#for the other character AND because i know they're about to massacre my boy in the writing
martyrbat · 6 months
you heard of the bechdel test but now get ready for the BATchel test—where i attempt to read a comic without a baman character randomly being mentioned or appearing
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kaiju-krew · 2 months
So I know this is like, a month late (forgot to ask when you posted the pic lol), but what's up with Labra? He got like a backstory, lore, or something like that? I'm curious and wanna know more abt him.
drew him again :3c
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UHMMM yes i am lore building for him........ i haven't decided everything yet but i know i want him to be a distant cousin species of goji's. everyone's fangoji lore is different but i def imagine him as a part of my personal monsterverse au rather than existing in his own world with no friends haha loser
putting a cut here so i dont spam people's feeds lmao
likeeee for comparison it's probably similar to Crocodylia encompassing crocodiles, alligators, and gharials?? labra is in a similar niche to zilla for me. goji is the largest/apex species of the gojiran order, whereas zilla & labra are smaller and occupy a different niche. Big bruiser lion vs. carcal or lynx type thing.
my hc is that the vast majority of labra's species (pre-mutation art is what they looked like) was wiped out when ghido got into hollow earth. which is also the same time he wiped out most of the divine moths and a couple other species :''(
it ended with ghido iced but it fucked up the hollow earth ecosystem for a while and led to a lot more radiation leakage since he tore the place up real bad. labra was Almost Dead and ended up hibernating to recover by a radiation vent, but he'd laid down in feldspar vein that kinda grew to cover him and turned to labradorite and idk magic radiation nonsense it fused with him and caused him to grow/mutate.
the ghido massacre also caused battra to hibernate/mutate too so it's a Big Event in my silly au world. most of the kaiju that are clearly a result of mutation fuckery (biollante, kessho too) may be related to it as well but i haven't fully fleshed it out yet. it would mostly be based around goji's hyper-regeneration doing the thing where like.. if a big enough chunk of him gets lobbed off and has access to energy it mutates and tries to regenerate and causes a fucked up clone siblings thing idk omg ok i'm in tangent city good god sorry i was supposed to be talking about my gay son
ANYWAYSSSSSS for more general hc/character stuff: >labra is genuinely terrified of ghido and even gets freaked out when he hears wing beats without warning. (mosu beats rodan's ass bcuz he divebombs labra for fun sometimes) >he lives on monster island and ventures down to hollow earth sometimes, but he won't return to his old home because it just reminds him everyone else of his species is gone. (he isn't even his own species anymore bcuz of the mutation. so they're basically extinct.) >he loves swimming and sometimes just lays in the shallows to absorb sunlight. stretches out like a lazy ass cat. cat boy behaviour >he's loyal to goji and doesn't start shit with humans unless they attack first. even then he does his best to steer clear. >mothra likes his dorsal plates and talks with him sometimes (Moth Therapy) they can bond over ghido hating it's a good time >he has a mutually bitch-bother dynamic with rodan where rodan bothers the shit outta him until he manages to grab that turkey and idk sits on him or something. but if rodan really pisses him off he doesn't mind actually throwing hands because he knows goji won't care if he puts the bird in it's place. >he also likes angy, zilla, and bio a lot too.
there's more but i'll stop there for nowwwww
tldr: big gay lizard is traumatized but doing ok ig
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Scream Queen Book 1: Conventional Final Girl
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Stu Macher x Reader x Billy Loomis
Okay so basically let's just cut to the chase, the main character "(y/n)" is Sidney Prescott's little stepsister, yeah? Well, what happens when she takes Sid's place as the final girl? A whole lot. Disclaimer: All rights reserved to the copy righted owners of the Scream franchise. The only creative input I had in this fan fiction was the part of (y/n), almost everything else can be found in the movie. Follows the movie very closely. I mean the actual movie, not the script. Obviously switching out some parts to fit the narrative. It takes a couple of chapters to really get it kicking but I promise it gets good. *NO SMUT* these are still high school students and I do not want to overtly sexualize KIDS! And if you make the argument of "I'm not a kid" I'm 18 been there, done that, don't try it.
  "Hello, who is it?" I asked into the large telephone. 
"No one in particular..." Sounds like another one of the boys' prank calls.
"Okay Mr. No one in particular, any reason for the call?" 
"No reason in particular, just wanted to talk." 
"Hmm okay then talk," I said as I swiveled around in my chair.
"What's your favorite scary movie?" The raspy but oddly pitched voice asked. 
"Oh I've got plenty but you might want to sit down, it'll take a while." 
"I've got time." 
"Ya know, stuff like Halloween, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw. Then there's creature features like The Thing. B-horror like Slumber Part Massacre or Sleepaway Camp." I finally finish my rambling when I hear my step sister and her boyfriend in the other room. 
"Do you really like scary movies?" 
"Oh yeah definitely but I think it's mainly because of my step sister's friends?" 
"Oh yeah?" 
"Yeah, I mean I always liked horror but they really got me into it. Especially our friends Randy, Billy and Stu, they're crazy about that stuff!" I said as I flopped down onto my bed. 
"What's a pretty girl like you doing with all those guys?" 
"They're not a lot of guys, if anything it equals out our group," I said, completely avoiding the whole 'pretty girl' thing... that was kind of weird. 
Hearing a knock at my door completely startled me. 
"Oh um hey I have to go but feel free to call me back anytime," I whisper into the phone quickly placing it back on the body. 
It was obvious the person on the line was saying something before I hung up but I didn't bother to listen 
  In popped Neil's head from the other side of the door. "Hey kiddo who ya talking to?" He said as he looked around. "Hm? Oh no one, what's up Neil?" I asked, now back in my desk chair. Neil was a good guy, I'm glad he and my mom started dating, they actually just got engaged! I think I was more excited about it than my step sister, Sindey, she's still grieving. "Just got done talking to your sister, I'm going to hit the sack, remember I'm not back until sunday. Cash on the table and call if you need anything," He said waiting for me to say something. "Alright got it Neil, have fun at the expo!" I waved him off before he closed the door. 
  My mom and I didn't move to Woodsoro until she really started dating Neil. It's always just been her and I for as long as I can remember, but it feels good to be part of a complete family again. I missed our old home at first with all my friends and family but Sid quickly took me under her wing. I met all of her friends including Stu, Tatum, Randy and Sid's boyfriend Billy. I'll admit it was weird at first because they just saw me as the little step sister but once Randy and I went on a ranting debate about which was the real pioneer of Slasher; Texas Chainsaw or Black Christmas, it got a lot easier. Even though Stu and Billy were pretty cute I'll never be used to Stu's wild energy, nor Billy's slightly shady behavior.
  The next morning didn't go quite as expected... There were reporters, cameras, and news vans posted up all around school. Sid and I were freaked the moment we got off the bus. She was looking around bewildered by everything going on until we spotted one woman in particular, Gale Weathers. To say the least, Weathers was a total bitch towards Sid's mom's name. 
"Can you believe this shit?!" We heard a voice pop up from behind us. Sid totally jumped. 
"Tatum, what is going on?" Sidney asks, waving her arm out to the school. 
