#forming alliances
sjsmith56 · 4 months
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The Gathering - Chapter 36, Lord Buchanan
Summary: Ileana goes downhill after Buchanan leaves. As the army approaches the Oklahoman wilderness Lord Buchanan draws on Hilda’s knowledge of the first peoples to handle their inevitable encounter with the tribes.
Length: 5.4 K
Characters: Ileana, Bruce, Buchanan, Quin, Hilda, Waya (OMC)
Warnings: Fear of a miscarriage, first encounters with possible hostile force, old prejudices.
Author’s notes: The indigenous words used in this chapter were gleaned from accessing online language databases of various tribes currently found in or near Oklahoma, including the Cherokee and Sioux. Their origins are thought to be from parts of the Midwest and eastern part of the continent. The spellings are phonetic and are used with the greatest of respect. If their use is incorrect the author would appreciate hearing from you to rectify it. In previous references to the area and the tribes they have been described disparagingly through ignorance. Buchanan’s arrival alerts him to the folly of continuing in that ignorance, recognizing the tribes have modernized more effectively than his own society and are more advanced.
<<Chapter 35
🙋🏻‍♂️ 🤝
At first, Rhodes wanted to ride after the army believing he could catch up with them and retrieve Tom, but Ileana declined saying they would be beyond the great forest by the time he caught up. Perhaps it was meant to be for Tom to be a soldier now and his fate lay in his own hands.  The morning after the revelation Rhodes supervised the breakdown of their camp and with the escort of King's Guard they all returned to Buchanan's estate.  Bruce, who had returned to the port to finish the installation of the super computer promised to return as soon as possible.  For Ileana, the only comfort she took in returning home was seeing the smiling face of her daughter, Livia, as she ran to her mother in the courtyard.  Both Mary and Cook were there, putting their arms around her like old widowed aunts comforting a grieving niece.  Ileana accepted their efforts but knew that only Buchanan's return would satisfy the sad longing in her heart.  For the next week they heard nothing from either the Western Plains kingdom or from Quin's force as it advanced closer to the fighting. 
Ileana regularly called out on the ham radio, after the scientists said their set had been relocated to the King's palace in Amarillo.  She received one response on the 5th day, and the man, who didn't identify himself, said the original tower to broadcast the signal had been damaged by the first trebuchet attack, which was why a long distance messenger falcon was sent to announce the start of the war.  Although Quin's army hadn't yet arrived at Amarillo, they had checked in at two of the radio stations Lord Fury set up in the northern portion of the kingdom.   The man reported the addition of 400 warriors from the Oklahoma wilderness, where more of the original tribes of peoples who predated the ancients had gathered after the calamity.  Hilda, the Queen's Guard commander who had volunteered for Quin's force had apparently spoken to the tribes when his force crossed their territories and helped convince them, along with Quin and Lord Buchanan, to join the fight for it was known the Duke considered them savages worthy only of being slaves.  Before the man could give any more news the broadcast stopped and Ileana was unable to reacquire the signal.  Without word of her husband Ileana withdrew from much of the estate life, delegating duties to Rhodes, Wallis, and Mary.  Although she had promised Buchanan to manage the estate she found herself sitting in the radio room constantly monitoring for word of the war.
Ten days after the departure of Quin's force Bruce returned, having bounded through the countryside from the port.  He walked into the courtyard and was greeted by a grim-faced party of Rhodes, Wallis and Mary, drawing him into the training yard.
"Where's Lady Buchanan?" he asked.  "Why have you brought me here?"
"Dr. Banner, she has given up on life," said Mary.  "She stays in the radio room, hoping for word of Lord Buchanan.  She barely sleeps or eats.  I am worried for her and the baby."
"She has delegated the running of the estate to us," added Rhodes.  "We are happy to share the burden but she promised Lord Buchanan to protect his interests.  There are things that only she can do as mistress.  Please, you must try to make her see reason."
Bruce looked towards the castle and shook his head, wishing he had known sooner. He had spent the last two days in a state of relaxation, after all the exertions of the days before in ensuring the super computer was functional.  Wallis took his bag as Bruce went directly to the radio room.   As soon as he saw her he knew she was in danger of losing the baby.  Her face was gaunt from lack of sleep and nourishment, her hair dull and tangled.   She never moved when he entered, only turning when he kneeled beside her and took her hand in his large one.
