#frary baby
superseal76 · 1 year
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“OUR child. At last!” 🥺 | REIGN 2.04
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unabashedqueenfury · 1 year
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Reign 2013-2017/02-02
Mary and Francis
Io sono folle, folle, folle d'amore per te.
Io gemo di tenerezza perchè sono folle, folle, folle
perchè ti ho perduto.
Stamane il mattino era cosi caldo
che a me dettava quasi confusione
ma io era malata di tormento ero malata di tua perdizione.
("Io sono folle", Alda Merini, "Poesie per Charles", 1982)
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lucreziaces · 10 months
realizing that of all my early 2010s ships frary is the only one left standing in my heart....my ultimate comfort otp <3
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mizzswan · 1 year
Hey! I have a bit of an odd question🙊 do you see Frary having more than two kids and if so what would you think they’d name their other children?
Also I hope you’re doing well❤️
GIIIRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLLL I have been waiting for this question. I think they would have had six. (Probably more because they were going at it like rabbits, but I digress). 🫣
I used to have them all written down with their own little character quirks, but I don’t have that anymore. It’s been forever since I’ve really thought about it so I’m going off the top of my head here.
So, obviously, there’s little Anne and James. And then Margaret, Charlotte, Edward, and then like waaaaaaayyy down the line; thought they were done, they’d have a little oopsie baby named Albert. ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
I’m doing well, thank you!!! 🩷
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fraryeternallove · 2 months
“Anne and James”
If Frary actually had babies with the blend of their looks they will really really have BEAUTIFUL children❤️
#adelaidekane #tobyregbo #Reign #marystuart #francisvalois
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katiebgetaways · 1 month
A Cultural Heritage Experience…
In Venice we visited the Basilica dei Frari. Most notably, we viewed a magnificent floor-to-ceiling altarpiece painting titled Assumption of the Virgin (pictured) by Titian, dubbed the most important artist of Renaissance Venetian painting. I completed a verbal presentation on this piece, and learned so much about its baroque style of painting and the story weaved into its depiction. The painting it split into three layers or tiers, with God perceived to be placed at the top awaiting the ascension of the holy Virgin Mary. Lowly and ordinary human figures are painted at the bottom with their arms outstretched, appeared to be holding Mary’s cloud from falling. The shadow of the cloud she stands on stretches over the center of the crowd, a subtle reference to their unholiness and to the Virgin’s magnificence. The Virgin Mary herself is perched and depicted in movement on a cloud up towards God in Heaven, her arms slightly outstretched and her expression looking up in awe and anticipation. Baby angels, a popular depiction in paintings of this time period, perch below and around her for support during her ascent to heaven. God, painted as a bearded elderly man, awaits directly above the Virgin, looking down on her as she ascends.
As a whole, I could also point out the features of Baroque artistic expression in this piece in its extreme painting of shadows and unsettling warm and dark color palette.
Throughout the Basilica, there were other forms of sculpture and art that are worth mentioning. I would argue that the altar itself (wide shot pictured) where Titian’s altarpiece sits is a work of art on its own. The round circular ceiling architecture and narrow walls complete with sculptures and stained-glass windows was a magnificent sight to view in person. A sculpture of Jesus (pictured) placed directly to the right of the altar. Walking into the church, I came upon the tomb of Italian sculptor and architect Antonio Canova (pictured), which was fascinating. To conclude, one of my favorite destinations visited on my tour through Italy.
