#for their modern verse ♥
silvrmoon · 1 year
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" - i know it's late and i should have called but i really miss you," juliette confesses, delicate fingers playing nervously with the rings adorning her fingers as steely blue hues focus on the male's familiar features. " i don't want to be mad at you anymore. " / @tenderstars ♥
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tenebriism · 2 months
The sheer amount of chaos was certainly shocking for Rothalion, although he supposes he's never truly had to deal with a persistent traditionalist who hated him enough to desire his head on a platter. Adrenaline still thrummed through his veins, his breath heavy and blood staining his hands and face. Several bodies lay around the pair, some discarded with easy slices to the throat or stabs in the chest, however the one Rothalion yanked his knife from in particular had been gutted like a pig. He smirked, spitting upon the corpse as he wiped the blood and viscera from the blade of the knife. It was one of very few items of value he owned, its blade tasting blood for the first time in nigh a decade.
Rothalion turned to Zenos, pocketing the knife as he stepped closer and reached out to take his hand.
"At this rate we may end up wiping out the population of mercenaries and hitmen," he mused with a giggle. He stood up on his tiptoes, his free hand reaching up to gently pull Zenos down so he could better reach his face. Delicately he brushes away a few spots of blood, amusement flickering in verdant hues as he pressed a few peppered kisses over his cheeks and lips.
"... Have I ever told you, that you are the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life?" he whispered, head canting to the side. He hummed, brushing stained fingers gently through a few stray locks of golden hair. "Soft hair like the golden rays of the sun, eyes beautiful as the skies... some say cold as ice, but I would wager instead that they are warm and comforting. I would bask in your gaze for an eternity should you allow it."
Rothalion nuzzled his jaw affectionately, squeezing his hand. Even for all the exhaustion that wore on his very bones as adrenaline faded into a tired buzz, he did not regret his decision. How could he, even stood among the gore of their borderline immoral actions he knew he would do it all over again when such scenario arose again. For now, they had some manner of peace - another lull where they may recover until this contingent was reported failed and another was hired in its place.
"To me, you are perfect," he murmured suddenly, and lo as he was to withdraw he finally steps back and motions towards a faint, flickering sign in the distance.
"Maybe we should purchase a room nearby, though. At least to rest for a time? And clean the... shit, from our clothes. I'm sure we'd be in much worse a case if the cops find us like this, especially when neither of us show wounds that could excuse the filth as a brawl," he said, shaking his head. "I could use a nice bath, and even a motel is better than a creek."
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Not surprised... nor disappointed. Not hurt, not upset, not saddened.
He is angry. Infuriated may, too, be putting it lightly. 'Tis his father, the man has never been one to handle matters with mere words alone; it simply wasn't his style, but no matter how capable Rothalion was in defending himself, it did NOT excuse the simple fact that his father was making attempts on their lives in the first place, all because his son had found LOVE from an unaccepted source. Would it have been so hard to just LET THEM GO? To focus on sweeping whatever disappointment and shame Zenos had ushered in after his public proclamation 'neath the rug and MOVE ON? He's never been much of a son to Varis as much as a tool 'pon which to force the Galvus empire come his inevitable death. It would have been EASY to find another willing and capable successor in his place.
It didn't have to be like this.
Now, here they stood amongst breathless, LIFELESS bodies, covered in blood that wasn't their own. Anyone else may have been shaken. Cared more about the fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, whomever they have just taken from the innocent unawares, but not Zenos. Nay. They have made their own beds and curled up within them; they had CHOSEN to pursue him for a paycheck and whatever other false promises his father had manipulated them into believing they were entitled to and earning. Has he ever taken a life before this? No... that part of the family shared corruption hadn't yet seeped into his veins. Not, at least, until now.
Zenos lifts his phone, snaps a picture. Absolute carnage that makes for quite the beautiful photograph; he only WISHES he could see the look on his father's face when he attaches it to a message and clicks ' SEND, ' before chucking the burner phone off to the side. 'Tis likely to be traced, if not the phones of the numerous goons that had killed.
No matter; he has about a dozen more at his disposal.
'Tis Rothalion, as always, that draws him from the dark depths of his head. He'd mentally wandered off somewhere unhealthy where the walls were beginning to close in, moving not an inch until a hand slips within his own and the light returns to his eyes. Content hum escapes him as he is warmed by affection, leaning into every ounce of it Rothalion sees fit to bless him with like a needy puppy.