"Bruce, you're back," she said in a voice hoarse from not being used.  "I'm waiting for word.  Something should come through soon."
"You need to get some sleep," he replied gently, "and something to eat.  You don't look well."
"I'm fine," Ileana protested.  "When Mary brings me something I manage a few bites.  My place is here to monitor the radios."
"Now that I’m back, I can do that," he said firmly.  "As your doctor I'm ordering you to start taking care of yourself."
"No!" she cried, weakly.  "You don't understand.  The Sorceress saw something in a vision but she only told Tom.  I have to be here when it happens so that I know he's alive.  I can't leave until I know that he lives."
Tears were dripping down her cheeks as her fear began to manifest itself in Bruce's presence.  Despite his large size he gathered her close and comforted her then picked her up in his arms. Standing upright, he cradled her against his broad chest, murmuring as she wept.
"I'm taking you to your room," he said calmly.  "Beth will change you into your nightgown and you will take a sleeping draught.  It won't hurt the baby but if you stay here like this any longer you will lose it and then you will never forgive yourself.  Ileana, let us handle the radio.  You get better and start looking after your other responsibilities."
She protested at first, then accepted his words, and placed her head against his shoulder, giving up her claim to the radios.  As he left the radio room with her in his arms, he saw the other three waiting. Rhodes immediately entered to take the watch on the radios while Mary hurried to prepare a sleeping draught.  By the time he arrived at her rooms Beth was waiting and escorted Ileana into the dressing room.  They both came out a few minutes later with her in her night chemise, the young attendant supporting her with a firm arm around the grieving wife’s waist.  Mary arrived with the draught and all three watched carefully as Ileana drank it, then sat with her while Mary stroked her hair.  When she finally fell asleep Bruce looked at both of them.
"She needs nourishment, red meat in a strong broth with vegetables and potatoes," he said.  "It doesn't have to be a lot.  Try feeding her smaller meals more often.  Milk, cheese, fruit as well.  Call the midwife in and ask her to examine Lady Buchanan and listen for the baby's heartbeat.  I would but I'm afraid of confirming my own fear that she may have already lost the baby.  Damn this war."
He held the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger for a moment then looked to the two women and smiled wanly, beating down his own sense of guilt at not being there sooner.   Rising up from the floor he left Ileana there in the care of the others.  When he left he returned to his room.   As soon as he closed the door behind him Bruce slumped back against the wall and wept, certain that Ileana had lost the one thing that would keep her going if Buchanan died.
It had been three days since the 1500 strong force had left the palace.  As they hoped they cleared the forest on the first day's ride.  They followed the coast for the next two days before turning west into the wild lands.  Buchanan didn't expect any problems from the bandits who controlled those lands.  With the size of his force he could overpower them all but didn't want to be delayed by dealing with any attempts to rob them.  Of biggest concern to him was going through the Oklahoma wilderness.  Diplomatic couriers paid a toll to pass through unmolested but the size of his force could trigger a confrontation.  He sent Coulson to bring Hilda, the leader of the Queen's Guard, forward.  She returned immediately with him and Buchanan motioned for her to ride alongside him.
"Did your people have any dealings with the Oklahoma tribes?" he asked.  "I'm concerned they will look at this force and consider that we are invading them."
"Not since well before the Mad Titan's reign," she said.  "They fought him off quite well but retreated to the wilderness and have refused most overtures since then.  I believe the couriers and pedlars have to pay a toll to pass through without trouble."
Buchanan sighed.  "Would you be willing to speak to them on our behalf?" he asked.  "Convince them that we only wish for safe passage there and back?  I will pay their toll if it is reasonable."
"For a force your size it could be considerable," she said, eyeing the Queen's pistol.  "My guess is they will want a sizeable number of the pistols and ammunition."
"I was afraid of that," he replied.  "If you have suggestions I am willing to listen."
"It's a long shot," she said.  "Torres is of mixed heritage, is he not?  His mother's family go back to the Aztecs?"  Quin, who had been listening, confirmed it.  "Do you know any of the language?"
