#free pizzas delivered obviously
If you were put in charge of your very own country what would be a law you would have that’s not really needed but it amuses you? Example: for every five books someone reads, they get a free book from the government
Every third friday is mandatory pizza party
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bluecollarmcandtf · 3 months
Help me! I'm hypnotized...
The loser roommate I got stuck with did something to my brain. I didn't think it was possible, but that pathetic fag somehow put me in a trance. I don't remember how: with a pendant or spiral; but it doesn't matter! What matters is that at any second he can say a trigger word, and I end up like this: smiling and flexing like a fucking idiot 'till he releases me.
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Sure, I look like I'm alright, but I've been stuck in this pose for two hours. My biceps ache and my shoulders are on fire. Add to that a leg cramp that I cant walk off and you'll realize how awful this torture is.
I'd just been trying to finish an essay (his essay to be exact.) I might be on the football team, but this lazy geek is forcing me to do his homework for him! And even though he ordered me to do that, against my will, he calls me up and says my fucking trigger word! It's fucking ridiculous! I used to go out and party with my teammates on nights like this, but now I'm stuck being this dweeb's mannequin-on-command.
I just know he's going to boss me around when he finally gets here. He'll probably make me cook him dinner again. I'd spit in it if I could -hell, I'd probably poison it if I could- but I know I'll be stuck in my own body again. I hate it when he tells me to smile and serve him like a waiter. God, its humiliating...
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He makes me workout during my free time, which I have a lot of now that I can't speak to any of my old buddies. I gotta say that my body's never looked better. I guess their is one upside to being under his control: whenever he tells me to train harder, I have to do it.
The gym is the one area of my life where I can at least pretend that I'm not someone's trained monkey. Still, the fact that I can't even shower without his permission is a pretty harsh reminder. Whenever I get back from a workout, my legs march straight to the table where I sit, flex, and smile while I wait for him to tell me what to do. It doesn't matter how tired or hot I am. Sometimes, he doesn't even let me shower. He just tells me to mop the sweat up with my shirt and then put it back on.
I think the nerd has a thing for sweaty jocks or something. The thought of this creep making me do all this to get his little dick hard pisses me off more than anything...
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I applied for a job today. It wasn't because I wanted to. My roommate decided that he wants more spending money, so he turned to me and said that I was going to earn it for him. So it wasn't enough for me to be his personal chef, maid, and eye candy! I have to be his fucking ATM now too?!
The tie wasn't my idea either. He told me to go buy some fancy clothes to make sure I impressed my "future employer." He's such a dweeb, and now he's making me dress like a loser too.
Obviously I nailed the interview. It wasn't hard when he programmed me to say things like "I've always wanted to deliver pizzas," or "I want to be the best employee you've ever had!" He made me sound like such a kiss-ass for a stupid minimum-wage job. Even the guy interviewing me thought I was being a bit excessive! I got hired on the spot, and I'm already scheduled every night this week, because my roommate specifically made me ask for as many hours as possible.
Now that I'm done with probably the most humiliating thing I've ever done, I'm stuck flexing with a tie on 'till that asshole gets home...
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I got my first paycheck after a long couple of weeks doing his classwork during the day and delivering pizzas at night. My roommate texted and told me to wait by the front door with my paycheck. Apparently, he's going out tonight with some of his loser friends and wants the cash now. I can't believe I'm about to hand it over to him.
"Hey, handsome," he calls, shutting his car door.
"I'm glad your home, sir. How was your day?"
I do not give a shit about his day! He ordered me to say that whenever he gets back. He's also programmed me to get up and hug him like I'm a fucking queer in love!
"Better now," he purrs, squeezing my butt cheek while we hug, "You should come with me and my friends tonight."
The last thing I want to do is be around him and his pansy-assed friends. "Yes, sir," I smile.
"We're going to a gay bar, and I think you would be an excellent wingman."
My stomach drops at the sound of a gay bar. I don't want to be anywhere near that place, and I really don't want the guy with total control over me parading me around that place like I'm his fucking slut! Where is this going? He wouldn't make me do anything gay, right? The terrifying truth is he could. He could order me to act like a stripper there, or...or worse. Fuck! I don't think there's anything he couldn't make me do. He could order me on my knees right now, and I'd do it with this stupid smile still plastered across my face. He could make me blow his tiny cock, and I'd be helpless to do anything other than enthusiastically suck! I don't want to go to that gay bar. I have to escape.
"Yes, sir," I hear my voice gleefully ring out.
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oldschoolvpq · 2 months
Tamagotchi Pizza!
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Being an American from Boston with parents from New York, my love for pizza is deep and immense. Combine this with Tamagotchi and obviously you have a dream team in my eyes! I had soba for lunch with my friends but ordered delivery for dinner.
Fun fact about my apartment, I live across the street from a Domino's. My old apartment was equidistant between Domino's AND Pizza Hut. In Japan pizza is PRICEY and you get a good deal if you go pick it up at the shop as opposed to having them deliver it, which occasionally brings it into the price range of "nearly affordable". (So why delivery? Totally worth the extra 250 yen service fee to not have to go out in this beastly hot summer weather! Eternally grateful to the delivery staff.)
The other big delivery pizza chain here in Japan is Pizza-La, which I'm not sure I've actually eaten...but anyway! Of the American chains, Pizza Hut has much tastier cheese, more exciting crust options, AND black olives on their toppings menu...so I'm happy with this outcome.
(Another fun fact, when you Google "Pizza Hut" Domino's has a sponsored result with a 40% off delivery coupon, which I find hilarious.)
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The original menu item is not an actual pizza, but "Hut Melts", which are a ton of cheese and toppings wrapped in crispy thin crust that you dip into sauce. Because it's Tamagotchi, the filling is egg salad and Canadian bacon...and pink crust, which looks odd but tastes normal. Ordering one of these gets you one of seven special stickers, and I bought two...because they're not very big.
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Those Japanese portion sizes, man.
Anyway, it comes with two types of sauce, honey mustard and basil. I personally thought the basil was the better fit as it was a more subtle sour/savory taste. The honey mustard was a bit strong, and I'm not sure the sweet really matched the savory pizza. But, the colors (yellow, green, and pink) are emblematic of Mametchi, Kuchipatchi, and Violetchi, so I can see why they did it.
There was no special packaging, sadly.
Anyway! The food is good and all, but the best part? The code on the back of the sticker so you and your Connection can eat pizza together!
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Because nothing in this world is free you have to pay 140 Gotchi Points whenever you want to feed your Tama pizza, but it's totally worth it.
Overall a fun little collab! Yay pizza!!
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verdemoun · 4 months
asdfghjkl i was waiting to be summoned. as a treat i'll make some timewarp au specific and canon era.
timewarp first
Sean always gets flustered for dates. Doesn't matter if it's a week into relationship, a month or years into a relationship. He will try on 17 outfits, tie up his hair, let his hair out, hold a pair of scissors to his hair thinking it's getting too long and giving himself a dodgy home haircut. Rocks up 12 minutes late in the exact same outfit he has worn every single date and Lenny will still think he looks incredible.
The definition of date is not 'a romantic appointment'. Lenny could offer to drop off drive-through coffee on his way past and Sean will still frantically, literally, throw himself out of bed and wildly throw on a semi-clean change of clothes to be as presentable for his boyfriend as possible.
In saying that, Lenny is the one who had a heart attack over hearing the title boyfriend. Sean assumed they'd been dating for ages when Lenny finally stammered out the 'do you want to date me? officially??' Sean had to fight the urge to laugh at him by donning the biggest, brightest heart-warming smile. Said yes, obviously.
