#for now.. might change my mind later
icantdothistodaybruh · 4 months
I took a screenshot and it's doing things to me I can't describe
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azaracyy · 5 months
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a lesson on good karma digimon survive week 2024 day 4: supporting characters
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lizadale · 19 days
Are you enjoying the ttyd remaster? I’m loving it so far!
I forgot about the release date so I only got it started yesterday - I've only just finished chapter one, but... I'm honestly unimpressed. Maybe it's because I've played the original over 20 times, but my biggest pet peeve is why did they make an already slow game even slower? You can't speed up the dialogue AT ALL now, you can't hold a button to speed up battle results, etc. Plus, battles are easier now, as the remaster has dumbed a lot of things down. I've noticed some enemy attacks even do less damage (most noticeably Hooktail only damages you on guard with fire breath but her stomping attack is cake to block and even superguard. maybe i'm remembering wrong, but pretty sure it did 1 damage on block, not NOTHING. (Speaking of Hooktail, why did they choose to gender her on first mention?? In the original you don't find out she's female until you meet her brother and that gave it more impact)). Also, I sorely miss the original music. Not a fan of the sound font they used since it just makes the game sound identical to Color Splash. :\ Maybe it'll grow on me later, but currently it's just feeling like a discount version of the same game.
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abandoned-quiche · 2 months
hi, chara!
do the golden flowers have any other significance to you? if not, then what else does?
* The golden flowers from my village.
* I always liked those flowers. They never hurt me.
* I related to them more than humans. I wished I could be like them. But I would always be human.
* Flowers are good listeners. When life felt too hard, like I just couldn't keep going, I would confide in them. They were there for me. They would always listen to me.
* The flowers were like my best friend.
* No matter where I went, I would always eventually come back to the flowers.
* Even in death.
* ...
* I missed them when I was in the underground.
* After I died, when I carried my body to the surface, I finally got to see them again for the first time in years.
* It was like seeing an old friend again.
* I would have loved to take a moment to catch them up on my life so far...
* ...Before carrying out our grim mission.
* But that's stupid.
* Plants can't talk.
- - - - -
* When I laid my body in the flowers, the seeds stuck to me.
* And when Asriel brought me back home, they spread across the garden, along with our dust.
* The next day, a single flower bloomed.
* After Toriel left, Asgore poured all of his love and care into those seeds, and soon, a beautiful garden was blossoming from our dust.
* ...What the hell compelled Asgore to make tea out of that?
- - - - -
* When Toriel took me to give me a proper burial, some of the seeds must have still been stuck to me, because flowers soon grew where I was buried.
* That, or Toriel decided to honor my last wish by bringing some seeds with her when she left for the Ruins...
* ...Laying me to rest among the flowers I so loved.
* Whatever the case may be, from that point onward, the flowers would always be there to ease the pain of any who fell,
* Just as they were always there to ease mine.
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berrysquared · 1 year
May I ask for lore from your superhero au?
Love your art style btw! *^-^*
AHH THANK YOU SO MUCH !! This means so much to me truly ahhhh 💕
A lot of lore for the au is still in bits and pieces beacuse uni decided to kinda hit me like a truck this semester :’) im sorry about that
With my hotguy au the only rule I set for myself is that I’m fully following the guidelines for characters set by Scar on that one stream he did. So each role is (kinda) exactly what he wanted it to be (even if it meant making jellie an actual mayor and trying to make that work) and Im just trying my best to actually pull it together into one big au that is 90% just very silly and 10% angst backstories. I will be adding some characters which weren’t in the list tho! Like Scott (who for now is a starlord alien pirate who travels with Cleo on her space piracy adventures) and Joel (idk what he will do yet but hes gonna be there)
As for specific lore that hasn’t been out in the world yet, i can give you some of grians backstory I came up with help from the one, the only @1captainjordan4 my beloved 💕
(As I was writing this i kinda realised that this got really long im sorry, i will put it under keep reading ;-; also im not the best at writing stuff out so excuse that)
In this au Grian and Pearl are siblings who have been orphaned and have been living as street rats all their childhood. They have become accustomed to stealing and fighting (and got kinda good at it) from a very early age and steadily have been falling more and more into criminal circles.