"A little," he said.  "Not enough to converse fluently."
"Still, it is evident in your face," she said.  "I suggest that you, me and a third person have a parley with the head chief of the Oklahoman tribes.  We ask for his help, a force of their own warriors.  They do like a good fight and Duke Walker has already expressed his disdain for the peoples who predate the ancients.  If we can convince him that the Duke means them harm when he takes control ...." She noticed Quin becoming angry.  "I beg your pardon, if he takes control then he may be convinced to bolster our force with some of his.  They are by all accounts excellent riders and bowmen, and have no fear of battle."
Buchanan studied her and Quin while considering her suggestion.  "Very well," he said.  "I will go with you."
Bren looked sharply at him.  "My Lord is that wise?" he asked.  "You put yourself in jeopardy if you go with them.  Let myself or Coulson or Heimdall accompany the prince and Hilda."
"No, as I am the general it is my responsibility," replied Buchanan.  "My word is my bond and they need to see that.  They also need to see that as a warrior I am not afraid of them but I am also not afraid to die.  Is that a correct assessment of them?"
Hilda nodded.  "They will not hesitate to kill you, M'Lord," she said.  "But they do honour bravery.  You coming forward to negotiate will be seen as a sign of respect and bravery.  It may help to convince them."
"I will go with you," he said.  "Will you be able to recognize when we have crossed into their territory?"
"M’Lord, we are already in it," said Hilda.  "They watch us, hidden in the environment.  The force must stop now and us three go on.  They will recognize that as a request to parley."
"Bren, order the companies to stop," said Buchanan.  "Stay at the ready, prepare to defend yourselves if you must but do not react when they approach us.  Quin, Hilda, we ride on."
After the main force stopped, the trio rode on for several hundred yards until they were aware of several riders on either side of them.   Hilda signalled for them to stop.  Of the riders who had appeared one came forward and looked at them, his bearing showed no fear or concern at their appearance.
"Hau," said Hilda.  "I am Hilda, known as Maid of Battle.  My people lived in the Stone Lands.  We seek parley with your chief."
"O'siyo," replied the man.  "You ride with a large force.  Do you seek a toll price to ride through?"
"No," she said.  "We seek more warriors to battle a usurper."
The man smirked.  "Why would we send warriors to the Wašíču?"
"Yes, they are outsiders," she replied, "but their cause is noble.  This asgaya is our general, Buchanan.  The younger asgaya is the prince who goes to his father's aid. Until he defeats the usurper he goes by the name Quin.  As you can see by his face, he is descended from the Aztecs."
The man looked sharply at Quin.  "Who is your family?" he asked him.
"My mother is Camila de Torres, descended from the Aztecs via a long line of Hispanic warriors," said Quin, recalling Fury's words to be proud of his heritage.  "My father is David Walker.  The usurper is his cousin, John Walker."
"Why are you not at his side now?" asked the man.
"Because I was a foolish child," he said, truthfully.  "I stole this black stallion ridden by our general Lord Buchanan, injured him and abandoned him.  I was arrested as a thief until Buchanan took pity on me and took me in to help me become a man.  We have ridden over 3 days from his lands where two kingdoms allowed me to raise a volunteer army, the force behind us."
"You wear a ring on your left hand in the same way as the colonizers," said the man.  "You are married?"
"I am," replied Quin. "She loved me as a man first, without knowing my true identity.  Once I revealed the truth to her she still accepted me."
"A good woman then," said the man, then he looked at Buchanan.  "You are Buchanan?” He nodded. “I have heard of you.  You are the white wolf?"
"Yes, I am that man," said Buchanan. 
"Excuse me for a moment while I speak with my council," said the man, who rode over to the group that had formed to their side. 
Hilda looked at Buchanan.  "They haven't killed us outright," she said.  "That's something."
"He's the chief, isn't he?" asked Buchanan. “He’s very well spoken and his authority is evident.”
She nodded. "I thought as much when he didn't give his name," she said.  "How did they know you're the white wolf?"
Buchanan gave a slight shrug.  The man came back over followed by the six riders who were his council, two of whom were women.  The man rode his horse alongside Buchanan's and extended his forearm in greeting.
