#for the past few days i've been sick so i spent my time in bed playing our life while drawing ^^
dyingbuck · 2 years
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cove holden x my mc doodles dump
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Are you sure they like each other? (Alyssa Naeher x Reader)
Barely edited and I don't know if I happy with this, but I wanted to put something out. I hope you enjoy :)
Summary: Alyssa and reader are together, but very stoic and not affectionate in public. Think the team know they're together, apparently not. Start to question if they even like each other. Alyssa and reader turn into soft, love sick people when alone.
Warnings: Tiny bit suggestive, some swearing
Words: 3.3K
Alyssa had slipped out, taking our bags up to the room while I was surrounded by some of the team. I had offered to help, but she had insisted I stay to catch up, leaving before I could protest. Neither of us would be considered extroverts, though I was the one who liked to talk a bit more. Kristie pulled me into a tight hug before a few of the girls following suit, "How was your break Y/n?"
"It was pretty good. Alyssa and I just took it easy. Spent some time fixing up some of the stuff around the house I haven't had the time to do. Visited family, that sort of thing."
Confusion covered their faces, Kelley being the first one to speak up, "Wait. You spent the break with Alyssa?"
Now it was my turn to be confused. Alyssa and I had been together for almost 5 years, living together for 3. It wasn't something that had been hidden. Our relationship wasn't public knowledge, but friends and family knew we were together, or so I thought anyway. We weren't an affectionate couple in public or even with our friends, barely ever touching past an occasional hand on the back, a short hug after a game or if we were going to be apart. Occasionally, we would hold hands at home with family or I would lay with my head in her lap during movie night. I loved Alyssa more than words would describe, there was no doubt in my mind she felt the same. Public affection just made us both very uncomfortable.  
"Why wouldn't I? We live together."
"Wait what? You and Alyssa live together?"
"You didn't know? We weren't hiding it. You know we're together right?"
Kelley looked as if I had grown a second head, "You and Alyssa are dating? No we didn't know that! What the hell Y/n?"
Alyssa's hand touched my lower back, letting me know she was there before dropping back to her side. "What's happening here? Why is there yelling?"
"Apparently they're just finding out we live together and have been together for the last almost 5 years."
"5 years?!? And you didn't tell us?"
Even Alyssa looked confused at this point, "What do you mean didn't tell you? It was never hidden. We assumed you knew."
Accusatory glares were sent our way while Alyssa and I just stood there confused. This was not how I expected my morning to go. "You've never kissed, held hands, cuddled or done anything remotely couple like. How were we supposed to know?"
"We've held hands a few times and I sleep against her on the bus sometimes. I get her coffee and breakfast every morning, Alyssa gets me flowers every week even at camp. Pretty sure we've mentioned our anniversary before. We say 'I love you' to each other all the time. Did none of you find that weird?"
"You're always sitting next to each other on the bus so no and we just figured you were close friends or something. I think there's been one time that you've gotten flowers from her in front of us."
"I've seen that a few times actually, but its always when she seems to have a bad day," Tierna spoke up. 
Alyssa shrugged, "Well yeah, I get them every week, but if she's having a bad day then I'll get them on that day to cheer her up. Look, we just don't like PDA, we weren't hiding anything from you. We really thought you knew about us. And before you even ask, no we're not going to prove it. Now we're going to our room."
As soon as we entered our room, I flopped down on the bed, scooting over slightly when Alyssa lay down next to me. I pushed myself into her arms, leaving kisses on her jaw, her hand slipping under my shirt to draw random patterns. "You unpacked my stuff."
Alyssa held me closer, kissing my forehead. People held the impression that Alyssa disliked physical touch, which she did with most people. In reality, Alyssa loved cuddling with me, she loved holding my hand and kissing me. Just touching in general actually. When we first started dating, it was a welcome surprise. I expected some affection, but not as much as I received. There was definitely no complaints from me, I loved cuddling with my partners. "I always do, don't I?"
"You do and I appreciate it, but you don-"
She cut me off with a quick peck before speaking up not giving me the chance, "My love, how many times have you said I don't have to, yet I do it anyway?"
"Pretty much every camp," I mumbled against her neck, knowing what her response was going to be. It was always the same.
"Exactly. I do it because I love you and I want to make your day a little bit easier so how about you just accept it and let me do it."
It wasn't that I didn't like it, in fact I loved that she did it. I just always felt slightly bad when people did things for me. "Fine. I still can't believe they didn't know about us. I really thought they did."
"So did I. Maybe they just don't listen to us at all. It was all kind of entertaining though."
"It was, I can't believe they were so clueless. I have a feeling Emily is going to be annoying though. She had her mischief face on."
Alyssa's hand traveled further up my side as she rolled on top of me, "Unfortunately, I think you're right, but right now there are other things I would rather do than talk about Emily."
Just as I sat down for breakfast, Emily and Kelley slid onto the chairs in front of me. They just stared at me until I snapped, asking what they wanted. This was not what I needed early in the morning especially when I had only been awake for like half an hour. Alyssa was always down for breakfast after me, preferring to take her time to get ready and do her puzzles, while I just wanted coffee. 
"So you and Alyssa are together right?"
"Uh yeah, why?"
"Just checking. How long have you been together?"
"Almost 5 years."
"How did you meet?"
I looked at between Emily and Kelley, trying to figure out why I was being interrogated once again, about my relationship. At this point, I was pretty sure the team believed we were lying or something. "You know this already."
"We forgot."
Alyssa approached, giving me a quick smile which I returned, "Perfect timing. I'm being interrogated about our relationship again."
I shrugged, pushing Alyssa's breakfast in front of her receiving a quite thank you. I didn't answer Kelley's question, instead deciding to eat breakfast before it got cold. "Are you two being forced to be together?"
Both of our heads shot up at that. It was such a ridiculous question. There would be no logical reason for us to be pretending to be together especially considering we weren't public knowledge. I bit back my laugh before answering, "What? What makes you think that? Why would that be a thing?"
Emily shrugged, "You just don't seem to like each other like that."
"Go away Kelley," Alyssa mumbled before going back to her breakfast. I ignored her again, getting up for Alyssa's coffee instead. When I returned, Kelley and Emily were still there, giving Alyssa a suspicious look. I handed Alyssa the cup before sitting down again.
"Thank you love."
Emily narrowed her eyes at us, "Suspicious."
Alyssa rolled her eyes while I flipped Emily off. This whole thing was starting to get old. "Go eat your breakfast."
Later that day, we were back in our room, enjoying the time we had before practice. Alyssa was reading, while I lay in the sun on the balcony. I started to want cuddles. I wouldn't say I was clingy because it was true. We could spend hours doing completely different things. Sometimes though, I just craved touching or being held by her. I gave her a few minutes before calling out to her, knowing she would come to me without hesitation.
Alyssa groaned, but got up, slipped off her shirt and sat down behind me with my head in her lap. We met in the middle, lips connecting briefly before I wiggled around to get into a better position. Alyssa eyebrows raised, amusement shining in her eyes, "Comfortable?"
I smirked, lacing my fingers with hers that rest on my stomach, "Very. Do you like me Lyssa? Is someone forcing you to date me?"
"Not even a little bit. Don't you know I'm only with you for your body?" 
"That's what I thought. Maybe I should confess that I'm only with you for your abs."
She smirked at my response, "I had my suspicions. You're obsessed."
"Not my fault they're great abs."
Fingers ran through my hair as Alyssa leant down to kiss my forehead, "You know I love you right Y/n/n? I don't want you to ever doubt that because I don't show you affection in public."
"You know how I feel about PDA, I don't like it, I never have. I have never once doubted your love for me Alyssa and I hope you haven't doubted mine. I love you."
"Good. I have never doubted your love either."
Anger and worry coursed through me when I saw Alyssa go down. It was always my worst fear during games, but it didn't really happen during practice. I know we got competitive, there was no reason for it to happen during practice though. I ran up, kneeling beside her, hand grabbing hers, "Are you okay Lys?"
"This ones going to hurt," Alyssa winced, but quickly grabbed my arm when I turned to Rose who had taken her out. "Hey, it's not her fault, it was an accident. Go see if she's okay and be nice."
I took a breath to calm myself down before walking up to Rose. Rose started fidgeting nervously as I walked up to her, "Hey, are you okay Rose?"
"Y-yeah. S-sorry"
I hugged her, feeling her relax against me. Hugs weren't necessarily my favourite thing except when it was with Alyssa, but I knew Rose liked them and I didn't want her to feel bad. It wasn't actually her fault. "Rosie, it was an accident. Don't beat yourself up because of it, but maybe don't make a habit of taking out out keeper during practice, we kinda need her."
"You guys coming to dinner?"
"Uh yeah, just going to drop our stuff off."
Once we were in our room, Alyssa sat on the edge of the bed as I knelt behind her, arms wrapping around her shoulders loosely. She lent back against me with a sigh, kissing my hand. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Think my shoulder might bruise, but I'm okay hun. Don't worry so much."
I lift her shirt over her head, lips meeting the spot that was already starting to bruise then moving around to her neck, cheek and lips, "You know I can't help worrying about you, even if it's a bit ridiculous."
Alyssa turned around, pushing me back and hovering over me, "Well, I'm the same so I can't really say anything. I love you Y/n/n."
I looped my arm around the back of her neck, pulling her down so I could peck her lips, "I love you Lys, but you need to get off cause we need to go down for dinner."
She rolled off me with one final kiss before standing up, "Fine."
My eyes fluttered open to the feeling of lips being pressed to every part of my face and neck. I giggled, arms wrapping around her neck to bring her lips to mine. You wouldn't guess it, but Alyssa always kissed me softly, as if I was something precious. It honestly drove me crazy. 
Alyssa pulled away slowly, grin plastered across her face, "Happy anniversary love."
My grin matched her, as I pecked her lips, "Happy anniversary Lys. I love you."
We spent a little longer in bed than usual, lazy kisses and cuddles shared before reluctantly dragging our selves out of bed and into the shower. Unfortunately, we had training today so we couldn't give in to the clear desires we both had, instead rushing through the shower and downstairs before there was anymore temptation and we ended up late. 
Alyssa and I were discussing dinner plans when we walked into the meal room. We never went out on our anniversary, always staying in and just being with each other in the comfort of our own home. This year was different because we were in a hotel, but we would make do. Just as we sat down, Kelley sat across from us, our conversation ending as we waited for her to say something. "Do you guys even like each other? I mean you guys just seem so indifferent around each other, sure you talk and even joke around sometimes, but it's no different then if you were talking to team mates, we've never heard you talk about anything remotely relationship like."
My arm rest on the back of Alyssa's chair, playing with the baby hairs at the base of her neck. That wasn't a usual occurrence, but it was our anniversary. I was feeling a mix of different, slightly overwhelming emotions from love to happiness, and nerves from the fact I was proposing tonight. I just wanted to be close to her right now and the usual leg against mine wasn't enough. Alyssa must have sensed it because her hand rest on my thigh under the table, squeezing gently as I spoke, "Of course we do. We were literally just talking about our plans tonight for our anniversary."
"That was talk about your anniversary? It sounded like you were talking about grocery shopping."
"We were, but in relation to our anniversary."
"So what are you going to do for your anniversary?"
"Chill out in our hotel room. We never do anything big."
"Yeah okay. That tracks with the appearance of your relationship."
Alyssa had gone back to our room after training while I had gone to the store to pick up a few snacks to sneak in and some flowers for her. She always got me flowers so I wanted to return the favour for once. We were planning on ordering in and watching movies before likely ending the night doing inappropriate cuddling.  It was our favourite way to spend our anniversaries. Thankfully, we had an off day tomorrow so we could get away with it. 
After placing the bag down on the table, I called out for Alyssa, getting a response from the bathroom almost instantly. My arms wrapped around Alyssa when she emerged from the bathroom, leaving a lingering kiss against her lips. Her eyes dropped down to the bouquet in my hand, a small smile appearing. "This isn't your actual gift, but you always get me flowers so I thought it was my turn. Your gift is running late."
"They're beautiful, thank you Y/n/n. You know you didn't have to get me anything."
"I know, but you also always get me something despite me saying the same thing, therefore shut up."
Alyssa laughed, pushing me away gently and taking the flowers, "You speak to me so romantically my love."
I pulled her back into me, peppering her face with kisses, "I love you."
"I love you. I ordered dinner already, it should be here soon. Also here," Alyssa handed out a small wrapped box. Inside was a gold chain with a small keepers glove attached. It was something I had mentioned wanting, a way to have her close when she wasn't there physically. 
"You remembered. I love it Lys."
"Of course I did."
After a short make out session and dinner, we cuddled up in bed to watch a movie. Maybe 15 minutes had passed before I started getting restless. My focus dropped from the movie, instead playing with Alyssa's fingers. I never was the best at staying still. My mind soon drifted to the pool downstairs, it had been a while since I got to go and the urge was suddenly there.  
When I shifted position once again, Alyssa chuckled and paused the movie, "I've lost you haven't I?"
I grinned up at her, kissing her softly. Alyssa always knew me so well. "Do you want to go swimming? It's late so no one will be around."
Alyssa knew I loved swimming so she agreed pretty easily, after some teasing of course. We made our way down to the pool, both wearing tank tops and shorts. No one was around so it didn't matter what we wore. I jumped straight in, swimming around a bit while Alyssa sat on the edge of the pool. After a few minutes, I swam up between Alyssa's legs resting my arms on them as I lent up connecting our lips in a lingering kiss. 
"Come in."
"It's cold."
"Love, it's a heated pool."
"Okay fine, I just enjoy watching you swim around."
"But, if you come in then we can cuddle, kiss," My hand ran up the inside of her thigh, "Touch."
Alyssa instantly slid into the pool, arm wrapping around me and pulling me against her. "You're a tease."
My hands slipped under her tank top, nails scratching down her back and over her stomach, "It's only teasing if I leave it at that. Just wait until we get ba-"
A loud voice interrupted the moment, annoyance crossing Alyssa's face as she stepped back slightly, but didn't let me go. "Oh my god! They really are together."
I groaned, turning to glare at Emily and Kelley, "Fuck off and stop ruining our anniversary."
Once they were out of sight again, I pulled myself out of the pool, Alyssa rest on my legs as I had done earlier. "What are you doing?" 
I pulled the towel that I had hidden the little black box in closer. Inside was a a plain gold band with a round cut diamond. Alyssa didn't often wear jewelry and she liked simple things so I knew she would love it. "I have something for you."
"You waited until we were at the pool to give it to me?"
"Well it wasn't the original plan, but I got nervous." My fingers laced with hers, Alyssa looking up at me curiously. "Never in my life did I think I would fall for someone as hard or fast as I did with you. From the boring, quiet days at home spent doing housework or errands to the movie nights and dinner dates, I love living life with you. I love the adventures we've had, I love working with you, fuck, I just love being with you Alyssa. I look forward to every new day because I get to do it with you. With you by my side, anything is possible. This is a shit speech, but I'm nervous and you love me anyway."
Alyssa chuckled, tears already forming in her eyes before I revealed the little box. "I love you Alyssa, I love you so much more than I thought possible. I want to live life with you forever. With that being said, Alyssa Naeher will you marry me?"
Arms wrapped around my waist tightly, lips connecting with mine, in a soft, emotional kiss, "Yes, yes I will marry you Y/n."
I slipped the ring on her finger, connecting our lips again. Alyssa pulled away too soon for my liking, reaching for her own towel, pulling out a black box similar to the one I had moments before. Alyssa opened it, revealing a plain rose gold band with three small gems set into it. I soon realised it was both our birth stones and one I wasn't quite sure of. "You beat me to it, but will you marry me Y/n?"
"I suppose I can't say no seeing as I just gave you a ring."
Alyssa laughed, sliding the ring onto my finger before kissing me again. "These are our birthstones, what's this one?"
"When we first started dating."
"I love it, I love you."
A crash from behind us instantly caught our attention. About half the team stood there, sheepish smiles in place and a phone pointed in our direction. Seeing as they were caught, everyone started talking over each other, congratulations being thrown our way. I rolled my eyes, turning back to Alyssa. "Let's get out of here before they surround us. We have celebrating to do."
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kitashousewife · 8 months
we're in trouble now
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an: Halloween vibes? but not really? idk sort of kind of based on bad, bad, bad by LANY
pairings: geto x fem!reader
warnings: MANGA SPOILERS (vol 0, geto's past/high school years) mentions of: killing, curses, death, blood, police, crime, throwing up/gagging. sorcerer au, reader is not a sorcerer. established relationship, pet names, angst to comfort kinda? geto is just a little troubled, lowercase intentional
geto has been...off lately. and you're not sure why. he's been coming home later and later each night, causing you to lie awake in your shared bed, staring up at the ceiling, worried out of your mind.
it must be his job.
you've been dating for three years now. you knew before you started to date that he was a jujutsu sorcerer. he told you one night at the fanciest restaurant in tokyo, flushed cheeks and stuttering over his words. you couldn't care less, though. if anything, it was fucking hot to have a sorcerer as a boyfriend.
his job never got in the way of anything, though. he had amazing friends, who you've spent lots of time with. he was always home before dinner, never leaving on missions any longer than two days, even offering to take you along.
the last time that happened was about five months ago.
now it's 3:30 am, and you've found yourself in bed by yourself. again. calling him again, the line goes to voicemail almost instantly. you huff and throw your phone on the bed, watching it bounce before it lands face up. to your surprise, he's calling you back. rushing over, you leap onto the mattress, answering as quickly as possible.
