cloudyfacewithjam · 2 months
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NEW Dónal Finn profile pic from Independent Talent Group agency website x
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softmintpurejoy · 2 years
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Ma pretty alien boi
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kindaokartchannel · 2 months
turned off all the beauty settings on my shitty ass phone only for it to visibly still edit out my freckles and whiten my already pale skin is hell, I fucking hate motorola
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getsusun · 1 year
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ireadandream · 1 year
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little frecles ( i cant stand how cute they are)
dirty blond-ish hair
and the most important his BRAVERY
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Press is over. THANK YOU.
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colesluvr · 1 year
I would like to request a Jay x male! reader where the reader is a singer and likes to write little love songs about Jay but he would never know the songs are about him,,
then one day the reader releases a new album and it's called "Your Blue Eyes." and then the reader just uses some more hints abt Jay like his brunette hair, something abt lightning, his freckles, EVERYTHING.
after he listened to the album, Jay is like, wait a minute. HE LIKES ME?????
Your Blue Eyes | Jay Walker X Male Reader
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Your eyes scanned the arcade you left your sibling at for about 3 hours. Some sibling you are, how can I leave them there? You spoke to yourself mentally as you searched it up and down.
You had your hood over your head to make yourself less...open. Last thing you need to worry about is having a crowd sworm around you and you lose your chances on finding your little sibling.
Mother/Father's gonna kick my aaaasss. You panicked as you asked people of they have seen a little kid and described what they wore. You spoke in a different voice so you don't risk on getting attention. You already had sunglasses and your hood up, but people have sharp eyesight. You learned that the hard way.
It was hard being a famous singer at 16 years old.
You could never show people the real you.
Which is why you rarely made friends. You made a couple, but not much. You still loved them with all your heart. You never wanted to draw much attention to yourself anyways.
"S/N! S/N, I'm serious, where are you!?" You called out for the 23rd time, you lost count to be honest, but it feels like you've been searching for hours.
"And my older brother, Y/N L/N, is one of the bestest brothers I could ask for! He is a famous singer and better then whatever you all will be when your older like him!"
You heard your name and you looked to the source of it to find your little sibling surrounded by kids a year older then them. Ah, S/N! You cursed under your breath as you rush over to them.
"Ooh! Look, there he is! Y/N!" Your sibling jumped down from a chair they were sitting at and ran toward you. "Y/N! Tell these meanies that you're an amazing singer, and your songs are SLAY-" You gently slammed your hand over their mouth and grabbed them, attempting to run away.
"S/N! What did I tell you about telling strangers about my job? We don't need to start-AH!" Two screams screamed over each other. One was yours and one was...another male?
As you hit the floor with your sibling safe, you quickly tried to stand. "Im so sorry, I wasn't looking!" You help the boy with the brown locks back up to his feet. You both made eye contact and your eyes sparkled.
The boy that stood in front of you was the most handsome boy you've laid eyes upon. His hair was fluffy, his frecles were goergous, and his eyes.
They were the most beautiful.
They were a bright, electric blue, and the shined bright under the arcade lights.
"Omg, You're..." He started, "You're Y/N! Omg, I was just listening ti your music!" He fanboyed all over.
You were flicked out of your trance by your sibling, smirking up at you.
"Uh, Y-Yeah. I'm-I'm gald you enjoy i-IT." Your cheeks turned a shade of pink as you spoke to the boy. "It's amazing, dude! Uh- can-can I call you dude? I know you don't know me-"
"I'm sorry, I gotta run, uh, nice talkin'! I'll catch you later!"
Before he could respond, you ran past him and out the door with your little sibling right behind getting dragged.
Jay watched as you left.
His palms were sweaty.
He felt his cheeks get hot and his heart pound against his chest as a goofy smile formed on his face.
"Jay?" Nya called out to her friend for the third time. He yelps as he jumps and chuckled nervously.
"Are you okay?" Nya asked, scrunching her nose as Jay nods.
"Hmmhm! Never been better....can we go now?" He whispered, poking his index fingers together.
Nya nods and the both of them leave.
Weeks went by.
Your mind has been racing.
Our thoughts were nothing but Jay. Jay this, Jay that. It's almost like he's taken over your mind and refuses to get out.
Later that night, you were in your room sitting at your desk. You tapped your pencil on the wood of your desk, tapping your foot to the beat as you stared at an empty piece of paper.
Staring at the sheet you've pictured Jay in your head.
His blue eyes were as bright as the ocean sea.