After said date Lenny threw himself face down into his bed and squealed and giggled kicking his feet like a little girl. Blushes anytime he refers to Sean as his boyfriend and it only gets worse as the title transitions from boyfriend to significant other to fiancé to husband.
Like Lenny's finally a professor at a university, his students ask about his husband to get out of seminars and Lenny will squeal sit on his desk and still excitedly gush about his amazing still pizza-delivering husband knowing full well his students are only asking him to get out of lectures on the relationship between race and criminalization over the 20th century. 'My husband planned a date all on his own he took me to mini-golf on the weekend and he has on a green white and orange knitted vest treating it like the WGC, I love him so much'.
canon era
Sean at first thought Lenny just liked asking him to go on little secret robberies because he was the only one also young and stupid enough to go with him. It took the girls sitting him down and explaining 'Sean sweetie he's flirting with you' for him to realize. He was also stunned speechless for a whole 5 minutes which was a very big deal.
Sean was frankly intimidated by Lenny's self-assurance. Sean acts like he's happy and care-free but Lenny's self-confidence (while still a farce Lenny has insecurities too) is a lot more genuine. Like young genius decides he has a crush on you, and you will become of aware of that?? Sean was so nervous.
But also Lenny is so sweet he is one of the only ones who will actually ask questions about his past sometimes it is an eyeroll 'would your da have a saying about that?'. But Lenny would always ask and listen to stories about Sean's past and Da because he thought Sean was an interesting person imagine how scary it is going from everyone dismissing you to having one person who is infatuatedly interested in you.
Sean never intended to learn to read but he accepted reading lessons from Lenny as an excuse to spend more time with him because beautiful empathetic self-aware Lenny always made sure the lessons were in private to protect Sean's pride. In reality, it was just the two of them in a field away from the rest of the gang with Sean attempting to read while Lenny was so close Sean could feel his breath on his ear as he read along with him to help sound out words.
First intense high emotional moment between them was when Lenny was being unusually quiet (the sort of unusual only Sean would notice because he knows Lenny is the king of muttering jabs under his breath). Lenny had reread his father's letter and it hit harder than usual so Sean quietly sat beside him, first just close, then holding his hand, then letting Lenny lean against him as he had his hyper-masculine 'not crying but holding his eyes closed and holding onto whatever comfort offered like his life depended on it' moment. That was the moment it became more than just mutual physical attraction. That was the 'oh, shit, I care, I care because I am in love with this man'.
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slafkovskys · 2 years
hi lovely jess :) for blurb weekend, could u maybe do luke hughes and reader babysitting one of the umich babies? like maybe baby power or baby beech🥹 i’m sure that would be so fun/chaotic lol
because the main baby beech series is also reader insert and the character is mentioned a few times in this blurb, i just refer to them as leni’s nickname for them ‘honey’ or use she/her pronouns :)
“they left us money for pizza,” luke calls from the kitchen. only a minute later does he poke out his head holding two twenties, “this is a sweet gig. i can see why she did it for so long.”
“luke!” leni pops her head over the couch and your boyfriend jumps. “i scared you?”
“a little bit, yeah,” he answers honestly, sending you a confused glance before coming to lean over the couch beside the little girl whom you’d been charged with caring for for the remainder of the night, “aren’t you supposed to be in bed?”
“sev-seven thirty?” she turns and looks at you for confirmation. “not now, though. we can have pizza before?”
luke looks at a loss for words, obviously having not been intent on sharing with your charge, so you swoop in, poking at the little girl’s side where you had learned she was ticklish, “what’s your favorite kind of pizza, leni?”
“i like cheese,” she turns around so that she’s no longer facing luke, but is now giving you her full attention. “sometimes pepperoni, but not all of the time.”
“i like cheese too. so does luke. do you want to split one with us?” you offer and her face lights up.
she reaches out and puts her hands on your knee, “i can eat a whole one all by myself. sometimes honey has to help me.”
“honey?” luke questions and you send him a look, “oh, honey. i know her.”
leni whips her head around, “how?”
“uh,” luke looks at you for help and you just stare right back. he didn’t really know her, only you did, which was how you had gotten the two of you this gig. there was no way that johnny would have trusted luke to watch his daughter alone, he didn’t trust anyone but her, but she trusted you and for johnny that was enough. he swallows, “we’re like best friends.”
“honey is my best friend.”
“oh, i-”
“do you want to call for the pizza, luke? so we can make sure that it gets delivered before bedtime,” you raise your eyebrows and luke quite literally runs back into the kitchen for his phone. you lean towards leni like you’re about to tell a secret and she plays into it, “even if does take a little bit. we’ll let you stay up later, you just can’t tell your dad.”
“pinky,” she nods her head and holds out her hand, tiny pinky outstretched and you wrap your own around it.
“should be here in thirty minutes or it’s free,” luke looks smug as he drops down on the couch on the opposite side of the room, but his face falls when he sees you still intertwined fingers, “what are you two doing?”
“y/n said that i could play with your hair!” leni uses you to slide down the couch and stomp over to the corner where a stockpile of toys was. she gets out a little box and carries it over to the couch where luke (who now looked mildly terrified) sat. after some assistance from her future client in opening her chest, she pulls out some hair clips and shows the boy excitedly, “green?”
“do you have blue?” he wages, “you’re a umich baby. not a state baby.”
“she doesn’t know what that means, luke.”
“state is gross,” leni mumbles and luke sends you a look. she roots around in her box before pulling out a blue butterfly clip and showing it to your boyfriend for his approval. with an uneasy expression, he agrees and helps the girl onto the couch. she gets all up in his space as she tries to tame his hair and clip it in, “too much.”
“too much?” luke scoffs.
“you do have more than johnny,” you laugh, “maybe you should get a haicut.”
“you’re on her team now?” he huffs and you nod just as leni starts to pull out more butterfly clips, “this is going to be a long night.”
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casper-the-rose · 2 years
Hiya!! The name is 🇵🇱 Anon!! Its nice to meet ya!!
I have a little request for you!! I thought of this one, and i thought why not send it to someone so here i am!! but feel free to delete this anytime if its to intense but anyways…!
Could i request Eddie Munson or Gareth with a Famous! S/O? (Maybe… something like Elvis Presley Famous? Where girls are all over them, and etc, its from that movie, it was really good so i would suggest watching it so it makes sense and etc)
Thats it!! I can send more later on lol, but thats it!! Thank you :D
Im sorry it took me so long to get to this request, but i'm finally back in a writing mood!! Also i did not watch the elvis movie
Fame has its price
Gareth Emerson x Famous!S/O
Mostly fluff, but at the end kinda angsty? I might try and write something similar later but with Gareth as the famous one and it leans more heavily towards angst.
Warnings- cursing more towards the end, also at the end the reader gets "hugged" by an adult fan without consent- very brief though im pretty sure
1.4k words
Your laugh.
God it got him every time.
"Good night New York City!" You were announcing to your crowd of adoring fans, smiling through your sentence.
As long as Gareth could remember, music had brought you two together.
First time you met?
Kindergarten battle of the bands. Both of your practically clawed each others eyes out trying to get to the kiddie drum set. Who would've guessed that would lead to a 10+ year long friendship? Well, technically 12, but it's not like anyone was counting. Especially Gareth.
In middle school everyone in the crowd watched in awe as you sang your heart out during the school's talent show, obviously winning first place.
And there were times when Eddie even begged you to sing for Corroded Coffin, just one song. And of course when he couldn't convince you all Gareth had to do was ask once.
You would do anything for him.
Including convincing your agent to let Corroded Coffin open all your shows for your most recent tour across America.
