#foreigner theories
hibernaldream · 2 months
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The first horseman, a conqueror with a bow and crown, rides a white horse, which scholars sometimes interpret to symbolize Christ or the Antichrist; the second horseman is given a great sword and rides a red horse, symbolizing war and bloodshed; the third carries a balance scale, rides a black horse, and symbolizes famine; and the fourth horseman rides a pale horse and is identified as Death. (Britannica)
Winter is coming.
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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh concept :000
That's it that's the ask ajsdfklakjdwobdisdhosdbs
you're the Fair Lady's replacement, a good fit too, with your calm and reasonable demeanor- perfect for diplomacy, perhaps even better than the late La Signora herself in that category. while you can't say that you're rivals or at odds with any of your coworkers, you certainly aren't close to them either; you're all very private people, preferring to work alone, which is fitting since you all have different duties corresponding to your rank. so no, you can't say that any of the other Harbingers are your friends
well. except, maybe, for Tartaglia
the Eleventh began pestering you the moment you joined the ranks, asking you to spar or train or help him with weaponry. why? who knows. your expertise lies in negotiating and forging connections with other nations, mostly for Snezhnaya's benefit of course, not battles or sparring, and you tell him as such. eventually he does settle down but still sticks to you like glue when both of you are at Headquarters, talking your ear off as you listen and in return allowing you to speak the few words that you have to say- to be frank, you find his stories much more interesting than your relatively routine Harbinger duties, yet whenever you do speak up Tartaglia hangs onto your every word, deep azure eyes wide and earnest
he even trusts you enough to show you Foul Legacy, the monstrous Abyssal creature ironically sweeter and gentler than his human counterpart, delicately sniffing you and nuzzling his face against your hair with a soft purr when you first meet. he's vaguely aware of how dangerous Tartaglia's work is so Legacy ALWAYS frets over you when you're gone, even if Tartaglia repeatedly tells him that your job is not the same as his, and immediately when you return to Snezhnaya you're pulled aside by a certain ginger-haired Harbinger, a goofy smile on his face as he squeezes you tight before willingly relinquishing his body to Foul Legacy, who immediately bumps his forehead against yours and rumbles in delight. he loves listening to you speak, so he tugs you onto his lap and nudges your hand until you tell him about your travels, voice calm and steady as he absorbs every word you say, somewhere deep in Zapolyarny Palace <3
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heros-shade-fanclub · 4 months
i've always adhered to the idea that termina isn't a real place but rather a representation of link himself. and it makes me unwell if i think about it too much. to be quite honest with you
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synchodai · 3 months
Not too keen on how the first scene of HotD made show-only viewers think that Aegon the Conqueror diplomatically convinced Torrhen Stark to give up Northern independence because they both believed in stopping a prophesized apocalyptic Long Night because it downplays the brutality of Aegon's Conquest.
Not the show's fault since it is realistic that Cregan and Jace would frame it like an amiable peacetalk given their current goals and circumstances (and they did touch on the intimidation aspect of it). But show-onlies don't get the context that:
Torrhen was the person who started a dialogue with Aegon I, not the other way around.
Aegon didn't fly North to meet with Torrhen. Torrhen was the one who marched south with his armies to stop the man who was burninating the entire countryside.
Because he was marching south, Torrhen saw the utter carnage of Aegon's Conquest. At least three entire dynasties of kings were extinguished at that point. Torrhen was thus faced with the possibility that the entire Stark line would be wiped out like them if he fought.
Aegon and Torrhen exchanged letters at the Riverlands when both their armies were about to meet, but those weren't what convinced Torrhen to kneel. Torrhen had to actively stop his brother Brandon from attacking Aegon's dragons when they got there. The Northern King had already made his mind prior to talking to Aegon that he didn't want to fight.
Aegon's Conquest wasn't him making buddy-buddy with the 6 kings. It was him and his sister-wives intimidating them into submission by threatening to wipe out their families.
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farfromstrange · 8 months
I have to admit, I was not prepared for the mental load that comes with university and growing into an adult who is just trying to survive in a world that seems utterly terrifying. And I was not prepared for it to kind of take away my spark when it comes to writing.
Nevertheless, I have decided to bring a little structure to my life. I want to write again. I want to find that spark again. And I want to interact more with you again. I want to read the amazing fics I have bookmarked on AO3, and I want to write for myself as much as I want to write for you guys to read it.
Starting next week, I will try to stick to the following schedule. (And I hate to admit that structure actually does work sometimes)
On Fridays (possibly not every week), I will be posting an update for Do No Harm.
On Saturdays, I will update my Michael Kinsella series Chaos Theory. Again, possibly not every week.
And on Sundays, I will try to update Foreigner's God. No guarantees on weekly updates here either.
Total Eclipse Of The Heart will remain on hold for a little longer while I try to focus on the plot and plan it out a little more. The juices are not flowing as they should, and I don't want to write something mediocre that I'm not happy with.
