#for staying safe and sane
angeart · 8 months
Tips for not getting stressed out from writing, coming to you live from someone who has done this for 18 years and got a degree in it:
- remember that you write for fun. This is the big one. You write because on some level you enjoy it. Sometimes you gotta lasso that abd reel it into your heart and hold it there so it stays.
- keep compliments close at hand. And i do mean this literally. I print out AO3 comments and friends compliments and keep them in a jar to pull them out at random when I need a little brain boost. I keep a folder of screenshots of nice things people have said on my pc.
- accept that not every day is going to work out. Even the best authors have days where the words wont work, days where they wont flow at all. Its okay to take a step back and not worry about it. Refer to my first tip: youre doing this for fun, you dont have to force yourself
- get silly with it. If youre really having a day where you want to write and its not working and its frustrating you but you cant put it down it is TIME for the sillies. Set a tiner. 5, 10 minutes. Write whatever comes to your brain. Fully turn your editor off. I get sentences like "And the doh turned blue and whacked rhe tennis ball with its tail into the bridge". Utter nonsense. It helps to get the wiggles out
- handwriting can also be helpful. I keep several journals, and glitter pens, and fun markers - sometimes doing the task physically instead of digitally helps to get the wriggles out.
- sometimes you have to accept an idea is not working. It takes experience to figure out when this is, but youll get there. Come at ideas from different angles, back out entirely and rewrite older scenes to make new scenes work.
I hope these help you!!!
thankyouuu for sharing these!!! <3
it's true that the positive comments are always a great motivation. maybe i need to start a collection for myself. indulge a little. (shut up the eternally dissatisfied part of my brain-)
i'm honestly struggling to find a balance between knowing i write for fun, and the pressure of it. (they're happening simultaneously, sometimes seemingly too closely intertwined.) but maybe one has more weight than the other, and i have to realise that only one of those should really hold any priority.
i'm very tired now, but i'll be rereading all these again later and letting them settle in gently. thank youu
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 3 months
i switched back from androgel to testosterone injections after 2 years and im having a male puberty crisis over gabriel and this blog isnt helping. thank you (genuine)
oh you are in special type of hell, good luck soldier 🫡
stay strong and try to stay sane
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vhvrs · 4 months
fascinating all the different dynamics n types of bonds rnm shows u exclusively just between rick n morty like i was thinking how its swt up as if its just estranged grandpa grandson when its really rick having to actually care abt this random kid he has no personal connection with until morty IS his grandson n he IS his grandpa. not that it justifies how rick treated morty up until he got over himself but then u have ricks who didnt have to step over that hurdle who were treating mortys that way. ricks presumably who had mortys from the start who were nice about it. the morty market. whatever the dynamics with evil morty n evil rick were. its endless.
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excelsior9173 · 5 months
i know that with everything going on it looks pretty not good, but i don’t think we’ve seen the end of sleep token.
they’ve been using the phrase ‘nothing lasts forever’ since the very beginning, since they put out one.
iii has deleted socials before- if he comes back, great! if he decides to stay gone, good for him. (i don’t remember the context of him deleting last time but he came back so there’s that to keep in mind!)
plus- the band said ‘new opportunities to gather will be revealed in january’ i cannot imagine they’d abandon who-knows-how-many shows. we’re also midway through january with no announcement of shows. i personally think that, at the very least, the band account going blank is planned. show announcements and a new era are coming. lots of bands i follow pull this shit before a new album cycle!
whatever happens, happens. we got a beautiful catalogue of music if this is it, but i don’t think they’re done. i’d rather not catastrophize, i’m hoping all of this is just really poor timing (not on the band’s part, just that it’s come right after a potential -i’ve seen conflicting reports- of personal info)
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daniel-profeta · 1 year
People Are Cool
Generally speaking I don't like interacting with people much, I consider myself incredibly introverted and greatly value time alone or with only specific people.
The community that has grown around the stuff I've been making here lately feels like home, so I just quickly wanted to thank you for existing in this space. Social media is fun again, praise the elder gods.