"s-sugu? baby, are you alright?" your voice shakes. you're not sure why your chest feels so tight, why your breaths seem harder and harder to take.
geto feels the same way. he always does after he finishes off another one.
phone between his ear and shoulder, geto stands in front of a public restroom sink, scrubbing his hands for the third time in a row. the cheap soap does nothing to get rid of the blood that stains his fingers, deep in every crevice of his skin. looking at himself in the mirror, he feels an incredible sense of guilt.
"yeah, i'm fine baby. hey can you do me a favor, sweetheart?"
you can hear his voice echoing, almost as if he's in a pool.
"s-sure, where are you?"
geto feels guilty. he doesn't mean for you to be this upset. he also doesn't want to lie to you.
the four bodies behind him in the open stall are making it a little tough.
"oh i've just been finishing up work," one of the bodies, eyes still open, stare right at geto through the reflection of the mirror as he speaks. "i'll be home soon though, darling. i promise."
he hits mute as a shaky sigh leaves his lips. he peeks at his reflection once more, watching as the shirt worn by one of the dead bodies soaks up more blood. one of the bodies lets out a liquidy gurgle that echos off the tile walls. geto can almost see the last bit of life escape them, floating up into the air to join the rest of those that died the same way these ones did.
"what was the favor you needed?"
geto feels sick now. your voice so sweet, so innocent and airy. he can't you're with someone like him.
a killer.
sneaking out of the bathroom and to his car, he unmutes himself.
"could you grab a couple suitcases from the closet? pack up enough for a few days, and could you pack a little for me as well?" he buckles himself in and just as he starts his car, the sound of sirens appear in the distance.
"yeah, i can do that," you stand up, heart still racing. did you have a trip planned?
turning down different back alleys, stalling for a second as the sirens get closer, geto takes a deep breath.
"you're an angel. i'll be there soon. i love you, my perfect girl."
you end the call and begin to do as you were asked. filling the suitcases as quick as you can, you don't pay much attention to the outfits you've created. you don't even know where you're going, anyway. you smile, picturing in your mind a quick little getaway for the two of you. sightseeing, sleeping in, and spending time away from work.
you still feel a little off.
where was he?
the door bursts open, presenting a very flustered geto. his bun is almost out, dark tresses barely hanging at the nape of his neck. the pieces that fell out stick to his face from what looks like sweat. his pupils are blown wide, mouth slightly agape as he breathes heavily. you drop the t-shirt of his out of your hands and scramble to your feet.
"s-sugu? oh my god, what happened to you? did you get mugged? d-did someone try to kill you? oh my god," you gasp, hands reaching for every part of his body to make sure he was in one piece.
geto swallows back the guilt induced vomit that sits at the back of his throat. "no, baby, not at all," he coos down at you, but his eyes look anywhere but your face. they check each window and door, before eyeing the suitcases. "thank you so much for doing this. we're going away for a few days, is that alright?" he says with a smile. cupping your face ever so lightly with his slightly stained fingers. he's thankful you forgot to turn on the lights.
"of course, suguru. are we going far? let me make something to eat," you pull him towards the kitchen, but he tugs you back.
"we can eat when we get there, i promise. let's just get going," he speaks quickly, eyes still checking the windows.
"is everything okay?" you say, copying his stares out the window. he notices and grabs his suitcase and yours, before heading towards the door. he almost throws up again, torn between telling you everything and keeping you in the dark. he swallows hard.
"the car is on, i can explain everything later. we'll be just fine, i promise." you smile, feeling a little more at ease. with a nod, you grab a jacket and head out the door.
as soon as you get to the car, geto opens the passenger door for you and puts the suitcases in the back with speed. you haven't even buckled your seatbelt by the time he starts to drive away.
"it's 4:30 am baby, we don't need to race! it's not like anyone is on the road," you laugh and reach your hand to hold his. he jumps when you touch him. "i'm sorry! i didn't mean to scare you," you mumble, and he gives you a small smile, which fades as soon as the faint sounds of sirens fill the air. his stare jumps up to the rearview mirror, and he takes a sudden sharp turn that has you jumping in your seat.
"suguru! what is going on?"
he turns down another street and speeds up a little bit.
"angel, i've gotten myself into a bit of trouble, okay? everything is gonna be just fi-"
"what did you do?" your voice is stern, but geto gives you a smile, eyes softening as he drives down a back road.
"i'll explain everything later, just like i promised. for now, i need you to trust me, okay?"
your mind and stomach scream no no no at you, but your heart takes over.
"okay, i trust you."
you must have fallen asleep at some point on the drive, because when you open your eyes you're met with sunshine and costal views.
"there she is, good morning darling. we're almost there."
blinking a few times and rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you realize that you have pulled into a small town next to the ocean. geto appears to be more relaxed. you reach around for your phone, but you can't seem to find it.
"are you looking for your phone?" you nod. "i put it in my bag for you. i thought it would be good for us to stay off of our phones for the next couple of days. just time with each other, how does that sound?" his face beams at you from the driver's seat. you can't say no, especially not when he's being so kind and sweet.
"i think that sounds lovely."
you pull up to a motel, which looks as if it doesn't get a lot of business. you start to feel a little uneasy, and geto can sense that.
"wait right here, i'll get us checked in," he kisses your cheek and walks towards the motel office. now that you're a little more awake, you start to become hyper-aware of your surroundings. based off of the looks, you're at least four hours from home. you start to think a little more. was he running from the cops? what type of trouble is he in?
he returns quickly, room key in hand. he grabs the suitcases out of the car and you follow close behind him all the way to your room. as soon as you enter, he quickly shuts the door and locks it behind him. you have a seat on the old motel bed without a word.
feeling a little more relieved, he sighs and looks at you. worry all over your face, wringing your hands that are placed in your lap.
"isn't this nice? our own little place, right on the ocean. i know how much you love the ocean, we could even go check out the shops later!"
you don't say anything. geto begins to panic.
"are you hungry? would you like me to get some food for us? if you want, we could go-"
"why did you take me here?" your voice is nothing more than a whisper. you feel sick, you know something is terribly wrong. he kneels in front of you on the floor and grabs your hand.
"sweetheart, do you think humans are good people?"
you give him a confused look. "maybe not everyone, but most people i know are good people," you think out loud. geto's stomach feels a little uneasy.
"your asshole manager? you think that guy is a good person?"
"no, not him. but my other coworkers are great people, remember? you've met them!"
of course he has. he's been to many work dinners and events.
he also killed one of them last night, but he won't tell you that.
"darling, why do you think there is so much crime in the world? so many good people like you say, having their lives ruined by these terrible humans. wouldn't the world be a better place if they just...went away?"
your mouth opens slightly and you blink at him a few times. you start to sweat a little bit, and the room feels like it's caving in on the two of you.
"what are you suggesting?"
he comes to sit next to you on the bed and holds you in his arms.
"do you know what i do for work?"
he feels you nod into his chest. "you fight curses, right?"
"that's right. do you know why curses exist?"
you shake your head.
"because of humans. regular humans, like you, who can't fight or see curses. curses only exist because of them. they are able to flow through people and hurt them, which makes my friends and i come in to save them. that doesn't seem very fair, does it?"
you disagree. you know deep down that this isn't right, what he's implying is evil.
"w-well no, but-"
"do you know hard it is to fight curses? to even be around curses?" he stands up, voice raising. hot, angry tears fill his lash line. "do you know how disgusting my cursed technique is?"
your mouth opens and shuts, unable to form any words at all. you want to speak, but you simply cannot find the words to say. you know there is nothing. you can say to help him feel any better.
"i don't know but i want to, i want to understand you better," you mumble, lip quivering and voice cracking slightly. you feel terrible, you had no idea how much pain geto has been in. he paces back and forth in front of you, wiping his tears with his hands. suddenly he stops.
"you'll think that i'm gross, that i'm a monster," he rambles. you stand up, grabbing his hand and holding him close.
"i promise i won't. i love you,"
he takes a deep breath and backs away, leading you back to the bed to sit down. you continue to hold his hands in your own, attempting to provide any sense of comfort.
"i can summon curses. i can call them to help me fight, whenever i need them," he starts, glancing at you to see your reaction. to his surprise, you're completely neutral.
"that sounds really cool, sugu. what do they look like?" you ask, eyes wide and full of curiosity. geto can't help the smile that grows on his face at how innocent you are.
you are exactly why he wants this perfect world.
he raises his hand and a small curse appears. something kind of silly looking, much like a kids drawing with wings. you look at it for a second, before he interupts.
"can you see it?"
you nod. "that's good. some humans can see them, and some can't. this little guy is harmless," he waves his hand and the curse flies away, out the door and into the world.
"can you make bigger ones?"
he chuckles. "yes, some ten times his size, maybe even bigger. they all have different abilities, some are stronger than others," he looks at you once more, relieved to see that you're smiling.
"how do you get them, do you make them?"
geto doesn't say anything, but continues to stare at the carpet at his feet.
"i swallow them," noticing your confused face, he elaborates. "it turns into a ball, fits right in the palm of my hand, almost looks like a crystal ball," he swallows hard. "then i just...swallow it."
you nod and stroke his back. he shivers a little at the thought.
"it tastes so vile, so disgusting. i can't even describe the taste," he shakes his head, tears brimming his eyes once more. "tastes like death. which make sense," he sniffles.
"why, sugu?"
he looks at you, tears streaming down his face at this point. you brush them away with your thumb, but they keep falling.
"i'm a killer. you don't deserve me. i try to make this world a better place, one where i don't have to watch my friends die. one where i don't even have to worry about curses, one where i don't have to think about ever losing you," he raises his voice, each word coming out through choked sobs.
"i want to keep you safe. i want to be away from this, from everything. i want to protect you," he cries, and you pull him close. "god, everyone probably thinks i'm so fucked up. they probably thing im ruining your life,"
you shake your head. "people can think whatever they want." with a nod, he lays back down on the bed. you push the fallen strands out of his face, playing with them a bit to help him calm down.
"how long do you want to stay here?"
he wipes his face and props himself up on his elbows. "i dunno, couple of days at least,"
you nod. the two of you sit in silence. geto has run out of things to say, as have you.
it’s light outside, sunny and bright. the exact opposite of the mood inside of the dingy motel room. seagulls sing outside as they perch, happy tunes that almost make you laugh. you’re not sure what to think, what to feel.
“are we gonna be alright, sugu?”
he sighs. “i think so.”
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drpeppertummy · 9 months
truthfully my friends this isnt something im overly into or experienced in & as such i have Absolutely no idea if its any good or not. godspeed
[alien-esque parasite creature-in-stomach bordering-on-rapid-horror-preg situation, ends in hospital post-surgery bc you know id never let it explode him but the hospital isnt like a whole big thing, nobody has a good time in this but hes fine]
Val was beginning to wonder if eating at that sketchy restaurant in Hell had been a good idea.
Truthfully, he'd known it was a bad idea from the start. He hadn't liked the look of the place when his sister had brought him there, the service had been awful, the food had been worse, and he'd felt a little off ever since. That had been a few days ago, and he was back home now. It was always shockingly cold returning to the mortal world after visiting his family, but he was glad to be back in Connie's arms, even if it meant braving the chilly autumn air.
Exhausted from the busy week behind him, Val flopped down onto the bed. He was freshly showered and dressed in his pajamas, and very glad about it. Connie was taking her turn in the shower now. Sprawled out flat on his back, Val looked down at himself, and his brow furrowed. He hadn't felt quite right ever since visiting that restaurant, and he was still a little bloated. He laid his head back down on the pillow and rested his hands on his belly.
"Looks like your mom stuffed you like a turkey," Connie teased, standing in the doorway. "Does she think you're as skinny as I do?"
"Christ, does she," Val laughed.
"Maybe you oughtta visit more often, let her beef you up a little," she giggled, dropping herself onto the bed next to him.
"I don't think I could handle that," said Val. "You know everyone else in my family is like ten feet tall?" Connie laughed.
"And I bet they feed you like you are too, right?" She placed a hand on his rounded tummy and raised her eyebrows at how firm it felt. "Sheesh, you really feel stuffed."
"Tell you the truth, my sister dragged me out to some weird restaurant a couple days before I left. It was a mess, you never woulda gone in. Whatever I ate didn't sit right, I guess, my stomach's been a little funny ever since. I've spent the past few days feeling like I swallowed a bowling ball."
"Huh," said Connie, rubbing his belly. It gurgled uncomfortably under her hand. "Maybe you got, like, mild food poisoning or something."
"Maybe," he sighed. "Probably."
"Do you feel sick?"
"I don't know. Not quite. Just off. ADR, as they say at the vet. I mean, I definitely feel bloated, I can tell you that much."
"Believe me, you don't have to tell me," she chuckled, patting his belly. It didn't sound hollow, like it was filled with gas. Instead it sounded solid, like patting a rock, and it let out another sickly gurgle. Connie winced sympathetically.
Suddenly, Val sat up. Connie looked up at him, surprised. His face was difficult to read, but he seemed tense. Concerned, she sat up beside him.
"Val, what's the matter?" She placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I don't know," he said uncertainly, holding both hands against his tummy. He looked down, brow furrowed. Was he more bloated than before? His stomach felt tighter, and…strange, somehow. Almost as if something inside him was pulsing.
"Maybe you should go to urgent care or something," said Connie. She didn't like the look on his face, and she didn't like that he was still so bloated days after eating whatever he'd eaten.
"I can't go to urgent care. I'm not even human. They wouldn't know what to make of me even if I was feeling fine."
"Yeah, but…I don't know. I'm worried," she said, squeezing his shoulder. Now that he was sitting up, his belly looked even more distended than it had when he was laying, and it was oddly top-heavy, as though whatever was making it so swollen was stuck up in his stomach. She didn't like that at all.
Val couldn't disagree with her point of view. Still, he preferred to avoid letting people find out he wasn't human if he could help it. It was a dangerous secret to reveal, and there had been plenty of times where he'd nearly paid a heavy price for it. He didn't have much time to mull it over, though, because his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a bizarre wave of pain in his stomach. He doubled over with a groan, clutching his belly.
"Val!" Connie grabbed his shoulders. Val remained frozen, trying to process what he'd just felt. It was pain, certainly, and pressure, but it almost felt like movement as well. Cautiously, he sat back upright, his breathing shallow and shaky.
"That's it, you're going to the hospital," she said, standing up. Val opened his mouth to protest when another surge of pain shot through him, and this time he definitely felt movement. He doubled over again, gaping like a fish as his belly pushed out against his hands.
Carefully, Connie pulled him to his feet, putting an arm around his waist to hold him steady, and hurried him out of the bedroom. As they walked, she felt something shift under her hand, and for a moment she froze, looking down at him.
"What the fuck was that?"
"I don't--I don't know," he choked out, desperately hugging his middle.
"Let's go," she urged, and practically dragged him out of the house.
Connie hastily put the directions into the GPS and was off like a flash before Val could even finish buckling up. His belly bulged conspicuously over the seatbelt, undeniably rounder than it had been earlier, and whatever was inside was growing restless. A moan of terror escaped him as he watched something move under the skin.
"Connie, I love you," he blurted out, his voice shaking.
"I love you too. Don't talk like you're gonne die. You're not gonna die." She reached out and grabbed his shoulder tightly before returning her hand to the wheel. Val thought she looked like she definitely thought he was going to die.
The pressure inside his stomach was unbelievable, and only seemed to be increasing as whatever was inside continued to move around and grow. It was growing fast now, and he could feel his stomach stretching and straining to contain it. He tried not to think about how far it could stretch before it burst.
"We're almost there," said Connie, trying to reassure herself just as much as him. She glanced over at him and was horrified to see his belly visibly squirming. Suddenly, his belly surged violently, and he let out a hoarse cry as the creature inside him began to thrash, pushing out hard against the walls of his stomach.
"Oh, god, please," he cried out, clutching his belly as his tightly-stretched skin was pulled tighter still. "Oh, please, god, no--"
Val woke up feeling like he'd been run through with a chainsaw. He wasn't sure where he was or what had happened, and he didn't have the strength to care. All he knew was that there was a horrible searing pain in his belly. As he regained consciousness, though, he began to recall the events of the night, and he looked down at himself. His belly was flat. Flat, and bandaged up. He let his head fall back onto the pillow with a sigh of relief.
The surgeon told him that he'd barely made it in time, and that they'd pulled something like a sucker-mouthed chupacabra out of his stomach, and that it was nearly the size of an infant, and that his wife had urged them to just not ask questions, and that after the procedure they were inclined to just roll with that, and that he'd have to stay in the hospital for at least a week. Val groggily accepted all of this information; the surgeon could've told him he'd grown a second head and he'd have nodded along. With his stomach intact, all he cared about now was seeing Connie.
