peppermint-moss · 1 month
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oh what a shame that you came here with someone..!
my DIE YOUNG Needletail AMV is finally done!!! it goes through needletail's character development through AVOS and the blue, pink, and purple colours are tied to her relationships and character (Darktail/her loneliness, Rain/her selfish joy, Violetshine/her selflessness)
I've been working on this one for more than a year and completely in a new editing program too so im soooo happy to finally have it done ;w; this might be one of my last big amvs i'll have time to make so i hope yall enjoy!! (music in the video is ‘my die young’ by penny parker @snapscube)
commission info || tip jar
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artaintfartwarriors · 8 months
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Sighs dreamily I love her AND her name….
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harriertail · 2 years
You said “suggest some cats” on insta so I assume you meant to suggest them here :) I would love to see alderneedle in your art style as their an underrated but adorable paring that also had somewhat a tragic fate like bristleroot :( (definitely ain’t requesting this because of my user nope never 👎)
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teen parents raising prophecy kits
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ljesak · 7 months
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vic-does-battlecats · 4 months
Walk with me every stage of my life
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Happy late Mother’s Day to Lilyheart
#twigbranch#lilyheart#omen of the stars#a vision of shadows#the broken code#a starless clan#warrior cats#warriors#lilyheart is canonically short and I like to imagine that with her nwme Twigbranch has to be tall. so they’re hilarious to me#I LOVE these two so dearly. lilyheart is a such a good mom to twig#I’d daresay she might be the best protagonist mother tied with Dovewing#twig is very fond of her from books 1-5 of avos#she’s kinda weird and acts as if she doesn’t have much bond w her in book 6 but twig is weirdly harsh all that book (it’s the one where she#-is really bad abt mentoring flypaw and being pressured by finleap so I tend to just attribute her behavior that book to her being stressed#but nonetheless what they do get that’s good is REALLY good#they get to have so much on screen time together and lilyheart is SO fond of her#she reassures twig and sees her as her own daughter 100%#she talks about how she feels she has all her kits back with her when twig rejoins thunderclan <3#she even defends twig from Bramblestar in the first a starless clan book. the Erins very well could have forgotten their relationship-#-but I choose to believe that was on purpose#twig also has a sweet relationshio w ivypool too where ivypool being her first mentor and lilyheart being her adoptive mom come ans-#congradulate her when she finally passes her asssesment. twigbranch is THE found family warrior cat#anyway idea of the piece is lilyheart being there from twig’s kithood (morning) to her being a warrior (night) just through the passage-#of time#and with that the light moves from the left to the right#illustration
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avocado-writing · 11 months
Current brain rot?
Aziraphale edging you until your sobbing and then doing a complete 180, and starts overstimulating you until your sobbing under him again.
Once he’s made you cum for a 3 time, your a mess under him. Your sobbing, mind foggy, and he starts to bring you to the edge again. Then he uses that deep sexy voice that you (and crowley both) love, to tease you:
“Oh nightingale, crying under me again? After you begged me to cum,” he asks teasingly as his thrusts perfectly hit that one spot in you, “Truly sweetheart you need to make up your mind.”
You whine and another tear goes down your cheek. Aziraphale leans down and ever so sweetly kisses your glistening cheek. “Please-“ you choke out.
What are you begging for? You’re too overstimulated to even know-
Aziraphale quickens his pace. You mewl and try to squirm away. To no avail though, Aziraphale has his strong hands on your hips keeping you in place. “One more time, darling- just one more time.” He pants. His thrusts begin to get sloppy. You can tell he’s close.
He brings his hand down between your legs to start rubbing your clit. Within moments you cum with an elongated cry. Aziraphale cums after with a few more messy thrusts.
(Sorry if that sucked I’m new to writing.😭)
when he asks you so lovingly, so forcefully, how can you not come one more time? you drench his cock with you as you squirt, a fucking elastic band inside you being snapped as you release. he grins at the filthy sight of it and comes even harder, if possible. he loves watching himself be coated in you.