" If we do, it will be their own fault... " He mutters, humming again. They really shouldn't be standing here having a MOMENT amongst a scene straight out of a horror flick, but Zenos cannot help but preen to such sweet words. Rothalion compliments his hair, so he responds with a tilt of his head so those very strands of golden sunshine may slip 'gainst his shoulder. Rotahlion compliments his eyes, and they open just that bit wider, shine just that bit brighter. It's strange how words that would have had no effect coming from anyone else make him feel like the singular most important person in this entire world coming from Rothalion.
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" ... you would endeavor to make me blush when we are both covered in blood and filth? Such a strange man you are... " He whispers with a chuckle, snagging his chance to turn the affections unto Rothalion, now, as he pulls him right back into his arms and flush against him. Nevermind the motel or wherever they shall seek accommodations this eventful evening; Zenos every thought, as usual, rest solely on Rothalion.
" Yet, you are perfect to me and for me. You make this once cold and empty heart of mine beat with warmth and fervor... and, gods, do you arouse me, as well. Merely to look at you like this... "
Lips ghost 'long Rothalion's neck, down to his shoulder, caring little for the crimson colored evidence of their actions that painted his flesh. " ... I would take you here, now, were we not certain to be caught. Should the authorities see us, I could not care less... I more-so loathe the thought of inevitably being INTERRUPTED. " 'Tis a less likely risk in a private room, Zenos pressing more wanting kisses 'gainst his beloved's skin as if to seal the promise that his words shan't merely be left as is. If nothing else, Zenos is one to act, and fully intends to when they are afforded the ability to do so. For now...
" Let's head somewhere a tad further. My father is sure to send more of his brainwashed units after us, and coupled with the eventual law enforcement... this area will be doubly scoured. I want to ensure you are safe, above all else. "
@draikoeques ;;
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♡ if you’re still accepting!! c:
●○○○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●○○ | AFFECTION ●●○○○ | INTEREST ●●○○○ | LOYALTY ●●○○○ | TRUST
── The relationship Robin feels towards Akali stems from their daily work interactions so most of his emotions towards her fairly professional. However he is quite fond of her regardless of their limited relationship due to his connection to Evelynn - he understands how much she loves Akali and that has influenced his own actions towards her. That being said Robin's trust and loyalty costs far more than just being important to someone he happens to like, and it takes a lot of time for him to truly feel connected to anyone in any meaningful way. That being said - Akali does have a bit more than any other stranger or coworker he has, she can thank Evelynn for that.
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acernusarbor · 2 years
headcanons // 010. ❝once upon an autumn day.❞ — headcanons
character study // 011. ❝in the shade of a fallen peach leaf.❞ — character study
aesthetics // 012. ❝the moon taught me there is beauty in darkness.❞ — aesthetic
visage // 013. ❝the leaves lulled themselves to sleep.❞ — visage
musings // 014. ❝i am a thousand winds that blow.❞ — musing
ic tag // 015. ❝my soul lives in the heart of autumn's immortal dream.❞ — ic
V1 (canon) // 016. ❝the leaves are changing; i feel poetry in the air.❞ — V1 ( canon )
V2 (modern) // 017. ❝the wind has ceased... the world is silent.❞ — V2 (modern)
V3 (spider-verse) // 018. ❝where the red leaves lifeless lie.❞ — V3 (spider-verse)
Kazuyuki // ♥ / ❝& i want you to know you couldn't have loved me better.❞ — Kuniyuki ( artificeheart )
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magiirealism · 2 years
shakes u all love my bunny boi
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victoria-rue · 1 year
victoria-rue's Recommendation Masterlist
I was tired of play hide 'n seek with old stories in my likes. So I'm just going to leave them here so I can find them better and so other people can find them easier too ♥︎
Recommendation Masterlist part 1, part 2, part 3, & part 4
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Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Beth by @farfromharry
Eddie’s trying to navigate adulthood after a baby is dropped on him from a prior hookup. He tries his best for the baby girl and does well, things are made even easier with the help of his friends around him. When he meets you his life flips again, and although it takes a while to admit your feelings, he eventually ends up with a family he never expected he would have.
june baby by @luveline
you're a single mom living three trailers down. eddie thinks you're the prettiest girl he's ever seen. queue smiley face oatmeal, grossly misused power tools, desserts on the living room floor, a haircut, and an abundance of nerd metaphors
the pain of letting you go by @strangermarvelss
you've separated from your husband, eddie, but aren't looking to rebound anytime soon. but he is
Penny 'Verse by @queenimmadolla
having found a family in your friends, Hawkins is no longer a sinkhole to you, so when you and Eddie discover you’re expecting, letting all your other plans go in favor of starting a family isn’t all that difficult.
