#donna noble fic
Just hear me out for a sec!
Just some Fourteen and Donna thoughts
(My gif and sorry the quality is shit I dunno what happened 😢)
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What if, after the bi-regeneration thing, Fourteen lost or gave up the ability to regenerate? Like he doesn’t age like a human because he’s not but he can die.
And he doesn’t do some weird merge with Fifteen bc I said so.
So basically he just continues living with Donna and her family. He’d be a lot more careful than before because he doesn’t want to die just yet.
Donna eventually dies due to old age and Fourteen is there with her until the very end because of course he is.
And Donna is lying there surrounded by her loved ones and she just smiles at The Doctor and says “see you soon, Spaceman.”
And he knows that he’ll see her soon but he’s still sobbing because she’s his best friend and he doesn’t want to be without her.
“See you soon, Earth girl.”
As soon as Donna’s gone, The Doctor just looks his family and gives them a sad smile. They understand why he’s doing this but that doesn’t mean that they don’t hate it.
The Doctor goes back to his TARDIS and says “I’m ready to go.” The TARDIS helps him go and it’s easy and painless. A lot easier and less painful than regenerating. Just like falling asleep.
Then he’s awake again. In his TARDIS. But the TARDIS looks different. It feels more…him.
“Finally, Spaceman! What took you so long? I have places to be and things to see!”
It was like they hadn’t been apart or stopped travelling and she looked just like she did when they first met.
“Sorry! So. Where to, Earth girl?” The Doctor does his hyper jumping and running and grinning thing he does.
“Pluto. Pluto deserves justice! I just want to give the little planet a hug.”
The Doctor does his raised eyebrow thing.
“Sorry! Pluto it is! Allons-y!”
Tagging people who I think might like it: @quite-right-too @casasupernovas @tennant @tatennant @theetherealbloom @kbishop @denaliwrites @my-lonely-angel @davidtennan-t @raining-stars-somewhere-else
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aniseandspearmint · 10 months
okay okay so, there is a Doctor just chilling on earth for the next however long, taking quick jaunts occasionally, but LIVING linear time and everything.
There is an entire regular meeting support group for companions of The Doctor.
That Donna is definitely going to be invited to, right?
Does Donna open with, "Hi my name is Donna Noble and The Doctor is currently living with me 'cause he finally burnt out after a few million years and needed a break. He's recovered enough to be gettin' antsy and a nice local trip or two to see old friends would do him good! Anyone object to me binging him along next week?"
The big question is, would it be rude for 14 to show up?
On the one hand, this is technically a support group for people to talk about their adventures WITH him, in a safe space and all that.
I can't imagine he'd be unwelcome, but would it be too awkward????
Donna attends the companion support group.
Donna talks about The Doctor in the present tense a bit, but in such a way that the rest of the group think he's an elderly working dog she's adopted and is rehabbing.
That she named The Doctor because of fond memories with her own Doctor.
And it's just SO clear she's talking about an elderly pet. The tone, the stories....
"Rose has been real helpful gettin' him to be more active. She'll chase him around the yard for a few laps, tossing a ball around!"
"Granddad's been trying to get him to go out and shoot moles with him, but The Doctor doesn't like guns much, you know."
"He's been driving my mum up the wall, sniffin' around the kitchen every time she's cooking. Course, he does it to everyone but mum's nearly stepped on him a few times!"
"My daughter makes lovely stuffed animals *shows pics on her phone*, The Doctor loves them! We find him napping in the yard with one as a pillow all the time. She sells them by the way. Her etsy shop is-"
And then one meeting she's like, "Oh, would you lot mind if I brought the Doctor next week? He's feeling better, I think it'd be nice if he got out of the house for a bit?"
And of course everyone is like, 'oh sure' 'yeah' 'alright' 'no problem'.
And then next week rolls around and-
That is an ENTIRE fully bipedal Gallifreyan Doctor. Huh.
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davidtennan-t · 9 months
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I really need to learn how to make my digital drawings look less of a mess and also use some different brushes so it looks less like a mountain of sketchy pixels but anyway
Donna is Fourteens comfort ❤️
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catelyngrant · 10 months
So I'm thinking about the Fourteenth Doctor, and the bi-generation, and how he may have come to an end. What happened to him after those years he spent with Donna and her family, and with so many other friends on Earth (oh, I am headcanon-ing, friends), existing day-to-day and beginning to heal? After he learned how to let himself be loved, and shown compassion, and forgiven—and, eventually, learned to love, forgive, and care for himself? What happened when, at the end of this journey, his regeneration energy (I assume?) traveled back (in some hand-wavey fashion) to become the Fifteenth Doctor, who is born out of that love and forgiveness and compassion and is ready to move forward in the universe?
Fourteen becomes Fifteen—but what about the TARDIS?
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Fourteen's TARDIS was created for the same reason Fourteen was: they needed to slow down, to be gentle. They needed to find a home that wasn't moving at the speed of light. So maybe this TARDIS is a little gentler, too. Maybe she's a little more careful of herself and her charges.
