#for y’all to go “black people don’t have a culture it’s American culture !!!!”
weirdo09 · 7 months
i don’t think y’all understand what it’s really like being of african diaspora descent
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vixenpen · 3 months
She’s baaaaackkkk!!!!
yeah, after the casual dismissal of the casual racism that @kyankyannnn showed me on my fic, I’ve decided I’m going to start back writing. And I’m SPECIFICALLY going to do black American coded readers and even more specifically black women from the hood and ghetto just because 🤷🏾‍♀️ fuck it. I can take some time between writing books and making content to work my muscle and since @ohsanghoe and @lovingdeputyaliendonkey are so confused about what constitutes as harassment and bullying and what is ACTUAL constructive criticism, I will be tagging them in all fics. Please don’t forget that I was always the type of writer who shows you better than I can tell you and when people go low I go to the last level of hell. I know some of us don’t have culture so we don’t know how to differentiate between cultures or even recognise it, but I’m going to help! I’m just that good of a person 😏
Soo, without further ado, I will be posting more fics within the next coming weeks regardless of who reads them or not just to get my mojo back! 😊 In the mean time I hope any old readers enjoy and my new readers strap in cuz it’s about to get very interesting. You can also support me by buying my actual books full of AAVE, ghetto slang, beautiful black women and plenty of spice 😈
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OR you can find me on TikTok at vintageincolor where I talk about history as it pertains to BIPOC and queer people (with a focus on black American queer women)
Y’all come back now, y’hea? (For the non black Americans that’s a common black phrase used by elder southern black folks)
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yaoiadderall · 2 months
The annoying thing to me about the holler post, is that my area of Appalachia doesn't say holler, but we have a tendency to ad -er to the end of words. Our words slur into one another, we drop the endings of words off, and some words we can't say like the rest of the country. Everyone is GLEEFUL when I say "gumband" instead of rubberband. I had a cousin who didn't realise that jumbo was the same thing as bologna.
Every part of the country has their own slang and vernacular, so why is it that everyone wants to make fun of Appalachia and the south?? Oh wait, racism and classism of course!!!
FR FR FR FR. a small but super common example: pronouncing library as ly-brair-ee vs ly-barry. as a teenager i used to spout “ly-barry isn’t a word” bullshit bc i wanted to be an english major and thought you had to be a snob about one type of english being correct to be one. then i realized my dad pronounces it ly-barry, and i never noticed bc it’s how his accent forms the word naturally. the snobbery about that in particular was very short lived.
also stuff like ain’t and y’all and a LOT of other stuff in our dialect crosses over with aave. obviously aave and american southern dialect are in no way the same, but they do share similarities. like most things in american southern culture, our dialect was heavily influenced by the black members of our community. “finna” and “fixin’ to” are derived from the same place. the habitual “be” (i be going to the store), double negatives, third person singular absence (he don’t have that), and several pronunciation differences from “standard” english are shared to various extents between aave and american southern dialect, especially rural southern dialect. that’s not a coincidence, it’s because the south has always had a very large black population.
they have always been dismissed and disenfranchised and excluded as well, from the horrors of slavery to modern day gerrymandering and classism. i don’t think the fact that it’s these aspects of southern culture and language that are mocked and belittled is innocent happenstance. you don’t see the stereotypical speech patterns of the “southern belle” or “wealthy plantation owner” mocked with so much vitriol. they’re still made fun of, but it’s not in the same way as people make fun of the speech patterns associated with more rural, lower socioeconomic class southern culture. it’s also not a coincidence that these stereotypes are archetypical white characters.
i love the south. it’s my home and there is such a vibrant culture and growing up here i was instilled with values that i wouldn’t trade for anything. and it infuriates me that people write us and appalachia off completely because of classist, racist misconceptions and the actions of our government officials who were elected through gerrymandering and disenfranchising voters. who are only in office bc they took advantage of the flaws already present in our culture to convince people to vote against their own self interest in order to satisfy their bigotry. when people not from here talk about us, it’s never to help us improve our circumstances for those of us who are marginalized the most. it’s so they can feel superior to the dumb, gun-toting, bigoted rednecks they think we all are.
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scamallach-1 · 1 month
it is incredibly difficult to get even people in my own circle who I’ve known for years to get it thru their heads and not give me empty stares that settler-colonialism is the ‘primary contradiction’, the root of basically any oppression anyone faces today. I learned this from indigenous and Black decolonial liberationists. Everything we suffer, it seems, goes back to the Western settler-colonialism. This is ringing true.