During that time Grian got approached by the Watchers organisation who promised to provide for both him and Pearl in exchange of him spying on their behalf, being a messenger etc. Desperate, he accepts their offer but hides it from Pearl and just says he got a legit job or smth, knowing she would not approve of it as it is too dangerous and would try to discourage him and look for another way.
The missions grew more and more dangerous and with each one Grian distanced himself from Pearl further and further. (Which in turn pushed her to seek the truth and become an investigative journalist)
As time goes on Grian gets a job as a scientist and actually tries to live a normal life as a “retired villain” but still is unable to fully escape the Watchers who force him to take jobs every so often. This pattern continues until he gets indebted to Scar who saves him and in true Grian fashion just Has To stick around and help him until the debt is repaid and thus becoming cuteguy!
More or less
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monsterbutch · 1 day
actually i'll make fun of denmark myself. did you know that danish municipalities regularly violate the human rights of MANY families, traumatizing everyone involved?
kids of immigrants, disabled people, people of color, etc. will be taken away from their families with very little (if any) investigation (and they'll lie about their findings!) and, in my case, be placed in a type of boarding school where:
i regularly went days without eating
one of the facilities i was at would lock the hallway doors so we couldn't get to the bathroom at night, causing my brother to get infections and have to urinate in flower pots
i had issues of my under garments going missing and a certain staff member frequently "accidentally" walking in on me changing.
a staff member called my brother a stupid animal and then tried to play it off as a joke when he realized i was calling my mother and she heard it
they tried to petition to hold me as long as legally possible due to my requesting that they unblock lgbt.dk + being vocal about my identity as a nonbinary person
i was medically neglected to the point of needing an adult tooth removed and developing preventable chronic illnesses
and more! this is NOT uncommon, and my family was actually used as a case study by a human rights organization. do not let the scandinavians fool you into thinking they treat people right here.
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anachronismstellar · 1 month
Good news, I think CH4 is done.
Bad news, it's 3:30AM and I need to wake up at 7
Wish me luck, fam
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honeysuckle-venom · 4 months
I know I really really really should not do this but I just saw the worst take on my dash and I’m sooooo tempted to comment and like. I shouldn’t. It’s a terrible plan. I’ve done a good job keeping quiet and biting my tongue about a lot of shit for the sake of my mental health and I don’t want to invite antisemitic harassment or people asking me my thoughts about Israel. But this post was so obnoxious and easily disproven and I just want to yell at them. Aaaaaaaaaah
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styrofauxm · 5 months
Opinions on Alastor x lucifer? With (aro?) ace filter
I understand the ship, but I personally prefer their animosity.
Lucifer doesn’t know or care who Alastor is. He’s a powerful overlord, but Lucifer is the king of the realm, and more powerful than anyone else in it. Lucifer doesn’t take any notice of Alastor, and Alastor’s ego absolutely cannot handle it.
With the end of S1 especially, Lucifer decimated Adam and could have finished him off if not for Charlie. Meanwhile Alastor had to run away and admit he isn't as powerful as he likes to believe he is. I think that sets up an interesting hostile dynamic between them since they will be around each other more, vying for control of Charlie.
(Plus Alastor needs to be humbled because he’s an asshole and if they liked each other that wouldn't happen often enough lmao)
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sabraeal · 1 year
Brewed With Intent, Part 1
[Read on AO3]
Sequel to Practical Charms
It’s been three days since Shirayuki sat across from the boys on the 49, accordion seats contracting around every corner, and glowered a confession out of them. Three days since her unwitting participation in this ridiculous underground love potion scam was revealed, not only to her but to the most talented artificer in the city. And three days since Garrack has gone to ground, abandoning her shop-- and answering her texts, or phone calls-- to do city knows what. Probably wouldn’t even come to the front door either, if Obi even let her try.
