#fr runestones
thoraperson · 2 years
some flight emblem beads I made years ago and never finished
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on the right are lil stamps to make the pattern consistent, and the bottom ones are shaped like runestones but don't have the hole for string
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arimwe-fr · 1 year
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Oh my god???
I did these achievements???
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creepyjirachi · 2 years
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at last................ my delightful crackle boy has his scene 
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Got a Plague Runestone!
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greengalaxy-254179 · 10 months
WHY is there no brown and red Chrysocolla/Malachite. You are RUINING my PLANS.
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dragonjadearts · 1 month
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runestones of the arcanist
finally starting my quest to draw all (or most) of the FR NPCs starting with my flight's head honcho, good old Spacedad himself!
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if you like it, PLEASE REBLOG IT
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aemondapologistfrfr · 3 months
Dethrone - Chapter 3
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Warnings: mention of mutilation, swearing, mentions of bullying
Authors Note: two year time jump, the story fr starts now, high valyrian is going to be in italics, we finally meet our mans
Word Count: 3.1k
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It’s been just over two years since I’ve arrived at Dragonstone. Things were going well, but could always be better. My father never really got better at being a father. He does give me whatever I ask for, but I think it’s just to get me away from him. Rheanrya on the other hand, was hands down the sweetest woman I’ve ever met. I have no idea how she puts up with my father. Knaenna has also lived here with me and has remained my rock and my breath of calm air. 
My dream continues to occur and I feel as if I’m always on the lookout for my white haired King. The only thing that has started to change within it is the amount of witnesses to our union. I feel as though I’ll find him any day now and it’s causing me to be jittery and jumpy.
I’ve been training everyday again with Jace and Luke. It took a lot of persuading when I had first asked them to let me train with them. Now they get mad at me when I drag getting up to meet them at the beach. It helps me feel a sense of control and boosts my confidence to wield a weapon again. They were both surprised to see how light I am on my feet and how easy I was able to best them. 
I’m fairly close with Jace and Luke, but they don’t hesitate to remind me of my life in Runestone. I usually just brush it off as siblings fighting, but sometimes it digs too deep. More days than not, I still feel like an outsider who invaded this family. I’m just thankful to be surrounded by more people than just people whose job it is to take care of me.
Me and Jace were sparing when my father interrupted us. He said they received a raven from Baela, who’s staying at Driftmark, saying there are rumors of Viserys declining health and it seems like crows may be waiting for the throne which piques my interest. Over the years it has always surprised me that Rheanrya is the heir and how little her and my father attend court. They have no idea what’s going on in the realm because they stay holed up here at Dragonstone. 
“This is such bullshit.” Jace scoffs handing the message back to Daemon.
My father leads us back to the castle. We’re all to meet in the hall to discuss what to do now. I’ve been been somewhat caught up on the family fallouts. Everyone tries to avoid talking about our family in Kings Landing as much as possible, at least around me. I’ve been able to read about them, but Jace and Luke have no issue telling me how terrible our cousins are.
“Thank you all for getting here so quickly. You’ve heard the news, which means we’re heading for Kings Landing in the morning. Please pack your things. I need you to be ready by first light.” Rheanrya says decisively. 
We’re sent off to our chambers to begin packing. I wish the circumstances were better as to why we were heading to Kings Landing. I’ve heard plenty of good and bad stories. I want to see for myself. I’m excited to finally be leaving Dragonstone. I do have more freedom here but I was able to explore everything in under a turn of the moon.
Although I haven’t heard much good of our family there, I’m still excited to meet them. It does make me nervous that they’ll shun me. They’ve been sent ravens of my existence, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be as welcoming. I’m secretly hoping I’ll find my King there among our estranged family so I can finally start paving our future.
The rest of the night is a blur. There is so much commotion with all of the preparations for our departure. I close myself off in my room because I’m getting overwhelmed. I try to find sleep, but my mind refuses to turn off. My brain is running in circles of all of the possibilities. 
It seems right when I fall asleep there’s a knock at my door. It’s Kaenna telling me I have to start getting ready. I slowly get out of bed trying to wipe whatever sleep I had off my eyes. 
“It’s so fucking early.” I groan pulling a dress out of my wardrobe. 