I'll keep cleaning out my inbox one by one, but I want to focus more on quality, so I'm going to listen to the little voices in my head and make sure I don't disappoint neither you nor myself.
If I start posting random drabbles and One-Shots, don't mind me, I'm just trying to get that happiness back I used to get from writing those silly little fics.
Thank you for bearing with me.
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vvellerr · 11 months
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independent-fics · 8 days
Thinking about Sophie’s dramatic death in the “San Lorenzo Job” today and how many Leverage altered things will be written in history books people will have no explanation for.
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heynhay · 1 year
whats so funny is that you guys have no idea that in a week or two its quite likely ill drop off the face of the earth again. maybe even delete my whole blog. like all the great klance artists.
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suffercerebral · 1 month
the same chronically online leftists who talk about "building community" as a blanket solution to every issue, but always bitch about emotional labor or unpaid domestic labor don't realize that a foundational aspect of building community is volunteer work. lmfao.
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unweavinglies · 5 months
As you said in your post, 100% a big part of the reason the fandom is Like That about Gonta is that drv3 itself is also kinda Like That about him too. RIP Gonta you did not deserve thsi treatment 🙏
Also I followed this acc way back in the day never thought you’d ever post again. Neat
I do understand where the Fandom comes from when it comes to the ableism presented in canon--whether that ableism was a purposeful display of micro-aggressions or an unintentional happenstance. It seems that people do not fully understand what a micro-aggression looks like, and thusly, are not able to understand it.
Still, that is why I originally made my Gonta analysis to begin with--to point out these microaggressions, to talk about it. However, as a friend pointed out to me, I do believe the approach of gently showing everyone what microaggressions look like was a bit too gentle.
Sometimes, you do need to be heavy-handed in order to make your point. I'm glad that people are reblogging it and taking my words seriously. It's a very important topic for me--and I'm sorry for not doing it sooner, to be frank. I should have stopped being stubborn a long time ago.
And, thank you for sticking around. Truth be told, I didn't expect to come back either. However, after so long of being gone and in a fandom where I felt discouraged from analyzing the text and drawing conclusions, I do miss it.
I do not really know what kind of analyses I want to do, however. I have that itch, but I don't have any strong ideas that aren't just, explicitly headcanon based. Perhaps I can discuss headcanons here as well?
I'm not sure. But still. Thank you for sticking around.
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phyneire · 1 year
The genetic makeup of each nation's people is elementally unique. Only Sumerans could have Eleazar, only Fontainians can be dissolved into the Primordial Sea, etc. There is a defining genetic marker that sets each nation apart elementally. What would the consequences be of a descender settling in Teyvat and having children?
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alcestas-sloboda · 1 year
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what’s next fanfiction about hitler?
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sadlynotthevoid · 1 year
It's always 'KRS transmigrates', or 'the Soo's trasmigrates'. But what about 'Jour's reincarnation transmigrates back into TBOAH'?
Kid was just doing her own stuff until a monter attack happened and a creepy voice offered to help her not to die in exchange of delivering a doodle to some guy she doesn't know.
Of course, she said yes. Was that or dying, which is why the creepy voice is also a scammer and she'll smack they if they ever meet.
The next thing she knows, the sky is way closer than it should be and the floor is getting closer and closer and closer—
'Oh no! Did that stupid bastard send her to who knows where just to kill her?'
Luckily for her, a cute redhaired guy managed to catch her. 'Ja. Take that, creepy bastard voice.'
He also gives her good vibes and has nice hair. He's her new best friend, she decides.
Turns out, the doodle was also for the red haired cutie. Which means she fulfilled her part of the deal, different from some annoying voice.
...Maybe she could get a compensation?
For now, she'll just go with Cale, her new best friend, to his house. Because he's the best person ever and he said she could stay there and eat delicious food, and desserts, and teas—
She could get used to this.
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wishesofeternity · 1 year
“Warwick launched his final bid at kingmaking, this time in alliance with Margaret of Anjou to restore Henry VI. He and Clarence landed in Devon while the King was in Yorkshire. Elizabeth (Woodville)’s initial reaction was to prepare for a siege in the Tower of London where she had already retired in expectation of the imminent birth of another child. But on 1 October news reached the capital that the King was preparing to set sail from Bishop’s Lynn, abandoning his kingdom. With no hope of imminent rescue, Elizabeth moved swiftly into the Sanctuary of Westminster Abbey with her mother and her daughters. She sent Abbot Thomas Millyng to advise the Mayor and Aldermen that she was surrendering the Tower, and consequently Henry VI, into their custody.
