#freddy ryland
queersrus · 2 months
request for cottagecore + sad-ish? id pack? please + thanks!
here's my attempt!
assuming id pack includes more than just the usual npts i'll throw in a few cottagecore and sad related labels i found
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ambrose, amos, ansel, acacia, ada, adelaide, arwin/arwen, ava, avery/averie, aviva, amaranth, able, arbor, art, arty/artie, asher, ainsley, acheron, adalia brandy/brandi, branwen, billie/billy, bryony, bill, banner, booker, bram
barley, brion, brian, bryce chloris, chandra, cyrene, cayenne, cade, clyde, chester, cliff denna, diana/dianna, diona, donna/dona, derby, dallas, danica, daphne, dixie, dawn, dylan
edmund, elenore, elodie, eudora, elenore/eleanor, ebony, erica, eila, eira, eve, eithne, everlee, elize, eliza, elizabeth, everlyn, elwood, emerson, elowen finnegan, freddy/freddie, frederick, fallin/fallon, florance/florence
fable, frank, frankie/franky, franklin/franklyn, faine, filbert, finneas ginny/ginnie, gale, georgia, george, georgina, granger halcyone, hana/hanna/hannah, harriet, harry, hayley/hailie/hailey, halie/hallie, heather, harlowe/harlow, harrow, hadar, hawl, hayes,
huck, holden, huso ilana, illiana/iliana, ingrid, ivory jane, janet/janette, jesse/jessie, josie, jose, jack, jackie, jackson kingston, kodi/kodie, kodiak, kylan
lupin, lian, liana/lianna, liane/lianne, linc, linden, lyle, lucius maisie, matilda, maude, mabel, merle, marin, mica/mika, mason/macon, martin, miller, miles nellie, nyssa, ned, nick, ness
opholia, oliver, olive, olivia, oleander, odell, oriel, oscar paisley, poppy, posie, phineas, parker rose, rosemary/rosemarie, rosy/rosie, rory, rosette, rosetta, rue, rosabel/rosabell/rosabelle, rosa, rosabela/rosabella, rosella, rosaria,
rosario, rob, robert, ray, reed, ridge, ryland, rowan, roan shiloh, sharon, scarlet/scarlett/skarlett, sam, samantha, samuel, sunny/sunnie, sawyer, shaw, shay, steve, stevie, stevia, sorell/sorrell, seb, sebby/sebbie, sebastian, saddie/sadie, sade
theodore, theo, tori, toria, tamie/tammie, tawny, terra, timber, tim, timothy, tanner, teddy/teddie, trevis/travis, trevor, tyler, tristan/tristin, tristah/trista, trystia verginia, vicky/vickie, victor, victoria, viola, violet/violette,
violeta/violetta, valerian, vernon winnie, willa, winston, winifred, winslow, will, william, willow, wade, wagner, warren, watts, watson, wilhelmina yvonne, yves zephyr/zephyre, zara, zinnia, zion
appleyard, ashton, ashwood baker, brookstone, butterfield catkin, cobbler, cooper, copper, copperwood, copperfield, crestfallen dogwood, direwood, direbrook, direfield, desperfield, downyard
doleman fenlon, falkner, forlorn greenwood, greenfield, golding, goldwood, goldfield, griefman, griefwood, gardner
hilbrook, holbrook, heath, horsewood, horsefield, hawksley, harrowing, hawkswood, hawthorne, hawkner, hawkfield, holloway, hallowood
larken, limewood, lockhart, lovejoy mourner, mournwright, mournman nettleship
plowman, penrose, penwright redbrook, rosedale, redwood, rosewood, redfield summerfield, sweetnam, seawright, sorrowfield, sorrowbrook, shamewood, shamewright
thacker, thatcher westfield, wainwright, write/wright, wagonwright, woodsman, wyrmwood/wormwood, winterwood, winterrose, wretchwood, wretchman
system names:
the cottagecore *system, the sorrowful system, the melancholic cottage system, the mourning flowerbed system, the gloomy garden system, the tearful system, the harvest system
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1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
ci/cotte/cottagy/cottagine/cottageself hi/he/hy/harvestine/harvestself gi/garde/gardy/gardine/gardenself si/sade/sady/sadine/sadself si/sorre/sorry/sorrowine/sorrowself mi/me/mely/melancholine/melancholyself
2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
co/cottager/cottagers/cottagerself ho/harvester/harvesters/harvesterself go/gardener/gardeners/gardenerself so/sader/sadders/sadderself so/sorrower/sorrowers/sorrowerself mo/melancholer/melancholers/melancholerself
3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
co/cottage, cott/age, cot/cottage, cot/tage, cottage/cottages, cottage/core har/vest, ha/harvest, harv/est, harvest/harvests gar/den, gar/garden, garden/gardens, garden/core farm/core sa/sad, sad/sads, sa/ad, sad/sadden, so/sorrow, sor/row, sorr/ow, sorrow/sorrows, sorrow/sorrowful mel/melancholy, mel/ancholy, melan/choly, melancholy/melancholies, melancholy/melchancholic
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the weeping gardener, the mourning farmer, the sad cottage dweller, the melancholic planter, the sorrowful woodsman
**one who lives a sad cottage life, one who mourns within ones cottage, one who weeps amongst ones gardens, one who copes with sadness through cottage life
book titles:
the sad little cottage, a melancholic villager, the weeping willows, the mourning garden, the sorrows of an old cottage, a pitiful harvest
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cottagegoric(link), cafdreamian(link), cottagecrittean(link), cottagecoric(link), Cálidatierramielgender(link)
orientations: (n/a)
cottagecore bpd(link)
many can be found by searching cottagecore genders/mogai/liom as well, there are many versions of cottagecore flags especially for lgbt related labels so they should not be hard to find if you feel like looking!
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*system can be replaced with any alternative (ex. cluster, collective, hoard/horde, etc)
**one can be replaced with any prn
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pan-flute-skeleton · 5 months
the first one night stand prompt with Baskar ??
Since this requires a larger group, how bout I include Toothpricks 😀
There was enough history in that room to fill a museum. And enough tension to stifle anyone around them. The former Ska band, Toothpricks, were normally at each other's throats, but age had mellowed them out. Couldn't be bothered to ramp up to their former stage personas, but under the right circumstances, their rowdy behavior could be rekindled. Introducing a new face to the group was that kind of spark to get them talking.
"Everyone, this is Kari," said Bastian, "she's my...uh...friend. From Mordhaus."
Kari smiled and waved, "Hallo!" She looked at Bastian, silent confirmation that she was doing well in a new social setting. He nodded gently and guided her to a spot at the table. Strategic in his placement so she wouldn't get harassed too much. Jolene and Freddi were the best options.
"Well hi there, sweetheart," Jolene greeted, "you got some funky style goin' on there."
"Oh! T'ank yous."
"Yeah, whaddya even call this?" Freddi asked.
"Umm..Is dons’t know? Dis ams what I usually wear." Kari did stand out among the bright colors of the group with her modest long sleeve dress and head scarf. While she was working on her fashion line, she neglected to update herself to reflect the new look. The girls continued to chitter among themselves while the boys grilled Bastian about his new life with Dethklok Incorporated.
"Your friend is a doll, mate," Ryland commented, "you hittin' that?"
"N-no," Bastian stammered, "we're both far too busy with our projects."
"You said the same thing to me back in the day," Tomas mentioned.
"It was true then and it's quite true now. This is a whole different animal."
"Oi mate, you keep this up and you'll drop dead and alone in the studio. I can't take yeh ashes. Me Nan and Ma take up real estate on the mantle."
"Dummkopf! I'm not being cremated and I am certainly not ending up in your house."
"Well, have you thought about dating again?" Tomas asked, leaning toward Bastian. "Maybe your forever person is closer than you think. Just don' see it."
"Yeah! Like yer new lass. Why not give'er a go?"
Bastian took a sip of his hard seltzer and brushed off the comments. His former band mates were free to suggest people all night, but none of them knew Kari was sitting across from him with no panties on. Those were still drying in his pocket. They didn't need to know that it took one flick of his wrist to signal her to the back of the bar. One roll up of her skirt, one bent over angle and he would own her right there. He never thought he'd turn into such an exhibitionist, but she made him feel young again. She made him feel alive. And he wanted to savor the private feelings for as long as he could. So they suggested everyone they knew, but Bastian had his mind made up.
Prompt #1 from here
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kyrie-ravie · 1 year
Kalani would have missed it, if she wasn’t already thinking about the Library. It had been months, but still, the Library door’s refusal to open for her was a constant nagging irritation. Graduation loomed nearer, her desire to continue through to higher education in Ancient Runes grew greater, and her understanding that she could advance further, further in her studies if it weren’t for that stupid door proved to be a most frustrating distraction.
She’d taken to studying directly in the school library, right near the books written only in Greek. Lani was on her fourth hour of translating a scroll, and was reaching up to stretch out her shoulders when she saw it.
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One second Freddy Ryland was there- the next, she wasn’t. Lani stood, peering around the stacks to see the last moments of a doorway melting away to the bottom shelf of the library’s Greek History collection.
Leaving her things behind, Lani walked towards the space where she’d seen the illusion, her hand reaching up to run over the spines of books and crates of scrolls. She removed her wand from her robe, and cast a few detection spells, each more elaborate and difficult than the last as she tried to solve this particular puzzle. 
Surely if she, the daughter of two esteemed scholars and Hogwarts’ best runic translator, couldn’t manage to gain access to the library- surely Freddy Ryland wasn’t able to skip on through? The simple girl who’d infamously cried during their first Flying lesson? Who missed entire weeks of class when she was ill? 
Still, there were few other explanations... Lani found a scrap of parchment in her pocket, and hurried back to her desk to scrawl out a note to her brother. As she wrote, her gaze kept darting between the space in the library stacks and the note, worried she’d miss something happening. Kyrie had researched library access more thoroughly. He’d know what to make of this- what to make of Freddy Ryland. He’d know what to do.
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freddy-ryland · 1 year
“Remember you’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine.”— Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
Mom was staring her down, examining her backpack and rolled-up overalls, picking at the flyaways not quite pressed down, pursing her lips over the scuffed Converse.
"We can buy you better clothes than these Freddy," the short form of 'we are a powerful House you don't need to dress like a gardener'.
"I'm just going to Diagon Alley, it can get so dusty in the summer." the short form of 'I'm going to meet Q then we're tramping to Li's then finding wherever T is and going for drinks and I don't want to spill liquor on my nice dresses'.
"I'm not so sure Diagon Alley is such a good place to run off too...alone." short form from 'wait for your brother to babysit you, he's off work, he can protect you from your little friends and your little plans and your little adventures'.
"I won't be alone! We're just going to the bookshop!" the long form for 'fuck off'.
"We can buy books from the catalog." short form for 'don't leave this house. we can keep you safe here. there is no reason to leave for no reason nor without protection or to meet your ridiculous friends and we are rich enough to build you a library - just stay home, stay where you're safe.'
"I'm leaving." 'I'm trapped'.
Freddy marched out the door, her puffy spacebuns stirring in the breeze, onto the broad porch and into the front garden. Their house was the largest on the wizarding block, enough home for two families, enough space that a bedridden girl could find solace and peace and solitude. But Freddy couldn't help but feel that a few thousand square feet of various four corners was stifling.
"Patronus me when you get there!" the long form of 'I'll call the Calvery if it pleases me'.
Her parents couldn't do much since she was 17 now, couldn't tell her no, legally an adult, but if they called an Auror to bring her home, they'd get her home. No one could tell a member of the Shacklebolt family 'no' even if their married name was Ryland. Hell, even just the name Ryland would get the Aurors moving.
"Yes, Mom." Because she was dutiful and careful and hated to worry them more than usual. Because she woke up at night with her Mom touching her chest, ensuring she was breathing. Because she found her Dad tapping her awake from naps, so sure she was unconscious. Because Micah and Q and T and Li and everyone else had found Freddy bleeding from head trauma from a fall, curled up into stone corridors, and splayed out on busy streets when the magic decided to poison her own body and send her flying through time and memories and the future. Freddy is just a passenger in her body for a magic rooting and rotting her from the inside out.
But she smiled and waved from the sidewalk, the street built for wizards, apparition points set up in front of homes and in public spaces. A necessity of bygone War days, now the public knew who was coming, had wards set against random entry points, and the Rylands were stringent about watching the comings and goings.
"Just be careful!"
Freddy pointed at herself, "Who me? I'm always careful!" Carefully plotting the days until Graduation, plotting the days until she could escape, find a curse-breaking program willing to take on a girl with counted days and worse chances of survival past 25. Somewhere that wouldn't sneer at the wasted spot could give her all the adventure her fragile body could handle and let her chart her own course. Freddy's life was a map to a swift end, but that didn't mean she couldn't attempt to enjoy every second she breathed - living in fear meant not living at all. Living within the four walls and four corners and four streets and the four sets of eyes following her every move and watching her very steps making sure she didn't so much step on a crack - it was suffocating, and as Freddy spun in place, she couldn't help but feel a choked up relief at seeing her Mom's face fading away, warping and disappearing into the void of her house.
