#for those who don't know: occasionally in media a character will get a chance to make a wish (sometimes using an actual monkey paw)
megaawkwardhuman · 11 months
This whole guillermo vampire thing this season reads like a monkey paw wish
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the-amazing-wonderss · 10 months
hihi!! i hope both of ur guys day is going good! This is my first time requesting so im a little nervous i read ur rules over like ten times (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) can u pls do Kou, Nene, and Hanako reading their s/o a bedtime story >w< ty in advance :3
A/N: Omg hihi its been awhile since we last posted but we're here and alive still~!! Oh and also If it makes you feel any better, this is actually our first ask 😭??? So we're really excited and decided to have both of us write for it, aren't you a lucky anon?! Anyways I hope you like it! ⎯ Mod ☠️ Omg...a request...Hello! ^^ We added Mitsuba to the list, I felt like a silly fella while writing for him. His brain makes me insane. ANYWAY, I actually didn't write angst. I can't remember the last time I did that. Enjoy~ ⎯ Mod👻 (if tumblr eats this again, I will cry)
Content: Fluff, slight angst if you squint in Hanako and Mitsuba's part, no gender mention for reader aside from the word 'prince' and 'princess' being used. Summary: Reading their s/o a bedtime story
Characters: Nene, Hanako, Mitsuba, Kou
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A story about a girl who gets saved by her prince, not in an ideal way like she wanted it to be, but nonetheless, still fell for them anyways. ⎯ Once upon a time I had my eyes set out for a fairytale of my own, wanting to feel like a hopeless romantic with the person of my dreams. But to think that the person I've been dreaming of was actually beside me this whole time... Perhaps instead of me, it was them that was hopeless in the end.
It was during when you stayed over at her house and weren't able to sleep, that she suggested she'd tell you some of the latest stories she's been reading about. Some that you've already heard of (either from her already mentioning it before or seeing it in the media) while others not so much.
When NENE talks about her stories she's very enthusiastic about it. Happy to even have someone listening to her rant on and on about something she's been dying to talk about for awhile, but it's even more special when it's her S/O ⎯ especially if they were the ones to ask her first before she even got the chance to herself.
Her stories lean more towards romance for obvious reasons. Loving the tropes to the story is one thing, but another would be because of how she likes to imagine herself in those sort of scenarios. Embarrassed to even admit it out loud, though it's already clear why she likes them so much.
And although at first she was telling the stories to you to get you to fall asleep, it sometimes ends with you staying up a little later due to her getting a tad bit carried away.
Oh but if you do end up falling asleep right before her? You won't ever see or hear about it, unless you were pretending to be asleep, but Nene is definitely the type to give you a shy goodnights kiss. Feeling brave only because you were asleep, but if not, she'd totally cover her face as she fumes at how embarrassing it is to get caught in her sly act.
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A story about a commoner boy who had a princess that loved him dearly, despite his backstory and everything he deemed as 'unworthy' of their love, nothing ⎯ not even his words, could sway their view of him. ⎯ Time and time again you run and hide from me. Behind that wall of doubt and insecurities there's something that you clearly don't see in yourself that I adore so much. When will you finally come to terms and see things my way? Love yourself as much as I love you.
It's weird how you decided to nap in the bathroom. Especially his bathroom where he's poking you constantly until you tell him off.
When HANAKO is reading you a story, he has you sleeping and leaning against his shoulder. His hand occasionally shifting your head back in place when he notices you nodding off or about to fall, or maybe even just doing it to use it as an excuse to pat your head ⎯ who knows? Clearly not you.
But the types of stories Hanako tends to read to you depends entirely on his mood. Whenever he's feeling like a jokester, he'd tell you horror stories just to see your scared reaction as you cling onto him ⎯ or when he's feeling a little solemn, he'd tell the sort of fairytale that ends with bad endings to them.
Differing between those two genres the most. But on the more rarer occasions, does he switch it up to something else.
Something odd, something you wouldn't even expect from him. Something ... that perhaps convey how he really feels but is too afraid to admit it out loud? It honestly depends up to you to actually catch onto it. If not? Then you probably won't ever hear that story again from him.
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A story where a ghost finds a human and wishes to stand by their side ⎯ A story where death will not part them, for they belong together. ⎯ I keep thinking that I could be good enough for you - that you could love me as more than 'friends', maybe I am a bit selfish for thinking this. Not that I could ever say it to your face.
Someone decided to be nice today and bless you with a sleepover!! At your own house of course.
MITSUBA didn't plan on reading to you but you told him a few stories of your own. He wasn't sure why he did it. Perhaps it was the smile on your face every time you started reading to him, so he returned the favor.
He wasn't sure what to read until he came up with his own idea. A short story about a ghost, since he knew that firsthand. A story with a ghost about falling in love with a human, a story he...
As he told the story, he could see your smile slowly disappear, almost as if you realized he was the ghost in the story.
"The ghost never told them how he felt."
And that was the last thing he said before being engulfed in your arms. He knew this feeling - he's felt it before. That warm feeling.
The feeling of love.
The feeling of an old memory.
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A story where the knight doesn't get the girl ⎯ oh...I guess this is a different ending. A story where the knight gets the prince, and they live a happy life. ⎯ I didn't change the ending! This is how it was meant to be! I...I suppose if you prefer for the knight to not fall for the prince then...Huh? You liked it?!
KOU brought a book of short stories over to your house. He was super excited to be able to stay the night.
Unfortunately for him, you had the same book and it just so happened to be your favorite!
Kou told the story as it was written for a bit.
Until he got to the end.
The story was meant to end with the prince marrying a princess but Kou couldn't bring himself to say it. Perhaps it was because he was never the prince. He was always second.
But it seemed that you didn't mind. It does get a bit boring reading the same story over and over again, and you did like listening to Kou talk.
"I'm...really happy you liked it." He says, almost struggling to get the words out as you blush and smile.
Maybe this really was his story, and that's why he rewrote the ending. Well, you can't say it's impossible for that ending to happen.
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egg-emperor · 1 year
I hate to ask this, but do other eggman enjoyers... Want him not to be evil? I mean this in the most respectful way, but eggman doesn't have a whole lot going on canonically besides being evil. If someone doesn't like that part what part are they into?
I regret to inform you that it's been a very shockingly controversial aspect of his character in recent years, despite him being the main villain of the series and it confuses and frustrates me to no end lol. I think part of it is because of small things outside of the game canon media, where he has vastly different portrayals and isn't anywhere near as evil. Which is all fine and good for them to like of course but then they dislike and can't accept that the original Eggman in the games has always been pure evil without any genuine good morals and traits, and no chance of redemption. And they'll get mad and judge one's character over those who actually like it.
And as a result of them liking those lesser evil versions of him more, they will attempt to ignore or highly misinterpret Eggman's scenes in the actual games, because he's one of the most unpopular versions for actually being a lot more evil and doing so is the only way they can like him there at all. And if someone actually likes that he's evil and chooses to acknowledge and embrace those things and correct the misinformation instead, they will tell them to stop ruining their fun and accuse them of being a bad person for caring. I've unfortunately been a target of this for appreciating his evil and making passionate analysis and writings based on that.
Eggman has become the subject of a lot of tropes based around giving him redeeming qualities that he doesn't have that doesn't make sense for the character he was established to be and has remained consistently so. The most popular fanon Eggman interpretation is vastly different from the game canon and liking him as he appears in the games and expressing that openly gets you alienated. It's at the point where I'm being kicked out of the fandom by newer fans that have only liked him for as long as the nicer versions and fanon of the character has existed and some older fans that latched onto them while ignoring and misinterpreting game canon.
And yeah you're absolutely right and that's especially wild about it, he doesn't have anything going on canonically in the games that doesn't involve his evil in any way at all. Even if people like his charming funny and casual moments, his evil is still a part of everything he does, it defines him, his personality, his actions, his beliefs, even his humor. He was even given the first name "Ivo" because its pronunciation is supposed to sound like "evil"! So his name is literally "evil" and 99% of what he does on screen in the games is evil - yet that's controversial, disliked by Eggman fans, and it gets fans that actually enjoy it shamed. It's so ironic.
I can't imagine that fans of him enjoy actually consuming the game media much when they don't actually like anything he's doing. And I don't know what they actually want him to do, if not be evil because they want him to become a better person despite everything he does coming from the fact he's evil, his entire character is built around it as the villain. In all the games where he doesn't have an active villainous role, he's just sat there doing nothing. If he somehow stopped being the villain after 30 years then he'd barely be used as a character anymore. I don't think that's worth occasional scenes of nice pure wholesome Eggman for people to coo at.
All of the things that make Eggman so charming, entertaining, and lovable all stem from his evil and it's involved and evident in every aspect of his characteristics and actions. He's a very evil and selfish character that will gladly do terrible things to accomplish his just as evil goals in conquering the world, he's motivated solely by that and even finds sadistic enjoyment in it. The way most the games' adventures even begin is by Eggman kicking it off with another evil scheme. It's a very important part of his character at the very core and it's important to the overall plot in most games, nothing would be the same without it, there'd be no conflict and nothing interesting left.
It saddens me that it's something that's so disliked or ignored by fandom but you know people can be when it comes to villains, they don't like it when they're genuinely evil and don't have good redeeming traits so they can have something to be interested in and feel justified in liking them because they don't like his evil and think it's wrong to enjoy it like I do. But I love seeing Eggman being his best true self as a super evil and dangerous threat and all the thrilling badass scenes that come out of it when he's in action and being a real diabolical bastard, which is 99% of the time he's on screen, and I'll always give it the love and appreciation it deserves! 🥰💜💕
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masschase · 3 months
6, 14, 23, and 24 for casey for the edgy ask meme
Edgy/Misc OC ask meme (still accepting, will spread throughout the weekend)
This is a super long post due to my answer to the last one! If I tagged you in this it just means I mentioned your Boss OC somewhere in my list of universes Casey exists in, don't feel it means you have to read it! 😅
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
Casey arguably doesn't have much of a moral compass to begin with so if something goes against it, chances are it's something she has a strong personal objection to/thinks is pure evil. On that basis I don't think it'd be that easy.
