#friends in space my fav trope
sweethome-thoughts · 1 year
Spoilers on the last pic !! There's 5 again ok ty
Also if you saw me post the wrong post no you didn't
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In my silly posts era, sorry for the quality on the second pic I'm a bit too lazy to redo it, hope you enjoy still
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kyri45 · 9 days
✨ShadowPeach Bio Parents Bio AU Q&A! 12/09✨
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Welcome to the Q&A! A space where I can answer related or similar question about the Shadowpeach Bio Parents AU! If you submitted your ask anonimously, then you’ll have to check the whole post if it’s answered here, if it’s not, worry not! Your asks might have been used for a future comic or just in the queue~
@snsp6 I really hope that this won’t change MK’s view on his bio dads :( Anonimo Hello! Wanted to ask or more so I am wondering, will MK start seeing Wukong differently after finding out he literally killed Mac and even after seeing their past and how close they were, dam the trauma, anyhoo I love your art and the Shadowpeach bio parent au! Keep up the great work! >:D
Oh it will. (In a good way? a Bad? that's for me to know and for you to wait a week to know)
@hopefulbelievertimemachine Imagine if MK found someone who recently found out that they were a demon and he comforts them cuz he had a similar experience.
Oh that would be sooo wholesome!!! It's one of my fav trope when there's another character who go throught the same exact thing as another character and the two of them bond over this.
@zammy357 Hello, hope your day/night is going well. I wanted to ask since me and a friend like your bio parents blog and wanted to know if we can use it for an arc? Our blog is called @amnesia-wukong-au. We wanted to ask before we started doing it.
Hi!! Yeah sure as long you tag me and the masterpost of the shadowpeach au
Anonimo Wait what is a glamour (in context of Sun Wukong and Macaque)
A glamour is a magic spell that changes/cover your appearance. Like in the show macaque should technically have 6 ears. for animation purposi I guess they are not drawing all of them, but we say he uses a glamour also for covering his scarred eye.
@clueless-simp ha chiesto: What if PIF, BDK, Sun Wukong, and Macaque (and most definitely Mei) did a "parent trap" tactic to get MK and Red Son together? Setting things up, getting them alone together, pretending they are all busy, and the only option is for them to spend time together under the sunset XD XD XD
Oh no that would end bad. like-comically bad.
@honeylavender27 ha chiesto: Imagine red realizing mk doesn't know about court napping and just invites him over one day. Red son: so I'm sure your wondering why I invited you here.. Mk: yeah it's kinda weird you didn't want Mei to come. Is everything ok? Red: perfect actually, I'll explain everything just enter here first please. Mk: oh ok -walks into the prepared courtnapping room and gets locked in-.....uh red? Redson: consider yourself courtnapped...
Ahah poor MK. I think they would make a disastrous courtnapping that would be the equivalent of the phrase "task failed succesfully"
@artgurusauce ha chiesto: ARGGGHHHH, they're SO CUTE! I love your bioparent AU so much! Altho I am wondering: When MK turns back to normal would he retain some subconscious paternal attachment to our ol boys here? Maybe he even calls Macaque "Mom" without realizing it...
@blazerratbluefire-blog ha chiesto: Plot twist of the century for the oblivious monkey men. MK remembers ~everything~ when he was a cub! I'm not sure if that is what is planned, but! It would be really funny! Especially if he just calls Macaque 'Mama' all casual and just walks away. While Macaque EXP. has crashed and is rebooting. Gosh, that would be so cute! I absolutely love your artwork, by the way! It is so adorable!
Can't answer yet. He does NOT have memories, but he will remember ONE thing...
@daniellemarvel4 Hi, fist off I love your work and can't wait to see what you do next! I was wondering who is more protective of MK when it comes to Red Son? Whether that would be Pigsy, Wukong, Macaque, or even Tang (mabye Mei but I don't think she could stay serious long enough). Also, can we see what Sandy's doing?
mmmmmm---- I think Wukong. Freenoodle is pretty chill with the DBK family after everything that happened. Mac is also quite alright since he was always in good relationship with them. I would say Wukong would just want to be sure his kid doesn't get hurt by the fire in any way
Anonimo I've been squealing, grinning, and kicking my feet going through the Shadowpeach Bio parents AU. Baby MK has been SO CUTE and fun. I wonder if he's going to remember or be embarrassed about it. Another part of me hopes that river is still in play so Sun & Mac can fall in and suddenly MK and everyone has 2 chaotic super-powered Baby Monkeys to take care off 😭 😭 😭
Anonimo ha chiesto: I almost cried they are sooo cute. I hope that we get more sweet family content. Loving the comic thanks for making it 💕💕💕💕
Anonimo ha chiesto: I don’t want the cure to work ! Or could it be like that: MK is such a powerful being that the Dosis Pif gave them, just wasn’t strong enough. Instead it only aged MK up a bit so now he is a small kid or a teenager but not a grown ass money man again. I am not ready to leave the monkey family stuff behind 🥺
unfortunately the river has been close untile further notice. (dw this wont be the end)
@cutvdo ha chiesto: Mei bribing Red Son with baby MK pictures
@luciferapollyon ha chiesto: I hope Mei, Red Son, Macaque and Wukong all got pics before they turned MK back
Anonimo ha chiesto: DHJSJDJDH LIL BABY BEAN! I wonder if Wukong and Macaque took any pics of lil MK while he was smol baby? She would keep them and use them as blackmail. (affectionately)
Anonimo ha chiesto: Your shadowpeach bio parent au is just perfect!! Thankyou for feeding the fandom with the nectar of the gods!!! Especially the one where mac slips into the bed after wukong waits all night. Like Mac would wake up in the morning and see him fast asleep and think of Peng asking 'is there anything Wukong could do that would break his hold over you?' and just seeing him at his most vulnerable right now he's like 'no, not when he always gives me a reason to stay.'
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@queen-of-purple-roses Wait if MK is experiencing Macaque’s memories then does that mean that Macaque can experience MK’s? Are they able to dive into each other’s minds?
So the thing is that MK is hearing the past from both POVs. Macaque by definition can hear ANYTHING so yeah he could definitely experience MKs memories. But the thing is-does he want to? I headcanon that his future-present-past hearing abilities are something he only used a couple of times, and because what he heard from them was so traumatic, he decided to NOT use them again (like wukong laser eyes)
@sillygothpartykid ha chiesto: I know everyone is asking you to make the gay monkeys kiss but I actually like how you are developing their relationship. You letting them work through their problems and feeling first giving us that sweet, sweet slow burn! Love your art btw!❤️❤️❤️
awwww ty!!!! yes pls slow burn for life.
@kraytherandomchick ha chiesto: Hey, love your ShadowPeach AU! (Started rereading it after crying from the season 5 finale hehe :'D) But there's always something that's kinda stuck in my head, if MK's no longer immortal, would Macaque or Wukong get sad at the thought of getting older and forced keep going without him?
So- *sigh* technically, we don't really know MK immortality status. it's a grey area for now. Because on one side, he's a stone monkey, who, by nature like Wukong, can perfectly age and grow like a normal monkey. On the other hand, he's technically died already, and by the time he was created by Nuwa, both his biological fathers were already immortal (Wukong bc yes, Macaque because he's a demon, and he can die from wounds and illness, but can't age)
So to answer: we don't know yet what's with him. we will see (I promise that)
@lmk4ever ha chiesto: I LOVE THE SHADOW PEACH BIO PARENT AU SO MUCH!! Mk boi is so lucky to have a artist like you and fathers like them. I want to ask, will shadowpeach ever get into a fight out of anger in front of Mk? Or did they moved on from that phase?
If they will fight it will be more of like- the 2 dads grounding MK. If they need to fight they learned that they need to go on another mountain to do it so they don't bother their child
Anonimo ha chiesto: Will we get a traffic light trio ship?
Probably not, but I'm all for dragonfruit/spicynoodle and having MK and Mei NOT dating each other at the same time.
@yuk1yun ha chiesto: If lmk season 6 isn't like your au, then I don't want to watch it
@conniescialla ha chiesto: HIIII!! ok scusa l'italiano ma letteralmente trovare artisti italiani ispira sempre quel momento patriottico alla YES ONE OF US MUAHHAHAH Scherzi a parte, il comic Shadowpeach bio parents Au è meraviglioso, si approva soprattutto l'hurt/comfort ;p
Tanti kudos!!<3
Anonimo ha chiesto: I really wanna see jelous wukong!!!!!! I dunno maybe some random demon trying to flirt with emo monkie or something and wukong is like oh hell no!! He is mine!! I think it would be so cute
he would become incredibly possessive and start hissing and growling like a tiger. NOBODY TOUCHES MY SOFT PILLOW
Anonimo ha chiesto: I think it would be so cute if Wukong would take care of sick Macaque! It would show Macaque that Wukong changed and is no longer like he was before. I wonder if Macaque got sick, would MK help or would Macaque be too stubborn to let anyone know.
I know everyone says Wukong is this great sage with incredible abilities in every field (and he is) but I would like to imagine that, since he needs to do these thing for Macaque specifically, he's so stressed over the fact he needs to do them perfectly that he fucks up lmao.
Like, he would try his best to take care of him and almost burn the kitchen in the meantime, while Macaque was only hoping the two of them could just stay more in bed cuddling each other
Anonimo ha chiesto: im just imagining Mac getting anxious becouse he cannot find baby MK and Wukong is there to calm him down
@shadowpeachera ha chiesto: Heyy I absolutely love your shadowpeach bio au, the drawings, the text its perfect! Did Mk every run off or get into trouble now that he’s a cub or even play games with Wukong and Macaque like hide and seek? That would be really cute. I can imagine them playing hide and seek while Mk discovers he can make shadow portals, meanwhile his parents are stressing and scared as they have no idea where he is.
i think both of them would freak out.
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@nyx-daughterofchaos98 ha chiesto: Hi! For LMK, I watched a nature documentary on Monkeys the other day and a lot of monkeys correct each others behavior by doing something called “Disciplinary Nips” or “Discipline Bites” (This isn’t a sexual ask I promise) I think it would be absolutely hilarious, if Macaque and Wukong are napping together, and for whatever reason, Wukong keeps moving around, unable to get comfortable. And in his sleep-riddled state, Macaque gets annoyed and bites him. 🤣 Like; I’M TRYING TO SLEEP! KNOCK IT OFF! 🤣🤣🤣 And when Wukong does stop moving, Macaque does actually fall asleep. Even better is if Macaque wakes up and has absolutely No Idea he bit Wukong because he was half asleep at the time. Or he thinks it was a dream and ensue the shenanigans when he realizes it wasn’t.
OMG THAT'S SO CUTE AND SILLY AAHHHH!!! EVEN BETTER: what if they do this without noticing BEFORE they are like-actually romantically back together, and someone sees the mark bites AND THEY START TO ASSUME CERTAIN THINGS BRUH.
@tabs-tabi-tabby  Can Macaque help with MK’s clones? Or would that be Wukong’s area?
MK can't make the same clones macaque has. He can control a little bit his own shadow, and use that as a clone. so as long as it's his own shadow, it's more Mac area, if it's his own hair clone then it's Wukong's
@startdustmonkie ha chiesto: Does Mk and or Wukong know about Savage and Rumble? (If so how did they find out about them?) — (also: do Savage and Rumble see Mama macaque as a parent?)
@mushrum-soup ha chiesto: Hi just wanted to say I absolutely adore your shadow peach au it's literally the highlight of my week 💖I was wondering tho are rumble and savage just shadow clones in your au or similar to their Lego counterparts :O?
