#formerly incoherent-rambling-on
ghosttalksalot · 2 years
my name is ghost i use rot/rots pronouns & i'm an adult. you can call me ghost or ghosty if you'd rather ☺
strawpage here!
i will be posting here about whatever i am into - including webtoons, the owl house, stranger things (esp steddie + ronance), harley quinn the series, danganronpa sometimes, spideypool, yellowjackets, starkid, identity v, anddd i will edit this at times
submit an ask with a ship or character(s) ive posted abt + prompt and ill post on it (if i haven't posted abt it feel free to ask tho)
i do not have an ao3, but you can find all my ficlets under #ghosty ficlets
headcanons or too short to be a ficlet and its under #ghost goes blah blah blah
talking about me or my thoughts and answering asks and whatever is under #ghost chitchat
my giant list of spidery!peter spideypool fics can be found here.
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townofcrosshollow · 1 year
A dark day for headline writers
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happynewyear-99 · 2 years
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formerly known as SLAYER OF DOOM
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we are an osdd-1b system
bodily a minor, self-taught artist that indulges in game making once in a blue moon
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ARGs, old roblox / alpha minecraft, cruelty squad, dead cells, brandon works
dandy's world
technology, biology (speculative evolution), videogames, kissing computers
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old tags replace "stanko" with "slayer of doom" (i'll fix this myself later)
#stanko art <- all general art
#stanko doodles <- doodles
#stanko srs art <- finished pieces usually
#stanko rambles <- crazy person talking (used to be #slayer of doom incoherent ramblings)
#stanko game dev <- look out for this one, this one's one in a krillion
#stanko 3d <- 3d modeling screenshots
#stanko shitposts <- usually shitpost media or rambles
#stanko ocs <- ocs i make for any fandom
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other tumblr accounts section
side blogs
main art account: @sadoldage-100
dandy's world sideblog: @the-enjoyerrr
ask blogs
dw twisted astro: @once-in-a-harvest-moon
dw dandy: @the-sun-of-the-show
dw razzle and dazzle: @the-theatre-of-gardenview
if an ask blog gets inactive it might get deleted. just know that all of your gratitude is forever appreciated. :]
other NON-tumblr accounts (not all of them listed):
discord: stank_o_lantern
newgrounds (inactive): slankyslorp
artfight: stank_o_lantern
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we will block as we see fit
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miss-wanna-write · 1 year
I MADE GOOD ON THAT THREAT! it's time for my 2nd trial revisions to the milgram speculations found here!
we're only going to cover the first five prisoners, cause i'm having Thoughts. per usual, @abyssalressentiment has listened to my incoherant ramblings and has my eternal thanks
he strikes me as such a child of divorce
so picture this. as one last attempt to save a failing marriage, haruka is born. but like, that never works. so they divorce anyways. and the artist formerly known as Mrs Sakurai doesn't want their final mistake, so Mr Sakurai gets custody.
so Haruka's mother moves on, Mr Sakurai also resents the kid he doesn't want but raises him anyways, and Haruka suffers all the while.
aside from that, i think Haruka murdered his step (or half) sister. the child from his mothers new, happier, marriage.
and moving forward, i think there's a good chance of Haruka murdering Muu in between rounds 2 & 3. he can only hurt those younger than him, after all.
girlboss gotta girlboss
Yuno being so pissed at how she perceived our judgement is funny to me? she's so straight forward in something that i wouldn't even fight her on?
she's a highschooler who wants to enjoy her youth, having an abortion was the best choice for both her and the theoretical child.
moving forward, i don't think Yuno will understand why she was voted innocent again, especially with such a large margin, because she doesn't want to understand.
tbh, once Yuno is voted 3 streak innocent and leaves MILGRAM (hopefully), give her a few years and I can see her being a part of the drunk girl choir. y'know, the drunk girls in a bar bathroom who tell you not to text your ex and are a modern day greek chorus
to me, Fuuta is someone who must be broken down for him to seek redemption. he cannot be coddled or he will not learn. no patronizing "boys will be boys" justifications, no "he's just a skrunkly" dealings.
i do think that his murder was the result of peer pressue and a snowball effect, and that he has a point in questioning why it seemed like he was the only one punished for it, when others did just as much, but that still doesn't excuse him, just makes it a bigger problem.
also, i think he should've had a 60/40 innocent vote. to keep him humble.
fuuta's been through too much suffering to do a 180 on the personality redemption, so i doubt he'll become a cocky son of a bitch again, but i sure hope he doesn't treat his innocent verdict like it's an internet call out, and give us his monetized youtube apology vid for his 3rd trial song
if he had been voted guilty i think his 3rd trial song would be in a gladiator arena, with him fighting for his life in a bloodbath just like the internet comment sections lol
few things, one Guilty. two, i have a bug phobia so i watched the video once and never again.
Muu is what I believe proves that the theme of 3 & 4 is "Shifting Blame". I have a lot of words I can say about this but none that will sound right, it's such a heavy topic.
So instead I'm going to talk about her songs. Otome Dissection, which I've seen interpreted as a girl faking harm in order to get someone's attention (with romantic intentions), and MDKR about a loveless relationship. I think Muu did like her murder victim, but she's a twisted individual who only knows manipulation and using her power to get what she wants, so she bullies her with the Popular Girls while acting like "you know this will all stop if you just submit"
listen, Muu is a real piece of work and I'm not suprised she's p much confirmed guilty right now. voting her innocent won't do anything good and she's got a terrible personality.
moving forward, i honestly think there is a non-zero chance of her dying in between rounds. and if she does survive to the 3rd trial, she's going to be such a wreck i actually can't wait. you thought amane was bad? i think muu will be worse.
Shidou has such Captain Bobby Nash from 911 fox vibes.
to expand that above thought, both characters had their families die, and you know Shidou may not have extracted the organs of his fam but he sure felt like he did, and both intended to atone for it with their lives. Bobby intended on saving as many lives as he had (unintentionally) taken in that apartment complex fire, before killing himself and joining his family. Shidou feels he cannot atone for what he put all those families whom he asked to donate their braindead kin's organs, and intends to die as punishment for his crimes. Both find a second reason to live, and rebuild their lives without forgetting their pasts.
and another thing (unrelated), i also want to hang with this guys dead wife. I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S A DILF. makes the anime crocks & socks he's wearing make more sense. I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S A DILF
i dont know if im saying this right, or how realistic this is, but i want his 3rd trial incarnation to move forward. i want him to have a shot in his 3rd song where he's at his wife's favourite place, and sees her ghost, and they wave "see you" at each other with a breeze blowing appropriately themed flower petals by. a sign he still loves her, but he's going to learn to live without her, until they can be together again at the natural end of his life. this is important to me.
Predictions/Desires for the Remaining Five
Mahiru: it will come out that her relationship was mutually abusive. im manifesting it.
Kazui: maybe i will finally have thoughts about him that isn't "lol this guy is a honeypot assassin (basis: nothing)". also i hope he isn't a DILF just for the comedy.
Amane: small child please tell us your crimes or give us an acid trip, both are acceptable.
Mikoto: i want it to be revealed that the thing he and Kotoko share, is revenge driven murders.
Kotoko: i think she might just be the warden at a prison. i think she'll have delusions of grandeur.
