#for purposes of improper speculation
anonbinaryweirdo · 9 months
a l e x a n d e r h a m i l t o n
had a torrid affair !!
and he wrote it down right there 😱😱
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riotstarruika · 2 days
I don't know what the plot of this WIP is other than canon era butch lesbian Grantaire, but consider: canon era butch lesbian Grantaire 😳
Grantaire discards the end of her cigar and gestures for Enjolras to turn around. Her fingertips brush Enjolras's shoulder blades as she begins unbuttoning the bodice of the gown.  "How did you get into this in the first place? I can't imagine you employing a lady's maid." "Combeferre." "Oh?"  Enjolras hears the insinuation in her tone. "He's like a brother to me," she corrects before Grantaire has time to speculate further. He is more than that, in truth – a precious ally and a kindred soul, but not a lover, and Enjolras has no purpose for a suitor. "Of course. I wouldn't dare suggest anything so improper." Enjolras scoffs, and hears Grantaire chuckle behind her again. She closes her eyes and places a hand on the pedestal beside her to steady herself when she feels Grantaire tug at her stay laces – gently, with more care than she expected. The night air is cold against her back; it makes her feel the warmth of Grantaire's hands more keenly as they pull the slack through the laces, distributing the pressure evenly at last. She breathes out, and the relief of it makes her feel lightheaded where the wine and the dancing had not.
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etsuven · 1 year
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Kunikuzushi is suddenly interrupted from his training session thanks to his mother requesting an impromptu meeting. As nervousness wracks his body, he can't help but speculate about what the true meaning of the chat is for.... - Newfound Freedom: Chapter 2 - A Sudden Request <previous chapter> <next chapter> word count: 1500+ - note: now we're onto the actual story! sorry if the pacing and writing seems weird, i need to get back into writing...
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A loud whoosh cuts through the silence of the training room, caused by the sword wielded by Kunikuzushi. Training was a usual part of his daily routine, something ordered by his mother since the day he was old enough to properly use a weapon without harming himself.
The young prince was practicing against a test dummy, his steps as light as the wind, and his moves as quick as the lightning his sister and mother often utilized. The simple dummy was already beaten up from previous training sessions, but he refused to switch it out for another one until it was beaten beyond recognition.
It was his way of checking his progress. The faster it took for a dummy to be switched out, the better he had gotten.
His dark hair clung to his forehead, damp with the sweat that had gathered there from the long training session. Another swing of the sword caused him to grunt, the vibrations from the hit reverberating up his arm. Something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it just yet. Deciding that it was probably time to take a break, Kunikuzushi threw the wooden sword to the ground, heading over to the bottle of water on a table nearby.
It was hot, and while the skin tight shirt he had on certainly kept his weapon from getting caught on his clothes, it wasn't the best at allowing him to breathe properly when things got too much to handle. Gulping down the water, he sighed, placing it back down before sitting on the table.
Definitely improper of him, but there was no one around to care.
Kunikuzushi often trained by himself, and while he seldom wished for someone to practice against, he found himself focusing more when it was just him and his thoughts. He glanced down at his hands, clenching and unclenching them. His hold on his sword must have been off, usually his hands would never hurt this much.
Tap. Tap.
The princes head perked up as he registered the noises. Footsteps. Jumping off the table as quietly as he could, he grabbed the sword, getting into perfect form just as the door to the training room swung open-
“Kunikuzushi. Mother has called for you.” The soft yet almost robotic voice of his sister, Rai, reached the young man’s ears, and he almost found himself sighing in relief once he realized it wasn’t his mother. They were practically splitting images of each other, save for a few minor differences.
Placing his sword down once more, the prince ran his fingers through his hair, further messing up the dark locks. “What does she need me for?” he spoke, turning his head to face the future heir.
The borderline robotic nature of his sister didn’t stop at her voice. She was perfect and pristine in every way, and every move of hers was calculated. She couldn’t spare one mistake, and her movements were purposeful. Everything from her walk to her voice and even her hand movements were thought out moments beforehand, or at least — that's what it looked like.
Rai’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, only to go back to their default position moments later. “Unfortunately, I am unsure.”
Kunikuzushi sighed. Of course it was like his mother to leave things as vague as possible. In his opinion, it was a hassle. “Couldn’t she have told me herself?" He didn't know why he was surprised, it was quite uncommon for his mother to tell him face-to-face if she needed something from anyone. She preferred to send someone else in her place.
"Mother is busy right now. I can only assume that she would have sent someone else, but since I was in the room at the time — and about to leave — she sent me instead of one of the servants." Rai's eyes scanned the area, her gaze landing on the well worn dummy in the middle of the room.
"Should I ask mother to send a request for more training equipment? You seem to be going through them faster than we can keep up." Kunikuzushi only responded with a quick nod, already on his way to put the dummy away. He could tell that it still had a few more hits left in it. Maybe he'd replace it tomorrow.
The prince could feel the eyes of his younger sister on his back, yet he chose to ignore it. He already knew what she was thinking.
He spent most of his time training, as rigorous training was a huge part of his family's routine. When not training, he was either in his room studying or polishing his weapons.
The young man looked at Rai once he was done cleaning up, a cold look on his face as he walked out the door. "I should be fine, thank you. But I'll be on my way now," The prince nodded at his sister as he left, his way of saying goodbye. "Don't forget to get lunch."
He was too far away before she could respond.
Kunikuzushi could feel his heart pounding in his chest, although you wouldn't have known from the practiced stoic look on his face.
A sigh left his lips. Rai wasn't much help, though he had a small feeling that she knew what was going on. Did he miss out on something important during their last meeting? Or perhaps his mother had witnessed a lapse in his form during her rare visits to his training sessions. Whatever the case was, he was nervous.
The feeling only got more extreme when he was standing in front of the grand door to her office. Gathering his courage and pressing his palms against the door, Kunikuzushi took a deep breath in, before pushing the door in.
It creaked softly as it opened, alerting his mother to his presence. Ei looked up, slight interest written in her eyes. There were papers scattered across her desk, making it very obvious that she was working on something very important. The prince could see the soft pink locks of hair from his mother's assistant in the corner. It seemed she was working on something as well.
His training shoes echoed against the hardwood floor with each footstep, only exacerbating the growing nervousness in his chest. He honestly wished that he wasn't so anxious around his mother, but he really couldn't help it.
Embarrassingly enough, it took a few tries for any words to leave Kunikuzushi's mouth. "You called, mother?"
The empress nodded, strands of her dark violet hair falling in front of her pristine face. Despite her age, she still looked as young as she did when she first started ruling the illustrious kingdom of Inazuma.
"You are correct." Her lithe hands brushed across the desk, sweeping the papers up in one fell swoop. They let out small clacks against the wooden desk as Ei placed them into one stack, setting them on the corner of her desk. She sat up straight, continuing to speak. "Kunikuzushi, you are aware that it is almost time for you to be properly engaged, right?"
He tensed up. Out of all the scenarios in his head, he expected this one the least. Inazuman tradition had it so that there would be a dance two weeks before the formal engagement between two members of royalty. It was a chance to mingle with others, to form connections with other members of high society before the prince was sent off.
He had known since he was a young teenager that he was set to be engaged once he was older, but for the time to come so soon?... He knew the name of his future fiance, but other than that? He was in the dark.
"Yes, mother..." His voice was soft. This wasn't something he was looking forward to chatting about.