Landing just outside of Knockturn Alley, Freddy let out a huff of air, her magic rocking her body with a deluge of images - monsters and criminals, grimy shadow children stalking the alleys with white teethed smiles, cackles of war and shrieks of laughter. A life lived, and living and living long after Freddy died. Her moments here were short, her rattled lungs sucking in an expanse of air as she stepped from the apparition point.
There, across the way, leaning against the wall, sharing a bottle of butterbeer, they waited. Freddy took in the scent of piss, magic, and cigarette smoke and bounded forward, clenching the straps of her backpack every two seconds getting a bombardment of visions until she was wrapped up in cosmos and ink, nestling her nose into her Beloved's hair and letting the weight of Falmouth fall from her shoulders. Q already chattering away, and the sound fell like rainfall on Freddy's ears, calming and kind in the wall all summer showers were, and they parted, pinkies locked together.
"Hey Nightmare," Linden greeted, Freddy offered them a shoulder bump before whipping out her wand.
"I learned a really fun hex this week!"
A shine of sun bounced off a grimy window as the trio set off, Freddy bouncing along, shifting between past-present-future, her head spiking with pain.
But life moves quickly, and Freddy's would move quicker than the ones at her side. It was her right to experience the sunshine, so she wiped away a bit of blood dripping from her ear and continued forward.
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
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Full Name: Jillian Isabella Scott
Nicknames: Jill, Jilly (by everyone), Sidepiece #2 (by Kelly), damaged goods, baby mama, not so terrible fuck (by Ryland), ‘traitor’ ‘asshole’ ‘girl’ ‘my bestie’ (by Jolene), ‘mama’ ‘mami’ (by Camila)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Student (at Point Place High School 1993-1997), Student (at Point Place College 1997-2001), Employee at Dominos (part time 1996-2001), News Reporter (2002-present)
Family: Freddie Scott (adoptive father), Carolina Scott (adoptive mother), Elena Lopez (biological mother), Carlos Lopez (biological father), Camila Scott (daughter)
Friends: Jolene Peters (best friend), Dana Chingkwake, Kristie Forman
Romances: Ryland Barnes (affair)
First Appearance: Dirty Double Booker
Last Appearance: TBD
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trinitymarrow · 7 years
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BOOKS I READ IN 2017 → haven by mary lindsey
“So what do you think about that legend your aunt told you?” she asked. He opened his eyes to find her studying him. “That the rock can turn men into beasts?” His mind raced, wondering what would prompt that question and what answer she was looking for. Men were beasts. Horrible monsters at times. He’d seen it firsthand. “I believe we all hide a beast inside. The only difference is what form it takes when freed.”
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lovestruckvoltage · 4 years
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Astoria: Fate's Kiss & Astoria: Lost Kisses Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Medusa (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Alex Cyprin (they/them, non-binary, queer) - romanceable Persephone (she/her, pansexual) Charybdis (she/her, pansexual) Chimera Prime (she/her, queer) Scylla (she/her, lesbian) Eryn (she/her, lesbian) Stheno (she/her, bisexual) Euryale (she/her, lesbian) Aphrodite (she/her, Goddess Of Love, queer) Nyela (she/her, bisexual) Eagle Sanders (he/him, bisexual) Ladon (he/him, queer) Robin (they/them, non-binary, questioning) Josh (he/him, aromantic, asexual) Astoria Heroine’s Mom (she/her, bisexual) May Chan (she/her, pansexual) Megara (she/her, bisexual) Arachne (she/her, lesbian) Athena (she/her, aromantic, asexual)
Gangsters in Love Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Aurora James (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Skylar Locke (she/her, bisexual) Amelia Wu (she/her, bisexual)
Castaway! Love's Adventure Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Serena Zhang (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Clyde Hughes (he/him, bisexual) - romanceable Joaquin Ortega (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Olivia Rossi (she/her, lesbian)
Love & Legends Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Iseul Idreis (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Altea Bellerose (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Helena Klein (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Sophie Lawrence & Solaire Lightwing (she/her, pansexual) Ryland Goldhart (he/him, bisexual) Imohn Idreis (they/them, non-binary, aromantic, asexual) Ishara Idreis (she/her, pansexual) Witch Queen (she/her, bisexual) Mireille Mercier (she/her, lesbian) Lisette Hallis-Falke (she/her, lesbian) Della Falke (she/her, bisexual) Heloise Falke (she/her, questioning) Caligo Hawkeye (he/him, pansexual) Amelia (she/her, queer)
Speakeasy Tonight Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Sofia Martinez (she/her, bisexual) - romanceable Fryderyka aka Freddie (she/her, lesbian) Evelyn Moy (she/her, lesbian) Elliot Graham (he/him, bisexual)
Starship Promise Jessa Flexand (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Alien Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Nova (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Zhora Leonis (she/her, pansexual) - romanceable Gamma (they/them, queer) Dr.Xendalia (she/her, lesbian) Wyst Pochny (she/her, queer) Kora Thale (she/her, lesbian) Roux Caldera (they/them, queer) Astrid Moon (she/her, queer) Keda Meridian (she/her, queer)
To Love & Protect Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Ellis Cooper (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Madison Lane (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Cal Egret (she/her, lesbian) Kashvi Dabral (she/her, lesbian)
Havenfall is for Lovers Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Mackenzie Hunt (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Jordan 'JD' Davies (they/them, queer) - romanceable Razi Nassar (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Vanessa Helsing (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Antonio Vasquez (he/him, bisexual) - romanceable Annabelle Sheppard (she/her, bisexual) Damien Rider (he/him, bisexual) Grace (she/her, bisexual) Gwen Doran (she/her, pansexual) Hikari Hayashi (she/her, pansexual) Mothman (they/them, bigender, queer) Roshni Nassar (she/her, pansexual) Liliane Labasque (she/her, lesbian) Evangelina Vasquez (she/her, trans, heterosexual) Rahim Nassar (he/him, gay) Levana Helsing (she/her, asexual biromantic) John Lapin (he/him, asexual biromantic) Nessie (she/her, pansexual) Baphomet (they/them, queer)
Villainous Nights Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Andi Kim (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Renzei Feng (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Lorelei Linden (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable [REDACTED] aka Bat ([REDACTED]) Robin (they/them, queer) Miguel Santos (he/him, gay) Scarlet Brighid (she/her, lesbian) Juliette (she/her, pansexual) - romanceable Dahlia London (she/her, bisexual) Ezekiel Dorian (he/him, pansexual)
Sweet Enchantments New Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Nysa Dawnvale (she/her, pansexual) - romanceable Marcel Everbloom (he/him, trans, gay) Thaddeus Moore (he/him, gay) Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Runa Amberthorne (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Zain Blackwood (he/him, bisexual) - romanceable Liora Skyheart (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Emeril Everbloom (she/her, demisexual lesbian) - romanceable Kamila Rosenchild (she/her, bisexual) Zola Knightbrand (she/her, lesbian) Mr. Pondworthy (he/him, gay) Silvain Wintertide (he/him, pansexual) Elyscia Volalin (she/her, asexual biromantic) Axia Bloodsparrow (she/her, pansexual)
Queen of Thieves Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Nikolai Stirling (he/him, demisexual pansexual) -romanceable Vivienne Tang (she/her, lesbian)  -romanceable Remy Chevalier (he/him, bisexual)  -romanceable Zoe Banks (she/her, lesbian)  -romanceable Jett Slater (he/him, bisexual) -romanceable Jace (they/them, queer) Ariana Nassar (she/her, lesbian) Daisa Khoury (she/her, bisexual) Raveena Patel (she/her, demisexual) Clemance Bardot (she/her, bisexual) Claudia Ribeiro (she/her, bisexual) Domino (she/her, lesbian) Inez Serrano (she/her, bisexual) Nadia (she/her, lesbian) Penny (she/her, pansexual) Casimir Vederevsky (he/him, gay) Benoit Dupont (he/him, gay)
Sin With Me Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Wrath (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Onyx Wren (she/her, bisexual) - romanceable Malakai Collins (he/him, demisexual) - romanceable Yvette Holte (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Ripley (she/her, lesbian) Vinca (she/her, lesbian) Nero (he/him, pansexual) Nahara (she/her, bisexual demisexual) Nitsa (she/her, lesbian) Sage (she/her, lesbian) Trudy Goode (she/her, pansexual)
Reigning Passions Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Amara (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Sevastian (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Lyris (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Xenia (she/her, bisexual) - romanceable Hazel: (she/her, trans, lesbian) Galen: (they/them, queer) Piama (she/her, pansexual) Edera (she/her, bisexual) Safir (she/her, lesbian) Hortensia (she/her, bisexual) Nisse (she/her, bisexual) Thea (she/her, lesbian) Rosie (she/her, bisexual) Ruelle (she/her, bisexual)
Drawn Together Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Tess (she/her, pansexual)
3 Tattoos Heroine (she/her, bisexual)
Events Pride Month 2017 Emily Verma (she/her, lesbian) Codename Shield (she/her, bisexual)
Halloween 2017 Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Wendy Li (she/her, lesbian)
Ever After Academy MC (she/her, bisexual) MC (he/him, gay) Nora (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Lucas (he/him, gay) - romanceable Arin (they/them, queer) Darla (she/her, lesbian)
Tales of the Wild Della (she/her, bisexual) Revi (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Maeve (she/her, bisexual)
Wicked Lawless Love MC (she/her, bisexual) Cecelia (she/her, bisexual) - romancable Fiona (she/her, lesbian) Ada (she/her, bisexual)
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Masculine Names
Aaron  Abdul Abe  Abel Abraham  Abram Ace Achilles  Adair Adam Adonis Adrian Adriel  Ahmed Ajax Ajay Aiden Alan Albert Alejandro Alex Alexander Alfonso Alfred Alistair Alister Allen  Alonzo Amadeo Amadeus Amani Amari Ambrose Amir Anders  Anderson Andre Andreas Andrew Andy Angel Angelo Angus Ansel  Anson Anthony Antonio Apollo Aries Archer Archie Aristotle Arlo  Arnaldo Arnold Arsenio Arthur Arturo Arwin Asa Asher Aslan Atlas  Atticus Aubrey August Augustin Augustine Augustus Aurelio Aurelius Austin Axel  Aziz
Balthazar  Bane Barnabas  Barnaby Barney Baron  Barrett Basil Bastian  Bear Beau Beck Ben Benjamin  Benji Bentley Bernard Bertram Bertrand  Blake Blaze Blue Bobby Bodhi Booker Boris  Boston Bowie Boyd Brad Bradford Bradley Bram  Bramwell Bran Brandon Brandt Braxton Braylen Brayden Brendon  Brent Brett Brian Briar Brick Bridge Bridger Brock Brody Brogan  Bronx Brook Brooks Bruce Bruno Brutus Bryce Bryson Buck Bud Buddha  Buddy Buck Burt Burton Buster Buzz Byron 
Cade  Caden Cain  Cairo Caius Calder  Caleb Callum Calvin Cam  Cameron Camillo Campbell Carl  Carlisle Carlito Carlo Carlos Carlton  Carmine Carson Carter Casper Caspian Cassian  Cassias Cato Cecil Cedar Cedric Cesar Chad Chadwick  Chance Charles Charlton Chase Chauncey Chester Chidi Chip  Christoff Christoph Christopher Christian Chuck Cian Cillian  Clarence Clark Claud Clay Clayton Cliff Clifford Clint Clinton  Clyde Coby Cody Colby Cole Collin Colt Colton Conan Connor Conrad  Constantine Cooper Copper Corbin Cornelius Cory Cosmo Cosmos Costas Craig Crispin Cruz Curt Curtis Cyrus
Dale  Dallas  Dalton Damien  Damon Dan Dane Daniel  Dante Darius Darrel Darren  Dash Dashiell Davey David Dawson  Dax Daxton Deacon Dean DeAndre Declan  Demetrius Denali Dennis Denny Denzel Derek  Derrick Des Desmond Dewey Dex Dexter Diego Diesel  Dion Dirk Dixon Dmitri Dominic Donatello Donovan Dorian  Doug Douglas Draco Drew Duke Duncan Dustin Dusty Dwayne Dwight  Dylan Dyson 