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altairs-rambles · 2 years
I feel like everyone should have their ocs heard at least once SO DO TELL MORE I haven’t interacted with u that much but I may reveal who I am hehehe
∑(゚ロ゚〃) someone wants to hear about my OCs? Really?
I have many OCs (kinda) (not really)! I'll only talk about Enstars first bc much to say about each of them so this is gonna be a loooong ramble already!! I apologize in advance for my possibly incoherent essay(s)
First up, Kiyoko!
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She used to be a Yuguysona back when I was in the NijiEN rabbithole, but bc I was too attached to her design to toss/scrap him, I brought him into the Enstars Universe! Kiyoko was meant to stay as like- my self insert/persona in Enstars? But they eventually kinda deviated from that and became her own character!
Uhhh as you can see I've been running around she/he/they for Kiyoko, and that's because he's gender fluid! Why? Because I am a mess about my own gender and creating/tweaking Kiyoko was a way for me to explore that area. Now they're my gender goals + I am very down bad for her ✨
Just like my other soon-to-be-rambled-about OCs, this blueberry is a very tragic little creature - she has one or two problems from my life mixed in with the hundreds of problems from the Ensemble Stars Universe. Relatively nice family, once bullied, has a friend in a coma, swings between being compliant to being stubborn, overthinks and overworks, is a very tired child... Yeah! The usual~ A third year student in Yumenosaki, who sneaked in as a male in the first year with the help of some teachers, but now others knowing she's afab doesn't get him kicked out either so 👏👏👏 went solo for a while before the mess in the war, so they picked up a teammate/friend by being weirdly philosophical and whimsical on the roof of the school 👍! Kiyoko is very passionate about the idea of freedom thanks to The War in Enstars aksnksnskd
What's ironic about him is that she's the leader of a unit whose theme is "freedom", yet mentally she's as free as a dove in an undersized cage. Kiyoko keeps going on and on about how people need the freedom to choose (as long as it doesn't harm others) and yet never gives himself that freedom due to fear of making another mistake that would snowball into a devastating consequence (see: friend in coma).
Anyway! We have very similar fashion sense/styles, which is over-the-top-accessorizing! I have no explanation for this other than: I really like earrings and chains and chokers and rings and boots and shiny silver bits and looking good in general! We both really like singing too, just that I have stage fright despite performing on stage for 10years (school). Aaaaand we're both sleepy babies we can and will curl up anywhere on the grass floor cement ground and sleep 😴
All these lead to funny little scenarios between her and other characters, mostly when they randomly trip over him/catch her knocked out in the middle of hallways (all these scenarios happened in my head).
Um. I think that's it for him sorry it's so long for the first one orz
Oh one more thing! I suffer from being a Kiyoko fan bc I'm the only source of art for them but I have little to no motivation to draw 😭
Aaaaand that's a wrap! Next one, Ai!
(apparently her file isn't on my phone so I only have her picrew + pencil drawing)
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Sunshine of Kiyoko's unit, Wing5! Formerly a solo idol who failed after debut, she was scouted out by New Di/Kiyoko/Tsumugi to be part of Wing5. She's a strong vocalist, often pairing with Kiyoko to take on the melody of their songs, hence the ship name "Songbirds" (That ship is like fan speculation? It's not entirely canon unless I want it to be)
In terms of appearance, Ai and I look the most similar thanks to our front bangs ✨ Her hair is all purple, she just dyed her side bangs to match her eyes! Also since every OC has a piece of their creator's soul, she has my extroverted side! She's a bumbling 20 year old or so - think "wine aunt" vibes!
Ai's actually very insecure though, due to her failure as a solo idol. She may be cheeky, but she's very sensitive to others' emotions and tries her best not to push them to the limit in case they decide to abandon her because of whatever antics she's up to, or because she's not good enough. Imposter syndrome too, maybe?
I think she needs to be babied more she's always taking care of others... Mom of Wing5™️ old
Next! Uhhhh what was her name... Yurika!!
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Resident tryhard emo and chronically online child, her strength lies more in marketing, video editing etc. more than performing onstage! Despite being paired with Akari (who will be rambled about next) due to her dance, Yurika is more widely recognized as Wing5's rapper.
She's the shortest in Wing5! ++ An albino, which is why all Wing5 performances are usually done indoors/at night outdoors to prevent aggravating her condition (I opened so many tabs for this but I've forgotten so much I'm sorry if anything isn't accurate). Her left eye is also affected by... Something which the name I can't remember- it affects albinos and causes their vision to be blurry, even with glasses. Yurika just needs glasses in general bc she has been sitting in front of the PC for so long sknskdnd
Our similarities... Being online like 24/7? She has a worse sleep schedule than me though bwahahaa ✨ We both also melt. Like. Absolutely melt into nothingness whenever we're presented with affection. (At least I think I would...?)
Her ship with Akari is. Canon. I will not hear arguments I created them!! 🙉 They've been traveling/living together for a few years before Wing5, when Yurika was 15 and Akari was 18, bc their families are close friends and Yurika's family decided it was time to kick her out of her dark gloomy room to see the world with Akari, who was going around Japan to look for jobs as a dancer! When Akari landed a job, they had to continue travelling to follow the idol around on his/her concerts as a backup dancer, and Yurika stuck with Akari throughout the years until they landed in Wing5~ it's like the "omg they were roommates" situation! She's very prickly with everyone else aside from Akari, especially Kiyoko bc they have severely clashing opinions from time to time lmao
Bonus: She uses her name as a pun for "Eureka" so it sounds like "this is an Eureka moment!" but it practically means 'this is Yurika's moment!'
I never thought I'd say so much about Yurika but I will speak more about her in the next ramble about her wife girlfriend, Akari!
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Heads up, Akari's transfem! She transitioned before + during her travels with Yurika, but doesn't feel completely female? An imbalanced in-between, like a tomboyish girl! And that's why she's the tallest in Wing5, bc hormones- By male standards, she's softer and more feminine, but by female standards she's a little too masculine. Gender who?
Tragically, she doesn't have a family other than her little brother (to be rambled about next), whom she is very protective about. She was taken care of by Yurika's family until 15 when she moved to school dorms while her brother remained with Yurika's family, then after graduation she came back to bring Yurika around Japan at her family's request.
They do return Yurika's feelings towards them, though Akari needed time to sort her own emotions out after Yurika's confession because they had never really thought of having a partner? Akari just felt comfortable and safe and at home with Yurika, that's all. So yeah they were disaster gays at some point before officially starting their relationship as lovers!
Akari is really hostile towards Kiyoko, though she displays it mostly in a passive-aggressive way. Why? Bc they blame Kiyoko for what happened to her little brother 😔 Will be explained soon!
Akari's name used to be Akira! This is a coincidence that it happens to be the Enstars story writer's name, I didn't know until a while after creating Akari 😅
Next, Hikari!
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<tbc sorry i gotta go celebrate CNY TwT> I will be back soon~
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hydrossity-zone · 3 years
Hi all!
Call me Lewis, Lee, Shileyn (shy-lee-n), or Smiley!