Billy Hargrove
18 by @perpetuelledaydreaming
Billy Hargrove needs a Queen and you need someone to help you get out of the hellhole that you are currently in as you move to Hawkins. It should be an easy and obvious solution, right?
the hurt is good by @bookshelf-dust
Good Neighbors (Steddie X Reader) (Book One) by @justmeinadaze
You move into a new apartment complex with you six year old son while going through a divorce. You meet your sexy neighbors Steve and Eddie who are adorable with your kiddo and both care a lot about you.
We're A Family (Book Two) by @justmeinadaze
Steve, Eddie, reader, and her son are now all under one roof taking things one day at a time with their taboo little family.
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Steve Rogers
the send-off by @earth616variant
Being his best friend and assistant, Howard Stark asked you to be the first one to be tested on his time machine project. After some unexpected errors, you ended up stuck in the modern times of the 21st century. Where you meet the man you thought died years ago: Steve Rogers.
Peter Parker
Infinitely You by @spider-stark
In every universe you are the one person Peter Parker will always love more than anything; unfortunately, he always realizes it too late. Now that they've been granted a second chance none of them are willing to miss out on finally making things right.
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Kenough for you by @frost-queen
This Isn't Barbie Land by @guppydoll
You are working away as a waitress at a night club when the oddest man came up to you after your shift and accidentally swept you off your feet. Yet you don't know if you are ready for another relationship after the disaster that was your last one. You just hope everything goes nice and easy. Ken is your doll and he wants you to teach him how to be human and help you through the pain you've been feeling. 
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Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Pure-Blood Potter by @fanfics4all
Are You With Me? by @sourstilinski
Y/N is a Slytherin muggle born. She’s used to her house ostracizing her due to her blood status and her friendship with the Golden Trio, especially Draco Malfoy. But during their fifth year, they discover they might need each other more than they think
Bill Weasley
long hair & tattoos by @wisteria-blooms
You, (Y/N) Malfoy, despise your family’s views on blood purity. Unlike your little brother Draco, you won’t be roped into marrying for status. However, when your father, Lucius, puts down an ultimatum, you’re forced to find a lover for next week’s dinner. With his long hair, tattoos, piercings, and your father’s worst nightmare reincarnated in a man, who better to bring than a much older Bill Weasley? What should’ve been one night of deceit turns to a battle of charades and wits. Just who will crumble first: your family, Bill, or you?
James Potter
𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵, 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘥 by @astonishment
James plans on proposing to Lily. Trying to calm his nerves, he goes for a walk in the woods, then somehow finds himself in the land of the dead, engaged to Y/N, the corpse bride. With his friends and girlfriend looking for him, can James make it back to the land of the living? Does he even want to?
Regulus Black
Manipulating Death: Season One by @morganalatina21
When Harry discovers he has a twin sister that was hiding for years, he wants to know all about her, specially about her ability to bring people back to life.
Second Son by @cherryslyce
Forbidden from contacting Harry over the summer, you opt to explore the eerie halls of Grimmauld Place where you stumble upon a lonely portrait of the House's second son.
Tom Riddle
Challenging fate by @lovebeinaprincessworld
There were a lot of unexpected things happening the day of the Battle of Hogwarts. Being send back into the past to change the course of history was definitely one of them.
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Young Sheldon / The Big Bang Theory
Georgie Cooper
Texas Romance by @countrymusiclover
Y/n is Missy's high school friend, even though the Cooper girl is only in elementary school. She spends a lot of time at the Cooper house and learns what living with Sheldon was like. Through her years of high school, she realized that she's crushing on the eldest football playing brother Georgie. He's reckless and does things his mom doesn't approve of so Y/n questions herself of how she is falling for him. The two have to figure out if they can actually be a couple or not and deal with Missy's teasing.