"Yeah, since when was Woodsboro flooded with reporters?" I looked over at Tatum, crossing my arms over my chest. 
"You don't know?" Tatum asked both of us, a hint of amusement on her face.
"No," Sid and I said in unison, still confused. 
"Casey Becker and Steve Orth were killed last night," She said with a harsh but light tone just above a whisper. 
"What?! No way!" Sid softly exclaimed. 
I was too shocked to say a single word so I just listened. 
"And we're not just talking killed, we're talking splatter movie killed. Ripped open, from end to end," Tatum talked about it with entertaining ease, like it was just gossip. 
I think I'm going to be sick. 
"Casey Becker, she sits next to me in English," Sid said looking over at her best friend. 
I think you mean sat, Sid. I thought. 
"Not anymore," Said Tatum with a wobble of her head. 
She went on saying, "It's so sad, her mom and dad found her hanging from a tree. Her insides on the outside." Shoving her hands near her stomach. 
"Oh my god," Sid said as she reached for the back of her neck, probably to feel the goosebumps that appeared. 
"Do they know who did it?" I finally asked, feeling the urge to know. 
The two looked over at me with Tatum saying, "Fucking clueless, I mean they're interogating the entire school? Teacher, students, janitors." 
"They think someone at school did it?" Sid asked
"They don't know, I mean Dewy was saying this is the worst crime he's seen in years. Even worse than-" Tatum paused when I nudged her side, "Well, it's bad." She finished. 
The bell signaling the start of the first period rang.
"C'mon Sid, we gotta get to class..." I said as I lightly grabbed her hand, giving it a slight reassuring squeeze. 
"Yeah, alright..." She responded, removing her hand from mine. She's just going through a lot right now. 
  Sitting through the first period is weird when you have a seat that was right behind a dead person. Not Casey Becker but Steve Orth. He'd ask me for a pencil or notes every day because he forgot his. Claimed it was because of football practice. Soon enough the five minute bell for next class rang. A class that didn't have any dead students.
  Walking to my locker to rotate my books I was blocked by none other than Stu Macher. 
"Hey, (y/n)," He drawled out my name with a big smile, "Whatcha up to?" 
"Getting my books Stu, same thing you should be doing." 
"C'mon, you're not still upset with me, are you?" He asked with a fake pout 
"Yeah actually I am Stu!" I shouted in a whisper 
"I couldn't help myself, I mean look at you?" He said as he squished my face. 
Swatting his hand away I said, "That's no excuse!" 
"You can be such a prude," he said as he leaned his head on my locker. 
"No, it's called being a good friend with a balanced moral compass that can see when her friend's boyfriend is about to cheat with her." I huffed as I slammed my locker door. 
"C'mon, (y/n)! You can't stay pissed forever! You'll come around eventually!" Stu shouted after me. 
"Like hell I will!" I shouted back. No matter how abundantly clear my feelings for him are, I would never do that behind Tatum's back.
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bluecatwriter · 3 months
So I watched a tv movie called Bram Stoker's Van Helsing (2021) that's only about the London Lucy segment of the story and… you know how no one (despite Van Helsing's fear) is seething with jealousy over Lucy? well, it's a love triangle now because they wanted to make it more interesting. Arthur and Jack keep headbutting for dominance and Arthur is so jealous that he's the one who throws the garlic away at night, for Jack to not be the one who becomes the hero in Lucy's eyes.
Putting this on the pile of Dracula stuff that includes Arthur, but completely changes him to "fix how boring he is"... (see also Anno Dracula (allies with Dracula, becomes a serial murderer all because the Newman loathed Arthur in the book), The Athena Club series (allies with a demon to become a fascist ruler), Dracula 2006 (huge rich jerk, invites Dracula to fix his syphilis), Dracula 2020 (loves to publicly humiliate Jack, horrible person)
Every day I learn about a new adaptation in which my boy is massacred... :'( Bless you for watching so I don't have to.
Turning the Suitor Squad into a love triangle (square?) is just lazy writing, period. Ohhh, multiple guys are interested in one girl and they're jealous and fight over her?? HOW ORIGINAL. *eye roll* It's such a cliché that there is NO excuse for using it, and triply so when the source material doesn't have it in the first place! Arthur throwing the garlic away because of some male ego thing makes me want to smash a chair through my dining room window.
It's honestly discouraging how little imagination adapters seem to have. All right, adapter guy, so you think Arthur Holmwood is boring... it's not a completely unreasonable statement. But look— look at the actual source material and see what's buried there! Just off the top of my head...
-Being someone who cries so openly and on so many different people is a huge character trait. Show how he's defying Victorian masculine norms by freely expressing emotion (or how he's conforming to the stereotype of Sighing Lover) and do something with that.
-What kind of person travels literally all the way around the world, having tons of wild and wacky adventures, and yet never tells any stories about it? What is his motivation for not trying to impress his girlfriend with tales of running from wolves or crashing a ship in Polynesia? What does this say about the way he experiences life?
-The story is ripe with little hints about how incredibly close he is to both Quincey and Jack. If adapters weren't so homophobic, they could explore all sorts of possibilities there.
-He likes dogs! That's a whole character trait!
-All right, adapter doesn't want to engage with any of that and is set on making him evil? Okay, then, make him evil in a way that fits the source material. Once again, making him jealous of other men or a philandering spoiled lordling are super-cliché. How about thinking about what could make him actually go off the rails? Is he haunted by how obedient he was in killing Lucy, even when he didn't know exactly what was going on? Does he carry a grudge against Van Helsing for making him into a killer? Do we take the text at face value that when he set his mind to it, he was ruthlessly effective in ending Lucy's undead life— does he get addicted to that feeling, does he get righteously caught up in vampire hunting (or just murder) because he can't bear the thought that he could've been wrong?
People making adaptations don't have to follow canon, of course, but it seems reasonable for the decisions to be rooted in canon, for readers/viewers to be able to draw a line from point A to point B. At the very least, there's no excuse to fall back on tiresome tropes.
Thanks for giving me the chance to rant about this. :D
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ankahikoibaat · 4 months
okay. OKAY.
so yesterday i fell into people's 'dick grayson' tags - i say as if i wasn't purposefully doing that - and now i have Thoughts on the writing of the current Nightwing run. someone described it as 'Bruce: Year One' instead of Nightwing, and look - look, I agree, because they massacred my boy!