Ei hums softly, her gaze falling to the side. There was something on her mind. "There has been a small change in plans, my son." Kunikuzushi's eyes widened in shock. His mother was a woman of her word, whatever she said went. It wasn't like her to turn back on her plans, especially on something she had been planning for years now.
"Don't get your hopes up, you're still going through with the party. I'm sure you know that there will be many royal members attending this ceremony." She spoke. Her voice was strong, echoing through the room. The complete opposite of his at the moment.
"The day after the ceremony is done, I will call you to my office. Be ready to tell me if anyone ended up catching your eye." This was... awfully strange. Why would she ask him this all of a sudden? Especially since he technically already had someone he was set to be engaged to.
"You are dismissed, Kunikuzushi."
He opened his mouth in retaliation only to clutch his fists, holding back his snark comment. Taking in a deep breath, he let out a small 'excuse me' before exiting the room. Once out of the room, he ran his fingers through is hair. Thoughts were running rampant through his mind as he walked down the castle halls — The sudden change in plans, and his mothers strange request for his opinion on people he probably wouldn't even get to know that well in a single night?
It was all so confusing... And Kunikuzushi couldn’t seem to figure out was on her mind.
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mreynolds-ask-blog · 9 months
Stuff? Ig? Idk. Rules- (also I’m mainly active on @evan-at-deaths-doorstep, a hp centric blog, but I’ve been trying to be more active on this one. I’m @martha-manning-laurens-ask-blog and @jreynolds-ask-blog-1 along with @mreynolds-hs-ask-blog and @jreynolds-college-ask-blog)
•No slurs
•Cursing is fine, just don’t overdo it
•Nothing triggering without it being discussed first, I will include warnings (though this blog with probably being up many triggering topics with James and Maria’s relationship)
•No NSFW unless discussed first(though I doubt we’re gonna have any of that here)
•No disrespect (unless it’s to James lol)
Taken characters:
Alexander Hamilton (we are waiting in the wings for you): @ask-chubby-hamilton
(Marquis de) Lafayette: @ouioui-lafayettes-askblog
Thomas Jefferson (‘s coming home): @ask-thomas-jefferson-1
James Madison (wrote 29): @ask-james-madison-stuff
George Washington (we are outgunned!!): @ask-general-washington
John Laurens (got killed in a gunfight against British troops in South Carolina…): @ask-john-laruens
Hercules Mulligan: @askh3rculesmu11igan
Aaron Burr (with his own faction): @ask-aaron-burr1
Maria Reynolds (walked into my life): Me
(A connection with one) James Reynolds: @jreynolds-ask-blog-1 (for purposes of improper pecuniary speculation)
Francis Kinloch: @ask-francis-kinloch-1
Elizabeth Schuyler (Helpless): @e-schuyler-ask-blog
Samuel Seabury (loyalist…): @samuel-seaburys-askblog
Philip Hamilton & George Eaker (cinq six sept…): @that-876girl474
Angelica Schuyler: @angelicashuylersaskblog
King George III (will kill your friends and family): @ask-king-george-the-third
King Louis XVI: @ask-kinglouisxvi
Peggy Schuyler: @peggy-schuylers-ask-blog
Arthur Hamilton, Jospehine Payne, Caroline Jefferson (wreaks havoc): @umi-teardrop (OCs)
William Laurens (looks up to John… for some reason): @william-laurens (OC)
Theodosia Jr.: @ask-theodosia-blog (Burr’s daughter)
Susan Reynolds: @ask-susan-reynolds (Maria’s daughter)
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spextronaut · 2 years
Ya’ll I’ve just realized that like,,, if you tried hard enough you Could make Ned Fulmer’s affair scandal fit pretty seamlessly in with The Reynold’s Pamphlet from Hamilton. Like
The [Try Guys Scandal]!
Have you read this?
[Ned Fulmer] had a torrid affair, and he wrote it down right there! [ensemble points to various social media posts]
“The charge against me is [cheating on my wife]
For purposes of improper speculation,
My real crime is [losing focus and having a consensual workplace relationship] for a considerable time”
Etc., etc., I’ll stop there because I don’t want this post to get too long
Anyway it’s a very funny coincidence that The Reynolds Pamphlet lines up with this whole drama, and it’s a nice bit of humor to add to the “what the fuck” of it all
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The saga continues! Today, poor Camille is under a lot of stress. It’s the Reynolds Pamphlet!
Full company (Parisian coffee house):
“Le Vieux Cordelier
Have you read this?
Camille Desmoulins attacked the CSP
And half of Paris seems to agree
SJ/ Billaud Varennes/Collot Highlights!
"The charge against me is in connection with one Fabre d’Eglantine
For purposes of improper speculation
My real crime is a too apt quotation from Tacitus
Originally written with Robespierre’s consent. “
Lindet: Damn!
SJ/ Billaud Varennes/Collot : "I had frequent meetings with him
Most of them at my own house"
"Saint Just, with his jealousy, being absent
On a visit to the frontier"
Have you read this sh-?
Well, he's clearly going to be guillotined now
Well, he's clearly going to be guillotined now
Well, he's clearly going to be guillotined now
Well, he's clearly going to be guillotined now
Well, he's clearly going to be guillotined now
Well, he's clearly going to be guillotined now
That's one less thing to worry about
That's one less thing to worry about
Annette: I came as soon as I heard (what?)
Camille: Annette , thank God
Someone who understands what I'm
Struggling here to do
Annette: I'm not here for you (ooh!)
I know my daughter like I know my own mind
You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind
I love my daughter more than anything in this life
I will choose her happiness over mine every time
Put what we had aside, I'm standing at her side
You could never be satisfied, God, I hope you're satisfied
SJ/ Billaud Varennes/Collot: Well, he's clearly going to be guillotined now etc
Ensemble: Le Vieux Cordelier
Have you read this?
You ever see somebody ruin their own life?
His poor wife…”
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ailtrahq · 1 year
The heart of the DOJ’s argument lies in the assertion that evidence regarding the current value of Bankman-Fried’s investments, particularly his stake in Anthropic, is irrelevant to the charges against him. The legal saga surrounding Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the founder of the crypto exchange FTX, continues to unfold as the US Department of Justice (DOJ) seeks to exclude specific evidence from his defense. The request aims to preclude the defendant from introducing evidence or argument related to the current value of certain investments made by Bankman-Fried, particularly his investment in Anthropic, an Artificial Intelligence startup. Background of the DOJ Request on Anthropic Sam Bankman-Fried is facing charges related to wire fraud, specifically the misappropriation of funds from FTX customers to finance various investments, including the aforementioned investment in Anthropic. The DOJ alleges that these funds were stolen from FTX customers, forming the basis of their case against the defendant. Anthropic, the AI startup in question, gained public attention by announcing plans to raise additional capital from investors like Amazon.com Inc (NASDAQ: AMZN) and Google. Reports suggest that this new investment could potentially value the company between $20 billion and $30 billion, which may significantly impact the value of Bankman-Fried’s initial investment. Meanwhile, FTX took a stake in Anthropic that was worth $500 million when it filed for bankruptcy nearly a year ago. However, the bankruptcy trustee for FTX has not yet sold FTX’s stake in Anthropic. This delay in selling the stake has now become a matter of interest and speculation, especially among FTX creditors who are eagerly anticipating any potential recovery from the bankruptcy proceedings. The DOJ’s Argument The heart of the DOJ’s argument lies in the assertion that evidence regarding the current value of Bankman-Fried’s investments, particularly his stake in Anthropic, is irrelevant to the charges against him. The government claims that even if the value of these investments has increased significantly, it does not mitigate the alleged fraudulent activities undertaken by Bankman-Fried during the course of his tenure at FTX. The government cites legal precedents, such as United States v. Sindona and United States v. Males, to emphasize that the immediate intent to misapply and defraud is the primary focus in such cases. The prosecutors, therefore, highlighted that belief in future profitability or intent to repay misappropriated funds is irrelevant. Furthermore, the DOJ contends that evidence of the current value of Anthropic shares, or any other investments, could mislead the jury and create undue confusion. Valuations in venture capital investments are often speculative and subject to change, as evidenced by the example of FTX itself. This could potentially lead to a lengthy and unnecessary mini-trial regarding the value of assets available through bankruptcy proceedings, which is unrelated to the central issues the jury needs to decide. Lastly, the DOJ argues that introducing such evidence could encourage a verdict based on an improper basis. While the government acknowledges that Bankman-Fried’s misappropriation led to FTX’s bankruptcy, it has not offered evidence of how much money victims will ultimately lose. Therefore, introducing evidence of the current value of investments would serve no purpose other than to prejudice the proceedings. Thank you! You have successfully joined our subscriber list.