Gareth's eyes darted back up to you on stage, looking around for the sign it was clear to make your way off while people tried to claw their way onto it. You were still smiling and waiving, but Gareth could see the tenseness in your smile.
But that was something to worry about another day.
Right now most of security was busy pushing teenagers and even some adults back from the stage. You tried your best to not visibly back away, but it was still necessary if you didnt want to be clawed at and pulled off the stage by strangers. Fame had its price, and a heavy one at that.
"Look Eddie, as much as I would love cheap, greasy gas station quality pizza at the moment, I really don't feel like being torn apart limb by limb for even daring to appear in public." You sighed, after Eddie had spent the last 15 minutes trying to convince you to go out with him and the band.
"Don't make me do it Y/N," Eddie warned, glaring at you.
"Oh you wouldn't dare." You glared back.
"Emersonnnnn, theres something I wanna ask youuuuuu!" Eddie shouted, before glancing at you and smirking.
"Don't believe a single word out of Eddie's mouth Gare! Its full of lies!" You shouted back.
Before you knew it Eddie was running out of the room you were staying in and practically slammed Gareth to the floor trying to get a hold of him.
"Ow! The fuck was that for?"
"You agree Y/N over here should treat themself to a little slice of commoners pizza before we have to get back on the road right? C'mon man all I need is for you to ask them once, hell not even ask ask, just allude to it and- "
Just then you ran into the room, out of breath.
"How the hell are you so much faster than me Munson?" You wheezed, hands on your knees.
"Too late Y/L/N! I've already asked my good pal over here too-"
"How about we have something delivered here and have a movie night?" Gareth cut Eddie off with a sigh.
"Hmph. Guess thats a good compromise." Eddie muttered, but still crossed his arms.
"See Munson? My amazing boyfriend can't be tricked by your lies and deception. And he's always looking out for everyone involved." You smiled, before hugging Gareth from behind.
"Anything for my lovely partner. It would be really inconvenient to have to stitch all your body parts back together after you get torn to shreds by an adoring mob." Gareth smiled, turning his head to look you in the eye.
"No one else I would rather have sew my body back together."
"And no mob could ever adore you more than I do." Gareth said, before leaning in to kiss you.
"Ew! Get a room you two, before I call the paparazzi." Jeff groaned, having walked into the room at a considerably awkward moment.
You rolled your eyes before turning to Eddie.
"So, what place are you gonna order pizza from?"
"Wake up sleepy head." Gareth said, before nudging you a bit.
"I'm already awake." You muttered, but still didnt move from your position under the bed sheets.
"As much as I would hate to do this lovebug, if you dont move soon i'm gonna have to pull the covers out from over you, leaving you exposed to the harsh element known as the ceiling fan-"
You dramatically gasped. "I thought you loved me?"
"More than anything, but that does mean I have to do what is best for you sugar."
You groaned, but sat up.
"Is this good enough?"
"For now, but you know you'll have to get dressed soon enough. You sure you want to walk today and not just get a cab or something?"
"Yes Gare Bear I'm sure. It's not that long a walk anyway."
"Still don't get why the bus can't just pick us up here." He muttered.
"They say it would draw too much attention to the hotel."
"Yeah because us having to walk there wouldn't."
Gareth gave you one last hug before leaving the room.
"The great outdoors don't seem so great anymore." Eddie muttered.
You all were stopped on a sidewalk, on account of you practically being swarmed by fans to sign autographs and take pictures. Some people were even trying to seemingly jump on you, and others were clawing on your clothes just so you would turn their way.
Some people were talking to the Corroded Coffin boys, much to Eddie's delight and Gareth's annoyance, but you were definitely the star of the show.
You turned and gave Gareth an apologetic look that said 'I really did just want to take a walk' and he shook his head knowingly.
"Okay, I'm gonna have to wrap this up soon. Sorry guys but-"
Just then someone pulled you by the shoulder and by impulse you turned around, only to crash into what you realized was a man who was much bigger than you's torso.
"Um, excuse me sir- I-I don't know what you're trying to do here but-" You stuttered as you tried to wiggle free, not even being able to look around.
Fuck, fuck fuck fuck. That was the main thought going through your head right now.
"Hey, you're a real pretty thing huh?" The man started, cutting you off.
"How about y-" Before the man could even finish his sentence you found yourself being pulled free and arms wrapping around you tightly, but this time you welcomed the embrace.
"Listen here you sick little fuck. Does this get you off? Trying to kidnap underage musical sensations in broad daylight in front of witnesses and bystanders?" Gareth started, and you realized the rest of the band members were standing around you. You also realized most of the people that were there before for autographs and whatnot, had left.
"If you know what's good for you, you'll fuck off and never speak of this again. Or hell, even pay to get a ticket for one of their shows. Got it?"
"Yeah creep. 4 against one." Eddie chimed in.
You noticed the man say something under his breath, before quickly looking around and leaving.
You let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding.
"A-are you okay Y/N? I swear to fucking god if anything bad happened to you on my watch I-I- I don't know what I'd do." Gareth let go of you and walked in front of you so you could look him in the eyes. You noticed he was on the verge of tears.
"I don't know Gare." You sighed.
"Do you wanna keep walking? Or just get a ride?" Jeff asked, concern in his voice.
Everyone was looking at you with worried eyes, but it didn't bother you as much as you would've thought it would.
Fame has its price sure, but you have people watching out for you.
Not just hired security guards, or brands who just want to make money off of you talent.
No, real people who know the real you, and really care.
Especially Gareth.
And you were okay with that.
"I think we can keep walking."
With Gareth's arm around your shoulder and Eddie leading the way, you all walked to the tour bus, prepared for your next destination.
And you had a sense everything was gonna be alright.
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Chapter 61 : Day Three ( Matt’s Afternoon part 1 )
 After Alex dropped him off at the mall’s employee entrance for Matt to get to work, he couldn’t help but keep thinking about Alex’s story and picturing him having to deliver pizza naked. Matt was abruptly brought back to reality as he walked through the employee hallway behind all the stores. The events of the previous night came flooding back to him as the familiar surroundings brought on a wave of déjà vu.
 Matt actually stopped dead in his tracks to check himself out and made sure he had clothes on this time. Reassuring himself that he wasn’t running around the back hallways naked this time, he proceeded on his way. The sudden flashback, though, did force him to recall those events.
 Matt recalled that in the short span of just one day, he had gotten on the bus, been forced to strip and change clothes by Lisa, then stripped and tied up twice during school again by Lisa, then Lisa brought him to work wearing nothing but a shirt, forced him to strip in the changing room and change clothes again. Then, to top things off, he was stripped again by a gang of mallrats who tied him to the stairs.
 If it weren’t for Alex being caught up in the whole situation and getting stripped himself, Matt realized, he might very well have been trapped there and found by some random mall worker. Just the thought of being found like that, tied to the stairs in Alex’s underwear, was embarrassing enough. Matt didn’t know how he would have survived had that actually happened.
 Luckily, Matt heaved a sigh of relief as he walked, Alex did find him. Alex had gotten him untied but had to lift him out of the underwear, and since Alex had already been stripped himself, had no clothes to offer the now naked Matt. The two of them had no choice then but to get through the mall completely butt-ass naked and try and get to Alex’s car.
 In Matt’s opinion, the two of them had managed to pull off one of the most daring naked streaks of all time, even though the humiliation of the whole affair was almost unbearable. Matt was just glad it was over and he actually had clothes on this time. He certainly did not want to ever be at the mall without clothes on again.
 Oh Matthew, Diana, Matt’s boss, addressed him with sincere concern as Matt entered into the store through the rear employee entrance. I’m so sorry, she continued, I didn’t know what else to do.
