#freddy newandyke one shot
reservoirreputation · 10 months
Master List of My Fanfics
Reservoir Dogs Fics:
Dimples (Rated M)
After the robbery and the shootout at the warehouse, only three people survived. Pink and Larry are sitting in jail, awaiting trial, and Freddy looks for any way to balance out the scales of his fuckup.
Newly Minted Orphan (Rated E)
Lightly inspired by House on Haunted Hill. With the passing of Joe Cabot, his son and heir Eddie decides to honor his memory with a game. Several strangers gather at one of Cabot’s properties, and compete to see who can stay the longest, winning the house and a cash prize. Of course, Eddie’s here for more than just a game and generosity…
Bad Karma (Rated M)
The jewelry heist goes badly, and everyone ends up in jail, all except Mr. Orange, who’s MIA. A trusted hand is brought in, to see if Orange is a dope dealer on the run, or an undercover cop. Larry’s up for the challenge.
The Snitch and the Rat (Rated E)
Part One: Left behind in the aftermath of Vega’s activities, Larry’s hauled in for questioning, and is given a unique opportunity; save lives by informing on Vic Vega, and have the pleasure of seeing him get thrown in jail. But, the LAPD won’t let him go at it, alone. They send in an undercover agent, one that Larry won’t know about until they’re both in the field.
Part Two: Day of the theft and everything seems to be going great. One unlucky shot, however, and Freddy’s world is turned upside-down. As he thinks back on what led him up to this point, Freddy must summon the strength to go as far as needed, and not lose himself in the process.
Glory Days (Rated E)
Retired crook Larry Dimmick yearns for the good ol’ days, wants to recapture some of the magic from his youth. He decides to scratch the itch by doing a little thieving; swiping the wallet of the cute guy down by the store. Things take a turn, and Larry finds himself flirting with his mark. What could go wrong?
Birds in the Spider's Nest (Rated E)
The crew need a place to hide out after the jewelry heist. Like everything else, Joe’s got that taken care of. A cabin upstate is the place, but the owner, Freddy, has decided to drop by…
Ashtray (Rated M)
One Winter in Milwaukee, Officer Freddy Newandyke is on his way home when he’s told to make one more stop. Things quickly take a turn, and, as a snowstorm blankets the roads, Freddy must rely on an unlikely ally to survive.
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imaginesbymk · 3 years
“Call in Sick Tomorrow.”
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Reservoir Dogs One Shot
Summary: During his final moments, Freddy recalls the events from the robbery and the night before, where you find out who he really is, and because of your job as the retail jeweler at the same store the criminals plan the heist at, you showed up at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Pairing: Mr. Orange/Freddy Newandyke x Reader
Tags: swearing, angst + violence, guns/shooting, robbery + blood
Non Requested
Word Count: 2,289
Author’s Note: not me simping for a young tim roth lmfaksmwksksksk ugh</3 hope y’all like it - leave a like/reblog + feedback!!!
THE cop who was covered in his own pool of blood from his gunshot wound, was now practically sticking to the dusty warehouse ramp. He laid there for a good fifteen minutes, maybe more or less, who was there to count? His company wasn’t making things better, either. “Listen to me, Marvin... listen to me, Marvin Nash, I’m a cop.”
“Yeah, I know.” The other bloodied cop, Marvin Nash, was tied up and had his ear cut off by Mr. Blonde, all he could do was bicker and moan in pain and rage. 
“You do?” The first cop asks.
“Yeah, your name’s Freddy something.”
“Newandyke,” he said. “Freddy Newandyke.”
“Frankie Ferchetti introduced us about five months ago.”
Freddy shakes his head. His wound definitely didn’t cause him memory loss. He was just too clueless to acknowledge colleagues, that was something he was aware of and he needed to work on it. “Shit, I don't remember that at all.”
“I do.” Marvin Nash coughs a bit of blood. “Freddy. How do I look?”
Freddy winces out a chuckle. “What? I don't know what to tell you, Marvin.” How do you look? If I told you, I’d be lucky you’re tied up.
“That fuck. That sick fuck! That fuckin' bastard!” 
“Marvin, I need you to hold on. There's cops waiting to move a block away.”
“What the fuck are they waiting for? This fuckin' guy, he slashes my face… and cuts my fuckin' ear off! I'm fuckin' deformed!” Marvin cries out.
Freddy clenches his jaw. How the fuck do you think I feel over here, asshole? “FUCK YOU! Fuck you, my love of my fucking life is gone! I’m fuckin’ dyin’ here! Y/N is gone and I’m fuckin’ dyin’!”
Marvin Nash, a bloodied cop who was now “fucking deformed”, really had no idea how bad the fellow cop’s current state was. Both of them were in pain, but one of them was gonna die first.
Freddy calms down a bit to explain the upcoming events he hopes to happen anytime soon. He was bleeding pretty bad, and it hurt like hell. “They're not to make a move 'til Joe Cabot shows up. I was sent in to get him. Alright? You heard 'em. They said he's on his way.” Marvin lets out a soft breath. Relief was touching a bit of his soul, now all is left is to wait it out, and listen to the sounds of rattling bullets and yells from cops out of one ear. 
“Don't pussy out on me now, Marvin,” Freddy says. “We're just gonna sit here and bleed… 'til Joe Cabot sticks his fuckin' head through that door.”
Marvin whimpers, then takes a long pause. “Freddy?”
Freddy looks up at Marvin Nash once more, lying on his arm for support, his body feeling like a throbbing stubbed toe. “Freddy?” Marvin talks about the giant elephant in the room. “What even fucking happened?”
THE last thing Freddy needed was to end up falling for you while he’s undercover. While he’s good at hiding his true identity from the recruits, he was also good at hiding it from you, but it wasn’t what he wanted in the first place. 
Freddy would never lie to you, but you don’t know that your boyfriend is actually a cop and not a cool bad boy that took care of weed for customers. It pained Freddy to lie to you about who he was. He never even told you that his name was Freddy, only to refer to him as his alias, Mr. Orange, but you paid no mind to it. You loved the mysterious thrill he had, even if that meant calling him a color most commonly known in a fruit.
To this day, he still wonders why you would want to date someone with such a dangerous persona. You made a living working at the same store the recruits were planning the heist at -  Karina’s Wholesale Diamonds, and you were allowed to wear the jewelry that was sold and refined there. You never came to think Mr. Orange was ever gonna steal from you, holding you at gunpoint? Rob your store while his face is covered then he kisses you goodnight hours after?
And so, Freddy’s confession and his first and last fight with you happened the night before the heist. A stressful twelve hours, and it all started with you throwing his police badge on the coffee table, right on top of his Marvel catalog. 
“You’ve been staring at that thing for a whole minute now,” you said, standing stiff as a statue, towering over him on the couch. 
Mr. Orange scrunches his nose. “It was from a cop back in Torrance. The fucker most likely lost his job for carelessly leaving it on a bench.”
“You’ve visited Torrance?”
He nodded. “Y/N, I kept that badge in one of my stashes. You and I agreed to not go through each other’s shit like that - y’know, outta respect?”
“I know that, but you asked me to get your TV guide from one of the drawers. You said you keep it next to your stash, I may not have found pot but I definitely found that.” You nod at the badge. 
