#found this pic on google and immediately had to think about it
ladyloveandjustice · 2 months
Anime Expo Final Day: Q & A and Live Draw with Witch Hat Atelier's Kamome Shirahama
Sunday was not as bad as Saturday crowd wise, but still a bit hard to deal with.
I got into the second Witch Hat Atelier panel, which was a live draw with Kamome Shirahama! We weren't allowed to take pics of her of course, and she came in the Iguin cosplay and somehow managed to draw in it, but I did get to take a pic of the brush buddy:
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And here's the live drawing she did (Quifrey by audience demand) which we were allowed to photograph.
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I was taking notes throughout the panel but then the notes app just decided to stop working and I lost it all. But I did write down everything I remembered immediately after, so here we go:
When asked, Shirahama said her influences were American and French comics in addition to manga. She mentioned Akira and the French comic Mobius, as well as a French comic with "cities" in the title I couldn't catch.
EDIT: (According to gaston26 in the comments: "I think she talked about French comics artist Moebius and the french comics with cities in the title is most likely 'Les Cités obscures'. ;)" That sounds right!)
She says she was inspired by the art style and diversity of American comics. She was also inspired by children’s literature like The Neverending Story.
When asked about the diversity in her story, she quickly said that the diversity was intentional and the fact that its even a question shows that we need more diversity. She said, "Nobody would ask this if it was just a romance between a boy and a girl or something like that, so it shows there needs to be more".
When asked how she feels about Quifrey being so popular, she mentioned that Quifrey was going to be a villain but his design was so good she promoted him to a main character.
She stated that she tries to write a story her younger self would read, but she says she was a “twisted kid” so as a child she’d be saying things like “a Pegasus with those feathers wouldn’t be able to fly!”
When asked about the magic system she said she was still actually trying to learn the magic system herself.
She talked about magic as a metaphor for creativity and said her audience is very creative so she feels they could relate. She always wanted to write a fantasy. She mentioned again that she had a mangaka friend early on and that it really made her appreciate what goes into making art and got her thinking in that direction.
She stated that there are no real villains in her story, just people.
When asked about how she comes up with names, she said she “asks Google”. She wanted names where her character would be the only one that comes up in the google search. Early on, with names like Coco and Agott, she didn’t do this, but it made her mad when other things would come up in the google search. When asked if she was inspired by any sort of ethnicity/culture for characters, she asked to pick one, and was asked about Kustas. She said that was a tough question and eventually said she took inspiration from Rome and also indigenous Japanese cultures for him.
She said she doesn’t use screentone because she’s "lazy" and prefers to work with her ink pen. When asked about her assistants she said they are the best ones at doing speed lines, which she’s "bad" at.
She said Quifrey and Olruggio were partly inspired by people she knows- not in looks, but in personality. She said traits like being strict on the outside and sweet on the inside (I imagine she's referring to Olruggio there) were inspired by those people she used as models.
She also mentioned that she draws very fast!
And that's about all I got down.
After that, the day was kind of rough, as I temporarily lost my wallet but fortunately someone eventually turned it in to lost and found. I went to Little Tokyo and attended the pop up Akiba Maid War café there. I got a Ranko cookie! The maid who served us mentioned the cafe's rivals like the poison the drinks and did the spell thing. We got a singing performance where both our maid and the woman playing Manager danced, with Manager intentionally doing it very badly. It was fun!
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And that's all for my con report! Hope there was some interesting info! I'll be posting cosplay I saw and art and merch I got later.
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matan4il · 9 months
Daily update post:
I heard a report that every day, Hamas steals at least a few aid trucks with food, and as we've seen in multiple pics, vids and testimonies from angry Gazans, the terrorists don't hesitate to use force against civilians to do so. A few days ago, a Hamas "policeman" shot and killed a young man trying to get some humanitarian aid. The young man's family was angry enough to burn tired outside a Hamas police station in the city of Rafah.
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The leader of Hamas in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, published a letter to his terrorists, in which he lies about how well Hamas is doing in the war (Israel estimates that at least 8,000 of its members have been killed, and that there is no organized Hamas command in northern Gaza anymore), while promising he won't surrender.
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Just a reminder, that if Hamas surrendered, the war would be over immediately, and there'd be not one more Palestinian, civilian or otherwise, killed. What Sinwar is saying, is that despite being painted by certain westerners as a Palestinian liberation movement, it refuses to save any Palestinian lives. Same goes for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the second strongest terrorist group in Gaza after Hamas.
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Sometimes, the terrorist puppets and their financial masters disagree on what false excuse to give, regarding why they jointly made sure Jews would be massacred. Iran said it was one of the responses for the assassination of Iranian military senior Soleimani (by the US, in 2020), while Hamas denied this claim, and said that the massacre was to protect the Al-Aqsa mosque... (right, 'coz Jewish babies murdered in their crib in the south, born to the most left wing, peace seeking families in Israel, were SUCH a threat to the mosque in Jerusalem. This is the same false excuse Islamists have used repeatedly, like in May 2021, going all the way back to its invention in 1929 by the Nazi collaborator Amin al-Husseini, at a time when there was no State of Israel). Apparently, even the worst of terrorists, and the biggest financiers of terrorism, don't think the west will respond well to the more truthful, "We just want to kill all Jews."
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There was a blast next to the Israeli embassy in India, and now Indian news outlets report that there was a letter found nearby, which tied the attack to Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza.
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Dawn Lev and Matan Peretz, two funny Israeli Jews, answer some very serious questions, that were the most searched ones on Google when it comes to Hamas.
If it helps Dawn, I laughed. XD
While Iran is funding the attacks on Israel from Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, the cyber attacks on Israel (including on Israeli hospitals), and has reportedly attacked an Israeli-related ship at least once directly, it has also increased its levels of Uranium enrichment, which is what they need to build nuclear weapons. We should all be VERY concerned.
Here is an op ed, with yet another testimony regarding the systematic rape, torture and abuse carried out by Hamas on Oct 7. I found it hard not to post all of it, but if I did have to highlight only one part, this would probably be it:
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This is 26 years old Shaul Greenglick:
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For the Eurovision fans, he was a very talented candidate for this year's contest in Sweden, who auditioned on Dec 3 to represent our country. He was on leave from the army, so he performed while still in uniform. He was killed yesterday in Gaza. This is his audition, where he got to show off his stunning voice:
This is 33 years old Maor Lavi:
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Two days ago, he was interviewed on Israeli TV, because he had an urgent mission. While fighting in Gaza, they found a Hanukkiah in one house. As there are no Jews living there, it was most likely stolen during the Oct 7 massacre. Maor wanted to share the story, so he could find the family that owned the Hanukkiah and give it back to them. Yesterday, he was killed in Gaza, too. This is the Facebook post that Maor published in the hope of finding the rightful owners:
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May their memories be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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outofconcheol · 29 days
a somewhat comprehensive, unhinged guide to skz's smiles
Looks like dental analyses are back on the menu boys (non-gendered)! Soooo fun yet also disturbing fact: i found out i’m the first google search result when you search seventeen teeth. So why not let the unhinged behaviour continue and talk about Stray Kids today! Alexa, play “My Shiny Teeth and Me”  🦷
disclaimer: this is not me dragging any member or trying to make a comment on their attractiveness based on their teeth. they are all very very handsome men and i’m just going off an objective formula for these analyses!
christopher bang (bangchan)
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Rip I’m blushing already! Chan’s smile is adorable - and the fact that it’s all natural?? You can see his teeth aren’t perfect - there’s some irregularities in the length of his teeth, maybe some minor chipping, and you can tell that there’s a flare to some of his teeth particularly his top two central incisors. But the beauty in Chan’s smile doesn’t lie in his teeth - it’s how beautifully it matches the rest of his face. His lip line looks great - minimal gums on display, and you can see in the first pic how nicely his smile matches the curvature of his lower lip (called a consonant smile arc). His facial midlines don’t look like they completely match his dental midlines to me, but that only makes him more charming! Also Chan’s adorable dimples are the result of a muscle called the zygomaticus major - which starts at the top of your cheek and goes to the corner of your lips. In his case, before birth, the lower portion of the muscle split into two - one bundle above the commisure (corner) of the mouth, and one below, which is how dimples are formed!  
lee minho (lee know)
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Imo, Minho is the perfect example of why you don’t need to have perfect teeth to still have a beautiful smile - his smile radiates pure joy and comfort. On first glance, the irregularities in Minho’s smile are very obvious - he has those big bunny central incisors (cuuuute), and you can tell there’s some irregularities in terms of his tooth proportions to each other (it kind of looks like to me that his left top central may be turned in a little?). He also has a cute  gummy smile (his gum display still appears to be in the aesthetic display zone, although verging on the border), and you can kind of see his lip line and the arc of his teeth look like they’re reversed from each other. I think his smile is slightly asymmetric because he appears to raise one side of his lip higher than the other, but it just makes him more endearing (he’s had that smirk perfect since childhood). 
seo changbin (changbin)
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Changbin vampire fangs!! That’s all I have to say bc his canines immediately stuck out to me when I first saw him smile! They’re very prominent and elongated (similar to the Mingyu effect), and even though canines are the cornerstones of every smile, you can see why with Changbin. He looks like he has a longer contact point and shorter embrasure (curve where two teeth meet), which is probably why those canines look so long. Another thing that sticks out about Binnie’s smile to me is his actual tooth shape - I feel like it’s the perfect mix of square but also rounded so it makes him look masculine but also soft, which totally fits Changbin’s personality as a man who is very secure and not about toxic masculinity whatsoever. Even though his face has changed a lot, his smile has stayed pretty consistent and fits his current features even more if I must say so myself. 