When Fourteen takes Rose to Mars, they land right where they're supposed to, and Rose sees wonders. Nothing bad happens, and they return home five minutes after they left.
When Shaun wants to see a football match from 1988, he opens the TARDIS door and she takes him right there, flying all by herself, to Fourteen's chagrin.
When Fourteen takes Mel to New York, they have adventures that don't involve running, or hiding, or screaming with anything but laughter. When Fourteen takes Jo, Ace, and Tegan to the Jurassic era, the only danger he faces is when he makes an age joke.
When, after Sarah Jane dies (yeeeears in the future, tyvm), Fourteen takes Luke, Maria, Clyde, and Rani to see Florana—the place he promised to take Sarah Jane all those years ago—the TARDIS chooses the safest, most beautiful moment in time for them to honor her memory.
When Donna and Martha and Yaz and Shirley sneak in for a joyride, they have the time of their lives, and the TARDIS covers for them. (Fourteen suspects, but can't prove it.)
When Fourteen is struggling, and chafing at life on Earth, and just needs to run, to fix things, to solve puzzles, to get away from the day-to-day of it all, the TARDIS lets him. She takes him so many places he's never been before, and they're all beautiful and wild and remind him what he loves about the universe.
(He tries, a few times, to go places that might bring him pain, and she gently refuses.)
And every now and then, someone will try to get in. This TARDIS doesn't have a key; she just opens to those in her care, and refuses entry to those she doesn't trust. She is safe, and so are they.
When Donna's in her eighties and can't get around as easily, the TARDIS takes her where she can manage. When Rose is overwhelmed with the pain of the world, the TARDIS takes her to places where none of that pain exists, and lets her stay as long as she needs to.
They live magnificent lives, and the TARDIS takes care of them. And then, at the end of it, Fourteen is ready for what comes next, and he becomes Fifteen. There's only one Doctor again.
But this TARDIS...
I think she stays, right in the corner of that yard. She leaves and then lands so precisely that roots and ivy grow over her. The Doctor is gone, and eventually Mel and Sarah Jane and Jo and Donna and Martha and everyone that traveled with the Doctor once upon a time in a different TARDIS are gone too.
But Rose is still there. Luke, Maria, Rani, and Clyde are still there. Their families, their kids. The TARDIS opens to them, and shows them the universe. She takes them only where she chooses to, and it's always exactly where they need to go.
She always takes them home, to the garden that once belonged to Donna Noble.
The Doctor finds new companions. Some of them come home to Earth after awhile, but they're not stuck dreaming of the universe. You showed me the furthest reaches of the galaxy, Sarah Jane said. You showed me supernovas, intergalactic battles, and then you just dropped me back on Earth. How could anything compare to that? We get a taste of that splendor, but then we have to go back.
These new companions, they return to Earth and their lives there, but every now and then, they swing by that old house that the Noble family has lived in for generations. They say hello to this old/new box, and she invites them in.
They don't have to say goodbye to the universe. She's right there in Chiswick, waiting for them.
And sometimes—on rare occasions, when they need it, or when he (or she, or they) does—she takes them to the Doctor.
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i-like-media · 9 months
I imagine Donna to still eventually ask what the doctor has been up to. Maybe she does so while they're stuck doing a chore together like the laundry or dishes. And the doctor will try to avoid it like he always does, but caves under Donna's stare. He'd still keep it vague, speaking more about the companions the toymaker spoke of and cautiously daring to honour their memory like that while keeping himself away from the hurtful bits. He even jokes a bit about who he ended up becoming. He'd admit he had an obsession with bowties and had sonic sunglasses once, and Donna would laugh and say she'd LOVE to see that.
Then, after a pause, Donna asks if he's ever stumbled upon her with a different face, and with a hushed breath he admits he hasn't.
She grows a bit silent, grieving a thought she wished were reality. And then the doctor pipes up again.
"This isn't actually the first familiar face I've gotten...-WELL not another one of my OWN faces, but certainly something familiar."
Intrigued, Donna stops what she's doing and listens to him explain further.
"When I first got it I couldn't place where I'd gotten it from. I just, knew it was familiar...... -I didn't linger on it as long as I should've and I moved on rather quickly."
"Why?" Donna asked, a bit bewildered at the thought of it.
"I was careless and angry and sort of... Scottish.-ANYways one day me and Clara were dragged to this viking village that had gotten itself into trouble, and we helped them. But this village girl had, uhm... Well she didn't make it. I was so angry -I remember that anger really well. And Clara kept on asking if there was something I could do..."
"Well, was there?" By now both of them weren't doing their chores anymore and all they could hear was the singing of a couple of starlings outside.
"...Yes, but it would've broken some rules."
Donna already knew what exactly he meant by that. She would figure that's the end of it, yet the doctor kept on talking.
"But then as I was rotting in my defeat, I remembered this important day I shouldn't ever have forgotten. The day we were in Pompeii... And only then did I realise that face, MY face, was a reminder of something very important you told me. To just, save someone."
"...So you mean, your face..." The doctor nodded, and Donna couldn't help but finally release the breath she'd been holding with a smile.
