#france's frame is lovely af
castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 7x1 driven
the finding castle episode liveblog
previously yeah yeah I watched the last ep a week ago it's fine
Oh no he dead
Bros hold her back
yeah hot af.
(surprised alexis & martha aren't doing the same)
Noooo they are muddying Yet Another wedding dress!!!!
Dun dun dun he ain't there!
Esposito helping becks up the hill <3
(wow ryan hair)
I wonder if they filmed parts of this the previous season before hiatus
He's right, change, but it would be Cool to see becks doing Cop Stuff in her wedding dress. Just like. Tie it up lol.
what was that little skip there in ryan's run?
uh Tell Him why
mum noticed the red tail light stuff.
Oh no pieces.
Dragged him away
Love rysposito half fancy. Reminds me of 4x1 look
See? turned on remotely! Things u can do! But castle's never could be, after that debacle w/ bracken & beckett? no way.
Fruit stands my beloved.
See? how WOULD you remember that? unless it went TWICE!
Love how they have those windbreakers.
"Not far the way I’m going to drive."
Why is my man running away if he's a normal guy?
good frame rate
*checking the gps on his phone* love it
oh NO it's getting CRUSHED lmao I loVE it!
early title card
Ooh car maze!!! I love it!
she just TACKLES him!
Love rysposito holding her off.
love the chains.
becks uh beckett my dude chill CHILL
Looks like it is the same day still. Beckett changed at the wedding but she is wearing the same clothes now at the precinct & rysposito have changed too now
esposito looks so Happy!
(nice pic they are using for castle lol)
JE: So you can do what to him? (off her look) I was watching. Getting booted of the force is not going to help anything.
It's just like s4 finale/s5 premier
conveiniently lousy
Gates my beloved <3 (but she should be booted off the case) Oh wait nvm. unless you give me cause to.
sus fbi moments
friends & family & also just regular employees
In the event hhh
connors is right that IS sus.
it MIGHT have smth to do w her.
It's like that sammy keyes final book!
Alexis looks so unwell jhfsjksdlfj
MR: Your father will be home before you know it.
Me: How long is the show's hiatus?
Who's bringing the coffee? Becks it's obv not going to be castle
Esposito. He really loves her.
(someone had to bring her coffee. idk if I'll liveblog the audio commentary)
*knowing bracken himself is not behind this, esp not this early on*
3xk, mickey barbozza was the most recent one,,,
Esposito's scar is so Something
*knowing it isn't exactly castle's dad*
Vinny the scar!
Yeah he accused him of murder!
"What can I do to help?"
I love vinny
"this I did not know"
love the grey area love vinny love this stuff. Wait is it vinny or vinnie?
Already in the morning?
Panini <3
"that does not happen" I love the scar
*is castle* (that's not how it works)
JE: getting mad
Love ryan & esposito taking two different angles
Ryan give her a hug
that's true! we already have this stuff w 3xk!
girl he took voice lessons to sound like esposito he could surely take body movement lessons
(btw love the outfits & ig lighting too & all this stuff & the acting is good too.)
Martha sus.
Makes sense to me. Run off the road by an suv of COURSE I'd pay to have it crushed! it made me mad!
Exceot he asked for it to be crushed before!! it ran him off.
Martha sounds happy he's alive while becks sounds mad he's lying
it's authentic. & terrific?
{Why was CASTLE the one to pay for the car to get crushed tho?}
yeah why WASN'T castle under duress?
walking away from bekett would also mean walking away from alexis, that would NOT happen?
Vinnie turned over the money to help his friend Castle!
Mum guessed it was her wedding gift, like for castle's bday the 100th episode.
Call castle's dad
Love the handwriting & the montage scene.
Shawn Wash. Love how it's the same two paragraphs repeated over & over lol. Good set design. Well idk but fun set design.
SHE'S CALLING ALL THE WAY TO FRANCE! does she speak french fluently? or just some?
the chair!
noooo closing the shutters!
*little boat*
reminds me of that book where the mom was mentally ill so they couldn't ask for help when they were trapped in the boat.
"this is the USA coast guard, please move."
'this is the canadian lighthouse, that's not gonna happen'
What if you are knocked out & CAN'T ANSWER that u need help?
it wasn't the MIDDLE of the atlantic ocean babes!
Like peter at the tomb
worst part is SHE didn't do anything to get him back, it just took time & a bullet shot boat
alexis <3
my man has a sunburn
going to be in a coma or smth. Girl chill it's ok. Don't expect him to wake up..
not treat him but... LOOK at him... soOOOO GOOD
yucky coffee.
esposito asking the hard questions. We need a devil's advocate!
ryan's pants look odd with that jackett or at least in this lighting
*beckett right behind them*
take a drink every time u hear the word dinghiy
Yay coast guard captain
my man is so smart.
Was she on the screen call with him at the hospital?
"henry jenkins" or so he's called
a month ago?
lmao look at those rods.
blue blue blue eyes omG
stole his clothes lol
key SEWN into his pants?
so he WAS shot!
a few WEEKS ago???
the other guy said nobody was home.
love the use of the word negative instead of just no.
*thinks the garbage bags contain castle's body parts before remembering he's in the hospital*
two person tent. Looking at the interior it looks more like a five folk tent. (well five if they sleep in mummy bags & head to toe)
"or some kids hanging around taking it for a joyride"
why wouldn't "they" clean up the tent?
late 30s (early 40s)
*takes esposito with her*
the tux would not be put away that way but I'll take it. Esposito is so mad at castle.
his wedding shoes!
his watch!
he was tracking the news to see if they had been able to find/rescue him yet
martha is so happy!
first thing he did was ask for you!
RC: Just so you know, the doctor said that kissing will speed my recovery.
I could clip
yeah it IS supposed to be a joke. I deal with being in a car collision with humour! We keep having crap to deal with when we are trying to get married, it's just so silly silly!
he's a writer he needs to start at the beginning
I think u can tell he is not faking it
he looks so exaasperated when he says "I was unconscious!"
Right yes. why?
I might ask "has it been a year?" or smth bc I'm Dramatic ( if i was castle)
I'd ask if it was supposed to be a joke. I'd ask for proof.
except if he planned this & called vinnie in the morning, he would have had to plan it & he'd remember things before the wedding accident! (techinically not an accident)
bc I want to go there!
Remember Jeremy?
esposito outfit nice, lighting too hard for me to pic. grey or black or navy with a v dark red tie. some pattern (caused by the weave I think, not actual dye)
ryan taking explanations & facts.
lmao tiny little crime scene box!
she's going to cry skdjflskdjfl I love i hate I love this
did he write it in his coma dream? is it an AU
except castle DID set it up! he was the one who set this up!
RC: Yeah, on the INLAND side!!! Not on the ocean side.
he did camp here tho!
some old guy
Not the same guy bwa bwa BWAAAAA
walk & talk
(ryan outfit <3)
Why the setup to be there? what about the evidence?
JE: Mm hmm castle. THEY faked it sure
Remember Jeremy? I want to see more of him I want to see the updates!
alexis is old enough to drink
I love how he moves his hand counter clockwise for tangled & then clockwise for untangled when he talks with his hands there
you DO lose hope & then you get it back!
staring at it was so sweet!
everyone has chairs by their desks!
Almost shot him? srs becks? ew lol
RC: Well, it’s not the same. I can’t remember. Though I do know I missed you terribly. Because there’s no way I wouldn’t.
(could clip)
this is soooo sweet
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graceshadowwolf · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
So I've been working on this other thing along with making the first pic that I did in a previous post úwù
Some headcanons:
Britain and Nazi used to be best friends until Nazi betrayed him.
Poland has his scar cuz Nazi and Soviet ganged up on him and cracked his head.
The one grabbing France is Nazi.
The pic with France being taken from Britain is the Nazi Occupation in France.
Why tf is France's page a different shade of brown?
Soviet's frame is spicy.
Soviet and Nazi used to be in a relationship until Nazi betrayed him, hence the red side in Soviet's yellow silhouette.
Soviet has a lot of scars from the Russian Empire, the Revolution, and his first years as leader.
Nazi's silhouette in Soviet's frame is black, but there's his actual silhouette (the red one) behind the black one. This is a reference from my book, Stitches (on Wattpad uwu), that Nazi was actually sad about betraying Soviet.
I was about to give spoilers from that book, but I remembered I have Tumblr readers on Wattpad too oof--
The thing Soviet is holding in Poland's frame is a sickle that he has never used in my book because he lost it after the invasion oof--
I have two oofs and this third oof is dedicated to the fact that I was drawing Soviet's smut frame in school during my theology class and during recess and lunch, and at home in the living room where my siblings could easily pass me and look ove rmy shoulder to see what kind of sin I was doing oof--
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Venom 2 Spoilers - very mixed bag
I just. huh???? like the last third was good. but as I said it felt like it came from a different movie. I wish I had seen the movie it came from. Cletus said he only wanted to be Eddie’s friend?? what? when? That never happened. at all. and why does Carnage hate Venom? If that was never built up or explained so Venom eating him had little impact. Eddie and Cletus never had much interaction (contrary to what you would think if you walked in late and only caught the end) so their final interaction is a well done scene but feels like the conclusion to an arc that never happened. 
Also why is Eddie apologizing to Venom??? Again. It was a good and cute and funny scene in and of itself and felt like it matched their dynamic and characterization from the first movie. But it wasn’t at all set up by the preceding 2 acts. Quite the opposite. Venom is the one who should be apologizing to Eddie!! The third act seems to imply they had a couple’s spat centering on Eddie being ashamed of Venom or something and not giving him enough acknowledgement or credit or ability to pursue his goals etc. That could’ve been a cool arc. But it never happened. We just see Venom constantly knocking Eddie around and taking his temper out on him. So Eddie getting mad at him seems totally justified to say the least. And it makes no sense that Eddie apologizes. 
Also how come nobody cares about or addresses that Venom apparently killed a whole bunch of people by body hopping between them??? And why does Eddie not seem bothered by the fact that Venom has complete control over his body and keeps literally throwing him around rooms? Like he’s upset at the time. But not nearly as upset as you’d think he would be. And later it never gets mentioned. Also why does Venom do that? He didn’t do that in the first movie when he didn’t know or care about Eddie at all. Actually in the first movie Venom could’ve just forced Eddie to do anything that he wanted, but he chose not to. 
Which is why we got a really special and unique movie instead of a standard evil body snatching alien movie. Then in the first 2 acts of this Venom is actually basically just acting like a standard evil body snatching alien, except the framing acts as tho it’s all fine. The last third has the correct relationship dynamic and characterization for Venom and Eddie and I love the final scene if I ignore the first 2 thirds of the movie that completely contradict what we see in the ending bit. If you don’t ignore it, it makes no sense and is also downright abuse apologism.
Also at times we get the witty and clever snarky Venom comments that were so great in the first movie. But sometimes it just feels like it’s trying way too hard to be funny and veers into the territory of ridiculous silliness. Like yeah the first movie was hilarious but it also felt grounded. We the audience are laughing but the characters are all acting in ways that make sense for how they are written and the rules of the world. Eddie grabbing Venom and pulling him into the bathroom makes no sense. How is he able to do that??? He can’t force Venom to do something if he doesn’t want to. Also how does no one hear Venom arguing with him if he’s out of Eddie and speaking out loud????! 
And wtf was Eddie’s arc supposed to be? Or Venom’s for that matter? If Cletus killed his family members bc they were abusing him then why did he murder all those other people? Again. WHY does Carnage want to kill Venom??? I love Eddie and Venom realizing they are stronger together but that wasn’t developed at all in the first 2 acts. If Carnage and Cletus aren’t a good match why don’t we see them arguing till the last minute. They seem to work together great until the last third. Shouldn’t that have been set up more??? Wouldn’t it make more sense for Eddie and Venom to have the more harmonious and cute relationship and Cletus and Carnage to have the violent abusive twisted dynamic??? It’s like they switched them. 
Frances was amazing. But where did she get her powers? I thought superheroes weren’t a thing in the Venom universe. Also she and Cletus were the most interesting and engaging part of the movie. Every time they were on screen - and particularly Frances who just absolutely stole every scene she was in in the best way - I perked up. A lot of the rest of the movie was boring. The two of them actually had emotion to their scenes and had some actually developed characters and motives. At least compared to the rest of it. 
