#fourteenth doctor imagine
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Imagine a near-kiss with the Doctor...
The portable bookcase in the TARDIS hub was your best innovation yet even though the Doctor reminded you of the perfectly functioning library eleven doors and one water slide away.
As you spent the morning dusting and reorganising the vast collection, you noticed the small frown on the Doctor's face that was knitting brows while one of the monitors spit static into the air.
"You've been staring at me for a few minutes now." The Doctor noted, tapping the screen in the hopes that the static would solve itself.
You turned away from the books slightly and smiled. "Help me?"
"Oh, come on. You know those are the two words that I can't resist." The Doctor whined playfully.
Leaving the task at hand, the Doctor approached the base of the ladder with an exaggerated huff. "Hop down and I'll do the rest. Maybe you can solve the right frequency to reach the Zellion Supernova."
You climbed down and then leaped off the last few steps into the Doctor's arms where you were easily caught and set back on your feet. Quite fortunately, something within the Time Lord stirred, unable to break the gaze or lose the contact by your waist.
The Doctor wished with both hearts to keep you there to watch and admire. You were more than a companion and it puzzled the Doctor to find the right word.
"What are you looking at?" You whispered while wrapping your arms around the Doctor's shoulders.
Dual hearts skipped at the same time. You were so close and all the Doctor had to do was lean forward and steal a kiss.
That was the plan. Simple and sweet. But the universe had other ideas and the TARDIS shook violently, almost tossing the pair over the railing.
Sparks flew about the room and the Doctor looked over to make sure that you were okay. Without any words exchanged, you set a nod and the Time Lord ran over to the console unit, frantically pulling levers to stabilise his machine. You followed, stumbling from side to side as the ship swayed and shook at random.
"What's wrong?" You asked, looking from the centerpiece of the console to the Doctor with grave concern. The TARDIS was making a noise unlike anything that you had heard before and it was unsettling.
The Doctor groaned, struggling to pull down a lever and you immediately clamped your hands the knob to help bring the metal down into position. Immediately after doing so, the noise ceased and the TARDIS stopped shaking.
It was quiet.
The Doctor leaned forward, hands bracing the console, and head lowered while you stared blankly. "Okay, what was that?"
Letting out a sigh, the Doctor looked up at you slightly sheepish.
"Uh - my personal alarm."
You instinctively clenched your hand in a fist and delivered a firm punch to the sleeved arm. "Are you kidding me?!"
The Doctor gave an exaggerated yelp. "Ouch! What was that for?" Clearly unable to see the problem or how much it scared you.
"I thought we hit an iceberg or were caught in a time-rift again." You argued. Sure, it had only happened once but that one event was traumatising.
~ More imagines here ~
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Just hear me out for a sec!
Just some Fourteen and Donna thoughts
(My gif and sorry the quality is shit I dunno what happened 😢)
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What if, after the bi-regeneration thing, Fourteen lost or gave up the ability to regenerate? Like he doesn’t age like a human because he’s not but he can die.
And he doesn’t do some weird merge with Fifteen bc I said so.
So basically he just continues living with Donna and her family. He’d be a lot more careful than before because he doesn’t want to die just yet.
Donna eventually dies due to old age and Fourteen is there with her until the very end because of course he is.
And Donna is lying there surrounded by her loved ones and she just smiles at The Doctor and says “see you soon, Spaceman.”
And he knows that he’ll see her soon but he’s still sobbing because she’s his best friend and he doesn’t want to be without her.
“See you soon, Earth girl.”
As soon as Donna’s gone, The Doctor just looks his family and gives them a sad smile. They understand why he’s doing this but that doesn’t mean that they don’t hate it.
The Doctor goes back to his TARDIS and says “I’m ready to go.” The TARDIS helps him go and it’s easy and painless. A lot easier and less painful than regenerating. Just like falling asleep.
Then he’s awake again. In his TARDIS. But the TARDIS looks different. It feels more…him.
“Finally, Spaceman! What took you so long? I have places to be and things to see!”
It was like they hadn’t been apart or stopped travelling and she looked just like she did when they first met.