The Texas Tire Family by @countrymusiclover
10 years after George Sr passed away Georgie and Y/n have to adjust to being the adults of the family. But when Sheldon reunites with the pair he needs them to come to his wedding, except Georgie tells him no. Dealing with two ten year olds and a secret they never expected to hear Sheldon was getting married.
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Jake Sully
Si fpom by @fluloa
You're dead to me by @chaethewriter
In which Jake Sully leaves his life on earth to settle down with the Omatikaya people as Toruk Makto. Having a family that consists of four kids with Neytiri, everything seems to work out just fine, but what if the past comes back for him? And his babygirl is right there in front of him?
folklore masterlist ✩ jake sully by @theseuscmander
widowed jake sully tries his hardest to heal from the loss of neytiri and you’re there to pick up the pieces and mend him back together, even if neither of you wanted to or realized.
Hoodie by @midnightsapphire
you thought jake was the one, now you’re grasping straws at what was.. and what could have been
I See You by @heirtothekingdom (now only on Ao3)
You observe the mighty warrior, the famed Toruk Makto, struggling to adjust to his new life in the Metkayina clan. The gentle whisperings of Eywa push you past your comfort to reach out a helping hand, to ease Jake Sully in the only way you can.
Tsu'tey te Rongloa Ateyo'itan
i want to see mama too by @dreamingofpandora
seven years ago, you had died alongside grace while trying to protect pandora. a few months after your death it was discovered that you were pregnant; leaving tsu'tey to raise your son vu'ran without you. but, things start to get strange when vu'ran is certain he saw you move.
Miles Quaritch
Ma Miles by @mechformers
When your son is taken, left behind by your Toruk Makto, you desperately go on the hunt for your boy. Knowing who took him, knowing that nothing good awaits him, you search high and low through the battlefield of Pandora, praying that Eywa will guide your way.
What Do I Tell My Friends Family by @plzfeedmebread
No More Than a Memory by @chaoticlicense
Miles isn't the same man as his human counterpart. The mistakes of the past are not his own. Neither are the feelings he has for a woman he's never met but remembers as though he has. In another life, you were everything to him. His light, his life, the one who brought a little joy to his dreary world. But you made your choice just as he made his. You both know that neither of you can change the past but maybe, just maybe, you can forge a new future…
Avatar: The New Mission by @milknhonies
After failing his mission to hunt down Jake Sully, Miles Quaritch is given a new mission. Let’s just say you’re not the most co-operative na’vi native and Quaritch loves to put you in your place.
Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan
ONE OF US by @forever--darling
neteyam sully was the next olo'eyktan and for years had been focused on his training and his responsibilities only. he had never accounted for you to become one of them. when you got your avatar body and ended up in the forest alone, being brought to the village and offered to be taught the ways of the people wasn't what you expected. let alone it being neteyam, future olo'eyktan becoming your teacher.
“you make me feel brave//you make me feel safe” by @thesparkisnearlygone
alyara was only six weeks old when she was left behind as the sky people were forced to leave pandora 19 years ago. she was raised by Norm and Max, and she grew up running through the forest of pandora with the sully’s. her love for neteyam had blossomed over the years, but she knew nothing could come of her feelings for him, even after she is surprised with her own avatar. still, she can’t seem to picture herself with anyone else, and she will soon find that her feelings are not unrequited.
Charming Killer by @writing-makes-me-human
You get chased into the wilds of Pandora with a broken communication collar and a bullet wound, but Neteyam finds you. He goes to kill you but an omen from Eywa stops him, and as he approaches you he realizes you are his destined mate.
His Secret Admirer by @teyums
All Of My Love by @kurogxrix
IN WHICH Neteyam’s mother and clan disapproves of your relationship, because you’re a dreamwalker. When you both advance in your relationship, the clan cannot help but attempt to ruin things for the both of you.
Weakened by Eywa by @shkudss
Ao’nung finally realizes that his actions have consequences
Jake & Neytiri
My Heart Never Knows by @star-girl69
In the safety of the Reef, you know no war. You only know your family, the feel of the ocean on your skin, the feel of the wind blowing through your hair. You know only simple things, the barely there shine of the sun, a reprieve from where you are covered by your sister. You are the moon and she is the sun, and you are destined to live like this. You had long since given up any hopes of a mate until the Forest People arrive, on their colorful flying ikrans. Ronal does not like them. Tonowari respects them. Tsireya is entranced, Ao’nung sees them as new market to tease. With your family divided, you do not know how to feel about them. Until you See them, the parents of this family, Jake Sully and Neytiri, and the sun suddenly feels so much brighter. But your heart never know the future. It is in the hands of Eywa, but you cannot give your heart to these strangers knowing it could hurt. But, it seems this strange man and woman have other plans.
