runeimpact · 1 year
 The relaxing form of the dragon laying in the living room didn't even stir, completely ignoring the sound of the employees of the winery, who were trying to capture his attention.
"Oh c'mon! There must be some name you might like! You answer when Mister Kaeya calls you Poochie" Inquired Moco
 The small growl left the dragon’s lips when reminded of the awful nickname that Kaeya insisted on calling him. Last time the Cavalry Captain barely had time to move his head out of Rune's teeth with the constant teasing.
"Even if it's to show your displeasure" Hillie snickered with the look Rune gave her.
"There must be a name that could make it answer, How about Lazaro?” Elzer hummed and tapped his cheek, eyes glued to the beast, the small grunt of annoyance answered still nothing.
Adeline’s small laugh reached, making the maids tense and the chairman coughed in embarrassment, the small act of slacking off being caught by the head maid.
 "I believe that our dear winged fellow won't really answer to any name unless it’s one chosen by Master Diluc," She said, smiling at the soft gurgle that said winged fellow let out with the mention of the redhead.
"But Master Diluc never calls him anything but "dragon" and honestly if that were to be a name, it is so dreadfully- lacked! " Hillie inquired " It's so cold the way he talks to him!"
"Funnily enough he's completely smitten by Master Diluc, isn't he?" Moco said with a snicker, that was soon replaced with a yelp by the swing of the tail of the dragon, with a loud grumpy grumble, making the presents laugh.
"It's not like Master Diluc doesn't like him either, after all, he does accept his company very often and it DOES live here now basically." Elzer continued the train of thought. "At the rate of the frequency they walk together, I heard the ladies in Mondstadt are starting to get jealous of our scaly friend here" 
"Oh, to think our Master would be married by the winery and a dragon.” Another round of hearty laughs before Adelinde made everyone stop the chit-chat and go back to work. Ethanrune stretched his front legs with a sleepy growl, and got ready to stretch his wings as well; Diluc was out the whole evening, talking with some kind of merchant that wanted to import his wine or something. 
They've been hours at it and it seems like Kaeya was going to show up even later to talk with the redhead, and while Ethanrune could give Diluc all the support he has, Kaeya was starting to be a line that 'Rune didn't want to cross. Kaeya was just extremely annoying and he found it very hard to keep his calm after everything that happened. 
There was also the issue between those two but that’s none of his business. Diluc kept to himself many things and even if he could talk, he can't just pry into that can of worms. 
Walking towards the door and opening it as gently as he could, holding the handle with his teeth could, he set outside. He wasn't allowed inside if he was to walk around since he is too big and many things would clatter around while he was just trying to move.
 Seeing Turner, he came close with a soft croon, surprising the man slightly, before smiling and patting his head. 
"Well well if it isn't our favorite dragon? Out for an afternoon flight already?" He said calmly while scratching 'Rune under the chin, drawing a content sound out of him. "I'm surprised Master Diluc isn't accompanying you. Is he still talking with the merchant?" 
A frustrating whine left his mouth, making the old man chuckle gently.
"I know you just want to get out with him, but as the owner of the winery, he has many responsibilities." The old man said, receiving an indignant snort from Rune. 
"Come now, it's not like you can't find time for him later, isn't it? I’m sure a flight on the night of a full moon must be extremely beautiful too." 
"Talking with the beast still Mr. Turner?" Opening his bad eye as much as he could, Rune saw Connor approach with a look. He hasn't come around to the dragon's presence but at least he showed tolerance after Diluc gave a stern talk over Runes' presence. " That thing probably doesn’t even understand ya" 
"Come now Connor, I think he proved to be quite intelligent enough with all the work he helped around" 
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shadowofthesilver · 1 year
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Made a bunch of Undertale DBZ AU designs a while back, here's the design for an unnamed Deltarune AU! Maybe Dragonrune Z, that sounds funny
I know I made Berdly Gohan but he's still Gohan. Maybe he joins your party for Chapter 2
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Here are some other doodles I made a few months ago. Looking back I actually prefer this Cooler design a lot over the new one I made
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tangrising · 7 years
Every Rose Has Its Thorn: Clan Lore Expansion ft. Venom Rune
So you want to expand your lair lore because as awesome as your clan is, maybe you're a little bored and you want to add some pizzazz to the mix.
One way to do that is to look at dragonrunes, which we can see in Runestones of the Arcanist. Today we're covering Venom (we covered Time here), a dragonrune who has roots (haha) in both Plague and Nature flight.
But how you ask? Through research, puns, and an unhealthy dragon obsession, that's how! *rummages for fancy-lore hat* :D!