“How did you sleep?” Kaenna asks softly trying to tame my hair. 
“I didn’t.” I grumbled pulling my dress up. 
She doesn’t respond. She ties up the back of my dress and leads me over to my vanity so she can start on my hair. We sit in comfortable silence and once she’s done, she walks over my bags to grab them. 
We walk down to the main entrance and I see everyone gathered there. Some men come and grab our bags to bring to the ship. At least I’ll be able to get some sleep on our journey. 
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It seems like we have been sailing forever. We’re all stir crazy and just ready to be on solid ground again. When we start to see the outline of King Landing we are practically jumping off the boat. 
When we finally dock and get off no one is there to welcome us. My father didn’t take this lightly, but Rheanrya did her best to calm him down. She told Jace and Luke to show me around and explore while she and my father go seek out Viserys and Alicent. 
They seemed to have a destination in mind by their fast pace. I trail behind taking in the new scenery. When I finally catch up, I see they lead me to the training yard. Of course. Why would we explore when we could train. I roll my eyes and stand next to them.
They’re pointing out weapons they used to train with and are showing me their favorite ones. Jace points out a spot in the brick that Luke had broken in their younger years. Loud shouts divert our attention to the two men surrounded by a group. 
We walk over and push our way to the front of the circle. I am immediately entranced with the man with the blinding white hair. He’s so graceful with his sword it looks like it’s dancing. I know I’m staring, but I can’t help it there’s just something about him pulling me in and stealing all of my attention.
“No fucking way that’s him.” I hear Jace whisper to Luke. That’s when I notice the eyepatch. Fuck. That’s Aemond? 
“Glad he finally got an eye patch to cover some of that scar.” Luke says with disgust. 
They way they described Aemond to me was not accurate. They made it seem like he was repulsive and I wouldn’t be able to look at him. Here I am and now I can’t take my eyes off of him. I’m conflicted. I know the history between him and Luke, but I can’t help it. 
“Why are you staring at him like that?” Jace whisper yells to me breaking my trance. 
“Nephews, would you like to train with me?” our heads snap in the direction of the velvet voice. “And who is this?” Aemomd turns to me and starts walking over. 
“I’m Viktorya.” I say standing tall trying to calm my nerves as he walks even closer. 
“The infamous, hidden, Princess Viktorya.” He says grabbing my hand and kissing it. “I’m Aemond.” he looks at me with a piercing violet eye as I feel my heart stop.
It’s him. My King. My heart begins to beat again, more rapidly this time. I’ve been looking for him in every man with white hair since I can remember. I can’t help the butterflies in my stomach when he grabs my hand. It feels like pure fire radiating between us. I realize we’re just standing there with our hands in each others and step back and try to find words but I’m at a loss.
“Hm,” Aemond smirks. “I’ll come find you later. Nephews.” he says to Jace and Luke never breaking eye contact with me until he walks away.
He’ll come find me later? What does that mean? I’m nervous to turn towards Jace and Luke. I know they’ll have something to say about that interaction. I couldn’t care less what they have to say. I’m barely able to contain myself to not follow after Aemond like a lost kitten.
“What was that??” Luke asks with raised eyebrows.
“What do you mean?” I respond trying to sound innocent. 
“You were practically eye fucking him since you saw him. Are you not ashamed? That’s Aemond.” Jace says voice getting louder. 
“I was not. You’re being so fucking dramatic.” I huff and walk away not wanting to deal with this. We’ve been locked up on a ship for three days and I’m ready to do something and hopefully run into Aemond.
“You don’t even know where you’re going.” Luke calls after me and I turn back towards him. 
“Rheanrya said we could explore so, I’m going to explore.” I say dully and start walking in the opposite direction of them. 
Kings Landing is filled with people. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many people in one place. The streets are filled with shouting and laughter. There’s so much to take in. I walk in between bodies and carts taking in all the new smells of food.
I feel bad for leaving Jace and Luke, but I didn’t want to be questioned. I honestly needed some space to clear my head. I feel like my family will think me a traitor for even having a thought of Aemond and never talk to me again. I know I’ve only just met him but all of my feelings just went crazy the moment he grabbed my hand.