EPILOGUE BECAUSE I CANT WRITE ENDINGS: It took one day for Val to win the hearts of all the nurses with his charm and only five for him to be released--for good behavior, he'd joked. Against all predictions, he recovered surprisingly quickly, although his tummy remained terribly sore for weeks; that was, of course, to be expected. He'd persuaded the hospital to let him ship the creature back to Hell for further evaluation. Astonishingly, they'd managed to get it out alive after sedating it right along with Val, and it had been nicknamed "Fluffy" by the frightened staff who were in charge of keeping it under observation. Fluffy, as it turned out, was a relatively common parasite found in undercooked lava cod, which was exactly what Val had eaten, although most of his fellow demons and devils were built sturdily enough that it wasn't much of a danger to them. Connie, who had been even more shaken up by the incident than her husband, received even more affection from him than usual in the following days. He felt awful for putting her through the experience--he'd expressed this, and she'd incredulously assured him that it wasn't his fault--and he made sure to bake her something special for taking care of him.
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anamoon63 · 1 month
Hi guys, I am writing this in case anyone wonders why I have been kind of MIA lately. No, I haven't forgotten you, but I have had a difficult week, more than a difficult week, I have been through a real ordeal. Where or how it started it's a long story which I don't have the time or the energy to tell, so I'll just share a brief chronology of what happened during this past week.
Friday May 3 - I turned in my finished work and set out to do my sims posts, play and rest for the weekend since more work would be coming my way on Monday.
Saturday May 4 - My husband came down with the flu, I spent most of the day with him in the emergency room.
Sunday May 5 - I spent it taking care of my husband, who fortunately no longer had a fever. I barely slept two hours at night giving care and medication.
Monday 6 May - My birthday, we couldn't go out for dinner as usual, so we celebrated at home.
Tuesday, May 7 - My son comes down with the flu, too, another afternoon in the ER and sleepless night caring for him and bringing down his fever.
Wednesday, May 8 - My son starts to feel better, and begins to recover very quickly. I start working on the following translations, at the same time I take care of both my husband and my sick son, do food, laundry, order home medicines, and all kinds of small chores, including disinfecting things. It's like going back to 2020.
Thursday, May 9 - My husband no longer has a fever but does have a cough that won't go away and minor problems with his asthma.
Friday, May 10 - Mother's Day, my son was feeling fine, my husband still had a cough, and had a doctor's appointment at noon, when he returned, we celebrated at home just like on my birthday, I spent the rest of the day working, and juggling a thousand other things. In the evening my daughter started to feel sick, but still no fever.
Saturday, May 11 (yesterday) - My daughter woke up with a fever, another visit to the ER. She was prescribed flu medicine, painkillers and rest, and sent home.
And that's my odyssey so far. On top of it all, from Wednesday through Saturday we were in the middle of a heat wave with temperatures of 37ºC with real feel of up to 45ºC; at night we get a "cooler" temperature of 29ºC. So imagine a person with a fever of 38 ºC and with this heat, obviously it's not of much help.
Surprisingly, I haven't gotten sick so far, but I'm not claiming victory. I have been taking care of my family for a week, sleeping two or three hours a night, getting up at different times to check on them, or give them medicine. I don't have time for getting sick! Lol. Thankfully, everyone is better and last night for the first time in a week I was able to sleep straight through. Honestly, I don't need many hours of sleep, but I am routinely and usually I am in bed a 11 pm and up at 8 am every day, so all this did upset my sleep cycle a little bit.
Anyway, that is the reason why I wasn't here much, since the whole day I was too busy, and at night I was so tired all I wanted was to go to bed. I apologize if I've fallen behind on your updates, I'm not ignoring you in any way, I just didn't have the strength or the time, not even to play The Sims. If I did, it was just a little free play to distract myself.
Last week I told you that I was juggling a lot of things, well now I have even more things, lol, at times I feel really exhausted, and even a little cranky from lack of sleep, the first few days my feet and legs hurt so much from going back and forth, but I'm fine, healthy, and in good spirits. Today I believe, as never before, that the universe does not send you more than you can handle.
At this point my family is already in recovery, if I don't get sick too, it's likely by I'll be able to get back to my simming routine. Now, if I do get sick, I hope to recover as quickly as the others. Whatever happens, I'll be around. Know that, even if I don't comment, I read you, and I am with you, especially with those who are going through difficult times of any kind.
Ok, I said to myself this was going to be a short post, but I made a wall of text instead (for a change). My apologies if it's written in a sloppy or confusing way, I just wanted to write it quickly to let you know where I have been and what has been going on with me these days. I hope you are all well, please take care of yourselves, health is a treasure that can be lost at any moment, the flu is a nasty disease, we must never let our guard down and forget to take the necessary measures to prevent it.
Last, but not least, I want to thank all of you who have mentioned me, tagged me, sent me asks and/or stars to my inbox, commented and/or liked what few posts I could do these days, I appreciate it very much and I'll try to reply to you as soon as I can, though I've fallen so far behind that I don't know if I'll be able to find your mentions in my notifications. In any case, thank you very, very much to all of you for thinking about me in my absence. 💗 I'll see you soon, hopefully, with more sim adventures, stay tuned!
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soldateins · 1 year
'Down with the Alien Sickness' - Rick Sanchez x Female Reader
I deleted my account last year and I remember how much people loved this fanfic so, I'm posting it again <3
Basically, I'm really sick. I can't talk or anything. So, I decided I'd write my first ever R&M fanfic! Where OC is sick but it gets worse in a way that you'd not expect (hopefully!) I hope I write Rick well. He can be slightly out of character but... He's nice sometimes in it which is MEGA OOC for Rick. I also hope it's pretty good anyway, I haven't written in about a year so, holy shit. Hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Rick Sanchez x Female Reader
Any warnings: Sickness, OC gets ill with something, panicking, Rick bring Rick, it's also fluffy and cute at the end - Word count: 2,957
It had been a few days since I'd come home from college sick. Rick forced me to have the past 4 days off and despite my protest, the true look of concern on his face made me follow his advice. He even 'advised' (forced) me to stay at the Smith household, sharing his surprisingly comfortable but small camper-bed with him. Luckily, Beth and Jerry didn't seem to mind, due to Rick doing a 'good deed' in Beth's eyes. In my eyes, it was Rick finding any excuse to have me near him and by the looks Summer gives Rick, the smirk and raising of an eyebrow, she knew it too. I'll admit it, we have a.. 'thing', we just don't really talk about what the 'thing' is - And I find him more than good looking, but I just don't want Beth to find out, y'know, age gaps and all.
Anyway, I'd been sick for a few days, and it was only getting worse. Rick told me it was the common flu, but he had no idea how my stomach had felt, and today was the worst day, by far. I'd spent most of the day lying in his bed, groaning. Quickly, I rose from Rick's camper-bed, suddenly needing to cough something up. Wrapping the thin green duvet around my shoulders, I barged through the door with my shoulder and bolted it to the bathroom.
I slammed the door, threw the duvet to the floor and knelt over the toilet. Shuddering and retching, I heard a gentle knock on the wood of the door, "Uh, Y/N? You- You okay? You don't sound uhhh- okay." Morty's voice whined it's way through the wood. I gagged, and my eyes widened as I brought up the weirdest looking neon green goop that I'd ever seen. I immediately felt relief, gasping for breath, "Yeah.. Uh.. I'm okay now. I think. You can come in, Morty." I shivered as Morty slowly opened the door.
He emitted a slightly unsettled whine as we locked eyes, "I- Ho- Holy shit, Y/N. What the fuck ha- What happened to you? Did- Did Rick do something? Ar-Are you pregnant or?" Morty quickly grabbed the soft duvet and wrapped it around my shoulders tightly, helping me up to sit on the side of the bath. I pulled a disgusted face and scoffed, "I'm sick. I'm not pregnant, and no, Rick had nothing to do with this. Or at least, to me, it happened out of nowhere." Raising my hand with a pointing, shaky finger, I took a breath in, "Can- can you look at whatever the fuck I just hacked up into the toilet? It didn't look real."
Morty cautiously took a step toward the toilet bowl and leaned over a little to look, then immediately recoiled, eyes wide and hand over mouth, "OH! What the FUCK?! Oh, oh! What is- what is that- that green stuff?!" He leaned forward again for another look but looked away just as quickly. I began to panic, shifting as I shouted, "What?! You- What do you mean?! You should know! You sho- Should know, right?" Morty reluctantly took a photo, the first time was with flash, he cursed himself, then took another, flushed the toilet, and came back to me, a firm hand cupping my shoulder, "C'mon, Y/N, let me take you down to Rick."
We got to the garage door and that's when Morty patted my back and gave me his phone, "Here, don't let Rick look through my shit, okay? I've got homework to do." He waltzed his way back into the lounge. I sheepishly knocked on the door, hearing an annoyed grunt in response, "What now, Jerry? There's no serum that'll give you a *burp* a job." I smiled, shook my head, and took that as my cue to open the door, "It's actually me." I croaked, entering the cool garage, wrapping myself tighter in the duvet. Rick took a quick glance at me, "What's up, sweetie? You want some mo-eurgh cough sy- syrup?" His voice had immediately changed, he actually sounded nice, "I um.. Actually.. Morty said.." I trailed off, trying to keep my balance as a shocking pain wreaked havoc in my stomach, "Oh fuck, oh shit!" I pressed my hands into my stomach, falling to my knees with a painful thud, "Morty said you've gotta- gotta help me. He said- He said something's really wrong!" I strained as Rick turned so fast that he was right next to me as I hit the floor.
My breathing turned heavy as my eyesight went slightly fuzzy and green. Rick grabbed my waist, lifted me up like a baby, and held my face up to give it a good look, "Jesus Christ, what the fuck have you been doing, Y/N?! It was just a cold!" He dragged my almost completely limp body to his desk, pushed all of the stuff to the side and sat me on it, leaning me against the cold wall to which I jolted up and let out a horrific screech, "I don't like that! Too co- cold!" I fell forward, my head landing on his right shoulder, "OKAY! Okay, we won't uh- *burp* Won't do that then!" He lay me down on my side as he ran to get the duvet off of the floor and shut the door to the garage. I cried out in pain, "Rick! What's going on? I can't see! It- It- It's so painful!" I writhed on the desk, kicking my feet out violently.
"You can't see?! Oh my G-*burp*-od!" His voice was choked and high. I could hear Rick's shoes clicking around quickly as he came over, covered me in the blanket, and began searching for things around the garage. I rocked myself side to side, trying to settle myself until I felt Rick's arms wrap around my body, sitting me up and slipping me down onto his work stool. I felt the excruciating pain in my stomach as he set me down and emitted a loud scream, "Oh Jesus! Okay, Y/N! I'm gonna have to examine you, okay? You're gonna have to put up with this for a little longer!" Rick shouted over my raw yelling. I gritted my teeth as hard as I could, "Okay." I growled.
The garage door opened quickly, slamming against the wall, "What is going on in here?!" Beth shrieked. Rick didn't even turn around, "Beth. Honey. Not a good time." He spoke through a clamped jaw, I assume Beth looked at me because I heard her gasp "Oooookay.. Uh... Dinner will be on the table very uh.. Very soon." She left as quickly as she came. I began to lean into Rick's chest, losing consciousness, "No. Y/N. Stay with me. C'mon, sweetheart!" He slapped my face a few times and I felt him turn rigid as a deep aggressive growl erupted from my stomach and I began coughing that same sticky substance up onto his shirt, "Ohh shit." He shined a white light into each of my eyes, causing me to raspily howl, "Okay. Your eyes are all glazed over, red and bloodshot." I felt his fingers on my lips and he pried my mouth open, shining the light inside, "Eugh. Glowing sticky green mucus in the mouth. Mouth is also deep red in colour."
Suddenly a cold glass tube was scooped into my mouth and out again. I gave a guttural groan, "COLD!" Without thinking, my hand grabbed Rick's, tightly, he shouted out in pain, "Y/N. Let go.". I felt an inhumane scream ripple through my body as Rick grabbed me by the throat, "Let me go or I'll kill you." His breath was puffing against my face as he spoke and I felt my hand weaken, despite me not telling it to, "Thank you." He spat. His hands then returned to me, shining his light everywhere, "Your skin is grey. Each orifice is very dark and wet." His voice was calm as he poked and prodded, I, however, was becoming more frustrated, "Rick! I don't wan- wanna put up- up with this any- more!!" I sobbed, trying to tear myself away from him, unsuccessfully, "C'mon, shut up. Almost done."
I heard a lot of beeping and switches being flicked and buttons being pressed for a few minutes as Rick held one hand gently against my neck, just in case I tried to hurt him again. A few seconds later, Rick gave a quiet gasp, and made an almost guilty sounding 'damn it'. I then suddenly felt a very painful intrusion in my left thigh, "RICK!" I screamed, "It's for your own good, Y/N." He stated as I felt a thick string of aches flow through me.
Instantaneously, I started coughing and shaking, "Please let this work." I heard Rick mutter, as his arms wrapped around my body in a warm, tight embrace. My eyes moistened up and my sight slowly came back as I cried loudly, "Shh, c'mon now, it's okay, you're okay.." Rick whispered into my ear continuously until the shaking and coughing stopped and I was reduced to a heavy breathing, weak mess. Everything felt better. Well, my throat still killed and my nose was runny, but, everything else was completely gone.
I swallowed deeply, "Wh- What just happened?" I whispered. Rick didn't let go of me for a few minutes, "Rick?" I croaked, "I injected you with a serum that reduces what I think you had back down into the common cold. Luckily, it worked and I was right." His breathing was slow and heavy. With a sigh of relief and without a word, Rick took my right hand and hooked his arm around my waist. He helped me up and we left the garage.
"Hey Rick, Y/N! Wanna come an- an- an- and eat?" Morty called out from the dinner table that he and his family were sat at, "Uhh, we're good right now, Morty. Y/N needs time to recover from her si*burp*ckness." We continued walking to Rick's room. He carefully set me down on the bed, wrapping me in his duvet, "Wait here." He brought out his portal gun and left for another dimension, "Hmph. Okay then." I clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth impatiently as I waited for him. After a few minutes, my phone dinged. It was a text from Rick: 'Hope ur OK, sweetie. Won't be long. R.'
I was leaned against the wall, peering around the most interesting room I would ever be in. After about 10 minutes, a portal opened up and Rick stepped out, with a small little blue person in a sort of delivery uniform, "This the place, Sir?" The person squeaked, "Uhp, Yeah. Ri*burp*ght over there." Rick pointed to the end of the camper-bed and a slightly odd, fleshy looking flat screen TV materialised in front of my eyes, "What the- the fuck? Rick?" I sat up, looking him right in the face, "Hey. Hey. Don't, don't say that around a Reeptipian, Y/N. They're one of the few alien races that actually understand those words." His voice was monotonous as he lifted his portal gun and it beeped twice, "Thank you, Sir." The little blue person hopped back on through the portal, but not before two giant boxes materialised on the floor, full of colourful packets of things that looked edible.
"I'm gonna say it again, what the fuck, Rick?" I tilted my head with raised brows, "Well excuuuuuse me for tryna surprise you and make you feel better!" He put his arms in the air, "What do you mean?" I asked, "Reeptipians have a thing for cinema and TV. They create the best TVs I've ever used, with interdimensional cable, and the best snack fooooods!" Rick opened the boxes and threw a load of stuff onto the bed before bouncing himself down onto it with me. I laughed at his enthusiasm and leaned my head against his chest as he pulled me close and turned on the TV.
"Oh, before I forget." Rick sat up, pulling a decently sized needle out of his coat, before taking off his mucus covered shirt and lab coat, "I- I- Please don't tell me that's for me!" I scrambled back against the wall at the top of the bed, "Nope. For me." Rick jabbed himself in the gut with it, letting out a rumbling growl, his legs kicking out slightly, "I seriously need to figure out how to vaccinate without injections." He pulled it out and threw it to the floor with a sigh. I watched him sit back, unsure of what happened, "Um, what was that?" I relaxed against the wall once again, "Didn't you hear me? It was a vaccination. Against that nasty shit that was all up in your system, sweetheart. Oh uh.. abo*burp*ut that." Rick's eyes were shifting from side to side.
My eyes narrowed, "What. What about it? That was the worst pain I've experienced so far." My voice was highly suspicious sounding as I stared at Rick, "Y'know that healthy alien cereal you had a few days back that uh.. You really liked and then had more of?" His lips pressed into a thin line and his demeanor was nervous, which is rare, "Yes. I do know it. The one you got me that tastes like strawberry. What about it? Spit it out." Rick scratched his head, "Funny thing. It's filled with alien bacteria that are beneficial for the aliens on the planet that I got it from. But.. It uh.. If a human ingests it.. It.. uh.. Tries to use your body as a host and kills and consumes you before moving on." He braced himself for me to kick off but, nothing came, and he opened his eyes, looking at me with trepidation. I blew a gust of air from my mouth that I was holding in, "Smartest man in the universe, huh? You get your girlfriend infected with some weird fucking alien bacteria?" I crossed my arms and then froze. Rick's eyes widened, "My what?" I began stuttering, "You're uh.. You- You're.." As I tried to search for a different word Rick interrupted me, "My girlfriend!" He laughed deeply, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me onto him, pressing his lips to mine.