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canews24 · 12 years
David Baines: Former Vancouver broker accused of making unauthorized trades for offshore client
Former Vancouver stockbroker Lawrence Bradley Chang has been accused of buying hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of shares in junior companies on behalf of an offshore client without that client’s consent.
In a notice of hearing, the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada alleges that in December 2005, a “sophisticated European client with a higher-than-average tolerance for risk” opened an account with Chang at Canaccord Genuity in Vancouver.
The client is not named in the notice of hearing, but it is clear from a lawsuit filed in B.C. Supreme Court that the client is Europhorics Group Ltd., a private company registered in the British Virgin Islands and run by Swiss businessman Guy Pas. IIROC alleges that the client initially used Chang as an order taker, but soon became interested in his stock ideas.
In November 2006, the client gave Chang discretion to purchase up to $100,000 in securities of his choosing, with a limit of $30,000 per security.
IIROC says Canaccord had not approved the account as a discretionary account, but Chang nevertheless started buying stock without getting the client’s prior approval.
One of the stocks he bought is identified only as “USSU,” but it is clear from the aforementioned lawsuit that it is USA Superior Energy Holdings Ltd., a U.S junior oil-and-gas exploration company that traded on the OTC Bulletin Board in the United States.
Like many bulletin board companies, USA Superior was the subject of a heavy Internet promotion. The stock climbed to over a dollar in heavy trading in early 2008, but is now essentially worthless.
IIROC says that Chang initially stayed within the investment parameters prescribed by the client, buying just $24,480 worth of USA Superior shares.
However, from December 2007 to March 2008, he made 23 additional purchases of the same stock at a total cost of $498,160 without the client’s authorization.
IIROC alleges that Chang sent periodic updates to the client indicating he had bought only 30,000 shares when, in fact, he had acquired about 1.2 million shares by March 2008.
As events unfolded, the trades were unprofitable. By the summer of 2008, the shares were trading for a fraction of their acquisition price.
Chang left Canaccord in March 2009. Three months later, Europhorics filed a lawsuit against Canaccord and Chang alleging that Chang had acquired about 1.2 million shares of USA Superior at an average cost of 86 cents without authorization. As mentioned, the stock is now essentially worthless. (The lawsuit was dismissed by consent in March this year.)
What I find interesting is Chang’s alarming affinity for junky stocks that trade on the U.S. over-the counter markets.
IIROC’s notice of hearing includes a schedule of all stocks he bought for his client on his own initiative, and they range from speculative to ridiculous. In the latter category are Arctic Oil & Gas, which claimed to have acquired subsurface oil rights to the entire Arctic Ocean, and Dussault Apparel Inc., a clothing retailer that never came close to making any money.
Even more interesting than why Chang would buy such obvious losers is why his “sophisticated European client” – which knew what shares Chang was buying if not how many – didn’t object to these purchases.
This not the first time Chang has shown an affinity for dodgy bulletin board issues. In 2003 and 2004, when he was working at Wolverton Securities, he and two other brokers facilitated the manipulation of a heavily hyped bulletin board pile-up called Aberdene Mines Ltd.
IIROC cited all three brokers and in December 2009 — after he had already left the industry — Chang settled the matter by admitting he had breached his duty to act a gatekeeper to the public market by failing to ensure that his clients were not making trades for improper purposes.
For these offences he was lightly punished with a $30,000 fine. I trust that, if he is nailed for a second time, IIROC will permanently revoke his licence. A hearing is pending.
Former Surrey stockbroker Samuel Scoten has been suspended for three years and fined $50,000 after admitting he sold shares of a private resort and casino project in Vietnam without his employer’s knowledge or consent.
In a settlement agreement with the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada, Scoten also admitted he told IIROC investigators that he hadn’t been compensated for selling shares of Asian Coast Development (Canada) Ltd., when in fact he had received more than 29,000 shares for his services.
The breaches occurred between 2007 and 2009 when Scoten was working at the Surrey branch of TD Waterhouse Canada Inc. He left the firm in April 2010 and has not been registered as a broker since then.
By way of background, Asian Coast is building a $4.2-billion hotel and casino project along a two-kilometre strip of beach on the South China Sea, about a 90-minute drive from Ho Chi Minh City. The company has several blue-chip partners and financiers, including MGM Grand, Pinnacle Entertainment and Harbinger Capital.
At the time of Scoten’s offences, the company’s chairman was Michael Aymong, a Vancouver businessman who has been involved in a string of controversial public companies.
Aymong resigned as chairman of Asian Coast in April 2010, the same month that Scoten left TD Waterhouse. There is no indication the two events are connected or that Aymong was in any way involved in the sale of the shares in question.
According to the settlement agreement, TD officials found emails in August 2009 indicating that Scoten was selling shares of Asian Coast to his clients.
Scoten initially told TD that 15 clients had bought 58,782 shares at $14 US each. However, IIROC investigators later discovered 11 more clients who had bought shares.
In total, he arranged for 26 clients to buy 76,413 shares at a total cost of $966,682 US (an average of $12.65 each).
The selling shareholders were Michael Steele and Live Palace Inc., controlled by Shlomo Arviv. (At the time, Steele was a vice-president of Asian Coast; Arviv does not appear to have had any direct connection to the company.)
Scoten told IIROC investigators that he hadn’t received any compensation for selling these shares. However, he was unable to produce any documentary evidence that he had paid for 28,200 shares that he claimed he had bought and transferred to his daughter’s name.
He admitted in the settlement agreement that he had not paid for any of these shares; rather he had received more than 28,000 from Arviv and 1,000 from Steele at no charge.
Scoten told TD officials that Asian Coast was planning an initial public offering in Hong Kong in 2010. However, more than two years have passed and there is no indication that an IPO is in the works.
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music-in-my-veins14 · 2 years
The charge against me Is a connection with one (James Reynolds!) For purposes of Improper speculation (My real crime is an amorous connection with his wife) For a considerable time With his knowing consent
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plainjanetemple · 2 years
Time: Late morning
Location: Hyde Park
Jane enjoyed walks in the park. They were the closest she got to her country rambles. Though one couldn’t just head out for an hour or two like back home, at least she could stick to the less busy paths and pretend. Her maid refused to come along, complaining that she hadn’t the shoes to keep up, and Graham, her long-suffering groom, said he wasn’t a footman to walk behind her everywhere if she wasn’t out riding. So Jane went for walks on her own, even though it was quite improper. If anyone asked, she just claimed her maid had turned her ankle. But people hadn’t ever asked, so it didn’t matter. 