"I did save her and she ended up living a long, long, longlonglonglonglong life... But even after hundreds of years, when I doubted myself and needed it most, Donna Noble... Your impact on the world and my life, persisted."
And I imagine the doctor to give her a big, proud smile, before Donna pulls him in for a big hug he wasn't expecting to receive. Because maybe, just maybe, that was exactly what she needed to hear that day.
Then once they return to their chores, I imagine Donna to think about it a bit longer and make a comment. "Well you better never take on my face!" And the doctor would dissolve into a pouty ramble about how he has no control over it while also being a bit disappointed she's said no.
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gracesimp · 1 year
I don’t know if you’re still taking requests, but if you are: Maybe where the 10th doctor is in love with y/n but doesn’t realize it like the schtupid lil nerd he is, and Donna has to break it to him. With this new realization, his brain short-circuits and he has no idea how to act or what to say. Donna is his wingman and it’s just fluff all around. :D
I just wanted to
tenth doctor x fem!reader
summary: The Doctor is oblivious. Donna is not. Basically what the request said. Gosh, I love this request!!
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"Bye, Doc" Y/n says softly, giving his arm a soft squeeze as he turns his head to look at her with a fond smile.
"See you soon, Angel."
Y/n giggles and skips out to the door, waving goodbye to Donna, her eyes looking back to the timelord one last time before leaving.
As soon as the tardis door closes, Donna snorts and turns to face the Doctor with a teasing grin. "Bye, Doc, see you soon, angel" She mimics in an overly-sweet voice before pretending to gag. "Ugh, God -- and that arm squeeze! Honestly, it's like I'm in the middle of a bad romance book. An overwhelmingly long slowburn." She mumbles in distress.
The Doctor looks at her, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What are you rambling on about now?" He quizzes, seemingly genuinely unaware of the tension between himself and Y/n.
"Oh, give me a break, Spaceman." Donna groans under her breath, dragging her hands down her face in anguish. "You're like a trillion years old; there's no way you can be that dense."
"Dense - what - oi, I'm not dense!" He protests quickly, a little pout on his lips as he crosses his arms over his chest in offense.
With a roll of her eyes, Donna stalks around the console, randomly pressing buttons while the Doctor smacks her hands away before she can actually do something like blow up the tardis. "Had the birds and the bees talk, Doctor?" She asks playfully, the Doctor's cheeks flushing a light pink as he splutters.
"What? Donna, you're - stop messing with the console!" He screeches as she flickers some switches on and off. The redhead huffs and backs away, putting her hands in the air.
"All of this built up tension, Doctor. It's making you unbearably tense."
His honeyed eyes roll to the back of his head as he retorts. "Well, I just spent the day trapped on a train with some invisible evil entity, I think I have the right to be a little tense."
"No, no, no." His companion quickly shakes her head, tapping her painted nails on her arm, frustrated that she has to spell everything out for him. "Not that kind of tension. I'm talking about sexual tension. Desire."
The Doctor's face turns pale, his red lips frowning in disgust. "Donna, I think you're great, but-"
Quickly realising the misunderstanding, she cuts him off. "Not with me, you dumbo!" She spits, her face contorted in her own revulsion. "With Y/n!"
A sigh of relief leaves his mouth before he can stop it, but the relief doesn't last long before it's replaced with scepticism. "With Y/n?" He repeats curiously, almost allowing a little bit of hope to flow out alongside his words. "Nah, we're just friends." A dismissive wave of his hand attempts to deny the accusation, but his eyes darting anywhere but Donna just proves her point more.
"Well, she definitely doesn't want to be just friends." She speaks, her lips curled into a knowing smirk.
Despite himself, his head snaps up to look at her, cheeks darkening once again. "She doesn't? Why? Did she say something?" His asks are quick and eager, only making Donna chuckle.
"Maybe, maybe not."
"Donna, this isn't-" Before he can finish, the tarids doors open once more. Y/n walks in, snow in her gorgeous hair as she shivers from the cold.
"Sorry, I forgot my hat." She explains sweetly.
The Doctor rubs a hand on the back of his neck, repeatedly opening and closing his mouth in an attempt to respond, but no sound actually manages to leave. Donna sighs from behind him.
Picking up on the awkward atmosphere, Y/n stops to look at them both, squinting her eyes as she observes the Doctor, his freckled face flushed with his eyes darting around. Her gaze moves on and she looks at Donna, who looks a mixture of amused and impatient. "Did I interrupted something?" She asks quietly.
"No!" The Doctor answers a little too quickly. Donna nudges him and and whispers encouragement in his ear as he tries to brush her off. "No, you're not interuppting anything."
Y/n nods, not convinced in the slightest, and actually a little hurt that the two seem to be keeping secrets from her. Still, she understands that she shouldn't prod when he clearly isn't comfortable. "Okay, well, I've got my hat." As if to prove her the fact, she twirls the hat in her hand. "I'll be going."
