adrian and Hettie again during a school trip. They decide to go for a walk and talk about recent events when they come across a cave that Hettie wants to check out. Even though it's dangerous, they go inside and explore. In the cave, they noticed an egg all alone with no parents nearby. They ignore it and don’t think much about it, but when they found out that this was a Slitherbeast's cave, they just want out as quick as possible. Darius didn't want the egg to get eaten, so he tries to save it, which leads to Adrian and Hettie getting captured by the beast. Meanwhile, Raine and Eda are just talking when Eda mentions a witch who also goes to potions class.
Episode ? (Top Student)
Darius wants to be the best in the abomination class, but that's not so easy when you have a rival in class. His new friends help him train for an upcoming test and become the top student.
Episode ? (Grudgby Match)
Arguing over who should keep the egg, they decide to make it a challenge. Whichever team wins can decide who takes care of it.
Episode ? (Research)
Searching in the library for infos about Eber, they can't seem to get any clues as to what the egg might be. As the six split up to find more information, Vitimir finds a mysterious man who may knows something about what they are looking for.
Episode ? (Call for Help)
Darius introduces a special person to the his five friends, the Golden Guard. Maybe he knows more about this topic, but even someone as almighty as she is needs help sometimes.
Episode ? (HECK)
When Adrian got sent to the Helping Enhance Coven Knowhow he wants to prove he’s way better than everyone else. But as an illusionist and with his old bullies following him, it’s hard to get that attention.
Episode ? (Vitimir’s Past)
Curious as to why Vitimir always speaks badly of himself and never talks about his family they meet Vitimir's sister. As she tells the kids the tragic story of the past, it begins to make sense.
Episode ? (Disguise)
Vitimir wants to spend time with his sister, but his adoptive parents don't even allow him to be near her. Adrian disguises himself as Vitimir so he can enjoy the days with his sister without fearing that his parents are looking for him.
Episode ? (Flyer Derby)
Mason want his parents to see that he’s also good at something like his cousin Harvey but nothing seems to work. His friends suggest to participate in a Flyer Derby tournament. What he doesn't know is that his cousin is also participating and is many steps ahead of him.
Episode ? (Backstory)
Terra tells Adrian about her school days while Osran also tells Vitimir about his school days. It seems that the two stories have a connection.
Episode ? (Cure)
Hettie is desperate to find a cure for Vitimir’s disease. As they work together, they grow closer and gain trust.
Episode ? (Season 1 Finale)
Some demon hunters mistake Eber for a demon egg and the kids have to get it back somehow. (At the end of the episode Eber hatches)
Specials (45-50min Episodes)
Episode ? (Night at Hexside)
There's a Halloween sleepover in Hexside, but those who venture out in the hallways at night must face Hexside's spooky guards.
Episode ? (Where‘s Eda?)
When Eda goes missing for days Raine asking everyone to help find her. Together they explore the boiling isles to search for Eda.
Episode ? (Eber‘s Parents)
Darius and the five others make their way back to the Knee to finally find Eber's parents, but there are dangers along the way
Episode ? (The Truth)
(This episode has some intense final scenes. It might be scary for younger viewers.)
As Hunter goes through his daily routine, she finds a door he has never seen before. It leads her under the castle, but what and who he finds there is the last thing she wants to see.
Episode ? (Season 2 Finale)
It's Darius' last days in Bonesborough before moving to Latissa. Everyone comes together to make these days the best.
Episode Ideas
Episode for each Backstory of the Main Characters
Grom Episode
Gland Prix Episode
Mindscape Episode
Darius x Adrian Episode
Hettie x Vitimir Episode
Raeda Episode
(Okay I probably have more ideas but I’m too lazy to list them)
What happens after all that?
Well there are two options…
Canon Ending (the Events of The Owl House)
Fanon Ending (the Events of the CovenSpiesAU)
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pb-loves-owls · 1 year
thinking abt how to get gil and harvey in the old hexsquad shenanigans without uprooting them or putting them conveniently into a dangerous situation but im afraid they’re just gonna have to be put into a dangerous situation
was trying to find info about st epiderm and saw a crew-story about sword magic
maybe it could be one of the many adventures outside of bonesborough?
they all go up the knee for Odalia’s birthday party and naturally, she and alador are fighting. They’ve been fighting the whole way there and it’s making everyone miserable and awkward. most of them didn’t even wanna come but got dragged up by Darius who didnt wanna be alone with them and the other populars (he got a taste of non-toxic friendships and now he’s having a tough time).
Odalia’s is being a jerk so she practically forces everyone who weren’t specifically her friends to sleep in the same room. which… tbh would be kinda fair if it’s something she needed to book in advance. buut she didn’t and it’s her family’s vacation home with a bajillion rooms. enough for everyone and their guardians to have their own room.
so Lily, Eda, and Raine are basically roomies. which is still fine for them since the room itself is huge anyway, and the bed is so big it could fit five.
Eda wants to go have an adventure. since Raine used to live up there, they offer to give the squad a rundown of all the local lore. They didn’t really think anyone would wanna act on it since the magic up on the knee is so much more potent and the beasts are more dangerous. so they tell them about the secret stacks of St. Ep’s library and how it’s said that in there holds secrets of magic that are so ancient and so dangerous that not even the bravest of wild witches dare try.
so obviously, Eda wants to learn it.
Lilith tries to talk her out of it but is p much ignored after Raine says they have a man in the inside who would sneak his bf in all the time.
Man of course is Gilbert, who coincidentally is accompanied with Harvey who claims they’re just friends who sometimes hold hands and cuddle.
This’ll be before Eda and Raine start dating too.
Raine is all “really dude”
and Eda replies with “hey, we do that all the time and we’re best friends too!”
Darius does a check in with Raine to check if they’re good. Eda has no idea why they’re taking so long to follow, so she checks back, and sees them laughing with each other. basically she thinks she’s about to lose her best friend.
some time after finding the secret stacks entrance and entering it, the squad accidentally unleash an eldritch horror onto the school and have to slay it before anybody catches them.
cue barging into Gil’s room for that classic “walking in on an almost kiss” scene
Eda goes “woah what’re you doing?” “dude obviously they were about to ki—”
and then Harvey yells “KICKBOX”. pause for effect. then he gets kicked by Gilbert, who is done with the games, and asks what they’re doing in his room. Cue the low guttural growl of the monster.
After running a lot, the squad makes it outside, but Raine gets cornered by the monster. This triggers the owl beast, which turns out is now bigger than the monster. by a lot.
It eats the monster.
but now Raine is confronted with the Owl Beast. Lilith is trying to stop everyone from hurting Eda, but all anyone sees is the beast. Lilith is crying and apologizing to Eda.
but Raine isn’t all that scared. They know Eda and they know she wouldn’t hurt them if she knew what was going on. She was just afraid. using bard magic, they place a calming effect on her and talk her back down. Eda is exhausted to say the least.
In the end, Harvey apologizes to Gil and says that he was just afraid of them not being friends anymore if they start dating. Gil disuades those fears by saying that the reason he likes him so much is because they’re such good friends. and that as long as they communicate, they’ll always be friends first. they agree to go slow. Gilbert tells Raine that they’re welcome anytime but to maybe keep it chill next time.
while everyone is walking back, Eda stops Raine to talk to them. she thanks them for not attacking her or letting people attack her, to which they reply that she should thank Lily for the latter. as for the former, they could never be scared of her. because they’ve seen what a huge dork she is.
Eda still looks down in the dumps though, prompting Raine to ask what’s up. like. Is it the part where she almost attacked them because they can hold her off on their own too. then Eda tells them that she saw how close they and Darius have been getting. and they and Lilith, and Alador, and that she’s just afraid that they’re seeing she’s not all that cool of a person to hang out with.
Raine throws a snowball at her and tells her to stop talking about their best friend like that. They didn’t have many friends at St. Eps. Even Gilbert was a lot more social and didn’t actually hang out with them all that much. Not that they minded. but Eda was the first person ever that they felt really connected with. “you’re special to me, okay? nobody else comes close.”
they give her a kiss on the cheek and tell her to hurry up because everyone else is probably back at Odalia’s family manor already.
When they turn around to catch up to everyone, they don’t see Eda blushing all “oh no I have a crush”.
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emerald-studies · 4 years
How to be an ally
(I fixed ALL the links so fucking reblog)
1.  Check In On Your Black Friends/Acquaintances
In my opinion, I believe the best way to be an ally is to reach out to your Black friends and check in on them, consistently. If you can recognize the times we are living in are absolute hell, you should be checking in on the most effected. None of my friends have checked up on me to see how I was doing or just to talk. They didn’t even bring up the protests until I did. It feels very very lonely and scary to not be checked up on by the people who say they support and love you. So, I’m making this the first point because I don’t want anyone else to feel this way, not trying to complain.
2.  Learn More About Black History
It’s important to learn about the Black activists that our history books left out. Yes, Martin Luther King Jr. was, and is, important but we need to reflect on why he was pushed on us so much in our history classes, compared to other Black leaders. Is it because our government would rather us walk down the street holding signs than actually defending ourselves against the cop who’s beating us?
Here’s a master list of activists to start you off.
3.  Go to Rallies and Protests (If you can)
Find protests and rallies in your area by looking on Twitter and search #yourcityprotest. Or watch your local news channel to see where they are (if they’re being covered on the news). Also search on Facebook. Wear a mask.
4. Donate and Sign Petitions
If you don’t have extra money to donate, that’s fine. If you still want to be an ally then sign all the petitions you can. Take a day to research all the ones you can sign/haven’t signed and sign them!
(Also you don’t need to donate to change.org! Directly donate to non-profit organizations and victims’ families!)
George Floyd - change.org
George Floyd - amnesty.org
George Floyd - colorofchange.org
Get The Officers Charged
Charge All Four Officers
Breonna Taylor - moveon.org
Breonna Taylor - colorofchange.org
Breonna Taylor - justiceforbreonna.org
Breonna Taylor - change.org
Breonna Taylor - thepetitionsite.com
Ahmaud Arbery - change.org
Ahmaud Arbery - change.org 2
Ahmaud Arbery - change.org 3
Justice for Oluwatoyin Salau
Pass The Georgia Hate Crime Bill
Defund MPD
Life Sentence For Police Brutality
Regis Korchinski - change.org
Tete Gulley - change.org
Tony McDade - change.org
Tony McDade - actionnetwork.org
Tony McDade - thepetitionsite.com
Joao Pedro - change.org
Julius Jones - change.org
Belly Mujinga - change.org
Willie Simmons - change.org
Hands Up Act - change.org
National Action Against Police Brutality
Kyjuanzi Harris - change.org
Alejandro Vargas Martinez - change.org
Censorship Of Police Brutality In France
Sean Reed - change.org
Sean Reed - change.org 2
Kendrick Johnson - change.org
Tamir Rice - change.org
Tamir Rice - change.org 2
Fire Racist Criminal From The NYPD
Jamee Johnson - organizefor.org
Darius Stewart - change.org
Darius Stewart - moveon.org
Abolish Prison Labor
Free Siyanda - change.org
Chrystul Kizer - change.org
Chrystul Kizer - change.org 2
Andile Mchunu (Bobo) - change.org
Eric Riddick - change.org
Amiya Braxton - change.org
Emerald Black - change.org
Elijah Nichols - change.org
Zinedine Karabo Gioia - change.org
Angel Bumpass - change.org
Sheku Bayoh - change.org
Visit these sites for more info:
5. Educate yourself and others.
- “America’s Racial Contract Is Killing Us” by Adam Serwer | Atlantic (May 8, 2020)
- Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement (Mentoring a New Generation of Activists
- ”My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant” by Jose Antonio Vargas | NYT Mag (June 22, 2011)
- The 1619 Project (all the articles) | The New York Times Magazine
- The Combahee River Collective Statement
- “The Intersectionality Wars” by Jane Coaston | Vox (May 28, 2019)
- Tips for Creating Effective White Caucus Groups developed by Craig Elliott PhD
- “Where do I donate? Why is the uprising violent? Should I go protest?” by Courtney Martin (June 1, 2020)
- ”White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” by Knapsack Peggy McIntosh
- “Who Gets to Be Afraid in America?” by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi | Atlantic (May 12, 2020)
Movies/TV Shows:
When They See Us
American Son
Hello Privilege, It’s Me, Chelsea
The 13th
Murder to Mercy: The Cyntoia Brown Story
What Happened Miss Simone?