​Her stout walking boots that had been cobbled just for her made striding about quite easy, and Jane wore her plainest dress so that if she ended up covered with mud she wouldn’t care. The wind blew in her face and if it hadn’t been for the smell of London (which could never be fully avoided and which Londoners didn’t even seem to notice), she could almost squint and imagine herself home. 
There was a gentleman who looked straight out of one of her novels. Probably the Perils of Lady Georgiana Kelworth, or A Lady Undone, by A Lady of Quality, which Jane had read enough times that her copy had become rather worn. He was tall and looked rather out of place without a sword and a cape billowing in the wind. And perhaps a maiden of pure virtue that he was trying to seduce through means both improper and devious. He would almost certainly take any opportunity to kiss a lady if he found her unattended in a theatre box or while exploring the ruined castle of her recently deceased great-uncle, who’d hidden his fortune in the walls. 
Jane had been so busy observing him and speculating on his debauched and villainous nature that she missed the mud beneath her feet and slipped, managing not to end up on her bottom but skidding directly into the potential rogue. Oh dear. “I didn’t do that on purpose. And I don’t require rescue or debauching.”
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Heyo! I was wondering if you could do a scenario during the uprising arc where the reader starts to realize she has feelings for Levi but at first he rejects her? Then during the night before Shiganshina he realizes about her feelings and ends up returning them knowing he doesn't want her to get hurt or die? Some angst fluff please and thank you!
Okay anon you have no idea how much I enjoyed writing this. It's super long and I love how it came to me so naturally. I hope you enjoy
Warnings: a little angst!?
Tags: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
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It all started at the sight of his wet fingertips grazing the broken rim of a teacup. A flutter, a feisty spark in your heart that seemed to drown it in full might had made its presence known to you in a very particular, unwanted moment. The flicker of a tiny flame danced before your eyes, sat at the frame of the window near the sink where you proceeded to rinse through washed dishes.
Levi's pale, chapped skin pulled on his knuckles leaving an unnatural yellowish white tone behind, indicating his involvement with excessive amounts of cleaning products. And for the first time, the sight really pulled a string in your poor heart in a way that was enough to convince you to break the dense silence in the room.
But maybe, you thought, Levi wouldn't want to talk to you.
With an unforgiving steel gaze he stared at your face, blinking in soft, yet erratical paces as you stopped plumping the water from running. In response your tongue was forced to slip inside your mouth and push any unspoken word back to its source, in the depths of your brain. All of a sudden you felt so afraid to talk, so petrified by the general idea of a three syllabus word that wouldn't ever spare the misery off of anyone.
Captain seemed to be on the rejective side nevertheless so nothing regarding your newly discovered feelings would matter to him anyway, so in a way you blamed yourself for getting overwhelmed with this whole situation. A dark cloud of doubt shadowed your mind with the intention of interrogating your heart's intentions; perhaps you were mistaken. How on earth could you have been in love with the short man, you didn't know. There were far too many differences between the two of you, be it in appearance, mannerism or even -and more importantly- experiences. Supposing you had lived through similar occurances in battles outside the walls was enough for anyone to consider the two of you to be very alike, it was at least dishonorable to compare your childhood or teenage years to his.
"Nice hands" Of course you had managed to utter the most embarrassing choice of words to him, your mind could never cooperate with you when it came to such serious situations, something you hated so very much. The obnoxious dryness of your eyes was slowly migrating in the caves under your tongue, you could feel your mouth drying more and more by each passing second, yet you did nothing to prevent it.
Judging by Levi's puzzled expression which included his head slightly tilting forward as if to hear you better you knew he was as awestruck as you were at your own words. "I don't really understand where you're coming from but thank you, I guess." He spoke, the usual monotone tint staining his voice. You whipped your head back to a fixed position -on your hands this time- to stare down at the sink. The awkward glances you would throw at him went seemingly unnoticed and as time passed by you felt your tention overwhelming you, this time, completely.
Levi wasn't dense to any body language thrown at him and you were painfully aware. His cold eyes never spared you not even a half cornered look as he rubbed the little sponge on the soap bar next to him. His fingers danced on the ceramic plate, cleansing it in fast and very effective movements, leaving you staring in awe. Whether he was ignoring you on purpose or not you didn't know and you didn't want to seek an answer as to why but at this rate he would probably be the one to inquire why you were burning holes in his hands with your gaze. Again.
"I'm so sorry I'm fixated on your hands" Your mouth run, ignoring your mind's orders to stay shut "It's just-" Dammit think quick for once "You have nice nail beds."
There it was. The evidence that your words had actual brains and that they formed the most improper sentences on their own, just to torture you and push you deeper into piles of goowey, mushy shit. If Levi was anyone else he would have been laughing his ass of at the stupidness of your speech, you knew you would be laughing too if this wasn't as serious. Just as you were sure you heard a chuckle Levi placed the sponge on the bar of soap carefully and extended his arm, fully displaying his hand.
He seemed to study it like it was the first time he had ever even noticed it. The slick, long fingers, the oval shaped nails, his torn open knuckles. Perhaps you were kidding him for the lack of hair on the base of fingers he used to hold his blades with, those were burnt with years of being worn out by the steel triggers of the blades. He speculated this was common among most soldiers, so it didn't seem like a reason to be kidded for and in addition you never were the person to just spit senseless insults as jokes to your comrades.
"Is there even a point to talk about my hands? They're normal hands to me."
You bit your lip as your eyes widened in shock. Realisation hit you that this was probably more that absurd to Levi as it was to you, seeing you had started to talk about his hands out of nowhere. Your mind, in a state of panic, was in the midst of attempting to process every idiotic sentence you had the audacity to blurb out, but it never seemed to find an answer. Boiling with embarrassed, you wiped the water of your hands to your pants, an act that caught Levi's eye, and went to grab the first wooden chair that was in your path. You needed to sit down, to process whatever this was.
Yet, the only explanation you could find was that there was a raging wildfire in the pits of your stomach everytime your thoughts wandered on Levi. Yes, it was possible that what had started as an admiration, a tiny spec of a crush for the slender featured man had been growing on you since forever, but you had always burried it deep, in any hellhole that should accommodate such emotions as this was war and not the plot of sappy romance novel.
The air was cut down short in the room when Levi sat at a chair beside you, watching you over in such demanding manner that only he could master. He proceeded to light the only candle that stood at the middle of the table, possibly in hopes of flaring a conversation or causing a sane sequence of sentences to finally fall from your tongue. It was still unbeknownst to him what had caused you to trip over words as if you were a learning toddler and he yearned to find out, as a sole friend, not as the stern corporal he presented himself to be.
"(y/n)" His voice was tender as he spoke either much mindful to the teens who were sleeping in the next room or unwilling to let a private conversation between the two of you be heard. "If you think I can help with whatever is going on quit acting like a brat and tell me what's on your mind."
Momentarily, you wondered whether he'd stick to his words in case you spilled your heart's infatuating agony but you felt unable to think of a possible dominating scenario in the chaos of your mind. As self destructive as it sounded, you'd prefer to be the one to break your own heart rather than having to stand back and be a martyr to him tearing it off your chest and tearing it. Knowing Levi, this wasn't anything physically impossible, but you doubt that he could ever be as harsh with you.
"I'm just stressed. I have a lot on my mind."
