#for the low low price of $15 you too can give your boyfriend a smile he'll never forget
tethered-heartstrings · 11 months
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🎲 🍀 WHAT’S YOUR BET? 🍀 🎲
Prompt: Y/N is lucky enough to have her man Roman at home for a few days, but she sees her luck start to change once she has a video game to overshadow and only a pair of dice as her allies.
Word count: Girl, grab a snack..Longer than it should
Pairing: Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: +18, adult content, smut, cursing, masturbation(male receiving), oral sex (female receiving), thigh riding, sex dice.
My Roman’s lovers: @ziasaph, @mindofasagittaruis
Notes: It’s Roman y’all, that’s all I’m gonna say on my defense! Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories typing ‘masochist writes’ on the search bar on my page and my newest story as a fixed post.Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
“Ro, how long more are you gonna stay playing that damn thing?”
“Just give me 10 more minutes babe, if I drop it now, my team is gonna loose” He said with his eyes glued on the TV.
“You’ve said that 10 minutes ago!Every damn time is this bullshit. I swear to you that some day I’m gonna toss that thing on fire!”
“I love you too babygirl” He blowed me a kiss without taking his eyes off of the TV.
“Argh” I let out a frustrated groan and went up the stairs to our bedroom.
Roman was home, on one of his very rare days off, and instead of being together making up for the time he was on the road, he’s been glued on that fucking video game of his with his cousins!
Generally I don’t mind him playing that boring thing, sometimes I even encourage him to play because I know how much he likes it and it’s sort of relaxing activity for him. But damn! He’s been home for two days now and I didn’t get not even one bit of love since he got here! I’m frustrated, upset and horny which is a quite deadly combination for anyone, really.
Is it too much to ask for a day with the man that you love, who’s been on the road for 3 weeks straight, for some quality couple time ALONE? I miss my man! I miss being in his arms, I miss kissing him, I miss the make out sessions, I miss the sex (heavily), I just want some dick damn it! His dick, buried deep inside of me! Ok I over shared, but I’m an adult woman with needs and I want my boyfriend to fulfill those needs! Am I the only one who thinks I’m not asking for too much?! Usually I don’t mind taking care of business with my own hands, but he’s home now, and I don’t want the battery operated fake one if I have the real one right there, on the living room, playing video games!
As soon as I entered the bedroom, I saw a little pastel pink bag with a huge bright pink bow on the floor near the wardrobe.
*Oh Amber’s bachelorette party gift. I never got to look at what she gave us...I remember she said some of those things were old but gold..*
I sat on the bed and placed the little bag on it, I opened and started to dig into it, removing item by item.
There was penis shaped pasta “Maybe I should cook that for dinner” I laughed to myself.
Some edible panties “Damn it Amber, that’s so 80’s girl!” I chuckled.
A beautiful purple lingerie set
“Uh, those are nice! And looks expensive too” I looked at the tag and was shocked by not only the price (salty as fuck) but also to see that it’s the correct size “How on earth did she knew that?!”
Lumberjack porn, in DVD! “Yep, definitely stuck in the 80’s! Oh well, old but gold she said, she didn’t lied tho” I cackled
Strawberry and chocolate edible lube. I opened the cap, squirted some out and gave it a lick. I was actually surprised how good that actually tasted!
And last but not least the most old but gold items of all time: A Pair Of Sex Dice!
I took it out of the package and red the words. On one dice there were actions “Lick, Bite, Kiss..” and on the other one were body parts “Lips, Thigh, Neck..” on both dice however, there was a question mark, which indicated that the person could choose the action or body part.
As I hold the dice in my hand an idea roamed my head.. *Oh baby, since you like to play so much, let’s see what you will think of my little game...* I thought to myself as I made my way downstairs to the living room.
I could see that he, obviously, continued with his eyes glued on the damn TV. So I made my way towards the couch and stopped a few inches away from him.
“Son of a bitch! You killed OUR guy Jay! He was on our team, you fucker!”
*Of course he didn’t listen to me* I thought
“Roman?” I almost yelled
“I’m sorry baby girl, I’m gonna wrap it up in 15 minutes, I promi- What the fuck? Pay attention man! He almost killed you!” He yelled on the headset’s microfone.
“Would you like to play a game with me?” I asked
“Sure thing baby, just let me finish this level ok?”
“But I wanted to play now..”
“Huh...Why don’t you go on and I’ll be right behind you in a second” He ferociously tapped the buttons of that cursed thing, without even once looking at me.
“Oh well since you don’t wanna play with me...I’ll find someone else to play with, I guess..” With that I threw the pair of dice at him and it landed on his face before hitting the coffee table.
“Fuck babe! Why did you do that for?” He looked down to see what I had thrown at him. “Dice? What is-“ he stopped once he saw the sayings on it and looked up with a smirk on his face.
“Oh, so I finally get you to look at me for the first time in those two days huh?” I said with a bitter tone. He chose to ignore me and asked.
“Was is this?”
“The game I wanted to play with you, but since you’re so focused on your own little game, I’ll go find someone else...who actually wants to play with me.”
I turned around and was walking towards the stairs when he said.
“Oh, I’ll be damned if you play this with someone other than me!”
I turned around just in time to see him desperately take off the headset, turn off the TV, the PlayStation and walk towards me with the dice in hand.
“So baby girl, where do you wanna play?”
“Here” I turned and made my way back to the large couch. He followed and sit down beside me.
“How you wanna do this babe?” He asked with a mischievous smirk
“We’ll take turns, each one will have 60 seconds to do the action, the first one to call for mercy loses”
“Ok, and what does the winner gets?”
“Whatever she”
“Or he” he smiled
“I wouldn’t bet that sweetheart! Whatever SHE wants”
“Are you really that certain you’re going to win kitten?”
“Absolutely!” I proudly smiled
“We’ll see about that baby girl..”
“Who should start?”
“Please baby, ladies first!”
“What a gentleman huh?!” I scoffed
Before I could throw the dice, he leaned forward and said with a deep, low voice.
“Just remember baby girl, all’s fair in love and war” he then proceeded to maliciously wink at me. And he knew the effect that had on me, the fucker was going to play dirty! Well, bring it on then!
“Oh you’re so gonna regret that Reigns!” He just lightly chuckled at me as a response.
I threw the dice on the coffee table and looked at the results.
“Kiss, Lips. Ok that’s a soft start” I said as I made my way closer to him. I kneeled on the couch, in front of him, set the timer for 60 seconds and pressed play to start the countdown. I threw my arms around his neck and gave light pecks on his lips to tease him, when his arms locked around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest I deepened the kiss, he opened his mouth so my tongue could pass through, which it happily did. He groaned into the kiss and tried to move me closer so I could straddle his hips...buzz buzz.
The timer went off and I reluctantly pulled away, returning to my previous place on the couch. When I looked at Roman he had a famished look on his face.
“Your turn Reigns”
He took the dice and toss it on the table without breaking our gaze. Once the dice fell into the table he took a peek at it and smiled amused with what he got.
“Bite, Neck. Oh baby girl, this is going to be interesting..”
*Fuck! You have got to be kidding me! As if I wasn’t sexually frustrated enough!* I thought. If there was one thing that could turn me on in mere seconds was anything neck related. Specially if Roman was the one doing it!
“Come here baby” He patted his lap
I straddle his hips, sitting on his hardening bulge. He pulled my hair to the opposite side of my neck and hold it there to keep it in place.
“Start the countdown kitten”
I pressed start and he leaned forward towards my neck. He started by lightly biting at the base of my neck and made his way torturously slow up. Once I felt his beard scratch my neck I couldn’t help but moan softly. I could feel him smile against my skin, then his biting became slightly rougher, his beard scratching harder, and successfully wetting my panties. When I thought I couldn’t take it anymore of that teasing the timer went off and he lightly pushed me out of his (now very hard) bulge.
“Are you ok baby girl? You look a little flushed over there” He chuckled
“Shut up Reigns! Two can play that game, you know that right?” I said slightly annoyed
“Oh feisty” He mocked me “Give me your best shot kitten!”
I rolled the dice.
“Uh! It looks like I’m in luck.” The dice stopped at ‘Thigh’ and a ‘question mark’.
“Let’s see what you’ve got baby” He lazily smiled
I made my way to his thigh and thought of how I could give myself some temporary relief, when an idea crossed my mind.
I sat down on his thigh, in a riding position, and pressed start on the timer. I begin to ride his thigh first at a slow pace that firmly started to increase it. The friction between his thick jean clad thigh and the thin material of my shorts and lace panties created was perfect.
I looked into his eyes and could see how he was trying to hold himself from griping my hips. I could see his jaw was clenched and he was harder than ever as his erection pressed agonizingly against the zipper of his pants. My breathing became shallowed and I managed to get at least some relief before the timer went off.
I returned to my original place on the couch looked into his eyes and asked
“Want some mercy Reigns?” I cackled
He just stared at me before saying in a frustrated voice
“You know that was a low play you just did, right?”
“What? You were the one who started this with the neck teasing. I just went with the flow, you said yourself all’s fair in love and war, I’m just following your lead.”
He tossed the dice quite furiously at the table, once he saw the outcome he couldn’t help but evilly grin at me.
“Lick, question mark. What word do you think I should put on that question mark, huh baby girl?”
“Roman, don’t you dare!”
He crawled towards me like a predator to it’s prey.
“Pull your shorts down baby” He whispered
“Roman, you’re playing dirty right now”
He reached me and whispered in a low voice.
“Take off your shorts now or I’ll have no problem in ripping them off ya.”
I lowered my shorts to my ankles, Roman then took it on his hand and toss it behind his shoulder. He grabbed my thighs and opened them so he could place himself between it, once he did, he pulled my soaked panties to the side looked up to meet my gaze before saying
“Start the countdown kitten”
I pressed start on the timer at the same time he buried his face between my thighs.
He licked non stop from my entrance to my clit, once he was satisfied with that he begin a sweet torture of licking, sucking and biting my clit, until he had me a moaning mess.
Just when I was close to my release, the timer went off.
Roman groans in frustration and reluctantly get up. He goes back to his place looks at me and say
“You wish Reigns” I rolled the dice, and saw a quite fun combination
“Touch, question mark... Oh isn’t revenge a bitch, Reigns?” I laughed
“You know that if you touch my dick I’m gonna cum in less than 60 seconds, right?”
“Well, you can hold it”
“Oh no baby I cannot! I’m so rock hard ever since you rode my thigh, and as if I wasn’t turned on already, eating you out made it even worst! I’m about to explode at any minute now! So just know that, if you touch my dick, the way you always do, I’m 100% gonna cum.”
I reached him and once again straddle his thigh, I leaned to his ear and whispered
“Start the timer big dog”
“You really gonna do this, huh?” He asked breathless
“I’ll take a lucky shot babe”
He pressed start on the timer. I pulled his zipper down and opened the button of his jeans, I reached my hand inside his boxers grabbed his delicious hard on and pulled free.
The head of his cock had a thick bead of precum and I used as lube to slowly stroke his dick. I needed him to be more slippery to stroke as I wanted to, so without thinking twice I let go of his boner and with that hand I touched my pussy to collect some of my own wetness, so I could stoke him the way he like it. Once he saw what I just did Roman groaned loud.
I removed my hand from my panties, and grabbed his cock again stroking at a slow pace but with a tight grip. The mixture of both of our wetness made it perfectly lubed up to give him a pleasurable handjob.
The timer went off and I was about to remove my hand when he barked at me
“Don’t you fucking dare to remove your hand!”
“But the time is up” I batted my lashes innocently
“I don’t give a fuck about the timer or this stupid game! I call for mercy”
My eyes widened in shock, Roman was always so incredibly competitive, he hated to lose, even at the most stupid things. So him just giving up was a sign that the man was crazily turned on.
“Really kitten! I don’t give a fuck if this means that you’re wining, the only thing that I want right now, is to feel your sweet pussy wrapped around my cock”
I was already so turned on from those 3 weeks build up, that I just got up from the couch to remove my panties, straddle his hips and positioned his cock at my entrance.
Roman pushed himself in quite forcefully and gave me no time to adjust to him.
He pounded merciless against me and we both filled the living room with loud raw moans.
I placed my arms around his neck and he locked my waist with his arms in a ferocious grip as we roughly kissed.
Our pleasure was so strong that I came with an almost scream and him with an inhuman growl.
As we tried to catch our breaths, he stroked from my ass cheeks to my thighs and I nuzzled against his neck, before looking up and say
“Isn’t my game way more fun than yours?”
“No doubt baby girl! I could never disagree on that!” He chuckled
“Does that mean that I can stop to dispute you with your cousins and that damn video game every time you come home?” I made a poorly job at hiding how hurt I was, so of course he noticed
“Oh kitten, I’m sorry! It was never my intention to make you feel like you have to dispute me with anything or anyone. I was so caught up on the simple pleasure of having some time off that I didn’t realize I was neglecting you baby. I love you, and you’re the most important thing in my life! I’m sorry to make you feel that way baby girl, I promise you that from now one you’ll never see me playing games when I’m home ok?”
“I don’t want you to stop playing your video games, I know how much you like it, it’s just...I don’t wanna feel like you’re eagerly coming home just to play video games all day long.. I wanted you to eagerly come home so we could be together, than after that to play your video game.”
“And that’s exactly how I feel baby! I just did a very poor job at showing to you, but”
He got up from the couch, with me still attached to his hip.
“Don’t you worry kitten, I’m about to show you just how much you mean to me”
He then made his way upstairs to our bedroom, tossed me onto the bed and said.
“Spread your legs baby girl” As he leaned his head down...
Oh boy, I could’ve never been happier to bet all my cards on those dice.
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blessednereid · 4 years
Love and Monopoly
 Love and Monopoly
Milton Greasley x Reader, 
Fandom: TVDU/Legacies 
Dialogue Prompts: “Try focusing more on your life and less on mine!” and "You make me feel like I'm not good enough."
Fun Take on Angsty Prompts
Warning: Cursing, Drinking, Kissing, Necking, Mentions of food, brief mentions of blood (bunny blood for vamps), Monopoly
A/N: Someone please open my messages and give me a crash course on how to write a makeout scene I can’t do it, OMFH ಥ‿ಥ
Word Count: 2760
You and Milton Greasley had been dating for 5 years. 
You met during your shared time together at Salvatore Boarding School. You were a witch who helped MG calm down whenever he went into a ripper mode. You had used spells to lower his bloodlust. You even made the bunny blood that the school had fed vampires taste as close to human blood as you could without triggering a negative response. 
 After you all graduated, The Super Squad all rented a house in Mystic Falls, and you were all roommates. The house had 5 bedrooms, one for you and MG, one for Lizzie, one for Josie, one for Hope, and one for Kaleb. However, since Josie and Hope began dating, they had moved into the tribrid's room, so now the empty space was more of a game room. There were board games and consoles in the closet, a pool table, and a regular round glass table surrounded by armchairs where you all could sit and play games. 
Tonight was your bi-weekly game night, and you all had decided to play monopoly. Though it was a unanimous decision, you knew it could take days to finish. You were all very competitive, and none of you would go down without a fight. This is why, to finish faster, you decided to have a team game of monopoly.
On the day of, everyone had started going shopping for the concessions for the event. Trays of assorted cookies, hors-doeuvres, sandwich platters, as well as multiple different fruit juices were bought and set on a foldable table in the game room. 
As you were setting and arranging everything on the table, your wonderful boyfriend came around to help you. 
"Don't worry, love, I got it," you chuckled. "I am much capable of setting a party table on my own."
"C'mon, you make me feel like I'm not good enough to do simple things, babe," he laughed with you, though his words triggered something in your brain.
"Oh yeah?" you quipped. "These are some pictures from the last time you set the table for dinner…"
In the photo, the table linen was frowned up, the forks were out of place, some placements didn't even have certain utensils. The plates were pushed to the center, chairs closer to the edge than the food was.
"Oh..." he giggled lifelessly.
"Now you see why you don't use super speed to set up something like that?"
"I mean, I don't think it's the super speed, darling. I was simply being blinded by your beauty that day."
 Your laugh thundered in the room. "Go away MG, I'm not letting you win today!"
"Aw dammit! Alright, love, I'll let you get back to your project," he stated before he walked out of the room.
"Yeah, Hope?"
The Saltzman twin had been brushing her hair in the mirror, getting ready for the game night later.
"You look gorgeous, so stop taking out every strand of your hair with this damn brush," Hope stated before yanking the brush out of the younger girls' hand. 
Josie embraced Hope in a warm hug. "Thanks, Hope."
"Alright, everyone. Welcome to 'The Super Squad Bi-Weekly Game Night.' I'm your host, Y/N L/N, and you're watching Disney Channel." All of the friends burst out laughing. "Tough crowd, I see I see. Well, let's move on with the game, shall we?"
"First up introducing, He's the founder, he's the mediator, He is… MILTON GREASLEY!!"
They all clapped and cheered for MG before you moved on.
"Next up, She's the brain, she's the brawn. She is the tribrid, and she's got it going on, Hope Mikaelson!!"
Whoops and cheers echoed throughout the room. 
You continued through all of your friends.
"The realistic, the cynic, the man with raps for days… Kaleb Hawkins!!"
"The sweet, the kind, but she can fuck up your mind, Josie Salvatore!!" 
"She's sarcastic, totally bombastic, Lizzie Saltzman everybody!!"
"And ME! Could you tell I was trying to sound like those game show hosts everybody? No? Well, I was. Anyways young ones-" You wore a giant grin to emphasize the corniness of what you were saying before continuing.
"Alright, I'm dropping the act. It's too hard, jeez!" They all laughed at your antics. "I hope you guys are laughing with me and not at me."
You explained the rules for the game of teams.
“Here’s the way it goes, each player has the same amount of money they would have in a regular game of monopoly. However, every team only has one token, teams must make agreements on all purchases, trades, and decisions. Teams must take turns rolling the dice, and one team member must always be present at the board.” 
“Sounds easy”
“Let’s play!”
You stared at them dumbfounded. “I memorized and recited all that without stumbling on my words, and all I get is ‘sounds easy’?”