Nightwing as a character has been doing this for almost two decades so why is he having to learn things from other characters who have been doing this for a shorter amount of time? he's the Original, the Standard - you're telling me this man wouldn't have contingencies on contingencies? this is a character that's gone head to head against Deathstroke multiple times, handled his own city and lead teams and you're telling me, what, he needs his hand held and other people to make the plans?
having to nerf a character's capabilities and intelligence in order to make others look good in their own series is proof that the writers a) don't know the character and b) don't care for them. Nightwing's been nerfed so fucking hard and it frustrates me so much because he's done it all. in one comic you tell me he's a multiuniversal constant, he's the hero everyone knows they can call, and in his own series he? needs Babs or the Titans to take the reins? what the fuck?
way I'll accept the downplaying of his intelligence and his capabilities is if there's an outside influence slowly affecting him - its been so slow that the people that would notice (the Titans, who actually care about him and not just what he can do for them) haven't because they're not around as much, meanwhile the Batfam just starts believing they're outpacing him. maybe this is a demon that took the chance to attack him after he, you know, died. or after he was shot in the head and lost his memories. maybe it's an aftereffect of said headshot.
maybe it's a misgotten wish by someone else who is jealous of him or - or - something. because this guy they're trying to tell me is happy go lucky, can't cook, can't take care of himself? that's not Dick Grayson. we have YEARS of comics saying otherwise about him so like, fuck you current comic writers.
spitefic where it's only when he almost dies/whatever's affecting him almost sucks his lifeforce right out that someone realises it. spitefic where Dick finally gets to react to the way no one cares about him only what he can do for them, only what they can take from him - Dick reacting to being himself again and seeing that barely anyone noticed he was different and finally, finally putting himself fucking first. he's still Nightwing, he'll still show up for others, but he's not going to carve away pieces of himself trying to be who everyone demands him to be, who everyone casts aside and blames when things go wrong or he makes a mistake. spitefic where everyone realises they fucked up but it's too late and they see that while Dick's everyone's safety net, he's got maybe one or two people he believes he can count on (and it's not who anyone thinks).
(i will say the art for the comics and WFA are really good, i just wish the characterisation of Dick wasn't 'himbo who bears the emotional weight of the Batfam and occasionally fights i guess'.)
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thekatebridgerton · 8 months
A note on fictional emotional cheating
First of all I want to start this post by saying that I am not the morality police, I am not judging anyone for what they consume, except myself, I'm judging myself just a little bit.
But I did want to talk about something that has made me increasingly uncomfortable lately. I was going to say something about the romanization of emotional cheating in media and how Netflix shows aimed at the kind of demographic that they think would watch things like the After series, the to all the boys series and most recently the 'my life with the Walter boys' series, is so filled with emotional cheating, they might as well have a entire category for it. because the whole boner Netflix seems to have for love triangles usually involve the main characters being emotionally unfaithful to people they have made a serious comitment to, at the very least.
And then I realized writing about that in this particular blog would make me a hypocrite. Because the whole jealousy trope that I love so much, 80% of the time hinges on whichever main character I'm fixated on, dating someone else to make their true love jealous.
Did it make me uncomfortable to see Daphne emotionally cheat on prince Friedrich, literally 5 minutes after receiving a token of his commitment to their courtship?. (girl was kissing another guy right after accepting his suit) yeah it kinda did. Did I get super mad at Anthony for basically dating Edwina, while he was pining for Kate the whole time. Yup, I was mad at him. You all know that if it had been Simon who put those diamonds in Daphne's neck and she was kissing some other guy ten minutes later, we would be up in arms. Same as if it had been Kate who Anthony had been courting for the whole season only to find out he's secretly wanted her sister all along. We would be massacring them. But since the emotional cheating didn't happen between the two main characters, it's sort of permissible?
Like, I'm having the uncomfortable realization that not only are my favorite characters not good people, the show basically says Daphne and Anthony are allowed to cheat on people they have made a commitment to, and nobody has called them out on it. Furthermore, it seems to be an acceptable pattern for Shonda and Netflix at large. I mean, we could go trough all the Netflix library of Romance genre, and find at least one instance where the main characters emotionally cheat on other people because they're just so in love with each other.
Which makes me uncomfortable about season 3. Because I want Colin to grovel and I want Colin to be jealous, but I don't want Colin to make Penelope cheat on someone she's made a courtship promise to, just because he's horny. So how can you have a successful jealousy trope without emotional cheating? the most logical answer would be to have every character be single and flirting with each other but not outright in a formal commitment right? but then... where is the drama? where is the spice. If our main characters are not doing morally questionable things for love.
Maybe it's because I'm growing older, maybe it's because I'm currently in a committed relationship myself, that emotional cheating in fiction has become a little bit more apparent to me. And I seriously want to know what is up with Netflix not being able to conceive a love triangle where emotional cheating isn't a main plot point.
but that's the tea
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
Honestly, after watching the trailer, I feel... Empty, I mean, I didn't expect anything and still they manage to disappoint me.
I made a list about it:
Why is everything so... Red and purple? It hurts my eyes, everything is too detailed, I don't know where to look, and the characters almost blend perfectly with the background.
The VA's... I don't want to disrespect them, but they sound like they're trying to imitate the Pilot Cast instead of giving their own interpretation of the characters.
I miss Alastor's radio voice filter, it sounded good and made him more unique, but now he doesn't have any substance, and why is he using a camera, he hates Vox! Why couldn't he use a Radio Program instead? He is the Radio Demon for a reason.
Angel... Well, look at how they massacred my boy, and I bet that the Huskerdust is to appeal to the fandom who ships them, instead of giving a good reason why they are a good match for each other.
Charlie swears... Why? Just because “she's a demon and this is Hell?”. And I don't get why she's so surprised to see the denizens of hell being, well, bad? You live here, you should know better, that's why you started the hotel, remember?
I'm worried about what they're going to do with Sir Pentious, I really liked his character in the pilot.
The plot is now Heaven Vs Hell and how bad Heaven is instead of redemption or that both Hell and Heaven are a different shade of grey?
I'm just hoping that the series will be brief and buried with something better because it looks like a train crash and a dumpster fire at the same time.
Seems like a lot of people have been left feeling empty for a lot of these same exact reasons.
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namazunomegami · 2 months
This post is for @sniigura and me but you can read it too /j
Thank you darling for letting me ramble about some of my original story ideas 💕 My blog mainly features fics so I think there's no point to share them, even tho I have a lot concepts and characters that I've developed in my earlier years as a writer.
Cw: a lil mention of prostitution and kidnapping, my characters in general have disastrous upbringings
The first idea that I somehow circled back to came to me in the form of a very vivid dream. I rarely have dreams, and I'm especially surprised and at awe that I still remember the story with all the details and imagery.
The story is set in the Edo period of Japan and it's focused on a girl named Otomuro (my brain somehow recalled the name of a noblewoman from the Fujiwara clan. Probably I was searching for names for an oc and for japanese ocs specifically, I tend to use the names of actual people so I have the proper characters in kanji), who's abducted by a yokai. Luckily, when I did some research on japanese folklore, I found numerous yokais who frequently kidnapped children from their parents. And this story and even the original dream was full of various creatures and spirits from japanese culture.
When Otomuro is an adult, she's forced into prostitution. Though she frequently tries to escape the yokai, all her attempts result in failure. The yokai states that she's its favorite child and acts like an abusive mother figure towards her. She gets really close with one of her clients who is a ronin, a samurai without a master. His character is still really vague but I remember that he promises that one day he'll rescue her and helps her reuniting with her family. And that's basically it.