 Hey Diana, Matt answered her, what are you talking about ? I don’t understand, what’s going on ?
 Look, she said to him, showing Matt her phone and the picture displayed on the screen.
 Oh shit, Matt exclaimed, that’s from last night. When those thugs jumped me and stole Alex’s clothes and, he hesitated a moment, deciding if he should mention being tied to the stairs, but sighed in defeat as Diana proceeded to scroll through more pictures. Including some of him tied up. And did that, he said, realizing there wasn’t any point in not bringing it up since Diana obviously now knew.
 Oh Matthew, Diana said to him again, I’m so sorry. I had no idea what had happened to you guys. You didn’t say anything about this last night when we found you. You said they took your clothes but you didn’t say anything about this, she emphasized the event on the stairs by displaying the picture again of Matt tied up in Alex’s underwear.
 Well yeah, Matt replied, can you blame me ? Didn’t really want to go into detail.
 I understand, Diana affirmed, but we have a new problem. Matt nearly collapsed as a feeling of dread overcame him as Diana went on to explain. These pictures are from those gang people. They must have figured out you work here and got my number from the flyers I had you hand out. Now, she continued, they are threatening to use these against the store if we don’t cooperate.
 Great, Matt’s heart sank as he asked, what is they want ? Money ? Free clothes from the store ?
 They want you Matthew, Diana said to him solemnly, and I don’t know why.
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Masterpost 20
General asks
S/O's plane crashes and S/O is find alive one week later (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O is Spiderman (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Naga S/O loves to gift skeleton dead bugs (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O loves skeleton's brother like they are their own brother (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O delivers a pizza and gets rejected (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
A homeless child is begging for food (UT characters)
A homeless child is begging for food (US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton wakes up next to his own clone (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton takes S/O out on their first date, it goes so wrong (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O is terrible at cooking (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O's massive dog is walking the skeleton (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Jerry invites himself in the skeleton's house (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O walks very quietly and often jumpscares skeleton (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus + HS Papyrus, OT Sans, FT Papyrus, MF Sans, Error, DuT Sans, K!Sans)
S/O's dog is a dramaqueen (FSG Sans)
S/O is having a panic attack after someone got creepy with them (FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O is a godess of space (OT Sans, FT Sans, Ink)
A house explodes due to a gaz leak right next to skeleton (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
A shopkeeper accuses skeleton of stealing their things (UT, US, UF, HT; SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
It's skeleton's birthday, his brother is celebrating (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O is beating and threatening skeleton's brother while acting in love with them (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O confesses to skeleton accidentally by calling them unwillingly with their phone (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton is late to pick up his child from school and a man is trying to kidnap them (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton's kid tried to burn the school down and got caught in the act (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Undertale characters are having a nice day near a big river (UT characters)
S/O does cringe Fortnite dance (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
There's a really loud frog outside (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O gives head pets to skeleton (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
The shelf breaks and everything falls on skeleton's head (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Turtle eggs hatch in front of skeleton (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton is given a cabin in the woods (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
Skeleton accidentally kidnapped a penguin at the zoo (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
S/O disappeared without a warning and doesn't answer their phone (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FSG Sans & Papyrus)
The broken inbox journey
The first day of PAIN
Horrorswap Papyrus
I want to cry
Swapfell Papyrus
Underfell Papyrus
Other things
My Undertale OCs and AUs
Out of the closet
Papyrus obviously
How many people are alive in my Horrortale version
Myfanwi talks
Wasps are bitches in Animal Crossing
I restarted Animal Crossing btw
I killed my Easter chocolate chicken
A little visit to Nausicaa, a sea museum
Happy birthday to me
Pairi Daiza
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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National Cheese Day
June 4 is National Cheese Day. Not to be confused with other popular cheese related holidays like grilled cheese day, cheesecake day, or mac and cheese day. This day is in reverence of the queen of all dairy, the big cheese.
When is National Cheese Day 2024?
Cheese and its many varieties are celebrated on National Cheese Day on June 4.
History of National Cheese Day
Cheese making is an ancient, some might even say sacred, craft. So ancient in fact it predates recorded history. It is speculated that the magic of cheese making began somewhere around 8000BCE shortly after the domestication of animals. Archeological digs have found evidence of cheese around the world including strainers coated in milk-fat molecules in Kuyavia, Poland dated around 5500BCE, murals in Egypt dated at 2000BCE, and an artifact of preserved cheese in Xinjiang, China believed to be more than 3,000 years old! European Imperialism took their styles of cheese through Asia, sub saharan Africa, and eventually to the Americas.
The most popular cheese of all is (obviously) mozzarella. This delicious and pizza topping cheese was first created near Naples from the rich milk of water buffalos. At the time, it rarely left its home near Naples, as it was made from pasteurized milk, and a lack of refrigeration meant it had a very short shelf life. As both cheese technology and refrigeration systems advanced, this delicious cheese left the southern region of Italy and found itself traveling around the world.
There are two types of mozzarella produced within the United States — low moisture and high moisture. Low moisture mozzarella has a moisture content less than 50% while high moisture has a content of over 52%. Low moisture is made specifically for transportation and mass production as the lack of moisture gives it a longer shelf life.
Today, cheese dishes can be found on every continent served savory, sweet, melted, deep fried, and even chilled in ice cream. This household staple can still satisfy any craving after thousands of years.
National Cheese Day timeline
1815 Industrial Revolution
First large scale industrial cheese production begins in Switzerland.
1851 Mass production
Jesse Williams, a farmer, is credited with being the first to have an assembly-line of cheese production in Rome, New York.
1939-1945 Goodbye Mom and Pop
Factory made cheese surpasses the production numbers of traditional farm raised cheeses during World War II.
1982 Mama Mia
The Mozzarella Company was founded in Dallas to bring fresh Mozzarella to America.
By The Numbers
4% – the percentage of all cheese being sold that ends up stolen. 1,400 pounds – the weight of a block of cheddar cheese delivered to the White House once by President Andrew Jackson. 2 – the hours it took for 10,000 visitors to the White House to finish the block of cheddar cheese. 17th century – the period in which they started dyeing cheese orange to fool people into thinking it was higher quality. ½ – of the total cheese consumption in the world is of Gouda cheese. 1,000 – the estimated number of different French cheeses. 1615 B.C. – the year when the oldest known cheese was discovered in China.
National Cheese Day Activities
Take a cooking class
Cook something
Make a spread of some of your favorite cheeses to enjoy solo or with friends. Try working in new and international varieties you’ve never tried before. Check out Pinterest for ideas on the best meat, wine, and veggie pairings.
You may be surprised how many cheese themed educational experiences there are. Learn how to make your own cheese at home, the perfect drink and food pairings, or discover a new cheesy dish. With workshops, in person classes, and free online tutorials there are a lot of ways you can learn to enjoy this ancient culinary staple.
Whether traditional comfort food like mac n cheese, the tangy sweetness of cheesecake, or the contemporary refinement of stuffed pull apart bread there are countless cheese recipes to try. Why not try a new twist on a family recipe or search the internet for the latest cheese trend. You can start simple with a five ingredient ricotta cheese recipe.
It’s vegan!
Americans cut the cheese
Don’t forget the stomach
Medieval curds
Cheesy Moon
Okay, not really, but dairy free cheese is definitely having a renaissance. Food experimentation has come a long way in recent decades offering up many plant based cheese alternatives you can find at major grocery retailers or your local vegan butcher shop (if you’re lucky enough to have one).
Contrary to popular assumption the U.S., not Europe, is the biggest producer of cheese, making up 29% of the global market. In order the top producing countries are the United States, Germany, France, and Italy.