MG stood to comfort you. 
“It’s alright, love,” he said, rubbing your shoulders lightly before pulling away. You scoffed.
“Alright then, let’s play. In this hat, I have slips of paper with all of your names, but first, in this bucket are sticks with numbers that will determine the order of selection. Step forward.”
They all stepped forward and grasped the popsicle sticks prior to stepping away from the bucket. 
"Who has number 1?"
"Oh, I do!" Lizzie stepped forward and drew a slip of paper from the hat.
She and Kaleb sat back down at the table. 
"Number 2?" 
Hope stepped forward. 
They also went to go sit down beside Lizzie and Kaleb.
"That leaves me and you, Jo," you stated happily. Jo and yourself had one of the best team duos. In school, you two would be partnered up for projects often. With that experience of communication, you were sure to win. 
You joined the rest of your friends at the table. Lizzie and Kaleb named their team, Team Siphon Vamp. Hope and MG had been Team 3 in 2, and you and Josie were the 'Twitches from two different misuses.' 
"Alright, before the token selection, I must announce the prize of the game.
"The winners of the game will receive a dish duty pass for the rest of the week." Cheers louder than before erupted in the room.
"Lettuce commence!" The silence in the room was lethally quiet, and you could quite literally hear crickets. "Get it? Because lettuce sounds like let us?"
"It's ok, babe, let's just play," MG said before pulling you down. You grumped before deciding with Josie on the Penguin. Hope and MG had picked the dog, and Lizzie and Kaleb had chosen the dinosaur. 
You, acting as the banker, dished out the money to all the players, and you commenced the game. 
Lizzie and Kaleb went first. Lizzie rolled the dice, rolled 7, and landed on a chance card, which told her to advance to the nearest railroad, and they bought it. Hope and MG went next.
MG rolled a 5 and landed directly on Team Siphon Vamp's freshly purchased railroad, M100 out of their pocket already.
"Ooooh… MG…. Honey, you're losing money faster than you did when that PS5 came out, babe."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, ok! I'm still gonna kick your ass!"
You were taunting him. "You sure about that, love?"
"You didn't even try to "kick my ass" last night, darling," you smirked.
Oohs erupted from your friends, and it was evident you knocked his ego down a peg.
At last, it was your team's turn. You and Josie each took one die in your hands and rolled it. You had landed a 6 and a 4, which landed you a visit to jail.
"Look who's losing now! You're literally in jail, babe," Hope teased Josie. 
"Oh, whatever. Focus more on your lives-"
"-And less on ours!" your duo quipped. 
Lizzie protested to this. "Hey hey hey!! That is my twin! Only I get to finish her sentences!"
You all laughed at this but continued your game.
Almost 15 rounds later, and everyone had a fair standing in the game. 
Team Siphon Vamp had had 2 monopolies, on the railroads and on the pink properties. 
Hope and MG had 3 already, the dark blue properties, the brown, and utilities. They also had 2 greens cards, the other being in the hands of you and Josie, as well as 1 red card that was being aimed for by you and Josie, who had the other 2 properties. 
You guys also had monopolies on the yellow and orange properties. If you got the red card of Kentucky Avenue, you would be unstoppable. 
 "Baby," you called out. 
"Yes, love?"
"I'll give you the other green for the red," you and Josie smiled.
"That's not fair babe, you'll own the corner," he protested.
"But the green is worth more. Please?" you pleaded, giving him puppy dog eyes.
Before he could utter another word, Josie spoke. 
"We'll give you M100, and your first landing on any one of our properties will be free of rent."
Hope spoke up. "Sounds good to me!"
"Hell no! You're gonna have to do something way better than that before you fool this genius."
You whined.
"Fine, I'll give you one of my signatures back walks," you leveraged, knowing full well he couldn't resist. "C'mon, baby, I know how much your back has been hurting."
He agreed reluctantly. "Fine, but it better be worth it!"
Team Twitches cheered. 
"Wait, what about us! We'll be demolished, you selfish weirdos." This was true. Lizzie and Kaleb were low on cash, they had rushed too fast to place houses, and now they were paying the price.
"Tough luck!" Hope and Josie chorused.
 Soon, it had been as you all thought.  Kaleb and Lizzie were in debt to Hope and MG. They had landed on Boardwalk Avenue, and it had 3 hotels on it, so they owed them M6000, M6000 they did not have.
Soon, they ended up relinquishing all their properties back to the bank for auction to pay off Hope and MG, gave them the rest of their money, and had to leave the game.
 With 2 full monopolies from Lizzie and Kaleb, along with the last green property they needed, they had successfully turned the game around. Now it was Josie and you who were losing. 
You all decided at this point to split the teams. Each team dividing both the cash and the monopolies equally, and two more pieces were added to the board, on the same spots as their former teammates, and you resumed.
Josie was soon knocked out due to MG within 5 rounds, and Hope was quick to crumble under your might, two turn-loops after that. They joined Lizzie and Kaleb at the pool table. They were now drinking beers since they no longer needed to be sober.
Soon it was just you and MG left in the game. 
MG leaned forward closer to you while you were deciding what to do with your turn.
"You know what you could do, darling?" He whispered provocatively in your ear. "Give in."
You pushed him away. You were not going to lose to MG and his self-righteous ego that night. 
"Shut up."
"Give in, baby. I know you want to."
"Shut up, Milton."
"Hey, Hey, Hey!" He yelled. "No need to get hostile!"
You decided you hadn't wanted to place any more houses, well, you couldn't at the moment. You rolled the dice but were in for a bitter-sweet realization.
You had been ready to pay an M100 luxury tax fee before you realized you landed on Boardwalk, one of the monopolies Hope had let MG keep in the split. MG had only since put 2 more hotels on it, and the price was now M10,000
"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!"
Soon, your friends rushed over to where you two sat and began cackling, all except Josie, who was still hoping her former teammate would avenge her.
You began selling your hotels and houses back to the bank, but it still wasn't enough. You sold your properties and gave the rest of your money to MG, but you still owed a few hundred Monopoly dollars. 
 He kissed your cheek, much to your dismay, and happily accepted his victory. 
It had been almost 2 weeks, and you were still giving MG the silent treatment. He had been gloating about his win for the entire night, and you were livid.
You knew he didn't deserve it, but you didn't think you deserved to lose either. 
You were staring at the ceiling. You had just woken up, and MG wasn't beside you. 
You had hated those moments. No matter how mad you were at MG,  you hated when you woke up, and he wasn't beside you. 
After all, you guys had been through so much, and you were always worried that he would die abruptly and leave you. Even after the threat was over, you still felt this way.
After a few minutes, MG had come into the room, Kaleb at his side. Kaleb looked bored, and his face said all you needed to know... he didn't want to be there. 
He was carrying a pot of pink hydrangeas in one hand and a pot of coffee in the other. He placed both on the nightstand beside you, disappearing for a short while, before coming back with a giant fruit bouquet in his hands. He set it on the nightstand as well before exiting the room and closing the door.
MG had carried a platter of all your favorite foods. Eggs, just the way you liked them, pancakes, hash browns, and your favorite flavor of yogurt. He had also gone ahead and made a smoothie bowl with your favorite fruits. Berries and banana chips littered the surface of it. 
He placed the platter on the portable desk you had in your room for breakfast and bed and set it down, just above your lap. He then went to the mini-fridge in your room and got all the ingredients he needed to make your coffee just the way you liked it as well as a glass to pour it in.
"I'm sorry for bragging," he apologized. "I know how much you like to win, and it was very insensitive of me." He looked like he wanted to laugh at how ridiculous the reason he was apologizing for was. You turned your eyes away from him and the delicious breakfast he made.
"But baby, I miss you."
He walked over to you. "Please talk to me!"
He started trailing kisses on your forehead, down to your neck, resisting the urge to sink his teeth inside, something you had taught him. He knew exactly how to make you forgive him, and he was using every technique he had learned over the years.
"Please?" He whined, and you could see his pouty eyes without looking. 
He sucked on your collarbone for a while and left a dark mark. Then he moved to the sensitive spot under your ear. 
You moaned slightly, but he could hear it, even without his vampire hearing. 
He pulled away, causing you to frown and whine. 
"MG…" you complained. "That's not fair."
"So you're talking to me now?"
You looked away, you had slipped up, but you told yourself that would be the last time.
You simply ignored him and started to eat your breakfast.
He walked back towards you and began nibbling on your ear.  You threw your head back in pleasure. 
"Look at me, darling." 
He reached his nimble fingers out to your face and trapped your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
"I said I'm sorry, and I really, really miss my girlfriend. I made you a nice breakfast, and I've let you pick the movie every night since monopoly. What more do you want?"
You moved the tray of food to the side of you and stared at him indignantly. 
"I wanted my boyfriend to not be an egotistical asshole. I thought I was dating MG the vampire, not Jed the werewolf."
"I'm sorry... What can I do to make it up to you, love?"
"Let me out of that back walk favor?"
He scrunched up his face in horror. "That was part of our deal."
"Technically, you're not even supposed to be able to make outside game deals in monopoly, so you could let me out if you wanted to."
"Yay! Those hurt. They're so energy draining."
"Can I kiss you?"
"Yes, you can," you smiled.
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atinydise · 5 years
Ateez reacting to their s/o calling them because they’re in danger (2/2)
❦ Genre: Horror/Fluff.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 3k2.
❦ Requested: Yes, thank you! 🦋
❦ Masterlist.
Part 1
SAN (ft. Stalker)
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You were closing your apartment’s door. You checked twice if it was well locked before exiting the building. You were relieved when you saw that the streets were crowded. So, you walked up to ATEEZ’ dorm. In the last one week, you noticed that a man approximatively around your age was following you. Even when you went at this shop to buy lingerie, he got in. You never saw him before, but he was seriously creeping you out now. San was ignoring your situation; he would freak out more than you. Fortunately, your stalker never harmed you or threatened you in any kind of way. But as you walked peacefully, enjoying the atmosphere, you spotted the young boy against the wall next to you. You gulped but ignored him, going a bit more in the crowd to make him confused. You didn’t know why but tonight he seemed angrier. The look in his face almost gave you a panic attack. He was following you, keeping a shorter distance than usual. Your heart raced, you needed to call San this time, he could help you.
You were scared to hear his voicemail but, his smooth voice reassured you right away. [“Hi Y/N! You already in front of the building?”] he asked. [“San help me.”] You simply replied. [“Help you with what? You forgot the code?”] he giggled. [“A man is following me.”] [“Where are you?”] he asked straight, not kidding anymore. [“I’m near the playground square.”] you whispered. [“I’m coming. Don’t stop walking okay?”] You hummed, not daring to say something else. The man was approaching you a bit more every time you glanced behind you. [“San… I think he’s going to hurt me this time.”] [“THIS TIME?! Since when he’s following you Y/N?”] [“Monday…”] you bit your lip. [“What? It’s Saturday Y/N?! Are you crazy?”] You were surprised to see that he could run like if it was a competition and scold you at the same time. [“I thought it was okay! He was keeping his distance with me! But now…”] San growled through the phone and told you something that you couldn’t hear well. Bad connection. [“San? San? You there?”] You freaked out. Talking to him was reassuring you but now it was scarier than before. You rushed to ATEEZ’s dorm but unfortunately, the street became emptier. You knew that he would do something here, when no one could help you or see him. Then you ran. Like if you were participating at a marathon. Your legs were running fast as possible, untying your messy bun miserably. Your stalker was now running too and faster than you. San called you back to know your location. [“Y/N?! Where-“] [“Near the ramen restaurant! He’s following me!”] [“Shit!”] [“San, wh-“] You couldn’t finish your sentence that the stalker threw your phone far away from you. “Who are you! And what do you want?” you asked terrified. “When I saw you the first day leaving Mcountdown* hall, I knew that I would see you again!” he smiled mischievously. “I don’t know you!” He grabbed your arm forcefully. Too strong for you. “Don’t touch me!” You closed your eyes, too afraid to look at him. Suddenly, you felt him letting your arm free, but you heard a loud growl too. “Don’t touch her!” You opened your eyes, recognizing your boyfriend’s voice. “Who are you?” Asked San, ready to beat him up. The man didn’t answer, he just simply stood up and faced San. “You don’t need to know anything about me.” San grunted, “she’s my girlfriend so if you keep stalking her, I will punch you till you faint.” You looked at your boyfriend. The expression on his face was a new thing. You never saw this look on his eyes. You noticed that he was containing himself to not punch him or use a Taekwondo technic once again. The stalker saw it too. So, he just turned away and went back somewhere. “Are you okay Y/N?” You nodded, happy to be with your boyfriend in peace. You thought that he would rub your cheek as always, but he just flickered your forehead. “Ouch San!” “You should have told me about this! That was dangerous and irresponsible!” You pouted; being scolded was the last thing you needed right now. But you deserved it.
A week later, you saw that the stalker was arrested, he was stalking 6 girls, including you. You were a bit scared to go out alone, but San helped you to go through it.
*Mcountdown: Korean music program broadcast.
MINGI (ft. Crazy ex-boyfriend ⚠️ Jinwoo is a fictive name, it’s not related to an idol, actor or public figure)
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Before dating Mingi, you had a toxic relationship with your ex-boyfriend. At first, everything was fine, but it turned into a big nightmare in few months. Mingi knew about it. You had a hard time to trust men like before. Of course, the ATEEZ member understood your situation and never rushed you in any kind of way. Now, it’s been 2 years that you are with Mingi and you wouldn’t change a thing. He was so perfect for you that you wanted to show how much he means for you. And what would be more significant than the Valentine to prove your love. You sat on your bed, looking at the prospectus you had today on your mailbox. “What I can give you Song Mingi…” you whispered, chewing your pen. There was so many possibilities but not the perfect one. “Maybe the famous video game? He could play with Yunho and Jongho…” You rejected the idea when you saw the price. “A Frozen plushie?” You giggled thinking about your boyfriend singing “Into the Unknown” with the plushie in his arms. But you rejected the idea too. You growled and lie down miserably on your bed. You glanced at the alarm clock on your nightstand: 2 am. You sighed again. “I should probably sleep…” Before turning off the light, you sent a message at Mingi. [“Sleep well sweetheart. See you tomorrow!”] He was probably sleeping so you didn’t mind that he didn’t answer. When you slid under your sheets, you saw the light outside of your apartment turning on. Probably a cat. But someone knocked at your door. Who would come at your house at 2am? Mingi? No, he would let you know. Another knock scared you, it was louder and stronger than the first one. It reminds you the way your-ex boyfriend was drumming at your door when he was drunk. Your old neighbor was complaining a lot when it happened. “Y/N! Get out of here right now!” Your heart stopped. He was back, after 2 years he was right there at your door. To haunt you like a ghost. “I know you there!” He was forcing the knob, trying to get in no matter what. What should you do? Call the police? But maybe he will get madder than now. The only option was Mingi, he could give you advice. With your noisy-ex boyfriend bumping at the door, you searched Mingi’s phone number. Your hands were shaking, and tears were dripping off your chin. You prayed that he wasn’t sleeping. Otherwise, you got no chance to force your ex to leave. “Mingi please…” you begged, jumping every time he bumped at the door. [“Y/N?”] answered Mingi. You could say that he was sleeping because his voice was low and hoarse. [“Mingi! He’s here! Please help me!”] you shouted. He growled, “Hold up Y/N… who’s here?”] he asked. [“Jinwoo…”] You sobbed. Mingi stood up in his bed when you mentioned his name. [“Jinwoo? Your ex?!”] [“Yes…”] you cried quietly. Your arm wrapped around your knees. [“What is he doing here?”] You heard Mingi hopping off his bed. [“I don’t-“] “OPEN THIS DOOR!” Yelled Jinwoo louder than before. [“This bastard.”] Cursed your boyfriend. [“I’m coming okay. Do not open the door!”] You wanted to reply but you busted in tears, too much pressure. [“Y/N. You will be okay… let me 15 minutes babe. I’ll beat his ass.”] [“I’m so scared… what if he touches me again…”] you sobbed, remembering the bad memories. [“I won’t let him touch you again. Never ever.”] said the member seriously. You nodded. [“Stay safe. I’m coming.”] he said before hanging up. You were on your own now. Like before. You felt all the scars your ex left on your body when he was drunk. You were like his punching ball every time he was mad. All these times, you needed to hide the wounds with makeup. It made you hate him a lot more. He was non-stop apologizing the next day but started again and again. You met Mingi at the bus stop while you were trying to avoid Jinwoo. The first night, you talked until 4 am and he made you realize everything you missed. “Y/N! I’LL BREAK THIS DOOR IF YOU DON’T OPEN RIGHT NOW!” He threatened you. You covered your ears to stop hearing his loud and harsh voice. But all his kicks were shaking the walls. “Just leave please…” you whispered, helpless. But everything went quiet again. Nothing was shaking and the apartment remained quiet again. You stayed on your bed, waiting any sign of Jinwoo but a big silence settled. You stood up carefully, trying to be quiet as possible. You put your ear against the door to hear something. The only sound was a slightly whine. “What are you doing here?” You blinked when you noticed that it was Mingi’s voice. “I saw her with you at the mall,” laughed Jinwoo, “I needed to show her who she belongs to.” “You better get your ass out of here. She doesn’t need you anymore.” Threatened Mingi. You thought that Jinwoo would reply but your boyfriend is intimidating when he’s angry. With his height, no one wanted to fight him. Jinwoo spitted on the porch but he visibly stepped away. Was it over? You opened the door slightly. Mingi faced you, a wide smile on his face. “You are safe now.” He held your head to hug you. “Thank you so much…” you sobbed. “He won’t come back again.” “How do you know?” you wiped your tears. “I just know it.” He smirked. You smiled at him. You were so grateful that he was in your life. What would you do without him? “Can we go back to sleep now?” he asked. You rolled your eyes. This sleepy man would never change.