And I’ve tried putting it into perspective for my fellow settler “Americans”: we aren’t different than the “Israeli” settler in our status here on occupied indigenous lands. Decolonization is the way and it’s just and good to serve and work toward it for and with indigenous peoples.
And yes we do have to do this work and learn this education now! “I’m not my ancestors” is bullshit considering we are actively still destroying the land and it’s rightful stewards to this very day. “Our ancestors” genocidal crimes never stopped and were carried generations into now - so I don’t understand why we can’t accept this fact, follow indigenous peoples lead toward decolonizing “America”.
It’s free Palestine it’s land back to First Nations people it’s colonized countries globally forcing the white supremacist European and “US” powers out. It’s just to be dedicated to helping to do what is right. Go to hell otherwise. Expect hell. I don’t even know what to say anymore to other settlers except this.
Read from Fanon, read Klee Benally, read Gerald Horne, Read Decolonization is Not a Metaphor while y’all are at it.
Learn the histories of federal Indian law (here via DecolonizedBuffalo on ig):
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[Img text reads - From DecolonizedBuffalo’s book, in the section on Self-Determination;
“Now that it is established that the primary contradiction is settler colonialism, the reader must acknowledge another fact: Indigenous communities within settler states are sovereign nations. They are internal colonies. Sovereign Indigenous nations within the US have their own governments, court systems, laws, economies, programs, cultures, and languages. Settler Marxists within the United States should learn about the history of federal Indian law, and court cases that pertain to Indigenous sovereignty . To understand Indigenous sovereignty better, it is advised to learn about the Marshall trilogy cases and the history behind them:
-Johnson vs Macintosh, 21 US (8Wheat.) 543 (1823)
-Cherokee Nation vs Georgia, 30 US (5Pet.) 1 (1831)
-Worcester vs Georgia, 31 US (6 Pet.) 151 (1832)”
End img Text]
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So we who are settlers don’t just have these histories on-hand in our minds because we weren’t taught about Indigenous histories from Indigenous truths and lenses, and we must learn - and recognize fully the crimes we still commit! Like for one example, we rally up to continuously ignore Indigenous decolonial activists and scholars and talk about “establishing socialism”, more Eurocentrism, assuming that we working class settlers will continue occupying and holding the means of production - on stolen land. No!
Just don’t speak so sure of *anything* as a settler before you give your time to LISTEN to decolonial liberationists, before you LEARN the principles of decolonization here in the illegal settler-states; and there’s special emphasis on getting ‘Marxist’ settlers to light this fire under their asses too because too many seem to think they know it all, that they are exempt, and that arrogance is real-world damaging to liberation movements.
Y’all we don’t know Jack shit about shit and yeah we do have to prioritize our edu now going forward if we haven’t already. There’s lots to learn, lots of work to learn how to do for liberation. Those criticizing settler-colonialism, aiming to root it out, aiming for land back, for indigenous sovereignty, for forcing out and end on settler occupations, for returning to their lands with full self determination by any means necessary - they deserve our numbers and our full-hearted fealty and nothing less!
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jewishbarbies · 9 months
uh it's kinda hard not to call gay's resignation the product of racism when the loudest people gunning for it were white supremacists suddenly pretending they cared about antisemitism, not jews. this is chris rufo taking credit for the whole thing in wsj. https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-we-squeezed-harvard-claudine-gay-firing-dei-antisemitism-culture-war-a6843c4c
dude. i don’t have enough crayons to explain to you how nuance works. yes, white supremacists wanted her to resign. AT THE SAME TIME, she’s an antisemite refusing to offer the same protections to jewish students that she gives to every other kind of student, which is a failure to do her job and bigotry that deserves resignation. a fucking seagull could understand this.
it’s incredibly fucking telling right now that leftists weren’t just as loud demanding she resign for such blatant antisemitism and stupidity. it’s a crystal clear example of what’s wrong with american leftism and their wholehearted lack of care for jews and jewish safety. and instead of viewing it as a failure of the american left, all y’all see it as is a black woman getting fired. go fuck yourself.