Loved the callback to comics!Eddie on the island with the symbiote in his Hawaiian t-shirt. And loved Venom and Eddie’s interactions in that scene. They work perfectly with the first movie, but not at all with the first 2 acts of this movie where Venom treats Eddie horribly. Also again it feels like payoff to something that was never setup bc we never had any indication that Eddie wanted Venom to admit his feelings for him or anything like that. Like I love the scene in isolation and it feels in-character based on the first movie, but when you view it in the context of the first 2 acts of this movie it feels jarringly dissonant, and also straight up like it’s saying if ur abusive partner says they love u, u should take them back. Which I get wasn’t what they were going for. But. Wut. 
Also. Venom in the MCU? NO. Literally my worst nightmare. Maybe the last third was made earlier (since it takes a while to animate stuff) and the first 2 thirds got changed to set up venom as a villain in the MCU or something. Or they’re just incompetent af. Who tf knows. Anyway. From now on I will be watching the first Venom movie and the final scene of the sequel only. 
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J2′s Virtual Con Panel (March 7th, 2021)
Alright, let’s talk j2! As all of you probably know by now Jared and Jensen had a virtual con panel today (March 7th, 2021); it was the first j2 con panel of the year, and we started on a good note. I will be providing some time stamps, and as always I will be providing a link to the whole panel at the end of this post so y’all can watch it for yourself, I highly recommend doing so, it was a really good panel. 
Okay, let’s jump right into it!
- The panel started late, and the reason I am mentioning that is because I have to comment on how stressful that wait was with the grey screen saying ‘standby!’. I much rather preferred the countdown, it was less stressful 😅 
- Anyways, the panel starts off with some cute banter between the boys, they spend around 6mins just talking to each other, joking about Jensen’s hair, telling stories about each other. Honestly, answering questions was unnecessary because I would have happily seen a full hour of that, of just them talking. 
- Jensen said he missed Jared 🥺
- So...Jared addressed Jensen’s birthday and okay let’s talk about this. After Jensen says he missed Jared and that it’s been so long since they’ve seen each other, Jared fumbles on his way to comment about how he was gonna post for Jensen’s birthday. You can practically see his brain buffer cause I s2g that man was this close to saying he was with Jensen before his brain kicked in, and then he switched lanes to mention taking a trip with G for their anniversary. 
Of course I have an opinion about this, I don’t know if I’ll be able to express it coherently, but I shall try; it is so incredibly convenient he’d mention what has been a big talking point in fandom for the past couple of days. This is such a stupid thing to lie about, and it’s a lie that falls apart in seconds cause if you think about it shit don’t make sense. 
We know that Jared and G were on a trip, but we also know they were in Colorado. Thanks to D’s hairstylist, we know Jensen’s also in Colorado. 
So, I’m expected to believe that these two men who are incredibly close, who in this same panel mention how much they’ve missed each other, that Jared who says he didn’t post on his boy’s birthday (and yes he called Jensen his boy again 🥰) because he got all emotional thinking about how this was gonna be the first birthday in years he wasn’t gonna be by Jensen’s side and be able to give him a hug- I am expected to believe that Jared was in the same state and didn’t even make a pitstop by where Jensen’s at?! That they’d be in the same state and not even meet up?!  Not only that, Jared and G’s anniversary was on the 27th which fell on a Saturday, based on reports we know they took that trip from the 28th to the 1st, if this was an anniversary trip why not make it a weekend thing from Friday to Sunday? Why do it from Sunday to Monday which was a workday? And I’m also expected to believe that they went on an “anniversary trip” and little mrs. social media preferred to post an old ass pic and not post anything at all from said trip, even posting a pic as if she were in Austin on the 1st.  Bitch please, I love you but go to someone else with that tale cause I ain’t buying. 
- Continuing with the panel, the boys start answering questions and I’mma just tell y’all right now a lot of the questions in this panel are kinda shit. This is the first panel of the year, both these men have big projects going on and yet the first question is about parenting. Their answer is pretty much the same thing they always answer, that they can’t do it alone, that most of it is their wives, Jared says he helps with the kids in the morning and then goes to the guest house and leaves Gen to it, if you’ve heard once you’ve heard it a million times. 
- Next question is about dreams, and Jensen makes a joke about mushroom induced dreams that Jared finds so hilarious he has to duck out of frame. I don’t know if y’all have ever seen The Late Show with Stephen Colbert but Stephen’s wife is usually there when he’s filming and that woman laughs at even his stupidest jokes, if you see them interact they are that couple that is so obviously in love years into their marriage, they make each other laugh, and the reason why I am bringing this up in a j2 post is because that is the vibe that moment had! Actually, that’s the vibe a lot of this panel had; that mushroom joke was not that funny yet Jared reacted as if Jensen was the funniest man in the world.  And the j2 doesn’t stop there because when it’s Jared’s time to answer the question the boys say they’re in each other’s dreams. x 
- Jared said he sits in the Impala in his garage 🥺 Jensen said his Impala is safe and covered in a secure location in Austin, which I’m going to interpret as he left it with Jared.
- A fan asked if we would see director!Jensen make an appearance on Walker and Jared revealed he was supposed to! Jensen was slated to direct episode 5 of Walker but due to commitments to The Boys he sadly wasn’t able to but both boys say that it will happen and it’s something they’re looking forward to. So are we boys, so are we ❤
- When talking about how Jensen was supposed to direct episode 5 of Walker, Jensen commented that Jared was looking forward to having someone who knew him so well and could help him creatively on the set. Now, I will for no particular reason remind y’all that G works on the show. 
I love Jensen ☕ 
-  Moving on! Jensen talked about his production company. He said it is currently developing 5 different projects including one that they will be delivering to the network this week and that they have a project he’s excited about with an spn alumn. He said working on these projects and his company is what he’s been spending his time on in Colorado.
- Jensen put on a beanie and y’all are not ready for what happened. Not only did he look cute af, not only did Jared like how Jensen looked and compliment him but he called Jensen babe 😍 Now listen you don’t have to take my word for it, listen to the audio a couple times, form your own opinion about what you hear but I have listened to multiple versions of that clip with headphones multiples times at different volumes...and imo Jared calls Jensen babe, you can try to take that from me over my dead body. x  
- They were talking about a fight outtake they did on the finale in slow motion, and did an example and when I tell y’all those two somehow managed to do an in perfectly in sync slowmo fight virtually! 
- They showed their matching tattoos! 
- Jensen sends Jared shirtless selfies and gives him beard updates. I swear I am not making this up. 
- And in the line of things I swear I am not making up is that Jared grabbed the pic Jensen send him, and edited it to make it seem as if Jensen was singing the clean version of WAP, that is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen 😂
- Jensen said him and Jared like to watch the early season gag reels 🤗
- At one point Jensen tried to tell one of Jared’s jokes and not even three words in this man was already in tears laughing so hard, he says it’s something that makes him laugh every time he thinks about it, he could barely get through the joke and to be fair it is hilarious; the joke goes: Did you hear there was an explosion at a cheese factory in France? The brie was everywhere. That cracked me tf up and it left them in tears 😂
- Jensen called Jared a freaking ox 😂
- Jensen says that if the roles were reversed and Sam had died, Dean would have wasted away at the back of a pool hall 😭
- The panel ends with j2 saying I love you to each other 😭❤
It was a really good panel, I had missed these men so so so so much, they have brightened my spirits and I’ve been in a good mood since I watched it, they just make me so happy 🥰. If you haven’t seen it yet I highly recommend doing so, the boys were looking cute, it was funny, they kept making each other laugh and there was even heart eyes! Jared kept getting the cutest little smile when Jensen was speaking, it was adorable! 
J2 Virtual Panel 
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pregnant-piggy · 4 years
Back again - part II
Sirius Black x reader
Words: 3600+
Warnings: swearing
part one
A/N: I’m back! Stressed af, but I could not leave you without part two! So I’m doing this instead of learning for my exams :) It’s the final part, but don’t worry cuz I have more Sirius content for you! XXX
The street you walk in is completely dark. Every curtain is closed and only four street lanterns are working. You squeeze your eyes to see what the house numbers are. Afraid anyone will see you, you don’t use your wand, but it lies steady in your hand, hidden in the pocket of your coat. You take a few steps closer to a house and read that it is number 14. You step back and walk further. After a few minutes you come to the right house, number 38. You walk to the door and knock.
Nerves rush through your veins as you wait for the door to open. You had never been here before, but Dumbledore had told you this was the right address. You weren’t sure though, it didn’t really seem like a place that-
The door opens, interrupting your thoughts. You look into the light brown eyes of Remus Lupin. He looks shocked; his jaw is dropped and his hand is clasped around the door frame. After a few seconds his confusion changes into a small smile then into a big grin. He pulls you in his arms and holds you tight. You sigh happily; it had been years since someone hugged you like that. A tear rolled down your cheek and you wiped it away with the sleeve of your coat.
‘Come in, come in,’ Remus says with a throaty voice. You step into the small house. You enter a small, dark hall filled with a single coat rack, where you hang up your coat. The living room is just as dark as the hall, but there is a fire burning fiercely in the cold.
‘I’ll get you something to eat…’ Remus mutters and you feel he needs to take a few deep breaths alone in the kitchen.
It is not a very big room and it is filled with a brown couch and a bookcase full of books. Waiting for Remus to return, you walk to the bookcase and look at the books. A summary on vampires; Magical creatures: dangerous or not?; Five ways to defend yourself in front of trolls. Your eyes scan all the books and they stop at a big book without the name on it. You smile when you see it is a photo album filled with pictures of you and your friends. Pictures of sleepovers in the boys’ dormitory, trips to Hogsmeade, photos of birthdays and other parties. On one of the pages you see your favourite photo.
All of you on Halloween in you third year, dressed up as each other. Sirius had gone as Peter and had filled his backpack with candy; Peter dressed up as James, with huge glasses and really messy hair; James had painted his hair red to be Lily; Lily had stolen a big sweater from Remus and was holding up five books; Remus was you, he wore a (y/h/c) wig and your favourite dress; you dressed up as Sirius, wearing his huge T-shirt and you had painted your hair black. You look at your bag that is lying on the ground. That T-shirt is in there. You had never given it back to Sirius, you loved it too much.
You are browsing through the album and your attention is taken by a picture of you and Sirius. You have fallen asleep on the couch in the common room and Sirius is sitting next to you looking at you. Under the picture someone, and you recognise Lily’s handwriting, has written: If you only knew what you feel for each other. You look back at the picture and realise that it is taken in your fifth year. You and Sirius weren’t dating yet but you had told Remus and Lily about your crush, and apparently so had Sirius. You start to cry; you can’t wait to see Sirius.
Remus enters the room and you turn around wiping away your tears. He looks from your face to the book back to your face.
‘I didn’t know you had this,’ you say to Remus. You sit down next to him on the couch.
‘Well yeah, Lily and I made it. I haven’t opened it since she and James died.’ You see the sad look on Remus’ face and you close the album. ‘When did you got here?’ Remus asks you.
‘This morning. I wanted to come to you, but Dumbledore insisted that I came to him first. I met Harry and he told me about what happened since Sirius escaped.’ You sigh; it had been a long day and you were tired, but you still want to hear Remus’ side of the story.
You rest your head on Remus’ shoulder and close your eyes. ‘France sucks you know? Stupid French people with their cheese and baguettes. They ruined baguettes for me!’ You hear Remus chuckle and continue your rant. ‘The only good thing there were the pastries. But they were expensive as hell! And the French wizards! Merlin, are they annoying! I never understood a word they were saying, which is not very nice when you’re duelling. Luckily that only happened a few times.’
Remus suddenly turns to you and looks you in the eye. ‘You haven’t changed at all have you?’ he asks with a  smile. ‘I missed you. I could have used your enthusiasm and positivity, it has not been nice…’
Seeing your questioning face, Remus begins to tell you about the things Harry didn’t. About the new Order, about his time with the werewolves, about the night at the ministry previous summer.