WOOYOUNG (ft. Dangerous man)
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You were at a night club with your friends, to celebrate the birthday of one of them. Going in night club wasn’t your thing but you couldn’t decline. When Wooyoung knew that you were hanging out with your friends, he questioned you until you left the apartment. “You are really going to wear that?” he pointed at the red dress. “Yes Wooyoung,” you smiled, turning around in front of the mirror. “With these heels?” his voice cracked. “Of course! If I put sneakers, I’ll lose the sexy effect!” you winked. He was jealous and you teased him a lot with that. “Sure…” he grunted. “When will you get back home?” “I don’t know but for sure… later than 3 am.” You giggled, fixing your heels. “What I will do alone…” he sighed, sitting on the couch. “You can invite the boys but don’t mess in the whole apartment!” you ordered. “They are all busy… they didn’t reply to my text!” Wooyoung rolled his eyes, feeling alone. “You are a big boy! You can find something to do!” You slapped lightly his cheek. “Don’t flirt too much!” he warned before you left the apartment. Few guys tried to dance with you or get your number, but you always declined politely and went back to your boyfriend. Sometimes, you could feel Wooyoung’s aura near you. Maybe few men felt it too. “Y/N!” called you one of your friends, visibly drunk. “Dance with me! This is our song.” You smiled and yelled back, “I’ll take something to drink first and I’ll join you!” “Then do it fast! You can’t miss it!” You rushed to order a simple iced tea at the bartender. “So, we are thirsty?” smirked the man next to you. You nodded awkwardly. “May I pay for your drink?” he rubbed your forearm. You were disgusted. “No, it’s fine, thank you.” You moved your arm out of his grip. He scoffed while the bartender held you your glass. “Oh look, seems like your friend is having a lot of fun over there!” You turned around and saw that few men were encircling your friend. “I should go. Bye!” You got goosebumps when you left the bar, like if something bad will happen. Finally, you rescued your friend, and everything went normal again. Until you felt dizzy. Your head was spinning a lot and your vision was blurry. You sat on the corner, looking (or at least trying to) at your friend. All the lights and the loud music gave you a headache. You left the hall for the women restroom and you just sat there on the floor. Something was wrong and you knew what. You grabbed your phone, which slipped of your hands at least 3 times before that you could keep your grip on it. You blinked 10 times before being used to the screen light. You scrolled with difficulty on your contacts number before finding the good one. [“Y/N?”] [“Woo… Wooyoung…”] you stuttered. [“Are you drunk?”] giggled your boyfriend. [“A man… this asshole… he put something on my drink…”] you said, your head bumping at the wall behind you. [“Y/N? He drugged you?!”] You hummed, not having the strength to answer. Wooyoung cursed at least 5 times in a row before ordering you to stay at the restroom till he arrives. Your brain couldn’t process the severity of this situation but a part of you were actually scared, even terrified. What if this guy finds you here, almost lying on the floor and do something you don’t even want to think about?
Wooyoung haven’t hang up, he was keep talking to you making sure that you were not in danger or that you fainted. You kept humming at his questions. [“I’m almost there Y/N!”] said Wooyoung in a taxi. [“I want to throw up…”] you informed him, not controlling what you said. [“Then do! Maybe you will throw up this drug too!”] A tear slid on your chin, “I’m so scared Wooyoung…”] you sobbed. [“Everything will be okay baby.”] He comforted you as he could. Despite all of your effort you made, your eyes closed. The last thing you remembered was Wooyoung talking to the security outside and warned them about your situation. But you knew that he would help you.
The next day, you woke up on your bed like if all of this was a nightmare. But Wooyoung summarized what happened after that you fainted. He found you in the restroom. All of your friends were worrying for you. One of them spotted the guy at the bar and tell at the security that he might be the one who drugged you. After this drama, you continued to go at a night club. You were just more careful with your drink. And you needed to text Wooyoung every 30 minutes to tell him that you were okay. Otherwise he would show at the night club and scold you the entire week.
JONGHO (ft. Serial Killer)
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[“How it feels to be back in Korea?”] you asked at your boyfriend and idol, Jongho. [“Good. I want to eat ttaekbokki* so bad! I’m craving for it!”] he said. You laughed at him. Every single trip he went, at his return, he would need to eat a Korean meal. [“Oh, by the way… at the airport, there was so many policemen and soldier. Seems like a serial killer is trying to run away from Korea.”] [“Yes, they are talking about it in the news. It’s so scary…”] you gulped. [“Maybe I should go back to Japan.”] he laughed. [“Coward! Or maybe you should come here and made me feel safe in your arms!”] yon cringed at how kitschy it was. Jongho laughed but became serious again, [“I need to wake up early tomorrow…”] You pouted, [“pleaaaase… just tonight! I need hugs right now! It’s been 2 weeks!”] The maknae sighed but accepted. You shouted a big “yes!” that made your lover giggle lightly. He asked the driver to change the way to your address. You heard his teammates complains but you didn’t mind. [“I’ll change the sheets!”] you said, rushing to your bedroom. [“It’s fine you know…”] [“Yes, but still!”] You throw the new sheets on your nightstand when all the lights turned off. “What is happening...” You whispered. [“Sweetie? You’re okay?”] asked Jongho, feeling that something went wrong. [“The lights turned off but not the TV… I can still hear it.”] You turn on the lamp on the nightstand but nothing. You looked at the street, but you saw light illumination your neighbor’s house. [“You should go to the cave and turn on the lights back.”] advised Jongho. But when you came back in the living-room to take a flashlight, you noticed that all of your pillows were in a different position. It wasn’t a big deal but sometimes when you were alone, you liked to get all the cushions next to you. Now they were positioned like an advertising for Ikea. But that wasn’t the only thing that changed. Your curtains were closed, and it was impossible for you to close it since you hated the darkness. You went back to your bedroom. [“Jongho! I think the serial killer is in my house!”] You whispered. [“What are you talking about Y/N? I told you that I’m coming, you don’t need to find other excuses.”] he laughed. [“No, Jongho. I’m in danger for real”] You sobbed, afraid to stay in your house. Jongho went quiet. He was realizing that you were serious. [“Leave the house now!”] Ordered your boyfriend. You opened the window, trying to stay quiet before he catches you. Fortunately, your bedroom was on the ground floor. You would just get scratches because of the flowers. [“Y/N are you out?”] The other members were freaking out for you too. They called the police while Seonghwa was begging the driver to speed up. [“I’m out! What I should do?!”] You asked, seeing no one on the street except you, wearing your pajama. [“Run! To a crowded street!”] That’s what you did, looking behind you sometimes. You were 5 minutes away from them. The plan was to join them for your safety and to wait the police. You heard steps behind you. A man wearing a full black outfit was walking fast toward you. [“He’s following me!”] You warned them breathless. [“Do not stop running Y/N! We are almost here!”] To be honest, you didn’t know where you headed, and you were too stressed to look at any signalization or the name of the street. When you heard him approaching you, the ATEEZ’ van got on your way. Jongho opened the car door and pulled you inside. “Are you okay Y/N?!” asked Wooyoung in front of you. “No…” you whispered, busting in tears. Your boyfriend held your hand and rubbed your back to comfort you. “You are safe now… he won’t hurt you.” The only thing Jongho wanted to do was to run after him and beat him up till he dies. But that would be too dangerous. All of you just stayed in the van till the police came.
After that you never went back to your house. Jongho found a cool apartment at 5 minutes away of his dorm so he could spend some time with you. You wouldn’t be in danger anymore.
*Ttaekbokki: a spicy korean rice cake.
Part 1
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puckngrind · 4 years
What’s In A Name: 15- J. Toews
chapter 15.
Where we left off: Jon and Bekah enjoy All-Star break in Miami and run into her college best friend.
Warnings: smut, language
Word Count: 3,045
Series Masterlist ) Puck ‘n Grind’s masterlist
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Bekah met Jon in Minnesota a week after vacation.  Kelly and her husband, Zack picked Bekah up and it was like no time had passed from college.  Zack was Kelly’s college boyfriend. The two eloped two summers after graduation when Zack followed her home to the twin cities. The two welcomed their oldest daughter seven months later and started a life at a family of three. Bekah realized the distance plus sudden life changes were what made the two drift and she hated that she didn’t know Kelly’s kids. Watching Kelly in mom mode was fun as the kids scurried around her. Bekah convinced them to come to the game with her with some push back about the free tickets.  The game went into overtime with the Blackhawks winning.  Bekah looked down at the tired eyes of the three kids, Isabella, Brayden, and Oliver.  “You want to go see the locker room?”  All three’s eyes went wide and heads nodded like bobble heads.  The group headed down and Jon gave them a little tour and pucks.  Bekah took in how sweet Jon was with the kids.  Getting down on their level, letting Oliver lean into his leg and speaking what Bekah deemed kid speak.  She fell a little harder for him in that moment and had a moment where she pictured their kids.  Her attention was quickly brought back to Jon and the kids as she leaned down to answer a question from Isabella.
“He scored on the power play, won, and gave them a tour... our kids are going to be Hawks fans aren’t they?”  Zack pulls at his Wilds jersey while whispering loud enough for Jon and Bekah to look over and laugh.
“Is that so bad?”  Jon smiles while standing straight and pulling Bekah into his side.  “This one converted easily.”  All those in ear shot laugh knowing Bekah was never really a hockey fan. 
She really had become a fan of the game over the last 4 years and not just of Jon’s play.  This change in the way she watched the game was noticed by everyone especially Brynn, who watched more of Bekah than the game while the Blue Jackets were in Chicago. Marie joined Brynn and Bekah and commented a few time on the changes of her daughter.  Seeing Bekah happy and in love made Marie at ease with the quickness of the engagement. With the wedding five months away, the ladies took the weekend to go dress shopping.  Bekah’s fingers brush the tulle and lace of the dresses that were pulled when Brynn called to schedule an appointment.  The trio realized quickly that the boutique knew exactly who Bekah was marrying by the dress selection.  Bekah sees Brynn’s feet on the other side of the rack and spreads the dresses.
“Holy shit Rin!  Have you LOOKED at these prices?  These dresses are insane. Imported from Italy some of them.”  Bekah whisper yells and Brynn laughs.   “And you can afford every. single. one. friend.  Jon said pick the dress you want, regardless of the price and you are doing just that. MOH duty to ensure it happens.”  Bekah swallows hard as her hand keeps coming back to the same dress.  
“You’ve touched that dress multiple times, Rebekah.  Maybe you should try it on?”  Marie’s voice comes out of no where causing Bekah to jump.  The sales woman hears and moves Bekah and the dress quickly away while the other escorts Marie and Brynn to the waiting area.  When Bekah emerged they all knew.  She found the dress she would be marrying Jon in. Marie wipes her eyes as Bekah fusses with the veil. “It’s perfect. Simply perfect.”  Brynn nods her head with tears filling her eyes.
Wedding planning with Jon during the season was interesting but he was intentional with their time.  His only real request was leaving the honeymoon completely up to him.  One evening while laying in bed, Jon could feel Bekah was thinking of her mile long list of things to do.  “You got everything under control. I’m so damn impressed, Baby.”  Jon’s arm pulls Bekah’s body into his and kisses her sweetly.
“Thanks.  I’m thankful you can help when you can.”  Bekah’s body shifts under Jon’s arm.
“But?  I feel like there is a but in that statement.”  Jon’s lips press into her temple.
“But nothing.  Everything is falling into place.  The invitations. The food. The cake.  The... dress.”  Bekah clears her throat.
“Do you not like your dress?  Because if not, it’s not too late Beks.”  Jon whispers.
“Why would you say that?  I love my dress.  It’s perfect.”  Bekah sits up.
“Your list.  You paused while listing your dress and did that thing with your lips where you pull the inside of your lip into your teeth.  Seriously, it doesn’t matter the price, if you want a new one, you and Brynn can go as soon as she can get here.”  Jon’s fingers run up and down her spine.
“It’s so incredibly stupid but I just keep thinking that maybe I shouldn’t wear white...”  Bekah places her face in her hands and rests her elbows on her knees.  She feels the bed shaking and turns to see Jon trying not to laugh.  “What?  It’s tradition and well...”
“And what Beks?  You aren’t a virgin so you shouldn’t wear white?”  Jon pulls her into his chest unable to contain the laughter.  “Sweetheart, wear white, ivory, pink, blue, black... I don’t fucking care.  I know you will look gorgeous and frankly, all I care about is making you my wife.”  His lips kiss down her jaw and he moves her chin to find her lips.
“Well, it’s not white, white...” Jon’s body lands on top of Bekah’s and she exhales from the weight.
“Don’t tell me.  I want to be completely surprised.  Just know, I do not care what color your dress is Beks.  At the end of the day, it is just you and me becoming husband and wife.  The rest is just a show for the world.  Now, can I... well... I need... can we... fuck. Words.”  His hips roll into hers making Bekah moan out.  “Yeah, that. Now that we are done with the dress conversation. Shall we?”  His body moves down hers, positioning himself between Bekah’s legs.  Slight kisses on the inside of her thighs while he adjusts her legs.  Jon’s fingers dance down from her clit to Bekah’s core and his tongue follows begetting jolts and groans from Bekah above.  
“Tae.”  Bekah’s entire body feels the wave produced by tongue and fingers moving together.  He hums into her skin while continuing to suck and flick her most sensitive area.  “Tae, I’m gonna...”  She didn’t finish her warning.  Bekah’s thighs tighten around Jon’s head as an intense orgasm rips through her body.  Jon’s free arm wraps around her thigh to pull her leg past his shoulder as his tongue and fingers don’t let up.  “Fuck.  Jon.”  Bekah leans up realizing he’s not letting her come down from this high.  His lips press into her and then releases.  Jon’s fingers pump and curve while he shifts his weight to his knees.  “What are you doing?”  She pants out.  Jon’s fingers move only to be replaced with his cock and his body drops down onto Bekah.
“Making sure you have a damn amazing orgasm since I won’t be able to give you one for a few days.”  Jon’s swollen lips kiss her’s and Bekah moves her legs to wrap around him.
“Oh, it’s working, Tae!”  Bekah’s fingers claw at his back feeling her second build deep inside.
“I know.”  His voice was low and mischievous.  Jon grunts.  “Beks, you feel so damn good.”  His hips snap into Bekah but don’t retreat.  Bekah squirms under him pressing her hips into his.  He pulls his head up to look into Bekah’s now open eyes.  “I love you.  You know.  Forever.”  He whispers before he releases sending Bekah’s high crashing over her again.  
“I love you too, J.”  Bekah breathes out while running her fingers through his hair.  “Now, can we talk flowers?”  Bekah’s change of subject made Jon laugh into her chest.
“Sure, wild local flowers?” He kisses her neck and lifts up. Seeing his blissed out fiancée’s face knowing his suggestion was perfect.
The season ended with another year without playoffs.  With the season of change everyone seemed to be ready to put it behind them and start fresh in the fall.  Bekah and Jon went into full wedding prep mode with time spent as off season usually was.  Jon did a bachelor party weekend golfing in the Carolinas while Bekah met Brynn, Kelly, Alyssa, and both moms in Chicago to take in a Cubs game and shopping.  The ladies were impressed with how calm Bekah was with everything.  
“I think married life suits you.”  Brynn leans into Bekah while the ladies were having dinner on the roof.
“I’m not married, yet, Rin.”  Bekah looks at her friend. “He can still...” Bekah takes a long sip of her wine afraid to finish the sentence.
“Yeah, he won’t. He wanted to marry you months ago. You two are made for each other and this wedding is just a public declaration of that. I will say I am impressed you haven’t really Bekah-ed anything either, right?”  Brynn bumps her shoulders and Bekah feels the heat in her cheeks.  “Oh, no.  What?”
“Well, I told him I wasn’t sure I should wear white.”  Bekah whispered looking at her mom, Andrée, and Kelly taking in the view.
“Oh Bekah!”  Alyssa chimed in.  “You didn’t!”  The two giggle causing the rest of the ladies to look over.  Bekah pulls her legs into herself and nods taking in the conversation with Jon before the season ended. She drifted into her own thoughts as the girls discussed bridal showers and getting the dress to Arizona.
It was July in the blink of an eye, Jon and Bekah were on their way to Sedona almost a week before the wedding.  Everything was set in place.  “You ready, Baby?”  Jon wraps his arms around her waist and lands his chin on her shoulder taking in the stunning backdrop for their ceremony.  The venue’s host off making sure everything for the day was scheduled to arrive on time.
“Yeah.  It really is beautiful here.  And this view Tae.  This view is breathtaking.”  Bekah’s hand slides down Jon’s arms looking out over the red rocks.
“And it will be the second most beautiful view on Friday.”  Jon’s lips kiss the corner of her mouth as she smirks remembering their first trip.
“I think you are going to love the dress.  I mean, I hope you will.  I tried on one plus my reception dress.”  Bekah whispered.
“You could wear sweats and I would love it.  But no doubt, it’s the perfect dress for my bride.”  Jon had a way of making Bekah feel so loved and relaxed in the middle of moments others would stress out in.  Which was exactly how she felt as the wedding day came.  The guests were seated and Bekah looked down at her dress.  Her fingers rub the lace overlay as she moves her hands down the modern a-line dress.  The ivory underlay catching the light almost looking rose gold when she looked into the mirror.  Brynn’s swift movement of her chapel train made Bekah’s eyes meet her matron of honor’s that were filled with tears.
“Are you crying?”  Bekah’s voice broke through and she turned to Brynn who could just nod her head.  “Rin.”  Bekah’s hand envelop her best friend’s. Brynn’s hand moves from their embrace and reaches up to fix Bekah’s T necklace that sat perfectly in her v shaped embroidered neckline.
“I’m just so damn happy for you, that’s all.  I feel like I’ve been your coach this whole time.  Your biggest cheerleader.”  This makes the girls laugh.  “Jon told me to make sure you had this and that your mascara was waterproof before you opened it.”  Brynn reaches for a tiny box that had been unnoticed in the hustle of getting ready.  Bekah looks down, looks at her friend then opens the tiny box.  A handkerchief was folded neatly in it.  She recognized it as her grandfather’s but noticed there was something added.  “Always yours” Bekah breathed out willing the tears to stay put.  “How did he?  When did he?”  Bekah looked up at her father.