Orange shrugs. “I don’t know what to tell you, babes, but that ain’t mine. Also I ran outta weed, that’s why I haven’t been making any sales lately.”
“You must suck at reeling customers in,” you took out your other hand hidden behind your back, now throwing four poorly folded sheets of paper stapled together right next to the badge. “Otherwise why the hell would you have this; an annotated script about you delivering weed to people, the same words you told me about how you walked into the men’s room with a big bag of weed in front of a couple of  cops and a dog?”
Orange was silent. You knew he was lying. Silence was as painful as spewing out another lie. Not once has there ever been a close call, but now he was trapped with no words to come out his mouth. Even if he did have something to say, each lie he told you felt like he was throwing daggers at your heart. He couldn’t take it anymore.
“Orange, is there something you’re not telling me?” Orange merely frowned and got up from the couch, eyeing you up and down. He looked tired from whatever he did the whole day and resting on the couch while watching a movie on the TV was well needed. That, but he was tired of sleeping next to you while a police badge was taunting him in one of the drawers.
“I don’t sell weed, y/n. And the police badge wasn’t from Torrance.”
“So all of that... you smuggling weed in a bowling bag?” you scoff, feeling your blood boil. “You just made that up?”
“Y/n- baby” he starts.
“What the hell? Why would you make that up?” you ask.
“It’s what I had to do,” Orange says. 
You scoff. “Right. That was your way of making friends or to get free drinks, or even getting me to sleep with you?”
“It’s not like that, it was never like that.”
“This is so fucked up!” Hearing you say that made Freddy’s heart fall into a thousand pieces. “Tell me the truth, Orange, if that’s even your fucking name. Who gives birth, looks at their child and goes, ‘Your name is Orange’? As if your kid won’t ever get bullied from that.”
“That’s because that isn’t my fucking name. It’s an alias.”
You shook your head. “Okay, then. Who the fuck are you?”
He clenched his eyes shut, and opened them, wishing you disappeared out of his sight. “Look at my badge.”
You slowly hunched over the table, picking up the badge. You raised a brow at him.
“I want you to hold it while I tell you. My real name is Freddy Newandyke. I’m working undercover for a diamond heist formed by Joe Cabot... the group of criminals he hired are gonna rob your store, stuff a briefcase full of diamonds worth a college tuition, and they’re gonna break it apart, pawn it, whatever fulfills their need.”
“You’re a cop,” you say, confirming what he said was true. Otherwise, that could have been another lie.
He nodded. “I work for the LAPD.”
“What else?”
A pause, then he traces his finger on your hand before curling it with his. “I love you.” His face softens. “My name’s Freddy Newandyke. I’m a cop. The gang I’m undercover for is gonna rob your store tomorrow, and I love you.”
You slowly nodded, looking down at the badge in your other hand. There were no signs of a lie in his tone of voice. His name seems legit, and of course, you loved him, too. “Why didn’t you tell me... Freddy?”
“Because you go after guys that would do the things I told in my story, fellas who you fantasize of having a fucking Bonnie and Clyde ride or die bullshit with, and not me - a cop who geeks out over Marvel.”
“You’re saying my work is being targeted for a heist?” you said. “And you’re part of it?”
Freddy nodded. “You think I’m ever gonna rob you, lie to your face like that? Then walk out of your life, take off just like that - and never see you again?”
“You’ve been lying to me.”
“I’m sorry for lying to you, and whether I told you about who I was or not, I don’t want you involved. Crime gets you in trouble, being undercover puts you in danger,” Freddy kisses your forehead. “You can get caught stealing and smuggling drugs, you can get caught slipping out of character if you’re not careful. You can’t win.”
You tried walking around the couch to disperse into the kitchen, but Freddy stopped in front of you. “I wasn’t born yesterday, asshole. I know what an undercover cop is, if your cover gets blown, you’re fucked.” You crossed your arms. “So what else is gonna happen?”
“We planned this; cops are gonna show up on time, as long as a gun doesn’t go off, we’ll be okay, and the men will be in cuffs as well as Joe Cabot. But listen to me, I don’t want you to show up to work tomorrow, I don’t want you there, I don’t want to have a man in a suit point a gun at your face, and I definitely don’t want you to be a hero,” Freddy says, cupping both your cheeks. “That’s my job.”
“I’m freakin’ pissed at you, but I’m not gonna stay home.” You took his hands off your face.
“I’d rather let myself get caught by a bunch of criminals than have your life threatened by criminals.”
“You’re willing to do that?”
“Anything for you.”
“I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Getting hurt is part of the job. Y/n, you can’t be a hero. Not like that.”
“Y/n, please.” Freddy begs, his face tightening. “If you can’t forgive me; if you can’t trust me anymore, then you can hate me all you want. But for fuck’s sake, at least call in sick tomorrow.”
Yet, you were so stubborn, that was something you needed to work on. Freddy knew it, too. You didn’t listen. The day came, and you showed up, anyway, not wanting to live knowing the guy you loved no matter who he claimed he was. He was in charge of standing at the door, not allowing anyone access inside or out. But upon seeing you behind the counter through the glass window, you saw Freddy’s face drop. “No…”
The deafening sound of the alarm goes off by one of the retailers, forcing Mr. Blonde to shoot everyone he saw, including you.
Freddy cried out this time, “No!” 
People inside- the employees and customers, all screamed together. Freddy slammed his hands against the display windows, watching you as you fall back onto the floor, bleeding out from your shoulder. Mr. Blonde nearly shot everyone in the room, even almost hitting Mr. White in the process. He spotted your foot sticking out, and you attempted to crawl away, but he pointed his gun at you again. 
Just as planned, the police break in, prompting him to run away. You collapsed in your pool of blood, realizing how this was straight out of a crime movie scene, and the pain of your wound was inexplicable. How could you feel it with every inch in your body and still manage to move ever so slightly?
You looked back, realizing you were all alone, the only one left alive. Freddy didn’t do what a hero would have done, and escaped with the men, holding back his tears with his dear life behind the dark shades of his sunglasses, fighting to stay in character.
He had to assume the more logical conclusion; you were treated at the hospital, or you bleed to death back at that jewelry wholesale, and you died hating him.
Whether you knew him as a criminal or an undercover cop, you were going to show up, anyway, because you want to protect him, like any kind of Bonnie and Clyde you’d expect from movies. Except Bonnie and Clyde were both shot to death. In this world, Clyde escapes - Bonnie was left to bleed out.