hwang hyunjin (hyunjin)
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Literally screaming crying throwing up because how did I not notice how absolutely adorable Hyunjin’s teeth are (maybe I was too focused on how he scrunches his face cutely when he smiles). Listen, I know I’m the freaky tooth girl but these are some teeth - they look like the ones we practice on in dental school. Hyunjin has teeth of epic proportions - no literally. In the second pic, you can see how as you move along in his smile, each subsequent tooth is ⅔ the width of the previous tooth, which in dentistry is known as the golden proportion. Another thing about Hyunjin’s smile that sticks out to me as very attractive is how well it fills out his mouth - there’s just a tiny bit of negative space but otherwise you can’t see very far back past his first premolar, which is considered aesthetically ideal.
han jisung (han)
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Listen, I need to be locked up when I think about Jisung’s teeth - for my own mental health. Maybe because he’s my bias, maybe because it’s just that great. It reminds me a lot of one of my fave kpop smiles (J-Hope from BTS). Maybe it’s the heart shape of their lips. Jisung has a far more gummy smile than Hobi though - like a lot a lot. I can’t fault him though, as a fellow gummy smile haver. I think the most interesting thing about Jisung’s smile though, is that it’s a really good case study for the transformative power of dentistry. Jisung’s smile has always been great, but you can see it’s undergone a number of changes. Firstly, he had braces before debut, and I suspect he probably underwent aligment (maybe with clear aligners?) even after debut, because you can see just how much his alignment has improved from the second to first pic. Don’t get me wrong, I think his teeth were absolutely adorable either way, but ortho definitely worked its magic on him. I also do want to point out his front teeth - it looks like one is significantly in front of the other in the second pic. I think ortho can absolutely fix a lot of things, but I do also think once his braces and aligners were done with, he does look like he’s gotten veneers to corrent the malpositioning (sometimes if you can add bulk to the front of a tooth with a veneer, it makes your teeth look less crooked). Again, I definitely need to be sedated when talking about his teeth bc I could go on and on.
lee yongbok (felix)
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Our fairy prince Felix - and he has a smile to match!! One of the things that immediately stuck out to me is that Felix has the teensiest tiniest gap between his front teeth that doesn’t look like it was there. Gaps can form for a number of reasons - aging, gum disease. In Felix’s case, the most likely scenario is probably clenching or grinding. Those behaviours do tend to put excess force on your teeth and cause them to shift (I hope our bby is wearing a mouthguard when he sleeps). Also the second pic!! - it is so rare to find bottom teeth pics of idols these days but you can see his cute little crooked bottom teeth. Why are bottom teeth more likely to be crooked? - crowding usually occurs in the lower arch, called the mandible because there’s the tongue to contend with. The tongue is a pushy little muscle (this is not an innuendo lmao) and it too can put force on the teeth, causing them to shift. 
kim seungmin (seungmin)
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Our beautiful braces boy Kim Seungmin! Seugmin’s teeth have gone through such a journey, and I genuinely felt so emo when I saw him smile for the first time after he got his braces off (my heart did something). Seungmin’s gone through the gambit when it comes to ortho treatment - you can see before his smile arc was pretty asymmetric, instead of curving up and back, it goes up and down slightly (known as a reverse gull wing). Once he got the braces, his teeth really straightened out and you can see how his smile became a lot wider (I think more room was created in his arch so his teeth fill out more of his smile). The types of braces he had are known as self-ligating, meaning they don’t require rubber bands to secure the wire to the brackets (rather, they use a sliding mechanism). It’s also very possible that Seungmin now has a lingual retainer now (I couldn’t find any pics), which is basically a wire that goes on the back of your front teeth to prevent them from shifting. They’re a pain to floss and take care of, but totally worth it to keep those beautiful results (I hope Seungmin always keeps smiling).
yang jeongin (i.n.)
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Maknae on top Innie! He also had the same self-ligating braces that Seungmin did - only he got them off sooner because he had them before debut. Listening to Jeongin talk about getting his braces off is so funny - chewing gum right after and eating curry lol! But he deserves it for putting in the hard work - having braces is not easy, and you can definitely see how it helped out his smile. Before, his smile arch was very inconsistent and up and down, but now you can see it follows a nice, balanced curve. Also I have no evidence to prove this (pics are blurry), but I do think Jeongin had top braces only - this is likely to correct the significant flare in his top teeth and bring them inwards. Also Innie is another one of those members who zygomaticus major was also doing the most - look at those adorable dimples!
thanks for joining me for another episode of unhinged smile analyses! I hope you enjoyed, and maybe we’ll see more smile analyses in the future ;)
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 2 years
first of all, happy new year! i love your work and i hope you have a wonderful year! ❤️✨
second of all... I've been having such a brain rot from this picture. i cannot function thinking about it... to make matters worse, I've been listening to some old playlists and i came across this song. and idk i feel like the pic and the song kinda...pop off together. so i was thinking if you could write something based on the pic or the song or both maybe?
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Hello lovely! It is great to hear from you. Very rare that anyone reaches out off of anon. I admire that!
Poor Aemond! He has been airbrushed to death here. He is beautiful as is. But unedited, I agree, this is a great photo of him.
I'm not really an Ed Sheeran fan, but I Googled the lyrics to see if any inspiration came to mind and picked out the following: "Yeah, I've been feeling everything From hate to love From love to lust From lust to truth I guess that's how I know you So I hold you close to help you give it up"
Hope you enjoy the little fic I have put together for the lyrics and picture!
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Give It Up
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x female character (third person perspective) - strangers to enemies to lust to potential lovers Warnings: Mild smut. Mild violence. Dub-con if you squint. 18+ Word count: 1150 Eternal thanks and handies to @emlikestolurk & @lady-phasma for casting their eyes over this and tossing my word salad into something palatable. Love you.
For weeks now, things have been going missing around the Red Keep. 
First, an emerald brooch belonging to Alicent disappears. She cannot find it when she searches her jewellery box. Helaena is then devastated when she sees that her favourite necklace is gone, a Valyrian steel chain with a pendant in the shape of a spider, a ruby for its abdomen. She only took it off for a moment while she went to bathe, but when she came back to her bedchambers, it was no longer on the dresser where she left it.
The servants are questioned sharply and their quarters searched - however, nothing is found, and so the mystery remains unsolved. Aegon feels particularly aggravated upon waking one morning to find his beloved silver wine goblet has been taken from his bedside. 
Additional guards are placed around the Keep to man all points of exit and entry. Yet, things of value continue to vanish into thin air.
It is early evening when Aemond returns to his chambers, having spent the afternoon in the yard sparring with Ser Criston Cole. He freezes when he sees the cloaked figure. He knows immediately that this is the culprit of the recent thefts. They disappear through an opening in the wall upon noticing his return, a passage into his chambers that Aemond never even knew existed. 
He knows it would be wiser for him to raise the alarm with the guards and have them chase down this thief. But he also knows that every moment he wastes is another moment that they get further and further away, decreasing the chances of their capture. Without another thought, he throws on a cloak of his own to conceal his identity and gives chase.
The opening in his bedchamber wall leads to a winding stone staircase. He races down it, catching sight of the person as they reach the bottom and run out through a wooden door. Aemond hastens his pace, he pursues them down Aegon's High Hill via the twisting path of Shadowblack Lane.
The thief's pace is no match for Aemond's long strides and he quickly catches them up as they attempt to lose him down an alleyway at the bottom of the hill. 
Angrily, Aemond yanks them back by the shoulder, spinning them around and slamming them back into the wall.
"What did you take from me?!" he demands, his hand seizing their throat as he awaits their answer.
Aemond's eye goes wide as their hood falls back, revealing a young woman - a beautiful woman. He had not been expecting that. Previous experience with miscreants convinced him that he would be apprehending a man.
Her eyes are fiery with anger; she juts out her jaw in defiance as she looks up at him. "Let me go, Prince!"
She spits the final word with such venom, as though it is an insult. It shakes Aemond from his state of shock, and he tightens his hold on her throat with renewed annoyance.
"Show me what you took." His voice is cool and calm sounding; however, his brow is furrowed with irritation, his nostrils flaring.
"Is the spoiled Prince going to miss his little trinket?" she pouts mockingly, holding out a silver dragon head cloak pin on the upturned flat of her palm.
Aemond's eye flickers downwards and she uses the momentary distraction to push back against him, attempting to escape. He is much too quick for her though, crowding her back against the wall, unsheathing his dagger and pressing it to her throat.
"Is the wretched little street rat going to miss her life, when I take it from her?" he sneers at her.
She says nothing. She is not afraid to die. She stares him down, maintaining eye contact, a silent challenge. Do it, I dare you.
Aemond had fully been expecting her to scream or at least plead for her life. He is stunned once more as he looks upon her, his face mere inches from hers.
She does not miss it when his gaze drifts to her lips, hesitantly lowering his blade. She lunges forward, sinking her teeth into his bottom lip so hard she tastes blood, before making another run for it.
He drags her back by the hood of her cloak and surprises even himself when he pulls her against him, kissing her hard.