Thank you for your support and for being cool
I hope you're having a great week. Thank you for all your cool tumblr questions too heheheh.
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lustbcrne · 4 months
Thinking abt the kind of post-battle sex stemming from a Desperation the characters felt esp after losing sight of one another and/or one having gotten Hella Injured during. From the “holy SHIT, I almost lost you” feelings that drives them mad enough to forgo anything and everything (ESP if they weren’t together yet) and fuck like it’s the last time they could ever share a moment like this, hearts racing fast, with clumsy; frantic, murmured confessions against each other’s lips and skin-
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autistic-sidon · 1 month
Important announcement
So I'm making a huge change! Despite me not believing DNIs are something that really works, I still think it's important to announce that I have having a massive change of boundaries regarding sidlink shippers due to something that occurred on the beautiful site called twitter dot com!
To summarize, me and another person got accused by someone with 5000+ followers of cyberstalking, mostly the other person. I unfortunately can only really defend myself and that is all this post will be about. What's most important to note about this "callout post" is I was misgendered in it.
To expand, this person who I choose to not name, included me in one tweet of the thread, in which I was misgendered. This person also included screenshots of my account some that dated back to 2022 when I was still a teenager/freshly 18, EVERY account I have on the Internet, along with out of context interpersonal drama from 2022 with 3-4 other at the time teenagers being the ones involved. It was drama that had happened and passed, everyone involved was young, and everyone involved has (presumably) moved on.
The person who posted this "callout" included a rather steamy message I sent without being involved in what prompted said message, only using one specific part of it to get a moral high ground over me. I am led to believe this person is a significantly older adult than me, so posting something that had to do with a bunch of teenagers 2 years ago is quite frankly immature.
I digress, as the most important issue was me being misgendered. I must mention again that this person has 5000~ followers, including being mutuals with rather large artists. At the time of posting the callout my twitter had 497 (now has 498). I do not even have a 10th of the posters following, and I was publicly misgendered in a post where I am made out as a stalker freak.
I thankfully have not (yet) received mass harassment. However I did have someone say me being misgendered was a "skill issue" and then called a slut. Note that one of the main arguments the poster made was hypothetical harassment, where I was actually harassed. Screenshots below.
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The reason I'm so upset about the misgendering is not just doing so in front of a large audience, it is also because of the poster provided such specific shit about me and still posted the callout with the wrong pronouns.
Here's a list from memory of what the poster included:
- Dozens of screenshots of me complaining about stuff on my own account(s)
- Two (2) qrts of me disagreeing with bad takes
- One screenshot of drama from 2 years ago that this likely older adult wasn't involved with, drama that occurred between teenagers.
- One screenshot of my bio on this blog??
- One prehistoric screenshot an older post of me being like "haha I'm a bitch wacking a hornets nest" that has a super old layout from idk how long ago (I might be mixing that one up with a different screenshot, either way both are there)
- Usernames of my Twitter, my private Twitter, My main Tumblr, this Tumblr, and my Instagram that I don't use. Only two accounts that I have on the Internet were spared.
Is the issue clear?