I engage with all forms of sonic media and know probably way too much about the franchise tbh. Let me know if there’s anything I need to tag! (Don’t have a Carrd, don’t ask for one)
I have AuDHD, Aphasia and Dementia (from TBI) so I may make typos and come off as incoherent or incomprehensible, let me know if you need me to clarify things and I’ll do my best! (I am also not a fluent English speaker. Blease don’t make fun of me if Im hard to understand or misspell things >.<)
hydro.txt (original textposts and rambles), hydro.gifs (gifsets), shitposts (self-explanatory), other.png (fanart reblogs)
hydro.art (formerly hydro-art but tumblr doesn’t sequence dashes in tag urls whoopsie)
sonic refs tag (reference sheets, turnarounds, etc. Ive made using official models). All of them will always be free to use, no permission or credit necessary (though credit is appreciated!)
Requests for specific outfit references or turnarounds from Sonic Speed Simulator or Sonic Forces Speed Battle/Sonic Forces Mobile are open! (Please note that due to its weekly updates and the nature of ripping things from Roblox, Sonic SpeedSim outfits may be a bit slower)
Hope you enjoy your time here!
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Not gonna vibe with you if youre a supporter of V*vienne Medrano or her content, you support JKR/H*rry P*tter, S//namy shippers, S//lvaze shippers, Sh//daria/Sh//dria shippers, V//ctpio shippers, or any “””pro-ships”””. Sorry!
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stinkrascal · 3 years
idk if it’s confidence or just not giving a fuck because you’re talking about something you love or have Thoughts on, but i’m so tempted to just. Stop Caring about my public image on this hellsite in favor of rambling about the things i love. i’m also incoherent as hell, but i admire how you don’t hide your interests and aren’t afraid to talk about them on your blog. sincerely, alethea wastingwillows (formerly hayli faerieangels, yes i’m still sending this off anon despite adding my url in this ask)
this is honestly such a sweet message, thank you for sending this to me!!!! ;-; i've always treated tumblr like a diary, so to me it's just kinda natural that i ramble often!! i created this space for me specifically, so to me it makes sense i'd talk a lot on my own blog yeah? i guess it's not really about confidence, more so just about wanting to maintain a space that's unapologetically my own. to me it's silly to worry about what a bunch of internet strangers think about my incoherent spam of text posts, because, like, who cares you know? they're just some faceless person getting upset over trivial stuff. like, why would i care if a stranger on the internet doesn't like the way i express myself on my own blog? if you're so sensitive that someone making text posts on their own blog puts you in a state of rage, imo you're too unreasonable to waste my time being upset over. i find for every one weirdo that thinks you're annoying for expressing yourself on YOUR blog, there's 10+ people who appreciate you for doing so!! so honestly just don't worry about it. treat your blog like your diary, because at the end of the day that's kinda what it is isn't it? just do whatever you want yknow! it's your blog, fuck what everyone else thinks! maintaining aesthetics is for chumps! be yourself unapologetically, even if that means being incoherent af!!!
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trumplerlaw-blog · 4 years
Trump’s Grand Reopening of America
I am first and foremost a patriot. I love this country in a way that I could never fully articulate in words. Every generation of Trumpler and Hlaudy (my mother's maiden name) that has lived in the United States have served our great nation in the armed forces and deployed.
 It is difficult for me to be critical of our government, particularly in times of crisis. These are the moments when, as a People, we are expected to and should be able to cohesively unify and stand together irrespective of age, race, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation, religion, economic situation, cultural background, or political leanings. Yet as the days wane, my frustration at irresponsible and indecisive national leadership mounts. It is difficult to stand together when those steering the ship wish to tear us apart.
 Undoubtedly, there is an enormous tension between protecting our nations' public health and saving its faltering economy. It is a balancing act that the most brilliant political minds and tacticians who have ever lived would have a difficult time tackling. It is an unenviable task that I would not wish upon anyone.
 Nevertheless, it is a time for strong, decisive leadership. It is not a time for politics, campaigning, and pandering. Our nations' need for a guiding hand goes out not only to our President but to Congress and state and local leaders and authorities, as well.
 My overwhelming desire for leadership in this time of crisis brings me to the point of my rant that came to me during Tuesday morning's "Rage Walk."
 For those of you that missed President Trump's daily briefing Monday night, I will give you some of the more alarming and questionable highlights.
 The President's responses to every question that the press asked, even those directed to others, were long-winded, rambling, politically motivated, frequently incoherent, and often, he said contradictory things. At times, he also randomly attacked the press and democrats for no reason. The above behavior was typical bluster from the President, and while annoying and not something you would want from a leader during a crisis, I expected it.
 Of note, during Monday's briefing, President Trump paraded out his new "expert witness," Dr. Deborah Birx. She is a member of President Trump's lauded "Coronavirus Task Force." If you are familiar with litigation strategy and data manipulation at all, President Trump is going to use the data projections that she, along with others, are coming up with to "reopen" the country.
 When Dr. Birx was speaking, lyrics from Don Henley's song, The Garden of Allah, came to mind:
 “Today I made an appearance downtown. I am an expert witness because I say I am. And I said gentlemen, and I use that word loosely. I will testify for you. I'm a gun for hire. I'm a saint. I'm a liar. Because there are no facts, there is no truth. Just data to be manipulated. I can get you any result you like. What's it worth to you? Because there is no wrong, there is no right. And I sleep very well at night. No shame, no solution, no remorse, no retribution. Just people selling t-shirts Just opportunity to participate in the pathetic little circus. And winning, winning, winning…” [This is very important to the President.]
 While she was talking, Dr. Birx mentioned that the mortality rate is lower than we expected. Dr. Birx then threw out a paltry figure. The President immediately interrupted her by rambling about how there were all of these incredibly sick people who just got well on their own without seeking medical help (perhaps by divine intervention) who may have had or may not have had the virus.
 After that prompt, Dr. Birx further explained that the mortality number could theoretically dramatically drop. The existing mortality number does not take into consideration a potentially large number of asymptomatic people who never got tested. It also did not account for those who had Coronavirus symptoms that medical professionals never treated or tested. It will remain a mystery, I suppose, however, how we are supposed to count those who never made themselves available to be counted or who never got counted for some other reason.
 Not surprisingly, Dr. Birx then talked about how the mortality curve increases for those who are elderly or have preexisting conditions. Dr. Birx indicated, however, that the data clearly showed that while the curve increases, the majority of the dead across the board as a result of COVID-19 worldwide were over the age of eighty. While tragic and sad, reading between the lines, she and President Trump seems to agree that this age group, at the mortality rates projected, is "acceptable loss" to "Keep America Great."
  Dr. Birx expects to have a full "incomplete" report to the American people by next week. Once the "incomplete" version is ready for dissemination, Dr. Birx, along with President Trump, will brief the American people on its conclusions. You should assume that the data in this report will be manipulated and spun to such a degree that it is acceptable for the President and Fox News to say "America is Safe to Reopen" again. At the very least, they will spin it to say that it will be safe to reopen within another week and change of the release of the report. Therefore, if your governor or local leaders still want to keep you and your family home or ask you to stay in your house after President Trump says it is okay to go out and play, they are assholes.