I mostly spend time with building Otomuro as a character and I did come up with a scene when she's serving as a kamuro, basically a lady-in-waiting for high ranking courtesans. Courtesans had a good relationship with their kamuros. They treated them like their younger sisters because they had mutual responsibility towards the other. Kamuros ran different errands for courtesans like delivering letters, gifts, or luring clients in to their brothel and in return, the courtesan fed, dressed and sheltered the kamuro.
This story is in a veeery slow progress, but I'm 100% sure that it can be an awesome idea for a novel. If I can come up with anything to fill in the missing parts.
The second idea is a short story that focuses on two original characters from an unfinished novel. That... sadly will remain unfinished. I'm very much heartbroken that I won't finish it, I put tremendous research into the setting, wrote over 140k words, prepared a massive appendix for further context and explanations but one single character's arc and personality fucked the whole thing up. He was supposed to be an antagonistic character but I just kept building him and he became a rather sympathetic lil fella, and he shouldn't be a character you can feel sympathy for. And it doesn't feel right for me to continue... My boy massacred the whole story lmao.
I've had a rather large cast for this novel, and the characters are with me for more than 3 years now. I know what kind of life they're going to lead, how their life started and how it'll end. They're very much their own distinct person, almost alive, and somehow they can function quite well in a different setting. Nowadays, I really like to think about them as one traumatised, queer, neurodiverse and multicultural friend group lmao. They're my children, I can never let them go or forget about them.
Yeah, back to the story, since most of the characters are highly developed and established, sometimes they just start talking inside my head. That's how my writing process usually start. The story is rather simple, my main characters, Lotte and Nikolai have a little catch up after 3 years of seperation.
I started to entertain this idea because until now, I never had the chance to develop crucial parts of these character's life. Mainly Lotte's relationship with her adoptive children (they didn't even have genders or names but now I'm settled on two boys) and one of her most dangerous coping mechanisms to deal with her depression and C-PTSD, which is none other than dissociative amnesia, and how it circles back to the kids. Lotte is a loving mother, but not an ideal, perfect parent. She's very much dependent on her older kid and quite possessive towards the younger one. Her kids must take care of her the same way she does for them too. Nikolai had several failed marriages throughout his life but the reasons and causes were unclear. So I decided to make a background character, Ulyana, as his first wife (Ulyana is still a special character for me because I named her after a russian friend I had online during quarantine. It's sorta a habit of mine to name characters after people I know and love, like Lotte's mother is named after my aunt and Nikolai's best friend is named after my grandfather and such). So the easiest way to solve these issues is to make the characters sit down and talk.
Lotte and Nikolai share a very complex and deep relationship. It's filled with a lot of understanding, gentleness, playfulness and platonic love. And even some romantic love on Nikolai's part which gives a kind of tragic edge to the whole thing. Nikolai is very much in love with Lotte, that's why his marriages fail but Lotte can't reciprocate this kind of love because she's well... canonically aroace (but like nearly all of my characters are queer this shouldn't be surprising), she has no desire to be a romantic partner or a wife but she does want to be a mother. They've been through a lot, they have an effect on each other, they make each other grow. Lotte smiles and laughs only in the company of Nikolai (and besides my russian characters only she's allowed to call him by his diminutive, Kolya) and Nikolai is capable of selfless acts to ensure Lotte's safety, though he's still a morally grey character, he's willing to achieve it by comitting corrupt and questionable things even.
But as much as I love them, the plot were abandoned before I could've written a longer interaction between them. There’s a draft of their first scene, however, there’s still an enormous language barrier between them so they can’t communicate that well. But these two really deserve their own seperate story.
Thank u bby for letting me share this with the world, hope you have a wonderful day 🥰💗
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endwersed · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by the fabulous @dear-massacre 😘
How many works do you have on ao3?
21 - it would be a lot higher, but I purged all but one of my old Destiel fics back in 2017. They weren't very good, so I can't say I really regret it 🤷‍♀️
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Now, just Teen Wolf 🐺
Top five fics by kudos:
Find Your Fire - Reddie (IT)
Clue(less) - Reddie (IT)
Nah, He Didn't - Destiel (Supernatural)
Worst Enemy - Reddie (IT)
as dear as a brother - Sterek (TW)
Do you respond to comments?
Embarrassingly, it's very hit and miss... I want to! I love and cherish every single comment I ever get! But I find the process of replying to comments bizarrely stressful, so sometimes it takes me... a while. And that while might be, like, years. Sorry!!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I genuinely don't have anything with an angsty ending posted; I need my boys to be happy too badly for that. I guess I could say maybe striking out - just because it's not finished yet, and where it is in the story right now is angsty af!
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them have rom-com level happy endings lol. Maybe Clue(less) - it's a childhood friends-to-lovers soulmate AU, so it has all the sap that comes with those particular tropes wrapped up in there.
Do you get hate on fics?
I wouldn't call it hate, per se - but I guess my interpretation of Stiles is a bit harsher/more rough-edged than others I've seen, and some people don't vibe with that, so I get comments telling me they don't like Stiles in my story for XYZ reason.
To be clear - I also don't write Derek as a completely faultless, entirely perfect guy. I also have him do bad (arguably worse, in some fics) things. But for some reason, I don't ever really get the same kind of comments about him!
Do you write smut?
Like, almost exclusively at this point. It's like my brain can't come up with a story unless I'll get a chance to write them fucking nasty in it.
Craziest crossover:
None, they're not really my jam.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
omg yes! years ago! It was this Destiel HS AU I had posted on AO3 (since deleted because it was... not good) and someone posted it onto ff.net and claimed it was theirs. I can't remember if I ever was successful in getting it taken down.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not.
All time favourite ship?
All time is so hard... I do probably have to say Sterek. I shipped them intensely back in 2012, and I ship them even more intensely now. So - yeah. Probably them.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Are we talking real WIP that I've actually made a meaningful dent in? Or just ideas I've put down to paper?
Because I have so many ideas, there isn't enough time to actually finish them all lol. But for fics I have actively started, I'm pretty confident I'll manage to muddle through to the end of all of them, even if it takes a little while.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and smut, I think.
I tend to develop a scene around the dialogue - in that, it's the dialogue that will come to me first when I'm planning the outline, and I'll note it down for when I come around to writing the scene. Then it's mostly a case of refining that dialogue and building the scene with descriptions around it.
I also love smut as character study. It's not just about being horny for them. It's about being horny for their introspection, too.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't have the imagination to come up with some of the flowery prose I see and love from other people. I wish I did, but that's just not how my brain works unfortunately!
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I only really feel comfortable writing in languages I'm fluent in. For anything else, I think we all know Google Translate can't be trusted, so I just... avoid it.
First fandom you wrote in?
Harry Potter! Wolfstar all the way back on ff.net <3
Favorite fic you've written?
Oh god, this is hard. Let's go with a Teen Wolf fic, because they're the nearest and dearest to my heart right now.
I think I'd say feels so good inside. It was so much fun to write, and I just love loss of virginity fics so damn much.
Open tag to anyone who wants a go!
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
I'm loving your theory lol, although even if he survived, that wouldn't explain mike knowing him since they were 5 😔
There's a lot of things that don't add up. Like in all fairness, Will himself doesn't appear to have any memories of being at Hawkins Lab, nor do his friends and family ever mention him being there pre-s1 from what I can tell? And so, how would that work?