His brown curls were styled beautifuly.
His freckles. Oh you could talk about the all day.
Thats it.
Holy moly, that's fricking it!
Jay and Cole were gaming together in the Monestary. Jay was currently beating Cole in this game, causing him to get cocky.
"Jay! What the heck!" Cole yelled, seeing his character die to Jay's character. Jay giggled triumply smirking at his best friend. "Suck it, Master of Earth!"
Cole rolled his eyes and gently tossed the controller to the ground, leaving the room and to the kitchen. He left Jay alone, but a couple minutes later Kai ran in almsot knocking into the wall.
"KAI?" Jay screamed back as Kai grabbed the remote from the Lighting Ninja's hand and handed him a phone. "Wha-?" Before he could reply, Kai threw on headphones over Jay's head and unlocked his phone.
"One, how did you get my phone? Two, how do you know my password-?"
"SHSHS! Just listen to Y/N L/N's new album. This is his first ever song for that album."
And with that, the song began to play. Jay stayed quiet and listen to the beat and the melody.
Verse One:
I'm scared what you, I'll say, when I say I think about you night and day
I love you more than I have ever found a way to say When I first laid eyes on you, the moment when we met You smiled, you smiled
Chorus: Your ocean blue eyes, your brown curls, your freckles To guard you and to guide you
Is almost more than I can take
Verse Two:
I just want you close
Where you can stay forever
Chorus: Your ocean blue eyes, your brown curls, your freckles And I know you love me
For I can’t help falling in love with you
~ this was so stupid im sorry :_
Jay's eyes blinked a couple of times as the song finished. He took the words and tried to think, why do those features sound so familiar. Kai removed the headphones and waited for Jay to reply, "Well?"
"I-I like the beat." Jay shurgged, unsure what Kai wanted to hear from him. "No, you dumbass! Y/N's new song is about you! Didn't you listen?" Kai started, "The ocean blue eyes, the brown hair, the freckles!?" Kai cupped Jay's cheek to prove his point.
He let go of Jay who was stunned to speak.
"Wait..." Jay began, standing to his feet forgetting all about the game he was playing. "Are you saying Y/N L/N fricking loves me? Or like, has a crush on me?"
Kai nods his head.
AS Jay watched as Kai answered his question, his face melted into a goody grin and he began to chuckle nervously. "Y/N-" He pants, "I-me. He."
Suddenly he's laughter filled the Monestary, "WAHO!!"
Kai stared at him as he ran out of the room and down the hall, running into Zane. Jay grabbed his arms and spun him around, "Jay?!" Zane cried, almost hitting the floor as Jay lets him go and ran.
Kai shook he's head, but a small smile formed on his face immediately after.
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Chapter 23 of 'Artificial Wingman!'
For the full story on AO3, click here!
Danny didn't know what he expected to happen after his sister and Robin's older brother left, but being locked in the most intense staring contest of his (after)life was not on the list. Yet that was where he found himself, sitting on Harley's beaten up couch with a surprisingly soft throw blanket draped over his shoulders, his glacial blue eyes locked with the Silvery blue of Robin's sister.
She was completely silent as she watched him, and Danny couldn't shake the feeling of being analyzed. Every twitch, every odd hitch in his already slow breathing, seemed like it had been noticed and filed away in some sort of filing cabinet in her head. Yet, strangely, the teen didn't feel threatened. Yeah, her intense attention was a bit uncomfortable, but it didn't feel malicious at all. Unlike Vlad or his parents, who examined every step he took and every move he made like he was some impossible enigma they were trying to dissect, her attention felt more... curious than anything else. That was probably the only thing that kept Danny from turning invisible.
"Soooo," He drawled, drawing the word out as finally broke eye contact, turning to look at a point just over her shoulder. There was an odd spot on the wall, a patch that looked like water damage. "I, um. I don't think we've been properly introduced to each other." Blinking, he tore his eyes away from the spot on the wall, but still couldn't bring himself to meet her probing gaze a second time. That bit of hair that hung just shy of her eyebrow was a good spot to look, though. It felt less like he was talking to the wall, at least. 'Ancients, why do I feel so nervous? She's just a person!' The teen scolded himself mentally. "I'm Danny."
Across from him, the girl chuckled. "Hello. I'm Cass." She signed to him, Spelling out her name before using a little gesture and pointing to herself. "It's nice to meet you finally, face to face." Face to face? What did she mean- Oh, right. She was at the Grocery Store, that one day he and Robin had been out hunting down the ingredients for the cure. The cure, which was currently sitting in his bag, resting just a few feet away on the coffee table.