 The upcoming release of this report will only cause further division and resentment in an already fractured, frustrated, and frightened nation. Rather than come up with a cohesive, unified solution to a unique, never before seen, life-altering problem that is plaguing our entire country, the President appears to want to deal with this crisis municipality by municipality, county by county, and state by state. He seems to be trying to unburden himself with the responsibility of leading this magnificent country through this epidemic.
 It is a coward's move. Not the action of a daring, determined leader. It is not the move one would expect from the leader of the greatest nation this world has ever known. How a President handles him or herself in a crisis is what builds legacies, not how the stock market performed or your job numbers. 
The President's piecemeal approach to crisis problem-solving is also leaving governors holding the bag and the tab. States now have to compete for the minimal remaining resources and supplies devoted to combat the virus individually. This state by state competition is leading to artificially high prices on supplies and even price-gouging.
 Concerning the forthcoming report mentioned above, I imagine that the White House is already leaking information regarding its contents to your favorite Fox News types to start setting up "President Trump’s Grand Reopening of America" like it is a shopping mall. If the President had it his way, this reopening would probably include much fanfare and a military parade.
 Again, this alienating approach is a narrow-sighted. America, collectively, is a robust and complex but loose connection of the souls and minds of the different types that I mentioned at the beginning of this piece. As the President, in times of crisis, you have to speak to all of us, not just your base.
 Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, was conspicuously absent at Monday's briefing. When asked if Dr. Anthony Fauci agreed that America should reopen sooner rather than later, President Trump glibly offered, "if it were up to the doctors, they may say let's keep it shut down -- let's shut down the entire world."
 To put Dr. Fauci's career in context, he has served every President since Ronald Reagan. Dr. Fauci is a man of science and public health, and he does not operate in a world of spin and political parties. He has assisted previous presidents with AIDS/HIV policy, SARS, MERS, various FLU epidemics, and, most recently, the EBOLA outbreak.
 Additionally, Dr. Fauci has developed therapies for formerly fatal diseases. These diseases included Polyarteritis Nodosa, Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis, and Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis. His research has led to some of the most critical advances in patient management in Rheumatology (Arthritis) over the past 20 years. Moreover, Dr. Fauci has contributed to the understanding of how HIV destroys the body's defenses leading to the progression to AIDS.
 The scientific community regards Dr. Fauci as one of the world's foremost authorities on infectious disease. He has unparalleled academic and practical experience. Moreover, he has led a large governmental agency explicitly designed to combat infectious disease for going on four decades.
 As a youth, Dr. Fauci's parents raised him Catholic, and unlike the President, he grew up in a home with deeply held religious convictions. Somewhat paradoxically, while Dr. Fauci is a man of science, he has a Jesuit education and a Bachelor of Science in Classics from the College of Holy Cross.
 Dr. Fauci had previously acted as the voice of reason during this public health crisis. He had often contradicted the President's bold optimism. Dr. Fauci had gone on record and said, he had warned President Trump about some of his more careless and questionable remarks, but he can only tell him to, "be careful about this and don't say that." Ultimately, he stated when the President starts giving out inaccurate information, he "can't jump in front of the microphone and push him down."
 Dr. Fauci, throughout this extraordinary public health emergency, had been deeply concerned about misusing data and irresponsibly throwing around numbers and misleading information to justify a political position. He had to explain how medical trials work frequently. He also had to clarify how long it takes to get a vaccine or off label medical treatments approved for use, the risks associated with clinical trials, and anecdotal stories versus peer-reviewed scientific evidence backed up by reproducible data.
 In short, Dr. Fauci is an actual "stable genius," and possibly a wizard. The White House is muzzling him at a time when the American people need him most.
 If the most knowledgeable person in your administration about a subject will not assist you in getting the misinformation you want out there, you have to find someone else who will, in this case, enter Dr. Birx. I am not saying this to diminish Dr. Birx as a person or to reduce her impressive credentials. I am just telling you that you do not pinch-hit for Babe Ruth in the World Series.
 Sadly, I also assume as the President has done with everyone that has ever stood in his way, he is going to begin a misinformation campaign against Dr. Fauci. The President and his people will design this campaign to discredit Dr.Fauci and his impeccable qualifications and history of service.
 Since taking office, the President helped create a series of unfortunate events that assisted in our nation's inability to manage and combat this unprecedented public health crisis effectively. Despite numerous warnings, the President waited until the last possible minute to create any sort of haphazard plan to deal with the virus. When the COVID-19 crisis finally came to a head in the United States, President Trump appointed a man of faith, Vice President Pence, rather than a person of science, to lead his Coronavirus Task Force.
 Most alarmingly, during Monday's briefing, the evening after 100 Americans lost their lives to the virus in a single night, the President spoke of the crisis in the past tense. He kept referring to it as a learning experience.
 "Our country was not built to be shut down," the President warned during the briefing.
 I certainly concur with this sentiment. My business probably will not survive the short-term shutdowns already ordered without substantial assistance. Most small businesses won't.
 While there is tension between saving jobs, moving our economy forward, and saving lives, statements like the following are propaganda, misinformation, and messaging designed to create a false narrative:
 "You look at automobile accidents, which are far greater than any numbers we're talking about. That doesn't mean we're going to tell everybody no more driving of cars. So we have to do things to get our country open."
 The above statements are reminiscent of the initial messaging the President ran with when he was trying to stave off panic by irresponsibly comparing COVID-19 to the flu. These are the types of reckless comments that drive Dr. Fauci and cautious, thoughtful, scientific minds nuts.
  No one disagrees with the President about wanting to reopen the county. We would all love that. And it is not whether people are recovering from the virus or dying. The figure on the overall mortality rate is the red herring here. It has always been about the tax the virus will put on our health care system as a whole.
 The fact remains that our health care system cannot sustain massive and exponential increases in the number of cases of COVID-19. We simply do not have the qualified personnel, equipment, or beds.
 At last count, we had in the neighborhood of 2.77 beds per 1,000 people. The lack of adequate care, necessary supplies, and the genuine fear that our entire health care system will collapse is real. This fear is one of the primary reasons physicians, infectious disease experts, and scientists across the board are calling for aggressive social distancing measures to at least attempt to slow the spread.
 Remember, when knowledgable people talk about the lack of hospital beds, supplies, resources, and personnel, and the toll that the exponential spread of COVID-19 will take on our health care system, the epidemic is compounding an already overwhelming problem. If we do not get the rate of exposure under control, doctors and nurses will not be able to treat or see people who are gravely ill with unrelated illnesses or who suffered other kinds of life-threatening injuries.
 I am not a politician, nor would I ever want to be one. Like most people who comment or judge, it is easy for me to be an armchair quarterback. I just find the current ineptitude even more remarkable and disheartening than usual.
 It must be difficult for the President to watch the stock market tumble and the job losses mount since his inflated sense of self-worth seems to be directly and inextricably tied to an artificially high market and strong job numbers. These numbers were and are the entire basis of his reelection strategy. He and his team apparently have no backup plan. Rather than pivot to becoming a reassuring leader during a crisis to a country in dire need of one like Lincoln, Roosevelt, and even George W. Bush after 9/11, he is choosing to continue to go on the divisive partisan offensive. As they always have when he attacks, his rabid fan base is loving it. Like many things about his presidency and everything about this crisis, the President's insistence on his brand of "Politics As Usual," makes me incredibly sad.