“That man knows you well, B.  You found yourself a good one there.”  Jim smiles sweetly and Bekah just nods her head.  Brynn takes the baby blue handkerchief and tucks it into Bekah’s wildflower bouquet before handing it to her.  
“Is the bridal party ready?”  The coordinator’s voice breaks through the emotion filled room.  “You have one handsome groom waiting for you.  The entire room took a breath and got in line.  Bekah’s dad offered his arm and she wrapped hers in his.  They rounded the corner, music playing, all 200 guests on their feet staring at Bekah but she was looking for Jon and only Jon.  Bekah finally sees Jon who is beaming at the end of the aisle.  Tailored black tux almost leaning sideways to catch his first glimpse of his bride walking her way.  The two decided to go the traditional route and not see each other before this moment and it was worth it.  His look was worth it.  David nudged him from his spot once Bekah and her father were stopped.  Jon makes his way to the two.  Shakes Jim’s hand and offers his arm to Bekah who presses her hand into his forearm to ground herself.
“Beks, you are the most beautiful bride ever.”  Jon whispers as the two walk the few steps to the minister. Kelly straightens out her train while Brynn grabs her bouquet so she can place both hands into Jon’s.  His thumbs rubbing the tops of her hands.  The two so lost in their non-verbal conversation that they didn’t hear the minister ask Jon to repeat after him.
“Jonathan, repeat after me... please.” The officiant says again eliciting a laughter from the crowd.  The ceremony was perfect in every way.  Sunset over the Sedona rocks in the backdrop with their closest friends and family members witnessing their union. Both Bekah and Jon misty eyed but not crying which surprised everyone. Patrick joked he lost the bet with Duncan on their captain actually shedding tears during the event.  The couple savored every moment as one.  “By the power given to me by the state of Arizona, I now pronounce you husband and wife.  You may now kiss her bride.”  Jon pulls Bekah in and his hands cup her face kissing her deeply but then retracting after the cheers.
“I love you.  Ma femme pour toujours.”  Jon whispers and Bekah’s eyebrow shoots up. “My wife forever.”  He translates and Bekah kisses him again.
“Je t'aime Tae.”  Bekah whispers then they look out to the crowd realizing they had an audience.
“I am happy to introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan and Rebekah Toews.”  The music plays and the guests stand.  Jon grabs her hand and they walk down the aisle dipping her to kiss his wife again before heading towards the reception area.  
The reception went smoothly.  The couple found a baker that specialized in flourless cake.  The meal was amazing and the hockey players behaved themselves for the most part.  Jon twirled Bekah around the dance floor not letting his hands off her. By the time the two made their way to their honeymoon suite the event crashed over them.  Jon scoops Bekah up and carries her over the threshold.  Her reception tea dress being unzipped as soon as he closed the door.  “So, Mrs. Toews...”  Jon’s eyebrows wiggle.
“Yes, Mr. Toews... ok that doesn’t have the same effect.”  Bekah kisses him. Her fingers playing with his new wedding band.  “Do you want the lingerie now or on this mystery honeymoon?”  Her dress being dropped to the ground and an animalistic sound erupted from his lips.
“Later.  I want you now.”  Jon growls into her skin while she finishes removing his already half unbuttoned dress shirt.  
“Ya, sure.  I brought a set for this weekend.  It even has Mrs. written on the ass.”  Bekah presses her lips to his chest.
“Tomorrow, after our rock pictures.  We can have a second wedding night.”  Jon moans under Bekah’s touch.
“Speaking of, you think I can get up there in my dress?  I would hate to fall to my death a day after getting married.”  Bekah looks up at her husband with a smirk.
“I’ll carry you, promise.”  Jon smiles and his lips catch Bekah’s.  “The pictures will be worth the little sweat to get you up there.”  Jon tosses Bekah lightly on the bed.  “Now, where was I, oh yes.  I need to fully bliss out my wife.”  He unbuckles his pants and crawls over top of Bekah as she lets out a little laugh.  “What?”  Jon’s eyebrow questions.
“Wife.  I just.  I like that title.”  Bekah wraps her arms around his neck and presses up to kiss him deeply.  Jon moans.
“Rebekah Toews, I fucking love you.”  Jon whispers.
“Hmmmm... Maybe I’ll keep it Pierce, you know so people can pronounce it.” She giggles as Jon groans from her joke.
“Funny Beks.  Funny.  You are legally Pierce for the honeymoon travel then we can change it... if you want. You know I want you too.” Jon’s lips ghost over her skin.
“I am. You know that.” Bekah’s body reacts to Jon’s touch. “Tae, question?” He hums in acknowledgment. “Where are we going for our honeymoon?” Bekah’s fingers comb through his hair.
“Chicago.” Jon mumbles against her breast.
“Come on, Tae.” Bekah pulls her legs up to try and move him.
“Not tellin’. You will find out when we board the plane.” Jon bites at her skin and she jumps.
“Seriously.  You won’t tell me?”
“Nope.” Jon pops the p and places his chin between her breasts. “Mrs. Toews, you have forever to ask me all the questions.  Forever. Can I plllleeessseee have sex with my gorgeous wife now?” Jon pushes up and kisses Bekah hard as she melts into him.
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taetaespeaches · 5 years
“When you’re with me, you can always have your cake and eat it too.”
taehyung x reader (or oc) genre: fluff word count: 1.7K
a/n: Howdy lovelies! Here is a Tae drabble with very little plot. Just Tae and his Peaches being an affectionate and cute couple in a room full of boring ass people. I hope you all enjoy and thank you for reading :)) 
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HE had already told you so many times you lost count. However, it didn’t affect you any less when he gently pushed your hair over your shoulder, leaving your neck exposed as he leaned in and whispered in your ear, “You’re stunning.” He then pressed a soft kiss below your jaw before straightening his form, though he left his arm around your shoulders.
No matter how many times Taehyung complimented you, or kissed you, or even looked at you how he was looking at you in that moment, you would never become accustomed to it. So many years of knowing him and he was still making you bashful with his simple affections.
When your eyes left his adoring gaze, they dragged down his face, admiring the slope of his nose and the little freckle that was perfectly placed at the tip of it. His lips curved up into a smirk when your eyes found his mouth, and you mimicked the smirk.
You had to make an appearance at the charity event for your job. Sat at the table with your work colleagues, the room was full of prominent community members, everyone dressed in their best gowns and suits. Yet all you could see was him.
And his eyes hadn’t left you all night- even on the car ride there causing him to nearly rear end a car at a stoplight. When you teased, “eyes on the road you maniac,” Tae simply giggled, flashing a guilty grin as he turned his face forward. He kept stealing glances, you smirking every time you caught him doing so.
As some of your coworkers engaged in conversation with your boyfriend, you reached for your glass of wine and took a sip, entirely uninterested in the conversation taking place, though you smiled when your coworker attempted a joke while Taehyung gave a polite but forced laugh.
Taehyung noticed you were running low on wine, so he handed you the bottle as he continued entertaining one of your coworkers, letting you pour yourself a glass. Your boyfriend had bought the bottle for $30 when you first sat down. When you gave him a judging look, both of you fully aware the bottle was probably under $15 in the store, he shrugged and said, “it’s for charity.”
Filling your glass, you paused mid-pour as your eyes latched onto the desserts the caterers were beginning to hand out. Taehyung looked toward you, his lips turning up into a grin as his eyes followed your gaze, landing on the cake.
Taehyung leaned toward you, making you respond by leaning toward him as well. “Should we steal an extra piece?” He whispered into your ear with a grin.
Looking up at him, you bit your bottom lip to hold back your growing smile. Setting your wine glass down, you asked, “And how do you suppose we do that?”
“Well,” he smirked as he picked up his dinner plate that hadn’t been cleared yet. He then reached over you to set it in front of the empty seat next to you. With his chest pressed against your face as he made his move, you gripped his suit jacket in your hand as you nudged your nose against his pectoral.
Sitting back in his seat, you giggled, leaning in to press a kiss to his neck, one of your hands resting at the center of his chest as he tucked his chin in to look at you. Pulling away, you noticed some of your lipstick came off on his skin. “Whoops.”
“Hmm?” He hummed in question. You swiped your thumb across the red makeup and showed him the pad of your finger. Taehyung simply beamed at you, and when you reached for the cloth napkin to wipe it off, he took it out of your hand and looked toward the stage where a live band was playing. He felt your gaze on him however, a smirk forming on his lips. You were sure he knew what you were thinking… there’s that marking kink.
Taking another drink of your wine, you sat back in your chair, your eyes finding one of the waiters hauling over cake for your table. You let out a gasp of excitement, Taehyung looking at you with an amused grin.
As soon as cake was placed in front of you, you didn’t waste any time in digging in, your boyfriend watching you with adoration. When the waiter asked if someone was sitting next to you, looking at the uncleared plate, Tae coolly nodded, giving the waiter the go ahead to clear the plate and place a piece of cake in the empty spot.
You shot Tae an excited smile, scrunching your nose as he booped it. “My hero,” you cooed.
“Don’t you forget it,” he teased.
You both ate your cake quickly, moaning in approval of the sweet treat. “That’s so fucking good,” you complimented the cake, Tae chuckling at you as he nodded in agreement. “Split this with me,” you told him as you placed the extra piece between you both.
When your coworker made a passive aggressive comment about hoping you had enough dessert, Tae smiled at him politely before looking at you, meeting your gaze. You silently exchanged a fuck this guy between the both of you, you holding back a smile.
With your coworkers watching you both, Tae swiped the edge of your mouth with his thumb, wiping some frosting off. He then brought his thumb to his own lips, sucking off the sweetness with his gaze locked on yours. In response, you held a fork full of cake in front of his face, Tae leaning forward to eat the bite. Your coworkers, feeling a little less than comfortable, soon turned their attention to the live auction that was starting on the stage.
You and your boyfriend shared a knowing look, reveling in every second of being that couple.
“How much?” Taehyung suddenly asked, sitting against the back of his chair as he nodded toward your wine glass. “Place your bet.”
Raising your eyebrows, you bit your lip in thought. “For the bottle? Twelve.”
“Twelve dollars?” You nodded in response. “I think it’s ten,” he said, pulling his phone out to look it up.
“Hey wait,” you protested, placing your hand over his phone and pushing his hands to his lap. “What do I get when I win?”
“When you win?” He flashed an open-mouthed smile, a laugh on the verge of breaking through, sitting there in his throat. When you shrugged, he let the chuckle slip out. “What do you want?”
“For you to take me home,” you whispered. “Now.”
“Not having fun?” He raised an eyebrow, his amusement showing through his smile.
“Always with you,” you said, lowering your voice so it was just barely a whisper. Taehyung leaned closer to hear you as you added, “Just can’t stomach any more of you pretending his jokes are actually funny,” you nodded toward your coworker sitting across the table. Taehyung’s eyes widened in surprise for a moment as he grabbed the side of your face, tugging you against his chest as he shushed you.
“You’re gonna get us in trouble,” he breathily giggled against the shell of your ear. You let out a laugh at his reaction, pleased with yourself. “Ok, deal,” he said, pulling away from you to meet your eyes. “I’ll get you out of here immediately if you win.”
You nodded in agreement, and with that, he picked his phone up again to search the price.
“Wait, what do you want if you win?”
“I’ll tell you if I win,” he shrugged.
“What, no,” you laughed, trying to steal the phone from him as he held it out of your reach. “That’s not fair, we have to agree,” you whined.
“I thought you were gonna win?” He questioned you with a teasing smirk on his face. “Where did your confidence go, Peaches?”
With a sigh, you rolled your eyes, Taehyung laughing as he made the search on his phone.
“Closest guess wins, right?” He confirmed with you as you nodded. Holding the phone out to you, you read the price, letting out a whine of disappointment. “I’m pretty sure nine dollars is closer to ten than it is to thirteen, right?”
You rolled your eyes and let out a scoff as you held back a laugh. “Fuck,” you chuckled. “Fine, what do you win?”
“Let’s get out of here,” he said as he stood up, holding his hand out for you to take. Your eyes widened as you placed your hand in his, standing up.
“You want to leave?”
“You think I want to keep pretending his jokes are funny?” He asked you, his voice a little louder than a whisper, purposely loud enough for your coworker to hear if he was eavesdropping. As you bit back a laugh, Taehyung grabbed your coat off the back of your chair and helped you put it on.
He bid your coworkers a perfectly polite goodbye as you both made your escape. Holding your hand, he led you through the room, you both weaving between the tables toward the exit.
As you stepped outside the doors, Tae turned around, spinning you under his arm so you were in front of him. He then wrapped his arms around your chest, your back pressed against his front as he continued leading you toward the car.
“What do you say we get a nine-dollar bottle of wine and continue this party at home?” He asked you, leaving a kiss to your cheek.
“You won’t even splurge for a thirteen-dollar bottle?” You teased.
Tae snickered into your hair as he held you close. “Peaches, I just forked out twenty dollars on a bottle in there,” he joked making you cackle in the quiet parking lot.
“Cake too?” You asked with a smile, turning your head toward him so your lips could find his. He stopped walking for a moment as his hand cradled your jaw and he deepened the kiss.
“Of course,” he whispered against your lips. “When you’re with me, you can always have your cake and eat it too.” You giggled against his mouth as you kissed him again.
You slowly turned in his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck as his hands slid down to hold your hips, pulling you closer against his frame. Your mouths moving with each other, neither of you gave a care in the world that you were stood in the parking lot with peering eyes watching you as they smoked in front of the entrance.
The rest of the world always did seem to disappear when you were together.
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mariesunflowerchild · 4 years
dating pernico would include: (PERCY JACKSON)
so..i kinda ship pernico now..lmao, it’s really cute but sadly won’t be canon,
so take these headcanons, :D
and yes, this is pernico x reader poly-
don’t @ me, 
also i literally head smashed my keyboard to come up with the name furuhani lmao 
warning, there is homophobia in this, if you can’t deal with a lgbtq+ couple being excluded, i suggest you don’t read this. 
also my next update’s probably gonna be an angst, can’t wait to write that- heheheheheh
requests are open btw, dm me for requests, 
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~so, you’re a year older than nico, and a year younger than percy.
~as an aphrodite kid, you look a bit older than you actually are, 
~most people assume you’re 16, maybe even 17.
~but then- once they get to know you, OHHH BOYY-
~you’re quite childish ngl, you absolutelu love board games and video games, just games in general,
~you came from an extremely wealthy family so, you had basically everything you could ever want.
~an xbox? you had it. tv? you had it, a phone? you had it.
~you didn’t get your father or step mother’s attention though,
~so you did have your issues.
~once you arrived at camp halfblood, you were ecstatic, 
~”i’m finally gonna meet people like me!”
~you became quite close with silena beauregard, she introduced you to annabeth.
~”hi, i’m [y/n]! it’s so nice to meet you!”
~later on annabeth introduced you to percy and grover,
~cue the lightning theif!
~you went on the quest, you were really useless ngl, but you were able to charm people into giving you money, so you guys could buy food.
~”wow [y/n], you’re manipulative.”
~”ehh, not really..i just wanna see us survive this.”
~you and percy became closer, staying up ‘till 12 am, and things of that nature.
~”yo, why is water tasteless?”
~”don’t look at me, i’m the son of the sea god, not the sea god.”
~once nico came along, you were attached to the hip.
~”i’m gonna sit this adventure out, make sure nico doesn’t get into trouble,”
~”oh okay..”
~percy was bummed out but, meh, they were already a large group.
~once he returned and told nico about bianca, you went after nico.
~you two went on adventures together! for like a year or two,
~once you guys were reunited with the squad, you couldn’t stop smiling,
~”oh my god, it’s been so long! god i missed you guys,”
~”we did too, believe it or not, it wasn’t as lively without you,”
~so, some time later, you and nico started going out-
~it was a wholesome relationship right, but..dun..dun..dUn
~nico had a crush on percy too!
~you were shocked, but you did too.
~”uhh..i kinda like him too.”
~”oh my god, we’re the same garbage.”
~ after the epic battle between kronos’ forces and camp halfblood, you and nico confessed to percy.
~”it might be weird, but. we both like you, like, like like, like you.”
~percy was SHOOOK.
~he nearly fainted,
~”i like you guys too, but aren’t you two together?”
~then, dun dunn! nico had the idea of a poly relationship 
~you were 100% onboard,
~all you needed was percy to be okay with it and boom! happily ever after.
~”i’m in,”
~lots of handholding,
~cuddles like, every other day.
~you guys have the messiest of cuddle piles, 
~”who’s arm is that?”
~”that’s mine.”
~”oh okay,”
~random hugs, and kisses-
~”you guys are too nice- oh my god-”
~even aphrodite herself ships you guys.
~”hm! this is the first time i’ve ever seen 3 halfbloods fall inlove! what a phenomenon!”
~some people hate though, smh.
~one time, you guys were at this high end restaurant with some of your mortal friends from primary, and the waitress skipped you guys, just because you were poly!
~”hi uhh, my boyfriends and i have been standing here for 15 minutes, and by the looks of it you’re not doing anything, can you please attend us?”
~you were so polite ngl, but this lady just, looked at you like, ‘bitch are u serious?’
~ “i’m sorry ma’am, but we’re packed,” 
~oh HELL NO, they weren’t packed, like at all. they had a bunch of tables open, this lady was being rude smh.
~”but..why are there tables open? can’t we sit there?” 
~nico was beginning to get impatient, percy took notice of this and put his arm on nico’s shoulder.
~if it wasn’t for you and percy, nico would’ve already bitch slapped the lady, he decided to cut to the chase and tell you why she wasn’t serving you guys.
~”she doesn’t want to let us in, cuz we’re poly.”
~you’re school friends over heard and demanded she let you guys pass, 
~”guys! it’s okay, we can just have takeout and watch a movie, this restaurant’s over-priced anyway.” 
~okay so like, even percy was pissed at this point, being the eldest he was protective over you two, (especially you ngl, you’re an aphrodite kid, your cabin doesn’t really do sports)
~nico whispered something in your ear, you had an evil idea. 