Before his thoughts could spiral down that path, Cass tapped on the table infront of him. Blinking, he shot her bashful smirk, his face flushing slightly in embarrassment. "Sorry, got lost in though for a minute." He apologized.
She merely smiled back, signing a quick, "its alright," back at him. When the teen lapsed back into silence, she made a little humming noise before signing a question. "Do you have any hobbies?"
"Uhh... I know a lot about space?" He offered hesitantly, not quite sure what she was wanting. Obviously she was trying to make small talk, but the halfa didn't know she wanted to hear more about him, or if she was attempting to turn it into a conversation about her interests. Or maybe he was just overthinking it, his brain running twice as fast as it usually did, now that it had regained most of its normal function from whatever drug was in his system.
'Yeah, I'm definitely overthinking it.' The teen just barely avoided grimacing at his internal monologue.
"Oh, yes. Robin told us about that." Cass signed to him, pulling him from his thoughts again. "He sent me a picture from the Planetarium."
"Huh?" Danny voiced dumbly, his mind going blank for a second as she pulled up a picture on her phone. The image was a bit distorted, a green and blue film warring on the screen. But he could clearly make out the image underneath all the odd coloring. An image of himself, eyes dilated and hair floating in an odd way, as if it was caught in a current. The most obvious thing in the picture however, was clearly glowing frecles that adorned his face, casting an eerie blue and green glow over his cheeks and chin, making the way his eyes reflected the flash all the more noticable.
Danny could feel the blood rushing to his face as he covered his reddening cheeks with his palms. Closing his eyes, he groaned lowley to himself, ignoring the near silent chuckles that spilled from Cass. "I didn't know he took a picture. I didn't even see him take out his phone!" he whined, groaning again as Cass's laughter grew slightly louder.
When he finally brought his hands down, she smiled apologetically at him. "Don't feel bad," she told him. "Robin is really good at doing things stealthily."
Danny gave her a ruthful grin, nodding. "That makes sense, what with the vigilante thing." Sighing, he leaned back into the couch, tugging the blanket wrapped around him until it rested comfortably over his legs. "I can be pretty stealthy too, but that's mainly because of..." he trailed off, just realising that maybe it wasn't the best idea to go around boasting about being half ghost.
"Powers?" Cass signed, finishing his sentence for him. He nodded, figuring it was a bit to late to censor himself now. She made an "ah," noise, mimicking zipping her lips.
"Thanks," he murmured, appreciating her gesture. They both slipped back into silence, though it wasn't as awkward as before. The peaceful quiet was broken by the shattering of some ceramic object, followed by a disappointed moan. They both looked towards the source of the noise to see Robin stalk out of the kitchen with a plate of fruits, glaring at the blond that followed him.
"That was one of my favorite plates!" She pouted, looking mournfully at the few shards she carried with her.
"If you cared for it so much, then perhaps you shouldn't have thrown it." Robin retorted, settling down in his seat next to Danny. The teen carefully set the place down on the table infront of the teen, gesturing towards it when he only gazed at the bunch of grapes and fruit slices curiously. "Eat. You are far too skinny and light."
Danny huffed at the boy, still too tired to argue much, before popping one of the grapes into his mouth. "My weight didn't seem such an issue before. What changed?" He asked, letting his head drop until it rested just above Robin's shoulder.
"What changed was waking up with your boney elbow pressed into my stomach." The teen reached up and pulled Danny's head down the rest of the way. "I could tell you were a bit underweight before, when I carried you, but your clothing has been a bit.... baggy, up until this point, so I had no idea just how thin you actually were."
Noticing that Danny had stopped eating, Robin grabbed an apple slice from the plate and held it to he mouth, not bothering to speak until Danny bit into it. "As long as you are in my care, I intend to feed you as much as possible. Pennyworth would be disappointed in me otherwise." The teen sniffed, grabbing another grape and handing it to the ravenette.
Danny snorted, chewing the fruit and swallowing before he attempted to respond. "I've always been on the skinneir side, so it's not that big of a deal, y'know?" He said in an attempt to placate the teen.
It didn't work, if the frown on Robin's face was anything to go by. "Well," he tilted his head in an almost challenging manner, "I suppose that is just something that we will have to remedy." He didn't give Danny a chance to respond, practically shoving another apple slice into Danny's mouth when he went to protest. He huffed at the teen, chewing the slice obediently.