Keep Me Ablaze (Book One) by @star-girl69
The only mother you have ever known is the forest. Yes, you have Grace, other women at the base. But they are not quite your mother. It’s hard for your Aunt to talk about her- but how can you blame her? Alone and drifting through the world, a fire burning inside of you that threatens to snuff out, Grace teaches you alongside the Omaticaya at her school. They call her sa’nok, and sometimes you wish you could call her that too. But you feel like you would be betraying your mother. Neytiri is your spark, even while you’re young, shy when Grace pushes you to play with her and even shyer when the two of you form a tentative friendship. But it grows, and she grows into the woman you know now. Life without her is miserable, but at least you have something new to explore in the form of your Avatar. You run through the forests and help Grace, and soon you are 20 years old and looking out onto your life like it is a prison. You could leave. Go to Earth. But you couldn’t leave the forest, your Aunt, the memories of your mother and father. Then, Jake Sully comes, a warrior with no legs, who holds the same spark as Neytiri does. But with the weight of impending war looming on each of you, death everywhere, you don’t know if they can keep you ablaze.
Ember in Your Hands (Book Two) by @star-girl69
Although a part of you had died, you found that you were still full of life. With children running around and healed scars, life is what you dreamed about during those dark nights so long ago. You don’t know betrayal anymore, you don’t know loss or suffering. When you’re forced out of the only home you’ve ever known, you find yourself becoming hateful and bitter. You blame your mates, who have only ever burned for you, for all that has happened. You’ve changed and they’ve changed, and you’re not sure if they can keep you ablaze- not this time. You’re just an ember in your hands.
Yawnetu by @sunandsstars
One other mate was enough, but two? Unneeded. _ was the outcast, the unwanted woman. Jake and Neytiri wouldn’t ever see her..right?
Tonowari & Ronal
Yawnetu by @sunandsstars
With her arrival in Awa’atlu, reader seeks to find a sanctuary for her family, one that she may find in two particular individuals
Neteyam & Ao’nung
He's Not So Bad by @biolumilunareclipse
your parents as well as the his had decided that you would be ao’nungs mate and the tsahìk of the metkayina clan. you were to be mated after you had both reached a certain point in your training. naturally, they suggested you help ao’nung and tsireya help teach the forest people your ways in your free time. this allows you to develope a close bond with the eldest son, neteyam, with whom you have plenty in common. as time passes and ao’nung becomes more accepting of them, he realizes they have plenty in common as well.
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Willy Wonka
Chocolate Princess by @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf
Y/n Ficklegruber can't help but become enamoured with the spectacularly peculiar man stood in the middle of the galleria.
The Candy Man by @kteezy997
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Enola Holmes/Bridgerton
Sherlock Holmes
Upon a nightly walk by @frost-queen
Having snuck out of the house to explore the town at night, you stumble upon a drunken Sherlock. His drunken behavior very silly and adorable to you, you take it upon yourself to escort him home. Once there, you find it hard to leave him alone so you decide to stay. Which comes to a surprise for a waking Sherlock who tends with care for his sweet savior. 
Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether
Love at first encounter by @frost-queen
The moment I knew by @frost-queen
You are very bubbly, sweet and wise. Every since you were a little girl you dreamed of becoming a princess. One day you meet Tewkesbury, completely smitten by him and he by you. You are very certain about your future with him after meeting him once. Later during family diner, you tell your siblings you are to marry him. Leaving them with different reactions to your sudden news.
Benedict Bridgerton
love letters and seconds sons by @jimblejamblewritings
The princess is finally ready to debut in society. But before she does, she decides to disguise herself and see the true faces of the ton.