FREDDY stared up at Marvin Nash. Does Freddy regret accepting the undercover mission? A brave young man like him took such a dangerous job, but he knew he was better off without it. The last thing he said to you swarmed his mind like bees; “Call in sick tomorrow.”
taglist: @locke-writes​
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schmweed · 3 years
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#Harvey Keitel#Mr White#Larry Dimick#Lawrence Dimick#Reservoir Dogs#Freddy Newandyke#Mr Orange#Tim Roth#Is he dead? Is he dead or not? I love Larry's casual questions and how he couldn't care less#and how he barely gives dead Blonde a second glance later in his laser focus on Orange#compared to how devastatingly distraught he becomes when Orange is shot#ugh Freddy you lucky dork -- I know he died messily but he was adored by Larry! So he was the LUCKIEST#Larry doesn't just ditch the diamonds AND Pink -- he gets his kid b4 leaving#he doesn't run & expect Orange to follow after Brown is dead#he stays one step behind his kid with a protective hand on him almost nonstop#possibly also to ground him? No way Larry missed how Orange stood there frozen when he asked if Brown was dead#Larry's reassuring touches say I'm here -- don't worry -- I'll see that you make it out safe and sound... poor poor Larry!#also before this scene I just realized! omg Larry risked his life or liberty or both shooting at the cops#to put himself between them and Orange!#also Keitel's delicious attention to detail here with his arm correctly behind his back#until Larry decides to draw on the woman#method wins!#I LOVE this scene but coloring it has stumped me for MONTHS#still not super happy with the coloring -- and the annoying pixelation of the bigger version#but I think this is the best I'm going to manage for a while and I've wanted this scene on my blog forever#I think it was one of the very first ones I made before I found out about ezgif#although that version didn't have the golden arm-around-shoulder protective!Larry moment#I finally thought to try the Nashville filter for the first three gifs and it kind of fixed the colors -- kind of being the operative term#my gifs
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stewypilled · 3 years
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i just think he's neat
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fandom-of-pulp-dogs · 3 years
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Hello, my fellow sinners!
This here is just as titled, a small blog update.
Now the only things that are changing are how I will take requests, who I will write requests of and possible smaller future changes.
The smaller future changes are just changes in my writing. I'm hoping to improve my writing and take more time for my writings. Since my future writings are gonna change that means I will probably go through all my old ones and update them (I will add whether I have edited them or not on the post.) I also may change the aesthetic of my blog slightly but that's not as important lol.
Now for what you guys are waiting the hear about: The Requests.
Not much is going to change other than how many requests I will take and who I will write for (I'm also going to add what I won't write of/for but the list is very small lol)
[Characters I will Write for]
Reservoir Dogs:
- Mr. White / Lawrence Dimmick
- Mr. Orange / Freddy Newandyke
- Mr. Blonde / Victor Vega
- Mr. Pink / Sterling Bancroft ((Since Mr. Pink didn't have a real name in the movie I made one for him lmao I hope yall like it))
- Mr. Brown / Julian Dalton ((Once again, the character didn't have a name so I gave him one :)
- 'Nice' Guy Eddie Cabot
Pulp Fiction:
- Vincent Vega
- Jules Winnfield
- Mia Wallace
- Winston 'The Wolf' Wolf
- Marsellus Wallace
- Jimmie Dimmick
- Fabienne
- Butch Coolidge
- Buddy Holly
- Pumpkin
- Hunny Bunny
Django Unchained:
- Dr. King Shultz
- Broomhilda von Shaft
- Django 'Freeman'
The Hateful 8:
- Joe Gage
- Oswaldo Mobray
- John Ruth
Those are all the characters I will write for. I have decided, due to my new chaotic schedule, that I will only be taking 5 requests at a time. I will frequently update my requests from Open to Closed so keep your eyes open if you want to make any requests!
Now the things I won't write:
- Incest
- R@pe/Non-Con ((In certain fics I might allude to these topics but I refuse to go into detail and write scenes about them ALSO this does not include Con-non-con I am open to writing those types of fics but not real non-con or r@pe))
- Nothing with feces, I don't mind writing for piss kinks but DEFINITELY no feces
- Angst- let me elaborate, I won't write a full-on angst fic (at least not 95% of the time) But I will do hurt/comfort type stuff, just not full-on Angst.
Types of Structures I will write in:
- HCs
- Drabbles
- One-Shots/Imagines
- Mini-Series ((2-6 Fics))
As I am currently writing this, I can't think of anything else to add But I might update this sooner or later so until then these are the updates and new rules for the requests and for my blog in general.
I currently only have 2 Requests that I am working on currently so if you are wanting to make a request I have 3 slots open!
I hope you all don't mind me doing this, I just wanted to add a little bit more structure to the blog because it's really taken off. I know I haven't posted a lot lately but I'm really trying to get better at that. :) I hope you all have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night. Thank you for reading and supporting me <3
- Fandom Of Pulp Dogs
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countrylanes · 3 years
you've been brave enough for young al pacino fight club is a romcom italian boy summer willem dafoe boondock saints directorial debut because it's so much fun jan homoeroticism the tarantino gaze samuel l jackson lynchian overture of 1812 panning out one shot dutch angle freddy newandyke stuck in the middle with martin scorsese identifies beauty products on tiktok
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tractorbeamofwoe · 2 years
Omg yes! The production on The Balance is pretty bad - like they're trying to squeeze Loudness and Heaviness out of a band that has a "natural" and mid-range sound to it. The beginning of Encore actually hurts my ears when I listen to it in good headphones (on mild volume)! Like, guys, this is not what heavy means!. But ironically, I actually think The Balance is a better produced record than The Ride. Both just had really, really tiny budgets. Hey, didn't people in the fandom who are visual artists recently comment on how cheaply made catb's videos are?.. Which leads me to my favourite dead horse ig: ugh it sucks so much that label/business people think they have the right to tell the band what they can and cannot do, while not really actually investing money in it!! It double sucks when shit like that bleeds into personal relationships within the band!! Like guys, imagine if both Van and Bondy really honed in on the stuff they're personally good at (Van on songwriting, Bondy on soundscapes) and then met each other in the middle? That band would be unstoppable! The National on acid!
Oh great now I made myself sad, 'cuz it's not gonna happen, is it? It's probably beyond repair, the Van and Bondy thing?.😭
P. S. Damn! I'm not even on catb tumblr anymore, but you guys are spilling so much tea it's hard to stay away😂
P. P. S. Oh wow, me and Freddy Newandyke are birthday twins! And also Brad Pitt iirc🤔😂
That’s really interesting about the music videos thing. Cause I really feel like Pacifier is their best one, it has a story, it’s not just them playing the music as a band in a room, it’s them sort of playing characters a little bit and it’s different I love it. (obvs there’s cocoon and fallout too but I really don’t like the videos for them 💀)
Also wasn’t that sort of a topic of conversation when we were trying to debunk that it was the label/management making the silent rather than their own choice. Something about how island or one of them had no ceo, was struggling with money and wasn’t paying their artists, pushed back album release dates etc. I think there was something going on with Madison beer and her music videos and how like the label signs people but then never actually invests any money into those artists they sign and so it’s difficult to create their vision and do what they want with their music without any money. I’m guessing a similar thing has happened to catfish. I just really hope their new label/management (if they’re actually bothering getting one now it’s all falling apart) is better and actually gives them the creative freedom etc. That they need because for the last what, like 6 years? They’ve been pretty trapped/confined I’d say.
But yeah literally take a shot for every catb music video that’s just them in a room playing the song. Kathleen, Twice, Soundcheck, 2all, Longshot, hell even the supposed Encore video they shot for tour promo that was never released and the old Homesick music video.