“Sorry! So. Where to, Earth girl?” The Doctor does his hyper jumping and running and grinning thing he does.
“Pluto. Pluto deserves justice! I just want to give the little planet a hug.”
The Doctor does his raised eyebrow thing.
“Sorry! Pluto it is! Allons-y!”
Tagging people who I think might like it: @quite-right-too @casasupernovas @tennant @tatennant @theetherealbloom @kbishop @denaliwrites @my-lonely-angel @davidtennan-t @raining-stars-somewhere-else
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Imagine your the first one he sees once exiting the Tardis *A Drabble*
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Their brain felt like it was spinning that night. Not like in a dizzying sense, but more like a spinning Tardis floating around space with a familiar face. Y/n dashed out of bed, and quickly got something warm on to go outside
They’re dashing throughout London, but they stopped at a corner of the sidewalk. The sound of what could be easily mistaken to be an airplane was really the Tardis showing up. Soon the same face they are used to seeing peeks his head out
He instantly makes eye contact with them. “Oh my god…” tears rushed out of his eyes as he quickly finds himself hugging them. They returned the hug as the door to the Tardis shuts. “I didn’t think you’d be the first face I’d see. How are you doing?!” The Doctor asked as he stops hugging them
They stopped hugging him now with a smile on their face. “You know, being able to predict shit so that London would be safe. Nothing out of the ordinary there at all” they joked, but this got him curious. “How long has it been going on?” He asked
“After you left. It’s weird because I knew where you’d be each time with your different faces and companions. I’ve also felt a lot of your grief because of that. I also feel like I was able to see aspects of your life from the past you hadn’t told me about” they explained
“I also have no clue where it came from either” they add as his hands go onto their face. “Can I read your mind? I don’t care if I see a spoiler, I just want to figure out how you got this ability” they nodded their head and smiled briefly
He closed his eyes, and then entered their mind. He begins to see horrors that he’d never seen before, which makes him leave their mind. They frowned, “are you alright Doctor?” He looks terrified at what he saw before he could even get to the past
He hugs them tightly now once he removes his hands from their face. “Oh. I see what freaked you-“ they passed out, which makes him bring them inside of the Tardis
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bi-bard · 3 months
Since Doctor Who has wrapped up its most recent season and I’m working on the next part of my Doctor Who OC (finally addressing that poll I did ages ago), I was wondering it anyone had any questions about that series? I’d love to see what you guys are thinking about when it comes to that character!
Please send in some questions! My asks should be open!
(If you don’t know what I’m talking about, click here)
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Thank you, David, for being SUCH A FANBOY🥰🥰🥰 the way he comes running in with so much joy on his face and the way he still gets excited by being a fan of Doctor Who, just makes me so happy to be a fan of his🥹🥹🥹
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Look at this big dork I love him so much😩
Doctor Who: Unleashed - The Star Beast, iPlayer
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noblogname765 · 10 months
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whatsfourteenupto · 4 months
I know we all laugh at Fourteen and Donna screwballing the universe and then immediately tapping out of the storyline in favor of oops-not-vegan casseroles in the backyard but
What was Fourteen up to during the Devil’s Chord? What were any of the previous Doctors up to? We saw with Mavity that they’re at least somewhat aware of changes in the time stream. Did Maestro change things so dramatically that the Doctor had never fallen in love with Earth in the first place? Or did Fourteen blink and open his eyes to find the Earth he knew, the one they’d been slowly learning to live and rest in day by day, gone? Changed irrevocably, Donna, Rose, YazRoryAmyWilfGrahamBillRoseallofthem maybe never even born? Blink again and they’re all back, unaware that it’s even happened? The panic that could have brought, as he realizes that they’ve surrendered the mantle to his new self, and trusted themselves to keep the universe spinning, but now that means he’s helpless. If their future self fucks up, they’re irrevocably screwed too. No way to find out what’s going on, nothing they can do, their entire timeline relying on a version of them they barely know.