That said, if someone knew her well enough to appeal to what's important to her, to convince her that it's beneficial for her friends/the Saints as a whole, I think she could eventually be swayed.
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
Casey spends a lot of time claiming to be unapologetic about who she is, but at the same time I think deep down she does want everyone to be her friend, and I think in some convoluted way the whole "I'm an asshole, take me or leave me" thing is actually a mix of self-defence and thinking people find that attitude itself appealing. And a little bit of truth, lol.
I think the proof of this is in the fact she gets surprised when people actually like her vulnerable side. She thinks showing her vulnerability makes her unlikeable. So the fact she hides that makes it clear to me she wants to be liked. I think one of the reasons she mirrors other people's traits (sometimes consciously, other times unconsciously) is related to this too.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Grief is one of the hardest for her to process, I think, it's why it invades her subconscious in dreams and such so heavily. In fact I think grief that she's not fully dealt with affects her character in a lot of ways. I don't know if forgiveness is an emotion but if so she's terrible with that too. She has a pretty good memory and she holds grudges like... forever.
In terms of express, you'd think it would be loving feelings but actually although she avoids romantic love for so long, I don't think she actually finds it hard to show love in general, she just has her own ways to express it. Like ok, she's not great at initiating physical touch as I'm sure I've said like 1000 times, so she might not hug her friends much but she'd die for them. She will occasionally express her affection for them verbally, she's a pretty good gift-giver, she's chill with a lot of things that might annoy other people.
So this ties back into the grief thing but my actual answer would be any kind of overwhelming sadness, really, because she struggles to cry so much. She has that thing I've talked about before where she finds it hard to cry about real life, but cries at movies and other media. If it's a movie where the situation is actually relateable, she practically breaks down.
Therapy does change that a little. Like if a friend were dying in her arms then yeah she'd be sobbing if she's post-therapy(whereas pre-therapy, say with Carlos she sat there staring into space for a good while). But stuff like Johnny "dying" on the plane, the earth blowing up? It's not as visceral, so she struggles to process it. And seeing as she's a very denial-based character, she spends so much longer in that first stage.
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
Ohhhhhhh this is so hard because thanks to AUs I have so many different iterations of this! But I'm going to look primarily at events her life and not so much at external factors like the earth exploding or not exploding, the Saints becoming vampires... etc. etc.
I play around with her age in a few AUs because I believe that has a major impact on her family life. (and ok it's partly because of the "coma years don't count" joke bc she's always 1990 if she's the Boss) Being taken care of by her sister means a larger gap actually means better care, though more isolation from her peers without Mori. It creates quite a different person.
I also play around with her level of education and whether she got anywhere with the literature degree she wanted to do. I find it funny that she often ends up like... a librarian before leaving to do something cool like be a vampire hunter or an assassin or a jewel thief. All I know is I can't just like... leave her there. I think it's funny but I don't like that for her forever. She's too good with tactics and pistols and being awesome, obviously.
But what about more specific choices/differences? (a.k.a. ooh an excuse to list some of my AUs!)
I had mentions of some choices her parents made before her birth: investing in what turned out to be amazing stocks, moving to Paris for her dad's job, naming her the other choice for her name. They could all lead to different possibilities for Casey/Sephy, but if all of these take place, she becomes Persephone Brimstone, that is the Agents Of Mayhem Universe. I actually... don't know much about AOM but I made a little throw-in mention of it so it counts as a possibility. One could argue Johnny picking the reset ending of GOOH is actually what causes this, but in-universe, that's the explanation.
Obviously the big one is whether she ends up on that street corner, like that's always the determining factor to whether she becomes Playa(whether or not she becomes "Boss" is not necessarily in line with this choice as I'll get into in two different places below). There are a few reasons that she might not be there as I've got into before.
If she's alone there, and goes through more or less all the canon events of SR1-GOOH, as well as my in-between and post-game additions, that is Casey's Main Universe.
But... what if she quite literally bumps into a boy of around the same age on that street corner right before everything goes down? That's @zoo-the-saint's Zoo! If so, chances are they go through most of the events of SR1 together, setting up some other tangents leading to multiple AUs:
-> When Julius leaves it ambiguous which of them they leave the gang to, does it end in a stalemate? That's one of the Double Boss AUs! Those two fuckers have their ups and downs friends-wise (and benefits-wise) but they always seem to do everything together, get the best of both worlds in any sort of two-way choice, and are Definitely Totally Not In Love Because They Don't Do That Sort Of Thing.
-> -> The original Canon Compliant Double Boss AU is one I wrote a long ramble for way back and might post some time, and this is the one I know for a fact ends with the Zoo/Matt/Casey triad Cazoom. It incorporates Casey and Zoo's stories with Matt in their own universes as best as I could.
-> -> There is also a situation where the two Bosses end up being idolised but later hated by Noah Johnson/The Faceless, who captures and tortures the Saints and kills many of them leaving the others devastated. That's The Cult Of Celebrity AU, and I'm mentioning this for a really important reason; this is the only AU I have that features Santo Ileso! With the remainder of the gang all pretty broken, and intent on she and Zoo retiring, Casey suggests the survivors make a fresh start there, with the Saints name being taken over by one of their most resilient lieutenants, @iamkinzie's Rose, who ends up recruiting Kevin, Neenah and Eli.
Orrrrrrr... going back to the fight in SR1, do Casey and Zoo fight until he gives her a chance to run and she takes it out of (not that she'll admit it) genuine fear for her life? That's the Sinners AU. She holds a grudge against the Saints for many years and eventually stages an attack post-SR3. A very loosely Die-Hard inspired New Year's attack 😆 I want to do some designs for all the characters outfits so badly but it's going to be a big project!
So... on the other side of things, what if Casey's not on that corner? What if she's never Playa?
Well I do have the undefined potential universe where Casey is NOT Playa but IS Boss; taking over the Saints in Saints Row 2. This was just based on the fact that I didn't try and make her when I first played SR1, I just made A Random Dude(not to be confused with Noah who is Just Some Guy). I never really sorted out what then happens to the original Playa in that situation. We'll call that the Boss Swap AU? Tbh the only time I can see using that is if someone else wants to write a story with me with their OC as Playa, because I don't have much of interest to do with my own OCs in that position yet.
There's a few scenarios where I can see Casey ending up as a lieutenant of the Saints because she joins during SR2 under an existing Boss. Depending on age, as above, this can be at 16 and she has a similar temperament to sr1, or it can be at 21 when she's had some time to develop as her own person, and I think that really impacts what sort of person she is. Anyway, without the SR1 interaction with Dex she never becomes as good a tactical planner, and she's obviously not the leader, so she's really just a skilled gunwoman and thief.
If she has no real association with the Saints, but is still very much drawn to a life of crime and longing for slightly older women, that's potentially the toXic Universe! She falls for @snail-eggs Xixi Rosario(also not a Boss in this universe though I imagine she still has ties to the Saints due to her family) and follows her around like a puppy (where's that "submissive like an attack dog is submissive" thing again?). They steal and get wasted and fuck and crash cars and confess their love while being dragged away in handcuffs. They're not good for each other but the love is there. In the long term... if they're lucky they might end up escaping to a desert island together. Or Casey ends up in a triad with Xixi's younger sister Van and her boyfriend who is definitely not Matt Miller. But most likely they die while speeding away from the cops 🥲
If she highly idolises the Saints and their pink-haired leader in her teens (again this is with her having the '95 birthdate) but gets told she's too young (by the way she has some major similarities to Noah here but her reaction is... FAR less convoluted and deranged) when she asks to join, and sets up her own gang, Negative Space... that's @whoredmode's Anteros's Main Universe. NS is not the kind of well organised, professional gang she has with the Sinners. Frankly Anteros's Saints take them out pretty easily. After that... well I would say that whole thing probably scares her back to getting her degree as mentioned before, and probably does work at Stilwater Library for a while after all. After that... well there's plenty of interesting stuff going on in Stilwater on that universe, it'd be interesting to know if she gets involved in any way. Teddy, I leave her in your capable hands; if you think of an interesting way she can be involved then I'd love to know, if not that's fine too! Either way she's your problem now 😆
And then for something different entirely, there's Saints High, which sees all the canons and all the ocs in school together and basically-
...OK just kidding. Mostly. I don't usually do those kind of "x if they were y" AUs, though I'm sure one will suddenly smack me across the face one day. I do have other AUs. It's just that they're not down to factors in Casey's life so much, more changes changes in canon characters lives or other factors.
Anyway... wasn't expecting this to end up quite this long and I'm not even sure how well it answered the question but as you can tell, I had a lot of fun with it!
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unohanabbygirl · 1 year
We already know that there are documentaries, movies and series about dragon dancing, my question is, do you have an opinion about it? ???? No a that exist, but that some think that the actors in charge of interpreting them do not do them justice either in beauty or charisma and there are those who are like aegon, delighted that a young Leonardo DiCaprio interprets him. Is there shipp of them here? I can imagine aegon annoying jace with the fics they write about them, jace outraged because they pair him with aegon when he clearly had a relationship with cregan (since cregan didn't reincarnate, in this life if he can give aegon a chance) the whole family confused because the Lucemond is the 2 most popular shipp, jace outraged again because they pair Aemond with Luke, aegon insisting that Aemond should read a very good fic of the lucemond he found, the reason why Aemond doesn't read fics is because most of them are more tragic than the real story and for misfortune there is already his life, that doesn't stop him from occasionally going on Pinterest to see the fanarts they make of Luke and him (they don't look like them, but they make him smile) they Adults not understanding why people would be interested in his love life and why they match people who died decades ago.
In FMN canon media about the dance, Daenerys conquest, and really anything pertaining to Dorne are extremely popular. Some of the highest grossing movies are dramatizations of the secret romances and rivalries.