~“listen, ms. do you know who my father is?”
~the woman scoffed, 
“probably some low life drug addict if he raised a whore like you.”
~nico was seething with rage, and so was percy, even your friends were mad, they were quiet though, knowing what you were gonna do.
~”well, ms. my father is the C.E.O of furuhani enterprises, unless you want to be fired, and black listed; i suggest you let us in, and stop treating customers differently for their sexuality,”
~the woman paled, 
~”r..r..ight this way miss! please excuse my actions!” 
~nico, percy, and your friends were so proud of you 
~”that’s my girl!” nico and percy wrapped their arms around you, your friends awwed and smiled, perhaps this evening wasn’t completely bad. 
remember to please follow my tumblr and share! ^^ 
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turtles-imagines · 5 years
turtles’ (all or one (i like raph) it don’t matter whatever fits you) girlfriend is pregnant but when she’s having the baby, there’s some major complications and she’s on the verge of dying. the brothers have to take the extreme measure to find mutagen and give it to her, so she can survive through child birth. (spoiler alert) it only changes her on the inside and not the outside because donnie didn’t want her going through the same low self esteem that the turtles do.
Oh the angst! iloveit. You didn’t specify so I’m gonna do Bayverse if that’s okay bby❤️ I know I said I was gonna have it out a long time ago. Sorry school started and I got busy❣️❣️❣️
Leo 💙:
- Leo was out on patrol when he heard that you were in labor. He rushed back to the lair as soon as he could. He was so excited! He couldn’t wait to be a dad! The only thing he wanted to do right now was run up to you and be there with you as you delivered his child. The look of pure joy fell from his face as soon as he walked into the lair. Casey was pacing the room looking distressed and Raph sat at the dining table solemnly as Mikey ran up to him and stuttered to try to explain the situation. The thing that worried him most was the fact the his father sat next to Raph. The usual calm aura he emitted seemed dreary and sorrowful. His immediate reaction was to call out for you.
- Upon hearing his voice April steps out of the room to explain the situation to him. Leo doesn’t really know how to act. You had only just started labor 15 minutes ago. When you called him on the phone you said you were fine, you sounded fine! Now you, and possibly his child are dying. He step forward to go to be with you only to be stopped by Raph. Upset, an argument ensues between to two brothers. Leo is only calmed when Spilter places a had on his bicep.
- Donnie figures out the only way to save you and the child is to create some form of “retro- mutagen” that will make your body stronger. The mutagen comes at a price though, you will remain human but you’ll experience side effects- you’ll be nauseous a lot, you’ll get migraines, you may develop some mutant-esk traits, and you’ll never be able to conceive again. It doesn’t take Leo long to decide what to do. Sure, he may never have had the big family he dreamed of but the baby was worth it- you were worth it.
- He’s lucky that Cheif Vincent still owed him a favor for saving the city. She was able to file through some mutagen that was taken out of some sort of lab and provide it for the turtles. Upon arriving in the sewers all she can do is stick around and wait with Leo to calm him down and Donnie creates the remedy that will save your life. It’s taking every muscle in his body to not get up and run to you right now. But when his father assured him that you’re gout to be okay, he knows you’ll pull through. He’s almost in tears by the time Donnie announces that the retro-mutagen is complete. Leo is still upset that he can’t go and see you right now but he trust that his brother knows what he’s doing. He also trust that you’ll be okay. I mean his father promised him and Splinter never broke a promise to his son before.
- About 3 hours later April comes out of the small room and explains to Leo what happened. You were drifting in and out in consciousness when Donnie administered the retro-mutagen to you. Luckily, you did pull through and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. She also says that you passed out from exhaustion after having the baby and that he could see you, just that he shouldn’t wake you. As soon as Leo gets to the room he’s by your side, gently brushing the hair out of your face and kissing you forehead softly as to not wake you. The moment Donnie hands him a small bundle Leo almost cries. This is it! This is his son! He’s so happy to finally have a family of his own!
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Raph ❤️:
- Raph was at your apartment with you when you started to feel shaky. You at first assumed that this was just your regular pregnancy fatigue, that was until a sharp pain hit your stomach and your water broke. Being the protective guy he is, Raph’s immediate jump into action was to pick you up bridal style and lay you on the bed. Panicked, he called Casey to ask what he should do. Casey the proceeded to contact Raph’s brothers and April and in about 10 minutes everyone was at your door.
- Raph was with you when Donnie took your vitals. That’s when everything started to go wrong. Your heartbeat was slowing as your blood pressure was lowing. Donnie realized, something was truly wrong. Catching the panicked expression on his face, Raph immediately knew something was up. Not wanting to worry his older brother, Donnie completely faked you being okay as he stepped outside telling Raph to stay with you in the room. Everyone looked up at Donnie beaming until they saw the worried expression on his face. Donnie explained that you were dying and he didn’t know how to tell Raph or what to do. Everyone’s tension only grew when Raph shouted for Donnie to come quick. When he got back into the room Raph explained that you had coughed up blood and the proceeded to pass out.
- When Donnie tells Raph he’s furious. Raph’s not sure who he’s mad at. He knows it’s not Donnie’s fault you’re not doing good but he doesn’t have anyone else to blame. He momentarily stops yelling when he feels a small hand gently graze his arm. He turns to see April’s panicked face as she suggests that he leave the room and get some air. Distressed by the thought of leaving you in this time, when you were giving birth to his child, he snaps at April. He only calms down when Casey yells at him to get his shit together and calm down because this isn’t what you would have wanted him to do right now.
- While Casey was bringing Raph back to Earth, Donnie figures out a plan. If he can get his hands on some mutagen he can fashion a “retro-mutagen” to cure you. As soon as he informs Raph of this idea Raph is on board. Even when Donnie says that you’ll experience extreme side effects Raph doesn’t care. You are all that matters. By some miracle Vern is able to use his status as “The Falcon” to charm his way through TCRI and get his hands on some mutagen. As Donnie works on the cure, Raph sits by you watching over you as April sits beside him making sure you’re stable.
- When you finally give birth you are barely awake. You don’t feel the pain of labor, the only thing you feel is Raph squeezing your hand as he tells you everything is going to be alright. As soon as you hear the loud sound of a baby wailing you know that everything is fine and it’s okay to go back to sleep. Offering your boyfriend a weak smile, you squeeze his hand and close your eyes. Raph stays with you while Donnie goes to check the baby’s vitals. When April comes back holding a small baby girl in her arms Raph cries. There’s nothing that could ever make him more happy.
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Donnie 💜:
- Donnie was in the lair toiling away in the lair when he got a panicked call from April. April had taken Donnie’s pregnant girlfriend out for lunch when she started to experience serious stomach pains. (Y/N) was convinced it was just a bellyache up until her water broke. Thank god it was almost sundown so Donnie could go and see you. As soon as the sun goes down and the street lights go on Donnie runs half way across the city to your apartment.
- Donnie gives you a tight hug as soon as he gets there. Immediately he knows something’s off. You’re abnormally weak and sweating bullets. Donnie immediately tells you to sit down and takes your vitals. He’s right. Your blood pressure is extremely high and your pulse is slowing way too fast. He doesn’t know what to do.
- He pulls April aside and shares his findings. She’s just as shocked and terrified as he is. Donnie doesn’t want to tell you what’s wrong but you can already tell something’s up. Donnie only realizes the true direness of the situation when you go to check on him and faint. He carries you back to bed and asks April to watch you as he calls his brothers.
- The guys wanted to give you two your alone time. Leo was shocked when he got a call from a panicked Donnie telling him that you’re basically dying. Panicked as well, Leo alerts Mikey and Raph and tells them what’s going on. Extremely anxious by the fact that you’re sick, Donnie hadn’t thought of any solutions to the problem, well not until Mikey suggested that they use the ooze to fix the situation. Raph immediately scolded him for joking around but that gave Donnie a great idea.
- Donnie knew that mutagen was still running through his blood stream. He figured if he could make a pseudo-mutagen he’d be able to save you. So immediately Donnie set to work taking some of his own blood and reverse engineering it so that he would be left with a retro-mutagen.
- He didn’t even hesitate to inject you with the serum. After a while, Donnie checked your status and almost cried when they had begun to become stable. It wasn’t long after that you, still in a drowsy state, had finally given birth to a healthy baby. At this point he actually does start crying. He doesn’t even realize the presence of his brothers in the room. All the boys can do is look and softly smile at their brother, proudly embracing his newborn child.
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Mikey 🧡:
- Mikey barely let you out of his sight. This started almost immediately after you told him you were pregnant. So it wasn’t really a suprise that the two of you were together in the lair when you had gone into labor. You had decided to stay the night and were soundly sleeping in his bed alongside him when you started feeling intense pain. You suddenly realize you’re in labor.
- It takes Mikey a few seconds to put two and two together after you wake him up. As soon as it clicks that you’re in labor he’s immediately running out of the room screaming for Donnie. Donnie groggily walked into your room followed by Mikey soon after. Mikey was so happy to finally be a dad, yet he was so scared.
- Mikey immediately knew something was off when you stood up and your water broke. Yes, it looked like normal bodily fluid, but there was blood mixed in with the fluid. As soon as you realized that something was wrong with you and your baby, you fainted and thankfully landed in Donnie’s arms.
- Mikey is in full panic mode. He picks you up from Donnie’s arms and basically runs through the lair. He doesn’t know what to do. Something is wrong, very VERY wrong and you’re sick and hurting. And god knows what’s wrong with the baby. Leo and Raph have to physically hold him down so Donnie can check your vitals. So in short, there is no chance Mikey is gonna leave your side.
- Donnie tells Mikey what’s what. The fact that you had conceived with a mutant made it so that the pregnancy and labor would be hard. The only way to save you and the baby would be to create a “retro-mutagen”, and the chances of you two surviving were still iffy. Mikey started to cry. You both were dying.
- It didn’t take long for Donnie to come into the room carrying a small vile which he then promptly injects into your arm. Mikey has so many questions, what was that? Where did Donnie get it? Why did he do that? Mikey didn’t get a chance to ask because you had begun to slowly open your eyes. In a short while, you had given birth to a healthy baby. Mikey couldn’t be happier, he had the love of his life, and a new healthy kiddo.
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diyunho · 5 years
The Joker x Reader - “Ghost” Part 2
Bane’s wife is a mystery to everyone, including her husband. Ghost also happens to be The Joker’s little obsession, not that she ever pays attention to him. Maybe that’s why The King of Gotham should stop messing around: when you push too much, you might get more than you bargained for.
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The Joker and his girlfriend left about 15 minutes ago; Kara was in a bad shape and you offered to drive her car back tomorrow. You have no idea how she made it to your house after the events at the club. You could tell J was fuming and for once he seemed to care about what happened to his woman: maybe it was a little wakeup call The King of Gotham needed. Hard to tell when it comes to these matters due to his spectacular personality.
One thing’s for sure though: after his arrival Kara couldn’t stop crying and Ghost knew why. The Joker’s girlfriend merely escaped assault and him giving a damn about the ordeal made her overemotional: it was the first time he showed some real interest outside the bedroom; he held her hand all the way to the car and didn’t even mind a kiss before she got in.
“You’re awfully quiet,” your husband points out. “You’ve been staring out the windows at the empty parking lot since they left. Everything alright?”
“Yeah, yeah…I’m fine,” you turn only to see him signal for you.
Bane is not stupid; he can tell you’re distracted and he can guess the reason. As soon as you straddle his lap he rests his forehead on yours, choosing to dig a bit dipper without sugar coating his objective.
“Are you thinking about that day?”
You take such a strenuous breath there’s no need for a verbal confirmation.
“Wanna talk about it?”
You are aware of the meaning:  your spouse is not asking for details, he’s just bringing it up in case you want to share your feelings regarding Kara’s unfortunate experience.
You caress his bald head and sigh, prepared to describe the facts.
Bane never mentioned anything about the first time you’ve met simply because he always assumed he understood what he saw five years ago. The truth is he didn’t.
“When…when you found me…” you gulp and he distinguishes the struggle.
“Hey,” your husband whispers. “That’s not why I brought it up. You don’t have to re-live the past; I was trying to hint that if you want to discuss…”
He twists a strand of your white hair around his finger while you interrupt:
“When you found me behind the truck, that guy wasn’t trying to rape me; he was trying to kill me.”
Bane’s not wearing his mask and you can read the conflicting emotions written all over his face.
“Vee was my ex,” you continue and pause in order to gather your thoughts. “When I learned he was involved in human trafficking, I urged him to quit. The money was great and he refused so I planned to disappear and help some girls flee in the process. I was very careful yet he still perceived my intentions and when you bumped into us… he was trying to finish me so I won’t be any trouble for his boss and their line of business.”
“Shit…” HB mumbles, hating that his Ghost looks upset.
“I wasn’t defending myself from a rapist, I was fighting for my life. What do you think about that, hm?” you throw the question at him and his reply doesn’t fail:
“That whatever- his-name-was-your-ex had it coming. You can’t kill a Goddess! A man is lucky enough to encounter one and if he fucks up, then he signs up for the bitter consequences.”
A few moments of complete silence, then Bane hears his favorite words:
“I love you,” Y/N pecks the thin scars across his nose and decides to turn the gloomy night into a more accommodating situation. “We were having lots of fun when the unexpected guest barged in; we should stick to the original schedule and reprise our activity.”
“Agree,” Bane squeezes you in his strong arms tighter. “A tiny Ghost might be already in here,” he softly rubs your tummy.
“Or a handsome little brute,” you giggle and he has to underline:
“However, it doesn’t hurt to keep practicing.”
“U-hum,” you wink and he likes the smile forming on your lips, infinitely better than having his wife distressed about an incident that almost ended her existence.
5 Years Ago
Bane was done loading the supplies he wanted in his truck, lingering at the spot chosen for that evening’s transaction. It was consistently a random place where everyone that wanted to buy or sell could get together and exchange merchandise; under the radar of course, since the negotiations were less than legal and the individuals present could have easily be enlisted on FBI’s most wanted list.
A lot of turmoil and movement at the campsite, but he still detected a woman’s scream; he carefully listened when it happened again. Bane circled his truck and walked between the vehicles stationed there until his heavy steps abruptly halted: there was a lady trying to get from under a limp body collapsed on top of hers, still holding the rock she used in order to defend herself.  
You crawled from under Vee and froze when you noticed Bane glaring at you. Y/N recognized the masked man: he was starting to gain a certain reputation, not that it was his purpose; he only stuck to his agenda and didn’t give a damn about anything else.
Your future spouse believed that one of the imbeciles tried to sample the merchandise and got more than he could chew; he also knew they didn’t like the girls to rebel and the price paid if they did.
That feral look in your eyes reminded him of the same fire that fueled his veins every time he attempted to get out of the accursed Pit; made him take a decision he never regretted: instead of alerting the others and score a nice bonus for cooperation, Bane gave you a choice.
“If you want to survive, come with me.”
You hesitated: was he toying with you before sounding the alarm?! The pile of muscles indifferently distanced from the scene and you got on your feet, stumbling from the aftermath of almost being assassinated by your former boyfriend. Vee was out cold and you dropped the rock by his feet, not bothering to check if he was dead.
You followed Bane to his truck and he gestured for you to hop in the back; it was difficult to fit in between the boxes yet you managed anyway. He covered everything with the tarp and advised while sealing the way out:
“Stay put!”
It was a nerve wracking couple of hours: Bane drove away immediately and you had no clue about what will occur next. Where was he taking you anyway?
He pried the door and Y/N strolled inside when she realized he was keeping it opened for her. “This is a gated, private property; we’re right outside Gotham, north of Willow Creek. You should lay low: by know they must have identified the guy and they might be searching for the responsible party.”
He was thinking you were “one of the girls” and you didn’t correct him.
“I had no clue I’ll find myself in this mess,” you skeptically brought it up. “I should go to my apartment and pack suitcases.”
“Bad idea,” the distorted voice huffed. “You should disappear, it’s safer. Those are not the type of people you want to cross!”
You nervously played with the hem of your torn dress and Bane added:
“There are clean clothes in the bedroom; you can use one of my t-shirts. I’ll bring some items your size tomorrow.”
“You’re not staying?!” you inquired, perplexed.
“Nope, I’m busy. Give yourself a tour; I’m positive you can cope with my absence.”
He saw the doubt and muttered:
“You’re not a prisoner; you can leave. Close the gates if you do. If I were you, I would linger on the premises.”
That’s all he said and left a very confused Y/N in the middle of the living room. You wished to ask why he was aiding a total stranger, but you figured it was dumb to do so: Bane seemed like the type of man that didn’t do things unless he felt like it. Period.
You curiously inspected the house, marveled that it was neat and organized: four bedrooms and two bathrooms upstairs, the spacious living room, another bathroom and the kitchen downstairs. The dust settled on the counters indicated the hideout wasn’t used very often; the decorations were minimal, mostly functional, basic furniture.
You were grateful when you opened the fridge and found some food that was still eatable: the precooked kind but you weren’t picky at that point. After warming up a container in the microwave, Y/N took a sit at the table; with the crazy events that spiraled out of control she didn’t have time to reflect about her current predicament.
It hit as you were munching on your ravioli: how the hell did you end up there?! A sudden, unbearable sense of isolation washed all over you, the numbness that protected you from the initial shock gradually dissipating in thin air.
You had no plan. None whatsoever.
Was it better to go with the flow until you could outline a strategy aimed to get you out of the deep whole you accidentally sunk in? Maybe…
So you did.
Next morning, Bane popped at the residence as promised; at 10:12 am he discovered a hyper Y/N tidying up the kitchen: after a sleepless night and six cups of coffee, she was pretty much invincible. You were wearing one of his military print t-shirts: it was big and he was somehow amused to see you swim in the garment.
“I brought you clothes, shoes and food,” Bane grumbled and arranged boxes on the chair closer to you. “I estimated on the size.”
“Thank you,” the sincerity in your voice proved you meant it. “Thank you for helping me.”