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beardedmrbean · 29 days
[Huey Zoomer Anon]
For a love of…okay I ain’t saying they might been connection with lion king and Kimba in the early stages. A lot of people don’t understand many Disney animated movie stories can be in gestation period for a VERY long time. Frozen is the most infamous as I heard WALT HIMSELF worked on a extremely early version of it
Okay BP was pulling from TLK(black writers ain’t slick) but the thing is
Hmmm, Horus vs Set is a good example buuut Isis did screw over Ra to force him to make Osiris the pharaoh. There are versions of Set being one of Ra’s Lieutenants so he was probably pissed with how he did have a chance to be chosen. Court politics baby!
Also about pop culture because the lines post you reblog…the writers were PULLING from classical literature. IE I heard Pokemon Mewtoo is heavily inspired by the phantom of the opera
Like one of the reasons why a lot of modern media writers don’t work because “classic literature is too bigoted and problematic!”
Aaaaw you learn that everyone is a by product of their society? Because believe me, a lot of progressives shit is going to age baaad?
But like fantasy, because their idea of fantasy =shit the boomers popularize.
They don’t want to use the Yoruba, the Mali, or other African kingdoms and empire as inspiration for their fantasy worlds
Also like someone I said if a black person don’t like MCU Wakanda, a McDonald’s version of African cultures, a coon
It like me with my black chimerians, I’m using the Massachusetts Regiment, Harriett Tubman, George Carver, Bass Reeves, Tuskegee Airmen, and even some of my family members as inspirations
But I notice it like “it wasn’t in the American pop culture or us shitty education system, than those cultures are worthless!” It VERY common among Hollywood modern writers these days
Like shit y’all only had McDonald’s growing up? Assassin Creed is pop culture (so I’m wondering how the hell shadows is revisioning history…please go away, the Templar Cross in ac lore is the fucking Mark of Cain) but it explores eras and such (while milking some when needed) that Hollywood isn’t too interested like the 9th century Baghdad or the Holy Roman Empire Witch Hunts which the 2026 games AC Hexe is seemingly going to be
Sorry…I’m just shocked about the lack of media literacy we got these days…
Also about pop culture because the lines post you reblog…the writers were PULLING from classical literature. IE I heard Pokemon Mewtoo is heavily inspired by the phantom of the opera. Like one of the reasons why a lot of modern media writers don’t work because “classic literature is too bigoted and problematic!”
Clueless that I mentioned last night was a retelling of Emma by Jane Austin, which was undoubtedly inspired by something else.
They don’t want to use the Yoruba, the Mali, or other African kingdoms and empire as inspiration for their fantasy worlds
Problem with this, as I've noted before, is that most people can't really differentiate the various ethnic and cultural groups in Africa, hell they have trouble with it in their own country, massive minefield where getting things wrong can generate way more negative press than you want
But I notice it like “it wasn’t in the American pop culture or us shitty education system, than those cultures are worthless!” It VERY common among Hollywood modern writers these days
The market creates what the buyers buy need to figure out how to get people to buy the good stuff, which can be a challenge for sure.
Especially with people that seem to want to tell us what we're supposed to enjoy. Nice to see it when that fails like mindy's sad attempt at Scooby Doo without Scooby.
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xxoxobree · 10 months
Here’s Proof of me being baited and bullied and gaslit for days by your favs simply because I said I wasn’t an Anon😊 Enjoy.
Honestly I knew this was gonna happen because they were being shady in the discord for days I just didn’t say anything. They were attempting address me not being from “the hood” and trying to say my fics were bad but it wasn’t directed and I didn’t respond. Later this same tactic was used to attempt to “bait” me into responding to them. Here’s other screenshots of them trying to gaslight me in the discord cursing in Spanish after I tried to defend myself and I was told “I don’t want to go there with Talia.”
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The night I was accused of being an anon in Honeys inbox I went and posted this. Not aimed at any of them I was meaning the hateful anons and the weirdos that read Miles smut. They said they never accused me of anything so I thought we were good. But of course they were accusing me and gaslit me into thinking I was crazy so they took offense to my post.
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Miss Dalia who I do not know and do not follow liked this post because , they were scoping my page to find anything to have the green light to attack me to “bait” me into responding to them. When she liked it, it confirmed they wanted problems for whatever reason, because prior to them saying I was the anon we never had any issues and by we I mean me cause we’ll find out later they never liked me. After she liked I posted this because we never interacted before or anything so why now and I put 2&2 together that they wanted an issue but was too pussy to actually say anything, directly that is
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This was her response
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Again literally no reason to say this because nothing was said to me directly and I thought we were all good , y’all said nothing was directed toward me . This was bait. But I didn’t respond. So another 🤡 posted bait.