Earl  Easton  Edgar Edmund  Eduardo Edward Edwin  Egon Eli Elijah Elias  Elliott Ellis Elroy Elton  Emanuel Emeric Emerson Emery  Emil Emiliano Emmett Emrys Enrique  Enzo Eric Ernest Ernesto Ernie Esteban  Ethan Eugene Eustace Euvan Evan Evander Everett  Ezekiel Ezra 
Fabian  Fabio Falcon  Faustus Felix Ferdinand  Fergus Ferguson Fernando Fidel  Fido Finbar Findlay Finn Finnley  Fionn Fisher Fitz Fletcher Flint Florence  Florian Ford Forrest Fort Foster Fowler Fox  Francesco Francis Francisco Franco Frank Frankie  Franklin Fred Freddy Fredrick Frederico
Gabe  Gabriel  Gael Gage  Gale Galen Garfield Garrett Gaston Gatsby  Gavin Geoffrey Geordie George  Gerald Gerard Gideon Gil Gilbert  Gilberto Giovanni Glenn Gordon Gordy  Grady Graham Grant Gray Grayson Gregg  Gregory Grey Griffin Griffith Grover Gunner  Gunther Gus Gustavo Guy 
Hades  Hal Hamilton  Hank Hans Harley Harrison  Harry Hawk Hayden Hayes Heath Hector  Henrik Hendrix Henry Herb Herbert Herbie  Hercules Hermes Hershel Hiram Holden Howard  Howie Hudson Hugo Humphrey Hunter Hux Huxley 
Ian Igor Iker Irvin Isaac Isaiah Ivan 
Jace  Jack Jackson  Jacob Jaques Jaden  Jake Jalen Jamal James  Jameson Jared Jason Jax  Jay Jed Jedidiah Jefferson  Jeffrey Jeremiah Jeremy Jerome  Jerry Jesus Jethro Jett Jim Jimmy  Joe Joel Johan Johannes John Johnny Jonah  Jonas Jonathan Jones Jordan Jose Joseph Joshua  Josiah Juan Juanito Judah Judas Judd Jude Jules Julian  Julien Julio Julius Junior Jupiter Jurgen Justice Justin Justus 
Kaden  Kai Kaiser  Kale Kaleb Kane  Keane Keanu Keaton  Keegan Keenan Keith  Kellen Kenan Kendrick  Kenneth Kenzo Keoni Kevin Khalid  Kian Kieran Kiernan Kingsley Kingston Killian  Kip Kwan Kyle
Lachlan  Lake Lamar  Lance Lancelot  Landon Lane Larkin  Larry Lars Laurence Laurent  Lawrence Lawson Lazlo Legend Leif  Leith Leland Leo Leon Leonardo Leopold  Leroy Levi Liam Lincoln Linden Logan Loki  London Lonnie Lonny Lorcan Lorenzo Lou Louie  Louis Luc Luca Lucas Lucian Lucky Luke Lupe Luther
Maddox  Maksim Malachi  Malachy Malakai Malcolm  Malik Manfred Manny Marcel Marcello  Marcellus Marcio Marcius Marco Marcos  Marcus Marian Marino Mario Marius Mark  Marlin Marlon Marmaduke Marques Mars Marshall  Martin Marty Marvel Marvin Massimo Mason Matt Matteo  Matthew Maurice Maverick Max Maximilian Maximus Maxwell  Melvin Mercury Meredith Merritt Micah Michael Miguel Miles  Milo Mitchell Moe Monte Montgomery Murdoch Murphy Murray Murtagh  Murtaugh Myles
Nathan  Nathaniel  Ned Nelson  Nemo Neo Neon  Neptune Neville  Newt Newton Nick  Nicky Nicola Nicolai  Nicholas Niko Noah Noel Nolan  Norm Norman Novak 
Obadiah  Octavio Octavius  Odin Olaf Oleg Oliver  Olivier Omar Orion Orlando  Orville Osborn Oscar Oso Osvaldo  Oswald Ottis Otto Owen Oz Ozzy
Pablo  Palmer Panther  Parker Pascal Patrick Paul  Paxton Pedro Penn Percival Percy Perseus  Peter Peyton Phil Philip Phineas Phoenix Pier  Pierce Pierre Pilot Pluto Porter Poseidon Preston  Prince Prosper
Qadir  Quincy Quinn  Quinton 
Raiden  Ralph Ramone  Ramses Randall Randolph  Randy Raphael Ravi Ray Raymond Red  Reece Reggie Reginald Regis Reid Remington  Reuben Rex Reynald Reynaldo Reynard Rhett Rhys  Ricardo Richard Richie Richmond Rick Ricky Rico Ridge  Riley Rio Riordan River Robert Roberto Robbie Rocco Rocky  Rodney Rodrigo Roger Ricky Riley Rod Rodrick Roger Roland  Roman Romeo Ross Rowan Rudy Rufus Russell Ryder Ryker Rylan Ryland 
Salem  Salvador  Salvator Sam  Samir Sampson Samson  Samuel Sander Sandford Sanjay  Santiago Saul Sawyer Scott Sean Sebastian  Septimus Serge Sergio Seth Seus Seymour Shane  Shawn Shayne Sheldon Shepherd Sherlock Sherman Shin Sidney  Sigmund Silas Silver Silvester Simon Sinclair Sinjin Sirius  Slade Slate Sol Solomon Sonny Sparrow Spartacus Spencer Spike  Soren Stan Stanford Stanley Steele Stephen Steven Stevie Stone Sven Summit  Sullivan Sully Sylvester
Tad  Tag Talon  Tanner Tate  Ted Teddy Teo Teodor  Teodoro Terence Terrell  Terry Tex Thad Thaddeus Thane  Thatcher Theo Theoden Theodore Thomas  Thor Thorn Tiberius Tiger Tito Titus Timothy  Titus Tobias Toby Tommy Tony Topher Trace Travis  Trent Trenton Trev Trevor Trey Tristan Troy Truman Tucker  Tudor Tullio Tullius Tully Tycho Tyler Tyrell Tyrese Tyrone  Tyson
Uberto  Ulric Ulrich  Ulysses Uriah Urban Urijah  Uriel
Van  Vance  Vaugn Victor  Vince Vincenco Vincent  Vinny Virgil Vlad Vladimir 
Wade  Walden  Waldo Walker  Wallace Wally Walt  Walter Warner Warren  Watson Waylon Wayne Wendall  Wesley Westley Weston Wilbert  Wilbur Wilder Wiley Wilfred Will William  Winston Wolf Wolfe Wolfgang Woodrow Wyatt 
Xander  Xavier Xavion  Xenon
Yael  Yahir York Yosef  Yousef Yusef
Zac  Zach Zachariah  Zacharias Zachary Zack  Zander Zane Zayden Zeke  Zeus Ziggy Zion Zoltan
779 notes · View notes
outterridge · 4 years
Dona looked down at the Healer robes and smoothed them over, then looked at her friend in the reflection of the mirror with wide eyes. “This looks ridiculous, doesn’t it? This... Whole idea was really stupid, huh? The whole St Mungos thing? I should just, uh, tell them I can’t do it and let them know yeah? Yeah.”
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14 notes · View notes
linnea-quinn · 3 years
Your the binding to my pages, and I dunno what I'd do with you... You're my best friend and I love you so much. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you (in a friendship way !!)
O Freddy, my heart's other half, my Supernova Girl⁠—
I have the ink stains of our epic story saturating my soul, and I would never want it any other way.
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2 notes · View notes
cuttingedgexmas · 3 years
January 1st
Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness - New Year Song (Single)
January 18th
Rivulets - Happy New Year (Happy New Year (EP))
April 12th
The Jason Frederick Cinematic Trio - Linus and Lucy (Single)
June 4th
Bek Sarkoezy - New Year (Single)
July 30th
June Bisantz & The John Burr Sextet - 7 Shades of Snow (EP)
August 4th
Katy Weirich - Joy to the World (Hallelujah) (Single)
August 12th
Blackaby - Plastic Mistletoe (Single)
September 10th
Kirk Whalum - How Does Christmas Sound?
September 17th
Gabriel Lapano - Christmas Card From Elvis (Single)
September 20th
Petr Šimandl - The Winterking/Daylong Dance (Single)
September 21st
Brian Eno & Roger Eno - Wanting to Believe (Oh Holy Night) (Single)
September 22nd
Teflon Beast - Sun and Snow (EP)
September 24th
The Sweeplings - Comfort & Joy (EP)
Chris Tomlin - Emmanuel: Christmas Songs of Worship (Live)
Carrie Underwood - My Gift (Special Edition)
September 30th
Kimberley Locke - Christmas is Here
October 1st
Margaret Dorn & The Accidentals - A Cappella Holiday Classics
Jeff Hamilton Trio - Merry & Bright
Gave Lapano - Happy New Year Baby (Single)
The Little Unsaid - December Songs (Reissue)
Shaggy - Christmas in the Islands (Deluxe Edition)
The Sixteen - Carol of the Bells
October 7th
Gabriel Lapano - Fantastical Magical Christmas (Single)
October 8th
Blondie (ft. Fab 5 Freddy) - Yuletide Throwdown (Single) (Reissue)
Darren Criss - A Very Darren Crissmas
Curtis Grimes (ft. Doug Stone) - Pretty Paper (Single)
Ryland James (ft. Ralph) - A Christmas to Remember (Single)
Chad Lawson - Christmas in My Dreams (EP)
Orleans - New Star Shining
Tonic Sol-fa - Shake Up Christmas (Single)
Josh Turner - King Size Manger
Tassia Zappia - Blue Christmas (Single)
October 12th
Various Artists - A Rock By the Sea Christmas, Vol. 12
October 13th
Night is Alive - Old New Borrowed & Blue
October 14th
Lady Bri - It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (Single)
October 15th
Gary Allan - Please Come Home for Christmas (EP) (Reissue)
Jim Brickman - The Ultimate Christmas Playlist (Reissue)
Kelly Clarkson - When Christmas Comes Around…
Gaither Vocal Band - All Heaven & Nature Sing
Highlands Worship - Comfort & Joy
Norah Jones - I Dream of Christmas
KYEN?ES? - Somos Navidad
98° - Christmas Carols (EP) (Reissue)
L. Shankar - Christmas from India
Teddy Swims - A Very Teddy Christmas (EP)
Uptown Vocal Jazz Quartet - Fools for Yule
Vitamin String Quartet - It Feels Like Christmas
Steve Wariner - Feels Like Christmas Time
Stan Whitmire - Heaven’s Child: Christmas Songs of Comfort and Peace
Brian Courtney Wilson - At Christmas (EP)
Various Artists - Winter Tales
October 16th
The Annihilators - The Christmas Album
October 21st
Tim Atlas - Christmas Coffee (Single)
Rosie Darling - Love is Christmas (Single)
Joshua Radin - Happy Christmas (War is Over) (Single)
Tom Speight - Driving Home for Christmas (Single)
Wrabel - merry christmas, merry christmas to you (EP)
October 22nd
Jim Brickman - A Christmas Symphony
Celtic Thunder - Celtic Christmas Eve
Kristin Chenoweth - Happiness is…Christmas!
Jason Crabb - Home for Christmas (EP)
Brett Eldredge - Mr. Christmas
Lindsay Ell - It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (Single)
Everette - Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree (Single)
Jordan Feliz - Joy to Our World (Single)
for KING & COUNTRY - A Drummer Boy Christmas (2021 Edition)
Hiss Golden Messenger - O Come All Ye Faithful
Steve Holy - A Christmas to Remember
Hunter Brothers - Joy to the World
The Imaginaries - Christmas Town (Single)
The King’s Singers - Christmas Carols with The King’s Singers
Life.Church Worship - Gloria (Live)
Lil Xxel - Wishlist (Single)
Tara Louise - It’s Christmas Day All Over Earth (Single)
Tim McGraw - Christmas All Over the World (Single) (Reissue)
Luke McMaster - Last Christmas (Single)
Drake Milligan - Cowgirl for Christmas (Single)
Gordon Mote - Christmas Hymns & Carols
Jamie O’Neal - White Christmas (Single)
Johnny Orlando - How Can it Be Christmas (EP)
Peach PRC - I’ve Been Bad, Santa (Single)
Pistol Annies - Hell of a Holiday
Rob Thomas - Something About Christmas Time
Cade Thompson - Cade Thompson Christmas (EP)
Tenille Townes - Songs for Christmas (EP)
Train - Mittens (Single)
Voctave - The Spirit of the Season (Deluxe Edition)
Morgan Wade - I’ll Be Home for Christmas (Single)
Morgan Wade - Santa Claus is Back in Town (Single)
We the Kingdom - A Family Christmas (EP)
Zach Williams - I Don’t Want Christmas to End
Lainey Wilson - Christmas Cookies (Single)
Brett Young - Brett Young & Friends Sing the Christmas Classics
Various Artists - Together for the Holidays: Traditional Classics (Reissue)
October 25th
Patrick DeVille - Christmas Train (2021) (Single)
October 26th
Rosie Galon - Eight Nights (Single)
Quichenight - A Real Tree This Year (Single)
October 29th
American Authors - Favorite Time of Year (Single)
Brooke Annibale - Christmas, Happy You’re Here (Single)
BANNERS - Happy Xmas (War is Over) / 2000 Miles (Single)
Gabby Barrett - Silent Night (Single) (iTunes)
Till Brönner - Christmas
CAIN - Wonderful (EP)
Landry Cantrell - Last Christmas With You (Single)
Peter Cincotti & Jim Brickman - Slow Down Christmas (Single)
Nat “King” Cole - A Sentimental Christmas with Nat “King” Cole and Friends: Cole Classics Reimagined
DMX - Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (Single) (Reissue)
Eslabon Armado - Navidad Sin Ti (Single) (iTunes)
Firewoodisland - Snow (Dripping Woollen Jumpers) (Single)
IDK - Coal (Single) (iTunes)
Molly Johnson - It’s a Snow Globe World
Vance Joy - Fairytale of New York (Single)
Jonas Kaufmann - It’s Christmas! (Extended Edition)
Tori Kelly - A Tori Kelly Christmas (Deluxe) (Reissue)
Tasha Layton - This is Christmas (EP)
Peggy Lee - Christmas Carols (EP) (Reissue)
Ari Lennox - My Favorite Things (Single) (iTunes)
Tasha Cobbs Leonard - The First Noel (Single) (iTunes)
Love & The Outcome - Christmas Lights (Single)
Macklemore (ft. Windser) - Next Year (Single)
Manchester Orchestra - Christmas Songs, Vol. 1 (EP) (Reissue)
Tate McRae - I’ll Be Home for Christmas (Single) (iTunes)
Ian Munsick - You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch (Single)
Neon Trees - Holiday Rock (Single)
Newsboys - The Christmas Song (Single)
98° - Festive Christmas (EP) (Reissue)
Joy Oladokun - Jingle Bells (Single) (iTunes)
Dolly Parton - A Holly Dolly Christmas (Deluxe Edition) (Reissue)
Pentatonix - Evergreen
Carly Pearce - Mary, Did You Know? (Single)
Point of Grace - Sing Noël
Eden Prince & Karen Harding - Last Christmas (Single) (iTunes)
Sabaton - Christmas Truce (The War to End All Wars)
Secret Garden & Cathrine Iversen - Sacred Night: The Christmas Album
SAINT PHNX - Peace (Single)
Shenseea - Hallelujah (Single) (iTunes)
The Sing Team - The Last Christmas on Earth…Again!