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yuridovewing · 1 year
So I do get the anger in the Warriors fandom about how aggressively anti adoption the series is, don’t get me wrong. It’s incredibly insidious how a character will learn that their parents adopted them and not really even be mad or frustrated, but will just completely drop them and pretend that there’s no connection there whatsoever, good or bad. How Gray Wing, despite them preaching about how he’s a wonderful adopted dad, literally is manifested a new wife to have bio babies with him as a “reward”. its so aggressively anti found family it hurts
But that being said…. I don’t really like how people apply this to Twigbranch. At least from what I’ve seen. Twigbranch wasn’t lovingly adopted after her mother gave her up, she didn’t scoff and say “Lilyheart doesn’t count, she can’t love me like a REAL mom”, she didn’t preach about how blood is thicker than water or anything . Her mother died tragically through a series of circumstances that couldn’t be controlled. She was just given to Lilyheart because she was the only one available, and she was only accepted into the clan because they thought she’d fulfill a prophecy, and treated her like a burden when she wasn’t instantly special. She was excluded and teased by her foster siblings, her doctor verbally abused her which turned more people against her, including said foster siblings. Her sister was pried away from her into an abusive environment and she was denied access to her in any way. She wasn’t even told about the full circumstances of why ThunderClan is even doing all this. Lilyheart and Alderheart are good to her, sure, but that seems to be it. And later on, when her family seems to be out there, her own mentor sabotages the patrol for selfish reasons and no one steps up.
Um. Yeah I think I’d want to know my biological family too in that situation. She’s allowed to mourn the mother she never got to know and to want to know her father and be with her sister, especially after how ThunderClan treated her. “Oh she’s turning against her found family!” WHAT found family?
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bisexualfeathertail · 2 years
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two sides of the same coin
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m1d-45 · 2 years
(i wanted to do one last one im sorry (/_;))
Dear Razor,
I hope this finds you well in the lands of Wolvendom. How have you been, dear? And how is Bennett? Not in any more cuts and bruises, I hope.
I know you always take care of Bennett whenever you adventure together but don't forget to take care of yourself, too! Both of you are like little brothers to me and I would hate to see you two injured. We are lupical, as you would always say.
I will return to Mondstadt soon, rest assured bringing gifts of course. Until then, I wish you bountiful hunts for you and the rest of your lupical. Can't wait to see you soon, dear. And pass this along to Bennett will you?
(A tiny keychain crocheted version of him and Bennett lay inside the letter. Along with a small illustration of you and him)
(I love Razor sm btw. He's best boy and I will protect him at all costs)
razor sat among his pack, absentmindedly picking leaves or shedding pieces of fur from their coats whenever he got bored. night watch was quiet, peaceful, an easy time to think when opposed to the busy bustle of daytime. though it wasn’t good for him to take every watch, he did volunteer for them more often than the other wolves.
the night was calm, the trees thin enough to allow enough light through that he could see, but thick enough that no enemies should see him sitting up in the cave. occasionally a wind would sweep through, a chill creeping up his arms, but he would simply sink them into whoever’s fur was closest and wait for the wind to pass. it always did, even in mondstat.
razor stood up, carefully picking his way out of the cave. at the mouth, he stretched, feeling his gloves brush the stone at the top. one downside of night watch was the tension that came with constantly being on alert. it was a necessary evil, as a sleeping pack was a vulnerable one, and he was always sure to rid of any excess. the last thing he needed was a cramp or a strained muscle when an enemy-
leaves rustled, and he barely had to think before reaching for his claymore, already on the handle and ready to pull.
the bushes were still. it could be a squirrel, or a bird. something harmless. small. it was rare, but it had happened before, and that detail alone kept him from waking the others.
when the intruder appeared, it was not a clear threat. but, it was no squirrel either. it came from above, a second sun falling from the branches in slow motion. it spun in midair as he watched, ridding itself of the leaf that had landed on top of it.