And even though it's a popular theory that El recognized Will from the lab in s1 (definitely possible still), wouldn't she have brought it up in some capacity after meeting him officially in s2? Or even now that they're literal 'wonder twins' by s4? Even if Will forgot and she remembered him, wouldn't she feel compelled to say something?
It would only make sense if they both forgot because their memories were repressed in some way. Which isn't even a reach bc they are the characters with the most memory/memory loss references. El's s4 arc was legit her recovering a repressed memory related to the Hawkins Lab Massacre. And so would it even be a stretch to assume that if Will had been there too, being the only other kid to survive presumably, he would've also had to have repressed it somehow? Most likely not even by choice?
Out of all the supporting and conflicting parts of this theory, what has me stumped most of all is Brenner.
Brenner shows little to no interest in Will.
You could argue that he did in s1, because when Will went missing he took an interest in the case, even went to Will's house to the shed to see it for himself. He was presumably also involved in the government cover up regarding Will's body.
Though beyond that, they don't have any sort of relationship, which is weird?
You could argue maybe Dr. Owens and Will do, especially by s2 when Will was technically involved with Hawkins Lab after returning from the upside down. And so it's not like he doesn't have a connection to the lab at all. There are even parallels of both el and will being filmed with a bunch of people watching them from another room intrigued. Like the potential is there. But something is definitely missing.
Is it possible because of the events of the Hawkins Lab Massacre, with El literally banishing Henry, Brenner kind of blocked out any sort of regard for Will's potential abilities? Like yeah sure he survived the Massacre just like El. But instead of Brenner wasting his time on 'the boy that survived', he'd probably rather focus on whatever the hell El just did and how he can use that to his advantage.
That's the only way I could really understand it? Them being fine with wiping his memories and sending him back into the real world to combat some of the bad press they were dealing with?
What I do like about this theory, is that right now currently, we don't know for certain why the hell Will was targeted by Venca in the first place, and so this could answer a lot of those questions nicely.
Will went missing roughly 3-4 years after the massacre, and so Will, being Twelve, and a survivor, would've understandably been next in line since Eleven refused to join him.
Still doesn't explain how Joyce or even Jonathan wouldn't have known. I get that it's possible Lonnie could've been sending him to get tests done, but from what I could tell the situation for the kids at Hawkins Lab was more on a permanent basis?
Like I could see it if he was only there on a volunteer basis similar to s2, but otherwise, I don't see how everyone would forget or never again acknowledge how Will spent a good portion of his childhood in a lab.
It starts to fall through at that point.
Even still, I think I'm sort of 50/50 right now. A lot of the evidence supporting it is staggering, like this was something people were hypothesizing about pre-s3.
And so me literally stumbling across a lot of this evidence on my own in a matter of moments upon rewatching, and without anyone influencing me to start that theory, like... it's kind of surreal.
I'm only now discovering that there is in fact discourse about Will as Twelve within the fandom on here, but in all fairness, the evidence supporting it has been enough to intrigue even the most casual of viewers. Things like the birthmark reference, the rainbow ship feeling like a reference to Hawkins lab, or how El and Will have been paralleled in intricate ways since the very first episode. It's got somewhat of a good foundation as a theory because there is evidence of people picking up on those hints from the beginning, and taking time to ask others if they thought it might be hinting at something. So I do feel I can give it that.
There would definitely need to be a lot of answers.
I think certain details like Will having a birthmark on his right arm, and all these other little things hint at this very likely having been an idea from the beginning, which is a cool thought.
It would mean that even if now we don't think there's enough evidence to support it, or that theres too much contradicting it, if they did in fact come up with this from the beginning, then there's probably a proper explanation for a lot of it, assuming it has always been in the back of their mind.
I've been thinking about rewatching the show from this perspective recently, to see if anything jumps out at me.
It was honestly terrifying uncovering the Twelve theory in a matter of moments though. Like just literally rewatching those scenes, I felt like I was watching them for the first time. I was shocked. It didn't take much to convince me, it was almost too on the nose.
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forest-hashira · 11 months
(Found) Family Dynamics
originally i was gonna post about the colors of everyone's dragons (that i've gotten to so far) after explaining dragon hierarchy, but i realized it would be easier to understand that if i explained some of the character dynamics here first. i will try to make this as clear as possible but if it's still confusing let me know & i'll do my best to clarify!
also yes the place where they live is just called "the settlement" for now i haven't come up with anything better ssshhhhhhh
Satoru is the heir to the Gojo clan. Reader & Suguru are his best friends and eventual romantic partners.
Suguru is an only child who gets brought to the settlement to train with the Gojo clan after he bonds with a single color dragon
Reader is an only child, but has lived in the settlement their whole life
SatoSugu, Reader, Nanami, Shoko, & Utahime all grew up and trained together.
Reader is obviously very close with SatoSugu, but they're almost as close with Shoko, and often work with Nanami. Readers sees them as siblings.
Nanami has a younger sister (an OC who will have very little impact on the plot) who he is very protective of, and who absolutely ADORES Yuji
Shoko & Utahime are very close. I'm planning on leaving their relationship kind of ambiguous but i don't think i'm very good at that lol so they will likely wind up as a background couple whoops
Yuji is from outside the settlement. He moves to the settlement after Nanami & Reader find him and rescue him after his village had been completely wiped out (Yuji was the only survivor left in the village). He's about 4 when this happens.
Nanami adopts Yuji because the boy refuses to leave his side, and Nanami is secretly glad he doesn't seem interested in living with any other families in the settlement, bc he's gotten rather attached to the sweet little gremlin
Sukuna is Yuji's older brother (like 15-ish years older than him; roughly 19 when Yuji is about 4). He does not die when their village is massacred, but he's not there when Yuji is rescued
Nanako and Mimiko are from the same village where Suguru was born. Their parents were friends with is parents, so he saw them fairly often when he would return to visit his family. Suguru takes them in when everyone in their village is wiped out, too (roughly a month after Yuji's rescue)
Megumi and Tsumiki are abandoned in the settlement by Toji (he's an enemy of the Gojo clan and basically leaves the kids as a sort of peace offering, or something. idk toji's not a good dad ok lol). Satoru realizes they're destined to become servants for his family for the rest of their lives if he doesn't do something, so he claims them as his wards
Toge is from a well to do family/minor clan in the settlement
Nobara is from a village just outside the settlement
Yuta gets shipped off to the settlement a few years after he bonds with his dragon (so about age 12-13) because they're "more trouble than they're worth" according to the leaders of the town where he grew up
Maki is from outside the settlement (being a Zenin and all) but she came to the settlement because she wanted to, not because she was forced to
Nobara, Yuji, Megumi, Tsumiki, Nanako, Mimiko, Maki, & Toge all train together. Yuta joins them after he gets somewhat comfortable in the settlement
they'll all be minors for the entirety of this fic (or at least what i've got in my head so far) so there won't be anything too suggestive or anything, but just know that Yuji is very affection with Gumi & likes to tell him that he loves him/Gumi's his favorite person in the world (after papa Nanami, of course). Nobara is also pretty affectionate with Maki. feel free to interpret that as you will.
i don't think it's all that spoilery at this point but i wanted to give a warning just in case
Sukuna is the leader of a group of murderous marauders that become known as The Curses, due to their brutality and ruthlessness. this group includes Sukuna (obviously), Kenjaku, Mahito, Uraume, and Choso
Characters not mentioned here are either not included in this fic (yet or at all) or are inconsequential to the plot!
after triple-checking my google doc for this AU, it looks like i've covered all my bases here. but as always i am more than happy to answer questions you might have!