Ah, now now, Miss. It’s impossible to make herself look straight at him, but she tried in that moment, only catching a glimpse of a grin. I think that might be, er, unrelated. Give it a couple days.
So she does. Three whole days of it, imagining every possible permutation of this discussion, breaking each argument down to its diction so that every word conveys the depth of her disappointment, and yet--
Yet, it could be going better.
“We went over this before you even brewed the first batch.” Garrack stretches her legs out under the table, sending her own scurrying back beneath her chair to make room. “The only active charm in the whole bottle is a perfectly legal infusion of Come-Hither. Everything else was just to fix the aftertaste.”
“I understand that.” What she doesn’t understand is how this whole conversation keeps slipping from her grip when she is the one who was wronged to begin with. “But rosehips are an amplifier of intent and a strengthener of will, which makes--”
“The whole shebang stronger, I know.” The frizzy mass of Garrack’s hair shakes with her head, like a wind rippling through autumn trees. “The whole point was to counteract the loss of potency from infusing rather than casting. At least, that was your explanation when you came up with it.”
“W-well, yes.” It’s not fair that all her pointed turns of phrase are being turned back on her, but there’s no way to say that without having to admit she’s losing ground. “But that was for a specific client, made to order.”
The girl had blown through the door soaked to the bone, umbrella turned so far inside out it looked like a crab on its back, and, well, if anyone in the shop was going to be sympathetic to the plight of a young woman with a distracted boyfriend, it was going to be Shirayuki. Especially that day.
“There’s a difference between making something like that for a person I can trust to use it on another consenting adult--” even if he was a bit preoccupied at the time “--and just...selling it to whoever walks into the shop!”
Garrack presses a hand to her sweater, fabric shifting to bare a shoulder speckled with thumbprint-sized bruises. “Now, I don’t think that’s quite fair. I’m sure plenty of those girls were also in established, consenting relationships.”
“Better be,” Obi snorts, sprawled across the sill like he’s the neighborhood cat. There’s too much of him for it to be comfortable; one leg dangles out the window to make room for the other to brace. On anyone else it would look unnatural, but on him-- well, it’s hard to look bad in black leather and dark denim. At least the way he wears it. “Don’t think any of them were looking to spend a whole Benjamin on a nice bottle.”
Shirayuki’s jaw hangs so low it might well catch flies. “You charged them a hundred dollars? For a Come Hither?”
“Oh, what are they going to do? Report me to the Better Business Bureau?” Garrack huffs, hiking her sweater over her shoulders. The little bruises dip beneath the line of her collar, tracing down past where Shirayuki thinks it’s polite to speculate. “Bought love potion from this vendor but turned out there was just tea inside. Extremely sane sounding. I’m sure they’ll follow up on that one right away.”
“The Emerald Lady might!”
It’s the sort of threat that would have had a whole room catch its breath where she came from; an audit from the Rose Court might well mean the end of a business at best, and at worse-- well, she’d lived it. But here, in Garrack’s cozy little holdout against the mundane, no one even bats an eyelash.
No, instead Garrack snorts, tossing her head like the world’s most stubborn pony. “Haki Arleon comes from a long line of charlatans and scoundrels. Her great grandfather is still cheating half-penny hacks out of their life savings, and he’s dead.”
She doesn’t so much see Obi’s mouth twitch as feel it. “Maybe it’ll keep this time.”
“Never does,” Garrack mutters. “Anyway, the City Mistress has a lot more pressing problems than pinning our ass to the cork board over some mundies spending their pocket money.”
The last time she checked, a hundred dollars was closer to her life savings than pocket money, but Shirayuki knows better than to haggle over dollar signs with someone who can still pay property taxes in Belltown. “Altogether the material components hardly cost twenty dollars. Why would you even think to--?”