He talks all night and is finished when the sun already starts to rise. You have listened to him without interrupting. Your eyes are red from the sleep you are lacking, but you wouldn’t have wanted this night to be any different. It was nice to talk to Remus again. You had missed him so much. His smile and sarcastic comments, yes, but also the way he listens to your stories and how he trusts you even after this much time apart.
‘The next meeting is next Wednesday. Are you coming?’ Remus asks you while cleaning up his coffee table, that was covered in coffee mugs and candy-bar-wrappings, and you shrug.
‘I don’t know, I think I need to think about what you told me and what Harry told me, but I don’t think that will take until Wednesday. And to be honest I could really use some sleep right now. I haven’t slept for like two days.’ Remus laughs softly and gets up.
‘I have a guestroom,’ he simply says and walks upstairs. You grab your bag and run after him.
- -- -
You are lying on your bed, looking at the ceiling. Despite not having slept in 48 hours go can’t seem to fall asleep. The things you heard today are spooking through your head. Every time you close your eyes you see Sirius’ face, but he is talking to you, saying that he doesn’t recognise you, asking why you took so long to come see him, why you haven’t freed him.
You look at the clock hanging on the wall. It is 4 o’clock. You turn on the bedside lamp and sit on the edge of the bed. After minutes of doubting to grab your bag and take out a notebook. It is filled with letters that Sirius wrote you, during summer vacations and later when he was away for missions.
Sweet (Y/N),
It has only been two weeks since the vacation started but it feels like I haven’t seen you in months! Here at home everything is acceptable. Mum and Dad haven’t noticed I sneak out at night.
I know that you would say I shouldn’t sneak out and that I should be careful. But you don’t have to worry, I came up with a perfect system that I am not going to tell in case this letter falls into the wrong hands.
Next week I am going to James. He is back from his holiday then and he asked me to spend the rest of the vacation there. Maybe you can come over sometime?
Yours, Padfoot
You smiled at the letter. Sirius had written it to you in the summer before fifth year. It wasn’t unusual for him to write letters but every time you got one you had felt special.
Sweet (Y/N),
Please come save me from Prongs. All he can do is talk about Lily, about her hair, her eyes, her face, her skin, her fucking everything! I know you probably have better things to do but I don't think I am going to make it until the first of September if someone doesn't save me!
You smile at Sirius' words. You remember going to James after you got that letter and Sirius literally hugging you so tight that you couldn't breathe. You had blushed and stepped back, softly smiling at the situation.
Browsing through the letters you lose track of time. You cry and laugh at the memories in your love’s handwriting. You haven't read them in a long time, but still remember every single one of them.
Slowly the letters get more and more personal and romantic. Sirius wrote you about everything, every small detail of his life. You get to the period after Hogwarts. The letters he wrote to you when he was away for missions. Or when he was away with James, Remus and Peter on their monthly ‘Man-Break' (for Remus).
You are still smiling when you reach the last letter in your notebook.
My love,
Only two more days and I'll be back. I miss you and I know you miss me too. Everything is alright here, though James is stressing because he thinks he is going to miss Harry's birthday. I have tried everything to calm him down but so far nothing worked. I'll come up with more ideas.
Have you already got a gift for Harry? James said he maybe we could get him something quidditchy (he came up with that word! Don't let Remus see it!). I know Lily wouldn't really like it, but she cannot refuse it if we give it.
I really want to see you. I miss you so much. I know you think this is dangerous and it is, but we’re trained for this. I promise you I’ll come home. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again and kiss your lips and watch every stupid, cheesy, romantic film you want to see.
James is calling for me. Probably to ask what he should write to Lily.
I love you, Sirius
That had been the last multiple-day mission Sirius had gone on. He had promised you that he could never leave you for that long. He would still go on missions, but they were less dangerous, mostly because Lily had forbidden James to go on life-threatening missions, and never for more than two days.
You close your notebook and look at the clock. Two hours have passed since you started reading. You fall back on the bed and close your eyes thinking about your friends and how much you miss them.
When you wake up two hours later you don’t remember falling asleep. You slowly get up and walk down. In the kitchen you find Remus drinking his coffee and reading the paper.
‘Morning,’ he says when he sees you. You mutter a ‘good morning’ back and fill a cup with coffee.
‘So how did you sleep?’ Remus asks when you sit down.
‘Fine,’ you lie and take a sip. Remus squeezes his eyes.
‘Then why do you look like shit?’
You laugh. ‘I have been thinking, and I think I am going to the meeting Wednesday.’ You take another sip of your coffee. ‘So what is the plan for today?’
‘Well since it is such nice weather-’ You laugh; it has been raining since you got here. ‘I thought maybe we could take a walk or something and I have to go to the library to bring back some books.’ You smile, that is such a ‘Remus’ way to spend the day and honestly, you are up for it.
- -- -
You have so much fun with Remus and the two days go by fast. Together with him you feel home. It brings back memories of after Hogwarts, when you and Remus stayed home together while Sirius went out on missions. The both of you then only fell asleep at sunrise, your night filled with worries.
And even now you stay up late with Remus, but not to worry about Sirius, or at least Remus doesn’t; you are still scared what will happen if you see Sirius. You spend your nights talking about your time in France and his time here back home. You learn more about when he was a teacher at Hogwarts and he tells you about Harry and all the ‘adventures’ this one has been on.
Staring at your bag on the floor on the floor of the room Remus gave you, you try to take dep breaths. When you agreed to go to the meeting, you didn’t expect to be so nervous. What if Sirius doesn’t want to see you? Or worse, what if he found someone else? You feel nauseous, like you haven’t eaten enough.
‘Are you ready?’ Remus asks. You get up.
‘Yes, let’s just get it over with,’ you say.
Outside Remus gives you his arm and you take it. After looking around to be sure no one sees you, Remus disapparates and are being pulled with him. You hold in your breath and close your eyes. The familiar feeling makes you even more nauseous and light-headed. When you land on the sidewalk of the street you open your eyes and take a deep breath. Remus is standing next to you also looking a little sick but when he opens his eyes he smiles at you.
In front of you appears the house you had only been to twice. One time when you picked up Sirius with the Potters and a second time after you graduated at Hogwarts to pick up some stuff for Sirius. You had gone with James and Remus and luckily Sirius’ parents weren’t home. When you look at the house you notice it has not changed at all. The front door is still the same black colour and it looks like it is the same paint it was twenty years ago. All the curtains are closed and it looks like there is no one home.
You and Remus walk up to the door and Remus knocks on it. You take deep breath and your legs are shaking. The door opens and Mrs. Weasley appears. She smiles at Remus and her eyes widen when she sees you.
‘(Y/N)!’ she gasps. You smile softly at her reaction and let her take you into a hug. ‘I haven’t seen you in so long! How are you?’
‘Shall we discuss that inside?’ Remus asks, while looking around the street and Molly nods. You follow them inside and look around.
You are standing in a dark hall. The walls are painted dark grey and the floor is black. On the ceiling there is a chandelier with a lot of dust on it. It gives you the feeling you are in a haunted house. Even the Shrieking Shack would be a better place to live.
‘Cosy,’ you mumble and Remus laughs. Molly walks to a door that leads to the kitchen. There are a few people already there but no one notices you.
‘How long have you been here?’ Molly asks you as you sit down and slowly people start to recognise you. Their eyes widen and some jaws drop. Swiftly you are surrounded by people who ask you questions and want to know how you are.
‘But I thought you were in France?’
‘What was it like there?’
‘Weren’t you banned from England?’
And then someone asks a question that makes your stomach turn upside down.
‘Does Sirius know you’re here?’ You look at Remus and then shake your head.
‘No, he does not, I got back here Sunday and I haven’t had the chance to contact him,’ you answer. You answer all the other questions but the later it gets, the more nervous you feel.
After half an hour you hear a familiar voice.
‘What is going on here?’
You recognise the voice. Of course you do. It is a voice you could never forget, not even if you tried. It is the voice with a little rasp, a deep, heavy sound. It is the voice that makes your head spin. The voice that makes you shiver. The voice that you haven’t heard in fifteen years. The voice of the man you loved, still love.  
The people around you step aside so Sirius can see you. With every person that steps aside you can see more and more of the person you came for. The man with the long, black, silky hair and the stormy grey eyes. You see his feet, his strong legs, his hands. Merlin, his hands. His beautiful muscled hands that used to touch your body every second you were near him. Every time you were near him his hands instantly found your body. His hands on you back, your hips, your shoulder, your thighs, your hands. His hands were everywhere.
You hesitate. You are afraid to look him in the eye. You are afraid he is not the person he used to be, you are afraid he has changed. Not that change is bad, but what if it is?
Slowly you look up. Sirius is still looking at the other people around you. He hasn’t noticed you. Yet.
He follows the direction everyone is looking at. You can feel your heart beating and you are pretty sure everyone can hear it. Finally his gaze meets yours and he doesn’t move. He drops his hands alongside his body and stares at you, with an open mouth. You form a little smile when you see his face.
‘Hi,’ you say softly but loud enough for everyone to hear it. People around you look between you and Sirius; you can see their heads moving, but all you can focus on his the man in front of you.
Sirius closes his mouth and then opens it again to say something. But nothing comes. The fear in your head gets worse. This is what you imagined. He doesn’t want to see you, he probably moved on from you, you are nothing but an ex for him. The girl he used to date.
You feel tears coming up, but you refuse to look away. You want to see his reaction, no matter how much it will hurt you. Sirius shakes his head and you feel like you have been stabbed. Your nails scratch on the table when you move your hand and you hear it. Everyone does. The room is absolute silent. Nobody makes a sound. Everyone is staring at you or Sirius.
You keep staring into Sirius’ eyes. Then slowly you start to notice a glimmering in his eyes. No metaphorical one, but a physical one. Sirius is crying, or on the edge of. The corners of his mouth go up and the slightest smile appears on his face. You feel the relieve falling off you. Your heart starts to beat harder, but more lively. The blood rushes through your body.
The little smile turns bigger and bigger, until Sirius is grinning. You let out a laugh from relieve and people around you start to smile carefully. Sirius walks towards you and you get up. When he is in front of you, he takes your hand and places his other one on your cheek. You look him in the eye and you feel like an idiot smiling so much. You start crying at the sight of Sirius’ tears. The tears roll down your face but Sirius keeps looking at your eyes. Your faces are now inches away from each other and you could easily lean in and close the space but something is keeping you from doing that. The fear is still in your body. Fear of being rejected after all these years.
‘Stop crying,’ Sirius whispers and you feel his breath against your skin. ‘Everything is alright, love.’
You kiss him immediately when you hear his words. And without hesitation he kisses you back. It is a rough, but passionate kiss and you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Feeling Sirius’ lips on yours makes you relax. Your hands on his chest, his hands on your back and in your hair.
People around you start to cheer and you smile into the kiss. Before pulling apart Sirius bites your lip and you moan softly so only he can hear it. You can see the arousal in his eyes and you grin. You take his hand and pull him out of the room. You drag him to the nearest room and close the door behind you. You stare into Sirius’ eyes and he kisses you again, rough and passionate, but also soft, like he is trying to express his feelings through his kiss.
‘Fuck,’ he breathes when he breaks the kiss. You rest your heads together and you giggle. The tears are still running down your cheeks but you don’t care. You relax when you feel Sirius’ hands on your back. You stay like this for a long time until Sirius says:
‘I missed you so much. I thought I would never see you again, where were you?’
‘Yeah, the ministry apparently doesn’t appreciate weekly letters about how much they fucked up.’
@with1love1anu @somethingcedric @transparentttttttttt @sirius-satellite @arundhati-1082004 @figlia--della--luna @heavenly-ascended-melodies @princess-kiwiii @bumbelbeeesblog @mymindisweirdpwp @ronniethelost @girllety @cheoco @malikinglove @alwaysinmydaydreams @eateraa @bi-andready-tocry @ikik44 @scnkhnkejkvgfjlkgg @fangirlofbooksandpasta @littlemissgothgirl @doitforthevine67 @sporadicsportswombatcolor @kitkatkl @yuptha-tsme @mrs-moony @secretsthathauntus @teheharrypotter
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Killing Eve 3x04 - Still Got It Timeline
I know this episode is kinda confusing AF about the timeline and storytelling and I’m sure I’m not the only one. So, I watched it 3 times to make the timeline which I hope will be accurate and makes sense. I choose to make a timeline based on each character’s activities on each day, based on real time as much as I could.