Also, happy birthday!!! 😅
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locke-writes · 4 years
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Author: locke-writes
Title: Worry
Prompt: “How’s life treating you?” “Like I ran over its dog” x Mr Orange/Freddy Newandyke For: @aryn-the-bearheart​
Rating: T
Word Count: 703
Warning: Hospitals
AN: I wanted to write something set after Reservoir Dogs, so here’s an idea I had
You entered the hospital and didn't know what to do. You knew he was in the hospital, that was it. It was pretty much like knowing nothing at all. It had been some officer on the phone, one whose name you immediately forgot after being told that you needed to drop whatever you were doing and get to the hospital. Hospital, hospital, hospital. The only thing that seemed to run through your mind, hospital and Freddy. And Freddy being in the hospital.
There weren't officers at the front, none there that you could talk to, that could direct you to the room or tell you what was going on. It had been awhile since you'd even talked to Freddy and the guilt was suddenly flowing through you. It was you who'd encouraged him to go undercover, he wanted to but had reservations about what it would do to your relationship. The two of you were doing good and he didn't want to jeopardize a good thing just because of a job opportunity.  But you had told him this was something you'd understand, this was something that he couldn't pass up, that he must go through with.
Now he was in a hospital and now you didn't know anything.
At the desk you'd given his name and were directed to his room where officers were posted at the door. One of them recognized you and you were grateful for that, you didn't know if you had the strength to explain the nature of what you and Freddy were. Him being shot, apparently — at least that's what they'd told you — did not seem like the right time to present yourself as the romantic partner of someone they'd worked with. You told them to get you if the doctor stopped by so you could get the full rundown on the extent of the injury or injuries and what the recovery was going to look like.
Freddy turned his head when the door opened and grinned weakly. He, for lack of a better word, looked like shit.
You didn't know what to say and so you said the first thing that came to your head, "How's life treating you?"
Freddy laughed for a second but stopped and winced as pain shot through him, "Like I ran over its dog."
Nodding you moved to sit in the chair that was next to his bed. He reached to take your hand and you granted it to him. You squeezed it lightly, it seemed like the only thing you could do. You stayed silent for a moment and taking that as a cue to catch you up with what had happened Freddy began to speak.
Honestly all you heard was shot, shot in the abdomen and had lost a lot of blood. There'd been surgery and a transfusion and some other tests but what had really struck you was that he'd been shot. He stopped speaking and yet you remained silent. For a while he just sat with you in the silence but he could only take it for so much longer.
"What's on your mind?" He questioned.
"Other than you being shot? Just the fact that I'm the one who put you here." You spoke, not daring to look at him.
"I'm pretty sure a bullet is the reason that I'm here."
"But if I hadn't pushed you to go for the undercover assignment then you wouldn't be here."
"No I wouldn't that's true. Although that being true doesn't make it your fault, you were right. If I hadn't actually gone through with this I would have regretted it. You're not the reason I got hurt, you're the reason I pushed myself to actually take an assignment I'd been wanting for years."
You just nodded, turned, and smiled at him.
"Besides, you shouldn't be upset I was shot, you should be upset that I'm going to be stuck at home bothering you all the time while I recover"
"Oh shit. I hadn't even thought of that. I swear if you call me at work to complain I will shoot you again"
Freddy bit his tongue trying not to laugh and hurt his side, "I have no doubt you would"
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henrylevesconte · 4 years
not to be evil but 50 for creamsicle dude
50- In the Afterlife
(Spoilers for Reservoir Dogs, language, and descriptions of wounds/violence) 
“I’m a cop, Larry.” Freddy chokes as his vision blurs, the second bullet burning a hole through his already injured stomach. He’s dying and no matter what words Larry says to calm him, he’s fucking dead when the cops finally get to him. 
Freddy had been painting the warehouse floor red for hours as the heist members bickered over what to do with him and now they were all dead except for White and Orange. Even if the LAPD bust through the door now and arrested an injured Mister White and managed to get Freddy to a hospital in time, he couldn’t live with himself. He couldn’t live with Larry, his Larry, believing they would serve jail time together, that he was right in killing Joe Cabot and Nice Guy Eddie. His soul was too heavy for him to die a liar.
The howl the older thief emits is the most heartbroken sound Freddy has ever heard and he sinks more into the older man’s lap, deflated and defeated. He can’t see him but he feels hot tears fall on his face from above. He tries in vain to grab onto his Larry, but his arms felt like jello, like he was trying to fight in a dream, punch underwater. He would be frustrated if he could feel anything at all besides the creeping coldness.
“I’m so sorry, oh Larry I’m so sorry.” Freddy chanted, over and over as he felt something cool press against his cheek. There was something happening in the distance but he could only hear Larry as he mourned for the person he thought he had fallen so deeply in love with. Freddy couldn’t blame him, he liked Mister Orange a hell of a lot better than the sad kid turned Cop Freddy Newandyke.
The younger man tried again, this time to tell him, to tell Larry his name like Larry did for him when the took the car but there was a loud sound outside that startled both men. The last sound Freddy heard before the world went entirely black was the sounds of his colleagues finally storming the building. Too little too late for him as he was another corpse in the ill-fated warehouse. Freddy Newandyke died a free man but an unhappy one, in the arms of the only person he had ever truly loved and the only man he had ever completely betrayed.
Freddy wakes up after awhile, not sure where he is or what happened, vague images of the last scenes in the warehouse playing over in his mind as he tried to adjust his wary olive eyes. His hands quickly flew to his belly burying them under his tank top and feeling for what he was sure was two bullet holes only to find the smooth freckled untouched skin, just as it had been the morning before everything went to absolute shit. His hands slowly retracted, feeling his torso before he rubbed his eyes with balled fists until he could finally see he was laying in his brightly lit, shitty little LA apartment. The walls were the aqua blue he remembered begging his landlord to let him paint the place and ultimately won. He let out of a nervous laugh that threatened to turn into a sob if he didn’t keep himself together.
“How the hell am I here?” Freddy contemplated as he reached across his bedside table, retrieving a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. The young man pushed back his light brown hair back, noting the absence of sweat and pomade before fiddling with the lighter. “Mother fucker.” He seethed, pink lips wrapped around the cigarette as he tried desperately to get the thing to actually light.
Maybe he was in hell and this was a very minor inconvenience but part of a larger punishment? After all he deserved what was coming for him. He was a liar, a murderer, a thief. And all of it was for vanity and respect from men who saw his profession as subhuman anyways. Who was he really trying to impress; the LAPD who thought he was better off being a desk jockey and undercover fodder or the mob boss that said every slur under the sun with his brat and team of psychopaths? Freddy ended up like the psychopaths more than he was willing to admit. He ended up liking Mister White even more but he didn’t want to think about him.
The young man managed to get the lighter to do its job, enjoying the relief nicotine brought to his high strung nerves as he settled back down against his headboard. He ran a thumb over the broken lighter, looking at it a bit more now that he had calmed himself out of an existential panic. It looked so familiar but surely it wasn’t his, Freddy had a habit of misplacing every lighter he owned, always having to rely on someone else for a light.
That’s how he first really met Larry Dimmick, behind the club Joe and Eddie had invited him out to where he told the most riveting fucking story of 1992. He was sweating through his leather jacket, worried sick that he got any part of the commode story wrong and trying to take a break from being the cool dope peddler. White met him outside, cool as cool can be, in his Hawaiian shirt, half unbuttoned and inviting. Dark hair slicked back and styled like he was some sort of old Hollywood gangster.
