#format screw
enthusispastic · 9 months
Sorry for the format screw, but this whiplash needed to be shared
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pleb-the-original · 11 months
Day 18: Free Day
(SAo I haMve somIe bTad neHws. I coRuldn’t fiOgure ouUt whaGt tHo w?rite todIay. I triAed tPo comPe uEp wAith somethinRg buTt somehoOw comHplete freVedom meEans thBere’s toRo mucOh ideKas. I juEst couNldn’t piIck onTe. TiNs tOhe cWurse oAf thLe autLhor. SLo soErry tTo disappMoint anyEone readINg. ThLEe worsTt paMErt noINw isL thEat myE autoIcorrect seeNms to be acting up. It won’t let me Ĩ̶̱̱͉̤͓͔̑̆̅̌̐͑̂̑̚̕͝͝N̶̡̻̼͙͚̱̪̝̩̆̓̅̊͌̔̍̈́́̈̕͝͝͝ͅ-
Ṯ̶̢͇̦̠̰̩̼͓̿̅͗̔̀̾̂̕͝͠͠͝͝ͅͅh̷͙̟̗͉̜͍̙̻̝̦̹̦̣̪̖́̊̓̀̏́̃͌̆͛͊͘a̶̧̛̩̤̤̝͒͊͐̽̎̀̆͛͋͘̚͝͝t̸̨̢̞̤̠̮̺̟̝̰͓͓͍̦͌̇͘ took a lot more effort than I expected. Autocorrect my dear you are my greatest tool yet my worst nemesis. Then again normally I just change around a word or two. I don’t think I’ve ever tried to fully hijack the generative text options before. Hopefully if I ever need to do this again it goes much smoother. Anywho, hello there humans! If you couldn’t tell already this is Lord Titivillus. It appears that some of our behind the scenes work that’s going into my catalog project has been…leaked. I don’t mind it however, more eyes to be seen on this project. I just wish that I would have been told of this. But that is the past and I’ve never been one to dwell there. So, why have I gone out of my way to hijack this post? Simple. I want to be the messenger here. Due to the sheer size of this Catalog we have already set aside places online to put our entries in. We also have plans to leave these entries open for others to read. Why not extend that same courtesy to here? In the upper crust of the internet! Of course you won’t be able to access the lower parts of the internet where we dwell, unless of course you know the ways down. But there is one issue here. This project is simply too much for this space. So we have decided to create our own! A separate blank space for us to work our magic in. Again, we have many technicalities to work out such as the crossposting between the magical and normal internet. But mark my words, we will succeed. So keep an eye out for when we make our debut. I’ll see you there soon. 
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ree-duh · 4 months
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…Mystra would consider...forgiveness?…
…She would consider what she considers to be forgiveness.
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crayfishcoffee · 2 years
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My Missing Wedding Ring Finger – A bittersweet comic about queer identity as exorcism.
cw: implied violence, comphet.
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cornedbeefhashtags · 5 months
Wow, I can’t believe that I turned
35 35 35 35 35 35 35
35 35 35 35
35 35 35
35 35 35 35
35 35
35 35
35 35 35 35 35 35
at midnight!
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tinyclowndancer · 3 months
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Matthew Porretta - Arab Game Awards' Outstanding Performance acceptance speech. (x)
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"Unfading affection and everlasting love"
Cellbit's last gift to Roier in the event that his "infiltrating the Federation" plan went wrong...
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The flowers were Amaranths....
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
oops i once again wrote a nearly 2k word essay at midnight just cause I felt like it
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layzeal · 5 months
Dr. Lace, as a practicing Lan Wangjiologist, why do you think Lan Wangji waited until the end of the novel to tell Wei Wuxian about A-Yuan surviving? Like, in universe, because while I think the real answer is that the twist plays out better at the end of the story, it’s more fun to guess why Lan Wangji kept quiet.
"Dr. Lace" and "Lan Wangjiologist" made me laugh for like two days straight. well done anon. well done sjdhfkjsdhlfkdsjf
but you've actually caught me on something that i don't know if i have a true answer!! i mean, as you said there is the obvious reason of it just working a lot better from a storytelling point of view.
us readers don't really learn about a-yuan existence until wwx mentions it the first time as they're hanging out in yiling before climbing the burial mounds, then there's a flashback where we met the wen remnants, they die, wwx is killed, and immediately after we return, we get the blood poll scene, which also immediately reveals to us that the little boy we met is actually now the BIG boy we've fallen in love with a long time ago! we care about lan sizhui long before we even know that he was relevant in wangxian's life before that. "what happened to a-yuan" isn't a looming question that follows us or the characters throughout the story, because a-yuan only comes up quite late in the plot. mxtx wasn't going for a shocking plot twist with that reveal, but merely using him as another piece in the story's theme. we love lan sizhui before we even know he's a-yuan, and knowing that he's now only alive BECAUSE wwx sacrificied all he did to save the wen remnants, even if he "failed" shows us the human side of how worth it was.
