#fort rosecrans national cemetery
persephone11110 · 1 year
The Princess And The Rooster Chapter 02
Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Warnings: major character death(Ice), grief, sadness, slight talking, physical abuse, Bradley is a dick
San Diego, California -2019
Kiddo, I’m sorry”
She dreadfully listens to father on the phone as he tells her Uncle Ice has died.
Tom“Iceman”Kazansky was now apart of the dead. No longer a living human, no longer here on earth.
She knew it was coming, death was inevitable when you had cancer.
Death seemed to love ripping people away from her, always making it way back to people Percy loved.
Percy remembered back her conversation with Uncle Ice.
Percy hand was shaky as she ran her hand over the scar. Tear drops slide down her face, she was marked by him, by anger and almost death.
She was broken, ugly, to never be touched by a man again.
A makeup palette was discarded next to her on her bed. Millions of attempts were made to cover it up , the reminder she almost died by him, by the man who beat her relentlessly and was the father of their one year old daughter Olympia.
A voice appeared in her doorway. She jumped out of habit, expecting a item to thrown at or a speech of degradation.
She was no longer legally bound to that man. Percy was safe, Ollie was safe most importantly.
She didn’t have to get up at 2am cooking dinner, go on beer runs for him anymore.
“How ya doing sunshine?” his voice was gentle, a tone Percy hadn’t heard in awhile.
The bed sinks, as Ice sits down next to her. The sobs got louder-making it hard to talk, to talk about her pain.
Her head was buried in his chest, embracing Ice’s warmth and protective hug.
“The scar doesn’t define you, that scar shows how much of warrior you are” Ice says to Percy leaning down to kiss her head.
“B-but Uncle Ice I’m no Annie Greyson” Percy says“I’m not Annie Greyson, not a Marilyn Monroe” Her voice is wobbly as she speaks.
Annie Greyson haven’t heard that name in awhile, the woman was Bradley’s girlfriend before he left. The woman was gorgeous and had a high paying corporate job.
“Sweetheart what does these women have to do with you?”
Percy shrugged.
“I’m not them and never will be, I’m a monster ”
“Peresephone Katherine Mitchell”
Percy looks at him surprised. Well damn
“What…when Ollie gets older you’ll understand the use of how much a full name being used means”
“Look at them and then look at me, I’m a mom with stretch marks, and this ugly ass scar, and self confidence issues lower than hell while also having a kid… I am not the kind of woman men stop in the street and stare at I’m the kind where men run away from—”
He releases her from hug–standing up and then kneeling infront of her, holding her hand.
Ice gently runs his hand over the scar. He kisses her cheek.
“Bull..shit” he says looking into her eyes, making sure he has her full attention. “I’ve never heard of someone say so much bullshit in my life before and I’ve known Sli and Maverick for how long?”
You know he’ll love you thick through thin.
Percy lets out a wet chuckle, before wiping her tears— that bastard didn’t deserve her tears.
“Ma….Ma” her voice getting louder as she got closer.
Olympia Margaret Mitchell, her little girl, the reason why she fought so hard to get out.
Her dad was there holding Ollie“Hey kiddo, I tried soothing her but I don’t have what she wants”
Percy laughed at her dad antics, lead it to her Uncle Ice and dad to cheer up.
“Come here Ollie-Girl, come to mama” Percy opened her hands up to Ollie, surely enough she went easily into her mother’s embrace knowing it was safe there.
A mother’s job is to protect her child.
Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery—San Diego, California 2019
“Commander Mitchell, Ma’am there ready for your eulogy”
“Thank you, tell them I’m ready” She wiped her tears. Pushing the memory to back of her mind, pushing her emotions away.
The Navy needs Ambush, not Percy.
Percy stood at the podium, scanning the area before speaking– Uncle Ice always told her to get look of the audience before speaking, get the vibe of the room.
“Admiral Thomas“Iceman” Kazansky, A man, a father, a husband and one of the best naval aviators of history, the man was Ice-cold outside yet took great pride in helping others always going the extra mile for the others has passed away, but his legacy hasn’t. We may have lost him, but his legacy and story haven’t gone and never will”
She raised her hand, saluting to him. Goodbye Uncle Ice, I hope your okay up there with Uncle Ice and Aunt Carole.
I love you.
Percy watched as her dad punches Uncle Ice’s wings into his casket.
See you again.
She was standing in her office, looking at a picture of Ollie holding it close to her chest.
Death can take anyone from you, loved one, your enemy.
A knock made her almost drop the picture.
“Commander Mitchell, Vice Admiral Simpson is ready for you”
“Thank you Loot”, Percy walked to the office, her shoes making little no sounds as she approached.
She moved to knock on the door, making sounds that she was here“Come in Mitchell” Cyclone voice called out.
“Admiral Simpson, Bates”
“Have a seat Mitchell” Cyclone gestures to the seat infront of his desk.
“Sirs, may I ask what is the problem?”
“Well Commander, you and I both know your best of the best, always accomplishing the mission, never leaving anyone hanging.
“I know you’ve heard of rumors of the impossible mission, well I need instructors”, he looked at her with a knowing look. “I have one instructor but, I need someone to contradict the other instructor, someone who flys just as ice-cold as Admiral Kazanksy”.
Percy flicked her eyes to Warlock in surprise. He smiled warmly at her.
“Commander, just this year you’ve flown five missions each one successful”
“What I’m saying is Mitchell, this mission needs your unique skill-set, your only with these skills”
“I accept sir, not because of an order, but because this country needs me” She replied with confidence something she was slowly getting back each day.
“Thank you Commander” both men nodded as she saluted before walking out the office.
Percy couldn’t believe it, she was chosen as one of the instructors.
Both Admirals's believed she could do it, knowing how Cyclone and Warlock operate, she knew this was serious and they practically needed all hands on deck.
Explains why so many aviators were in the bar that night, Percy wondered if Bradley was picked. What if dad was picked also?
Percy just buried an Uncle she doesn't want to have to bury her dad or an old friend.
She wondered who the other one was.
“Hey dad, Percy was enculfged by her dad and Ollie was wrapped around her leg.
“Looks like you guys missed me” she teased softly, her father kissing her cheek.
“Dad, you know about the uranium mission?”, Percy asked her father, watching his smile drop and his face going pale.
One Mitchell is enough havoc but two?.
Miramar California-2019
She saluted to guard as she walked on to base.