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hils79 · 1 year
Hils Watches Goblin - Ep 8
Wow I can't believe I'm halfway through already. I did say I would watch it faster once I was on vacation
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Aww she thinks he knocked her away from the sword because he was in pain, not because he's decided he wants to live
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I know the answer is probably 'because the sets are really cold' but why does everyone sleep fully clothed in these dramas. You see characters wake up in the morning and they're wearing a hoodie and sweatpants in bed. Maybe I just can't relate because I get really hot when I'm in bed
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Yes, please bridal carry him to bed
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Okay, that's twice now that the grim reaper has looked at the painting of the woman from Kim Shin's past and it's then cut to Sunny. And he cried the first time he met her and when he looked at the painting. Is the the reincarnation of the woman from the painting? I have no idea what that makes the grim reaper then since he can't remember his past life
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Okay, the woman in the painting was Kim Shin's sister. I still have no idea why the grim reaper cried when he saw her. Maybe his past life he was in love with her?
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Oh my god I didn't even think of that
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I mean that is something siblings would do...
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Oh shit what did he do??? Something involving Kim Shin's sister?
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Yes, I'm sure a Subway sandwich is just what the man who was about to take his own life needs to feel better
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Oh it was so he could give it to his daughter who ran away to come and visit him. I retract my previous sarcasm
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Aww she's jealous of herself because she thinks his first love was someone from his past
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Well, I guess he just found out that Sunny is Eun Tak's boss
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Oh my god he keeps going back and buying chicken even though he's a vegetarian
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Kim Shin is jealous because cute baseball boy keep going to the chicken restaurant, Grim Reaper is jealous because he think Eun Tak has been giving cute baseball boy chicken coupons while he's been paying full price each time. They are all so ridiculous I love them
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The vision of the accident shocked me, but I had a proper OH SHIT moment at this many grim reapers just calmly sitting waiting for it to happen
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Imagine your life involving coming face to face with 20 grim reapers and your reaction just being 'oh there's my bestie!'. Unless she can't see the others?
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Even worse than getting stabbed in the first place?
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Oh shit was he the king in his past life? He suddenly got pain when Kim Shin painted the king's name. And that whole massacre was a pretty big crime and would explain why he was crying over Kim Shin's sister!
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I've been trying to figure out how she relates to all this. Apparently she's God? Or a god at least.
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So if Eun Tak pulls out the sword Kim Shin will die, but if she doesn't pull out the sword she will die. Well shit.
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Well, I guess she knows now
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web-novel-polls · 5 months
Just saw your MDZS thing and I half agree and half not. Like, on the one hand, I think it's absolutely justified (though I don't generally support any torture, but this is fiction and...it's Wen Chao...), but on the other hand, it's not supposed to be black and white??? MXTX clearly wanted her readers to understand the cruelty of this moment. Wei Wuxian was so traumatized he became kind of twisted, at least with the people who massacred the Jiangs. But even though we all know WWX is NOT the evil overlord that the cultivation world thinks him to be, he is not meant to be seen as someone who can do no wrong. He makes mistakes! Some of the fault does, in fact, lie with him! He's not 100% sunshine boy! And THAT'S OKAY. In fact, him being complex is WHY he's such a good character! And it boggles my mind how people will go to any lengths to make him perfectly innocent and pure in everything (rather than being traumatized and human) while also vilifying Jiang Cheng and Jin Guangyao and Xue Yang and whoever else. Like, the latter two obviously did really bad things, worse than WWX, but they are very obvious mirrors to WWX. Xue Yang grew up an orphan on the streets. If WWX hadn't been rescued by Jiang Fengmian, he might've turned out the same way. Jin Guangyao was consistently denigrated for being the son of a prostitute. WWX also faced classism (to a lesser extent) for being the son of a servant (which Yu Ziyuan and Jin Zixun used against him). And don't even get me started on JC. People will go to any extent to vilify him when all of his actions make sense as someone who is also human and flawed and traumatized. Does this absolve any of them of their actions? No. But it does explain them. And just because someone does make mistakes doesn't mean they deserve to be hated and condemned (unless they're Wen Chao, who didn't make mistakes but who instead had an entire personality dedicated to being horrible. Pretty sure he's the only one who MXTX wanted to be a straight up bad guy, though if you can give me evidence to the contrary, feel free). Readers thinking in black and white and condemning other characters for xyz actions without trying to understand them while holding up WWX as a shining beacon who can do no wrong miss the entire point of the novel and do disrespect to WWX himself. Anyway... There's my rant over. Feel free to ignore this if you want, haha.
I’m not completely sure what you mean in regards to “half agreeing and half not” tbh. It seems to me like your disagreement lies with vilifying other characters when the main character is a morally complex character, which was my point? The morality policing was specifically what I was criticizing in my original post? Because, like, I agree with the broad strokes about Wei Wuxian and other characters’ moral complexities and grayness. 
My point was that, even if justified or understandable, the torture of Wen Chao was horrific and brutal, and I don’t completely understand how anyone who DID read the novel (which I understand not everyone has and/or has a different interpretation) is willing to harass actual, flesh-and-blood people over liking a character when the main character has literally tortured someone. That’s it.
I actually made my original post after a bunch of Jiang Cheng antis (who I do actually like talking to and seeing their opinions when they’re not harassing others) found an Aroace-spec Character Tournament poll with Jiang Cheng and were incredibly condescending about it. Which is honestly better than the death threats and threats of violence and doxxing, but it did hurt more than it probably should have to have people so unwilling to even TRY and see why I, and others, connected to Jiang Cheng, even after reading the same book that made them hate him. 
Seeing a character say, “Hey, what you did was not okay. I know why you did it, but it doesn’t change the damage you caused. I do not forgive you." to the main character was something that I needed to hear and see. It was something real, even if it might not be justifiable or “correct.” I like Jiang Cheng not because I think he’s always in the right or a perfect person, but because he’s not. And it’s fine if people don’t like him or think he’s the scum of the Earth or whatever, but I also think that prioritizing the debate about a character that doesn’t exist over actual people is cruel and unjustifiable. Ultimately, I do not care about any fictional character as much as I care about how willing people are to be so unbelievably inhumane for just disagreeing with them. 