"Erwin's trial and the future of the scouts, huh? Or is it that Hange works your ass off with those experiments?" You scoffed in denial to all of his inquiries, knowing full well that you could have used them as excuses. Levi's sharp hand began a short trip with sole purpose to land at the top of your head, through your loose locks, in an affectionate manner, a little something you had picked up he would do when he really cared for someone. Everyone knew he wasn't particularly touchy, except for some emotional moments with his closest people; a hand on a shoulder and a pat in the head were mostly what you had witnessed him indulging. His hand ruffling with your hair wasn't profound and new at all, he had done so many times after the two of you would strongly disagree over formations and orders, showing you how much he appreciated your strong wits and your clever ideas. What was new was that the lone touch burned your sculp like hot iron and made your insides twitch.
"I'll make us some tea" the screeching creak of the chair being pushed back shook of your train of thoughts enough to form a reaction to his hand that still rested on your head. Almost as if he didn't want to take it off "We can discuss your problem in a-"
"Sit down" you demanded, voice stern, masked with seriousness that caught him off guard. "Take your hand off my hair, it hurts." You pleaded with your eyes to stay as dry as they were before but you were certainly unsure of whether they'd listen. "Can't you see?"
What was there not to see really. Levi probably knew of your fondness of him way before you managed to realise, as in second thought every move you had ever made in his presence betrayed you. He would have never tried to provoke a confession just to laugh at you, that you were sure of, but he had never made a move in reciprocation either, that alone made you sure of your confessions future's end and caused your gut to spit even more fire to the rest of your insides.
Levi was not perplexed, not even for a single moment, at your words that seeked to stab like daggers, he wouldn't allow himself to be toyed by his own emotions just this once. This is an erratical reaction to his touch, a rejection of his affections towards you and he feared he knew the reason. For someone as bright and emotional as you he never would have thought that you could have hid such tormentous emotions so well inside you, only to end up at this moment of snapping.
As much as he'd like not to be hurt in the slightest by your demeanor he couldn't help but feel a tiny string of his heart being pulled. Suddenly it was evident to him why you couldn't take part in normal conversations around him or why you acted so tense in his presence, why you were so rejective of his touches and he wondered if he should have done anything besides unknownably torture you for so long. Whether his heart wanted to hear a confirmation out of your mouth to it's pained pleading for reciprocation, his mind ignored. The time would never be right and as egoistical as it seemed he couldn't bear to lose someone else that close to him, let alone a significant other. From his experience feelings of love and adoration should never be spoken out loud in this cruel world, amongst soldiers, especially. It wouldn't lead to any good.
When you proceeded to speak the pit in his stomach was already welling in frustration and denial. "Levi we've known each other for years and whatever's forcing me to much on my words should stop."
None can do, this couldn't happen here, now, while being on the run by military police as collective criminal. Levi wouldn't allow you to speak those earth shuttering words, even if wanted for them to chaste kiss his ears and echo through his head. "Not like you haven't figured anyways. I'm so pathetic. To fall for my Capt-"
"Don't you dare utter any other word of that sentence. I won't forgive you if you do." His hand reached out to grab yours by the wrist, tightly, as if he didn't know you couldn't stand the intensity of the grip. The silence that towed over the room was freezing, irrational even; it made you want to puke your intestines right onto Levi's shoes. Your heartbeat was so fast, so unrhythmic that you felt like the vital blood red organ would burst out of your chest in a massive mess.
Τhere was an excessive amount of agony emitting from your eyes, slicing through Levi's chest, searching despairately for a sign he had a heart, just to remind you that it didn't belong to you. Your mind traveled through every possible scenario to find a reason as to why you had to endure this, did his affections belong to someone you didn't know of? Hange? Erwin? Nifa seemed to be close to him lately as well. Was he heartbroken before and swore to never love again? You hated that there was not a tiny little space in his heart for you.
Just as this tense moment began, it came to an end when Sasha burst into the room, shotgun on her shoulder and chestnut eyes as sleepy as they could be. Fatigue was overpowering her whole form and it was as evident as ever before your eyes. With a quick, exhausted salute she announced her self, unsure of if you and the captain could see her face under the shadows of the night.
"It's guard change sir!" She spoke.
"I'm coming sweetheart." You got up from the chair you were sat at, breaking your wrist away from Levi's grip in a harsh manner. You didn't spare him a second look as you took another deep breath and locked it in your chest in hopes of seeming a little more mighty. "Go take some rest. You deserve it."
With increasingly fast steps you storm outside the little cottage trying your best not to look back. You wouldn't bear to check if there was still light coming from the kitchen that should indicate Levi's persistent presence. Your knees trembled at the imagery but you wouldn't let your eyes rest behind you not even for a second. He would probably be drinking his tea, unbothered, thinking of anything but you and you would be lying if you were to day that it didn't hurt you. It hurt so much that it sent you on your ass, on the stone tile pattern under your feet. Your heart forced suffocating waves of pain through your whole body only to push out of your eyes in the form of hot, salty tears. As your sobs grew louder and your heartache became unbearable to the point you though you could feel your heart break in two, you pushed the ends of your palms into your eyes sockets to squeeze the pain and itchiness of the tears away. You promised to yourself this was the first and last time you would cry for him.
After that night you barely speak with Levi. Aside from following his orders with the eventual 'yessir' as a reply, you have managed to successfully establish a thick barrier between him end you. Your nights of accompanying him in his late hour tea sessions, or teaching him how to knit and embroider were no more. The times you would share your food with him after you'd hear his stomach growl from the small portion he would get were also no more. You had made sure to claim your small acts of affection back to yourself, how could you move on from him if you were trying to be nice.
You would profoundly ignore his gazes, his calls for you at his office at late hours of the night by random cadets. You wouldn't answer to him if it wasn't for something military related and you intended it to keep it that way until the announcements of the feast that would take place before the attempt of retaking wall Maria.
As you passed by a narrow street heading to anywhere away from the crowd of cadets with your drink in your hand, you bumped lousy into the onyx haired male. It was the first time in days or even weeks that you had spared him a glance but your eyes averted his upon impact. You couldn't stand this. It was suffocating you. The clicking of your ankle boots colliding with the ground might have been heard as you turned on your heels to flee the scene but Levi's stern clearing of the throat overshadowed it.
He wasn't having it anymore.
"Oi, wait! Stop on your tracks, this is an order!" He spoke, eliciting a groan out of you as you turned to face him. "Just what do you think you're doing?"
"Captain, I seek to relax before a very hard mission, spare me with your punishments, I beg of you."
His blood boiled with your every word "Cut the damn crap (y/n) and talk to me like normal." It probably sounded more harsh than he intended but he couldn't find himself in a position to turn back time and rephrase those words. The drained look in your eyes tolled him as well. The fact that you were both so tired by this game of cat and mouse was profound and everywhere in the air around you and Levi didn't know if he could take it anymore.
At first he thought that it was for the best. If you both forgot about your feelings or found ways to distract yourselves by this distance then it would be so much easier for him to push through the upcoming events of Shiganshina, but he was surprised to know he was mistaken. Masking his feelings must have seemed easy when it came to grieve and loss; he'd spent hours in his room, with you, letting everything out and occupying himself with trying to improve his handwriting while doing paperwork, but infatuation, love, was different. Instead of fading by each passing day like anger and grief it only ever became stronger, fonder and more agressive, chewing on his insides in despair. He really did hate that he had allowed himself to feel that way but it was way too late by now. There was nothing he could do and the fact that you ignored him after almost squeezing out that much, much wanted confession was only making him feel more hollow and in pain.
