#forced reproduction
scriptlgbt · 2 years
My story has several worlds with disaster plans in case of planetary destruction a select group of essential people with the best genes are sent away on colony ships to repopulate elsewhere. So anyone with infertility issues or are unwilling to reproduce/donate are out. Problem is... it automatically disqualifies some LGBT+ people who no longer have/won't use their parts simply for being who they are. Suggestions?
First, I advise reading this answer we gave for a similar question.
I cannot tell you how to write an inclusive story about eugenics. You're also erasing genetically disabled people from this narrative if you're using criteria of "the best genes."
My suggestion is to handle things similarly to how (spoilers) The Darkness Outside Us did. They had genetic material pre-created and an artificial womb (IIRC) to gestate the material. They specifically made it so that the donor genes were far apart in genetic similarities so that eventually a self sustaining community could be made without worrying about consanguinity in descendants. This also made it so the founder population does not have to biologically reproduce to be relevant. It also removes the pressure of people who can reproduce from being forced to, which is deeply problematic.
I would also wonder if there is a real reason to repopulate in your story. Not everyone feels that need. It's depressing for sure, to think of being the last person alive, but I'm thinking of it from my own perspective. I know I would be lonely, but I think depending on where I went, I would find a certain kind of peace in living alongside what lives where I do and doing right by other living creatures. What survives after does not need to be human. There isn't a moral obligation to continue to reproduce.
mod nat
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odinsblog · 8 months
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Just to emphasize: Mike Johnson is an antivaxxer, an anti-abortion, forced bither, he believes the job of poor women is to give birth to an infinite supply of low wage jobseekers, he is a climate change denier, he wants to cut Social Security + Medicare + Medicaid, and he’s a “Trump won!” Republican. And House Republicans just unanimously voted for him as Speaker of the House.
Please take note: there are no “moderates” in the Republican Party.
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chronurgy · 7 months
Reading forgotten realms lore is just like [standard fantasy worldbuilding] [standard fantasy worldbuilding] [standard fantasy worldbuilding] [something really unique and interesting] [standard fantasy worldbuilding] [standard fantasy worldbuilding] [EXTREMELY WEIRD SEX THING] [standard fantasy worldbuilding] [standard fantasy worldbuilding]
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I am begging people to understand that reproductive rights is as much the right to become and remain pregnant as it is to terminate a pregnancy.
Encouraging all people capable of being pregnant to get their tubes tied or get a hysterectomy isn't the solution you think it is.
Most people who get abortions do so because they want to be able to get pregnant in the future.
Back-alley abortions often leave people unable to become pregnant again, even if they want to. Legal, safe abortion ensures that a person can terminate a pregnancy while still retaining the option and ability to become pregnant again.
PoC, disabled people, and trans and intersex people have historically been barred from the right to get pregnant and reproduce. These marginalized groups have faced sterilization and maternal mortality for a long time.
If you think reproductive justice is only about the right to *not* be pregnant, you are woefully misinformed.
Reproductive justice means people should be able to control their own bodies, whether it means ending or preventing a pregnancy, or becoming pregnant and remaining pregnant.
Reproductive justice means that healthcare providers should and must address the barriers and dangers PoC, disabled people, and trans and intersex people face when it comes to obstetrics and gynecology.
Reproductive justice means lowering the maternal mortality rate for black people in America.
Reproductive justice means not sterilizing disabled people and providing safe options for disabled people who want to become pregnant.
Reproductive justice means acknowledging that trans people may want to become pregnant and not mandating they be sterilized in order to legally transition.
Reproductive justice means not sterilizing intersex babies and children in the attempt to make them fit into a dyadic, binary sex.
Reproductive justice is not just about abortions.
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whereserpentswalk · 1 month
Remember that reproductive rights don't just mean the right to an abortion or other contraception. They mean the right to reproduce just as much. It's only really ever exclusively been the right not to reproduce for cishet, white, able bodied (especially able bodied) people.
When you hear someone talk about the poor having too many children or talking about overpopulation do you understand that that's an attack on reproductive rights (and also eugenics rhetoric)?
Do you consider the fact that many women have to have their reproductive organs surgically removed to be legally considered women an attack on reproductive rights? Do you consider it weird that this is what many democrats consider a "reasonable middle ground"?