I am upset about the misgendering because the poster got all this barely inflammatory shit that I have said, as well as revealing almost every account I have on the Internet and STILL MISGENDERED ME. Showing so much random stuff from my accounts as long as revealing all of them is already odd behavior, but the misgendering is completely unacceptable in this context. Someone digging through my online presence like this should know I use it/its exclusively and hate they/them. Here's some places where my pronouns are and how fucking easy it is to find them:
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The ONLY EXCEPTION is my Instagram. Which I genuinely have not used in years. I had the pronouns set to she/they/he because back when I created that account, it/its was not an option. I checked, it's now an option, but because I don't use that account I never changed it. This account has old art as profile picture, three outdated pronouns, outdated names, zero posts, and a link to my old carrd. It's out of date, and 4 out of 5 other sources say it/it's only. Here's a screenshot of this account to show:
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So yeah. The only excuse is if the poster got the screenshots from other people, even then you should have checked before addressing me. After me and my friends pointed out I was misgendered, the only update was saying that correcting my pronouns was a "minor correction." This is unacceptable to me. My pronouns are related to my entire identity and existence, fixing a misgender of me in front of your audience of 5000 is not a minor correction. That is a very major correction that also warrants you fixing that section of the callout post, reposting it, and personally apologizing to me. However, none of this happened so I will no longer accept an apology at this time, as the damage is already done. Misgendering a transgender person who doesn't even have a tenth of your following, in what is possibly the most inflammatory and bullshit callout post I've ever read is extremely fucking dangerous. Evidence of which I already provided, where a possible transphobe said my misgendering was a skill issue and then called me a slut. If the poster is reading this, I really hope you understand how much danger you put me in and how lucky we all are that this callout has had almost no effect on me socially. I am so incredibly lucky that I only received transphobic harassment from one person.
This next section is an optional read, I wanna talk about cyberstalking and callout culture
Warning for mentions of abuse
It just so happens that I am a victim of an abusive relationship where I was cyberstalked. Let me tell you what that was like, warning for those who are sensitive to abuse/stalking and how it affects people.
I broke up with a romantic partner January 31st 2022, and after I did, the partner posted lies about me, and claimed that I showed various forms of bigotry without providing evidence. I had one suspicious account follow this blog, which I inferred was this ex partner trying to get regular access to my posts. In addition, the ex partner made new twitter accounts and went out of their way to follow people who were in the same circle of twitter as me, and regularly post negative statements on my character. Mostly they never used my name (this is why I can't/couldn't take legal action) however there was at least 3 times where they had replied to someone about me, and then DM'd that person telling them that I was terrible and to be blocked.
One of those times occurred on April 19th 2023. A mutual had quote retweeted a shitpost I made thinking it was funny, then this ex-partner told them on a private account that I was toxic and should be blocked. The mutual didn't oblige, and thus I began to be mentioned by name and blatantly harassed. Because of this I had no choice but to post a google document about my experience with this ex-partner. After that they admitted they were wrong, and have left me alone since. (This document can be found on my twitter but I will not link it as I genuinely believe my ex is trying to/has changed. I will only provide it through DMs if you ask)
Unfortunately, the effects of cyberstalking that occurred through 2022-2023 ruined me. I was in college at the time, and because of this cyberstalking I had to drop out. I couldn't do my homework. I couldn't go to class. I rarely left my room to relieve myself or clean myself. I barely ate or bought food. I could barely leave my dorm. I did not feel safe. This is the reality of cyberstalking.
Through my own real experience and severely negative effects of cyberstalking, I can confidently say that I did not cyberstalk the poster of the callout. The "evidence" provided did not prove such.
Let's talk about why I was included in the callout that was mainly about someone else. I cannot speak on whether this mutual cyberstalked. I followed them on my main and private Twitters because I enjoyed their takes. I am not close with this person and am not an "accomplice" but rather a bystander that didn't give a shit.
The reason I was included in the callout is because quite frankly the sidlink community does not like me. They have not liked me since I was 13-14 (under a different blog) and I left the community at that age and made new blogs. I have always been pretty outspoken about my opinions and thus have been blocked over it, which is completely fair. It is also completely fair to dislike me and disagree with me.
What is not fair is having such a boiled up clearly long term hatred for me, and readily throw serious accusations at me when the chance arrives. I have not ever tried to cancel sidlink shippers. While I have stated before that I believe the ship to be slightly weird, never have I ever made an inflammatory callout post about one of them, claiming that they did something illegal.
My section of the callout has poor evidence, bad formatting, and I believe it has no ALT text. In addition the entire callout has this, what I can only describe as a "girlypop" esc font, and includes a quirky image of Sidon at the end. This shows me that the poster is not taking the situation as seriously as is being claimed. If it was truly a serious situation, you'd make it an accessible document/post that has actual relevant evidence.