Without further ado, here we go!
Day 1 - The day before Eve’s birthday
Niko took a selfie happily now that he was in Poland working his new job as a bread delivery man. He delivered the bread to Melina (I’m not sure if she was his mother or not).  
He went to the bar in the evening, not knowing he was being stalked and lost his phone.
Dasha met Hélèna (the woman from The Twelve) at the swimming pool.
Dasha offered to kill Eve to make Villanelle stop being skittish.
Hélèna denied the offer knowing that would cause too many other problems.
Dasha went to see Villanelle. After that, she went to Poland to stalk and steal NIko’s phone to text Eve.
Villanelle was dancing and making a cake and looked at her bruise from Eve’s headbutt; “So not over me.” LOL!
Dasha came to rant about Villenelle’s work in London and told her that The Twelve wanted to meet her later. Dasha told Villanelle to take a rest, “spend your money” (this caught my ears and made me skeptical that Dasha was trying to frame Villanelle for the missing 6 million Euros and anything else or not) before telling her not to travel and stay put in Barcelona.
Villanelle was ecstatic thinking that she had been promoted.
Konstantin was in Moscow stalking Irina.
He met Irina and told her to skip school with him. They talked about his wife’s new boyfriend who has a German car because he is an oil company executive.
Irina asked if she could stay with Konstantin tonight but he said he had to be back in England tonight which made Irina furious and scolded him.
Konstantin went back to England and met the dead account’s wife named Bertha Kruger. She let him know that her husband had sent an odd email telling that he worked out who had taken the 6 million Euros and also attached a file. Konstantin told her to forward the file to him and he would get Bertha somewhere safe ASAP. She mentioned her holiday house and he agreed.
Day 2 - Eve’s birthday
Eve stayed overnight and woke up in the Bitter Pill office. She tried to clean herself as much as she could.
She and Bear were discussing the kills in Catalonia and France before the cake was delivered to her as a birthday present.
Eve was happy at first thinking that it might be Niko’s (I might be wrong here because her first reaction was the same as she had received the flower Villanelle sent her in season 2. But, because Eve was trying to talk to Niko and get back to him, I just guessed she might think of Niko first).
Then she realized the cake was probably not from Niko. So, she took it to the rooftop. When she was sure that it was from Villlanelle, she threw it away.
Jamie came up and encountered her about staying overnight in the office. He offered Eve a new place to stay which was his house.
Eve and Jamie had dinner together and talked about bad things they had done in the past.
Eve was about to sleep when she found a teddy bear in bed. “What do you want from me?” She asked the teddy bear as if it was Villanelle.
She received the text with a selfie photo from Niko’s phone. Of course, they were sent to her by Dasha. Eve had a hope that she and Niko could sort things out.
Dasha disguised herself as Melina’s old friend, Magda, while Niko was there to deliver the bread. He promised that he would come to fix the farm door for her tomorrow. For poor Melina, she was killed by Dasha and eaten by her own pigs.
Dasha sent more text from Niko’s phone to lure Eve to meet him in Poland
Konstantin was in Barcelona ignoring Irina’s call.
He met Villanelle while she was shopping. Then they go somewhere else talking about Eve/Niko and gave Villanelle her family information before asking her to do something for him off the record.
She went out shopping and met Konstantin. They talked about Eve’s Birthday, Niko, and Villanelle’s family.
She started to have hiccups when seeing family info that Konstantin  gave her.
Villanelle agreed to help Konstantin as he asked for a favor.
Day 3 - The day after Eve’s birthday
Villanelle went to Kill Bertha at the holiday house in Lyon, France.
She started having hiccups again when she heard Bertha mentioned a word “family” before she killed her.
She called Konstantin when it’s done.
Konstantin went to Carolyn’s house to meet Geraldine for some purpose, (maybe pretending to sooth her or getting the bug bus magnet that he had given her in 3x02.)
Left Carolyn’s house. He was walking and talking on the phone which was probably Villanelle’s call.
Woke up at 5.00 am and went to meet Paul discussing Charles Kruger (the dead account). Carolyn requested her office back from Paul even though she doesn’t literally have it. (It implied that she wanted her power to be able to work back from Paul, I guess.)
In the taxi going back home in the daytime, Carolyn saw Konstantin was walking and talking on the phone nearby her neighborhood.
Carolyn knew Konstantin was at her house. She subtly asked Geraldine if she had a guest but she lied to her.
Geraldine tried to get Carolyn to talk about Kenny’s death but she was coldly rejected.
Carolyn went back to her bedroom and put a pillow on her face (probably hiding her grieving for her son.)
Dasha still sent more text from Niko’s phone to lure Eve to meet him in Poland
Prepare to kill Niko. She wrote the note “Still got it” on the weapon she used just to frame Villanelle. (In my humble opinion, I don’t think Eve will believe that Villanelle did it. At this point, I think Eve’s recognized V’s handwriting or knows that V’s learned to never ever kill Niko because V loves her already. Maybe, Eve might know that it’s not Villnelle’s killing style too. I mean Eve knows Villnelle as much as Villanelle knows her)
Niko came to fix Melina’s farm door as promised.
Bear found the chalk killed by Dasha in 1974 and let Eve know. She told him and to show the Catalan murder to Jamie who also joined the conversation. She let them know that this killer might lead them to The Twelve.
Eve was distracted by texts from Niko’s phone and decided to go to Poland immediately. Unknowing that Niko wasn’t the one who sent them.
Eve arrived in Poland and was about to talk to Niko when he was killed by Dasha before she could reach him. She was utterly shocked but hadn’t known it was Dasha’s kill yet.
Villanelle arrived HOME (ΓΡИЗМΕΤ was written on the sign). She touched her neck as if she could feel something wrong with her. (My first thought was that she did it because she didn’t have hiccups when she arrived HOME.
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xiaolindude · 4 years
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———  BASICS! ♡
NAME! ♡    charlie
PRONOUNS! ♡     she/her
ZODIAC SIGN! ♡     capricorn
TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡     single + Terrified of Commitment~
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡     i’ve been trained to safely restrain venomous snakes, snapping turtles and crocodiles and it’s rad af tbh. of course, there’s a lot of other animals i know how to safely handle and restrain, but those are the funky dangerous ones. i’ve also trained camels, tigers, rhinos, wild dogs, emus, lemurs and more. and the only animal i’ve ever been somewhat scared of was a particularly angry chicken lmao (i have an irrational lack of fear [though not a lack of respect] towards every single animal and it’s dangerous, i don’t recommend this mindset). 
2! ♡      i am absolutely obsessed with musicals. i love them soooo much! i have a playlist on spotify full of my fave musical theatre songs and it is currently over two days long and growing every week
3! ♡     i love to travel! country-wise, outside of the uk, i’ve been to the usa, france, greece, australia, singapore, costa rica, finland, italy, cyprus and turkey so far. hoping to get to more places soon, but obviously that’s not happening right now. there’s a small town in turkey where i’ve made such good friends with the locals that i can walk through the town and get waved at/greeted by soooo many different people i know, and one of the restaurants has a picture of my late mum framed on the wall, it’s really lovely. i miss them! 
PLATFORMS USED! ♡    for rp? only tumblr currently. i used to use a couple other small sites before i discovered tumblr rp but i haven’t used them for like 8 or 9 years now. 
GENDER! ♡    male, for some reason? who even knows why. i’d say at least 90% (maybe more) of the muses i’ve ever had have been male. i just find them so much easier
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S)! ♡    idk??? i’m not a huge fan of people that i think are really overused but i don’t tend to hold that against a mun (or the character/s). i guess the only faceclaims i don’t like are any faceclaim that is used to whitewash a character or any faceclaim that’s a person who had said they don’t want to be used in that way 
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡    i will write with either! in terms of myself, i’ve tried both and i find single blogs much easier to manage than multis. i’d rather have several single muse blogs rather than a multimuse blog generally. but mad props to the people that can properly maintain a multi, that’s fuckin awesome
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF:    yesss (somewhat selectively)
ANGST:  yep! what with rai’s job, past, homelife, mindset etc etc, angst comes very easily and it’s really fun to explore. whether it’s hardcore angst or a little more hurt/comfort-y, either way~
SMUT:  sure, but selectively (only with writing partners i’m very comfortable with and only on my sideblog. and of course, not with underage partners or characters, which should absolutely go without saying)
PLOT / MEMES! ♡   i like both, and i feel like different circumstances call for different things! memes are great if you’re feeling low energy or for breaking the ice and stuff like that. i kinda suck at plotting tbh but if i gel well with another writer, it becomes much easier. i’ve had a few ships (romantic and platonic) where the majority of it was never actually rped, but was discussed in depth with a million headcanons in IMs sjdahdjhd
TAGGED BY: @seaprofound TAGGING: @runningracingdancingchasing​ / @shesdaylight​ / @stereotypcd​ / @cauterisen​ / @trapenthusiast​ / @littlebadger​ / @manaborn​ / anyone else who feels like it!
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prismartist · 4 years
Soooo I just finished An American in Paris (1951) and hoo boy do I have a lot of thoughts.........
First of all, it's so fuckign different from the stage musical
In the first five minutes or so, Henri and Adam are established as old friends who kinda drifted but still reconnect, Henri is a successful showman, and he tells Adam Lise's name and that his family sheltered her during the war
Also Adam's last name is Cook, which I did know about, but Milo's last name is Roberts and Lise's is Bouvier or something like that
Henri's also suave af and pretty self-confident
Yes, that's very different from the 2015 musical
Jerry seems to be mostly the same
Maybe a little bit more creepy towards Lise at the beginning but it smoothens out
Also apparently Henri has known Lise since she was 14 which bothers me
Adam does. Nothing.
I'm not really exaggerating all he does is play music and act as a box for the other two to store exposition in. He does have this whole dream sequence where he's everyone in an orchestra that I feel would be good meme material
His humor and depressing state is still the same though, and I'm glad
The sequence of events is the other jarring thing about the movie—it shares maybe two or three scenes with the stage musical, and that's it. Everything else is either framed differently or a completely different situation.
I feel like Milo was less likeable... idk she just seemed sorta clingy
Same goes for Jerry :/ I love Gene Kelly but I didn't feel as attached to him
Georges Guetary's voice is... just god tier. It's so powerful and smooth like how does he do that
He never strains either, it's downright baffling how amazing he sounds
This is more of a problem with the dvd but the subtitles were unhelpful during songs, all they said were "starts singing [song]" and I'm like I don't know the songs bitch how am I supposed to know what you're talking about
About the three musketeers (or Henri, Jerry and Adam... they never say three musketeers :(), their interactions were lovely
They're so affectionate with each other and they just goof around all the time I love them
Jerry straight up kisses Adam on the head at one point and it's not played for laughs or anything it's just a sweet platonic bro moment
I wish we got more moments like that in the stage musical, there does seem to be an extreme lack of them now
I thought I would get more straight vibes but apparently I was wrong
I also thought I wouldn't have any reason to ship hochbaurel and I was wrong
Look their interactions were adorable and Henri keeps grinning at Adam and bringing him up all the time don't @ me
I don't think any of them are straight but that may just be my queer agenda projecting headcanons onto every character I see
My sister says Adam exudes aroace-spec vibes and I agree
The choreo is super nice, Gene Kelly is super talented and so is Leslie Caron 🥺
Sets are lovely too, especially during the ballet sequence
I really enjoyed this movie, it was a lot of fun :))
That being said, I still do prefer the stage version? It may be bias but I feel the musical managed to fleshen out and polish the characters a bit more, plus explore the setting of post-war France and how it may have affected everyone. Also it's not as all over the place with the plot as the movie was, which honestly felt disjointed at times. And the songs actually advanced the plot too, so
The musical did make good decisions that explained more, like making Lise a ballerina so they actually have a reason to do ballet, or giving Henri a personality other than "aha i am a romantic frenchman who is very in love with his gf and not struggling with anything at all and also i would give Lise up on a dime"
But the movie had its own charm and I'm definitely rewatching it
Anyways that's everything from the top of my head, I'm going to sleep now
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bluebellhairpin · 5 years
Marvel Headcanons - Road Trips
A/N: I’m a horrible person. But at least my procrastination of my asks is being for-filled in a way that still sprouts content. - Nemo
Summary: The Avengers and their S/O go on a road trip. Gods? Mutants? Aliens? with them, what could go wrong? 