“The green queen” is a hbo show I mention briefly in Alicent’s separate story. I imagine that either Eva green or Carla Gugino played her which Alicent feels honored about despite not liking the inaccurate portrayal of her character.
Rhaenyra feels a way that every actress that’s played her has always been skinny. Not that she doesn’t think they slayed because she absolutely does, but she doesn’t agree with how her being plus sized has never been portrayed in popular media. However, there are plus sized cosplayers/theater girls who do a great job and Nyra always likes their posts and leaves nice comments telling them how amazing they look.
While I haven’t taken into account that fanfic is being actively made it is very much a possibility since there are many ships the general population gush over. For example, most people agree that Harwin was the boys father and more than a few short films have been made about their hidden love affair. All which Harwin had watched and cried to. (They always cast hot actors to play him which is a bonus)
There’s a viral tweet every once so often along the lines of. “So we all agree that Cregan Stark was bending Jacaerys over like a pretzel, right?” And it gets 100k likes.
It’s funny imagining Aegon reading Lucemond fanfic though. He’s just scrolling through his phone laughing and when Jace asks whats so funny he bursts out saying he’s reading a fanfic called GYBTM and Aemond is apparently this big dick dom into bondage and fucking in public.
Proceed to Aemond with his mouth wide open like ‘what?’
Jace : Who tf would write that? Luke is a pure angel?!?
Aemond : That’s Absolutely ridiculous and perverted.
Hel : it’s actually a compelling story. Very well written. I’ll send you the link.
Aegon : I wish I could tell the readers to stop thirsting over you though. You’re basically a wide eyed virgin, I doubt you could ever be that good in bed.
Aemond : 😐
Que to Aemond like 8 hours later crying into his sheets at night while reading AWHI.
Rhaenyra nearly has an aneurysm when Hel tells her there are a few fanfics centered around her marrying Otto.
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hxhhasmysoul · 11 months
I remember you mentioned how most of your online friends in the jjk fandom are meta analysis people.
I’m assuming it due to you being excellent at media analysis, however… I was wondering if you have any online friends that you made who’s media literacy isn’t the highest out any sheer chances?
I’m asking this since I’ve personally have not, in fact I tend to go out of my way and not interact with anyone who’s not within the meta analysis group of the jjk fandom. Which would also include artists. I would still like their fanart and occasionally reblog it, but I’ll not personally interact with them beyond that. For fanfic writers, I personally don’t read any, so I also don’t interact with them either.
Lately though, my other friends notice how I’m been intentionally limiting my circle and being too judgmental, for they mention that while not everyone can create amazing meta posts, they are still expressing enjoyment about the same series.
I’m just personally curious to hear your thoughts and opinions on this, since you’ve also mentioned how you tend to block people you deemed unworthy of your time, so I feel like you might understand a bit where I’m coming from.
i'm not excellent at media analysis, @subdee or @cursedvibes are. and they tolerate me so.
i'm also judgemental and mean and i can rant to my friends and be very unpleasant, i do it less in public but i can also lash out in reblogs.
about the media literacy... with some people you can discuss stuff and kinda point out that they are ignoring some stuff or they could consider something. but online it's hard. and i usually just become snide about it and it never goes anywhere. it's like several stars have to align for it to happen: 1) the person needs to be open to have their opinion questioned, 2) you need to be open to question in a way that will not put them off before the message gets across, 3) you actually need a good argument, 4) you need not to be like me and get confrontational and angry 90% of the time, 5) the conv o needs to move into the dms - in public it's almost guaranteed to fail, 6) other - who knows what really.
most of the time however it ends up in a confrontation. and then blocking.
when i'm in a calmer mood i block preemptively not to rile myself up. but sometimes i'm in a bad mood and then i will start shit.
and there's also the question of flavour of the media illiteracy. like i will not discuss stuff with bigots, these are insta blocks. i will not discuss stuff with the fandom purity police, one because they are often bigots and two because they don't understand they use the language and concepts of the far right and it's like a very fundamental problem.
in the jjk fandom specifically i will not discuss stuff with people who espouse views that "gege hates ...", or call gege a misogynist or accuse them of an incest fancier, or use violent language towards gege, those people are too far gone, those are insta blocks.
i will also not try to talk to people whose main interest in hxh or jjk is completely different than mine. i don't give a single shit about stsg, at this point it actively irks me and i will ignore people who engage in it. ii will not engage with people who call yuuji boring or say he's not the main character, it'd be too much effort to talk to them and probably with no reward.
i have also a lot of smaller pet peevs that i will either block people over or not engage at all. so i do understand you anon and i think life's too short to waste on people you'd have nothing to talk to.
though my situation is quite different, i read a lot of fanfic and write it too so i interact with a lot of writers. not everyone i interact with is into meta.
it honestly depends on what you like and how you want to interact and what you want to talk about. if you only care about meta then interact with people who like these kinds of discussions, it's ok not interact with people if you don't vibe on the same wave length. i've said it before, i'm very much into organically finding people you vibe with. sometimes i interact with people and it feels we have stuff in common but the convo just doesn't really work, it's kinda awkward or whatever. and well it's not meant to be, there will be others.
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therealnightcity · 1 year
From the headcanon asks! For Hiro - 7, 19 & 27 And for Ares - 2 & 28
Character asks for @themightiestpotato 🥰💕
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7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
Hiro's of a mind that it's not wasting time if it's something you enjoy doing, he has a lot of hobbies outside working, and relishes the opportunities to engage in them. It's not to say that he's not focused on his tasks while he's working, but he's definitely balanced in that regard. Hiro tries to get his tasks done before relaxing, so he can better enjoy his time off, and as such, has little guilt about turning off 'work mode.' Merc-work and modeling don't attribute to a particularly normal schedule, so he tries to take moments of free time when he can get them.
His favorite 'time wasting' activity is playing around on his phone/social media or playing little games. He knows it's not necessarily contributing to anything but it makes him happy, and that in itself makes it worth it. He's fairly active on his photo app, and likes posting shots from around the city, or random ones of his cats (and plenty of himself--he's nothing if not a little vain.) He also enjoys a lazy night in occasionally, vegging out on the good takeout from across the street, and marathoning his favorite movies.
19. What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
Sleep has never come easily to Hiro, and when it does, it's frustratingly brief or fitful. He has a challenging time turning his mind off, and it's frequently racing--thinking about the next day, or turning its wheels, and keeping him up. He usually tries to plan out his week or errands in his head, or think about parts he needs for his motorcycle or his cybernetics. After an hour or two of this, he'll give up for a bit, and try to find something to keep his mind busy--go for a late night walk, or a ride, or find some club where he can distract himself better, or a late night diner where he can sip coffee until the sun comes up. If he can't sleep, he might as well do something with the time, instead of spending it in bed.
27. What is their biggest regret?
Trusting people he shouldn't have. In retrospect, he didn't know what a mistake he was making at the time--he just wanted someone who he could rely on, or a good role model, even if hadn't crossed his mind. He tries not to let his thoughts linger on the 'what ifs?'--knows he'll just make himself sick thinking about it, or all the things he regrets. He didn't know anything other than the Claws, but there's occasionally a moment where he wonders what would have happened if he tried to leave earlier? Maybe he would have gotten away from it all, gotten away from the city and its people, before they sunk their hooks into him.
It's hard for him not to give second chances--he knows he got one, and although he wishes it would have come sooner, there's the thought that maybe he can stop people from making the same mistakes he did, and give them a safe person who's not going to try to take advantage of someone.
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2. Do they have any daily rituals?
Ares always stretches first thing in the morning, before she makes coffee and gets on with her day. It's her moment that's just hers, before she's expected to interact with anyone, or coherent, and helps get her ready--start off with something positive. Her cybernetic arm gets achy, particularly around her shoulder if he doesn't take her time with it, and it's better to just work on maintaining every day, then having to worry about problems later. After stretching she makes coffee, takes a very quick shower, and feeds the dogs, before making her own breakfast. She makes sure they're fed and happy first, and then it's a walk/jog with them before she heads to work, and anything on tap for her to fix for the day. It's usually a couple minutes of paperwork/balancing her books before she can work on anything and those drag, she's eager to get her hands dirty, and truly does enjoy what she does.
28. Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
Ares has always been very close to Dakota. Her parents have a more nomadic lifestyle, so while she sees them on occasion, she's seen more of the other woman in the past couple years, and has some to think of her as a sort of surrogate mom. They send business each others way but it's more than that, and they've spent many happy nights sitting on her front porch and talking, a couple beers and a fresh melon between them. She admires her shrewdness, although the latter is more ruthless than she thinks she's capable of being, hidden under an amicable shell. There's a degree of that with most nomads she's realized, it's a survival instinct and sometimes it comes at others expenses.
Ares while not friendly with the Wraiths, makes every effort to not engage with them, and stay off their radar. Her few encounters with them have always been tense, and she tries to get them out of her shop and on their way as fast as she possibly can. She's notorious for accepting some rather unorthodox clients, more because she doesn't want them bringing trouble, and knows telling them off would dod so, than any real support of them, but she draws a firm line with helping corporations. Trusting the last one left a very visible reminder of why you don't help them, an arm that still doesn't quite feel like her own, despite every effort otherwise.
Thanks for asking, it's very appreciated! ☺️💕
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highemotionscotian · 4 months
Mishandled Justice; Putting the Pieces Back Together After Trauma
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/First Entry
seemingly endless doom scrolling watching videos online I occasionally stumble upon the side of the world wide web where there's a kind side. Some genuine folk just doin' their best. I have been scared and angry and alone so long I really think I forgot there are kind souls out there, Dearest Reader, I hope you are one of those good people 💙
For a long time I thought I was okay being alone. Lately there's been a overwhelming void and between you and me, I think may be humanity I've been missin'. I know it's more trendy to put this on TicTok, dang I tried however putting myself on camera is uncomfortable in a way I'm not sure yet how to describe, all the same I need to start letting some things out. I would love to be brave enough to share my life with the world like the fabulous content creators that have kept me company over the years but every time I try, I find an excuse not to; my house isn't clean enough. My forehead is too big, my body is too big. I wouldn't be funny enough, I wouldn't be interesting enough. I wouldn't be enough. Would be too much. Heck I even thought I wasn't rich enough to be on Tic Tok. I don't have a nice hair cut or fancy clothes to do one of those 'fit checks' they're dong and the only time my phone rings is a bill collector, what business did I have of sharing my dirty laundry online being in the state I've been in. It's that thinking that has kept me stuck in life.