This callout post, or at least my section, is everything that many people on Tumblr/Twitter have said is wrong with "callout culture." I'm being labeled as a problematic, irredeemable cyberstalker (not to mention dehumanized through misgendering) for things that happened 2 years ago, and me complaining about things on my own accounts.
I believe callouts should be reserved for abusers/bigots only. Even then, readers of the callout should be extra critical. People often make bogus callouts on trans people online (particularly trans women/transfems) and that is exactly what happened here. I am a transmasculine lesbian, and I have had a bogus callout made on me. What's particularly annoying and also revealing to me is I saw 2 default profiles on the #sidon tag here on tumblr repost screenshots of my section of the callout (and I don't think they did this with the person the callout was mainly about??? Literally just me???) I must reiterate how lucky I am I have not been harassed further, as most trans people this happens to are run off the internet.
Most callouts are either immature drama that should have been handled privately, straight up bullshit, or both. In my case it's bullshit. No one should ever ever spread around callouts (especially ones where the accused is trans) without being critical about who's posting it, why, what their evidence is and how it relates to the callout subject, and what the identity of the accused/accuser is. Callouts should never be made for interpersonal issues unless bigotry and abuse is involved. Callout posts about trans people where the trans person is misgendered should not be heard out until the callout is fixed, reposted, and then the poster apologizes for the mistake at least on a personal level. As far as I am aware in my case, it was only referred to as a "minor correction" and no apology was made. One person already harassed me about it, so even if it's minor my point is proved.
I would also like to express how upset I am that the callout did almost nothing to me. The harassment from one person upsets me, but the fact that I have not lost a follower here, and even GAINED a follower on Twitter proves my above points that callout culture is extremely immature (and pointless). The poster gained absolutely nothing other than interactions and surface level support from the 5000+ follower base.
(optional read end)
WHEW. That all being said, my original topic from the first paragraph. With the exception of my beloved mutuals, current followers, and casual sidlink shippers, I wish that sidlink shippers who are active in the ships community to not follow me on any websites. I have had bad experiences with this community since I was 13, and I am finally done. This was my breaking point. I am no longer comfortable in any way with people from said community sharing a space with me. You can honestly analyze this new boundary yourself. If you ship sidlink and disagree with that callout you're welcome here. But if you are actively spreading the callout, and interacting with the people who are responsible for it I ask politely that you leave me alone. Here's a GIF I find relatable to lighten the mood and hopefully make up for this incredibly long read. If you read the whole thing, thank you so much.
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(Another note, this is my first time making ALT text on these types of complicated screenshots. If I did something wrong regarding formatting please please let me know!)
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echonvoid · 11 months
For all my fellow sufferers of religious trauma! Especially my trans folks! I’m gonna be posting some fanart later of this series but this felt really important to put out there
Edit: the next in the series does address concerns with Judy’s comments about the Old Testament in a really cool and mature way
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protect-daniel-james · 5 months
god it's getting ugly
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youdontloveme-yet · 9 months
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chussyracing · 4 months
bestie do you have any info about what is going on in the house of red bull? especially about the alleged horner vs jos verstappen power struggle? last year during markogate max was also said to interfere to keep marko in the team. now it is said that jos and horner's relationship is "severely damaged". i am not an rbr girli at all but idk looking at media, i have always assumed max was really close to horner.
i try to avoid everything about the team like plaque but based on horner's interview during the car launch everything is picture perfect and they saw each other over the last days for testing and sim and stuff
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quotemenevervore · 1 year
Happy New Years!!
Here’s how I’d say our SM people celebrated:
George, Punz and Dream celebrated together as Sapnap was with his fiancés. Nobody kissed, though there might as well have been since Dream shrunk and put himself into the glass George was drinking out of throughout the night. With an eye roll, Dream got his wish of starting the new year as close to his boyfriend as physically possible.
The fiancés had a little play fight over who was gonna be shrunk even though they all said nobody had to be shrunk to have a good time, the result wound up being Sapnap staying big and the other two shrinking and playing around on him until he stored them both to settle them down. Karl shrunk first, and spend a good amount of time jumping between Q and Sap’s glasses trying to get either of them to accidentally swallow him so he could tease them.