Yes they know about them. No they aren't his kids let's say. My own personal headcanon for the Au (or the show in general) is that they are both Macaque shadow, like- clones with a little bit of personality just like MK clones represent specific parts of his personality. He has 2 of them because he lived 2 lives, one before and one after he was brought back to life.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Just read the latest Shadowpeach bio kid comic, and i cant help but giggle a bit at how MK’s chirp woke Wukong and Macaque up lmao just the “and they snoozing- OH SHIT BABY CHIRPING WHATS WRONG-“
@hellobur ha chiesto: Did you base when mk was reaching fr macaque after he was walking away because mk called him mama after this or was it a funny coincidence (mk also doe the pose but I can't find it lol)
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Also I absolutely love this story and your art your work is incredible! ^^
@dragonaboni-blog ha chiesto: Hi! First off, I love your art and your Shadowpeach AU, it's the reason I'm reactivating my own Tumblr account lol One of my favorite tropes in this story is "A gets sick and B takes care of him" so I'm wondering… What would that trope be like in the AU? What would the monkey trio be like when they got sick? Do any of them sleep through their illness? Or are any of them extremely dramatic like "These will be my last words…"? CoughcoughWUKONGCoughcough
Aaahh I’ve seen a lot of asks asking this one but honestly I don t know If I’ll ever draw that trope. Maybe bc Wukong should technically have canonically too much knowledge about general illness to be worried about normal daily life illness. If it was something more life-threating. Maybe yes, but I still have to cook.
Anonimo ha chiesto: Counterpoint: wukong can't handle spicy foods because he has no impulse control and his monkee brain wants him to only eat fruit and peaches
Ouch. Yes that seems about accurate for him lmao
Anonimo ha chiesto: About the lmk bio au.... we have seen that MK can manipulate certain parts of his body in the 72 transformations... so..... Wukong and Macaque could technically have children.
I’ll be 100% honest I have no idea if stone monkeys are…fertile?
Anonimo Hey there! I am in love with your art. LMK is something that came into my life recently and damn I love it so much! Love your AU, and I can't wait to see more of it. Funnily, since the baby MK incident I imagine this later on becoming a somewhat spark of many funny arguments later on. What I mean is I see baby MK has a favorite parent (*cough-cough* MacCRACK *cough-cough*) [Sorry with the name joke, couldn't help myself]. XD. And I imagine Wukong be a bit jealous at times and go 'Anything you can do I can do better XD' Also see lovely Redson have a thing for MK, and then I imagine him ask his parents about advice on pursuing his crush. "So who is the lucky girl?" "Well, you already know him-" *Spits out water* "You got yourself a husband?" "What, no I haven't yet-!"
Aww I don't think MK would have a favourite but definitely there are times where he wants one parent more than the other (play time with Wukong, nap time with Mamacaque)
Anonimo ha chiesto: Yknow what they say… like father like son! In the sense that they’re all gay /j
Oh yeah absolutely it's genetic/j
@wolfasketch ha chiesto: Mac being on the sunny side and Wuwu being in the shadows
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I know I'm looking into it too much but- AHHH!!!
That was unintentional but HOLY SIT U R RIGHT
Anonimo ha chiesto: Poor Red Boy never got to see baby MK! Imagine him just staring at the adorableness that is baby MK and being like 'I hope our future children look just like you OH MY GODS YOU'RE ADORABLE'. Baby MK: :3
Their child will literally be Kai from Ninjago so I guess THEY ARE RIGHT HE WILL BE
Anonimo ha chiesto: And then MK will wake up back to normal, confused, but proud that he managed to get them even closer?
100% yes
@drowning-in-webnovel-chapters ha chiesto: I can't imagine how the monkey dads are gonna try to go back to sleep after that, oof. Also Wukong definitely knows all that from when he used to help Macaque through visions, right?
Yup! He does indeed!
Anonimo ha chiesto: I’m guessing MK is getting a mini version of Macaque’s “can hear the past/present/future” thingy, did he managed to hear it accidentally or was he trying to learn more about his powers/Shadowpeach’s past ?
Yes, he was just wondering since last time that he found the sleeping cuddling with him, what exactly happened for them to rift away. Guess curiosity killed the cat
@aurabooboo ha chiesto: So. I'm rewatching season 5, right? I noticed that they almost had a yelling match with MK right in the middle. Would Wukong apologize to him for that?
These 3 have so much to talk about… i wont draw everything, but they definitely apologised offscreen.
@elianaroselight ha chiesto: It is quite telling how Wukong immediately knew what to do to help calm MK, but also, Macaque coming in with the perspective of having gone through it himself. The need for them to remain close by and wait until Mk is asleep before trying to leave. This means Mac has been through exactly what he is telling them not to do and knows the pain, sorrow and trauma that comes from feeling abandoned like this. They may be facing their past hurting their own kid through proxy and try to help him fight against the trauma. Luckily they have good people to help when they themselves can't. *looks at Freenoodles*
Yup! Their response is exactly related to what they do to calm the other!
@thenerdycupcake ha chiesto: So, does MK’s gold vision combine with his hearing sometimes so that he sees some of what he’s hearing from the past?
Oooohhh i guess he does! So he can literally see and hear the past!
@frogsfandoms ha chiesto: Omg why can I see after MK wakes up he thinks that it isn’t the past he’s hearing and that it actually just happened. Rushing to see if Wukong and Macaque are hurt and or trying to stop them from fighting 😭😭😭
Oohhh our baby still doesn’t want to believe it actually happened :(
Anonimo ha chiesto: Adult MK: OH MY GOD A SPIDER *desperate scared monkey noises* Baby MK: what's this? A 5 starts meal? *Tries to chomp said spider* He's gonna be sooo disgusted when someone tells him he tried to eat one fkdkdlfmfl
Oh poor MK. He’ll be teased about this for the rest of his days.
@sailera ha chiesto: Hello I have question about you Shadowpeach bio dads au- How would Pigsy react that his only employee turned to a baby? And hadn’t answered his phone in few days? Also love your art!! And your ISAT comic got me again interested in playing Sky ✨
Mk only became a baby for like- 20 hours. Mei told him that he stayed at FFM because he was ‘tired after training’. As of now Pigsy didn!t found out
That's all for this week! Thank you a lot for all the asks!
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landos-meat-rider · 1 year
mastermind, part one - theodore nott
hi omg im back😍🙌
ok so this is part one of a series called "mastermind" (inspired by the song “mastermind” by taylor swift). its a theodore nott fic and starts from the beginning of sixth year until the end of seventh, im literally making it up as i go😍🙏.
academic rivals, enemies to lovers, one bed trope, heavy angst at times and all that so enjoy😋😋
this ones a short one for now but part two is halfway done and should be out sometime this weekend🤞🤞
please lmk what you think: what were your fav parts? anything i should change?
and maybe repost if you feel extra generous :))
warnings: none for now<33
theodore nott masterlist
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“Hey, wait on!”
I turn around to see Hermione running to catch up with me, her suitcases on her trolley and her cat happily meowing in its cage.
“Hermione!” I exclaim as I give one of the trolley boys my trolley and go to hug her.
“Oh my gosh I haven’t seen you in ages!” she sighs as she hugs back tightly.
“I know, you promised to write, why didn’t you?” I say.
“Oh shush, it’s not like you sent me any care packages anyways.” she replies as she links our arms and starts leading us to one of the carriages once we’ve taken our pets off.
Hermione and I have been friends since the beginning of our first year, before we were friends with Ron and Harry actually.
To say that my mother was happy with our friendship is a huge lie.
Bellatrix Lestrange.
Even her name disgusts me, much less the things she’s done.
She was mortified. I still remember the look on her face when I brought Hermione over one time.
“A mudblood?” she had exclaimed.
“Why on earth would you want to be friends with the likes of them? You’re surely not my daughter, that’s for one thing.”
Hermione and I both knew what rejection felt like. Her, with most of the pureblood Slytherins, and me, with my pureblood Slytherin family.
My aunts and uncles are probably the worst of the bunch surprisingly.
Lucius and Nesta Malfoy.
Even their names are filled with poison.
Not to mention my cousin. Draco.
What a horrible waste of a family.
My uncle, Sirius, is the only one in the family who understands me. Coming from a highly Slytherin pureblood family, we were the only Gryffindors. God knows why.
I think the neglect from my mother and most family is what made me and Hermione such good friends. We both knew how the other felt.
“Have you seen Ron or Harry around yet?” I asked, settling down in the train cabin in the train with my cat, Alfie, in my lap.
“No, not yet. They should be coming up soon though.” Hermione replied and surely enough the door to the cabin opened and in came a mess of ginger hair, already complaining about God knows what;
closely followed by Harry who tried to say hello before he was cut off.
“Guys you’ll never guess what. Mum made me wear Fred and George’s old jumpers again. As if I’ll ever fit into these, they’re huge! And another thing, she said I’m not allowed to get a new pet so I’m stuck with this old bird.” he finishes his rant as he points to the old caged owl in his hands.
“Hello to you too Ron.” I say after a pause.
“Oh yeah, hi guys!” he says smiling.
Hermione rolls her eyes at him with a smile and pats on the space next to her, motioning him to sit down and Harry sits next to me after hugging me and Hermione.
“So what’s all this about Draco and a weird-looking cabinet? And who are all these people you’re talking about?” Ron asks Harry settling down and rubbing his hands together to warm them up.
“Don’t you see? It was a ceremony, an initiation.” Harry says, looking over at me.
“Stop that rubbish Harry. I know where you’re going.” Hermione says, trying to ignore whatever Harry and Ron were talking about and looking out the window.
“No guys listen to me, it’s happened. He’s one of them.” Harry says the last part quietly.
“One of what?” Ron asks, confused as I take a sigh and say,
“Harry’s under the impression that Draco Malfoy is a death eater.”
“You're barking.” Ron says as he sits up, ‘What would You-Know-Who want with Malfoy, he hasn’t got any hair to want Malfoy’s bleach bottle.”
“Well then what’s he doing in Borgin and Burkes? Browsing for furniture?” Harry quips.
“It’s a creepy shop. He’s a creepy bloke. Put two and two together and there you go.” Ron responds.
“Look, his dad’s a Death Eater, his aunt’s a Death Eater, most of his family is, whos to say he isn’t following in their footsteps.” Harry says as I look away in shame.
Harry realises his poor choice in words and says, “I need some air.” and walks out the cabin.
“He’s going mad I’m telling you.” Ron says to Hermione and I.
Hermione and I don’t say anything in response but busy ourselves with our reading books while Ron raids the sweet trolley.
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It only took us around half an hour to get settled in our dorms again, this being our seventh year we had a lot more practice and we were all now making our way to the great dining hall.
“Welcome all students…” McGongall’s voice boomed as we took our seats, Hermione and Dean Thomas on either side of me with Ron and Ginny in front. Our table was on the other side of the hall to the Slytherin table but I could still see my cousin's crispy fried blonde hair as he took his seat next to one of his friends.
What was his name again?
“Why are you staring at Theodore Nott? I thought you hated him.” Ron interrupts my thoughts as he shoves a piece of chicken in his mouth.
Theodore. Right.
“And now with the sorting ceremony finished for another year, let us feast!” McGonagall’s voice, thankfully for once, gave me a chance to change the subject before things got weird.
“What? No I’m not, pass the mashed potatoes.” I say shrugging it off as I draw my attention to Hermione.