I pulled away with a cough and Rick held my face in his big hands, tickling my jaw and making me giggle, "I'm sorry for not checking that cereal. It almost killed you." His eyebrows furrowed. I closed my eyes and inhaled his smell, I loved the muskiness mixed with a faint whiskey scent. I leaned into him, kissing his bare chest, "But it didn't. It fucking hurt, but it didn't kill me. Plus, aren't there other versions of me around? Do- do you know any?" Rick stiffened under me, "Well, yeah but.. They- they're not you. They're.. Different. In a bad way. I'd rather you not die no ma*burp*tter what, sweetie." He flipped through some crazy looking channels on the giant TV and settled on one, "I've checked over all of these candies by the way. They're safe. They won't try and eat you after you eat them." Rick gave a hoarse chuckle and wrapped his arms around my waist, his nails gently scratching the skin of my back under my shirt.
"Uh, Rick?" My voice came out very weak, "Hm?" He looked down at me, then back up to the TV, stuffing a few pink pieces of candy into his mouth. I hummed, "You uh- you wanna try some?" Rick lifted some of the candy up to my mouth, "Yeah, uh, sure." I smiled, letting him feed me some, "But uh, I have a question." I spoke with my mouth full, "Shoot." Rick shoveled more candy into his mouth, seemingly loving it, "Is this.. Is this thing we have.. More than a.. thing?" I looked toward the TV, not wanting to meet his intelligent eyes. He took a deep breath and I felt myself lift atop his chest.
Rick cleared his throat, "Uhm." I felt his fingertips tap against my skin whilst I began to internally panic, "Never mind. Shouldn't have asked." I quickly spoke but Rick shook his head, "Nononono! I- I- I didn't mean-! Fuck. I just.. You really- you really want that?" His voice wavered as he searched my face. I looked Rick straight in the eye and bit my lip, "Yes. I.. I want that. Do uhm.. Do you?" I lay my right leg over his thighs. Rick blinked a few times before answering, "I- Yeah. I want it too." I grinned, "Then I guess.. We're dating now?" Rick nodded with a smirk and gave my ass a squeeze, "I guess we are."
Rick filled his mouth with a different type of candy, it looked like glowing red rocks. I grabbed a handful and popped some into my mouth, they tasted very sweet, until they grated their way down my sore throat, I winced as the second piece of candy made my throat hot. I looked at the packet and there were flames all over it, "Ah! They're so hot!" I blew quick puffs of air out of my mouth, "It's okay, it only lasts until they're in your stomach." Rick patted my stomach with a smile. Rick's eyes shot toward the screen and he all of a sudden jolted, raising an arm, "Yes! Ball Fondlers, baby! This is the best TV show eveeer! Trust me, Y/N, you'll love this!"
And indeed I did love it. Well, until I fell into a deep sleep.
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elianamarie-blog · 6 months
The Things You Give Part 33
Whooooooweeee it's be a very long time! I'm so sorry it took so long to write this! I've been having a hard time feeling motivated but it's past the New Years and I decided that I need to end this story shortly. Story isn't done quite yet, but there are only a few more chapters! I hope you all had a beautiful holiday season and New Years! I know I did. Enjoy the chapter!
Quick note: Danny Masterson has been imprisoned and now Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are under fire and now being cancelled apparently. Not a good start of the year for anyone.
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June 1, 1979
Point Place, Wisconsin
Forman/Hyde Residence
Eric Forman’s Kitchen
“Hey, you two, how was your doctor’s appointment?” Kitty asked as she was stirring a hot pot of chili on the stove.
“Ugh,” Y/n groaned and plopped down on the chair at the table.
“The doctor says she can pop any day now,” Hyde answered for her and opened the fridge for a drink.
“Awe, sweetheart, you must be so uncomfortable,” Kitty said.
“I am. I’m so sick of being pregnant,” she whined. “I’m tired, my ankles are fat, my back hurts and—Steven! Will you please stop breathing down my neck?!”
“Uh,” he replied from the counter, no where close to her. “I’m over here.”
Y/n whined again. “I’m so sick of being pregnant.”
“The doctor said there are a couple things we can do to induce labor,” Steven said and pulled out a list. “She said we can try spicy foods, long walks, castor oil—”
“Don’t forget what she said could be more effective,” Y/n cut in.
Steven gave her a stoney look and put his hand on his hip. “I’m not saying that.”
“Why not? She’s a nurse she hears this stuff all the time! Besides, she’s gone through this as well!”
“What? Tell me what?” Kitty asked.
“No, I’m not saying it!”
“Oh, for Pete’s sake, tell me what?!” Kitty cried out.
“The doctor said sex can be the most effective to induce labor,” Y/n blurted out.
“Y/n, what the hell?!” Steven said, embarrassed.
“Oh,” Kitty said lowly and dropped her gaze back to the chili, almost uninterested. “Okay.”
“Okay? That’s all you got to say?” Y/n asked.
“Honey, it’s pretty clear that you wouldn’t be pregnant if you and Steven hadn’t…you know…”
“Okay!” Steven interrupted. “As nice as this conversation is, I gotta get to work.”
“Okay, fine, but—Mom, cover your ears—we’re doing it later!” Y/n shouted after him as he slammed the door shut, hoping to drown out that last part.
“Well, isn’t that lovely,” Kitty mumbled and poured herself a cup of chili. “Y/n, on a more appropriate topic, do you want some chili?”
“Hey, guys,” Eric introduced himself as he entered the kitchen. “Great news! I’m on my way to becoming a teacher. I filled out all my college application with red pen.” He giggled to himself. “That’s a teacher joke.”
“Well, now look at him!” Red announced as he walked through the kitchen door. “Out of bed and productive before three o’ clock.”
“Honey, you’re like a marine!” Kitty said cheerfully.
“A marine?” Y/n asked. “The only time I ever saw him storm a beach was when he was running away from a jellyfish!”
“Damn, what did you have for breakfast this morning? Carnation Instant Bitch?” Eric quipped.
“If I could get up, I’d kick your ass for saying that,” Y/n threatened, sighing, and shifted uncomfortably in her seat, the pain in lower back starting to intensify.
“Yeah, anyway,” Eric said and turned back to Red. “Hey, dad, all I need from you now is a financial statement so the school can see where I'm getting the old moola.”
“Oh, well, you see about that…” Red mumbled, nervous. “I, uh...I spent your college money to keep the muffler shop going.”  
“What?!” the twins shouted.
“You spent our college fund?!” Y/n continued.
“Why do you care?” Eric asked her. “It’s not like you’re going to college anytime soon. You don’t even know what you want to study.”
“Who says I don’t?” she asked. “I decided that I’m going to study biomedical engineering. Beat that, teach.”
“You’re going to study biomedical engineering?!” Kitty asked excitedly. “I knew you were going to take after me in the medical field!”
“Except the difference is she’ll be helping advance technology in the medical field instead of having to wipe people’s butts and administer them their IV’s,” Red said.
“Is that what you think I do all day?” Kitty asked, offended.
“Uh…” he whipped back to Y/n who was looking up at him with an amused smile. “Good job, kitten. I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you,” she responded. “It would mean more if we had our college money!”
“Dad, how are we supposed to pay for college?” Eric asked.
“Look, with this damn mild winter, nobody's muffler rusted,” Red said. “I tried to rust them. I even went out at night and sprinkled salt all over the streets!”
Kitty squinted at her husband. “Not my good kosher salt!”
Red looked at his wife with a deadpanned look and rolled his eyes. “Yes, Kitty, I sprinkled the streets of Point Place with your half-pound bag of salt.”
“Wait. Mom, you knew about this?” Eric asked. “And you just said, ‘Please, go ahead. Take my son's college money and use it on a muffler shop?’”
“No,” she responded. “I think your father asked me if I thought you two would amount to anything, and I said, ‘I really, really hope so.’ And then he said, ‘I'm spending the twins’ college money on my muffler shop.’ And then I made the best blueberry cobbler I have ever made."
“Man, that was good,” Y/n reminisced. “I remember that cobbler. I always wondered why, when I said it was so good, you said, ‘At least I can give you this,’ and started to cry.”
“So, the upshot is, I have absolutely no money for college,” Eric said and puckered his lips in deep thought. “Looks like I’m going to have to use that football scholarship that was offered to me.”
“Oh, Eric, we should go talk to Mr. Bray!” Y/n suggested.
“Our old guidance counselor?” he asked.
“Finding money for college is what high school guidance counselors do.”
“I don't know about Mr. Bray. I don't think he really liked me,” Eric said. “One time I told him I was being bullied, and he just said, ‘What'd you expect?’"
“I’ll go with you,” Y/n said. “Mr. Bray loved me…in almost entirely appropriate ways.”
“Yeah…we’ll go,” Eric said, a little concerned.
“Okay, now that we got all that settled, we should celebrate!” Kitty announced.
Y/n scoffed. “Sure. With what?”
                                             --Later that day—
“Hey, don’t forget about the Led Zepplin concert next Friday,” Eric reminded his friends as they all sat in the basement.
“How could I forget?” Hyde asked. “It was the greatest bribery I’ve ever had.”
Y/n rolled her eyes at them.
It didn’t go unnoticed by Hyde. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing," she sighed, eyeing the TV and rubbed her belly.
“No, no you don’t get to do that just because you’re pregnant,” he pushed. “I know you, what’s wrong?”
“Awe, Steven, that’s really sweet,” Jackie said and turned to Markus. “When he and I were together, he wouldn’t even be bothered to ask me what was wrong. It didn’t even faze him.”
“To be fair, you’re always bothered by something,” Hyde quipped. “It was something new every day. I stopped keeping up after a while.”
“I am not!” she argued and turned to Markus who gave her a look. “Okay, maybe I was, but I’ve changed! The other day, I walked by a shoe sale and wasn’t upset that they didn’t have this beautiful shoe in my size. See? Growth.”
“Sure,” Hyde mindlessly and turned back to his wife. “C’mon, what’s wrong?”
“I’d rather not talk about it in front of our friends,” she responded.
“So, you guys can make out in front of us, even get caught doing it, but expressing why you’re upset is where you draw the line?” Donna pointed out.
“Yeah, spill it!” Fez demanded.
Y/n paused before sighing through her nose. “I don’t think you should go.”
“What?!” Eric shouted.
“Why?!” Hyde asked, appalled. “Why don’t you want me to go?”
“Well, I could go into labor any day now and I’d hate for you to miss the birth of your children for a concert,” she explained calmly.
“Y/n, your due date is on Monday. The kids will be here a full five days before the concert. I think it’ll be okay.”
“What if they’re not here by then? They can be late, you know,” Y/n pointed out.
“Come on, don’t do this,” Hyde said. “Don’t make me choose.”
“I shouldn’t have to make you!” she burst out. “You should know what comes first! Not some stupid concert!”
That made the group audibly gasp.
“What?! What I say?!” she asked them.
“You take that back!” Eric said, his voice wobbly.
“Blasphemous!” Kelso shouted.
“How dare you?” Fez asked under his breath.
“Oh, come on you guys, you can’t be serious,” she said. “Are you telling me my giving birth isn’t as important as some band?”
Everyone was quiet for a minute, filling Y/n with rage.
“It’s Led Zepplin,” Fez said quietly.
“Seriously?!” Y/n screeched and stood up. “You’re all going to leave me here all alone?!”
“I’m not going to the concert,” Markus piped up. “I’ll be here for you.”
She turned to everyone else. “Thank you, Markus. Maybe if I have boys I can name one of them after you!”
This made Jackie gasp. “How dare you?! I thought we agreed on Jack or Jackie!”
“I agreed to nothing!” Y/n argued. “You just assume because you think everyone caters to you, but you can’t be bothered to return the favor! The person who helps me deserves the credit.”
“What--?! That is not true!” Jackie shouted.
Everyone around her scoffed.
“C’mon, Jackie,” Donna said, side-eyeing her.
Jackie spun around to her boyfriend. “Markus! Aren’t you going to say something?”
He shrugged. “Sorry, babe, I have to agree with Y/n on this one.”
“Oh, you are in so much trouble!” she screeched.
Y/n clapped her hands and stomped her foot, gaining their attention. “Guys! Really? I thought that after we’ve all been through, you would want to be there for the birth of your nieces or nephews.” She turned to Hyde. “Or your children.” When no one responded, Y/n scoffed, hurt. “You know, what? I don’t care what you guys do. Go to the concert. Have fun.”
She didn’t let them get another single word out before she quietly walked upstairs to her room.
Once the door slammed, Donna turned to the group. “You guys, I feel really bad.”
“Yeah…I’d be pissed too if I couldn’t go to the concert,” Kelso said casually, opening a popsicle.
“No, you moron! That’s not why she’s upset!” Hyde said, irritated.
“Well, what does she expect us to do?” Eric asked. “Those tickets were a lot and it’s not our fault that the concert falls around the same time of her due date.” When he caught Donna glaring at him, he shrugged his shoulders. “What?!”
“You’re an ass,” Donna said. “I don’t think I want to go anymore.”
“Oh, come on! You have to go,” her boyfriend said. “She may not even have the kids on the day of the concert. It would be such a waste if we didn’t go.”
“Wow, Eric,” Donna said bitterly. “You’re being incredibly insensitive.”
“Okay, let’s say the babies come before the concert. No harm, no foul, amiright?” Eric asked.
“That’s if Hyde wants to go,” Markus responded. “When my sister and her husband had my niece, they were up pretty much three days straight and the last thing they wanted to do was go to a noisy concert.”
“Well, I think she’s being a little dramatic and honestly—quite selfish,” Kelso said. Everyone turned to look at him, finding himself cringing when Hyde gave him a death glare. “What?! She is!”
“She has a point, Michael!” Jackie defended. “No matter how mean and unfair she was to me.”
“You’re telling me that we might miss her birth is an overreaction?” Donna questioned him.
Kelso nodded and shrugged. “Well…yeah!”
“Unbelievable,” Donna said curtly as Hyde slugged Kelso in the arm.
“Ow, Hyde! What the hell?!”
“Keep talking crap about my wife Kelso and you’re going home with more than a bruised arm,” he threatened.
“Damn, sorry I said anything,” Kelso whined while rubbing his sore shoulder.
“You should be,” Hyde said and made his way towards the stairs. “I’m going to go talk to her.”
He took two steps at a time as he followed his bride.
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Y/n laid there in bed, glaring at the ceiling. Scenarios of possibilities wouldn’t stop dancing in her head about the day she would give birth while her supposed loving husband was at a concert.
She felt a very wet sensation run down her leg. As she looked down, she noticed that her water had broken, and it wasn’t long until the pain of contractions came along.
“Steven!” she cried out in pain. “Steven, the babies are coming!”
“Oh, really?” he asked, barley looking up from putting his jacket on. “This is inconvenient. Can you wait until I get back from the concert?”
“Look, the babies are important, but…Led Zepplin,” he replied, stepping backwards towards the door. “Just hold those kids in for me! Love you, bye!”
Y/n sneered at the thought, but her mind continued to race.
Smoke, heavy bass, and body sweat filled the air as the group, minus Y/n, head banged their way through each song of Led Zepplin.
“Hey, Hyde, isn’t Y/n giving birth right now?” Donna shouted through the noise, wide smile on her face.
“Yeah, but this is more important!” he shouted back.
“Yeah, to hell with her!” Eric shouted. “Led Zepplin is way more important!”
“Yeah, she’ll be fine,” Steven said. “We can always have more kids that I’ll probably end up being there for the birth!”
Tears started to well in her eyes. “Jerks.”
A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.
“Y/n?” Steven asked as he poked his head through their shared bedroom door.
She quickly grabbed for her pregnancy book on the nightstand and pretended to be reading.
“Doll, can we talk?”
“About what?” she mumbled.
“You know what.”
“I think you made up your mind, so there’s no point,” she said, staring at the page.
“No, no that’s why I wanted to come up here,” he replied. “Look, I’m sorry, okay?”
“Don’t be.”
“Y/n, can you please look at me?” he asked her and took the book from her, only to see tear streaks down her face. “Awe, Doll…”
She couldn’t stifle her sobs anymore as she broke down. “You love Led Zepplin more than me!” She shoved her face into a pillow.
He didn’t know if he should laugh or groan. “Y/n, come on, you know that’s not true.”
“No, it is!” she continued to wail. “I’m going to go into labor and you’re not going to care!”
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, counting to ten. “You know that’s not true.”
“You won’t even help me go into labor!” she whined.
“I’m not going to sleep with you just so you can go into labor,” he deadpanned.
Y/n sat up and wiped at her face. “C’mon, Steven, I’m miserable here! The babies will be fine. It’s doctor recommended!”
“We haven’t even tried the others yet,” he said calmly.
Her face contorted again, fat tears rolling down her face. “You don’t find me attractive anymore!”
“I never said that!” Steven couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Then why won’t you make love to me?!”
“First, don’t say it like that ever again. And second: it has nothing to do with my finding you attractive.”
“Then what is it?” she wept.
“It’s…it’s nothing.”
This made her stop crying immediately and glare at him instead. He almost missed her crying. “What a load of crap!”
“C’mon, Y/n, don’t make me say it.”
“No, you’re gonna!” she demanded. “I want to know why you won’t have sex with your wife to help her go into labor!”
Steven tilted his head back at and stared at the ceiling. Closing his eyes, he groaned before looking back at her. “It’s weird, okay? I’m going to be doing you knowing that the babies are…right there. Knowing what’s going on.”
Y/n scrunched her eyebrows at him. “The babies are in my uterus, not in my, you know, hoo-ha.”