"Oh, you idiot!" Donna groans in his ear as Y/n walks to the door. The Doctor grumbles and bites his lip, his mind practically fighting between what he wants to do and what he should do.
"Actually, Y/n," He calls, and she stops just before the door. She turns around, looking lovingly at the Doctor as he makes his way towards her. He stands tall in front of her, gazing down with a nervous cloud in his eyes. "I just wanted to.. " He shifts on his feet for a moment. "I just wanted to..." He repeats in a whisper, sounding hypnotised as he stares at her lips.
He gulps then shakes his head. "Doesn't matter," his body turns and he curses to himself. He had fought Gods and demons, but trying to confess something like this was the most difficult thing he had encountered. "Have a good day at home, angel."
Instead of making a quick getaway, his wrist is suddenly captured. He's spun around, but before he can process anything, Y/n's lips are on his.
It's soft and loving. It captures the years of longing, of need and desire the two had bottled up inside themselves. Her hands run through his hair, and after his brain rebooted, he places his hands on her waist, pulling her into him.
They pull away, a little short of breath as their foreheads sit together. The Doctor makes no effort to remove his grip from her waist, and Y/n now rubs the back of his neck in soothing motions. "I hope that was okay," She whispered a little shyly. "I just wanted to kiss you."
The Doctor bobs his head up and down eagerly. "God, yes, that's okay."
"Finally!' Donna cheers.
omg first time writing in forever. uhhh it isn't proofread sorry lolol. hope you enjoyed!! :) <3
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halfbakedideas · 1 month
despite all the footage of the currently-happening paris olympics, donna comes across a video of the london games’ opening ceremony.
that same opening ceremony that her grandad and mum oddly refused to turn back on when it first aired — she very-nearly drops her phone when the camera pans over to one of the last torchbearer, hang on a damn moment…
“care to explain this?”
“oh! i’d forgot about that!—“
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ghost-bison · 1 month
Some of my favourite Doctor Who fanfiction (mostly One Shots)
Drawing Nearer by Geat (Ninth Doctor/reader, Ninth Doctor & reader) on AO3
This author understands the beauty of Nine like no one else does. Like fuck. Wow. If you want something immersive and soft and beautiful this is the one. Actually, even if you don't, this is the one. You need it in your life believe me. And! If you're into the Tenth Doctor instead, or just want more of the amazing stuff after you finish the first one, there's a sequel to it, Like One of My French Girls?, which explores the same prompt (reader drawing a portrait of the Doctor) with a freshly regenerated Tenth Doctor. Which is really clever and witty so you should read it as well.
Immolation by songofdefiance (Donna Noble & Twelfth Doctor, feat. Bill Potts) on AO3
This one is what would happen if the writers were geniuses. It's a whole episode and holy shit it doesn't matter who your favorite characters are: it's for everyone. It's so smart I felt like an idiot reading it. (and yes the 1k words comment on there is me lmao don't judge me I was just very enthusiastic)
Children of the Time War series by illyriashade56 (Donna Noble & Tenth Doctor) on AO3
There's a reason I've read so many fics from this author. Had trouble picking a favorite, and still can't, but this one deserves whatever publicity I can give it. It's got it all. Holy crap. Hurt/Comfort, nice Donna whump, amazing descriptions, solid plot, and you know what's good? Once you're done reading this one, you can check her account and read another one cause they're all so good. I haven't read part three yet cause I'm keeping it for a perfect night (do y'all do this as well or is it just me? anyways lol, some fanfics are just so good that I need to shower, change my bed sheets, make a playlist and clean my room before reading them) (also the author is nice and I'm referring you to her account if you want to check more of her stuff: @illyriashade56)
Run (To A New Beginning) by Topaz_Eyes (Donna Noble/Tenth Doctor) on AO3
Just like the previous one, I had trouble picking just one from this author. The sex scenes dont seem to exist just out of horniness, they're really, really good, funny, witty and moving in a way I can't explain. The author has a way with words, it feels like you're in the story (so if you're horny for Donna Noble this is the one for you). And if you don't like explicit scenes, still check out the author, they've got some other amazing stuff! Like a bittersweet, sort of fix-it for Donna's ending (Journey's End).
The Awesome and Entirely True Tale of the Doctor's New Companion by TheBigCat (Donna Noble/Ninth Doctor) on AO3
Honestly this one slaps on all aspects and that's all I have to say. You need to read it. And when you have, you need to read it again.
Stress Fracture by Youth_of_Australia (Donna Noble & Twelfth Doctor) on AO3
I wasn't expecting to love this one so much when I clicked on it. The author specifically says they don't like Twelve and that's their bitter take on him. So you'd expect it to be Twelve slander, but actually, and I'm saying that as a big Twelve fan... it's surprisingly accurate. It's a mature, well-thought take, in the point of view of Donna, it bathes in the remains of TenDonna's friendship in bittersweet ways and it's beautiful and sad and nostalgic.
The Greeting-Card Aisle by twelvedimensional (Donna Noble & Ninth Doctor) on AO3
Pissed myself reading this one (all three times), cause it's so real. This author knows what they're doing. Take Nine and Donna, put them in a room together and that's certainly what's gonna happen. And believe me, the result is side-splitting.