“Attention on deck!”
Warlock approached the students as they remained at attention, his eyes roamed the room like a predator picking out its prey. Eyeing each student in front of him.
“Morning students, Welcome to special training detachment—be seated” they all sat down in sync, all of them thinking about why they’ve been called back.
Each one of them already competing to be number one.
I’m Admiral Bates callsign Warlock, Your all top gun graduates the best there is, the elite each one of you have a special skill set to bring to the mission, yet only one of you will be team leader” he spoke to the daggers squad. “This mission needs to be successful, no room for error, no room for ego, just room for success”
“Half of you will stay, half of you will be cut”
Is that why they both picked me as an instructor, would I be to good, to be cut?
Anyone is replaceable, anyone can be number one.
“There is two instructors, one is known for his legendary exploits and he’s considered one of the pilots the top gun program ever produced. He flying is considered dangerous yet remarkable and effective”
“Your godfather …Iceman is only reason why your father is still here. Keep him tame please Commander, the last thing I want is for your father to forced into retirement” Percy thought back to earlier conversations held with Cyclone.
“The other instructor most of you all know her for skills, her skills help her lead her generation as the only woman and pilot to surpass being an ace”
“These two they contradict eachother one flies dangerous and like life his doesn’t depend on it, while the other pilot flies dangerous yet cold, without making mistakes, taking everything down”
“I give you Captain Pete Mitchell callsign Maverick, and Commander Percy Mitchell—callsign: Ambush”
Who would’ve thought the notorious father-daughter duo would be teaching a class.
Both Maverick and Percy made there way up front, Percy combat boot laces clicking aganist the floor each time she stepped.
Maverick walked up first nodding whilst also grinning like the idiot he is“Good Morning”.
She glanced at Bradley before her facial expression went cold “Lieutenants, Good Morning”. So much for being adults.
“See this text book, F-18 you know this book inside and out, so does your enemy”, he said tossing the textbook into the trashcan beside him.
“They don’t know your limits, they don’t know how you fly in the sky”
Percy took over the speech leave it up to her to give the ole death talk. “The mission needs the best of the best, the mission can’t make room for ego’s, error over who’s the better pilot, but it does have room for you come home in a casket, for your family to get the flag at your funeral”.
“This mission needs for you all work as a team, the second you get up there forget your grievances and push to come back home alive all of you” The coldness is Percy voice leaves no match for Iceman Kazansky.
The coldness sends chills down the aviator’s spine’s. Maverick was proud of his daughter, despite talking about death she was right Percy knew what it felt like to lose a friend to lose a wingman.
Lieutenant Margo “Venom” Rockwell.
“We don’t know your limits either, so we’re pushing them today, testing you, trying to scout which one of you, any of you can truly back-seat for me”
“Let plays a game, let see who’s has the talent to shoot me down”
“Good morning aviators, this is your Captain speaking, Welcome back to basic flight school”, Maverick spoke through the intercoms.
As we said earlier today lesson is dog fighting, all guns, no missiles. No going below the hard deck of five thousand feet, work together as a team, shoot me down or suffer the consequences”
“Conquences of what” Hangman asked as his southern accent thick with cockiness.
So much ego, no room for team working.
“I shoot back” Maverick supplied easily without saying thing else.
“No one has the balls to do so” Percy spoke up, eyeing for someone to fight back.
“And you can, Ambush?”, he said spitefully.
“Already have Bradshaw, about decade ago—before you came” Too much anger clouded her thoughts, he’s purposefully doing this, distracting her— the only person to how bad her anger issues were back then.
“Bet shall we Sir, Commander” Payback suggested
Percy turns her back away from Rooster, like a child would do. Like someone hiding from their problems.
“What do you have in mind Payback?”
“Whoever get shot down first has to do 275 push ups”
“Damn” Phoenix whistled
“Hangman you already feeling the push ups” Phoenix teased lightly.
“Don’t flatter yourself Lieutenant Trace”
“Up the stakes Captain Mitchell, 100 burpees”
“I understand your thinking Ambush” Maverick laughed already knowing his daughter angle.
“Deal, move pilots—move like your life depends on it”
Percy side step them walking back to the base “Your not playing Commander?” Rooster asked her.
“Nope Rooster, no need for me to play” she dragged the p“I’m hear to teach Lieutenant Bradshaw”
“This how were doing it Percy?” he asked her, how dare he act as if this is her fault.
“Lieutenant Bradshaw I think it’s in your best interest to leave and get started on your push ups” Percy replied cold, uninterested.
Bradley flys like his father just slower.
“Everyone you love leaves you, they leave for someone better” Rooster remarks before leaving her alone in the hangar.
Everyone does leave her. She isn’t worth loving.
“What was that Bradshaw, go get your push ups in—275, 100 burpees”
“He was off balance, I couldn’t mark the shot and take the kill” Rooster gave her a lame excuse, hoping for something, not leniency, can’t he knows better.
“Rules are Rules Bradshaw, report yourself to the tarmac now”
“You won’t be saying this when you cause a teammate or yourself to come home in caskets” Percy snapped before leaving him with Hondo”
“Make sure he does them all, Hondo”
“You got it Commander”, a reminder to not piss off Percy Mitchell, she’s slowly coming back.
One step closer, two steps back.
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gravelish · 2 years
San Diego: Point Loma
1 February 2023
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The hardest part of today’s ride was the initial climb up to the ridge from Ocean Beach. Then it was just a gently rolling ride on Catalina Avenue all the way to the end. A fair portion of the route is through Point Loma Naval facilities and the Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, but the gates and the road are open during the day for folks heading out to the lighthouse and the Cabrillo National Monument. I’d forgotten my National Park Pass in the car and thought I’d have to come up with the $10 fee, but the ranger at the booth let me through. On the other hand, it would have been completely worth the $10 this morning if I’d had to pay it.
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I considered riding down the hill to the lighthouse at the tip, but we had brunch reservations and I thought I better get pointed back. Maybe next trip. But it left me time to return via Sunset Cliffs and while it wasn’t sunset, it was still beautiful (and not so crowded).