“Where’s Harry, he’s already missed the welcoming.” Hermione says, looking around in anticipation, clearly worried.
“Don’t worry, he’ll be here in a moment.” Ron responds shoving a spoon of jelley in his mouth.
Jelly with chicken? Ew.
Hermione stares at him for a moment before hitting him with her book repeatedly, making me laugh, “Will you stop eating? Your best friend is missing.” “Oi! Turn around you lunatic.”
We turn to where Ron is looking and see Harry walking towards us with a white cloth at his nose, stained in blood.
“Why do you always have to be covered in blood?” I say, taking the cloth from his hands as he sits next to me. I try to clean up his face the best I can.
“Where have you been? And whats happened to your face?” Hermione hisses at him.
“Later, what’ve I missed?”
“Sorting hat urged us to be brave and strong on these troubled times.” Ron replies.
“Easy for it to say, its just a bloody hat innit?’ I say.
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“Y/N! GET UP!”
I open my eyes and see Hermione pacing around our room trying to get ready.
“What?” I say groggily, putting my head back on my pillow.
“I said get up, you’re going to be late and we have potions first thing.” she said as she pulled the pillow from under my head and tore the duvet off my body, forcing me to get ready.
“Eugh no I can’t deal with Snape this early.” I say as I make my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
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“Attention to detail in the preparation is the prerequisite of all planning. Ah! Hello ladies. Please, please take a seat.” The professor says to us.
Wow. This is a change.
Hermione rushed to take the nearest seat available next to Lavender Brown which left me next to,
“Well hello to you too.” Theodore Nott says smirking up at me from his chair as I drop all my books down.
I took a seat before my knees had the chance to give out.
Woah, what?
“Hey.” I say curtly, drawing my attention to the assignment, trying to ignore Theodore’s piercing gaze and strong cologne.
“Late on the first day I see, not a good impression. If Snape were here, he’d have your heads.” Theodore says as he scribbles down the assignment on the board into his scrolls.
I roll my eyes and ask, ”Who’s this anyway?” as I copy the ingredients for the potion in my scrolls.
“Professor Slughorn. He’s taking our class for this year.” Theodore says as he waits for me to finish writing so we can get the ingredients for our potion from the back of the room. “The whole year?” I say standing up and making my way to the back with Theo, “What’s happened to Snape?”
“No idea love.” Theo says, making butterflies erupt in my tummy but I shove them down before they can travel up to my throat and make me say something flirty back.
Theodore and I never had a reason to dislike each other. Well, not officially. We never had a big fight or any interactions of any sort honestly. I didn’t even take any notice of him until he had beaten me to a question in first year in dark arts and gotten 10 house points because of it. Since then we’ve had something going on between us. The need to one-up one another, to be smarter in lessons and faster in quidditch.
I’m not going to deny that he was attractive, because God he was beautiful.
Beautiful and conceited.
✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚
part one, done!
lmk what your fav parts were!!
and maybe repost if you feel extra generous :))
taglist: @timmytime17 @cherry-hoe @jetblackpayne @ash-tarte @coolestgirlhere
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mikakuna · 3 months
JASON SHOCKING PPL WHEN HE TAKES OFF TGE HELMET BC HE IS SUCH A PRETTY BOY YES YESSSS YESSSSS!!!!! I need it, I crave it, and on the topic of scars, I’m remembering this old series I used to read back in middle school, the lunar chronicles? Where there was a character, Winter, who was so beautiful and everyone agreed (she was the Snow White equivalent) and she had three symmetrical scars down the side of her cheek from under her eye down to her jaw and they looked like tears. Idk, Jason like that as well always gets me.
But Jason with no scars too??? Yes yes yes yes want it need it crave it desperate for it to shock ppl, like, I’m constantly in an annoyed at Tim mood cause he’s been everywhere in fics even when you filter him out 😭 and I’ve come across so many “poor baby Tim’s friends the titans HATE Jason for attacking sassy poor scared baby bird Tim and threaten Jason on his behalf when they see him on a mission or at the watchtower or smth” and I have enough spite to want an oh yeah? How about a fic that starts off like it’s going in that direction.
Jason the absolute unbothered king who does not give two shits abt the Titan tower incident cause whatever it was a while ago move on? And he wasn’t fighting a baby he was fighting a dude a year or two younger than him, who had training, and the hubris to think he could beat Jason. It wasn’t a one sided smack down, and of it was ever spun that way it’s because Jason was THAT good, and Tim was too caught up in his prejudices regarding Jason to truly believe Jason had skill. That’s on Tim.
For jason, it happened, but it’s not even that big of a deal it’s barely registering on his radar bc Tim does NOT take up space in his list of priorities. Jays a busy guy. So maybe he’s at the watchtower or wherever with the outlaws (biz and arty cause Roy and Kori are with dicks TT atm, but you just know they are excited to see Jason again. (Jayroy my beloved.) and obvi so is Donna.)
and he gets approached by the comically angry Tim’s teen titans like OoOH we got a bone to pick with you! All that usual woobifying of Tim talk happens like, “so pathetic that you as an adult are coming in and beating on some kid sooo much younger than you, and all that crap,” and arty and biz are bristling here, and Jason just, shakes his head in wtf, takes of his helmet, muttering “this I gotta see with my own eyes” only for him to faintly register the THUNK of Kyle Rayner walking into a window, and the sputtering of Tim’s friends as they trail off in gobsmacked.
When they speak again it’s Kon, clearing his throat, “so like, are you single or…”
Cassie, hissing, “kon!” Sharply elbowing him in his side, still shook that Jason is barely older than them.
Kon, hissing back from the corner of his mouth, eyes still on Jason, cheeks flushed, “what? It’s not like I have a PROBLEM with the crime lord thing, my other dad is Lex Luthor!”
everyone thinks jason is this horrific monster for fighting tim like tim didn't equally fight back. it is NOT jason's fault tim's weak ass lost against him!!!!
omg the idea of him being so unbothered that he doesn't even remember fighting tim but meanwhile everyone and their moms have that shit in the back of their mind constantly because tim has them all thinking he's a little kid that needs protecting. it's just jason not giving a single fuck and 100% willing to fight him again to see if tim's improved even slightly <3
kon's reaction is so real !!! instant switch up when he realizes that this is not an old man but a beautiful, gorgeously scarred individual he will begin courting instantly. kon's internal thought is to wonder why tim was so upset about jason beating him because he would gladly sign up. my fav trope is everyone realizing how young jason is ♥️
thank you so much for sharing this amazing idea I LOVE ITTTT
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pinkwright · 2 years
need u on my skin like closure, baby | shuri udaku.
Tumblr media
pairing — college!shuri x college!y/n
trope — exes 2 friends 2 lovers
inspo — anya mmiri by ckay ft. pinkpantheress
warnings — fingering (reader receiving), dom!shuri, humiliation kink, erm dumbification (listen..), possessive!shuri, protective!shuri, shuri is touchy, kissing, overstimulation, its long my bad, reader is easily embarrassed, tensionnn, shuris mean n condescending but so in love, reader is bratty for like two seconds, jealous!shuri, dacryphilia, dirty talk, degradation but like its like praise coded, praise, reader gets rlly subby (poor baby) but not crazily so like subspace, i think that's it but i honestly don't know.
a/n — i wrote this pretty quickly actually n was initially gonna post for valentines but bc i'm drowning in ideas rn it doesnt rlly matter so, i hope u enjoy it ! girl i won't lie writing this had me a bit breathy LMFAO so if there r any errors that's my bad but u know why. im a miniskirt kinda gal so this is what i imagine reader wearing to the party while this is what i imagine shuri in (4th)— u can obvi imagine what u want.
⟢˚ @mbakuetshurisprincess @inmyheadimobsessed @letitias-fav @barkbarkbo @saintwrld
confusion, confusion, it's life, and illusion. you’re with me right now, next thing you're gone. but i need you on my skin closure, like closure, baby.
the music blasts through your ears, the steady vibrations stimulating you sufficiently, working well in keeping you from getting distracted from the current art piece you worked on. the world around you seemed muted as the tones of green, brown, and orange danced across your canvas, the oil paint was firm but still allowed room for error, encouraging it even – your favourite medium for that reason.
a slow succession of knocks sound under the thump of your music, the door to your studio opening and closing with two soft clicks, the person not making themselves known to you. though, a smile creeps on your lips – having recognised the knocking pattern, “by now you should know that creeping up on me after you’ve knocked is futile, right?” your hand reaching towards your stereo to lower the piercing volume.
you place your palette on the covered table to your side, the dirty paintbrush following suit as you stand to turn to face her, your arms lift into a stretch then fall to fix the unruly bun of the lace on your head as you finally set your gaze on her. she’s standing in the doorway, her hands buried in the pockets of her baggy black sweatpants, a matching oversized black hoodie sitting on her torso, the accents of dark purple shifting as she lifts her hands into surrender, and there’s mischief dancing in her eyes.  
“i will never understand how you do that when i quite literally have the stealth of a panther.”
she’s smiling at you as she speaks, her voice is playful and light as you begin to pack up your belongings, “i don’t know, your majesty. maybe, just maybe, the deadly black panther has met her match.” you’re giggling as you say it, unaware of the inner turmoil you’ve thrown shuri in to.
the air quietens down as you raise your eyes to look at her, your sweep of the room to make sure it’s presentable for your arrival tomorrow complete, and you seem to realise what has transpired, what you insinuated. shuri’s gazing at you with a deep but unreadable expression, one that has you averting your eyes over an awkward chuckle as you walk towards her.
“that, she has.” her voice is deep, and serious, as it slithers up your body, wafting with your intake of breath to settle in the depths of your lungs. her words carry a depth you’re familiar with, or at least, were familiar with, one that spoke of her devotion to you, her love and respect for you, her desires and promises to make you, her queen.
you clear your throat before moving around her tall frame to step out of the small, now tense, space. your heart flutters as she quickly reaches out to open the door for you, her cologne permeating your psyche as it washes over you – jasmine and warm musk on top of cedar and bourbon vanilla, all wrapped within the sensual flamboyancy of roses.
you walk to the elevator and step into the space, the music is soothing as you sigh out and drop your head side to side in a stretch, you had been sat unmoving for a long period of time, “i always tell you to take stretching breaks to ease the strain on your body.” shuri’s voice is teasing but you can hear the firmness floating through the crevices of it. your eyes reach to look up at her, your lips parting on a snarky remark, but the ding of a stop on another floor has you pausing; then there are two things happening simultaneously.
firstly, a group of college boys is stepping into the small space and, secondly, shuri’s reaching both her hands to rest firmly on the skin of either of your shoulders, slightly pressing against you to shift your body away from the rowdy boys, guiding you to face slightly away from them, as she steps forward to press against you, giving the one that was nearest to you a curt but taunting smile, as if she’s daring them to touch you.
the action is so swift and so instinctive that it’s over before you even get to blink twice, but it wakes up your aching body, provoking it into calling out for her. you feel its call in the warmth pulsing through you, the sweep of your stomach, and the racing of your heart. her head dips to where her soft curls skim the skin of your collarbone, her nose barely brushing against the arch of your neck, and your head is tilting slightly for her, your body reacts before your mind can process, clearly yearning for her closeness.