And, somehow, this also ties into my opinions about the torture and killing of Wen Chao. I don’t think Wei Wuxian was unjustified, per se, for punishing Wen Chao, but I do think it was wrong in the sense that the action itself is wrong. It’s not a “WHOOO! WE KILLED THE BAD GUY” moment to me but a moment showing the brutality of war and a literary mark of descent to the “single plank bridge.” As someone else said (and so many more have probably said), it was fucked up, and acknowledging it was fucked up doesn’t mean Wei Wuxian is a “bad person” or a character you CAN’T like (paraphasing). It just means acknowledging that the act of torture itself is fucked up, no matter who does it or who it’s done to. Comparatively, sending death threats and threats of violence and doxxing is also fucked up, no matter who the other person is and what they’ve said. Putting a fictional story and character - no matter how much they may mean to you - over actual people for often no reason is fucked up. 
But yeah, I think “just because someone does make mistakes doesn’t mean they deserve to be hated and condemned” is one of my favorite aspects in a lot of web novels. I like that characters have “bad aspects” that while I may not condone IRL, including them make the characters… characters. That the “person” (character) is more important than whatever “bad aspect” they may have or mistake they might have made.
Anyway, I hope this clears up what I was trying to say lol. Not everything I wrote was meant specifically because I think you don’t agree or to argue with you, but to get my opinion across properly. I feel like we’re broadly saying the same thing, even if I’m not sure if I agree or disagree with the finer points like “Wei Wuxian might have become like Xue Yang.” Sorry if any of this comes off as aggressive, btw; it's not meant to be, but I lose my fight with tone everyday.
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negative-speedforce · 5 months
🧡💚🖤💔🏳️‍🌈 for the Flash or Star Wars?
Under the cut for space
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
Coldflash (Barry Allen/Leonard Snart). Idk, it has all the ingredients of a ship that I really should be into, but I'm just... not. I think it's just that they're that really specific brand of "friendly rivals" that doesn't really excite me that much.
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
It's apparently really hard to "get" Nora West-Allen's character if you didn't grow up in a single-parent household, never meeting your other parent. A lot of people say that she overreacted or that she was being irrational in her actions to try to save her dad from dying. Yeah, she did make some bad decisions, but she just wanted to know her dad. She just wanted to get to know him, because she had a frankly terrible life and she thought that maybe, if he was around, things could be better. Idk I have a lot of thoughts about her but she deserves her own post.
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
Caitlin Snow. Because she's the token white woman of the main cast, a lot of people seem to uwu-ify her and make her into someone who can do no wrong. Really, Caitlin has willingly worked with a human trafficker and hid the fact that she had a murderous alternate personality from people who could help her with it, and the people who were put in danger because of it, for a really long time.
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
Cecile Horton. Idk, she just bores me. She's an interesting character in the earlier seasons, but later on, her personality is just filed down to "empath".
🏳️‍🌈: Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you?
They all seem like they're some flavor of LGBT+. However, with Caitlin Snow, people often headcanon her as bi or pan, but I see her as a-spec.
Star Wars:
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
Obikin. Even though I'm aware that they're both adults when most people ship it, I'm just not a huge fan of the power imbalance in there. It gives me this feeling of visceral disgust, and if I see it untagged that gets an instant block from me. Ship and let ship, I'm not going to give someone hate if they ship it, but that ship kinda grosses me out.
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
REVA WAS A CHILD!!! SHE WAS A CHILD SUCKED INTO A BRUTAL CULT AND NO ONE WAS THERE FOR HER!!!! YES SHE DID BAD THINGS BUT THAT DOES NOT MAKE HER A BAD PERSON! SHE WAS TRYING TO SURVIVE!!!! (also she's honestly one of the best most compelling characters that Star Wars has put out since the Clone Wars ended and anyone who says otherwise clearly doesn't understand her character)
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
Padme. Again, sad dead white woman can do no wrong. She was ready to stay with Anakin, to try to bring him back to the light, even after finding out that he murdered his friends and massacred children.
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
Kylo Ren. He really could have been interesting! He had so much potential! I was peak Reylo trash back when TLJ came out, but now? He got boring. There was potential there, but they just made him a generic conflicted sad bad boy.
🏳️‍🌈: Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you?
General Hux. While I have enjoyed a few Huxlo fics in my time, I don't really see him as liking men, or he's just around the wrong type of men. MAYBE he'd be Bi with a very strong preference for women, a 0.1 on the Kinsey Scale, but I don't see him as being anything more than that.
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The Diaz brothers as Vocaloid's Kagamine Rin and Len songs
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I know that only like 3 people would most likely know what I'm talking about, and I know that most people that plays LIS are likely to be unfamiliar with these songs, so I will try to summarize each of these songs as best as I could.
And for those of you who don't know what Vocaloid is, Vocaloid is a brand of singing software. They have several mascots in the form of anime characters. And Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len are two of those mascots. Btw, Len is the blond boy and Rin is the blonde girl.
"Oh they have the same last names, does that make them related?" No they're not! Well, they used to be twins or siblings but not anymore (long story). The creators of the softwares wants to encourage people's imaginations and their different interpretations. So now they're just officially described as 'mirror images' or 'two bodies with one soul'. They could be anything really: Siblings, lovers, psychopathic murderers, etc. But there's still a lot of songs that depicts them as siblings.
Okay, now back to the post.
SPOILER WARNING for the songs' MVs.
Synchronicity series (1) (2) (3)
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Fantasy AU. A boy (the blond boy) is separated from his twin sibling (the blonde girl) as a baby and goes on a search to find her again. The sister was chosen as a sort of 'Diva' whose job is to sing lullabies to a dragon to prevent it from destroying the world. the brother encounters/recruits many allies that helps him on his journey. The brother eventually finds the sister, but he had to fight a powerful guardian who watches over the dragon and the Diva. The guardian kills all of the brother's allies. Also it turns out that the sister was dying because of her role as a 'Diva'. The sister sings one last song and dies, but gets revived soon afterwards. Then the dragon woke up, and to put it back to sleep again both of the siblings sing and then it's implied they died (I think? The ending is pretty up to interpretation).
I might go into more details about this one day. I'm currently working on the 'perfect' casting for this. But Sean is definitely Rin and Daniel is Len.
Sunflower of Parting Regrets
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The story centers around a pair of siblings during a time of war. Their father dies in duty and their mother commits suicide. Then the boy gets sent a letter by the military, telling him he is recruited as a soldier to fight the war. As they both say their goodbyes the sister tries to stop her brother from leaving, but the brother promised her that he will be alright and asked her to "Plants some sunflowers for his return". It is implied that the brother died.
I know that based on the story you guys would imagine Sean being the one that gets the letter, but I personally thought about Daniel in that role.
Story of Evil series (Servant of Evil and Regret Message specifically)
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Obviously can't forget this iconic series. If you looked through my LIS 2 tag you probably noticed me referencing the Servant of Evil song multiple times. Now, you might be able to finally understand why.
Once upon a time there was a kingdom ruled by a tyrannical teen princess (she is also a vessel for the demon of pride but that's not important right now). She has a loyal servant—who is also her long lost brother—who would do anything she says. One day, the princess fell in love with a prince but unfortunately the prince did not reciprocate her feelings because he's in love with a peasant girl. Not able to withstand the humiliation, the princess orders a massacre on the peasant girl's home country. She also ordered her servant to assassinate the peasant girl. This traumatized the servant because he had a crush on her. The story ends with the kingdom's people uprising against the princess. The servant and the princess switch clothes and places so the princess becomes a fugitive while the servant is sent to prison. The servant is then executed in the princess' place.