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nathfiset · 1 year
Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery San Diego California
Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery San Diego California
The Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego, California is a final resting place for thousands of military men and women who have served our country throughout history. This sacred ground is located on the Point Loma Peninsula overlooking the Pacific Ocean, providing a serene and peaceful setting for families and loved ones to pay their respects. Established in 1882, Fort Rosecrans has become a symbol of honor, sacrifice and remembrance for those who have served our country.This historic cemetery is a remarkable testament to the bravery and patriotism of our military service men and women. Spanning over 77 acres, Fort Rosecrans is the final resting place for more than 115,000 veterans and family members. The cemetery is managed by the National Cemetery Administration of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and is responsible for ensuring that each veteran receives a proper and dignified burial.In this blog post, we will delve into the history of Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, exploring its rich cultural heritage and what it means to each and everyone of us.1. History of Fort Rosecrans CemeteryFort Rosecrans National Cemetery is a historical landmark that honors the men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces. The cemetery is located in San Diego, California and spans over 77 acres of land with breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean. Fort Rosecrans has a rich history dating back to the late 1800s when it served as a military reservation. In 1913, it was designated as a national cemetery and has since become the final resting place for over 100,000 veterans and their families. The cemetery has been a site of many important ceremonies and events, including Memorial Day and Veterans Day services, and has become a symbol of national pride and remembrance. The history of Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who have served our country and the importance of honoring and remembering them with dignity and respect.2. Notable burials at the cemeteryFort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego, California, is a historic burial ground that serves as the final resting place for thousands of military veterans and their families. Among the notable burials at the cemetery are Medal of Honor recipients, including John D. Kelly, Jr. and James E. Williams, as well as other military heroes such as Navy Cross recipient Douglas Munro. The cemetery also contains the final resting places of former government officials and public figures, including former San Diego mayor and congressman, Roger Hedgecock. Visitors to the cemetery can pay their respects to these notable individuals and reflect on the sacrifices they made for their country.3. Grounds and landscaping maintenanceGrounds and landscaping maintenance is a critical aspect of Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego, California. The cemetery occupies an area of over 77 acres and is home to over 100,000 interments. The well-maintained grounds and landscaping provide a serene and peaceful environment for visitors paying their respects to their loved ones. The grounds maintenance team is responsible for ensuring that the cemetery is kept clean, well-manicured, and free from debris. This includes maintaining the lawns and shrubs, pruning trees, and keeping the walkways and roads free from litter. The landscaping team works hard to ensure that the cemetery is beautifully adorned with flowers and other decorative plants, creating a welcoming and peaceful atmosphere for visitors. The team's dedication and professionalism are a testament to their commitment to honor and respect the memory of those interred at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery.4. Services and eligibility for intermentFort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego, California offers a range of services for eligible individuals and their families to honor the memory of their loved ones who have served our country. These services include interment of cremated and casketed remains, in-ground burial, and above-ground columbarium niches. Eligibility for interment at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery is based on the individual’s military service and discharge status, with options available for veterans, active duty service members, and their spouses and dependents. The cemetery is committed to providing dignified and respectful services to those who have served our nation, and their families, in a peaceful and well-maintained setting.5. Rules and regulations for visitorsAs a national cemetery, Fort Rosecrans in San Diego, California is a place of reverence and respect for those who have served our country. To maintain the solemnity of the grounds and ensure the safety of visitors, there are rules and regulations in place for all who enter the cemetery. These rules include no smoking, no pets, and no bicycles allowed on the premises. Visitors are also expected to refrain from engaging in any behavior that could be disruptive or disrespectful to other visitors or the cemetery itself. Additionally, visitors must abide by all posted signs and comply with any directions given by cemetery staff or law enforcement personnel. It is important to remember that this is a place of honor and reflection, and visitors are expected to conduct themselves accordingly.6. Memorial Day and Veterans Day eventsFort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego, California is a final resting place for thousands of veterans who have served the United States of America. As such, the cemetery holds a special place in the hearts of many Americans, especially on Memorial Day and Veterans Day. These two holidays are important days of remembrance and honor for our country's fallen heroes, as well as those who have served and continue to serve in our military. At Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, several events are held each year to commemorate these important days, including flag placements on Memorial Day and Veterans Day, and special ceremonies to pay tribute to those who have given their lives in service to our country. These events provide an opportunity for the community to come together and show their appreciation for the sacrifices made by our nation's military members and their families.7. Volunteer opportunities at the cemeteryFort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego, California offers a range of volunteer opportunities for those interested in supporting the cemetery's mission of honoring our nation's veterans. One of these opportunities is volunteering at the cemetery itself. Volunteers can assist with a variety of tasks, such as placing flags on gravesites for Memorial Day and Veterans Day, helping with visitor assistance and support, and participating in clean-up and beautification projects. In addition, volunteers can participate in the Cemetery's "Adopt a Plot" program, which allows individuals, families, or organizations to maintain an assigned area of the cemetery by planting flowers, removing debris, and keeping the area clean. By volunteering at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, individuals can contribute to the preservation and honoring of the memories of our nation's veterans, while also gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation for the sacrifices made by those who have served our country.8. Cemetery expansion plans and updatesThe Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego, California, has been serving as a final resting place for veterans and their families since 1934. As the cemetery continues to receive an increasing number of interments each year, expansion plans have been put in place to accommodate the growing demand. The cemetery currently occupies over 77 acres of land and has been designated as a National Historic Site. The expansion plan includes adding approximately 10 acres to the cemetery, which will provide space for over 10,000 new gravesites. In addition to the expansion plans, the cemetery has also undergone several updates and improvements to ensure that it remains a peaceful and respectful place for families to honor their loved ones. These updates include the construction of a new columbarium, the installation of new headstones, and the renovation of existing buildings and landscaping. The cemetery staff is committed to preserving the legacy of those who have served our country and providing exceptional service to their families.9. The significance of military cemeteriesMilitary cemeteries hold a significant place in the history of the armed forces of any country. They serve as a final resting place for the brave men and women who have served their country with honor and sacrificed their lives to defend their nation's freedom and values. Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego, California, is one such site that holds a special place in the hearts of Americans. Established in 1882, Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery has been the final resting place for more than 111,000 servicemen and women, including veterans of World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and other conflicts. The cemetery serves as a tribute to the courage and selflessness of these veterans, reminding us of their sacrifices and the price of freedom. The cemetery is carefully maintained by the Department of Veterans Affairs and is open to the public for visitation and reflection.10. Resources for researching military ancestorsIf you are interested in researching your military ancestors, there are a wealth of resources available to you. At Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego, California, we understand the importance of honoring and remembering those who have served our country. That's why we want to provide you with some of the top resources for researching military ancestors.The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is a great place to start. They offer a wide range of resources, including military service records, pension files, and other historical records. Their website is easy to navigate and offers a wealth of information on researching military ancestors.Another great resource is the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC). They house military personnel records for veterans and their families. You can request copies of these records through their website or by mail.The Library of Congress Veterans History Project is also an excellent resource for researching military ancestors. They collect and preserve personal accounts of veterans from World War I to the present day. These accounts include oral histories, letters, photographs, and other documents.Other resources include military museums, historical societies, and genealogy websites such as Ancestry.com and Fold3.com. These websites allow you to search military records and provide access to historical documents and otherIn conclusion, Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego, California is a solemn and beautiful tribute to the brave men and women who have served our country. The meticulously maintained grounds, breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean, and the countless rows of headstones remind us of the sacrifices made by those who have defended our freedom. Visiting the cemetery is a humbling experience and a reminder of the debt of gratitude we owe to those who have served. It is a fitting final resting place for our nation's heroes and a testament to their service and sacrifice. 