The Two Killings of Sam Cooke
Who Killed Malcolm X?
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson
Homecoming: A Film by Beyonce (Lighter in tone)
LA 92
Dear White People
- Black Feminism & the Movement for Black Lives: Barbara Smith, Reina Gossett, Charlene Carruthers (50:48)
- “How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion” | Peggy McIntosh at TEDxTimberlaneSchools (18:26)
- American Oxygen - Rihanna
- Formation - Beyonce
- Malcolm X Speeches
- 1619 (New York Times)
- About Race
- Code Switch (NPR)
- Intersectionality Matters! hosted by Kimberlé Crenshaw
- Momentum: A Race Forward Podcast
- The Autobiography of Malcolm X
- Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About RaceBook by Reni Eddo-Lodge
- Black Feminist Thought by Patricia Hill Collins
- Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower by Dr. Brittney Cooper
- Heavy: An American Memoir by Kiese Laymon
- How To Be An Antiracist by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
- I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
- Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
- Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad
- Redefining Realness by Janet Mock
- So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
- The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
- The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
- The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century by Grace Lee Boggs
- The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
- This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color by Cherríe Moraga
- When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America by Ira Katznelson
- White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo, PhD
- Shaun King: Instagram | Website
- Antiracism Center: Twitter
- Black Women’s Blueprint: Website
- Color Of Change: Website
- The Conscious Kid: Website | Instagram
- Equal Justice Initiative (EJI): Website | Twitter | Instagram
- NAACP: Twitter | Instagram |
- Ziwe | Instagram | (She has discussions about race with White people, kinda grilling them, every Thursday at 8 p.m. EST. Super thrilling to watch.)
Here’s Some Music Too:
Change Gonna Come - Sam Cooke
Chain Gang - Nina Simone
Missisippi Goddamn - Nina Simone
Fuck Da’ Police - N.W.A.
This is America - Childish Gambino
I’m Not Racist - Joyner Lucas
Fight the Power - Public Enemy
Freedom (Live) - Beyonce
I Can’t Breathe - H.E.R.
American Oxygen - Rihanna
Brown Skin Girl - Beyonce
My Playlist With A Few More
Black Artists Matter Playlist
What a large list! It looks so overwhelming! Don’t worry, you don’t have to read/watch/listen to everything. It takes a lot of effort!
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ja-lin · 3 years
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Yikes...Yvette can never catch a break. 
Some facts about Yvette’s past and why she’s the antagonist in Wrath’s route and why she had a hard time forgiving Wrath. In Wrath’s route, we find out that prior to the troupe breaking up into Yvette’s gang and Wrath’s gang, they worked together. It was...
Wrath, Ranza Lust, Gage (no further information other than a name) Envy, Ripley (now a bear) Pride, Dorran (Onyx’s ex-bf) Gluttony, Izaiah (Malakai’s brother) Sloth, Cal Greed, Yvette
(Fun fact: Nahara was pride a long time ago and Malakai’s mother was gluttony a long, long time ago.)
So what happened was they had a demon mission and Wrath was supposed to keep watch outside a building, but Wrath saw her girlfriend and let loose. The girlfriend was under control by demons and set the entire building on fire. So, it was Wrath’s fault for letting her guard down. The assassins were inside the building, and Wrath couldn’t save everything. (This explains her regret and protectiveness in her own route and her desire for everyone to be together again.)
Wrath could only save Yvette, but Yvette basically got dragged out of the building against her will since Yvette wanted to save Gage, Ripley, and Izaiah. Unfortunately, they didn’t make it. She always mentions she lost her family and has extreme hatred towards Wrath cause she would have rather died in the fire than be saved.
After the building fire, Ripley turned into a bear, Malakai assumed gluttony role since gluttony role is bloodline. Somehow they found Darius and he assumed the role of lust. Onyx assumed the role of envy since she was dating Dorran, who was pride. So, after the fire incident we have...
Wrath, Ranza Lust, Darius Envy, Onyx Pride, Dorran Gluttony, Malakai Sloth, Cal Greed, Yvette no title, Ripley
(Fun fact: I believe Nahara foreshadowed bad events to happen if Onyx and Dorran dated, I have to double check Onyx’s story on that.)
It was never explained, but some time later, Dorran was a complete asshole to Onyx and Onyx’s sister Vinca found out. She then killed Dorran and assumed the role of pride. I still haven’t found out when Yvette left the troupe, but I assume it was shortly after the fire incident. So, now we have...
The troupe as we know it: Wrath, Ranza Lust, Darius Envy, Onyx Gluttony, Malakai Sloth, Cal no title, Ripley
(Fun facts: The sin of wrath was never meant to lead the group, pride was. Under special circumstances since Dorran died, Ranza took over the leadership role. Gotta’ double check this.)
Yvette’s group who work with demons as we know it from the story: Greed, Yvette Pride, Vinca ???, Lazareth (Malakai’s half brother) a derpy virtue, Trudy
(Fun facts: Shadow is the 8th assassin who only appears under emergencies. Cal has been around the entire time and has seen everything.)
Ok, that was a lotta information I wanted to let out. Please let me know if any information is incorrect, this is all from memory. I’m currently re-reading Onyx for more information on Vinca. I’m actually re-reading all the routes since I wanted more info on Yvette lol...
I haven’t read Cal much nor Nahara, but will definitely go through those routes to find more information.
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caswlw · 2 years
ur icebreaker post said u had some ya book recs 👉👈 pls share I’m begging
ah yes !!! so i’m unsure of what ur preferred genres/tropes are so here’s some recs that are assuming u liked icebreaker lol i hope they fit !
omg check, please! by ngozi ukazu: it’s a (graphic novel) rec Easily given considering it’s also gay college hockey and id assume a lot of ppl who read icebreaker have already read check please- but if Miraculously u haven’t- it’s so good! it can be read as a comic online but the physical volumes have some extras worth seeing too imo. i also think that mickey and jaysen so closely resemble a certain 2 characters (not the MCS tho) from it that if u want similar content to icebreaker there’s them! and they share many other topics, like coming out, having a secret relationship for [blank] reasons, familial issues, going to the nhl, and mental health, so if u want a book that is closest to icebreaker then this one is ur best bet
darius the great duology by adib khorram: despite being about a teenage boy visiting family in iran (at least in the first one) and not at all about college hockey, these books are also good in that they have similar content ! i think it does a great job of diving into the MC’s mental health (and similarly how that affects the ppl around him) and the familial content and general disconnect (for a different reason here than in icebreaker) from them are also great! i wouldn’t rec this as romance even tho the MC is also gay just bc that aspect of his character is much more heavily explored in the second book! it’s sadder than icebreaker and again isn’t about hockey (tho soccer is pretty important) but omgcp is the happiest of these so far so it balances out
the field guide to the north american teenager by ben philippe: this is just a normal coming of age story for a teenage boy who moves to texas from canada. honestly had i not fallen for the cover on a random target run i probably wouldn’t have bought and read this but MAN was it worth it !! i love the narration and the MC is a Little annoying but it’s a story about Growth ! and since i was moving to TX soon myself when i read it i felt less alone in my situation too <3 but yeah i have a list of books i file under dude lit (i would probably help define this better in a post on it’s own) which i feel like if u liked how mickey was written this might also be your jam! not a book w a whole lot of romance to follow through tho jsyk
the henna wars by adiba jaigirdar: a book w a non male MC !! just bc most of my “similar to icebreaker” books are about men and i can’t handle sending out recs like that. anyway tho this standalone is about a girl in high school who has a business project and ends up being a rival to a different classmate who essentially chose the same concept for her project. if the rivalry (if u want to call it that) from icebreaker is what pulled you in, then this is your book! it’s wlw and the girls also have a similar plot involving coming out to school + family and keeping up w each other academically/in this project. plus! the MCs have a similar “we come from different worlds” aspect like mickey and jaysen !! if u want more wlw recs too i have a few they just aren’t similar enough to icebreaker for me to have them here lol (also def recommend hani and ishu’s guide to fake dating- which is also a wlw ya novel by jaigirdar)
the darkness outside us by eliot schrefer: now this. this book is Insane. legitimately i bought it off amazon bc i thought the synopsis was good and i was looking for a happy ending in a standalone sci-fi book and this ended up being So Much more. i don’t want to explain too much of the plot as it’s best experienced read w no major info going in, but essentially these two guys are on a spaceship and they have a mission to rescue someone! its marketed as a love story- which it most certainly has (and the relationship btw the MCs reminds me of icebreaker’s like. we are and aren’t rivals bc we’re on the same mission/team- but also in another way we Are bc xyz)- BUT the thing about this book is that it’s So Much More than just gay ppl in space and it genuinely took me on so many rushes of that feeling omg what will happen next that i cannot help but recommend it on this list of ya contemporary books lmao
general recs i always have tho include dread nation by justina ireland, the warcross duology by marie lu, the scythe trilogy by neal shusterman, and ace of spades by faridah àbíké-íyímídé (def my favorite book published in 2021 that i read- tho if ur interested be sure to look up the list of TWs beforehand bc it’s Heavy.) honorable mention to the vicious duology by v.e. schwab bc i wouldn’t say it’s YA. i have to read more of my book list to give more recs that aren’t just a very similar list lol but if u want a better full description/review of any of these just lmk 🤩
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dominiquethevampire · 4 years
this was inspired by @darrenshanisabitch first question of the part 2 of cdf related questions: “If you could read cdf in another characters POV, what character would it be?”
**PS. This contains a few spoilers & also forgive me if any of my info is wrong I don’t remember all the exact details lol**
I would love to read CDF but in A Song of Ice and Fire way, where it’s one story taking place across multiple points of view at the same time. If you haven’t read it, it’s a series where basically some bigger characters have frequent points of view and you see them multiple times in almost every book, and then some smaller ones might have a few in one book, or even a single chapter across the whole series.
🔹I’d pick main viewpoints for:
•Darren: for obvious reasons.
•Gannen Harst: I think it would be more interesting to observe Steve’s descent into madness from the perspective of someone close to him, and especially to read the conflicting interal dialogue of not wanting to go along with the insanity but knowing he has to. (Kind of like Davos Seaworth) Also I want to know how he feels about Vancha.
•Seba: His chapters would be the Vampire Mountain perspective. The obvious choice might be the princes, but I feel like he would offer a lot of unbiased insight into the politics and going ons of VM. Plus he basically knows about like everything that happens on Vampire Mountain.
🔹Side viewpoints (multiple chapters but overall less than the main viewpoints):
•Kurda: We’d get to see him orchestrating everything with the vampaneze and how the actual plan was put into place. I’d still keep his death from Darren’s POV though.
•Vancha: He’s obviously more relevant in later books, though I’d do a few chapters in earlier ones about what he got up to before he entered the main plot.
•Debbie: Her POV wouldn’t start until after the third book. Then it would come and go periodically, updating on her reaction to Darren leaving, her in teacher’s college, her starting teaching, etc. Also about her and Alice going off to recruit the homeless people or whatever they did. It’s been a little bit since I read the books lol
•Darius: Mainly to document his relationship with Steve, being blooded, what happens when he goes to VM, etc.
🔹Single chapters:
•Annie: I’d do a chapter documenting her relationship with Steve. Maybe a couple chapters, actually. One when their relationship is good and one about the part where he shows up in the middle of the night.
•Sam: His would be the prequel chapter to Book 2. It would cover him at home with his family, going through a normal day, and then end with him spotting the Cirque and deciding to go check it out.
•Gavner: Prequel chapter for Book 4, but it’d be the Liz story from Darren Shan’s website.
•Mika: I’d give him a prequel chapter about the time where he left the mountain & found out about the vampets. Maybe another chapter somewhere else too.