Steven found himself chucking at her euphonism. “What if I hurt them?”
“Like I just said, they’re farther up there than you can reach.”
She laughed and placed her hand on his arm. “Trust me, that’s something to be proud of.”
He laughed with her and kissed her.
“Let’s make a deal,” she said, catching his attention. “If I go into labor before the concert, by all means, go. But if I don’t by Friday—you don’t. What do you think?”
He tilted his head to the side, thinking before nodding. “Okay, let’s do it.”
“Okay, good,” she smiled at him as he leaned down to kiss her.
“How bout we try now?”
“Now you want to? Because of a concert?!”
“No, more so now I know I won’t hurt them or make it as weird.”
Y/n rolled her eyes. “You’re lucky I love you.”
He laid her down onto her back, hovering above her and gently smiled. “That I am.”
                                             That Following Monday…
“That’s right, still no babies!” Y/n announced as she and Steven walked into the kitchen after their doctor appointment. Everyone sat in the kitchen, hanging out and snacking. Kitty, Donna, and Jackie sat at the table while Eric, Fez, and Kelso sat at the counter munching on some pop-tarts. “Today’s my due date and I am nowhere near in labor! Gah! This sucks!”
She plopped down at the table, causing it to shift.
“Oh, honey, I know how you feel,” Kitty comforted. “When I was pregnant with Laurie, I wanted her out so bad I almost reached a hand up there and yanked her out myself!”
“That’s a great story, Mom. Can you tell that to me while you’re getting me some iced tea?” Y/n snapped.
Kitty glared at her daughter as she reluctantly got up and grabbed for the pitcher in the fridge.
“Damn, pregnancy doesn’t agree with you,” Jackie said. “The bitch hormone is being released.”
“You try carrying twins who won’t stop kicking me—and each other!” she responded as the glass was placed in front of her. “Thanks, Mom.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Kitty grumbled as she sat back down.
“Seriously, I’ll wake up in the middle of the night to one or both of the babies moving and kicking me. Have you ever had feet stuck in your ribcage? It’s a rude awakening. Literally.”
“Yeah, I feel your pain,” Hyde said. “Whenever you’re up, I’m up.”
“Oh, shove it!” Y/n spit. “You sleep like a damn log every night! You can be getting attacked while you’re dead asleep and barley stir!”
“No, I hear you. I just choose to stay still.”
“So, while I’m over here in uncomfortable, you’re snuggling your pillow just to avoid me?!”
Fez, Kelso, and Eric shifted their gazes to Hyde with amused smirks on their faces.
“You cuddle your pillow, Hyde?” Eric taunted.
“Shut up, Forman or I will suffocate you with said pillow.”
“But if you do, you won’t have a pillow to cuddle at night,” Fez continued.
“Shut up, Fez!”
“Y/n, have you tried any of the doctor’s suggestions?” Kitty asked.
“Yeah! Steven and I have done it like a dozen times since then,” she answered.
Kitty closed her eyes and rubbed her head. “Honey…have you tried anything else besides that?”
���No, not yet.”
“Well, why don’t you start with food? Let’s go out tonight.”
Y/n shrugged. “Yeah, let’s try that.”
“And the weather is supposed to be cooler tonight, we can go on that long walk,” Hyde said.
She sighed and rubbed her aching neck. “Yeah, that works.”
“There’s a good Indian restaurant that serves the spiciest curry downtown,” Kitty said. “Let’s go there.”
“Uh, do I have to go?” Eric piped up. “Last time I had anything spicy, I sat on the toilet for three days.”
“Ew,” Hyde said and turned to his wife. “Look, I’m going to go look for those specific teas the doc told me about. Do you want anything else?”
“Yeah, just about everything on that list,” she responded. “Get the castor oil, some hot peppers, pineapples—”
“Should I just get the whole store?” Hyde asked.
“Yes please.”
Hyde nodded and kissed her head. “I’ll be back.”
As soon as he walked out the door, Y/n stood. “Well, I’ve got to pee again. I swear these damn kids think that my bladder is a squeeze toy.”
“She’s got to have those kids any day now,” Donna said once Y/n had waddled out the kitchen.
“Yeah, it’s not like they’re trying,” said Kelso. “Hyde told me yesterday that she promised him that if she can give birth before Friday then he can go to the concert. Man, that must suck. Having an ol’ ball and chain telling you what to do.”
“Well, you’d never know since you’re too busy cheating on every girl you’ve ever dated,” Jackie snarked.
“Well, what do you say we make this interesting?” Kelso asked, ignoring Jackie’s comment.
“What do you mean?” Eric asked, tossing a Styrofoam football in the air. 
“I’ll bet you ten bucks she has the babies tomorrow,” he responded with a wide smirk.
“You’re on!” Jackie said excitedly and reached for her purse.
“Guys, I don’t feel right about this,” Donna said. “It’s not cool to bet on when our friend will go into labor.”
“Ugh, Donna,” Y/n called as she waddled down the stairs. “That candle you gave me smells horrible. Next time, maybe try getting me a candle that doesn’t smell like nature took a dump and forgot to flush.”
“It’s the smell of a forest!” she defended.
“Have you ever been to the forest?” Y/n said. “It doesn’t smell like that.”
Before she could let Donna respond, she waddled back upstairs. Once the door closed, Donna turned back to the group, annoyance written all over her face. “Make it twenty.”
“Guys, I got some great news from the guidance counselor!” Eric announced as he ran into the living room where his family and Donna were sitting, watching TV.
“Yeah? What is it?” Red asked, turning down the volume on the TV.
“There's this program where you go and teach in an impoverished area for a year, and then they pay for your college. So, I signed up.”
“Eric, that’s wonderful!” Kitty cheered.
“That’s awesome!” Y/n joined in.
“See? I knew spending your college money would work out for the best,” Red said, smugly. “You're welcome.”
“So, where’s this impoverished place that you’re going to?” Steven asked.
“Is it east Milwaukee? You know I made a wrong turn there once and I ended up in this awful neighborhood,” Kitty said and lowered her voice as if anyone outside the living room could hear her. “They were playing radios on street corners!”
Eric shook his head. “No, I’m not going to east Milwaukee.”
“So, where then?” Donna asked.
Eric laid his hands out, palms up in excitement. “Its Africa.”
“Africa?!” Everyone said in shock.
“Africa, Wisconsin?” Kitty asked hopefully.
“No, Kitty, the country,” Red answered.
“You’re going to teach in Africa?” Y/n asked, her heart breaking. “So, does that mean you’re not going to be here when the babies are born?”
“No, no, I’ll still be here,” Eric said. “I’ll be leaving in August.”
“Oh,” she responded. “H-how long will you be gone?”
“About a year.”
“A YEAR?!” All three women shouted.
“What’s the big deal?” Eric asked, eyebrows knitting in confusion.
“The big deal is you made this big decision without coming to me at all!” Donna shouted and stood from the couch and stormed out.
“See? Donna understands,” Kitty said while Eric sighed in defeat.
This isn’t how he was planning this go at all.
                                         --Later that evening--
“Joey?” Y/n asked her husband as they sat at the kitchen table, eating dinner.
Hyde shook his head. “Have a cousin named Joey. Last I heard he was being treated for VD and on his way to a halfway house.”
“Oookay,” Y/n said, going down the list of names in her book. “Victoria?”
“Why not?!”
“Because my mom had a best friend named Victoria.” He paused to take a bite of his spicy food before going into deep thought. “Pretty sure at one point she was more than that.”
Y/n gave him a blank stared smile. “I’ll never be able to erase that image out of my mind.”
“How bout Jimmy?”
Y/n put down the book. “Why Jimmy?”
He shrugged and wiped his mouth with his napkin. “I’ve just always liked that name.”
She squinted her eyes at him. “Since when?”
“I don’t know, a few years maybe.”
“Or maybe because it’s the name of the guitarist in Led Zepplin?”
Hyde pretended to be shocked. “Is that where that’s from? Wow, what are the odds?”
Y/n rolled her eyes at him. “Keep thinking, genius.”
“Eleanor?” he suggested.
“I’m sorry, am I giving birth to a seventy-five-year-old?” 
“What’s wrong with Eleanor?”
“I feel like I’d be giving birth to a Roosevelt. No, thank you.”
“We can call her Ellie for short,” he argued.
“Ellie Hyde?” she questioned.
“Let’s keep brainstorming,” he agreed and looked at her plate which she barely touched. “Why aren’t you eating your spicy curry? I added extra peppers for you.”
Y/n let out a sigh and put down her book. “It’s not working. Nothing is going to get these kids out.”
“You’ve barley taken a bite out of your food. Maybe if you eat half of it, you’ll actually go into labor.”
“If I eat anymore, I’ll be breathing out fire,” she deadpanned.
“Come on, it’s good. Try it,” he encouraged before taking a bite of her curry. It didn’t take long for the spices to set his mouth aflame. He started panting like a dog before desperately grabbing her glass of water and downing it like a man who hasn’t had water in days.
“Oh, my God,” he panted once the water was down. “How are you eating this?”
Y/n gave him an amused smile. “I’m about to push two human beings out of me, I think a hot mouth is the least of my worries.”
“Speaking of hot mouth, why don’t you and I go upstairs and try to get these babies here?” Hyde suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.
“C’mon, we’ve done it like a hundred times; clearly the babies aren’t coming,” she replied, defeated.
“You don’t know that,” he replied gently.
Y/n shook her head, defeated. “I guess these babies will come when they decide to.”
Steven looked at her before standing to his feet. “Come on. We’re going for a walk.”
                                            45 Minutes Later...
“I told you the walk wouldn’t work!” Y/n complained as they walked through the sliding door, picking out leaves and twigs from her hair.
“Well, it would’ve if you hadn’t tried to jump on me in the park!” Hyde argued as he looked down at the mud stains on his pants and shirt.
“I was trying to be romantic!”
“You’re trying to get these kids out of you so fast, you’re willing to knock us both over in a big puddle just for a quickie behind a bush!”
“How the hell was I supposed to know there was a deep mud puddle there?!” she yelled, prying her wet and muddy dress away from her thighs.
“Gee, I don’t know, maybe the fact that it RAINED earlier?” he yelled back.
“Ugh, you know what, I’m going to go shower. Don’t follow me!”
“What is going on?” Eric asked as he entered the kitchen with Donna. He took one look at the couple and started laughing. “What happened to you two?”
“Y/n thought it would be the perfect time to get romantic on a walk in the park to try to go into labor,” Steven replied, glaring at his wife who wasn’t even looking at him.
Eric scrunched up his nose at them. “Sorry I asked.”
“I’m going to go shower because the mud is started seal my butt cheeks together,” Y/n announced before waddling out the kitchen.
“Didn’t need to know that!” Eric cried out and turned back to Hyde. “So, are you guys going to keep trying?”
Hyde sighed frustratingly. “At this point, I don’t know. We’ve tried spicy foods, canola oil, sex…nothing is working. The long walk may have worked if she hadn’t cut it short.”
“Well, you know, maybe the babies will come tomorrow…or in a couple days…” Donna suggested and nonchalantly grabbed a soda from the fridge.
“I don’t know. I’m starting to think these kids are going to come closer to the concert and I just got to accept the fact that I’m not going to be able to make it.”
“What?! No, Hyde don’t say that,” Eric said. “You’re going to be able to have those babies and still go to the concert.”
“You know, Hyde, maybe you’re not doing this right,” Donna said and sat at the table. “Maybe, the babies will come tomorrow or Wednesday…”
Hyde squinted his eyes at her. “Why? Why tomorrow or Wednesday?”
She shook her head. “No reason!”
Hyde rolled his eyes. “Fine, whatever. I’m going to shower as well. We’ll try again tomorrow.”
Once he was out of earshot, Eric turned to Donna.
“Way to almost blow our cover!”
Tuesday came and go with Y/n getting more miserable by the minute.
“It’s Tuesday night, she can still have the baby tonight!” Jackie argued.
“You had until 8pm. You can’t bend the rules now. Now pay up!” Donna chortled and held out her hand.
“Fine!” Jackie screeched and reached into her purse. “Here’s your stupid twenty bucks!”
“Thank you,” Donna said smugly and fanned her face with the two tens.
“Okay, double or nothing she has them by tomorrow,” Jackie said.
“I bet she’ll have them by Thursday,” Kelso said.
“I bet you’re all wrong,” Eric said. “I want to say she’ll have them by Sunday.”
“And I bet she’s losing six friends,” Markus piped up, disgusted at their behavior.
“Five,” Eric corrected. “She can’t lose me. I’m her brother after all.”
“I don’t think that’s going to make a difference,” Markus said.
“Markus, baby, shush,” Jackie said, tapping his leg. “We’re just having a little fun.”
“Fun?” he questioned. “You’re betting on your friend’s pain and misery! I don’t think she would classify this as fun.”
“She would if it was any one of us,” Eric pointed out.
“Only with you,” Donna chuckled. “She’s fine with the rest of us.” She looked up to Kelso who was mindlessly sucking on a popsicle. “Well, maybe Kelso too.”
He looked down at her, frowning, pausing with the popsicle still in his mouth. “Why me?”
“Because it’s so easy,” Fez added in, laughing. “Like you.”
“That’s it, I give up!” Y/n said, exasperated three days later as she and her husband sat in the basement. “I’m done trying to get these kids to come out. They’ll come when they come.”
“No, don’t give up yet,” Eric said, faux-sympathetic.
“You just want them to be born so you can go to the concert,” she grumbled.
Eric’s gaze flicked to the rest of the group; Hyde staring at him suspiciously.
“Y-you can keep trying…even if it takes you to Sunday,” he said.
“Or Monday!” Jackie piped up. “I think you’ll go into labor then.”
“Nah, I’m saying Tuesday,” Fez said.
Y/n squinted her eyes at her friends. “Okay, what’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Fez squeaked.
“Uh huh, and I’m calling bologna,” she said, eyes never leaving Fez’s nervous ones.
“Nothing you’ll be interested in,” Jackie said.
“Yeah? Try me.”
Everyone was silent, not daring to speak up, until—
“We’ve all been making a bet to see when you’ll go into labor!” Fez blurted out.
“FEZ!” Everyone shouted.
“What the hell?!” Eric shouted.
“Unbelievable!” Donna cried out.
“Big mouth!” Jackie chimed in.
“Traitor!” Kelso added.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t lie to her!” Fez said.
“But you can bet money on me?!” Y/n shouted. “I can’t believe you guys!”
“Yeah! How could you do this and not let me in on it?!” Hyde shouted.
Y/n snapped her head to him. “WHAT?!”
“C’mon, we’re both so miserable here, at least let’s make some money out of it,” he defended.
“Oh, yeah I’m sure all that sex has helped ease the pain,” Fez grumbled bitterly.
“Shut up, Fez,” Hyde demanded, making Fez pout and turn away.
“You know the worst part is you guys didn’t include me on this,” Y/n continued.
“What?” the group asked in unison.
“Well, like Steven said, if I’m going to be miserable, I might as well make some money!”
“Hey, you’re cooler about this than I thought you would,” Markus said.
“If I wasn’t pregnant and desperate to get these kids out, I wouldn’t be,” she said. “Now, tell me, how high is the bet?”
“Forty,” he responded casually.
“Forty?!” Y/n screeched. “C’mon I’m worth more than that!”
“It’s all I’ve got in my purse,” Jackie responded bitterly. “Unless you have more money.”
“I know Hyde does,” Kelso smirked.
Hyde glared at him. “Drop it before I drop you.”
                                          The Next Day…
“C’mon, babies, just stay in there until after tonight,” Eric encouraged, talking to his sister’s belly.
“You know that’s not how that works,” she responded, laughing at him.
“They can still hear right? Maybe they will listen.”
“Yeah, in your dreams, Forman,” Hyde said as he sat next to his wife on the couch.
“Come on, babies, if you wait to come out and let Daddy go to the concert with Uncle Eric, I promise I’ll give you whatever you want.”
Y/n couldn’t help but chuckle. “I don’t think they’re coming out anytime soon. You guys can go to the concert tonight, it’s fine.”
“YES!” Eric cheered.
“You sure?” Hyde asked genuinely and turned to her. “What if you go into labor while I’m gone?”
“I still have my parents here and Markus said he’ll be a phone call away if I need him,” she reassured him.
Hyde made a face at her. “I don’t know how I feel about this new guy helping you.”
“Would you rather it be Fez or Kelso?”
He smacked his lips in thought. “Good point.”
“Besides, I think it’ll be nice to just be me tonight,” she continued. “I can finally start that book I’ve wanting to read.”
“Vogue Magazine isn’t a book,” Eric reminded.
“Neither are comics,” she snapped back.
“Then why are they called comic books?” he shot back.
Y/n sighed. “Either way, I’m looking forward to finally getting some alone time.”
“As long you’re okay with it. And I won’t be out long,” Hyde promised.
“Okay,” Y/n said, smiling at him and kissed him. “I’m going to go take a nap. Wake me up before you leave.”
Hyde nodded as he helped her off the couch. Just as she did, she clutched her stomach, hissing sharply.
“Oh!” she yelped, bending over.
“Oh, my God! Y/n!” Hyde reacted quickly, reaching for her so she didn’t stumble forward.
“Y/n, are you okay?!” Eric asked her with wide eyes.