I’m walking along aimlessly looking at all of the shops. Stopping to talk with some people on the street. The only goal I have in mind right now is seeing as much as I can. I’m continuously taking in my surroundings trying to memorize it all as if I’ll never be able to return. 
“Should you really be walking around unattended.” Aemond says from behind me making me jump. 
“I didn’t know when you said later, that you meant in 20 minutes.” I turn towards him a smile splitting across my face.
“It wasn’t hard to find you. Your hair stands out.” he says brushing a strand away from my face. 
He’s not making this easy. I can feel my face heat up as I look at him. I barely know him, only what others have told me. I also feel like I’ve known him my whole life because he is quite literally the man of my dreams. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to contain myself with him in front of me. The heat rises between us and I have to step back again and he chuckles. 
“Could I show you around?” he smiles down at me. 
“That would be lovely.” I smile back to him. 
Aemond holds out his arm for me to grab and I smile warmly and grab on. We leisurely walk through the streets as he points out different shops. I have no care to what my family will think. This is my future and they just wouldn’t understand. 
I’m still holding on to his arm as we leisurely stroll around Kings Landing. We walk around in comfortable silence and I have to rein myself in from continuously staring at him. My King. My husband. My love. 
“What have you seen so far?” Aemond asks looking down at me snapping me out of my thoughts. 
“Pretty much just you training.” I look up to him.
“Then you’ve seen it all.” he smirks at me. 
“Yes, of course. I’ve only come here for you.” I roll my eyes and smirk at how true my statement is. 
“Have you now?” Aemond smirks. “Did your “brothers” tell you much about me?” he says leading me down the streets. 
I can hear the strain when he says brothers. Truth is I wouldn’t necessarily consider them my brothers. They never refrained from talking about the mutilation but avoided any other talk of him. This is my chance to gain more insight and see who my “brothers” truly are.
“Um, not much. Just some basics.” I say nervous to upset him over his past. I know it’s been years, but how could one move past being mutilated. 
He leads us into the garden. It’s more beautiful than I expected. I’m so glad he brought me here first. This was one of the main places I was adamant on finding. There are so many plants and flowers I’ve never seen before. I’m enchanted by the life growing around us.
He brings us to a small table with two chairs. He pulls out my chair for me and sits across from me. We stare at each other in silence for a couple of moments until a young woman brings us some drinks. 
“What do the basics of me include?” he asks raising an eyebrow and grabbing his cup to take a sip. 
“They didn’t say very much or much good honestly.” I let out in a breath. “They told me you stole a dragon and that you used to bully all of them. Mostly they’ve just told me of the gruesome night they took your eye.” I look up to him. 
Every time they talk about that night it makes my stomach turn. How they feel so victorious for hurting a family member. I understand that he bullied them, or so they say, but taking his eye is baffling. The viciousness in their voices when they speak about that night never sits well with me.
“That’s what they’ve told you?” he inquires. 
“It never sounded right to me. What they did was malicious regardless of what was said. I’d rather hear about you from you anyways.” I say finally looking up to him to see his face soften. 
“You want to hear my side?” he asks skeptical almost shocked.
“I think they lied. You didn’t when you called them what you did. That’s why I’m sitting here with you.” I say hesitantly reaching across to squeeze his hand. He looks down at my hand in shock. I’m shocked myself. I should be thinking about how we could be seen, but instead I want to know more about this beautiful man.
“Do I not scare you?” he asks leaning back in his chair. 
“What do I have to be scared of?” I ask tilting my head. 
“You only know what you’ve been told about me. As you’ve said, none of it was good. You see this scar on my face. Yet, you sit with me, completely calm.” he says intensely. 
“You want me to be scared of stories and scar?” I ask smiling. 
“I expect it.” he says solemnly looking away from me. 
“Personally, I see you as the rider of the mighty Vhagar, who also happens to have a scar which may make him more attractive.” I say truthfully as he turns to me with his eye squinted. I don’t know what’s gotten into me, I’m blinded by his beauty and all my thoughts are just spilling out.
“Attractive?” he questions tilting his head slightly.
“Yes.” I say definitely slightly nodding my head.
“Hm,” he hums scanning my face. 
“So, tell me how you stole a dragon.” I ask leaning forward. 
“I didn’t steal Vhagar. You can’t steal a dragon.” he says folding his hands. 