"I am the chief of this tribe," he said.  "My name is Waya which means Wolf in English.  I think that makes us brothers."  Buchanan extended his forearm and the two men clasped them together, both smiling.  "Come, let Maid of Battle ride back to your force with one of my warriors and tell them they have been accepted as visitors to our lands.  I am inclined to provide you warriors but I will call a gathering of all the tribes so they can decide whether to join you.  Quin, we know of you from our friend, Lord Fury.  He said you would be coming and that your cause was worthy.  Now you have a chance to add to an already impressive army."
He extended a forearm to Quin, who grasped Waya's arm to his in fellowship.  Then Waya turned his horse and rode between Quin and Buchanan so that all could see they rode as equals.  They rode for some time until they came upon a surprisingly modern town built alongside a river.  There was a large enclosure that Waya said they could ride their horses into to keep them penned and safe from thieves, not that anyone of his people would dare to even try, now that he had given his arm to them.  His people would provide food and fill the water troughs for the horses.  Taking him at his word, Buchanan gave the word to leave their horses in the enclosure.  Then Waya led the way to a large building.  When they entered it Buchanan was amazed to see it was an arena with seating all around the outside edge.  Waya invited the army to seat themselves but he asked Buchanan, Quin and Hilda to stay with him, taking them to a place under the seats where there was a radio room.  Buchanan recognized the radios as being from their kingdom, which Waya noticed and smiled.
"The radios from the Kingdom of the Broken Lands are well made and reliable," he said.  "Some of our traders saw them in their travels and bartered for them.  It has made life simpler for some of our tribes that are further away from here.  Perhaps we can discuss a direct trading relationship with your people.  We have heard good things about your king and the changes he has brought to his kingdom."
He turned on the radio and began speaking into it in his own language.  Just like in Buchanan's kingdom each tribe had their own frequency and he switched frequencies five times, meaning there were five other tribes.  After reaching out to them Waya turned off the radio and turned back to the others. 
"Although the tribes are scattered their representatives are centred in Tulsa which is a few hours ride from here," he said. "They will be arriving sooner and I must ask you not to tell anyone how they arrived.  I ask that you will keep our secret in order to maintain the trust that I hope we have built between us."
Buchanan and the others were puzzled but agreed to Waya's terms.  He smiled and led them back out to the arena where his people had set up tables in the centre of the arena, loading them with food.  Others made their way into the seating area and invited the soldiers to come down, pick up food and return to their seats.
"You are our guests and we always feed our guests," said Waya.
"But there are 1500 of us," protested Buchanan.  "We can eat our rations."
"Nonsense," said Waya.  "During rodeo this place is packed.  1500 is of no consequence."
Hilda looked up at the word rodeo.  "You have the rodeo?" she said.  "My grandmother spoke of it, knowing only the stories she heard from her family, descended from barrel racers."
"The Sioux were good riders," he said.  "You held off against the Mad Titan as well as you could.  I wish we had learned of your troubles sooner as we could have sent warriors to fight alongside your chief's army, sorry, your Queen's army.  How many of your people are left?"
"Several hundred but we are scattered," she said.  "I found a home with the Queen's Guard in the Kingdom of Broken Lands."
"Ah yes, Queen Peg, the modern woman who was a warrior in her old world," replied Waya.  "Lord Buchanan, you fought with King Steven to rid us of the Mad Titan.   Another reason we owe you a debt."
"Is there anything you don't know about us?" asked Buchanan sarcastically.
"How you programmed your missiles to destroy the last asteroid," said Waya, smiling slyly.  "We have found several missile silos and once we heard you programmed one to destroy an asteroid in space before it hit the atmosphere our grand council began talking about opening diplomatic relations with your kingdom."
Buchanan looked at him sharply.  "How did you know what they were?"
"Many years ago our people found an intact library," he said.  "It taught us many things that we were happy to learn.  To the outside world we present ourselves as our ancestors did, even the modern borns among us.  In reality we are all educated, value scientific knowledge and have been able to resurrect some of the ancient technologies. This modern town is more typical of how our people live but we rarely allow anyone from the outside world to see it. The threat of the asteroids and of dangerous men like John Walker makes it imperative that we begin changing that."