Jordan Smith - O Come (Let Us Adore) (Single)
Mitchell Tenpenny - Naughty List
Meghan Trainor - A Very Trainor Christmas (Deluxe)
Sofi Tukker - What a Wonderful World (Single) (iTunes)
Tai Verdes - This Christmas (Single) (iTunes)
Bryce Vine - The Holiday (Single)
Rhett Walker - All I Want for Christmas is You (Single)
Tauren Wells - Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays (Single) (iTunes)
Matthew West - We Need Christmas
Jay Wheeler - Me Voy a Regalar (Single) (iTunes)
Anne Wilson - I Still Believe in Christmas (EP)
Sam Williams - Blue Christmas (Single)
Wolf Alice - In the Bleak Midwinter (Single) (iTunes)
Various Artists - DREAM Christmas, Vol. 6
November 1st
Peter Kater - For Christmas (Reissue)
Pia Mia - Christmas (EP)
Joel Rakes - (the best of) festive mood inducing music
Teflon Beast - Santa Dad
David Woodard - Around the Power Pop Tree (EP)
Various Artists - Have Yourself a Dandy X-Mas (EP)
November 2nd
Patrick DeVille - We Shall See His Glory 2021 (Single)
Jami Smith - All This is Christmas
Valentina Way - A Morston Christmas Tale (Single)
November 3rd
Leon Bridges - Purple Snowflakes (Single) (Amazon Original)
Camila Cabello - I’ll Be Home for Christmas (Single) (Amazon Original)
Alessia Cara - Jingle Bell Rock (Single) (Amazon Original)
The Caraway - Another Christmas Will Come Around This Year (EP) (Reissue)
Coeur de pirate - Parfait Noël (Single) (Amazon Original)
Dan + Shay - Pick Out a Christmas Tree (Single) (Amazon Original)
Olivia Dean - The Christmas Song (Single) (Amazon Original)
George Ezra - Come on Home for Christmas (Single) (Amazon Original)
Norah Jones - The Christmas Waltz (Single) (Amazon Original)
La Oreja de Van Gogh - Blanca Navidad (Single) (Amazon Original)
Lang Lang - The Christmas Song (Single) (Amazon Original)
NEEDTOBREATHE, Switchfoot & JUDAH. - Hometown Christmas (Single) (Amazon Original)
Reik - Last Christmas (Single) (Amazon Original)
Sech - Carta Navideña (Single) (Amazon Original)
She & Him - I’ve Got My Love to Keep Me Warm (Single) (Amazon Original)
Chris Tomlin (ft. Anne Wilson) - Emmanuel God With Us (Single) (Amazon Original)
Marcos Witt (ft. Elena Witt-Guerra) - Noche de Paz (Silent Night) / Santa La Noche (O Holy Night) (Single) (Amazon Original)
November 4th
Manos Wild - Santa Claus is Blue/An Old Christmas Card (Single)
LeeAnn Purvis (ft. Kian Sanchez) -The Gift (Single)
November 5th
ABBA - Little Things (Voyage)
Ralph Allwood & The Twelve - Christmas Carols, Old & New
Dave Barnes - Christmas Back Home (Single)
Rhyan Besco - A Riverboy Christmas!
Forest Blakk - Sing Along With Me (Single)
Karla Bonoff - Silent Night
The Browns - Christmas Now!
Building 429 - Breath of God (Speak Peace) (Single)
Mariah Carey (ft. Khalid & Kirk Franklin) - Fall in Love at Christmas (Single)
Terri Clark - Little Drummer Boy (Single)
Jordan St. Cyr - Rejoice (Single)
Brian Fallon - Night Divine
Genevieve Goings - VERY MERRY (EP)
Chilly Gonzales - A Very Chilly Christmas (Reissue)
Goo Goo Dolls - It’s Christmas All Over (Deluxe Edition)
Ethan Harris - It’s Christmas (Single)
Hiss Golden Messenger - The Sounding Joy: Hiss Golden Messenger Meets Revelators on South Robinson (EP)
Billy Idol - Happy Holidays (Reissue)
Morgan James - A Very Magnetic Christmas
Adam Kennedy & His Creative Commonaires - Literally Shrunken Down and Living in My Christmas Village
Elle King - Please Come Home for Christmas (Single)
Levi Kreis - Christmas Must Be Tonight (Single)
Life.Church Worship (ft. Ryan Ellis) - Joy (to the World) (Single)
Loud Forest - Christmas Star (Single)
Karl Loxley - Christmas
Ingrid Michaelson - Songs for the Season (Deluxe Edition)
Jamie Miller - Home By Midnight (Single)
Madison Olds & Nearly York - Christmas at Home (Single)
Passion (ft. Crowder) - O Holy Night (Radio Version) (Single)
Steve Perry - The Season
Grant-Lee Phillips - Yuletide (EP) (Reissue) (Bandcamp)
Mac Powell - Jesus Christ is Born (Single)
The Puppini Sisters - Jingle Bells (Single) (Reissue)
River Valley Worship - His Name Will Be (Single)
Josh Rouse - Two Winters Long (Single)
Mat & Savanna Shaw - The Joy of Christmas
Tyler Shaw - A Tyler Shaw Christmas
Sia - Everyday is Christmas (Snowman Deluxe Edition)
Sigrid - Home to You (This Christmas) (Single)
Ronny Smith - Holidays Are Here
Stars Go Dim - The First Noël (EP)
Daniel Tashian - It’s a Snow Globe World (EP)
Tenille Arts - A Winter Wonderland (Single)
Giada Valenti - Silent Night (Single)
The Wanted - Stay Another Day (Single)
Various Artists - Best of Green Hill Music: The Christmas Collection (Reissue)
Various Artists - Home Fires Burning: A Holiday Compilation from Red on Red Records (EP)
November 7th
The Peppermint Kicks - It’s a Peppermint Christmas (Single)
November 8th
Laura Cantrell & Michael Shelley - Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus (Single)
Matt Felts - The Sound of Christmas
John Gannon - Sleigh Ride Around the Moon
Winterbrook - (I Won’t Be You) Christmas Turkey (Single)
Winterbrook - My Boyfriend is a Snowman (Single)
November 9th
Dan + Shay - Officially Christmas (Single)
Billy Gibbons - Jingle Bell Blues (Single)
John Mark Nelson, Tancred & Jenny Owen Youngs - Fireside (Single)
Sara Noelle - Like Snow (Slowly Falling) (Single)
Tami Neilson - River (Single)
November 10th
Superfun Yeah Yeah Rocketship - CHRISTMAS EVERYWHERE! / Christmas Crab Walk (Single)
Various Artists - Joy to the Burg 2021
November 11th
Patrick DeVille - The Best Christmas Ever (Single)
Daði Freyr - Something Magical (Single)
John Legend - You Deserve it All (Single)
Anthony Nunziata - Together for Christmas
Penniless Punk - Blue Collar Xmas Party (Single)
Plain White T’s - Winter Wonderland (Single)
Sheppard - Christmas Without You (Single)
November 12th
August Burns Red - Santa Claus is Coming to Town (Single)
Brites - Xmas in the New Old Way (Single)
Craig Campbell & Family - White Christmas (Single)
Brandon Camphor & OneWay - Christmas Joy (Single)
Julia Cole - Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree (EP)
Sarah Connor - The Christmas Song (Single) (Amazon Original)
Victor Crone - Christmas Time (Single)
Cup O’Joe - Christmas Kin (EP)
Darius de Haas - Let Me Carry You This Christmas (Single)
Skip Ewing - Christmas
Bri Fletcher - Whisky Weather (Single)
Sophia Fracassi - Christmas All Over Again (Single)
Lennie Gallant - Christmas Day on Planet Earth
Teigen Gayse - Hey Christmas (Single)
GENTRI - Season of Light
Debbie Gibson - Christmas Star (Single)
Dave Hause - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Single)
Rhonda Head - Christmas Time is Coming, Vol. 1 (EP)
Honey County - Do You Want to Build a Snowman? (Single)
Jade 10 (ft. Sisters Noel) - My Ugly Sweater (Single)
Savannah Keyes - Feel Like Christmas (Single)
The Lathums - Krampus (Single)
Jeremy Lister - Happy Holidays, Everyone
Manwell - A Manwell & Friends Christmas
Marc Martel - Hark! (EP)
Sandra McCracken (ft. Dave Barnes) - The Christmas Song (Single)
Mokita - I’ll Be Home for Christmas (Single)
Natasha Owens - Christmas Memories (Deluxe Version)
Grant-Lee Phillips - Yuletide (EP) (Reissue)
QW4RTZ - Ça goûte Noël
Nicole Rayy - A Merry Little Christmas (EP)
Ben Rector - A Ben Rector Christmas (Reissue)
Sarah Reeves - More the Merrier
Rod + Rose - Mary Had a Little Lamb (Single)
Jordan Rowe - Hometown Christmas (Single)
She & Him - Holiday (EP)
Amanda Shires - For Christmas
Reyha Stevens - ‘Tis the Season
George Strait - Strait to Christmas: Classics (Reissue)
Carrie Underwood - Stretchy Pants (Single)
Summer Walker - I Want to Come Home for Christmas (Single) (Amazon Original)
Why Don’t We - Mistletoe (Single)
Sam Williams - Snow Angel (Single)
November 14th
Valentina Way - The Advent Calendar (Single)
Various Artists - Christmas Times A’Comin’ 2021 (Medicine Show Records)
November 15th
Marcel Kapteijn - A Family Christmas (EP)
Manos Wild - Special Christmas Time!
November 16th
Chis Daily - The Third Noel
Lucas Hoge - 12.25
Anson Seabra - A Heartfelt Holiday (EP)
November 17th
Ashnikko - Carol of the Bells (Single) (Spotify)
El Alfa, El Cherry Scom, Kiki El Crazy & Shelow Shaq - Prende el Arbolito (Single) (Spotify)
Caylee Hammack - Hard Candy Christmas (Single) (Spotify)
jxdn - Happy Holidays, You Bastard (Single) (Spotify)
L.A. Exes - My Favorite Time of Year (Single)
LeeHi - For You (Holiday Remix) (Single) (Spotify)
Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Tinsel in the River (Single)
LOVA - Happy New Year (Single) (Spotify)
Maitro - Holiday Season (Reissue)
MisterWives - Jingle Bell Rock (Single) (Spotify)
Chandler Moore - It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Single) (Spotify)
Nao - This Christmas (Single) (Spotify)
Spoon - Christmas Time (is Here Again) (Single) (Spotify)
Alexandra Streliski - Silent Night (Piano Solo) (Single) (Spotify)
Surfaces - Little Saint Nick (Single) (Spotify)
Up With Glue - Up With Glue Christmas
November 18th
Jazzy Ash - Fly Through the Sky (Single)
Jazzy Ash - ‘Zat You Santa Claus? (Single)
Will Joseph Cook - No Time to Be Alone (Single)
Dream Nails - Lonely Star (Christmas Song) (Single)
Never Ending 80s - Never Ending 80s Christmas EP
Sarah Ryder - You Ain’t Gettin’ $#!T This Year (Single)
Various Artists - XO for the Holidays, Vol. X
November 19th
Josh Abbott Band - Christmas Was (EP)
Todd Almond - A Pony for Christmas
Anthem Lights - Last Christmas/Leave Before You Love Me (Single)
Jonathan Antoine - Christmasland (Platinum Edition)
The Aquabats! - I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas Too! (EP)
The Aquadolls - Xmas Wrapping (Single)
Sarah Aroeste - Hanuká!