razor hesitated. did he call it? it… seemed harmless, drifting towards him at a lazy pace. the wind picked up, from the star towards him, carrying a familiar smell. so it was from someone he knew…
carefully, he let the ball fall into his cupped hands, looking up at where it came from. the leaves would occasionally part, but he didn’t see anybody or anything up there. just the night sky, with a few falling stars streaking across the thin patches he could see.
he looked back down at his hands, but the ‘star’ was gone. two small doll-like plushes rested in his hands, attached to hooks and laying on a bed of paper, with lettering for sheets. the figures looked familiar, but he quickly turned his attention to the words themselves.
your letter wasn’t long, but with the amount of times he reread it it might have been. he knew you—just because he lived with the wolves didn’t mean he wasn’t aware of the one who made them, boreas would have his hide otherwise—but not why you would send him a letter. he did not need your writing to know he was one of your favored. he did not need a star to tell him he was cared for. you had done that on your own, with your kind words when bringing him and bennett on your journey, when you blessed him with claws of iron and teeth of thunder.
still, he held your gifts close, smiling slightly at your drawing. maybe, you would come visit him in wolvendom, and his lupical would be complete.
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twiginthewind-7 · 1 year
Аллилуйя любви, аллилуйя любви, аллилуйя ♡
Hallelujah of love, hallelujah of love,hallelujah ♡
♡ Дети двадцать первого столетья, Начался ваш новый век, Неужели вечно не ответит на вопрос согласья человек? Две души, несущихся в пространстве, полтораста одиноких лет, мы вас умоляем о согласьи, без согласья смысла в жизни нет Аллилуйя, аллилуйя, Аллилуйя, аллилуйя, Аллилуйя, аллилуйя, Аллилуйя возлюбленной паре, Мы забыли, бранясь и пируя, Для чего мы на Землю попали, Аллилуйя любви, аллилуйя любви, Аллилуйя. ♡ Из популярной русскоязычной рок-оперы "Юнона и Авось", написанной композитором Алексеем Рыбниковым на стихи Андрея Вознесенского.
Опера названа в честь двух кораблей "Юнона" и "Авось", которые составляли экспедицию, возглавляемую российским исследователем Николаем Резановым. В основе сюжета - история любви Николая Резанова и Консепсьон Аргуэльо, 15-летней дочери Хосе Дарио Аргуэльо, колониального губернатора испанской Калифорнии.
В 1806 году Николай Резанов прибыл в Калифорнию, тогда входившую в состав Новой Испании, чтобы закупить провизию для русских поселений на Аляске. Мария влюбилась в Резанова, и они обручились. Чтобы жениться на Марии, католичке, Резанов должен был получить разрешение императора. Ему также пришлось отплыть обратно на Аляску. На обратном пути в Санкт-Петербург он заболел и умер в Красноярске в 1807 году в возрасте 43 лет. Год спустя Марии сообщили новость, но она не верила в это до того момента, когда сэр Джордж Симпсон дал ей подробный отчет о смерти Резанова. Она приняла обет молчания и жила в монастыре в Монтерее, Калифорния, до своей смерти в 1857 году.
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♡ Children of the twenty-first century Your new age has begun Is it possible that a person will not always answer the question of consent? Two souls rushing in space, one and a half hundred lonely years, we beg you for consent, without consent there is no meaning in life .
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah to the beloved couple,
We forgot, scolding and feasting,
Why did we come to earth
Hallelujah of love, hallelujah of love
Hallelujah. ♡
♡ From the popular Russian-language rock opera "Juno and Avos", written by composer Alexei Rybnikov to lyrics by Andrei Voznesensky.
The opera is named after the two ships "Juno" and "Avos", which made up the expedition led by Russian explorer Nikolai Rezanov. The plot is based on the love story of Nikolai Rezanov and Concepcion Argüello, the 15-year-old daughter of Jose Dario Argüello, the colonial governor of Spanish California.