 In contrast to the President's distorted myopic view of this global pandemic, watch New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's factual, analytical problem-solving approach in his daily briefings. Unlike the President, he is not the Governor of Fantasyland. And if you want to see and hear leadership in action, Governor Cuomo had this say - off the cuff and from the heart - Tuesday before taking questions:
 “And we're going to get through it because we are New York and because we've dealt with a lot of things, and because we are smart. You have to be smart to make it in New York. And we are resourceful, and we are showing how resourceful we are. And because we are united, and when you are united, there is nothing you can't do. And because we are New York tough. We are tough. You have to be tough. This place makes you tough. But it makes you tough in a good way. We're going to make it because I love New York, and I love New York because New York loves you.
 New York loves all of you. Black and white and brown and Asian and short and tall and gay and straight. New York loves everyone. That's why I love New York. It always has, it always will. And at the end of the day, my friends, even if it is a long day, and this is a long day, love wins. Always. And it will win again through this virus. Thank you.”
 The above statement by Governor Cuomo is a stark contradiction to our President, who previously referred to the Coronavirus as the "China Virus." His feigned disingenuous outrage during Monday's briefing about violence and hatred toward Asian Americans, mainly by those who support him, as a result of the Coronavirus, was, at the very least, awkward and uncomfortable, and more accurately and tragically, laughable.
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lfthinkerwrites · 6 years
Dr. Crane Will See You Now
In ‘honor’ of our favorite spook, here’s a oneshot I’ve been working on for a while about Dr. Crane and a ‘patient.’ Warning for death, canon typical mayhem and Jon being a bastard.
The only light in the ramshackle old doctor’s office came from a single flickering light bulb, but that was all the light Jonathan needed. He preferred to work in the dark as much as possible. He’d performed his sessions so often that the movements were a reflex to him. Fill the syringes. Load the gauntlet. Don the mask. A groaning coming from a chair in the center of the room alerted him that his patient was ready. Dr. Crane will see you now.  
Jonathan reached down to a small table next to him and pressed play on a tape recorder. He always recorded his sessions for further use. He began to speak. “Session 204. This is Dr. Jonathan Crane. The date is October 31st, 2018. The time is three am. The patient is just coming to after heavy sedation was applied three hours prior. He will be the first to undergo treatment with my newest iteration of FT, batch 35. I have calculated that this latest batch will allow the patient to experience more vivid hallucinations, without the side effects of batches 33 and 34. I will begin the session now.” Jonathan walked slowly from the table to his patient. “Good evening.”
The man, a scrawny, bearded derelict from one of the many back alleys of Gotham groaned again and slowly opened his eyes. “What-where-”
Jonathan spoke in a low, slow tone. His sessions were so much more productive when the patients were as relaxed as possible. “I imagine this must be confusing for you. Waking up in a dark room, barely able to see a foot in front of you, your mind and body sluggish from the sedatives, your hands, and feet strapped to a chair-” The man’s eyes widened a bit and he began to struggle, uselessly. The restraints Jonathan used were sufficient to contain larger specimens than this one. “Now, settle down,” he lightly scolded. “The process will go much smoother if you cooperate.”
“Who-who are you?” the man stuttered, his voice already dripping with fear. Excellent.
“I was formerly Professor Jonathan Crane,” he said. He then leaned down into the patient’s face, making sure that he had a full view of him in his mask. “You may refer to me as Scarecrow.”
The man’s brown eyes widened again and he choked out a cry. “Oh-Jesus-Oh God-”
“I am the only God in this room tonight,” Jonathan said. “And I am not a merciful one.”
The man struggled again, but the leather straps held firm. A sob came from him. “Please,” he said. “Please, let me go. I won’t tell the cops or anythin’ I swear! I’ll do whatever you want-”
“You can stop that right there,” Jonathan said, removing a syringe from his gauntlet. “The only thing that I desire, is your complete cooperation. You can save your pleas. I’ve heard it all before.”
The man was crying now in earnest. “Don’t kill me, please don’t kill me,”
Jonathan smoothed back the man’s hair, damp with sweat, in an almost comforting manner. “Now now,” he soothed. “I won’t kill you. I want to hear your greatest fears first.” Then he injected the syringe directly into the Subject’s neck.
The Subject let out a wail of pain and terror before he grew silent. Jonathan reached behind him to grab his notebook and waited. “Subject has just received the injection. According to my calculations, he should be exhibiting symptoms beginning-” Now. The subject’s breath began to come in deep gasps and he tried in vain once more to free his hands from the restraints.
“Watch it, boys,” he murmured. “Guerillas could be-There! Oh, God! They got Dennis! Take cover!”
“Visual hallucinations have begun less than thirty seconds after preliminary exposure,” Jonathan wrote down. “Interestingly, the subject would appear to be recalling combat experiences from earlier in his life. He likely suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.” He clucked his tongue. “Such a shame our veterans don’t get the mental health care they need.”
Another wail tore out of the Subject’s throat, a long, keening cry. “I’m sorry!” he sobbed. “Benny, Dennis, Carl, Mark! I’m sorry, I’m sorry-” he rambled on until he was nearly incoherent.
Jonathan put down his notebook to check the Subject’s pulse. “Subject’s heart rate is elevated, much higher than with previous batches. The Subject-” Deep gasps distracted Jonathan from his narration and he looked to see the Subject’s face was blue. His body spasmed against the restraints, his brown eyes wide and bloodshot and nearly bulging out of his sockets. Finally, his breath came out in a death rattle and he slumped over in the chair. Jonathan did nothing but watch him, cold and calculating. He kept his long bony fingers on the man’s pulse point until it faded into nothing. “The Subject is deceased. I’m not a medical doctor, but given the accelerated heart rate, my guess would be that he passed of cardiac arrest. Whether this is because of the exposure to this batch of toxin alone or whether the exposure exacerbated an existing condition I cannot say. More testing is required.” And with that, Jonathan switched off the tape recorder. He then considered the corpse with a disinterested sigh. He’d need to relocate his laboratory. Sooner or later, GCPD or the Batman would notice how many derelicts in this neighborhood were showing up dead. Oh well. He would dispose of him just like the rest.
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Velma's form begins to distort...
Velma distorts, limbs moving, shrinking, stretching, cracking, shifting with uncomfortable groans and creaks. Velma shrieks in pain as her voice distorts with the rest of her. Her voice becomes voices, each a slightdiviation from the first until the echo of her speech is like that of anothing life form all together. In the process, her glasses fall off of her face which can no longer fit them. They shatter.