- J.L Laynesmith,  “Elizabeth Woodville: The Knight’s Widow” in “Later Plantagenet and Wars of the Roses Consorts” / “The Last Medieval Queens, English Queenship 1445-1503″
"Elizabeth (Woodville) at first fortified the Tower of London against the approaching Lancastrians, but then decided instead to hand over custody of the Tower to the mayor and aldermen of London while she went into sanctuary at Westminster Abbey. It was a move which not only protected her daughters, who were with her, but also saved London from attack, which perhaps explains some of the praise she later received. The author of 'The Historic of the Arrival of Edward IV, who claimed to have witnessed much of what he recorded, stressed
the right great trowble, sorow, and hevines, whiche [the queen] sustayned with all manar pacience that belonged to eny creature, and as constantly as hathe bene sene at any tyme any of so highe estate to endure; in the whiche season natheles she had browght into this worldc, to the Kyngs grcatystc joy, a fayrc son.
...When Edward (IV) arrived, there was a scene of family bliss, in which the queen's vulnerability and domesticity could be contrasted with his heroism.  The king was thus presented in an unusually human guise, which might appeal to readers familiar with such partings themselves throughout the civil wars:
The king comfortid the quene, and other ladyes ckc;  His swete babis ful tendurly he did kys;  The yonge prynce he behelde, and in his armys did bere. Thus his bale turnyd hym to blis.
#historicwomendaily#elizabeth woodville#history#edward iv#mine#the wars of the roses#i have a major issue with the way this is viewed by the vast majority of people tbh#for one: so many people conveniently forget that she was the one who controlled and was apparently fortifying the ToL#(which included the captive Henry VI btw)#while she was literally 8 months pregnant#she only gave it up after she learned that edward iv was also fleeing. it's SO important and interesting#and yet most people either don't know about it or conveniently flash forward to when she entered sanctuary#and my second issue: SO MANY PEOPLE INCLUDING HISTORIANS tend to treat her flight to sanctuary as some kind of indication of her personalit#when the truth of the matter is that SHE HAD NO OTHER CHOICE#as david baldwin rightly pointed out -as an englishwoman of the gentry she did not have foreign resources shelter or support at her disposa#the way every queen before her (in theory for lots of them as it wasn't required) possessed#nor was elizabeth a valuable heiress (like anne Neville or her own daughter eoy)#not to mention the very obvious fact that she was heavily pregnant (and gave birth just a month later) with three very young daughters#like. literally what else was she supposed to do? where else was she supposes to go?#her vulnerability was unprecedentedly horrific and people & historians don't emphasize the comparative degree of it as much as they should#at that point elizabeth literally didn't have any other options other than sanctuary. it wasn't much of a choice#it's strange because elizabeth's status has been discussed a lot in theory but rarely discussed in terms of how it affected her in PRACTISE#and this is a key example of that#among many others
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farfromstrange · 10 months
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Okay, now that I've got your attention. Listen up.
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Just kidding. (Not really.) I have some actual updates that you might want to read.
Good news for all of my fellow Michael Kinsella lovers: I finished rewriting and editing the next chapter of Chaos Theory! It has been a while since I watched the show, so I need a bit more time to reread it once more and check how it sounds. I don't want to disappoint. If all goes well, I can post it later tonight. Thank you for being so patient with me!
Also good news for all of my Foreigner's God readers: I have scrapped the first draft of chapter 55, which is a very good thing because that means I have finally identified why I hated it so much in the first place, and I'm currently in the process of writing it again. It's already flowing so much better, so I think I might be able to finish it by the end of tomorrow or, at the latest, Saturday!
Not so good news for my Total Eclipse Of The Heart readers: I have not come around to writing for that series, and I'm still trying to find a way to reign the plot back in before it can run away from me. I'm also trying everything to get some vampire inspiration, so that might take another week, but I promise, I'm rereading and I'm trying to give you what you've been waiting for. This series has turned out to be quite a beast, so I need to figure stuff out a bit more before I can put new chapters out for this one. But I promise, it won't be too long.
And to everyone else following me and my writing, I also have some news: There is an announcement for something I've been working on also coming later tonight! (Hint: It's a Matt Murdock fic). Plus, I have finally managed to agree on a vague idea for a Spencer Reid fic, but that will still take some time to plan. But I do have a plot and I do have a backstory, so that is also (kind of) good news for those of you who are curious about my jump back into Criminal Minds.
For those of you who have sent in requests back when they were still open: I'm trying to finish them. I'm so sorry for the long wait, but life tends to get in the way.
I have also gotten requests long after I closed them, and to those who have sent in requests anyway, I will still try to work through them, but you will have to wait until those who have requested while my inbox was still open have got their fics. It's only fair. I hope you understand.
Anyway, that was all (I think). I love you guys, and take care.
Thanks for reading this. You can scramble now. Bye!
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hauntingsky · 3 months
Printing and binding a book at home bc it’s sold out online and I can’t find it irl <3
The book is Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine by the PFLP.
I printed it using a pdf by Foreign Languages Press which is AVAILABLE FOR FREE ONLINE:
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