“Labor.” Long fingers wrap around the handle of Garrack’s mug, thumb resting right over a honeybee as she takes a long drag from her cup. “Expertise. Time is money, Shirayuki, and the knowledge you gained during it makes it all the more dear. Charge just for components and you’re not even breaking even. Especially not with a talent like yours.”
It’s terrible how her cheeks heat, how even as she tries to tamp down on her satisfaction it just keeps crawling under the door, sending its little tendrils licking up her neck. “That’s four hundred percent profit, isn’t it? On a potion that won’t even work--”
“So you admit it.” Her eyebrows twitch up in victory. “It won’t work. So there’s no danger in selling it.”
“That’s not--” she should have known better than to get into this with Garrack; not even Obi tries to bargain with her, not after the first time “--there’s still a chance, if the recipient is inclined toward the, er, caster--”
“Exactly.” A smirk unfurls across her face the way red carpets do for royalty. “Both parties have to consent.”
Her fingers curl so tight the bones ache. “Attraction is hardly the same thing as consent.”
Garrack waves a hand, as if simple denial could dispel the dire moral implications of her actions the way she could a charm. “There’s no harm in giving a little push now and then.”
“A push.” The word leaves a bitter taste in her mouth.
“And that’s assuming any of it worked in the first place,” she sighs airily. “Which I doubt. What’s more likely is that a bunch of silly little girls wasted some of daddy’s money finding out the hard way that the school quarterback is into blondes or whatever.”
“Not so sure about that one, Chief.” Obi splits each word like a typewriter hits a period. “Sold too much not to have at least a few happy endings.”
Garrack shifts again, sweater slumping with her, and it’s not until she mutters, “In more ways that one,” that Shirayuki realizes those dark marks aren’t bruises, but-- but--
Bites. Bites because Shidan--
“In any case,” she sighs, “all’s well that ends well. Either they got what they wanted or they walked away disappointed, but either way, it was all legally above board.”
Shirayuki frowns. “That’s a very generous interpretation.”
“What can I say?” She shrugs, a cluster of those little love bites trailing down her collar bone, and ahh, Shirayuki could have survived not knowing how personally effective it had been for her boss. “I’m a generous person.”
Anyone else might actually provide an excuse to be excused, but Garrack simply unfurls herself just a hair shy of six feet and stalks from the room with the same level of satisfaction of a cat sashaying away from an empty birdcage. There’s nothing for it but to stare after her, wondering just how it all went wrong.
Obi cocks his head, threading himself through the sill. “All right there, Miss?”
“Yes. No.” She sighs, letting her palms relax against the tabletop. “I just...I really thought that would go better. Or...anywhere, I guess.”
The scent of sulfur snakes its way through the air; she’s so used to it now it’s almost comfortable. “That’s the problem with old goats like the Chief. They’ve been at it so long the goal posts change.”
She shakes her head, catching a glimpse of him from the corner of her eye. Even that much sends her eyes skittering across the table, looking for something more knowable. “That’s not really how morals are supposed to work, Obi.”
He blinks the way human eyes don’t. Too many eyelids, for one. “Maybe.”
Shirayuki collapses onto the window seat the way so many of her potions do in the last leg of their boil: with a sigh and a tangibly foul taste in her mouth. “I get that some people might want for something to happen, or even hope it would, all out of their control, but...just because you do, doesn’t mean you’re ready for it to happen now. For her to act like all’s well that ends well...”
Obi slips from the sill to the seat, long legs stretching across the floorboards. “Doesn’t quite jive with your experience, huh?”
Even at the other end of the cushion, his heat rolls over her; not the way an open fire does, so hot that you never forget it can burn, but more like a wood-burning stove, gently radiating warmth in a way that tempts her to scoot closer. “Yeah, something like that.”
A corner of his mouth twitches; if only she could look long enough to see if it was a smirk or a smile. “It’s heavy burden to be so cute when you’re unconscious.”