“U-hum,” he intensely gazed at you and maybe because you weren’t in your best shape you misinterpreted his demeanor: was your savior expecting some sort of reward? Since you didn’t have much to offer at that time, Bane probably wanted sex as compensation for his services. If he would have taken what he wanted by force, you reckoned it wouldn’t have been pleasant, not with a man his size; not putting up a fight could have made it at least bearable.  
Your logic was way off though: as soon as you took your t-shirt off he came near, picked it from the floor and dressed you back himself.
“You don’t have to do that,” he emphasized and saw how embarrassed you were. “Do you know how to load guns?” Bane switched the dialogue without making it awkward.
“Not really…”
“I’ll show you; I have a project coming up and you can assist.”
“OK,” you were fast to accept as it was an easy way to repay him.
“Besides cracking someone’s skull with a rock, do you know how to defend yourself?” the interrogation continued.
”If I have to.”
“Comes in handy,” he muffled the words beyond the mask and promptly took it off so he can enjoy the coffee too.
It was the first time you saw Bane minus the breathing device; definitely not what you imagined: he was good-looking. HB had a few thin scars across his nose and a thicker one above the upper lip that added a certain flair to his wholesomeness. 
He caught you staring and misjudged:
“What?” he growled, pouring hot liquid in a mug. “Is the view not up to your standards?”
Y/N has always been a direct person, that’s why she described exactly what was in her mind:
“I was actually thinking that you’re handsome.”
One of Bane’s eyebrows went high and he huffed at the candid remark:
“Hm… … I’ve been called worse.”
You bit on your cheek and waited for him to finish his coffee in silence, but he had more to say.
“You should change your appearance; it’s safer if they’re searching around for the runaway girl that dared retaliate.”
You nodded a yes, wondering how you could accomplish such task. He wasn’t wrong: it would have evidently aided if they were indeed hunting for you.
“I know somebody,” Bane insinuated the path of action. “I can bring Zorina here and she can work her magic; the woman’s a pro.”
“Sure,” you welcomed his proposal and instantly blurred out: “I have money stashed at my apartment; it’s a hefty sum, all cash. I’ll have to retrieve it then I will be able to reimburse you for everything you’re doing for me.”
He snorted, entertained at your passionate tirade:
“Reimbursed!” Bane repeated and slammed the cup on the counter, preparing to bail. “Don’t worry about that; they might have the condo under surveillance or maybe they already raided the rooms and took your money.”
“I hope not…” you frowned, swiftly tense at his warning.
“Wait for Zorina,” the suggestion alleviated your anxiety a bit. “I’ll text her and she can be here in one hour. I am going out of town in the morning; I will return on the 27th,” he grabbed his mask from the table. “If you have an emergency, call the number I uploaded as an emergency contact,” Bane handed you a brand new cell phone.
“Will you be the one answering?” Y/N asked.
“Yes,” he confirmed and noticed how relieved you seemed at his affirmation.
Bane came back after 10 days, on the 27th as scheduled. You were outside on the porch and he stopped in his tracks when you emerged from behind the wood pillars.
“How do I look like?” you presented the new Y/N to the stunned man instead of a conventional greeting: your hair was completely white, shaved on the left side and the fresh skull tattoo inked on the exposed skin completed the ensemble quite beautifully. The dark red eyeshadow and black leather suit scored extra points with your future husband.
Bane was a straightforward person and didn’t utter words unless he meant them, yet the unpredicted reply still made you smile:
“Like a Goddess.”
For the next six months you helped with whatever was necessary: it kept you busy and while you understood everything was a test, you were able to form your own opinions too.
Bane wasn’t a mindless brute: he was intelligent, outspoken and articulate; the crew didn’t question his decisions not necessarily due to his physical appearance that indicated he could level anyone to the ground with one punch, but because they respected him.
You blindly plunged into an unfamiliar environment: in the great scheme of things, your ex Vee has invariably been a pawn struggling to find his way up to the top. Weren’t you the same now? Another small piece of the puzzle trying to figure out where it belongs?  
You weren’t positive so you kept your distance from the team members and never really talk to them; Y/N only did what she was told and stayed away from social interactions. After your disappointing past experiences, one could have said you didn’t like people. Why bother?
Even Bane was probably going to send you on your way soon: he kept on coming to the house more often and your best speculation was that he was getting ready to tell you to vacate the property. Which was fair; you couldn’t rely on his hospitality forever. And for some reason it made you sad.
It was true that Bane dropped by more often: from barely visiting the hideout once a month before your arrival, he multiplied his visits to 3-4 times a week. Under the pretext of checking up on his protégé and give her assignments, of course. It had nothing to do with how much he liked seeing your face light up every time he was around.
One night you fell asleep in front of the fireplace: it was cozy to pile up blankets and watch the longs burn until they turned into ashes. You woke up around 2 in the morning and stretched, surprised to see Bane passed out on the couch a couple of feet away. You didn’t hear him sneak in and assumed he had a motive for being there: to finally tell you he wanted the residence evacuated.
You rolled over and got on your knees, carefully placing two more logs on top of the dying fire.
“Add more,” the deep tone made you jump. “It’s getting chilly.”
“Hi,” you tilted your head to look at him. “I didn’t mean to awake you,” you apologized and did as requested.
“You didn’t,” Bane rubbed his eyes, totally used with short power naps instead of dozing off for hours.
You delayed more conversation, but it had to be addressed although you dreaded the subject; maybe he was expecting you to get the hint so you gathered the courage to speak up:  
“I was debating… I should…e-hem…” you fakely coughed, “… find a new establishment…”
“Don’t you wanna stay?” he cut you off.
“I do,” you admitted, “but it’s not fair to take advantage of…”
Bane’s laughter at the statement made you halt your small presentation; it was his strategy of disguising how discouraged he was at your arbitrary idea.
“I doubt I’m the type that can be taken advantage of,” he got on his elbow and you abandoned the warmth of the fireplace in order to sit down by him on the sofa. “You don’t have to go anywhere…unless you wish to,” he gave you choices once more.
You glared at each other for a few seconds and then you demanded:
“Can you please take your mask off?”
“I want to kiss you.”
Bane unsnapped the leather straps without a second invitation: God knows he seldom dreamed about it without paying attention to what it truly meant.
Your lips touched and the intimacy made him slowly pull you in his arms; it seemed natural that the woman he was in love with belonged there.
“My name is Y/N,” you suddenly moaned in between kisses and Bane paused, eager to mention:
“For your own safety I suggest to never disclose it to another living soul. It’s better if you don’t exist; a ghost doesn’t have a past or present thus can never be seized.”
“I like the notion of being a Ghost,” you intertwined your fingers with his. “And you have to call me something; the rest of the world also.”
“Sounds like you got yourself a deal,” Bane grinned and instantly cautioned: “I also have to bring up to your attention that I’ve never slept with a Goddess before.”
Your mouth got close to his ear and you whispered:
“I’ve never slept with a Handsome Brute but I believe we’ll manage.”
Today, 1:13 am
Your cell phone keeps on vibrating on the nightstand; attempting to ignore the insufferable noise might wake up Bane: you exhausted your husband last night and he has to recharge. You’ll probably need his services by morning time so… might as well make an effort for his sake.
Great, it’s The Joker.
“Hello?” you keep your voice down.
“I was thinking,” the insomniac King of Gotham gets straight to the core of the issue without apologizing for the late call. “Next time Bane’s out of town and you don’t accompany him, I should take you out to dinner; then we can get some stuff out of our system.”
Is he for reals?!
“I have a better proposal!” you hiss, irritated. “Next time Bane’s out of town without me, you’ll take your girlfriend out to dinner and then you can get whatever you want out of your system with her!! I’ll wait for my husband and then when he comes home he’ll know how to take care of my system!! GOT IT??!!” you hang up and J is displeased at your behavior:
“How fucking rude!” he puffs, cuddling next to Kara; she’s snoozing after her misfortune. 
“Who’s that?” your spouse groans.
“Uggghh,” you snuggle to his chest, aggravated by J’s crap.
“Idiot…” HB wraps both naked bodies tighter in the fluffy cover since he guessed the name; your reaction is enough clue.
Ghost pecks his shoulder and gradually relaxes, 100% convinced of the only truth in her life: if she ends up with nothing again, as long as he’s there she will still have everything.
Part 1: diyunho(.)tumblr(.)com/post/187322128171/the-joker-x-reader-ghost-part-1
You can also follow me on AO3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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wolfpawn · 5 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 15
Chapter Summary -
Tom tries contacting Danielle about something small, will she respond? Also, when Benedict turns up on his doorstep, how does that go?
Danielle and Paul discuss something that has been something of a point of contention for them, bringing up something from Paul's own past.
And when Emma rings an exhausted sleeping Danielle and Tom hears Paul with her, how does he react?
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
If you wish to be tagged, please let me know.
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog  @jessibelle-nerdy-mum @nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1
Hey Elle,
I know you don’t really want to talk to me at present, and I know your boyfriend told me to give you some space, but I was passing that bike shop I told you about, you know the really good one just down from my place, and they have a huge stock clearance sale going on, something to do with new models (I just nodded, you know better than I do) but I went in and asked them what the deal was and they said they have loads of triathlon, trail, and road bikes, all the best brands for half price because they are last years colours (is that seriously a thing for bikes, I mean, they’re bikes!) and you were saying at Christmas you wished you could ask ‘Santa’ for a Madone??? Well I mentioned that to the guys there, and they said they have a middle of the range one for £1,500 in your size (I told them you were a short arse) which is apparently the bargain of the year, and they will hold it for me until Thursday, so if you want it, you can tell Emma and she will let me know, or whatever, I just know you wanted one.
Sorry for rambling, that could have all been said in two simple sentences.
PS  I’m really sorry about everything else, I told myself I wouldn’t bring it up, but I can’t help it. I’m really sorry Elle, please forgive me.
Elle looked at the email for the fortieth time. She knew Tom was trying to do something nice for her, while also trying to worm his way back in. she sighed, not sure if the idea of her dream bike would be worth it. Rubbing her hands over her face, she felt conflicted. She could just text Emma, give her the money and not talk to Tom, but that was just plain wrong, and she knew it, but what were her alternatives? Say yes and have tom email her incessantly about something she didn’t want to discuss or bluntly sent a one-word email back and be as big an asshole as he had been; neither appealed to her.
“A penny for your thoughts?” Paul asked, handing her a cup of tea.
“It’s Tom,” she stated plainly.
Paul frowned. “You’re Googling him?” he seemed somewhat hurt at the idea.
“No, he sent me an email about a really brilliant bike I’ve wanted for a while, it is going cheap near his home, he remembered I said I wanted one so he told me about it.”
“Did he mention anything to do with…?”
“Just that he was sorry, and asking my forgiveness.”
“So are you?” She looked at him. “Are you just going to forgive him now?”
“I can’t. I’m not there yet.”
“But you want that bike?” She nodded. “Catch twenty-two I’m afraid.”
“Hence my sighing and confliction.”
“You really care about him.”
“I care about all of them; they’ve been like family to me.” She explained.
“Well, family forgives.”
“Even if they tell you your parents must not have thought you worth the money on your education to pay for you to study privately.”
“I thought you said he was not abusive.”
“He was mad, Paul.”
“That is a terrible thing to say about someone.”
“You studied at the College of Surgeons, right?” Paul nodded. “One of the most elite medical colleges in Britain?” Again he nodded. “Meaning your family is not exactly from the council estates of London.”
“We were not landed gentry, no, but my parents and I made it so I could get through it, with some help from loans.”
“Did you scoff at those who studied medicine in other less prestigious colleges?”
“I was younger and more naïve.”
“And Tom was hurt by my words, I am not condoning his words, but we both struck low.”
“How did this go from me defending him to you defending him?” Paul asked with a chuckle.
Danielle thought for a moment before laughing. “I have no idea.”
“He seems to be a big topic of conversation of late.”
Danielle looked at Paul analytically. “I’ve noticed, but poor Emma, this has been so hard for the whole family.”
“I was wondering, it’s a little ironic since we were just talking about my college, but my old classmates wanted to meet up and have a bragging match soon, and I was hoping you would come with me.”
“What? To show them all you are slumming it with some paramedic?” she joked.
“Danni, you know your job is important, if you don’t care for them before they get to the A&E then they don’t make it.”
“Except you know that I know what doctors tend to think about paramedics, that we don’t have the brains to be ‘real doctors’.”
“You know I don’t think like that, especially with you.” He kissed her. “Please Danni; I really want to actually introduce you to people.”
Danielle gave a noncommittal sound in response, one that Paul noticed immediately.
Thank you very much for inquiring on my behalf and for recalling the model I was looking for, and also for having them hold it. I gave Emma the money, she said she is heading your way anyway, so this gives her an added excuse, just be forewarned of her arrival.
It was short, and did not have any of Elle’s usual jokes, or a threat on his life for calling her short arse, but it was a start, and that was all that Tom could ask for.
With any other woman he could just buy her the bike as his plea for forgiveness, but he knew Elle enough to know she would never allow it, she would return it or give a donation to UNICEF under his name or something rather than owe him that, and he had to respect that about her, she was too independent to allow him to buy her forgiveness, in truth, that was what made her so different to every other woman around him. She was always the one to want to give him things, as opposed to the other way around. He felt his throat tighten at the thought of how she would have probably paced for hours, thinking of what to send, trying to neither encourage him to respond or seem rude, but yet talk with him. Part of him wanted to email back, tell her everything, but that would be too much too fast and he knew it. She would dismiss him if that happened, and they would be back at the start of it all.
So he took what she gave and was grateful for it. He immediately set about going to the bike shop and purchasing the bike before wheeling it to his car and realising he had no way to bring it to his house. Which required the further purchase of a bike rack, and very amused salesmen making comment on it being the first time they ever helped put one on a Jaguar, but in the end, he was able to get it back to his house.
“A bit small, isn’t it?” Tom turned to see Benedict standing in his driveway, looking at the bike, still attached to his car.
“It’s for Elle.”
“I was wondering; it’s not really in a colour scheme that matches you.” He joked. “So you two have patched things up then?”
“Not entirely, but I’m working on it.” Tom looked sheepishly at Ben. “I…”
Benedict held up his hand to silence him. “It’s done, I’m just glad to see you back here, and looking somewhat fresher in yourself. Need a hand?”
“Please.” Between them, they untied the bike and took it off the car.
“That thing weighs less than Christopher did when he was born.” Benedict lifted the bike a few times in one hand.
“Apparently it is carbon fibre, so it only weighs a few hundred grams.” Tom shrugged. “Listen, Ben, thank you, for everything.”
“It’s what friends are for.” Benedict smiled in return. “I want you to have what I have man, to be happy, but that wasn’t you, and it was obvious. No one that is happy is that angry in themselves.”
“Is that some Buddhist thing?”
“No, that is a common-sense psychology thing.” Ben walked the bike to the door as Tom fiddled with his keys. “So, after my hard work, am I getting a cuppa and a biscuit?”
“All I have is Hobnobs.”
“All you ever have is Hobnobs; I would die of shock if you didn’t.” Benedict joked.
“Danni?” the paramedic looked around her garden, she had gotten too into a book and forgotten that she was supposed to be alone, so when she heard Paul call her by his nickname for her, she became confused for a moment. “You back there?”
“Yeah.” She got to her feet and walked around the side of her house to see Paul standing in front of her. “What the fuck?”
“Drug addict got a little violent at work last night, nothing much.” He dismissed; his bruised cheekbone and black eye negating his statement.
“Have you seen yourself in a mirror yet?”
“Yes, but overall, I really think it is nothing. Cathy, you know her, the admin nurse?” Danielle nodded. “The bastard bit her.”
“Hep tests, HIV tests; the whole shebang she has to deal with now, so I’ll take my bruises.”
“Okay, I concede, you’re fine.” She raised her hands in defeat. “What has you here?”
Paul frowned. “Do I need an excuse to see my girlfriend?”
“No, but you usually call.”
He enveloped her in his arms before kissing her. “I know, but I really needed to see you, and you know the rules with texting or calling when in the car.”
“Good point. Tea?”
“Actually, I had something else in mind.” He grinned slyly.
“Seriously, a post-work booty call?”
“No, well a little, I was hoping we could…”
“Are we actually discussing this in my garden, where we can be overheard by people? Get into the house.” She dragged him around to the back door, Mac Tíre getting a half a salute as they did. “I rather not discuss that part of this in public,” she stated when they got into her kitchen.
“It’s not something to be…are you embarrassed by it, by me?”
“What no, I just…what I, we do is no one's business.”
“But you say you are close to Diana and Emma.”
“Not that sort of close, I don’t discuss what Emma does with Jack, it’s not my business. The only time that ever was broached was when she was saying about the future, how she wanted kids in a couple years.”
“I’m sorry, I got a little paranoid,” Paul admitted. “No man wants to think his girlfriend is embarrassed by him, especially in bed.”
“Do I want to know?”
“My last girlfriend, well, you know…”
“You’re ex-fiancé?”
“Yeah, that one, she said the reason she cheated was that I…well apparently I wasn’t good enough, you know, on that front.”
“Ah.” Danielle realised what he was implying. “So that explains a few things.”
“I just, you are not really…you never want to go passed certain things, and I get worried it’s because of me, and I…Jesus, I’m making an absolute balls of this.” Paul rubbed his hands over his face, wincing and groaning when he rubbed his sore cheek.
“Paul? “He looked at Danielle. “I, I’m not avoiding that because of you, I just…I am not there yet.”
“Okay.” He nodded, more to himself than to her. “I get it; I suppose we should have talked about this sooner.”
“Yeah; that would probably have helped.” She agreed.
Paul walked over to her again, taking her in his arms as he kissed her. “How about we take a shower, together, and do whatever feels right?”
“I am spending a lot of time showering recently because of you.” Danielle laughed.
“All the more reason to conserve water and have one with me.” He grinned; happy that she kept her hand in his when he led her towards the hallway to the stairs.
Danielle groaned when her phone began to ring, forcing her from a very satisfying sleep. She had left it charging by her bed before Paul had called over. She could not make out who it was that was calling. “Hello?”