“what were you saying, s’thandwa?”
she breathes the words into your skin, her hands squeezing your shoulders before they’re slipping down your arms and coming to rest on the heated skin of your waist, pulling you into her so her chest presses against the length of your back; and you’re embarrassed. you can feel the rapid glances of the others beside you, though their conversation never ceases, and you know that shuri’s doing this on purpose. she knows that no matter how much you deny it, your body vibrates with the idea of her possessing you like this, owning you where there’s nothing to shield the clench of your thighs from prying eyes; she knows you bask in the humiliation of it.
you shake your head to clear your thoughts, “it’s fine, it wasn’t important.” you almost flinch when you hear how breathy your voice sounds, the heat rising to your face but moving to settle in the pit of your stomach. shuri’s chuckle is taunting as she breathes you in, her head dropping slightly and you can feel her lips curling as she skims a phantom kiss on your sweet skin, and you swear when your head clears, you’re going to kill shuri udaku.
the doors ring open to the ground floor and shuri guides your body out, no longer pressed against you as she takes to wrapping her arm around your shoulder and your head finally clears. “you are such a fucking ass, actually,” her boisterous laugh is cutting you off as she turns to look down at you, amusement dancing in her eyes.
“looking out for you is being an ass, my love?” she teases. your eyes roll as you throw her arm off of you, her laugh only intensifying as she brings her hands to clap obnoxiously. the muscles of your heart seize as you regard her, you love her so much, why’d she have to confuse you like this?
“shut the fuck up, i’ll see you tonight.” you try to look annoyed, but a series of giggles are escaping you as you walk away, your apartment only a block away. you’re adjusting the bag on your shoulder when shuri’s voice rings out in agreement, her laugh quelling as she watches you go, a sigh taking its place as the longing grips her once again.
you roll your lips to spread your lipgloss and reach to put the tube in the black bag you decided to carry tonight, rocking your hips to the beat of baby boy reverbarating through the walls of your apartment as you deem yourself ready. you spin your back to the mirror, your eyes sliding to gaze over your shoulder as you give yourself a once over, the length of your skirt was daring, provocative, just how you liked it.
the knocking at your door has you grabbing your bag and ruffling out your hair, allowing the bangs to frame your face cheekily because you know shuri likes it when you look a little bit of a mess for her, not that you wanted to look good for her or anything along those lines. the door swings open, your previous smile dropping as you lay your eyes on her, sweeping your gaze down her lithe frame as your glossy lips part, she needed you bad; shuri’s doing the same, her tongue coming out to lick her lips as her dark eyes burn into the skin of your legs, she had always been a leg girl.
your eyes snap up at the clearing of her throat, and she’s smirking at you before leaning into your space, her arms wrapping slowly around your waist, pressing you against her firmly as she brings her lips to your ear, “bast, you’re killing me, baby.”
the words end with a grunt as she slips one of her hands down your hips to play with the hem of your skirt, “this fucking skirt, you’re a little slut for attention, hm.” her voice is soft and cooing like she’s praising you, and her fingers grazing the skin of your thigh paired with the tenderness of her tone coaxes you into accepting the praise.
you let out a low whimper, the heat of your core bringing you to clench your thighs slightly, shuri chuckles condescendingly before pulling away, lifting your hand to her lips to graze your knuckles before she’s pulling you away, guiding you to her car. the ride is a short but electrified one, god what kind of exes slash friends were you?
the party is in full blast by the time you two arrive, music blasting through the house and flowing into both the back and front yards, you could feel the vibrations settle in the marrow of your bones as you make your way inside, still being guided by shuri. she moves through the crowd just like a panther; gracefully, instinctively, moving with the aura of the apex predator she was, she greets people as she enters the kitchen, using the grip on your hand to seat you on an empty barstool before she starts to prepare some drinks for you.
you’re joined by some of your friends, and soon you’re laughing, enjoying the party and the sweet drink shuri had prepared for you, before you feel like dancing. you hold one of your friend’s hands as you go to dance, letting go of the overbearing stress you carried, letting the music caress the heat of your skin. you feel her eyes watching you, feel them heavily sliding down the length of your moving body and it exhilarates you. you open your eyes and just as you meet her gaze, a body presses itself against you, much like she had earlier, and her gaze is darkening.
the intensity of it shocks you but lulls the bratty side of you forward, calling you to make her move, make her claim you again. the thought excites you enough to bring your hand to guide the strangers to rest on the material covering your ribs, your lips twitching in amusement when you see her eyes drop to sneer at the touch.
that’s it, come to me. the vixen in you is cunning, luring her lover to her with tactics she knows shuri will concur to, tactics she knows will break the regal patience of the queen.
but shuri simply raises a manicured brow, her lips lifting into a smirk as she sweeps her eyes over your frame and she’s leaning forward against the marble countertops before tilting her head at you. you know that look, and so does your body, seeing as it instinctively clenches with a fire so deep it licks at the jagged edges of your ribs, sinking into the space between your legs.
she barely lifts her hand, her fingers moving to call you to her and you’re moving without thinking, like a prey to its predator, and you’re soothed by a false sense of security when she allows you to place your hand in hers so she can gently pull you towards her and whisper directly into your ear, “i don’t know who made you think you run shit, s’thandwa, but i know you need me to fix that for you, right?”
the shiver that wrecks through your body is instant and you’re nodding before you can comprehend, your breath hitching when you feel her pull you through the crowd, you were in for it. the lock of the bathroom door barely clicks before one of shuri’s hands grabs both of your wrists to press against the wood while the other pushes your hips against the surface.
there’s a pause, “i need to hear you to tell me you want this baby, that you want me.” her voice is strained like she’s holding back.
“please, please, shuri, i need it, need you, always.”
the whine barely escapes you before she’s letting out a tortured groan and pressing against you, her hand sliding down your hip, roughly pushing the hem of your skirt up, and pressing over the front of your damp underwear. your hips stutter as she presses against your clit, your lips parting as you moan out, hearing her groan into the curve of your neck, her lips pressing heated kisses along the length of it, “barely touched you and you’re this wet for me, baby? my pretty pussy’s crying for me, isn’t she?”
her voice is pulling you into the state only she can pull you into, where your mind is only occupied with her, and it’s hard to think, to breathe, to exist beyond her. her fingers trace slow circles over your underwear, your hips swirling to match the movements, and she’s laughing at you. lifting her lips to slide over your cheekbone and press against your temple as she increases the pace of her fingers.
“my desperate fucking girl. you want to come in these pretty lace panties?”
your hips buck wildly as you gasp, your head spinning as you whimper out her name, over and over again, a series of pleads falling from your lips. the way she’s talking to you with that lilt in her voice like you were just a girl to be scolded, a girl to be humiliated until you learned, learned what being hers meant. she’s speaking words to you, wanting you to gaze into those eyes while she touches what’s hers.
you feel the wave cresting, your stomach clenching as you practically squeal out her name, your hips gyrating frantically in time with her hand, your hands are clenching, your arms still held above your head, wanting to grab something to ground you, wanting to touch her to ground you. she coos at you, murmuring about her, “pretty sweet thing coming so good for her.”
your heart rate doesn’t get the chance to slow as you feel her hand slip into your now-soaked, underwear, your hips bucking violently as she grazes her slender fingers across your sensitive clit, and your eyes are widening as you lift your gaze to find hers already on you, “had enough, angel? i don’t think you have.” her voice is taunting, her eyes holding a fire that burns your insides.
your mouth drops open, your gaze unable to move from hers as she slides her fingers to your entrance circling around the opening as she groans deep in her throat, “bast, you were made for me, my love, made to take me?” her finger slips in slightly as she curls her tongue around ‘take’ and you’re chasing her fingers, she’s being so mean.
you tense as she finally slips her finger into the warmth of your walls, a satisfying moan slips from your mouth as she begins to gently thrust in and out of you, her fingers dragging against you, just the way she knows you love. she’s smirking against your cheek as you unabashedly moan out repeatedly, thumb coming to circle your clit as you shut your eyes. the tears are gathering on your lashes as you’re whimpering out.
“there’s my pretty baby’s tears.” her voice is dark, menacingly dragging out the words. “couldn’t have my pretty pussy crying by herself tonight, hm.” the words render you dumb before her fingers glide firmly against that rough patch inside you and you’re clenching so hard that it drags her fingers deeper into you, your legs trembling, your body solely held up by shuri’s hold on your wrists. and you still long enough for her to mutter out a ‘that’s it, angel.’ before you’re exploding again.
the tears are clinging to your lashes as you see flashes of colour behind your eyelids, your breath coming out in pants as you stutter your hips to the soothing slow of shuri’s lithe fingers, she’s using the hand holding your wrist to lower your arms to rest around her shoulders, her arms then coming to the back of your thighs to gently lift you on to the sink.
you feel her lift your chin, her lips approaching yours before she pauses, “you’re mine, right. my precious love, hm?” her voice is raspy. you nod eagerly, tightening your arms around her neck, whining for that kiss. she smirks as she leans in, placing her lips against your own softly but with a little desperation, the slide of your lips is a back-and-forth pull of your love, a love song duet, a devotion of walking into what will be.
the panther’s sly hands skim up your still quivering thighs fiddling with the band of your underwear, pausing, before she’s ripping them off. the gasp you release into her mouth is sharp but as you go to pull away, she doesn’t let you, her mouth slipping against yours felt like an addiction. both her hands slip along your inner thigh making their way to your dripping cunt.
her lips separate from yours when the tips of her fingers graze your folds and you thrash so wildly, she has to reach a hand to your hip to still you, a grunt slipping passed her mouth at the action, you were so sensitive, it made her feral. her eyes lift to your shut ones as she glides her fingers over your clit, your head frantically shaking, “you don’t want more, my love?”
her voice wisps through the clouds in your mind, “c-cant…please” you force out pathetically on a whimper, her fingers circling your clenching entrance, “i know, baby, i know.” she’s speaking gently to you, lovingly, “but you’re mine, yes? mine to love, mine to make come as i please? isn’t that right, honey?” and you’re nodding frantically.
“then i want you to get off on my thigh like the desperate girl you are, sweetheart.”
her voice is the only thing you can fathom, and it has you craving for more, inviting her into you and it almost makes shuri preen – you’re so open to her, settling into her embrace as if you trusted her more than yourself, it makes her soaking pussy clench tight around nothing, in a way only you could make her. her thigh presses between your legs and your muscles tremble around the strong muscle, her hand slips around your throat, squeezing gently as she guides your eyes to hers, and she gazes at you so deeply, it makes you squirm.
shuri’s watching you struggle against her thigh, her lips lifting into a condescending smirk that forces you to shut your eyes and let out a lengthy, needy whine before she uses her free hand to grip your waist and harshly slide you against her.
“dumb baby needs me to do everything for her?”
the moans you’re sobbing out sharply slice through the air, and you feel filthy, crying out for her while she drags you against her thigh like a desperate slut. you’re hiccupping on your tears as she continues to coo at you, walking you to your demise and you can feel it, your heartbeat pulsing through your desperate clenching walls.
her head is nodding along with yours, your eyes unable to separate from hers, and she’s groaning along to your cries, asking if you want it enough if you’re desperate enough for her. she leans in to press a tender peck to your lips that you can’t reciprocate, “that’s it, my angel, give me that come.”
then your body is convulsing so violently, shuri has to press the length of her body against you to prevent you from slipping off of the sink she has you sat on, her head sinking to your neck to shower you in praises and remind you how good you were for her, how much she loves you, how pretty you are when you cry for her. your tears are hot on your cheeks as you soak her thigh, and you’re heaving as your eyelashes cling to one another, the mascara smeared along your waterline - you looked ruined.
shuri regards you with a tenderness that sends you spiralling, she reaches her hand to brush along your wet cheeks before following the trail with her warm lips, exhaling her love into your skin, reminding you how much her heart belonged to you too. her lips meet yours in a soft press and she sighs as she pulls you against her body to ground herself.
she could feel her heart clench with the force of her love for you, she was never going to let you go again.   
how could i forget you? when you build house for my mind? and you no go, go outside and you no go, go. i miss me and you. but all i have is memories of you. but that just wont do tonight.