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So let’s define Venom first - Venom is a form of toxin secreted by an animal for the purpose of causing harm to another. Venoms adapt to their environment and victims and accordingly evolve to become maximally efficient. Consequently, venoms become specialized to an animal’s standard diet. (Wikipedia)
Venom is something creatures make for numerous reasons, two main reasons being as a defense or as a predation mechanism. Predation usually refers to the way a predator subdues or digests its prey - seeing that venom can evolve and specialize for its bearers environment, diet, and defensive needs - something that is key to this rune and the flights that are at its roots.
Let’s take a look at Nature flight first.
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The second sentence there is the most important - dragons work in tangent with the Labyrinth and try to internalize its attributes - the dragon breed known as Wildclaws (WC for short) came from the Gladekeepers forests. They are of the “might makes right” theology, using their physical prowess to figure out hierarchies - in order to survive in the wilderness and in WC clans you must prove your hunting expertise and strength.
Wildclaws have even begun expanding into new domains, their most notable one being the Wandering Contagion. Wildclaws and Plague Flight share wildly (;D) similar beliefs. The number one rule is survival of the fittest. You must evolve and adapt to survive. 
(Side-Note: Wildclaws seem to be based off of the beloved Velociraptor, a family of dinosaurs people know well. Well, did you know that there is a possible venomous specimen? :O!)
Anyways - what better place to look for these similarities in Plague lore than the Wyrmwound?
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The thing about the Wyrmwound is that while dragons do settle here, they steer clear of the wound itself. The Plaguebringer herself creates the strains she releases and no one knows for sure what they could do, but between mutation or destruction there's not much wiggle room for niceities.
So not only is the most important place to plague dragons a cauldron of "hey try to survive this crazy soup", it embodies their views to the T. And what are those?
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Plague dragons are survivors, they are strong, they adapt to their environment and are the most savage of all flights. They hold wildly (haha) similar views to Wildclaws and their origin flight, Nature.
So we can come to the conclusion that while nature and plague appear different, they share a lot of the same views. Venom is the child of Plague and Nature because venoms adapt and evolve to the users environment. They are constantly evolving to ensure they are as efficient as possible against their victims, something plague can hold dear - there is always room for improvement in their eyes. Venom is used in hunting and surviving, which both flights showcase in their cultures, especially Nature and their native breed, Wildclaws (the #2 most populated area for them is in Plague territory).
Anyways, thank you for reading! If you have any lore-suggestions or questions you'd like to see here, feel free to PM me here or on FR (Tangaroa) and I'll see what I can do!
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limesun · 3 years
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So I have been consumed by a thought.
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nelehjr · 5 years
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I am a far cry from bilingual but I can do this. Just something I picked up in middle school. It's a wonderful trick when you have secrets to keep. #Runes #DragonRunes #aesthetic #Fantasy #FantasyLover #Dwarfish #dwarfishrunes #dragonology #JustForFun #writersofwyoming #writersofig #authorsofinstagram #authorlife #Author #writing #writerslifeismagic #sloppyhandwriting #writingprocess #Notebooks #writersofwyoming #SecretCode (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5WIz6HhOti/?igshid=1gpo3kss7s5xk
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tealime9 · 3 years
at the same time that I gave a dragon to diluc I also look at dilucs bullshit like how his father died because of a dragon im just
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ravensvalley · 4 years
Visit from the Ace Spade Rally girls and guys this weekend @ the Esterel Resort Luxury Hotel.
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skeksisgirl · 6 years
The first draft of a drabble that I needed to get out of my head.
               Dani leaned against the door after closing it. She currently resided in an abandoned/condemned complex with other squatters. She was one of the lucky few who had a locked door, a testament to her lockpicking skills. It was a small space, mainly one room with a mattress and what little clothes she owned resting on top of it. They doubled as her blanket at night. Dani sighed and crawled under the pile of clothes, curling up tightly for warmth.
                 Madelyne blinked when she saw the redhead in her house once more. “How did you get in?” She asked.
               “Front door,” Dani replied as she looked through the bookcase.
               “It was locked.”
               “Yeah, I know. I picked it.” Dani smiled to Madelyne, closing the fridge door and looking innocent. “I’m hungry.”
               “How is that my problem?” Madelyne rested her hands on her hips.
               Dani looked as cute as she could, “Because, I’m a poor unfortunate soul that you want to take pity on?”
               “Poor unfortunate soul?” Madelyne looked at the girl confused.
               “So sad, but true,” Dani replied with an impish grin.
               Madelyne looked at her oddly, raising a confused eyebrow. Dani deflated and huffed, of course, the Half-Dragon didn’t get her humor.
               “You see The Little Mermaid?”
               “Hans fable?”