Rennet is curdled milk and complex enzymes found in the fourth stomach of unweaned calves and is often added in the cheese making process, as it is considered to make a bolder, richer quality product.
The most popular types of cheeses of today like gouda, cheddar, parmesan, and camembert, all came in vogue during or after the Middle Ages.
The long standing myth that the moon is made out of cheese may stem from “The Proverbs of John Heywood” back in 1546 which stated "the moon is made of a green cheese." We now understand this to be more metaphor than literal, with “green” referring to the freshness or un-aged nature of the moon.
Why We Love National Cheese Day
Expanding our Palate
New cultural experiences
Sharing and bonding
We love taking our taste buds on new adventures! Today can be about trying so much more than cheese. Wine, beer, meats, veggies, deserts… all of it is up for grabs and we can’t wait.
As an international food staple, National Cheese Day opens the door to a variety of new cultural experiences. We love being able to explore new dishes, cultures, and traditions.
We love breaking cheesy bread and making new memories with the ones we love.
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ancuninbrainrot · 20 days
My Dragoncon ADVENTURE (slightly abridged)
Or, "how this trip was entirely cursed." This is so long, so cutting it.
I have wanted to go to Dragoncon for decades, but I live far away and the cost has always been hideously prohibitive. But this year, the stars fell into place and ya girl had enough money to go. Tickets bought, plane tickets bought, cheap hotel booked, gonna grab Lyfts to and from because my childhood memories of Atlanta traffic told me this was NOT an option.
So I get to the airport on Thursday 2 hours early. Line up at the gate to figure out where I needed to be.
My flight had been canceled. I'd received notice THAT DAY from the third party site I booked through that I was good to go. So I sit on hold with them for 45 minutes because babies, I have nothing but time. Meanwhile I'm booking a same day flight, which leaves about 2 hours later, has a stop in DC, and then off to ATL (side note, not having a direct flight to ATL is stupid, I have NEVER not been routed through there).
Get the booking sorted with American Airlines, prepare to wait. I have books, I have headphones, emergency granola bars...we're fine. Get to DC, about 2 hours layover, grab some truly disgusting chili and settle down.
Check email. Flight from DC to ATL canceled. Go to customer service, which is ofc a ginormous line (This will be a theme). They give us handouts essentially saying, "please just go on the website." I do. Next flight they can offer is the next afternoon...with a 10 hour layover in Dallas Ft. Worth. Look at a map and explain that to me.
I'm still in line for the customer service desk, because maybe they have a better option. They do not. They can get me there Saturday afternoon!
Did I mention I have a 4-day pass and a hotel booked from Thursday to Tuesday? Glad I'm made of cash.
So I book a flight with Delta, get a hotel near DCA that has a shuttle service, and go to grab my bags.
I do not get to leave the hellscape of DCA until 10:30 p.m. I got to my local airport at 10:30 a.m. This should have taken about half that time with the last minute booking. I can’t leave because they made me check my single carryon because every aspect of air travel is designed to be the worst possible experience. And ofc since the plane was canceled due to weather, the baggage carriers can't unload the plane in case Thor seeks his revenge on puny mortals.
So we all wait in the endless hell of DCA's baggage claim. It is a desolate prison with approximately 5 seats. The rest of us are sitting on concrete floors for hours while occasionally, maybe every 20 minutes a single bag will make it off the plane and onto the conveyor belt.
I use this time to call my other hotel and try to explain what's going on, to try and coordinate things (because there was supposed to be a car to get me to the hotel in Atlanta, but obviously that's not happening). The ride company tries to get shitty with me and I tell them to keep their $30 because I don't have the time or patience. I read fanfic, I eat a granola bar, and I wait because I have NO OTHER OPTIONS. Trust me, I checked to see how long it would take to just goddamn drive to Atlanta. Finally I am free, and the shuttle is there, and the hotel is much nicer than I pick because I didn't have a choice.
The next day I eat a reasonable hotel breakfast (freeeeeee), get to the airport and things go fine. ATL is less of a hellmouth, I get my bag, grab a Lyft, have several moments of confusion with the front desk about my reservation, get up to my room and debate going to the con. Nah. Rest, steam the wrinkles out of my clothes, have a food.
Google is amazingly unhelpful about delivery here, but Pizza Hut will deliver in about 45 minutes. It's a Friday night, that's fine. It takes an hour and a half. Did I mention I hadn't eaten since breakfast? My blood sugar hates me and I also hate me.
I get up the next day, try to figure out which hotel I should be dropped off at, pick wrong, and walk there. Wait in line for an hour to get badge, and I am free. Dragoncon is across like 5 hotels. There is no fast way to do anything, nor any way to see and do things you want to because they are packed fucking schedules. I sit in at a couple panels (full, so mostly on the floor). I find out where the signings are, not realizing the authors and actors are in 2 different, non adjacent buildings, so I am in the actor's hall. Or at least I am in another line to get in there.
Time passes. We get in. I do a circle and see Neil Newbon's table and have a mini crisis.
I am HERE for BG3, and Neil specifically. I am, however, the worst human in the world at interacting with people whose work I admire. This is why I wanted my husband along, but he didn't think there'd be enough for him to do. So I made insane plans to try and mitigate my bad brain. I know immediately that my struggles have been in vain and I will absolutely fuck this up. But I've traveled too far and I will DO THE THING DAMMIT.
I don't want to say the con was not prepared for the draw of Neil. But the line for him is bananas, weirdly spread out into 3 overflows. We get through the first couple in a reasonable-ish amount of time. And we are in overflow one, huzzah. By this point I've been chatting with the other people in line, talking cosplays and whatnot, we're all friends here.
Well. Then the actors leave for photo ops. We try to settle, we tell each other our hopes and dreams, we are yelled at for sitting, 2 of them make a dash for water, I give a starving college cosplayer one of my emergency snacks, and he's adorably grateful ("do you want me to give you something for this?" "No, I want you to eat it, man.").
And Neil returns! And now I can see him and my knees aren't okay and my hands are shaking. FUCKERY BLAST IT, WHY AM I SO BAD AT THIS? I am a competent, funny, smart person. I can talk to anyone, I speak on panels, I am not shy, dammit.
His helper asks me what I want, and I say a signature. "You want him to put something particular?" "No." "Sorry?" "No thanks." I am too quiet and anyone who has ever been in my proximity knows that is NOT NORMAL. My nervous stupid self knocks stacks of pictures askew, and I am third in line.
Another assistant asks if I'm doing a selfie as well, and I chat with him like a normal, sane person who is allowed to vote. And then I get to Neil.
And I freeze tf up. As I knew would happen. I literally made a card for this occasion because of who I am as a person.
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Neil: Hi Tanis, I'm Neil. (Hubs later during my scream session, "'oh really? I thought this was the line for the bathroom.'" "IF I HAD THE BRAIN FOR WIT AT THE TIME, MY LOVE.") Me: presents pic to sign and card of panic I'm nervous. Him: You're fine, Tanis. Me: I also have a picture with you tomorrow. Him: Good, I'll see you then. Me: Hopefully by then I'll be more able to talk. Him: I think you'll find you're talking now, you're just being too hard on yourself.
I flee and send a series of panicked missives to friends and spouse:
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I order dreadful Chinese takeout (funfact, not a single delivery place remembered my drinks, so ya girl was running on bad hotel coffee and lukewarm tap water this weekend) and pray that I have done my worst. I was going to go to the Voltaire concert there, but alas my social battery is dead, my feet hurt, my pride is bleeding out, and I'm just staying in for the night.