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folkloresthings · 1 year
congrats!!! <3
NORTHANGER ABBEY — send a muse + your favourite trope and i’ll write a drabble/blurb.
lando norris + forced proximity
if you don’t want to write that it’s totally okay! 🫶🏼
forced proximity MY FAV
STUCK WITH YOU. ❨ lando norris x reader ❩
your day was an absolute disaster. first, your alarm didn’t go off, making you late for work. you were still the new kid at mclaren so showing up forty minutes after you were supposed to didn’t go down well. then, on the coffee run for the bosses, you spilled two cappuccino’s on your brand new shirt. now donning an old mclaren jersey, you were running around like a headless chicken photocopying a mountain of paperwork.
foot tapping against the elevator floor, you waited and waited for it to reach the third floor, where your photocopies would hopefully be waiting. it dinged, on the second, and you suppressed the need to groan. your patience was wearing thin.
the doors opened, and in stepped mclaren’s very own lando norris, meeting your eyes with a smile. the door closed again and the elevator began to rise — before grinding to a halt, sending both of you unsteady on your feet.
“shit,” you hissed, panic rising in you. you couldn’t be stuck here, not after everything that had already gone wrong that day. pressing button after button, urging the machine to keep moving.
“you know, that’s not going to make it start up again,” lando chirped, amusement lacing his tone. reaching past you, he pressed the bright yellow help button. “all we can do is wait.”
sighing, you both eventually make yourself comfortable on the floor of the lift, facing each other and legs pressed together thanks to the small space. silence had fallen, waiting and waiting for rescue.
“you’re the new media assistant, right?” lando eventually spoke, gazing over at you. your eyes widen, not expecting the driver to actually notice you.
“uh, yeah,” you murmur, biting back a smile. reaching across to him, your hand extending. “y/n.”
“lando,” he greets in return, taking you hand gently in his. his touch lingers a moment longer, to the point that both of you notice. you clear your throat, dropping his hand and hoping your cheeks aren’t too red.
an hour later, you’re still in the same position, but you feel like you know lando inside out. he feels the same, having asked you question after question. your friends, your family, your likes and dislikes. in fact, you both feel a pit of disappointment in your stomachs when the elevator doors crank open, two engineers helping you out.
“well, it was nice to… be stuck, with you,” you chuckles, turning to lando. the boy smiles, heat rising to his cheeks as his eyes crease.
“yeah, you too,” he murmurs, eyes lingering as you turn to walk away from him. “wait!”
you stop, turning on your heel, smirking as he jogs to catch up with you. your brows raise, waiting for his reason, lando rocking nervously on the balls of his feet.
“could i get your number?” he asks, voice pinched with nerves. your lips spread into a grin, heart squeezing at how cute he appears. “i’d really like to be stuck in a small space with you again.”
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kaistarus · 1 year
My Fic Recs
South Park
Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space (gremlinteeth)–(Creek-complete(137k)–this is quite literally the greatest fic in existence. ‘but South Park is cring–’ shut your mouth, get over it, and read this masterpiece. The character/relationship development, worldbuilding, symbolism, characterization?? I still get emotional listening to “Wouldn’t It Be Nice.” by The Beach Boys.... Like what?!? I cannot wait for the day that I have forgotten enough of this fic that I can reread it again properly. IDC what fandom you’re from read this fic.
Me, You, And Time(HelplessRomantic_2)--(Creek-complete(13k))--There are a lot of fics on Craig and Tweek’s development using canon moments in the show and I think this one does it best. Characterization, realism, character/relationship development, friend group dynamics. It’s just a great fic overall. Love it
Family Is What You Make Of It(Mareepysheepy)--Creek-complete(17k))--This fic is unbelievable. It’s an absolute masterpiece of a take on the Tucker family dynamic and how Tweek has fit into their lives. The unconditional love they have for each other and Tweek’s support for Craig. It’s one of my favorite Tucker family fics and the writing itself is phenomenal
Life In Color (BlameCanada)-@blame-canada-Creek-Complete(2k)--This is so artistically written and underappreciated. It’s a shorter one-shot, but their ability to take Craig’s monotonous descriptions to show how his worldview and outlook literally change with Tweek around is beautiful. Gives me that chest achy lovey feel and cannot get enough
Your Eyes, My Nose (PinkFan_Gurl)-@pinkfan-gurl-Creek-Incomplete(75k)-I admit, I was a little hesitant at first because babies, but I gave it a chance and OH my god I’m so glad. The writing style is fantastic, the characterization is phenomenal, there are unique relationship dynamics, and most importantly we get dopey Craig who is so in love with Tweek it’s embarrassing. I flip out when I see there's an update in my inbox. Not complete, but still updates 🙂
A Beautiful Sight, We’re Happy Tonight (@tlinrookie)-Creek-Complete(13k)--I am so obsessed with this fic, it's just so fucking good and one of my favs. Post-high school hook-up into insecure/awkward flirting? It’s so well done and realistic as a concept that if someone told me this actually happened to them in college I’d believe it. I love that in my fics. And once again, awkward blushy Craig <3
press pause (pink2d)--Creek-complete(13k)--Just Craig overwhelmed with his newly developing feelings through fantastic writing and emotional description. He just wants to kiss his boyfriend but can’t stop overthinking literally everything. I LOVE the author’s use of little details and actions to show love and build up on Craig’s end, gives you a chest achy emotion
Anyone Else But You(@fruitloopzed)-Creek-Complete(3k)--One of my fav meet cutes. I’m always a sucker for love at first sight, but Craig seeing a cute boy at five-years-old and his first instinct being to rizz them up with red racer? What a concept. Genius. It’s so cute and actually writes them in character for their age which is well done
Nervous young inhumans(tweakers)-Creek-Incomplete(136k)@tweakerist--Have you ever wanted Craig to be hopelessly in love, but literally everyone and their grandma knows except him? Well, I have the fic for you! lmao seriously tho Craig is an idiot. but his and Tweek’s relationship dynamic/development is so good. I will reread some interactions like ten times cause they’re so cute and funny. So if you also like dialogue/interactions sign yourself up. It’s incomplete, but author updates regularly!
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
More Trouble Than You’re Worth(@voidjelli)–Amanene-Complete(183k)- Have you ever wanted as many fanfic tropes as possible shoved into one beautifully written fic? Well I've got the story for you! lol I’m personally obsessed with ‘he’s so in love with her it’s pathetic’ so this fic kills me. The writing is phenomenal and the characterization/relationship buildings are amazing. I’m a sucker for good friendships and fun group dynamics which this fic is filled with AND there’s  a prequel Last Call(7k)
Undertow(Kawffee)-@kawff33-Amanene-Complete(96k)--The amount of effort and research that must have gone into this fic astounds me. Like a mystery/romance with a small-town island setting, Nene doing Orca research? I learned so much. The writing is astounding, the concept is fantastic, it was so fun to read, and I’m amazed it exists as just a fanfic tbh
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
it’s not a want anymore… it’s a need.
camp counselors steddie au
eddie flirts with poor ol’ stevie everyday but steve is just too oblivious to notice. and all the kids are rooting for them to get together UGHHH MY HEART <333 this is so cute
Ahhh one of my fav tropes for these two! ⛺
Steve had been a camp counselor since Dustin, one of Steve's babysitting kids, had whined that camp would be cancelled due to not enough volunteers. That was three years ago, his kids were 14 now and so they got to stay overnight in the cabins. Steve enjoyed his summer job, he'd been a boy scout as a kid and so a lot of the activities they did brought a lot of nostalgia for him. It also meant he could keep an eye on his kids and not spend the summer worrying and being bored until they returned.
Dustin had prattled on about how he'd convinced one of his new friends to come to camp this year. Steve hadn't heard anything about another kid that had joined the party but he would meet them soon he supposed. What Steve did not expect was that Dustin's new friend was Eddie Munson.
"He's a full grown adult, Dustin, I expected your friend to be a kid."
"He ran Hellfire until he graduated this year, I've told you about him before."
Turns out that Dustin had also roped Eddie into being a counsellor and that he and Steve would be sharing a cabin all summer.
Eddie had nothing to do this summer and needed money now that he had graduated. When Dustin had suggested being a camp counselor and told him the pay he jumped at the chance. He didn't expect to be bunking with King Steve of all people. Eddie had heard a lot of the old King in the last year from his little sheep but Eddie didn't fully believe he'd changed.
It was clear that the King was long dead however. Steve was so good with the kids, helping the ones that were struggling with the activities, making sure the quieter ones still felt included and not overwhelmed. Eddie will not admit that his heart skipped a beat when Steve was bandaging a little girl's knee after she fell on the hike.
Steve was also friendly with Eddie, he'd immediately apologised for his King Steve days which Eddie hadn't expected him to even acknowledge. Steve seemed to listen intently and never interrupted the epic tales Eddie told around the campfire. The two had started talking once they went to bed, whispered conversations across the space between their bunks.
It wasn't long before Eddie's careful friendliness turned to playful flirting. Not that Steve noticed, to the party's despair.
"You and Steve would be perfect for each other, I need my dads to be together, Edward!"
"Watch your tone kiddo, also ew never call me Edward again."
Steve had a massive crush on Eddie barely a week into camp. He'd had a tearful confession to Robin a few months before but he hadn't liked any boys before Eddie. Steve knew he was done for when he saw how Eddie was with his kids, how much he cared for them, how he bright smiles to all their faces with his stories.
Eddie was kind to Steve too. Steve didn't feel any animosity from his King Steve days. Eddie saw the good in Steve, it made him feel warm inside. He just wished he could tell Eddie.
"You're an idiot, Steve. Eddie has been flirting with you all summer!"
"Watch your tone, Dustin, and no he's not he's just friendly."
The kids were starting to lose their minds. Eddie was very obviously flirting and Steve clearly liked Eddie but couldn't tell.
"What if we just lock them in their cabin?"
"Eddie can pick locks."
"Not if he's distracted locking lips!"
"Ew those are our dads."
In no time at all it was the last night of camp. In the morning they'd pack everything up and head back home. Steve wondered if he'd still see Eddie, he probably would, they practically shared custody of those kids. Eddie wondered if Steve would even want to be seen with him around town.
The kids had been shuffled off to bed after one last round of smores and campfire story. The two boys found themselves sitting on the end of the pier, not tired enough for bed yet, sharing a cigarette and looking at the stars.
"Do you think we'll still hang out after tomorrow?"
"I'm sure those kids will find a way for us all to hang out, would you want to hang out? I mean, we're not exactly the same, the king and the freak."
"You're not a freak, Eds. You're amazing and funny and smart and creative. I'd love to be seen around town with you."
"No-one has ever said anything like that about me before, Stevie."
"Well, it's all true."
"You're amazing too."
"Can I kiss you?"
Eddie didn't answer, he just smiled softly and leant in capturing Steve's lips.
In the morning they had almost finished packing up when they heard it.
"Steven Harrington is that a hickey!"
"Watch you tone!"
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starsscarmyceiling · 2 years
Cal/Merrin fic recs? 🥺🥺🥺🌹🌹🌹
ARE YOU KIDDING ME ANON YOU JUST MADE MY WHOLE LIFE! I would love love love LOVE to give you some recs over here!!!