"J̸̝͖̘͙̞͔̞̈́̇̌̀͌͆͛iͭ̓̈̿̆҉̩̼̗̙n͎̙̰͕ͯͩ̈ͅk̖͉̪̭̼̤͓̏̆͛͌ͨ̊͞i̥͖̠͙ͮ̇̍̉͛͋̂e̙̱͎̤̲̯̳͛̌̐́ͤͭ̋s̬̮͍͉͖̤̍̔ͣͦ̍̏!̵̥̰̗͖̩̹̆̉̊̍ ̛̲̺͔̲̺̣̑̅M͈͍̭̙͕̣̓̊y̯̜͚̠̞̙̎ͩ͢ ̧̮̹͆ͪ͑̅̐̔̄g̯̫͇͛ͩ̃ͩͭͫͤḷ̡̓̉͛a͙͖̳͙̮̯̳ͨs̤̰͛ͦ̔̌̊s̪̰͖̀̍͡ȇ͎̫̣̰̹̗̥́s̳̩͉̱̮̖̯͗ͥ͋̅̐̈͡!̴̣̮ ̴̐̆̽̈́̄̊͋W̥͖̤̭̏̋͢ḫ̦̘̓̿̏̾̎̽͒e̶̥͖͔͇ͧ̐ͦͅr̘̻͖̬ͯͭ͛ë̜̩̞͍̖́̈́̽̽ ̸̣a̟ͫ̇͊ͮ̒̄ͫ͠r͈͎̪̜̲̣̯̐ͩ͗͆͆̓̽e͖͖̞̱ͯͨͅ ̯̳̙͕̣͖ͫ̇m̮̼͎̩̹̮̻̐͆̄̋͑̚͡ŷ̩̟̜̪̮̰̹̓͒͛͛̚̚͢ ̴̫̫̼̤̭̪̐̎͌̎ͬ̿g̛̬͙͙͛l̫͈͈͛̓̀ḁ̴͈̱̤͌̅̑ͨ̋ͯ̃ͅͅs͏͚̩̬̯̠s̺̺̘̟̬̠̋ͧͣ̃̌͝ͅe̵̬̼̟͆̅ͫ̇̾͋̒s̵͒̓?̨̀͂ͣͤ͆̚ ̮̞̲͇̘͓͆ͬ̀̃͊I̡̬̙͇̮̙̖̻̅͊ͨͥ̑ ̻ͮͤ̈́c̰̗̯̠̞͚ͮͩ̔͋̇͌ͪa͕̕n̸̰ͫ͛̍̇'̻̙̼̳͑͊̂̀͌͋t̺̳̮̪̏ ͉̯̲͈̋ͥͨ͢s̼̺͕̥̹͓͓ͦ̓̑͞ȩ̗͎̐ͤ͋̍e̼̎̒̈́̚͡ͅ ̧̯͓̳͚̖̥a̽ͯ͏̭m͈̫̫̲̻̖̠̾̇y͍̥̪̜͞ṯ̙̰͎ḥ͔̠̐ͫ̈́̀ͣ̉i̲̯͈͍͓n͋̽̽͋̐͆ͅğ̘̱̪̠̮̝̏͆ͅ ̷͙̹͖͓ͬ̈̈̈̒͒̎w̻ͤͨ̎͜ì̙̯̗̻͒͑̅͒ͯ̚t̰͖̠̻̦̍̃̌ͪ̂̅̋ḣ͕̼̝̻̤̑ͪ̀̍͆ͮͅŏ͕̮̓̓ụ̧̥̝̣̔͌t̴͔̪̅͋ ̢̥͉̺͕͚͈̌ͅm͉̫͈͓͚͚͎̊ͮ̓̾̉ͯy̵̭̖͍͇͎͖̏̄ͤ ̶̱̥̫̻̻͐̅̐ͣ̏̔̽g̷̥̥̖̭ͫͮ̒̊͌l̺̬͐̋̒̄̐͘a̳̦̯̰̰̦͕s̨s̘̠̠̙͈͉̯ͧ̾̊ę̤̠̒̄́̎ͬ̏ş̜̔ͬ̎͌!̮̣̝̬ͥ̊̓́̃"
The eldritch beast formerly called Velma hunches over, crawling on the ground with it's many arms, looking in vain for it's glasses. Before long, out of the shadow comes a familiar, scrawny figures. Shaggy. God of The Ten Relams.
"Like, Velm, you're all corrupted and stuff!" But it does not hear him. It continues to ramble nealry incoherently about glasses. "Well, I'm like, sorry it had to come to this, Velma."
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chronicbatfictioner · 6 years
A Real Boy - Chapter 13
"So how does this Lazarus Pit work?" Bruce wanted to know. Actually, every adult in the room - Clark, Diana, Arthur, Zatanna, and a guy named Hal Jordan who glowed green that Tim has only seen from a distance during the Battle of Metropolis, all converged at the Wayne Manor's meeting room.
"Simply speaking, it activates cells with no exemption. Oracle and I have researched, and we found out that Luthor supposedly had a bit of this Pit's liquid that he'd obtained from an antiquity seller. My conclusion is that he might have tried to analyze the remaining liquid and maybe synthesized it to create the clones." Tim explained.
Right after Jason told him of this thing called Lazarus Pit that supposedly could bring the dead back to life, Tim had told Bruce. Bruce had assigned somebody that Tim didn't know to find it, and they found one right away - just right outside Gotham City. Further exploration showed that there were a number of them in the East Coast alone. At the moment, Bruce has assigned his JL colleagues to find all of them. It was quite fortunate that the Pits were not located out in the open.
"It still won't stop Luthor's curiosity from either finding more of the liquid, or - like Tim said - synthesizing it. There was a lot of vials of unknown substances in the evidence list." Clark replied quietly, and Tim had to grit his teeth. Clark was physically older by at least 10 years than Conner, but sounded similar, anyway. It didn't help that his aura was like Conner, too.
Not that Clark knew anything or could change anything about it. After all, Conner was a slightly diluted version of Clark.
"Right, presuming he has actually synthesized it, rather than finding a source; why did his other attempts not work as well as Conner?" Bruce asked.
"Because Conner has - had - a soul," Rachel replied quietly from the corner of the room. Tim exhaled a breath he didn't even know he was holding. Rachel's change of tenses felt like a sharp poke to his sternum.
The adults were quiet for a tad too long before Bruce turned toward Rachel and asked directly, "I shall take your words for it and not insist on explanation; but the question remained, how is it that Conner got a soul whilst the others - specifically the humanoid ones who physically looked like him and presumably has his biological structure - did not."
This time, it was Diana who answered, "because a soul is not included in a 'life' package, Bruce. Not all sentient beings have souls. My people's legend said that souls are granted by the gods, otherwise a sentient being or creature can have one that has either not arrived at or escaped from Hades."
"That's... about almost right," Jason chimed in. "I mean, not sure about the escaping part, but yes. Like familiars. Someone who was not born to have one can obtain one through a number of rituals."
"Alright... still doesn't answer my question of how come Luthor's efforts didn't work." Bruce pointed out.
"He didn't have or do the magick." Jason continued. "Luthor may have the best brain for science; but without the magick of the actual Pit..." he looked at Tim.
"People... like you, Bruce, think that magick is unexplained science, which is right in a sense. But to replicate something that originated in magick, there are things..." Tim hesitated. "Like-- I don't know-- if you cook, maybe? One can follow a recipe to the last T but still the bread won't rise or something like that. The 'gift', I think. I mean, I don't know what else to call it. That something in you that is manifested outward as magick." Tim stopped, realizing that everyone's eyes were on him and that he was rambling incoherently.
"I see," Bruce's glare made Tim want to go and hide or something. Everything Tim has just said insinuated that Bruce, the only one among them who did not have magick by birth, was somewhat un-gifted. Bruce, however, didn't even seem to notice the insinuation. "This is one of the reasons why I would rather have your team be present among us, Tim."