Alternatively, Fourteen blinking, seeing London in flames, finding a nice hunk of broken concrete to sit down on, and sighing impatiently as they wait for himself to hurry up and fucking fix it so they can finish beating Rose at Uno
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thepunkmuppet · 10 months
hot take but personally I NEED him as a companion.
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he should get to kiss ncuti gatwa on the mouth. as a treat
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davidtennan-t · 3 months
Donna walking into UNIT headquarters to find everyone chilling and eating pizza
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shuichiakainx · 5 months
Happy Birthday David 🤧❤️
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morganas-pendragons · 9 months
ache | fourteen
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this got away from me sooooooo quickly, I hope you like it!
The first time you met him, he didn't have to tell you how old he was. You were well versed in reading people. In distinguishing those hidden details between the lines, between the cracks of the person, and recognizing the little things no one else could bother to care about.
You knew he was old. You didn't know he was forever. You didn't know that he'd been running for so long that he'd never allowed himself to learn how to stop. To plant his feet in one place, to inhale, to exhale.
You didn't realize how much he craved you. How he craved you like the oxygen he has not breathed in since Gallifrey. Since the last time he allowed himself to simply exist without having to flee to the next destination.
The Doctor. The man who keeps running, because he dare not look back.
But with you... when he left you...
Oh, he did. You just didn't know.
Kate Lethbridge-Stewart found you in the aftermath of the Doctor's departure. You were sitting on the park bench where the TARDIS had last dropped you off, knees drawn to your chest and eyes blankly staring at the spot in hopes the box would materialize.
It never did. Every time you sat here and thought about it, about him, your chest ached so badly. Like it was seeking the oxygen it had been deprived of.
She'd sat beside you and waited until you turned your head to acknowledge her, "Whatever it is, I'm not interested. I'm waiting for a friend to come back."
There's so little hope in your voice. You know he's not coming back. You know, but you hope, because The Doctor can ease that ache in your chest and breathe that air back into your lungs.
You wish you hadn't been so impressionable. He'd flashed those marvelous brown eyes and that charming smile. That was all it took.
And when he'd laid those bleeding hearts in your hands, you'd let the blood run through your fingers and held them close to your chest. You'd protected them. Cherished them.
And then you'd thrown them back in the TARDIS. Left to fend for themselves. Left to bleed again.
The ache just won't go away.
"Your friend is a notorious runner," Kate remarks. "The likelihood is slim. However, I do have an opportunity for you that you could consider.. where he may show his face sometime soon enough."
You heard her out. She told you about UNIT, about The Doctor and his involvement, and you took the job when she offered it to you.
You saw him from afar multiple times after that. You never saw Ten again, but Ten would see you, parking the TARDIS out of sight multiple times before he changed faces because just seeing you eased the ache in his chest that had settled there when you were gone.
Then the one in the tweed with the bowtie. He was clever. Sweet. Kind. You saw him several times. Marveled at him from afar.
The ache got a little bit easier to deal with.
Then the next one. So much older. Older and angry and lonely and so, so ready to give up. That companion who'd gone with him sought you out the first time they came to UNIT together. Almost like she recognized you.
Turns out, Clara did.
"Hi," You turn to acknowledge the younger woman from your spot at your desk and smile warmly. "My name is Clara. Forgive me for the intrusion, but I have to ask you something."
"Come on in," You wave to the open chair with an empty hand and settle your tablet on your desk. You'd been reading up on the Doctor and all UNIT had gathered on him since you'd joined. There was a lot to sift through. "What can I do for you, Clara?"
"I thought you looked familiar. Then I remembered," She reached into her pocket and pulled out an old photo. You froze instantly at the sight and leaned outward to inspect it. "He's got a picture of you on the console."
It's definitely you. You and Ten and Donna, weeks after you'd joined them on the TARDIS, wrapped in your parkas and Ten in his trench coat on the Planet of the Ood.
"That is me," You whisper. Clara softened as you ran your fingers along the edge of the picture, turning it over to read the inscription on the back. That's Ten's handwriting. It's not yours. It reads, When the ache was gone. "I used to be just like you. I was so..."