Dave Barnes - I Wish it Would Snow (EP)
Jamie Barnes - Christmas, Vol. 6 (EP)
The Bittersweets - Love Came Down at Christmas (Single)
Blackbird - Christmas Getaway (Single)
Blackmore’s Night - Winter Carols (Deluxe Edition)
Branden & James - A Christmas Gift
Brassfield - A Christmas EP, Vol. 2
Michael Bublé - Christmas (Deluxe 10th Anniversary Edition)
Elizabeth Chan - Greatest of These Days
Jamie Cullum - The Pianoman at Christmas (The Complete Edition)
Aaron Drake - O Silent Transparencies: An Anthology of Christmas Music
Eagles of Death Metal - EODM Presents: A Boots Electric Christmas (EP)
Kat Edmonson - Holiday Swingin’!: A Kat Edmonson Christmas, Vol. 1
The Pete Ellman Big Band - The Twelve Grooves of Christmas
Ciara Fox - Across the Miles (Single)
Delta Goodrem - Only Santa Knows (Deluxe Edition)
Jake Hoot & The Tenors - When Christmas Has Come and Gone (Single)
TJ Jackson - Snowed In (Single)
José James - Merry Christmas from José James
Cody Johnson - A Cody Johnson Christmas
Justy - A Very Justy Christmas (EP)
Paul Kelly - Paul Kelly’s Christmas Train
Chad Knight - A Silent Knight Christmas
Land of Color - O Holy Night
L’aupaire - Jingle Bells (Single)
María León, Paty Cantú & María José - All I Want for Christmas is You (Single) (Amazon Original)
Leona Lewis - Christmas, With Love Always
Nils Lofgren - Season’s Greeting From Nils & Amy (EP)
Make Like Monkeys - Aaahh!!! Real Christmas
Reba McEntire - I Needed Christmas (Single)
Lori McKenna - Christmas is Right Here (EP)
The Mining Co. - Last Stop for Tired Reindeer/Holy Star (Single)
Moscow Apartment - Just Like Christmas (Single)
Nihilistics - Merry Christmess (EP) (Reissue)
John Owen-Jones - The Christmas Album
Billy Porter - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Single)
Rod + Rose - Winter Wonderland (Single)
David Shaw & The Gifters - Blue Christmas (Single)
Stippenlift - Last Mij Kerst Maar Alleen (Single)
Tall Poppy Syndrome - Come Some Christmas Eve (Holiday Mix) (Single)
The Sing Team & John Mark McMillan - All I Want for Christmas is You (Single)
Bryson Tiller - A Different Christmas (EP)
Randy Travis - An Old Time Christmas (Deluxe Edition)
The Trills - Like It’s Christmas (EP)
Vineyard Worship - Adore Him: Vineyard Worship Christmas
Nick Vivid - Christmas Alone (Single)
Ingeborg von Agassiz - Coventry Carols
Patricia Vonne - My Favorite Holiday
Nicky William - It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (Single)
Lucinda Williams - Lu’s Jukebox, Vol. 5: Have Yourself a Rockin’ Little Christmas (Reissue)
Various Artists - The Jolliest Elf (Original Soundtrack)
Various Artists - A Very Cherry Christmas, Vol. 15
November 20th
Joost Dijkema - An Arm Around Jack Frost (Single)
Lisa Howard - The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
November 21st
Tom Cardy - Not Quite Almost Christmas Time (Single)
Jenna Citrus - It’s Christmas Time (Single)
Eddie James - Glory
November 22nd
David Begun - The Twelve Days of Kendrick
Louise Connell - For Christmas (EP)
Red Desert Motel - Busted Christmas (Single)
Rich & Rowe - Santa’s Got a Dirty Job (Single)
Marit and Rona - Nollaig (EP)
Sleeping at Last - It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (Single)
Taylor Swift - Christmas Tree Farm (Old Timey Version) (Amazon Original)
November 23rd
King Khan & Rip Hickie - FUCKKK YOUR HOLIDAZE​!​!​! (Single)
Maccabeats - Illuminating (Single)
J.D. Shelburne - It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas (Single)
Six13 - West Side Chanukah Story (Single)
Various Artists - Christmas Mistletunes (Nettwerk)
November 24th
Gabrielle Aplin - Just Like Christmas (Single)
Beautiful Chorus - A Beautiful Christmas
Dolly Valentine - Holidays, I’m Far Away (Single)
Kellers - Lump of Coal (Single)
Memorial - In the Arms of December (Single)
Petrol Girls - I’ll Give You Motherfuckers Christmas (Single)
Dallas Rodin - Seasons Change…We Change Too
Kelly Rowland - Wonderful Time (Single)
Sofia Talvik - A Memory of Snow (Single)
The Wonder Years - Threadbare (Single)
Various Artists - Scarlet Moon Christmas, Vol. VI
November 25th
Braden Blake & The Oh Wells - Satin Bows (and Arrows) (EP)
Deb Bowman - A Big Love Holiday
The Classic Brown - For Christmas’ Sake (Reissue)
CRUST - A Very CRUSTy Christmas (Definitive Edition)
Hob the Troll - Troll the Ancient Yuletide Carols, Vol. 2 (EP)
Low Key Trampoline - A Low Key Christmas
Make Like Monkeys - Just One Song for Christmas (Single)
Marquis & The Rhythm Howlers - White Christmas (Single)
David Schembri - A Christmas Lament (Oh Shit It’s Christmastime Again) (Single)
SilkTies - Let’s Christmas Like We’ve Never Done Before (Single)
Various Artists - A Sota Christmas (Reissue)
November 26th
Lee Aaron - Almost Christmas (New Version)
Gary Barlow - The Dream of Christmas (Deluxe)
Anna Bergendahl - Christmas Day (Single)
Caleb and Kelsey - The Christmas Ballads (EP)
Cort Carpenter - This is Christmas
ChumZilla - Gruß vom Krampus
Wild Earp & The Free for Alls - A Cynical Christmas
Mike Farris - Havana Santa (Single)
G. Love - Coming Back Home for Christmas!
Gerhardt - Let Love Lead the Way (Single)
Paul Gilbert - ‘TWAS
Beth Hart - Angels From the Realm of Glory (From the Netflix Film A Castle for Christmas) (Single)
JAGMAC - Wrapped Up (Single)
JUSTY - Christmas Without Me (Single)
Randall King - I Only Want You for Christmas (Single)
Ricky Koole, Frank Lammers & Ocobar - My Own Damn Christmas Tree (Single)
Lagoona Bloo - Blue Christmas (Single)
Duncan Laurence - Wishes Come True (Single)
Emmy Law - Different This Year (Single)
Linneah - Naughty and Nice (EP)
The Loud House - A Loud House Christmas (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
The Luckiest Citizen of All - Jingle Bells to Far Away (Single)
The Lucky Face - Another Christmas Song (Reindeer Edit)
Majestica - A Christmas Carol (Extended Version)
Kimié Miner - Christmas in Hawai’i (EP)
MxPx - Hold Your Tongue and Say Apple (Single)
William Nesmith - Deck the Halls (Single)
ORCumentary - Fully Festive (Single)
Kamryn Palmer - Go Tell it on the Mountain (Single)
Rachel Panchal - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Single)
The Peppermint Kicks - It’s a Peppermint Christmas
Planetshakers, Mateus Asato & Jesus Molina - A Very Merry Christmas (Single)
The Puppini Sisters - Dear Santa, I Can Explain… (EP)
Greta Ray - It’s Almost Christmas in Philly (Single)
Ben Rector - The Best is Yet to Come (A Song for the New Year) (Single)
Cliff Richard & Collabro - Mistletoe and Wine (Single)
ROZES - A Very ROZES Christmas, Vol. 2 (Single)
RuPaul - Hey Sis, It’s Christmas (Single)
Zachary Russell - The Twelve Days EP
SayWeCanFly - Cup of Cheer (Original Movie Soundtrack) (Reissue)
Saint Etienne - Her Winter Coat (EP)
Ron Sexsmith - Maybe This Christmas (Single) (Reissue)
Simple Plan - My Christmas List (Single) (Reissue)
Robin Thicke - Perfect Holiday (Single)
This Modern - Blackin Out 4 Xmas (Single)
Track Dogs & The Barefoot Movement - How Christmas Was Meant to Be (Single) (Reissue)
Vista Blue - A John Waters Christmas Tribute (EP)
Vogon Poetry - The Christmas Song (Single)
Watoto - What Child is This (Emirembe)
Winterbrook - Polar Bear for Christmas (Single)
The Yule Logs - Fezziwig
Various Artists - Christmas Dreamers: Yuletide Country (1960-1972) (Reissue)
Various Artists - It’s a Cool, Cool Christmas (Reissue)
Various Artists - R#XMAS (Metalville Records)
Various Artists - 24 (wiaiwya)
Various Artists - A very South Bay Xmas: First Edition
November 27th
Casta - The 12 Beats of Christmas (10th Anniversary Edition)
The Fisherman and His Soul & The Radio Field - Santa’s Bat (Single)
Jawan M. Jackson & Isaiah Templeton - White Christmas (Single)
The Rod Moore Band - Why Can’t Christmas Be Just Another Day (Single)
November 28th
Aicia Keys - Oh Holy Night (Sweet Dreams (EP)) (iTunes)
Kosha Dillz & Nissim Black - The Hanukkah Song 2.0 (Single)
Sexy Robotnik - Scenes From a Bad Time
Various Artists - Fleas Naughty Dog, Vol. 9
November 29th
Tim Dawn - Christmas Time (Make it Up to You) (Single)
Beau Jennings - The Christmas Light
Stray Kids - Christmas EveL (EP)
November 30th
First to Eleven - Christmas 2021 (EP)
Leslie Jordan & Cheyenne Jackson - Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth (Single)
Devon Kay & The Solutions - Christmas Wrapping (Single)
Maverick City Music & Mav City Gospel Choir - A Very Maverick Christmas
The Non Traditionals - I Don’t Carol (EP)
Sabertooth Unicorn - Merry Fuckin’ Christmas
Single All the Way - Single All the Way
Solo Project - I Wish it Was Christmas (Single)
Alyssa Trahan - Gingerbread House (EP)
Vulture Club - Let it Snow (Single)
December 1st
Justine Blazer - Jolly!
Cast of Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist - Music from Zoey’s Extraordinary Christmas (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
The Cavernous - A Very Cavernous Christmas
Ryan Chrys & The Rough Cuts - Chrystmas Cuts
Darren Criss - A Very Darren Crissmas (Deluxe Edition)
Dale - Lucifer’s Christmas (Single)
Dolly Valentine - Hey Santa Claus (Single)
Matt Dorien - Christmas in LA (Single)
Charlie Faye &The Fayettes - Rockin’ Through the Holidays (Single)
Shanta Fuentes - Snow Baby (Fa La La La Love) (Single)
Galactapus - You Better Not Cry (A Xmas EP)
The Happy Somethings - It’s Christmas Time (we’re as miserable as sin) E.P.