Waya led them to the food tables where they picked up plates, helping themselves to the food on the table.  A separate table was set up for his local council and they joined the others there.  They each introduced themselves and like Waya were well spoken and well versed on many subjects.  Partway through their meal a person approached Waya, whispering into his ear. In response, he invited the three of them to accompany him outside.  In the distance they could see a dust plume racing across the land.  As it got closer Buchanan could make out the object that caused the dust plume.  He looked incredulously at Waya when it came into view. 
"Cars?" he asked.  "You have cars?  Do you have gasoline as well?  Diesel fuel, do you have that?"
Waya laughed.  "I'm impressed you know about them," he said.  "Do you have them?"
"No, I also discovered a library and have read books on them," said Buchanan.  "I never expected to see one exist, never mind operate.  But the fuel for them?  How do you operate them?"
Waya put his hands up.  "They are electric," he said.  "We charge them using the sun for power.  We do have a couple that are gasoline powered but our capabilities to make fuel are limited so we don't use them so often.  Why do you ask about diesel fuel?"
Buchanan told him about the intact large telescope they had found but the mechanism to move it required diesel fuel for the generators.  Even though it used solar power now to function it was a slow process that the diesel generators could speed up.  He also told him about how they rigged the missile silos to run on a combination of solar, wind and hydro power.  By the time he finished speaking the vehicle was almost to them and the three of them looked in awe as it pulled up with five people inside.  Waya greeted the people in his language as they exited the vehicle and then introduced the three visitors by their full names.  Quin, especially was taken aback at hearing his full title spoken by Waya, but still extended his hand to each of the chiefs of the other tribes.
"Come brothers and sisters," Waya said to the other chiefs.  "There is food inside for you."
They went back inside and the other chiefs commented on the size of Quin's army, seemingly impressed that the young man had been able to assemble it.  The rest of Waya's council had finished eating and vacated the table, although they stood nearby.  The newly arrived chiefs helped themselves to fresh food which had just appeared and they all sat at the table together once again.
"Lord Buchanan requests additional warriors to come from our lands," said Waya, laying out the request that had been made.  "They will be going to assist King David Walker to put down his cousin Duke John Walker who is trying to seize the throne.  I have already decided to give him some of my warriors but I wanted to give you all the opportunity to take part."
"The Duke," said Chief Onacona, an older man of the Osage tribes.  "He is the one trying to force his religion on people, is he not?  Has all the charm of a mud puddle?"
"Yes," said Quin, "he also proposes to put women in their proper place, meaning pregnant and serving their husbands.  He regards a mixed race like me as an abomination."
"What are his views on science?" asked Chief Jariana, of the Muscogee (Creek) tribe, a woman slightly older than Waya. 
"He thinks it is the work of the devil," said Quin.  "He proposes to destroy the two missile silos we currently know of.  He would have destroyed the supercomputer in Abilene but my father was able to get that out before the war started. It is now safe in King Steven’s kingdom."
The other chiefs all looked up.  "You had a supercomputer?" asked Waya sharply.  "Why was that not made known?"
"Because they couldn't get it to work," said Buchanan.  "Not until we learned of it and realized that one of our modern borns could fix it.  Dr. Bruce Banner, MD, seven PhDs, including computer science.  That's how we were able to program the missile to hit the asteroid.  It had only been working for a few months but with the observations from our working observatory it was able to quickly plot the correct trajectory."
"You have a modern born man?" asked Chief Enola of the Seminole tribe, an older woman.  "I didn't know there were any."
"He's the only one I know of," said Buchanan.  "He was human in his world but in a laboratory accident was changed into a green giant."
"The giant is your genius?" asked Chief Geronimo of the Chickasaw tribe, an older man.  "I've heard of the giant but I thought he was a menace when he first appeared."
"He was angry and confused when he arrived," said Buchanan, "but my father befriended him and although he lived as a hermit for a long time he lived in my lands peacefully enough.  We received another modern born scientist from his world and she knew of him.  After that he agreed to help us.  He is my daughter's godfather, in fact."