I don't know who I am anymore. At the risk of sounding too dramatic, it is as if I have awoken from a living, psychological coma unsure of myself or my surroundings. So while I learn who I am and how to get comfortable in front of a camera my relaunch into the realm of social media will start by blogging.
Do I feel like know what I'm doing? Nope! This will be a learning experience with no determined destination or set conclusion. It will be chaotic. Y'all are invited to come along. One joy of writing and throwing it out there, no one has to read it if they don't want to. Unlike a real life conversation, I won't be distracted by your face worried I have said the wrong thing, or said to much, offended or bored you. I am a modern hermit living with complex post traumatic stress disorder and have been experiencing noticeable symptoms akin to ADHD. I am not sure how many times I have tried to 'start over' in life and failed, I've lost count. I have wanted and tried to change but doing it alone isn't working, so here we are now.
I’ve never told my story publicly. Not really. As I attempted put my life back together over and over and take up space in the world I would feel a bit like a fraud. As if it's this big shameful secret I must hide when in reality it's been gagging me getting in the way of speaking and success. I know I could have a beautiful life if I could just get out of my own way, out of my own head, and out of this dang house.
I have to put all the puzzle pieces together, finally get it all out so then maybe I can find peace and put it all behind me. I had posted some details about the events on my Facebook over the years as it all played out. I would share a summary to family and friends and it made a few news headlines, yet so many factors stopped me from sharing the raw truth of it all.
The weight of shame and not wanting to embarrass or hurt my family, I left out so much of what had happened and what I was feeling. When I would try to share how bad things have gotten, the reactions at just a small portion of the whole truth were bad enough I was ashamed of putting it all on tbe table. I had told having my life public would negatively affect my chances of getting a good job, chastised it would ruin my reputation if I cussed or used words like 'rape' or 'sexual assault' online. I still tried, to find strangers commenting on the news stories about my body, my character they knew nothing of, gossip that the evidence was fraudulent and I just wanted attention. After time went by and I had heard the “get over it’s” and the “time to move on’s” I didn't think my story was worthy of telling, to those more than an arms length away I would be fine and move on. Now still, lack of confidence in myself, low self esteem and fear has kept me from living and telling my story in its entirety.
While the fear of being prosecuted for violating a publication ban on my own name had not stopped me from posting on my own Facebook page, it had effectively silenced me from going public. The risk of a $5,000 fine or up to 2 years in custody for telling my story had removed my voice and a piece of healing I didn't know how very badly I needed.
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” - Maya Angelou
I have never really known how to have close friends well. I sometimes wish I had a tribe to be comfortable with. Growing up I was that kid that would secretly cry in the bathrooms when at a friends house. I never understood why I didn't feel like I quite fit in. I’d be apart of a small group, always an introvert, I think I would have liked to have been the emotionally regulated, social sort as an adult where I could have gotten the whole story out already. Perhaps around a bonfire, screaming at the moon, blending tears from sadness and laughing. The last time I was in a social setting that wasn't family was in 2019. It's been lonely. Even years before then I had hid away. In late 2015 I left an abusive relationship and became housebound. Fearful to even venture to my front yard, leaving the bedroom was a daily challenge. Slowly I started to engage in social media, supplementing human connection with strangers on Facebook, where this story will officially begin.
⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️
This blog will cover topics of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, legal misconduct, mental illness and contain corse language. I will make an attempt to censor myself throughout this therapeutic process. Reader’s discretion is strongly advised.
Some names used will be changed for the purposes here. However, all facts of the trial discussed within this saga are public record, and RCMP interactions from the trial and complaints process are documented for verification. All other details are from my own lived experiences, hours of audio recordings, news and magazine articles, emails, and journals.
Now I know a little bit about a lot, but only a lot about a little bit. I will speak about my own experiences as I have lived them and the things I have learned along the way, but I am not an expert in any topic included below. I am such a mess that I hesitate to even call myself an expert in my own life, yet vow to hold to the truth at every step.
Statistic I’d like to share
1 in 3 women in Canada will be sexually assaulted with sexual assault being more common than robbery – Statistics Canada
There was a blur after I was assaulted when I heard the words “wait here, someone will help you” and part of me has been locked in a psychological waiting room ever since. This is my raw and vulnerable exit speech from that place.Why now?Publication ban laws in Canada prevented me from telling the story how I needed to tell it or attributing my own name to the events that transpired. The journalist who first covered the story, Lindsay Jones, called me ‘Nicole’ and as the trial was ongoing, I was prohibited from speaking about the case in full. I was not aware nor informed a publication ban would be essentially automatically applied restricting my choice to share my story. A publication ban did not prevent the media from using the accused’s full name, personal information and details of the trial, yet the punishment I could face by putting my name to my experiences, or sharing court documents was possible fines of $5,000 and/or up to 2 years in custody. At times I pushed the line of this ban as if daring the courts to charge me so maybe someone with authority would hear my case. I understand and accept by sharing my life I am opening myself up to trolls and keyboard warriors who may believe to know more about my own life than me and will say cruel and hurtful things. I have been threatened, insulated and received messages from other men they would rape me too if they had the chance. Our society is not always kind, this is a fear I shall overcome. This is MY journey to healing. To judge how someone processes trauma or victim blaming says more about their character than anyone else’s. The longer I am alone with the shame, guilt the more I hurt myself and my family. I need to hold space for myself now. Telling my story is how I choose to do that. Please remember when you comment with hatred or cruelty other victims will see it and may not feel safe sharing their own stories, and that’s a gawddamn shame. The story must be whatever length it needs to be to pour it out of my body. It will be long and parts long-winded. I write this for myself as a step in my healing process, you are invited to come along.
In the news they called me ‘Nicole’, that is not my name, but this is my story.
*deep breath*
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amatres · 1 year
got tagged by @demandthedoodles, thank you! I only filled out Surana for now because I think way too hard and also little on these sort of things and I couldn't do this for all three of my mage girls off the top of my head lol.
I switched between stuff that's her favorites and what represents her because I wasn't quite sure what I was doing :') still I hope it makes sense lol.
putting it under the cut because it's... too long
Unusual OC Associations: Surana Edition
Seasoning: Tragically as someone who grew up in the tower, which definitely doesn't feed the mages more than easy to mass produce food, lived in the middle of Ferelden, and never left Ferelden before she died, she doesn't know anything about spices and probably doesn't have that great a tolerance for them. One more crime the Chantry has done unto Thedas; deny mages knowledge of seasonings.
Weather: Rain and Snow. She never got to interact with it in the tower, so she took every chance to savor it, much to the occasional set back to the group. Especially loved thunder storms, and had to be held back at least once from cast her own lightning during one.
Colour: She likes anything not blue. I associate her a lot with the color yellow.
Sky: She likes watching the sky change at sunset or sunrise, again because she never really got to see it so clearly without having to strain her neck to look up at the windows.
Magic power: Out of the magic she can cast, her favorite is probably shapeshifting. It's old magic, she gets to be sneaky, gives her more freedom to escape from situations, and also she got to spend a lot of time with Morrigan to learn it.
House plant: Herbs for her potions. Don't get me wrong, she's happy to see nature, plants just aren't something that hold her attention much.
Weapon: A dagger, because it's easy to hide, and Zevran and Leliana were nice enough to teach her how to fight with them before she got her Arcane Warrior specialization. Always good to be able to defend yourself without magic when you encounter a Templar.
Subject: History in a broad sense, she doesn't find much interest in war, but studying cultural and religious history is interesting to her. She was very excited to find the Temple of Sacred Ashes, sorry Sten, she totally dragged you guys there just because she wanted to see it, not to heal Arl Eamon. Entropy Magic and Spirit Magic, she's the origins version of a necromancer and she enjoyed studying it. Poisons, and was very excited at Zevran's offer to describe the effects of poisons to her.
Social media: Surana, even in a modern setting, has the inner peace granted only to those who never have a social media account.
Make-up product: Face cleanser and moisturizer, if that counts lol.
Candy: She never got to try them, but I imagine she would have loved any numerous types of candies from Orlais Leliana would have given her.
Fear: Being confined with no way out.
Ice cube shape: Crushed.
Method of long distance travel: Flying as a bird.
Art style: Baroque and Rococo. She can't escape the chantry church aesthetic, but she would have had fun with the elaborate styles of Orlais with Leliana had she lived to see it.
Mythological creature: Very standard option but a ghost, both because her grief haunts her until it leads to her own death, and also because her death haunts many different characters after she is gone.
Piece of stationery: The little journal she was given shortly after being conscripted by Duncan. She wrote down much of her experience and thoughts during the Fifth Blight there, and Leliana kept it after Surana passed away.
3 emojis: 💀💍🔮
Celestial body: Sagittarius, for the zodiac symbolism. They're known for being curious and crave freedom, which suits her well.
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which-star · 2 years
okay HOW would you promote Luna Snow music-wise? what direction would you take her in?
okay OKAY so this is very disjointed because I'm not fully awake but hopefully you follow my logic. THIS TURNED OUT SO LONG. I'M SORRY!! Thank you for asking 🥺
The first thing I would do immediately if I had executive control is establish a voice for her instead of changing the singer every time. That already creates consistency and if the voice of Luna Snow is another idol/singer, we already gain a built-in fanbase. I know they're working with Busters, kind of, but I wouldn't have chosen them particularly tbh with their many lineup changes, etc. I would like someone with more experience, like someone from GWSN tbh, or Dreamcatcher, or WJSN if we had the budget lol. Someone not totally new, but is here for the long term.