“Hey, kid. Need a light?” Freddy swallowed down his nerves before leaning into the older man, cigarette between his lips as it takes a few tries and one curse to get Larry to light him one. The whole time, Freddy looks up at him from under his eye lashes, studying the firm and handsome face of the thief, justifying it as he would need to pick him out of a line up later. Tracing over every line and mark, and occasionally meeting whiskey brown eyes when they weren’t focused on the lighter.
“Thanks, man..” He said muffled between the cigarette and trying to keep himself cool. Larry lit himself one next before leaning up against the alleyway, one foot pressed to the bricks to keep his balance. This mystery man (at the time) was the coolest mother fucker in LA and Freddy was already screwed.
“Hell of a story you told back there. I know we can’t exchange names, but I’d like to buy you a drink....”
“Larry????” The memory faded just as it has begun as reality hit him like a ton of bricks. Freddy squirmed, falling out of bed just as quickly as he had gotten up. The cigarette nearly abandoned and burning a hole in his beige carpet. He quickly recovered it, snuffing it out in an ash tray and rolling back onto his feet. He reached the door, throwing it open only to find the Mister White standing in his kitchen, coffee mug cradled in his hands as he greeted him.
“About time you got up, kid. I thought you were gonna sleep all day.” There was no malice in his voice, which hurt the younger man even more than if Larry had lashed out at him. Instead, he was pulling out a chair for him at his wobbly little breakfast table and pouring Freddy fresh brewed coffee in his favorite mug (the one with Wolverine on it). It was domestic, just like it had been before the heist when they broke the rules time and time again to meet up in Orange’s apartment. They became fast friends and even faster lovers. White was in his bed three days after meeting in the bar and every night since. And Freddy had gotten so used to waking up to fresh coffee made by the thief who always woke up much earlier than him. This scene was pulled straight from the good times, before the failed diamond heist, the chase, the bullets...
Freddy stood in the door way like a frightened animal, unwilling to get any closer and clenching the lighter in his fist. The older man sighed deeply, annoyed already but trying a different approach to coax him forward.
“I’m not mad at you, Orange. Not now. But I need to talk to you, you at least owe me a conversation.” He did. He really owed him so much more and he hated hearing his alias. So Freddy settled into the kitchen, perching on his chair but pulling his legs up to his chest as he exchanged the lighter for the mug.
“Freddy. Freddy Newandyke.” He said, he had been so careful with his name, unlike Larry who came to him with his heart on his sleeve from the start. “Please call me that.” Larry frowned, digesting the information before shooting him a classic smile. That was the thing that killed him (well he was already dead..) the most, how accepting his Larry was.. If he still was his Larry.
“I never pictured you a Freddy but now that I know, it suits you. Kind of cute.” Larry pulled out his own chair and sat next to him, the younger man just now noticed that he was wearing his own pajamas, they were both as they were before everything went to shit. “Well Freddy, what the fuck was that all about huh?”
Freddy sighed, burning his tongue on his still too hot coffee before he began his full confession.
They talked and established three things over four pots of coffee and a few packs of cigarettes:
They were dead, Larry had shot Freddy and the LAPD had shot Larry for it. And they were in some form of purgatory, Larry was more into the idea of it being a different plane of existence while Freddy was sure they were in the biblical definition of purgatory.
Freddy was a cop, the one feeding the police information about the heist the whole time but he was remorseful about it.
They loved each other still despite what happened.
Larry held his hand, rubbing his knuckles with a calloused thumb while Freddy choked out the last of it. He was a mess, worked up and teary eyed with his free arm flailing for emphasis with every “I’m sorry, I fucked up, I don’t deserve you.”
The older man shook his head and pulled Freddy into his lap, cradling him like he was on the warehouse floor again but with less urgency. Mister White wrapped an arm around his waist and used the other to cup his cheek.
“You broke my fucking heart, kid.” Larry whispered into his temple before placing soft kisses along his hairline. Freddy shuttered at the tenderness he truly did not deserve, he clung instead to Larry for dear life as he continued to whisper to him, “But I killed you so I’d call that even.”
“I’m sorry, Larry. I’ll never not be sorry about this. I love you so much..” He whimpered before being silenced by Larry’s lips on his own. He had missed them so much after getting caught up in a whirlwind of events, it felt like he was finally home. Here in Larry Dimmick’s arms and with his lips on his. Freddy could have sworn he felt his heart beat again. It was Larry who broke it off to brush the hair from his lovers face.
“We’ve got time, and I love you so much, Freddy, I’m willing to give it another try.” Larry smiled at him like he was telling the fake commode story and Freddy’s soul felt more free than he had in ages. Maybe this was heaven after all.
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Freddy Newandyke x reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: insinuation to sex, cuss words, undercover cops
Author’s Note: Freddy is one of my favorite Tarantino characters and Reservoir Dogs is 100% in the top three of my Tarantino movies because ugh. The flavor! The flavor is immaculate.
Summary: the reader and Freddy both go undercover but don’t know they’re on the same case
Genre: fluff
(not my gif)
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“Freds,” you called, running through the room to where Freddy was usually sitting. He was about to go undercover and you probably weren’t going to see him for a while. Not to mention you were also undercover and not even supposed to be out but you decided to give it one last shot to see your friend again, just in case.
You worked together as police. You were a vertern of being under cover which meant basically that you had been under for a little over four months. You were working to get an operation of a few men who ran a large business down but in order to do that you had to be trusted enough to even crack the surface.
Your dress clung to your figure as you walked over to where he sat in the diner. He looked around at the sound of his name and shot up when he saw you. It had been a really long time since you had seen one another. You had to keep your story up at all times and you weren’t lenient about seeing people but you had heard nothing about where Freddy was going to go.
You threw your arms around him and smiled, your lipstick covered smile that he adored and missed so much. He rocked you back and forth before letting you go. You slid into the booth across from him.
“How are you?” he asked. You shrugged.
“As well as can be. I wish I could tell you more than that,” you said with a small laugh, still amazed at seeing him at all. You loved his company and you had forgotten how easy it was to just be by his side.
“I know. They’re teaching me all the fuckin shit about being under cover but I’m probably gonna bullshit until I get what I need and can get out.” You laughed.
“That is exactly what it is. Be attentive. Wow I missed you and your hair,” you mumbled. He ran a hand through his floppy blond hair.
“I missed you too. Damn, these guys I have to work with may be too much. I don’t know but I’m glad you came to see me just in case something goes awry,” he pointed out. He ordered a milkshake and you kept your head down as he did so, deciding just to share whatever he got.
“Well you’ll be fine. I promise. Just imagine I’m there guiding you,” you teased.
The next morning Freddy got up to go to lunch with the Dogs who were to be the people he spent a lot of time with now. He had talked to only a few of them but he was now in as deep as he could get. He was Orange now, not Freddy.
“You heard o’ this girl Leea?” Blonde asked the table. They were all mingling over the coffee and eggs they had ordered. Freddy was just trying to blend in. A few of the boys had obvious reactions, all positive ones.
“Oh yeah. Well I heard that she was a real bitch but she looked like a God given gift,” Brown said.
“I heard she’s coming to one of the meetings,” Pink inquired, hoping for some confirmation of a rumor he had heard.
“Per my request. She and Orange need as much recent experience as they can get even if she has been around us longer,” White pointed out.