“Then tell me. Please.” I search his face for any emotion. 
“She called to me and I answered.” he answers shortly. 
“Aemond just tell me. I want to hear. Good or bad I want to know.” I say looking at him intently. 
I wish I knew what he was thinking. I can tell he doesn’t trust me which is fair. I’m living with the kids who have taken his eye. He expects me to be on their side. I feel like I have no place to take sides when I have no context and wasn’t there. I know things got out of hand, but no one has ever told me the full story. 
“I claimed Vhagar the night of Baela and Rhenas mothers funeral. Vhagar was their mothers. Yet, she called out to me. They were upset when they found out I was the one who claimed her. We all threw vicious words at each other. They all started physically attacking me and Luke ended up cutting my eye out. No one cared. Not even my father. My mother was the only one to advocate for me.” his voice softens as he ends his story looking away from me.
I can tell he’s upset and I have no idea what to say. I reach across the small table to take his hand in mine. I rub his hand with my thumb and then he finally looks up to me with a sad confused expression. 
“You didn’t deserve that.” I say softly still rubbing his hand offering him a soft smile.
“Are you just saying that?” he asks pulling his hand away making me frown. 
“It shouldn’t have gotten to that point. No one deserves to lose an eye over words.” I respond. 
“They’ve always bullied me. I was the only one without a dragon. Do you know how hard that was? Your brothers and Aegon would torment me together. No one was in my corner. I had no one and I still have no one.” he says looking away. 
“I’m sorry. You deserved more.” I say softly. 
“It’s done and over with. Now I have a hideous scar.” he says brushing over his eyepatch. 
“May I see?” I ask nervously biting my lip.
“No.” Aemond says flatly. 
“Please?” I ask in a sweet voice batting my eyelashes.
“If I show you, you’ll never want to see me again.” he looks to me his expression sad.
“I sincerely doubt that.” I say looking at him expectantly. 
“Fine.” he sighs removing his eyepatch. 
I’m in awe. I only expected to see a long, jagged scar. He has a beautifully sculpted sapphire in place of his eye. He’s truly stunning. I know I’m in trouble now. I have no intention of leaving him alone. I realize I’ve just been staring and not saying anything and he grabs his eyepatch to cover up.
“No, no. May I?” I ask gesturing for me to come look closer. 
“As you wish.” he says helping me pull my chair closer. 
As I come closer I can see all of the tiny details and colors of his crystal. It compliments his skin perfectly. I bring my hand up to ghost over his scar when he grabs my wrist to stop my movements. 
“I’m sorry.” I pull back as he quickly puts his eyepatch back on. 
“Are you disgusted?” he asks looking at me intensely. 
“Quite the opposite. I think you’re very pretty.” I admit shamelessly admiring him. 
“Pretty.” he scoffs.
“You’re like sculpted by the Gods. Perfection.” I breathe out. 
Aemond brushes off this compliment and stands up. He offers me his hand and I accept. I’m glad I haven’t ruined this yet. I have no idea where he’s taking me, but I’d follow him anywhere. 
“Where are we going now?” I ask looking to him. 
“I want to show you what I gained when I lost my eye.” he says proudly.
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dndhistory · 11 months
184. Various Authors - Dragon #69 (January 1983)
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Welcome to 1983! A big year for AD&D which will see among other things the debut of the animated TV series and the Ravenloft module, we have some 72 entries on my list to get through this year of D&D products, so let's get to it! 
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We start off with issue 69 (nice!) of Dragon magazine, with a great Clyde Caldwell cover and a bunch of really good articles inside, it's a great way to start the year. The magazine opens with a double article on Runestones, first with an historical overview and then with Ed Greenwood chiming in with a fantastical take on the runes, which if you are a Forgotten Realms fan you will know as Dethek, the Dwarvish script, a great article for FR fans. 
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Gygax then introduced the concept of the Thief-Acrobat, which seems to be the first time that there is a development of a character subclass, something which is now very much an integral part of D&D. Gygax also brings us a further instalment in the Gods of Greyhawk series, and more fungoid monsters. Other articles are Lakofka's exploration of the NPC class Entertainer, and Moore's comparison of the various classes in AD&D. Last but definitely not least is Greenwood's article bringing us 4 more magical tomes from the Realms as related by Elminster to the author, in a long article full of lore and information about the FR. 