•RV: How he found the vampaneze
•Mr. Tall: There is a lot of possibilities for him. I can’t pick one. It’s hard since he knows the future not to spoil anything.
•Evanna: Maybe at the end where she’s pregnant? Idk, like Mr. Tall there’s a lot of possibilities. See comment about knowing the future above.
•Arra: I’d like a chapter about her and Larten reconnecting at the Festival of the Undead.
🔹Characters I wouldn’t give viewpoints and why:
•Steve: See Gannen above.
•Mr. Crepsley: His & Darren’s story overlaps to the point that if they both had perspectives it would feel like half a story from each of them instead of one complete story.
•Mr. Tiny: I feel like part of what makes him a great villian is the mysteriousness. Seeing what’s going on in his head would ruin that.
•Harkat/Arrow/Paris/Alice/etc.: Their stories overlap a lot with the above characters. I could probably think of a way to fit them in & I’m probably forgetting some characters but I have schoolwork & I’ve wasted enough time already:’)
I mean, just think of the possibilities. Paris’ funeral from Seba’s perspective? Steve climbing into the Coffin of Fire from Gannen’s perspective? DARIUS WATCHING STEVE SNAP SHANCUS’ NECK????
Author Darren Shan if you’re reading this I will singlehandedly fund this project
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bluefur-ends · 4 years
About all the Leos
All the Leos have a Bobtail Cat base, but have an extra different cat breed mutation so that’s why their designs are all based off of different cat breeds
Info will be under the cut
Based off of the Munchkin
The smallest
Teeny furry baby
Still can kick ass, stubby legs are POWERFUL stubby legs
Based off of the Prussian Blue Cat
The og idea boy lmao
Can and will sit anywhere (if I fits, I sits…)
Still studied under the Ancient One, yes the Ancient One is still human. The Ancient One taught a cat some Ninjutsu stuff, yes that happened
Leo went to Battle Nexus as well, kicked butt before some JERK shot him with a poison dart and Usagi, who tried to frantically take the dart off, got himself accidentally poisoned so they both went off the field. After healing shenanigans, he decided to check up on and keep an eye out for his brothers
Recognized Casey as that kid they saved from getting the crap kicked outta him and immediately went :3!!! because, he’s not letting that boy get away from him again
Swims in the giant pool in the btts season because water baby
Same as 03 Leo but old and blind
He uses his other senses to guide himself around
After the shredder gets defeated in their universe his brothers (because they deserve to LIVE GODDAMMIT) help him set up a healing camp for all the injured souls
 2003 Dark Leo
While he has a Bobtail and Prussian Blue Cat base he’s more based off of the Nebelung
A big boy but smaller than bayverse
Got a lot of hurt because Darius is a huge jerk I mean have you SEEN canon?
His relationship with his brothers was strained
He still cared for them but was afraid of love and comfort and what it could bring (he loved and all it brought was hurt but he couldn’t stamp it down, so he toned it down to healing and subtle help in the field) He had a very delicate relationship with trust and love
The brothers didn’t mind him and appreciated his healing, but he’s smaller than them and Darius tended to focus his anger on Leo so they just,,, left him be. They were less protective of their Leo
Never got scritches before 03 Raph ):
After the dark turtles escape Darius they stay with the 03 turtles and Cody. There, the dark gang get the chance to heal and learn about family and love (can I get a hell yeah?)
The dark turtles end up fiercely protective of him in the end
He and his brothers live with Cody now
Based off of wild cat breeds and the Bengal Cat
Left his family for about a year to journey into the wild and to train because he felt like he had to get stronger for his family
Recognized that His Raphie is the Nightwatcher straight away
Based off of the Snowshoe Cat
Has the strongest healing abilities
Often heals simple cuts and bruises from just being in the same room
Ult Parental Unit for the pets, has lots of experience
Naps on the dojo tree
Based off of the Calico
Has the most >:3c energy out of the Leos
He’s still a sweet boy tho
Somehow absorbed the mystic power from a broken ōdachi and can now summon portals with his claws or tail
There were, many shenanigans
He was actually a separate experiment by Draxum, but escaped with Splinter when the turtle stuff happened
Based off of the Maine Coon
Largest, absolute unit NO SERIOUSLY HE’S HUGE
Doesn’t stop him from sitting wherever he can
Bayverse turts like to hold him like a giant fur baby
Little more commanding to his turtle brothers but still very loving
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karihighman · 5 years
Chicago PD recap
Here are my thoughts on the Chicago PD midseason finale “Absolution” :
Chicago PD surprisingly kicked off their episode with some subtle Upstead flirting. Hailey has followed Jay to see where he had been sneaking off to (turns out it was to help out Marcus West’s family).
She warned him about his mission, but he reassured her that he’d be okay. Yeah, if only he knew what was to come.
Because not soon after, Jay had to bail on a crime scene to go see Angela (Marcus’ wife) again. Hailey, being the nice partner that she is, covered for him, so he could leave. When Voight asked her what was up, she told him Halstead was simply working some things out.
Later in the day when Jay doesn’t show up for court, Platt comes up to the district to ask where he is. Voight immediately checks with Hailey first, as being the one Jay is closest to, she may know his whereabouts. She had no idea where he was, as she had just gotten done leaving not one or two, but three voicemails on his phone.
I personally enjoyed her line of at two “I’m annoyed”; but 3 “I’m worried.” She’s such a work wife I love that for her.
But anyhow. So they find Halstead’s car, and after Upton tells Rojas to check it (because obviously she knows Jay’s truck hehehe), they find he went under without telling anyone. They go inside the house to find lots of blood, but no Jay. And no Angela. Yikesarama, as Jesse Lee Soffer would say...
Well, Hailey knows she needs to come clean, so she tells Voight about who Angela really is. Armed with this new info, they go to work to track down people involved with Angel, & that are connected to the drug dealer who was tortured in their earlier call (the one Jay left from in a hurry).
They start putting pieces together, which unsurprisingly lead to Darius Walker. Voight makes a deal and Darius agrees to infiltrate Kevin with Pedro, the guy they know helped run the drugs. Pedro lets Kevin (undercover name, Keyshawn) talk to Jay (known as “Jimmy” to Angela) so we know he’s okay for now.
All the while, wherever the heck Jay and Angela are, he’s trying to keep her spirits up. Things get pretty painful fast though, not only physically (Angela’s stabbed in the abdomen; Jay is bleeding profusely from his head & his face has been beaten), but emotionally too in terms of conversation.
Jay finally came clean and told Angela how he really met Marcus. In prison. Because he’s the cop who arrested him. Cue the dramatic music...
An important scene
Despite this slightly good prospect, the team still has to do the exchange of Angela and Jimmy (Jay) for the drugs. Kevin meets with Pedro, who — big shock (note the sarcasm please) — doesn’t have Angela or Jay to trade off.
A shootout ensues, which led Voight to taking down one guy with a shot to the leg (which I always find entertaining when he shoots someone up. He just never ever hesitates. He gives zero fucks).
Hailey Upton tackles him down, demanding to know where her partner is. “You better hope to God he’s alright,” she scowls at the suspect. Yeah, remind me never to mess with Hailey Ann Upton. She is a freaking badass. Love it!
They play another move in their little chess game by bringing Pedro’s son in. But a significant scene happens right before then that really solidified what Rick Eid said about Hailey’s feelings surrounding Jay’s kidnapping.
Hailey is seen on the phone, wondering where the heck the boy is. You can hear her voice breaking on the end of the call with the lockup people; and you can feel her desperation when she chucks her coffee mug in the sink in frustration.
Adam heats the commotion and comes to lend a shoulder — cough cough, how it should have been in 602, but I digress - and reminds Hailey that they are gonna find Jay.
“Gotta do something,” she says sadly. You see her wipe some tears away and run a hand over her eyes, signaling just how much this is weighing on her.
When the boy shows up; they use him as leverage against the dad and they get what they need. An address. Jay, they’re coming for ya buddy!
The shocking end
What truly made Chicago PD stand out amongst the rest of the finales was their twist ending.
Jay had managed to wrangle himself free of his piped restraints & gave Angela a weapon to protect herself while he took down the offender upstairs.
Remember when Jay confessed his real identity? Fans waited on pins & needles, but thankfully Angela did not sell him out. But hold on, we’re not done yet.
Outside, Intwlligence is trying to find a way inside the stash house. The only one who can get in? A teeny tiny Tracy Spiridakos (no seriously, she squeezed through a hole in the window like, yay big...dang). So up goes Hailey — alone, mind you. She’s offline, she’s gone dark. I’m over here worried something’s gonna happen to her. (But it doesn’t).
The good news? SHE FINDS JAY! Hailey runs to her partner, her voice pleading with him to be okay as she asks. Her eyes don’t really wanna know the answer though as she looks him over. Jay looks at her, and you see a literal sigh of relief on his face that she’s here. Because she means safety. She means he’s getting out of there alive.
“Hey, are you okay?”
He nods, but remembers Angela. He tells her to stay here (such a good work husband he is!), but that he has to go get Angela from downstairs. Hailey remains upstairs while the camera follows Jay down.
What ensues is something I didn’t see coming. Like seriously not in a million years.
Angela, armed with a gun somehow now, shoots Jay. It’s unclear if it’s in the shoulder or more on his chest, but either way, he goes down for the count.
And that — yes THAT — is how the episode ends. A “to be continued” flashes across a black screen & I am a bucket of emotions. Don’t even get me started on that promo.
And that concludes my semi professional recap of Chicago PD. Now allow me to express my fangirl emotions below:
Seriously though, can someone give Jesse Lee Soffer an Emmy? Also nominate Tracy Spiridakos for one too please. Thank you. They deserve it.
I just — Hailey’s look she gave Jay before he left. It was the purest most genuine form of love there is. Like it’s not really so much about what kind of love it is; but more so that it happened at all. In all my years of watching this show, I can’t remember a time when Erin gave him that kind of look. Sure, she was relieved when he was alive in 301; but this, this was different.
Hailey was pouring all her emotions into that look. Just like she always has with Jay. And he was doing the same with her. Because that’s what works between them. And this episode showed everyone (like legit, everyone in Intelligence) how much Hailey cares for Jay. Not just in a partner way. But a “I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get him back because I need him in my life as more than that” way. Because it’s true. She needs him. She loves him. And he needs and loves her too. So that’s why Jay has to be okay — because he needs to get back to Hailey so all can be right in the world again. That’s all I can say.
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spnsimpleman · 5 years
With the strike of a match.
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Dean x unknown Daughter, Sam x unknown niece, 
Anonymous asked: Hi this is a weird request so stay with me, I was wondering if you could do a spn x reader series where the reader is deans unknown daughter and when he finds out about her he goes to get her but when he finds her she's nothing like he expected, she would be a cold hearted badass, hopefully a street fighter or gang leader (weird I know) and she knows about the supernatural because demons or something killed her family. Like I said this is weird but I've wanted fine like this forever!Thank you!!!
This will be a short series based on this ask I received a little over a year ago... I think. Sorry anonym, but if you’re still with me, I hope you love it!
Word Count: 1413
Arsonist’s lullaby by Hozier
The strike of a match. A quick inhale of its cleansing fragrance before its fall to the ground. Within those milliseconds, I gazed at that little piece of wood with its tiny flame and marveled at how something so small, so common, when put in just the right environment could tear down cities. The giant felled by a pebble.
How such a big splash could come from such a miniscule thing. A tsunami in the making.
A quiet whoosh accompanies the intensifying sweet smell of my chosen accelerant and then the heat of the slow building flame. It reaches for the accelerant along the ground, the wind helping it along as it devours like the greedy pure soul it is, slithering along the ground following the path I mapped out for it. Pure. Competent. Obedient.
I take one last look at the picture with four smiling faces. Four kids who thought they had the world by the balls. They were the exception. They would be different from all the horror stories. Just four more kids that found out they were wrong. They knew nothing of how cruel this world could be. Nothing ever changes.
There are no exceptions in this world. Not in this neighborhood, at least.