She is taken aback by the Prince's actions at first, but finds herself melting into his embrace, the metallic tang of his blood hot in her mouth as she kisses him back. She breaks the kiss, letting out a light gasp when she feels Aemond's hands wander beneath her cloak.
Aemond lets out a satisfied "mmm" as he gropes at the warmth of her body through her clothes. She is soft and pliant against him. When their lips are no longer touching, he dives in to mouth hungrily at her neck. Ordinarily, he would never behave in such a depraved manner, but this woman's open defiance of him has seemingly awoken something within him that he is unable to render dormant again.
She fights hard to keep her wits about her as her body betrays her with its wanton response to Aemond's attentions, her head becoming foggy with lust. Deciding to take matters into her own hands, she uses his unguarded stance to push him back against the wall. Their lips meet once again, a sloppy mess of blood, teeth and tongues as her hand creeps its way up his solid thigh muscle.
Aemond's breath hitches as he feels her fingers wandering up his leg. He grunts as they slide home to grasp at his cock. He is hard. Of course he is; how could he not be when this temptress has been taunting him since he first laid eyes upon her?
She smirks as she feels his want for her through his breeches. Their lips cease their movements, but do not part as they pant against each other. Her hand takes a firm grasp of him through the material, moving it up and down.
Aemond's eye flutters closed as he voices a groan. Her touch builds a pressure at the base of his spine. His hips buck to meet her hand. And then she is gone.
His eye snaps open in time to catch a glimpse of her running full speed away from him down the alley. He does not chase after her. Shock keeps his feet planted firmly to the floor as he struggles to catch his breath and bring himself back to reality.
It's then that he realises he is no longer in possession of his dagger - he never got his cloak pin back from her, either.
"Shit!" he exclaims quietly, turning and heading back to the Red Keep.
When Aemond returns to his chambers that evening, he leaves the door to the passageway in the wall slightly ajar. Should she ever choose to come back, he'll be ready for her.
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Hangman Dating Plus Sized S/O Part 3/14-Headcanon
Summary: This is a headcanon of Hangman dating a plus sized reader. Most of it is vague and can be read as not plus sized. I went so overboard with this it’s crazy. I just kept typing and it ended up being a lot longer than I expected. Once again thank you @wkndwlff I don’t think I would have the courage to post this without you. 
Pairing: Jake Seresin x afab/Reader
Warnings: Mentions of insecurity. 
Wordcount: 657
Masterlist  Series Masterlist
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~You guys met at the grocery store in the produce section.
~He asked for your number and asked if he could take you on a date. 
~You thought he was joking but still exchanged numbers with him. 
~The day of the date you were at home when you got a call from him asking you where you were because he was at the restaurant and didn’t see you. 
~You said you were at home and sounded really confused.
~He asked in a disappointed tone if you weren’t interested in him any more. 
~You immediately denied that and told him you thought it was a joke because you’ve been set up like that before by guys that liked to mess with you for being plus sized. 
~You of course didn’t see it but his fist clenched and his jaw got tight and he swore then and there he would never let someone mess with you for your size ever again. 
~He assured you he wasn’t joking and that he was quite serious about taking you out. 
~So he asked you to get ready and he’d swing by and pick you up. 
~You ended up getting dressed up in your best outfit. Did a really quick hairstyle and a simple makeup look and threw on a few accessories. 
~You were ready by the time he pulled up for you. 
~When he did show up he came and knocked on the door and he had a bouquet of beautiful flowers in his hand. 
~The look on his face when he saw you had your full face redder than the flowers in his hand. (That’s when he knew he would do anything to see you blush like that everyday)
~He started that night by complimenting you consistently throughout the date. 
~He was dressed in a pair of nice black pants with a blue and white short sleeved top. (Inspiration pic at end found on google)
~When you complimented him he got all bashful and ran his hand through his hair and said thank you. 
~He made sure to grab all the doors for you because in his words someone as gorgeous as you should never have to open a door again.
~(He also mumbled something about his nanna having his head if he didn’t open the doors for a dame)
~Jake ended up taking you to a small little pizza shop he and Coyote would go to after a rough day at work. 
~You guys enjoyed a pizza and ice cream afterwards and took a walk down the beach together.
~At the end of the night he took you back home and walked you to your door and asked very politely if he could kiss you with a slight southern drawl. 
~You said yes and the rest is history. 
~That kiss made you feel like you were drowning in the best way possible. 
~All you heard was the relaxing noise of the waves from when you guys were walking on the beach together. 
~Your body suddenly felt like you were floating and your stomach was like a tsunami. 
~Before he left he made sure to tell you how he had an amazing time and that he was looking forward to taking you out again soon hopefully. 
~He looked so hopeful like a little kid asking his parents to stay up 10 more minutes. 
~You couldn’t deny him and told him in the sweetest little voice that you would love to go out with him again.
~His face almost split in half with the grin that came onto his face at that answer. 
~He gave you a kiss on the cheek and made sure you got inside before he walked back to his truck where he fist bumped the air.
~(Which you saw through your front window and definitely mentioned it on your second date) 
~He texted you as soon as he got home to set up that second date as well.
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A/N: Part 4 will be gym specific and then part 5 will be NSFW/18+! Thank you all for reading this!  
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apparentlybychance · 2 years
Sold Out for Their Love Story: How I let go of my need for a Happily Ever After for Louis and Harry
(I need to give a bit of backstory before we jump into the ooey gooey sappy love story part. Please bear with me.)
In October 2021 I saw a picture of Harry Styles hand in hand with a woman I didn't recognize (like at all). He looked like he'd rather eat dirt than be near her. That was was the day I fell down the rabbit hole harder than when Harry fell on stage after fighting with the mic wire.
About me: I'm a PR and Social Media Marketing Director. Recognizing a carefully crafted marketing campaign is easy for me and that's exactly what this was. So I did some research because I wanted to prove myself right about it being a PR stunt. What I didn't realize was that I was about to discover one of the greatest love stories of our generation.
I'm Gen X and not Gen Z so I did my research about this awkward coupling on Google and not TikTok (shade not intended, I think). From there, the Larrie gods led me to YouTube and I found the Cosmic Leeds videos. (Side note: pour one out for their 2022 video when you think of them, because Jesus, Mary and Joseph, they have a job ahead of them!)
That led me to Twitter (don't judge - social media marketer here, remember?) and I was legit skerred. (Translation: skerred is southern for scared.) The Twarries are a rare and passionate breed, but it was all me, really. I honestly couldn't keep up! From there I found my way to Tumblr and settled into several months of quiet lurking. It wasn't until a bomb shell that I considered H-U-G-E in the fandom happened. I won't mention names, but a "big" TikTok-er was unlarrying.) *GASP*
I'm not ashamed to admit that my fetus Larrie heart was SHOOK. TO. ITS. CORE. I panicked. Were these two beautiful boys who I had been watching fall in goofy, sloppy, sappy love in hundreds of videos and interviews, possibly not together anymore? I couldn't even imagine such a travesty. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat. I had to do something.
I did the only thing I could think of. I took a deep breath and tentatively messaged a blogger here on Tumblr. I had followed her for months and trusted her for her level-headed responses. As I hit SEND on the message, I panicked. Would she ignore me completely? Or worse, just brush me off with a "get-a-life newbie", remark? Who was I but just a newborn Larrie? I was even newer than the pandemic Larries. Yikes! Imagine the shame I felt.
She responded almost immediately and she couldn't have been more welcoming and kind. She didn't treat me like a know-nothing newbie, but listened to my question with patience. She walked me through my first Larrie breakdown. (I've since learned that breaking down is a rite of passage in the fandom.) I now consider her a friend. Always in my heart @twopoppies. Yours sincerely, @Apparentlybychance.
<Insert one of may fav Harry and Louis pics to make sure you're still paying attention>:
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Now onto the good stuff: the romance of it all.
(One more tidbit: I'm also a novelist. No, I don't write fan fiction. I leave that to the professionals, but my day job does allow me to indulge in my passion which is writing stories. This is where our sweet boys had me.)
Do I blame Louis and Harry for the fact that I've devoted more time to them than cleaning my house the last few months?
Yes. Yes I do. I mean just LOOK at how stinkin' adorable they are. My god.
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As a fiction writer, I see a story in everything and everywhere. When I found Harry and Louis' story and watched with my own two eyes the genuine love they had for each other, I jumped in feet first and landed too hard. I saw the heart eyes and infatuation of the baby boyfriends and was hopelessly lost in their story.
Harry...sugar, wow. Just wow. You were a mess falling all over yourself to impress and attract your golden, bright as the sun, idol. And Louis sweetie, bless your little heart. You spent at least a full year trying to convince yourself this beautiful creature with the soft curls and the potent pheromones that you called "his smell" was real.
We get it. We really do. You both were (are) so smitten. And that feral need to touch each other every waking moment developed into a settled, hard fought, partnership between two committed lovers by 2015. It was breathtaking to watch.
What's not to love about their love story?
That's where I went off the rails. Maybe you see yourself in this, too? Let's discuss.
Story is ingrained in our very beings as humans. Our ancestors verbally told stories to pass down traditions and legends from one generation to the next. This wasn't only because they hadn't invented the alphabet yet, but because they knew that story was the best way to get to the heart of a person. To captivate them.
Harry and Louis' captivated me because it has all the elements of a good story:
No. 1: Captivating protagonists. Exhibit A, Your Honor: Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles. Have you ever seen more gorgeous, sweeter, more talented, more adorable protagonists? No, me neither.