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The Bear
Carmen Berzatto
Six Months by @aestheticaltcow
parenthood angst
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ofyorkshire · 29 days
I'm v fond of the modern verse I've built with my girlfriend @parameddic (♥) and would love to add more people to the verse to flesh it out! if you might like to be "rp canon" in bj's modern au and don't mind bj talking about your muse or other people's muses in threads, please lmk!
i'm open to anything, but i'd especially love any of these:
regular clients
people he's dating or fwb with (will still be multi-ship, i think; bj is probably going to date around for a while before he can be comfortable going long-term with someone)
gang members / leaders
drug dealers / fellow addicts, recovering or otherwise
other sex workers or club dancers (maybe we could tie them in with my "npc", melanie, who is one of bj's friends?)
people who want bj as an informant
people bj has or is blackmailing / coaxing information out of for xyz person (i don't know if bj would be willing to go back too deeply into this specific kind of work BUT it would be fun to see)
people who knew bj during his early months in the us; he would have been struggling with relapsing but trying hard to get better, probably involved in small petty crimes like shoplifting and pick-pocketing (this can be anywhere in the us)
people who live in bj and tk's apartment building (this would be in austin; the apartments are pretty cheap and not in the best part of town)
healthy, toxic, complicated, somewhere in-between! i don't mind. i'd love to have a variety and see what tumbles out.
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tenebriism · 1 year
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If he can't bite Xiao while being taught how to tango, then WHY be so BITABLE ?
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seekslight · 5 months
𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐲  𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫  𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥  !!
⸻      ♥      this  post  if  you're  interested  in  a  short  starter  for  one  of  the  following  verses  :  star  guardian  /  canon  /  modern  /  baldur's  gate  3.  please  specify  said  verse  in  the  comments  !!  i  don't  know  if  i'll  cap  it  at  something  or  not,  depends  on  how  many  it'll  be.  i'm  excited  to  be  back  and  to  write  you  have  no  idea aaaaaa !!! modern and baldur's gate 3 verses can be found on my carrd or under the cut :3
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💭 hii
Send 💭 for a thought my muse has had about yours ═══ MODERN VERSE ═══
I should really try to spend more time with Miss Qiyana, Draven is my friend - regrettably - and if they are serious then I see no reason why I shouldn't meet her. It is strange, I've spoken to the producers of True Damage before but I don't think I've ever conversed with the artists besides a few times... Mm. Well, either way, she seems protective and ready to keep Draven safe - I can respect that. I should ask him to introduce us properly, she seems like a lot of fun...
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dshret · 2 months
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I'm a fellow student of death, you see.
⟳ /  ♥︎ if interested in interacting with an Ares and Apollo based on sgg's hades & mythology. verses are available, currently pjo, twst and an unmentioned modern one.
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alexandraxsuoh · 16 days
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♥ Little starter call for her modern verse ~ Like or Comment for a sweet musician <3
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aliflorent · 27 days
a mostly modernized portrayal alicent hightower ( hotd verses. available ) , low activity and 21+ protected and ᵖᵉⁿⁿᵉᵈ ᵇʸ petal . 🖊️
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we aren't here to eat , we are being eaten .
a study in : finding yourself in your 30's , the impossible weight of motherhood , when children have children , victim mistaken for villain , being in love with your best friend , and the trauma that traps us .
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rules below! <3 est.  2014. minors  dni. 21+
01.       no  godmodding.
02.      i   am  of  age ,   29   to  be  exact  so  there   will  be  nsfw  material  written   on   this  blog  with  other  muns  and muses of  age.      everything   will  be  tagged  ,    nsfw   as  ‘nsfw'  and  other  triggering   material will  be   tagged   as  ‘trigger tw' 
03.      my main priority is my oc , but i'll definitely still be here .
04.      no  hate   is  tolerated.      let's  be  kind   to  each  other  and  have  fun.      this  is  tumblr  and  for  me  ,    a  safe  space.      let's  keep  it  that  way!
05.      i  am  autistic   if  that  matters   at   all  and  a   bit  nervous  when   i  first  start  interacting  with  new  people  but  i  swear  i'm  nice  and  fun! ♥
                                              hotd stuff :
i will mostly be taking inspiration from the hbo show , and my own personal headcanons. i'm not into incest , and i get that's part of the show but it's just icky for me. definitely won't be partaking !!