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thetraveler2023 · 1 year
Welcome to Venice, The Italian Dream 
Day 10 Today we woke up early to have breakfast and got our bags packed and down the stairs. We made our way to the train station for our next adventure, Venice. It was time to board and we got on with our group's many bags. The first route was quick and we had to make a train transfer. Somewhere within that process of the transfer half of our group made it off the train and the other half (including me) got stuck on the train since the line out the door wasn’t even moving. People took forever to start grabbing their suitcases and so the train doors shut on us and started to pull away. Our group was split in half. Frantically the teachers started messaging the other separated classmates to just stick together while they tried to locate what connecting train they would need to catch up with us and vice versa. This incident stole about another two hours off of our sightseeing day. Finally, we were all united and arrived at the hostel in Venice. This hostel had to be the nicest hostel I’d ever seen. It looked just like a nice hotel and had a great breakfast. After freshening up we all took off for the bus. Our tour guide Francecsco explained that in the city of Venice there are no cars. Therefore, you don’t hear the usual hustle and bustle of traffic driving by on the streets. It’s actually quite peaceful and serene, especially with all the surrounding water views. Venice is everything I thought Italy would be. We walked through the Italian Ghetto, then the Ponte di Rialto, and finally the Santa maria dei Frari. The part I really enjoyed was visiting the Scuola Grande di San Rocco which they consider to be the “Sistine Chapel” of Venice because of its breathtaking paintings by Tintoretto. Afterwards, we had some free time left to wander the city. So me and some buddies took off exploring and venturing for hours. I managed to snag some Cicchettis while we walked around which are the Italian version of Spanish tapas. They were so delicious! I had a great time overall but as late as it was getting I might have overdone it. Once we made it back to the busses to head out I got a text from my family that my best friend finally gave birth! She had been in labor for over 40 hours already! I shouted it to the rooftops and anyone who would listen as I showed off our cute baby girl's face. Baby Selah Grace sealed the perfect day.
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misscutiebex · 3 years
It is 3 AM for me and I can't stop thinking about how Henry II was fertile af in Reign (he even mentions a little village full of unfavoured bastards and their mothers) yet none of his goddamn sons could get their wives pregnant (even Charles and Henri III in rl)? Like Mary and her cousin did it ONE TIME and had James (I know in rl that Francis and Mary never had kids but still) and General Renaude also got Kenna pregnant after ONE TIME. Like Francis and Bash, you had ONE job. Given that these loved up (meant to be endgame) couples were going at it like rabbits 24/7 and Francis practically lived in Mary and Kennash broke multiple beds and made sure everybody knew about their sex life, how on Earth didn't they get pregnant with gorgeous blue and green eyed Valois/de Poitiers babies???
Note that I am aware of the child that is Jean Philippe but I refuse to believe that Francis couldn't get Mary pregnant but could get some awful "bestie" of hers pregnant after ONE TIME and Mary could ONLY have her cousin's baby???
Reign writers give me high blood pressure all day every day at their logic.
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mylovefrary · 5 years
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"They just threw a birthday party for their 1st child - Anne, but Mary couldn't wait any longer to announce the coming of their second child that Mary had a strong feeling it was a boy. She wanted to called him "James", as what they planned before. It seemed a bit rush but they were happy of this immediate family without planning properly. Francis was a bit concerned with Mary but she was too happy not to feel any regret of her pregnancies and sudden increased number of their adorable kids. He admitted, he couldn't stop loving her despite of her stubbornness, her spirits saved him. Her happiness was his priority. "
My edit and my fiction of Frary family. Do you like it? Probably I should move on to Frary fiction.
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unabashedqueenfury · 9 months
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Reign 2013-2017
Mary and Francis
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useragarfield · 3 years
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♡ ULTIMATE SHIPS MEME ♡ : ‘Deserved Better’ Ships [2/3] ↳ Francis Valois & Mary Stuart, Reign ( 2013 - 2017 )
You must know, I want the same world you do, the better one. The only way to build it is together. We do greater things when we act as one, when we trust each other as equals. This is not a coronation for a King. It is for a King and Queen
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frary-us · 2 years
Adelaide Kane and Toby Regbo are talking about Frary and Reign Their faces listening to the French translation -- especially the amused Toby.....👌😂 Thank you FR Conventions for posting.💖
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icequeenjules26 · 3 years
I always think I already love Francis as much as humanly possible but then he goes and proves me wrong. Sure he's dying but the only thing that matters to him is his Mary and it's incredibly cute but also hurts like a rusty knife to the chest...
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mizzswan · 4 years
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fraryeternallove · 10 months
You are my light-Francis to Mary
#afdelaidekane #tobyregbo #frary #Reign
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bobnorley · 6 years
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frary + standing up for each other
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