I press my lips to the slippery photo paper already heated by the air around me.
I say my final goodbyes.
“For you,” I drop the photo into the flickering flames in front of me. The explosion of heat from the nearby building barely touches me. “I’ll see them burn.” My insides match the heat but, in this moment, I am numb.
The smiling faces turn grotesque, sneering then melting completely away.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
For a single brief second, soil falling on a coffin dominates my vision and I shake the image away. Not today.
I turn my gaze to the building and wish it could melt just the same, but things built with that kind of workmanship take time. I know a thing or two about time and how much patience it takes to make things right.
“My boys, I love you.” I had thought about carving their names into a wall of the building but I wouldn’t disgrace them that way. Their names deserve a better place and I vowed to give it to them.
I pull my hood up and turn away from the inferno. The roar of the sirens so far away but in eight minutes, they would be in my path. Not enough time to save the building, not with what I’ve done, but they will try because fires spread and the mayor wouldn’t want our trash to spill into his precious streets on the east side.
His deal was quite clear about that.
For Darius and Marco. For JJ and Serenity. After years of work, I was finally ready to rip it all down, brick by fucking disease riddled brick. I will watch it crumble and it will be my hand that caused it. I’ll make sure he knows it.
I may not be the beginning but I will be its end.
Sam Winchester sat in the library of the Men of Letters bunker going through his emails and checking all the alerts that came in overnight. He brought his coffee mug to his lips as he cleared another false alert and questioned his search parameters. He tipped the mug all the way back but still nothing. He looked into it with a sigh and glanced over his shoulder toward the kitchen trying to remember if there had been any coffee left. Dean didn’t always refill the pot but he might have skipped that step this time too.
He rubbed his face, deleted the junk email that somehow got through his damn filters and growled. Today was not going to go his way.
The next email filled the screen, an APB with the picture of a scowling teenaged girl suspected of Arson. “What the hell..?”
Sam leaned forward, placing the mug on the table and skimmed the bulletin. He looked at the subject of the email, thought you might want to see this. It was from a Sheriff they had worked with on a case years ago. But why send him this? It didn’t look like it had anything to do with their kind of work.
Sam frowned and clicked on the connected file. Her arrest record was impressive for a twenty-year-old. He scanned the charges, everything from loitering to resisting arrest to a handful of different drug and assault charges.
He looked at the picture again, not really the face of an addict. There was something familiar about her but he couldn’t pinpoint it. He skimmed the information again and his gaze froze on the guardians listed.
Mother and stepfather deceased- apparent animal attack.
A list of old foster home placements and a final note by the last one. She fled at sixteen.
DNA link: Dean Winchester. Deceased. There was an attachment with his arrest record.
“Holy shit.”
“What?” Dean strolled into the room with a coffee mug in hand, his robe tied around his waist, his slippers scuffing across the floor.
Sam turned wide eyes on his brother, opened his mouth, and closed it. He swallowed then looked back at the screen, scrolled up to the top, and turned the screen toward him.
Dean walked over and leaned down scanning the email. “Damn, girl.” He scrolled down, clicked on the link and whistled. “Kid’s been busy. So, what’s with the arson charge? Changeling? Wendigo?”
Sam shook his head and clicked back to the girl’s information, scrolled until the guardian portion was in the middle of the screen. Then he took the coffee mug from his brother and waved at the screen.
Dean frowned at his mug Sam placed on the table before turning his focus back to the screen. He scanned the info, leaned closer, and then jumped back. “What the fuck is that?”
Sam’s brows rose as he stared at his brother, “what does it look like?”
“Like bullshit, that’s what!” He looked back at the screen, “who the hell does DNA tests for a fucking APB.”
“Well, considering her rap sheet, I’d say it was done before and put on her record for a reason. Maybe the cops really wanted a reason to put her behind bars.”
“Looks like they never succeeded. Most of the big offenses didn’t stick.” He smirked at that.
“Spoken like a proud parent.”
“Shut up! This is obviously some kind of set up.”
Sam quirked a brow, “for who? You think you’re being set up?”
“No, this kid obviously is. Cops are probably pissed because the kid is smart and got out of everything they tried to put her away for.”
Sam crossed his arms over his chest, “yeah. Her parents were killed and she was shoved into the foster system, that she apparently didn’t agree with, and now after years of building a rap sheet, the cops are trying to pin a pretty big arson on her.”
“What the hell are you looking at me for?”
“I don’t know. Guess I’m trying to decide whether to say I told you so or not.”
Dean stabbed a finger at his brother, “I am always careful.”
Sam raised his brow, “hmm… what was that Amazon kid then?”
Dean frowned, “extenuating circumstances.” His hand fell to his side and his gaze veered back to the computer.
Sam shook his head, “condoms don’t always work, Dean.”
“What are you saying? That I should drive there and help this kid who probably doesn’t even know who I am? You really think that kid is gonna give a shit that I was her sperm donor?”
Sam scrolled up to the picture, a mug shot probably a couple years old and understood what it was he couldn’t pinpoint before. “I think she deserves someone to give a shit about her. Whether you like it or not, she’s a Winchester.”
Dean clenched his jaw and looked back at the screen. She had a few of his features and looked a little too much like Mary for him to completely turn away and ignore the DNA as false. 
“Fuck!” He snatched his coffee from the table before Sam could drink it and spun away, stalking back the way he came.
“Where are you…”
“Taking a shower and then prepping for a drive. If you’re coming, take a damn shower, you smell like a wendigo.”
Part Two- With a wink and a smile.
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televinita · 5 years
Books Read in 2019: The Why
In a tradition I accidentally started for myself and now quite enjoy, at the end of the year I look back at my reading list and answer the question, why did you read this particular book? 
Below, the books are split into groups by target readership age, plus nonfiction at the end. This year I have added the category “how I heard of it” as well, because I just think that info is neat.
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The Visitor - K.L. Slater. 2018. Read because: Ten episodes of The Good Cop weren't enough, so I tried to find something w/ similar characters, and this looked kinda like "TJ as a slightly more withdrawn weirdo." By the time I realized it wouldn't work due to being British, I was too excited by the prospect of a thriller to stop.
How I heard of it: Googling keywords
Like the Red Panda - Andrea Seigel. 2004. The back cover and first few pages reminded me of a friend I had once.
How I heard of it: Library
The Lost Vintage - Ann Mah. 2018. What's that? You've got some secret family history/a mystery from the past to be solved using old personal papers, including a diary? My jams.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls (4th ed.) - Emilie Autumn. 2017. I googled for books that promised unique formatting/art design, and Emilie Autumn has always been an intriguing enigma to me.
I Heard the Owl Call My Name - Margaret Craven. 1967. I know this title, but not why -- when I tripped over it in the teen* section and saw how tiny it was, I decided to find out what it was about. (*it's there because it's often taught in schools. It's here because its intended audience is adult.)
Escape - Barbara Delinsky. 2011. Went looking for an audiobook -- the cover with a woman standing on a small bridge amidst the woods drew me in (I can't find that cover on the internet though), and the idea of abandoning responsibility and driving off to a small town sounded like my dream.
How I heard of it: Library
Saul and Patsy - Charles Baxter. 2003. Another search result from my attempt to cast Josh Groban in a novel -- Midwestern-set and a man very much in love with his wife, no worries about the relationship being wrecked? Sweet! (though ultimately, I had to mentally recast)
How I heard of it: Googling
California - Edan Lepucki. 2014. Needed an audiobook. The title and green forest cover caught my eye, and the off-the-grid life + promise of a mysterious and possibly suspicious settler community described in the plot appealed to me.
How I heard of it: Library
The Lost Queen of Crocker County - Elizabeth Leiknes. 2018. Woman moves back home to rural Iowa in a book described as a "love letter to the Midwest"? Look at all these good choices.
How I heard of it: Library
All The Things You Are - Declan Hughs. 2014. Was looking for a different book w/ this title, but saw Spooky Dark House cover + wild summary and wanted to know how that could possibly happen / what the explanation was.
How I heard of it: Library catalog
Tumbledown Manor - Helen Brown. 2016. Cover love. A book about restoring a historic family manor?? BRING ME THERE.
How I heard of it: Library
The War Bride's Scrapbook - Caroline Preston. 2017. IT'S LITERALLY A SCRAPBOOK. I loved her other one like this.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day - Winifred Watson. 1938. Rewatched the movie and needed to relive an alternate take immediately (especially for more Michael).
How I heard of it: special features on the DVD
April & Oliver - Tess Callahan. 2009. This just screamed "(slightly less storybook) Ned/Chuck AU!!" [Pushing Daisies] at me. There was semi-platonic comfort-spooning in the second chapter, COME ON.
How I heard of it: Half Price Books
A Short Walk to the Bookshop - Aleksandra Drake. 2019. This looked like an even more solid Ned/Chuck AU, missing only the childhood connection/age similarity, with bonus fave keywords anxiety, widower, bookshop and dog.
How I heard of it: Googling
Girl Last Seen - Nina Laurin. 2017. Recently watched "Captive" and wanted a story of the aftermath from the captive's perspective.
How I heard of it: Goodreads (specifically, I looked up an older book by this title intending to check out related recs, but this came up first)
The Road to Enchantment - Kaya McLaren. 2017. Gorgeous cover/title + "single [pregnant] woman inherits late mother's ranch" = an alternate life I want to try on.
How I heard of it: Library
From Sand and Ash - Amy Harmon. 2016. Love between childhood best friends who can’t (well, aren’t supposed to) touch? Sounds like a Ned/Chuck AU to me!
How I heard of it: a book blog post
My Oxford Year - Julia Whelan. 2018. Always here for age-appropriate student/teacher romances -- I had this one saved for a while -- but read now specifically to cast David Tennant.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
The Reckoning at Gossamer Pond - Jaime Jo Wright. 2018. There's a mystery from the past being solved in the present. Also, "inherited hoarder's trailer" made me v. curious about what was inside.
How I heard of it: a book blog post
My Husband the Stranger - Rebecca Done. 2017. It's Find Books That Remind Me Of David Tennant's Roles Month, and this was my crack at "Recovery."
How I heard of it: Googling
The House on Foster Hill - Jaime Jo Wright. 2017. Fixing up a spooky abandoned historic house + solving a mystery from the past in the present!
How I heard of it: a book blog post
Broadchurch - Erin Kelly. 2014. Fell in love with the show, had to immediately relive it in text form.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
The Vanishing - Wendy Webb. 2014. Spooky historic mansion from a reliable author for the spookening season.
How I heard of it: looking up the author’s back catalog
The Scholar - Dervla McTiernan. 2019. The Ruin - Dervla McTiernan. 2018. "Hmmm looks kind of like (Irish) Broadchurch but where the detective character has a girlfriend to fuss over and worry about. Nice." Read out of order because the second one had more girlfriend content, and enjoyed it enough to go back for book 1.
How I heard of it: Googling
The Day She Died - Catriona McPherson. 2014. The cover looked perfect for the Spook Season/gloomy weather. Sign me up for insta-families and murder mysteries w/ MCs in possible danger any day.
How I heard of it: library (literally because it was right next to McTiernan)
Still Missing - Chevy Stevens. 2010. Collecting base material for when I play this scenario (abduction/prolonged captivity and its aftermath) out w/ TV characters I like.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
This Is How You Lose The Time War - Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone. 2019. It sounded EXACTLY like a (genderbent) Doctor/Master or Crowley/Aziraphale relationship.
How I heard of it: a book blog post
The Tale of Halcyon Crane - Wendy Webb. 2010. Wanted an audiobook and I like this author (esp. for spook season).
How I heard of it: author’s back catalog
The Child Garden - Catriona McPherson. 2015. I liked her previous book and this setting looked even spookier and more atmospheric.
How I heard of it: author’s back catalog
Quiet Neighbors - Catriona McPherson. 2016. One last dip into this author...because what part of "woman gets a job organizing the books in 'the oldest bookshop in a town full of bookshops' + an old cottage to stay in" does not sound like my dream life?