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A friend of mine responded to it because I spoke to her and let her know how I was being gaslit and the whole situation. Also it was so obvious that they were meaning me because DAYS prior it was a discussion about “people using the hood for cosplay” . And they still tried to gaslight her. Here’s her still going on TO THIS DAY! about the Hood Princess bs! I’m not white passing at all 👀🤣🤣 and the natural blonde was a joke from tik tok but you’re tryna slander me anyway you could. I’ve never cosplayed anything “the hood” isn’t exclusive to the United Stated and I live in a black nation. People hate black people and black culture and demonize the hood culture when it’s just black people authentically being themselves and I find that so amazing and the “hood princess.” Was just me appreciating being black and the impact we have on the world and us being authentically black. Also I have a large black American following why would I not use aave ? It’s called communication 👀 they wouldn’t be able to understand my Bahamian dialect.
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You were meaning “white people.” But if it’s off tumblr keep it off tumblr and you “don’t want anyone’s mental to be messed up”. Which one is it ? 🥴 Talia brags about this all the time btw how she doesn’t go after people because she doesn’t want anyone’s mental to be messed up, (she said this about you miss Mayearies but you’re her lap dog so you don’t care.) acknowledging the fact that she uses tumblr as some type of power dynamic, she knows people will follow her and do and say messed up things. They have a pattern of collecting data and whatever else they can use against you and attack you.
Now as a logical thinking person did I not have a right to defend myself? Especially when I did NOTHING TO YOU! Just said that I was not the anon and I didn’t appreciate being called the anon because I know that I would be attacked by everyone and my point was proven!
Here’s the confession of them conspiring against me. To get me to respond and everything else to prove I’m the villain they so desperately wanted me to be also the confession of never liking me even tho I thought we were cool.
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Now they continued to tell me I have multiple personalities, call me Oscar the Grouch, I’m insecure and all the 3rd grade ass insults they could come up with about some damn weave 😂😂.
They also accused me of being anons in their inbox. I never ever got into anyone’s inbox cause that literally makes no sense. We’re already going back and forth why be on anon ? But here’s the countless threats and insults from them in my inbox. (The one that told me to off myself is ash btw after she tried to call me out about some death threats.)
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They also tried to call me out about some damn fics and what I wrote in a fic. Calling me an alcoholic clearly you don’t know what that means.
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But this same person literally made this fic 🤣
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Btw this is the fic they had a problem with , what was me just stating baby names, I feel like that’s so normal being young and in love and writing your name with your bf last name type stuff nothing sexual or anything, but ofc they needed something to grab at.
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As for being labeled “ableist” I’m not that at all and if my comments were offensive I APOLOGIZE WHOLEHEARTEDLY! With that being said I think that should be the same label given to anyone that said I was an alcoholic considering they were discriminating against “alcoholism.” Which is a disease
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So in the end I was never liked and conspired against bullied and insulted because I dared! To stand up to Talia and the others and tried to clear my name of any wrong doing because i didn’t want to be attacked.
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glamrockmrhippo · 4 months
My take on the Avantika Fan Cast Situation as a black person.
I’m going to be talking about the whole Avantika being FANCAST as Rapunzel. And you may be wondering, Jude, what does Avantika being fancast as Rapunzel have to do with being black in fandom spaces? My Dear Reader, I am asking you the same Question.
Let’s recap: Sometime in February 2023, someone started fan casting (meaning: Not a real casting, but someone you could see playing the character in a live-action.) Avantika, an Indian American actress (Known for Mean Girls the movie musical, Spin, Senior Year) as Rapunzel. Mind you, Disney hasn’t even greenlit any kind of tangled live action, bur Alas….some people believe everything they see on the internet. Recently, this discourse has come around on TikTok and thus bringing it to my attention.
So of course, all the racist white Disney fans are crying, screaming, peeing their pants because she doesn’t have pale skin, green eyes, and blonde hair. This has offended fans so much that they’ve resorted to (once again) threatening to cast a white woman as Tiana. Huh?
What does Tiana have to do with this? She’s not white nor is she Indian, by all means, black people didn’t have anything to do with this debate. Black people are just always on their mind no matter what and they can’t WAIT to bring us up in conversation or like, as a “Gotcha!”
The response to “What does Tiana have to do with this?” is met with “Y’all so sensitive it’s just a comparison” or “You guys are always playing the victim” as if they’re not the ones shitting bricks over a FANCAST.