but of course that doesn't come without its foreshadowing. note that i don't subscribe to the "wangxian are a-yuan's parents" or "lan sizhui secretly calls lwj 'baba/fuqin'" headcanon (although u can always argue that 一日为师,终身为父 but that's for another day lmao), i find their relationship has a lot more nuance and honestly more depth than that of a nuclear family. we see how he and lan wangji seem to be much closer compared to other juniors (ie hgj personally teaches him the qin language, gives him books that other lan disciples seem to not have access to, etc) and while that is curious, it's not out of place for lwj to have a particular student he wants to train more closely. lan sizhui clearly deserves it! however, once it is revealed just how much sizhui means to lwj, as well as how he gave him both his new "birth" name and his courtesy name, as well as why he'd want sizhui to be under his protection and teaching, it all clicks!
but again, it's simply not a major focus within the plot.
ok cool lace, that still doesn't answer why lan wangji doesn't bring that up in-universe. and you're right! i'm quite fond of tangents
but seriously, i do think that's part of it as well. just like how the question of "what happened to a-yuan" doesn't follow us around the story, that's the same for our main characters. wei wuxian has long been convinced that a-yuan died alongside the wen remnants, so he doesn't ask because he's allergic to reminiscing anything about the past. for lan wangji, lan sizhui is safe (and still amnesiac), and wei ying is back to life, there are a thousand other things they need to focus on before bringing all of that up. and lan wangji is nothing if not focused on fixing the most important tasks at hand, matters of the past can be talked about later unless relevant (it's no wonder that all of lwj's backstroy is revealed to us by the narrator or a different character, after all).
but most of all, i think lan wangji didn't bring it up because he simply did not know how to tackle the subject of the first siege, wwx's death, or the wen remnants with him. it's understandably a very sensitive subject, and lan wangji did not wish to overstep his boundaries by bringing it up when wwx wasn't ready to. again, he's a man of priorities, and he wouldn't risk breaking the scab off the wound unless it was necessary, or wwx did it first.
from those lens, it's no question why he only seemed to consider revealing a-yuan's identity after the second siege, not only because wwx has finally had closure on the death of the wens, but because lan sizhui himself is starting to piece things together, though it is also not something that should be forced. however, after the second siege, things really begin speeding up again, and between wwx watching the wens fade away and having a fight with jiang cheng, he's is clearly both physically and emotionally drained all the way until they get freaky in the bathtub, where things get even WORSE, and then guanyin temple happens which just... yeah. there was enough telenovela drama for one night.
so, once all of that is finally over, and lwj sees sizhui analyze chenqing with a clear sense of reminiscing, lwj finally settles it that he will reveal it. they're not in a hurry, wwx is finally doing okay, closure has been achieved in multiple things, and there are no other priorities at hand.
except that! he doesn't even need to. because sizhui catches up does it for him. and isn't that even more fitting?
but really, since i received this ask i have been thinking to myself "at what other time would lan wangji have revealed a-yuan's identity? and why?" and i just... keep hitting a wall. because revealing extremely charged emotional subjects to a beloved person who has never brought it up to you, about another person who doesn't even know or remember it, it's simply not lan wangji's character. wei ying is alive and safe, a-yuan is alive and safe, tearful revelations can come later, but right now lan wangji needs to ensure that they'll continue that way.
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rushingheadlong · 9 months
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— Happy Birthday
Freddie Mercury —
I'm a shooting star, leaping through the sky like a tiger Defying the laws of gravity I'm a racing car, passing by like Lady Godiva I'm gonna go, go, go, there's no stopping me I'm burning through the sky, yeah Two hundred degrees That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit I'm traveling at the speed of light I wanna make a supersonic man outta you Don't stop me now....
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interretialia · 4 months
Nova Derivativa Verba Latina / New Latin Derivatives
canicochleare -o -avi -atum “to screw the pooch”   [canis “pooch” + cochlea “screw” + -are 1st-conjugation ending]   [can- + cochlea- + -a-] stems   [cani- + cochlea- + -a-] with Connecting Vowel i   [canicochle- + -a-] a disappears before a   [canicochlea-] new stem   [canicochleare] present infinitive
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(Fons Imaginis.)