This is a lot more complicated than the other songs. I might do a separate posts on this one also.
Come on guys, just read the lyrics. Servant of Evil could literally Sean's theme song and Regret Message could literally be the theme song for Lone Wolf ending.
Please please please somebody write a Story of Evil AU (don't make me be the one to do it) or redraw the brothers as Riliane and Allen please I can't be the only one that notices the resemblance please
A Faint Wish
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This song sets in the distant future where androids began killing all humans except for two siblings who are the last hope for humanity. They found some sort of time machine that they can use to change the horrible future. When they turn on the machine it shows all of their past lives. It is revealed that the siblings are always together no matter the timeline. One of the androids that were after them cornered them, and the sister sacrificed herself so that the brother can use the machine and go back in time (the real reason I want to see the Diaz brothers in this song is for the sacrifice scene specifically. I could vividly picture Daniel doing that. and I thought about Daniel specifically because there are lines in the MV that goes "You're the one who always protected me and looked after me. So it's my turn."). Btw, this song is part of a series. There are other songs in the series but that's going to require a separate post.
Alright, that's all for now. I might make more posts featuring more songs at some point probably. But for now, enjoy imagining the wolf brothers as these songs.
Also somebody please please please redraw the brothers as scenes from the MVs please I'm just a writer I can't draw, I need this! Do you need me to pay you artists? I will pay you! Just please
Also if you're a writer please write a fic AU based off these songs! Don't make me be the one to do it
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cutetinyartist · 2 years
Meet The Tiny Artist! 🖤🧷
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Hi there! I made this lil illustration + Q&A for my Pinned Post so y'all can get to know me better! 🖤 (The rest of the Q&A is below the cut!)
So, who exactly am I?
I'm Rayna (but you can call me Ray), I'm 24, a complete British + Bisexual Stereotype, and my pronouns are She/They. Oh, I'm a Borrower too so I'm around 4" tall! ^w^
Why did I make this blog?
I created this blog in 2017 shortly after discovering the G/T* community! I've always loved the idea of being tiny (I remember having quite a few dreams/daydreams when I was a kid about my favourite characters being giants) so I was very happy to discover that there's actually a whole community dedicated to this pretty niche/weird love of mine! :D
*G/T stands for Giant/Tiny and it’s essentially about extreme size-differences! It can range from Giants interacting with Humans to Humans interacting with Borrowers/Fairies/etc. (also referred to as Tinies) and there are so many creative ways to explore these dynamics.
People also tend to identify as giants, tinies or size-shifters- I personally prefer being the tiny (around 3-4" tall) in any scenario but that’s just my preference. ^^
What do I post?
Obviously this blog is predominantly dedicated to G/T, but here’s a quick overview of what I post/draw/write the most:
G/T Fluff! This blog is mainly about cute moments between Giants and Tinies because I absolutely adore stuff like that. Handheld fluff is my absolute favourite, as one of the most comforting things I can imagine is being held by a giant and feeling really protected and loved. (That’s one of the main reasons behind why I love it so much, I tend to get really stressed/anxious a lot of the time and I find a lot of comfort in how calm and happy G/T makes me feel)
You can also expect to see a LOT of G/T memes and puns!
I also draw a lot of G/T Art (and occassionally write short stories too), I've drawn it for various fandoms but I do like creating original work too. A lot of my more recent work is G/T Art involving my partner too because they're an adorable Giant and I love them >w<
I also post random thoughts/ideas/ramblings occassionally...
What I’m basically saying is that this blog is filled with 100% SFW, fluffy G/T content and memes!
What are my other fandoms/interests?
For this question I’ll just list a bunch of my favourite things!! There will be a LOT on this list tbh but this is supposed to be an in-depth About Me page so awaaay we go! :D
The Iron Giant, The Bob's Burgers Movie, South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, The Spongebob Squarepants Movie, Ratatouille, The Secret World of Arrietty, The Borrowers, Little Shop Of Horrors, Shallow Grave, Honey I Shrunk The Kids, Shaun of the Dead, 28 Days Later, Fight Club, Orgazmo, Zombieland, the Jackass Movies, the Halloween Movies, Trick r Treat, The Descent, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), A Clockwork Orange, Requiem For A Dream, Deadpool, Jurassic Park and Ghostbusters! (Plus a lot more that I'm probably forgetting-)
TV Shows
South Park, Bob's Burgers, Futurama, The Simpsons, Taskmaster, The I.T. Crowd, Misfits, The Inbetweeners, Rick and Morty (mainly the earlier seasons tho), My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, It's A Sin, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, and although I don't watch them very often I love a good nature documentary! (I think I was once late meeting up with my friends cus I got way too into one and had to watch the whole thing- I only put on the channel for my dogs to watch while I was out!)
Little Big Planet (1 and 2), Mario Kart, South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut, Luigi's Mansion 3, Mario Odyessy, Dead Rising (1, 2 and Off The Record), Portal (1 and 2), Stray, Minecraft, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury and Super Mario Maker 2.
YUNGBLUD, Ninja Sex Party, Don Broco, TWRP, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Ozzy Osbourne, Twisted Sister, Beastie Boys, Panic! At The Disco, DVDA, Queen, The Blackout, Lorde, Wet Leg, Ghost- Honestly you could just pick up any Rock/Punk Compilation CD and you’ve basically got my taste in music in a nutshell. Growing up the Kerrang channel was almost always on in my house and definitely shaped my taste in music! I also adore the soundtracks from a couple of musicals (mainly The Book Of Mormon, Little Shop Of Horrors and War of the Worlds) and I like listening to music from the videogames I listed above! Oh, and the soundtracks from the Jackass films. Those kick ass.
I have written/drawn G/T for some of these fandoms but you can 100% Message me if you want me to make G/T content for any of them! ^^ (Seriously, if you wanna fangirl with me over any of these my inbox is always open!)
Any other interests/hobbies?
I’m really interested in Animation and I hope to pursue it as a career one day! I also love reading comics (especially independent ones/ones based on shows/films that I like) and I enjoy making them sometimes.
Another one of my favourite hobbies is baking! I love making brownies the most, but cakes and cookies are a lot of fun too.
I like to collect things too, and my favourite things to collect are random cute ornaments, plushies, My Little Pony toys and DVDs/Blu-Rays of my favourite shows and films (I have every season of South Park on DVD, plus all the Jackass films and the show!) Plus I love collecting merch! Naturally I love collecting CDs and Vinyl too...
What are my other Social Media accounts?
Main Instagram: @ DragonDoodles57
G/T Instagram: @ CuteTinyArtist
Main Twitter: @ ArtByRayna
Priv Twitter: @ GotAHeartBoner
G/T Twitter: @ CuteTinyArtist
Ao3: @ CuteTinyArtist
Thanks for checking out my 'Meet The Tiny Artist' page! 🖤
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