I’ve also seen a good amount of people chastising black people for ‘settling for recasts’ and telling us to create our own original roles for POC. But let me remind everybody that every time that does happen, it gets called woke or forced diversity and is held to painfully high, almost impossible standards. Especially if it’s a show/movie/book not set in the one genre we’re shoehorned into or if the black character isn’t the token character.
I will be making a whole other blog post about colorblind casting and how it results in racists on the internet dogpiling onto black actresses. But in my opinion, things like this only matter if race/culture had a role to play in the original adaptation.
Movies like: Moana, Raya, Tiana, Merida, Mulan, their race or culture was important to the plot.
Movies like: Cinderella, Rapunzel, Aurora, Ariel, Snow White, Belle their race or culture was UNimportant to the plot.
All of the blonde haired girls are scream crying about representation as if they don’t have SEVERAL live-action Cinderellas, Aurora, Tinkerbell, Ariel, etc.
Not only that, but most of the disney movies came from CENTURIES if telling and retelling in different ways. If you don't like one retelling you can ALWAYS read a different one.
Not to mention people saying she wouldn't be great for Rapunzel but she would be a great Mother Gothel??? Hello? I thought we were crying bc Avantika isn't German or White.
While black people have one black princess who is a frog for most of the movie. Be so for real. At the end of the day, Avantika is NOT cast as Rapunzel and probably won’t be.as she’s going to be playing Princess Gauri on DIsney’s television adaptation of A Crown Of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi!
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audrinawf · 2 years
I don’t care what anyone says but as an European I’m so tired of the American slander. It’s one thing to criticize America as a country but it’s not okay to just be bitchy towards American tourists, okay cause I’m looking at you French and Italians especially , y’all insist on speaking French when you come to my country and Italians y’all come to the most reserved country in the world where people will rather stand on the bus than sit next to a stranger and then you touch people when you talk to them or invade their spaces but you guys wanna talk about how annoying Americans are for being loud? I could literally say this about any European tourist, like British people…y’all are not perfect either. You guys think it’s okay to be dry and sarcastic and witty towards service workers when you visit a country, where people know minimal English and you think that that’s okay cause that what you do in your country but then you have so much to say about Americans…
I don’t know why I’m defending Americans with my life right now but I think it’s because I feel so bad when I see those nasty TikTok’s where Europeans start filming American tourists and shit on them. I just know if I was American I would not want to go to Europe, my anxiety could never handle that.
I understand why europeans feel this superior complex because of their culture and country but you guys need to stop acting like your parents built rome or something. Just cause you’re history is rich doesn’t mean that that says anything about your accomplishments as individuals. The arrogance and just plain shitty attitude I’ve experienced from other Europeans and also every time I’ve been to Italy is crazy. I’m not saying that they exclusively hate on Americans, oh no try being a brown or black tourist in Italy, not fun.
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dicapiito · 1 year
I feel like, since this Affirmative Action decision was spearheaded by Asian Americans who believe they didn’t get into Harvard because of ~the Blacks~, we shouldn’t have to hear them whine about how hard it is being the model minority anymore. You shit on Black people to suck up to the yts and then want us to support you when it turns out white people are ALSO racist to you? Tough luck. Y’all clearly WANT to be the model minority and happily play up how acceptable you are to white people 90% of the time.
I already never listen lol. Being part of the API community; I learned to tune their entitlement off long ago. After all; the fact that that one guy, Calvin Yang who’s, get this Asian..CANADIAN, did that nonsense even though he got into UC Berkeley…it’s annoying. And while some can blame their parents for ‘ being too hard’; it really doesn’t excuse bratty behavior like “ boohoo I didn’t get into Harvard but I got into UC Berkeley but it’s not enough!”. Those types who want to go to Harvard to reach the white man status and fuck white women are always going to never get the point imo. Oh and like a career I guess.
They will never actually realize that yt people don’t like them either and they do not get that what affects Black People will eventually affect them too. I didn’t look closely into the morons who opposed AA but I do know that trying to reach white man status ends up with those being shot in the foot tbh. I mean, look at how much more they will blame Black People now that SCOTUS did that they did?
Love our culture, love our music, love it all but they don’t like us around them. Too bad they don’t realize that yt people fetishize them but they don’t really want them around their spaces either. Goofy behavior.
I keep wondering if those types have actually met white people and experienced racism because the way to really want to jump to uphold yt supremacy is wild.