Kody Havoc - The Christmas EP
Don Insect - Christmas 2021
The Lumineers & Daniel Rodriguez - This is Life (Merry Christmas) (Single)
Zach Malm - What Does Christmas Mean to You? (Single)
Billy Nomates - Christmas is for Lovers, Ghosts & Children (Single)
Maura Shaftoe - The Places We Belong (Single)
Signals in Smoke - Santa Can Wait (EP)
Smalltown Poets - O Holy Night (Single)
Luke Stone - Actual Footage EP
The Ugly Lovers - Gettin’ Drunk for Xmas (Single)
Dolly Valentine - Hey Santa Claus (Single)
Ivana Raymonda van der Veen - Sweetest Christmas (Single)
Wake Up and Smell the Sun - Electric Snow at Birth (Single)
Wild Bill & The Lost Knobs - Honky Tonk Holidaze (Live)
wingclipper - Holiday Breaks
Various Artists - Fixed Frequency Presents: Holiday Wrecker, Vol. II
Various Artists - Miracle on Comm Ave 2021
December 2nd
Jim Babjak - It’s Love on Christmas Day/Christmas Eve, Without Your Love (Single) (Reissue)
Christmas Aguilera - All Wrapped Up/All I Want is You (Single)
Hotel Nights - Angels in the Snow (Single)
Shelem - Cheers! It’s Christmas Baby (Single)
Wake Up and Smell the Sun - The Christmas Lessons (Single)
December 3rd
Apollo5 - A Deep But Dazzling Darkness
James Arthur - Christmas Bells (Single)
AWALK - Holy Night/Silent Night (Single)
Bay City Rollers - Rollin’ Into Christmas (Single)
Beach Bunny - Christmas Caller (Single)
David Boulter - Twelve Bells for Libuse (EP)
The Boy Least Likely To - Two Christmases/Merry Christmas Everyone (Single)
Neil Brogan - Two Christmas Songs, 2021 (Single)
Bungas - A Very Burgas Christmas (EP)
Christmas Crackers - Christmas Crackers (EP)
Clean Pete &Robin Kester - Slaap Diep, Slaap Zacht (Coventry Carol) (Single)
The Cleaners From Venus - Christabel’s Party (EP)
Corvair - Under the Tree (Single)
Death By Eggnog - Death By Eggnog, Vol. 2 (EP)
Don’t Call Me Ishmael - From Lapland (With Love) (Single)
El Sancho - Jollier Than Thou
Elvis E - Elvis E Christmas (EP)
Eureka Machines vs Chris Catalyst - Stay Another Christmas Every Day (EP)
Lowri Evans - Christmas Collection: Casgliad Nadolig (Reissue)
Exile - Joyful Noise
Feline & Strange - Keinachten/Nolidays (EP) (Reissue)
Ferals - Last Christmas (Single)
The Floozies - Miracle on Funk Street (EP)
Fotoform - They Say It’s Always Lonely (Single)
Grandaddy - It Was A Silent Night Until Jeff Lynne Arrived (Single)
The Hannah Barberas - Winter EP
J.M. Hart - Maybe Next Year (Single)
THE HECK - Bad Christmas (Single)
The Incurables - Christmas Comes Tonight (Single)
Zachary James - Wonder & Joy
Norah Jones - I Dream of Christmas (Deluxe)
Krampusnacht - Krampusferatu
Librarians With Hickeys - Jingle Jangle Heart (Single)
Little Magic Sam - You for Christmas (Single)
S. Lois - We Now Bid You Welcome (Single)
The Lottery Winners - Something to Leave the House For (Christmas Edition)
Tyler Meacham & Margox - Winter Song (Single)
Francis Moon - Christmas With You (Single)
New Found Glory - December’s Here
Joe Newberry & April Verch - On This Christmas Day
David Newton & Thee Mighty Angels - Winter Tragedy (Single)
Peach PRC - I’ve Been Bad Santa (EP)
The Photocopies - Under Christmas Lights (Single)
Katie Pruitt - Merry Christmas Mary Jane (Single)
The Push Stars - When Christmas Comes Home
Anika Pyle - The Way You Look at Me (Single)
al Riggs - Christmas or Else
Ed Sheeran & Elton John - Merry Christmas (Single)
E. Dewey Smith - Let Praises Ring (EP)
Straight No Chaser - Christmas Like (Single)
Swansea Sound - Happy Christmas to Me/Merry Christmas Darlings (Single)
Maggie Szabo & Dylan Chambers - Christmas Without You (Single)
Terrorvision - Santa Never Came (Single)
This Wild Life - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Single)
Frans van Deursen - Christmas Wasn’t Made for You and Me (Single)
The Vandals - 25th Annual Christmas Formal
Wake Up and Smell the Sun - Christmas People (Single)
We Banjo 3 - A Winter Wonderful
Kathryn Williams & Carol Ann Duffy - Midnight Chorus
Jack Willow Jr. - Merry Xmas (to my ex-miss ) (Single)
Worthington’s Law - I Don’t Wanna Be Santa (Single)
Ye Banished Privateers - A Pirate Stole My Christmas
Various Artists - On the Upbeat Presents…Arose Such a Clatter 2021
Various Artists - ASTR Holiday Rambler 2021
Various Artists - Holiday Songs in B Flat (HolyCrapCommunity)
Various Artists - No Sleep till Christmas 9
Various Artists - Shitter’s Full
December 4th
Gold Baby - Looks Like a Cold, Cold Winter (Single)
The Green Reflectors - Reindeer Vacation (Single)
The Winona Project - The Legend of Iglos
December 5th
Rhonda Burchmore - A Red Hot Swingin’ Christmas
The Jason Frederick Cinematic Trio - Wonderful Christmastime (Single)
Tenderhooks - Santa (Single)
Various Artists - Mark Malibu Presents: Surfin’ Kitty X-mas 2
December 6th
Eliandnet - The Soothing Christmas Album
The Girl With the Replaceable Head - The Lipstick Botox Singles (Reissue)
Krista Herring - Make the Most of the Mistletoe This Year (Single)
Peesh - Festive Four EP (Reissue)
Matt Squared - Synthmas Tidings (EP)
Russell Shaddox - A Pair of Spicy Christmas Nuts (Single)
Sleeping at Last - Winter Wonderland (Single)
The True Olympians - Holiday Collection (Reissue)
Various Artists - 2021 Holiday Special (Joyful Noise Recordings)
December 7th
Bad Bad Hats - Sally Sweet Tooth (Single)
Ex-Rental - Christmas in the Synthesizer Age (EP) (Reissue)
Jimmy Fallon, Ariana Grande & Megan Thee Stallion - It Was a… (Masked Christmas) (Single)
Mike Jones - Santa Season!
Sally Shapiro - Christmas Escape (Single)
Various Artists - Christmas With The Chosen: The Messengers
Various Artists - Nollaig V: Brollaig
December 8th
Big Freedia - Tis the Season (Single)
The Currie Brothers - Christmas With The Currie Brothers II (EP)
The Dollyrots - One More Sleep (Single)
Claudia Robin Gunn & Friends - Little Wild Christmas, Vol. 2
Jon Gambles - Nobody Wants to Be Alone (at Christmas) (Single)
Hazy Sour Cherry - Bell of the Beginning (Single)
Jonny Houlihan - It’s Christmas Time Again (Single)
Sean Keller - Holy Friggin Crap It’s Christmas (Single)
Daniella Mass - A Very Festive Christmas With Daniella Mass
Pedwell - A Different Kind of Christmas 2
Skatune Network - Santa Claus is Coming to Town (Single)
JM Stevens - A Different Kind of Christmas (Single)
Surfbort - Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer (Single)
Vandell Andrews - Holiday Melodies (EP)
Various Artists - A Billsdon Christmas III: An Independent Festive Songbook
December 9th
Cheer Up! - Merry Christmas From Cheer Up! (Single)
Katie Ferrara, Lucy & La Mer - Ribbons and Bows (Single)
Mike Goodrick - Run Run Rudolph (Single)
The Grapes & Friends - One More Christmas (Single)
Lisa Knapp - Cherry Tree Carol (Single)
Leverage Models - Celebrant: Holiday Songs From the Hope Chest (2011-2013) (Reissue)
Randolph’s Leap - Christmas Album (Reissue)
SB19 - Ligaya (Single)
Shame - Baldur’s Gate (Single)
Twitchers - Ode to Just Like Christmas (Single)
December 10th
Bellefrog - Iceberg Theory (EP)
Bert & Vief - Alles Wat Ik Wil (Single)
Better Than Ezra - Merry Christmas Eve (Single) (Reissue)
Boris - Noël (Single)
Nicholas Burgess - Crystal Christmas Sky 2022 (Single)
Rudy Currence & Raheem DeVaughn - Christmas Pick Me Up (Single)
Beatrice Deer - Christmas (Shifting)
Division Order - Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Everyone! (EP)
Lowri Evans - Bron yn Ddydd Nadolig (Single)
Lowri Evans - Not Long Till Christmas (Single)
The Fabulous Playground Family - Santa Claus is Coming to Town (Single)
Half Past Two - Holidays (EP)
Ro Halfhide - Santa Claus is Leaving (Single)
Haolocene - Holocene Holidays: 2021 (EP)
JJ Heller - Welcome to Our World (EP)
Hotel Nights - Jesus Jazz (Single)
Jennifer Hudson - Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) (Single)
jxdn - Christmas Sucks (Tell Me About Tomorrow (Deluxe))
Labasheeda - Old Traditions (EP)
Lorna - Footprints in the Snow (Single)
Lost Cat - Winter Wonderland (Single)
Lowbrow - All I Want for Xmas is You (Single)
Lucas Meachem - All I Want (EP)
Mela Collective - Santa Can’t Find Me If I Hide Under The Xmas Covers (EP)
Milkweed - Milkweed Sings Carols (EP)
Hayley Orrantia - The Same Way (Single)
Park - Drunk at Christmas Again (Single)
Kristian Noel Pederson - Songs About Christmas (AKKCXIII) (EP)
Pom Poms - Christmas Postcard (Single) (Reissue)
The Ragged Flags - Christmas in the Rain (Single)
The Ragged Flags - Ragged Christmas Crackers (Reissue)
Edsilia Rombley & Niels Geusebroek - Mary, Did You Know? (Single)
Rosie & The Rivets - Hey! Santa (Single)
Ryanhood - A Winter's Evening With Ryanhood (Live at Hotel Congress)
Alexander Rybak - Hold Me (Single)
Salvation Alley - Marshmallow World (Single)
Screaming Orphans - Happy Christmas, Vol. 1
The Shacks - Gotta Be Christmas/Christmas Time is Here (Single)
Laurie Shaw - Snow Day (E.P.)
Julia Stone - Everything is Christmas
Todd Tilghman - Old Photos at Christmastime (EP)
U2 - I Believe in Father Christmas (EP) (Reissue)
Nicky William - You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch (Single)
Elle Winter - Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) (Single)
Ziemba - I’ll Be Home for Christmas (Unsubtle Magic)
Ziemba - Only Lonely Christmas (Unsubtle Magic)
Various Artists - A Damaged Christmas Gift for You (Reissue)
Various Artists - It’s Hard to Dance When It’s Cold and There’s No Music: Kill Rock Stars Winter Holiday Album, Vol. 2
Various Artists - No Sleep till Christmas 9
Various Artists - Snowflakes Christmas Singles (2021 Edition): The Shacks - Gotta Be Christmas/Christmas Time is Here (Single)
December 11th
Christian Cordes - In the Key of Christmas
Wake Up and Smell the Sun - The Christmas Card Committee (Single)
Various Artists - Hey Santa! The 2021 Cape Cod Christmas Cavalcade for the Homeless
Various Artists - Hot Nog: A Small Batch Holiday Compilation
Various Artists - Super Friends: Holiday Mix, Vol. 11
December 12th
The Dice Cubes - Take on Christmas
Andy & Elise Pokel - One and All: Vespers for Advent
December 13th
Ingenious Devices - WAR ON XMAS! (Single)
Long Neck - Night Before Christmas Eve (Single)
Eddie Money, Jesse Money & Dez Money - Everybody Loves Christmas: A Song for Dad (Single)
Skatune Network & Really From - The Christmas Song (Single)
Various Artists - A Very DIY Christmas 2021
Various Artists - Wild Xmas With Bomarr, Vol. 13
Various Artists - A Polaroid for Christmas 2021
December 14th
Jhené Aiko - Wrap Me Up (Single)
Aaron Hale - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Single)
Jonny Houlihan - Santa Claus, Could You Bring Me a Beer? (single)
Blue Kathee - Xmas on Arakis (Single)
+/- {Plus/Minus} - All the Light Left Behind (Single)
Spaceface - Nicky (Holiday Song) (Single)
TATSU - Wrap it Up
Tony Trischka - The Christmas Medley (Single)
Wake Up and Smell the Sun - Ye Miner St. Christmas Hymnal (Single)
Various Artists - Shapeless Surprises (4-4-2 Music)
December 15th
Ray Angry, Marcus King, Liv Warfield, Questlove & Black Thought - #Toyland (Single)
Bankshot, TheFatJuice & Boxer Ninja - Wrapped Up
Department of Creative Affairs - Waikiki Christmas (Single)
Girl Named Tom - No Snow for Christmas (Single)
Shelley Harland - In My Arms for Christmas (Single)
Robert James - Sweet Tooth Christmas Mix (EP)
Modesty Blaise - I’ll Be Home for Xmas (Single)
The Ornaments - Cryin’ (Single)
J Ross - One More Merry Christmas (Home Demo) (Single)
Sentinel - Silver Bells (Single)
STUDS - Christmas Without You (Single)
TWICE - Doughnut (EP)
Ivana Raymonda van der Veen - Sleigh Ride (Single)
Windymills- Again it is Christmas (EP)
December 16th
Buggs - In the Bleak Midwinter (Single)
High Tropics - Lonely Christmas (Single)
Jules Larson - Bring on the Cheer (Single)
Little Treblemakers - Marshmallow World (Single)
One Member of Loose Articles & One Member of Hallan - Christmas in Hulme (Single)
Yoko Ono - Listen, The Snow is Falling (Single) (Reissue)
Software - A Very Softwire Christmas
Tony Trischka & Phoebe Hunt - Christmas Night (Single)
Various Artists - A Christmas Present for You (From Zero Hour) (Reissue)
Various Artists - Ho! Ho! Ho! Canada XIII
December 17th
The Bathroom Poets - Elf on a Shelf (Single)
Benny Benack III & Steven Feifke - Season’s Swingin’ Greetings (Deluxe Edition)
The Bittersweets - Joy to the World (Single)
Dax - Grinch Goes Viral (Single)
Katie Malco - The First Snow (Alternate Version) (Single)
Gucci Mane - So Icy Christmas
Charles J. Hunk & The Trainwreck - Trainwreck the Halls (EP)
Krizz Kaliko - Wrapped Up ‘21 (EP)
LadBaby. Ed Sheeran & Elton John - Sausage Rolls for Everyone (Single)
Hans Pucket - I Don't Know What To Get You For Christmas (Do I Really Love You​?​) / Drink With My Friends (Single)
Edsilia Rombley & Elske DeWall - Where Are You Christmas (Single)
Alexander Rybak - Hold Me (Amir Aly Mix) (Single)
Shack 25 - Low Carb Christmas (Single)
The Slow Summits - (Just Another) Holy Night (Single)
Small Signals - Merry (Reissue)
Pablo van De Poel - Only for You (Christmas Gloom) (Single)
Windymills- Christmas, Pt. 2 (Single)
Wolf Blitzer - Elf Union (Single)
Various Artists - Christmas Mixtape VII
Various Artists - Helpin’ Aht 4: The Holidays!