Loki Laufeyson
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Bruh. You go on a road-trip with this guy and you’re gonna really wish you d i d n ‘ t. 
Tricks. So many tricks. This guy can’t drive a car, he has nothing to do except play tricks. Look At That Face, no remorse, no mercy. You gotta be strong af to survive a trip like this with Loki. 
bUt he does buy you all the food. And all the stuff you like. In mass amounts. (“(y/n), you said you liked this sweet packet stuff right? Ah, good. I brought five boxes so we don’t run out.” ) Like five whole boxes
So what’s it gonna be? Trickery for food? Yay or nay? Yay, definitely yay. 
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
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You will not sleep. Y’all get too hyped up of junk food and adrenaline to sleep for more then half an hour at a time so POWER NAPS ALL THE WAY THERE AND BACK
He video’s everything. He says it’s to show May and Tony when you get back but we all know the truth. Its so he can get one of those cool old-style videos of you No shame that boy has.
He lets you pick all the music, as long as it’s not AC/DC because he had an experience with Tony that involved ‘Thunderstruck’, hacking and his suits earpieces that lasted a over a week that we s h a l l n o t  s p e a k o f e v e r
But overall it’s a really cute trip. So cliche. So romantic. So amazing.
Tony Stark/Iron Man
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Loves every second because it’s with you and after everything he’s been through that is all he needs and wants.
He has playlists, cars, hotel reservations, restaurant reservations, food stops, food stashes, sights to see. All these things are ready before you even suggested getting away for a couple days. 
Turns into a sappy, flirty mess. It’s almost like the trip turned back time to when you both first met and the only problem he had was making a new missile to sell to some place in Afghanistan.
He’s just so ready for a break, low and behold please give i t t o H i m
Steve Rogers/Captain America
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Road-trips with Steve are done on the back of his motorbike and you can fight me on this. Mostly because he likes it when you wrap your arms around his torso so yeah fight me again.
Despite the trip being a road trip you both spend a lot of time at stops and motels instead of on the road. He likes taking things slow, since he hasn’t gotten to do things slowly for over four years after he woke up. He’s very grateful if you let him do this.
He lets you take lots of photo’s of him whether you’re good at it or not doesn't bother him. Even frames one you took of his silhouette because it looks that good to him. 
 Becomes addicted to cocktails after the second road trip because “they’re so colourful and come in so many flavours, (y/n) have you tried this blue one yet? Look they have one named after me-” 
Thor Odinson
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He gets so hyped and excited. 
He really loves travelling and learning about earth more like you teaching him about earth stuff so he’s so optimistic about the whole trip and that attitude rubs off on you so you end up coming home all happy too.
He brings lollies/sweets/candy with you and lemme say you are bouncing off the walls the whole damn time. One time he got so hyped on sugar he almost summoned lighting. 
You take Loki sometimes. He pretends he doesn't like it, but he does. He thought we wouldn’t notice but we did. So Loki ends up being the ‘bored’ third wheel while you and Thor stuff your faces with sour worms, chocolate, and gobstoppers.  
Bruce Banner/Hulk
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He’s gets so soft, and that makes you soft, and then you come back and your combined softness makes everyone else so very soft.
He worries about Hulk coming out and ruining the trip and the car but you constantly tell him and reassure him that it’s fine and you’ve managed to hone the ability to calm Hulk down when things get out of hand.
Needless to say he relaxes almost completely and w o w you didn’t know he sung that well.
And damn when you come back he’s like a changed man. Shyness? Almost gone. Reluctance to join conversations? Hell N a h. He almost becomes Tony 2.0 but only around you because “No one will believe you (y/n)”
Clint Barton/Hawkeye/Ronin
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Clint almost l i v e s for road trips with you. I say almost because he lives for you.
You hunt down carnivals so he can win you all the prizes. The others aren't even surprised when you come back with a carload at stuffed toys anymore.
You also stop at a number of piers and sit at the end with fish and chips and some beer and just talk. Life. The future. The past. That one slice of pizza that tasted better than any others you've ever eaten in your entire lives.
You guys just do so much stuff. And its all so wholesome and pure and s o f t. 
Peter Quill/Star Lord
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Did someone say road trip? Peter has all the tunes.
So much as touch the radio/speakers without his knowledge and you're preparing yourself to (possibly) walk home. He doesn't care if you're the other side of the country. You will walk.
He's a sucker for staying up and stargazing with you. He'll point out all the planets he's been to, and all the ones he wants to take you to later.
While Stargazing, be prepaid to have him jump up and pull you to him if a 'dancing song' comes on. That can range from the 'Livin La Vida Loca' to 'All of Me’. It's amazing. 
Scott Lang/Ant-Man
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He's a dad. He knows how to keep others and himself  entertained on long trips.
Magic tricks. Snacks. Music. Jokes. Everything and anything you can think of to pass time, he's got it ready and waiting.
Sometimes he takes Cassy with you, and honesty things become more fun (if that's at all possible). Which means, for you, more food, music from your childhood, and embarrassing stories about Scott that Cass had managed to get hold of.
Overall it’s pretty cute going on road trips with Scott, that and it’s never ever boring. 
T’Challa/Black Panther
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He’s a king, and a very busy one at that. So when you manage to pull him away from his duties he treats you extremely well. 
First he takes you to a certain county (Once it was Singapore (that was a very luxurious trip), another time Hawaii, etc), then he gets a hire car and takes you wherever else you’d like go.
Every time, every trip, he finds a Starbucks. He collects the cups and brings them back to Okoye. He does it to spite her. You know it.
He gets much more relaxed on the trips, and always comes back being able to deal with his duties much better.
Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier
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Wow okay first off, Bucky loves road trips with you. 
He manages to persuade Tony to lean him one of his fancy older cars and takes you along the coast in that. He’s a coast road trip type of guy.
He really loves the beach, the only thing that gets in his way is the sand and salty water getting in the joints of his arm, but he says he can “just take it off, don’t worry darlin’.” so yeah it’s r e a l l y not a problem. 
If he can't get a hold of one of Tony’s old cars, he gets an old pickup truck/ute and camps outside on the back with you and watches the stars and has old 30′s/40′s music playing from the radio. It’s pretty cute. Like him. 
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler
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Mate. This guy has no idea what he's doing. 
Once he tried to bring, like, a whole ass record player because he was worried there’d be nothing to dance along to. Seriously, Kurt, we have a ca r a d i o for that. Precious Baby Boy.
He’s also pretty young, so be prepared to have lots of contraband School food (sour lollies, chips, etc) stashed everywhere in the car. This boy will eat all the junk food he can lay his three-fingered hands on. R E S T R A I N HIM. 
He'd probably take every opportunity he can to cuddle you or take you hand in his. He’s not quite used to doing ‘normal’ stuff like this, so the fact he’s doing something like that with you means a lot. 
Doctor Stephen Strange
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He’s, um. He’s not used to this sort of thing either.
He’s been this arrogant, selfish, self-absorbed neurosurgeon for as long as he can remember. The most social and intimate thing he’s used to doing is ‘faking it’ with some random to make him look good.
BUT, sudeNly with you he kinda turns to a charismatic, sweetheart gentleman that will actually take you wherever you’d like to go. France? Okay. Brazil? Just south a little. China? Food’s great there. Russia? We’ll take ice skating lessons before we go. 
He can’t actually leave NYC for long, but he will spend as much time with you on trips away because they help him relax and it’s n i c e.
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swearronchanel · 5 years
Ok it took forever to find a working link here we go
- Omg the ceiling falling on her during labor gtfo
- “Where do we begin? What marks the start of any new adventure?” Tell me, Mature Jenny
- I’m so emo ugh a year ago today (well tomorrow) I moved to London for the semester 😭 I miss it so much..
- THE BEACH BOYS😍 hell yea the tunes
- Love Trixie’s robe, I need one
- Here’s her damn electric shaver 😂
- RIP Churchill, except not really bc you know racist, eugenist, etc😂
- You tell em Patrick! He sucks
- The turners now have a cohort of children and now rabbits lmaoo
- Tim’s been sent to boarding school, see ya never bro
- skip that funeral Phyllis
- Terry wants to look after his mom how pure
- I want his camera ugh, wait till I get a vintage film camera
- Ok not to ruin the mood but Nonnatus was demolished once before, this is repetitive (I know the 60s brought demolitions but still lol)
- 7 months in squalor 😭 so sad ugh
- Phyllis to the rescue with some polite fighting words
- The cucumbers on the eyes 😂😂 I love them
- Here comes the tights competition lmaoo
- GORGEOUS GAMS, my new blog name
- Cyril gazes at them? 😂😂 who is looking at ankles? I’m weak
- I love her modesty it’s sweet lol, and I love Trixie who is modest in other ways😂
- Phyllis and sister hilda dancing and holding hands is pure AF
- I really like her, I want sister hilda’s backstory! but sister Francis tho - eh lmao I’m not sold yet
- Fred and his first wife’s picture omg let me rip my heart out, I’m glad he’s got violet now 😭
- But the little moment is realistic, we should see Patrick mention Marianne
- sorry Churchill I’m not mourning
- Trixie’s houndstooth coat is a look
- “Your values which I respect” I love her 😂
- Lucille doing the cross, felt
- Terry and his mom in the flat !! my heart
- Love my nurses showing off their legs even if this is a filler storyline *cough Trixie deserves better 1965*
- I love that Phyllis took the photos, we love a supportive mother figure
- The baby in the trash can I can’t 😭😭 it’s not just a thing of past and it’s heartbreaking
- I love Fred ok, he’s just a pure older white man. There are few
- I forgot Sgt Wolfe existed oops
- Like primrose hill ugh my heart I miss London
- Mother Mildred back on her bullshit and I love it
- She’s annoying in the best way 😂
- Sister Mj 😭 if she passes this series IM OUT THIS B! I can not handle *insert Lucille Bluth from Arrested Development saying I won’t hear it and I won’t respond to it*
- Is this Valerie’s bitch ass cousin LMAO ??
- Val pls go see your grandma, I cant stress this enough pls all of you go visit your grandmas if possible, life is too damn short and I know it too well
- Terry is the cutest child omg love him
- “Will he look like me?” Just rip my heart out would you ??
- So is this lady the mother?
- I’m calling it
- sgt Wolfe out here on his law and order detective shit
- What’s up with Terry?  he better not die or I’m fighting
- If something happens to this poor kid I’m going to be personally offended
- “It’s not convenient right now” me at anything, everyday of my life
- Lucille is so cute even when she’s trying not to panic
- Phyllis to the rescue, again
- I love babies but this show just makes me not ever want children LMAO
- If I have to get up on my knees to push out a baby, just slice me open
- Idk why but i wish they would’ve wrote Phyllis telling someone she gave a baby away that she obviously had out of wedlock. Don’t ask why I just feel like it could’ve worked?
- Omg the diphtheria in his mouth🤢vaccinate your damn kids !!!!
- “Everything is supposed to be moving forward” FELT THIS SHELAGH! the world seems to take 2 steps forward and 15 back..
- also loving her new hair tho
- “I haven’t got all day” mood af, Stan Phyllis Crane
- “We’ll be whichever of those you need most” Mother Mildred knows what to say
- I’m glad Trixie is there tho
- Miss Higgins is lowkey underrated, she’s only been a gem lately
- “There’s nothing worse than feeling unfresh” true af Trix, I would’ve never survived without indoor plumbing or soap or anything
- Shawty delivered her own baby?!! She’s BRAVE brave
- “MOTHER Mildred” put some respect on her name
- I smell shadiness in this church
- Mother Mildred PLS throw some hands for the sake of the Lord almighty
- “Smells of his chemistry set And clearisil” ahh yes what all the cool kids smell like these days you know 😂😂 rip Tim, not gone just moved away till who knows when
- I love shelagh when she says random ass shit 😂 reminds me of her sister Bernadette days
- But Where’s sister Julienne in all this??