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For more points of interest in San Diego, California  , click here Read the full article
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mccleanphotography · 2 years
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Today is National Wreaths Across America Day, where Remember, Honor and Teach about its importance. It is carried out by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as at more than 3,400 additional locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea and abroad. This was in 2016 where I carried the Coast Guard wreath alongside Chief Warrant Officer I’ve been outside, no cap 🧢. Scroll —> History: During the Mexican-American War (1846-1848), a handful of small battles were fought in Southern California. On December 6-7, 1846, a combined U.S. force of soldiers, sailors, and marines under the command of General Stephen Kearny engaged a small group of Californios (Mexican colonists) in the Battle of San Pasqual, about 30 miles north of San Diego. Eighteen of Kearny's men fell in the battle, but U.S. forces managed to hold the field and win the war. The Treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo, signed in February 1848, established the border between the two countries 15 miles south of San Diego. California became a state too. A large resident veteran population and limited burial capacity at nearby Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery-so designated in 1934 but associated with an older post cemetery-was the impetus for building a new national cemetery in the area. In 2008, MCAS Miramar leased land in perpetuity to the National Cemetery Administration to develop Miramar National Cemetery. Approximately one-third of this 313-acre property is reserved to protect federally endangered or threatened species-including the San Diego fairy shrimp, California gnatcatcher, Otay mesa-mint and San Diego button-celery. Miramar National Cemetery was dedicated in January 2010, and the first burial occurred on November 22 that year. (at Miramar National Cemetery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmRupsjJHPi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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insideusnet · 2 years
Sailor Killed at Pearl Harbor Laid to Rest in San Diego : Inside US
Sailor Killed at Pearl Harbor Laid to Rest in San Diego : Inside US
SAN DIEGO (AP) — A sailor who was killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor was laid to rest Wednesday in San Diego, exactly 81 years after the attack. Daniel Harris was buried at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery. Harris was chief fire controlman aboard the USS Oklahoma when Japanese aircraft attacked the Navy base in Hawaii. The battleship was hit by torpedoes and capsized. Harris was among 429…
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nicholassabalos · 4 years
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Freedom fighters all….
SAN DIEGO, CA (July 22, 2020) -- United States Navy nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) sails past Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery on its way into San Diego Bay....as it returns home after conducting routine at-sea training operations.
Fort Rosecrans is the resting place for two dozen Medal of Honor recipients and numerous other military personnel from battles and incidents dating back to the late 19th century.
From military heroes....to President Abraham Lincoln....to his powerful namesake....to the 5,000 mostly-young men and women who operate the supercarrier....
....freedom fighters all.
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                             USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) crest
>>Photo: Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Amber Smalley, USN
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craiglotter · 6 years
One of the best views of San Diego’s harbour and skyline can be found at the Cabrillo National Monument – in fact, a clear day will actually give you a good view over a wide expanse of the Pacific Ocean, Tijuana, and even Mexico’s Coronado Islands!
Situated at the southern tip of the Point Loma Peninsula in San Diego, California, the Cabrillo National Monument commemorates the landing of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo at San Diego Bay on September 28, 1542 – the first time a European expedition had ever set foot on what later became the West Coast of the United States.
The first thing that greets you as you drive up into the national park is the fantastic Cabrillo Visitor Center, which in addition to its useful outdoor signage, viewing deck spots and smorgasbord of visitor information on hand, also sports a fantastically well done museum section, containing a fascinating array of carefully preserved items, information and interactive exhibits.
Then of course there is the unmissable limestone heroic statue of Cabrillo himself, a present to the USA from the Portuguese government. The original statue which was handed over by the Portuguese ambassador in 1938 was executed by sculptor Alvaro de Bree, with it weighing in at 6,400 kg and measuring 4.3 m in height.
However, weathering as a result of its exposed position dictated that the original sandstone model needed to eventually be replaced, and so in 1988 the (still striking) limestone replica that you see on site today made its appearance.
Interesting fact: During World War II the original Cabrillo Monument site was completely off-limits to the public thanks to the Point Loma Peninsula’s reservation for military purposes (San Diego is strategically incredibly important to the United States Navy), but this worked out well in the end – following the war, the national monument’s area was significantly enlarged thanks to work by both presidents Eisenhower and Ford.
Standing at around 57 hectares in size, the Cabrillo National Monument is also home to a number of other fascinating points of interest, like the Old Point Loma Lighthouse – one of the oldest lighthouses to ever operate on the West Coast of the United States of America.
And while this particular lighthouse now operates as a walk-in museum attraction only, just down the hill is the still very much in operation New Point Loma Lighthouse as well. There there are also the old gun batteries and retired radio station that houses an interesting the military history of the area exhibition.
In terms of nature activities, there are a number of short trails throughout the Cabrillo National Monument, including the popular two-mile long Bayside Trail that takes you through one one of the last remaining remnants of coastal sage scrub habitat in the world. It also in the process gives you spectacular views of Sand Diego Bay and the city beyond, Ballast Point (where Cabrillo landed), sandstone cliffs, and if the season is right, even some snow on the tops of the mountains!
The Coastal Tidepool Trail on the other hand takes you along its winding path down to the rocky intertidal area of the monument – which is incidentally one one of the best-protected and most easily accessible of rocky intertidal areas in southern California. Given the incredibly diverse and thriving animal communities to be found in the tidal pool area, this section also then happens to be one  of the more interesting spots of the park to pay a visit to.