Beside them, Cass let out a giggle. Danny merely huffed again, deciding to focus on the fruit instead of acknowledging her amusement. Robin didn't appear bothered by her laughter, instead humming pleasantly as he picked another slice up from the plate, a pear this time.
Part of Danny felt annoyed at being hand fed like this, but another part practically purred at the attention and care the teen was giving him. The halfa ignored them both, still not all there mentally at the moment. It most certianly wasn't because he couldn't tell if it was his ghost half or his human half that yearned for the moment to never stop. Not at all.
Sadly for whichever half that was, the moment seemed to end once Danny had cleared the plate, only leaving behind the sticky residue from the cut fruits on it's ceramic surface. Having watched him (and helped him) finish off the plate, Robin shot him a slightly smug yet oddly warm smile as he stood to take the plate back the the kitchen. Once again leaving him alone with Cass.
The woman snickered silently as Danny shifted, obviously sensing his embarrassment with what had just occured. Before he could say anything, (what was he supposed to say after that?), Cass was signing at him again. "You two are adorable together," her grin widened as Danny felt blood flood his face. Groaning, the halfa let his head fall back against the couch, closing his eyes, as if that would help him escape the situation.
'Jazz, stop flirting with the Hood guy and get over here,' the teen desperatly thought. 'I don't know how much more teasing and coddling I can take.' Knowing his sister, the teen knew he would learn what his tollerance level for embarrassment would be. And after all his humiliation at school, he knew that it would be a while before they hit the bar.
- - -
By the time Jazz finally pulled up in the Speeder, Danny was contemplating just letting his intangibility wash over him. The only thing that stopped him from actually doing it was the knowledge that Jazz would never let him live it down. And that she would definalty tell Sam and Tucker. So it was safe to say he was very, very happy to hear the familiar hum and rumble of the interdiminsional hover car.
Honestly, it wasn't that bad, all things considered. The light ribbing that he got from Cass and Harley was embarrassing for sure, but it was all lighthearted. Much different from the snide remarks and mocking tones of the A-listers. It was nice, in a way, more like the way he and his friends picked on each other.
That didn't make him any less excited when he heard the firm, heavy knock on the front door before Jazz strides in, followed closely by a raven haired man with a white streak through his hair. Danny couldn't help but stare at him, tilting his head as a questioning chrip slipped from him.
Three things happened at that moment. Harley and Cass looked at him, both a bit confused and surprised at the most definatly not normal noise he made. Damian glanced between him and the man, seemingly unsure of what to say. Jazz, the most liminal person in the room, opened her mouth, probably to answer his unvoiced question. And, perhaps the most surprising of all, the man seemed to freeze in place.
Danny watched the man's eyes widened, taking on a slightly green tint as he met the teen's gaze. "What-" before Danny could ask the man anything, he seemed to swallow hard, his throat working as if there was a physical blockage. A croaking, whistle-like sound resounded from him, catching the attention of everyone else in the room. The man's face scrunched slightly, almost like he didnt' know what he was doing. Coughing a bit, he cleared his throat, and... Chrrup?
Danny blinked. That was... not what he was expecting. He chirped back, not really sure what else to do in this situation. The man mimicked his chirp, the dazed look slowly leaving his eyes and being replaced by a look of confusion. "What the fuck was that?" He asked, his voice shaking slightly.
Danny didn't answer him, instead turning his gaze to his sister. "How the heck did you find a liminal in less than two hours?" He asked, half exasperated and half dumbfounded.
Jazz returned his look of confusion with one of her own. "You couldn't tell he was liminal?" She asked, not bothering to answer his question.
"What the hell is a liminal anyways?" Harley piped up, her gaze switching between the three ghost-adjacent people in the room.
It was Robin who answered her. "I would assume that a liminal is someone more in tune with the dead than a normal person." He turned to look at Danny. "Is that right?"
"Uh, yeah. Basically, a liminal is a person that has been around ambient ectoplasm enough for it to change them. Usually, it makes them a bit more ghost like, whether it be physical changes like fangs or eyeshine, or the development of weak ghost powers like intangibility or enhanced empathy." Danny turned away from his staring contest with his sister to look at Robin as he explained. "My sister and my friends are a bit more liminal than others, and it's not exactly rare to meet someone who is at least a little liminal." He turned to the man once more, this time stretching his senses out.