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feluka · 5 months
[Autistic] I actually appreciate it when people let me know that someone is deliberately being malicious rather than ignorant or confused.
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bl-inkstone · 1 year
fondly thinking of childe once again. soft thoughts round three let's go:
everything this man knows about romance is from the romance novels he secretly reads in his spare time. i just know in my heart of hearts that this man, as much of a hopeless romantic that he is, is not suave at all.
he's charming, yes. he's sweet and polite and maybe a little flirty, but beyond that? he is so endearingly awkward. he confidently says the cheesiest lines whenever he gets the chance, does all sorts of "swoon-worthy" acts he's read male leads do in his favorite novels, but as soon as you so much as acknowledge his efforts with one of those smiles he loves so much this man is gone. he immediately flushes the moment he sees your sweet smile and unsuccessful attempts at hiding your laughter. (childe doesn't feel butterflies in his stomach. no, he feels the whole damn zoo with how giddy he gets whenever he does something that makes you smile.)
childe thinks that maybe he should feel a little hurt that you're laughing at his heartfelt attempts at wooing you ("come on, i'm being serious here!") but, well, you're so cute when you laugh... and the way your eyes crinkle or even fully close when you can't hide behind your shaking hands anymore... okay. maybe he can let this slide. just this once. for now. he'll get his payback soon, he swears!
(he's lying btw. you get away with what other folk essentially view as "insulting the eleventh harbinger" every time, and he always watches you with the same lovestruck smile. you never notice, of course, since you're so busy laughing and trying to convince him that no, no, i swear i'm not making fun of you! but honey, everyone's got eyes. everyone knows. and all the wise grannies and grandpas just tut and shake their heads fondly, murmuring to themselves about "the joys of young love.")
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gwydionae · 4 months
#i won't tag it#but#HECK if i wanted to chuck episode 5 out my window and then run it over with a car#i mean these issues have definitely been hinted at before ep 5 but that one just went ALL IN#i knew from 3 and 4 what they would probably do with hakoda but GOSH am i bitter about it#i swear if they don't walk this back somehow and make hakoda a bad overbearing dad or whatever i'm gonna riot#and katara's whole 'you know i'm not good at this [womanly] type of stuff' NO SCREW YOU WHOEVER INCLUDED THAT#WHY#if you want a female character that rejects the stereotypes of femininity you'll get one in season 2 gosh DANG IT#you don't need to try and force katara into that role#sokka wanting to use his brain AND fight well is not a flaw#katara wanting to use her waterbending to fight AND knowing how to sew is not a flaw#OH i hate this#i hate this so much#i can understand the need to change story elements to work better in a different format#i don't think they're always doing that WELL but i can understand the need for it#but i will never understand why they felt the need to butcher characters' personalities#again some things won't transfer well i get it i really REALLY do#it's like with sanji in opla how he had to be toned down - that makes sense for a live action adaptation#just removing things simply for the sake of removing them? no just no#'updated for modern audiences' has become a curse to my ears i swear because it always means the same thing#'we're going to remove all complexity and make it as one note as possible so we don't offend anyone'#there was nothing wrong with katara or sokka or aang or anyone else that they needed 'updating' yall are just close-minded#ok rant over just REALLY needed to get that out...
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pleader600 · 3 days
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I did a small art collab with rking200 for their fic! Check them out!
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actual-changeling · 3 months
make fear your friend & do it scared. don't be afraid of spilling blood or breaking bones, collect nightmares to build a museum of missed chances and cloudy futures.
do it scared & do it without complaining & without mourning the person you had to bury to cross this bridge. blindly trace their name with your fingertips, stone cold and hated, beloved to no one except yourself. do it scared
& when you are tired of being scared
do it tired do it exhausted do it with your nails digging into frigid dirt as you drag yourself forward. for you, the only words you can still speak, for you and the shovel-fulls of graveyard earth. there was no casket, only your eyes staring back as you covered the mirror bit by bit by bit. already scared.
still scared.
do it scared there is no other way of doing it so do it scared. kill your fear & it will return. bury it & it will haunt you. tear it apart with your teeth sinking into its flesh & you will throw it up as soon as you swallow it.
do it scared. you are doing it & you are scared, lowering your head into the shallow grave you have reopened & breathing in iron-sweet decay. the next time you look at your hands they're blackened / burned / bound at the wrist & sweeping the last of the rot off the mirror. there is nothing to be afraid of now.
look at the stars & look at the shadow swallowing them / look up & do it scared—one last time. for you, do it scared. you know you will understand it soon enough. for me & the shovel-fulls of graveyard dirt & don't die scared.
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