Oh, and as if all this wasn’t yet enough, given its high elevation, the Cabrillo National Monument is also a brilliant whale watching spot – the perfect place in fact to watch migrating Gray Whales pass by from December through February!
So pretty hard not to include this as one of the many tourist things to do here in San Diego then!
Related Link: Cabrillo National Monument | Wikipedia | San Diego | #USA2016
USA 2016 – 20 Cabrillo National Monument in San Diego (2016-07-18) One of the best views of San Diego's harbour and skyline can be found at the…
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becauseineedstorage · 7 years
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Rosecrans views.
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India Lima Yankee - Chapter 25
Pairing: Rooster x Female OC
Word Count: 3322
Warnings: Death, terminal illness, lot of sadness
Summary: Juliette Kazansky discovers Maverick is back in town for a special training detachment, but she's more than a little blindsided when Rooster arrives too. Having not spoken to him for almost ten years after their less than amicable break-up, Juliette can only imagine how the next few weeks are going to play out when she remains head over heels in love with him while he wants nothing to do with Juliette other than to forget her.
Or so she thinks.
Notes: Chapters in italics are flashbacks.
Chapter Songs: See You Again (Wiz Khalifa) In Loving Memory
Chapters: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 Chp 6 Chp 7 Chp 8 Chp 9 Chp 10 Chp 11 Chp 12 Chp 13 Chp 14 Chp 15 Chp 16 Chp 17 Chp 18 Chp 19 Chp 20 Chp 21 Chp 22 Chp 23 Chp 24 Chp 25
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Juliette arrived at base with Maverick an hour and a half before the funeral was supposed to start. Her uncle wanted to ensure he had plenty of time to get in his Navy blues and have padding in case any emergencies happened. Juliette hid in the pilot's lounge, lying on the couch while she mindlessly scrolled through Instagram to distract herself from the rapidly upcoming event. Raptor and Lightning lay against the couch below her. She'd been adamant they come with her. They were not only a comforting presence for Juliette but they'd been attached to Iceman as much as her. They deserved to be at the funeral, too, to say goodbye one last time to the man they adored.
Juliette hadn't told anyone she was on base except her mom and brothers. She hadn't even told Rooster, not because she didn't want him to know, but because he'd already done so much for her in the last twenty-four hours that she didn't want to burden him more with her grief. He still loved her, undoubtedly, and she, him, and even though he told her to call if she needed anything, there were still lines Juliette found she wouldn't cross with him unless they were more than what they currently were, whatever that was.
Her phone went off with an alarm fifteen minutes before she was supposed to meet Maverick for the funeral procession to Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery. It alerted her that now was the time to get Raptor and Lightning to use the bathroom before they had to go.
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"Come on, boys," she said, standing up with a groan. Her two dogs jumped up, wagging their tails. Juliette bent down and kissed both of them on their soft heads. "Let's go outside, and then we'll go for a car ride, okay?"
The three strolled out of the room and down the oddly empty hallway. The base had none of its usual busyness. No soldiers walking to and fro at all hours of the day, no roaring of jet engines as they zipped above the buildings, no boisterous conversations in the dining hall. Instead, everything and everyone on base remained somber and subdued, save for the glowing sun slowly beginning to set. 
Juliette watched as her dogs sniffed around for the perfect spot to use the bathroom, her mind wholly preoccupied with her dad's funeral and how it inched closer and closer; how she would have to make a speech in front of everyone and maintain some composure so people could understand what she was saying; how she would have to hold herself together and not fall to her knees in agony over the thought of never seeing her dad again.
"Juliette?" Rooster fell into her line of sight, his brow furrowed and hands grasping her shoulders. "Hey, you with me?"
She blinked a few times, her mind slowly registering his presence. "Yeah, yeah, I'm with you."
"I was calling your name, and you weren't answering. I was getting worried." His deep brown eyes, full of warmth and understanding, scanned her appearance. "What are you doing on base?"
"Maverick came by earlier to drop off the flowers and stayed over for a while. I ended up just getting dressed early and coming to base with him to save a trip for Hondo later," Juliette told him, fiddling with her necklace. 
"Why didn't you tell me you were here? You could've hung out with me while you waited."
"I don't know..." Juliette did know, but her reasoning sounded stupid to her now that Rooster stood in front of her, full of concern and sympathy. "You've done so much for me already that I didn't want to burden you with anymore when you still have a job to do. I still need you to focus on the mission because I need you to come back home."
"I will. I promise. However-" Bradley pulled her into a hug, and she melted into it- "I can take care of you at the same time. I want to."
India Lima Yankee. India Lima Yankee. The words were on the tip of Juliette's tongue, desperate to be said aloud rather than just over text, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Something about voicing them to Bradley face-to-face rather than over messaging still terrified her. What if he wrote the words with the meaning they used to hold before they started dating? When it was their way of saying 'I love you' without others thinking they were together? Of course, the kiss they shared yesterday said otherwise, but then again, what if it'd been a heat-of-the-moment reaction for him when he thought he had lost her?
Rooster kissed the top of her head, and Juliette's heart lurched. She barely heard him say, "I'm sure you have a ride to the cemetery, but if you don't or want to change, you can ride with me."
Still staying in his embrace, unwilling to pull away from the comfort he provided, Juliette said, "I would, but I promised Maverick I would ride with him. He was going by himself, and I didn't like the idea of that. Dad's death has screwed him up more than he's admitting because he's worried about me and my mom and brothers, but I know him. I know when he's hurting more than he's saying."
Juliette took a deep, shaky breath and pulled away from Rooster. If she didn't now, then she never would. Raptor and Lightning trotted back up to her and sat at her feet. "Did you two do anything? I wasn't paying attention."
"They both peed," Rooster confirmed, scratching the dogs behind their ears. He glanced at the parking lot, where people were gathering for the funeral procession. Without a word, Rooster offered his arm to Juliette, and she gratefully accepted it. The two of them ambled over to the crowd. Far down the line, Juliette saw the rest of her pilots, looking sharp in the dress blues. Had she had the time, she would've gone over to them to thank the pilots for the flowers in person rather than just a phone call. However, the procession began in five minutes, and Juliette needed to find Maverick. She would have to talk to them later.