Second thing is the actual music. It's like. Fine. The lyrics are a bit on the nose and for the most part it kind of sounds like what people think kpop sounds like instead of actual kpop LMAOO. I do like some of her songs, but not all. You can literally buy songs and lyrics from producers, so I frankly don't know why they're not utilizing the market/industry Luna Snow is supposed to be a part of. Her songs rn could be a lot better... fuller? I don't know enough about music to critique it, but I would change it.
Put some effort in the music videos instead of putting in game playthroughs!!!! Album cover (which they do) and some promotional posters at MINIMUM, if you aren't gonna animate extra stuff for the mv, you know? They should animate the mv tho. Music videos are such a big chance for her to go viral and for fans to promote her. Especially with art and animation, you can do sets/camerawork/transitions you never could do in real life. Commission artists like you do with variants to do "concept photos," and actually build up to the release. People need a reason to follow you and look forward to your music, so give them that reason!
Do I even have to mention the social media accounts? It's so frustrating that there's not an actual "person" running the account. Like, if she appears on a comic (i.e. SILK 2022 issue #2), post a selfie of her and the character with a caption inviting people to read it. If she's supposedly on tour during that comic, why not post a few "candids" of her preparing and performing at the concert? Whenever Agents of Atlas meets again, get a group photo to post! Even when she's not currently in a comic, post occasional pictures as if it's an actual personal account. People rt/share art all the time, so this is a great way of spreading her name.
What I would do if I had control over marketing is utilize the other members of 4L1T. The songs/mvs we post will follow Luna Snow's solo career and we'll just allude to her group whenever possible. Like if there's a feature in the song that needs a rapper, we'll say (ft. Jinsoo) or something, and it'll be like Luna's member is featured on the song. Luna can post a selfie with one member or another and talk about how they're working hard or hanging out. We won't shy away from mentioning 4L1T, just won't directly show their music videos or performances or anything of the sort. That adds a layer of realism for people who know who 4L1T is and, plus, it's cute! It fleshes out 4L1T's characters a lot more than one comic issue. Plus, if the 4L1T members in the background gain enough traction then they can use their cameos to build up to an actual 4L1T release.
Merchandise! If they're not going to push the 4L1T angle and instead keep them as the background, they can make like "4L1T merch" with only Luna's things. Like member standees, for example, but we only sell Luna's version. We can be a bit more unique with it too, like photocard/postcard bundles, posters, and photobooks. Those are usually things that come in a kpop album so it's like she's an actual idol.
The photobooks would have two sections and come out with every song/release. One shows the behind the scenes of designing and preparing for the release. Like, thumbnail sketches, work in progress screenshots, beginning stages etc. The other part is styled like an actual kpop photobook which has the concept photos and extra photos from the shoot. I'd push this product the most and (if we can) have it come with a randomized photocard to emulate an actual album. It gives fans a cool look behind the scenes AND exclusive pictures. It's a great idea, I'm a genius, actually.
Those are my current thoughts while writing this. Marvel can really take a page out of League's book and be a bit more creative. If you made it this far into the ramble, thanks for reading haha. What are you thoughts? Do you agree? Either way, in conclusion, Marvel is really approaching the market wrong and I can fix her❤
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My Top Ten Overlooked Movies With Female Leads In No Particular Order
Note: When you see this emoji (⚠️) I will be talking about things people may find triggering, which are spoilery more often then not. I mention things that I think may count as triggers so that people with them will be aware before going in to watch any of these.
Edited: 3/16/21
Hanna (2011)
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So, before I get into why you should watch this movie, I just want to take a moment to say why it's near and dear to my heart. Growing up as a queer kid in the early 2000s, seeing portrayals of people like or similar to myself on anything was rare at best. It was mostly in more "adult" movies or shows that my parents would occasionally let me watch with them that I'd see any lgbtq+ rep at all. Often times they were either walking stereotypes, designed to be buried, evil, or all three.
Then here comes this PG-13 action thriller with a wonderfully written main female lead who, at the time, was close to my age, and who got to kiss another girl (her very first friend, Sophie) on screen in an extremely tender and heartwarming scene. To say the least, it was a life changing moment for me personally.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, Hanna is a suspenseful movie about a child super-soldier named, you guessed it, Hanna (played by Saoirse Ronan) and her adoptive (?) father Erik Heller (played by Eric Bana) exiting the snowy and isolated wilderness of their home and taking on the shadowy CIA operative, Marissa Wiegler (played by Cate Blanchette) who wants Erik dead and Hanna for herself for mysterious reasons.
It also has an amazing soundtrack by the Chemical Brothers, great action scenes, and it has an over arching fairytale motif, which I'm always a sucker for.
⚠️ Mild blood effects, some painful looking strikes, various character deaths, and child endangerment all feature in this film. However, given its PG-13 rating, a majority of viewers are presumably able to handle this one. Still, be aware of these going in.
Sidenote: It's recently gotten a TV adaptation on Amazon TV, although I have not watched it, and do not know if Hanna and Sophie's romantic/semi-romantic relationship has transferred over.
A Simple Favor
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A Simple Favor is a "black-comedy mystery thriller" centered entirely around the relationship between two mothers, the reclusive, rich, mysterious, and regal Emily (played by Blake Lively), and the local recently widowed but plucky mommy blogger, Stephanie (played by Anna Kendrick). When Emily suddenly goes missing, Stephanie takes it upon herself to find out what happened to her new best friend.
It's a fantastic and entertaining movie throughout, with fun, flawed and interesting characters. The relationship between the two female leads is also implied to be at least somewhat romantic in nature, and they even share a kiss.
⚠️ The only major warnings I can think of is that the movie contains an instance of incest and one of the main plotlines revolves around child abuse, although both of these potentially triggering topics are not connected to each other, so there is thankfully no csa going on.
Edit: I legitimately forgot there was drug use in this movie until now. So, yeah, if that's a trigger, be careful of that.
I Am Mother
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I became mildly obsessed with this movie when it came out. I Am Mother is a sci-fi film that centers entirely around a cast of two woman, and a female-adjacent robot who is brought to life on screen with absolutely amazing practical effects.
The plot is such, after an extinction-level event, a lone robot known only as Mother tasks herself with replenishing the human race via artifical means. She begins with the film's main protagonist, Daughter. Years go by as Mother raises her human child and the two prepare for Daughter's first sibling (a brother) to be born. However, on Daughter's 16th birthday, the arrival of an outsider known only as Woman shakes Daughter's entire world view. She begins to question Mother's very nature, as well as what's really going on outside the bunker she and her caretaker call home.
⚠️ This movie features child endangerment and reference to child death.
Lilo and Stitch
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When I decided to add a single Disney film to this list I initially thought it was going to be hard but almost immediately my brain went to Lilo and Stitch, and specifically about the relationship between Lilo and Nani.
On the surface, this film is about a lonely little girl accidentally adopting a fugitive alien creature as a "dog," but underneath that the story is also about two orphaned sisters and the older sister's attempts to not let social services tear them apart by stepping up as the younger sister's primary guardian. Despite its seemingly goofy premise, Lilo and Stitch has a very emotional and thoughtful center. It's little wonder how this movie managed to spawn an entire franchise.
Despite the franchise it spawned (or possibly because of it), I often find that Lilo and Stitch is overlooked and many people only remember it for the "little girl adopts an alien as a pet" portion of its plot, and I very rarely see it on people's top 10 Disney lists.
⚠️ This movie could be potentially triggering to people who were separated from their siblings or other family members due to social service intervention. There's also a bit of child endangerment, including a scene where Lilo and Stitch both almost drown.
Nausicaä and the Valley of the Wind
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Unlike the above entry, I did struggle a little bit with picking a single Studio Ghibli film. Most media of the Ghibli catalogue have strong, well-written, unique, and interesting female leads so selecting just one seemed like quite the task.
However, I eventually settled on this particular film. In recent months, Princess Nausicaä has become my absolute favorite Ghibli protagonist and I'm absolutely enchanted by the world she lives in.
Set in a post-apocalyptic world overun by giant insects and under threat of a toxic forest and its poisoness spores, Nausicaä must try to protect the Valley of the Wind from invaders as she also tries to understand the science behind the toxic forest and attempts to bridge the gap between the insects and the humans.
For those who have never seen the film, I think Nausicaä's personality can best be described as being similar to OT Luke Skywalker. Both are caring, compassionate, and gentle souls who are able to see the best in nearly anyone or anything. She's an absolutely enthralling protagonist and after rewatching the film again for the first time in well over a decade she has easily become one of my all time favorite protagonists.
Whenever I see people talk about Ghibli films, they rarely mention this one, and when they do mention it, it's often in passing. In my opinion it's a must watch.
⚠️ This movie contains some blood, and the folks who either don't like insects or who have entomophobia may not appreciate the giant bugs running about throughout the movie. (Although most insects do not directly relate to real life bugs, and are fantasy creatures).
A Silent Voice
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A Silent Voice is an animated movie adaptation of a manga of the same name. While I've never had the pleasure to read the manga, the movie is phenomenal. It covers topics such a bullying, living in the world with a disability, the desire for atonement, social anxiety, and depression in a well thought out manner that ties itself together through the progression of the relationship between its two leads, Shoya and Shouko. It's also beautifully animated. Although very popular among anime viewers, I've noticed that it's often overlooked by people who watch little to no anime. So I suppose this is me urging non-anime viewers to give this film a chance.
⚠️ As mentioned above, the movie deals with bullying, anxiety, and depression (with this last one including suicidal thoughts and behaviour). If discussion of those topics are triggering to you, than you may want to proceed with caution or skip this movie all together.