“Hey, sleepyhead.” Emma sang down the phone. “Are you home?”
“Ya, ‘M home.”
“Wow, you really are sleepy.”
“Shh tup.”
“You sound the same when you are tired and drunk, you know that?” Emma continued to jest. “I have the bike; Tom got a bike rack and drove it from London.”
“Go back to sleep.” Paul groaned from beside her, “You’re not making sense.”
“Mm’kay.” Danielle had not been fully awake, to begin with, and dozed off again immediately.
Paul chuckled as he took her phone and put it to his ear. “I’ll tell her to collect it before work, alright Emma?”
“Thanks, Paul, let her get some more sleep, she sounds like she needs it, I’ll keep it in mums til she wakes up.”
“Will do. Take it easy.”
“You as well, bye Paul.” Emma smiled as she hung up the phone. “I think Elle’s a little tired at present, I’ll bring it over later.” She turned to Tom, who had been next to her when she had made the phone call only to find he wasn’t there. “Tom?”
In his mother’s garden, Tom tried to calm his breathing, but as Mac barked at a bird on Danielle’s roof, he found himself looking at the closed curtains of the master bedroom, knowing she was inside there, asleep in Paul’s arms, and he could not catch his breath.
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ardcntlamia · 5 years
TW: death, drugs, prostitution, disease, aids, homophobia, and child abuse are mentioned
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( richard harmon, vampire, he/him & cismale ) is that ( comfortably numb ) by ( pink floyd ) playing? ( ALEXANDER “XANDER” CHAPELL ) must be nearby! heard folks say the ( thirty six ) year old ( drug runner ) was not at the letum falls thanksgiving fair because ( he was caught up with work ). as a result, they weren’t present during the glitch but ( his boyfriend was killed ).
born a few towns over from letum falls in the great year of ‘48, alexander chapell was supposed to be the golden boy. his parents, two retired military technicians, thought they would never get pregnant, that they’d spent far too long in the service to start a family now.
soon enough two months out of the military, fourty-nine year old holly chapell was confirmed pregnant. they took their savings and refurbished their entire home, hoping to make it the perfect place to raise a child
unfortunately, alexander wasn’t exactly the child they had expected. he was a fairly quiet baby, but wavering into his toddler years the young chapell began to act out
his first offence; biting. he started taking chunks out of others in fits of rage, temper tantrums like you wouldn’t believe. the chapells tried everything --- time outs, spankings, off to bed without dinner, nothing could break the child of his rage. It wasn’t long before the gentle punishments turned violent
years passed and trouble just kept coming. xander would often be sent home from school for fights, cursing, disobedience, you name it. but nothing, nothing prepared them for his final offence.
xander’s father caught him red-handed in his room, lips on another boy. his parents despised gays, called them a repertoire of hideous slurs, and xander knew there was no coming back from this. by the end of the day, xander was on the streets, his first boyfriend had been scared so far into the closet there was no hope of anything more, and he was left completely alone to fend for himself
by 15, xander was turning tricks in the dark for money, catering to the deceptive husbands of his hometown. he had fallen low, but surviving by your own means meant scraping tooth and nail to get back on your feet
five years of jumping from temporary job to temporary job, dealing a bit and rolling under the radar, xander ventured off to find the promise of better jobs. leaving everything behind, not that he had much to begin with, he set off to the mysterious letum falls
his luck seemed to change at just twenty when he found a decent paying job, one where he could afford a roof over his head and food in his stomach. a small house on the edge of town, one bedroom, one bathroom, enough for him to be comfortable.
a couple more years flew by like this, work consuming xander’s life. he kept to himself and hadn’t made a single friend outside of work. his life ran in a never ending cycle, repeating the same schedule over and over every day. wake up, eat, work, eat, sleep, wake up. truly a lone wolf, the man with just a name and nothing more.
it was 1972 when xander noticed changes in himself. he skipped lunch twice in three days, and slept through his alarm more than a handful of times before work started asking questions. his memory was strung, teetering back and forth with pieces of information, none of it added up.
one visit to the doctor and xander regretted it all. AIDS. it was something he’d read in the paper a time or two, the disease notoriously infecting gay men across the country, and it was known to be deadly. the papers didn’t give out all the facts, but one thing he knew, the disease was tied too close to homosexuality for his comfort. his dirty laundry wasn’t the world’s to see
the next two years were a living hell. it all blurred together--- work, sleep, blank, blank, music, work, blank. the days were passing by before xander could even live them. by the end of 1973, xander was laid off, and his disease was taking a tighter hold on him.
xander doesn’t remember much about the night of his death. the flickering scenes add up to him in an alleyway, strung out in a daze of delusion as he collapses to the concrete. his final moments blur together, but locks of golden brown curls lay him to rest.
that is, until he woke back up with a hunger inside, sat in a home he wasn’t familiar with. he didn’t hurt, he didn’t ache, but he was hungrier than hell. in that home, he finally came face to face with his savior, manny, a man he vowed to be loyal to until his final breath
soon, manny explained that the final breath thing may be a bit further away than he thought. the gift of immortality and a life of loyalty, all paid by the price of blood. it wasn’t such a terrible deal in xander’s eyes
xander became a close confidant of manny, working as a drug runner in his business and declaring himself manny’s own personal bodyguard and it’s been that way for a little less than a decade
he’s a bit silent for such a rugged man, but underneath that icy exterior is a mile-long list of knock knock jokes he’s been waiting to tell since the 50’s
he did not attend the fair but he lost someone close within the chaos. his boyfriend, bez, was killed in the disaster, and he’s been bottling up his emotions ever since, refusing to shatter his ghost boyfriend’s heart just for his own sanity, so he’s kept his mouth shut and acted like nothing has changed. it was the first relationship he’s had in half a decade. in all truth, he’s not sure how to deal with grief, so he chooses to ignore it instead.
aesthetics : half-smoked cigarettes, ripped jeans paired with converse, rugged stubble on a steel-hard jaw, white knuckles, dripping red from sharp white, a smile seen as often as halley’s comet, crimson tides, the smell of death in the morning.
wanted connections :
regular customers : xander works for manny and does a lot of dealing face to face, he’d rather get the job done himself than send a fool to do it for him. that’s how mistakes are made. so it’s not uncommon for xander to sell to the same people. these could be new regular customers, or some oldies who have been buyin’ since ‘74, i’m down for anything
enemies : this is pretty self explanatory, but i’d love any sort of enemy plot. xander is a hard nut to crack, and can often let his sarcasm run loose, ending in a lot of bad encounters. this guy is probably on handful of hit lists by now
past encounters : this could be from his time on the streets when he was selling his body just to survive, or even from his early days in manny’s employment, someone who might be able to recognize that he hasnt aged a day, or someone who’s helping him keep that secret. honestly this could go a million ways and i’m down for all of them
once again i suck at making connections but hit me up if you’re down for any of these or if you’d like to brainstorm !
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Hand in Glove - Chapter 15 | Ben Hardy x OFC
A/N: This took a while but it’s finally here, yay!
Word count: ~3.1K
Warnings: Slight smut, lots of fluff, swearing like a sailor. 
Chapter 1, Chapter 2,  Chapter 3,  Chapter 4,  Chapter 5,  Chapter 6,  Chapter 7,  Chapter 8,  Chapter 9,  Chapter 10,  Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14
“What are you looking at over there?” Ben peeked over Annie’s shoulder at her phone.
“Oh.” Ben rolled back to his spot on the bed, clearly disinterested.
“Clara told me to check it out when I talked about how bored I am,” Annie switched off her screen and put her phone on her bedside table. “All alone at home…” she traced her finger along Ben’s veiny arm. “With nothing to do.”
“Hmm.” Ben glanced sideways at her, a small smirk tugging on the corners of his mouth.
“There’s a lot of really cool stuff on there.” Annie’s voice was dangerously low.
“Yeah?” Ben turned his head to face her, his eyes hooded.
“Mhm.” Annie nodded. “Lots of new things I want to try.”
“Like what?” Ben leaned closer to Annie, his breath ghosting over her face. Toying when the hem of the t-shirt she stole from him, he closed the gap between them, biting on her bottom lip before kissing her.
“That sounds…” Ben started pressing kisses down her neck and stopped. “Did you say knitting?”
“I did.”
“Yeah, you know.” Annie giggled. “Wool, needles. The whole shebang.”
“Um, alright.”
“I just want to make something for her.” Annie shrugged. “Might as well, right?”
“Ben, look at this!” Annie grabbed Ben’s arm to get his attention. “Look!”
“Annie, please,” Ben whined, “I’m absolutely shattered!”
Annie looked at her boyfriend and grimaced. His eyes were bloodshot red, with dark circles under them. He could barely keep them open. His blond, soft hair was sticking up in all directions, and he couldn’t stop yawning.
“I’m sorry…” Annie pouted and let go of his arm.
“Oh, don’t give me that look!” Ben groaned before his mouth opened in a big yawn.
“No, it’s fine. I’m sorry.” Annie put her phone away and laid down.
She rolled over on her side. Ben instinctively cuddled up behind her. With one arm under his pillow and one over Annie, he sighed.
“Did you finish knitting that blanket, yet?” Ben mumbled into her hair, rubbing lazy shapes on her bump.
“No,” Annie whispered back, “it was all crooked. I hated it. I’m making some wall decor now.”
“Annie, it wasn’t crooked!” Ben chuckled. “I mean, not as bad as you think…”
“It was awful!”
“She would love it even if it was nothing but a string.” He pressed a kiss to the back of her neck and felt her take in a shaky breath. “Annie?”
“It’s just -” Annie quickly wiped tears away from her face.
“Oh, no, no…” Ben murmured and laced his fingers with Annie’s. “No tears. Please.”
“I just love you a lot, okay?”
Ben stood in the middle of the kitchen, running his hand through his hair. With closed eyes, he took in a deep breath. He spent the last two minutes trying to figure out where the plates went.
“Did you organise the kitchen?” he hoped his voice sounded nonchalant.
“Yeah!” Annie called from the living room. “Doesn’t it make so much more sense now?”
Ben squeezed his lips between his index finger and his thumb.
“Plus, now I can reach things!”
“Annie,” Ben clenched his fists. “Where are the bloody plates?”
“Second cupboard to the left!”
“No,” Ben could hear his stomach growling, “no, they’re not there.”
“Yes they are.”
“Annabelle Lee.” Ben hissed through clenched teeth. “I’ve been here for much too long and I need food. Where the fuck are my plates?”
“Second bloody cupboard to the bloody left!”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Ben muttered before he raised his voice. “They are not in the second fucking cupboard to the motherfucking left, Annabelle. The second goddamn cupboard is wide open. No plates.”
“First of all!” He could hear Annie approach. “Don’t you use that fucking language when you’re talking to me.”
“Annie, I’m absolutely famished -”
“Second of all, I meant the lower cupboard.” Annie walked around Ben and opened the right cupboard. “Ta-da! Plates!”
“Thank fucking God!”
“Fuck you, too, Ben!”
“Are you upset?”
“Why would I be?” Annie shrugged. “It’s not as if my boyfriend’s potty mouth was directed at me because he can’t control his temper when he’s hungry.”
“As soon as I get some grub in this belly,” Ben waved his spoon around as he spoke, “I’ll make it up to you.”
“What about this one?” Ben pointed, “do you like this one?”
“These prices are absolutely ridiculous!” Annie whisper-screamed at Ben as they trudged along Baby Depot, this time without Joe. “What a rip-off!”
“I thought you liked shopping.”
“I do!” Annie walked around yet another changing table, opening and closing little drawers and compartments, “but this? This is a bloody scam, is what it is!”
“You said it yourself, love.” Ben carefully read the label attached to the changing table, informing himself on all safety features and possible gimmicks included in the product, “baby stuff is expensive.”
“I can build this myself, for crying out loud!” Annie blushed slightly under Ben’s intense gaze. “What?”
“You used a hot glue gun and destroyed four pairs of my socks when you tried to make our daughter a puppet.”
“It was an honest mistake!”
“Four pairs, Annie.”
“It’s a learning curve!” Annie crossed her arms over her chest. “Plus, it’s a bit hard to maneuver around with a bloody watermelon attached to your midriff!”
“You need to stay out of Pinterest.”
“You need to not think you can tell me what to do.” Annie muttered and rolled her eyes.
“But Annie,” Ben patted the changing table, “do you like this one?”
“I think it’s cute and I love it.” Annie muttered.
“That’s all I wanted to know.”
Annie and Ben sat on the floor in their new house, after accepting the baby furniture delivery and having ordered in some lunch. The entire house was empty of furniture and they could hear the echo of their satisfied hums and moans as they bit into their food, smiling sheepishly at each other.
“You sure you want to stay here?” Ben set his now empty container aside and wiped his fingers on a napkin, “it’s okay if you don’t.”
“It’s fine, Ben.” Annie gently pushed Frankie’s head away. “We hardly ever get alone time together. I’d sit and watch paint dry with you.”
“Pregnancy made you soft.” Ben smirked and crawled on his hands and knees over to Annie’s side.
“Did it?”
“Oh, definitely.” Ben propped his knees up and crossed his legs, wrapping his arms around his knees. “I don’t hate it.”
“Duly noted.”
“Come on, I should get started.” Ben hopped up on his feet and helped Annie up.
“I’ll just take Frankie out to the garden and join you.” Annie hastily kissed his chest and walked off, whistling to the pup.
Ben watched her from behind the glass sliding door. A soft gust of wind blew Annie’s hair up and around her, and she shook her head to get it out of the way. Her long, flowy cobalt blue maxi dress billowed around and clung to her legs. She laughed as she watched Frankie trot around, sniffing every leaf and twig she could find. Frankie wagged her tail so hard, her entire body was swinging along with it. Her ears flopped up and down.
As much as he wanted to stay and admire Annie from afar, he wanted to get the furniture assembly out of the way as fast as he could. He walked up the stairs, glancing back over his shoulder.
Annie couldn’t help but wonder whether she will ever stop being endlessly horny. She couldn’t tell if it was a pregnancy side-effect or just Ben’s influence over her. It could very well have been a winning mix of both.
Ben’s biceps flexed as he worked. His jeans rode lower and lower on his hips as he kneeled on the floor. His brows were furrowed as he carefully read the instructions and muttered profanities when they didn’t seem to make any sense. His hair was messy from running his fingers through it. His tight fitting t-shirt clung to his body in all the right places. Annie was bewitched.
“Love, could you pass me that screw?” Ben twirled the screwdriver as if it was one of his drumsticks.
“Hm?” Annie shook her head lightly and blinked.
“Screw.” Ben kept twirling the screwdriver. “I need it.”
“You and I both.” Annie mumbled as she reached over and grabbed the twisty metal, grunting as she heaved herself up. A thought popped up in her head. She bit her bottom lip as she smiled mischievously. “You need a screw, Ben?”
Ben stopped moving altogether at the tone of her voice. The same tone that causes blood to rush from his head to his other head, as Annie so fondly referred to it sometimes. Annie walked around him, bending over slightly as her hand hovered over his. Ben instinctively outstretched his palm open and caught the screw when it fell.
“Thank you.” Ben looked up at Annie as she towered over him. She angled her body so her baby bump won’t get in between them as they stared each other down. “Actually, I might need another one.”
“Yeah?” Annie’s voice was raspy.
She looked at Ben through hooded eyes, her breath catching when his tongue poked out to lick his lips. Ben’s eyes stayed fixed on hers as he tossed the screw and screwdriver aside and snaked his hands under the hem of her dress. His fingers trailed up her legs and thighs, gently scratching and squeezing at her. Ben shuffled closer to Annie on his knees, tilting his head a bit as he sat back on his heels.
He hooked his fingers around the waistband of her panties and slid them down, painfully slow. He could hear Annie scoff impatiently and pressed a lingering kiss over her dress, right under her belly button. When she felt his fingers graze her ankles, she stepped out of her undergarment and followed it with her gaze as it slid aside on the hardwood floor.
Ben hiked her dress up with one hand and worked his way up the inside of her legs with the other, leaving trails of goosebumps as he climbed further up. Just when Annie reached down to lace her fingers through his hair, he ducked his head under the bunched up fabric and let it fall on his back. Gently nibbling at her thighs, he pushed her legs a little further apart, making room for himself.
Annie could feel his warm breath on her skin and shivered. She looked around her for something to hold on to but the walls were too far behind her and to the side, and the crib was definitely not stable yet. A light panic washed over her before she felt Ben’s tongue on her. With a loud gasp, she almost lunged forward as her knees buckled, but Ben quickly reached a hand up for her to grab and wrapped his arm around her, giving her butt a reassuring squeeze.
“Ben.” Ben’s lips and tongue worked her as if it was his life’s mission. Every gasp, every moan, every spasm of Annie’s thighs egged him on, making his cock impossibly harder. “Ben.”
“Mm?” he hummed, his lips sucking at her clit.
“Are you going to get that screw or not?”
The Google alerts were going off like cannonfire. It seemed like every few minutes, another article came out. Annie rushed up the stairs, Frankie close at her heels, holding her dress up to avoid face-planting before she reached the nursery, where Ben worked on the last piece of furniture.
“What the fuck?” Annie barked, out of breath, clutching the door frame. “What the fuck?”
“Are we hearing wedding bells?” Annie read the headline aloud. “Hardy and Lee - tying the knot?” Annie snarled at the words.
“So what?”
“So what?!”
“Yeah, so fucking what?” Ben shrugged as he continued working. “Annie, you’re practically my wife already. Let them have their fun.”
“I’m practically your wife?”
“Well, I mean -”
“I have to pee.” Annie’s anger seemed to vanish at the blink of an eye. “You’re just about done, yeah?”
“Almost, yeah.” Ben nodded and finally looked at his girlfriend. “Shouldn’t be longer than a few more minutes and then we’ll head home.”
Ben’s roar woke Annie from her nap on the sofa. She rubbed her face groggily and rolled off, stretching as she walked over to the bedroom. Her eyes widened at the unexpected sight in front of her. Ben stood, stark naked, in the middle of the bedroom, seething.