"There he is," Bradley said, leading her a few cars down. Maverick was speaking to Jack and Joey. Juliette all but tackled the latter in a hug, having not seen him in nearly a year. Jack grabbed onto their oldest brother to help steady him. 
"I missed you too, Jules," Joey said, holding his sister in a vise. "I missed you too."
The siblings disengaged from each other, and Joey's eyes landed on Rooster, a flicker of emotions rising in his eyes: surprise and more than a little anger. Joey was the most laid-back of the three Kazansky kids, even more so than Juliette, but he was fiercely protective of his little sister. When he'd found out about Rooster breaking up with her, even after she told him why, unlike Jack, who understood Bradley's reaction, Joey wanted to throttle the life from him. It was why Jules waited two months before telling her oldest brother about the breakup, when she knew Bradley was stationed far, far away from her brother's reach.
"Bradshaw, is that you?" Joey inquired, looking him up and down. "You look... good."
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Rooster shifted on his feet. "Joey. Good to see you."
"We better go see Mom. We'll see you later, Jules." Joey kissed the top of her head, clapped Maverick on the shoulder, and departed with Jack, not uttering another word to the naval aviator.
Rooster waited until the boys were out of earshot before saying, "Joey doesn't share Jack's good opinion of me, does he?"
"No. Dad and I had a hell of a time convincing him not to hunt you down and strangle you."
"Noted. I'll keep my distance from him." Bradley opened the back trunk while Maverick went to the driver's side. Raptor and Lightning hopped in. He scratched their heads and said, "You take care of your momma, okay?"
They both barked at him as if answering him with a resounding "yes." Smiling, Rooster shut the trunk and turned to Juliette. "Is there anything I can do for you before we leave?"
"No, you have done more than enough," Juliette said, reaching up and straightening his tie. "Thank you, though."
"Whatever you need, I'm here for you, okay?"
"I know." Juliette smiled softly at him. "I'll see you there."
Rooster nodded and opened the passenger door for her. She slid into the seat. He shut it once she was safely inside. Juliette buckled herself in with trembling hands and stared ahead at the car in front of them. She had no idea who they were- if they were friends, family, or strangers. Juliette didn't care. She just wanted to get this over with.
Glancing over at Maverick, she noticed him white-knuckling the steering wheel. As much as Juliette wanted to cry to alleviate the pain the massive lump in her throat was causing, she knew she wouldn't be able to stop if she did, and Juliette wanted to stay strong for Maverick. She could see the tension in his body, the tears filling his haunted green eyes. Having her break down would do nothing to help him. 
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Jules reached over and offered her hand to Maverick. A sad but grateful smile tugged on his lips, and he took it. Neither of them let go until they arrived at the church.
Juliette hardly remembered the service. She had no memory of what the minister said, what her mom, brothers, and Maverick said, no memory of what her uncles Slider, Wolfman, or Hollywood said. The only thing she remembered from her own speech was her last line with the tears finally winning out over her stubborn willpower as she quoted her dad's favorite song to say goodbye: "You'll be in my heart. Always."
Juliette couldn't piece together how she got to Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, who took her, or how long it took to get there. All she could think of, all she could focus on, was the casket in front of her, how her father was in it, how he would be six feet under in the cold ground, how his headstone was the only way she would ever see him again. 
It was only when 'Taps' started playing, and Cyclone handed Sarah Kazansky the neatly folded American flag that reality began to settle in with Juliette, and she almost became hyper-aware of everything and everyone around her.
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Tearing her gaze from her father's casket, Juliette scanned the soldiers on the other side of the grave, all staring straight ahead, unmoving. She spotted Rooster almost directly across from her, his brown eyes darker than normal, glistening in the light of the setting sun. She saw the stray tear rolling down Hondo's face, the slight tilt of Hangman's hat that had been moved by the wind, and the weight of Raptor and Lightning as they lay atop her feet.
Juliette's attention shifted to Maverick, who placed her father's wings onto his casket. He pounded the pin into the dark wood and saluted as the first rifle volley was fired into the air. Juliette flinched each time she heard it, the finality of her father's life striking her with each gunshot. 
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As Iceman's casket lowered into the ground, the jets flew overhead. Juliette watched the lone plane split off for the missing man formation, and all she could think was: Goodbye, Dad. 
Her eyes lowered back towards the grave. She couldn't see the casket, but she didn't want to. Juliette knew if she stepped closer to catch a glimpse of it, she risked her legs giving out on her, and she'd tumble into the hole headfirst. Juliette honestly didn't know how her legs were even supporting her now, except for the fact she had her knees locked.
One by one, people began to depart. Sarah, Joey, Jack, and Juliette remained in place. They were staying until the last minute, none of them willing to leave Iceman until they absolutely had to. 
Maverick came to stand by Juliette. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and she leaned into him, grateful for the support he provided. A few people came to offer their condolences in person, Cyclone and Warlock being amongst them. The former requested Maverick return to base with them because he needed to speak with him. As much as Juliette hated to let her uncle go, she had no fight in her to ask that he stay.
Out of the corner of her eye, Juliette saw Joey slip away from her family and head over to the other side of the grave. With a hard look, he approached Rooster. Juliette wanted to go over there in case she needed to intervene, but her pilots showed up, and she had to trust that whatever conversation her brother and Bradley were having, it would remain civil.
"I know I thanked you all over the phone," Juliette began, shocking herself with how steady her voice sounded, "but thank you again for the flowers. It was really sweet, and they are absolutely beautiful."
"We take care of our own," Phoenix said, pulling Juliette into a hug. "We're all here for you if you need us."
The others echoed her words and action, and the love Juliette felt from this group of people she'd only met a week ago was overwhelming. The last to hug her was Hangman. She held onto him a little tighter than the others. After all, he'd practically carried her shell-shocked body back to the training room where Maverick and Rooster were with no idea of what had happened.
"Thank you for everything," Juliette whispered before kissing his cheek. "Thank you."
"I'm here for you, sweetheart. We all are," he replied, grasping her arm and squeezing it affectionately.
She smiled appreciatively at them. "I know. I won't keep you any longer because I know everyone needs to get back to base, but I'll see you all tomorrow bright and early for training."
Coyote cocked his head. "You're coming?"
"Yeah. The world doesn't stop because you lose someone, and I want to help Maverick in any way I can to make sure all of you come home from this mission."