In This Corner of The World
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Another manga adaptation, this one taking place during WWII-era Japan. In This Corner of The World follows the life of a civilian Japanese woman, Suzu Urano, as she navigates simply living and her new marriage as the wartime invades nearly all aspects of everyday life. I think this movie is a good representation of what it must be like to be living as civilian in a country at war where the fight is sometimes fought on one's own soil. It was also an interesting look into pre-50s Japanese culture in my opinion. It's also beautifully animated featuring an art style I don't see often.
Despite it being well known among anime fans, I never really see it be brought up, even among said anime fans themselves.
Side note: I've seen many WWII dramas centering around civilians but they've almost always been about American or UK civilians. This was the first movie I'd seen that features the perspective of a Japanese civilain.
⚠️ Features the death of a child and limb loss. There's also a disturbing scene featuring a victim of one of the atomic bombs near the end.
Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki
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This film follows Hana, a Japan-native woman who fell in love with a magical shape-shifting wolf-man, and her trials with raising their children, who can also magically shape-shift into wolves, on her own. It's a very heartfelt movie about a mother's love and the struggles of doing right by your children when you have limited resources to actively guide and care for them. All the characters feel unique and alive in my opinion. Also, the animation is so good that my sister and I initially mistook it for a Ghibli film.
Again, like the previous two anime entries, I don't see it ever brought up outside of anime circles.
⚠️ There's some child endangerment present in the film, although none of it is the fault of Hana as far as I can remember.
Roman Holiday
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Roman Holiday is about the fictional Princess Ann (played by Audrey Hepburn), who while on a whirlwind tour of Europe, finally reaches her breaking point over having her entire life be one big schedule and all her words and actions being rehearsed. In the spur of the moment, she runs away in hopes of experiencing what life is like for other women. Unfortunately, she was previously given a sedative, meaning she doesn't get too far before it takes effect. Fortunately, she is found by the kind reporter Joe Bradley (played by Gregory Peck). Believing her to be drunk and unable to get an address from her (because she has none) he ends up taking her home for safety's sake and allows her to sleep off her suppose drunken stupor. The next day, he realizes who she is, and decides to take her on a fun sight seeing trip across Rome in hopes of getting the big scoop. Along the way, they begin to fall for each other.
This is my favorite black and white, old romance film. I think the relationship between the main characters is absolutely beautiful and I have a lot of fun watching it.
⚠️ I'm not entirely sure what kind of warning this film would need. However, it was released in 1953, so values dissonance will probably be at play for many viewers to at least some extent. For example, early in the film Ann is given sedation drugs by her doctor for her behavior, something that is very unlikely to happen today. Also, Mr Bradley deciding to take Ann home to keep her safe rather than call the police or an ambulance is a very pre-90s decision in my opinion.
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goldemas1244 · 3 years
Heyyyy I have a question :3
Do you have any headcanon/s for these character : Scraptrap, Scrap Baby, Lady Dimistrecu, the three daughter of Lady D, Heisenberg and/or Molten Freddy ? :3
You don't have to do all the proposition, you can choose what character you want to do :3
Have a good day/evening and stay safe ! :3
*Cracks knuckles* \(^v^)/
You already know I'm doing all of them! Thank you for the ask! Headcanons under the cut!
He loves rice and would do anything to get his paws on it. Fortunately, the pizzeria is quite close to a Chinese restaurant so rice is easy to get.
He orders a rice-based menu at least three times a week, so the owners aren't at all that surprised to see a tuxedo-clad zombie-rabbit come in and ask for their signature fried rice with buttered lobster on the side.
Since he like to dine-in there, he usually asks Michael to give him a bath in exchange for pizzeria improvements. Michael usually shrugs and gives him a well-deserved bubble bath and his tuxedo.
He likes it when Michael gives him head pats and rubs. It makes him feel loved and appreciated.
He has a pet pigeon named Fernando Buschmann. It's German and likes to listen to the violin.
He likes ASMR and memes. ASMR makes him go feral with murderous intent while memes make him question the modern generation.
He has social media accounts, all named "Willton-Moldover". He usually posts cosplays and furry art on them and has 93 followers on his Reddit profile, 1.5 million followers on his Instagram, 550 followers on his Tumblr, 35 on his Snapchat, and 3.95 million on his TikTok.
He also has a YouTube channel with 10.784 million subscribers called "Willton-Gameover". He plays videogames one-handed and roasts popular YouTubers and famous people. He would never roast Keanu Reeves though, because Keanu Reeves is precious bean.
Due to his popularity he gets a lot of hate mail and private pics. He doesn't like them at all so he blackmails the people who post them. And if the media and police are involved? Well, he has a strong fanbase that's not going down as well as a good alibi so that works out well for him.
Yes, his fanbase also knows of the Fazbear Murders, and he admits to it but frankly, he's shown them the approving ghost kids (who've bonded and gamed with him) so that's no big deal. Only Cassidy hates him, but it's usually constipated anger.
He's bisexual and has an ENORMOUS crush on one of his favourite game characters, Karl Heisenberg. Something about that man reminds him of himself and Henry, although he's not sure what. Still, don't let that distract you from the fact that he owns a nude Karl Heisenberg body pillow, CAPCOM official.
Scrap Baby
Her favourite Monster High doll is Draculaura. She doesn't understand how pink goes well with black but oh boy, pink goes so well with black.
She knows how to skateboard like a pro. Despite her weight, her trusty skateboard still stands and, if she falls, she's always got her skates to spare. She likes to impress the boys at the skatepark with her ability to perform even the most difficult of moves with ease.
She's subscribed to fifteen different tabloid subscriptions. She likes to read them and criticize the stupidity of the human race, like her father. Hey, it's hereditary.
The lights in her boobies glow in the dark. They also glow whenever she gets tired.
She likes reading furniture and gardening catalogues. She's judgy of the prices though and usually becomes a full-on critic with Lefty listening.
She owns a crab named Mr. Tootie. No I will not elaborate on the name. I'll only tell you that it's taken a liking to kazoos and party favours.
She's listed as the No. 1 Best Fan of her father's social media accounts. Michael's in nineteenth place but don't worry, he's as emotionless as a mushroom.
She likes to make origami lotuses. She's such a pro at it that she's even got a mini-stall at the pizzeria: 1 lotus for 50 cents. It's a lucrative business, and it's still growing. Oh, and she switches to other origami works of art every week such as origami guns and origami nine-tailed foxes.
She's the Restaurant Rescue manager. Usually she saves kids from trouble. For this reason, yes, she's commonly seen in the pizzeria itself. Kids love her though the claw worries the more irksome parents.
She's a professional Karen dealer. Karen comes to see the manager? She's hypnotically talented in weaving her words through the toughest of craniums so don't be surprised if a Karen walks out with a new viewpoint of life.
She performs on stage on the occasion, which usually gets her a lot of fan love. She cherishes everything good they give but ignores the problematic everythings. Problematic stuff? Oh, she's good friends with the police chief.
Molten Freddy
He loves noodles. Give him a bowl of ramen and he'll shut up for the entire night. Enter him in a noodle-eating competition and his high metabolism rate means absolutely non-stop spaghetti.
He misses Bon-Bon very much. To the point where he's even tried to make a scrap version of him. Sadly, it doesn't work. He cried that day.
He dies inside whenever he finds out there's a spaghetti shortage in Utah. Poor Molten.
He's a bit wonky, but if he tries to play with you or get into your personal space, don't get mad at him! He's just lonely and wants someone to talk to and play with.
He likes to play Exploding Kittens. It's the only card game he's good at. It's also the only card game he owns.
He sees Helpy as a little brother and boops his nose on a daily basis. He also likes to reenact The Lion King with him (It's the ciiiiiircle of liiiiiife~). Hopefully Helpy doesn't mind.
He knows a lot of jokes in a lot of languages. So German-speaking Molten Freddy wouldn't be too far away from expectation. His favourite jokes are in French though; the wordplay is just immaculate.
He's good in French, English, German, Russian, and Malay. He's currently learning Japanese because he's a mega weeb.
His favourite cartoon is Charlie and Lola. He just likes to see the sibling shenanigans as it somehow reminds him of the good old days.
His favourite shows would be prankster shows. He especially loves the ones that give him new and creative ideas. He doesn't like the scary ones though. They make him feel unsafe and give him anxiety.
Surprisingly, he has a distinct taste for opera. He can modulate the remnants of his voice box to perfectly sing I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General. This both pisses off and impresses Henry to an extent.
Resident Evil 8
Lady Dimitrescu
She might act like the opposite but she really loves Heisenberg as her little brother. His determination, strength, speed, dexterity, and workaholic nature impresses her, who can't even fit through a doorway. She sometimes wishes she's as short as him too.
She's an avid collector of glass, porcelain, and anything fragile. It's a good reason to always be careful where you tread in her lair. She'll make you swallow every last shard if you don't.
She's an avid romance fanatic and is very loving towards the romance novels she owns. All those books you see in the in-game library? They're her collection of lesbian romances that she's collected over the past decades.
She doesn't like hats and prefers to stick to the one she wears in-game. She DOES have a collection of hats though. Last anyone counted, there were over fifty, one or two for each decade she's lived through.
She files her nails on a constant basis and owns an ornately decorated nail-clipper. Hygeine is of the utmost importance. She doesn't want to be compared to that filthy Heisenberg.
Despite her size and carefulness she keeps losing her stuff. Over the course of a week she could misplace three wine glasses, two reading glasses, and fifteen bottles of wine.
She's an expert at dodgeball and golf and even owns a lifetime access to the most prolific Country Club in Romania. With permission from Mother Miranda she goes there every year for the yearly party. It's one of the times she gets to see modernity (and Ed Sheeran) at its finest.
She loves bands from the 1920s and 1940s. However, she gets bored of them occasionally and switches them to something more modern, like Ed Sheeran. Seriously though, what is up with mums and Ed?
She's into executions and torture methods. So it's no surprise that she's a HUGE fan of Horrible Histories; even if she can't watch the show, she'll binge-read the books over and over again. She's even had the chance to encounter (and receive an autograph from) Terry Deary. They have sworn a bond not to tell anybody about this.