The SBI family celebrated as they normally do, with some drinks for the old enough ones and juice for the underaged ones. Tommy hates it. The adults don’t care. Tubbo and Ranboo are invited to spend New Years with them, and it ends in Ranboo storing the clingy duo and Michael to get them all to settle down.
Wilbur did send a quick ‘Happy New Year!’ To Niki, Fundy and Quackity, and by extent to Jack and the fiancés.
Niki and Jack celebrated together, Puffy joined them and Foolish and Eret joined them as well.
Sam took the time that everyone spent together to collect himself and think over what all had happened over the year, up until he was invited to celebrate with some others that suffered from the Eggpire (Ponk, Hannah, Tina joined them, Antfrost, CPK, a few more I can’t quite think of)
Bad and Skeppy spent New Years making muffins together and reminiscing about the past year, about everything that happened and how they thankfully got past it. Sapnap made sure to tell them both happy New Years in person before spending the evening with his fiancés.
Purpled stuck to himself, though he didn’t deny Charlie’s presence, nor Fundy’s when they found he was still hanging around Las Nevadas. They didn’t celebrate, but they did have a little bit of fun.
I’m probably forgetting people but I’m slightly tipsy and it’s past midnight so yea lol
But happy New Years everyone! I’m so happy I met most of you this year, and I’m excited to see what next year will bring.
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roselise · 1 year
Do you have insta, you are so sweet and kind and that is something i would love more of <3 we need more people like you :*
Hello, and Happy Pink Heart Month to you! ♡
I hope that it’s been a good one so far! Have you been having a nice time?
Just look at these lovely sentiments though! I feel like I should ask . . . for me?
I’m amazed you think so kindly of me yet this truly warms me inside to see — like warm tea on a very cold day. c:
Thank you for giving me something to feel nice about today, kind anon! I truly hope I can live up to your words. ♡ (I fear I do so little to deserve them!)
As I stated in my video though I do not!
I don’t have a big social media presence in general. I’m pretty shy and quiet honestly. I like to keep to myself. :”)
Perhaps I can try to be here more often though if it makes a difference? It’s been rather hectic these days, but I’m hoping spring will be calmer and be happy to try!
Sending many hugs and happy thoughts! I pray you have a wonderful day, and that you take care ~ ! xo
🌸 ⊹ ⋆゚ * ·̩͙ ✿ ♡ 🎀
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fated-normal-767 · 10 months
the knowledge that they hate me vs the fact that I have realised that without my advice they do extremely stupid things and might have just given their location to a random man online. dear lord I didn’t talk to you for what, 2, 3 months??
I overheard from them that
- someone messaged them saying he thought went to their school and asked what they looked like (he sent a selfie first) so they sent a selfie NEXT TO THE SCHOOL NAME
- they later checked with some friends and no one has seen this guy before. he doesn’t go to the school, and now he won’t stop messaging them.
dear lord everyone please exercise internet safety. what the fuck. is this what fucking happens when I leave them alone for a month or so.
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multishipper-baby · 1 year
This is pretty dark but with the whole health issues and complications, I like to think there was a moment (even if only a brief one) where baby Deya wasn't breathing when she was just born and it was horrifying for everyone.
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channieismyboy · 2 years
hey everyone <33
this isn’t a fic, it’s an appreciation post for all the love, and support you all have given me!! everyone, thank you so so much, your kindness means the world to me :))
it's only recently that i started to write. following this, when i uploaded my first post, i never expected people to actually enjoy it lmaoo. i never would have thought that others would like my writing, and compliment me for it!! (thank you again, you know who you are <3)
i know i haven't posted any fics in a while (i'm so sorry!!) i've just been working on some other side projects (so look forward to that hehe). however, i will try my best to finish drafts!!!
if you read all of this, thank you so much i know it was long lmao. please make sure to eat well, and drink water!!! <33
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