Do you consider the fact that many neurodivergent people are put on medication that removes sexual function and essentially chemically castrates them, and most doctors don't see this as an issue (especially when the patient in question is afab) an attack on reproductive rights?
Do you consider the fact that people's wombs are being removed in the American concentration camps that continue to operate on American soil an attack on reproductive rights? (And have you thought about the concentration camps since it stopped being a talking point about an individual politician?)
If you do not understand attacks on the marginalized's right to reproduce as attacks on reproductive rights, than you do not get to call yourself pro choice. Your just pro abortions for privileged women.
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ilianaoftroy · 1 year
Every once and a while I think about the forced birther here on Tumblr who basically said I was a sociopath because I work as an embryologist and expressed concern for women suffering pregnancy complications due to the overturning of Roe v Wade. They demanded examples and then rationalized the ones provided away. Admittedly, the legit articles I provided were behind a paywall, bc, you know, real research costs money. It was a non productive conversation because this person felt such circumstances were 'rare' and I guess didn't care if those women died.
The next day I performed an embryo transfer for a woman who had suffered five miscarriages requiring medical intervention in the past. Because of where she lives, she got care, still has a functioning uterus, and can try again to start a desperately wanted family with her beloved spouse. Then I signed congrats cards for 6 patients who had sent our office birth announcements.
It's been a year and I still think about the difficulties the patients I work with would face in other states. How I will never relocate places because I could be left untreated until septic, not to mention not have a job. How I have fewer rights than my mother did at my age. Today I came across this pay wall free paper, fairly limited in scope, confirming the complications in healthcare for pregnant people post Roe v Wade. But what I do know. I just work with people with complex pregnancies every day.
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A Senate committee studying a bill to establish a criminal offence with respect to sterilization procedures heard emotional testimony from a survivor of coerced sterilization on Thursday.
"It's like you wiped out a generation," Nicole Rabbit, a member of Survivors Circle for Reproductive Justice, an organization for Indigenous women who are survivors of coerced and forced sterilization, told the committee in Ottawa.
Bill S-250 an Act to Amend the Criminal Code (sterilization procedures) would make forced and coerced sterilization punishable under the Criminal Code by up to 14 years in prison.
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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oatsandeggs · 5 months
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thundergrace · 2 years
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odinsblog · 10 months
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insomniac-ships · 2 years
I feel like now is a good time to make this perfectly clear: I am unapologetically pro-choice. If you don't like that, block me.
Y'know what? If you're anti-abortion/pro-forced birth? Please block me. Stay far away from me. Kindly go away.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 4 months
Even when I'm really invested in the topic and enjoy the writing style, reading books about the history of Natives in the US really is just a miserable and draining experience. It's just a constant flood of hate and violence and cruelty.
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profeminist · 10 months
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Cake by Becca Rea-Tucker aka @thesweetfem
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My post on the 100% hypocrisy of the so-called “Pro Life” movement
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dat2ndaccount97 · 1 year
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Since Mattel never made a Reproduction Superstar Ken, my Repro Superstar Barbie started dating another 70's Superstar.
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rotzaprachim · 11 days
pro and anti natalists are both so freaky
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djuvlipen · 1 year
According to various press reports in late August, authorities in Sweden carried out forced sterilisations on 60,000 Romani women, in order to cleanse society of what they regarded as inferior racial types. The operations began in 1935 and ended only in 1976, according to a report in the online version of the Dutch news paper, De Telegraaf. The report alleges that the sterilisations were 'officially voluntary', although it goes on to add that many of the women did not understand what was being done to them.
An Associated Press release noted that the program had its roots in the pursuit of eugenics, a movement popular at the turn of the century, which aimed to 'improve humanity' by controlling genetic factors in reproduction and developed from widely-accepted 19th century racist doctrine. AP reported that the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter cited documents pertaining to the Swedish program, one of which stated "Grounds for recommending sterilisation: unmistakable Gypsy features, psychopathy, vagabond life." According to AP, the issue is even more controversial because of the fact that the sterilisations were carried out under a government of the Social Democrats, the party that built Sweden's welfare state.
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