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kleefairy · 2 years
so since a while back there was that whole thousands of graves from residential schools in canada news a while back and people finally decided to remember the pain and suffering indigenous people have been forced to go through...
hey guys remember when simblr had a racist bitch fit bc indigenous ppl don’t all perfectly fit in to their disney’s pocahontas stereotype? remember when y’all were totally down with validating colonization and genocide by calling people “white natives” and saying with your whole chests that anyone who doesn’t “look indigenous” (and what, exactly, do indigenous people look like?) isn’t allowed to claim their ancestry, race, ethnicity, and culture.
anyways not-so-friendly reminder that indigenous americans (and aboriginal australians honestly bc same shit different continent, the systematic destruction of indigenous people and their cultures was practically universal) were the victims of genocide in the form of residential schools, ripping children - esp mixed raced children - from their families, cultural erasure, and heavy attempts to “breed out the savage” by breeding in white european traits over multiple generations. not-so-friendly reminder that indigenous americans come in every race and shade, from white to asian to black to visibly mixed to every other phenotype under the sun. not-so-friendly reminder that this is due to hundreds of years of oppression, destruction, and - i must add - forced marriage (and rape) of indigenous women to white european men and, then, kidnapping of their lighter-skinned children to forcibly adopt them to white christian families in order to systematically destroy every last vestige of indigenous culture and blood ties. not-so-friendly reminder of the thousands of murdered and missing indigenous women and children who are never found (or only found decades later through sheer luck alone) because of racism, police violence (ever heard of starlight tours?), and fucked up law loopholes that allow this bullshit?
do you guys remember all that? ‘cos i do. i have to. some of y’all need to sit and think for a fucking minute before you open your mouths, and do fucking better. if the people who think this kind of bullshit had their way, there would be no indigenous people left.
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thelastharbinger · 2 years
To the people bringing back tired claims that bts made their success off being “carbon copies” of their 2nd gen contemporaries (because we all know bts’ debut music was what blew them up, right??), or my favorite, that we “can acknowledge their originality up to a certain point, but armys need to admit bts get inspiration from other artists”:
Congratulations, you are correct! Because guess what, nothing exists in a vacuum and you clearly have no idea what the process of art-making entails.
I don’t know whose reality I’m about to shatter when I say this but...artists study other artists *mind-blown* Except this isn’t news because you hear idols say all the time how they’re inspired by or look up to other peers in the industry all. of. the. time. But it’s cute when 4th gen idols say it and a crime when bts does it?
There’s a reason why art students are made to take art history classes. Yes, to study the greats, but also to know how artworks/artists exist & are informed by their situational context, i.e. time period, geography, politics, societal norms, etc. And why as you develop your body of work, professors will constantly point to references of other artists who work with similar themes, materials, and so forth because it can only help guide your artistic practice; it all becomes wisdom. But moreso, everything exists in conversation with each other. You can literally point to any song from any group and understand where they pulled their sound from in the larger tradition of musical instrumentation and composition.
I’m also convinced that the people saying bts are “copies” of bap, blockb, and bigbang have not familiarized themselves with the discographies of any of these artists at all (I really need people to listen to full albums and not just title tracks). Just because they’ve overlapped in genres, does not mean they sound the same. Blockb’s hiphop sound is very stylized and contrasts that which bts utilized. While both bts and blockb’s early music was very old school hiphop, hiphop is not a monolith; and the genre itself varies drastically depending on regionality like east coast/west coast (back then at least). And while we’re here, you’ve noticed that these other groups bts “copied” also got their inspiration from 90s American rap and hiphop, right? Same goes for r&b, trap, jazz and all these genres that have their roots in Western Black culture. Kpop borrows from everything. Also in an industry that heavily follows trends, you are going to find similarities among artists from time to time, that’s just how it goes.
Also, funny how y’all never bring up the way the entire kpop industry is trying to follow the bts model. It isn’t a coincidence that a bunch of fourth generation groups now have their own story line universes that are embedded into their mv’s, or how everyone is producing their own long-form, online variety content because they know that sustained audience engagement over time was part of the bts recipe for success (Top Social Artists, anyone?). Hey, remember that one time exo blatantly plagiarized a bts song? No? I figured. No outcry for them I guess. Plenty of kpop artists sample songs from other musicians--you see this a lot with girl groups, make covers of other singers, but they’re not profiting off someone else’s music are they? Yeah, same goes for bts.