“Whos Leea?” Freddy questioned. A few laughs gathered around and Brown pointed a piece of toast at Freddy as he spoke.
“You’ll love her.”
When they all came into the designated meeting room the next day there was a certain worry Freddy had about this ‘Leea’ girl he had heard so much about. He was actually talking to Pink when you walked in and he barely noticed you.
Your face was caked in a certain kind of makeup he had never seen you wear. You had worn some before of course but nothing this bad or extravagant. You were wearing fishnets and your dress hugged your hips tightly under your large jacket. You looked like your undercover part. The first thing he thought about was if the people who had sent you both there knew that you would cross paths.
Everyone knew you were good friends. There was a small flash of recognition on both of your faces and then you were blank again but you knew he saw you.
“So this is the fresh meat? Cute, love your hair,” you said just in case he didn’t recognize you before your jab at his hair you were always going on about. You smiled and kissed Pink on the cheek before standing in front of Freddy. He put a hand forward and you took it. He kissed it dramatically.
You watched each other's eyes and smiled.
That meeting had been about some run they were taking a week from then a city away from where you were. They all decided upon getting a few different hotels to hide out at and give fake names. You had been there because of your looks, they needed a girl to get in first and do the harm before the boys could get in and do any real damage.
That night you were in a hotel, tittering with your fingers and looking out the window. You weren’t worried about the run, this would be your second one and you had already gotten the hang of it but you couldn’t promise you would save the money before Freddy if it came down to it. It would blow the cover you had worked so hard for.
There was a knock at your door and you composed yourself, fixing your skirt before walking over. You opened it up and Freddy pushed himself in. You closed the door behind him quickly.
“Freds? What are you doing here?” you asked but his lips were already on yours. You backed up, surprised but quickly kissed him back before he got the idea you weren’t enjoying it. He pulled away and swallowed.
“Should’ve fucking done this at the diner. Odds were we would end up in the same undercover case,” he said with a smile. You chuckled as well.
“They did it on purpose. But you can’t just kiss me and stop-'' He kissed you again.
The next morning you struted to the rendezvous point, a slight tear in your favorite jacket that you had worn last night as well. Pink was the one to notice it on the car ride over there. It was just him, Freddy, White and you in the car as the others were taking a different ride.
“So who’d you fuck last night Leea?” he called, looking at you in the back from the rear view mirror.
“Orange,” you said with a proud smile. Freddy looked over at you in surprise that you had given him up but you just crossed your legs. Pink and White whistled, White even turning to give Freddy a pat on the back.
“Sleazy! I love it.”
“You’re just jealous Orange has been here less time than you and got some Pink baby.”
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@rhrbbdq hello, I’m not too sure if this is you’re submissions box if not let me know but could you write a getting drunk with Freddy Newandyke or ringo?
Hi friend! I absolutely can write these up, but could you please tell me whether or not you'd like headcanons, a one shot, or anything else you wanted? Sorry, I just don't want to mess it up for you! Thank you and have a great day!
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reservoirreputation · 11 months
ResDogs Fic Ideas
Feedback on what you're interested in is very much appreciated and encouraged. Poll can be provided if y'all want.
Future ResDogs fic ideas, with their working titles, and summaries:
The Boys Are Back in Town
Summary: Set after Bad Karma, the sequel follows each dog as he’s released.
Dimples sequel one-shot
Summary: Five years after her son’s disappearance, Carol Newandyke gets a strange message; an invitation to her and her late husband, to revisit the site of their honeymoon in Hawaii. Thing is, the two never went on a honeymoon, didn’t have the money. Something else about the letter makes her have a hunch, and to follow it to the island state.
ResDogs College AU
Summary: AU where most of the dogs know each other back in high school/college. Years of birth/age differences remain the same. Takes place over several summers. Main character Freddy.
Red Hot Navigator
Summary: Reservoir Dogs X Pulp Fiction X Death Race 2000 crossover. Similar premise to Death Race 2000, but just with characters from ResDogs and Pulp Fiction. 
Kill Joe
Reverse-Verse: Freddy is a crook, Larry the undercover cop. ResDogs X Kill Bill crossover. Again, no characters from the latter, just the former being put into a similar scenario.
Coffeeshop AU
Summary: Brown is a cashier at a shitty coffee shop, Freddy his overworked-underpaid bestie who works as a cop. They’re both in their early twenties, already pretty sick with their lot in life. Things take a turn for the interesting when a group decides to rob the place.
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schmweed · 3 years
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jeffersonhairpie · 6 years
So I was reading this fic (you should read it too - it’s very good and short so no excuses)
And it makes mention of the cross Freddy has on the wall of his apartment - or rather, it constructs itself around the cross. I’d noticed the cross before but i hadn’t really thought about it. 
So I think it’s safe to say that given the meticulous level of detail in the set design of Freddy’s apartment, putting the cross up where we can see it is pretty deliberate. It’s the dorkiest, tackiest cross I’ve ever seen in my damn life but Freddy cared enough to put it on his wall, along with his super hero posters 
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^ See, right there. Freddy’s stupid cross, on the wall by the door. Which is interesting on a character level and got me thinking because religious faith isn’t really something I see fandom exploring all that much with him but it’s gotta be pretty important to him for him to care to put it up. 
So he’s putting up crosses on the wall, the same space that he mostly saves for superhero posters, and given that the cross is so rightly coloured this strikes me as a connection the audience is supposed to make. Brightly coloured superhero posters + brightly coloured cross = Freddy’s understanding of Jesus is that he’s some sort of religious superhero figure. Much as Christian faith doesn’t have to be cut and dry in its interpretation, what i’m getting from this particular cross is a further cementing of Freddy’s naive ideas of right and wrong, combined with a notion of reward and punishment befitting good and bad deeds respectively. 
This also adds an extra layer of important to Freddy swearing in his mother’s soul that he’s not a rat. That’s a whole lot bigger of a thing to lie about like that when you really do believe in a higher power. 
Ultimately, that’s Freddy’s fatal flaw. He trusts in something bigger than himself. He trusts in superheroes to define right and wrong. He trusts the police to sweep in and save him as soon as Joe Cabot shows up. He trusts Holdaway to train him well enough that he won’t slip up. In the end, it’s up to you if he’s trusting White not to shoot him in the head or if he’s repenting at the last and accepting whatever punishment comes his way. Whichever way you slice it, basing the rest of his beliefs on a childish understanding of Christianity checks out thematically and on a character level. 
But now I’m gonna do some hardcore analysis of a specific shot. Let’s fucking go. 
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Here is the shot. Look at it. Honestly, clocking that the cross was in this shot just now this evening helped the whole thing to come together for me thematically speaking 
So we’ve got Freddy looking at himself in the mirror. We’ve got the cross to his left, his shadow on the wall, and the silver surfer poster on the right. 
And there is so much going on here. Damn. 
So the real Freddy has his back to the camera, we can’t see him, we only see his reflection. Now a character looking in the mirror is one of the easiest ways to convey self analysis or self examination, but that’s not really what’s going on here. This isn’t a pensive scene, this is Freddy giving himself a talking to, and the reflection serves much better to represent how torn Freddy is about to become about the heist and his identity. He’s addressing himself directly, but not as an act of self examination, but as an act of bringing himself into line with what he needs to be going forward. he can’t be Freddy Newandyke, he needs to be the man in the mirror. 