How I heard of it: author’s back catalog
Doctor Who: The Nightmare of Black Island - Mike Tucker. 2006. After 2.5 months in a Ten/Rose spiral, the time was nigh to pluck one of their novels I didn’t get around to reading back in my original fandom heyday.
How I heard of it: can't remember
Misery - Stephen King. 1987. I just woke up one day and decided I was in the mood to try this infamous mother of all literary whumps.
How I heard of it: can’t remember
The Whisper Man - Alex North. 2019. Went looking for books that would remind me of the father/son dynamic in "The Escape Artist."
How I heard of it: Googling
Open Your Eyes - Paula Daly. 2018. Second crack at a "Recovery"-shaped novel (it failed instantly because I didn’t take the possibility of diversity into account, but suspense is still a good genre regardless).
How I heard of it: Googling
The Last - Hanna Jameson. 2019. "Dystopian psychological thriller" + the gorgeous hotel on the cover.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
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Blood Wounds - Susan Beth Pfeffer. 2011. Established quality author + (what I thought was a) thriller premise.
How I heard of it: author’s back catalog
Beware That Girl - Teresa Totten. 2016. I wanted an audiobook, and contemporary YA options are limited at the library. The mystery/thriller aspect sounded good enough to spend 8+ hours with.
How I heard of it: library
Trafficked - Kim Purcell. 2012. I am mystified/intrigued by domestic/non-sexual slavery, and have not seen the topic covered in YA.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Wild Bird - Wendelin Van Draanen. 2017. I have long been fascinated by teen reform camps for girls in the wilderness.
How I heard of it: library
The Year of Luminous Love - Lurlene McDaniel. 2013. The Year of Chasing Dreams - Lurlene McDaniel. 2014.
The library didn't have Girl With the Broken Heart, but it did have a fat duology featuring similar elements of horses + tragic illness, and a trio of friends that called to mind Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
The Pull of Gravity - Gae Polisner. 2011. I was looking for quality male friendships, but the male/female friendship + road trip in this search result sounded like I could cast them as teen versions of Survivor contestants. I forget which ones.
How I heard of it: Googling
The Summer of Jordi Perez (and the Best Burger in Los Angeles) - Amy Spalding. 2018. Established quality author + bright cover, cool title, burger quest, MC's love of fashion and job in a clothing store, and summer in L.A. setting
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Tiger Eyes - Judy Blume. 1981. Found out Amy Jo Johnson was the mom in the movie version, decided to read the book as prep since once again, I knew the title, but not why I knew it.
Darius the Great Is Not Okay - Adib Khorram. 2018. I turned the internet upside down in search of books with quality male friendships, and was pointed here.
How I heard of it: Googling
Big Doc's Girl - Mary Medearis. 1941. Went looking for vintage stories of simple country girls who reminded me of Katharine McPhee's character in The House Bunny. (spoiler alert: this was not it even a little bit, why did I think it was)
How I heard of it: Googling
With Malice - Eileen Cook. 2016. Always here for random teen thrillers, including a fictionalized version of Amanda Knox.
How I heard of it: library
The Girls of No Return - Erin Saldin. 2012. Like I said, I'm big on girls reform camps in the wilderness.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Hope Was Here - Joan Bauer. 2000. Needed an audiobook. This one was short and by a proven quality author.
How I heard of it: library
Rules of the Road - Joan Bauer. 1998. Best Foot Forward - Joan Bauer. 2006. Bought the first super-cheap a while ago because of the cover/road trip aspect/fascinating first few pages; read NOW to keep the Bauer train rolling, followed immediately by its sequel.
How I heard of it: Goodwill/Goodreads
Now Is Everything - Amy Giles. 2017. Interesting format, sympathetic-sounding main character (edit: What Makes You Beautiful - Ha Ha Ha version.mp3), potential for a sweet and protective romance.
How I heard of it: library
Radical - E.M. Kokie. 2016. Survivalist/prepper teen?  Intriguing and underrepresented concept in YA.
How I heard of it: library
Hit the Road - Caroline B. Cooney. 2006. “It's spring, which means it's time to think about road trips.” Plus I just read a fun teen + old lady on the road book (Rules of the Road). It's thematic.
How I heard of it: library
I Am Still Alive - Kate Alice Marshall. 2018. I dig survival stories, especially in the wilderness, and this one was well recced.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
The Caged Graves - Dianne K. Salerni. 2013. Spook cover!! I MUST KNOW WHY THERE ARE CAGES OVER THESE GRAVES.
How I heard of it: library
Fancy Free - Betty Cavanna. 1961. Found cheap and will read this author always.
How I heard of it: antique store
Once And For All - Sarah Dessen. 2017. Stubborn determination to complete this author's canon and literally no other reasons.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Wired Man and Other Freaks of Nature - Sashi Kaufman. 2016. People in the Goodreads reviews were mad that the guys were so close yet not gay for each other. That's the very specific male friendship wheelhouse I've been looking for! Plus I know this author can write teen boys in a way I can tolerate.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Field Notes on Love - Jennifer E. Smith. 2019. Needed an audiobook and this was on display at the library; it looked cute and fluffy and I was ready for an antidote to the Dessen book.
How I heard of it: library
Midnight Sun - Trish Cook. 2017. Needed an audiobook and sick!lit seemed the most reliable of my options, given that previews for the movie had looked okay and it was real short.
How I heard of it: library
9 Days and 9 Nights - Katie Cotugno. 2018. Sequel to a book that drove me insane, but where I loved the writing style and was frustratingly fond of the characters so I Had 2 Know what happened next.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Your Destination Is On The Left - Lauren Spieller. 2018. Attractive cover + keywords like "nomadic RV lifestyle," Santa Fe, post-high-school YA, and internship
How I heard of it: library
Weird Girl and What's His Name - Meagan Brothers. 2015. X-Philes?? In MY modern-day YA fiction?? (with a side of inappropriate age-mismatched relationship?)  My interest is more likely than you'd think!
How I heard of it: library
All Out of Pretty - Ingrid Palmer. 2018. Attractive design + arresting first page piqued my curiosity
How I heard of it: library
Hitchhike - Isabelle Holland. 1977. Vintage book w/ a puppy on the cover, by an author I like.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Send No Blessings - Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. 1990. Reread from high school after it came up on the What's The Name of That Book? discussion group; felt a strong pull of positive feelings but couldn't remember much.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
The Year of the Gopher - Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. 1987 Wanted better understanding of the source material before reading an essay about this book and the above in Lost Masterworks of Young Adult Literature.
How I heard of it: another book
Up In Seth's Room - Norma Fox Mazer. 1979 There was an essay about this in Lost Masterworks too. I had read it a long time ago and remembered NOT liking it, but figured I might as well revisit it to review on Goodreads.
How I heard of it: library
Blizzard's Wake - Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. 2002. Happened to be on the shelf when I checked to see what non-Alice books of hers the library had in stock, and figured as long I'm on a Naylor kick, this might as well happen. Mainly ‘cause I saw "deadly blizzard" on the back and was like "WOW this seems useful for my hurt/comfort scenario stockpile."
How I heard of it: library
A Whole New World - Liz Braswell. 2015. Seeing the new Aladdin trailer blew up my heart with FEELINGS for the original, so I went looking for a YA retelling. Can't believe I found an actual Disney-based retelling.
How I heard of it: Library catalog
After the Dancing Days - Margaret I. Rostkowski. 1986. The connection between Roy and the little girl in The Fall reminded me of this book, so I reread it specifically to visualize Andrew as Lee Pace.
How I heard of it: Library
There's Someone Inside Your House - Stephanie Perkins. 2017. I'll read most any teen thriller you throw at me. The more murders the better.
How I heard of it: Library
All the Forever Things - Jolene Perry. 2017. Loved the author's writing style on a previous book, but couldn't stomach the love triangle. Wanted to give her another chance.
How I heard of it: Library
Aristotle and Dante Discover The Secrets of the Universe - Benjamin Alire Saenz. 2012. Been on my TBR for a while because quality male friendship; read it now to see if I should keep or get rid of the dollar store copy I bought. (answer: get rid of. it's good but not amazing to me personally)
How I heard of it: Goodreads
The Hollow Girl - Hillary Monahan. 2017. Violent revenge fantasy against rapists? Especially to save the life of a guy you like who was brutally beaten during your assault? Heck yeah.
How I heard of it: Library
The Opposite of Love - Sarah Lynn Scheerger. 2014. The hurt/comfort potential was off the charts and it vaguely reminded me of Ryan/Marissa (the O.C.).
How I heard of it: Library
Sophomore Year is Greek to Me - Meredith Zeitlin. 2015. It just looked light and cute, like summer.
How I heard of it: Library
Girl Online On Tour - Zoe Sugg. 2015. Girl Online Going Solo - Zoe Sugg. 2016. Two sequels to a book I enjoyed.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Plague Land - Alex Scarrow. 2017. Plague Land Reborn - Alex Scarrow. 2018. Always here for illness-based apocalypse/dystopia. Would have finished the trilogy but library doesn’t have book 3 yet.
How I heard of it: Library
Pretty Fierce - Kieran Scott. 2017. Spy daughter of spies running for her life along w/ doting boyfriend (named Oliver, a name that has never let me down in fiction)? The ship radar is sounding OFF.
How I heard of it: Library
The Leaving - Lynn Hall. 1980. Will read any LH book, but this one was small and easy to take on an overnight trip plus everything about the summary and first couple of pages drew me in.
How I heard of it: author’s back catalog
Speed of Life - J.M. Kelly. 2016. Beautiful cover, blue collar family, unusual premise (twin sisters co-parenting the baby one of them had, no dad in sight), and I love stories where teens are (essentially) head of household.
How I heard of it: Thrift Books
Freshman Year and Other Unnatural Disasters - Meredith Zeitlin. 2012. Looked light and cute, because it's back-to-school time and lately I've been enjoying study blogs from people just starting high school.
How I heard of it: Library
The Land of 10,000 Madonnas - Kate Hattemer. 2016. Unsupervised teens a-wanderin' through Europe? Sign me up for that vicarious wanderlust.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
A Thousand Boy Kisses - Tillie Cole. 2016. A romance w/ astronomical hurt/comfort potential. (spoiler alert it’s too sickly saccharine even for me)
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Hooked - Catherine Greenman. 2011. Random reread of a book I had come to believe should have been 4 stars rather than 3, but couldn’t remember well enough to feel confident in changing the rating without checking first.
How I heard of it: Library
Appaloosa Summer - Tudor Robins. 2014. Horsey YA + after years of it being on my TBR, the author saw me post about this fact and offered to send me a free paperback copy for review.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
I Stop Somewhere - T.E. Carter. 2018. I too identified as a girl my classmates would never notice was missing (moreso in college, but still). Plus it's getting close to Halloween, so time for spooky/true-crime-esque reads.
How I heard of it: library
What Waits in the Woods - Kieran Scott. 2015. An ideal spook setting for the spook season!
How I heard of it: Library
Illuminae - Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff. 2015. The formatting/art design just sounded cool and unique.
How I heard of it: a book blog post
Boot Camp - Todd Strasser. 2006. I went to the library to check out a different book of his, but this caught my eye because WHUMPITY WHUMP (with a side of pining for the teacher he had previously been in a relationship with).
The Last Trip of the Magi - Michael Lorinser. 2012. Picked up cheap at a book sale for the struggling-to-survive-a-winter-night-outside aspect.
A List of Cages - Robin Roe. 2017. Male friendship loaded with hurt/comfort.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
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Sparrow Road - Sheila O'Connor. 2011. The setting -- an artist's retreat at an old mansion on sprawling estate grounds formerly used as an orphanage -- captivated me.
How I heard of it: a Little Free Library (outside of a mansion repurposed as an art council's center, actually)
Annie's Life in Lists - Kristin Mahoney. 2018. I LOVE LISTS.
How I heard of it: library
Hope is a Ferris Wheel - Robin Herrera. 2014. Still grinding my teeth over Dessen's Once and For All, I was desperate for a sweet middle grade story to refresh my palate. Gimme that bright cover. Ooh, and a trailer park kid?