“If it just happened once, I could understand!” she huffs, crossing her arms. “But twice is just weird.”
“And different guys too,” he says, like she could somehow forget. “Guess you’re just that irresistible.”
“Don’t start.” He’s lucky mortal eyes can’t bear his aura, otherwise she’d give him such a glare. “I’m half convinced it’s a spell. Raj I can understand, but Zen is an entirely reasonable person, and still he--”
The thump is so quick, so sudden, that’s she’s on her feet before her words stop, heart pounding so loud she can’t hear Obi until he repeats, louder and slower, “You alright, Miss?”
He’s half out of his seat too, body twisted to put himself between her and the window, but--
The tension huffs from him on a sigh. “Ah.”
“O-obi?” She takes one shuffling step forward, reaching out but not quite daring to touch as she peers around him, into his cupped hands. “Oh!”
There’s a pigeon in his hands-- or a dove, maybe; she’d never quite known the difference besides color-- its wings flopping limply over his fingers, head hanging at an unnatural angle. Broken, she’d guess, probably from colliding with the window.
Her fingers bury themselves into fists. The last thing she needs is her magic to go wild with sympathy. “The poor thing. It must have just missed the opening...”
Obi shakes his head. “It’s cold.”
“Cold?” She leans closer, frowning. “But it only just--?”
Its whole body shivers, and with a blink of its glassy eyes, its neck swivels. “Shirayuki?”
She doesn’t scream, but whatever strangled noise escapes from her isn’t much better. “Is that...?”
“Suzu says this should work.” Yuzuri’s voice pours from its beak, as clear as if they were face to face. “Even though it’s weird. Anyway, Shidan’s finished your order. You should swing by and get it. It looks pretty dope or fly or whatever word Obi’s using for cool today.”
“Huh.” Obi lifts the thing, poking and prodding at its feather like the charm might pop out if he tries hard enough. “That’s sick.”
“It’s...something,” she agrees, willing her stomach not to turn. “Not what I--”
“End message!” the bird shrills. “Is that how you finish this thing off? Suzu--?”
It’s a clean cut that severs the sound from its beak. The body falls limp again, as if it had never moved.
“You don’t think...?” Shirayuki peers down at the grotesque display cradled in his palm, desperately trying not to think too hard about...any of it. “They didn’t...?”
“Ah, don’t worry, Miss.” Only Obi could sound positively jaunty in the face of questionably legal-- let alone moral-- magicks. “Pretty sure it was already dead.”
It’s a strange mental exercise, trying to decide whether reanimation is better than body borrowing, but she’s saved from having to think any further by Garrack sweeping in, Ryuu following resignedly in her wake. “Oh, is that one of Shidan’s creepy little messengers? I don’t think I’ll ever get used to them” 
Shirayuki blinks, trying to sweep frizzy blonde from her vision. “Oh, is he, ah, known for this?”
“No.” Garrack rocks back on her heels. “At least, not until recently. But one of his students has a talent for them, and it saves him having to dig in his pockets to put a charm on a dime or something.”
“On a dime?” She can see it now, Roosevelt’s profile turning to face her, serious as he says, the time is now. “Did it...talk?”
“I wish,” she huffs. “It would just glow, and do you know how easy it is to lose those things? Half the time I’d just go swing by myself just so I didn’t have to keep track of it. And he tells me that I need to learn responsibility and--”
“Couldn’t he just...text?” Shirayuki suggests, strained. “Or, er, call, I guess?”
Garrack frowns. “Where’s the drama in that?”
“Is this for the glamour?” Ryuu asks, pitched just loud enough to hear. “That’s...”
“Good?” Shirayuki supplies, when he doesn’t.
He nods. “Quick. I would have expected a week, at least. A month even, for his advanced charms.”
Obi’s brows hike toward his hairline. “It’s only been three days.”
Garrack grins, insufferable. “You’re welcome.”