“Yeah, just kidding,” she giggled and walked upstairs.
The two young men let out a breath of relief and glared at her as she walked up the stairs.
“Sometimes, I really, really don’t like her,” Eric griped.
                                             --Time Skip—
“Y/n, I’m leaving!” Steven said as he gathered his wallet, keys, and tickets together.
“I’m coming,” she called out as she waddled down the stairs.
He met her at the bottom of the stairs and placed his hands on her hips, leaning down to kiss her. “You sure you’re okay with this?”
“More than,” she said, grinning. “You go and have a great time, okay?”
“I will. I left the number for you on the counter to the venue in case anything happens.”
“Look at you, being all worried and responsible,” she teased.
He chuckled and kissed her gently. “I love you. I’m serious—call.”
“I will,” she said and hugged him. “I love you. Have fun.”
“Will you stop making out with my sister and get in the car?” Eric asked impatiently. “Led Zepplin isn’t going to wait for us.”
“Shut up, Forman,” Hyde said and turned to Y/n once more. “Try to not have those babies until I get back.”
“I will definitely try,” she replied sweetly before giving him one more kiss. “Now, go. Enjoy the concert. Oh! Wait there for a moment.” She ran back to the kitchen before returning to the front door with a camera in her hand. “Take some pictures for me.”
Hyde held the large polaroid camera in his hand and looked at his wife. “You want me to take pictures the whole time?”
She nodded innocently. “Yeah!”
“No,” he deadpanned and set the camera on the couch.
“What? Why?!”
“I’m going to be busy rocking and rolling, not taking pictures of the band.”
“Steven, please! Just because I can’t be there doesn’t mean I don’t want pictures!”
“Yeah, that’s a lot of pictures that I don’t want to take and have to keep track of. No, thanks.”
“Why’re you being so stubborn?”
“Hey, if you wanted to see Led Zepplin, you should be going,” Eric piped up from behind them.
“You literally bought tickets for everyone but me,” she snipped.
“Correction: I bought them for me, you, Hyde, and Donna. Kelso bought tickets for him and Hyde,”
“But…Jackie’s not going, what're you doing with that extra ticket?” Y/n inquired.
“Yeah…he thought he was going to be able to score with her, but then she met Markus and quite frankly, I think Kelso is afraid of him. So, he’s bringing Fez,” Eric answered.
“I’m not even going to question that,” she said and turned back to her husband. “You be careful and have fun. But not too much fun!”
“Alright, cool, let’s go!” Eric pushed and shoved Hyde out the door.
“What the hell, man?” Hyde asked outside the door.
“We still have to pick up Kelso and Fez and I’d rather not be later because you couldn’t stop being mushy with my sister,” Eric responded and closed the door before Y/n could hear what Hyde had to say.
Y/n looked down to her stomach and held it between her hands. “Well, guys, it looks like it’s just us. What do you guys want to do? We can watch TV, read a book…eat a tub of ice cream?” A kick to the stomach confirmed her question. “Ice cream it is!”
                                         Later that night…
Y/n sat on the couch in the living room watching a rerun of Three’s Company when the doorbell rang. When she answered the door, Jackie and Markus stood there.
“What’re you guys doing here?” Y/n asked them.
“Well, we know you’re by yourself tonight so we figured you’d like some company,” Markus said with a bright smile and held up a Fatso Burger bag. “We also brought food.”
“Well, I wouldn’t put it that nicely, but yeah same,” Jackie said and welcomed herself in.
“Oh, uh, well thanks,” Y/n said and closed the door. “You guys don’t have to be here. My parents are home and if anything happens, they’ll be here.”
“Nonsense. We’re your friends,” Markus said and sat down on the couch. “Besides, we figured you were hungry.”
“Always,” Y/n said and waddled over to the couch. “This was really nice of you. Thank you.”
“Not a problem,” Markus said, smiling and handing her a wrapped burger. “What’re we watching?”
“Three’s Company. It’s the one where Chrissy takes a freelance job as an X-rated writer for a fictional diary,” Y/n responded, watching the screen.
“Oh, that’s a good one,” Jackie said, digging into her fries.
After they had finished their meals and the episode ended, another one was starting soon as they all had settled back into the couch.
“No, no, no that’s ridiculous,” Markus argued. “Why would Doc Ock be Spider-Man’s greatest enemy? It’s always been Green Goblin!”
“The Green Goblin is Peter’s most famous enemy, but it makes sense that his greatest enemy is Doc Ock because think about it: Your mentor and friend turning bad? Can you imagine the betrayal?” Y/n countered.
“But Green Goblin was his best friend’s dad! That also has to mean something! Then, once his dad died, his best friend became the Green Goblin!”
“Yeah, that would mean something if Harry hadn’t tried to kill Peter first!”
“To be fair, Harry didn’t know about Spider-Man’s identity until later.”
“And to be fair, this conversation is killing me,” Jackie piped up, bored.
“Yeah, but—” Y/n was cut off by an abrupt sharp pain down in her lower abdomen. Her hands flew to her stomach and held her breath as the pain radiated and quickly subsided. She let out a sigh of relief.
Markus and Jackie sat up straight as Markus’s hands hovered over Y/n. “A-are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Y/n responded, breathlessly. “That was weird. Anyway, as I was saying—OH!”
Another sharp pain reared its ugly head, radiating through her pelvis to her back and down her legs. “Oh, my God!” Her grip on the couch tightened, knuckles turning white. She could feel her abdomen tighten rock-hard as she felt the pain become more intense.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?” Jackie asked.
Y/n couldn’t respond and could only whimper.
“Oh, my God,” Markus said, panicking and jumped from the couch. “Oh, my God! Not now!”
All Y/n could do was shake her head as the pain was starting to subside to the point where she could get some words out. “No, no, it can’t be. It can take a while for the babies to get here. It could just be the beginning stages.”
“The beginning stages of what?” Jackie asked.
Markus looked at her with a panicked and wild look in his eyes. “Are you serious?!”
“What?!” she asked, matching his energy.
“She’s in labor, Jackie!”
“Oh,” Jackie said calmly, but then it hit her. “OH!”
“We need to get you to the hospital,” Markus said, rushing to get her up from the couch.
“That’s not necessary,” Y/n said, another sharp pressure coming on as she stood. “The book said contractions need to be five to ten minutes apart before going to the hospital. Labor can take a while.”
Markus sighed a small breath of relief before looking down and his eyes widening. “And what does the book say about that?”
Y/n looked down on the floor at her feet as she felt some wetness.
                                          Her water had broke.
Taglist: @not-shy-nanya @taysirene @maddieschampagneproblems @mdittyz123 @undead-sierra @random-thoughts-004 @lieswithoutfairytales @chloem4a1 @srhxpc @zhonglibxitch @leothesquishy
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canirove · 7 months
Broken Hearts Football Club | Chapter 16
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"Good morning, sunshine!"
"Leah?" June groaned. "What are you doing here?"
"Getting you out of that bed" she said, opening the curtains. "You've spent half your summer there crying and eating your weight on ice-cream, and I've had enough of it."
"But I haven't" she replied, covering her head with the duvet.
"June, I'm being serious. You are gonna get out of that bed, make yourself look presentable, and come on a run with me. The preseason is around the corner and we must get ready for it."
"June, c'mon!" Leah said, sitting on the bed and uncovering her head. "You are Chelsea's captain!" 
"I won't be anymore."
"I'm retiring, Leah."
"No, you are not" she laughed.
"I am. I can't play anymore."
"Why not? Because you are heartbroken and Chilly and Mason may hate you?" 
"Because I think I'm pregnant" June whispered.
"I beg your pardon?"
"I think I'm pregnant, Leah" she cried, covering her head again.
"You think you… From whom?"
"Pick a guess."
"Wait… Mason? Oh my God, June!" Leah said, standing up.
"I know" she sobbed.
"Why didn't you use protection?"
"Because there wasn't time. We walked through the door and just…"
"Oh, my God. How could you be so stupid? Both of you?"
"There is no need to insult me, Leah. I myself have already done it enough."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But June! June!" she said, sitting down again. 
"I know."
"Wait, June…" Leah said after a few seconds in silence. "You said you think you may be pregnant. Have you taken a test yet?"
"No? Why?"
"I haven't had the strength to go out and buy it. But I don't need to, to be honest. I've been feeling sick and very tired for the past few days. And my period is late."
"How late?"
"Four days. And it is like a clock, you know it."
"But you've been under a lot of stress lately, it can happen."
"Not with me, Leah. I'm pregnant and I'm gonna have to retire early and raise a baby alone because their father hates me" June said, starting to cry again. 
"Hey, you are not alone. June" Leah said, forcing her to look her in the eyes. "You are not alone. You have me, and I'm sure Vittoria and Lauren will also be there for you. Same with John, your family and Mason."
"He hates me."
"But he isn't the type of guy who would abandon his baby and you know it."
"He isn't, no."
"And June, if you are not ready for it, you know there always is another option."
"You mean…"
"Yes" Leah said, taking her hand on hers.
"I can't do that. And definitely not without telling Mason."
"Your body, your choice, June. But we don't know yet if you actually are pregnant, so we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Now we must focus on you taking that test."
"I'm not ready, Leah."
"The sooner the better, so this is what we are going to do. I'm gonna run you a nice warm bath, and while you are relaxing and getting rid of that greasy hair, I'm going out to buy you a test and something nice for breakfast."
"Buy three."
"What?" Leah chuckled.
"Buy at least three tests and from different brands. I want to be completely sure."
"Ok. Three tests, coffee, and a croissant as big as your head. Does that sound good?"
"Perfect" June said. "Thank you, Leah."
"Anything for you, Maxwell" she replied, kissing her forehead.
"How much left?" June asked.
"A minute."
"A minute" she repeated, pacing around the kitchen. "This is the longest minute of my life, I feel like I'm going to have a heart…"
"June, why are you crying now?"
"Ben!" she said. "What am I going to tell him, Leah? Oh, hey, I'm pregnant with your best friend's child after a one night stand but I'm in love with you?"
"Wait, are you in love with Chilly?"
"I… I don't know. Maybe. I'm too confused and all this isn't helping and… shit!" 
"It's time" Leah said, turning off her phone's alarm. "Do you want to do the honours?"
"I can't. You do it."
"Ok. I'm gonna turn them all around at the same time. Ready?"
"No" June said, covering her eyes.
"One, two… three!"
"And? Leah, why have you gone so quiet? Am I pregnant or not?"
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cherrycola27 · 2 years
Last Hurrah
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Warnings: GUYS this is a heavy fic. I'm serious Minors DNI, 18+. Language, drinking. Mentions of head injury. Trigger Warning! Suicidal thoughts and actions
Pairing Rooster x Reader (Call Sign Juliet)
Part 1: In fair Fightertown where we lay our scene
For most people, when their life comes crashing down, they never saw it coming. They are the lucky ones. But for me, the whole thing played out infront of me in a series of scenes straight out a Shakespearean tragedy. How ironic really.
The first act came when watched my fiancée Rooster Bradshaw eject from his plane before it crashed into the side of a mountain.
The second came with the news that he had a head injury.
And the third, the final nail in my coffin, the dagger through the heart, was that when he woke up, he had no memory of who I was or our relationship over the past eighteen months. How very Nicholas Sparks.
All that happened six months and seventeen days ago. And for those six months and seventeen days, I, as well as every other member of the Dagger Squad family had been desperately trying to get him to remember me, to remember us, to remember the love we had, but nothing worked.
About a month ago I realized that there was little chance of Rooster ever remembering who I was, so I started making calls.
Do you know what it's like to have to explain to a baker, a venue owner, a photographer, a wedding coordinator, as well as sixty of you closest friends and family that you had to cancel your wedding because partner doesn't remember who you are? Because I do, and let me tell you, it sucks.
What might be worse is that for the past six months and seventeen days I have spent every night, crying myself to sleep, alone in the bed that we once shared.
For the past half a year I've felt as if I'm watching my life go by in slow motion. The world is moving forward without me. Rooster has gotten better for the most part, but he still doesn't know who I am. It kills me to see him happy, smiling, laughing, living without me.
And every time I see a girl flirt with him, the knife pushes futher into my chest. It isn't fair. I should be happy for him, happy that he is alive. But I'm not. Maybe it's horrible of me to think that way, but it's cruel that he is living carefree and smiling, while I'm a shell of the woman I once was.
Everyone has tried to help, but they know it's useless. Rooster and I are... friends... at best. But how can you be just friends with the person who six months ago promised you forever.
He is the one who almost died, yet I'm the one who did.
I'm not really living anymore, I'm just going through the motions. I get up, go to work, fly my plane, get a drink at the Hard Deck, go home, cry myself to sleep, and do it all again the next day.
It wasn't supposed to go like this. Rooster was the Romeo to my Juliet... a running joke with my call sign after we started dating.
Maybe it's karma for having Juliet as a call sign or maybe God has a sick sense of humor. Either way... I'm starting to think she was right... if you can't have the person you love in your life, is it really worth living?
"Hi there." A male voice snaps me out of my spiral. "You're Juliet right? I'm Dodger. I've seen you here a couple times, and I noticed you're glass is empty. Can I get you another drink?" He asks. I look him over. Dodger, I've seen him a few times. He is a bit younger than me and I probably out rank him. He is bad to look at, but he isn't Rooster. He hasn't been around long enough to know our history, and it's not like I wore your engagement ring anymore.
It felt wrong having a man give you attention, but Rooster got plenty from the girls...
I spent about an hour talking to Dodger. He flirted with me relentlessly, and honestly it felt good to have someone pay me attention, then before I even realized it, I had invited him home.
I made it as far as the couch before I stopped him. It felt wrong to let another man touch me, kiss me, let alone try to fuck me on the very couch Rooster had taken meu many times.
I mentally kicked myself that night after he left. I wasn't doing anything wrong— or was I? Everything seemed so unclear. I hadn't slept with anyone since Rooster's accident, I wondered if he had.
As the days drug on you found yourself slipping away more. You were short, angry, mean, bitter to those around you. You spent your days going through the motions and your nights crying or drinking away the pain.
And then, one Wednesday morning for no reason in particular the perfect plan hit you. That morning, you were asked to come in Friday night for some test flights. And that's when the realization hit you.
You were much happier the rest of the day. Thursday you smiled for the first time in ages, and we Friday came around, you were more than excited to go out.
Everyone commented how you seemed like your old self again.
You had a couple drinks at the Hard Deck but not too many because you did have to fly later that evening. You sang karaoke with Phoenix, danced without a care in the world, and even beat Hangman in a game of darts.
After a while you got hot and decided to step out on the deck for some air. You smiled knowing your friends would have a happy moment to remember you by.
You must have been out there longer than you thought because Jake came to check on you.
"Hey Jules, you okay?" He asked.
"I'm great Jake. You know I've been so lucky to have had you and everyone as friends. Rooster has been too. Make sure you watch out for him for me." You smiled as you hugged him.
"Well, I'm off to do a test flight. Goodbye Jake." You smiled with a tear in your eye.
You said your goodbyes to everyone else, save for Rooster. It hurt too much. Then you made your way to your car. You looked back at the Hard Deck one final time before putting it in gear and driving away.
You were gone for maybe five minutes before the wheels turned in Jake's head. He quickly found Phoenix. "Nat, I know I sound crazy but I think Juliet is going to hurt herself." He told her.
"What do you mean? She was fine when she left." Nat looked confused.
"That's the thing. She was a mess two days ago then all of a sudden she flips. They say that happens a lot when people decide to— and when were on deck she said she was lucky to have had us as friends and she asked me to watch out for Rooster for her. I know I sound crazy but Nat, I'm worried about her... she's supposed to do some test flying tonight... what if she..." Jake trailed off.
"You don't think she would? Do you?" Phoenix asked stunned.
"Phoenix her whole life fell apart. The person she is in love with doesn't know who she is. That's enough go make even the most sane person do something crazy." Jake said.
"Oh my God we have to do something." Phoenix said.
She and Jake quickly gathered everyone and explained the situation. Jake desperately tried to literally smack the memories back into Rooster with no success. Leaving them no other options the crew piled into the Bronco and Coyote's Jeep and raced to the air field.
Juliet took her time with her preflight checks, if it was going to be her last, she wanted to savor it.
Once she deemed everything perfect she placed her helmet on her head and climbed in the cockpit ready for take off.
"Mav you have to stop the training Juliet is going to hurt herself or worse!" Bob screamed into the phone while Jake drove. Phoenix was still trying to explain to Rooster what was going on but he was clueless.
There is no telling how many traffic laws Jake broke as he drove, but he didn't care.
Without warning, he hit a pot whole and a photo fell from the visor into Rooster's lap, and like lightning, every came back to him.
"Jake, where's Juliet, and why are you driving my car?" He asked.
"You know who Juliet is?" Phoenix asked leaning forward.
"Yes why wouldn't I?" Rooster asked. There was a collective sigh of relief, but then panic set in. Phoenix and Bob explained to him what happened and Rooster was in a panic.
Minutes later they pulled into base and jumped from the car, running to range control.
Mav had informed them that he couldn't get ahold of them. It was a race against the clock.
Juliet took a deep breath as she flew, she admired the sunset over the mountain peaks.
