#for such worldly desires
Lmfao went on that acc n the way they were talkin mad shit with their friend like yall thought....I was mad? You had to make a sub post n cry with ur friend about how I'm crazy cause I said it's weird to romanticize wealth like okay love...hope u realize you'll never be wealthy n u can learn that striving for that is delusional.
Like its funny how dumb ppl r bc if we all fuckin realized this then we'd actually all have a better quality of life but no I guess they dont care about anyone but themselves lol.
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mindofserenity · 1 month
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يجب على المرء أن يكون دائمًا على دراية بكل خطوة يتخذونها في رحلة الحياة هذه
One must always be soulfully aware for every step they take in this journey we call, life.
— mindofserenity
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shwoo · 2 months
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Shelda's cards in the Bugsnax card game, as requested by @bugsnaaax!
I wondered about how Shelda would work before the digital rewards came out, and it turns out she just has the ability to not think about Bugsnax. Sometimes. And forgo the new ability she'd normally get out of eating them. (Eating a Bugsnak allows you to draw a new Grumpus card)
Also enjoying the Mother having more wisdom for Shelda if she has a Bugsnak in her hand already.
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lanymme · 1 year
Hey. This is my possibly favorite Noble Phantasm line in FGO.
But you can’t appreciate it if you don’t get the Buddhist reference, so come over here and let’s learn some Buddhism with the sexy nun:
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What, you might ask, is an abhisecana (or abhisheka) rite?
As I understand it, it’s an initiation rite for a practitioner who is advancing in their study of the Dharma. In some Buddhist schools, including Shingon—the school from which Tachikawa-ryu, Kiara’s school, branches off (which we don’t know much about, because it’s long-dead IRL and was subject to political book burnings, but that’s another story—this rite involves a student being assigned to a bodhisattva, whose teachings and/or qualities they will study to guide their development and give them direction.
Rather than let a student choose a bodhisattva based on their preconceptions at the time of the ritual, they are blindfolded and cast a flower onto a mandala—like the womb realm mandala, shown below—and whoever it lands on, that’s who they go with.
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But Kiara is, as always, encouraging living beings to give up their heavenly aspirations—to cast their flower instead on the mandala of the realm of desire. Let it fall where it may—chase whatever vice or illusion your whims take you to.
But make no mistake.
However it falls, there’s only one bodhisattva that will watch over you as you dance in the palm of her hand.
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akkivee · 3 months
Kuukou is the perfect boy. He's a menace. He's a gentle soul. He's a disney princess. He causes problems on purpose. He fixes people. He needs to fix himself. He's baby. I love him.
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he’ll btch about rainy weather but will see a froggy on the side of the road and decide to share his sardines with it bc it’s the same colour as his raincoat he is literally like actually too precious for this world
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ataykiri · 1 year
Our stay on this earth is so so short, we’re in such a dream state that we keep forgetting this truth
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worstloki · 4 months
Something so funny about Mu Qing having 'the face of a scholar' and following a cultivation path of self control/abstinence and then when it's time for a fight he takes out a really really long sword
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omegawizardposting · 2 months
Imagine being a grown adult and priding yourself on having "clean" fun online. I'm banishing you to Weenie Hut Jr.
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wyllsravengard · 6 months
idk what ramadan is gonna look like for me this year lol
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philosophybitmaps · 10 months
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be-a-muslim-1st · 26 days
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sunnnfish · 10 months
Sasaki’s English voice actor is going to be at a con relatively near me and it is at times like these I hate being so materialistic. I want a stupid little autograph so bad. And all it’s gonna do is sit on my stupid little shelf. But I WANT IT… hatred and rage
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lizalfosrise · 5 months
The Zwillngstürme battle theme is absolutely glorious. Maps looking gorgeous too.
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Upon the Precipice
Too far below; not deep enough
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"Turn your eyes from worldly desires, you were made for higher things. The regenerate heart will never find satisfaction in a fallen world." - Paul Washer
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akkivee · 1 month
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