It’s not until Shirayuki tugs her jacket off the hook, pulling the denim taut across her shoulders, that she dares to ask, “You don’t really think that, er...?”
Obi doesn’t answer so much as look attentive, all of his baleful gaze bent on her.
“It’s just...I know he’s the best artificer in the city.” She tugs the jacket tight over her chest, more from nerves than chill. “But not everyone wants to make the hike up to Capitol Hill and have to deal with, ah, mundanes. So surely...?”
He hums, a token display of support.
“He was probably already working on it.” She glances at him, as much as she can bear. “So it’s probably not that she...I mean, you don’t really think...?”
“Oh!” A wide flash of white hints at a grin. “That Garrack fucked us up the list? Absolutely.”
“Ahhh!” She claps her hands to her face. “You don’t have to say it that way. Maybe--?”
“Oh, my my. Is my favorite apprentice and her hellish escort on their way out?” Garrack turns the corner, a smile flanked by two ceramic cups. “Going to go reap the fruits of my labor?”
It’s no use, Shirayuki slumps. “Please don’t call it that.”
Her mouth sharps to a smirk. “A spade’s a spade, sweetheart.”
“Well, we’re not just doing that.” She infuses her tone with a sharp edge of officiousness, as if that might go some way in reminding anyone in this front hall that this is all supposed to be business, not-- not--
“Miss is gonna take us on our rounds too.” Shirayuki may not be able to bear his unholy aura long enough to see his expression, but she knows it must be a jaunty one from the way he kicks one leg over another and leans. “Put Shidan’s work through its paces, you know how it is.”
Garrack’s thick brows twitch, too suggestive for what amounts to a work meeting. “Mm, don’t I.”
Shirayuki fails stifle her sigh.
“Oh, don’t be like that,” Garrack clucks, and if she’s the one disappointed with the turn of this conversation. “Here, I know things got a little heated today. Have an olive branch.”
Shirayuki stares as the cup fits into her grip, Garrack giving her knuckles a small pat for good measure. The smell of something sweet and floral wafts up from the lid’s vent. “You made...tea?”
“Hey!” she huffs. “I know how to boil water!”
Obi snorts. “Experience says different.”
Garrack may fold her arms over her chest, may tilt her chin, all high-handed and cool, it only takes a single quirked brow for her to admit, “At least the electric kettle does.”
“Ah,” Obi sighs, flipping open the lid. “There it is.”
“All right, all right, if you’re quite done, why don’t you two head out already.” She watches him take sip, mouth curling. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
Out of the corner of her eyes, she catches the twitch of Obi’s eyebrows. “That’s a short list.”
It’s with a strange satisfaction that Garrack says, “It sure is.”
The door closes behind them, close enough that the displaced air shoots up her jacket, sending her shivering.
“Huh.” Obi takes another sip. ��Well, that’s ominous.”
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daughterofhecata · 8 months
Results of two hours of attempting to write some original fiction again: wrote 23 words, clicked through five different baby name websites, made a detour through TV Tropes, googled St Sebastian, and went through multiple pages of wikipedia and mythology websites.
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multishipper-baby · 3 months
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The spawn has been born! It's a little boy :) Have some photos of him with his dads.
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Also, Rayray is a child now, and happy to be a big brother <3
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shadowlikesvsynth · 14 days
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Done with all of the coloring!!!!
I will figure out the background tomorrow when I have energy.
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medicallista · 1 year
So I made some realizations about Helio and Helidea and I'm not sure if I like them or what to do with them. So I'm dumping these thoughts and opinions here
I really did not like Helio and Helidea for a really long time. Like among the main five characters, Helio was my least favorite, and his relationship with Medea was my least favorite between any of the five.