In 1806, Nikolai Rezanov arrived in California, then part of New Spain, to purchase provisions for the Russian settlements in Alaska. Maria fell in love with Rezanov, and they got engaged. In order to marry Maria, a Catholic, Rezanov had to obtain permission from the emperor. He also had to sail back to Alaska. On the way back to St. Petersburg, he fell ill and died in Krasnoyarsk in 1807 at the age of 43. A year later, Maria was told the news, but she did not believe it until Sir George Simpson gave her a detailed account of Rezanov's death. She took a vow of silence and lived in a convent in Monterey, California until her death in 1857.
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artaintfartwarriors · 9 months
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avocodas · 3 months
They animate an episode filled with tragedy, comedy relief, mystery, then funny moments, and the AAAAAA CHILLY ENTRANCE I NEVER FELT CHILLS FOR A VILLAIN ENTRANCE but…
ISTG his entrance budget must’ve been twice the show😭😭😭
Right now i am sharing amvs and posts on my stories and my students are like :..” miss you watch anime??”
LIKE… *DEEP BREATH* what do you think 99% of my ig posts are??😃😃😃😃 I AM HELL OBSESSED WITH THIS SHOW🫶❤️❤️✨✨✨
( yeah i ve been a teacher for 10 classes primary and middle school *sobs*, now you know where i’ve been gone(
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harriertail · 3 months
absolutely devoured Thunder and Shadow in a reread and God they really could have made the first 3 AVoS books into a whole arc. SO much happens and theres such huge time skips - TaA skips the entire leafbare they'd been discussing and fearing- and the pacing is so janky. They skim over what could be really good moments. ShadowClan's illness. WindClan's paranoia. Going on massive quests every couple chapters. Even in Shattered Sky they bring back fucking SkyClan while RiverClan is being occupied, and then Darktail is defeated and we all kinda agree the arc goes to shit. Soooo much happens in 1-3 they just skip over!!!!
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bonefall · 2 years
so how does sharpclaw end up associating with darktail and his rogues? i want all the drama
Lays on my belly and kicks my legs up all giddy-like
So get this; Darktail's modus operandi is divide and conquer. The destruction of SkyClan is this on full display. He enters a group, quietly observes the dynamics, acts as a loose ear you can vent to, and then exploits everything he learned.
There was no reason to reject him, of course not. He had less than 6 cats, and SkyClan is a well-trained fighting force that regularly accepts travelers. The proto-Kin couldn't have done it without help.
Sharpclaw wasn't murderous on his own, he was just xenophobic towards cats who don't "live the right way". He felt like he wasn't appreciated or listened to (in reality Leafstar listened to him plenty, his ideas were just Bad), and thought he was going to be stuck as deputy for the rest of his life. Darktail heard him.
"The daylight warriors don't respect our customs"
"Me and my cats want to join full time. See, we'll even change our names to fit Clan society."
"It's like she doesn't listen to me"
"You talk and it falls on deaf ears, that's so unfair"
"I'll be deputy until I die"
"...Or until she does."
Bigotry is a weakness, like a disease. It spreads in your mind and makes you prone to influence, it overrides your critical thinking skills and makes you angry and scared all the time. That's what Darktail did.
He found the highest ranking guy in the Clan with the most exploitable problems, and used it to deepen a wedge. This is why I find it important that there's only 6 non-Clan cats who are part of the Kin in this Rewrite; all others are going to be recruited Clan cats
(SICK of canon making Barbaric Hordes the main villains and conjuring up faceless nobodies for conflict)
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amber-tortoiseshell · 11 months
what's your color headcanon for Shadowsight? I personally imagine him as a black smoke with ghost tabby
Thanks for the ask! 😸 However I have to start with this: right now i'm only at the last book of A Vision of Shadows. So for me Shadowsight is just a kit with some concerning visions, and i don't know much about him or his siblings. This means my opinions on the family can and probably will change when i get to know them better.
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I wrote Shadowkit into my family tree as blue blotched tabby. Blue can get very dark, so i think it passes the "dark grey" description, and I like that he isn't a perfect copy of the tigers but a "diluted" one.
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However I have to admit i like yours too! Dovewing is silver for me, so black smoke is perfectly within the possibilities of her and Tigerheart's litter, and it looks cool. I'd keep the blotched ghost pattern.
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