- “And I would feel more at ease if i remained” TELL EM MILDRED
- Not too sound so gen y or whatever us late 90s babies are but this priest is only giving me ~bad vibes~
- The Reggie pic😭 I love it
- Fred adding the newspaper clip to his memory box I can’t take it
- Violet my blue eyeshadow queen, I love it (I’m wearing it again in 2020, it was a look that one time)
- “Family meant no space” 😭 I just want terry to get better and reunite with his momma and new sibling
- Omg Brenda 😭 where is your ex? I will wring his neck out
- Trixie😭😭 the childhood traumas tonight whew,..
- It makes me so sad ugh
- Sister Hilda has a velvety accent if that makes sense lmaoo
- “Do you know who the father is? FATHER” MOTHER MILDRED DRAG HIM! YOU KNOW IT AS I DO
- Omg this little girls arm! help her
- Trixie’s two piece little set is so mid 60s and cute
- “I was running away from something that was hard and it was too easy” felt that Val
- But I’m so glad she’s gonna go see her gran
- “Pass the tea cakes to this end” LMAO I guess I am Mother Mildred
- Sister Julienne is like probably like thank God Mildred is finally leaving 😂
- They won runner up! 😂😂
- Aww sister Frances made a blanket, pure
- it’s her pimp cane😂 I love it when you call me big mommaaaa
- Violet framed Betty’s photo wow bye let me ducking cry my eyes out
- I love the buckles <3
- So what’s the next move with the demolition??
- “The past is never lost to us, we carry it with us...”
- “...the way we embrace it has the power to change everything” 😭😭
- Aww the Turner babies and rabbit babies
- Ok that was a good episode 😭
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likeshipsonthesea · 5 years
good omens au
building off this beautiful post, dex as crowley would be so interesting in terms of the “questioning things” like going off the assumption that dex began in a very ignorant place, the story line of being cast out for questioning the rules??? AMAZING (esp. reading good omens as the queer narrative it is, gay boy being cast out for differences?? love it)
and imagine dex being THE WORST DEMON there ever was, like he’s also petty af so he does enjoy the occasional inconvenience temptation by knocking out phone lines, doing some fun art with road lines, and a part of him loves the creative/logical aspect of planning really good temptations even if he doesn’t always love the like “bad” part of it
his eyes and hair are already the right color and going by that one frame from 4.08 he’s got ALL THE LEGS so he fits the physical description perfectly
AND imagine dex, having just fallen, just tempted eve into the Original Sin, and he slithers up the wall to find someone who also seems.. not completely rigid? someone who gave away a flaming sword, despite being unsure about the “goodness” of it, and becoming instantly, infuriatingly attached?? to the FIRST person he found who doesn’t appear either Good or Evil, seems to have... grey areas??
 so dex pining for years and years, slowing admiring how much Nursey-as-Aziraphale loves human things, “tempting” nursey into the Arrangement (dex liking blessings... a little too much) and eventually just coming to terms with how much he likes nursey, realizing that if he has to choose between things, good and evil, rebellion or armageddon, he’s going to pick the one thing he actually thinks could make him happy - Nursey
(also nursey as aziraphale is my favorite thing ever, owning a bookstore he refuses to sell books from?? going to france during the revolution for crepes?? being the most adorable, unchill sleight-of-hand-magician ever???? i love it.)
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zcvczx · 5 years
𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭  𝐳𝐨.
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*/ EMILY RATAJKOWSKI , 23 , CIS FEMALE , SHE/HER . i just watched dean matthews pull zoyenka voznesensky into his office. maybe it has something to do with them being a member of phi alpha phi. yeah, i spoke to zo a few times. they’re a senior studying business administration. apparently they’re from new york city, new york. maybe that’s why they’re so vexing and audacious, i don’t know, man. all i know is they’re always listening to needed me by rihanna. / jocey , 23, est, she/her .
ayyyye ya girl is back with her second bby, zo. apologizing in advance for the terror that is zoyenka. she is truly the worst™. hit that like button & i’ll slide into dem dms real quick. 
name : zoyenka voznesensky ( will not acknowledge you if you can’t pronounce her name. true story. ) nickname : zo age : twenty-three sexuality : pansexual hometown : new york city, new york chapter : phi alpha phi major : business administration  extracurriculars : cheerleading ( base ), dance team, mock trial
━  the voznesensky’s didn’t always have a net worth of millions. with humble beginnings in saint petersburg, russia, the family moved to america a couple generations ago to expand their distillery business. it was only then did the family-run business grow by producing, shipping and selling their premium vodka brand and maybe some other less than legal products too. eventually they got into the nightlife entertainment business as well, through acquiring and running several bars, clubs and lounges on the east coast.
━  as the second and youngest child born to dimitri and natalia, it was never in the books for zoyenka to take over the family business. a traditional man, her father had always groomed her older brother, alek, to be his successor. her father’s bias always left her feeling bitter and resentful, and only drove her ambitions and determination to prove him wrong. the more he kept her at arm’s length, the more driven she was to find an in.
━  unfortunately, her mother, a socialite/philanthropist herself, also had different plans for her - something along the lines of debutante and her daughter following in her footsteps. from being forced into piano lessons, ballet and etiquette classes, zo absolutely despised the person her family wanted to mold her into. the only things she didn’t mind as much were the gymnastics and language lessons ( russian, french, spanish & italian ). both stubborn in wanting to get their way, their differences pulled their mother-daughter relationship further and further apart.
━  even her mom’s passing when she was 12 did little to change zo’s opinion in the matter. she didn’t care about the woman’s death, nor did it affect her whatsoever, and she will gladly tell anyone that. but the fact that she accepted her offer at NEU and pledged phi alpha, her mom’s sorority, may hint at something different. despite now being a part of greek life, she still doesn’t buy into any of the sisterhood crap and thinks it’s all just a load of BS. but of course, that didn’t stop her from wanting to be president, if only for the power.
━  a hustler with an alpha bitch mentality, she’s always outsmarting people and outsmarting the system to get things to work in her favour. and when that didn’t work, no one could ever say no to a big fat wad of cash. because zoyenka voznesensky never loses. she doesn’t just play the game, she owns it, makes the rules and wins. every. damn. time. does she think she’s better than everyone? without a doubt.
━  zo swears by the belief that playing by the rules was for suckers and if you weren’t the best, then you were nothing at all. and sometimes being the best required playing dirty. if she has to ruin someone else’s life to get her way, then she will gladly pour a jug of gasoline, light a match and enjoy watching it go up in flames. hell, sometimes she’ll do that just purely for her own enjoyment.
━  with that mentality, it’s no surprise that zo was on track to becoming phi alpha’s president. but it was also her ambition that screwed herself over in the end. last year, an all too eager zo wanted a quick loophole to move from vice president to president because she just didn’t want to wait another year. so, she framed the then-president for stealing funds from the sorority, but was consequently busted, removed as VP and put on probation.
━  after that debacle, zo decided to do an exchange program in france for a semester, as a way to escape the aftermath. now she’s back with her head held high, still one month on probation, and ready to move on. but then again, why take the high road when the low road is so much more chaotic and fun? her presidency was already taken from her, so what else was there to lose?
BEST FRIEND  ━  someone who can put up with zo’s awfulness, or maybe they’re just as awful as she is. this is probably one of the few people she’s actually relatively soft for ( not that she’d ever admit it ) and will always have their back. possibly even one of the few people she’ll ever let her guard down for. gimme some soft bestie feels for this cold bitch.  taken by minka kellar ( little ), kieran rhodes, alana brooks SISTERS, I GUESS  ━  zo really does not give af about all this sisterhood crap and she just doesn’t buy into any of it. but there’s bound to be a couple of phi alpha girls who have grown on her over time. perhaps someone she pledged with? she’d never admit it, but she would give a bitch the smackdown if they tried to mess with them.  taken by hannah maddison MORAL CONSCIENCE  ━  does zo even have a moral compass? your guess is as good as mine. this is someone she is more likely to listen to and could try to sway her from doing, y’know, ~*just zo things*~. kind of the angel on her shoulder? often tries to get her to be nicer and overall be a decent human being.  taken by garrett shepherd BAD INFLUENCE  ━  i’m sure even satan has a little devil on his shoulder, so zo needs one too. though more likely than not, zo’s that little devil. basically they like to stir up all kinds of trouble together, either with her egging the other person on or they both fuel each other’s bad habits.  taken by lennon winter, kamelya tansel EXES  ━  either she dumped him/her, or she was dumped ( in which case, rip my friend ). maybe there are some lingering feelings. maybe she’s still hella soft for them. could be interesting if they’re very different from zo and that’s why it didn’t work out despite the chemistry or whatever. and/or the relationship ended when she abruptly left for her exchange program. ENEMIES  ━  ho’boy. homegirl can piss off a lot of people just for shits and giggles, nor does she care to be likeable and personable, so i’m sure she’s got a hella long list of enemies/people she rubs the wrong way. also people she’s sabotaged, fucked over and manipulated to get her way? plz.  taken by leticia viterra CHILDHOOD FRIENDS  ━  pretty self-explanatory. they’ve known each other since they were kids and their parents are likely friends. maybe their moms were in phi alpha together. they can be close, or not get along at all, or maybe even an ex-friend situation.  taken by alexandria boss UNWANTED CHILD  ━  zo somehow ended up being this person’s very reluctant mom friend. she hates it, she does not want to deal with them, and yet she’ll still go pick up their drunk ass at 4am. she’s all about tough love, so while she may be super harsh and hard on them, she does it out of love and because she cares. not that she’d ever actually admit to caring.  taken by noelle faust UNLIKELY/ACCIDENTAL FRIENDS  ━  they shouldn’t get along, but somehow, they just do and their friendship works. not typically someone zo would see herself being friends with, but somehow an accidental friendship of sorts developed.  taken by lincoln hayes MUTUAL ANNOYANCE  ━  they annoy each other to no end and just live for pushing each other’s buttons. not quite a hatred, but some days, it’s pretty darn close. maybe there’s some sexual tension involved cuz that’s always the good shiet.  taken by sydney marco ( roommate ), zane wancosh HOOK-UPS/FLINGS/FWBS  ━  self-explanatory. a girl’s got needs. whether she actually likes you as a person or not, if you’re hot, then you’ll do the job. rip why is she like this. we can make it angsty or not because tbh zo can be pretty possessive sometimes, so y’knOW.
okay, that’s all i can think of off the top of my head. some plots i’m open for multiple characters to fill, unless it has been crossed out. and ofc, i’m always open to new ideas too!
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homosociallyyours · 6 years
getting to know me
I was tagged by @sukiandmuzzy, @always-aqua, and @jlf23tumble in this 21 question cavalcade--thank y’all so much!! These dumb things are my fave bc I’m basic af. So. here we go. the rules are...answer the questions. that’s all. i’ll tag people too, but not a set number, so if you love these things and wanna do this one, DO IT!!!
Nickname: Meggles, Beene, Beenie, Beener, Dottie, Milton. All but the last are variations of my name (middle, last, first, in that order). The last one came from my ex, who actually got it from Winter’s Bone, because it was the book he was reading when we got together. There’s a scene where the main character is naming all the Miltons in her family. Somehow it got into his head, and then it just stuck. I left it in Austin, but I still have a fondness for it.  
Zodiac: Taurus sun/moon/mercury, Gemini rising, Venus in Cancer, Mars in Virgo. into it, obviously. I’m totally that guy who has gotten everyone in the office to do their natal chart and who follows 807 astrology meme accounts. 
Height: 5′5″
Last movie I saw: I haven’t seen a movie in a theater for a hot second. That was the new Fantastic Beasts. At home, I rewatched Elf on Christmas Eve. 
Last thing I googled: “williams console heater” -- we’re getting a new heater this week, and that’s the brand/model. I was showing my housemate. 