Because everything is flipped in the mirror. Freddy’s a good guy in real life, but mirror Freddy - Orange - is flipped. And in this scene it is Orange who the audience can see, looking out towards the camera. It ties back into what I was talking about here about how Orange is a lot more honest in his intentions and actions than Freddy. 
Blue is a colour that’s often used as a shorthand for the police (see: and mention of ‘our boys in blue’) and you know what colour is opposite blue on the colour wheel?
That’s right. Orange. 
So the blue walls of Freddy’s apartment contrasted with the bare wood, which is kind of orangey in colour and the box of orangey cereal in the lower right hand of this shot go to emphasise the fractious nature of his identity. Insert essay here on the many, many possible queer interpretations of this theme as it manifests in Freddy Newandyke. 
The Silver Surfer is up on the wall, and while the character does wind up as one of the good guys, he starts off as one of the bad guys. He’s one of those characters that’s often listed as a top Marvel villain despite later good guy status. And on the other side you have the cross on the wall. Nice and easy, Freddy caught between a cartoon bad guy and a childish representation of the cross - caught between good and evil. 
But you have to consider!!! What side are these things on?!?! Supposedly Jesus is on your right shoulder and the devil is on your left, but Freddy has his cross on the left and his supervillain on the right. He’s all mixed up, his priorities are the wrong way round. Meanwhile, for Orange in the mirror, everything’s lining up exactly as it should for him. Once again. Freddy is the flighty, confused one and Orange knows what needs to be done. 
So now let’s talk about that shadow. It’s positioned so that it appears to be talking directly to the cross. Now shadow = area of darkness = nice easy metaphor for darker areas of the human soul or psyche. The real world Freddy is talking to the version of himself he has to become, the darker parts of him, his worries and his doubts, are speaking to Jesus. Which casts the Baretta speech in a new light. In the mirror, it’s something for him to vamp himself up to, but in shadow it’s a prayer. He’s praying that he’ll be cool, that he won’t get hurt. But it’s not phrased that way when he’s talking to the mirror because he’s trying to pretend, even to himself that he’s more confident than he is, that he needs more help than he does. He has to hide his urge to beg a higher power for safety in the shadows. 
In addition to all this, having the shadow so prominent in the frame means that Freddy isn’t just divided, he’s split in three. The real him, the inverse version of himself in the mirror - Orange, and the shadow of himself representing his fears and doubts. The overall effect of the scene is to create a feeling of Freddy’s own inadequacy for the task he’s setting out to do. He’s so split, so unsure, and so perfectly unaware of how divided he is all at once. 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Biggest Movie Traitors and Backstabbers in Cinema
Last week, as part of the streaming service’s ongoing plan to bring Warner Brothers’ slate of theatrical releases to audiences at home HBO Max premiered Judas and the Black Messiah on the same day it opened in theaters. Directed by Shaka King, the incendiary historical drama centers on the rise of Fred Hampton, the charismatic Black Panther Party leader, and his tragic betrayal at the hands of FBI informant William O’Neal.  Daniel Kaluuya stars as Hampton, a scorched-earth performance that attempts to recreate the magnetism and magma-like intensity of the revolutionary figure, but Kaluuya is somehow not the star of the film.
The film’s true protagonist is O’Neal, played by LaKeith Stanfield. After getting himself into some hot water, O’Neal is propositioned by FBI agent Roy Mitchell (Jesse Plemons) to either infiltrate the Black Panther Party and report back on his findings or face jail time. At first O’Neal seems to luxuriate in the kickbacks he’s given by Mitchell for his intel but he quickly learns how dangerous it is to lead a double life. O’Neal also has to try to reconcile betraying the very movement he’s spent real time and energy trying to build.
Stanfield’s performance is filled with queasy anxiety and paranoia but also cockroach-like survival tics. It’s an all-time great turncoat performance, worthy of the biblical reference in the film’s title. To honor Stanfield’s turn as “Wild” Bill O’Neil, here’s a countdown of some of cinema’s greatest backstabbers.
Fredo Corleone – The Godfather Part II (1974)
Fredo Corleone, the least intelligent and most ineffectual of Don Vito’s children, has become something of a pejorative term used against anyone deemed to be the lesser sibling in a famous family. Played with a sense of melancholy and knowing pity by esteemed character actor John Cazale, Fredo’s betrayal of his brother Michael is due more to petty jealousy than it is to Machiavellian scheming or dreams of leading the Corelone Crime Family.
As the character pathetically rages, “‘Send Fredo off to do this. Send Fredo off to do that. Let Fredo take care of some Mickey Mouse night club somewhere’… I can handle things! I’m smart! Not like everybody says!” The worst part about Fredo’s actions against his family is that it’s unclear if Fredo actually knew what was being planned against his brother or whether he was just blindly jumping at the opportunity to be important and have something for himself.
Lando Calrissian – Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Perhaps the most lovable backstabber on the list, Lando at least shows some backbone and tries to make up for his nearly unforgivable alliance with the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader. While serving as Baron Administrator of Cloud City in The Empire Strikes Back, Lando is visited by Vader and bounty hunter Boba Fett and told to help trap his old friend Han Solo and the Rebels seeking sanctuary in Cloud City in exchange for the safety of the city’s citizens.
After selling his friend out, Lando has a change of heart when he overhears Han being tortured and realizes that Vader and the Empire were already reneging on their promises. He helps Leia and Chewbacca escape, and is able to evacuate Cloud City before the Empire is able to retaliate. Later he participates in the near-incompressible plot to rescue Han Solo and serves as a key general in the Rebel Alliance. Still, even back when he’s on the wrong side of the fight, Billy Dee Williams is able to turn Lando an appealing character, making his eventual redemption that much sweeter.
Henry Hill – Goodfellas (1990)
Ray Liotta plays the ultimate rat. After a long and fruitful career as a capo for local boss Paulie Cicero, Henry Hill’s mafia lifestyle comes to a final, screeching halt after he’s arrested by narcotics agents while trying to facilitate unapproved drug deals with his Pittsburgh associates. Henry’s good friend Tommy jokingly posits that Henry would crack under questioning earlier in the film, but Henry’s damning testimony against his associates Jimmy Conway and Paulie is all about survival: Henry knows that if he doesn’t cover his own ass, Jimmy will have him and his wife killed.
Read more
The Real Goodfellas: Gangsters That Inspired the Martin Scorsese Film
By Tony Sokol
The Godfather Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone Proves a Little Less is Infinitely More
By Tony Sokol
Becoming the very thing that mafioso’s hate most of all, Henry turns on his friends and is forced into the witness protection program. All Henry ever wanted was to be a gangster, but in the protection program, he’s reduced to “an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook.” It’s a fate that may be worse than death for him.
Mr. Orange – Reservoir Dogs (1992)
Arguably the villain of the story, depending on who’s side you’re on, Mr. Orange is actually L.A.P.D. undercover cop Freddy Newandyke. Looking to bring down crime boss Joe Cabot, Mr. Orange infiltrates his crew and takes part in diamond heist gone bad. In the ensuing chaos, Mr. Orange is shot and ends up killing an innocent civilian in retaliation. Played by Tim Roth, Mr. Orange screams and cries as he believes he’s fatally wounded, but it’s also possible that he’s airing out the guilt he feels in letting his undercover operation get so out of hand.