"'We', or 'you'?" Tim wanted to know.
Bruce, Clark, and Diana - Tim knew that they are often dubbed as the 'Trinity' due to their ability to complete each other - smiled enigmatically. He still was not sure whether to feel blessed or cursed.
"Bruce brought in the idea of having and allowing young people to be trained in protection, so I thought my skills couls be put to good use." Clark started.
"Since 'protection' may--" Diana paused and smirked, "--will also include offensive and not just defensive activities, I offered my expertise to train you and your friends."
"So it's us, not just me." Bruce clarified. "Hal will be coaching on the subject of space magicks, Arthur of ocean magicks, Zatanna on the ancients - to make it more tangible rather than if Jason was the one doing the coaching."
"Because Jason is 'just' a familiar." Tim remarked.
"Because Jason is also a young person, not because he's a familiar." Zatanna replied. In other times, Tim might fanboy a little at her. This time, he felt a slight bitterness in his heart and had to assess whether the bitterness was his or Jason's.
"We would listen more to those our age - even an ancient being who merely looks our age." Tim pursed his lips stubbornly.
"Yes, I am well aware of that. That is the reason why I would like to request the use of your island as a base." Bruce replied. "Your presence here is valuable, yet is more valuable there with the site belonging to you. Your peers will be more comfortable, as well."
"Largely because your place will not be 'related' - so to speak - to any of us. Their parents or guardians will also be more comfortable, I'd say..." Clark chimed in. "That was Diana's suggestion, by the way," he added belatedly, as if he didn't want Bruce to take the credit.
Tim wondered if Bruce was as manipulative as that; having Diana claimed the idea he'd suggested or insinuated.
"What are the conditions?" he wanted to know, anyway. It's not like he could say no if the adult magis decided to lump all teen-aged magis at his Island. It's not like he would say no - he knew well how those kids would feel, being a teen that no adults would trust and having a kind of power or another that they could not control.
"I was expecting you to give us conditions." Bruce admitted. If it wasn't for a very small uptick of confusion of his eyebrow, Tim's suspicion would probably flared up more and bigger.
"Do I get to send back the..." he paused, wondered just what category an 'unwanted' magi-kid would be in. Unruly? Unfriendly? Disobedient? --all terms could be applied to himself, after all. "...the ones who didn't want to be there?" he settled for a broader term. "I don't want to force anyone to stay if they don't want to. My island is not a playground or a daycare. And I definitely don't want them to feel like they're in a playground or a daycare." he explained, scowling a little.
The adults grinned and/or smirked. The guy called Hal quipped, "yeeeah, whenever more than two magis of any sources come together, it's gonna be a playground and/or daycare, I tell you."
"Hal," Diana warned quietly. "I can't fault Hal's observation, really, as he's gotten more experience with magis in groups. But no, we do not see or plan your place to be a magi daycare. But maybe one day, it will be a center where the young can find their own voice - proverbially speaking - without constant interruptions from the adults, yet while being safe."
"It sounds overly optimistic." Tim pointed out. "But I know what it's like to be... restrained from my nature. So," he shrugged. "it's not like I'd have many points of objections. Just... I may be a kid, but I know some things will require adult supervision..."
Bruce's smile was kind of all-knowing. "Yes, that's what Dick said, too. He will help you - he and his friends - to mitigate any issues that you might face that would require adult assistance. For the sake of... legal matters, I hope you will allow Dick access to your island. This will be fully at your discretion, and none of us..."
Clark interjected, "...we managed to make Bruce promise not to meddle too much. The point is, Tim, you'll be the metaphorical adult there. I trust you'll be able to manage them all."
Tim blinked and glared at Clark. The man might be the epitome of hope and all that is good in the world - magi or not. But he was more of a stranger to Tim compared to Diana Prince, even. Conner might have been Tim's best friend. But unlike Diana, who has had her times to visibly meddled with Cassie's life - in spite the fact that Cassie still has a mother; Clark has never gotten involved with Conner or anything that he had done. It was Bart's guardian, Max Mercury, who'd brought Conner along with Bart and introduced him to Tim. Max, formerly a foreman in one of Tim dad's archaeological site, noticed that Tim was 'different', and had had no qualm in promptly introducing Tim to Bart, and then Conner, and then Cassie.
Clark, as much as Tim knew that he was a part of Conner by DNA, remained just as 'Clark Kent', and that was it. Conner's life eventually crossed path with Clark's - again, courtesy of Max. Yet Tim could never see him as Conner's guardian of any kind.
To have him commenting that he trusted Tim with a lot of other magi kids was... a lot more unnerving to Tim than if it had been Bruce who said that. Or even Diana.
Bruce's quiet addition, however, steeled Tim's resolve. "I know you can, Tim. You have showed remarkable initiative by forming your group on the first hand."
"Yeah," Tim sighed, tamping down his doubts and fears. "we'll see how it goes in the next few weeks, huh? Let 'em come and hope we don't destroy the island or San Francisco while we're at it."
Note: You know what adulting does to an incomplete story? That's right. It darned near killed it. I haven't posted in the past few weeks thanks to adulting and life-based dramu. All I would exchange gladly for a few weeks of quiet to write.Anyway. Thank you if you all are still reading this. This, IMO, is a crappy filler. But it'll be clearer - I hope - by the next chapters.
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ericfruits · 7 years
Carolina Roundup
The April 2017 quarterly report of the North Carolina Office of Counsel has a number of highlights 
Joseph Lee Levinson - 16 DHC 11 Levinson, of Benson, pled guilty to the felony offense of conspiracy to obtain money in the custody of a bank by false pretenses by, among other devices, fabricating lease agreements to cause lenders to believe his client was purchasing houses as rental property when his client was actually purchasing the houses in which to grow marijuana for a large scale drug trafficking operation. The Chair of the DHC entered an order of interim suspension of his law license. Hearing has not been scheduled because he is in prison.
In re: Colleen Janssen (Wake County Superior Court). The Wake County Superior Court appointed the Office of Counsel to investigate and report to the court upon alleged professional misconduct of former Wake County assistant district attorney Colleen Janssen. The OOC submitted its report under seal on December 9, 2016. The court ordered Janssen to appear and show cause why the court should not impose professional discipline. After hearing on March 8- 10, the State Bar submitted a proposed order of discipline recommending that the court suspend Janssen for five years and permit her to seek a stay of the final three years upon compliance with conditions. The State Bar also recommended that Janssen receive credit toward service of the suspension for time she did not practice law after she resigned her position as assistant district attorney. On March 22, the court entered an order prohibiting Janssen from serving as prosecutor for any federal, state, county or municipal entity and prohibiting Janssen from practicing law in the employment of any federal, state, county, municipal or private entity or police agency providing legal advice or assistance to any law enforcement officers or law enforcement agencies. The court did not impose professional discipline.
Steven B. DeCillis – 12 DHC 25 & 17 BSR 2 In July 2013, the DHC found that DeCillis, formerly of Oxford and now of Charlotte, did all of the following simultaneously: sued L.H. in a personal injury case, represented L.H. in three matters that were unrelated to the personal injury case, and engaged in a sexual relationship with L.H. He was suspended for five years. After serving three years, DeCillis was eligible to apply for a stay of the remaining two years upon demonstrating his compliance with numerous conditions. DeCillis’s petition for stay was scheduled for hearing on April 28 but he withdrew the petition on April 10.