How I heard of it: Library
The Education of Ivy Blake - Ellen Airgood. 2015. Prairie Evers - Ellen Airgood. 2012. Also intended as a Dessen antidote, I picked up the sequel first due to the incredibly charming excerpt on the back, and then fell so in love with the character and writing style I needed more of her world.
How I heard of it: Library
When You Reach Me - Rebecca Stead. 2009. Rave reviews from friends; mystery aspect sounded intriguing.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Counting By 7s - Holly Goldberg Sloan. 2013. Picked up cheap at a fundraiser garage sale I wanted to support; seemed easily readable.
Summerlost - Ally Condie. 2016. Young!Ned/Chuck AU?? (spoiler alert: maybe if it wasn't so boring)
How I heard of it: Googling
Where The Heart Is - Jo Knowles. 2019. "Country girl taking care of the animals at a hobby farm across the road" = the childhood dream and also I wanted to ignore the summary and hope I could still get a Young!Ned/Chuck AU. How I heard of it: Library
The Wizards of Once - Cressida Cowell. 2017. Twice Magic - Cressida Cowell. 2018. First one: David Tennant reads the audiobook, and literally no other reasons.
Second one: Ah heck turns out I kind of loved how David Tennant read that audiobook and want more.
How I heard of it: Library catalog
My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece - Annabel Pitcher. 2011. David Tennant reads the audiobook, and literally no other reasons.
How I heard of it: Library catalog
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Seinology: The Sociology of Seinfeld - Tim Delaney. 2006. It's sociology, it's Seinfeld, what's not to love?
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Survivor: The Ultimate Game - Mark Burnett. 2000. At the beginning of the year I was obsessed w/ this show like never before, so a detailed recap of one of its seasons seemed like the ticket to complement that.
How I heard of it: Googling
Jungle: A Harrowing True Story of Survival - Yossi Ghinsberg. 1985. Loved the movie, wanted to relive it in text form.
How I heard of it: special features on the DVD
Lost Masterworks of Young Adult Literature - ed. Connie Zitlow. 2002. There was an essay about Send No Blessings in here. If that's the kind of book this book is about, I wanna hear all about it.
How I heard of it: Library catalog
Animals in Young Adult Fiction - Walter Hogan. 2009. From the same publishing line as the above, which I loved, I figured this was even MORE my specialized reading niche.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Phantoms of the Hudson Valley - Monica Randall. 1996. When I have I ever NOT wanted to read about grand mansions of yesteryear -- especially if some are abandoned ruins?
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Seven Cats and the Art of Living - Jo Coudert. 1996. Picked up cheap at a library sale because cats (and the cute author-illustrated cover painting).
Psychic Pets and Spirit Animals: True Stories From The Files of Fate Magazine. 1996. Random reread of a childhood favorite.
How I heard of it: B. Dalton's (THAT’S how long I’ve had this book, y’all).
Extreme Couponing - Joni Meyer-Crothers with Beth Adelman. 2013. Who doesn't love saving money? But I am not very coupon-savvy and wanted to learn.
How I heard of it: Library
Cabin Lessons: A Tale of 2x4s, Blisters and Love - Spike Carlsen. 2015. Having the money/skill to build my own cabin on MN's north shore is a fun daydream.
How I heard of it: Library
The Little Bookstore of Big Stone Gap: A Memoir of Friendship, Community, and the Uncommon Pleasure of a Good Book  - Wendy Welch. 2012. Opening a used bookstore is my impractical dream too.
How I heard of it: Library
Belonging: A German Reckons With History and Home - Nora Krug.  2018. Illustrated memoirs are always awesome.
How I heard of it: Library
The Astor Orphan: A Memoir - Alexandra Aldrich. 2013.
Rokeby was one of the estates that fascinated me in Phantoms of the Hudson Valley, and the content of this one took place around the same era that book was written.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
I'll Be There For You: The One About Friends - Kelsey Miller. 2018. Am I going to turn down "a retrospective" about one of my favorite shows?? I am not.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Season Finale: The Unexpected Rise and Fall of the WB & UPN. 2007. Recommended after the above because I love hearing how network TV stations are built in terms of programming decisions.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
Paperback Crush: The Totally Radical History of 80s and 90s Teen Fiction - Gabrielle Moss. 2018. Take how I reacted to Lost Masterworks of Young Adult Literature, and multiply it by "fully illustrated with brightly colored pages." These are the kind of books I’m familiar with and always down to talk/hear about, but hardly anyone else is.
How I heard of it: Goodreads
4 notes · View notes
waywardxson · 5 years
High Hopes
Who: Rory and Ale ( @serpenthart​ )
What: Early morning moments alone
When: Nov 18, Afternoon
Where: At Ale’s shop
Rory had been hesitant to send Grace to school but he knew that he couldn't keep her home forever. He dropped her off, trying to mask the pain he was still in as he kissed her cheek and watched her run inside the building. He waited outside for almost an hour before convincing himself to leave. He'd left strict instructions that no one but he, Dare, or Charlie could get her out of school. He'd change it again and add some more names again soon but until he was a Serpent for real, he wanted the list short. Driving back towards the trailer with a long day of doing nothing ahead of him, Rory decided to stop by the shop and get the oil changed. He stopped at the closest shop and walked in, knowing once he saw the guy that he was one of the Serpents. Rory was sure there would be a lot of hesitation and distrust around him right now but with Dare's protection on him, he didn't expect any trouble. Hopefully. "Hey," he greeted. "I uh.. do you have time for a quick oil change? My truck's out front."
Ale had been getting next to no sleep in the last couple of nights, mainly for attending the underground fight club the guys, and also girls at the gym had. It had been the perfect outlet to put himself some distance from everything and anything. He made the choice not to reach out for Eliana during her time in rehab, figuring she needed that time for herself to fix, or at least try to fix what was wrong. But the truth was that watching her die, literally, still came to haunt at night, so any time he could spend not sleeping was welcome. But what he couldn't do was lack his time at the shop, especially now with the whole improvment episode that had just happened. So that morning, like any other, he was going by his business when the sound of a car stopping at front caught his attention. Under any other circumstances, the presence of a Ghoulie at his shop would have caused much more than just a disagreement, but this guy in particular they were ordered not to touch, and Ale knew better than to break the rules. Even if he couldn't understand why would Darius want that man to be a part of the Serpents. "Whether I have time or not, it's my job, right?" he said, then he walked over to the car and popped the hood open.
There was a moment that Rory knew could have turned this a completely different direction. If the roles were reversed, Rory would have probably done what he was supposed to and fought the guy who walked up to him. But he was learning that the Serpents were a lot different than he'd expected or ever gave them credit for. He sent a half smile to Ale and then followed him over, leaning against the side of the old truck. The truth was, Rory usually did everything on his own, including his own repairs. But he figured he needed to make his face known to the people around here if he had any chance of them accepting him. He looked up and after several minutes, he said, "You can ask me, if you want. I mean, if you have questions about.. everything. You can ask."
Ale unplugged the oil pump and placed it on the ground, then he gave the engine a check to make sure everything else was working properly. He looked up when the other man said that and shrugged. "We're not really suppose to ask when Dare orders something. But I can guess that you must have some heavy info on you for him to make this happen."
Rory watched him work, knowing full well that Ale knew what he was doing, but needing to focus somewhere as they spoke. "You could say that." He motioned to his face, the product of Derek's rage there -- bruises from the punches, and him trying to choke him to death, the broke nose and other cuts. "I wasn't just born this pretty." It was strange, he thought. Rory hadn't tried to get along with anyone new in.. well, a very, very long time. "I'm sure most of you don't trust me but I'm hoping I can change that." He scratched the back of his neck. "I'm not really sure how to do that yet. For what it's worth, I'm not trying to play anyone, and I have no intention of going back to that giant bag of dicks nor telling him shit. I'm done with living like an animal. I want to do better, y'know? For my kid."
Ale could soon tell the truck didn't need anything need any other repair engine wise other than the oil change, so he got to work on that. He walked to where the spare cabinet was and got a new oil pump from it, algo getting the new hoses and connectors he needed and placed it all on top of the table. "I can see they fucked you up really good. Did Derek did that? He's an asshole. He hurt my best friend. He doesn't deserve to live." There was a time when such harsh words, but nowadays it was usual for him to be in that kind of violent mood. "You never fail the trust Dare has given you, that's how. If you do, I'll be first in line to beat the shit out of you." He grabbed the new oil he would put in later. "You have a kid then?"
Rory nodded at the question. "Yeah. After he kidnapped my daughter and tried to make me murder a family. Asshole is far too kind. He's a psychopath." Perking an eyebrow at the fact Derek hurt his friend, he asked, "You mean when Derek attacked Dare? Apparently he hit him when he was already fucked up." But Rory couldn't deny that Ale was right about Derek not deserving to live. The man nodded at the advice. "I won't. He told me a lot about the Serpents, and I've been learning the laws. I know you're all like a family so I won't fail yours either, if you decide i'm worth you giving your trust to." Then Rory almost physically lightened at the mention of his kid. "Mhm. My daughter, Grace. She's seven. She's really polite but there's a good chance she'll try and give you hand sanitizer every chance she gets. She's a little crazy about germs and keeping clean, just a heads up." Reaching into his pocket, like any good father, Rory found the picture he'd taken that morning and turned it towards Ale. "She decided she wanted to wear butterfly wings to school this morning."
Ale looked up at him in shock. "You murdered a family?" he asked, his eyes way beyond wide, and he was now thinking  why wasn't he in jail. Perhaps Darius had something to do with that. "He... No. I mean, yeah. He hurt Dare. But he also hurt someone else. It seems he gets off on choking people then. I really hope you mean that, man." He pulled out all the remains of dirty, old oil from the engine, then installed the new pump. He looked up and wiped his hand on the cloth that hung from the waistline of his pants and looked at the picture he showed him. "Cute kid. I'm Alejandro, by the way. I feel we haven't been properly introduced" he said  and extended his hand to him
Rory's back straightened so fast that a shock of pain went through his nerves and he tried to hide it. "No. No, no.. I didn't do it. He wanted me to but.. I couldn't. I helped them.. got the shit kicked out of me for it but I'd do it again. I'm not like him." He listened and nodded when Ale told him about his friend being choked as well. "I'm sorry about that. I hope your friend is okay." Throwing his hand out to shake Ale's, Rory felt a little bit like maybe he was making some small progress. He expected people to distrust him but he wanted to work through that. "Rory," he said. "We haven't, but you'll get the chance to beat the shit out of me soon enough." Dare had given him the out that he didn't have to go through that step but Rory was insistent. He wanted the Serpents to know he was with them, no matter what kind of pain he went through for it. "It's a nice place you got here. You own it or just work here?"
Ale felt quite the relief when the other man, Rory, clarified the facts for him. "Time will tell" he said when he asked about his friend, then he shook his hand and nodded. "Nice to meet you, man. And unless you give me a reason, that shouldn't happen." He kept on working on his truck, while he also kept the conversation going. "Thanks! Oh, I own it. I also happen to live in the apartment upstairs, so that makes the ride to work a lot easier." He chuckled.
"I mean for initiation," Rory said about him basically getting the shit kicked out of him like Dare said they would do. If all the other Serpents went through it, he was going to do it too. No shortcuts. "But I appreciate you not wanting to just voluntarily kick the shit out of me." Rory turned, leaning his back on the truck as Ale worked. "Oh, hell yeah that would definitely keep you out of traffic." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette. Popping it in his mouth, he looked up at the building to where he assumed the apartment was. Then, pulling the unlit cigarette out, he asked, "Is it okay if I smoke?"
Ale chuckled, now finally putting the new oil into the pump. "Oh, yeah... Maybe I'll just give you a couple of hits but not too hard. Gotta say what the boss says, right?" He chuckled, then looked at him and shook his head. "Actually, it's not. There are a lot of flammable things around here, so it's best if you don't. We don't want to get our asses blown up to fucking oblivion."