She took in the beautiful colors all around her, up here her problems seemed so small. She looked on her dash at the photo of her and Rooster. She grabbed her chain that held her dog tags and her engagement ring. She gripped them tight in her hand as she pulled the nose of her plane into a steep climb. Her goal was to send herself into GLOC so she wouldn't feel any pain.
She ignored the calls of the range control officers telling her to level out. She didn't hear the sounds of her friends bursting in the room yelling for her.
She tried to keep her breath even as she felt the g-forces pressing on her body, and then right before the blackness took over, she heard Rooster's voice calling out to her.
"JULIET!" He screamed over the comms. "Juliet, it's me Rooster, it's Bradley, please come in." He and the other range officers desperately tried to reach her, but there was no response.
The group looked out the tower window to see if the could spot her in the fleeting evening light.
They looked out just in time to see the ball of fire erupt from her plane as it collided with the side of the mountain.
Tag List: @dreamingathighaltitude @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mak-32 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @rosiahills22 @thedroneranger @roosterforme
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paralyze-fic · 8 months
Chapter 23
He did it...
"All Might won!" The entire crowd cheered happily at the screen, seeing the number one hero standing victorious in front of the defeated villain.
Bakugou's hand gripped mine tightly, making me look down at him. He was just looking at the screen with an expression I couldn't decipher, "You okay?" His eyes locked on mine and he blinked a few times before answering me.
"I wanna go home," he whispered.
"The police have to talk to you for now, but I'll stay here with you, Katsuki."
The police car stopped in front of my house, and I said a quick 'thanks' before getting off and walking to the front door.
When the incident occurred at the camp our things were sent back home, so my phone was here the whole time, meaning I had no way to contact anyone in the meantime.
My parents must've been worried sick.
I sighed, ready to get a scolding and some soft hits from my mom. The officer had notified my parents and told them about me arriving home in about three hours, so I was about to knock on the door when somebody opened it.
"(M/n)!" My mother jumped at me and hugged me tight, behind her I could see my father and the twins wrapping their arms around both of his legs.
"Nii-chan!!!" They ran at me too to hug my waist.
"Hey there monsters," I lovingly shuffled their hair when I heard them sniffing and sobbing. I sighed and I looked at my father, he was tearing up too, but had a small smile on his face.
"I'm glad you're okay, son."
I spent time talking with my family for some hours, and it was already past midnight. The twins were each by my side, hugging me and sleeping soundly. My parents were yawning and stretching as they got up from the two-person couch.
"Come on, it's been a long day, let's get some sleep," my father picked up Akira while I picked up Ryo, we walked to their shared room and laid them down on their respective bed.
I kissed their foreheads with a little 'Good night' and walked out of the room with my father. "So..." I looked at him as we walked down the hall to our bedrooms. "Do you like Bakugou?"
The third person to ask this question.
I sighed with a frown, "Yes, I do like him." He hummed and nodded, my father stopped in front of his bedroom door, where I could hear mom pacing around.
"Why don't you seem happy then?" I turn my eyes to look down at the floor.
"Because he doesn't like me, dad." I felt his hand resting on my shoulder and tapping it.
"Has he told you he doesn't like you?" I shook my head side to side and he chuckled, "Then, you have an opportunity, (M/n). Don't waste it." He opened the door behind him as I was about to tell him something else. "Good night, boy."
He closed the door and I was left standing there alone. With a heavy sigh, I walked the last steps to my bedroom and opened the door. Dragging my feet against the floor, I went to my bed and plopped down on it.
"Ugh... where's my phone?" I sat up once more and before I could get up, I saw it on top of my nightstand, charging. "Thanks..." I didn't know who it was, but I still thanked them for plugging it to charge.
I grabbed it and turned it on, waiting for the screen to load. The battery was full, so I unplugged it.
It buzzed on my hand quite a few times, the messages app showing a determined number of notifications. I tapped on it.
Some texts were spam, some others weren't exactly important, and then there were Bakugou's messages.
Can you come over tomorrow?
Asshole, answer me
Oi, dude!
Okay, good night.
A chuckle got past my lips as I read his messages, but decided to reply to him still, even if it was 1 a.m.
;Sorry I didn't reply, I got home about two hours ago and I've been talking with my parents.
;And yeah, I'll go if you want me with you so much, Suki-chan~
Shut up, I don't want to.
;You hurt me, Bakugou.
;I thought you loved me, now I'm sad :'(
Stop being annoying...
The old hag wants to see you, not me.
;I thought you wanted me to go, but I see you don't actually want me to.
;Are we even friends~?
He took some time to reply, and for a moment I thought I had gone too far with my teasing, so I was about to apologize and tell him I would go to his house when my phone buzzed again.
I want to see you too, okay?
It's just embarrassing to say, shithead.
And of course we're friends, otherwise, I would have blown off your face already.
;Ha! That's more like the Bakugou Katsuki I know.
;Have a good night Katsuki. I'm going to sleep.
Good night to you too, (M/n).
I turned off my phone and got up to change into my sleepingwear. As I walked into the bathroom, I heard the buzzing of my phone against the wood of the nightstand, but I decided to get it later. Now, I have to take off this damn costume.
I had taken off the horns when I got home, and even the chains, also washed my hair to get rid of the copious amount of gel. My knuckles throbbed from the pain and I hissed, my mom wrapped them with bandages right after I came out of the bathroom and into the living room. The leather jacket and the t-shirt were thrown into the laundry basket in my bedroom's bathroom. The skinny jeans were off too.
And the choker... I was gonna keep that.
I dressed back in a t-shirt and shorts as my pyjamas and walked out, the screen of my phone illuminating my bedroom. I plopped back into my bed and got under the covers, I stretched a hand out and grabbed my phone again.
Thank you
For everything.
See you tomorrow.
My chest swelled and my heartbeat was crazy, I ended up with a big smile on my face as I dropped my head on my pillow. While I stared at the ceiling, the image of Bakugou came to my mind.
His voice, his body, his scent, his personality... everything about him.
"I love you Katsuki... so, so much."
That night, my dreams were plagued with images of Bakugou and I, together.
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drowning-inmysleep · 1 year
cruel angels requiem
"He was a good friend of mine, He died. Why write about him now? Gotta honor him somehow." June 11th, 2023 I received three calls in a row from my dad while I was at work. His father, my grandfather, has been sick for the past year and it's been progressively getting worse. Once I noticed the missed call I stepped outside to call him back, fearing my grandfather's condition had worsened. He picked up and I asked him frantically "Are you okay? What's going on?" he told me his phone has been having issues lately and he must of accidentally called me. I ask him again if anything was going on, and to that he said no. We continued our conversation like usual, me making jokes at the way his phone made his voice sound, and ended the call as I went back into work.
I was relieved what I feared/felt in my heart wasn't true but still couldn't shake the feeling that someday soon my grandfather will pass and I won't ever hear him call me baby and kiss my head when I hugged him goodbye again.
It was a long shift, about 10 hours, I got home late. I worked on finishing my project for school, was confirmed that I passed the course and spent the rest of the night drinking modelos and playing Diablo 4 in celebration. That night (last night) when I went to sleep I remembered the call I had with my dad, thought a lot about my grandpa and fell asleep. I had a lucid dream again, in which I was at my grandparents house watching a movie with them. My grandma was in the kitchen, leaving me and my grandpa alone in the living room. He looked at me and asked if I remembered the movie we were watching, I did but not enough to fully recall. He told me "this was that movie me and your grandma rented when you were a kid, the one that scared you so bad you had to sleep in bed with us!" and laughed, I laughed too. We must of watched the entire movie in that dream, and when it was over he looked at me and said "You know I'll always love you, right?". I didn't know why he was telling me this out of the blue, but then in the dream I remembered the call I had from my dad (in real life) the day before. I told him I loved him too, and that I was sorry I wasn't around as much the past few years. He told me not to worry about that, and said he's always asking about me. My grandma (from the kitchen) joined in and said the same thing, that he always asked about me. I woke up after that, and went about my day. I have dreams like this often and didn't think too much of it, though I remembered my sister calling me in the dream, which is what woke me up. Around 2:00pm my sister called me three times, I missed them, and she texted me "Please call me back". I called her back, she'd informed me that my grandfather had passed away. I didn't cry when I talked to her, maybe because she was crying so much. That's how it always is, I never cry when I talk to my sister, because it'll make her cry even more. We talked for awhile, she told me that his condition suddenly worsened this weekend. This morning he was in critical condition, and my father and aunt came over to take him to the hospital. He died a few hours later. I still didn't cry, but once she passed the phone to my mom I broke down.
I've spent the entire day talking to my family over the phone, since I live a few states away and it's all I can do for now. I've heard them all cry, and all tell me how much my grandfather loved me, and how much he'd ask about me. They told me he was proud of me, and I knew that.
I'm writing this during my final class for school, this is my way of processing and understanding where I'm at mentally. I have severe issues with disassociation, and felt myself falling into that earlier today. Whenever this issue first cropped up in my life, I was 14 and that's also when the lucid-drowning-dreams began. Whenever I have lucid dreams it's almost like a warning to me that something is about to shift.
When I spoke to my father, he told me he and my brother also had a feeling in the pit of their stomach this weekend. That something was about to happen, that our grandfather would pass.
I have so much to say about him, and so many moments in which he was there for me when no one else could be. He was a very sweet man, with rough hands and tough/large exterior. The type of guy that you might be intimidated to speak to, but once you do He had been to prison a few times, and was involved in organized crime up until my youngest aunt was born. There are lots of stories in which my dad or one of my aunts recalls him coming home late at night, with blood on his hands and shoes.
I don't know the specifics of what he was involved in, but if I had to guess it was probably cargo theft / redistribution. He stopped being immediately involved and started a construction company whenever my brother was born, his first grandchild.
My family comes from a rough industrial Midwest neighborhood called Spanish Lake, in Missouri. Known as one of the top ranked "Dying communities in the United States", Spanish Lake was blighted by institutionalized and commercialized racism. My parents talk about when the first black family moved into Spanish Lake, and how white residents would burn crosses on their lawn. I have 3 aunts, Tricia, Kristen and Bianca. Bianca is not related by blood, but is my aunt Kristen's (Aunt KK) childhood bestfriend. Bianca was black, and the second or third black family to move into Spanish Lake. When she was a teenager and hanging around my aunt KK a lot, her father and her had issues. He was physically abusive to the point that my entire family knew, the night Bianca fought back he hurt her so bad that she had to go to the ER, and he then told her she was disowned and not allowed to return. Bianca then went to my dad's teenage house, and upon learning what happened my grandfather took Bianca in as his own. Her father came to the house a few days later to apologize, my grandfather let him in and kept watch on the situation. Bianca told him that she would not return, and that my grandparents would be taking care of her from that point on. In response to that he got up and began to yell, and get violent. My grandfather came out of the kitchen and took him outside. He told KK and Bianca to get to their room and lock the doors. Apparently my grandfather tried to talk him down, to which Bianca's father said that Bianca was no longer his daughter. My grandfather knocked him out and dragged him off the property, waited for him to wakeup before telling him never to come near her again. from that point on Bianca was my dad and aunts sister, she and KK loved taking care of me when I was a baby.
Bianca loved my grandfather, would call him dad sometimes, but mostly called him Johnny. Her father never returned. When I was a child I had a lot of difficult with anxiety, and would skip school often. Half the time my Grandpa would pick me up once the principals called my parents, since he knew the route I had to take to walk home. Everytime he'd pick me up, ask me how I was doing, and drive me home. He never got mad at me or punished me for this, just made sure I got home safe and was okay. A few years after that I had fallen into a deeper bout of anxiety/matured depression, and I tried to kill myself multiple times. The first time my dad found me, the second time my brother found me, the third time my grandfather found me. The third time, my grandfather was tipped off by my sister that I'd been making her worry and was locked in the bathroom. I won't go into the details of the process, but she kept trying to get me to leave and I wouldn't. She was screaming and crying, and eventually I heard the front door open. I heard heavy footsteps come down the stairs, walk up to the bathroom door. In a instant the locked door was broken open, my grandfather rushing in. He said "oh my god, baby!" when he saw me, picked me up and put me over his shoulder and took me outside, telling my sister to stay inside and lock the door. I was so scared, he'd never shown any anger or violence towards me but if he did then, I wouldn't of been surprised. He didn't put me down, I was 17 years old at the time and 5"8. He was in his 60s, and held me so tight off the ground while he pet the back of my head and repeated "oh my god Alex". He kissed the side of my head over and over again, and told me we were going to the hospital. I immediately felt the deepest sense of regret I've ever felt in my life, as my grandfather cried and told me "There is no way in this life that you will die before me". It's hard to talk about the details of this, but I had told him I was tired of taking medicine for depression and anxiety all the time and I wanted to quit everything. I told him I needed something to hold onto, and all he said back was "hold onto this" and held out his hand. After that day I never again attempted suicide, I was put in a hospital for a month and a half, my grandfather visited multiple times a week. The first time he did, he gave me an envelope and said it was from him and my father. There were two letters inside, one written by my grandfather and another by my father. They were heartfelt, multi paged letters saying all the things that were too hard to in person I assume. My grandfather's letter was where he told me about his criminal background, and how dark the world had seemed until he met my grandmother Pam, and until he saw the faces of his children. He told me thought about suicide too. Most importantly he finished the letter saying "I will always love you, I do not feel any anger or disappointment in you at all for this." He said when he saw me he knew I'd be trouble, but that I'd be loved and favorited by my family. And that was true, I was a problem child, had a lot of issues up until I moved out/got kicked out, but at the same time everyone in my family loved me very much. My grandparents and my aunts would fight over watching me and taking care of me. I spent a lot of time at my grandparents house. If my grandfather wouldn't of broken that door down I don't know if I'd be writing this out now. I know both of those stories are harrowing examples of the love he showed me and everyone in his life, but at the same time that's who he is. He's someone that's been through so many problems and scenarios, yet he handled all of them and put his family before himself.
I remember when I was 10 I got a guitar for my birthday, and I'd never played but he told me to plug it in and play. I did for a few hours and he sat there watching me, even though it probably sounded horrible.
The last time I saw him he asked me about how music was going and I told him it was alright, and that I was in town to play a show with my friends. He asked if I got paid for it and I told him yeah, I get paid pretty handsomely. He told me how proud he was and how great that is, saying he knew it's what I always wanted.
Seeing him these last two times was really hard, he was a decayed version of himself and was very weak. Still a large, imposing figure, but one with a fragile shell. I ate dinner with him and my Grandma. Me and my Grandma went outside to smoke cigarettes', and during she told me how scared she was of him passing away. She told me he was her world, that he'd been with her for 50 years.
I was sad to see my grandma like this, however I decided to speak to her like anyone would. We had a very real conversation about all of it, and while it was sad, I was happy to speak with her in a way that proved I had grown up, and different from the kid my grandpa found in the bathroom.
today I spoke with her and she told me "Your grandfather loved you so much baby, he was always asking about you. You know he always loved you right? He was so proud of you."
I cried harder than I did all day, and typing this out I'm crying again.
I think i'm a lot like my grandfather, from toughness / roughness around the edges, to not being afraid to show love to those around us. A few years back at a family get together my grandfather was asking me about my new tattoos. I showed him a cross I'd poked into myself on my finger, he pulled out his hand (The one he 'gave' to me in the story above) and showed me he had the same cross tattooed on the same finger. He'd done it himself as well, in prison. My dad's family always calls me baby. They call everyone that, it's something that's seeped into the way I speak. They're the type to kiss the side of your head when they say goodbye.
When I think about showing love or speaking to the ones I love, I think about how my grandfather would talk to me.
today I'm remembering the last time I saw him, two weeks ago. he hugged me tighter than he had in a long time, kissed my head, said "I love you baby you come back soon", and I left.
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elias-the-corvid · 2 years
I got very sick after I heard the news, I've been in bed for the past few days and I finally got the courage to watch Wilbur's stream. As I was listening to all their stories, I felt the need to actually do a quality drawing of Techno, so here it is:
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[image ID: Technoblade, an elf-like being with light skin and pink hair in a long braid; wearing a white shirt, dark pants, a red cape, a pig mask that covers half his face, a gold crown and an emerald earring, is standing in between tall grass. It is close to night and part of the sky is tinted with red, some stars can be seen. There's a text bubble that reads "Heh. Bye nerds, gotta fight God real quick!" And text at the bottom right corner of the drawing that reads "In loving memory of Technoblade aka Alex"]
I spent a long time trying to draw his pig face, because I remembered he liked the pig fan art over the elf one but I just couldn't get it right. I wanted to make this perfect for him and I got so frustrated but then I realized... He would've loved anything we made. Just the fact that we're thinking of him would've been enough for him. So I let go and ended up with a pretty good drawing, one that I'm quite proud of tbh. It's not perfect, but I think he would've appreciated the effort :)
During the stream I had... A lot of thoughts. Most of them I have forgotten, but one I do remember is how lucky I am to have been present during this hero's life. I will tell my friend's children about him and I will make sure he is remembered well past my own death. It kind of reminded me of Hamilton, with the whole "who lives, who dies, who tells your story"? So I hope someone will make an animatic with this. If I ever remember what else I thought, I may add to this post. I tend to think about death a lot anyway.