My opinion of Helio was "just another case of shounen love interest syndrome". Basically the thing with het romances where the love interest sucks ass and the mc's friendship with another character of the same gender is honestly way more romantic and meaningful? Cuz heteronormativity and gender roles and misogyny (for male mcs) and blah blah. He spends most of his screen time being a Medea simp, being Medea's right-hand man/assistant/servant/dog?? We're given hints of his backstory but it felt like most of it was just to support the Medea simping. I found him really boring and bland compared to the other four main characters.
And his relationship with Medea? It's toxic, which was pretty obvious way before the story started spelling it outright in chapter 100+. The relationship was stalling his character development in favor of what... some mid one-sided romance? (See, shounen love interest syndrome) His entire character was just his devotion to Medea, and we barely see Medea give a fuck about him. I lost all respect for him at that one scene where he kissed Medea's foot and called her his god. Like, gurl get the fuck up??
However, I did recognize back then that Helidea actually had tropes that I really like if they were handled differently. Even more now, that my taste has changed a bit from when I was reading Your Throne back in 2020-2021. I'm a sucker for devotion and loyalty actually. I fucking love "I'd do anything for you, I'd die for you, I'd go to hell and back for you." Dependency and toxic relationships are actually things I'd sometimes enjoy. So there was an inkling of "maybe in a different world or handled differently" even back then.
I said I enjoyed those kind of relationship in fics because usually the ships/characters I like are the ones where I'd root for them to be in a healthy relationship over a toxic one, cuz usually those are the type where you're rooting for what's "good". I do enjoy them outside of fics and headcanons, but it's usually when the story actually is the kind of story that tells and explores a toxic relationship. But with Your Throne, I didn't think it was that kind of story. Given Medea's development, I was rooting for her success and happiness and for her to end up in a good relationship (if there is an endgame ship). So whenever I looked at Helidea I was like "this is supposed to be canon???"
I do want Your Throne to break the norms, not just in terms of tropes but also societal norms (like a not heteronormative romance or queer characters), but I didn't really expect much from it. Even if I didn't want Helidea to be canon, I still judged them through the lenses of "this is supposed to be canon???" cuz I expected it to be, and that was my mistake.
Yes, Helidea's kinda fucked up. They're pretty ass if you judge them on the basis of a good healthy romantic relationship. But as a toxic fictional relationship between morally dubious mentally ill characters, they're great actually. That's what the author intended to portray (I think so anyways), they're doing their job? They're interesting as a concept, something I'd wanna poke around at when I have brain worms. Kind of similar to how I feel about Medea x Eros (Mederos?). I never wanna see them in an actual relationship though, unless there's some huge development at Medea's end.
Speaking of Medea's end in their relationship: one of the reasons why I disliked it was because Medea never treated Helio like an equal. She cared for him to an extent, but that's more of how a master would love their favorite servant, nothing like the devotion Helio had for her. I would've been fine with that toxic master/servant dynamic if that were the point. But seeing how Medea treats Psyche, how she treats her like an equal and encourages her growth, while with Helio she just enables that toxic behavior and let him worship her? It really just didn't feel like she cared for Helio at all. But with rereading, and the more recent chapters with Helio's backstory (i havent caught up to it tho), I can see now that that behavior wasn't just a "she really don't give a fuck", but something more complicated. I don't think Medea could ever love Helio back the way he loves her, but she does care?
Anyways, as frustrated I am about Helio's backstory being way too long, he kinda needed it. He hasn't developed much for nearly the entire story, so like thank fuck he has an arc? The fact that it's so late tho?? I've had a negative opinion of him and Helidea for such a long time that idk what to feel about them even when my views are kinda changing.
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nightgarla · 4 months
im mirrorgender btw i finally looked up if thats a real thing at it is so yay
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eugenoid · 2 months
I think I'm gonna make this blog 18+ from now on
It doesn't mean that I'm gonna start posting explicit nsf/w stuff all the time all of a sudden, this is still gonna be a sfw blog for the most part, but sometimes I want to reblog something suggestive without having to worry about it
So if you are a minor, please unfollow this blog 🙏
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