Constructive Criticism by goldenrod (Donna Noble/Ninth Doctor) on AO3
A very sexy take on Donna and Nine as traveling companions. Nine only has eyes for Donna and her boobies (as he should). Oh, and it's sassy and hilarious.
Creature Fear by goodbye2pisces (Donna Noble/Tenth Doctor, Donna Noble & Tenth Doctor) on AO3
This one could very well be canon. I need it as an audio book. It's cute, funny, there's a bit of Donna/Ten whump, it can be read as platonic or romantic, and it has the most adorable little epilogue.
Think Outside the Box by TheAsexualofSpades (Tenth Doctor & kid!reader) on AO3
Basically if you love Ten but don't wanna fuck him, if you had a rough day and no one's around for a hug, if you grew up with emotionally distant parents, or if you simply need to have a good crybaby moment, this one's for you.
I'm On Fire by TheDarkMaterial (Donna Noble/River Song, Donna Noble & River Song) on AO3
Just like the last one, this one's kinda like a warm blanket. It's short, it's healing, it might make you cry nice little tears... also idc it's canon to me.
Appetites by EllyF (Donna Noble & Tenth Doctor) on whofic.com
This one is hard to read because it's very graphic on the Ten whump, but... it's fucking worth it. Trust. Me. Jfc. It's Hurt/Comfort so don't worry for yourself, but the angst is real, the gore is terrific, there are some horrible comparisons in there that will absolutely draw some tears, and the frustration will be real, but when you're done with it, you'll be like Wow. Wtf did I just read.
Only Human by Louiecat68 (Donna Noble/Tenth Doctor) on whofic.com
If you're looking for Donna whump, search no more: this is the place. This one's pretty graphic, pretty horrible, Donna's going through it in all possible ways and you'll want to wrap her in a blanket, feed her burgers and hot chocolate and burn the world down around her. Quite literally.
The Doctor is In by crystanagahori (Martha Jones & Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones & Donna Noble, Donna Noble/Tenth Doctor) on AO3
This one's funny and so sweet and you have no trouble reading it in the characters' voices cause it's faithful to all three of them. I don't read Martha fics usually, I only clicked cause I saw TenDonna, but even if you're like me, you'll have no problem reading it even when it focuses on Martha's life, believe me. The vibe's just immaculate.
Your Eyes Aren't Rivers by ClementineCrane & Multifandomfuckfest (Donna Noble/Tenth Doctor) on AO3
Another one where the vibe's immaculate! Basically one of the things that made me want to write a Doctor Who High School AU of my own. Ten and Donna are absolutely adorable in this.
I'm tagging some people who'd probably be interested in one/some of those:
If some of you read/have read one or several of those and wanna interact feel free to dm me :)
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nat-20s · 8 months
aka Donna has some lingering Feelings on the whole mind wipe thing and she's gonna shout about it <3
The Mess That's Made of Us
She didn’t mean for an outburst. They were having a calm, rational, adult discussion, not a fight. She didn’t even want a fight, not really. But The Doctor, he couldn’t just let it go and let her sort out her big stupid feelings on her own. No, he had to needle, he had to inquire, he had to push. He had to say that “everything had turned out all right, in the end”, and oh, that so wasn’t the fucking point. Nearly choking on the words, she yells out, “What would you have done?!”
After he startles and she has a moment to be thankful no one else is home right now, he’s shockingly even when he replies, “You..you know what I did.”
She lets out a right and proper growl of frustration. Clenching and unclenching her fists a few times in an attempt to ground herself, she grits out, “Not what I meant.”
“Donna, I don’t-”
“I meant, you pedantic little-”
She cuts herself off, takes in a deep breath in and out through her nose, and tries again. “I meant if our roles had been swapped. If I had been the one to take that year away from you, if you were about to have an essential part of the person you had become stripped all away in a moment. How would you have reacted? What. Would you. Have done?”
She doesn’t let him finish, collect his thoughts, say pretty words that would fix it all. See, she can push, and push, and push too, now can’t she, Doctor? Generally, Donna doesn’t consider herself a cruel person. Sometimes oblivious, sometimes obnoxious, sometimes inconsiderate, but not cruel. But she knows she’s capable of it. She knows, if she so desires, she can hurt someone. She’s not trying to hurt The Doctor, except that she is, not to wound but to pull him to where she is right now. To make the grief and the rage and the conflict be shared. So she keeps going. “It’s not the same though, right? No, of course not. One year out of a billion, maybe more, that doesn’t make much of a difference, does it? Like forgetting what you had for breakfast that morning, barely a breath. I bet it would’ve been so easy, for you.”
When he says it, his face is hard, and frustrated, but not cold. That’s something she’s still getting used to, with this new-old face. He used to have the coldest rage she ever saw, standing like a stranger. Now, he doesn’t tend to rage at all. It’s enough to make her clamp her mouth and actually listen for a second.