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No. 2: Vitriol inducing villain(s): Simon Cowell/Modest Management/Syco. Do I have to say anything else? Here we have our villain, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. The evil entity who want to keep the lovers apart, cancel their love, and crush their sweet spirits because of greed and the strong possibility that Simon isn't getting any in his own life. (Bless.)
No. 3: Magic and glamour: This is the part where story reigns supreme. (Genuinely sorry if that word was triggering.) Here we have two members of a global popstar boy band that had a meteoric rise to fame. They are rich, gorgeous, uber talented and travel to places they can't even pronounce. Not to mention, they look amazing in every article of clothing that has the privilege to grace their bodies. Will they be able to defeat the villain and finally express their love for the whole world to see? Their story is swoon-worthy. No exaggeration.
With all the makings of a good story, we are mesmerized by our star-crossed lovers, raise our swords and vow to see them through to the end. Standing behind us, they will be rescued from the nasty villain and finally be free to ride off into the sunset together to make beautiful music and raise curly-haired, ocean-blue eyed, chubby babies together. And then the famous last words cross the final page of the book: And they lived happily ever after.
Let's all just bask in that moment for a second. Our boys are free to be whoever they want to be. TOGETHER. Isn't that the pinnacle? The climax?
Am I the only one who didn't find themselves right here in this story? I definitely did when I joined the fandom. I assumed that Harry and Louis' total goal was to free from their shackles and ride off into the sunset. Surely, it was imminent. Right?
A year later, I understood why I that was immature of me. I realized that this is no fairy tale and Louis and Harry are real people. They have ambitions and goals and passions and talent and yes, immense, mature love for their partner of over 12 years.
They've been generous to share their love with us and give us signs about when they were happy and signs when they were in distress and needed support. They are still so grateful for our love and support. But I think I have to realize that they aren't ready to ride off into the sunset with their little cherubs just yet. They still have stuff to do. Goals to achieve. Talent to use. And they've chosen to pursue it the ways we are watching. With (nausea inducing) stunts that help them create a story that sells to a wider audience. It's hard for me to watch them make decisions in their lives and careers that I don't agree with or even condone. But, hey, my teenagers do it all the time so why am I surprised?
What I personally need to do for my sanity as a forever Larrie is to learn to trust them. I need to learn to let them tell their own story in the way they want. And if they don't like how their new teams are trying to get them to sell themselves, I have to believe they are strong enough together to do what they need to do to change it - though it may take time. And I need to stop looking for the Happily Ever After just around the corner. I'm really working on this part because if I was writing this damn story, they would have lit a match, set fire to the industry and watched it burn a long time ago. But I digress...
These are some things I'm doing now to release my need for the Happily Ever After and still make me feel like I'm supporting them:
I'm taking their contagious affection, care, attentiveness, hot af sex life, and sappy love declarations and bringing that same energy to my personal relationship. So far, I'm getting a good response. (wink, wink)
Despite facing incredible industry adversity, Harry and Louis are both driven to create art that is as authentic to themselves as possible while realizing that they also have to create something that other people want to buy. I've started applying that philosophy to my own art (my writing) and am releasing the fear of not being good enough. It's made for some interesting stories!
I've reached out to a local organization in my area that supports LGBTQI+ teenagers to support them in a volunteer capacity. I'm not queer myself, but I'm a good listener and I have some skills I can share to help the organization tell their story and build support. Maybe I can't take on a multi-billion dollar industry like the f-ing music industry, but by putting my time into supporting queer teens in my area, I can do something in the name of closeted queer artists all over the world.
I think it goes without saying that I'm also still on Tumblr reading all the posts from all my favorite bloggers enjoying "everything Louis and Harry" both together and individually. Maybe someday I'll get that Happily Ever After. ❤
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mmoosen · 11 months
Spooktober 2023 - Day 15
Spooktober Prompts by @wolfboy88
It's Spooktober!!!☠️🎃🔮🪄🩻🍬
The prompt for today is Halloween Party, which I edited into Halloween Costume Party. Below the cut is the prompt and a couple pics as my inspo
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Brett and Nolan have been dating for a couple months when Mason and Corey announce they are hosting a Halloween costume party because Mason’s parents are leaving for a fancy Halloween themed charity gala in LA. All of the lacrosse seniors and juniors, and anyone who Mason vaguely trusts to not get too drunk, is invited with the caveat: costume required.
So as Brett and Nolan are walking down the halls to their next class of the day, Brett asks,
“Lori already ordered all my stuff to be her matching angel for Mason’s party. Any idea what you’re wearing next week?”
Nolan had not thought much about it, so he responds, “I don’t know. I might just wear my Jack Frost costume from last year. It’s kinda plain though.”
“No slutty maid costume?”
Nolan nearly trips over his own feet, fumbling with the notebooks held in his right hand as Brett tightens his grip on Nolan’s left hand to prevent him from fully tripping on his face. With a bit more control over his balance, Nolan tries to get an explanation for that comment. “W-what?”
“You know? It’s Halloween and every twink is in some sexy maid costume. Just like how every straight dude who hates costumes is just gonna wear a jersey. And all the girls who think they are better than you dress in…"
Nolan lets Brett lead the conversation away from the maid costume comment into the other stereotypical Halloween costumes before they stop at his classroom. Brett gives his hand a quick squeeze before leaving him to head to chemistry, but Nolan cannot focus during his history class, always coming back to the comment. He hides his phone behind some of his books to make a quick Google search for what Brett was talking about.
The next Friday night, Brett and Lori rush out the door in their matching costumes, already ten minutes late to Mason’s party. Brett may have taken too long getting the halo in his hair to sit right and Lori’s devil makeup took her forever. The drive to Mason’s is a bit frantic but as Brett pulls around the front, he lets Lori jump out at the door so Brett can drive back to the spot Mason designated for Brett and Theo to park. By the time Brett makes his way into the living room, Lori has disappeared from sight and Brett cannot see any of his friends past the packed living room of drunk dancing teens. He had heard the loud music from down the block; being in the same room as the speaker, Brett had to turn on his werewolf senses to hear Lori talking in another room. Brett quickly makes his way through the crowd, waving to a couple acquaintances until he finds Lori in the kitchen, already with Alec.
Alec has his head almost buried in the snack table, but Brett can recognize the attempts of Alec’s karate fighter costume. Alec barely looks up to tell Brett, “Hey, nice costume.”
Brett simply nods to Alec’s back and turns back to Lori, who is sporting a much bigger smile than he was prepared for. She is reeking of mischief as she asks,
“You found Nolan yet?”
“No, why?”
“I just love his costume; how much did you pay him to dress that slutty?”
Brett immediately turns his head to frantically scan the crowd again; He didn’t hear Nolan the first time, but his interest was piqued now. A second after searching for Nolan’s voice, he hears the quiet whisper of his boyfriend asking someone to ‘stay still’ upstairs. Without giving Lori a second look back, Brett heads for the stairs with his attention focused on the area around Mason’s bedroom. He catches the whispers of Theo and Liam’s voice around Nolan as he quickly pushes through to get to the open doorway.
Finally, Brett glances into Mason’s bedroom, and he immediately stops in his tracks when his eyes catch a glimpse of skin as Nolan is slightly bent over. A pair of tall white socks go up his calves leaving a long stretch of Nolan’s pale thighs exposed before the frilly white edge of a maid’s dress stops him from being able to look any further up. The shorter skirt connects to a partially laced up corset and Brett finally sees what has Nolan bent forward. Theo is sitting on Mason’s bed as Nolan is giving him an eyeliner cat nose and whiskers. But Brett isn’t giving Theo a second look with all there is to see of his boyfriend’s ass peeking out of a maid costume.
Even hearing Liam hype Theo’s costume up and Theo laughing does not stop Brett from using all the precious time he gets to check his boyfriend out -without Nolan trying to slap his arms at least. His eyes only leave from the vast chunk of unblemished skin on Nolan’s thighs as he watches Nolan turn towards him. Brett finally sees the full costume complete with little bows and lace as Nolan brightly greets him.
“Hi, you finally made it.”
“Hey.” Brett can’t hide his awe in his voice as he finds it hard to rip his eyes away from Nolan’s costume to see everyone in the room. Nolan had presumably just finished Theo’s cat makeup to go with his fake ears, Liam is some kind of gladiator, and Mason and Corey are dressed as the popular couple from Adventure Time.
“I… I love the outfit.” Words are barely forming in Brett’s mind but he’s genuine in his compliment.
“Well, you said it’s what everyone wears.”
Nolan’s attention moves back to the small pile of makeup on the bed, so Brett whispers to himself “Thank god for that.”
Nolan finishes capping the eyeliner and quickly puts the makeup into the little bag as he asks, “I like your angel outfit, where’s your other half?”
“Lori’s downstairs with Alec.”
“I’m done with Theo’s makeup now. Wanna get me a drink?”
Brett hears the rest of boys talk about finding Hayden and Gwen before they all start heading out through the doorway, so Brett simply nods and motions for Nolan to follow out behind them; but as Nolan walks past Brett, he immediately steps right behind Nolan and stays right in his space as they head back to the kitchen.