"We'll see you tomorrow, Princess," Hangman said, leaning forward and kissing her cheek. With that, he departed with the other pilots, and Juliette scanned the cemetery to find out where Rooster and Joey were. To her surprise, she found the two men calmly walking over to her, no tension anywhere to be seen.
"Everything okay?" she asked when they approached, eyeing her brother warily.
"Yeah, just catching up with Bradshaw," Joey answered, clapping Rooster on the shoulder. Juliette glanced at the aviator for confirmation, and he nodded. "I'll let you two talk. Whenever you're ready to head home, let me know."
Joey strode off, and Bradley and Juliette embraced each other without a word. She melted into his arms, allowing him to fully support her because Juliette's legs no longer wanted to do the work. 
"I know you'll probably stay with your family tonight," Rooster said quietly when they pulled apart, "but if not, and you don't want to be alone, I'll stay with you."
"Are you sure?"
"Absolutely. We would just have to head back to base so I could change out of my uniform."
"That's fine."
"Is that a yes?" Juliette only nodded, exhausted from speaking even though she'd barely said a word today except for her speech and the few minor conversations she'd held. "Whenever you're ready, I'll be waiting at my car for you, okay?" 
Rooster kissed her brow and departed. Juliette watched him until he disappeared from view, and then she shuffled over to her mom and brothers. Jack wrapped his arm around her shoulders.  
The remaining Kazanskys stayed at the gravesite until every single person left. Then, the four of them approached the hole and peered down at Iceman's casket, each saying goodbye one last time to the man they loved so much.
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As they trekked slowly to the parking lot, Joey asked, "Jules, you staying with us tonight?"
"No, I'm heading home. I don't want to overcrowd the house," Juliette said, pursing her lips as she debated adding the real reason she wanted to go back to her home, and it wasn't because she wanted to spend time with Rooster, as much as that was a bright spot to this gloomy day. Plus, Juliette knew Joey would argue with her on it if she didn't elaborate. She caved. "I also just... don't want to be in the house when dad's not in it. Not right now, at least."
Sympathetic understanding fell onto his face, and to her relief, Joey simply asked, "Do you need a ride home?"
"No, but thank you. Bradley is giving me a lift back." They crested the hill and arrived at the parking lot. Juliette saw Rooster a few spots down, leaning against his Bronco, patiently waiting for her. After giving each of her family members a tight hug goodbye, Juliette strolled over to Bradley. He helped get Raptor and Lightning in the backseat and opened the door for her. Neither of them spoke a word on the way back to base, but Rooster kept ahold of her hand the entirety of the trip. 
"Give me ten minutes, and I'll be ready to go," Rooster promised when they arrived in his impeccably neat room. Pecking her on the cheek, he grabbed an outfit from his closet and entered the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Juliette sat on his bed while Raptor and Lightning went on a sniffing fest, intrigued by the new smells and surroundings. She pulled out her phone from her dress pocket and checked the time: seven p.m. How was it only seven in the evening? It felt like it was midnight with how long the day dragged on...
Juliette also glanced at her phone's battery life, groaning quietly when she saw it was at the dreaded one percent. She scanned Rooster's nightstand for a charger, but she only found a book on the history of the American Navy, an unopened Kleenex container, and a small box with the lid half off. Jules peered over the nightstand to see if there was an electrical outlet behind it, and sure enough, there was, with a charger already plugged in. Juliette grabbed the wire, and as she stood back up, her elbow knocked the small box over.
"Shit," she muttered, charging her phone before dropping to her knees and picking up the items that had fallen out. The first thing she grabbed was a photo of Carole, Goose, and a young Bradley, who was being held by Maverick. They were walking out of the airport, all grinning from ear to ear. She placed it gingerly back in the box. 
The following three items had fallen near each other: Bradley's high school graduation ring, a diamond ring, and a Naval Academy ring. The latter two Juliette recognized all too well. Smiling to herself, she whispered, "Hey, Mama Bradshaw. Hey, Papa Bradshaw."
She set them atop the photo and peered underneath the nightstand, having heard something heavier fall to the ground. Although difficult to see, there was a small lump. Juliette pulled it out. She figured it'd be a copy of Goose's dog tags until she remembered Bradley had had those buried with his mom so his dad would always be with her, even in death. However, she recognized the necklace regardless with its dainty chain, the silver locket with the navy blue center, the white anchor embedded in it, and, on the back, most notable, the engravement of three simple words that held so much meaning: India Lima Yankee.
Tags: @lgg5989@shanimallina87 @polikszena @summ3rlotus @souslesyeuxde @gleasonmalfoy @icemansgirl1999 @supernaturaldawning @thedarkinmansfield @lyannaforpresident @lapilark @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @simpofthecentury @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @shadeops21
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theamericanparlor · 3 years
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Charles Jackson French~
On September 5, 1942, United States Navy Messman Charles Jackson French swam through the night for 6 - 8 hours pulling a raft of 15 wounded sailors with a rope around his stomach through shark infested waters.
The U.S. Navy Ship the U.S.S. Gregory was hit by Japanese naval fire in the South Pacific. Many were wounded and killed.  French successfully brought these men to safety on the shores of The Solomon Islands.
“For meritorious conduct in action while serving on board of a destroyer transport which was badly damaged during the engagement with Japanese forces in the British Solomon Islands on September 5, 1942. After the engagement, a group of about fifteen men were adrift on a raft, which was being deliberately shelled by Japanese naval forces. French tied a line to himself and swam for more than two hours without rest, thus attempting to tow the raft. His conduct was in keeping with the highest traditions of the Naval Service.”
French was memorialized on War gum trading cards and in a comic strip. The Chicago Defender named him Hero of the Year.
French is buried at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego, California.
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aiiaiiiyo · 3 years
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US Marines and Soviet Navy Sailors face each other at a WWII wreath-laying ceremony at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery as part of a five-day goodwill visit. San Diego, California, August 1990. [1600x1033] Check this blog!