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(Funnily enough Friday he's going to be like an hour away from us, so I tell hubs to get tickets so we can both go.) Next day is surprisingly fine, some panels, absolutely no author's signings I could go to, so I schlepped a bunch of books around for 3 days for no reason. I eat overpriced hotel buffet brunch in the place the photos are supposed to be. I decide to find Voltaire's booth, since apparently we're going to see him soon, and have a normal, human conversation.
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I do a commerce and have a CD, bid him farewell and go downstairs to wait for my picture for the next hour and a half because I'm broken as a person.
My beta wrote me a cheat sheet and husband wrote the single sweetest thing anyone has ever written in case I got to talk to Neil again.
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Contrary to the lines everywhere else, this one moves fast. So fast. Too fast. I am flung at Neil like a gazelle and take the second worst photo with a celebrity I have ever had (first goes to a picture with Joel from MST3k because I'm wearing a bright neon yellow volunteer shirt, and with my complexion, I look like I have a disease). I go back to my hotel feeling like a bedraggled potato and take a selfie just to prove that I do have human features still (remarkable because I do not take selfies, as a rule).
The next day is the last day of the con, and I only have one goal since I missed it Friday because American Airlines sucks balls: I will go to the BG3 panel. I leave the hotel hilariously early, and am dropped off at the wrong Hyatt hotel. GPS says I can walk there in 15 minutes, and proceeds to give me the worst directions anywhere ever (example, it is 8:30, I am facing the sun. The GPS: HEAD WEST. Bruh, I'm not a girl scout, but that's objectively not correct). I run into another con-goer and follow him to the hotels, thank fucking god. I am two hours and some change early to the panel.
The line stretches outside already.
I wait on concrete to be let back into the building with a zillion other people, but the seat I get is phenomenal, literally the best seat in the house. (I do not take a picture of the people because I feel like a creep doing so. I know it's fine, but my brain is broken. Hubs: Maybe I wanted a picture. Me: YOU SHOULD HAVE COME, THEN.)
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The panel is lovely, I have a magnificent time. I leave the con after one last attempt to get books signed (nada), and go back to the hotel to do laundry before my flight the next day.
I venture outside after my nap to try and get change at a CVS and maybe some laundry soap, but no dice on either. I try at a gas station, and also no. The hotel does have laundry soap, but won't take my cash, but whatever. What the fuck ever.
Minor digression: Traveling solo as a woman sucks for a variety of reasons, but one I didn't expect at my advanced unfuckable age was the sheer volume of catcalls I experienced this weekend, like more than in the last decade combined in 3 days. Just dudes on the streets and in trucks felt the need to comment on my appearance, and I'm puzzled and also not a fan.
Minor Boomer moment: Doing laundry at hotels is stupid now because I had to download a fucking laundry app. Just let me use money, or scan the QR code and have it work, ffs.
The laundry is gently wiggled damp, and I check my email. Delta: hey, check in for your flight. American Airlines: Hey check in for your flight.
I'm sorry, what?
Apparently I'm going from ATL to Charlotte on American Airlines which is news to me because I'd canceled any return trip with them days ago, and a return was supposed to be processed. I call them and the lady's like, "Oh so you need to cancel?" "I never scheduled it, so yes. And a refund." "Oh we don't give refunds, there's a credit on your account." "Yeah, I'm not flying with you again, how do I get money instead?" "Go to the site and fill out a form." "What information will I need for that?" "Your ticket number (rattles off a 72-digit long string of numbers)." Glad I asked because that number was nowhere in the email. Sometime eventually my money will return to me, but probably not the extra expense of an emergency DC hotel room, and certainly not the lost two days of fucking convention that I paid for.
Now I'm home, thank gods, in possession of an autographed piece of art, a hideous picture of myself, and 3 impossibly velcro cats who have never been loved in their lives and I am not doing this again. I did the scary things, I'm not sorry I went, but this has been the single worst traveling experience of my existence.
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girl4music · 4 months
Just got a free pizza at almost 1 o’clock in the morning. They obviously delivered to the wrong address but the dude didn’t speak English so like… I had no way of telling them that it wasn’t ours. So I just took it instead just to save the awkwardness for the both of us. I’m a Good Samaritan like that. ☺️😁😂
I’m not going to say no to free food when it’s brought to my door. I was actually hungry but couldn’t be arsed making anything or ordering anything myself. I see this as divine intervention by God. Thanks homie.
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survey--s · 1 year
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How often do you eat your favourite food? I have pizza once a week or so, but steak is probably only every couple of months - if that.
Have you ever fallen asleep on public transport? (including planes) Yeah, planes, trains and coaches in the past.
What room of the house are you in right now? I'm in the living room at the moment.
What was the last tv show you watched? Keeping Up Appearances.
Have you been using Apple Music? No. I tried the free trial thing but I thought it was awful. I'll stick with Spotify as it's just so much more intuitive.
Do you pay rent for the place you live? How often? We pay a mortgage - monthly, obviously.
How do you feel at this particular moment? Anything on your mind? Tired and I have a bit of a headache - it's been a stupidly long week with far too many early starts lol.
Where was the last place you went on vacation/holiday to? Who’d you go with? I honestly don't remember, hahah.
Does the place you work have music playing? What sort? I work outdoors.
List all the colours you’re currently wearing. Grey and black. What’s your favourite type of donut? Raspberry jam, or those chocolate ring ones with sprinkles. Apple donuts are good too but I haven't seen those in ages.
What do you usually eat for breakfast? Toast, coffee and apple juice.
Do you have any candles in your bedroom? Do you light them often? No, but we do have wax melts going in the living room everyday.
When was the last time you went out for dinner? Uh - about three weeks ago, I think? Maybe longer.
Have you seen all the Hunger Games films as of current? I saw first two or maybe three? I can't remember.
What was the last thing you said to someone else in person? I don't remember. I'm downstairs with the animals.
Do you use Windows, Mac, Linux, or something else entirely? Google Chrome.
How many times do you call someone on the phone a week? Uh, maybe 2-3 times on average. Have you cooked anything today? What was it? No - unless you count toast or reheating a ready meal lol.
Do you have a lot of cousins? What are their names? Sure, quite a few. I'm not going to name them though as all together, those names are quite identifying.
What does your shampoo smell like? Coconuts.
What about the body wash or soap you’re using at the moment? Oats, vanilla and chamomile.
Have you ever had an exotic or unusual pet? No, just dogs and cats.
Any movies you’ve seen recently that you’d recommend to me? I haven't really seen any new movies lately.
Why did you last go see a doctor? To get signed off work.
What was the last thing you bought online? Probiotics for the cat.
Where do you usually park your car? On the street. Occasionally on the drive.
Does your mail get delivered to your house or do you have to collect it? It just comes straight through the door.
Are you more logical or creative? Logical.
Do you cut tags out of clothing so they don’t itch and bother you? Yes.
What is your dream job? Do you think that’s attainable for you? I love what I'm doing at the moment.
When was the last time you looked at Facebook, Twitter or etc.? About a minute ago.
Have you ever been on a train? Where did you go? Yeah, hundreds of times. The last time was to Manchester. I'm meant to be going next weekend but I reckon we'll end up driving due to the strikes.
How many times a year do you go on vacation? Never, hahah. I have a week or two off work 3-4 times a year though.
Can you curl your tongue or do anything else cool with it? I can curl it, yeah.
What was the last job interview you went to? The one for my previous job.
Do you ever just feel like you need to be alone for some reason? Yeah, I need a reasonably decent amount of alone time every single day or I go stir crazy, lol.
When was the last time you wore something totally inappropriate for the weather? Does this happen often? I can't remember.
The last time you went out of the house, where were you going and what did you do? I just went for a cat-feeding job.
When was the last time someone cancelled plans on you? Were you annoyed? I can't remember the last time I was cancelled on.