Brett tries to casually stand in Nolan’s space without getting too handsy for a public setting, so he simply starts to play with the strings of Nolan’s corset as they wait for their turn at the drink table. Nolan seems to enjoy the silence as he leans back into Brett until the table opens. As Nolan moves towards the table, Brett is right behind him. And as Nolan shifts to the right to grab a cup, Brett shuffles with him.
He must have confused Nolan since he quickly asks over his shoulder,
“Why are you stuck to my back?”
“I can practically see your ass in this,” Brett lets his fingers graze the empty skin he’s been drawn to, emphasizing his point, “I’ll be behind you all night if it means no one else is getting my view.”
Brett watches Nolan’s hands shake and slightly spill the alcohol onto the table as Nolan turns and shouts as quietly as he can with the loud music,
“Jesus Brett!” but as with most of their flirting Nolan hits back with a sassy response. “Possessive much? What am I, your chew toy?”
Brett moves his hand to rest on Nolan’s waist as he starts to laugh through his answer,
“Only my favorite one, doll.”
Brett finds himself leaning back to not get elbowed in the gut.
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1eos · 3 months
Hiii, just want to say after i saw you post about karin slaughter's pretty girls book; i was intrigued and downloaded it immediately. I forgot about it until 2 days ago and lemme tell you I've never finished a book this fast. I wanna rant.
I hate all the men in the book (except for the normal ones) so much I want to scream. I hate how corruption is everywhere and it disregards the lives of innocent people. The deterioration of sam's health and murder for wanting justice for his family was truly devastating to read.
Every time claire uncovers new evidence of paul's crimes, I had to put my phone down. And then after she saw the pics in the usb, my heart fell to my gut. It's not fair what happened to the harrold family but I am happy they got closure.
Also, I'm a bit confused on Paul's fascination with julia and her sisters... was it simply because of his need to control pretty girls, hence the book title?
*drops everything* LETS DISCUSS ITTTTTTTTT.
spoilers under the cut
god isnt it a thriller? and when u find out how deep the corruption went.....i think thats what made me feel so fucking sick bc the family went to the police. they begged them for answers and they KNEW what happened. that one police chief guy participated in searches and press conferences and not only knew who took their daughters but was taking pictures with their bodies like they were prized game. oh it made me SICK
and the dad.....wow. like what a tragedy he truly lost everythingggggg. and its crazy that something in his gut just did not sit right about paul. that 6th sense bro. and yeah im glad the sisters got closure even tho the closure probably traumatized them to hell and back. i really like that at the end claire took back her power. i was sooooooooooooooooooo scared they were gonna pull a 'im as bad as u if i kill you' but no. she tore him the fuck up. so cathartic.
as for paul's fascination. its been a while since i read it so i can't quite remember all of the details but iirc from what i got was his dad initiated him into the misogyny murder club with julia. so julia was pauls first victim and he seems to get off on seeing the suffering his actions caused so i think he started stalking the family after that. and when i google the book apparently paul mentions that his dad did something similar in that his wife didnt know anything but would join in on searching for the missing victims and so it seems to be a perverse pleasure in secretly being the cause of someones torment
so julia was the first. he wanted to get off on her family's suffering. stalked them. found out abt lydia but wasnt attracted to her bc she would be harder to control and claire was the perfect victim. and then married her and kept getting pleasure from her and her family's grief that he caused and keeping her in a cage. very sick. kinda nonsensical if u look at it from a normal person's brain but paul only seemed to derive happiness from hurting women so when u examine him as the final boss of misogyny and arrogance its like ohhhh okay u freak
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Have you seen Oppenheimer??
OMG YES i literally forgot to talk about it but i saw barbie and oppenheimer back to back HAHAH! I also had my first ever imax experience with oppenheimer, living in london now in a place that imax exists! (my aussie hometown didn’t have any imax cinemas, so still haven’t seen dunkirk in all it’s glory, but I digress).
so i actually didn’t really know about the actual history of oppenheimer, and my partner encouraged me not to research it until after i saw the film so i could go in like those in history did, without knowing the end result (obvs i knew the end result but you know what i mean). if you ever get the chance to watch a historical you don’t know much about, i recommend doing what i did- it made things more surprising and suspenseful not to know the details that history would have taught me!
thoughts on oppenheimer under the cut:
masterpiece. nolan delivered again, obviously.
the opening scene with the quote and the explosion behind it gave me the most goosebumps/chills I have EVER experienced consuming media.
I loved the suspense that built up over time, I loved that it ebbed and flowed, unlike Dunkirk which only built. Uncharacteristically of me, I didn’t even really research the cast, so when it literally had half of hollywood in it, I kept thinking ‘oh there’s them!’ which made me happy lol.
Also my faceclaim for Peter’s brother played Heisenberg, which I didn’t know would happen, so that was a really nice surprise. (younger pics of him are the inspo I use for faceclaims of the older Dawson brother if you ever want to google Matthias!)
I thought the way they built the group of people around Oppenheimer was brilliant and that the film took the time to make us understand them all as their own people with their own lives was good, especially those who disagreed with Oppenheimer made it interesting.
When they detonated the test it was such a tense moment, and I was so glad to have a good cinema audience that was silent. I kinda forgot that they wouldn’t hear the blast immediately so when there was the audio delay I got chills. I loved that they waited almost enough time to make you think that maybe they just won’t include the audio at all, but then it hits you. hard.
The drawn out ‘not a court’ that Oppenheimer was put through I think really was a testament to all the actors’ skills, and did history justice in showing us a glimpse into how unfairly he was treated by the system.
I especially liked the little details in scenes at the start, like when Oppenheimer watched the raindrops and was thinking of atoms, and those litte details of his visions of science. Found those fascinating and actually really related to how he saw and processed things that way.
I also found the way they found out they had been dropped on japan to be shown very well. i didn’t know how they found out, as i said i went in pretty blind, so it was quite jarring to see that they found out the bombs were dropped from the news.
I feel like all my film reviews are sprawling and have no real structure, but those are the main points that come to my mind about just a few reasons I loved the film!! I think the mark of a good film is that if it’s a 3 hour one, it doesn’t feel that long- and Oppenheimer was just like that. It was gripping until the end and there was so much of its rich plot that it was not dull at all.
so yeah, did see oppenheimer, loved it, i give it 8.5/10 (dunkirk is a 9.5 in my books ((because i wish it was a bit longer)) i found oppenheimer maybe a teeeeny bit slow/laborious in some scenes).
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captainpirateface · 1 year
So kids... Lemme tell you a tale....
I have been looking for this weird lookin' fella for a number of years.
Many... Many... Years.
I had no idea what it was called. And the search was nearly mind breaking.
"Old Man made of Forest" on the Google gives you every weird Old nature dude thing on the planet.
Except this sneaky fella.
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Because he is not an "Old Man",
He is a "Troll"
and a particular one at that.
Some more back story.
I first saw some of these weird fellas growing up in Vegas in my Grandmother's and my Great Aunt's Houses. I was always fascinated by them. They are completely made of items found in the woods. The body, a small log. Dried cranberries for eyes. Etc...
One day years ago I suddenly remembered the weird looking creature made of the woods from my childhood.
I called my Grandmother and asked her what it was called. She knew exactly what I was talking about but had no dang clue what they were called. She told me their sister, my other great aunt, in Florida had bought them for my Grandmother and their other sister.
So last weekend, at this wonderful antique and oddities store called Good As New that we always find strange treasures at.
I finally saw him.
I told Sheri that, "This fella looks like that forest creature I have been looking for.."
And then did a double take and said,
"I think it is!!!"
I quickly took a pic and sent it to my Mom and called her immediately. She confirmed that yes, indeed, this was the creature I had been looking for!!!
You think I'd won the lottery.
I was so loud and happy in this very quiet store.
So, now he is mine, and I know who he is and where he came from. He was birthed from the woods of Tennessee, handmaid by a family business that has been making them for many years. And...
He is a troll.
And he is now "My" Troll.
Here is a smidgen of info copied and pasted by Yours Truly.
Knud "Ken" Arensbak (1923–1997) was a Danish-born lithographer and artist who, along with his wife Neta (born Agnete), is best known for making fanciful handcrafted figures of trolls in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee, United States. The family still operates 5 Arts Studio, which makes and sells Arensbak trolls to collectors all over the world.
So my dude is a "Arensbak Troll"
And now my life is complete, and I can die a happy, happy man.
Link below if you too would like to own magic.
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Love, #CaptainPirateFace
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dixonxredneck55 · 5 months
OOC: So here are the rules for this blog. I know I know, rules are made to be broken. BUT I do not want them broken because if they are, I will not role play with you or any of your characters.
A. This character is based on the old Daryl Dixon, not the new one as I've not seen the new one yet. B. Season 1-10 is what I'm familiar with the most C. IF I write smut, it will be in a NSFW post and/or only on Discord. D. NO HATE!! I don't care if you don't like my posts; my theme; my name, etc. I will not tolerate hate of any kind!! E. I like Rickyl and Bethyl but I am not a fan of Daryl/Carol. I never actually shipped them and Daryl/Negan is a no because Daryl is afraid of Negan. Also shipping will depend on chemistry between our two characters. That said, I require us to rp for a minimum of 2 weeks before we begin shipping F. No MINORS. You MUST be 18 or older in order to rp with me. G. I love multi blogs that have more than one or two characters! I think that gives my muse a good chance to talk to people (even though he wouldn't admit that himself). H. I have discord so I will be on there as well. Please note that I will be medium to low activity. I have a life outside of Tumblr so I won't always be here. I. I will label trigger warnings as needed J. No personal blogs or bots. You will be blocked immediately. K. This blog is independent and selective. I am only selective when our muses may not match or have good chemistry. Other than that, play ball. L. The gifs and pics you see on this blog have come from Google. Credit where credit is due. M. Side blog: Alice Cullen (Twilight; played by Ashley Greene) N. Please trim and cut your posts. If you are mobile, let me know so I can do so. O. You can call me C. I am over 40 and have been role playing on Tumblr off and on since about 2009. I have role played in the Twilight and The Walking Dead universe and have had a few original characters. My previous Walking Dead blog can be found at tumblr.com/redneckxdixon but I do not know the info to get back in. P. LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!!