“You rang?” Annie giggled.
“Where the fucking hell are my pants?” Ben hissed, his hands firmly planted on his hips, giving her a full frontal view of his godlike body. Her eyes darted down to his crotch and a cheeky smirk tugged at her lips. “Don’t you even dare, you little minx!”
“Don’t wave it in my face then!”
“Annie, focus.” He marched up to her and pushed her chin up with his fingers, forcing her to look him in the eyes. “Pants.”
“I checked the dresser.” Ben let her chin go. “It’s not there.”
“Didn’t you listen to anything I said?” Annie rolled her eyes and stomped over to the dresser. “I explained it all last night.”
“After a 14 hour long workday?” Ben raised an eyebrow. “Forgive me, it must have slipped my mind.”
“You said you got it!”
“I lied!” Ben shrugged. “T’was the only way to get you to let me get some fucking sleep!”
“Oh, sod off!” Annie rolled her eyes and pulled a drawer open, balling up Ben’s favorite grey sweatpants. She walked up to him, shoving them against his chest. “There.”
“Can I ask you something?” Ben handed Annie some more bubble wrap before celo-taping another cardboard box shut.
“Of course.”
“Will you ever want to marry me?” Ben asked, biting the inside of his cheek as he waited for an answer.
“For fuck’s sake.” Annie muttered and dropped the roll of bubble wrap. “You promised not to do this.”
“I’m not.”
“You just used will, you, marry and me in the same bloody sentence, you absolute twat!”
“I wasn’t proposing, Annie.” Ben’s eyebrows furrowed. “Why is it such a horrible thing, though?”
“Annie, we bought a house. We’re about to have a baby.” Ben’s eyes followed her as she walked out of the kitchen. “Oh, great. Go ahead, run off.”
“I am not your wife.” Annie froze in her tracks. “You are not my husband.”
“Would it really be so bad if I was?”
“Why are you doing this?” Annie turned around. “What are you trying to get, here?”
“Answers!” Ben raised his voice in frustration. “Where are we going, Annie?”
“Where are we going?” Ben crossed his arms. “Where is this going?”
“You said it yourself.” Annie shrugged. “We bought a house. We’re about to have a baby.”
“What difference would marriage make, then?”
“Ben, don’t.”
“No, I need to know.” Ben’s entire demeanor hardened. “What’s got you so terrified that the mere mention of the word is so unbearable to you?”
“I already told you.”
“I’m not your asshole dad.” Ben’s body softened. “I’ll never hurt you. Or our child. Children.” He walked over to her, slowly. “I will never. Not all marriages are like that.”
“It’s not just about him.”
“What, then?”
“I’m not doing this.” Annie pursed her lips and turned.
Annie stood in front of her wardrobe. She decided it was best to keep away from Ben and went about packing her clothes while he finished packing up the kitchen. She pulled a hanger off the rail and stared at the long, black dress. Lost in thought, she stood there, clutching the dress.
“Are you hungry?” She heard Ben asked, but didn’t turn around. Or acknowledge his presence in any way. Her eyes were stuck on that dress. “Look, I know you’re upset with me bringing up the M word but this is just immature.” Ben walked up behind her, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Seriously.”
“Jesus!” Annie hissed, startled.
“Oh, sorry!” Ben giggled. “What you got there?”
“It’s just this dress.” Annie turned around, still holding up the hanger. Ben reached over and held the dress by the sides, letting it slide in his grip. He smiled when he saw the deep slits on each side.
“Haven’t seen this one in a while.”
“Do you recognize it?”
“It’s what you wore when we first met.” Ben smiled, his eyes flickering from the dress to his girlfriend. “You looked so bloody good in this.”
“I’m genuinely impressed!” Annie chuckled.
“It’s one of my favorite memories.” Ben bit his bottom lip. “Seeing your legs fly out the sides and around Gwil. All I could think about was that I wanted you to wrap yourself around me like that.”
“I was so bloody jealous of Gwil.” Ben sat on the edge of the bed. “I mean, until he said you were his cousin. Then I was just relieved. And pleasantly surprised.”
“Why were you surprised?”
“When he told us about you, he never mentioned what you looked like.” Ben patted the mattress next to him, inviting Annie to sit with him. “Don’t get me wrong, Gwilym is very handsome, so it was a given that you would be good looking. But then?” Ben took the hanger from Annie and set it aside, “you took my breath away. You still do.”
“God, that’s so cheesy.”
“Doesn’t make it any less true.” Ben shrugged. “You didn’t even have to say anything. You already had me just by looking at me. Looking like that.”
“Please,” Annie rolled her eyes, “you weren’t in love with me.”
“Oh, no.” Ben’s eyes seemed to darken with lust. “I was drunk and horny and you were the most beautiful, fittest bird I’d ever seen. I had a raging boner the rest of the night.”
“So romantic!”
“Annie,” Ben gulped, hesitantly, “I know why you hate the idea of marriage, and believe me, I’m not a fan of weddings myself -”
“I know.”
“But I like the idea of knowing that there’s something that binds us together, you know?” he laced his fingers with hers.
“Creating an actual human isn’t binding enough?”
“It is,” Ben chuckled, “but it isn’t. I need the symbolism. I don’t know how else to explain it.”
“I’m not asking anything. I’m just letting you know.”
“Okay.” Annie sighed. “Now I know.”
“Think of all the Pinterest ideas!” Ben mumbled and laughed when Annie smacked the back of his head playfully.
“Oh, fuck me!” Annie groaned suddenly.
“Don’t mind if I do!” Ben bit his bottom lip and leaned in to kiss her neck.
“No, you wanker!” Annie gently pushed him. “I just realized something.”
“What’s that?”
“I met the love of my life, whom I’m having a baby with but will probably never marry, at a bloody wedding.”
“The irony.” Ben snorted. “Wait, probably?”
TAGLIST: @ramibaby @xgoingdownx @clara-who @violetpond @sweeterthancheese @drummerqueenrmt @westansstuff @rogerinamainbitch @justgivemethekeys  @blondecarfucker @cheeseedreams47 @rogerspoison @deacy-dearest @pinkmarvel @onceuponadetectivedemigod @darcyshire
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vindictivegrace · 7 years
Bathing Suit
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Notes: Established relationship, one-shot, no smut (it’s implied), pool parties, low self-esteem, shopping, Reader hates shopping, Bucky is a supportive boyfriend, based on real events
Summary: Bucky tries inviting the you, his girlfriend, to a cookout and a pool party the Avengers are hosting at the compound, but you decline because you don’t have a bathing suit. You haven’t owned one in years, actually. Bucky takes you out shopping for one, and the whole day you come up empty-handed and upset. That is, until you find the bathing suit that changes everything.
A/N: So I bought a bathing suit for the first time in YEARS this weekend. Saturday seriously sucked for me. In the middle of my drudgery of trying to find a suit that actually looked decent, I came up with this idea for a fic. I hope you like it! Let me know if you did, and enjoy! ^_^
“Oh c’mon Y/N, I’m sure you’ll find something you like in no time.”
“That’s easy for you to say, Bucky. You were in and out of store like that!” you snapped your fingers on your last word to emphasize how quick Bucky got his new bathing suit. It was true, though. You and Bucky were literally in and out of Target in 15 minutes, and within that time he managed to find a pair of swimming trunks that of course made him look ridiculously hot, and all just for $20, too.
You on the other hand weren’t so lucky. It took you ages to find anything that you thought looked all right to you, and bathing suits were the worst offenders. Your bad luck with bathing suits had gotten to you so much, you quit trying to find one ages ago. In fact, it had been five years since you’ve owned a bathing suit. Maybe longer, you thought to yourself. It’s been so long you actually forgot exactly when you quit. But today’s shopping excursion reminded you of why you quit in the first place.
It was Bucky’s idea to take you out shopping. Last weekend, the entire Avengers team decided to have a cookout and a pool party. It was something they hardly had the time to do since they were too busy with missions, training, and other Avenger specific obligations. Each team member was allowed to invite a few friends, and of course Bucky invited you, his girlfriend. He was shocked and confused when you declined. You were always up for visiting at the compound, so why were you refusing now? When he asked, you gave him a simple reason.
“I don’t have a bathing suit, and I’m not going through the trouble to buy one.” “What? That’s a lousy excuse, Y/N, and you know it! Please come over. Please? I’m sure Nat will let you borrow one of hers.” You laughed so hard at that suggestion. Natasha could be a supermodel if she wanted to be. There was no way you could wear one of her bikinis.
Bucky sighed at your condescending laugh. “Okay, fine. I take it that was a bad idea. But you need to get a bathing suit, Y/N. Let me take you out shopping for one. I don’t want to leave you behind each time we hang out by the pool because you don’t have one.”
You tried to explain to Bucky why you didn’t have one, or rather, why you refused to own one, but he wouldn’t have it. When he heard it had been five years since you had one, maybe longer, his mind was made up. He was taking you out shopping next Saturday. No excuses.
So here the two of you were. Store after store, Bucky kindly held your purse and waited as you tore through the racks trying to find something that would at least look semi decent on you. But you left each store empty handed and more worn down and upset than before.
You and Bucky had been out all day long. He could tell you were extremely frustrated and on the verge of tears. What you thought he didn’t know was you had already cried a couple times in the bathroom. What you didn’t know was he already knew you had cried twice and that you were trying hard to hide it. Separately, you two knew this would be the last store you would try out today. You had enough. The last thing Bucky wanted to do is make you feel miserable. The last thing you wanted to do was make him chauffeur you around town and witness your misery.
You walked in to the store and automatically handed Bucky your purse, which he swung over his shoulder without hesitation.
“Hi there, and welcome to Orchid! Today we have a ‘Buy One, Get One 50% Off’ sale storewide and you can take an extra—”
You grunted and walked right past the store associate without any acknowledgement. You weren’t interested in anything she had to say. You weren’t interested in jack shit anymore. You were done with everything. Bucky sheepishly greeted the associate on your behalf. You could tell he was apologizing for your demeanor without actually saying the words “I’m sorry.” He was a good boyfriend like that, and in that moment you thought you were too much of a bitch to deserve a guy like him.
Just then you could feel the familiar sting in your eyes creep back, so you hid your face among the racks of bathing suit separates in the back of the store while you tried desperately to blink back your impending tears. Bucky made his way over to the collection of large cushiony ottomans pushed together near the bathing suits. He sat quietly, carefully sighing so you couldn’t hear it and incorrectly suspect he was getting annoyed with your antics. He only wanted you to be happy, but he knew by this point the best thing to do is give you space and let you figure out what you wanted. He wondered if he made a mistake insisting you get a bathing suit. He ran his metal hand through his long dark brown hair and quietly sighed again. He was tired from being out all day, too.
Finally you picked up only two separates to make a complete bathing suit. You were only trying one outfit since nothing else really inspired you at the store. You were burnt out and fed up with it all.
You found another store associate hanging out near the fitting rooms and asked her to give you a room. Inside, you unceremoniously disrobed except for your panties and put the bathing suit on.
You paused when you saw yourself in the mirror. 
“Wow…” Your eyes widened your own reflection. “Not bad,” you whispered to yourself. You were reluctant to admit it. You found it weird to let go of the internal dialogue you were so used to playing back to yourself about how nothing you wore ever looked good and that bathing suits were completely off limits. But for the first time in years, you actually felt good in the bathing suit you were wearing. Really good, actually. You looked really good, too. You couldn’t stop staring at yourself. How was this possible? You kept turning around and around to catch a view of yourself from every angle. You couldn’t find a side you hated to see. You were trying to hold back a smile. You couldn’t get too excited just yet. You needed a second opinion.
“Bucky?” You called out when you poked your head out the door to your fitting room. “Can you, uh…come here and give me your honest opinion about this?”
“Of course, babe. I’ll be right over.” You could hear him getting up on his feet and walking by.
“N-now be honest. Seriously. Don’t hold back. I need to know if this looks good or not.” You slipped out the door timidly and stood in front of Bucky.
“Don’t be so nervous, Y/N, I’m sure you look—WHOA.”
 Bucky was frozen in the hallway staring at you, cheeks flushed, mouth agape, and eyes wide open in shock.
Your bikini top rounded out your breasts into perfect globes threatening to overflow the cups. They were pushed together and sitting on the shelf formed by the underwire, creating a deep cleavage that plunged behind a row of crisscrossed straps connecting the cups together. Your top kept you secured while giving the illusion that you might pop out at any moment.
Your high waist bikini bottom cinched your waist just enough to continue the hour-glass semblance started by your top. The bottom flanked the swell of your hips with high cut panels of mesh, which were overlaid with a crisscross of solid straps matching the straps from your top. The solid material in the middle was cut in an inverted triangle from the waistline to the middle of your legs, forcing the eyes of any onlooker to follow the path downward, including Bucky’s. When you spun around to give him a view of your backside, he was treated to the perfect amount of your large cheeks peeking out the sides of more mesh and a solid panel running up the middle to keep your butt modest for public viewing.
The whole outfit was colored with pattern of floral designs, birds, bees, and all things summery, while black was used for the mesh and to accent the brightness throughout.
A sound escaped Bucky’s slack jawed mouth. You knew that look. That’s the look you always gave him when he wore something insanely sexy. Bucky thought you looked so good, you left him speechless. Your confidence flew through the roof and you finally allowed your built up excitement to rush through you. You were sold—you were definitely going to buy this bathing suit now.
The fitting room associate walked by and stopped when she saw you, too. “Whoa…girl, you look FINE,” the associate interjected. You looked back at Bucky who vigorously nodded in agreement. You grinned ecstatically and hurried into the fitting room to change back to your normal clothes.
When you exited, lucky bathing suit in hand, you hooked your free arm around Bucky’s and led him to the front store to pay. He was still flushed and unable to speak, so you did the talking for the both of you. You didn’t flinch when you saw the total price (a LOT, by the way). You happily handed over your debit card and silently swore yourself to a month of rice, eggs, and beans to make up for it.
After paying, you took the keys to Bucky’s car and opted to drive the two of you back to your apartment. You palmed the steering wheel one-handed and interlaced your right hand into Bucky’s metal one. You hummed aimlessly during the ride home, truly satisfied with today’s outcome. Once you arrived, you shifted the car into park and let the engine idle. You looked over to Bucky in the passenger seat and smiled warmly.
“Thanks again for taking me shopping today, Bucky,” you began. “I, uh…. Let me know when you and the rest of the gang are having another party. I would love to come over.” You leaned over and gave Bucky a small peck on the cheek before exiting the car and heading for the apartment complex’s front door.
After you disappeared through the front door, Bucky got out of the passenger side of his car to switch over to the driver’s side. He got in, strapped on his seat belt, and just sat there, debating with himself. “Yeah, I gotta get up there,” he exhaled. He drove around the corner of the building, parked the car, and rushed to the front door to hit your buzzer. Your voice crackled in the speaker, “Hello?” “Y/N, it’s me. Let me up?”
“Uh, yeah sure, hold on.” You sounded a little confused. Understandably so; you had just said goodbye to him a few minutes ago. Just then, an idea popped up in your mind. You were going to give Bucky the thanks he truly deserved. 
A loud buzz and a heavy clink signaled Bucky’s permission to open the door. He bounded the steps two at a time. Of course you lived on the top floor where it was the hottest during the summers, and of course your complex didn’t have a functioning elevator. But leaping up a few flights of stairs was no challenge for Bucky, especially when he had you front and center on his mind.
He knocked frantically when he reached your door. 
“Hold on, Buck!” you called out through the heavy door.
After a few minutes, he heard something clacking against the floor and growing louder as it approached the front door. The door swung open, and there you were in your new jaw-dropping bathing suit and a pair of black high heels to finish the look. You stood there confidently, seductively, letting Bucky take in all your delicious curves the suit accentuated so well.
“Did you forget something?” you feigned innocence.
“Ooooh yeah,” Bucky growled. He surged forward to devour your lips with his own, pushing the door shut behind him with his foot. When he pulled away from the fervent kiss, he led you straight to your bedroom.
The bathing suit truly became yours then, having been christened between you and Bucky making love all night.
A few weeks later, Bucky followed through and invited you over to another get together at the Avengers compound. Bucky was on the patio helping Steve man the quadruple-wide grill. The two were deep in their own conversation while the party carried on around the patio, the deck, and in the pool.
“I’m telling you, Stevie, it’s crazy. I can’t even control myself when I think about it.” Steve flipped a burger patty, causing it to sizzle aggressively. “Yeah, I can tell, bud. Try not to pop a boner in front of all of us, okay? It ain’t that kind of party.” “Har har har. Whatever, Stevie.” Bucky used a pair of tongs to flip over some hot dogs. They were charring perfect diagonal lines on each side. “I bet you’ll be telling yourself that when you see her. I’m serious. She always looks gorgeous, but when she’s in that suit she looks like a total knockout!” “Who looks like a total knockout, Bucky?”
Steve and Bucky turned around to see you standing right behind them. You unbuttoned and shrugged off your cardigan styled cover up and tossed it on a nearby table, showing off what a ‘knockout’ you really were in the bathing suit.
Steve was wide eyed. He swallowed and blinked rapidly, then tried to speak, but quickly realized he couldn’t, so he let his mouth hang open while his eyes automatically roamed up and down every part of your body, trying to take in as much of you as possible. It was like his mind couldn’t decide where to settle his gaze. Every inch of you was the best view he’d seen.
You giggled and spun yourself around like you were on display. “You like what you see, Steve?” Steve could only give you a tiny nod. Oh yeah, he was definitely on board with the new bathing suit, too.
Bucky was grinning wildly. He dangled the tongs on a hook on the side of the grill and approached you eagerly. He hugged you tightly against his body, causing your pushed up breasts to bulge up further. The image was ridiculously salacious for such an innocent gesture. A tiny hitched sound escaped Steve’s open mouth, causing Bucky to look over at him and smirk knowingly.
“Hey now, Stevie. Cool your jets—it ain’t that kind of party, remember?”
My Masterlist My AO3
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