“Respectfully, what the hell are you talking about? Barely a breath, easy for me? Do you really believe that our time together meant that little to me? Do you really not understand by now? I mean, look at my face, Donna. And this is the second time that I’m completely rearranged myself in memory of you! One day with you changedme. One full year with you? Rewrote me.
So yes, removing my time with you would’ve made a difference. It would’ve made all the difference in the universe. And I don’t know what I would’ve done. If I had to get rid of the part of me that was made from you. I’m not sure I could.”
Such pretty words. And, well, the face in front of her right now does suggest some truth to them. But she can’t quite believe them, and she can’t quite look at said face, so instead her vision drifts over to the Tardis parked outside their kitchen window. Folding her arms and staring listlessly, she counters, “Yeah? Don’t you think you would’ve, I dunno, blinked and gone ‘oh that’s odd’ before putting on one of those manic smiles and inputting the coordinates to Venus in the 15th century, and that would’ve been that?”
Out of the corner of her eye, The Doctor’s face goes through a rapid series of motions that she can almost sort out, before stopping at realization. Oh. She didn’t like that one bit.
“Ah, that’s what you think did happen, huh? You think I flew away in my box and had magical adventures and found someone else in a day. It would make sense, right? Start pallin’ around with the nearest redhead I could find, forget all about me ol’ mate Donna, it’s not like she was gonna remember, so why should I?”
She sniffs, and tilts her face up, and resolutely does not let any tears fall. She also does not look at him.
“Donna, there was no one else, not until I was someone else. You want to know what happened, after I lost you? I broke. And then died. There was no me without you.”
Fuck. He changes his tune then, and she’s pretty sure they’re no longer fighting. They’ve always lacked a talent for it. He comes closer, placing both his hands gently on top of her still crossed arms, and moves until she has to look him in the eye. He even throws in a smile. Damn him to hell, he knows it’s near impossible for her to see her best friend smiling and start smiling a bit herself.
With a breath that borders on being a laugh, he continues, “But you! You got married, and yelled at parking attendants, and had a kid, and you existed. And I can’t regret that, I can’t. So I’m sorry, I really am. I ignored your pleas, and I took some of you away, and I’d do it again. I’d do it every time.”
She lets out a sigh and lets her arms drop to the sides. “I know.”
Wiping a hand down her face, she mixes a huff and a shrug. “Honestly, Doctor? I think I’ve already forgiven you.”
With a nod, she stands up straight and tells him straight, “I think I forgave you the moment it happened. I just..I just need time. I know it’s been years but I’ve only been able to think on it for a week.”
“I understand. Hell, there’s things that take me a couple thousand years to process, so.”
Donna rolls her eyes and let’s out a small chuckle, before opening her arms and saying, “C’mere, spaceman.”
The Doctor quite readily does, and the hug fits just as naturally as it always has. They take a moment to breathe together, and Donna gets to listen to the comforting double rhythm of the two healthy hearts in his chest. The silence is comfortable and the sharpness has eased.
When she pulls back, she can’t help but ask, “Wait, second face? What was the other one?”
“Ah. About that-”
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paradox-n-bedrock · 5 months
I actually find Donna and Shaun's marriage kind of fascinating and think there's a solid middle ground to be found between the "dead relationship, full of resentment and apathy" and "ideal couple, super in love" camps. I try to give hints of that in the stuff I've been working on (expect gratuitous use of that Shaun Temple is Tired tag), but I really want to explore it a little more deeply.
There are potential consequences from Donna suddenly being a package deal with her best friend and canonical love of her life but neither immediate divorce nor a seamless transition into an alternative relationship structure feel very likely (though there's no shame in using either or dealing with it off-page if it doesn't suit the fic). I just crave some more complex, nuanced takes on them adapting to the changes in or the dissolution of the marriage.
Plus, people are sleeping on the sheer drama of: you fell in love with an amazing but troubled woman and fifteen years later she unlocks memories that fundamentally changed her as a person, including the relationship with someone she wanted to stay with forever. Oh, and the two of them are inseparable again, so you've got a brand new member of the household.
I know we appreciate Shaun's ability to just roll with stuff, but it's a major change regardless of whether you prefer platonic or romantic DoctorDonna. Like Donna being herself in all her glory is gonna make or break that marriage, no matter where their existing relationship is at. And both options have the potential to be interesting. Do they not fit together anymore, no matter how happy for her Shaun might be, or, despite some growing pains, is it as good for their relationship as it is for Donna personally? Does having the memory issue and the financial stress solved allow frustrations in the relationship to heal? Or do they find they're not as securely bound together as they thought? I do think romcom jealousy is boring but suddenly watching someone else irrefutably bring out the happiest, best version of your spouse might bring up some complicated emotions.
As an aside, the parallels between Shaun and Lee also make me a little crazy. She picked another handsome, easy going, virtually silent man who seems to defer to her the vast majority of the time. Their kid has her last name. She sits at the head of the table like a queen holding court. I love it, anything else wouldn't feel right, but I just can't stop hearing, "What does that say about me?" "Everything."