Do you have a friend that has a tendency to “dump” you whenever they get a new partner? No.
Would you ever want to go on vacation with just one of your parents? Yeah, I've done that loads. I'm away with my mum next weekend actually.
In summer, do you prefer to wear dresses or shorts and tops? It depends what I'm doing.
Has someone ever tried to start an argument with you over Facebook? What happened? Yeah, multiple times.
Have you ever had an unusual type of milk (eg. oat, rice, almond)? Yeah, my dad used to drink oat milk and I've had soy milk before.
If you could experience life as a Disney princess for a week, which princess would you pick and why? Belle for the library and the magic, Ariel for the mermaid lol.
How many cans of soda would you say you drink in a week, if any at all? 2-3 cans a day.
When you’re at home, do you spend most of your time in your room? No, in the living room. I only really use my bedroom for slepeing.
If you like to sleep in late, have your parents ever told you off for doing so? They did a bit when I was younger, yeah.
How much stuff do you take with you when you go on vacation for a week? Way too much.
How old is your oldest living relative? I don't know, to be honest. I have a step-grandma who must be in her nineties now.
Could you willingly live on a vegan diet? No.
If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, are you sad that there’ll never be another book or movie? I'm not sad about it, no. It ended at a good point. The Fantastic Beasts films are just an embarrassment lol.
If you’re an only child, do you wish you had siblings? If you have siblings, do you get along? I always wanted a brother growing up - now I'm not fussed though.
How long have you had the shirt you’re wearing? It's Mike's.
What happened last time you got drunk? I honestly don't remember.
When’s the last time you straightened your hair? About 2-3 weeks ago.
Do you bite your toe nails? No.
Last thing you said out loud? "Don't you dare bite me!" to Simba.
Last time you laughed your head off? Earlier on at something on TikTok. What do you want right this second? A nap.
How are you sitting? On the sofa with my legs curled up - Simba is asleep kind of in the crook my legs.
Your mood? Tired.
Did you sleep alone last night? No.
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? Hopefully until 8am.
Do you find piercings attractive? It depends on the person.
What were you doing last night at midnight? Sleeping.
Will you have sexual intercourse within the next two weeks? Nope.
How many cigarettes have you smoked today? Zero.
Do you have a hard time admitting you’re wrong? Oh, most definitely lol.
Do you like potato chips? Yep. I find them way, way too addictive.
Do you give out second chances way too easily? No.
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seasideretreat · 1 year
I know y'all want to hear from me, so I put my pen to paper again, or rather I sit down behind my computer again, to write. I am actually entirely uninspired, or rather I have no method. But that's no matter. I can do whatever I want. I can write pointless, meandering things that are about nothing, and I will still be happy - I'll be happy, darnit! You know what it is, sometimes we wonder so bad about something that it seems the whole of existence, but when we look at it more closely, it really doesn't matter at all. Still, we don't want to zoom in; we don't want to look closely. We just want to survive and live and all that crap. It ain't realistic. It's foolish.
We are reminded here again of Hemingway's saying that writing was just sitting down and bleeding. You know, I never believed this, because I knew you got to be able to say something - you know, force yourself. That is the essence of acting. However, yeah. That's science for ya. I like science, but I am a humanities man, I am learned, not skilled. A humanities man thrives on wisdom and learnedness, whereas a STEM-guy thrives on skill and intelligence. You got to be skilled to do physics. It's not really a matter of knowing many things. Humanities ain't either about knowing many facts, but it is more about quality rather than quantity, in every way; and that's what my primary school teacher said about me: he's quality over quantity. I suppose that's surprising for someone stumbling unto this blog, seeing all those words - not much quality there. But the truth is, I can't write much more during the day than this. You know, there was a Dutch author who said he wrote only 200 words per day. That seems a little few. He said he used to write more, but back then he didn't know what writing was. You know, that really pisses me off. I can write an infinity of words, but it'll all be meaningless; still, it might be writing in some weird sense, because there's words on paper, maybe that's enough. You know, Stanley Kubrick said that at this point the best thing he could think of for a young filmmaker to do was to pick up a video-camera and just film something. Doesn't that fill you with wonder? Everything is worth a movie!
You know, writing really fills me with peacefulness and joy. I like coming up with things to write, and I like to express myself I suppose. I'd say I like the process. What else is there to any activity? You know, I was thinking of Peter Parker's scenes on the motorcycle, I think in Spider-man 2. It's really cool. Peter Parker is a science egghead and he's a superhero in his free time, but meanwhile he makes ends meet delivering pizza. Now does he like the process of delivering pizza? It's a bit of a no-brainer. He doesn't. He probably likes the money. Maybe he liked that it puts his mind off things. You know, but sometimes we don't have a process, that's bad right. When we do something, and we know it's gonna work, but there ain't no process and we just end up with a lacklustre result immediately. That's terrible. Anyway, I was really inspired by Peter Parker. There's something nice about science, but weirdly enough if you know nothing about it it's not so fun, you know, because we like to discover new truths, we like to understand perhaps, you know, but that's all trivial. I used to enjoy reading about vulcanic eruptions and so on when I was a child, but I don't think I was ever instilled with an awe for science. You know, I even read Leonard Susskind's Physics: The theoretical minimum (I forget if that's the exact title) but I did not read it attentively, so I didn't get anything from it. I don't even remember what anything in it was. But obviously Peter Parker wasn't even a physics guy I think, he's more a biogenetics and chemistry I think, although he might be a kind of all round science guy. The thing is, I used to be on my way to become a well-rounded, grounded guy when I studied City Planning in Breda, but I left that all behind because I was seduced by the image of being a wise and learned scholar. Now what makes a scholar? "A specialist in a particular branch of study, especially the humanities." says the dictionary. Now I am bit of a stoicism scholar, but I wouldn't call myself a specialist by any means. Also, all my work at the university was on other things. I tried to deepen my knowledge of post-colonial theory - you know, it stimulated me, the terminology, the writing style, the eloquence, but I kind of hate stuck up immigrant writers and minority spokesmen. In other words, it didn't do me any good to study post-colonialism. But it kind of suits me. I also write weirdly sometimes, just like those guys. You know, I suppose we live in an age where the work of the mind is greatly underrated. But then, what does a scholar have to contribute to the modern world? Now I guess it was never easy, but scholars have always been very important in the world, but nowadays everyone is isolated. On the internet, everybody is a goddamned scholar. You know, everybody likes history, so history remains a very vivid field for scholarship, but the problem is that when we discover something about history it is usually not all that ground-breaking; whereas if you discover something in physics, it is very groundbreaking. You know, it's like we're saying: I want to understand nature. It's a bit silly actually. You don't say: I want to understand reality. That sounds very different. People see a tree and think: hey, nature! But your computer is nature too. A tree is alive, but that's biology. What does physics even really study? You know, we learned calculus in school, and I suppose that was like a really logical step for the educators, but I look into calculus and I really don't understand why I still don't know a lick about stuff like number theory, arithmetic or whatever. Why do I have to learn calculus when I will never be a mathematician? Or rather, why don't I learn what mathematics means for the independent thinking person? But I suppose school is not focussed on making us independent thinkers, it is just meant to prepare us for the job market, although I doubt you really use calculus there at all. And I am a mailman now. What was the point of all that education when I can't even find a decent job?
And I can't help but think that school is just a nice pastime for the kids, but nobody structures it that way; and I never thought about the future when I was young.
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NOW HIRING: trendy white girls
Apply inside
Last year, I was hunting for a job with better pay. In a random "might as well" moment, I submitted my resume at a local, independently owned clothing boutique. It wasn't optimal, but might be a small step up until I found The Dream Job. Surprisingly, I got called in for an interview!