Clara waited. She waited, but your voice never came, because then she was saying, "I just wanted you to know something. He talks about you. He hasn't done it a lot, but you're the only one he's got a photograph of on the console. I see the way he looks at it. And he's mentioned you a few times. The Doctor told me once that he's been in pain since you've been gone. And I don't think it's going to stop."
And then she's gone, and you're on your own again. She didn't even leave you the photo. She just leaves you to collect your thoughts and the fact that The Doctor has not been able to move on from you.
Silent tears track down your face. You would give anything to touch him. To hold him, to run your thumbs reverently under those ancient eyes, and just... tell him how loved he is.
But you can't.
He keeps running away.
He stops cold when he sees you inside of Unit HQ. You're standing there behind Shirley, so beautiful, and so very alive. He's only just come back from Soho.
From the Toymaker. From the nightmare, from the constant reminding that he failed you, failed them, failed all of them. All the ones who died.
"We hired Y/N as a liaison. Turns out hiring your companions has proven to be quite beneficial. They are something of experts, after all."
And then there's Mel, and it's all just too much because there are so many people in this room who love him. He doesn't deserve that love. There's too much weakness in this room. His hearts are bleeding everywhere and The Toymaker knows his weaknesses.
The Doctor will not let the ache infect him again. Not when you're standing less than three feet away from him for the first time in fifteen years.
You have no time to react before he's in front of you, and you can smell him, and he's everywhere and his fingers are lacing with yours.
Something shifts inside of your chest.
"I have so much to answer for," He murmurs lowly enough only for the two of you to hear. "And I know there's no universe in which you don't hate me for what I did-"
His whole affect shifts into something of despair when you step forward to fill the gap between you and grip his chin between your thumb and finger. There's so much pain in those eyes now. Pain from inevitable losses, pain from what he's done to you, pain from existence.
You just want to take his ache away. If you're going to do anything with the precious amount of time you two have, you are going to take those bleeding hearts back into your hands and fix them. And then you are going to hold him.
You are going to hold him with your bloody hands - because when does anyone who is ever associated with The Doctor not have blood on their hands? - and refuse to ever let him go.
It makes your ache less. It makes your pain less.
"There won't ever be a single instance in which you could make me hate you," You admit. "And you will have all the time in the world to tell me why you made me leave."
"The Toymaker. He... He preys on weaknesses. He will know. He always knows."
And it's on that moment that you see something you almost never saw with his Tenth face: Fear. He is terrified. That unnerves you.
Without thinking, you stand on your tiptoes and cradle his face in your hands as you kiss his forehead. It's tender. Reverent. Mel and Donna try not to gape as The Doctor leans in closer and remains there until you pull apart.
"Then don't let him," You say firmly. "And you go out there and you win."
"I'm all sonic and Timelord. Take that away... what am I? What am I now?"
Donna is reminded of one of the earliest trips she'd ever taken with Ten. Among the very first where she'd realized that he had fallen in love with you. There's faint memories of Pompeii, of the aftermath, when you'd followed The Doctor into the console room after he'd stormed in there asking the same question.
That time you'd answered him with all the gentleness she answers him now, "Take that all away, and you're still a good man."
The few moments that you get alone with Donna give her the opportunity to fill you in on what she'd learned from being inside The Doctor's mind. She tells you about Eleven and Twelve and Thirteen, about the ones who died, about The Flux. You hear all of it.
What makes the ache unbearable is the fact that when Ten died, he died alone. And that's the worst part.
Because you'd broken your promise that he'd never be alone again. Despite the fact he'd forced you out, you'd failed him.
And now here you stood.
"Hey," Donna's hand rests on your shoulder as your eyes flicker over to the Doctor, who now stands mere feet in front of the Toymaker. "You'll be with him soon enough."
Seconds after she says it, the air is pierced by a scream as the galvanizing beam activates, and it is shot straight through The Doctor. Mel's hand is going white from how hard you are gripping it.
"I played one game with the first Doctor, the second game with the second Doctor, and I will play the next game with the next Doctor!" The Toymaker exclaims boldly.
You don't realize you're the one screaming until the beam turns off.