Without going into all of the bloodshed in the conclusion of Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs, Mr. Orange’s double agent status is so sound that it eventually leads to the demise of almost all of Cabot’s colorful crew, and Orange then feels compelled to confess his deception, resulting in an ambiguous ending that most believe concludes with his death.
Dennis Nedry – Jurassic Park (1993)
Wayne Knight’s Dennis Nedry is probably the most cartoonish Benedict Arnold of the bunch, and if you think about it, the only human antagonist in the original Jurassic Park film, if you’re not counting short-sighted, megalomaniacal John Hammond. The slovenly Nedry is chief architect of the computer system at the fledgling Jurassic Park theme park, and he’s miffed by perceived low pay. So he decides to take an offer from Lewis Dodgson (“DODGSON, WE GOT DODGSON HERE!) of rival biotech company Biosyn to steal embryos of 15 dinosaur species in exchange for $61,500,000.
To make his grand escape with the embryos, Nedry shuts down the park’s security systems, including the electric fences surrounding the dinosaur paddocks. He also uploads a self-aggrandizing computer virus to prevent the systems from being quickly turned back on. However, a perfect combination of his own harebrained scheme and a nasty storm leaves Nedry stranded and at the mercy of a young Dilophosaurus. It does not end well.
Cypher – The Matrix (1999)
Cypher’s betrayal of the Nebuchadnezzar crew in The Matrix is pretty easy to see coming, and not just because the character is played by Joe Pantoliano, who’s portrayed many malcontents throughout his career. Cypher being a red pill dabbler and wishes he had taken the blue pill instead. He also outwardly makes his disapproval of Morpheus known throughout the movie. Using “ignorance is bliss” as his mantra, he strikes a deal with Agent Smith to return him to the Matrix and erase his memory of ever awakening from it in exchange for selling Morpheus out.
Read more
The Matrix 4 Already Happened: Revisiting The Matrix Online
By John Saavedra
Jurassic World: Top Jurassic Park Deaths by Dinosaurs
By David Crow
After tipping Smith off to a meeting with the Oracle, Cypher goes full villain and unflinchingly kills Dozer, Apoc, and Switch before finally being stopped and killed. At least he’s free from the reality he hated so much.
“Mad Eye Moody” (aka Barty Crouch Jr.) – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
What’s a bigger betrayal: Death Eater Barty Crouch Jr. revealing that he’s been impersonating Alator “Mad Eye” Moody for the entirety of Harry Potter’s fourth year at Hogwarts, or Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling revealing herself to be a transphobe, betraying many of the themes of her beloved book series? We’ll leave that one to you, dear reader.
However, Barty Crouch Jr. (David Tennant before he was the Doctor) memorably betrays Harry Potter and the Hogwarts community by using the Polyjuice Potion to impersonate the former Auror and ensure that Harry would get into the Triwizard Tournament and ascend to the Third Task, which was a trap to help Lord Voldemort return to a body of his own. At least the real Mad Eye didn’t actually turn his back on those that revered him (like Rowling).
Colin Sullivan – The Departed (2006)
The biggest rat in a film full of “gnawing, cheese-eating fucking rats,” Sgt. Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon) is the criminal counterpoint to Leonardo DiCaprio’s undercover cop Billy Costigan, an undercover gangster who serves as the personal mole to Irish mob boss Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson).
Played with smarm and cowardice by Damon, Sullivan eventually double crosses the police and Costello when he discovers that Costello is an FBI informant—a rat leading rats. Scared but trying to retain his high-ranking job, Sullivan misguidedly tries to position himself as a hero and tie up all loose ends, resulting in a shocking, bloody finale that finds cocky Colin Sullivan miraculously as the last man standing. Or at least the last man standing for the moment, as a final, forgotten loose end returns to give the audience what they want; another dead rat.
Robert Ford – The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)
Well, it’s all right there in the title, innit? Played with a jealous, insecure bent by a creepy (in multiple ways) Casey Affleck, Robert Ford starts off as a Jesse James fanboy, desperate to join the outlaw’s gang with his brother Charlie (Sam Rockwell). When he finally gets close to the mythical criminal (a shadowy Brad Pitt), Bob begins to resent the man, eventually brokering a deal with the Governor of Missouri to either capture or kill Jesse James in exchange for a substantial bounty and full pardon.
Read more
Hamilton: The Real History of the Burr-Hamilton Duel
By David Crow
News of the World Review: Tom Hanks Western Has Rugged Warmth
By David Crow
Bob Ford cozies up to Jesse James even further, eventually earning the man’s complete trust, before cowardly shooting the man in the back—although in the film both carry an air of expectation that it needs to happen. Ford then lives out the rest of his days known as the coward punk that betrayed Jesse James until his eventual murder.
Aaron Burr – Hamilton (2020)
Close knit allies but ideological opposites, Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton both fought in the Continental Army for independence from the British. However, when it came time to actual govern the new country that they fought to begin, the men drifted apart.
It’s unfair to call Burr the only backstabber in this relationship, because both men betray their former friend. Burr (Leslie Odom Jr.) becomes jealous that Hamilton (Lin-Manuel Miranda) constantly has George Washington’s ear, and switches political parties to defeat Hamilton’s father-in-law in an election, ending their mutual admiration.
Burr also inadvertently pressures Hamilton to publicly reveal an affair, which strains the rivals’ relationships even further. However, when Hamilton endorses Thomas Jefferson (Daveed Diggs) in the third presidential election, a man that he doesn’t even like, to block Burr’s political malleability from the presidency, it becomes the final straw for Burr, who challenges Hamilton to a duel. In the ensuing gunfight, Hamilton throws away his shot, and Burr seals his fate to be remembered as the villain who killed Alexander Hamilton.
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kenshiliker · 7 years
reservoir dogs for the fandom ask thing?
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you:
The character I hateJOE. I mean,,, I don’t really hate him but he shot My Boy & that’s Unforgivable, but good call on giving Freddy my favourite colour as his codename.
The character I would call if I was in troubleLarry cause he’s trustworthy, and, if he likes me enough he’ll hold me  (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ (Or Eddie cs Eddie’s got Connections, but he’d be second choice)
The character who I’m in trouble withBrown maybe cs he’s gonna make me or dare me to do some dumbass thing that my dumbass would just out of spite or to prove a point smh @ me. That or we’d just be making theories about shit and piss everyone off to the point of getting in trouble. 
The character I would trust to plan my birthday partyPinkie cause he’s the only fuckin professional amongst the lot of them. And if he does it well I might even tip him.
The character I would share fries withLike,,, Any one of them. I’m 4″ shorter than the shortest one of the bunch ain’t no way I’m gonna fight them over some fries just take it mates. But I’d offer Larry and Freddy first cause I have a soft spot for them (of course I do)
The character who would be my best friendAll of my answers are fuckin Freddy because I really love him but I have the most in common w him amongst all of the dogs, so yea. Also I don’t think I’d be able to be friends w an active criminal without having an anxiety attack so
The character I would hang out with on a rainy dayI would hang out with Freddy as much as I could holy shit paint figurines w me lad
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