Smirking, Rory nodded, "Yeah, I guess. But I'll tell you like I told him. If I'm going through this whole process, I want to do it right. I have a lot of ground to make up, considering my background." He'd been kicked out of the North Side and didn't belong with the Ghoulies. Maybe part of him just wanted to find somewhere he fit in. The other part liked everything the Serpents stood for. "You make a good point. I don't think I'd like to get blow the fuck up to my resume." He popped the cigarette behind his ear and shoved his hands in his pockets. "So what about you? Any kids? Married?"
Ale nodded. "As hard as that sounds, you do. Dare doesn't just let anyone in, and they have to go through a test period, but once you're in, you're family. Trust me, it's felt that way to me all these years." He continued to do his work, then shrugged. "The answer is no. To both questions. Guess I haven't found the right one yet." He smiled at him. "What about Grace's mom? Is she in the picture?"
Rory was glad that Ale said that. He knew that it was the right things to do even though he'd been able to prove himself to Dare. There was still a nest of Serpents that he needed to prove himself to as well. "That's what he said, about family. I'd really like that." He'd like Grace to have it too, people who he knew wouldn't hurt her. Some of the Ghoulies he had been able to trust but others he kept her from. It didn't feel like that with the Serpents. He nodded at the answer, then shrugged, "All things in good time, I suppose. I.. guess I haven't either," he said, though his mind flashed to a beautiful smile that he felt like he lost. Looking up when Ale mentioned Grace's mom, Rory shook his head, "No. She, uh.. Well, I thought she might be around at first when we found out she was pregnant but.." He shrugged. "I guess it was just too much. She gave birth and had her parents give Grace to me. We haven't seen her since, so.. just been me and Gracie all these years."
Ale finished pouring in the third bottle of lubricant in and looked at him with a small frown on his face. "Oh... Sorry, man. That sucks. Can't imagine why a mom would do that. I want to say she must've had her reasons but... that doesn't make it right. Not to you, and much less for the kid. I bet all the single parent thing isn't easy, huh?" He popped the final bottle open and started pouring it in too.
“Sometimes I really wish I knew.” Rory shook his head but kept his eyes focused downward on his shoes. “Other times I kind of think it’s better I don’t. If she just changed her mind about me, about Grace, maybe it’s safer that I let myself think that instead of whatever the awful truth might be.” Like that she’d never cared about him at all. “Not often but I also lucked out with Grace. She’s more adult than I am sometimes. She already decided she wants to be a doctor like her doctor is when she was young. She likes reading and always reminds people about manners, eating vegetables, and washing their hands and face. She’s.. something else, man, but I wouldn’t trade her for the world.”
Ale could see the hint of sadness on Rory's face and voice when talking about Grace's mother, apparently a touchy subject. "Look man... Whatever that truth is, she's the one who's trash for walking out on you guys like that. Some things just happen for a reason, you know? Maybe you were just meant to meet someone better." He smiled and nodded. "Sounds like she already has the makings of a good doctor then. That's cool. Sounds like a great kid. You're really lucky." He finished putting the oil and closed the hood. "Oil done. You want me to check the breaks?"
"Thanks," Rory nodded, a thankful grin crossing his face. He was sure that he'd be talking about Grace's mother a little more than he had because the Serpents didn't know him and people would wonder. Dare had. So Rory kept it to the facts. He'd thought they would work it out together but then she changed her mind, wanted nothing to do with him or their kid, gave Grace up and they never spoke again. "Yeah, i'm sure they do. Remind me to keep my eye out for that someone better once we don't have to worry about what craziness Derek wants to get up to." He pushed off of the truck, "Next time. It'll give me an excuse to come back and talk some more. How much do I owe you?"
Ale chuckled and wiped his hands on the cloth before also wiping some sweat off his forehead. "Yeah, what the fuck is wrong with that guy? I feel bad for Aaron and all the fucked up shit he had to go through because of him." He shrugged. "Nah, it's cool. First one's on the house. Or you can buy me a beer some other time, how's that?
"Yeah, tell me about it. But worse than that, no one said a damn thing to Derek about it, or defending Aaron. Everyone kind of shut their damn mouths, me included." He shook his head remembering how everything went down. "I always knew I didn't fit in there but I think I didn't realize I couldn't stay until I saw how everyone turned on Aaron because they were told to. Everyone else calls the Ghoulies cannibals but I hadn't seen it happen until then." Shaking off his feeling, Rory smiled at Ale and nodded, "Thanks, man. I'll definitely buy the first round. It was good talking to you."
Ale looked down and shrugged. "If you ask me, I can see why everyone is afraid of him. He's a heartless bastard who won't stop at anything to get his way, even hurting the people of his own group or their families." He put his hand on Rory's shoulder. "You won't have to worry about that with us." He smiled and nodded. "Deal. It was good talking to you too, man."
“Yeah, I agree. Everyone has a right to be afraid of him.” But then he looked up when Ale pat his shoulder and he smiled. That’s what he was looking for. He knew that no one could promise complete safety for his daughter but the ones who took care of their own, the ones who came closest to giving her that safety, was the Serpents. “I’ll see you for the beer,” he said as he opened the truck door and started the vehicle. As he backed out, he actually felt successful. Maybe he did have a chance.
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Ummmm isn't Darius Misha's best friend from U Chicago??
From even earlier! Darius is Misha’s childhood friend. I’m not sure from what age, but I know that they were friends when Misha’s family was homeless (or close to it) and that Darius’s mom used to pack him two lunches so that Misha would also have something to eat. When they were teenagers they pulled all kinds of crazy stunts, driving around in Misha’s POS car and getting pulled over by the cops because it looked so sketchy. I don’t think Darius went to U Chicago (although Vicki did) though I could be wrong about that.
Darius did (and probably does) sweet things like give Misha this expensive leather jacket that his grandfather had given him just because Misha admired it. It’s probably worth noting that plenty of people believe that Misha and Darius have, or at least have had, a non-platonic relationship. It seems possible, definitely, but it’s not something I’ve written about much (though you can check out some other Misha/Cockles blogs if you want more info).
They definitely spend a lot of time together and it’s obvious from their loving, sarcastic banter that they’re still incredibly close. Their friendship is old and deep and I think it’s beautiful. If you want more I have a tag for D2 (because Misha is Dmitri, obvs) and sometimes “Marius.” Enjoy!
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emerald-studies · 4 years
How to be an Ally
 Discussions on Race Pt. 2
June 29, 2020
Day 1 of 7
Post with fixed links here!: 
Reblog this one!
[ These are just some thoughts I have in my head about this topic, it isn’t meant to be a purely academic discussion. It’s meant to be a conversation to learn about another perspective. ]     
Also sorry this one took longer than previous posts, I had to do a lot of research.     
1.  Check In On Your Black Friends/Acquaintances 
 In my opinion, I believe the best way to be an ally is to reach out to your Black friends and check in on them, consistently. If you can recognize the times we are living in are absolute hell, you should be checking in on the most effected. None of my friends have checked up on me to see how I was doing or just to talk. They didn’t even bring up the protests until I did. It feels very very lonely and scary to not be checked up on by the people who say they support and love you. So, I’m making this the first point because I don’t want anyone else to feel this way, not trying to complain.
2.  Learn More About Black History
It’s important to learn about the Black activists that our history books left out. Yes, Martin Luther King Jr. was, and is, important but we need to reflect on why he was pushed on us so much in our history classes, compared to other Black leaders. Is it because our government would rather us walk down the street holding signs than actually defending ourselves against the cop who’s beating us?
Here’s a master list of activists to start you off.
3.  Go to Rallies and Protests
Find protests and rallies in your area by looking on Twitter and search #yourcityprotest. Or watch your local news channel to see where they are (if they’re being covered on the news). Also search on Facebook. Wear a mask.
4. Donate and Sign Petitions
If you don’t have extra money to donate, that’s fine. If you still want to be an ally then sign all the petitions you can. Take a day to research all the ones you can sign/haven’t signed and sign them!
(Also you don’t need to donate to change.org! Directly donate to non-profit organizations and victims’ families!)
George Floyd - change.org
George Floyd - amnesty.org
George Floyd - colorofchange.org
Get The Officers Charged
Charge All Four Officers
Breonna Taylor - moveon.org
Breonna Taylor - colorofchange.org
Breonna Taylor - justiceforbreonna.org
Breonna Taylor - change.org
Breonna Taylor - thepetitionsite.com
Ahmaud Arbery - change.org
Ahmaud Arbery - change.org 2
Ahmaud Arbery - change.org 3
Justice for Oluwatoyin Salau
Pass The Georgia Hate Crime Bill
Defund MPD
Life Sentence For Police Brutality
Regis Korchinski - change.org
Tete Gulley - change.org
Tony McDade - change.org
Tony McDade - actionnetwork.org
Tony McDade - thepetitionsite.com
Joao Pedro - change.org
Julius Jones - change.org
Belly Mujinga - change.org
Willie Simmons - change.org
Hands Up Act - change.org
National Action Against Police Brutality
Kyjuanzi Harris - change.org
Alejandro Vargas Martinez - change.org
Censorship Of Police Brutality In France
Sean Reed - change.org
Sean Reed - change.org 2
Kendrick Johnson - change.org
Tamir Rice - change.org
Tamir Rice - change.org 2
Fire Racist Criminal From The NYPD
Jamee Johnson - organizefor.org
Darius Stewart - change.org
Darius Stewart - moveon.org
Abolish Prison Labor
Free Siyanda - change.org
Chrystul Kizer - change.org
Chrystul Kizer - change.org 2
Andile Mchunu (Bobo) - change.org
Eric Riddick - change.org
Amiya Braxton - change.org
Emerald Black - change.org
Elijah Nichols - change.org
Zinedine Karabo Gioia - change.org
Angel Bumpass - change.org
Sheku Bayoh - change.org
Angel DeCarlo - change.org
Sandra Bland - change.org
Sherrie Walker - change.org
Darrien Hunt - change.org
Cornelius Fredericks - change.org
Elijah McClain - change.org
James Scurlock - change.org
Darren Rainey- change.org
Visit these sites for more info:
5. Educate yourself and others.
- “America’s Racial Contract Is Killing Us” by Adam Serwer | Atlantic (May 8, 2020)
- Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement (Mentoring a New Generation of Activists
- ”My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant” by Jose Antonio Vargas | NYT Mag (June 22, 2011)
- The 1619 Project (all the articles) | The New York Times Magazine
- The Combahee River Collective Statement
- “The Intersectionality Wars” by Jane Coaston | Vox (May 28, 2019)
- Tips for Creating Effective White Caucus Groups developed by Craig Elliott PhD
- “Where do I donate? Why is the uprising violent? Should I go protest?” by Courtney Martin (June 1, 2020)
- ”White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” by Knapsack Peggy McIntosh
- “Who Gets to Be Afraid in America?” by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi | Atlantic (May 12, 2020)
Movies/TV Shows: 
When They See Us
American Son
Hello Privilege, It’s Me, Chelsea
The 13th
Murder to Mercy: The Cyntoia Brown Story 
What Happened Miss Simone?
The Two Killings of Sam Cooke
Who Killed Malcolm X?
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson
Homecoming: A Film by Beyonce (Lighter in tone)
LA 92
Dear White People
- Black Feminism & the Movement for Black Lives: Barbara Smith, Reina Gossett, Charlene Carruthers (50:48)
- “How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion” | Peggy McIntosh at TEDxTimberlaneSchools (18:26)
- American Oxygen - Rihanna
- Formation - Beyonce 
- Malcolm X Speeches
- 1619 (New York Times)
- About Race
- Code Switch (NPR)
- Intersectionality Matters! hosted by Kimberlé Crenshaw
- Momentum: A Race Forward Podcast
- Pod For The Cause (from The Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights)
- Pod Save the People (Crooked Media)
- Seeing White
- The Autobiography of Malcolm X
- Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About RaceBook by Reni Eddo-Lodge
- Black Feminist Thought by Patricia Hill Collins
- Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower by Dr. Brittney Cooper
- Heavy: An American Memoir by Kiese Laymon
- How To Be An Antiracist by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
- I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
- Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
- Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad
- Raising Our Hands by Jenna Arnold
- Redefining Realness by Janet Mock
- Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde
- So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
- The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
- The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
- The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
- The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century by Grace Lee Boggs
- The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
- Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
- This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color by Cherríe Moraga
- When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America by Ira Katznelson
- White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo, PhD
- Shaun King: Instagram | Twitter | Website
- Antiracism Center: Twitter
- Audre Lorde Project: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Black Women’s Blueprint: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Color Of Change: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Colorlines: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- The Conscious Kid: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Equal Justice Initiative (EJI): Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Families Belong Together: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- The Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- MPowerChange: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Muslim Girl: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- NAACP: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- National Domestic Workers Alliance: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
- Ziwe | Instagram | (She has discussions about race with White people, kinda grilling them, every Thursday at 8 p.m. EST. Super thrilling to watch.)