Like I’m so sorry to break it to you, but saying that an artist takes inspiration from what is circulating in the cultural zeitgeist or from other musicians isn’t the burn you think it is. It’s literally just how you make art and study your craft.
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melaninsenshi · 1 month
i also feel like i would be open to more certain things if he was the same race. i never in my life thought that i would fall in love with someone that isn’t black. in my head i genuinely thought (especially because i went through a very radical phase in high school) i would only ever seriously date a black person
when i was younger i told myself i would only procreate with another black person because i genuinely just want a black child and not gonna lie i still feel the same way. my very formative years when i was trying to learn more was all filled with black love and black radicalization.
i love my man to beyond’s, i would do almost anything for him. but whenever he sends baby shit or something along the lines they are never black. i cannot see myself having a child that isn’t black. a part of me wants to give home one purely out of love but then my cognitive brain reminds me that’s dumb asf.
there was a moment when he said he wanted his child hair to be like his, like he didn’t want them to have black hair, i do not want to have a child with a non black person i can’t. i don’t even want a child to begin with but when i had imagined them they were black like me.
i can’t, i don’t see myself having a kid with a man that most likely wants his kid to look lightskin and bright like him. i don’t want a child that goes on the internet to then use me as a means to say the n word. like oh my mom is black even though i don’t look it i can still say it. i don’t want that. i want a fully monoracial black child. he will not be getting a baby from me especially because i don’t even wanna be a mom fr, but after you saying you want the child to have your hair oooh yeah
i wish this nigga woulda just found him a fat booty afro latino that’s what he actually wants and needs. the way this man would show me other women he is attracted to. i would NEVER send him a pic of a fucking guy with his print out but it’s okey if it’s a girl and he’s sending it to me right.
i just know based of certain things i would never do certain things for him. i will not have his child i don’t even fucking want kids and i’m going to convince myself just cause of a dumb ass strong emotion like love. i’m also not having a child with a non black person because y’all be anti black asf. he has said some questionable things but i don’t even go back on him with it because he says he’s changed. but i find that very funny cause this man gone say that black people can get away with certain things, meanwhile i wasn’t legit never racist.
i said certain things as a joke but he would take it further, me thinking it’s still jokes i would just agree. i never said any racist shit but he would and i would just laugh cause i’ve had jokes like this with non romantic relationships and it was fine. we kikied. him tho, i felt like he wanted to paint black people as oppressors.
like to say that a black person could get away with saying something racist when in the fucking media, on a wider fucking scale that’s all they blame on black ppl. anything that america has done (actually white colonizers) is somehow blamed on black americans for “upholding” as if black americans too do not suffer in america. i’m not even fucking african american, i got a whole country to claim but i see the shit.
it’s fucking weird how you can divulge so much into black american culture, so much to the point you’re saying the people that raised you and gave yo YOUR culture wouldn’t understand a black american song or reference. you non blacks divulge soo much into black culture you fuckin think it’s yours. like y’all will legit know where you’re from, you’re family has culture and heritage but still heavily engage with and align with black culture and rap (especially if you’re a non black male) but in the same breath shit on black americans howwww???
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I hated how I used to always intimidate everyone I would ever come across since I was a child.
My family used to be pissed cus as a child I had a strong sense of authority and would attempt to check them for their unusual and unethical behavior
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Yes I do my soul just can’t stand corruption it’s not supposed to even be exposed to it but I’m too curious cus I wanna know wtf is going on out here I’m curious
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Suga is sooo awesome because he’s philosophical like me and he’s the greatest Korean rapper in my eyes.
Honestly I look up to him.
We need to run some cyphers.
I can help him with his English tone.
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You’re better than most American rappers tbh.
Most of them are terrible
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Then fucking work on your craft instead of bitching and complaining.
You should feel ashamed that a Korean guy is out rapping all of y’all when you say it’s “black culture” and gatekeep rap from non black rappers.
Admit it Koreans have more soul and passion then you musically.
Why you think they got to me before you did?
Cus y’all suck and you know I’ll say it to your face do better please I wanna listen to good music.
All y’all talk about is self destruction without substance.
I love the rappers that talk about self destruction cus that’s their lifestyle.
But you literally have straight edge people rapping about stuff they don’t even understand.
Suga raps about stuff that actually matters
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And he’s a rockstar
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You’re a rapper aren’t you?
Aren’t they competitive and prideful?