Okayyy, first of all, @merricalfic is always a great place to start! I feel like here in the Merrical fandom, there are so many authors writing passionate and amazing fics for our fav space ginger and space goth lovers duo. There are plenty to die for, so here are some for ya!
Alriiiight, prepare yourself because it’s about to get looong!
Authors that I would just suggest you go and read all of their works:
believe_in_alderaan (@believe-in-alderaan) Yess, Bex has a series of oneshots called JFO Ficlets and Drabbles which is a series of just the cutest collection of our idiots falling in love!
Missuniverse5000bc and lightlark (@misfitz-7) Let me tell you…these two (who write a lot of amazing fics both together and separately) are like the real MVPs of this fandom. They have written SO many fics for us and I could not be more thankful for them!
myfaenwy (@myfaenwy) This author has a series of oneshots called But when I hold you I hold everything that is which is a very well written series that is just friends to lovers FLUFFY CUTENESS!
you part the waters by januarys (G, 3k) Okay, I literally just read this, and it is so good! It is so well written it is almost astounding. The way this author has with words. It’s a first kiss story for the ages because I feel like this author captures Cal and Merrin’s dynamic so well (i.e., all of the unspoken understanding—that right there, is like the most Merrical shit ever imo)
Marriage; (noun) by Missuniverse5000bc (T, 15k) Okay, I know I already gave this author a shoutout, but I also literally just read this and it is fresh in my mind and I am dying. Our two fav oblivious idiots not realizing they are together but everyone else does at its best! And a few other delicious tropes to boot!
heart undenying by sunsorbit (@sunsorbit) (T, 10k) This is very well written and the tension dear freaking lord sweet baby virge Cal is like WHAT IS THIS WHAT AM I FEELING because the Jedi are a bunch of repressed weenies…so yeah he discovers what it means to feel attraction and it’s great.
you’ve broken new ground by sunsorbit (M, 6k) Okay, same author as above, same story, but from Merrin’s POV. Basically her being like omfg when is Cal going to notice that we are super attracted to one another WHEN??
A Failed Insurrection by aslanbrooke (T, 4k) Although this is based off a very heavy topic, this modern AU with both Cal and Merrin as police officers, is very well done. There is definitely some domestic bliss for our married babies with their own babies!
Funny Feeling by believe_in_alderaan (NR, 1k) Again, I know I already gave Bex a shoutout, but I put this one in here specifically because it is based off of a prompt suggested by yours truly AHHHH it’s so fluffy and cute oblivious Cal realizing in battle that he is in love with Merrin we love to see it.
Oneshots (Rated M & E):
I separated these out if smut is not your thing, but HEY if it is…😏😏😏
Let go of what you fear by Namesonboats (E, 3k) Okay so this is written by my giiiirl @namesonboats (also another author I am going to shoutout a lot sorry not sorry) and I mean, I am a sucker for one of the only other couple of modern AUs out there. It is very spicy and I love it like Merrin goes over to Cal’s apartment and tells him some great news, but then is just like…um yeah why haven’t we boned like yesterday??!!?!??
a different world by freedomatsea (@freedomatsea) (E, 2k) I mean, we love some awkward virgins doing it in the back of a space craft.
The Bad Girl and the Bounty Hunters by MaraLan (@darkowl-records) (E, 4k) Cal is kidnapped and guess who comes to the rescue??? OH YEAH. Ooooomg there is a line in this one and I am like…wow…that was good. That was very good for all of us.
Synchronous Orbits by FlyingMachine (M, 5k) Set after JFO, and it explores how Merrin and Cal grow close with one another (and yes there is some spicy stuff in there too) but it is amazingly well written and there are also a ton of fluffy and cute moments.
The Cave by ParaCord (M, 3k) Cal and Merrin get stuck in a storm, and they take refuge in a cave…so what do you think is going to happen hmmmmm? (they do it)
What We Fight For by YamadaJisho (M, 61k) Okay, this one. This one and I cannot emphasize this enough, THIS ONE. OMFG. THIS ONE. SO. FUCKING. GOOD. First multichap Merrical fic I read and WOW. Set after JFO, Mantis crew sets up with the Partisons and they slowly fall in love as they do their part to save the galaxy.
A Path Forward by Namesonboats (M, 36k) Okay, another one by my girl, so good. Binged it in one day. Slow burn set after JFO. Oblivious idiots falling in love. Deals in serious issues of loss and what it means to carry on a legacy that is no longer around. SO GOOD.
Paths Aligned by Namesonboats (M, 77k) *DJ Khalid voice* ANOTHA ONE! Well HEY, look here QUEEN WROTE A SEQUEL!!! Set after A Path Forward and WOWIE I could literally talk about this fic alllll day (also binged this one in the same day lol). Cal takes on a purpose that I feel is so realistic; this should literally be canon. Lots of fun cameos by other SW universe characters. Sexy spy mission. Falling deeper in love. You know, just Merrical things.
Above Dathomir by RepeatOdyssey (M, WIP, 159k) Pretty sure this is the most popular fic in the fandom, and for good reason! An AU where Cal landed on Dathomir after Order 66 instead of Bracca. Very angsty slow burn, but hey, you know I am a fan of those. So good, really gets into their characters, and by the time they finally meet, you’ve already been taken on this amazing journey. Cute, awkward space cupcakes falling in love with a galaxy wide war and rancor attacks to just add to the angst.
Cultural Differences by MaraLan (E, 5k) (This is smut, obviously with the E rating) Lots of fun teasing between these two. They wanna bone and they know it. Author implements the game mechanics into the boning and I could not be happier about it (akaaaa Cal uses force slow and let’s just say he’s QUITE proficient).
Now, I am 100% sure that this is not even beginning to touch on all the many more amazing fics out there in our fandom, so Merricals, please I implore of you, if you love a fic and it is not on this list, please let me know on this post or send me a DM. There are a few fics out there on my “to read list” that I can think of already, so I will definitely update this list accordingly to spread the word of beautiful fics that need recognition!
Thank you so much for asking me anon! I loved compiling this list together! Hopefully this was helpful! 🥰😘🤩
Edit: there are some peeps I missed tagging, so if your fic is on here and you aren't tagged, just lmk!
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fear-no-mort · 10 months
i never talk about them but morty and jessica are my fav pairing i love them so much. they’re the stereotypical dorky unpopular boy in love with popular girl who’s way out of his league trope that was super popular in like every animated series in the 2000s/2010s but they’re different because jessica actually loves morty back like she really thinks he’s so sweet and cute and whenever stuff from his space adventures interrupts them she’s always like wow really? that’s actually so cool!!! LIKE. i like to think jessica is popular bc of her appearance and how polite and easygoing she is but she’s actually a huge nerd like she’s super into science as well and she stays up reading fanfiction and she has more online friends than real ones. i just think they’re so cute and they’re both so kind and they both think they’re the coolest thing ever and morty has seen basically everything in the world but he still thinks jessica is the most beautiful and he’d literally end the world if it meant he got to be with her forever. like that’s literally an episode
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burninlovebutler · 1 year
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1,000 Follower Party 🥹
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when i came back to tumblr, i never expected to have the experience i’ve had or make the connections & friend’s i’ve made - friends that i consider some of my best friends now.
i also didn’t expect the love i’ve received for my writing, it has been truly overwhelming (in a good way obv) - my numbers aren’t the highest but i am so grateful for my time here & the people i’ve met - thank you for all the laughs, cries, screams lol they make me so happy. you all have shown me a kindness that is such a bold reflection of elvis 🥺 it’s so beautiful & it just makes me wanna pay it forward
and thank you for accepting me & letting me take up some space here 💗
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**since i do get quite overwhelmed easily with asks (bc my adhd) i can’t guarantee that i’ll be able to do all of them or that they’ll be done quickly but i will try my best to do most!**
(this is long bc i’ve never done a follower celebration before so i’m making up for lost time lol prob nobody cares & this is prob lame but 😭 idk)
anyway send me an ask w one of these if u want ☺️💘
🍉 - About me / Commentary / Opinion
-tell me about yourself / introduce yourself to me if you haven’t already or ask me anything about myself that you’re curious about or just rant about anything!
-idk people come to me for advice often about random stuff ? could be anything you want or writing related! or ask my opinion on anything fandom related or not
👻 - Title Game
-send in a made up fic title and I'lI tell you what I'd write for it 💓
🤗 - Thoughts on you!
- self explanatory - if you wanna hear my thoughts about you💕
📝 - Quotes (specify which you’d prefer)
- random quotes from WIPs
- or fav quote from existing works
💿 - Playlists
2 options for this one:
Send me A or B & i’ll make/write a short 3-6 song playlist for you 💗
A - send me either austin or elvis + a fav trope / vibe / mini fic idea OR any of my fics regarding a certain scene or dynamic
B - send me either austin or elvis + your personal typa vibe/aesthetic/etc
(perhaps also include like what kinda music u listen to / any specific artist you like so i can include some if they overlap w my library ?)
ALSO - specify if you have spotify or not!
🦋 - Moodboards
similar to ^ playlists
send me A or B [+ the respective details] & i’ll make a 3-6 pic mini moodboard for you 💓
👀 - My fics
-ask me about any of my fics! send me one of my fics & talk/ask me anything about them like how i got the idea / ideas for certain plots or scenes or my writing process or my fav lines/plots/scenes or anything really idk
- or hints out of context 🤭 i love doing those
👽 - Head Cannons
-ask me about a specific fic of mine OR elvis/austin under a certain setting / trope / plot / pairing & i’ll share/make some head cannons for it
🌸 - Recommendations
-recommend some things for me! movies, shows, music, makeup!!/skincare!, tarot decks, books, anything & i’ll answer w some of my own 💓
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since my writing process is rather lengthy & intricate i don’t like to write blurbs or take requests etc. so unfortunately i can’t be like y’all that can write/post a million lil stories effortlessly ☹️ i so wish i could, i’m just not built like that 😭
HOWEVER it seems just wrong for me to not include some sort of fic component in my celebration since i am mainly a fic blog SO
i decided i wanted to do a lil contest ??? idk lol
🦋winner will receive a imagine/one shot with the plot request of their choosing🦋
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- make sure you are following me lol
- like & reblog this post
- comment 🍉🥀 on this post
- comment something that made you happy today 💓
- bonus entry: reblog this w proof that you took a drink of water when you read this 💗 (empty water bottle/cup or something!)
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that’s it!
💗whenever the winner is chosen i will convene with them directly on what sort of fic they want & i will write one for them (tho it may take some time lol) 💗
✨contest will be open for the next 2 weeks & the winner will be chosen at random around then! [04.07.23]✨
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tagging some of my fav people i’ve met through this blog/fandom 🥰
@cryingabtab @lllsaslll @presleysdarling @loving-elvis @samfangirls @bisexualwvtson @troubleinapinksuit @karamelcoveredolicity @lindszeppelin @succsessions @steph-speaks @luluthesandgoose @ab4eva @softsatnin @elvisfatass @homerow99 @michellelv @flwrs4aust @powerofelvis @elvisabutler @sournatromanoff @jelliedonut @sagesolsticewrites @fangirlwithasweettooth @thatbanditqueen @purejasmine @slowsweetlove @areacodefan @generoustreemystic @golden-kiwis
and so many more 😭 anyone whom i’ve inevitably missed due to my overly medicated rotting brain 😭
again i love you all so much 🥺 thank you for letting me be a part of this beautiful little family 🥺💗
-mel xx
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bahrtofane · 5 months
300 follower event ! - prompt lists
more info on the event as a whole here
as always if u have any questions don't hesitate to ask !