Almost immediately the teen was assaulted by the bitter taste of rage. His face contorted at the unpleasant acidic flavor it left behind. Under the thick layer of rage, there was the slightly tangy taste of confusion, along with the slight lemon-like taste of fear. He was about to pull back when another taste hit him. The teen had to physically restrain himslef from full body flinching away from the man at the soured-milk and rot that overpowered everything else.
"Jeeze!" Danny smacked him lips, trying to get the perceived taste out of his mouth. "What cesspool have you been hanging around?" He asked the man.
"Danny!" He sister scolded, reaching over to cuff his head. He ducked, her fingers barley brushing his unruly hair.
"What?" He asked, glaring at her childishly.
"You can't just ask people that! Its rude!" She chided, returning his glare with one of her own.
"Trust me, Jazz. If you could sense what I just sensed, you would be asking the same question." He leaned away from her, just in case she tried to cuff him again. "Whatever ecto he was exposed to is bad. Like, not changing the filter in forty years bad. Dude needs a spa day badly." He shot the man another glance with a low, "No offense," before meeting his sister's stare again.
"None... taken?" He looked between the siblings, trying to digest the info given. "Wait, so I'm a liminal-whatever, what does that even mean? And what the heck is ectoplasm?" He turned to Robin, looking incredibly lost.
"I mean, I just explained what Liminals are. It just means you've been hanging out around death-ooze for long enough to get some freaky ghost abilities, but without the being dead part." Danny broke off his staring contest finally, giving the man his full attention. "And ectoplasm is a green, glowy, kinda radioactive substance that comes from the afterlife. It can leak into the mortal realm sometimes through natural portals, but it usually gets absorbed pretty fast. Whatever you've been hanging around is a prime example of why chores are so important in my house. Congealed ectoplasm left out to sit, or mixed with anything besides fresh ecto is not the safest thing. Especially for mortals. Even in ghosts, it can have some really adverse reactions. Wouldn't surprise me if you're experiencing some of the side effects of it."
The room fell silent after that, half of the room thinking about how eerily close that description was to the Lazerus Waters. Though, it would explain some things, if it was true.
Everyone was startled out of their thoughts by Jazz clapping loudly. "Okay! As fun as whatever that was, is. I believe we have more important things to be doing?" She gave everyone in the room a pointed look before turning back to her brother. "Danny, the Liminal guy is Jason. He said he has somewhere that we can hide out with the Speeder while you recover and work on the Portal gun."
"Sweet, really?" Danny looked over to the man, Jason, and went to smile before he paused. "Wait..." he narrowed his eyes at the man, eyeing him suspiciously. "How do we know he isn't some wacked out fruitloop? And what happened to that Red Hood guy you left with? Where did he go?"
Jason's face scrunched up at the fruitloop comment, a denial on his lips, but Jazz beat him to it. "Danny!" She scolded him again. "First off, he isn't some wacked out fruitloop, have a little faith in me. And second, are you seriously that dense?" Danny blinked at her, a small look of afrontment on his face that Robin fought not to laugh at.
"Hey! I'm not dense!" He protested.
She merely raised an eyebrow at him, sending a pointed glance at Jason before going back to him. "Do you really not know who this is?" She asked, amusement coloring her tone.
Danny turned his attention back to Jason, staring at him intently. Now that he was focusing on him, he did seem vaguely familiar. But he hasn't met people in this universe, so if Jazz expected him to know who Jason was, then he had to have met him one already, right? If that was the case, then the only people he has met here would be Robin's brothers. He wasnt Dick, too tall and buff, not to kention he would be sporting a bruise from that punch, so that would leave...
"Wait, Redhood?!?"
"About fuckin' time!"
(I know there are probably some Grammer and/or spelling mistakes, but it's okay because I tried my best!)
For the amazing person who made the prompt for this story, as well as the lovely people who follow along!