Thanks for reading!
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Wasted Potential & Self-Indulgent Sadness Part 2
Google Doc December 2022 - Part 1 Here
The biggest issue with this dream I’ve found myself circling the last 4 years, is that who’s got the time? When you wait until you’re in debt to decide what to do with your life, it’s hard to just drop everything and go to school. There are more productive ways I can be using my time than completing punny little group activities and being shackled to a classroom between the hours of 10am and 11am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I need to make a living, dammit! I can’t take the better part of 4 years to put making money on the back burner when I already feel like I’m drowning in financial responsibilities.
Each day both before work and my lunch break, I kill the time by reading. These days, I’ve been reading The Rum Diary which has only proven to make me want to quit everything and become a journalist. I’ve known for a long time that journalism is hardly the endless party that Paul Kemp gets as a reality, but it’s not about the party. It’s about getting a story that can grip at least one person into reading it. It’s about travelling to the strange extremities of the world where my notions of life are turned on their head. It’s about staying up for days at a time to make a deadline. The capitalization of the Internet makes it hard to do honest and true to form journalism, but I’d still like to give it an honest try.
The biggest issue with this dream I’ve found myself circling the last 4 years, is that who’s got the time? When you wait until you’re in debt to decide what to do with your life, it’s hard to just drop everything and go to school. There are more productive ways I can be using my time than completing punny little group activities and being shackled to a classroom between the hours of 10am and 11am monday, Wednesday and Friday. I have to make a living, dammit! I can’t take the better part of 4 years to put making money on the back burner when I already feel like I’m drowning in financial responsibilities.
I’d much rather fake my own death and continue on in the outskirts of polite society as a vagrant. The less institutions and the government are involved in my life, the better. I’ve found it highly beneficial to spend my life flying under the radar so I don’t have to answer to anyone who, god forbid, wants money. Academia is just another avenue to go into debt I’ll never be able to pay off before the great heatwave comes and brings on the collapse of society. Meanwhile, the elites have turned their cowardly backs on us to colonize Mars.
Until I give Galen Weston back the six grand I owe him, I’ll be chained to my comfort zone. Doomed to be asking people if I can get them another size on the other side of a fitting room in a sickeningly sweet voice that I don’t recognize as my own as I chip away at the interest.
Truthfully, my whole life, I’ve been chasing after the best ways of making a lot money whilst exerting the least amount of effort. From the time I was 10 years old, had you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I likely would have replied with “retired”. 
Unfortunately, nepotism baby was never in the cards for me, and unless something dramatic changes with my appearance in the next 5 years, trophy wife is also off the table. Those are the two obvious options stroked out immediately. The next top options include an unknown, distant relative dying and leaving me with an estate and a cool mil, influencer, and selling feet pics to perverts online. The bad news is that the latter two options require a bit more drive than I have, so I’ll be taking a rain check on those.
I think this desire to make a lot of money doing very little is in part due to a) being poor growing up, and, b) my natural inclination towards going on side quests. At least had a joined the military, I’d be paid to go on side quests, all while being able to strategically plan my leave to encompass nearly the entire month of December. Woefully, I do not have the kind of pay or job to be able to dip at the drop of a hat to go travel from sea to sea and beyond for the sake of something to do. How I’d love to have to money to run amok in a strange city for a week or two, only to move on to another.
Part of my problem with the perpetual mall job syndrome I’ve been cursed with is how much of a costume I need to wear every day. Not only is the costume physical but it’s also mental. Having grown up avoiding femininity like a plague, the garb I’m supposed to wear is uncomfortable at best, a smack in the face at worst. Yesterday I was asked if I like jewelry by my manager. I didn’t know how to answer. The jewelry I wear is entirely sentimental and not what others would consider to be ‘jewelry’ in the true sense of the word. What I consider to be jewelry are my father’s dog tags that I occasionally wear, along with my dad’s old wedding ring. Beyond that, I’d be hard pressed to wear anything around my neck or on my fingers. 
Nowadays, as I struggle to shrug the idea that femininity is a plague, my distain for traditionally feminine clothing has dulled. With that said, my dream work wear is still the comfortable and familiar feeling of cargo pants, army boots that each weigh 3 pounds and a sweat shirt. My fashion being tied to some sort of omnipotent brand identity feels like a prison cell to me at times; an inescapable purgatory of business casual where the only acceptable topic of conversation is the weather. Humbly, I’d like to reject that idea.
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innestahtinen · 2 years
Been listening through all of Johnny Cash's albums. One of his early ones is 'Ride this Train', a concept album about trains, going between different locations and songs of peoples stories from the different places. My favourite is 'Going to Memphis' because it's: A. Quite good on its own, and B. Has chains as a percussion instrument.
But that's not really important, I'm up to 'The Rambler' which feels to me like it'll be the same thing, but with a car, which is really interesting to me as the progression of technology. It's been 17 years and 26 albums then, from 1960 to 1977. The point I'm trying to get to is that in the first narration he goes and talks to a fisherman, and specifically says that he 'doesn't really go in for fishing'. Which makes sense given his history, the only time I'm aware of him going fishing, according to his biography I bought this morning, his brother, who he admired greatly, got opened up by a table saw.
So I still feel bad for Johnny Cash, despite the setting fire to a national park, and the berating his then-partner via letter for feeling ill for having a drink at a party, despite him cheating on her in Germany and telling her. He suffered with addiction for decades, and still put out great music.
I don't know why I got into him, all the other artists I've done this with I've had former history with; my parents showed me Lior, Ben Folds and Tears for Fears, my friends showed me Neil Cicierega, and I kept stumbling upon Weddings, Parties, Anything on random wiki pages (cannibalism in Tasmania something, and Don Quixote in pop culture).
I'd heard a couple of his songs through pop culture, you probably know Ragged Old Flag if you live in the US, thanks to its association with the Super Bowl, and Folsom Prison Blues, I Walk The Line and Ring Of Fire are prevalent enough in pop culture. But I'm in Australia, and it feels like I just went 'Him, this guy that died 19 years ago, like 8 months after I was born, I want him' and I feel bad and stuff for liking him. Imagine my surprise when there was a song about Ned Kelly mixed in there.
Last week I was nearing a thousand liked songs on spotitifi and was listening through a couple of albums thinking 'yeah, this sounds nice' then looking at the lyrics and seeing that it's about his brother beating his wife, or the Confederacy.
Anyway, it's mostly I feel conflicted about him, which probably is quite a good state to be about him, given, well, him. Here's a pic of him in thigh-high waders
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Here's my cactus, day 74
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Looks pretty much the same.
The tattoo had a subquest, so I went back on the day of my appointment, sat down, showed my booking card, and was told the guy had gastro. I was also told to call them every day until he came back, so I could reschedule the appointment, so I didn't.
The next week, I checked Google again for tattoo places nearby, found one near-ish, went there, and it was shut, not even a sign, so I went to another one, my main goal was to not go into the city to get it. So I went to this second one, and the guy asked when I was available. This was a Tuesday, I get my rosters for the next week on a Thursday, so I got a Friday appointment, then immediately got in my own head about getting it, self-doubt, anxiety, you know how it is.
Got it, and immediately went in to work to buy paper towels, talked to a couple of people I know, and no one noticed it. I had shifts the next day and 2 people noticed, the ones I'd talked to about getting it beforehand. It took a month for the people I talk to the most to go 'hey, when'd'you get a tattoo?'
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The good thing about it being a generic symbol is that I can lie about what it means. Give em a multiple choice, is it
It's A, trust me.
My work gave all the checkout people new hats with a company related registered name, and so I immediately wanted one, not to wear (hate wearing branded clothes, something something not paying to be a billboard something something) but to put on my skull I stole from there 3 years ago
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chrrywvea · 2 years
ice having to listen to yet another admiral yelling about some shit mav did:
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30 ways to... discipline your husband (but not really we all know that......👀)
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skippyangel16 · 3 years
The Red Carpet to Crazy or the Truth?
You decide…
Cait should aim to kill the curiosity but she is the one that brings us all here…Why?
A piece for all new visitors, newbies, those who have considered are we crazy? and those just interested😜. This is just focused on what Cait wants us to believe re her relationship with Tony. Read this then ask yourself whose crazy! What’s discussed here is what was put out by them NOT created by believers! Contrary to belief we don’t need to put them together, we just see that they are more likely to be together than the alternatives given. My world will not fall apart if they are not.