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imaginarianisms · 28 days
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full name :  aemond targaryen. other names :   aemo (only if close), aemond one-eye, & aemond the kinslayer. age : 10-20 (main). species : human; dragonrider (main); human; draconic alterhuman (modern). gender : androgynous presenting amab nonbinary man; he/they pronouns. sexuality : demiomniromantic caedomnisexual.
origin : the red keep, king's landing, the crownlands, westeros. (main; verse varies); america (modern; verse varies). current location : the red keep. (main; verse varies); americas (modern; verse varies). nationality : westerosi (main; canon); american (modern). ethnicity : the blood of old valyria (house targaryen, house velaryon, possibly house celtigar), with semidistant mixed first men & andal (house hightower & house florent through the maternal line who're heavily mixed indigenous & were initially an indigenous house in our& lore) & summer islander (house velaryon through viserys through the paternal line) ancestry (main); white (or at the very least white seeming) with indigenous & semidistant black heritage. spoken languages : high valyrian & the common westerosi tongue, high valyrian sign language & westerosi sign language only when communicating nonverbally with helaena. (main; canon); english, french, latin, & american sign language. (modern).
family : viserys i targaryen (father; disowned; estranged), alicent hightower (mother), criston cole (paternal figure), daemon targaryen (paternal uncle), baelon targaryen (paternal grandfather), alyssa targaryen (maternal grandmother), jaehaerys i targaryen (paternal great grandfather), alysanne i targaryen (paternal great grandmother), otto hightower (maternal grandfather), alyrie florent (maternal grandmother), gwayne hightower (maternal uncle), rhaenyra i targaryen (older half sister), jocealyn velaryon (half-niece), jacaerys velaryon (half-nephew), lucerys velaryon (half-nephew), joffrey velaryon (half-nephew), aegon iii targaryen (half-nephew), viserys ii targaryen (half-nephew), aegon ii targaryen (older brother), helaena targaryen (older sister), jaehaerys targaryen *!* (nephew), jaehaera targaryen *!* (niece), maelor targaryen *!* (nephew), daeron targaryen (younger brother), vhagar (his she-dragon & war mount; the green tyrant, the oldest & most powerful dragon in the world), aerenna {waters-} targaryen-velaryon (daughter; vaenna velaryon), aelyx 'greenfyre' {rivers-} targaryen (son; alys rivers). partner(s) : vaenna velaryon ♥ (childhood companion; love of his life; capable more than anyone to chain him & "hold his sanity", though just as equally able to bring about the worst of aemond should she ask it of him or harm come to her; he is stronger with her & yet considers her his weakest spot, & for that she is most guarded; has created & destroyed in her name; would be lost to time without her at his side; stranger's bride; @velcryons); alys rivers (spellbinder; she who bewitched him; intrigued; fascination; his witch queen in unholy matrimony). occupation : prince regent; dragonrider. (main; canon). student, disability rights activist, gaming influencer, sex worker & a member of aegon's band (modern). religion :  syncretic view of the gods of old valyria & the faith of the seven; agnostic.
height :   6'4". body type : paleskinned, lean, muscular, toned & powerful; tubby at first with his childhood baby fat & was actually quite short as a child, he soon turned that into muscle through intense training from 10 years old, a.emond didn't show signs of being a behemoth until his late adolescence not too long before the dance of the dragons, when he began to tower over most of the men at court & all of his brothers, including his older brother a.egon when he was initially half a.egon's size but twice as fiere when he was a child & it was at such a point it was also notable that a.emond had unusually large muscles with years of intense training had made him buff; a.emond truly outdid himself to become the lethal weapon his family required him to become in order to protect them from the blacks. disabilities & neurodivergencies : C-PTSD from long extended periods of trauma; develops antisocial personality disorder / ASPD later in life due to his severe trauma as well as emotional neglect that oftentimes manifests in him being afraid of nothing, pursuing perilous ventures & engaging in hazardous activities, adapting to someone else's personality if they are stronger than he is, becoming bold, wild, & willful, hot tempered & unforgiving as he got older, isolating himself, using a silver tongue to get in places he wants & to manipulate the people around him, becoming a social chameleon, feeling as if it's a bad thing to be afraid for if he is afraid then he's vulnerable & it can be used against him, believing it's bad to be emotional or show concern for others' emotions because most don't care about his, it's bad to be exploited because he believes exploitation is everywhere, believing in an eat or be eaten world, if he doesn't show that his bite is worse than his bark then he will be taken advantage of & he must remain on top because the ones on top are safe, he must look out