Favorite musicians: The Indigo Girls, One Direction, Dolly Parton, Gretchen Phillips.  
Song stuck in my head: She’s a Rainbow
Other blogs: @ohharrymylove is where I put 1d masterposts and history things as well as stunty stuff i don’t want on my main, @darlingdomesticbatch is the now defunct cumberbatch hey girl meme account i used to co-run with a friend, @heycheeselady is my oft-neglected cheese blog, and then there are 2 more blogs that are pretty empty but that i am kinda saving for a rainy day-- dirtbagharrie and sassymartinfreeman. i am also co-mod on a hypnokink blog with a pal but i never do anything with it, i’m sorry chu <3
Do I get asks: sometimes. I usually get a couple with ask games, and then every few weeks a random anon saying/asking something. it’s rare for me to get hate, though you wouldn’t know anyway bc i just delete it :) 
Following: 1024...oops. i got it down a while ago, but tbh i enjoy following lots of people and am very gregarious. if you wanna be mutuals with me just send me a couple of asks or messages and i’ll probably add you back unless you reaaaally don’t tag and you post stuff i would normally blacklist (reylo or zombies)
Amount of sleep: 6-12. rebel rebel. 
Lucky number: 5
What I’m wearing: lularoe leggings (listen they’re soft i can’t help it) and an old hoodie that i had kinda forgotten about but that i’m pleased to rediscover
Dream job: rn it’s being paid to exist. if i could make enough money to live just by being alive, it would take away a huge strain from my life. In general, though, my dream job is to be part of a team that goes into homes and schools and teaches cheese classes: developing palates and vocabularies, showing people how to care for cheese, providing knowledge and cool facts about cheesestuffs. I also kinda want this as a youtube channel. i do sorta have the goal to do that this year if i’m able. 
Dream trip: I usually say France and other parts of Europe for a very specific cheese trip, but right now it’s one of these 2 places--either Hawaii with @statementlou for 2 weeks of being relaxed cryptid gal pals or 2 weeks in Tacoma with @pompomoffinland and his spouse and their kiddo for some superb cuddles and flaming rainbows. 
Favorite food: I am contractually obligated to say cheese. It’s definitely the food I’m most passionate about, and I cannot think of my life without it in some form. 
Play any instruments: I know how to strum a ukulele. I’m not great, but I am passable if nobody else knows how to play. I can also play the spoons decently and am a singer. 
Languages: English, Spanish (un poco), the asl alphabet and some random words (coffee! tree! dance! I got a book from the library when I was 11 and have good retention). I also know the greek alphabet, so I can struggle through saying something that’s written in greek, but then have...no idea what it means. unless it’s obvious. Oh also I speak cheese (obviously), which means I can pronounce French town names sometimes and not sound like the uncultured American I truly am. 
Favorite songs: “Three County Highway” (Indigo Girls); “Fireproof” (1D); “Ain’t Life a Brook” (Ferron); “The Weakness in Me” (Joan Armatrading); “The Luckiest” (Ben Folds); “I Spent My Last $10 on Birth Control and Beer” (Two Nice Girls); “She’s Amazing” (Team Dresch); “1950″ (King Princess) to name a few. 
Random fact: “grassfed” is an empty term that can mean anything from cows grazing on fresh pasture year round to cows being kept in pens and fed a fermented grass product called silage that’s actually not much better for their stomachs than grain. so if you care about animals being pastured, know where your cheese is coming from and be prepared to pay a premium--grazing cattle is not cheap for a lot of reasons
Random fact about me? I didn’t date AT ALL in high school, partly because no boy ever expressed even the faintest interest and partly because I also wasn’t interested and honestly partly because I was actually queer and just didn’t have words for it. No regrets, tho, dang. I kinda think nobody should date in high school. UNPOPULAR OPINION, i know. 
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: pale skin spilling out from the top of a cotton dress; firm jersey milk cheese wrapped in rustic brown cheese paper; a bouquet of ranunculus; milky tea in a sturdy ceramic mug; brown sugar cubes; tangled seaweeds and algaes drying on the beach; a stack of fat quarters in various solid and patterned pinks; a photograph of a single white cloud against a bright blue sky with just the edge of tree in frame; hugging a tree
hmmmm I’ll tag... @captiveharts @deaflock @livingrepetition @billiethepoet @thearrowsheart @harryincamp @harryisapackersfan @pennywhistle @la-paritalienne and @goldbootsandvans
no pressure, pals! 
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elastigirl72 · 5 years
Day 24 and 25
71km to go
Day 24, 25 and 26: Trikala>Lamia>Thiva
Thiva: 18:43
The sun came out! Three days ago, I gifted my overshoes to Kastoria. Two days, Trikala’s Airbnb owner now has a beautiful pair of threadbare, elasticity long gone Castelli leg warmers, and has no idea of the significance of this gift. This is a cyclist’s version of a striptease...which can also and was performed on the move in the last few days: the jacket, the arm warmers and then a few miles later, the leg warmers.
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It was the first morning I left without having consider any layering choices. I felt an awful lot lighter after being charged €8 for two cappuccinos, and I found a bike shop who pumped up my tyres and sent me on my way with a new inner tube after my puncture set bounced off somewhere in the previous day’s ride. Maybe Hades horrors got THAT close. Enjoy, you savages!
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Greece has really surprised me, in a multitude of ways. Firstly, it’s people. I know a few Greeks. In fact, Dmitri who is married to Katherine and currently looking after my house and dog, Nyla (how dogs should be) is from Corinthe. He and the other Greek seem lovely. However, here, if I’m totally honest, on the whole, appear to have a serious attitude problem or a chip on their shoulder. You’ll get what you need from them, but blimey, they won’t make it easy! And on the whole, everything they do for you seems to be a massive chore; they tend to look decidedly pissed off! Yet, despite this, I quite like them. It’s like they don’t really give a hoot what anyone else thinks about them. You’ll do things their way or you’ll go without. Is it because of the long and deep Greek tragedies and history that floods its many mountains and plains? I thought that Italians were expressive, which they are. But Greeks don’t want to be expressive but if you push them, you’ll probably see the wrong kind of expressive!
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Take for example, the owner of the hotel I’m in right now. The pool is not in use, it’s in the middle of nowhere and whilst it’s clean, so is a travelodge or Premier Inn, but none typically have atmosphere and are extremely functional. Bed, check in, restaurant and bar if you’re lucky. As I rested for the first time by the lovely looking pool on this trip, the owner came over to speak to me declaring his position as if I should congratulate him. And then proceeded to try and get me to cancel my booking.com booking, drive up to the cash point with him in order to pay cash and get a €10 discount for the most expensive and overpriced hotel for the whole 25 days to date. After telling him I’d think it over for while, and the hassle of getting in a car to go to get cash, and concerned that cancelling the booking after the cancellation period had passed with the possibility of double payment and no recourse, I told him it’s not worth it. I’d also be charged a currency fee for the withdrawal (I haven’t mentioned it, but a few days ago, in supposed trusted company, I was set up and pickpocketed. That in itself was genius how it was staged. Luckily they only got away with coins from 8 different countries and my international card. But that has made the cash process a little tricky). Mr owner, who clearly thought very highly of his negotiation skills, stating Booking.com make billions, and me being a seasoned traveller must play the system all the time. Am I missing a trick here? Maybe, but after much insistence after his persistence, he got the message. But this is my experience of Greeks.
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Moving to the cycling. I’d been warned by said Greeks that Greek drivers were about the worst you could find. Be careful, I was warned. The roads are very busy and Greeks don’t deal with cyclists at all well. This really set me up to see Greece as a country I needed to get through to get to Athens and the end of my cross-continent adventure. The truth is I have been totally amazed. It has been, day after day, the best cycling I’ve done anywhere in Europe, including Spain and France. Not only are the drivers considerate, stop and wait at intersections for the cyclist to pass, they indicate, pull out, wait, and many toot and wave encouragement. The roads are empty, generally in great condition and all around, the scenery continuously draws you in. The culture is rich, untouched. I saw my first living snake on one road, the same road I saw many geckos between Kastoria and Trikala. The sides of the roads are dressed with millions of poppies, Aloe Vera, cacti, hemp, olive trees. I’m yet to reach Athens but I haven’t once felt unsafe due to traffic. Wild dogs, yes. I’d rather not repeat those.
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Both Lamia and Kastoria were gems on an unplanned route. I don’t feel like seeing Thiva as I’m full of hay fever and possibly a cold, so am uninspired. It does have an interesting past though and was an important as a city and in Greek mythology. But I’m very happy here in my apartment away from everywhere: the calm before the storm, returning to relative reality tomorrow.
I don’t know why this area for cyclists seems to be so undiscovered, but I’m so glad I made the decision to come inland. The coast will undoubtedly be much busier than this incredible, mountainous and flat landscape from Albania to Athens. I couldn’t be happier on my bike than I’ve been for the past four days.😊. The balance of vistas for this trip have been perfect: mainland, coast and now mountains. That pretty much covers it! I later hear from Mr Owner as he reluctantly demanded my card payment as he saw me sat on my balcony because he wasn’t there in the morning, that 30 Hungarian cyclists were arriving the next day. For them it’s a short flight away. They’re obviously in on this secret nirvana that is Greece.
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The days have rolled by and here I am, one ride away from Athens. I’m still focused, but also excited. 71km till I pack up my bike, having dipped my feet and maybe even swum in the Aegean in the last few miles of my Odyssey...surely that is classed as a transcontinental bike ride? 😃.
Packing away my winter gear, my shorts and t-shirt for the last time, throwing away all the bits and pieces I no longer need, and counting the hours...one more sleep and Athens...
26 days have past
24 days of cycling (excluding the abandoned day after 10 miles)
11 countries
6 currencies
3414km recorded cycling (2133 miles)
27,345m ascent (climbing)
1 backpack and frame bag - weight 4kg
I train ride (not included in mileage) to avoid snow
Two ferries - English Channel and 500m at Montenegro
Crossed the Severn, English Channel, past the Mediterranean And Adriatic Seas...
Days in order of awesomeness:
1 Librazhd>Kastoria
2 Lamia>Thiva
3 Trikala>Lamia
4 Senj>Zadar
5 Shkoder>Librazhd
The four least enjoyable:
1 Como>Garda - weather and traffic
2 Bellinzona>Como - weather and traffic
3 Venice>Trieste - weather
4 Neum>Herceg Novi - traffic
Favourite people by country:
Best hospitality: Albania then Bosnia
Best meal: Albania then Greece
Best weather: Greece
Biggest surprise country: equal Albania and Greece
Favourite city: Split
Best hotel: Calais and Albania
Least favourite city: Saint Quentin
Hardest day: Venice - abandoning for the day and the following day prospect of another abandoned day
Favourite person: the elderly cafe owner in Albania
Best vista: over Lake Ohrie, Albania
12 May: 0656 - Thiva
The day has arrived, and still, with only 71km to go, I’m not 100% certain I’ll make it to Athens! I guess I will believe it and relax once I walk into the hotel, and ask for my bike box. Having received an overweight charge relating to my box apparently weighing 67kg heavier than the maximum for my shipping cost (which is 27kg and having weighed it before booking, know it’s actually 19kg), I am expecting to find an adult size stowaway inside. So the very first thing I will be doing on receipt is asking a member of staff to hold my phone and video me opening it as evidence to send to UPS, who will otherwise pursue an additional £146 shipping cost. I tell you this as I don’t want you to fall into the same cunning trap.
A fellow cyclist, Steve, currently pedalling through France, shared this lovely insight with me after I’d shared the view of the Aegean Sea af Lamia’s castle. Around 10k from me, I could have by rights, pedalled over, dipped my toe in the water and got aboard the nearest train to Athens. But didn’t! Steve shared this: In Xenophon’s Anabasis when the 10,000 Greek soldiers saw the Mediterranean after there march out of Persia they shouted for joy Thálatta! Thálatta! The sea The Sea! They knew they were home.