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When his patrol was ambushed, facing an overwhelming NVA force, First Lieutenant Philip Sauer stood his ground with nothing but a .45 caliber pistol and ordered the rest of the team to fall back. Lt Sauer, a platoon commander from Alpha Company, 3rd Anti-Tank Battalion, found himself leading the unusual 5-man recon patrol on Hill 861 outside Khe Sanh, with two artillery forward observers and two infantry Marines from 1/9. Only one of the FOs, PFC William Marks, made it back alive.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ "...in action against the enemy while serving with 1st Battalion, Ninth Marines, 3d Marine Division (Reinforced), FMF, in the Republic of Vietnam on 24 April 1967. While on a reconnaissance patrol of Hill 861, First Lieutenant Sauer's five-man squad was suddenly ambushed by murderous enemy fire from well-placed enemy bunkers and trenches, immediately killing the point man. Realizing his squad was engaged with a superior enemy force, First Lieutenant Sauer ordered his squad to withdraw while he provided covering fire with only his personal sidearm. He was last seen holding his position in the face of overwhelming enemy fire."⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Lt Sauer’s body was recovered and is buried at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery. His heroism remained unrecognized for over half a century. On April 24, 2018, exactly 51 years after the action, Sauer received the Silver Star. Three of his siblings accepted the award on his behalf. SOURCE
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adventures-or-death · 4 years
Before going crazy from three months of carona quarantining, we booked a hotel, packed up the dog and drove four hours to San Diego for some beach time. It was our safest choice and San Diego is really cool. Here’s how it went!
We arrived at the hotel near check-in time. The hotel staff took all of the necessary Carona precautions. The place was empty and I felt totally safe.
After checking in, we disinfected our room by wiping down all surfaces with anti-bacterial wipes and sprayed anti bacterial mist over everything. I tore off the comforter and stored it in the closet and sprayed down the sheets. The hotel had a new policy where they will not clean your room unless you requested it. We opted out and cleaned up after ourselves, made our own bed and took out our own trash for the entire week. I don’t like people in my hotel room under normal circumstances so this didn’t bother me at all.
Before setting out to explore, we checked the news and the city of San Diego was in an all out war with the police due to the George Floyd protests. The beach towns looked clear so we planned our five night trip around beach activities.
The weather for the week looked decent. San Diego goes through what they call “June Gloom”, which means most of the June and the summer months are cloudy. We lucked out because we had two days of full sun (I got sun burned the first day) and five days of partly sunny skies. It didn’t matter to us. We were happy to be in new surroundings and at the beach!
Hers is a list of places we visited. Every day was spent walking on the beach and taking in the beautiful sights of San Diego.
Dog Beach
A beach for dogs and humans! We let our dog run around for a long time while we watched the tide go. No matter where you are it’s always fun to watch dogs play. I call Dog Beach the happiest place on earth!
Pacific Beach Pier & Cottages
The first time we visited San Diego we checked out Pacific beach and really liked the location. Parking wasn’t hard to find and there are miles of beach to walk in either direction. If you’re not into walking on the sand, you can walk the concrete path that runs parallel to the beach with all the skateboarders, bike riders and rollerbladers.
There are tons of shops and eateries here, but they were empty due to the virus. It wasn’t anything like we experienced the last time we visited, but it was nice because it felt like the place was ours.
La Jolla Tide Pools
It’s best to go when the tide is almost out, or even all the way out so you can explore all of the tide pools. You can spend hours looking in to each tide pool big and small. They’re so clear and full of life!
Children’s Pool/Beach
Children’s Pool Beach was a super fun stop on our trip. It’s a man made cove originally built for kids to swim away from the big powerful ocean waves. Unfortunately for the kids, the seals thought it was a great spot too and they took over half the beach to sunbathe and give birth to their babies. People still swim here, but need to keep their distance. We loved watching them play in the shallow water and wobble around on the sand.
The Cave Store
This is a store with a secret! The place looks like a regular store front when you walk up and in to it, but towards the back there is an entryway to a secret cave. Go through the small door and walk down 140+ tiny steps through a tunnel to that opens up to a beautiful cave. Watch your head!
The cave was dug over a hundred years ago and was used to smuggle alcohol and drugs during the prohibition era. The sounds alone are worth the visit.
The store portion is closed right now because of Carona, but the cave is open. Call ahead and make a reservation. The cost is $10.00 per person and your group can stay in the cave area for 1/2 hour.
Cabrillo National Park& Minument ($20 per car, but worth every penny)
The gift store is closed due to Carona, but the rest of the park is open. The views of San Diego here are jaw dropping.
Before buying your pass into the park, take a drive through the Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery. There was hardly anyone there when we went and it was stunning.
Point Loma Tide Pool
Located within the Cabrillo National Park.
If you’re here during low tide, you can climb down the cliffs to the rocky beach below for some exploring. There are also hiking paths on the cliffside to explore too.
Coronado Beach
This is where I found sand dollars for days. This is a long stretch of beautiful beach. It’s a long each too so there is plenty of room to keep yo yourself here.
While you’re here, check out Hotel Coronado (Built in the 1800s!)
A huge old victorian hotel built in the 1800s that a majority of the presidents and royalty have stayed at. We walked by it on the beach, but didn’t go in to check it out.
Mission Beach
A laid back neighborhood whose namesake sands attract surfers, sunbathers and volleyball players. A paved path curls around Mission Bay, which is a popular spot for water sports. Belmont Amusement Park (Closed due to Carona) has a small wooden rollercoaster in it that was built in the 1920’s. There are also cafe’s and eateries here as well.
Gaslamp Quarter
This cool section of the city is 16 blocks of historical buildings, shops and restaurants of all kinds!)
The protesting quieted down so we went to dinner here on our last night. We were one of two couples that dined inside. It felt weird, but everyone wore masks and everything was wiped down.
Gaslamp Quarter is usually jam packed with people, but it was super quiet when we were there, and a majority of the restaurants were open for business. Take out or dine-in.
Torrey Pines Glider Port
2800 Torrey Pines Scenic Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037
Watch paraglider take off and land off of steep cliffs over the ocean. This was really cool to watch!
Sunset Cliffs Natural Park
Ladera St. San Diego, CA
Nature Cliffs overlooking the Pacific ocean. This is great place to watch the sunset! You might see the occasional cliff diver or two.
Here are a few photos I took while running around for the week. I wish I was able to capture more but I was too busy having fun. I’m already looking forward to our next trip back to to beautiful beach towns of San Diego.
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bruhbertwest · 5 years
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Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, San Diego
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kdtoptometry · 2 years
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9/11 Memorial ride with @teamtainam . We will never forget. #teamtainam #ridley #roadcycling #fitness #workout (at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiYdWSmPqCe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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simplicity2222 · 2 years
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at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery https://www.instagram.com/p/CgX03-9PiHX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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