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Hooman culture is madness
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the point about throwaway terms is very fucking valid like i am fucking sick of seeing stuff about intrusive thoughts when it is just impulsive like intrusive thoughts are like "what if i poured boiling water on my cat" (not a literal example but that kind of thing) and they fucking suck and you feel horrific not just being silly and goofy
but i think the thing about gen z not being able to define itself it interesting as well because with social media there is no one thing you sit down as a generation and watch or take part in. there isnt really a top of the pops or a similar culturally defining piece of media other than say tiktok. but its also very easy to look at tiktok and see it as the face of gen z when i find most of the time it represents a small demographic of rich americans as opposed to the majority of gen z. like as a British person social media is very clearly dominated by americans
i also think there is something to be said about criticising gen z for being critical of older generations but consuming the media when we as a generation have been constantly harped on for being shit, have dealt with social media and being conscious of every political happening all at once from the age of 12, the housing crisis, brexit, the shortcomings of the education system, covid, and i could probably go on but all before even leaving school? and yet we are the generation that gets the piss taken out of us? like yes we fucking suck but also like come on. im not trying to say look at us we have it so hard because we didnt deal with world war two or the cold war or the 2008 financial crisis or 9/11 but we were also like 14 and witness to war nearly being started because of twitter and laying in bed at 15 watching black people being violently murdered and 16 trying to sleep after being told on the internet that if we dont post about everything happening ever you are a bad person, but our problem is not being able to define ourselves culturally? or trying to find an alternative to the present by looking back to the past that has been glorified by previous generations? like i dont think i can explain how mentally damaging waking up to find out that a bill allowing oil drilling in the arctic which will destroy the earth has been passed but still having to get up, go to school and pretend that fucking a levels matter before having any sort of life achievements is
sorry if this comes off as preachy but im just a little tired of older generations being seeming incapable of empathy sometimes - 🐸
No, you’re right! I mean, it’s very easy for us older folks who have done most of our growing up already to look back and say “they should be doing X or y” when….if that were true then we wouldn’t have “failed” before y’all even came along, haha. I think when we criticize gen z, there are two types of criticism:
1) where it’s just old people being afraid of change. Like, espcially socio-politically. It’s clear that the systems we have no HAVE FAILED CATASTROPHICALLY otherwise there wouldn’t be a recession, so much fascism etc. and it’s time for something radically different and older people don’t get the urgency of that as much as younger people do. Which is a cheap kind of criticism. Like, if you won’t support the kids then get the fuck out of their way. Cuz they’re gonna change the future with or without you. You’re just making it slower/harder for them.
2) criticism that recognizes some gen z movements as overcompensation or over correction of something that we ourselves have tried to fix before. It’s no huge secret that every generation develops its beliefs, aesthetic preferences, political ideals, etc in response to what came before it. Not just gen z. We millennials did it, too. And so did gen X and boomers…I think all the way back to at least the Reagan administration, here in the US anyways, things have been…on the downhill HAHA. and each generation tries to do something about. Then the next one comes along and is like “alright they tried X and failed, what if we try Y?” And sometimes we recognize the younger generations mistakes cuz we have made them, too and we just wanna be like “bro, no, no. Trust me. That’s not gonna work. You’ll see it when you’re older and you’re looking back at the generation after you too.” Those criticisms, I think, are fair. And might even help future kids if they listen.
But, at least for me, and I won’t speak for my entire generation or for those before me, my criticism doesn’t mean I don’t empathize. One of my fav Notes tracks is “People” purely because of the “stop fucking with the kids.” Young people have always been the face of change. They are usually the demographic that votes one party in and the other out. Conservatives always win only when they oppress the youth and appeal to the fear of old people. They’re on the edge of fashion, art, pop culture. So, I know better than to be dismissive of young people! Never! It’s just, sometimes I see the mistakes happening and I’m like “ohhh noooo stop before it’s too late” haha.
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blackgwenstacy · 4 years
seeing a lot of ppl trivializing the issue of non-blacks using aave by reducing it down to “stan language.” it’s not stan language. it’s cultural appropriation. you have all suddenly adopted a dialect that 1) you don’t even use in real life, and 2) african-americans have been viewed as ignorant and unprofessional for using for decades. what’s even worse is that in a few years time people are going to go “remember that time everyone was saying ‘chile’ and ‘period’?? that was so cringey!” the same way y’all did ‘bae’ and ‘yaas’, as if non-blacks frequent misuse of aave aren’t the reasons our slang has been run into the ground
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