"Why should we help the Wašíču?" asked Chief Hokta of the Choctaw tribe, sullenly.  "Did they help us when the calamity happened?  What do we care if two colonizer cousins fight?  Let them kill each other and the young coyote pup can pick up the pieces if he wants a kingdom so badly."
Buchanan started to answer but Quin stood up and glared at the man.  "I am no outsider," he said.  "My mother is from a long line of warriors that extends to Aztec times so I am also descended from the original inhabitants of Turtle Island.  When the calamity happened do you think no one else was affected?  I have been on the ocean where a third of the original land mass was wiped out when the asteroid created a tidal wave previously unseen by humans.  Even far inland people were affected as the cloud raised by the calamity darkened the skies for years, killing crops, bringing disease and death to billions.  My own family is split down the middle as some of my mother's family support John Walker, even though he has vowed to send people like them back to the lawless lands.  If you think John Walker will leave you alone if he takes my father's kingdom you are sadly mistaken.  He sees you as suitable to be slaves and nothing more.  Yes, I am only a coyote pup, just turned 18 and newly married.  But somehow the people of the Kingdoms of the Broken Lands and of the Green Lands heard my pleas for help and have given me an army of 1500 men and women.  If you do not wish to help then that is your choice but I ride to a fight and so does my army and you won't stop me."
Quin stood there for several minutes breathing heavily staring at the Choctaw chief who then stood up and walked out, obviously insulted at the tone of the young prince.  Hilda stood up and put her hand on Quin's arm then faced the others.
"I am not Wašíču," she said.  "My people were the Sioux who lived in the badlands of the Dakotas.  When the Mad Titan arrived on the northeastern shores of Turtle Island there were many who wanted to fight but there were many more who wouldn't, asking why they should be involved in the outsider's battles.  They ruled the vote and my people didn't fight.  When the Mad Titan killed King Steven's father he went looking for more places to conquer and he went after my peoples, slaughtering them, sending many into exile, others into slavery.  The warriors fought but he was too much to handle and because he had already conquered many there was no one left to help us.  Our lands are poisoned now, only a few places left that are still viable to grow crops.  I found a home in King Steven's kingdom and I will be damned if I let another tyrant like the Mad Titan take a kingdom that isn't his.  Not on my watch."
She was shaking and trying not to cry.  Quin put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it briefly.  Buchanan stood with them and faced the chiefs, deciding to lay their case down bluntly.
"Join us or don't," he said.  "We ride in the morning for the Kingdom of the Western Plains, and we won't be paying a toll.  Thank you for the hospitality.  You have my word that we won't betray your secrets."
The three walked away from the table of chiefs, and signalled they were leaving. The 1500 soldiers who had witnessed the whole thing stood up and quietly left the stands, following Buchanan to the enclosure where he pulled his bedroll off of Magnus and laid it out on the open ground just outside the fence.  The others followed suit and stayed there until dark when Waya and the other chiefs, minus the Choctaw chief, appeared with torches and extra torch sticks, lighting them up and passing them out.
"Follow us," said Waya as he turned back into the darkness.
Buchanan and the others followed them for some time, seeing a huge bonfire in the distance.  They could hear the sound of drums and the unearthly wails of a song that was ancient.  As they got closer they could see hundreds dancing and many more watching in the dark.  As Waya and the chiefs approached the sounds and dancing ceased.  The crowds parted, allowing Buchanan and his men to enter into their space.  Waya stepped into the light generated by the bonfire and issued a piercing cry before speaking.
"By the will of the council and the will of our warriors we send 400 to join Prince Arthur David Joaquin de Torres Walker and his army to defeat a threat to our nation and others," he yelled.  "The Chief of the Choctaw Nation has declined the invitation to battle as is his right.  So, I, as the Chief who made the first decision to send warriors offer myself to Lord Buchanan, the White Wolf, their general, to act as commander of our company of warriors.  In my absence I ask my brother Wohali to act as chief in my absence.  If I should die in battle then it will be a glorious death and you will elect a new chief to take my place.  If I should live then I will come back with many tales to tell of the time we joined the coyote known as the North Star to claim his honour."
He called out again and the singing, drumming and dancing started up again.  Waya motioned to Buchanan, taking him away from the others into the dark where they could talk without yelling. 