Suits against Bar employees include one against my erstwhile NOBC colleague Root Edmonson
David S. Harless v. Root Edmonson et al (US District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia). In 2005, David S. Harless was transferred to disability inactive status. Harless’ petitions for reinstatement to active status were denied in 2010 and 2012 because he did not demonstrate that he was no longer disabled. On December 21, 2016, Harliss filed a lawsuit in federal court in West Virginia against State Bar employees Root Edmonson and Jennifer Porter, among others. On January 4, 2017, the federal court dismissed the lawsuit on its own motion. The court characterized the complaint as “incoherent, fanciful ramblings which lack any arguable basis in law or fact.” The complaint had not been served on Edmonson or Porter. Harless did not appeal.
Loushanda Myers v. Krista Bennett, Fern Gunn Simeon, John Silverstein and unnamed “unknown agents of the North Carolina State Bar,” et al (US District Court, EDNC). Krista Bennett and Fern Gunn Simeon are State Bar employees. During some or all of the events alleged in the complaint, John Silverstein served as Chair of the Grievance Committee and is presently President Elect of the State Bar. Myers asserts that the State Bar defendants, the North Carolina court system, and numerous Johnston County government officials violated her rights. She does not describe the alleged violation with particularity but it appears to arise out of Myers’ arrest by Johnston County law enforcement officials. The court allowed the State Bar defendants’ motions to strike and to dismiss. Myers appealed to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Fourth Circuit dismissed that appeal as interlocutory. On January 19, 2016, the Court dismissed Myers’ claims against the remaining defendants. Myers again appealed to the Fourth Circuit. On December 27, 2016, the Fourth Circuit dismissed her appeal. Her petition for en banc hearing by the Fourth Circuit was denied on February 28, 2017. Her time in which to petition the United States Supreme Court for certiorari has not expired. The Office of Counsel represents the State Bar defendants. 
These quarterly summaries are a great way to evaluate the work of the disciplinary system. (Mike Frisch)
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wevlogcollective · 7 years
The Participants!
Yes - I’m finally posting the participant list for VEDAugust 2017!!!!! I apologize for my absence the last week, I’ve been on vacation and everything kind of fell to the wayside. But, I think we’ll be good for VEDA! 
Anyway. Here is who has signed up thus far. We have a lot of veterans and a couple of new faces. Don’t forget to subscribe and follow everyone on YouTube and Twitter!
Dallas YouTube Twitter Brief description:  VEDA, History, Smiles Sandra  YouTube Twitter Brief description:  Vlogs, scooter, baking A bit more detail:  My channel is a collection of miscellaneous things I love in life Sandy  YouTube Twitter Brief description:  Singing, VEDA, Food Emily YouTube Twitter Brief description:  Booktube, Disability Chats, Daily Vlogging Heather
YouTube Twitter Brief description:  Bellydance, music, VEDA A bit more detail:  Just a girl vloging about life, which most definitely includes music, dance, and fitness! 
Kathy Trithardt YouTube Twitter Brief description:  Books, travel, social issues Rachelskirts YouTube Twitter Brief description:  VEDA, Mad Libs Monday, and still figuring it out! Cait YouTube Twitter Brief description:  VEDA, lifestyle, vlogs Ashley YouTube Twitter Brief description:  Concert recaps, yearly countdowns, Veda A bit more detail:  I go to a lot of concerts and recap all the cool things that happen at those concerts usually with my sister and our friend…in December I do a countdown of my favorite moments of the year…and of course VEDA Allie YouTube Twitter Brief description:  jog vlog, cats, veda A bit more detail:  jog vlogs, cats, and veda actually is about it recently. Erica YouTube Twitter Brief description:  VEDA, Acting, Musicals Nikkiana YouTube Twitter Brief description:  creativity, tarot, VEDA A bit more detail: A smattering of Tarot, creativity, and other related discussion topics. Renee YouTube Twitter Brief description:  new, VEDA, personal essays A bit more detail:  Formerly known as @bellerenee, Wild Cozy Truth is the home of Renee’s newest endeavor: wild woman truth telling. It’s launching mid-August, so why not use VEDA as a way to get into the groove?
Sarah - pssssst. She’s a newbie so be sure to give her a warm welcome! YouTube Twitter Brief description:    Music, daily life vlog A bit more detail:   Graphic designer in SoCal that goes to a lot of concerts and is the mom of a YouTuber
Matthew Palka YouTube Twitter Brief description:   Thought Vlogs, Creative Ideas, Advice A bit more detail:   PalkaDots are short, educational thought vlogs that each teach a single idea in a creative, storytelling vlog approach. The aim of the lesson is to help you grasp an idea through a metaphor, and make the truth that the metaphor communicates about reality better palpable, connected, and understood. Fun, inspiring, and catchy!
Louise YouTube Twitter Brief description:   VEDA, Daily Vlogs, Discussion A bit more detail:   Australian VEDA participant and Daily Vlogger, Videos every Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday.
Mel-  pssssst. She’s a newbie so be sure to give her a warm welcome! YouTube Twitter Brief description:   LGBTQ, mental health, general vlogs
Marissa & Lindsay YouTube Twitter Brief description:   travel, diy, vlogs 
Molly YouTube Twitter Brief description:  VEDA, VEDA, and VEDA.
Danielle Park YouTube Twitter Brief description:   VEDA, le tired mom, motherhood 
Sheryl YouTube Twitter Brief description:    incoherent rambles
Jess YouTube Twitter Brief description:    VEDA, random stuff, writing A bit more detail:   I write a lot. For work and for fun.
Kristi YouTube Twitter Brief description:    VEDA, Rants, Being Queer AF, Bonus Colorful Hair
Amber Dawn YouTube Twitter Brief description:   journaling, daily life vlogging, VEDA A bit more detail:    I've been on YT since 2006?! 
Kat -  pssssst. She’s a newbie so be sure to give her a warm welcome! YouTube Twitter Brief description:  Daily/Weekly Vlogs, FoodTube, Whatever 
Laura-Cristelle YouTube Twitter Brief description:    my life, events, music A bit more detail:     French crazy music lover geologist and vlogger
Eric Schmiel YouTube Twitter Brief description:     Creativity/Humor/Personal A bit more detail:      I make sometimes silly, sometimes insightful videos about whatever's on my mind. I tend to make a lot of videos about the topic of creativity. I'm also an aspiring filmmaker/entrepreneur based in the artsy city of Richmond, Virginia. 
Willabee - psssst he’s a newbie so give him a warm welcome! YouTube Twitter Brief description:     Funny, LGBT, Lifecaster A bit more detail:      Lifecasting side channel for iWillabee Productions - Pansexual, Daily Life, Shenanigans, VEDA events & variety
Charlie  YouTube Twitter Brief description:      vlogs,bike rides,travel A bit more detail:      I take my camera on rides and walks, exploring around
Rhiannon- psssst she’s a newbie so give her a warm welcome! YouTube Twitter Brief description:      Book Tube Veda Books A bit more detail:       My channel is mainly a booktube channel but I am trying to do various stuff and Vlogging
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