He falls to his knees. The last time he'd done that that you had seen was when you walked out of the TARDIS. Defeat. Resignation.
You wait for the regeneration energy to appear. You're about to lose this face, again, and there's not a single thing you can do about it. Not until Donna's voice speaks up again and shouts, "He's not dying alone!"
"You can do what you like to me," You're speaking before you can stop yourself. "But I'm going to be with him. I keep my word. And I won't fail him again."
Mel nods her confirmation to both remarks. You steel your expression as you pursue Donna and Mel toward the Doctor. You cannot be falling apart right now. The ache is not allowed to consume you when it is him who is about to die, to change, to become another man.
Everything in the world around you disappears when you meet those eyes. Those kind, sad eyes that have always looked at you with such reverence and devotion. Those are the eyes of a man who you would burn the galaxies and all within it if it gives him some peace.
The words are on his tongue, so ready to be said. The ache has made the weight of keeping those words to himself unbearable.
He knows though. In that moment, he knows. He will love you eternally. No matter the face.
"It's okay," You say confidently. "It's okay."
"It's not dying."
"But you're going to be someone else." Mel interjects. The Doctor's eyes travel between the three of you. His former companion, his best friend, and his love. "It doesn't matter who. 'Cause every single one of you is fantastic."
He meets your eyes head on, and you rest a singular hand between his hearts.
"Here we go again," He murmurs. "Allonsy."
There are two of them. Two Doctors. The older one, the newer one, wears something you've never seen on The Doctor. He wears the mark of acceptance. Or peace.
Probably both.
But the way he looks at you? Oh, the way he looks at you. It's like he knows something that you and the younger Doctor don't know. When The younger Doctor and Donna approach the newest Doctor after the Toymaker is defeated, you stay behind to let them have their moment.
Until Fifteen looks back and motions you forward the second Fourteen's head falls into the crook of his neck. He already knows. He already knows, and he’s asking you to come step in. To be his sanctuary.
You suck in a breath and approach, bridging the gap between The Doctor and Donna to tenderly run your hand up his spine. He can’t see you. He can’t see you, but you can see him, and his entire being trembles at your touch.
“How many people died?” Fourteen asks again. You swallow the knot in your throat and meet the older Doctors dark gaze, to which he winks at you and gently turns his younger self around so that way his face is buried in your neck instead.
“They’re right.” You whisper, threading your fingers through the hair at his nape as he pulls you impossibly closer. The older Doctor presses a finger to his lips and tugs on Donna’s arm to give the two of you a moment of privacy. “It’s not your fault. None of this, none of the ones who died, are your fault. You want to know why?”
He allows you to lift his head from the crook of your neck. Your fingers trace the curve of his jaw until you’re cupping it in your hands, and the urge to kiss him until the ache disappears has never been stronger.
The Doctor asks with such a hesitation that is so unlike him, "Why?"
And it's then that you realize: For all the time this lonely harbinger of death and destruction has existed, when was the last time he stopped? When was the last time he lived?
"Because we choose to. We choose you. There were so many of us, so many of us who wanted something better then the simplistic life we get here on Earth."
The Doctor shakes his head. "Humans are not and have never been simple-" You press a finger to his lips and quirk a brow, playfully daring him to continue.
"You come and urge us away in that brilliant little box of yours with promises of a better life. An exciting life. Regardless of the dangers to ourselves, we always take it, because of you. We take you in all that you are even when the Oncoming Storm dares to rear his ugly head. Ancient. Timeless. Infinite," You tenderly run a thumb under his eye. "You love so much... but don't let yourself be loved in return. You don't let yourself be thanked. That's why. We love you because you're selfless, because you're you."
The Doctor hates how wrong you are. He wants to believe those things about himself, but he is by nature a selfish man.
"You are too good to me." He whispers in your ear, lips brushing your temple. You hum thoughtfully and reach under his vest to playfully squeeze his hips.
"Because you're deserving of goodness too, my love."
In the doorway behind you both, The older Doctor smiles. This is exactly the thing, the people, that his younger self needs to heal from all that damage. All that pain and loneliness.