She loves exotic animals like anacondas and jaguars. She may or may not have owned a 10ft long Saltwater Crocodile (which was also about 5ft wide).
She's an incredible physicist and mathematician. She's also created many original formulae but unsurprisingly, she doesn't tell anyone about them, for fear that either more people may know of her, or that she may be wrong.
Dimitrescu Babes
They can devour an entire human being in mere seconds as flies. It's sort of like the scarab beetles in The Mummy movies. However, unlike the beetles, they are able to strip the bones as well. They leave nothing behind.
They all know how to play the piano with varying levels of success. Daniela can already play professionally while Bela is still stuck on Grade 5.
They love to listen to their mother when she tells them stories. Gotta hand it to 'em, when you're a fly, you know how to enjoy life in its most simple of moments.
They all love being around the hunky Soldats of Uncle Karl. Fortunately, they don't know of the rebellious plan to conquer Miranda.
Bela is bisexual, Cassandra is asexual and pansexual, and Daniela is demisexual.
It gets hard when you're a fly during the summer. If it's not the lizards, spiders, and other predators, it's the heat. Because of this, despite the material waste, they have invented the world's first blood-powered air conditioner.
The three girls have never ever ever touched a stove or oven in their life. They HAVE touched the hot end of an iron though. A good reason to not touch a bloody oven. Alcina has though, but doesn't tell them that.
They love puppies! Uncle Karl brought them a baby labrador. For the rest of the week Alcina had lost quite a bit of favour from them. Not that they minded of course. IT'S A PUPPY.
They don't like snow one bit. Not just because it's cold, but because it's too white. Too bright. Too shiny. They just can't focus on their prey!
They like to go over to Auntie Donna to play with Angie. Well, you know what they say, crazies attract the crazies, and the crazy has attracted the crazies.
They also like to go to Uncle Moreau's because he's the only one in the village with a PS4. Usually they'd spend about three-quarters of a day playing his games and eating his cheese.
Karl Heisenberg
He owns a dark blue armchair named Junkyard. Despite the name, he loves it dearly because it was a gift from Alcina for his twenty-first birthday. It became part of his final transformation too. Right under the hat.
He's a little blind in the right eye, much to his annoyance. It was a minor accident with Sturm; another reason for him to hate the uncontrollable wretch. He'll never live that day down.
Somehow, he sees better in the dark, which is why he wears such tinted glasses. He also wears them to hide his expressions, since, more often than not, he tends to end up wearing his heart on his sleeve, and his emotions in his eyes.
He's under a lot of pressure so it's no surprise that he breaks down in his factory when he knows he's alone. And by break down I mean crumple into an exhausted heap on the floor. Not even his Soldat Jet squad can wake him up until he's had a reasonable eight hours of rest.
He bathes once a day, every evening, but only three times a week. Perfume, tobacco, and cologne keep care of the rest.
He's the only Lord with a daily contact with the outside world due to his electrical abilities. Don't tell Miranda, but he can electrically CONNECT TO GOOGLE AND THE ENTIRE INTERNET IN GENERAL. He likes to play funny YouTube cat videos in his head when Miranda's having a boring meeting. It's also how he finds out that Chris is a boulder-punching asshole.
He does stimming! He likes to tap his fingers on his desk and the metal rails in his factory. He also buys stim toys from the Duke and keeps them in a well-kept box. His favourite is a non-ripping squishable toy duck. He also sings to chill out.
He's absolutely in the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise, and may have once believed in the pizzeria's existence. Come on, he's a mutated Overlord with magical magnet powers. Children souls stuck inside animatronics isn't too far-fetched of an idea. His favourite characters are the Funtimes and the Scraps, mainly because of the blueprint complexity. He HAS tried to replicate the animatronics in his spare time, but he's usually too busy with his Soldats so the project gets scrapped. He loves The Living Tombstone's songs and remixes though.
He doesn't like William Afton at all (though he marvels at his survivability). William's nature and habits remind him of Mother Miranda. He DOES however enjoy Michael Afton and often thinks how it would be absolutely amazing to have that resilient being in his Soldat army.
He's scared of what lurks below the watery depths and fire. Ironic because his brother is a literal fish and he works in one of the most hazardous fire-conducting environments. He's also scared of heights, though he doesn't get airsick.
He once died due to a killing electric shock whilst working on Sturm. It's the only time he's felt that sort of pulsing agony and also the first time he's had the confirmation that yes, Hell is real and yes, he'll end up in quite a dark pit in it. Or it could've been an electric dream, who knows? Anyways his soul apparently ran towards the opposite direction of the flames and he woke up alive after the passing of FIVE ENTIRE WEEKS. Oh boy did Alcina get worried when she couldn't find him.
Thank you for the ask! I hope you enjoy!
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utilitycaster · 2 years
ok random question about a random character i thought of which makes no sense (except i have about 1k of backstory for them)
no actual ideas for stats this is just a 'would it work' thing - half-orc spores druid/fighter
basically i want her to get extra attacks, but like, thinking about it i'd want max temp hp from the druid levels, so are there any good feats that would work for that?
Okay so with this as context I'm going to start with me offering kind of unsolicited advice (in the sense that it's not what you asked) but you can ignore it and then I'll get to the actual question:
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So: I know it's really common in social media D&D circles to have a bunch of pre-made characters with a full backstory and identity and class, but the thing is when you find a group, that might not work at all, particularly if the DM has a specific setting in mind. Build ideas are great to have but be prepared to show up and it turns out that based on what other people want to play it would be great to have a pure tank, or the DM's homebrew setting doesn't allow for your backstory. It might, but I would not count on it.
Now for the build (I'm only sticking with classes here; half-orcs are great and I will never discourage that): I guess I don't get why you want this build. I can understand wanting this multiclass for story reasons and I can even understand wanting it to be primarily a fighter build - and to be clear, you can make this multiclass and it's like, fine, mechanically, but it's not particularly good either. When multiclassing you often are making sacrifices of certain progressions. You usually are picking one class to mostly dedicate yourself to, and to an extent, one class to strip for parts and augment the other. Occasionally you get great synergy and it's far better than the whole, but druid/fighter is not one of those cases.
I also want to note that you start getting extra attacks as a fighter at L5, and you get symbiotic entity for spores druid at level 2.
Many D&D groups die out before or shortly after you hit 7th level for scheduling conflicts. Not all - I play a L11 character who I've played since L3 - but that campaign is ending for scheduling reasons soon, and the one I DM-ed had to stop at level 6.
In short: it can work but it's not great, it's DEFINITELY not what I'd want to play if I were a new player nor what I'd recommend to a new player, and there's a very real chance this build won't reach the potential you're envisioning. This all sounds really discouraging and I want to make it clear I really, really want you to find a group and get a chance to play, but this specific concept might be something to put on hold for a bit and see if you still want it after you've played some D&D.
Anyway: As for actually building it, I'd make a dex-based melee fighter because druids can't wear metal armor so you'll be relying on leather or hide armor so high dex is good, but halo of spores and symbiotic entity damage require you be within 10 feet and melee range respectively. I'd probably take the first level in fighter to maximize HP, and then honestly context starts to matter so the leveling pattern will depend on your party/story/goals.
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robitfan · 2 years
DvD Nights: Kingsman the secret service
CW for the movie: violence, blood, abuse and sexism
So this might be my last post in this "series" because despite my best efforts writing about media does burn me out even if it's something that interests me but if I feel like it I might make another post in this format but trying to do it remotely often has made me worry both about what movies I end up picking and just trying to find an angle to write about without being too surface level which I mostly am because I am not an experienced writer and don't have any real experience with exploring literature or media outside of secondary school.
Anyways I was folding laundry when I saw that this movie was available on a streaming platform I was browsing, I was planning on watching it soon so I thought I might as well put it on (I know this breaks the format but I don't really care). so for a surface level reading Eggsy had his dad die when young and grows up to become a bad boy despite being smart and capable, his mom has an abusive boyfriend who's a bigger fish in terms of crime compared to Eggsy and his friends, Eggsy gets arrested and calls a number on the back of a medal he inherited and doing so becomes involved with his mentor Harry who like Eggsy's dad was a kingsman a spy dedicated to keeping the world safe so the plot is about Eggsy learning spy stuff with a bunch of other side characters who all want to become London's next top spy, Roxy is the only one of those characters that matters being the only other student who's not destined to join a high class boy's club and she doesn't look down on Eggsy for not being high class. meanwhile we have a b-plot of Harry trying to do spy stuff because a tech billionaire called Valentine is kidnapping and recruiting influential people for his doomsday plot to save the earth and these two plots come together when Eggsy and Roxy with Merlin come together to stop Valentine.
So there is intentional text with the origin of a person does not dictate where they end up and if we give them a chance they can rise to become great people but there is also a lot of other stuff that was probably not intentional like the villain Valentine is this tech billionaire who cares about the environment and subscribes to this radical theory that humanity needs to be culled in order to save the planet which is very evil as well is his way to pick the survivors by letting the "elite" of humanity join him or force them to stay in his doomsday lair. Another part of his depiction is through the way he dresses and acts, he pairs fine wine with McDonalds and wears a cap with his suit which is a great look imo, I love the way he's depicted but in the context of the story he's a new money clown that has no class unlike Eggsy who adapts to being a "gentleman" which culminates when he goes from wearing trainers and a hoodie as formal wear to a suit(both looks are great btw). I know I am reading too much into it but to me it feels like the story is more about the current system is good and it's up to great men to uplift those who fall through the cracks in our "meritocratic" society and aristocracy isn't actually that bad as long as you occasionally let in someone who's really good at things we as a society value. btw the angry church fight scene is great and would make the already good movie worth it if the movie itself was shit because the movie is a great callback to old school spy movies and pokes fun at modern James Bond at points.
Anyways I'll stay in this hellsite but I probably won't write about my dvd collection anytime soon unless I find something that gets my brain going because god even just throwing out first drafts is exhausting. Have a nice time and try not to die.