But Levi knew how to control himself, he trusted his ability on that.
"What is there to talk about? Let me live my last day in peace." You barked, your eyes starting to dance towards his direction, landing on his chin, then at the curve of his unfairly full bottom lip, on his button upwards nose.
"Look." He paused, unsure of how to put his words into non hurtful sentences. "If you could just tell me why or share a few words with me. We could damn die tomorrow and I'd regret not ever talking you out of this unfair treatment you're giving me."
You wondered if you should open up your heart to him completely, without accepting any interruption from him just to cleanse your coincidence off of this weight. Upon deciding that there was truly nothing holding you back except for a silly fear of another rejection that could die with you tomorrow you opened your mouth to speak any words that came to your mind.
"Levi, I'm in pain. You rejected me. Plain and simple. I've spent so many nights wondering why I am unworthy of your affections but I can't wrap my head around you anymore."
"Is that the way you feel about me? That you're the one who's unworthy of me?"
"You always think so lowly of yourself. Makes me wonder how you trust your own abilities in battlefield. But yes. So I just want to know who is it for you? Who do you feel you're unworthy of?"
He paused for a moment, to regain any shattered piece of his heart you had thrown back to him with your statement. You didn't hate him, be always knew that, but hearing those words fall out of your mouth engulfed the matter into reality unlike before. He was ready to face it. Even if he was unsure of tomorrow he knew that if he was to stay alive while you were dead he would have torn his own brain out as to avoid overthinking this particular moment.
"You want the truth honestly, brat? I happen to think I'm the one unworthy of you. You've taught me how to write and read, you came into my office to check up on an underground scum like me to see if I was asleep. Dammit you even gave me portions of your food to help me withstand the long nights of sleeping in my chair. What have I done for you? Boss you around? Or is it my looks you're after?"
Your eyes widened at his last statement, momentarily preventing the tears that had gathered in the corners from falling. This wasn't a time to misunderstand his words and act foolish, this was the closest out of a confession you would get from the man and you were awestruck, amazed. If he wanted to know a reason you would give him one.
"I'll admit, you might have the face of an angel Levi and maybe that would initial draw anyone to you, including me but I didn't fall in love with you for that." You could tell he was taken aback by the raw nature of your words only by the small whimper that escaped his throat.
"Over the course of this relationship between us you have been there for me when I couldn't be there for myself, you've helped me improve, your hands are stained with blood and so are mine, but you've knitted with me, you've stitched my wounds, you've let me sleep in your bed when I found a giant cockroach in mine, you're so much more than what you paint yourself to be."
He stared at you with ogling, soft eyes. Had he looked at you like that before you were oblivious but there was something in those steel eyes that magnetised your own gaze, something you couldn't let go off. It was calming the knot in your chest with reassurance, bearing promises of the future but he didn't dare speak on them to ruin the moment. His head closed the distance between the two of you in sharp shiftings and now your lips were brushing his in the most suggestive manner possible. It had all happened so fast that you didn't have a chance to react.
"You realised" he whispered, voice soft as the melancholy of the theme of his words captured your breath "that if you happen to die tomorrow, I, myself will hunt you down, resecure you and then proceed to beat the living shit out of you every single day of your shitty life, right?"
He was so beautiful panting with desire under the moonlight and you would never forget. Out of all times this could have taken place it happened now, hours before a deadly expedition. The feeling of regret flooded your form, his as well for not acting upon your feelings sooner and Levi fought an internal battle as to whether he should kiss you or not. He desired to keep that kiss as a reward that you stayed alive for him but on the other hand he feared that this could well be his last chance to taste you for the first time.
"That's a weird way to say I love you" as his lips brushed closer to yours his heart felt like it would explode, he had pained to claim your lips, just once, just to know the taste of a beloved and he was sure he would be more pained to lose you.
As he pleaded that you came to him tomorrow he pressed his lips on yours, sealing the promise he demanded you to make to him. Your heart melted under the soft lights of a thousand stars.
As his arms wrapped around you, tears run down his eyes. That was it. You had fought to keep your promise nail and tooth. You had never managed let him down and to see that you were among the tiny amount of survivors lifted his soul to heaven. The touch of your skin, the salty taste of your neck, it all was real, you were indeed alive and safe in his arms. He wouldn't have to go insane over that fact that he would never get to look into your eyes again.
"I will always keep my promises to you." You hitched with tears running down cheeks, the shock in your core still trembling as ever.
"I know" He panted
"Besides, have you seen yourself in action, I wouldn't want you to hunt me down, oh Lord."
I am. In tears. Also I'm sorry (?) for such in depth descriptions of Levi's hands?
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iruludavare · 4 years
{Mega Evolution}
{ ooc. To make it easier to navigate/read only what you’re interested in, I’ve separated this post up into section}
Pokedex Entries
What actually happens
Role of the Keystone
Role of a bond
What the Gen7 pokedex entries show
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     1. Pokedex Entries
     The first official pokedex entries for mega evolved pokemon are the ones seen in Alola’s pokedex, having been published just prior to the events of Sun and Moon. However, they only reflect one side of mega evolution-- when a bond between the pokemon and trainer is completely missing. 
     With the phenomenon gaining track in Kalos, and more details concerning Professor Sycamore’s research leaking out into the public, thanks to the events with Team Flare, more researchers in the field of pokemon evolution saw potential in the area for publishable papers. It did not take long for unaffiliated teams to bribe those working for the professor or send in people for the sole purpose of gathering information. From there, and hearing that Augustine was very close to having enough data to put together a paper and publish it, being the first in its field, these groups decided to bite the bullet and attempt to beat him to the idea.      Only, it was not done with proper knowledge of the subject, as they did not have all of the pieces from the information that was handed over. 
    Tests were performed on an incomplete list of pokemon they received from Professor Sycamore’s unpublished data to be capable of mega evolution-- Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Scizor, Lucario, Aerodactyl, Gyarados, Ampharos, Tyranitar, Houndoom, Heracross, Manectric, Mawile, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Slowbro, Sableye, Lopunny, Metagross, Salamence, Glalie and Sharpedo. However, due to not knowing that the process required a strong bond between the individual holding the keystone, and the pokemon undergoing the change, what occurred was a very harmful and painful series of transformations.
     2. What actually happens
     What was not known to the scientists was that mega evolution happens to be a very unstable process that, for a short period of time, is capable of altering specific pokemon’s appearances and capabilities. However, not all pokemon of a specific species are capable of mega evolution. It is largely restricted to the descendants of pokemon who were affected by the blast from the Ultimate Weapon 3000 years ago, with the energy from Xerneas and Yveltal powering the machine resulting in the sudden development of a reasonably large insert in the genome of some of those that survived the blast, depending on their proximity to the site where it landed. This encodes for the production of light-sensitive proteins, but a majority of it, encoding for extreme upregulation of a variety of other genes, remains dormant until the activation of those proteins. If one were to look for these mutations in humans that survived the blast, these sequences would also be present in them. It is not what renders them immortal-- that is specifically tied to Xerneas’ power when on its own--, but instead what causes the phenomenon of their form reacting with mega stones, and the other way around, by emitting light, much like when a viable pokemon undergoes mega evolution, as seen in-game. 