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"I love the way you love, you know?"
"Sometimes it feels like we're worlds apart."
"Come back when you actually mean what you say."
"I wish i could marry you like, 50 times."
"Please tell me your joking."
"In my defense the ball just happened to come into contact with your face"
"ooohh you wanna kiss me sooo bad."
"My god you’re so annoying"
"Stay, please?"
"Oh perfect its you again."
"Why do we always end up hurting each other?"
"if you can't figure it out by now, then i don't have anything else to tell you."
"Come to my match please please please please."
"I think its best if we stop seeing each other."
"Can we start over, just you and me?"
"I ordered your fav food can we have a sleep over?"
"Ill score a hat trick for you if you go on a date with me."
"I actually think I might love you believe it or not."
"You remembered."
"Lets go home"
"you came?" "you called."
Enemies to Lovers, Friends to Lovers etc (specify which one please!)
Soulmate au
Fake Relationship
Classical musician au ( u choose who, or both! up to u)
Angst angst angst pain pain pain misery
Space au
Royalty au (modern, regency or other wise, specify plz !)
Bodyguard au
Mythology au (gods and goddesses and the like !)
College Au
Hanahaki au
Coffee shop au
Angst to fluff
Soft domestic fluffy fluff
Apocalypse au
Secret Relationship/forbidden love etc
Organized crime au
Supernatural au
Second Chance
two idiots pinning and not realizing the other is just as in love
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roseworth · 1 year
you're the kyle authority on my dash so i figured i'd ask if u have a reading list or if there's a particular list you'd recommend 👀 or just what your fav/most recommended issues/arcs are for him in general
sobbing and crying i cannot be called a kyle authority because i have basically only read him in green lantern 1990 and countdown. and i read countdown before gl90 so i dont even remember how good his characterization was in that fhasdkjfhsajdf
BUT. that will never stop me from being annoying about him. gl90 is all i need i refuse to read anything else. heres a reading guide that has a lot of good stuff on it but uhh i havent read everything on that #lol
but some of my fav arcs/issues!!!! or just arcs that def should be read for him fhdskjdfs
green lantern 1990:
#50-55 (origin story <3 rip alex)
#58 & 59 (donnakyle brainworms)
#71-73 (he gets to have a fun silly time with other heroes yippee!!)
#76-77, & green arrow #110-111 (connorkyle brainworms)
#94 (i just like his interactions with kon fhakdfjha its so sweet)
#96, green arrow #130, flash #135 (three of a kind arc my beloved)
#98-99 (this one is honestly just okay but also there are a couple moments in it that im obsessed with so it deserves to be recommended)
#113-114 (i really like a lot of the introspection with effigy so this arc can be rly nice as a treat)
#121-124 (trapped in a dream trope my beloved <3 also some good stuff at the end to finish marz's run)
#128 (roykyle brainworms)
#129-136 (starts off judd winick's run,,, irc theres some iffy stuff in these issues bc winick's a freak but theyre pretty good)
#143-150 (oh my fucking god. ION. greatest arc ever. do not read this first because you need the full context of his character to appreciate it. but once you read it itll change you forever)
#153 (this one is just adorable i love fhdakhfbdfa calm before the storm)
#154-155 (the storm. hate crime arc, very sad so tw for uhhh homophobic hate crimes. but its a good arc)
can i be honest i dont remember any of the rest of the issues really grabbing my attention. there are good moments (#157 my beloved) but no issues stand out hfksadjhfa
also i was so upset by the ending of this run the first time i read it. i have no problem with sad endings to stories but this one made me so upset and i still havent gotten over it. it ends with him losing all the friends he had on earth and going "well im off to space forever now" and i dont know why i reacted so terribly to it but i remember pouting about it for like 2 days
anyways outside of gl1990 i think green lantern: circle of fire is 1000000% worth reading (honestly i only read the first issue, the only with alex & kyle, and the last issue and i got all the important stuff). also completely unbiased and totally no ulterior motivation of new titans #126 (where he just happens to have a rly sweet interaction with rose.....)
i hope this helps u at all <3 i honestly recommend reading all of green lantern 1990 (or well. starting at #48) because its mostly really fun and has a lot of good moments <3333 and if anyone has more kyle recommendations please feel more than welcome to drop them
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adanima · 1 year
Rec'ing Fics with Similar Vibes: Gofushi & Chengxian
Hi! I am making this post because I fully believe in the many strong parallels between gofushi and chengxian and I think linking some of my fav fics for each ship together helps show that. Some promo for this ficlet I wrote that lays out some of these parallels.
For those who don't know one or both of these ships,
Gofushi: Gojo Satoru / Fushiguro Megumi from the manga/anime Jujutsu Kaisen (featuring tropes like Teacher-Student, Star-Crossed families, black-white color symbolism)
Chengxian: Jiang Cheng / Wei Wuxian from the novel/donghua/series Mo Dao Zu Shi aka The Untamed aka The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (featuring tropes like Childhood Friends, Friends to Enemies, Mutual Sacrifice)
These recs are similar in my opinion based on major themes, dynamics between the characters, overall plot, or just vibes. Unfortunately, I don't know if any of these authors have tumblrs so if you see this and want your account included on this post, feel free to message me and I'll add it in!
Some notes about these recs:
while I exclusively use gofushi and chengxian for the ship labels, these fic recs are not fixed to a specific top/bottom dynamic
I will mention when the fics are hosted on a site that is not AO3. For these fics, the rating and warnings provided are what I believe to be the best fit, and do not necessarily match what the author would say/intend. The "summary" is the beginning lines of the fic.
Now, on to some fic recs!
-> Character A has been gone for a long time, returned to character B, and is now faced with the realization that A may no longer have a place next to B
Found Wanting by sugar_shoal (chengxian)
Rating: G Warnings: None
Before he arrived in Lotus Pier, Wei Wuxian thought – or not thought, but imagined – that there might be a space for him here. An opening to crawl into, some unfinished task he could take on or position he could fill. Some lack he could satisfy, something only he can give – or, if not, then something he can give at all. Even if it’s just slipping the robes from Jiang Cheng’s shoulders every night without touching his skin, unknotting his sash. Small indulgences, impersonal yet still intimate enough. He hears Jiang-zongzhu never did take a wife, to do such things. --- Late one night, Wei Wuxian visits Jiang Cheng's rooms with a suggestion.
Todas las Hojas son del Viento by archaeology (gofushi)
Rating: G Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use
Gojo Satoru is released back into the world the way he left. Five minutes ago he was in Shibuya, getting trapped by a false Geto Suguru, and it’s ten years or so later now and he’s finally released. Or, the AU I said I’d write where time doesn’t pass in Prison Realm but it does in real life and it takes Gojo’s students a long time to finally free him.
-> Character A has a slow but enduring realization that they love character B instead of the character they're currently with
and all our ruinous nostalgia by geology (gofushi)
Rating: M Warnings: Underage
Megumi hates the way he put it, I run target omission so you two can hug me whenever you want! because who’d want to hug him (Tsumiki) when all he does is duck, twist his body, and land a kick to the side of Megumi’s body. When all he does is hug him and then go home to Geto sensei.
and so i abandoned you there by moonflora (chengxian)
Rating: M Warnings: None
“do you love me?” wei wuxian says before he even thinks it, before he can stop himself.
(+ pretty much every other cuckji fic out there, but this one is the one that I think vibes with and all our ruinous nostalgia the most)
-> Character B removed themselves from the life of character A because B believes A is better off without B
Crushed Veneer by BrownSugarPie (gofushi)
Rating: T Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use
He dreams of skeletons, cramped in a space too small, all with glowing green eyes. They look up at him, bone white and chilling, and he dreams of trying to grab them, trying to hold on to them, but they scurry away from him into the shadows. When the sun peeks through his curtains, signalling the start of the day, sometimes the lingering feeling of wanting to be back there, in the nightmarish scape of skeletons and green, green eyes, remains.
today, yesterday by exhaustedpillow (gofushi)
Note: this fic is hosted on write.as
Rating: G Warnings: None
“Gojo-sensei?” Megumi calls calmly as soon as their call is connected. “Megumi-chan! How rare for you to call me like this.” Gojo excitedly says. Faint rustling and murmurs can be heard from the background before everything quiets down. “Did something happen? No one dispatches you on a mission, right?” He inquires.
[a vessel for your good intent] by sugar_shoal (chengxian)
Rating: T Warnings: None
I have a core again, Wei Wuxian thinks as the snow piles up around him. A core and a life and warm wine and a warm bed and a willing, wonderful man waiting for him, and these things all fill him. Nothing is wrong. He’s fine. He takes a drink.  --- Wei Wuxian gives away his golden core, and gets something in return.
Don't know what to call this one either by Jc_anon (chengxian)
Rating: T Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use
Takes place five years after the events in Guanyin Temple. Note: This story is separate from No Title Yet.
-> Character A takes in character B and B becomes a feral little protector of A
Unnamed twitter thread by koiyllz (chengxian)
Note: this fic is hosted on twitter
Rating: M Warnings (given by koiyllz): Grooming, dark themes
YLLZ who jumps back in time and kidnaps a young JC before he meets his current self. JC who should not trust a stranger whose eyes glow red and yet he follows after this Gege, holding his hand. JC who trusts far too easily and YLLZ who wants to give JC a good life.
with teeth by sciencefictioness (gofushi)
Rating: E Warnings: Underage
When teachers and students come from the Kyoto school, it is especially interesting to watch.  They meet him, and try to treat Megumi like another student. Then, they learn to treat him like a threat.   Gojo smiles with all of his teeth, because that is his boy.
(+ pretty much every other gofushi fic out there. taking in a kid and raising them to be a strong fighter is canon gofushi backstory! no joke)
-> Character A has a boyfriend but still has an unbreakable bond with character B, from the POV of the boyfriend
The cuckji fic part 1, part 2, part 3 by rikkainhaz (chengxian)
Note: this fic is hosted on twitter
Rating: E Warnings: None
Lan Wangji knew something was off the first time he laid eyes on him—Wei Ying’s “brother”, Jiang Wanyin.
Unnamed twitter thread by 5fooshi (gofushi)
Note: this fic is hosted on twitter
Rating: E Warnings: Underage
Sensei started dating Yuuji, the boy was the embodiment of sunshine and everything bright and good and kind and oh, he got so much potential. He was bound to be strong. Gojo could tell. And among his smiles and their training session, Gojo fell for him.
-> The lengths character A will go to to ensure B is alive
lurking in our moonless night by LadyOfVengeanceAndWar (chengxian)
Rating: M Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use
Everyone knows no matter which clan you choose to offend, you shouldn't offend the Jiang Clan. And no matter who you choose to offend, you should never, ever offend its sect leader, Wei Wuxian, the Yiling Patriarch.
"Law 12: To raise the dead is a sin." by stygian_stars (gofushi)
Note: this fic is hosted on twitter
Rating: T Warnings: Implied underage
Hello morally corrupt Gojo who loses his last trace of morality when Megumi dies.
Let me know what yall think! I am very happy to rec more if you want. And equally (or even more) happy to receive any recs you have! Happy reading! :D
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pinkwright · 2 years
don't know why, just know i want u | shuri udaku.