"The other warriors from the other tribes are on their way and will be here before morning," he said.  "Don't worry about them needing rest as our warriors and horses are durable.  I would like to meet my fellow commanders, please."
Buchanan extended his forearm again which was received warmly by the other man.  They walked back to the crowd where he found Bren, Coulson, and Heimdall standing together watching the proceedings with interest.  Introducing Chief Waya they all offered their forearms and were accepted warmly by him.  He told them they didn't have to stay and watch as the announcement was a formality for their benefit.  With that knowledge they passed the word and slowly Buchanan's soldiers made their way back to the enclosure.  When he looked back one more time, Buchanan saw Quin and Hilda dancing with Waya's warriors and left them there, knowing their participation would go a long way.  Their force was now 1900 strong and he began to believe they could make the difference.
Chapter 37>>
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its-tea-time-darling · 6 months
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➸ The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes (2023) vs. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)
Look at this. They're holding hands. I want them dead.
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lithoppi · 2 months
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Okay SO I am thinking of a bunch of 'killed' Ganons, stuck together, and there WILL be plot but im still banging it out.
Anyways. Im calling this clusterfuck my Ganondrum. You know.. like. A conundrum. Yeah.
Windwaker Ganon is the most recent one killed and he wants to be killed again than deal with whatever the fuck is going on here.
Im thinking pig Ganon slips into Ye Olde English a little bit here and there?
Also can you guess which ganon it is that likes to lurk in the castle? Just guess. I promise its Juicy.
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a2zillustration · 5 months
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Can't I put them both in the same room and toss the gnome explosive in there-
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kurenaiienishii · 8 months
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This was meant for Law’s birthday but you know me
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kuyatecallate · 1 month
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Oh look it's my favourite highschool bullies-
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lurafita · 26 days
Shadowhunter/Downworlder teamwork to not have to suffer their leader's bad mood
Alec gets sassier and saltier the longer he and Magnus get cockblocked. At some point, his subordinates just can't take it anymore, and countermeasures need to be implemented.
Both Alec and Magnus have important positions and are often called upon to deal with various things. So when the NY shadowhunters know that their boss is on a date with the high warlock, and something popps up, they do their level best to handle the situation quickly.
And if they need to establish better relations with the Downworld in order to get the help of another warlock for something just so they don’t have to call Magnus away from Alec, then that is damn well what they do.
New York shadowhunter/downworlder alliance as a byproduct of people not wanting to deal with their leaders when they haven't been laid enough.
"You think Lightwood gets bad? Magnus pouts. It's a lot more disturbing than you think! And he keeps sighing forlornly. And then he tries to distract himself by getting into everyone's business or inventing new things. Do you know how some things sound like good ideas at first, and then turn out to be horribly annoying? It's that 24 fucking 7 every time the High Warlock doesn't get to see his boyfriend enough."
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rawliverandgoronspice · 11 months
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behold: my least favorite string of words in the entirety of Tears of the Kingdom.
#totk critical#totk#tloz#gerudos#when will my brain return from the imprisoning war....#I just stumbled upon it again doing research yesterday and....#there's so many layers as to why it aggravates me#that it's spoken from the perspective of a masked woman as to embody all gerudos while removing her own identity#in the context of her loyalty to rauru as well#that giving birth to a bad man makes you responsible for his actions (he's not a toddler anymore he's an adult ok)#or more metaphorically that your initial conflict with hyrule makes you Sinful and cursed and you must Feel Bad Now *shame shame*#that she's passing on that ageless guilt with no expiration date onto the shoulders of *a teenager* and it's considered GOOD???#(wind waker shaking crying right now)#ALL OF THAT to prop her up to swear her loyalty to the people planning to go murder their ancient king (sure he's a Bad but still???)#using some sort of weird ass original sin scenario that is arguably not any gerudo's fault but Ganondorf's#(or if it is then it's not shown so ???)#the vibes are so so so off I just really !!!!! don't like#this is stuff like this that makes me reject that it's a good story about alliances being formed in good faith#because this is just manipulative#maybe the alliance angle everyone's stronger together was the intention but the execution is another story entirely#gerudos never benefited from ganondorf's actions also#so it's not even a case of making reparations for the way you benefit from systemic oppression due to your ancestor's actions#gerudos won literally nothing in ganondorf's war#apparently he even subjugated them if they weren't on his side (like.... a king would.... not to excuse it but the double standard here)#so it just instrumentalizes the ageless sin of motherhood + suffering under a bad monarch billion of years ago for war#so uhhh.... yeah that's not... that's pretty bad imo#the gerudo girl could have went ��hey girl this man used us and still hurt us to this day let's kick his ass once and for all”#and this would have been a different story entirely#a little cheap but not.... That Bad
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helloitshaley · 8 months
Again, who dies first and why is it obviously Edward?