And eventually, he too will wear the mark of peace that this new body has been granted.
"Do you know why I think this face came back? So you could stop. So you could come home."
The Doctor has been absently sipping at his drink for the greater part of thirty minutes as he basks in the sunlight and the joy from the group gathered around the table. Mel is just barely leaning into him, enough for her warmth to seep through the fabric of his shirt, and Donna is grinning brightly as Rose tells the story of when The Doctor took her to Mars.
In the distance, Wilf's shotgun goes off as he misses yet another mole attempting to emerge from its burrow.
It is the most peace he's had in millennia.
"Hey," Donna's voice softly calls from his left as she nudges his side with her elbow. "Where did you go?" Ten had this blank look of devastation and haunting that he wore quite often when she'd ask him a question about his past, or about where he'd come from. He lived in his memories. Memories about Gallifrey. About his companions.
This time though, it's you.
Before he can properly reply to Donna, there's a voice shouting from inside the house. His brow furrows. All of the family is outside. So who-
"Donna! For God's sake, why does your house have little to no counter space? There's only four of you! Where am I supposed to put this food?"
The Doctor sucks in a sharp breath. "Is that-"
"Don't worry, I didn't say a word," Donna assures. "But yes. Now go."
She says it with such demand that he has no choice but to trust her and stands to his feet. The Doctor wiggles his toes in the damp, warm grass and takes his empty glass inside to refill it.
There you are. Right there, in all your splendor, muttering curse words under your breath as you work to create space for the desert you'd brought at Donna's request. He's at a loss for words.
That's a first.
"Donna, if you're just standing there gaping-" You whip around and lift an accusatory finger, eyes wide as The Doctor's gaze flickers down and back up to yours playfully. "Doctor."
"What are you doing here? I thought you'd have flown away by now."
Be brave, Doc. Be brave.
Your eyes follow the path of his hands as one comes to rest on your jaw, then the other, until you find yourself drawn impossibly close and only mere inches from his lips. "Between you, Donna and my older self... Think I figured it out."
"Figured what out?"
The Doctor's fingers tangle in your hair then and tip your head upwards. "Why I was coming home," He whispers. "The long way around."
The sigh of relief that escapes from both of you as the ache finally, finally leaves makes all of the pain worth it. All the heartache. The loneliness.
It's all worth it if he gets this.
"I love you." The Doctor murmurs as you pull apart. The smile that rewards him could rival the brightness of Gallifrey's suns, and he thinks he might be able to do this kind of life after all if it means he gets to see that smile. Forever.
"I love you too." You reply, resting a single hand on his chest. "The ache..."
"The ache." You breathe. "It's gone. Guess I must've needed a Doctor to fix me up."
Donna turns her head to gaze at the open kitchen doors as laughter pours through, and The Doctor emerges with you carried on his back. You take your place in his lap easily enough once he sits down.
Yeah. The amnesia.. the missing years, the adventures... It had all been worth it.
Those bleeding hearts that have spent millennia broken still beat, messy stitches holding as they take their rest within their cage.
Healed. Fixed.
No longer aching.
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Doctor Who Masterlist
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One Shots
Cocoa and Cookies - Tenth Doctor x Reader
Imagines + Mini Fics
Imagine giving the Doctor CPR after a fun day out goes wrong
Imagine snapping at the Doctor after encountering Cybermen
Imagine joining the Doctor on a trip in the most reckless way
Imagine telling the Doctor why you’re hesitant to take another trip
Imagine a near-kiss with the Doctor
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(Return to the Easy Navigate Masterlist)
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prettyevermores · 9 months
tolerate it (part two)
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( fourteenth doctor x reader )
a/n: i’m back again, i think this ending can been seen as a loophole for a pt3 but i’m not so sure if i’m gonna do one just yet.
part one
Your Doctor pulled away from the long fifteen minutes of pure passion and emotion you two had been sharing. His hand snakes around your waist, holding you at the small of your back; he smiled down at you. He was happy to be home, back to be with you. You placed a hand on his chest, feeling his dual heartbeat letting you know that he was truly there and most definitely real. He was real and not just some severe delusion you had been trapped in. A weight had been lifted off your shoulder, a weight that was holding you down for those five years. 