I haven’t got that excited yet, but I’ve placed my Sainsbury’s order...Istanbul tomorrow...by plane 😊
The bells have chimed outside, I’ve eaten two cereal bars, a banana and half a pint of milk for breakfast and I will be hauling my knackered, ageing body on to the bike just one more time here, for up to 3 hours...and then it’s done...hopefully! See you in Athens 😃
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joannawcrwick · 6 years
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FULL NAME:  Joanna Mountbatten of York, Duchess of Warwick
AGE:  26
BIRTHDAY:  19 May 1510
PLACE OF BIRTH:   Burgundy, France
CURRENT LOCATION:  Hampton Court, Moseley, England
PRONOUNS:   She/her
ORIENTATION:   Heterosexual (*kim k voice* tragic)
R-ORIENTATION:  Heteroromantic  (w/the exception of Anne Boleyn)
OCCUPATION:  Noblewoman, Duchess, occasional dabbler in writing.
RELIGION:   Catholic
LANGUAGES:    English, French, Latin
VOICE:  Amanda Seyfried.
EYE COLOUR:   Light blue; the open sea. 
HAIR COLOR:   Blonde; a golden halo.
HEIGHT:  5′2 / 157.4 cm 
BODY BUILD:  Svelte, short, soft. Her features are rounded, made ample by the birth of three children but throughout she has retained her thin frame for the most part. Her arms are nimble and her legs have some definition, but she is not physically strong in the slightest. 
NOTABLE FEATURES:  Large, doe eyes, both expressively blue and captivating; sooty lashes and full lips; a freckle upon her cheek; a plump bosom; delicate, adroit hands and fingers; a long, slender throat; pallidness of complexion that easily yields to blushing.
PHOBIAS & DISEASES/FEARS:  Gaining the wrath of the crown, losing her children and her husband’s love, her sister’s caprice, being isolated or alone, anonymity, not accomplishing enough in life on the basis of sex, bringing shame unto her house.
GENERAL IMPRESSION:    Volatile but amiable; tempestuous yet warm; well-spoken and refined, an impression of ‘nobility’ rolls off her like steam, slightly haughty and presumptuous. 
MORAL ALIGNMENT:  Chaotic neutral –– individualist, values liberty, follows whims, resents restrictions & challenges traditions. 
ZODIAC: Taurus –– reliable, practical, ambitious and sensual. 
MYERS BRIGGS: ENFJ –– active, demanding, impatient, appreciative. (I didn’t take the test bc it’s long af but this is going off my knowledge on the test/types – she’s also slightly more introverted than extraverted, but I digress!) 
TEMPERAMENT: Choleric –– leader, controlling, power-hungry.
GREEK GOD/GODDESS: Ariadne –– the daughter of the King of Crete and wife of Dionysus, associated with mazes and labyrinths.
LIKES:   Writing, poetry; music, intricate compositions; the morning dew, honesty, China dishes and warm tea; ancient texts, legal systems, courtly intrigue; romance novels, suspense and thrillers, charity and hospitality; business, entrepreneurship, legality; religious discourse, butting heads, nonconformity, sensuality.  
DISLIKES:  Patronising, tradition; misogyny, not getting her way; being ordered about, being without freedom and liberties; being underestimated, being mocked, losing trust, cliffhangers. 
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You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner. Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare. You are willing to sacrifice your world for your sweetie. Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you. For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love.
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wizard-worm · 6 years
Yo, for my English Lit A Level coursework, I wrote about Radio Silence & the canon. This is the essay, if anyone’s interested:
Radio Silence and other young adult novels ought to be included in the canon.
Young adult novels are often seen as less worthy of study than books for adults, even though many demonstrate the qualities seen in canonised literature. Radio Silence is an example of a novel which accurately represents the parts of society it is trying to reflect, contains valuable moral lessons, and is emotionally, thematically and narratively complex, all of which contribute to making a text valuable according to aesthetic theories, and yet the novel is overlooked perhaps merely because of its audience.
Young adult is a broad genre because it is simply an indication of the age of most readers, and within it exists the genres seen in adult literature: fantasy, thriller, science fiction etc. which makes the exclusion of young adult books nonsensical. It could even be more interesting to study because it is largely unexplored, so study wouldn’t involve repetition of interpretations that have been proposed before, as with books that have already been discussed for years. Perhaps because young adult books are intended for young people, those who have the authority to decide what is study-worthy assume that they must be simplified, when in fact there are a mix of more and less intellectual novels, just like in adult literature. The existence of “easy” novels in adult fiction doesn’t make people discount the others. Another assumption people seem to make is that young adult novels are thematically shallow, when in fact teenagers deal with many of the same existential questions adults do. Framing these themes from the perspective of teenagers shouldn’t make them any less significant.
While Radio Silence arguably shows a narrow perspective of the world since it is focused on a small part of the education system, so do many canonised texts, which are often more exclusive since they fail to represent groups which Radio Silence does, such as ethnic minorities and LGBT+ people. Austen’s novels are an example of this, with her focus on upper-class families, however even with her sharp focus on few characters, readers can still recognise and relate to the character archetypes.
Some canonised novels could be considered part of the young adult category, such as The Catcher in the Rye, but since they were written before the genre was widely recognised they were received in much the same way as adult books, meaning there was no bias against them. The fact books like this are seen as “academic” shows that adults are sometimes willing to see teenage perspectives as worthy of study, so perhaps the main barrier for modern young adult literature is the false belief that there aren’t intellectual books in the genre just because they have been put under a new publishing umbrella. In the future, critics may begin to take YA fiction into consideration for the canon, as has happened with other genres previously seen as unliterary. Crime fiction is an example of a genre which at first was thought of as commercial and purely “readerly”, but in recent years has been studied in English Literature courses, demonstrating the subjectivity of literary value.
Oseman was 21 when Radio Silence was published, which some might use as reason to exclude her novel from the canon. This mirrors the way female writers were excluded, resulting in authors such as the Bronte sisters using male pseudonyms. In the field of sociology, some theorise that modern society is an “age patriarchy,” meaning children are oppressed by adults to maintain the adult/child hierarchy. Both women and children have been seen as unintellectual, and this has been the basis for inequality. The fact that women have managed to challenge patriarchy to be included in the canon suggests that the same could happen for young people if the hierarchy is questioned.
Radio Silence deals with themes of mental health, sexuality, platonic and romantic love, family, and trying to find happiness. These themes are seen throughout literature, but when examined from a teenage perspective are often dismissed as self-indulgent. The themes are interwoven with discussion of the education system, which is the main subject. Frances, the protagonist, is successful academically but starting to realise she feels no enthusiasm towards school. Her friendship with Aled Last demonstrates the conflict between “school life” and “real life”. While they are just acquaintances, Frances expresses fear over “messing it up,” to which her mum responds “You’ve got lots of other friends,” and Frances says “They only like School Frances though. Not Real Frances.” The capitalisation emphasises the divide Frances feels between her “study machine” identity and her creative side. Her mum’s reply mirrors the way that adults oversimplify teenagers' problems, as also seen in the beginning. The headteacher is giving a speech on parents’ evening, and Aled has been chosen to give a talk about university. The teacher tells the audience Aled is going to Durham, “if his A levels go to plan, anyway!” Frances narrates that “All the parents laughed… Aled and I did not.” The short sentences create a curt tone which communicates Frances’ annoyance at the trivialisation of something which their futures rest on.
The effects of this invalidation are shown in how they see their own problems. Frances makes it clear that she doesn’t get any enjoyment from school, yet all of the decisions she makes centre around getting into university. She says “whenever I wasn’t doing school work I felt like I was wasting my time” reflecting the amount of pressure that is put on students. This tends to have a negative impact on their mental health, seen in the case of Aled isolating himself at university. Adults not taking teenagers seriously worsens this problem because they don’t feel able to seek help, since whenever they voice their feelings, they are brushed off.
When Frances is panicking about one of her exams she feels embarrassed texting Aled: “This sounds really dumb I know I really shouldn’t be so upset about it haha.” Through this Oseman subverts the stereotype of teenagers as uncaring as Aled sympathises with Frances rather than dismissing her and this support means, towards the end, when Frances is beginning to question the expectations she’s always put on herself, she stands up for her own feelings when she doesn’t get into Cambridge. She narrates “You probably think I’m a whiny teenager. And yeah, it was all in my head, probably. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t real.”
This is also an example of one of the ways in which Radio Silence is narratively interesting. The entire book is told in first person, but the “fourth wall” is often broken with Frances addressing the reader. This creates the effect of a story being told to you by a friend, which encourages empathy. It also exposes her as a somewhat unreliable narrator when it comes to the subplot of Carys’ disappearance. Frances speaks with conviction about why Carys disappeared, making statements like “It was my fault she ran away,” but later on it’s revealed that Frances’ perception of Carys has been distorted. This adds realism by reflecting the way people tend to think, believing ourselves to be more significant than we are. When Carys is introduced, it becomes clear Frances was fairly insignificant in Carys’ life, though the reader is previously convinced by Frances’ perspective.
The narrative also switches from past to present tense during the moments of direct address to the reader as well as during a pivotal chapter in which the characters are drunk. There are analepses to something that happened two years ago with Carys, but told in present tense. Oseman uses repetition such as “Aled was saying, Aled is saying,” to communicate Frances’ confused perception of time which realistically reproduces the experience of intoxication as well as highlighting Frances’ unreliability as even she is aware of the contradictions of her perception.
The subtlety of the portrayal of a toxic parent is also perhaps more well-crafted than many adult-oriented books, which often jump straight to the most extreme cases of abuse. These are important, but aren’t as engagingly ambiguous as Carol Last, who walks a fine line between strict parenting and psychological torment. The complexity of the situation creates a moral debate and would provide an engaging topic of discussion, since she is a more subversive villain than typical flat “evil” characters because it’s not clear what her true intentions are, as well as being a character one might encounter in real life.
Her actions are almost justifiable; she has Aled’s dog put down while he was away but she could rationalise it because of the dog’s old age. Frances aptly describes the disconcerting coldness Carol possesses without really doing anything wrong: “She looked terrifying… a smile that said “Can I get you a cup of tea?” and eyes that said “I will burn everything you love.”” Aled struggles to talk about her, and after a lengthy conversation Aled finally manages to simply say “I just really don’t like my mum.” and Frances realises he was struggling because “It sounds like such a juvenile thing.” This anti-climax creates mimesis since this conclusion lacks emotional closure.
The inclusion of modern technology also adds interest. Realistically, a significant amount of these character’s communication is done through text. Some might argue that focusing on technology, which develops so quickly, can date a text, but it is an important part of modern culture that can’t be ignored. Including text messages is useful because the author doesn’t have to obey grammatical rules, making it more expressive: “HOPE YOU’RE FEELING PARTY AF” and “it’s honestly fine!!!!” In the past when technological developments have been made, they were incorporated into literature, such as with the emergence of epistolary novels after the postal system was set up.
Oseman also uses a story within a story that incorporates technology. Universe City is a fantasy podcast which tells the story of Radio Silence, a character trapped in a dystopian monster-infested university. Occasionally between chapters there are transcripts of an episode, and through this, Oseman explores how the internet allows new kinds of creativity while providing insight into Aled’s character as the podcast creator. It is revealed that Universe City has been Aled’s way of reaching out to his sister after she disappeared. The transcripts are littered with metaphors and analogies for Aled’s mental health and life events, such as the motif of fire: “I see you in every fire that lights,” “The fire that touched you must have come from a star,” which refers to his mum burning Carys’ clothes just before she disappeared. It’s a clever way of including a more literary style without interfering with the realistic first-person voice. The issue of prioritising literary technique over realism is shown in young adult novel The Fault In Our Stars where the teenage characters say things like “My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations,” which some might see as more “literary” but which also seem pretentious and false.
Ultimately, Radio Silence incorporates many aspects of canonised literature that critics believe to be valuable: universal themes, complex characters, interweaving plots, interesting narrative techniques, and it is innovative through incorporating technology. Negative stereotyping of teenagers leads to dismissal of young adult literature, but as the internet allows young people to become more vocal, perhaps young adult literature will become more accepted.
@chronicintrovert (u dont have to read this if u dont want to but idk i’d be interested if someone wrote about my book so tagging u just in case)
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