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denaliwrites · 11 months
Isn't That Wizard
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Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader, Feat. Donna
Summary: Donna's got some choice words for you about your crazy crush on the Doctor.
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Everyone in this fic is a raging dumbass except Donna. Donna knows what's up.
"Big ol'. Space Sized. Massive. Giant. Crush," Donna teased as you stood there, your face so red you thought it might explode.
"How the hell-"
"Oh, honey, he may be an idiot but it is not subtle," she said with a laugh. "Anyone with a normal brain can see it."
"Oh, my God," you whined as your face dropped into your hands. "This is awful. Seriously? Everyone knows?"
"Well, maybe not everyone," she tried to reassure you, though you could tell she didn't mean it. You shot her a look, and she cleared her throat awkwardly. "... Yeah. Everyone."
"Oh, this is so bad. Like, really bad."
"Oh, don't be silly," and this time her voice sounded like she was actually trying to be reassuring. Her hand patted gently at your shoulder and she offered you a smile.
"What are you two chatting about?" the Doctor's voice cut through the moment as he stepped into the room. He saw how red you were, how you seemed to be on the verge of tears -- you could tell, because the moment he saw you, his face immediately filled with concern.
Honestly, it just made you feel worse.
"Oh, nothing," Donna supplied when you said nothing. The Doctor did not look even remotely convinced. "Y'know, just Bestie Stuff."
"What, am I not a bestie?" he asked, sounding mildly offended.
"You know what I mean. Go away," she told him, waving a dismissive hand in his direction.
"Not until I know you're all right," he said, directing his words and attention to you.
You looked up at him, immediately lost all courage, and buried your face back into your hands. "Go away," you whined.
"That's not an 'I'm fine, Doctor, everything's perfect and I've never felt better.'"
You knew it wasn't, but you weren't sure you could manage a lie right now, especially if it meant lying to him.
"Isn't this just wizard," you whimpered into your hands.
Donna laughed beside you. "Honey, you have no idea." She rubbed your shoulder, then patted it before withdrawing from you. "I think you two should have a nice little chat. And I am going to go have a nice bath while you do that."
You hated her.
No, you didn't. You felt like if you were a different person, though, you probably could hate her -- for just right now, at least. You definitely wanted to.
The Doctor watched Donna walk away in confusion, before his attention returned to you. "Okay, what is going on?" he asked as he replaced Donna at your side.
You moaned into your hands in embarrassment. "It's nothing." You were not convincing anyone, especially not the Doctor.
"Tell me," he said softly, and you knew it wasn't meant as a command. Knew he'd never do that. It was a gentle request, a question. A hope.
Oh, fuck it.
"I am madly in love with you," you confessed quietly, finally pulling away from your hands to chance a glance at him.
He had been stunned into silence, eyes staring at you like you'd suddenly grown another head.
"Oh, God, I've ruined everything, haven't I--"
"Oh, none of that," he sighed, his voice so tender it made your heart stop for a moment. "You haven't ruined anything."
"How's that?" you asked despondently.
"Well, as it so happens, I fancy you quite a bit too."
Your head snapped up, and when you looked at him the Doctor gave you a radiant smile. Without thinking, you threw your arms around his neck and pulled him towards you, crashing your lips against his. He was tense in your hold for only a moment -- so quick it was almost like it didn't happen at all -- and then his arms were around you, too, and he was kissing back with enthusiasm.
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gingerdunbroch · 8 months
i wish there were more multi chapter tenrose reunion fics that involve not only rose, martha, and donna becoming besties but also rose and donna teaming up to give ten a well-deserved dressing down about how he treated martha
i feel like esp in a lot of older fics that have martha and rose interacting, martha ends up being some sort of antagonist and that makes me so sad bc i think they would have been great friends.
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n0blefl0wer · 7 months
Listen I am nothing if not a sucker for the red string of fate. Especially with the Marauders. Like especially Jegulus and Nobleflower.
Like imagine Jegulus. James and regulus running into each other so often James’ first year. And James feeling a tug on the string whenever Walburga is being Walburga. And regulus finding James on the quidditch pitch whenever James goes there to escape. James finding regulus in the astronomy tower. When regulus is forced to get the dark mark, James feels a sharp pull, and it hurts him to no end. Then one day, James feels the string get cut. and he knows.
But with Nobleflower, it’s different. Because Alice was still alive. The string never got cut. But one day, bellatrix was on a mission, and narcissa was at home with Draco. And she felt the line grow impossible taught. Then it went slack. But it wasn’t cut. When the news reached her, she apparated to St. Mungos. But there was nothing she could do but sit by the bed of the love of her life. Then during the battle of Hogwarts, 16 years later, she saw Bella fall. And then the string came back to life. She felt more joy, more love than she had in years.