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saltminerising · 1 year
I love FR so much, but it is objectively bad game design to so clearly favor one playstyle over all others. Its even worse when the favored playstyle is so unbalanced for the people who do it! The coli has been around long enough to have had all its issues ironed out, and yet. On top of this the fact that glimmer and gloom is leagues more profitable than any other fairgrounds game is also objectively terrible game design. Why even have games like Tidal Trouble or runestones if it isnt even remotely as profitable? It sucks so much
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vangoofy · 11 months
i hope this makes sense? i am curious :3
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it's not really for any of the handful of things still in my box, but it Is the requisite part 6 of Isengard Got Worse wherein Est Gets A Hug
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
You still haven’t slept.
Whatever was in the strange crystal-blue tincture the alchemist gave you, it’s still working. You had taken the second at Morflak’s angry insistence, and now you sit bound in Grimbold’s camp fit to vibrate out of your skin. 
You try to close your eyes, but however much you wish for sleep, your limbs heavy and even your restless fidgeting graceless and uncoordinated, they only spring back open a heartbeat later.
Maybe there’s something to be said for it, though. Welcome though a long and dreamless night would be, you fear that when sleep finally takes you it will not be peaceful in the least. Isengard, yes, but worse by far that moment in the shallow waters of the Fords- a hand grabbing, everything screaming danger, Lothrandir’s surprise as he fell back. Stars, Lothrandir. Maybe- maybe you could have helped him, if you had only gone to him in time. If you had not first let loose everything that had built itching beneath your skin for days. But you had not, and at your surrender you had been taken prisoner, the binding thing in your chest all but gone. None had been eager to speak with the half-mad magician come out of the Wizard’s Vale, and even fewer would let you touch your runestones again, and you had not had any news until Grimbold at last came and asked for answers.
At least you could give them willingly this time.
Whether they believed anything you said to them or not is a different question entirely, and you can't quite find it in you to care what the answer is. Your heart has still not settled; you can feel every beat of it with strange awareness, thumping in time with the persistent ache in your temples. You wonder if it knows something you do not of what is to come. 
You have heard that people will hallucinate if they go long enough without sleep. You never intended to find out for yourself the truth of it, but when you hear Lothrandir's raised voice beyond the empty tent where you wait, you think you must be. He had- you had-
The tent flap opens, and then Lothrandir is in front of you, his brow creased with worry, reaching for your bonds before Grimbold snaps at him to stop. Anger crosses his face, but he only pulls you gently to him. It’s warm and safe and all you can think is please, please can it be real?
“You’re alright.” And if he’s saying it to himself as much as you, you do not care. You can hear his heartbeat, and if it’s unsteady yours has been no better. He is here, and he’s warm like he was even on the shores of the icebay and he’s alive and you did not kill him. Your breath hitches and he pulls you closer, resting his chin on your hunched shoulder. “I will speak with Grimbold again,” he says. His voice is mild, but the strength of his grip gives the lie to any idea of restraint. “We’ll have you out of here and then we can return to the others. They will be so happy to see you again.”
You pull back sharply. “They’re alive?” you demand, desperate and fearful. Lothrandir hesitates.
“Some of them,” he says reluctantly, and your heart cracks a little more. “The Company did not have a good time of it.” You close your eyes against the sting of tears and Lothrandir hugs you tight again. “We’ll get back to them,” he says softly. You think how can I face them again and at the same time I would like nothing more. You gave them up- Saruman asked for their secrets and you gave them. You want to see them more than anything- or at least whoever remains, but what will they say when they see you, when they hear what you did?
“They will understand,” Lothrandir says, but that does not mean they will forgive. And even if they do… the thing that coiled in your ribs has not come undone entirely. You cannot risk being turned against them. Your heart could not bear it. But Lothrandir is firm, and he insists again that you’ll be free, and in weakness and exhaustion you let yourself dream it can be true.
“Alright,” you whisper. You will go home, at least for a little while.
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dire-vulture · 7 months
🎧 and ⏳ for the ask game!
🎧 - Which song from the fairgrounds is your favorite?
ahaha i was hoping this would get asked. the old games have such good music..if only we still got new music
My favorite is Runestones of the Arcanist! Artifracture isn't far behind (though the in-game sound effects really enhance that one haha)
⏳ - How long have you been on FR?