for himself because nobody will do it for him, always anticipating a fight, lacking respect for authority unless his trust is earned, him being rude & inconsiderate of others' feelings somewhat unintentionally most times, believing that violence is the answer to almost everything, that almost everyone in the world is out to manipulate & hurt him & that almost everyone doesn't care about him & if they say they do then they're lying & trying to get close to him to hurt him, most of the time when he did ask for help/comfort as a child he'd be be punished or ignored, little to no love or comfort was safe, it always came with a price & a caveat & it became ingrained in him that most love & care is transactional which causes him to be extremely avoidant of relationships of any kind with very few exceptions, most bonds of his are surface level to keep them around in case someday they're useful to him & his survival because his survival & the survival of his family is the only thing that matters to him; half blind in one eye; ocular chronic pain that flares when he's stressed, angered or reminded of his trauma surrounding that night at driftmark when he was 10, especially on rainy days; mostly sex & touch repulsed due to his trauma & sexual abuse as a child; will only let close loved ones touch him. hair : silver-gold moonglow pin-straight hair when let loose reaches down his back; will occasionally wear it in a long braided ponytail over a shoulder. eyes : a pair of violet eyes before his maiming; now one eye is violet, his right eye is replaced with a sapphire that was given to him as a gift for his nameday by vaenna from dowager queen valaena velaryon the mother of aegon the conqueror's treasure trove. tattoos : has vaenna's name glyphs in high valyrian over his heart (canon); has baphomet emblazoned on his back (modern). piercings : sapphire earrings & a forked tongue splitting piercing. scars : a long vertical scar over his right eye whereas his body is littered with faded scars, most often from training & combat but there are some that are self inflicted due to self harm, on his inner thighs while first claiming & riding vhagar. (main).
educational background : a prince & dragonrider's education & educated in the mysteries of the faith; aemo becomes knowledgeable in many different topics like the histories, diplomacy, dragonlore & warfare (main; canon); college. (modern). social media : n/a (canon); most general social media, shares a youtube & a twitch channel with aegon & helaena where they stream videogames together. (modern). smoking :   n/a; casual smoker (modern). drinking :   social drinker but doesn't particularly like it because he doesn't want to make himself vulnerable unless if he's alone with aegon when he's older. drugs :   will only use pain reducing drugs if it gets exceptionally bad (canon), cannabis for medical purposes to deal with his chronic pain (modern).  athletics : a great dancer due to court etiquette, an extraordinarily quick runner, a proficient & dangerous swordsman & a lethal warrior with all of his hits aimed for the vitals, including the throat, belly, genitalia, tendons & the face, especially the eyes are targeted in battle & is an excellent rider of horses & his dragon vhagar. hobbies :   fighting, training, literature, bathing in scalding hot baths, equestrianism, & dragonriding (main; canon) streaming, gaming (modern). favorite drink : ice cold water & arbor gold. favorite food : cheese & chicken; has a weakness for cake. favorite music : classic (canon); classical, punk, rock, metal (modern). clothing style : almost always in riding attire, wears furs whenever necessary & jewels, mostly emeralds & sapphires, & attire mostly in shades of green & black. often wears his eyepatch over his sapphire eye around the company of women, such as when he was in the round hall of storm's end with borros baratheon's wife & daughters; has gathered a collection of eyepatches. wears aegon the conqueror's iron & ruby crown as prince regent in his brother's incapacitated state. in times of war he wore nightblack valyrian steel armor, chased with gold. (main; canon); casual, punk, goth, & academia. (modern).
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Tagged by: stole it from ourselves& !! Tagging: anyone who breathes !
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heartate · 10 months
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knock knock, is the league of legends rpc aliveeeeeeee? like / reblog this post if you're interested in interacting!! this is an independent, private, and selective portrayal of ahri, by yours truly, rina! canon exists as my main verse, but i have a heavy fixation on k / da for all our modern needs ♥
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tenebriism · 1 year
💬: my patience with humanity is running very low. - Xiao @ Albedo, modern verse
Text Message Prompts - [ ACCEPTING ] ;; @ironbloodcd
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[ ✉︎ Sweet Flower ] ;; What happened this time? [ ✉︎ Sweet Flower ] ;; If need be, I can take my lunch break sooner, rather than later. [ ✉︎ Sweet Flower ] ;; Sounds like you could use someone to talk to.
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