     The reaction between an affected individual and a specific mega stone, according to the professor’s research, is a result of a process similar to optogenetics. The mutation found in those directly exposed to the Ultimate Weapon, or that have inherited it from something that was, is activated when the proteins it encodes for are exposed to light of a certain wavelength that is not visible to the human eye. These are emitted from mega stones at a constant rate, due to being irradiated by the Ultimate Weapon, albeit they differ slightly from one another. Depending on the species of the individual, the proteins from this mutation will sense different specific wavelengths-- unless they are human, where they instead are activated by a range of wavelengths encompassing all that the different kinds emitted, albeit at an intensity too weak to result in any physical changes. Once exposure to a compatible wavelength occurs, the emission of light increases exponentially over a very short amount of time, and the pokemon will begin to rapidly undergo physical changes, as it triggers a cascade reaction, effecting a variety of other genes and resulting in an overproduction of their proteins. This results in a form change, but in all cases, an emission of light-- the excess energy-- dependent on the proximity to the mega stone.
     3. Role of the Key Stone
     The key stone, much like mega stones, came to be after being irradiated from the power in the Ultimate Weapon, however function differently. Unlike mega stones that constantly emit one specific wavelength of light, they are capable of either mimicking ones of nearby mega stones, or can interfere with it depending on miniscule changes in temperature. As such, they can be used to trigger mega evolution, or stop it, simply through touch alone and accessories that can retain and amplify heat. Training in order to legally wield mega evolution revolves around an individual learning how to properly manipulate the abilities of a key stone, as improper use can place the pokemon in danger.
     When controlled properly, mega evolution is painless and beneficial to the pokemon.
      4. Role of a Bond
     The bond, while having no direct impact on what occurs to trigger mega evolution, is far less understood than the other aspects of it, due to its difficulty to properly analyse. It has been speculated that while it may have some effect beyond comprehension-- as it, in the absence of the specific gene tied to mega evolution, leads to the bond phenomenon--, the bond, itself, for mega evolution might more be tied to the pokemon in question having faith in the trainer wielding the key stone. Increased levels of stress or pain worsen the effects of mega evolution, and so, a weak bond may give rise to a situation where the reaction that can normally be controlled well with the key stone is heightened and unable to be controlled.
     5. What the Gen7 pokdex entries show
     With all of this in mind, the pokedex entries for mega evolution shows what happens when there is no or a lacking bond between the pokemon and trainer present-- when there is no way to control or inhibit the way that the pokemon reacts to being exposed to a compatible wavelength. As the reaction that is triggered has no natural trigger to stop the overproduction of so many proteins, and only increases over time, removing the one element that can control it (aside from removing the mega stone from their general area), results in the pokemon’s condition worsening. Depending on what changes about their appearance, functions, mindset, or power, the effects of this will differ. Be it descending into blind rage (Gyarados, Lucario), melting from the inside out (Scizor), losing all the strength in its muscles (Alakazam) or parts of their bodies breaking (Glalie, Tyranitar)-- at some point, they are harmful to the pokemon, and extremely unpleasant to experience.
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thebrixtons · 3 years
I guess Siobhan should have written her own ‘Reynolds Pamphlet' when she had to chance 🤣
PLSSSSS lovely anon 😭 i’m dyin !!!!
can you imagine her being like “the charge against me is a connection with one thatcher hyde, for purposes of improper speculation !!” heeelppp i’m cackling
she could’ve written her own lil reynolds pamphlet, but like …. very mysterious unknown person in this post said, “she thinks running from her problems will solve them” 💀 she had enough time to actually decide what to do and make a move FIRST !!! but she’s … kinda a coward 😳
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filmsmakkari · 3 years
Wordcount- 1.7k
Hamilton!Tom Holland x Angelica!Reader
Tom Holland x Princess!Reader
I would recommend listening to the song here!
Full Series Masterlist
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Your time in Hasnaa was joyous. You wished you could have stayed there forever, but you most unfortunately had to return to your husband, and your disastrous marriage in London. With him, the days were drab and dull. It felt as if every day dragged on longer than the last, but drag on they did, and before you knew it, five years had passed.
You were sitting at the end of the table what felt like miles away from your husband, when a servant entered with a letter in her hand.
“It’s from Prince Phillip, your grace.” The servant girl curtsied before exiting.
“Thank you,” you said as you opened the letter.
It read:
My Dear Aunt,
Cold is my heart as I reckon with the affects my father’s whims have had on our family name. I’m not sure if word has yet reached you there in London, but I must most regretfully inform you that our dear Duke of Saataun has had a most unfortunate affair with the young Countess Nadia Renoylds. Apparently, it took place when we were visiting grandfather at the Fadar da Hasnaa, a considerable time indeed. He also had the privity and connivance of the count, whom he paid off to not tell mother. Apparently, the entire affair was an elaborate scheme on the Renoylds’ part. Their most intricate plan was for the countess to seduce father into an affair, and then blackmail him. If father did not find himself in a prosperous enough position to put wealth into their pockets, they would tell mother of the affair. Of course, this all took place many years ago, and father did pay the count off. None of this would have come to light if those vultures Anthony Monroe, Christopher Jefferson, and Aaron Blackwell hadn’t accused father of embezzlement. To prove his innocence, father published an essay entitled “The Reynolds Pamphlet”in which he admits the truth of his affair, and how he did not in fact embezzle money, but rather used it to pay off his mistress’s husband. In truth it isn’t much better, but he committed no crimes. He might have mortally wounded his prospects, but his papers are orderly, that is a fact none can deny. I have attached a copy of The Reynolds Pamphlet with this letter so that you may read it yourself. Tis no surprise that my mother is outraged. She has father sleeping in his office, and last night as I was passing her cracked bedroom door, I saw her setting fire to all the hundreds of letters he’s written to her. I know it is much to ask of you, seeing as you are the ruler of a large realm, but if you could journey here to see her, I’m sure it would be much consolation. With our dear Peggy sick in Paris, you are the only of her sisters with the ability to make the journey. Please consider.
Votre neveu le plus adorant et le plus vrai,
Prince Phillip of Saataun
Your heart sank as you read your nephew’s words. You quickly took the “Reynolds Pamphlet” from under his letter and read it.
It Read:
I owe perhaps to my friends an apology for condescending to give a public explanation. A just pride with reluctance stoops to a formal vindication against so despicable a contrivance and is inclined rather to oppose to it the uniform evidence of an upright character.
The charge against me is a connection with one Anthony Reynolds. For purposes of improper speculation, my real crime is an amorous connection with his wife, for a considerable time with his knowing consent, if not originally brought on by a combination between the husband and wife with the design to extort money from me. I had frequent meetings with her, most of them in my own house, the Duchess with our children being absent on a visit to the King.
This confession is not made without a blush. I cannot be the apologist of any vice because the ardour of passion may have made it mine. I can never cease to condemn myself for the pang, which it may inflict in a bosom eminently intitled to all my gratitude, fidelity and love. But that bosom will approve, that even at so great an expence, I should effectually wipe away a more serious stain from a name, which it cherishes with no less elevation than tenderness. The public too will I trust excuse the confession. The necessity of it to my defence against a more heinous charge could alone have extorted from me so painful an indecorum.
The essay went on for several more paragraphs, but you could not bear to read any more. Your heart felt as if it was cracking as you thought of your dear Eliza. Oh, all the pain she must have been in. How could Thomas, your Thomas have done such a thing? How could he have hurt your sister in such a way? The anger must have been clear in your eyes, as your husband suddenly spoke.
“What is it?” his monotone voice asked. He barely even looked up from his newspaper.
“My dear sister, Eliza, and our brother, Thomas seem to have been involved in a scandal. I must return home immediately.”
“Oh, well you do that. I shall remain here.”