Various Artists - Lofi Holiday Mixtape, Vol. 2 (EP)
Various Artists - Nadal a 10 bandes, Vol. 2 (Discos Pinya)
Various Artists - Parking Lot Record Co. Presents: A Skeleton Crew Christmas Album, Vol. 2
Various Artists - Retro Promenade: It’s Christmas Time! VII
Various Artists - Songwriting Club Holiday Compilation 2021
December 18th
Cimitir - The Snowfall Slasher (and Other Creepy Christmas Conjurings) (EP)
Discomfort and Joy - Discomfort and Joy Presents​.​.​.​Have Yourself a Merry Little Half​-​Assed Christmas, Vol. 11: I'm Indifferent
The Fellas - A Regrettable Christmas Album 2021
Bryson Tiller x Pentatonix - The Christmas Song (Christmas Don’t Be Late) (Single)
Various Artists - The Pedale Baroque Christmas Single 2021
December 19th
Chestnut Brown - Music to Await Santa By (EP)
Kai Danzberg, Myles Josephh & Andy Patchell - Oh, What a Christmas!
Good Will Anything - The Christmas Impasse Split (Single)
Charlotte Moroz & Guy Capecelatro III - Mary Christmas
Aaron Spade - Santa Claus (Single) (Reissue)
December 20th
Baby Club - Naivety Scene (EP)
The Bellegards & Glad to See You - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (Single)
Amery Bielli - Santa Claus Emergency (Single)
Cheekface - Emphatically Noel. (EP)
Skatune Network - Toy Day (Single)
Various Artists - Cigar Box Nation Christmas Album 2021
December 21st
After School Special - Stop the Cavalry (Single)
The Christmas Albums - The Xmas EP (Reissue)
Sarah Harmer & Georgia Harmer - Silver Bells (Single)
Sharks’ Teeth - Broken Trust in Santa (EP)
TOMORROW X TOGETHER - Sweet Dreams (Single)
Windymills - Christmas, Pt. 3 (Single)
Various Artists - Christmas 2021 (Z Tapes)
December 22nd
bxris bekka/Frankly - CHRistmas (Split EP)
Black Russians - Feel the Christmas (EP)
Hunter’s Christmas Project - 2021 (Single)
The Poppermost - Christmas With The Poppermost
Reindeer Tribe - I’m Gonna Shout It!
Sleigher - Seasons Greetings in the Abyss (Single)
Crawford Smith - Christmas in Hell (Single)
Aaron Spade & Spampinato Bros. - Merry Christmas Baby (Single)
State Champs - Ordinary Christmas (Single)
Wintermoot. - Bittersweet (A Holiday EP)
December 23rd
Robert Dayton & Drew Smith - The Best Christmas This Year (Single)
The Adam Glass - Merry Christmas You Old Building and Loan (EP)
How to Swim - Melt (Single)
Jebb - Christmas Time for Many Minds (Single)
Merkel & The Merkelettes - Christmas in Space
Kristian Noel Pederson - (Kinda) Live at Curries!
Mia Stegner - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Single)
Various Artists - Arbor Christmas, Vol. 22
Various Artists - The Great Pacific Presents: Pendleton Jazz Club & Friends Holiday Pageant (The Album), Vol. 2
Various Artists - A Very Bratty Christmas: A Benefit for SWMO Solidarity
December 24th
Andy Beisel & The Buccaneers - One Bitchin’ Xmas Presents: 5th Wave Xmas (EP)
Zack DiMarco - Next Christmas (Single)
Ziggy Grover - If it Gets Cold Tonight (Single)
Iced Shank - Yule Log (Single)
Kris Jenner, Travis Barker & Kourtney Kardashian - Jingle Bells (Single)
Jeff Jensen Family - Baby in a Manger (Single)
Jeff Jensen Family - Go Tell it on the Mountain (Single)
Marmelade - Happy Christmas! with some tobacco
Monkeys for Government - Kisses for Christmas (Single)
nostraightanswer - No Saints Around (EP)
Sjowgren - This Year for Christmas (Single)
Thrice a Chuckle - Volume VIII
V - Christmas Tree (Our Beloved Summer (Original Television Soundtrack), Pt. 5 (Single))
The Van Bloom Brothers - Tinseltown Tidings (EP)
Various Artists - Let's Talk Christmas 8: Now Here's What I Call Christmas: Christmas Can't W8ght
Various Artists - Merry Spookmas With Black Kingdom Records
December 25th
The Bears - Fuzzy Christmas (EP)
Joseph Bradshaw - The Night Before Christmas (in Texas, That Is) (Single)
NOT BY MY HANDS - Blue Christmas (EP)
December 28th
Born Without Bones - NYE (EP)
Anna Bergendahl
The Brave - Christmas Everyday (Single)
Cats in Space
The Church Will Sing - Christmas (EP)
Bryan Duncan
Lowri Evans
Keith Harkin - Santa Please Come Home (EP)
Cory Henry
Benjamin Ingrosso
K.C. Jones & Daniel Coolik - A Very Melancholy Christmas (EP)
Peggy Lee - Santa Caught a Cold on Christmas Eve (Single) (Reissue)
Legendary Vocals by Peter Hollens - All is Bright
Legendary Vocals by Peter Hollens - All is Calm
LUNARSOLAR - Christmas is You (Single)
Kailey Nicole - Blue Christmas (Single)
The Non Traditionals
The Ornaments
Sharks’ Teeth - Broken Trust in Santa (EP)
Ben Snowden - Christmas Mashup (Single)
SUN - All I Want for Christmas is You (Single)
Voicedude - Last Christmas it Rained Tacos (Cascada vs. Parry Gripp) (Single)
Voicedude - The Son is Coming to Town (Michael Bublé vs. The Beatles) (Single)
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School Supplies | Freddy & Des
School was going to be starting back up soon and Des was filled with excitement. She much preferred being at school. The world didn’t seem so big and scary there. Plus Freddy was there. She could always count on her to be there when out in the real world it could be harder to schedule their time together. She felt selfish for wanting to capitalized so much of Freddy’s time but she couldn’t help herself. “So where to next? Books or potion supplies? I also need to stop by and get my robes elongated. I grew like an extra 6 centimeters over the summer.” Des drank away at her fizzling orange slushie. 
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freddy-ryland · 4 years
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I: Magic: The Sight
Freddy has been subject to visions since conception, her visions affect her mother during her pregnancy, and then after Freddy’s birth the magic transferred to Freddy where they always belonged.
Divination is an imprecise magic, built off half faith and half magic, it’s by far the magic that is most easily faked and the hardest to prove. But Freddy has always been a Seer, confirmed by the Ministry since she was a child, but her Sight like many other Seer’s comes in different flavors. Some interpret the future through the stars or tea leaves, others have the gift of prophecy, and many more use crystal balls and learned divination to tease their magic into revealing the world around them. 
Freddy’s magic is highly untrained, highly random and highly volatile. She spent much of her life trying to control them, to the point of intervention from St. Mungo’s and the Unspeakable to try and get a handle on what was happening. They decided that she has two kinds of Seer abilities, warring for a spot in her magic, they have titled it the Sight and is largely undocumented phenomenon as something similar hasn’t been seen in just over 80 years or so and that user went mad and died before the age of 20. 
The Sight is classified as being a combination of two Seer Abilities; Visions and Seeing. Both are complicated on their own, let alone in a strange combination.
The Visions are flashes; past, present and future. They come in short bursts at random, for as long as 5 seconds but never longer than 30 seconds. It was like looking through a fog and seeing what’s happening. However during this time her body is shut down no sight, sound, light or air enters her body, she cannot perceive anything but the vision for that short period of time. Usually once the vision ends she is still standing, still doing whatever it was when she was having a Vision. According to everyone when she has a Vision Freddy stops breathing, her eyes get glazed over with a slightly gold glow around the rims, and her body tenses up. When she comes back out of her vision she is back to normal, taking in a deep breathing and blinking the last of the fog from her eyes. They are really very common, even professors are used to Freddy’s Visions happening during classes, but there is a danger when it happens when she is mid-step on the stairs, flying or in motion. These are not the problematic parts of her Sight, they happen a lot and are really very familiar.
The Seeing is the worst part. They are all encompassing Sights, it’s similar to stepping into a penesive. Everything exists-- sight, sound, feeling, even smell works while she is immersed into a Sight. These can last for upwards of 10 minutes sometimes, during this time Freddy’s body allows her to breathe but not much else. Her entire body goes limp and unless someone grabs her she will go crashing into the floor, there have been many times where she has a Sight while on the stairs and has cracked her head open on the steps. Her nose will begin to bleed, and if her eyes are open they actually turn a bright white, her fingers will dig into whatever they’re lying on. The Sight always lasts for no less than a minute, and the longer they go on the more strain on her mind and body. When the Sight finally fades, her body pushes her into unconsciousness until she can wake back up. Thus far the record is a 9.39 second long Sight that left her knocked out unconscious for nearly 12 hours, but a little 1 minute one will have her waking up in 5 to 10 minutes. 
She remembers the Sight in detail, and if it’s something conceivably important she has a special Ministry Unspeakable form, she copies exactly what she saw to minute detail and writes it, a duplicate appears in the Unspeakable office. Then if the Sight is considered important she may be brought in to attempt to replicate the Sight or find out more. This is very rare and only done when Freddy sees something incredibly disturbing. Freddy’s Visions and Sights have exposed her to awful things, horrifying things. The Sight doesn’t care what it shows her, from murders, assault, and war to lovely things like people kissing, engagements or even just clips of different parts of the world. 
However, after years of working with various Unspeakables, other Seers, and Quinn Freddy has a solid semblance of control. She can call up the Visions to a specific reason, use the Sight to see long moments in time as long as she has an ‘anchor’ to to whatever she’s looking for. It’s not perfect, but the blowback from doing it at-will is not as bad as when they come at random. 
Freddy hates her Visions, hates the Sight, hates everything that comes with it. The Sight makes her feel vulnerable, dependent on people around her to make sure she doesn’t come to harm. She feels like a burden when the Sight knocks her out, and the strain put on her body is hardly welcome either. 
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Kelly Shaland and Delilah Reed?
Kelly Shaland
Sexuality Headcanon: pan
Gender Headcanon: cis
A ship I have with said character: Jo
A BROTP I have with said character: Alisha, Betsy, Serena, Kristie, and Dana
A NOTP I have with said character: Ryland
A random headcanon: She sleeps with her chemistry textbook under her bed. Also she’s like Quinn Penske in how her experiments go wrong.
General Opinion over said character: Angel bby who needs a hug.
Delilah Reed
Sexuality Headcanon: heterosexual and demisexual
Gender Headcanon: cis
A ship I have with said character: Mitch
A BROTP I have with said character: Kris, Mitch, Ridge, Dana, Lydia
A NOTP I have with said character: her being nice to Ryland
A random headcanon: I think I already said this but on her mom’s birthday, she and her dad visit Lola’s grave.
General Opinion over said character: My precious bby <3. Love child of Sam Puckett and Freddie Benson :)
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wixcollective · 3 years
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The girl has her duties, her wand, and no time for nonsense, so she recklessly attacks her life like she expects it to fight back.
Name: Tierney Aiden Smudgling-Gunne Birth: July 24, 2002 in Galway County, Ireland Nationality: Irish Species: Half-blood wix Gender: Non-binary trans girl (passing as cis) Pronouns: She/her Disciplines: Duelling (Spellcasting), Enchanted Combat Weaponry (Battle Magic) Faceclaim: Alice Pagani
Residence: Smudgling Estate, Slieve Aughty Mountain Range, Ireland  Occupation: Executive Assistant at Smudgling Security Affiliations: Smudgling Security, Gryffindor House, Questers Connections: Freddie Ryland (friend; dueling partner), Linden Flint (old flame and codependent mess), Quinn Larsen (study buddy; Tierney’s one brain cell)
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I am Machine Chapter 11
Here's to being human
Taking it for granted
The highs and lows of living
To getting second chances.
Alec was taking a chance.
He had been gone longer than he realised.
He was sitting on a bed they had gotten for him which was in the corner of the room in front of Lefty's bed, he watched Lefty in deep sleep, the lights were off but Alec could see everything, from the current time of 8:27pm on the clock on the desk, the titles of the books on the shelf and even the small writing on the post-it notes that Helpy scattered all over.
The key was hanging on a hook, on the side of the bookshelf, at such a height that only Lefty could grab it, most likely to stop Helpy from grabbing it, Alec huffed, but I need to get it now.
I have a chance.
Alec moved the desk chair, used it as a step, jumped up and reached his hand up.
Not good enough.
He climbed up the back support, slightly unsteady, shaking but he was now able to swipe the key with his paw.
He got on the ground, opening the bedroom door and walking away.
He kept looking around paranoid that Lefty would wake any minute and see the key was missing and instantly connect the dots, as he knew Lefty was intelligent. He didn’t like to think about what would happen, Helpy had more than once told Alec that Lefty had a bad temper and Alec had actually seen him nearly physically attacking Bonnie when he appeared saying: “You hurt a bloody child! If you so much as leave another bruise on him, you’ll pay with your life!!”