Like MOST who get here my journey…I Watched outlander feb 2021…curious so I started looking on the net re stars…what I found was🤯
I googled Cait and Sam to see relationship status then them with respective partners. Sams pics were passable, nothing close to what I’d seen him be with Cait but I could accept it. Then I looked at Caits and immediately had no doubts because I found hundreds 🤣 of loved up pics that oozed happiness! They convinced me…..🤣 so much so I walked away 😊! If only…
Yup I lied 🤥 🙄🤣
Less than 10 pics found… all the same temperature 🥶 as opposed to all the pics I have seen with Sam 🥵
👇So if you had done a better job I would not have gone further. Blame… well it lies with you! Period!
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Sam has said and we have witnessed that you are always happy, smiling and find it hard not to giggle 🤭
What happens when you are with the love of your life then is beyond incomprehensible 🤯 ☹️
If I was cynical I would think it was planned? 😱
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👇The one picture I can find where there’s a glimmer of a smile from both of you and shock you’re not touching each other and looking at someone else? 🤯 I don’t get why you are shocked when I and so many others don’t buy it. We have seen the pics with Sam, we have seen your interactions with him in interviews so of course we look further…you even have warmer pics with Tobias than I have seen with Tony…so that’s how we all find tumblr.
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🧐 It’s almost like you want to lead us here, you roll out the red carpet…just like vf article here’s the red carpet that leads to the crazy truth? If it isn’t the truth then you just must get a kick out of chaos, gossip and drama?
So next I’m looking for engagement enthusiasm because that will help me believe your story…
KDS quiz questions …at the point she says the word engagement most people who are newly engaged automatically break out into a beaming smile… it can’t be helped! Sadly not Cait!
Sams face at point of question, well ….?
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But seconds later you both manage to get your faces in tune and smile and sam does his congrats bit… a good effort on film…👏👏👏 However it falls flat as Cait sadly just giggles and says ‘thanks’ but no elaboration …that’s it! The vibe is we addressed it ✅ now move along. Then she looks at the floor…awkward?
So let’s go with Sams face…can be open to interpretation? yes it can…so let’s try again.
Engagement Take 2 …Point in interview when asked have you got a wedding date? Face and response says it all!🤯 the tone! OMG 😳 … followed by Cait looking away with eyes down!
Wow I have NEVER known ANYONE respond like this ever!
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So some straight forward wedding day pics would really help right now…sadly no! It’s private. Squeezed into a weekend where all your co stars apart from Sam were away on outlander business. Strange he’s the only one that could attend and congratulate, well I mean make a weird comment. He doesn’t say anything about a wedding specifically, it’s actually just a remarkable weekend. Why does everyone have to write the story for you? Why is Sam the most PROMINENT person on your wedding day?🤯 Why the rush all of a sudden, why squeeze it in a weekend with no time for honeymoon? Sams texts pre and post wedding only added to making it more unbelievable …
Pre tweet the pic significance re J&C is inappropriate to put out on your co stars wedding morning (also done a day late for outlander anniversary) post text 🤯where was the congrats to the happy couple? beautiful bride comments? or at least a 👰‍♀️🤵‍♂️emoji…when else can you use them? 🤯 Has anyone before or since hinted at a wedding and called it remarkable 🤯
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So the honeymoon (it was at work spent with Sam!) and I believe your first pic post wedding was on set with a goat👇!
Now some say GOAT is greatest of all time, so if the only pic you can manage to release post wedding is with a goat then post a pic of a goat on your wedding day when you’re with your new husband? Not when you’re back at work with your hot co star that people link you with? How easy it is to stamp out any confusion if you want to? Well there would have been no confusion if you’d just done 1 wedding pic like most celebs… but it’s private ? You can still be private… a simple tweet would have done wonders something about marrying the love of your life since you want everyone to know? You want us to know you married him so much the only visible person on that day was Sam 😱🤯. You could have run to a pic of the cake, bouquet, champagne glasses …anything other than what you did which was nothing? Weird that?
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👇Pic used for town and country article to celebrate the biggest weddings from 2019…here we go this will change my mind!
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So Happy Couple number 13? Who makes a list of 13? who would want to be couple 13? who would want to be couple 13 dressed in black on a page full of white and beautiful colourful flowers?… Again Sam has to be mentioned and it’s all cryptic…but we are supposed to believe it’s happened😫
Sadly you didn’t share a wedding pic 🤯… so dressed in black amongst a page of beautiful loved up couples, speaks for itself. Surely you could have supplied a better pic than that? Why couldn’t you at least of released a new couple pic for the article… maybe wearing white? It stuck out as tragic, depressing amongst a beautiful sea of white happy wedding shots? But you were at least trying to give a slight smile?
The writer of said piece tweets…
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Now when I came to tumblr looking if I had found a different version than the above I would have believed you were happily married to Tony and left, it was as easy as that…you guys made it complicated!
You can’t make this shit up! You reap what you sow…
So if you just look at the above… who looks crazy now? 🤷‍♀️
I am open minded, happy to be wrong, l repeat I do not need you and Sam to be together to make my life complete. Absolutely no one has to go to any lengths to put you with Sam… quite the opposite. YOU have presented this story and it falls well short of believable, anyone out there that comes here and finds the same I think will agree? ( and there’s so much more!) You and Sam may or may not be together, may or may not have been together but YOU both continue to feed the story by your actions. Your lack of effort to portray a believable relationship with others is yours and Sams choice. If you really wanted to kill off the rumours you could! Until you can do that I believe what your body language shows me.
My feelings are you ALL need this love triangle, creates more likes, interest, drama! All areas of fandom can get involved, keeps you in the news, employed. A love triangle/Is she isn’t she? its a great 🪝for fan manipulation…it’s gold…all done for 💰?
So the Oscar for PR drama goes to…the one who loves trophies 🏆!
Posted 18 Jan 2022
(To all that have found the images here distressing and now have sore eyes I apologise.)
Thanks to all gif makers named and unidentifiable. Credit to town and country article written by Roxanne Adamyiatt source google.
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March 31, 2012:
They met at the backstage of the Kids Choice Awards.
Taylor was seen dancing 1D performance, as declare herself fan of the band.
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April 01, 2012:
Liam joke about Harry meting Taylor “I thought Harry might have went to the bathroom just a little bit when we met her.” 
Harry post a tweet.
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April 05, 2012:
Justin Bieber invited both Taylor and One Direction to his LA mansion, where they swam and “just hung out”. Bieber told Britain’s Daily Mirror that “one of the biggest artists in the world thinks Harry is so hot, but I have been sworn to secrecy.”
April 06, 2012:
On SNL Appearence MTV tease Harry about Taylor there.
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April 08, 2012:
Taylor was seen in NYC when 1D was around. 
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Someone claimed that she was in the Russian Military Museum with Harry.
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Same day Taylor was seen at Bowery Hotel
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April 10, 2012:
1D flies to Australia.
April 11, 2012: 
Taylor post a pic in the studio, but the pic was really taken on 8th April. She ad the captation "Recording for the next album. So happy."
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April 16, 2012:
Harry reveal in true or false that "We meet in America" when they asked if he was texting her.
April 23, 2012:
Aparently they weren't exclusive, but Harry want to make it official before he left the US.
Harry was photographed kissing model Emma Ostilly during a night out in Auckland, New Zealand.
"He ask her be exclusive. But Taylor woke up one morning to confusing text messages from him, begging for a chance to explain and telling her not to believe everything she reads. She immediately googled Harry and found all the pics of him kissing Emma."
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Same day that pics came out, Taylor went out for shopping with friends
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They abruptly cooled down.
April 25, 2012:
Taylor post this picture on Instagram, and sneakily adding a playlist – ‘Screaming Infidelities’ by Joanna Pacitti. The song lyrics hints about missing a lover who ‘cheated’.
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April 27, 2012:
Taylor went for a lunch with a friend, and she keeps out and abouts for a while, just hang out with friends.
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September 06, 2012:
Popstar magazine reported that Styles and his bandmates watched Swift's final MTV Video Music Awards rehearsal. After this, they went to Katsuya restaurant with a group, that included, their mutual friend Ed Sheeran and Swift's bandmates.
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October 04, 2012:
Both in London for BBC Radio 1 Awards (Taylor is in promo for RED).
Harry tweet in reference "Paper airplanes" (in reference to thenecklace that after, he give to her).
October 05, 2012:
Taylor appears on Nick Grimshaw Radio Show and plenty appaereances in London for promo.
October 06, 2012:
Harry's do the same and they talk about Taylor 4 min straight.
Taylor hinting "good looking boyfriend" in Jonathan Ross Show.
October 07, 2012:
At the BBC Radio1 Teen Awards in London, they spent so much time together at the backstage, that the radio hosts Aled Jones to start to speculate on-air about the romantic situation of them.
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The Sun reported that Taylor and a “mystery” member of 1D had arranged to have dinner at the upmarket Luton Hoo Hotel after the concert. nut when the columnist received a tip ,the meal was suddenly cancelled.
Harry name her as one of his celebritie crushes in Seventeen November Issue.
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October 12, 2012:
According to the jourals that she published for lover, Taylor Wrote "This love" this exact day in LA.
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October 22, 2012:
RED was release and some song are speculated to be from Harry.
October 23, 2012:
Niall hinted us with the word "Swifty" when the colaborators ask him about his reputation with the ladies.
Same day Taylor talks about her favourite movie being ‘About Last Night’ because she likes how the girl gets back with her ex in the movie.               -remember This Love that she wrote same month-
October 30, 2012:
Harry was wearing the Airplane Necklace while leaving his Management’s office with the rest of One direction before leaving for Spain the next day.