During the chat with the owner, she asked me countless questions about my background in fashion and experience with making my own clothes. I thought this odd, since the boutique sells clothing brought in from LA—nothing there is handmade. Nevertheless, I described to her the types of clothing I have made before. After about 15 minutes, I was sent on my way. Would my years of customer service and sales experience get me the job? The answer was prompt. That evening, they called to let me know they were "moving forward with other candidates".
I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Honestly, it put a dent in my confidence about the skills on my resume. With my degree, experience, and flawless track record of work ethic, I should be able to get an entry level job anywhere, right? Especially in rural podunk town. Right??? Questions swirled in my mind for weeks after that. Is my college degree worth nothing? Do I look like someone who isn't even good enough to deliver pizza? With no reason given as to why they rejected me, my imagination was free to attack my self confidence with all sorts of made-up explanations.
Then one day out of boredom and curiosity, I followed that boutique on social media. In their latest post, their sales girls were modeling their new fall items in true Christian Girl Autumn style, tossing their ballayage hair.
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A month later, a video showed the sales girls strutting down a brick-lined back alley in puffy winter coats and knee-high boots, Instagram airbrush makeup impervious to the snowfall.
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In April, they started advertising their summer vacation outfits, the sales girls smashing cowboy hats down on their Beachy Waves while kicking up their matching cowboy ankle boots. (Gag)
I realized that I didn't get hired because my resume was lacking or my customer service was any less than top notch. It's most likely that I didn't get hired because I am not curvy, blond, makeup-caked, Instagram-trendy, basic "GOALZ". What they wanted was basic white girl models who would say "GURRL SLAYYY" to customers exiting the fitting rooms and could be trained to use a cash register. (But they can't come out and say that obviously, because equal opportunity laws.) They know that nothing would appeal to their basic white girl customers like other basic white girls. That's how cookie cutters and clones are—they all drool over each other as "GOALS" to a point where they all end up looking identical. Also, the boutique didn't actually want someone who could make clothes. I could be misjudging, but the girls working there look like they can't sew a stitch and are too hung up on fast fashion to ever be interested in learning.
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I had to remind myself that, from the start, this wasn't a job to be taken too seriously. Going into it, I had only considered it as a stepping stone job. I chided myself for letting the rejection get to me like it did.
Don't get me wrong, this isn't a rant to play victim and get people to feel sorry for me. I wanted to share one of my personal experiences in job hunting to help other non-basic girls be aware of unspoken standards that exist at some businesses. Don't let them shake your confidence in yourself and your skills. If they adhere so closely to cookie cutter Instagram girl protocols, then you are better off not working there. Go find a job somewhere that will appreciate and exercise your skills and talent.
Maybe it's just me, but I would rather be valued for what I am capable of accomplishing than how closely I match the basic white girl mold.
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mudaconstructions · 2 years
episode 13 pt 1 review
tl;dr it was alright, the fights were fun and i missed the star road gang hanging out together. some stuff really sucked though. more under the cut
yeah it's alright. the e ve section dragged on a bit too long and the whole weeby obviously jujutsu kaisen inspired atmosphere kinda got on my nerves by the end though.
my favorite part was the star road now gang finally having pizza together after 10 years, it really stood out to me as the highlight of the whole thing tbh; i really needed to see some cute wholesome jonah and grace moments and this episode definitely delivered on that (i know episode 12 pt 2 had them as well but they were overshadowed by the Awful Thing That Led To Them Happening), it's nice to see how the group dynamic still feels familiar but also kinda new? now that two of the couples in the party have kids and all that
idk what happened to papa pep between star road now and severed strings but he is somehow more unhinged than before. love him for it
holy shit i hate tokyo ghetto i hate children and i hate severed stands
yogurt being a funny little menace and getting an actual backstory was really nice! another highlight of this episode. the flashback really affirms how scary he can be when he wants to and the way he killed his owner was fucking nuts. this dog could run me over with his trolley transformer stand and id throw treats at him. also his speech about looking for the stick and finding it has grown into a big tree with fruits at the top went so hard
the "still underground" fight was fine? i still kinda hate severed stands and the way their stand ability was so... meh? didnt gel with me but by god it was a goldmine of fun character interactions. i'd let left brain hephi throw a taxidermied bear at me!!!!! also left brain yogurt running everyone over with hound's hologram went so hard
by far my least favorite part of the episode was the whole shit with "as you like it" oh my GOD i did not think they could ruin a fucking joke character but they somehow did it??? "as you like it" is a severed stand as well as a wearable one, so the only way it can exist now is by possessing unwilling participants (sth they admitted to) and taking over their personality. and Take A Guess at Who Got Possessed! it's october's sister, papa pep's rival from srn, some woman we dont know about yet, simon peppers, gen and nick lastley
now why does nick lastley matter you might ask? because apparently according to as you like it, he's the one who's stuck with this glove stand on his head for the rest of his life. and if you thought that was bad, the justification behind this was that lastley would've got himself injured or worse on his own? like idk say what you want about nick but if he somehow made it out alive after 10 years off screen idk maybe hes doing just fine by himself? and the worst thing about it is that.... the party is just. okay with it. they dont protest or demand that as you like it leaves lastley alone, theyre just like "well you need to work on getting consent from the people you possess" and theyre like "yeah youre right sorry" and IT'S NEVER ADDRESSED? but noooo were all for overlooked dreams and freeing stands am i right? this totally doesnt reflect badly on the organization or the party in any way shape or form. idk how they did it but they somehow involved the severed stand bullshit with a joke character and made them worse? and less funny? it's fucking nick lastley how do you screw it up. just as i thought it couldnt get worse it somehow always does
mr ghana looks like a pink and blue boss baby. he looks edible so i will hereby crush him into fine saccharine powder and put him on my toast
yeah that's about it. this might probably be the best episode since the Vard Reveal and it's only because it's largely disconnected from the main plot so think of that what you will
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redlenai · 2 years
I was going throgh some old stuff of mine and oh boy, I've found really old thingies like the fanzines I've made and sold on Anime Conventions or in parks like The Planetarium
Some are sooo bad but I kind of have a bit of affection for them hahahah. Personally, the only bad thing about making Fanzines is that most of the time production wise is very expensive (At least where I live) and it was impossible to charge for them a higher price and gain an extra bit just to produce more, lol. So that's kind of why I've stoppped doing them
I did two fanzines back in 2015, named Pizza Delivery. It was about a family from the hidden world running a bussiness for other supernatural creatures, the older brother underpaying his younger sister while her only motivation was to get a motorcycle. I sold these back in the day for very cheap but dang these are so bad hahahaha. They are free to read in my Facebook Page but these are only in Spanish lol (Fanzine 1 and Fanzine 2)
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I've done another one that while it was under an Editorial, it really collapsed and disappeared from the face of Earth so I sold it as another fanzine since they... kind of never asked me the money for the print or didn't register the Title at all, this was something so poorly done since I was rushing because I thought that I wouldn't get the position/opportunity if I didn't deliver this fast. This was from 2017 and also free to read on my Fanpage (Again, only in Spanish)
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By digging a bit more I also found this weird entry for an Editorial's Contest, obviously I didn't win nor got a mention haha. But it was fun to try. I think I printed this one to add it into another fanzine for a small shoutout section but I can't find it anywhere (2017)
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I've also done a very short story but I didn't get the chance to print it since I was still in high-school and had no money at all lol. I believe that from all these previous works, this one and Pizza Delivery's Fanzine 1 were done entirely on digital. The others were in traditional and I believe I have the papers somewhere in a briefcase (This was from 2018)
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