@halfblackwolfdemon @manapeer @xxwintrynightzxx @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 @blu-lilac @academicpurposes @secretdestinywerewolf @passivedecept @naluforever3 @postit-nope @spiteismymiddlename @2t-productions @plague-daisy @feet-achy @bubblecookies16 @thesapphiredragon13 @justwannabecat @magicalcollecter @adeniumdream @amuseofminds @lupagrim @readerkayden @dr-syko-pharm-4 @ladythugs @angelheartgamer @markthespot68 @kyrianclawraith @michikoy-yuki @servasvictoria02 @your-emo-nightmare @vala-dreams @scarlett-green-rose @t1dwarrior-of-earth @charlie-the-frogie @akikoyuii @mysticalcomputerdetective @roseuniverse999 @im-totally-not-an-alien @thefearfullone @weird-droplet-309 @jaytriesstuff @raventao @jacquelynwinchester @dragongoblet @tlise21 @longlivethefallen @the-archer-goddess @temple-of-jalebi @adepresseddwightsblogofjunk @plainly-colorful @the-legalHe-shipper @49saltpeppershakers @igotafewbadideas @tumbling-darkling @sparklygardenbouquet @sarcastic-yami @blueneko9314 @starscreamlover @liedboutmurder @do3y @roze-realm @some-mildly-happy-human @yinari-uchiha @azuera @chaoticmistake @altairsarts @kawaiikenna @heartsong18 @thetoyboxs @tricksovertreats @mnemovoid @lim4b3ans @horribly-lost-and-gay @keimiwolf @dryeraseslime @joey394
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coffee-ouji · 3 months
Im gonna draw Athena Cykes as stereotypically ginger as I can- frecles and everything- and YOU will lOVE it
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yourlocal-weirdo · 2 years
Frecles in a forest and i cant draw trees lol
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The silly
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ganonboars · 1 year
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Drew Donnie as a magic boy as apart of a swapped au with my ttrpg guys!! Fun info under the cut
- his weapons are his lil arm ganlet things. it can summon chinsaws when activated + they double as short range guns !
- his theme is robotics !
- his lil hair tie is actaully and exhaust pipe thats constnatly spitting out fire :] so is the top of his head
- his tsukaima’s name is kinetic carapace! but he thinks thats too long and stupid so he just calls him K.C.
- the back of his coat probs hs some like motherboard design going on
- the screws on his face are actually the colors of his frecles in his normal form !
- theyre perfect and i love them
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morn1e · 10 months
Blood splatter frecles?
somebody get this guy a harvard oxford yale doctoral degree in joan studies @ once
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gmlocg · 1 year
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2,895.) Youropa
Release: June 27th, 2018 | GGF: 3D Platformer, Metroidvania, Exploration, Parkour, Level Editor, Action-Adventure, Puzzle, Physics | Developer(s): frecle ApS | Publisher(s): frecle ApS | Platform(s): Windows (2018), Nintendo Switch (2022)
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curseddogsdesign · 2 years
Another day, another slay... Dog i mean. This time my lovely partner as core doggo with frecles
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samesiesstuff · 2 years
Lucille Zaragoza, daughter of Audra
Shehas the aspiration artistic prodigy and she is creative
Her frecles are so cute
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4 notes · View notes
lexotanmerlin · 1 year
Lex # 1444
Lamb. Foxygen – Red by lamb bellic @ Collabor88 *7 Deadly s[K]ins – Babet omega COTTON CANDY by izara.zuta *7 Deadly s[K]ins – MAITREYA  Cotton Candy FRECLED by izara.zuta Bliensen + MaiTai – Farfalla by plurabelle laszlo @ Genre Fission: Lily gown by lavea alter @ Genre .::More info on Basics tab::.
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View On WordPress
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Enjoy ♥ Presets: Body: "Kennie body preset" by Miiko Nose: "Hurricane nose preset number 3" by peachyfaerie Lips: “Zaria lip preset” by Chewy butterfly
Skin & skin details: Skin blend: “Agave skinoverlay” by nesurii Details: “SUNKISSED frecle” by peachyfaerie “Daisy pores” by peachyfaerie “Clover blush” by peachyfaerie Nose details by Slythersim LIGHT IT UP FACE SHINE by nesurii "misc. face details" by okruee Tattoo: Lip gloss “Cupid’s kiss” by peachyfaerie
Makeup: Eyes: “EYES N27” by northern siberia winds Lashes: “3D Eyelashes L6” by baddiesims Eyeshadow:“Selfish eyeshadow” by crypticsim Liner:“Stalker eyeliner” by Twistedcat Blush: “London blush” by Chewy butterfly Highlighter: “Mattesmooth” by emmibouquet Lipstick:“Scrunchie gloss” by crypticsim
Hair & eyebrows: Hair: “Lexie hair” by aretha Eyebrows: “M-Eyebrows G15” by GoppolsMe
Clothes: T-shirt: “Bella top” by aretha Pants: “Kate jeans” by aretha Boots: “Jordana sneakers” by ISLAY
Accesories: Piercing: “Bad Dream Nose Ring Piercing Set” by pralinesims Rings: “Mia rings" by aretha Chain: "jessie waist chain" by aretha
♥Download: Patreon here♥
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