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iamthecomet · 10 months
It's hot here too, pool sounds fun! I spent most of Sunday at the lake floating around to cool off :)
I'm glad the library is chill and YAY GAY GRAPHIC NOVELS!!!
My day is meh. Tuesdays are my longest days class-wise. I have classes with very little break from 8am until 6pm, so they're really long days. I'm also just not really feeling super great today, dang chronic illness :( I'm looking forward to going back to my dorm, snuggling with my pupper, and maybe eating some dinner if I'm feeling up to it.
Other than class work, I've been hanging around on tumblr wayyy more than I have since like March (?) and I'm slowly trying to get back into talking to people on discord. The ghumblr server is a little much for me right now (way too many people, and I don't know most of them at this point), but the Sleep Token one is smaller still so I'm starting there.
I've started making some friends on campus this year too and have just generally been way happier than I've been in a very long time so that's been a nice change of pace (potentially the happiest I've ever been that I can remember). This time last year I was doing pretty bad mentally, so it's been kinda weird to go through the beginning of a college year in a good headspace.
It was so cold and rainy and miserable here that I didn't get to go into the pool at all in August. So, I'm really into the hot weather (for now, by tomorrow I'll be sick of it again).
I love floating around a lake though--honestly one of my favorite things. Tried to go kayaking/swimming yesterday but there was literally nowhere to park or unload the kayaks so we just...didn't do that. That's a super long day of classes. I'm sure it's exhausting. I hope it goes by quickly for you and you can get in bed and have a snack and have some pup cuddles. You deserve it. I hope tomorrow is a better day. I've been so happy to see you back on tumblr. I missed you while you were gone ♥. And I'm really happy to have you in my ask box again! The ghumblr can be overwhelming sometimes, and it has changed a LOT in the past few months so I totally get not starting there. It'll be there when and if you're ready. You have no idea how happy I am to hear that things are going well and you're in a good headspace and you're happier. That's so good. And new friends!? Even better. Honestly the hardest part of college is not the classwork, it's the people and dealing with your own bullshit in a way you've never had to before. So, I'm really glad that you are finding places where you fit, and that you are starting the year in such a good headspace!! You deserve to be happy and excited about where you are and what you're doing! ♥♥♥♥
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sturkillerbase · 2 years
Hello friends!! It's been a while. A very long while, I know...
I'm writing this to tell you all that's happened in my life that stopped me from coming back here. I'll be tagging my closest mutuals, but feel free to not read this if you don't want to. Sorry in advance because it's going to be a long one :/
First of all, if any of you are upset or disappointed or frustrated with me for vanishing, I completely understand, and it's okay.
Back in June, the first week of it, I got quite sick, and my mind wasn't in the best of places. I thought a week or two off would be enough. But then, inthe middle of that period, I got a terrible flu. I had never had a flu episode like that in my whole life, and even my mom was scared. It was so bad I also ended up with otitis and sinusitis. We spent so much in doctors and medicines, and I actually to this day need sinus medicine. It's only been a couple weeks since I've felt 100% well. Well, all of that took me an entire month.
Since I was so sick, I was on my bed for the entire two weeks. I only left the house to go to the doctor and a few times in my backyard to get some fresh air. I also had no energy to talk to people, weather in person or online. So, as you can imagine, I had A LOT of time to think on my own. Which led to overthinking the most trivial things and, unfortunately, the absolutely not trivial things as well. I've always been depressed, and this led me down into a well of despair, sadness, emptiness and all that comes with it. I was feeling like a used, dirty, old rag thrown into a dark corner.
Now we get to July. Despite my depressed state, I apply to the cinema postgraduation I've been waiting for since January, and I start making plans for my tumblr comeback. Then, I have MAJOR issues with the institution and its website. The website subscription page does not recognize the email I applied with. Without being able to log in to the page, I can’t complete my application, because I can't send the documents they require. I get in touch with them. The first people I talk to are completely useless, and send me copy-pasted instructions that don’t help at all. I then find another way of contacting them. They now know about it and say they'll fix the issue. Well, the entire month of July goes by, with me contacting them and them not solving the issue. They only halfway fix it when I tell them I'll be contacting the consumer's defense system (the institution is a private one so I can sue them for this ridiculous situation and stress they put me under), since I've been with this issue since July 1st, and it was now August 1st, AND classes began on the 9th. I don't know exactly what the woman on the other side did, but suddenly I can access the student area and finally send the required documents. I was so stressed through the entire month, there was no way I had enough peace of mind to come back to my blog. And I didn't want to come back just to complain and be angry.
But all is good now right? The degree of my dreams was about to start. I finally felt I had a purpose in life. I admitted to myself I was mentally worse than I thought I was, and that allowed me to start working on getting better. I get the urge to start illustrating again, something I love but hadn't done since January. Things are going just FINE.
Until they don't.
On August 3rd I'm informed the post grad classes won't be happening this trimester because there wasn't enough quorum. I'll have to wait until the next class, in October. After all that stress they made me go through for a whole month...
My mind crashes again. I'm back to the starting point, which, to me, feels like a loser's point.
But FINE! I'll wait. It'll happen, just not now.
Fast forwards to last Friday, August 12th. I was happy. I went to my friend's birthday party and I had fun. My friend and I have a trip scheduled for next week. I chose nice stuff at the supermarket for a nice Father's day dinner (this year it was on August 14th here in my country).
Then, last Friday, during dinner, my dad decides to be an ass. He says the most stupid shit he's ever said. I've always had issues with him but things had been doing well lately. But he just had to ruin it all.
So now here I am. My mind is fucked up again. I couldn't bring myself to wishing him a happy father's day or even giving him a hug. Well, how can I after his last episode of not wanting to be a proper father who fulfills the basic things he's supposed to as a parent? Plus accusing of things I had never done or said?? I'm angry. I'm upset. This makes me sick and gives me a headache. I feel like punching a punching bag for an entire week at least.
I'm truly hoping this 4 day vacation, away at a beautiful place, with people I like, will ease my mind. After that, I'll be back here with all that I'm in debt with you.
I'm sorry this is so long. I'm sorry I've been away, with no apparent signs of coming back. I haven't been a good friend to you here on tumblr. But I hope you'll understand I had no energy left to be here. English is not my first language, so even thinking in it was overwhelming to my already overworked and over exhausted brain.
I want to thank @scorpio-marionette and @boliv-jenta for not giving up on me; I've seen all of your notifications, and although my mind was too far away for interacting, my heart was warmed everytime I got a notification from you.
I also want to thank all of you who'll be understanding of this messy situations. I don't hope or wish for forgiveness or pity. I wrote this because I wanted to let you know of it all.
I do love you all, and never stopped for a moment. I've missed all of our interactions, and I'm looking forward to getting back here and making new lovely memories with you. As I've mentioned a while ago, the best thing that I've ever done and that ever happened to me was joining the Pedro Pascal fandom, because I had never met people that are so, SO lovely, kind, comprehensive and talented!!
Sending you all all my love and best wishes,
Ana 💖
@scorpio-marionette @boliv-jenta @darth-voder @supernaturalgirl20 @misspearly1 @mandoblowmybackout @becksxoxo @littlemisspascal @oonajaeadira
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lilolilyr · 2 years
of Pumpkins and Knives
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Philippa's body has healed from the wounds inflicted during the battle of the binary stars, but the mental pain lingers, and sometimes comes to the surface in the worst possible moments...
Thankfully, Philippa has Michael by her side to help her through it all.
1k words, T, Michael Prime/Philippa Prime
Read on Ao3
I wrote this in one go completely ignoring all my wips and the rest of my responsibilities. Happy Halloween!
"Hey!" Michael slips onto the bench next to Philippa, pressing a kiss to her cheek before turning towards her meal. "What's up? You look so glum." 
Philippa sighs, sips her soup, eyes darting left and right to check which of their subordinates might be listening in. "It's nothing." 
Michael just nods. She'll ask Philippa again later in their quarters or if they find a moment alone while on duty. She understands Philippa not wanting to talk about what looks like it will be a personal topic out in the open. While she is more laid back than many others in her position, she still needs to keep a certain image as Captain, and the mess hall isn't the most private place on the ship after all. 
"Everything alright on deck three?" Philippa changes the topic, and Michael nods. 
"Engineering just needed to replace two parts, it's all good now. I've actually spent the last two hours in the lab after we were done there..." 
"Yes? Any new discoveries?" 
There haven't been, as of yet, but Michael's eyes still light up with joy when she gets to talk about her favourite work with her girlfriend.
Later that day, Michael is just getting out of her uniform when Philippa walks into the room out of their shared bathroom, wrapped only in a towel and her hair still wet from the shower. 
"Hey, can you pass me my nightgown?" Michael pulls off her boots and waits as Philippa picks up the nightie as she walks past it, but instead of throwing or handing it to her, she places it on the bed and crawls into Michael's lap while the other is still just in her underwear. 
"Oh, hey there." Michael ignores the gown in favour of stroking Philippa's back while two arms snake around her waste and squeeze tightly, Philippa's face hiding in the crook of her neck. "That bad? Anything else I can do to make it better?" 
Philippa just shakes her head and mumbles something unintelligibly, and Michael gives her a comforting squeeze. 
Her girlfriend gets this way sometimes, ever since she almost died during battle. Her physical injuries have long since healed, and the mentally bad days have also gotten less, she's been cleared for duty and back in her old position (a new, shinier Shenzhou II named in honour of the old ship, and sometimes Michael isn't sure whether the reminder is a blessing or a curse)... But she still does have bad days from time to time, and while she can keep it together and do her job without taking sick days for them more often than not, she tends to fall apart after her shifts, hiding in Michael's arms.
Michael rests her cheek on top of Philippa's damp hair and hums a lullaby, waiting comfortably for her to either fall asleep or pull away. 
A few minutes later, Philippa sniffles and presses a kiss to Michael's collarbone before sitting up. "Thanks."
"Any time." She means that, hopes Philippa believes it by now. "Want to talk about it?"
Philippa frowns. "It's silly, really." 
Michael doesn't correct her this time, Philippa already knows her opinion (which happens to match the opinion of Philippa's counselor), that anything that can reduce Philippa to tears, a state of panic, or complete mental exhaustion or apathy, is clearly not nothing. From the look Philippa gives her, she knows it too, even without the reminder.
"The ensigns Tilly and Tal have asked to have a pumpkin carving competition for Halloween next week," Philippa says, pulling her towel closer around herself.
Michael tugs the covers lose from the bed and pulls her underneath them instead. "Yes?"
"They've roped Jett into it already, so naturally I had to say yes." 
"It's just -" Philippa squeezes her eyes shut, her hand shivering as she holds onto Michael's forearm. "Carving... Knives..." 
"Oh, love." Michael instantly hugs her close again. "I should have realized!"
Since being stabbed by the mek'leth and almost bleeding to death from the wounds, Philippa has an aversion to any kinds of blades. She hasn't told anyone apart from Michael, and even she has had to figure it out herself from the clues, Philippa had been afraid to have her Captaincy taken away again so shortly after being declared safe to go back to work. And she can handle herself, she didn't back down when in diplomatic talks with a people whose officials were holding longswords, didn't flinch when engineers were using knives to manually cut apart a part of a door that had fused together with the wall in a freak accident...
But she never eats meals that require knives in the mess hall anymore, in the privacy of her own rooms she programs the replicator to only give out pre-cut pieces she can eat with a fork, and she switched to laser hair removal when until then she had always used an old metal razor. 
"It's silly," she had said when Michael carefully approached her about it, "it's not like I stabbed myself on my own blade, but it's worse when I'm holding the knife somehow, it's like I'm constantly afraid of cutting myself or falling into it!" 
That had been one of their first discussions about what does and doesn't fall under the term 'silly', and Michael had promised her not to tell anyone about her trigger, though she should really see the counsellor about it. She did, after some time, and it has gotten better, but still...
"I used to love pumpkin carving as a child," Philippa whispers. "A few years ago, I would have been delighted at Tilly's idea, the nostalgic childhood memories and the fun competition. But now..." 
Michael cards her fingers through Philippa's hair, carefully detangling a strand before placing it back down. "You know I can find you an excuse not to attend, if that's what you want, she says quietly. But... You do realize no-one will actually expect everyone from participating? I've heard Tilly and Adira talk about it earlier, the way I understand it, there will just be a few from every department chosen to do the carving, the rest of us will be spectators or judges... You could easily say that as Captain, you'd rather someone else from the command team does the actual carving, both because you don't want to take away that chance from someone else and because you might get called away at any moment." 
Philippa nods quietly, thinking about it.
"You still don't have to go," Michael reassures her. "Not if you don't want to. You said Jett wants to be there, I'm sure we'll find a time where she's free and you're busy, and say it's just happenstance. But... You said it's mostly just you holding knives that gets to you now, maybe seeing others use them for something fun wouldn't be so bad?"
Philippa nods. "I'll think about it." Then, she buries her face in a pillow, clearly hiding from the world. 
Michael doesn't begrudge her that, she knows Philippa is emotionally exhausted. She carefully extracts her arm from Philippa's grip, though. "Just give me a moment to take off my bra, yes? Then we can go to sleep."
Philippa giggles, sniffs again, then actually sits up and rubs her hair dry a bit on the towel before throwing it in the direction of the hamper, narrowly missing it. Michael's eye twitches - before living with her, she never would have thought the Captain of a starship could be such a slob. But she doesn't say anything. It's Philippa's room too, they've got to compromise. At least she tried... And Michael just picks up the towel herself when she goes to place her clothes in the hamper. 
Philippa is watching her when she walks back to the bed, and Michael puts some extra sway into her hips, though she doesn't expect Philippa to have the energy for sex tonight. "Enjoying the show?"
"You know it." Philippa smiles. The covers have slid down her body exposing her own chest to Michael, who looks her fill in turn before turning out the lights and climbing into bed. 
"Night, love." 
Philippa wraps her arms around her, feeling the comfort of her girlfriend's warm skin.
"Goodnight, my Michael."
Image sources: Philippa Pumpkin
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wretchedmosses · 11 months
I woke up at 9 today, but I left my bed at 11. It always seems to happen that way. I just lay there until my hours are gone. Hoping noone sees me, that I'll be left well enough alone for a little bit if I don't move much, that things will be quiet and I can sleep. Eventually, I do get up, though.
My head is heavy. I feel weak, there's something gummy between the ears. That means I haven't eaten enough. My hair feels greasy as I touch it, I haven't showered in a little while. Maybe a few days. Those are both better than they used to be, I think. There isn't much in the house, so I start to make some toast. My father is awake now, he comes to show me the news he found today.
Malaria and dengue fever are running rampant in our home state, and the podcasters he likes have mixed feelings about the Barbie movie. cool.
The toaster pops at me loudly, insistently. I don't remember putting the bread in. Guess I got absorbed in his talking. These things he talks about have a way of biting. I think as I work in the kitchen, think about the danger we're in. The money I've made and spent and it feels like on nothing in particular, but I don't know if I'd be here if I hadn't spent it and I don't know how much longer I could go on making it. The new workplace is crushing me with nerves. I've never worked an office before, these new people are terrifying and they expect me to speak to them. It's only been a week and I don't know if I feel better or worse than I did at the last job, or during the time between. Everything seemed dim and hopeless then, but it's not that it doesn't now. I guess what I really wanted was something to take the time off my hands. So they'd stop shouting me down for my hobbies, so I'd be a real adult. Do I feel adult?
Oh, the toast is jellied and plated. I could make some tea or coffee, but my teeth are getting worse. I should be saving for my first dental appointment, but I have a whole list of stuff to save for, and I still haven't decided how I'll budget, have I? I guess I'll put that on the list today.
It's a big list now. I don't know if that's good.
The tasks seem to fill a gap there for a while, but I'll feel bad when not all of it is done, won't I? It's all so important, too. To someone else or to me, and few in betweens. It doesn't feel very adult for a to-do list to be so thoughtful and crushing. They're not very outlandish tasks for my age or anything.
I'm sitting to eat now, and I haven't even written any of my tasks down. I'm starting to lose them already. What did I just say I'd add?
I've eaten, and I'm not in so much pain or exhaustion when I stand. My head still feels wrong, but it's been a while since it felt right. Maybe the shower will do it. Or the water, or the tasks. I don't know how I can be so strong to think about other tasks when it's so hard to take care of myself already.
Is that strength? Is that adulthood? I don't feel strong. I don't feel grown.
I wish there had been more time, but I don't rue how I spent it. I was happy in those days. I didn't know the sun well then, but with it missing, I miss it so badly now. It's sunny, but my sky is dark.
In a week I won't remember today. I'll pity my past self for thinking it was so bad then. Or maybe I'll weep for the state I was in. I can't see the bottom, I can't even feel if I've hit it. Maybe that's why I feel sick, and my head is reeling. I hope I've gone as low as I can. There might still be hope of reaching the surface again.
I'm going to have my shower. I'll drink my water, play a game. I have a meetup with my friends tomorrow, and with my DND group today. That thought makes me smile a little. Maybe I'll go for a walk, too. It's not good to be inside so long, my freckles are fading. I'm sure my dad won't like that, but I don't want to think about that. There's a happy picture at the end of the line. I think I can make that a scene from my life. Maybe it's just a matter of the effort I put in. I haven't got much left in my bones, but for joy, I'll lift with my whole back.
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