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pairing — college!shuri x college!y/n
trope — best friends 2 lovers
inspo — james joint by rihanna
warnings — fingering (reader receiving), dom!shuri, reader praises shuri, they smoke weed!!, humiliation kink n i mean shuri laughs at reader a lot, dumbification, possessive!shuri, shuri is touchy n a lil mean, kissing, overstimulation, shuri’s kinda filthy like omg, shuri is mouthy, heightened senses shuri too, dirty talk, shuri’s kinda cocky, dacryphilia. i went simple this time lol so its quick.
a/n — u can definitely tell i like my music to leave my ears ringing LMFAO, it’s my birthday today haha so i decided to work on this for like the whole day as a gift 2 yall lol <3 also i swear a lot irl so the reader is gon do that too my bad anyway hope u enjoy!
⟢˚ @mbakuetshurisprincess @inmyheadimobsessed @letitias-fav @barkbarkbo @saintwrld @shurismainbxtch
i’d rather be smoking weed whenever we breathe. every time you kiss me. don’t say that you miss me, just come get me.
kiss it better pounds through your ears as you pack up your bag, wrapping up the charcoal sticks before placing them into their case. a tired sigh leaves your lips as you flick the bangs out of your face and haul the heavy art bag over your shoulder, and you’re shifting the weight to go to carry the large and smudge-prone drawing sitting on your desk when a hand slides across your lower back to the dip of your waist and squeezes softly.
the flinch that grips your body is unforgiving as you spin in the person’s grip but soon your eyes tightly shut in annoyance as you heave out a deep breath, your gaze dragging past the pretty smirking lips of your sly best friend to meet the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. she reaches her hands up and the tune blasting from your headphones fades out as she moves them to rest around your neck, her hands sliding across your skin when she lifts the hair caught beneath them.
“i always tell you to not fucking do that, shuri, oh my god.”
“and what do i always say about playing your music so loud that you’re not aware of your surroundings?”
her voice is chastising and firm in your ears, and it makes you blink before you give her a sheepish smile, “i was gonna remove the one ear when i left the studio.” she raises an eyebrow, the melody of the song is still audible in the now empty lecture studio, and you’re chuckling, raising your hand to playfully shove against her shoulder, “i’m serious, shuri!”
she shakes her head before stepping further into your space, pressing you against the desk as she leans over you, her cologne wrapping around your figure as her arm reaches for the drawing you were working on, your breath hitches and then, she’s gone, carrying the drawing carefully as she steps away from you.  
you clear your throat, avoiding her gaze, before straightening and making your way to the foyer, the warm air caressing your skin when you step outside onto the busy campus grounds. your voice is light as you talk to shuri, rambling on about your day as she listens attentively, letting the occasional hum slip out as you both journey on to your dorm.
you’re laughing when you reach the familiar door to your dorm, unlocking the door and allowing shuri to slip into the room and she places your artwork and the bag that she had swiftly swiped from you on the way, atop your desk. you watch her sigh before she flops heavily onto your bed, kicking off her shoes as she makes herself comfortable on the abundance of pillows decorating your bed. your eyes are rolling before you stride to your refrigerator to grab a pack of strawberries and blueberries as well as two cans of iced tea.
when your eyes settle on her, her dark gaze is already on you, following your movements like a cat would her prey, and you avoid eye contact as you walk toward her. her eyes are lidded as she sits up with her back against the wall your bed is pushed against, her long legs stretched against the covers as one of her arms is stretched above her head, pressing into the mountain of pillows atop your bed, while the other is laying lazily between her slightly spread legs.
the sight makes your heart pulse, the breath in your lungs feeling denser as you move to place the items on your side table, feeling her gaze burn into the heat of your skin. you exhale before turning to face her, “i thought you were trying to smoke at your place?” remembering her insistence to walk you to your room to drop off your belongings before you would both make your way to her apartment to let the smoke relax your tense muscles.
“come here.”
you hesitate before going to kneel beside her lithe frame, your heart pumping in your chest, and her tattooed hand shoots out to wrap around your thigh, her slim fingers curling just under the cheek of your ass, and your breath hitches. a smirk curls around her lips before she pulls you to straddle her, her other hand gripping your waist to steady you when you stumble into her from the force.
her fingers refuse to remain still against you, tracing your body like a canvas, and you’re sure she can hear the thrum of the blood in your veins, the unruly pace of the muscle in your chest and you look down at her lips to avoid her eyes, “thought we could just light one here, is that cool, s’thandwa?” her lips wrap around the words like she’s caressing them and it makes the heat inside you grow.
the silent nod of your head has her chuckling, removing her hand from your waist to gently curl around your throat, the warmth of her fingers wrapping beneath your jaw to lift your gaze to her. her eyes are smouldering as she regards you, her grip tightening slightly as your eyes flutter and your lips part.
the hem of your skirt rises against your skin when her hands drop to slide against the bare skin of your thighs, and you’re so wet, so embarrassed because you know you could leak on to her at any moment and there would be nothing to stop her feeling the depth of your affection for her, feeling the wetness of your cunt's craving for her.
the clouds in your mind clear slightly when she takes her hands off of you to reach into drawer of your bedside table, her stretch slightly shifting you on her, drawing a silent gasp from your lips, the material of her sweats barely brushing against you. she quickly rolls a joint for the both of you to share, expertly sealing it before she reaches for your lighter, sitting back up to face you, “open up for me, won’t you, baby?”
she places the joint between your glossy lips before going to light it, the intensity of her eyes keeping you in place as she watches you inhale the smoke. the atmosphere burns as the smoke passes between you, burns under the heaviness of your skin, floods your damp panties beyond redemption, and you’re sure she can feel it, feel just how much you drip for her.
the relaxing release of the tension in your muscles causes you to sink into her form, her hands getting more daring against you, sliding up the skin of your inner thighs, gripping the flare of your ribs just below your heaving breasts, her lips skimming the skin of your shoulder and running up the stretch of your neck. the room feels tight with tension, your mind screaming at you to give yourself to her, beg her to take you, own you like the predator inside her calls her to.
“you’re so pretty, shuri, the prettiest ever.” you mumble, your head tilting to gaze at the skin of her collarbone.
shuri’s smirking lazily, letting your praises sink into her skin, her hands tightening their grip on you before the one shifts up to grip your neck again, the joint forgotten in the ashtray, as she tilts your head up to look into her eyes, “want you to look at me when you say shit like that, angel. need those eyes on me while you tell me how pretty i am.”
the mean lilt in her command makes a sweet whimper escape your lips and you’re nodding frantically, murmuring about how pretty she is and she’s humming to your words, craving to make you cry, make you weep around your words while she drives her strap into the warmth between your legs. her hand is on your waist, pressing you down into her before she brings your face close enough to where your lips brush against hers and it makes your legs clench in desperation.
and shuri’s endeared by the action, wanting to see just how desperate you can get for her, for her love. her voice lulls your senses as she drops her hands to slide up your quivering thighs, “you gonna let me touch you, baby?”
the smirk on her face widens as your eyes shut when you nod, your nails digging into her shoulders as your hips buck against her thighs, she watches her hands lift the hem of your skirt until your panties are on display and her eyes flutter on a groan as she spots just how much you were soaking the material.
when she brushes the tips of her fingers against you through your underwear, you let out a soft gasp, the haze in your mind from the smoke enhancing your sensitivity and shuri smiles against your lips, speaking her words into you, “my poor princess, you've just been so fucking wet huh? dripping against me like i can’t smell when my pussy's calling out to me, baby.”
and you whimper so loud that shuri chuckles, her hand sliding into the band of your underwear to circle against your pulsing clit, drawing firm circles that have your head dizzy, your voice pleading as you gasp out, “please, please.. please.” she shushes you softly before sliding her fingers to circle around your entrance, laughing when your pussy clenches repeatedly, trying to invite her in, draw her into your warmth.
“yeah, this is my pussy, right angel?”
the dark tinge to her voice coaxes your head to drop into her neck, your hips stuttering as the heat licks at your throat pouring from your mouth in heavy, desperate pants, and her other hand slides to grab your ass, squeezing before guiding you to swallow her fingers, guiding you down her fingers like she was helping your pussy take the length of her strap and she grinds your hips against her hand.
"bast, s'thandwa, that's it, let me in, let this pussy know who she belongs to, hm?"
the sob you let out is filthy, thick with spit, and raspy as it flows into shuri’s ears, and she’s groaning into your temple, her fingers thrusting in and out of you, curling before she drags them out, your wetness sliding down her palm and she’s entranced by you. whispering about her desperate fucking girl and praising the clench of her pussy around her fingers, talking about how she never wants to leave the warmth of your walls, how they never want her to leave.
and your lungs are caving before you clench your thighs, your walls spasming unrelentingly as you cry out at your orgasm, your hips chasing the increasing pace of shuri’s fingers as she guides you through it, “just like that, baby, fuck yourself onto me like a greedy little slut.” she’s praising you, cooing into your ear as she whispers condescendingly about her dumb little baby being so good for her, thanking her pretty princess for letting her play with her pretty pussy.
“you’re gonna give me one more,” at your whimper in protest, she lifts your head to look into her eyes, “wasn’t a question, my love. you know i know what’s best for my baby, hm?”
the words make your hips buck against her fingers, the overstimulation causing you to gasp sharply, your hips stilling for a second before fucking back onto her uncontrollably, craving more but protesting it simultaneously. and she chuckles before bringing your lips to hers, slotting the pretty muscle between your parted lips, and you’re panting into her mouth, tears gathering in your eyes, the love she presses into your mouth making you whine.
the heat of her coaxes you to move your hips, her thumb moving to press against your clit as her fingers graze against the spongy tissue inside you, and she’s speaking encouragement into your skin, her lips skimming against the skin of your face, along the rise of your cheekbones, the soft bags of your eyes, sliding down the line of your jaw. a soft smile spreads across her lips when the salt of your tears presses into her senses, the warm drops of your pleasure lighting an ache inside her.
“keep crying for me, princess, let those dumb baby tears fall for me.”
the lump in your throat escapes at her command, wanting to please her, cry for her, let her know how much you love her, your sobs break into the atmosphere as your thighs clench tightly, your weeping pussy clenching so tightly it hurts, scratching at a part of your psyche that only she had access to, and you’re coming around her fingers, drowning her in your love.
“shuri, please, please, i’m coming for you, please.”
your voice is broken, breathy as your body trembles violently, the aftershocks of your orgasm prolonged by the queen’s unrelenting fingers, she hums praises against your now quivering lips, going to pull her fingers out of you even as they try to pull her back in, and she smiles, her pussy.
your eyes are shut when she pulls back to look at you, her gaze longing and lidded as she takes in your state and she can’t stop herself from leaning in to peck your lips, her fingers wiping your tears away before sliding to your shaking shoulders and gliding against your skin to ground you, to bring you back to her.
by the time you’re hiccupping, you’ve collected yourself enough to lift your eyes to look at her, your lashes clinging together like you do to her, and your heart clenches as you see the immense love that pours from her gaze, resisting the urge to look away, you push up instead and meet her lips in a sweet kiss, your thighs still trembling around her lap, making you both giggle into the comfort of each other's embrace.
too busy kissing to remember the snacks or the burning joint a few feet away from you.
how you live and love, like fuck rules? don’t care why just know i love you
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spacetwinkk · 7 months
God I want Normal and Scary to have the friendship in spite of Hermie that Whizzer and Trina should've had in spite of Marvin. The bond of two people fucked over by the same mediocre guy is one of my fav tropes and I can't be denied it again pls. (I know they're already very much friends, but I wish Scary had the space with Norm to tell him how she felt about Hermie. They could ride through the ocean of grief together)
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