This needed to be as quick as possible. No one should see him.
His eyes looked at the Prize Corner, Security was off somewhere else, most likely with the other animatronics, so it was unattended.
He saw a skateboard.
That would do nicely.
It certainly sped things along, Alec was able to use a cardboard box (presumably it was a delivery box) to stand up and reach the lock, he jammed the key in and turned it in a anti-clockwise direction like how he saw Lefty do and the door swung out slightly. He looked behind himself to make sure no one saw him, even if someone like Helpy saw him, he’d immediately go tell Lefty what he was up to, regardless of him being asleep.
He was still for a solid two minutes until he decided it was safe to move.
Once outside Alec pulled the box outside and use it to step up again and relocked the door so Lefty didn’t know he left, even if he noticed he wasn’t in the room, maybe Lefty would reason he's hiding somewhere. He knew he needed to cover his tracks so no one would notice he left.
This was the first time he had been outside in months, because of how dark it was, his eyes had lit up in a green glow so he could see around even with the street light on across the road, the parking lot was empty and it was silent.
It was peaceful. No one in the streets as he managed to use the skateboard and he felt like it significantly reduced the time he was taking to go. Luckily he knew which way he had to go, he did see car headlights occasionally wash over him but it appeared they didn’t care enough to look at him, still he was wary, somebody could steal him and no one would know.
About halfway there, Alec started to wonder if Lefty was still asleep, he had that look often of being very tired even when he just woke up. He also thought about possibly never going back if he was accepted by his family, but he knew that Lefty was still actively searching for a method to swap him back into his body and he really didn’t love the concept of this body being forever. He had seen Lefty reading very complex looking books which Lefty had informed him they were in “Latin”, Alec did at one point studied French years ago in middle school because it was compulsory, he really didn’t see it necessary to learn Latin, which was also offered. He did tell Lefty this and he replied:
“I could teach you some basic Latin if you wish.”
Finally familiar sights entered his vision. He breathed relieved and lend to turn into Rylanders Street.
There was Marcus's house, that was Mr Simon's house across the street, the neighbour Lauren.
His house.
It looked the same. The light was on in the living room and kitchen, he turned to the driveway, and stopped, he dragged the skateboard behind him as he snuck quietly to the kitchen window.
There was his mother.
She was washing dishes in the sink, obviously from dinner. Wait. Somebody else was there.
Aunt Gigi.
It appeared she came over for dinner most likely.
“What do you mean? I don't understand why you keep insisting...” His mother was talking.
“Meg, I’m telling you one last time, something is wrong with Alec.”
“Just because he wants to help out more?”
“Something happened at Hazel's birthday party, he's acting different.”
“I think it’s nice, Alec is being more open with us,” His mother replied as she scrubbed away at a plate that was half submerged in the water.
“And one other thing, me and Alec use to talk frequently, we don't anymore and that’s very strange!”
He didn’t think about that. He could have gone to Aunt Gigi, she was most likely to believe him, believe this happened, his parents wouldn't believe him because there was no real ground to say he was the “Real Alec”, the imposter by this point most likely learnt a lot from conversation and was mimicking Alec perfectly. But if he convinced one person, it would make a big difference.
He wondered where Hazel was. Maybe she'd believe him too if he gave the genuine heart felt apology he wanted to give her, he could sneak in maybe, go into her room and tell her, but entering his house wasn’t going to be easy, everyone seemed to be awake still, and he was certain Freddy wouldn't give up without a fight, while here he was outnumbered by his family, Maybe Lefty could help me get inside the house at some point.
“He’s busy with school work..” He was paying attention to his mother again.
“For months on end?” Aunt Gigi asked, “Something is not right here! I had a dream that Alec was someone else! He was an imposter and the real Alec... well he didn’t look how he should but he was Alec alright!”
“That dream means nothing, maybe you’re just stressed because of everything....” His mother suggested.
“Maybe... But I swear a child doesn't storm off angry and come back like nothing happened, completely new!” Gigi got up from her seat, “Goodnight Meg,”
“Goodnight Gigi,” She replied as she disappeared from view, most likely leaving through the front door.
He pondered for a second, should he go to Gigi and tell her what happened? He could stay with her, maybe through her, he could convince his parents.
No, I shouldn’t, his mind decided. There were far too many risks with that.
He watched Aunt Gigi leave then he looked back into the window.
Hazel. His heart stopped. She appeared. She was exactly as he remember, curly blond hair and light green eyes. He wanted to tell her how sorry he was for feeling hatred to her, he wanted to beg for her forgiveness, he wanted to be the brother she deserved. He knew now there was no good reason why he hated her, he was ready to make it right then and he hoped now, months later, that it wasn’t too late to do so.
“What is it sweetheart?”
“Could me and Alec have some ice cream?”
“Yes of course! You both did well at school recently! It's the first time your brother has gotten a B in a while.. Considering how he muddles things up.”
That should have been suspicious!!! Alec wanted to scream. His hand writing was usually messy and it was quoted by some to be “unreadable”, the teachers knew that!! His parents knew that! Well at lease he thought they did!!
He finally appeared.
If Alec could, he would strangle him. He felt engulfed by rage, why did he do this to him? Why did no one see what was wrong here? When he saw “Alec” smiling, he wanted to scream, “Imposter! Imposter! That's not me! That's not me! I'm the real Alec! I can prove it!! I can prove it if you would just listen me! Listen to me for once in your life please! I'm still here! I’m here! He stole my body! He stole my body!! I am Alec! I am!!”
𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝑨𝒍𝒆𝒄? 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖, 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖, 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚. 𝑾𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒕𝒐𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓, 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒑𝒂𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒖𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆, 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒔𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓.
He was watching what was going on, his rage was slowly turning into realising he was seeing his worse nightmare.
They love him more.
He slowly dropped down to the ground, he heard their happy laughter, a perfect family. That didn’t include him. He was the reason why the family wasn’t perfect and now he was gone, everything was good in the house.
“I thought they would love me for who I was.... And that’s not me...”
He was alone. More than ever.
On a dead end street, can't go back, can't go forward. Nowhere left to go.
Alone. Alone. Alone. No friends. No family. He was unwanted.
He really was just a Lone Freddy. Tears rolled down his face, nothing would be fixed. Nobody loved him or even cared he was gone. Lonely Freddy won and Alec was now left behind like a distant memory or children’s toy, it made him cry even more.
He now only realised he really did lose everything.
It took him a minute to realise that was from behind him and not inside the house, he turned around and saw Lefty, he was wearing a cloak to cover himself but Alec saw his glowing yellow eye looking directly down at him.
“I knew you'd be here,” Lefty said, “As soon as I realised you and my key were missing. I knew you came here...”
“You've come here before...” Alec said realising.
“I did, I didn’t want to tell you,”— Alec should have been shocked Lefty just admitted that, but he honestly wasn’t. “I came here while you and Helpy slept about a week ago, found the address and I got curious. They looked happy... I didn’t want to tell you anything... That was wrong I know... I didn’t want to hurt you more than you already are...” Lefty told him.
“They don't love me anymore.”
“Yes they do, Yes they do love you,” Lefty tried to assure him. “They just don't realise that imposter,” Lefty pointed at “Alec” inside, Alec saw that he was making Hazel laugh. She was smiling.
“Isn’t you,” Lefty finished.
Alec felt like he was looking at a life that didn’t belong to him anymore, a life he never had in the first place. Lefty continued talking, “Your family love you, Alec, they only love you, if they ever realised that is not you, they would be heartbroken to learn that you're out there somewhere alone, without them at all, to protect you, to love you... I will make this right, Lonely Freddy will pay for what he did, and you will go home.”
“But what if I can't? What if this is all for nothing? What if there is no way to reverse this? I'll be stuck this way, I'll be a robot forever, and my family will never know. I could never go home...”
His voice chocked up as he tears intensified.
He felt like a child.
He was a child.
A scared, lonely child who just wanted to have his family back.
Lefty had immediately kneeled down and scooped him up, hugging him close.
Alec noticed how soft his fur was, then he recalled a conversation where Lefty explained his fur was super soft as a “sensory” thing for children.
“Even.... Even if we cannot undo this.... I will do everything I can, I'll talk to your family, explain everything... I'll find a way to make it work Alec.... Even if you aren’t human anymore, you still need your family. Your family would want only you...”
“But that's the thing, I'm not human... I'm a robot like you....”
“You have a soul that is a human..... You belong with your family.....” Lefty said.
“I'm out of place here... I just wanted to see them.... I'm alone.”
“But you aren't, I'm here right now and I came to find you out here...”
He was a friend.
He didn’t feel alone anymore.
Alec jumped in fright slightly and began to look around frantically.
“The storm! I forgot!” Lefty exclaimed looking over his shoulder.
“I was starting to think you lied about that to keep me away from here!” Alec exclaimed.
“No I didn't! I wouldn't lie about that!” Lefty answered, “We need to go back to pizzeria now!”
“We might not make it!”
“We have to try!” Lefty stood up, holding Alec close, as he looked around.
“Maybe we can hide in the garage!” Alec suggested.
“Won't we risk getting caught by your parents??” Lefty questioned him.
“I'm just scared we won't get back!”
Lefty thought for a minute, “Would it be locked?”
“I know where Dad hides the key,” Alec immediately answered.
Lefty was quiet again, “If you can get the key quickly, go.” He nodded.
Alec dropped down, they snuck around the side, Alec managed to climb up the back fence and opened the latch on the other side so Lefty could walk in. Alec approached the door to the garage from the back garden, he pointed up and Lefty saw a key hanging on a nail. He pulled it off and used it to unlock the door, they quickly stepped in and Lefty closed the door behind him.
“We have to be quiet, this connected to the house, Dad might look in here if we make too much noise,” Alec warned Lefty, who nodded.
“I suppose we can wait out the storm just as long as your parents or your imposter doesn’t catch us in here,” Lefty answered, “Is this your father’s car?” he asked as he pointing to the car in front of him.
“Mom’s,” Alec corrected.
“I’ve seen this car numerous times when I'm out and about,” Lefty nodded, “Is your mom a nice woman?” He asked not knowing a lot about Alec’s parents aside from their names.
Lefty rose his eyebrow, “You sounded uncertain.”
“No! It's not like she's hurting me or anything if that's what you're thinking!!! Mom tried to manage my behaviour and I really hated it... She... She and Dad... they didn’t really listen to me most of the time... But she wanted to help me, and she was at the end of her rope as to how.”
“I said before that it would be good to sit down with your parents and talk,” Lefty reminded him.
“I feel like I've done a lot of bad things to them...”
“They love you Alec, they are your mom and dad.”
“I’ve... done so many bad things.”
Lefty argued, “But the future is unwritten and you dictate what path you shall take, Lonely Freddy will never change who he is... but you can change, you chose who you are in the end.”
“What.... What was the worse thing you ever did..? If you don't mind answering... How did it go...?”
“You're asking my biggest regret in life?” Lefty questioned.
“I’m curious... What would you have done that is bad? Surely you aren't perfect....”
Lefty frowned, “This may scare you.... But eight years ago... I hurt somebody on purpose.... I attacked a man in the bathroom, I slammed him against the wall and chocked him until there was no breath left in his body..... The man was hurting his kids... And they begged me to help them. I was so enraged that a father would hurt his own kids... I flipped out and lost my sense of judgement, I should have called the police on him... I nearly killed him Alec..... Somebody found him a couple of minutes after I left, they called an ambulance... He went to prison.... But if they found out what I did... I'd be deactivated. It happened eight years ago... I'm still wary someone will connect it back to me... They said someone attacked him but they didn’t know who....”
“Worse part..? Somehow, even after all these years... There’s a part of me that keeps telling me it was right. It did feel right at the time, like my purpose was actually to rid the world of scum... Alec... I wouldn’t hurt you if you're scared of that!!”
Alec had been told something major, he knew he needed to keep it a secret, “I understand why.... I didn't nearly kill anyone but I acted in anger with my sister... I regret hurting her.”
Lefty frowned, “That.... That actually could be why Lonely Freddy preyed on you....” Alec looked confused at him so Lefty resumed speaking, “Lonely Freddy might have gone after you because of your family relationship. How rocky it was, how emotional you were. Emotion is key to everything,” Lefty had poked his finger at Alec's chest, where the speaker was.
“Monsters often go after kids who are frighten of them, they will not waste their time on kids who won't feed into their hunger for fear. Lonely Freddy very well had already spied on you, saw you were a perfect candidate, a perfect victim to attack, and he waited until you were at your weakest, no witnesses, in a dark room, he entranced you, body swapped and left you in this body... Thankfully you seem to be the only one.”
Lefty looked strangely relieved by that, so Alec kept silent about his time in that bin, he didn’t want to make Lefty freak out, even if it sounded selfish to not tell him about it... about them.
“Speaking of which.... Could you tell me... What happened after you were swapped...? Like feeling wise and at exactly what point you hid from everyone. It could help me.”
“I didn’t realise initially, but then I saw myself in a mirror and realised what happened. It was like a nightmare...”
And we end here with Lefty and Alec hiding out in the garage....
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