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davidtennan-t · 8 months
whenever anyone gets sick in the Temple Noble household watch the fuck out because the Doctor will become THEE DOCTOR
he’ll go and fetch alien remedies using the TARDIS and will sit up with anyone all night just to make sure they’re comfortable and safe - he’ll make endless amounts of tea and his homemade soup will be a hit (not blowing up the stove like that one time)
you know looking after his family is definitely the best part of his retirement
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dovand · 9 months
i am as always thinking about 14 and the nobles... specifically 14 & shaun. CRIMINAL lack of 14 & shaun content . excuse me that is my emotional support deranged lovers-in-law prongs of a queerplatonic throuple V. that is my little scrinkly wet cat and his chill saint bernard friend. that is my symbiotic relationship weirdos who sleep back-to-back to 14 can a) leech his body heat b) cuddle donna c) not fall off the bed. that is my favourite “both wake up early but one of them is being clung to like they are a teddy bear and it is Not Shaun, who is making ‘too bad’ faces at 14 and tiptoeing away” dynamic.
(14 either ends up dozing again after he wakes up early or just lays there curled up thinking—but, either way, when shaun shows up with breakfast in bed every sunday, he is treated to the beautiful sight of the two huge autism creature eyes peering up at him from behind the most bedraggled mop of hair ever seen. whether there are any thoughts behind those eyes depends on whether their owner has been napping or Pondering)
(yes this is all made up in my head!!! yes i am dismayed by there only being FOUR FICS (4!!) using it as a tag and none of them (afaict) doing it in a qpr way. where is my deranged weirdplatonic polycule!!!)
further insanity under the cut pleasseee please please read. please i need to be insane about this with people
(also btw this post is about queerplatonic doctordonna, doctordonna shippers i love you and you are welcome to contribute but it is a Little squicky for me so if tag ur additions (so i have a heads-up) that would be so lovely and i would adore you forever <3)
shaun likes listening to people ramble and 14 likes rambling so it is a regular occurrence to find the two of them like. standing in the kitchen holding cups of tea except one of them is actually drinking the tea and one of them is talking too rapidly about equivalent exchange to remember to blink, let alone have a sip of earl gray that has veered violently past lukewarm and is headed straight for room temperature
if 14 is in a not-wordy mood tho… thru shaun’s expert tutelage he has mastered the art of the Dad Nod. he passes shaun in the hall and gives him a little nod. shaun gives him one back. 0 words are spoken but they understand each other on a deeper level than if there had been.
they go on a Family Outing to a thrift store. rose and donna disappear to the dressier sections. shaun creeps along the racks of trousers, solemnly comparing seemingly identical pairs of jeans. 14 follows him and stares for a while, then silently hands him a loudly patterned pair of shorts. shaun takes them without question and adds them to his basket & sylvia loses her mind just a little bit when she sees him wearing them
(^ this inspired by going thrifting w my friend and looking @ everything and then finding her dad looking thru the racks of shorts comparing two beige ones, and my friend handing him a pair of pink shorts with penguins on and him buying them. because he has some . i think plaid shorts? at home and when he wore them his wife said he looked gay. so he’s trying to do it More) (it's an incredible family dynamic there. i have no idea what is going on)
god jesus. 14 learns how to cook so he can be the housething (as opposed to housewife or househusband. he is just a weirdgenderthing. little creature). someone buys him a nice apron and he wears it with so much delight. chases everyone else out of the kitchen so he can concoct something lovely. runs out into the garden to stick something into an oven in the tardis kitchen because “i am not working with enough ovens, here, people!”. organises the pantry and gets this crazed look if anyone tries to stop him. “how will i know where things a—” “it will be LABELLED.” brandishes a label maker that DEFINITELY is not from modern-day earth given that it seems to take dictation as input and can print in colour and has not needed a refill of paper even though he has extensively labelled EVERY PLASTIC BOX of stuff in the pantry
sometimes he gets into Moods where he needs to solve a problem before it makes his head explode and that used to be a like. tinkering in the tardis thing. where he’d have himself and whatever poor companion he was with just floating in the time vortex for a week while he tries to make this bit of the tardis do what he wants it to. now it’s a day or two spent almost entirely in the kitchen trying to find the scientifically optimal method by which to make meringues. he starts gesturing dramatically with a spatula forgetting it is not a sonic screwdriver. makes a sonic spatula. realises he doesn’t often need to like. scan a pancake for malware. sadly puts the sonic spatula away
he is absolutely a nightmare to watch movies with btw bc a) can’t sit still b) so tall. either he is bouncing his leg and shaking the whole couch or he is stretched out across the entire sofa. no in between. donna buys a thick rug so he can just lay on the floor. the rug is TOO comfortable and he starts just spending time laying on the floor which would be fine if he thought to turn the lights on because people keep almost stepping on him while he’s having 4am Floor Time (on the nights he's not drooling all over donna's pillow)
if anyone else has thoughts about Them PLEASe share i will love you so much and forever. doctor~donna/shaun weirdcule is the only thing in my head
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Doctor Who is a story where humans make themselves gods, become myths staining the tapestries of the universe, and the last member of a race of gods is made human, cowardly and vulnerable and kind in a way no other god would dare make themselves and this is the very thing that allows the god-made-human to survive and even win at the end of the day (and the very thing that often dooms the humans-made-gods)
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