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ladyevol · 3 months
Something I find particularly funny and very telling about their roleplay that no one is talking about is the difference between Grian and Scar after seeing the giant snail.
Grian: "This is just a build made by the snails. Scar is not chosen. That is not an actual living being."
Scar: "This is my son, Larry Jr. He has every disease, so he must be kept in contaiment, but it is ok, I still love him. Those two little rascals? Yeah, I will bully them back, but I love Larry Jr and if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this server and then myself (in minecraft.)"
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kedicatt · 9 days
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I've seen the "I think Laios would be this dog breed" kind of comments a few times here
For me he's a Kishu Ken, because they're hunting dogs, they have white fur, they're soft and fluffy, and they're relatively tall.
Feel free to reblog or comment on this post with a breed suggestion and reasoning (if you have any), and I will make a whole compilation of dogboy Laios edits where he is drawn as different breeds (I'll credit you and list your reasoning, too!).
Seems like a fun thing to do, if someone actually suggests anything!
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kyeterna · 10 months
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Law forms an alliance with the Straw Hat pirate Luffy. Immediately understands this is gonna cost him years of his lifespan.
Bonus: Law not soon after realises that it's the entire Straw Hat pirate crew.
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #119
We've all seen the fics where the Rogues return and immediately assume that Peter is Tony's son, leading to a "prank" where Tony and Peter "act" like father and son (they soon realize they barely have to act, cue feelings)
Now, a fic that is a twist on that old favorite.
The Rogues return, and they quickly figure out that Peter is not Tony's biological son, that he started as an intern and as Spider-Man but the two have grown closer since then. The Rogues assume that Tony has never told Peter how much he cares about him. They believe Tony is too emotionally constipated, and that Peter must still think he is "just an intern"
However, in assessing the situation, the Rogues have failed to account for some pretty vital facts: 1) the amount of time that has actually passed, and 2) the fact that Tony Stark would do just about anything, even face and overcome his childhood programming, for Peter Parker
Peter and Tony have known each other for two years now. They have already had all the emotional conversations. Peter sees Tony as a father, and Tony sees Peter as a son, and the whole Ironfam knows it. No one is in the dark about what's going on.
...except the Rogues.
When Peter and Tony realize that the Rogues immediately assumed Tony is emotionally incapable, they decide to prank them by seeing just how long they will keep believing that
Around the Rogues, Peter calls Tony "Mr. Stark," and Tony pretends to be a stone cold bitch (even while "subtly" remaining a helicopter parent). Back on their own floor of the tower, Peter switches easily between "Tony" and "Dad," they have movie nights where they fall asleep on the couch together, and dinners with Pepper, May, Rhodey, and Happy.
The Rogues decide they need to help Tony and Peter realize their feelings. This goes on for a long time.
Then, one day, Peter gets hurt. Bad. Maybe he gets hurt as Spider-Man, maybe it's a kidnapping or hostage situation. One way or another, he ends up calling out for his dad.
The Rogues all hold their breath, expecting Tony to be stunned, to freak out and go hide in his lab. But Tony doesn't even blink. He comforts Peter, holds onto him, promises that he's safe
Finally, it becomes clear that the Rogues... might have misjudged the situation. Just a bit.
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cocksley-and-catapult · 6 months
i just discovered this blog while sleep deprived. i didn't immedeatley realize that cocksley is supposed to be a bird. i just thought he's an extremely fucked up looking dude and the artist just really scucks at drawing hands/feet before going "wait a minute"
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