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November 04, 2012:
At UK Cosmopolitan Issue , Harry talks about dating with someone that is not his type, but is really ambitious and he likes that.
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November 07, 2012:
Taylor is photographed outside her London Hotel wearing Harry’s paper airplane necklace.
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November 08, 2012:
Taylor is photography again wearing the necklace in France's NRJ Radio Station.
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November 14, 2012:
One Direction head back to London due to a scheduled appearance for BBC Children in Need in London on Nov. 16, 2012 but Harry instead of flying to London, he gets on another plane, flies back to LA to see Taylor (extra 6 hours in air).
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November 15, 2012:
Harry watches Taylor during her X Factor rehearsals in LA. 
Offical Tweets are posted.
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November 16, 2012:
Mario Lopez (X Factor presenter) confirms on radio that Harry came to see Taylor during her X Factor Rehearsal on his radio station. He mentioned that they walked away holding hands.
November 26, 2012:
Taylor quoted : “I think the one thing about love is that you don’t know anything. It always comes back and surprises you so I don’t have any general theories on love at the moment because they always get proven wrong.”
Same day Harry make his tattoes about “Things I can, things I can’t”
December 02, 2012:
Harry and Taylor were photographed together for the first time while visiting the zoo in Central Park, New York with friends.
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That night, they posed for photos with fans after dinner at SoHo’s Bond St. restaurant, where they dined with Ed Sheeran and Harry’s mother and stepfather.
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December 03, 2012:
They made an appearance at the Hudson Hotel, as part of 1D, Madison Square Garden after party.
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They were joined for karaoke by Ed Sheeran and the rest of One Direction. They sang Dolly Parton’s “Islands In The Stream”, Elton John’s “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” and the Backstreet Boys” , “I Want It That Way”. 
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The "Dirty Dancing picture” born this day.
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The pic of both kissing happend that night too.
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December 04, 2012:
They arrived at Taylor's Hotel around 4PM
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Harry post a tweet next day , maybe hinting a night with Taylor?
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Next day, he was seeing leaving her hotel.
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At night time, he came back to her hotel again.
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December 05, 2012:
Harry left the hotel again
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December 06, 2012:
They went together to Emma stone's brithday.
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December 07, 2012:
They left the hotel next morning.
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Liam and Harry were asked about Taylor.
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At Z100’s Jingle Ball, Harry and Taylor watched each other’s performances from side-of-stage, and kissed, hugged and danced backstage while other acts were performing. 
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Later they left the event to take a red-eye flight to London on Taylor’s private jet.
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December 10, 2012:
Taylor accompanied Harry and the rest of One Direction for their promotional appearance on The X Factor Final in Manchester, England.
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December 11, 2012:
Harry and Taylor had dinner at The Rising Inn in Derbyshire, England with Harry’s sister and her boyfriend.
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After they were spotted by fans on Tesco, and they asked to Taylor make the pic with them with Harry.
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December 12, 2012:
They visited Bowness-on-Windermere in the Lake District. They stopped into the World of Beatrix Potter store.
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At night time they stop at curry house for takeaway.
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December 13, 2012:
Harry collected 23 Cupcackes for Taylor's birthday. 
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Later they took a drive around countriside. Then drove to a Great Budwirth and stop in George and Dragon Pub for eat. They been there for 1 hour, they were laughing and joking. 
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At night time they stopped by Fortune City takeaway restaurant in Harry's hometown of Holmes Chapel.
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December 14, 2012:
Harry drove Taylor to Manchester airport where she boarded an international flight to Germany. While there, she told an interviewer she had the "best birthday since I was about six years old."
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December 18, 2012:
Taylor accompanied Harry to LA's Shamrock Tattoo Parlour at 1pm where they posed for photos with fans.
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December 19, 2012:
Harry and Taylor visited Taylor's mother at her house in LA.
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December 21, 2012:
They were photographed on a skiing vacation in Park City, Utah After a day on the slopes, they had dinner with friends at Grappa, an onlooker told that they look "happy and in love". This is the travel that she mention in Out Of The Woods.
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December 23, 2012:
They spotted by fans at Park City in Utah, holding hands and in a hot tub.
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December 24, 2012:
Harry arrived in England and showed off his injury at a party with friends, this was mentioned in Out Of The Woods song too.
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December 28, 2012:
Harry is spotted at the airport in Heathrow taking a flight back to New York to meet Taylor.
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December 31, 2012:
Harry and Taylor were photographed by fans kissing at midnight after Taylor's performance in Times Square on New Year's Eve. They were later photographed returning to their hotel.
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January 01, 2013:
They left the town on Taylor's private jet early in the morning.
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January 03, 2013:
They were having dinner and drinks at Coco Maya while on vacation in the British Virgin Islands's. The trip was a "surprise" for Taylor: "He planned it and whisked her away." 
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After dinner, the couple returned to their boat. However, later that night, looks like a drunk Harry "left Taylor on their boat for a few hours without telling her where he was going". 
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"When he returned, Taylor was crying and furious. She called him a dick and accused him of running around with girls".
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January 04, 2013:
Reports of Taylor and Harry breaking up, Taylor leaves the island to get ready for the People’s Choice Awards.
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January 05, 2013:
Taylor tweets: "... 'till you put me down"
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January 07, 2013:
Harry returns to London after the split with Taylor.
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January 10, 2013:
Taylor attends the People Choice Award’s where she sports what looks like a hickey under her boob.
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January 10, 2013:
Taylor tweets “Back in the studio” which later she revealed she recorded All You Had To Do Was Stay which is about her relationship with Harry. 
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Later, in an interview with Ryan Adams she revealed AYHTDWS was inspired by a dream she had, "I had a dream that my ex showed up at my door, knocked at my door, and I opened it up, and I was about ready to launch into the perfect thing to say...”
January 26, 2013:
Both attended and avoid each other on the NRJ Awards. Their make the appereance on the red carpet 25 min apart. “It was very carefully timed so they didn’t do the carpet at the same time,” the insider said “Taylor didn’t do any backstage interviews and didn’t use a dressing room. She changed at the hotel because she didn’t want to see Harry at any point. “Things were timed to keep them apart and for it to not become a big media circus.”
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Taylor, 23, made eye contact with Harry, 18 (who was in the audience) when she took to the stage to sing her defiant pop hit, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.
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February 10, 2013:
Iconic performance at the grammy's where she change the speech in WANEGBT for "..I'm busy opening at the grammy's and we are never ever getting back together... like never" and ad a really british accent in "I still love you".
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February 17, 2013:
They ask to Harry about the performance and about Grammy's performance and he just said that "she is a great performance"
February 20, 2013:
Both attend to the Brit Awards , Harry reacted when saw her coming and at the end of her performance she staring at him. 
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Taylor spend her time in backestage with Tom Odell
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February 21, 2013:
Taylor was photographed again with Tom and leaving, Harry's favourite local club in London,"The Groucho Club" in Soho.
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April 11, 2013:
During a concert in Little things Louis says Taylor Swift into the mic as Harry is singing his part.
August 25, 2013:
VMA's, both attended and even if they try ,they couldn't ignore enough Harry notive Taylor and Taylor notice Harry, both they were seated closer, and when she did her speech Harry laugh. "Thank to the person who inspired the song cause i got one of these".
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During the ceremony , Harry was texting to someone, and looks like Taylor receive a message which makes her (and Selena) look to the direction of where Harry was sitting.
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In the after party they took a pic together with Ed too.
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November 18, 2013:
Courtney at the BMI Awards in 2016 said Ed, Taylor, Johny McDaid, Gary Lightbody and someone else that she can’t remember, hungout together in 2013/2014.
She followed Ed, Johnny, Taylor and Harry all in the same day.
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November 21, 2013 :
Kedall and Harry have their first date.
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Same day Taylor tweet
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November 24, 2013:
AMA's 2013
Both attended, Fans point out that Taylor is wearing the samedress as Rose Huntington-Whiteley did in One Direction’s Glamour shoot.
December 14, 2013:
Harry posts a picture of himself in Cannes which is the same
room/view Taylor posted before in early 2013.
February 11, 2014:
Taylor post a video of her haircut, after her show in London O2 Arena , in the video you can see a lot of famouse people, Ellie Goulding, Cara delavigne and looks like we can see Harry sitting there
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December 02, 2015:
After Taylor's performance for Victoria Secret Fashion Show they met with pals at London Edition Hotel following the Victoria's Secret Show at London's Earls Court, a source told: “All eyes were on Harry and Taylor when they turned up. People were desperate to see how they reacted to one another." after drinking with Ellie Goulding, Taylor headed to the hotel with models Karlie Kloss and Lily Aldridge, while Harry arrived with their mutual pal Ed Sheeran.
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January 2015:
They had a cold encounter in a Hollywood Hotel Loby in a birthday party,The boy band member is seen chatting to her pals but she barely acknowledges him and instead focuses on her phone and avoids eye contact.
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Stalker Sarah said that they have been on a dinner after the party as casual friends.
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March 01, 2014:
Both reunited for the pre oscar party. "They've stayed in touch and were speaking for a while [at the party]. People think they don't talk but they're friends and on good terms. There are no bad feelings between them whatsoever." the source said
March 15, 2021:
Harry went to speak Taylor during commercial break and they have a little talk, we can see that there's not bad blood at all, actually, Taylor was really happy when he win the Grammy for Best Pop Solo Performance.
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