               “Disney movie…”
               Madelyne shook her head. Dani groaned and threw herself onto Madelyne’s couch. Madelyne stared at her silently, waiting for her to leave. Dani’s stomach growled, making the teen squirm in embarrassment.
               “When was the last time you ate, kid?” Madelyne asked.
               “Yesterday… some time?” Dani looked over at her.
               Madelyne groaned and headed towards the kitchen. “I hope you like burgers.”
               Dani jumped from the couch and bounced after the elder woman. “Cheeseburgers?”
               “Cheese bacon burgers?”
               “You’re gonna make yourself sick…”
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lunaecraft · 4 years
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<<Français en dessous >> 🇬🇧 Hello there! Today discover another (master) piece from the ~*Souffle Chimérique* collection~~🔮🌹🌕! Decorated with a superb opalite moon, you can read its description on my site: link in bio. 🔮🍃🌙🌹 🇨🇵 Bonjour ici ! Aujourd'hui découvre une autre pièce (maîtresse) de la collection ~*Souffle Chimérique*~🔮🌹🌕 ! Orné d'une superbe lune en opalite vous pourrez lire son descriptif sur mon site : lien en bio. 🔮🍃🌙🌹 [tags 🧭] #lunaecraft #news #annonce #nouvelles #newcreation #website #handmadecrafts #moon #magic #moonlovers #notebooklover #handmadenotebook #leathercraft #leathernotebook #opalite #rune #skyrim #dragonrune #bookbinder #binding #faitmain #frenchcreator #turquoise #smallshop #smallbusinessbigdreams #papeterie #bookart #art #artforsalebyartist #supportartists (à Languedoc-Roussillon, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHPb3EuhcW_/?igshid=1o6iopgcpmy8x
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asexualvega · 7 years
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More bad Shadowrun edits 8P
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runeimpact · 2 years
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It was the end...... Until it wasn’t!
Uh, Prequel to kids on the rain
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alagaster · 4 years
Name: Wingdings Aster, Duke of Puzzles Age: ??? Height: 6'08" / 6'08" Weight: 204 lbs. Species: Monster (Dragon)
Personality: + Earnest | = Analytical | - Complaisant + Inventive | = Elegant | - Perfectionistic + Optimistic | = Lively | - Workaholic
Likes: + + + Puzzles. + + Humans. + ??? Dislikes: - ??? - - Failing. - - - Being unable to change shape freely. Triggers: None.
About: The illustrious Duke of Puzzles, trap master for the King of Dragons. (What? No, no, of course it's a legitimate position! Even if the king hasn't accepted a single plan of his yet…) Description: An ashen figure with long claws, longer horns, and an even longer (scaleless) tail, marked with patches of paler skin on the face, hands, and feet. Dressed sharply in a dark blue uniform that looks more important than he does. His dragon form is… out of commission at the moment.
Verse: Dragonrune Dragons have captivated humankind throughout the ages with their fearsome bestial power and dazzling chimeric forms. Do you suppose dragons find humans just as interesting…? Trope(s): Alternate Universe, Blaster Gaster, Deltarune, Swap
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edwincourtenay · 7 years
I am delighted to announce that on Sunday the 4th of March my dear friend Kieron Morgan @pendragonreiki will be offering Level 1 of his incredible new healing system Pendragon Reiki in Northumberland!! The one day workshop with be held at Kirkwhelpington Village Hall from 10 am to 5pm for more details or to book go to www.edwincourtenay.co.uk Kieron will also be offering Dragon Rune readings the day before which can also be booked from my website! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to work with the healing power of the Dragon energy!! #edwincourtenay #ipssissimus #spiritlightgallery #dragon #reiki #pendragonreiki #kieronmorgan #reading #psychicreading #rune #runes #dragonrunes
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limesun · 3 years
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goonsquadme-blog · 7 years
B@R Dread Dragon
I am still learning how to extract “Quality” stuff to share with you guys that isn’t already here
So bare with me…
Apparently this item doesn’t even exist in the MP so here’s a couple ScreenShots i took
Below is the UUID’s for the AO
DragonFly 46187113-edcd-8c48-1cb8-10e0a67c72e3 DragonHover 5da2dcae-1548-6c74-360c-710163a3e683 DragonRun c4a1db20-6fac-cef8-c49e-bfdc4439cd69 DragonSit cf4e493f-8ce9-8627-59b2-d9a5630896c7 DragonStand 135384f9-7f9c-b856-47c7-89a341834836 DragonWalk 40c996c5-575f-25be-a5bc-12d71ac4c9e5
0 Downloads – FileSize: 1.28 MB
Download from Source link
B@R Dread Dragon was originally published on GOONSQUAD COPYBOT FORUM
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tealime9 · 3 years
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