I joined in 2016! Over 7 years ago omggg. how has it been so long dgsfgsf
thank you!!
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yellingdragon-fr · 1 year
YellingDragon's Masterlist
Imgur flagged my Flight Rising edits folder as having Mature/Erotic Content for some unknown reason lol
Anyway, I'm gonna be making several posts for my edits and then make a masterlist for those posts. Bear with me
Edited Bio/Profile Resources
Animated Fertility Stones (Non-animated versions: with Glowing Eyes | without Glowing Eyes)
Glowing Runestones
Other Links
Flash Sales
Ven holds my FR wishlist
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tangrising · 7 years
Every Rose Has Its Thorn: Clan Lore Expansion ft. Venom Rune
So you want to expand your lair lore because as awesome as your clan is, maybe you're a little bored and you want to add some pizzazz to the mix.
One way to do that is to look at dragonrunes, which we can see in Runestones of the Arcanist. Today we're covering Venom (we covered Time here), a dragonrune who has roots (haha) in both Plague and Nature flight.
But how you ask? Through research, puns, and an unhealthy dragon obsession, that's how! *rummages for fancy-lore hat* :D!
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So let’s define Venom first - Venom is a form of toxin secreted by an animal for the purpose of causing harm to another. Venoms adapt to their environment and victims and accordingly evolve to become maximally efficient. Consequently, venoms become specialized to an animal’s standard diet. (Wikipedia)
Venom is something creatures make for numerous reasons, two main reasons being as a defense or as a predation mechanism. Predation usually refers to the way a predator subdues or digests its prey - seeing that venom can evolve and specialize for its bearers environment, diet, and defensive needs - something that is key to this rune and the flights that are at its roots.
Let’s take a look at Nature flight first.
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The second sentence there is the most important - dragons work in tangent with the Labyrinth and try to internalize its attributes - the dragon breed known as Wildclaws (WC for short) came from the Gladekeepers forests. They are of the “might makes right” theology, using their physical prowess to figure out hierarchies - in order to survive in the wilderness and in WC clans you must prove your hunting expertise and strength.
Wildclaws have even begun expanding into new domains, their most notable one being the Wandering Contagion. Wildclaws and Plague Flight share wildly (;D) similar beliefs. The number one rule is survival of the fittest. You must evolve and adapt to survive. 
(Side-Note: Wildclaws seem to be based off of the beloved Velociraptor, a family of dinosaurs people know well. Well, did you know that there is a possible venomous specimen? :O!)
Anyways - what better place to look for these similarities in Plague lore than the Wyrmwound?
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The thing about the Wyrmwound is that while dragons do settle here, they steer clear of the wound itself. The Plaguebringer herself creates the strains she releases and no one knows for sure what they could do, but between mutation or destruction there's not much wiggle room for niceities.
So not only is the most important place to plague dragons a cauldron of "hey try to survive this crazy soup", it embodies their views to the T. And what are those?
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Plague dragons are survivors, they are strong, they adapt to their environment and are the most savage of all flights. They hold wildly (haha) similar views to Wildclaws and their origin flight, Nature.
So we can come to the conclusion that while nature and plague appear different, they share a lot of the same views. Venom is the child of Plague and Nature because venoms adapt and evolve to the users environment. They are constantly evolving to ensure they are as efficient as possible against their victims, something plague can hold dear - there is always room for improvement in their eyes. Venom is used in hunting and surviving, which both flights showcase in their cultures, especially Nature and their native breed, Wildclaws (the #2 most populated area for them is in Plague territory).
Anyways, thank you for reading! If you have any lore-suggestions or questions you'd like to see here, feel free to PM me here or on FR (Tangaroa) and I'll see what I can do!
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c0smicsalt · 7 years
   Alright, Flight Rising... Let’s go. Callout post time. Cause I see what you’re doing here... Don’t think I don’t! You can’t pull the wool over THIS GAL’S EYES!!! I see what you did.......
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   .....Your subtlety needs work.
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catrasarm · 3 years
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ah yes, the elements:
- air
- plants
- water
- ice
- electricity
- glitter
- muscles
- nets
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