Here’s Some Music Too:
Change Gonna Come - Sam Cooke
Chain Gang - Nina Simone
Missisippi Goddamn - Nina Simone
Fuck Da’ Police - N.W.A.
New Slaves - Kanye
This is America - Childish Gambino
I’m Not Racist - Joyner Lucas
Fight the Power - Public Enemy
Glory - Common, John Legend
Freedom (Live) - Beyonce
I Can’t Breathe - H.E.R.
American Oxygen - Rihanna
Brown Skin Girl - Beyonce 
My Playlist With A Few More
Black Artists Matter Playlist
What a large list! It looks so overwhelming! Don’t worry, you don’t have to read/watch/listen to everything. It takes a lot of effort!
If you don’t want to do some homework and good deeds, then you don’t want to be an ally. And that’s perfectly fine. Just don’t lie to yourself about it.
Tough shit.
Discussion time.
Who are your favorite Black activists that you didn’t learn about in school?
(Mine is Huey P. Newton)
Favorite song by a Black artist? 
(Mine is Freedom by Beyonce but the live version)
Let me know what you think here
942 notes · View notes
Analysis & Deconstruction of Scenes: UNIT 22
Analysis of Donald Glovers - Atlanta, Season 2, Episode 11 (OWN DECON)
 Cause and Effect:
 In the first episode of Season 2 of Donald Glovers, Atlanta, Earn receives a gold hand gun from his Uncle telling him that he would “Need this gun to survive in the Music industry”, Earn was instructed to get rid of the gun but forgot, thus the gun was forgotten about for the rest of the season up until the final episode, where Earn recovers the gun, Alfred has a career as a rapper however it is falling short, and his window of fame is slowly closing, thus Earn, Alfred, Luke, Clarke and Darius go to take a flight to Europe for Clarkes tour to set off his professional career and open that window wide open again.
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Earns motivation to put the gun in Clarkes bag is so he can join Alfred as his manager on the tour, Clarke sees this placement and then proceeds to put the gun in Lukes bag, who gets caught and isn't allowed on the plane. This leads to Earn getting away with the security checks and getting on the plane to Europe, suspense was created in the scene as everyone thought that Earn was going to back down and that he was at the end of the line, the music fades out, and the white noise adds to this, his actions were unpredictable and random, however it all makes sense when the plan is put into action.
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'Chekhov's Gun' is a concept that describes how every element of a story should contribute to the whole. It comes from Anton Chekhov's famous book writing advice: 'If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired. This can be seen in this particular scene when Earn makes the big decision of placing the gun in Clarkes bag who then places it in Luke's.
Narration: the Flow of Story Information
In this scene I believe that the Camera acts as the narrator, however, I believe that the camera is an unreliable source of information as it leads us to assume that things that are shown are going to happen and that what we think is the next step, however, this is proven wrong as the camera shows Donalds character of Earn, as he places the gun into Clarkes bag, everyone assumes then that Clarke is going to get caught and taken away by the enforcement officers working at the airport, however, Clarke then proceeds to move the gun from his bag into Luke's bag. This however isn't shown on the camera and leads us into a false state of security on how the scene is directed and where it will be going, given the current situation.
Range of Story Information:
Unrestricted in sense that some viewers may have not forgotten the gun was in Earns bag, however most of the time the level of information is restricted as it has been limited as to what we and the characters know, this can be seen again with the gun, as everyone doesn't know what Earn is going to do in the airport and then suddenly we are shown the gun and how he moves the gun into someone else's bag, this gave us a great big helping of curiosity followed by the surprise and realisation of what he was doing.
The Narrator: 
 The camera which acts as the narrator also gives us a good look into showing character info, including there mental states throughout the scene, this is especially scene in the part where Donalds character of Earn, is staring off into space his face clearly in a zone of thought, in the airport security checking station, the background around him is out of focus, the music and noise slowly fades and dims down into the hum of white noise, as he thinks on how to get out of the predicament of the gun.
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We as the audience are the only ones aware that he is in a zone of thought through the way the camera narrates it, thus leading to more suspense and eagerness wanting to know what outcome he came up with in his head when he is snapped back into reality, this eventually leads us into him putting the gun in Clarkes bag, which again is narrated by the camera which shows Earn placing it discreetly and carefully in his bag. At no point is there a physical narrator or voice during the scene.
Depth of Story Information: 
 The close up of Earn when he opens up his bag to see the gun and the silence and the blank expression matches with his mental health in the series. Throughout the whole series he struggles alone while trying to make others happy. He begins to start feeling like he’s making no progress with work/life, which leads to his mentality crashing down. He also struggles making decisions throughout the series, and is always hesitant when he is challenged with something new, which is why this shot is so important not only for us, but for the well-being of Earn.
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The Classical Hollywood Cinema:
Atlanta follow these conventions in certain ways or formats, for example Donalds character Earn has a desire, that is to allow Alfred the opportunity to be the headline act in the European tour they are going on, however, Clarke has stolen the limelight and is in fact the headline act, Earn and Alfred disagree with this, (treating Clarke somewhat as an antagonist and as the obstacle) however, Earn practically admits defeat, wanting to go abroad to Europe with Alfred as his manager.
Earns support for Alfred originates back to the fact that the two of them are related, and Earn wants to keep family ties happy, strong and trustworthy, as well as supporting those he loves, Earn has had a tough life mentally and in regards to family, so he feels he owes everything to Alfred as family and the both would look out for each other always.
 When at the airport though, Earn notices he kept the gun in his backpack, and as mentioned above, looks to have admitted defeat, however, his quick thinking came up with the idea that is to put the gun in Clarkes bag, thus making the problem Clarkes and also eliminating him as headline act as he’d be held back in the USA, making Alfred headline act.
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This was supposed to act as the resolution to Earn and Alfreds problems, however Clarke is to quick and notices the gun, therefore he moves it into his manager Lukes bag instead so that he’d be framed, Earn doesnt know this as he hastily flees with Alfred and Darius who both arent aware of what happened, he can hear the alarms go off and the security officer ask “whose bag is this?” but automatically assumes Clarke was caught, thus the resolution wasnt achieved and Clarke joins them on the plane.
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thedivinefish · 5 years
TGIWednesday... and the positive side of life
TGIWednesday News
Wow, I hope you caught the free replay this past weekend of my interview with Darius on the You Wealth Revolution telesummit. If not, you’ll want to go ahead and register for the series now and catch the next time they open up the replay during this new Season #18 that runs through January. We had a great time together and Darius is an amazing interviewer, and how fun it was in that moment after I explained the technology of "the fish" in a way that made him go "Ooooooh, I get it...."  Truly one of my favorite parts of doing shows like this and introducing new people to My Liquid Fish. He's such a talented and engaged interviewer and really pulled some brand new things out of me during our conversation.  One of the other highlights was doing a 6-minute magical mystical prayer/meditation process for all the live listeners and for any who hear the replay.  I think you’ll get a kick out of that and could make a huge difference for you.
"Loved the process! Used the issue of not having the large amount of money I'd like in order to take a training… When the bubble floated up into space, it docked into a teenage memory of my stepmother putting me down regarding money…and telling me I don't deserve. I let that scenario & bubble burst apart… Hope that helps!! I *do* feel lighter! Thanks!!" - Lis
So now for all you new folks who are joining us here at TGIW for the first time, it's your turn to learn about all the fun, free healing opportunities on my weekly radio show and be sure to check out the audios/videos and Mastery Certification program and revisit the Free MLF Starter Kit again!  Hard to believe we’re plowing into the Fall season already - know that we are here as a resource to and for you. 
TGIWednesday Download
~  THE POSITIVE SIDE OF LIFE ~ (Press play to watch and listen as I fish this for you)
  I believe think, know and feel that I can be positive. I am ready, willing and able to radiate outwardly more positivity. I know when where how and why to attract the positive and to radiate out even more. And I am asking for this in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.  
From the Fish Box
Q&A WITH JIMMY Q) "Thank you so much for interesting programs to which I listen a lot. However, I have two questions which I hope you would be so kind as to provide some feedback on: Could the Liquid Fish be visulalised and still be effective?" -  Per H. /Norway A) "Yes, it’s what I do now but I can assure you it's only after a decade of doing it I would highly recommend you continue to trace and make the symbol for quite some time maybe the rest of the year because YOUR brain may not accept that change has been made/believe/think/know or feel that change has been made until AFTER you've done the symbol A LOT.........." - Jimmy Q) "Another symbol used in your logo consists of three interlocked circles. Would you please provide some info on that and if it is part of the techniques presented? -  Per H. /Norway A) "This was a symbol my graphic artist printer friend came up with as my logo..............meaningless compared to the fish" - Jimmy  
FREE Weekly LIVE Healings and Messages
TODAY at 3pm EDT - SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS RADIO  Today Wednesday October 2nd at 3pm I'll be taking callers LIVE on air on Spiritual Insights Radio with host Charlotte Spicer. Call (347) 934-0751  or Listen Here Online EVERY TUESDAY at 9pm EDT - JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW  Join me and my guests weekly on Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713)-955-0594 It's your chance to get FREE intuitive messages on my weekly radio show. My guests are some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in every Tuesday night LIVE or just catch the replay & YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  
Visit the  TheJimmyMackHealingShow.com  for a full archived listing & all replays!   
To listen LIVE, click the date links below: **Due to all of BlogTalkRadio being down last night due to technical difficulties which is pretty rare. The Oct 1st show w/Psychic Joanne Leo was not able to happen.
October 8th – Laura Romiero Will be my guest and she is an awesome angel communicator and reader. https://www.angelsandhealinglight.com/about
October 15th – Mark Hernandez Mark Hernandez is a Holistic Practitioner as well as a certified Body Code and Emotion Code Practitioner (Dr. Bradley Nelson). Mark has intuitive gifts and extensive training in reading subtle energy fields of people and animals, and identifying/releasing energies that can lock into place in our bodies. www.peopleandpetsenergetics.com
October 22 – Sandra Sullivan A gifted Psychic and Tarot Card Reader - http://www.crystalvisionsbooks.com/sandra-sullivan-2/
October 29th – Rev Debbie Dienstbier Our resident Trans Medium communicating with your loved ones in spirit.
Live In-Person Appearances
Tampa folks come see me on FRIDAYs - I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm. Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/ Book on Friday  October 4th October 11th October 18th October 25th
  Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! (Newly added to Mastery - The Dowser's Handbook)  
"Jimmy's My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple program is AMAZING!!! He gives you not only videos so you can see the changes within people, but also the books he's written as well! On top of that he's provided all the links and visuals you need so ANY type of learner can do it!!  I appreciated having it to download in a PDF so I can go back to it any time, plus the books and ACTUAL healing sessions so you see, know and understand the whole process even better!!Highly recommend to ANYONE looking to change and make not only their life... but everyone's around them better as well!!" - E.J. / Florida
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails of thanks each and every week!
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
OCTOBER 2nd  "Today I will maintain my hope in my innocence and my steadfast resolve to succeed in life.  I will continue to plow forward while acknowledging the power of the holy spirit to change any situation into my favor and direct the winds of change into my direction."
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Youth & Vitality
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557​ EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2019 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
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