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circular-time · 3 years
I wrote a rant about my dashed hopes for Season 13 months ago, during Comic Con I think? I never posted it, because I didn't want to be a wet blanket, and it was long and rambly, and maybe I just needed to get it off my chest in private. On the other hand, I'm still mourning something that really mattered to me, and I want to make a space for that before the new season starts.
WHILE acknowledging that I am not owed anything as a fan. Doctor Who has to keep changing and regenerating or it will stagnate and die. It's just my bad luck that it looked like the show was headed in a direction I've wanted for decades, and then it didn't.
[Spoilers to S13 trailers as of October 30]
TL;DR: I want a SF show with a BFF-ship between two women in the same vein as broships like those between Watson and Holmes, Kirk and Spock, Fraser and Jay, Scully and Mulder. Yes, I've gotten hit with the Thasmin bug too, but that really isn't the point.
The point is, women in the real world tend to form strong friendships and Get Shit Done thereby, and that's what I relate to. I went to a women's college. Most of my friendships and relationships have been with women. Much like PoC, I crave seeing my reality exist in the media I consume. But the last time I saw that dynamic portrayed on TV was Xena and Gabrielle over 20 years ago. It's a blind spot in an industry dominated by male writers and producers, who don't know how to portray women's friendships (And yet male bro-ships are common in all media formats).
I believe this is a loss for everybody. It omits a huge swath of human existence. Plus it misses out on a powerful interpersonal dynamic that's perfect for an effective team of adventurers/problem solvers in science fiction.
Before Xena, the last BFF-ship I can remember was Nyssa and Tegan working together in episode 1 of Castrovalva, while the Doctor was unconscious. The audios occasionally allude to their being BFFs, but again, probably thanks to male writers' blind spots, they almost never act like it, and seldom pull off anything through BFF Teamwork (tm). Barbara's friendships with Susan and Vicki were great, but she was more of a mom figure for them.
Since the Doctor's usually a he, there are very few opportunities for BFF relationships to occur on my favorite show. Thirteen's regeneration offered such a chance. I think it was even more important for Chibnall to reestablish that 3 companions are possible, and I loved the fam for two seasons. But there were very few points when Yaz and the Doc tackled something together.
Meanwhile, the synergy between Jodie and Mandip in real life was exactly the sort of BFF chemistry I wanted to see more of onscreen. But it didn't seem to occur to Chibnall and the writers to let some of that bleed into their characters.
Instead, they kept having the male characters tell Yaz and Thirteen about themselves. Ryan reminds Yaz she's a cop, the only time that thorny issue has been addressed. He has a heart-to-heart with the Doctor to help her process her identity crisis, telling her who he thinks she is and how to feel about it. And that's after the Master plays Thirteen's Evil Psychotherapist.
Graham has that lovely scene on the Cyber-ship where he talks about how impressed he is by Yaz. And when it comes time to broach the Thasmin question, we don't hear it from Yaz; instead, it's Captain Jack intuiting Yaz's unspoken feelings, comparing her relationship to the Doctor with HIS relationship to the Doctor, advising her how to cope with those feelings.
Midway through S12, I started to notice how often we saw Yaz and the Doctor as people, rather than plot agents, mostly through the eyes of the guys.
So when Ryan and Graham chose to stay behind, while I will miss them both, I couldn't help getting excited. FINALLY, the writers would have to write Yaz and the Doc doing stuff together and relating to one another, without mediating their characters through a male POV. We'd had two seasons of a TARDIS family, which I'd enjoyed, and now I was getting the female-buddy show I've always wanted, at least for one shortened season! I was so stoked.
But when I came online the next day, all hyped to talk about Team BFF, people were talking about this Bishop chap. Who? The streaming service on which I'd watched Revolution of the Daleks had not included an S13 trailer. So I hadn't gotten the memo.
I tracked down the missing trailer. And lo, my hopes were dashed. Yaz and the Doctor weren't even IN IT. It was all about this John Bishop guy's experiences; the Doctor was an enigmatic side character in HIS story, instead of Yaz and the Doctor being the protagonists (or even present) in the trailer for what I'd been thinking of as "their" season.
See why I was disappointed?
And then the interviewer at Comic-Con spent more time talking to Bishop's actor than Mandip or even Jodie, and I wrote the rant that I didn't post until now— extensively edited to remove the claws.
I'm avoiding trailers and spoilers now, as I usually do before the season starts. The fewer my expectations, the better I'll be able to take it as it comes (good advice from Chesterton.)
And I promise I will do that, instead of sitting there with my fingers in my ears griping because the writers and showrunners didn't magically cater to the precise tastes and wishes of the One True Fan (me) they don't even know exists.
I'll hold onto a glimmer of hope for Team BFF in spite of Mr Third Wheel. Maybe Chibnall's team will respond to the enthusiasm of those who are big fans of Thirteen and Yaz, instead of the frustrations of those who are already looking ahead to a new Doctor and showrunner even before this season has aired. Maybe they'll realize that hey, the one and only time you have two female leads in SF, you make the most of it. But I've tamped my hopes way, way down so as to be able to enjoy what we're given, even if I don't get what I wanted.
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To that anon tbh Sharon I don't think is uniquely unpopular by fandom standards. Maybe by MCU standards but not fandom in gen standards. Or at least its not that weird that she is.
Ship wars and just being bitter that the ship that became canon wasn't your ship and throwing salt at that ship was just always a thing. Especially if the fandom for the non canon ship thought they had a shot of being canon. See any fandom with a love triangle in the story ever.
Now its more the norm to pretend that its something deep. That the other ship is morally repugnant and you aren't just being petty af. When Sharon was the most unpopular it was still kinda the norm to just be openly petty but justifying your saltiness was becoming more the norm. Hence you'd get arguments like Sharon was a no homo and Sharon was abusive. But also just people just actively shitting on her for no reason at all apart from the fact they didnt like her not even trying to justify it.
Which again is nothing all that new. What makes it stand out imo are a few reasons.
1. Social Media being integrated- before the social media spread for fandom ships would be more diverse. There would be communities for specific ships or fiction archives and it was easy to avoid ships you didn't like. Sure if your ship was involved in a major shipping war or people were talking trash about it you could still know but the exposure to the drama wasn't always inevitable. But now if fans of more popular ships occasionally shit on your far less popular ship even if its only like 5 percent of the fans of the more popular ship that outnumbers your entire fandom. So you get drowned out for amount of content and then when anyone looks for content for the unpopular ship they mostly get negativity and its very hard to avoid.
2. MCU being such a huge fandom. Not marvel comic characters specifically the MCU and Steve being kinda a fandom bycycle. There was a good chance if you were in this fandom you had a favorite Steve ship and if you were a MCU fan primarily not a comics fan ( which let's be honest many were during hieght of Sharon drama) then that ship probably wasn't Sharon. I know in general people like to say it was primarily Stucky and Steggy fans throwing shade. But that was mostly because those were two of the biggest ships with Steve. Other Steve shippers did too. It was just that there were just less of them so it seemed like it was just Stucky or Steggy. For a while it was just a thing to shit on Sharon for not just Stucky or Steggy fans but like it was a MCU fandom thing. And the reason for this is-
3. The lack of MCU Sharon and Steve x Sharon fans. There were a few comic Sharon and SteveSharon fans. But not MCU ones because Natasha and Peggy had taken alot of comic Sharons moments and character. It was really common to see arguments like oh I love comic Sharon but fuck MCU Sharon. Why she even exist?
Pretty much all canon ships got hate. But it imo was less because they still had quite a few fans it was less cool to shit on it you got more push back. And it didnt always reflect on the characters. BruceNat was incredibly unpopular but Bruce and Natasha didnt become incredibly unpopular as a result. Sure they had haters but theyd already been established and had fans of their own ( especially Natasha). While others happened early enough and got development so the relationship got fans like PepperTony. There was hate but there was more push back for shitting on them and more people spreading love for them so the negativity wasn't drowning out the good.
But MCU Sharon and MCU SteveSharon could more easily be treated as a universal dislike by the whole fandom. Even people who didnt really care about Steve ships would joke about SteveSharon being shitty. It was just like the thing to do.
This changed when calling out mysogny in fandom became more mainstream. However those 3 reasons especially 1 and 3 remain the same except for characters too not just ships. Its hard to avoid what you dont like in a fandom on websites like Tiktok Tumblr and Twitter ( especially Tiktok) . So if negative opinions of a character are popular it becomes harder to avoid.
And MCU Sharon is still not that popular due to how MCU handling her.
I cant even say its just a ship thing anymore the vitriol continues despite her not being in any ship nor is it indicated she will be with any major character in the future. And still so many people act like they will act like they will break into hives at just the prospect of her with Bucky or Sam.
Its not just a ew girl cooties thing these same people will love the idea of Bucky with Sams sister or Yelena or someone in the Dora Milaje. Sam doesn't even have that many popular ships it basically just Bucky rn but ive seen people who dont even like this ship just see it as a friendship and have no other ships for Sam but want him to have a love interest down the line turn up their noses at SharonSam.
I will say things are definetly better than the post CW era Sharon is less the MCU fandom punching bag though she still doesnt have that much love. However more people are critiquing the handling of her character instead of being frustrated at her existence. So while I do fully believe she more than any other character could become the fandom punching bag again i dont think it will be as bad as it was in the past.
Oh, it will never be as bad as it was in 2016. There was a Sharon RP blog that one day cleared out all the hate she got in her inbox. Absolutely wretched shit was sent to her, and you could feel the exhaustion in her clearing them out. And she posted it to remind everyone that hey, liking a character doesn't equal sending fucking death threats to a person.
But the problem is the shit that the character and the fans AND THE FUCKING ACTRESS got were not only seen by Marvel, they reacted in the worst way possible. They just justified fans' actions. So while it's not the worst it has been, jesus they could have done anything but that in response.
~Mod R
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