Breaking the loving and comforting silence, you begun laughing and he looked at you with a puzzled expression. “Sweetheart? What’s the matter?” he asked softly, caressing his hand down your arm and an eyebrow raised.
“It’s just, I thought- I was closer and closer to loosing my mind each day you weren’t with me” You said through your joyous laughter. Despite you nearly loosing your mind and that being a serious matter.
“I’m here now, so you don’t have to loose your mind anymore” He whispered, pressing his lips against yours in a brief kiss before continuing speaking “I have someone you’ll want to see”
He dragged you out your house as you wore your usual clothes but donning your beloved bunny slippers that have seen better days. 
He was taking you across the road, to a house. But not to any house. The house of Donna Noble, one of your best friends. He knocked on her door, his hand intertwined with yours, to say you were nervous and excited to see Donna again was an understatement. You can hear her before you even see her reach the door.
“How many times do I have to bloody tell you! You don’t need to knock!” The voice of Donna Noble booming down the hallway as she walks to the door. “Just come in!” She says as she locks eyes with you. Her face turns into a big grin and you smile back widely.
“Donna Noble” You giggle as she brings you into a tight hug, the older woman holding onto you tightly as The Doctor slips past you both and heads into the kitchen. “I never thought I’d see you again Don!” You sigh happily, you have both your people again. 
After catching up with Donna again, chatting and gossiping over coffee like you two always used to do in The TARDIS kitchen. The Doctor pops his head in from Donna’s Garden and smiles at you both before talking “Are you two coming outside or what? You can’t gossip all day” He chuckles, knowing exactly what you two were doing 
“Yeah we’re coming spaceman” She waves her hand for him to go away and turns back to you with a cheeky smile. “It’s like nothing’s changed but it has. hasn’t it?” She asks you.
“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean Don” You smile softly at her.
“Now help me get all this food outside you!” She laughs, handing you with a tray of food Sylvia has cooked for everyone. You follow her lead and take the last bits outside. Then finding your place next to The Doctor on the outdoor couch at the table. He puts his arm around your shoulder to pull you close to him as he mid telling a story to Mel, Rose, Sylvia and Shaun. You notice there is a spot missing at the table, another one occupied for Wilf, Donna’s beloved grandfather. You wonder who it is. Then someone makes there way through the kitchen and into the backyard.
It’s Dr Martha Jones. The other doctor you had befriended a long time ago on your travels with The Doctor. “Sorry I’m late everyone! The traffic was awful” She spoke rushing in to give everyone a hug, The smile already on your face grew more and she hugged you and sat down opposite you.
Your sunny afternoon was filled with joy and happy memories of everyone together. You and Martha reminiscing about the time you got separated from Donna and The Doctor, nearly ending up in a war with The Hath but instead befriending an injured Hath then loosing them. 
After a while, The Doctor whisked you away back to your house, it wasn’t long before he pushed you up against your front door and smashing his lips onto yours. Your arms at the back of his neck, tangling in his hair. You swear, every time you kiss The Doctor, it gets better than the last time. This time it was magic. However, the stolen kisses you had in Donna’s kitchen were something that is told in history books. 
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ghost-bison · 6 months
People saying Nine and Donna would hate each other, and honestly? Probably not. They'd team up against Ten and absolutely destroy him
He'd be bamboozled
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bloody-cupcakes · 6 months
Okay but imagine a yandere Master/Missy (or even a yandere Doctor). Imagine them defying all laws of time and space to be with their "one true love", someone who doesn't even know they exist
Imagine how terrifying it would be to find out that not only has this person been obsessed with you and has stalking you for months, but they're a literal Timelord. So that means no matter where you go, or what you do, or how far you try to run, they will always find you in the end. Even if you die or escape, they will without a doubt somehow manage to bring you back, just because they love you so much
Bonus points if this crosses over into regenerations, meaning even if you do manage to get away from them there really is nobody who you can trust, because you never know when they're going to come back with a new form
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