Oh, of course, he was. You held back an eye roll as you stood and went to your quarters to begin packing.
You booked passage on a ship that was heading for Saataun the next day and quickly made your way home. Your carriage was awaiting your arrival when you stepped off the docks, and you immediately directed him to Eliza’s palace. When you knocked on the door, to your surprise, it was answered by your nephew, Phillip, now fourteen years old. You hugged him tightly.
“Where is your mother, Phillip?” you asked as you released the boy.
“At the store, I believe. But father’s just upstairs, in his office.”
You thanked the young boy before rushing up the stairs and into Thomas’s office.
His eyes widened at the sight of you. “(Y/N)?”
“I came as soon as I heard,” you said flatly.
“Oh, (Y/N), thank God,” he rose and walked towards you, taking your hands and trying to kiss it “someone who understands what I’m struggling here to do-” he paused as you snatched your hand away from him.
“Congratulations, Thomas.”
He looked at you confused.
“You have invented a new kind of stupid! A damage you could never undo kind of stupid, an open all the cages in the zoo kind of stupid! Truly, you didn’t think this through, did you?”
You gestured with your hands as you spoke. “Let's review, shall we? You two a rumor a few-what was it, three- people knew and refuted it by sharing an affair of which no one has accused you!” You got close to his face, saying, “Thomas, I begged you to take a break and you refused to.”
Now you were pacing and speaking loudly. “You’re so scared of what your enemies will do to you when in reality you’re the only enemy you ever seem to lose to! Do you know why Jefferson can do as he pleases? He doesn’t dignify schoolyard taunts with a response! So yes, congratulations, Thomas.”
“You’ve redefined your legacy. No, really! Congratulations,” you said, walking out.
“It was an act of political sacrifice!” he exclaimed.
You stopped in your tracks, looking back at him bewildered. “Sacrifice? Thomas Holland, you know nothing of sacrifice.”
“What does that mean?”
“Thomas, I languished in a loveless marriage in London, I lived only to read your letters. I look at you and think “God, what have we done with our lives, and what did it get us?” It doesn’t wipe all the years or all my tears away, but I’ve returned to Larione, and this time I’m here to stay. Do you know what I’m here to do, Thomas?”
“(Y/N)...” he said, coming close to you and cupping your face.
As much as it pained you to do so, you grabbed his hand, tearing it from your face, and saying, “I’m not here for you.”
Thomas sighed, tears burning in his eyes.
You felt the anger begin to rise again as you spoke, “I know my sister like I know my own mind! You will meet a more gentle, kind, trusting soul. I love my sister more than anything in this life! If it comes to choosing between her happiness and mine, I will choose hers every time! Yelizaveta is the best person in our lives, so never again make the mistake of forgetting that you have been blessed with the best wife! For the rest of your life, every sacrifice you make is for my sister, you be sure to give her the best life!”
You raised your hand and slapped him as hard as humanly possible and turned to leave. You paused in the doorframe, turning back to him. “Putting what we had aside, I’m going to find my sister and I am going to stand by her side. I already know “you could never be satisfied.” God, I hope you’re satisfied.” And with that, you were gone.
Your night was spent whispering comforting words to your younger sister, remarking to her “Oh, my dear Eliza, I fear you have married an Icarus. He has flown too close to the sun.”
You did in fact stay in Larione, just as you had told Thomas you would, choosing to relocate to the Fadar da Zuri. It was frowned upon by the public that you, the Empress of Jimbaari, were staying in a palace outside of your country without a husband or some other guardian, but you didn’t care. Your sister and her happiness were all that mattered to you. You prayed for your sister’s happiness. You also prayed that she’d forgive Thomas. Not, in fact, because of your love for Thomas, but rather as you didn’t want anything weighing on your sister’s gentle soul.
As for your ever most complicated relationship with Thomas, you barely interacted with him, not speaking to him when at their home and not writing to him. Though sometimes, you would catch him staring at you with such deep longing that it made your heart ache. And it pained you so deeply, because you knew you couldn’t have been more in love with him- even after his betrayal. So, pray you did. Prayed for your sister’s inner peace, and your own, prayed for the well being of the children, and prayed begging the lord why in all his goodness, he would cause you the utmost pain by bringing that foolish soldier Thomas Holland into their lives.
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thegeekcloud · 4 years
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The charge against me is a connection with one James Reynolds for purposes of improper speculation. My real crime is an amorous connection with his wife, for a considerable time with his knowing consent.
Or everyone having fun as Hamilton's reputation is sky diving with no parachute from 30k feet
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sleepyowlwrites · 3 years
find the word tag CXXII
got my thief-y hands on a tag from @stuffaboutwriting  and not that I’m tired of always doing ghosty tags. I’m not. it solidifies our friendship or whatever. but it’s nice to thief from other peeps every now and then, you know? you have some nice Rapunzel lettuce. I would like some. so I will take some since you left your garden gate open.
pretty (Youth story)
Daniel sighed, and Nyks waited until he felt a hand in his hair. He really had the best hair for thinking, apparently, because everybody played with it when they wanted to get their thoughts moving. “Evie, darling, I just thought you would look pretty in a green dress, that’s all.”
name (Anxiety story - Theo calls Ree “cousin” because they both love Shakespeare, not just because he’s a weirdo)
Theo fixed his eyes on Ree back with a baleful expression that Aiden got the feeling Ree would know about even facing the other way. “My name is Theo, dear cousin.”
“Don’t start-”
“It’s short for Theodore, a full proper name, making Theo my proper nickname. You can call me Teddy only during those few and occasional moments of heightened emotion such as when you are feeling especially grateful for my existence or when you’re trying to make an important point. You can’t call me an improper nickname and expect me to just agree to being the trashcan in from the road, or whatever else you wanted from me.” Theo raised his shoulders and head into a lofty position. “Of course, I don’t want you to call me by my full name, because it’s too long, and too proper to be comfortable just between friends.”
world (Youth story)
As soon as she got her hands on a couple of friends who also believed in eschewing the norm and trekking the uneven path to antisocial enlightenment, Evie dropped all pretense of ever living in that world with the regular people in it.
idea (Youth story - ah, cuteness)
“This.” Nyks said flatly, like even saying that one word was a drain on his sanity. “This is a bad idea.”
“Literally all of us agree it’s a bad idea,” Irina reminded him, still maintaining her dizzying levels of energy at one in the morning.
“If we all agree it’s stupid then why are we doing it?” Nyks wailed to the heavens, standing still until Daniel came up behind him and threw him over one shoulder. “No, no, no! I demand to be carried properly or not at all!”
R helped Daniel to set Nyks back down, where he glowered at the latter in an attempt to be taken for an intimidating figure. “I didn’t appreciate that.”
“Sorry, sorry.” Daniel pinched Nyks’ cheeks with too warm hands, a serene smile hovering on his lips, shy and speculative.
careless (Rain story)
It leered down at them, too many eyes to count, each one appearing and disappearing in the flames that burned purple every time It spoke. In its voice, a vehemence, too careless to respect, too piercing to ignore. The color of Its words swirled around them like pretty, poisonous smoke through the hot air, languid but purposeful.
I paused in the middle of doing this tag to look up a song that was stuck in my head, and then I listened to three songs that were not that song instead. silly me. I’m gonna try and alliterate AND use song titles: freeze, fiction, fake love, follow me, flash. I did it! @magnoliaash @novanovelwriting @crystallized-ink @rainydaydarling @stardustspiral OR ANYBODY
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